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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
V TK3-. oscoit daily jcur.::..:; ' i i: III ...llighS i.:c:;;ds rt'ind General Electric Stock- holder Authorize Big Issue . :,-L for Improvements. -3TS WILL BE PAID X ? ; AND NEW, PLANTS BUILT " One" StationltoJBe .Built , Near - Coif " Links Another --'at' Cazadero Will Be Used. 1: Stockholder of the Portland General Electric, company at a apecial meeting yesterday afternoon .voted to authorise to Include all the property of the com pany for an laaua of 110.000,000 of bonda, lt.009,008 of whloh will be aold at ooo to refund outstanding indebtedness at a lower Interest rata, par for the new - steam , jilant .art ted at the fuotV- of Twenty-first street and provlda a sur plua la tha- treasury' for improvements that ara already planned.. A naw. sub-d Utlon will ba built thla year near tba golf course, and a duplicate 10,000-volt feeder will 'ba . run from- i thla sub-eta tlon : ' to ' aub-atatlon " " "A." it ' tba corner - of Alder and Sev enth streets It la Intended to have all ths stations, Including a " new -, one - at CasaderO. , run" In multiple. ' The -power to be venerated at Caaadero. being. 10, 000 volte, 2S-eycle 2-phase. It will be chanced to direct - current ..for ' rail way purpoaea by means -of rotary converters, nd to 0-cycle alternating, current for l.ffhtlng atid power purpoaea. . Tha Port" land General Electric baa signed a con tract with tha Oregon Water Power I.eHwey company to take all aurplua power that may be venerated at the Oregon Water Power Railway com' rany new. Caaadero plant, la ozpected will be In operation by, January 1, and which will be -equipped to pro cuce 20.000 horsepower. - The Portland General. Klectrlc, while it haa a debt aggregating 12.800,00, ! made Immense Improvement 'In It iiant in the last two years, and is now -snipped to extend Its current for power end lighting throughout the lower-Willamette Valley.- ,Its capacity! haa been r-iore than doubled by-the- -reeent-m Urgententa. When the Xiewls and Clark exposition management more than a year o decided not to build 1U own power ' nt at the grounds, but to buy 100.000 . ,hts from the Portland Oeneral Elee trie for approximately $80,000, tha com rny began conatructlon of ita new -plant lnowa as station "K," near the Eastern A Western Lumttr mill at Gulld'a lake. 1 he plant la economically operated with sawdust, for fuel. The company bow haa - five stations in operation, as fol lows: , Station B.. t Willamette falla; atatlon C. formerly known as the Union rower 'house, located at tha corner of i herlock avenue and Twenty-flrat; eta tlon D, located at the corner of Mill and Chapman; station E, the new steam . plant at Guild's lake; and aub-atatlon A, at the corner of Alder and .Seventh atreeta - '-.- ' ' " ' The total capacity of the Portland General Elcctrlo from tta own gener ator Js now about 13.000 -horsepower. T'.iie current Is disposed of for the fol lowing, purpoaea: Lighting, public and private, in the city of . Portland and subutba; lighting the exposition! power for driving the Portland Flotrnng-wnix. and other industries, and auxiliary power tor tha operation of tha Portland Con eollduted railway, and tha Oregon Water power A Railway company systems. The Portland Consolidated, at Ita plant near the Inman-Poulaen mill, generates about two fifths-tha amount of power recesnary to operate the system.,-The Port lend General-Electric furnishes the ' remainder.' .. '. " Malheur Gaaette: ( If Teddy should accept the nomination for the third term - all parties would support him except 1 t BoclsHst. - To treat Pimples and Blackheads, -Red, Rough, Oily Complexions, gently smear the face with Cuti cura Ointment, the ' great kin Cure, but do not rub. Wash off the Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, and bathe freely for some minutes. Repeat morning and evening. At' other times use Cuticura Soap for - bathing the face as often as agree able. No other Skirt Soap so purer so sweet, so speedijy effectived pr'muli? 4rtMlhm C-vttam. St. frmt Skis vk th. pra mt rtaasrii la Uliu eaS tM e i swv .4m. Tw m see memmr, . ifMtWlMl M Sims w SM. - t-"K ChMt ('.. Sol. rraM. Urn.. -MiweYns-Meet fninrH,M Ijlrtly. lip fills? HirtESAL EXHIBIT . COVERS THE STATE California: Has Splendid Show i -ing of Ores and Cpld - r- at the Fair.' : -t-; ' Superintendent Samnel Butler of the California mineral --exhibit stated -thla morning that about S00 choice specimen were expected from the California atate mineral exhibit Immediately, and that a collection of -nuggets, coarse gold and high grade ore from Blsklyou county would be her In a day or so. These additions will complete tnrntneral col lection of the golden, state ana max one of the atrongeet presentations from any state mineral industry. - In rnnilne the California exhibit California Mr. Butler -saya that it has been the purpose to give an average view, cover log every phase of the Industry, Shasta county's Copper, mines are represented by s collection of orea from ,the' big nrooertiea. a large collection of cinnabar la naa rrosi we Danis tun county i reglon. where moat of the United States' mercury haa ' been produced, and gold orea , from . the mother lode district to tha remoteat section have been asaem- There was no room, for working mod els of mines or reduction planta. which deprived the management of the oppor tunity for an effective nlaplay, but the effort baa been to make up for thla In the arrangement of mineral. . It la the purpose . later to have a large quantity-of literature at tha buUd; Ing for reference, ao that ny one- de siring to Inquire with more detail Into California mining may do so with profit whU looking st tha ores. n . ' - ' GIVES EMPLOYES DAY. TO SEE FAIR 3 Maaon-Ebrnian Cofnp any Allows lt Workers a Holiday and , Gives Tem tickets.-- By a plan put Into -effect today the wholesale grocery firm of .Mason, Ehr man A Co. of Portland expect to af ford benefit and ; pleasure to Its -em ployee. Every employe wilL within the next three .months, receive ticket of admlaaion to tha Lewis and Clark, ex position, slid have s day off without any loee of salary.. The firm has adopted tha plan on s theory that the exposition la a liberal; education hat every matt -rn Its service should receive. , . It is said the plaYM being- considered by other tlrma. -It la estimated that should every commercial and manufac turing concern In -Portland adopt the ides 20.000 heada of famlllea, "and three time that number of younger member who are employed, would receive ticket of admission and srdayoff to attend the exposition.! The measure would. If. put into errect generally rn-fortland storen, faotorle and wholesale houses, ampunt to s benefaction of about tIOf.000 by Portland bualness men. In wages and fair tickets, of which the expoaltlon would receive 141,200, and the employe would retain the rest In pay for time. ; WiilametteValley Chautauqua , Association. - Fo 'the Willamette Valley Chautau qua, association at Gladstone Park,-July 11 to 21. the Southern Pacific company has provided special train service. Trains Jeave East Washington street at t:4. s.-eo,' :io.-ll.'SO . m.; l:li, 1:20. l:I0 4:ZB, 1:22, :0f. :20, 7:1, !: p. m. last car leaves, Gladstone or East Washington street at 1(1:11 n m. For further information call telephone CARDINAL SETS PACE . FOft CLASS MAGAZINES Portland' High achool ha not been content with aoholastlo triumph In this year of all year for th city. After amieiio victories, establishment of high raucauonu sianaaraa, ,-ano, social pre eminence, tha editorial faculty of the Cardinal haa excelled all other efforta in in closing issue or tu term publl cation, , .,. '-.,.-., :,,, , ; The most arUstla magaxln Issued from the city or atate this year Is the closing number of ths Cardinal. It fives m Historical renew or me events which are the basis for the centennial celebra tlon. - If tngled with this historical work, which ha marked fidelity to the most authentic records, are achool verse and many bright pros articles from the pen of the editorial staff. ; The cover design is striking and apt iewis ana uarv appear ' under 'out- strewnea wings; tne lettering Is era bossed and of coin gold color. Printing is on paper or s aeiicat art finish, while cut are on heavy enamel book, giving a pleasing alternating effect . Illustra tion are profuse, beginning with the school faculty and Including miniature of class officers, and members and a multitude of society members.. Artistic views of the exposition and Its most Striking buildings, with sketches of stories end verse, sire the - publication the - leganc of high grade.-sjiagaslne work. This issue of the Cardinal will be memorable In achool annals, and will ea tsbllsh a precedent which generation to follow I not likely to attain again. Because of the closing Of the achool the magaslne I distributed to sub scribers at Meier It Prank's. PIONEER SALOON AND i CHURCH ARE GONE Patrolman O. P, laakaon. in three page report, to Chief of Police Grits maeher. bemoan the fact that two old landmark have gone .from hi - best On of them I s saloon, but Isakson asserts that It was s good saloon snd probably carries out the. prophecy of swords being turned Into plowshares. "The first landmark Is the Seven Corner saloon, at ' East Twenty-first and Division streets, say the patrol man, - "It waa closed by the prohibi tion vote st the last election, .snd al though good people gladly bow "to the majesty of the law. It can truly ba. Bald that that asloon was very quiet snd or derly, far more' ao than many other saloors In the city. - "But the proprietor takes the matter coolly, r He Is soma kind of s philoso pher,- and I lust changing hi barroom Into s grocery -store. This may have something to do with the prophecy about swords being turned into plowshares "The other landmark Is ths old school hotter st East Eighteenth and Powell streets. Just being torn down. That building,-waa need aa a, church for number of years, and waa then deeded to the- eltv -for. schoolhouse. : Later It waa the fir station for the Webfoot fir company of Brooklyn and was after ward practice nan for the Souther Pacific band. Ita final use was a s boys' clubroora." , . - The natrrtlman aava the hall flnallr refused to lbs abused In Its old - sL ana "juet tumoiea sown. VCULD AKuEX liE'J SCIICOL DISTRICT County Boundary Board VVill Be "Asked to Include Mt. tabor" in Number .One. TAXPAYERS BEUVE AN i 0 INJUSTICE IS BEING DONE Force'd to Pay City . Lexy-and Tuition Also--Willing to Pay ' Tse east slde-ersee of Tbe Joaraal. ts. la rhe .tor of Mrs. r. W. afeaMaoef, w sssi liarrim street Telephese Kut We. V ' Leialiif nni o( soum iimr v. f narins: . comDlste statement of -the 'fi nances, attendance snd needs of school district No. t with tb view to saktng tha county boundary board tOJncorr borate thla In city district No. 1. There haa been no peUUon prepared - In the matter, and the moTement Ifaa not yet reached the popular -hurrah etage, but s business-like, complete statement of ths needs of the dtstrtot and Its lia bility -to bear new burdens Is ready sad backed by some of the leading bualneaa men of Portland who reside In the terri tory. It will bo brought to the attention of the county boundary board.. - . Thla statement shows that aiatriet No. i has 12s children of achool age in ita bounds snd that Ml children were enrolled in the Mount Tabor school last year. ; The aaaeaaed valuation or ue diatrlet la tm.226. and s three mill tax waa levied, for achool purposes tbl. year. - The value of the achool propertM In the district is I IT. 000, tb value-or the auDDllee and furnishings la $2,(00, and the district haa a debt of tl.,160. of which all but 12.16 bear out lour per cent interest and run for a long period. At present though the larger part, of the diatrlet la Included In the city limits, the high -achool pupil are required tu pay tuition In the city high achool be cause they are from another diatrlet In many casea taxpayers who live In Mount Tabor Pay tha City levy on Mount Tabor property under the recent annex ation lawr also pay tsxes on othef city property- farther - removed from their homes, pay a local school tax in district No.' 6, and then are forced to pay $21 a year -In tuition fee for every, child they have attending the city high school.-"-.,: '-"' ' t.-'v 'i - . ' . This condition Is felt to ,be unjust by the majority of Mount Tabor taxpayers an 5 to rented tha oo u n t y boundary board will be asked to add dlitlrTcfyo. IT Include that part of Mount Tabor re cently annexed to tbe city, but all of tb district Ths legislative act that provided- fpr the annexation of a portion of Mount T Tabor provided 'also that the school bound should remain unchanged ao far ss that act went but the county boundary board haa the power to add the district or any other,' to the city achool diatrlet no legislative act having Interfered with Its power. The Port land board of education can do nothing In the matter as It ha no authority, the act tof , tbe legislsture restraining It from Interfering, r - .- -r- : Mount 'Tabor taxpayers "ar ready to stand their share of the cost of ths new high school, sod their scWjl levy would probably be more than double-what U Is at present but this Increase would be willingly met could Mount. Taborchll- aren m tne city limits nav ths am ad vantage of tuition a other children of Portland. WAS IT A THREAT? last aide eTnar Ha JJtfftenW yrobless 1 . J 2Tre Case. y. .'Does ths statement Tou dirfy our. you ought to be killed,' Imply a threat? This was the problem Justice Seton of the eaat aid Justice court-faced yeater day In trying the case of A. W. Bennett againat Mra. Florence Revere of Arleta. The prosecution said ' ths - woman had threatened tbe life Of Bennett : Mr. Revere and her child were pres ent with a host of friends Mra Revere and her daughter told tbe court of Ben nett s alleged insults Bennett denied these and expressed hjs Arm belief In the ability-and - determination -of Mrs. 7 Re vere td aasasslnst him and his family. After half a day of various testimony ths judge took the matter under advise ment-?. ... .t. . f ' Oeed Oaaao fox Corona. ' . Ths coroner's wagon will probably re ceive a call to Hawthorne park some sunny afternoon thla summer snd than the raft erase may temporarily subside, Ths boys of the neighborhood have gathered the loos boards from half a dosen blocks and have made rafta of variou degrees or - unseaworthiness. These are pushed,, paddled-. and pulled over the lake pond.- two amall boards serving In some cases. The water of tne pono is aeep enough to drown a giant and amall boys hardly out bf aklrts gleefully-paddle around where 10 feet of cold water waits a victim. Few people visit that end of the park during weex oaya and the chance of res cue In . case of accident. Ja slight T.J3ne or twosmaii boys have bad narrow es capes. V- . i , - , ..-ji.-Xj,. , Fioase ITomaa Sle. - On of the pioneer of Portland died yesterday when Mrs. Harriet M. Churcn of Mount Tabor paaaed swsy. . A year ago she celebrated her golden wedding anniversary with her husband and one of the notable family reunions of the suburb was held. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at the horns Rev. K. 8. Memmlnger will officiate. Burial will be made la Bralnerd's ceme tery. ,- - t .. ' I ;; ,--Ooss td Tsll Corpora tlon Seoxets. R C Eaatwlck will leave in a few days for Great Falls snd Helena, Mon tana, where he goes to testify before the-supreme court of that atate as a wltnees In a suit- bctwocw -th Amalgs- mated Copper company and the ' Mon tana Ore Purchasing company. For a number of years he waa la th employ or tne Amalgamated copper company, Anaconda copper Mining company. Waehoe Copper company, th Big Black- foot Lumber Av Milling company - of Butte, land the American Sxaloratlon company of New York,' In the capacity of auditor. - - 4,1 ' Some grocers scS Schilling'a Dest "7 ,v"r :.r,7r W ' 1 ';- wa - ; asswtpssdaT . tnoneyback; some donV. '. ' They have "jthcir " ' reasons both ways.-. '':': i .; - 1 W H . of medicine. No can do impregr m CTEI C? TO t- a " R, Bvansvule, Ind.; writes: "For over five rear I was trouoled with kidney and bladder affections which caused ms mncb pais and worry. I lost flesh and was all ma, down, and a year ago had to .abandon work entirely. I had three of ths best physicians who did ms no good and I was practically irtven tip to die. Foley's Kidney Cura was recommended and th first bottl gay tne great rsliei, and after taking; the second pottle 1 wai Mtnuf . ' . TWO SIZES. 50c AI9 SLM. Oev hotbu Ajm maaoaT. Delightful , Mount llooil Trip ... (2'- T? VS31T -' VISITOR -" to ' ths . A- Lewis - and Clark' expoat- . tlon should take thla ths most "vl delightful of all mountain trips -. in -America.- Cloud -Cap Inn. . ' unique and - picture squa. . 1,000 , -1 feet above - sea level. f .fords apleadld. aocommodatlona. . Summit of mountain eaally. "aoceeslble - from ; this - point Stage leave Hood- River eta- ; - tlon-dally, making connection ",' with O. R. A N. trains ' Round -: trip tickets. Including Coach ing trip, on ssle at O. R. A N. . ticket office. Third and Wash- - ington streets, Portland. Par- 1 .', tlculars sbout rates at Cloud : ' Cap Inn by writing ., j.;.,:" ' aoHB. at &Aazxxa, acaaaces. ' : Mood 2Uvx, Oregon.--- : ... ...... .... . . , .... ! - t Bend S osnts In stamps to A. ' ,1a Craig. Q. P. A. Oregon .. Railroad A Navigation com Pny, Portland, -r for - booklet - telling aoout tnav -1 - , . , : Hotel Fairmount TRMT f-aUXT Jl AJT9 UFSAUA-BTsV Opposite Stain Batraaee to liswle. and Clark Bxpositlon. - x Only-absolutely fireproof hoteV ad joining grounds, equipped with electri telephonic and special - telephonio com munications for patrons Uniformed portere and bellboy at all hours ' at guests.- service. :.I50 Degant Rooms . n, : Open lor Guests X 'X BATII fixe A BAT AJTB VT. , W. H. LATTIN. Oeneral Manager. HOTEL ESTAt ADA OM THfi O. W. P. RT. CO. , u : TROLLET UNA , batwb, rn 9Arj:....t f-S9 bats a, na wai at..... .sio ' Special ' ticket 'Including round .trip faro and dinner. ....... fi.Tf flneclal ticket Includlns round ' trip fsre,"one night's lodging snd , mree mesia.. .............. 1 nuaav OFPioa Aire watttjiw ROOK, FIRS AJTS AUU. . ; ' ; Phone or WrfU W Kj MARTINEZ. Managsr, ' Estacsda, .Oregon. ' 'TH E K I IN O New baildlsg: with everr eesveelese. lit estilds fixsi, dlreet esrttne ts EpMUka SB 4 llelna Depot, I nlnstee walk frets P. O. ss soelsees enter.' Stransere take ltk er 2( fersna street ear true. Calua Depot . Fkees Btk ieii T ao a axis orxa it m bit roa rwp -' J,"ffafw J Cr si g - I J . : I. .......... - . - . v.- ... - . . , WhenvYbuVSee-it In Uufdrrl . s-gi-a-t r m &ia !iXaC5oC9 .' r.- t KUSCH & OSTEK EXFEKIENCE. -o; C -LOSS OF AWUT;?500 Talaphona Out of Sarvlca Train Stops In Front of Burn .'Ing Bunding, Straatcar Cuts ' .' 1 Hoaa and . Quaata . Los. ;;.;-;v;'-Thalr Proparty. ; i; - "Our houM ll on .flrc - ortM - Piarles ..Belmont Fourth. street . be tween Taylor and Salmon,, through her -'phone, this morning m a few minutes before I o'clock. , '. '. r ' -.. "Nickel., please." calmly answered ths girl st the central telephone office. "But I can't rind a nickel, and I want to turn In an alarm to the fir depart ment' replied Mrs. Belmont In plead ing, tones. . '.' 1. i.... .". - Mrs Belmont rushed through ' th house, 'Calling to the 21 guest to sscsps with their live, aroused her- husband from aleep and then- ran Into thd atreet to find soms way to carry -th news to Chief Campbell's firemen, A man heard Mrs Belmont's cries, and volunteered to turn In the alarm ; , l : . Treia Belays rir Beparlknsnt. Jt Wtlbout dlay th door. of. th engine-house opened and the team dashed away to the fire.- Th guests war pour ing from th burning structure, having snatched what clothing they could find, and men were gathering : from that neighborhood to assist any who might H be belated . in tneir escape , front th roaring flames' and blinding, smoke. The firemen with "their .apparatus' reached the hydrants, at. Fourth -and Yamhill streets, snd were about to' con nect the hose, when the Southern Pacific passenger ; train, bound out on , the west slds Una,, earn In front of th burning house and stopped. -. . ... ,: Five minute elapsed before' the en gine pulled out and .the firemen could adjust themselves to the unexpected in terruption. - Just as the .-delay caused by the train was ended a streetcar ran over and out th line of hose that was laid from A hydrant on Fifth street, and added to th firemen's troubles When ono th department had over come th obstacles so unexpectedly in terposed, the . fire waa -quickly extin guished. ' The loss Aggregated .about 12,000. - --.. ; v , - - ,. - ,- txTBAcr note otmA ' snnra c OOLUKjra, 3VLT T. ' At "Modest ; Pribcs A! large yaney.tpelectiisTOmc; estyalues in thet4 THIRD AND OAK 7 1, Ill :Comp2ls SneriHemo' iilM "Though but littla of our stock goods wera damaged tha rear part "of owrwrkrowna were devastated and our ma .: chinery put out of use, causing a suspension of operations for several days. We were fartunately covered by lnaur ance arid have decided to clean out our entire stock at from - " ' Tfsr .4 Only perfect .and. very slightly damaged material will be . sold. 0r - good and long-standing reputation aa first ;; class tailora 'will be fully lived up to ln this sale. Good r-. trimmings' and aatisfaction in every respect guaranteed. And Upr-FcrTdlormcfe Soils J Call and inapect;the exceptionally good values we are offering. f . 2M ir .. . , !:,, J, .y..j- v-:-?. "v7 nnT'r:vri.: Jl; f' ill MM- FcarGi Sfresl mam :Pricc3 on- ..... ...,-,..., ..: ; mm i A.