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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
It::;: pascQN. dailyjout.:ial. rcnrLAp. .? n--- . w- - 1 -T 1: tore at The MtofflM of rarauCO through ae msim e " lor dngle copies: SB A 16 sr 1 A leeatt 14 t 64 BOaTCS, 6 SOBta; AS ed Ir-vgaS, Bsnt - ,:. v ' sxuvsona. :':.vmoiivxio w "-) .;v.'c- " iw by oatrisrw :. M PMr Journal, with Sunday. 1 S -a Daily journal, 1 year ","Xl' sts ' Dally ImtuI, with Sunday. 6 months. " f e Deny Josrnel. month. ...... .. f J? 1 e I'elly Journal, with Sooday. $ aaontbe. J? - bally J norm. 1. saootbs..... -2 ' belly Jean-sal, with Sunday. 1 njonth.. Um Dally par. nit. sell vexed. SoadaT, i Included, .. ....... ' Daily per mt delivered. Suaday , , M , , Fwme ty Malli ' i ' - """a rI1r Journal, with Simday. 1 r..-J J Dsily Journal. 1 year iil'.Si e belly Journal, with Sanday. months. 8 J an ft4ts f " ... X-TB 4) Sunday JoaraaL 1 year.. .e Sunday JoaraaL aeocith ... AV l Beau-weesiy essHnsma. "The Semi-Weekly Journal, I U !1 negea each Issue. Ijutastrsted, :MI aarfcat ra- ' rrt, i r,........r..irf ... ; VaxtttanMs should ba ade br rafta. Poa"J nprar'ardvrf a4 amaff" anmooti ara wwtabla la t aa4 tUaaat pnatiga atampa. JOB I P. O. Bnx in. Pnrtlai4. Ot. tou m yoTMAiv . mat i m yopyn. al ot. MrlMaa M aal at tha . IOABO-O. SeOar Oa. W. . Me- "TTra, -vAQO Partafflo Nawa eoBpaar; ITS Daar ' atiaat. -. Via. COIiO. KlHr Baofc Jk ttattrntary 'nur, 11 Smataanth aVaat J. Black. -'aanth an4 Cartla atrrata. . , s fTTT Vaa Nay Kawa esananr. . APOU at. a. KaTaaaacB, M oath atraai. y TOatK CITT Srtrt no'a. VtOak aomara. '4 Millar Hotel Nawa ataa4; Marat oaary comaaay. ISM Parnaai atraat. -V LA a CITT Kanyoa Botal Nawa atae4t . bna.. U Went Bacon atrart. aoth. . L-oOTB Phnia Rnadar, 61S Laeaat atraatt vT. JettTw OUra atrart. IRANCtSOO V. . Ardtaa .' Palawa Botal --a ataad. and -WO Market traatt Oold- -ih broa., SM Satta atroa, aaat Saint r raaca botal t Foster Oraar. frarry ballaV i 1 N. Whaatlay. aaavaabla arwa ataad. aor- r r anet aad Karay atnata. r?t Ralnlrr era ad Nawa staadt W. Ik , Botol "eattla Nawa ataad. Wi5.-Ja W. Grahaai Oa. ' A. WAail.-aarral Kaara aoaapaayi --1 TacoBa Nawa ataaoL .- .oBIA, B. C. Victoria Book V OUttoaary WXATXXE kBFOXT. Pair waafbar aoRtlnnaa la tba Paelfla atataa. wara hara ocearrad ta nortbara Arlaoata, t weatbar caaaraily la tha cantral a a and. tha aastara atatca la aaaettlad and owaty. No aaarkad chansaa troaa tba aormal 'xHataira ara aottt aaywbara la tba Unltad . ' I "t ia ladlcatloBa ara for fair - waatbav ta this irit toalirbt aod Tnarsdaj. with aaarly -tmnary tsnfiarararaa. xakxiaoc xjonraxs. II. J. Mrnro. S; Oertrada Beraolat, rar 18. Umla P. Kdwarda of Lawlatoa. . Idaho, iT; wala Knapp. SO. i U C faaaaa, 2; Cora Wtacflald. W. Waddlna Carda. ' W. O amlth A Co- Wuk. !-"toa bide.. cor.-Poartb aad Waablnctaav ata. JUKTHB. Trr,r.I-jBly 1. to Mr. aad Mrs. WlUUa HU KSk Mauorr atraat. a daaatrtar. - . -rtri 1t . to Mr.- aad Mra. wmiaa i 'ark. of Wood! awn. a daachte. . rOL NTAJN Jlr S. t Mr. and Mia. ataxia Lafanntala, of -NapaTlUo, , Waahlngtoa, a oanahtar. - - L Jaly t. aa Mr. aad Mrs. hUT 1-4 Pixtar atraat. a daaarhtar. r1 -'IICH-Jaly a, to Mr., asd Mra. Hacry rr- -irh. 282tt Park atraat. a son. . r-Hi July 1. to Mr. and Mra. Ooorga at r-arrta. 608 Northrop afreet, a eon. Pf..l'nrtT Joly a, to Mr. aad Mra. Bdward IToulJ - TwantyUtb aad. Halaay atreete, ALH1(JHT loly a.'ta Mr. aad Mra. Oearge B. ainnrnt, mtj nyasoata atraat, a aoa. OOaTTAStOXm SIBXaBZB. ' belly Journal, with Boeday. B swathe. J-ja bally JownL tnontbs..... J? e belly JmtmI, with Sunday, 1 esseta.. .je ...... . - - CTBTATO July 10. Kausa Carta to. 18d M1U atirat. ararlat feror. ........ . - JI BITB-VnlT 10. Rosa Jobtta, aad-M raara. Bt. ... Vlooaofa- boapMaJi-eaaae, - CBroale taitaatlaal troubta. Barlal at BlTerrtow cema- . an. . . . - -. . BOVCREIOX nry S. I fair B, . H. Boawreln. ated at Bt. Tlacnit'a boapitalt eaoaa, Buial at taw Plr eeaaatory. ated a yeara. aathmla. . BAII.KX Joly lev Umnaford Bailey, aged T yaara, wast avenn ana Baimoat atraat; oaaaa. aaraiyaau Boruu at i.oaa ar eraaatary. Iim TOT CUHTBBT. ;-. T , , Wnfla rra-raa io. - Parnlly lota 7 to l.M). Tba only eeaietary ta Portland whlrh pwpetoally maintain and ceres foe Iota. Pot full tnforantloa apply to W. B. Marfcenate, Wareaatar block, city. W. M. Ladd. proalooaU Tba Edward HebBaa CBdartaklaf eompaay, faserel. dlrectora aad , T-'4 atraat. , J., P. Plaler d Boa, faneral dlraetnra and moalaaara, corner Third end Madnwa s treats. Often of eonnty aoronor. Tetepaone Mala B. PaiMral wreaths and eat Bowers a apedalty at Boae City Oraeabonaa, Twaaty aaeaad aad caat jtormon, npp. cametary. -. PORTLAND TBVHT CO. Jnly 11. Portland .. Troat company, raoit, corner Third aad Oak streets: eosti tfiSO. KIN'DORP-goly 11, Klndorf Bros., shop, ISO ' Wfra JbI1 1171 X. M. kleo. dwalllna- Oarkn mas betweea Bast Twenty-tonrtb aad Bast ' Twenty-fifth etreets: coat, $2, mm. CAM HION July 1), Mra. Camploa, repatra 'to bopse. Weat Park between Stark aad Boraelde - siretrca; oaar, jra. WKWA-July 11, . B. Dnnotaa, cottaca. Bast Ebrhth street Bear Brooklya acboolj coat. - vi,ve. WrAVKR Jnhr 11. B. P. Wearer. ' mttsre. Fast Twelfth betweea Broadway aad Weldlat streets: cost, fi.Bno. BXAX ESTATX TRABim. St. B. Barhanaa aad wife to 7. R., Teomla et al.. lota IX IS and 14. blork . TJnlTeralty. Park ,... BOO Arieta Lna company ta at. Jones, let '. t1. blork 4. Arleta Park Ke. S B. T. Bhaw to P. Clarao, parcel land be- ' Cnnln IS feet aoath of ennth line of cMIUaa's addlrloa and 80. OT feet wast -of west llaa of Larrabca street, as tended , 800 Bab Load company ta I m. Epperson, lot a. Mora L Wills matte Boalerard ' Arras i ..' ST P. H. Marlay to B. W. Parker, lata 11 -and IX blork a, leanbeo ........ Bslfoar-Oorhrlo Ineestawnt company to ur n Wind krrfa 1. a. A T and' B. Mock B, Orrhard Homes ..., fJ60 r. 1. Cbltwood to mrtisna Troat rom- peny, lot S. block 1, Miriam 1,400 P. Harold Cbown and wife M A. U ' ranulns-bam, ,ea acres aectlOB a, town- ship 1 aontb. ranc S aaat . fuanraida Land Jmproeemeat eompaay tm r. C. VTalkee. lot A Jtloefc 2U. Has- ayalda SB0 Bssm t ajastka. lota fl and B. block SO. ' HusaraUle BOO I. Ti,w aad srlfe HAW. Parker. lot It, hineh 0. Iranhoe ............... J AOS IT. B. wilana aad wife to aaars, lota 11 aad IX blork Bv Irsnbo STi A. e ti. A. BalL lot T. hkwh t. Bertha 100 r. n. MarlSf to M. . Mrlatlro, VX II, Mat 10, Itaetborse's II rat addition.. I k ark Land company to William , oeidt, Ms- l sad A blork '4, On-" , ,. eeollloa te Bt. Johns . .) , 1,100 r etmera aad wile te f. D. AxUIL lot 1. Bhatea Bast Palrrlew ...... B. Baoeer ta naaae, lot A aame -;.... fcf W tl-nrm- ana wire U P. Moere. tot 10, Maryelllo S.' P. Moore and wife to M. . W. Ororae. bt IA blork A Market atraat addition. ., sueerrlew Vemetary company to W. a, KeberU et at, lot 29, aectloa f , cede. . "urr ' J. H, Darla aad wife to A. P. Bolm-y hoe. east A Late a and A hloek H. ' I 'Itolaa'a addltioa t.900 J. J. Auea et aU to-af. Otuaaoaa. parcel fctad-beclnulnc. t fast north of aoath. f . I west corwrlot t, bock 47,. B. I-' I tnff's addltioa 1,000 B. t. Blner and hnaband ta .-rr Bca-, j - aedy, lot B, block Sua, rlty ........ , ,1 Arleu load company ff M. Booby, lot ' SB. block t, ArlU Park No. .... B9B P. P. babaey and wife to . W. B. . Carrlnstoa, lot I, block Is, ' Capltaa -' addltioa V M O.. W. Barer aad wife' hi. 1. Bnchaa. , on. lot 8. Lamsxceat Hnlgfits ,.... B. W. Hoyt et al. U same, kit 14 asd , IP. mors ir, iTtBuet fiare - aia BV SelUag -and arte, a. fl nf y-U.iob. : , M l, block A uiareiaraoa arra ..... iw Oct roar insorsnro and abstracts to real aetata from tba Title Guarantee A Treat eom paay, Chamber of t'ornaaerco balldlnc. , CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Jr. tba best form of abort -rime areatmoata. - Tbeae - rertlflcaue, . each aa are hMacd by tba . , . "OLDEST TRUST-tt COMPANY IN rOREQONJ .. 1 . ; . I hi .mado payable oa. abort or load call, tar salt, your eoareBieace, aad Interest Is paid ta aceordanaa 'with the 'time the money remains oa deposit tha longer the time the larger tba rate of Interest. Call. - write or telephone aa. and 'we win toll yon aboot It. . . Bend "for our 'book ,of ) LLUirlAZIOJCeV'J PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON . ' 10B Third Street. , Fboas Mala 40A BENJ. 1. COHEN............... ....President U. L. PITTOCK .....Vlca-Presldeut B. LBR PAOKT. Hecretary . O. OOLTRA. 7aVaaIaaaT8ecretary tOBT ABB POVsTB. WILL tha yarty who took a cherry-wood walk las-stick, crook handle, with sllrar tip, from ' Olds, Wortmsa Klag'a store yesterday -' BMrnlng rrtarn as ma te 221 H Morrloaa St., la. aad reeeiro reward r -e ; LOST OB 8TOLXN Admiral wheel with Morrow eoeater brake; No. of wheal. SCW.010. : AayoBS with totormatloa of same please commaarlcata with Jooraal offlea. - LOST Small bay pony branded "0" a seer "T," with white spot ba forehead. Reward if returned to Edgar btone, 1230 Minnesota arenas. - POUND A place to hare batr mattreaeea reno - rated and retorned aame day. - Phone Mala 4TA Portland Carled Hair factory. - LOTllTsr watch, ribbon fob. cold Masonic , charm, aol table reward to Bnder. TB Third J-St., earner Oak.' PbOBs Main 1B1A .. LOMT Black psraol with rod earranta knd green tearea oa handle. Reward If rs Turned to Mra. Teal, !Ta Bt. Clair at. ' - uur nu, riea rev m w a 1 1 . oa Powell at. Owner oaa claim aaaia at.,061 aw twniiwia .v. r- LOST Jnly 11. parse' eoatslnlnr I rinse: . 1 band, diamond sad opal. , steward If retaraed to; union- aae--uor LOST Baaaar, Jnly , string of geld beads, aa , aeirioom. atatara to io naimoa St. Kewsro. LOST One Aaterlcan Kx press order check book. rioder return to caahlar for tuna hotel. POUND WheeL Call at Boaenthal'a Bhoe stora. ' uc amine same Bna pay rewara. aroxiOB. BIDS INTITKD. Sealed bids will bo received . at tha ofdeo of the aapertatendent of the . wregoa aiaie penitentiary at aaiem. uregon, aatll Tneaday, Jaly 26, 180B, at 1 o'clock p. m.tof said day, far the labor of the coo Icta coafloed la said penitentiary, ander tho nrorielone af an act af the lea-telature paaard la IrtHS and, amendments thereto and " for tha foundry plant belonging to tha stats aad situated within the prison walla.' Bids be be made separately en the basis- of a re or 10-year lease, beginning August 1. , 1W0S, oa blanka which will ba forwarded i by tho anperlateadent oa appllrntloa. Bach bidder . mart Incloss with bis trld a , certified check la tho sum of B500, payable ' te the order of the snperlntcndent, to be , forfeited to the stats In caaa the bidder to which tba contract la let falls to enter Into a ' coa tract and giro tha band required by tba v etatoto . within 10 days after ,ths .swarding , of tba contract. The right Ja raairnd to reject any and aU blda-7. ' farther! Informatloa may be bad It desired ay aaat easing; the aapertatendent. . o. W. JAMKS. Bopariatsadsat, Balam, Oregoa, Jnne ST. lOoft. PROPOSALS for - Oofa Brooeos and Scrubbing . Broshea. Depot Quartermaster's Office, M New Montgomery at., ' Ban Frsnclaco, Cat, July B, 18KO. sealed propoaala, la dnpllcate, sab ' Ject to the samel conditions, 'will bo rocclTca '; at thla office aatll 10 o'clock a. Bt., Prlday, . Aaaaat A 1000. Psdne standard time, and then opened, for ftnlaalac for dellrery at " tha Ban Franclaos depot: . a.oou corn arooBM I and 1.000 arrnbblna bruahaai to coaform to latlng standard eamplea and anaclacatloBS. Tho , ' United Statee reserves tho right to accept or ..reject any -or all pioo, of. sny part thereof, .1 Informatloa and) blank proooaala will b furnlahed oa appllcatloa. Kavelopea eontsln- Ing proposals to Bo marked: , "rroposal na A41A to bo ooened Aoanat A lUUfi." and addresaed to MaKa C A. DevoL Qaarter- maater,' u. a. a., vapot lavartormsstar. NOTICB of Stock holders Meeting. Notice ,1s . hereby given Out the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Midway Oil conv peny will bo bald at tho- office of Ladd A : TUloa,. bankers. Portia nd, Or.,, st t o'eloek a. m., oa Wednesday, July IB, 1B0B, for the purpose of electing a board of direr tore, ta act apoa the actios of the board of directors , la aulkerialng ths sale of the company's . properties sod the question of 11 quids tloa - aad dlssolatloa of this eompaay aad for the transact loa of such other . bailaess as asay coma before ths meeting, . WIUJAht M. WU1DDEN, Secretary. SEALED bids will be received at tho School Clerk's office, city Hall, op to 12 o'clock v., m-Saturday, July la, lOOa, for the oeaotrnc. . tna of . the lrvlhgtoa school bulldlna. - Ssb- arete bide will be takes as follows: Flrat Brick work, plastering, concrete work, etc. t Second Cerpeatsr work; eta. Third Disss sad glssbig. Fourth Painting. Fifth Plumbing and drainage. A certified check of M 10 per coat of the amount of tho bid mast accompany ths asms. Plane sod spectflcatkms X can bo sera at tho School Clerk's offlco. The r School Board reserves ths right to reject any . aad all bids. Tkomaa J. Jonso, Architect. . oroooas office of the Ugbtboasa Engineer, Portlsnd, Oregoa. anttl S o'clock p. m., Jnly 27, lOOo, and than opened, for furnishing miscellaneous srtlcles for ths Ughtboqse eatabllabment, f tba fiscal year ending Jaao Bo, iwua, coav ' orlalna: Hardware. Dine, flttlnra. etc.: patnte, alls, etc.f soap, matches, stc. ; lubri cating oils, etc.; ana ramoer, m acenroaaco ' with spedfleatlona, eaplea. of which, with blank uopooala and other Informatloa, may be bad apoa appllcatloa to Malar W. 0. f longfltt, Corps of Eaglneera.- C.- 8. ' A., '.: Englnser. . '.-. . . SEALED bids will ba received at tho School . . arm a, . , , , v v, if h , . , .. mm . . - an., oa Saturday, Jnly IB, ItWB, -for grading ' an tba block for the, Beat Bide High School - buUdlag, betweea Kaat Waahlngtoa and Beat mark- and Beat Thirteenth and Baat Four teenth sts. ' A certified check of 10 per cent - of the - emount of bid mast accompany ths . same. Plans sad speidfiratloBS can be sees st tba Krhool cletk'S office. - The School ' Kneed reserves the right ta reject aay and all old:. nomas J. Jones, Architect. SEALED bids will ba received at tha School Clerk's offlco, City Hall, up to 12 o'clock m , July IS, 1906. for constructing sod In stalling sow plumbing and drainage In too following school buildings, vis. I Palling school betiding. Sbatturk school building. A certified check of 10 per rest of too .. eraouBt of the bid moot aocompaay tba name. plan and specifics t loos csa be seen at tho School Clerk 'a offlco. The School Board re- ' aerves ths right to reject say and all bids. 1 somas J, Jones, Archrtect. BIDS FOR nil, Reeled bids will he received .at the. of fire of the School Clerk. City Hell, nntll 12 o'clock ... Tuesday. July IB, If, for furnishing School District Ms. 1, Malt t aomah county,- Oregon, with wood far the enenlng yeer. Theeo bids will be opened publicly st 12 m. of said day st ths office ef the School Clerk. City Halt Hpeelfl ca tions can b had at the School Clerk's office, titr Hall. R. Wllllerns. J. Y. Reset, t'on mtttee no Supplies. , 1'ortltad, oregoa, July " 11, 100b, -.-.. , . . t .'- ' - !' ':--- MXLT WABTTTt WdT.B, WANTED Aa energetle local bu of character and apiearaaoe; permaaent "ploj-ment with future - promotion. i " by personal letter to B A care Journal. WANTED 60 mill and yardmen, AS and ne; 9f 'wwwfaunea. SASh to th.ou: other work, - Lntnhennen'e Labor Baroea, SuOb Merrl. .' aoa at. WANTED TeasM to heal gravel at Bt. .Johns. - Call at Bc era A Vaa Boo lea's real aetata of Oca tor, particulars. eooo-t eahvaseera, at once" latereit oa-H ' JoaraaL Address M WANTBD Partner with S4; guarantee yoa aaiary of a per weva. . Aaaroas v ei. care JearaaL . BARRETT'S Detective School Last class tor . this term: reduced rates. SOI Aitsky nidg. BHOEMAKBaV . waated ..for ., repairing. sol t. LADIEar - SRPARTMENT. Botal Faad eteL restsarant, afflco. store, bakery, laaamj Sad family patronaao aoiieitea. . BANKKN B ornusv Waahlogtoa at., room T, cor. BeveoU aa. Pnooe Mala SeOA ., 7 GIRLS wanting amploraent. hAuaewnrfc. wsltressea. Chan chambermaids, cooks call oa Boaadinaviaa Bmoioynasat ua, ats Bur net da at. Pkoao Mala SOsA. WANTED Good girl to wash dlabea,. email hotel, light work and good wares, iwre- r.w WANTED" ln n. u. VMatMa, esceue EI) lmnaediatelv. boaaskaaner. widower , aa i farm; n obiectloas to ons child. 230 H XaJ&bllL Pkoao Main MIA ., .. . . .. WArTED Ptrat-clsas family cook, wagea S30; lamnui. WAWTED Starch clotnoa troaers and machine hsnda; goad wagea; Oregoa Laundry to., ooa JMMt oak n. i. WANTED Help for tronlng and mangle work. Aaief icaa Aetaaory, coraar xwsjiie ass riw --dera wr Lfi WAiNTED Ladles clothes Ironers it Ptetlaj t laaadry, Flrat and Arthar sti BAND Iron era, also girls, for mangle. Grand Lanadry, 17th aad " tluimny. v WANTED Girl for general housework. la quire Mra. Lewis, ZT First st ' ABB rXXALI KELP.. WANTED At once, o csnvasserf ferther Isdtea or Urentlemea) to Introduce sod sell gelf-Ugnt, lag Ineaadeacent Oaa Lights: they are India, peaaablo la every ho roe and do away wltb maitchea or ess llahterar thev aell on alsht. Bpeer Gaa Macblna Manntactarlnf Cot, Dl, wasningiea ai., nr avtn ec,. ey. ANT1 oaa permanently employed can materially increase - taeir raoomo wiinoot luisrivrsna with present occupatloa; indorsed by oou aereatlve local bnalneaa men: not an agency. For psrtlcalars special agent- . Phone East J 121A . . - WANTBD Toon -paopla to take a eourssta I eberthaad or bookkeepliiadayor Bight; our graduates ara all employed; wo placed 21 . pupils daring Msy we wlU place yoa whea eompotaoA, - Behnha-Walker . Buslnass college. PERMANENT nosttloa with Increasing - pay, ladlea . and gentlemen, Portland and else- : where. Call or address Bentieela. Ub.Allaky bldg. Third sad Morrison atresia. WANTED At aace, a bright, energetic, pre- sea table mas take up aa I T3f Chamber tanis ansa -or womaa. a goea taiasr, ve attractive , propeaitlea. Anqoira of oommorca, v a. av . Wl?tTHI TtoaaotraCnr on bast offlco aovalty ever abowa la. Portlaad. S to 0 a. m., SKI I WANTED Experienced Ironers and atsrehers. city Laaadry cow. as north rourta St., aiy; 1SL Lin OALtINO and baataaas carda OOelOO, 1,000, 82B Waahlngtoa. Automatic Card X2 smrinoBS wanted male. BANDT, sober elderly man (wldowerl wants sny kind of light work; small wages Dal good home prsnxrea; city or eonntryi is nine goon garpener. Address B i, cars woumai. EXPERIENCED grocery end general 'merchan dise clerk .would like poaltlon, dty or coua trr I dty refereocee: Address B" S, care VrimWA--&&iim1r-n hiiis ir BU8INESS man ot absolute Integrity desires poaitioB 'Oi truer E wen boowb una unqueo " tloosblo re ferrates. . Address A 1, Journal, BITTJATIONS ' WANTBD Refined, motherly woman to ears for Invalid; light Work, pleasant home, email wages. TcL Mala awo. - r - XXPLOTbIZb-T Aoxvcm. PAdPO COAST' EMPLOYMENT AOSNOT Heenoveo te utb norta asaoas at. Bed IBL. -' , HANSEN'S EMPLOTMSNT OPPICB, , ! T - . FOB MHM. -- ' SB . Second at. . Phono Mala 1BSS. PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contra tors; help free to smpioyera. aia HELP wanted sad supplied, awls ar ferns kv R. O, DRAKE, Sum Waahisgtoa at. Clay aeB. IBS MORRISON CelomMa Blear Emp. areaey; skilled labor furnished. Phone Mala tta. WAJII I ft M i scxixAmtbpi. WANTED Everv nereon who ears raa 1 lighting '' purposes . la tho dtp of Portland . to call at No. BOS Waahlngtoa St. snd Inspect . a self-lighting gas mantle oa sxbibtt there. , It Is ths newest invention of tho ago and v doss away entirely wltb the. ass of .matches - or other lighting devices for lighting your , gas. ' It also makes It Impossible for ae rieeats to occur by res sen of the gas escaping, ss tho chemical . eoespesl tloS of ..this mantle Ignites the gas ss eeoa aa It -enene la contact. Do not fall te see tl master stroke of adsaee. . . WANTED More spraying sad whitewashing! . the snip gasoline compressed air spraying outfit ob the eaast. M. G. Morass A) Co ill MUwaukle at. Phoao Baat 2317. WB St ' Syscreena ar doors to your cabinet or mtscells neons work done. Carpenter, goott BSOS. it Pbons WANTBD Carpenter work, aU kinds ot re pairing. J. B. Leaala, 20tk sad Wllsoa ata. SHORT ORDER Printing now Second aad Waahlngtoa ata. P. J. Rydar, Mala KM. WABTIX1A0EBTS. NOTICE Manufacturers .snd water - companies oa account of excessive freight rates, wo want t t Iret-claea, responsible agent to manufacture - and push ths TJseett Water cooler (covered by bmad basic patents, west of ths Rocky moua ' tains 20,000 bow la ase; the only ssnitsry t cooler oa tea market; adopted and seed ex etnelvely la offices and private families Is - Chicago and by smsrsi large water cms- r panics tn the east; big- money for right party. Address Consumers' Company, Thirty fifth and Butler eta.r Chicago, IUlneai. . SOAP AGENTS Stop selling trash: sell oar dot . lar bos to roar owb mother for M cents, make , and feel that yoa have given her mero than ruu value; that a worth aometniag; . our sales Increase dally. Why! Bees use our soaps are ehemlcaUy pure. Our Big neves bos coils yoa 11 cents. Don't write If yoa are not willing to make 2100 to 1200 monthly. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. A PBW Use agents wanted .tn represent as st tho fslr, handling our beautiful souvenir born pis ouablua and keyrecki over 100.000 sold st bt aXNiis. rt rue xov psruruisrs, , vsvnaa Novelty to., Kim at., new iors. AGENTS WANTED To sell ear superior high S-sae anrsery atocai sew ana complete out. t CumUhed fr?ei cosh weeklrt write ta ' day F for . choice of ' territory. . Capital City b arsary Co.. Balem. uregoa. AGENTS wanted tav sell stoties af Old Oregon. Jones" Book Mors,-wi aioer at. : WAniD IXBAXCIAL. DON'T 8E'P CAUOnT The get-rich -em Ick msn. tho wildest miser, tho. gu Ida to full pockets, ths backet-shop msn,'' or other hot-air pro , mntaro wltb their premiers of big dividends ' will rleaa yoa eat If yoa are not Posted. The Financial World etpoeee them sil ssd coe stsntly protects Its readers eralnet losses. It tenches bow to Invest Intelligently and speculate successfully. If Interested In min ing, oil. Indnstrlsl. plantation, rsllrnsd stocks; or bonds, you rsneot sffnrd tn be withonlt thle paper snd Its free-sdvlro bureau. - Send far free semple copy sow. It wilt opes inur eyre. Addreee lulaclal World, . S7B cklllef HU Chicago. ' , r ... hA-Aliie-hnMae emk S44L. ' K30a PhOBO Msla B41A WANTEDTO bXVT. OWNERS AND AGENTS Will And U te their advantage to llet 'their vacant booses ssd . Bats with out Free Rental Department. Our vacant bouse dlrertorr has become a recos Blsrd lnslllutlua la Portlaad," baadreds ot tenants belnc weekly Disced In suitable quarters. - We make no charge whatever , and owners should take advantage of this service by ealilug st our rental departmoat - ssd Blllnf la an 'Information Blauk." If you have a vacant - boose, phone too par- - tlcalara snd leave ths rest te BA Wa woa'l allow It to rrmala long Idle. sh, U bOWAWIlS. tfOtilllrPt'RNlBnBB; .Iree Ksntal Depattmeat. too to - ID I Flrat st. BOOMS la all porta af tho etty. farsUkiA Apply AA0 Ooodnoagb bide. rBZPOSITlOM ACCOMMODATION BURBA X , Vwtm dlpactloa of the LewU aad CTUrfe Pats . . Corporatloa, . ." '' " Phono Mala AMS WB save raTle every eafw Weant tMrsea eao rurnrsbed heaeosr Intt year Meusity wits as: ws will do tba rest. Uubea i Tacgart, lot Sixth at, - WANTED To rant by young man, neat, mod- rrm luriuaaea rooia wita piaoo- or ywse ok aame; must ba reasonable and close laj state pries. Address a 42,. cere Journal, - - WANTED By a lady satralogist, a small nn- rurnsioeo cons re or a cteaa turpisaeo rooms. B. Barnsader, T82 Thurmsa St. TO BENT A small house or pert of houss on east siae, not farther out than Thirty-iearta st. 1 Address A A cars Journal. - WABTIle-JlIAl. ZSTATZ. - WANTED To l bay nouses from S1.800 ta siv.uuv. on cast sad west Slue; aise vscaot amperty ; also large And, snail IsraM la all parte .it the atate. HOBAN A T AGO ART. -p r.J. Boom A 109 H SUth at." WANTED Income nronerty kp to 110,000, and put ia nneiy improved rarm oa isaee una road,-4.ouo, as part pay.. Call 4(1 Flrat St.. or address p. Mlcheis. Tmetdaie, Or, - P0B BXBT lrVBjrrSBXD BOOKS. "."""i SLT,,:!,. Blabed; rooms light, sunny; plenty of freak air; location convenient tor either badness or fair; prlcse eeasoaabla. 48S Wasbtagtoo. NICELY tarnished roome, - permanent iraaaient, ia -aory qralrania eacatioa Pbouo. . bath, see: terms reasonable. Jefferson St., opposite city bslL Taks Fifth or Jefferson St. ear .from union depot. 1.40 PER--WEBtf-Nsely-farulabed stngls rooms, new bouss, close ss ana over loosing fair grounda, bouse stsnda awsy from main " thoroughfares that's why the rooms ere cheap. Apply J. Oks. 6v4 Guilds ava. (TBB RAMANN, 1SS N. lth ear Dort Newly F furnlahed rooms, 11.60 ap; convenient loeatioa. 15 minutes walk to fslr arounds: Morrlsoa car at aaioa depot direct ta hooao. Phoao S470. GOOD eleaa reoms st fair groan da; Portland mineral eprinav Hotel; rreo 'Pus at oepet, rates BOs and II: line meala sse; 400 teat from mala gate. Twenty -elith aad Bavtsr. THE CECIL NiceTjr" furnished rooaas with or - witnout Board, centrally located, on direct . rerllos to exposition and depot; resaouable terms. Bl North Park at. ; .. .. ,.-,, TRANSIENT or permanent . nicely furnished rooms la private family; large yard with sbsde trees. 11 Cherry St., doss to steal brldgs. - , ... .,-'' .,.. THB O ABLE rtrmlshed rooms, light, stry. ree- sousnie, - witn area Brest; a car tines, neat Twenty -eevinth aad Taggart sts. Kaat SuuA THB ALDERS One larre. - Blcelr furnlahed room: also small alao small stngls rooms, .' Including bath. rDne, Mala 1961. SOS Alder, soar SUth. KELLOfrO hewsK 1S4 Sherman, taks S car e south t clesa kxlrlnea 20c. meals 20c: far- . nlaned housekeeplng-rooBis, laaadry and beta. VISITORS to fair will find cool.' cheerful, newly .- fvnlehed rooms, with excellent cuisine ' snd home comforts at The Montgomery, S84 Alder. 1 NICELY furnlahed rooms for rent with gas snd bath, BUB Corbett at-, right aa car Ha Taks S ear soatlr. Win pay to look this up. NICS furnlahed sing Is room ssltable for ons gentleman, with or without breakfast; arl ' vite residence; close. In Phono Baat SS90. ' BOOMS, wall fun Is bed: also one with S rooms; cheap for cash or will exchange tor real estete. Address aT .02. ears Journal. MARQTTAM BODBS. 14SH Btb Roeme sn salts or stngls; Aoneekoeplng aooma; gas atovsa, bath, electric lights: traaslents snUdted. HOTEL NORTHERN. Twelfth aad Marshall . Nicely furnlahed housekeeping -reoms from 10 par month ana ap; tree paoas ana . Beta. THB BRLLETUB, 218V4 POurtb St., ear. Sal- mon Newly furnished rooms ar the day ar week; terms reasonable. Hood T01. , MICELT furnished rooms for rent, 644 Sixth, between Jsckaoa and Lincoln ata.; bath aad near rata ss, car una. . FOB RKNT OoeL pleasant third floor room. . sultabla for 1 or t gentlemen; SS for A, 10 for A T7 rsttygrova sr.. . - S FuBNISHED rooam, beta. gaa. near Irving. ton tract; good carllne; caeep. 680 Morrla at. Paoas East BOO. -. BOMB well furnlahed rooaas. bow bow aad cleea) Ks. ostk sna pBonoi trsaeient ar North Slsteeeth. et.. , neat. NirS, eunny front room, prtvste rsMdsncs, SIS per month: with or without kreskfsat. ' Phone Beat IU0. Sf.lCEP on Portlaad Helrhts. try It: ' S10 ts 1B monthly,' Bee homo.. Address 65, ears Journal. . FURNISHED rooms, OOr, eJe end ft wp. Twee, ttetb and wsahingtoa. not ana, sold baths. Tba Howland. ' . NEATLY farntabed - front room sultsMo for . two; good location; rent - reasonable Bit Northrup sr. . . THB GLADSTONBAlSVs Savior st. faralsbed s Baser new msaagemenii geiees ree- CHEAPEST and beat located rooms la Portland, SI week aad ap. Gilawa. First and Alder sts. FOB BENT Furnished front room. $3 60 per for B gentlemen. . 41 north riflk at TWO furnished rooms with sse of kitchen. BS1 Everett Bear 14th st on carllne to fair. 414 JEFFERSON,- cor. Eleventh New bouse, bow furnishings, modera, re ss no able rates. -BOOM bouss,- furnlahed or unfurnished. Pbons Union 1801 bet., is sad 13: HO, S aad 6:60. THB - IDYL Nicely furnlahed rooms; ressonablei trsnelcnt 2S4H Morrleoav FURNISHED rooms xfie snd ap: hatha. Davie Hotel, ' corner Clay and Water, ' i 111 Ths SS B pleaaant basement-rooms. nnfuralahed. Apply tns Hau, ai ruin, ear. nail. CLEAN, I per- day. rwly fnrnlsbed roome, 60s te T6s lua Norta BsvsauoBta st, v BOOMS front S2.60 ap. 206 Whltakor at oaa block mm csrune. isae a car. THB CABTLB 72 Washington st furnished rnone main soiu. v NEWLY fnrnlsbed rooma with bath and gaa; no cauaren. a-aone eooe. ... : . FURNISHED rooms with kitchen, street near lth; 65. - " 6S1 Everett BOOMS for rent from $1.29 ta S2 nor, wssk. 40B Everett St. ., FURNISHED ff,ilht boueekeeplng, BOO Harrison. FURNISHED KSJ.1. 428 Stark. Pbons Mala srontxH lxsoiTS. COUNTBY CLUB INN. Ho4 Blver. Oregon fine oak grove, good table, spring water, tennis, hosting aad fishing; now open. . COOL place for ths summer for. ladles snd . children. , Address I B. Merer laud. Use too. ..Oregon.. - , i. . FOR BENT Furnlahed cottage -at Clatsop eeaca.' Aoorsso n . x. ntepnens, neaaiqa, or, BAYS S, and -roots eottsges te rent at Long Beech. Loula Salomoa, 112-First at. FOB RENT MIBCTLLABEOUA FOB RENT Hotel. 20 roorne, famished, Brat- class, , nos onsineea mcaiioa, water,, largs yard, stable; possession August 1, - Jobs looms e, Gresbam, Or, FOB LEASE Upper Boor, Torino, Morrison . near poatofBco; Binders), elevator, best. Ad dress C 43, cars Journal.,; .; -ivr-- V fob Bin rotnra. B. B. EDWARDS Houseftiralsher. nttVTil. Ikl'lklUPVT. '"DwtTllnaa of ail kwaa and In all parrs of the city are listed with us. Ws have the Boost aomplcts directory of vscaat bouses In town, snd If yoa cuutvmplato moving It will par roe ta visit oar rental department. We are euro to have a plaos Urn you. tollowlug Is a partial list: , " . ; wreae amn 1 - "S rooms, centrally toasted ......7... .If B rooms. Third street ' 20.00 B-TOouf ooiisc, new, toodera. ,i.,Uuu. ?' ?5 I 1 room, central ...... .......7... I0.O0 . B room Sat, bow 1A00 ' S rooms, one very large, sentrsl .... 22.S0 - A room house, eeodeza. Bus loeatioa 40.00 - 1 room, ceotral, gas, balk 1AO0 -rH?ni flat . , , ,;,.. ,,,s o.oo y 6-roou Bat, new, good kcatioa ........ 2H.0O B-roum awuae, aaodera, 6th at 40.00 . 10-room house, gas. .bath, electricity . PO.00 S rooms, bath, gaa, etc m-"0 -reoaTflet. atrlctly modera .......... 2O.U0 I T-rooei bouse ........... I 0 1lOreeeae, betb an gaa-m,.-4We- 4 -.. .. BAST siua. 1 x'-r- 8-rooaa bouse, fslr condition 4. ........ 12 00 rooms, bath ,. 12 00 f -room cot I ase. tuat remodeled ...... lb.00 S-mem Bat. bath li-W "Till v ' Aeooa houaa, new, bath, sag ........ l".t0 4-room boue, modera ...M.n. 23.00 B-room bouse, good condition ........ 1H.U0 6-room cottage, new, Beliwood line , .., 15.00 T-room Bat. kuaaell at 1A.00 .B-room bouse, 12th at 16.00 o-room hooee. hau, gaa, good repair,. xu.u - S rooms. Alblaa avanue T OO T-room bouse, new, modera , . 25.00 12-rooia bouse, new, Richmond car .... 65.00 . Note No Informatloa regarding these bouses can bar riven over Boone. ... , TU. B. EDWARDS Htmsefuralshsr IsA to 1M1 First su NEW - a-room boohs en southwest earaot ot Haaeock and Eaat Twenty-olxth St.; ceawat ' cellar, bath, furnace, gaa and electric llghta. It. M. Lombard, 614- Chamber of Com merer - or SuO Hancock St. ' -i''- DKMGHTt" CLLT located A ream -cottage, ocean rront, ueer depot and Bctele; aoaptea to two small femlltca. Scott T2. or UU Bast Oak. EADDERLY TRAN8FER-COMMirslON CO. nana sad furniture moved promptly oy sm porleaced men. 110 Third st. Mala 1885. 6-ROOM house for rent: hot snd cold water Baecmcnir very arariy new; eio per bmwib. laqulre A4T Broadway. . NEW, modern 6-room cottage st Eet Forty- third snd Tsvlor; very favortbla terms, sea Myers, 22B Second et . slETJBNJSiiBB -hoosa at - Lnng- Bosc.- Wash.; ZVrrmKT "'a1' tor bouaekeeplngooms. Paoas POUBrooa cottars, nice lawn.' fruit' and cellar; no cbildcea, Apply tUrO Montana ava. r ' 11 KOTJaXS FOB BENT F DAB ITU AB T0B, SALE. FOB bast retmlts oa - ' r rr- "FUBNITURB," '." : T . Whether to boy or sell, ring up Vsln 5636. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS.'- ' . 211' First st, , .. . BIGHT rooms weU furnlahed. good business chance; also one wltb ave rooms; cheap for caah: will exchange, for real'sstete. , Address X 62, . csr. JoornaL ...:. - - FURNITURE of a B-room houss for sale, 6450; new plane included; close in, west side, nsase full; a snap for caah. Phono Mala 4535. - A MODERN Broom bouss for rant: desirable : loeatioa; rurniture tor ' aale. 646 -- Bamery att- t-c- r -., PUBNITUBB ot 4-roota bnoas for sale: for rent, 68 monthly. 646 Fourth sti S1B0 GOOD furniture, rooms;- b or not. 44 Bast Seventh st., i tor rent north. BENT free, four rooms, sis months; sell fnrnl, tors, SISO. 93 Ualon are; n -- r ; FOB SALE Fnralrure of 5 -room cottage, cheap. ceil ill Kieventn ee. -BOOKS ABO BOABS. TES, we saa asaommodsta a few more table . boarders; homo cooklnf sad svsry thing Bret class. Aster bouse, eleventh aad Msdlaon. Pbeoe Mala 6231. '-..e- . TBB -IBYINO EleguBt accommodatlona. an exorbltaBt charges: dining-room la con. aectloa; prices right. Cor. 18th snd Irrlan. TBB Undell New family hotel. Market, be. - twees Third and Fourth, steam beat, electric light psrsslsln hatha, exceedingly lew rates. WANTED About S roomers and boarders. $30 month; private family. 451 Blackiatooe, st,, off Wllaon Bear Twenty-Bret st. LADY Irving alone, aeet aids, wis bee as give board and room; homelike la -every respect. Address B 1. cars JoaraaL BOOM and board for S young msn. private family, i walking distance. 20BH Cast Hal. say at. FOR RENT Room and board S geaUemea: Bear fair groan da. TIB Overton st. FUBNISHED room sad board for S ar B genUe : ssen. Phone Bast 6SSA FOB Birra H0USXBAXF1EO BOOMS. LABOR sew', elegsatly farnhdied housekeeping roaena, saltsbte for large pert lea; gas range. ' running water. The Lownedale, BOeVk Alder. fl PEB WEEK Furnished rooms, boua.kesp lag - privllegaa. 0. H. Plggott, rawyst, ewasr. Phone Bond 960. 4 Mulkay bldg. BOUSBREEPINO-BOOMS; reasonable rates, electric llghu and phono locloded. - 801 H -. Wstec St. THB LINDA TISTA, alcely furnlshrd aoueekeep. Ing sad slagla rooaas reassnsbls. 247 Vs t lfu. FUBNISHED Boneekeeplng-rooms (1.60 ts 22 par - week. OS Pettygrova st.r aser rsir grounoa. HOUSEKEEPING-BOO MS, famished and n- furalahed, cheap. Tl East Aleveath, nertA TWO furnlahed raoroa, ass ef laundry, bath. gae; reaaonabla. Phone Kaat Two. S FUBNISHED hoosekeerd rig -rooms, plane, for one ssoaui. SM coliegs. - . ... FOB BtarrOFTICX-BOOMn. 0FTICE and deekroom to rent to right party; cheap. Inquire 221V Morrlsoa aL. room. 6.- 0PPICB-ROOM for rent, second Soot. OossV aoagh bldg. Apply elevator. . FOB BJtVT UAL XSTAtB. TO BENT Quarter block fads aula entrsnos to Lswls sad Clark fair for dancing pa. vuion, Aopiy to w. a. uitiii Motai rsir mount. 20th and Upshur. an i i i ri i i urn i i Jim . 2. FOB BXBT FAAXA - FOR RENT 6 acres ef lsnd, aU ta cultivation. Bast Jforty-thlrd snd Seetloa. Line road. W. i G. Beck. BUT The FslUng. . FOB RJUTT FLATS. ' i FOB BENT A new modern Sat of 6 rooms snd bstht furnished If desired) adulta only. In. quire 66 Eaat Elghtseath St., cor. Washington. FOB BBNT Plat. 6 rooma. res sous bis rent. Inquire 6Vt . Stark at., corner Twelfth. fob Bjor-. stobzs. -4 ' mfim w a,MH. eowRA Importing Co., 168 FUtb SL FOB KtBT CAKPS. BXTBNBIVB' shady and completely errs aged . camp grounds; spsee for rest by week or Bsonta; reeayaro; write roe cirouiara. A a dreaa . West Ave one Camp Grenada, Mount Tabor BtaUoa, Portlaad. . . . , SKYLAND, PortUnd Heights Ths best located cemp grsunds In the city) BOO feet above rlvert 10 minutes' waik,.sr x niocaa; 66,0a, Mala svBS. v . - CAMP COMFORT Furnlahed tents for balaaos . of Jaly st snoot pries ssvlng ef ear fare. Twenty-fifth snd Savier. . - - S0KISTXAD BIXWatriSHJIXBTS. ..'. HOMESTEAD. . Ws csa locate you on a Brst-elass bemeeteed In the famous Whits Salmon fruit belt; good soil, snms timber, spring water, Don't writs, eat coma If you waat It. Wa charge 1100 for loeatioa. Address White Satanoa ad Co., White, Salmon, Wssk. Send for GOVERNMENT lomestesds In eastern Oregon, . where they relet good crops without Irrigation. I For free Infornlatlon. Inquire room 523 Good- nouga rmcg. rain anq lamnin irase rieva tori, from B a. m, ta T p. ., today and onij. . 1 I AXB KT1L UTAXX nun anon niivg (15.000 will buy s full block with Urge 1 12-ruom - oourt sad Sne lot of fruit tress, oa Mount Tabor carllne, - Thla Is ths Sueet boats larva lor asls la fort land; eaay tarwa. . , ' 60.500 terge Ill-room bouee and ' quarter . buck oa Twelfth and Weld lev. Don't fall to look at thla property before buying; It -will please yoa; will sell an ths Installment P"A ,.,.,.,.1,- t ".'t'.:Jri4 S lots an Jobanon et.."' between .Twenty second ssd Tweuty-thlrd stAooe of them a . corner lot, - , ,. .. . t- 61,600 -foramfi bouee snd coruer-1o o the sorner at Tenth snd Hhavar; will taks S200 cash, balance easy time. r " ' "2 Srst-clsse business lota OS Waahlngtoa at. I lot 60x100, Sixteenth, aad Alder; thai la a good bay at 68.000. - " ' Lets from too to 6400 In that beautiful alts ef YKRNONt tba best ef teraia given. ';' '. , "', MOORB INVK8TENT CO..' ' SIXTH ST. MAIN it. .. , . '-. 'it TT rf ' OTTO CBCCKBTT.'-'-r""''"-'"-J45H Washington. Paoas Black 2ST1. Wa offer fur sale Boms Very rare bsrgslas ' aad good terms. . 5 -room modem, cottage, fall basement, . 1,8A0; 650U aowrC balance. $10 or AIA ncr .. month. ... ... 6-room cottage, ' well finished, "lot BOtlOO, ' fruit.; aw do wntb4 lanes to- suit -roum Bonee. fuH lot. fenced", water la .- yard. luOO; 63"0 down, terms on balance. Small boase wltb nice yard and all kinds ef berries, price fooO; 6260 6 6400 down,. Urns on eeuusce. T-room mndorn-hnnss tir best residence dis- trh-t, 83,000; would trsds for Improved 6 ' scree. , . ,' Aad aeverHl other aloe residence properties -en eaat and Wrat a idea. Vacant lota In all rts of ths- city from (50 per lot upward, very goodipronnalllon -within-one block of " fslr grounds : 6176 will toko It. Koomlag. bouses of sit descriptions snd prices and a - largs Hat of farms for sale. '' ' COMB AND 8EEI. .. " 64.800 A very attractive, highly Im prove (Bne buildings) 66-acre place, 6 "allies -ssst of Montavilla. ." 63.000 Very hsndaome B-rooan residence en Rodney svs Upper Alblna. 7 6A5O0 For a nice 2o-acrs piece with living wsier, .not over Btb miles rrora -rtty Bail. 8MI0 Beautiful,-new, hard finished 6-reom nottage, large lut, bearing fruit; a very eoay home; oa Wsbssh sc, blocks to can. - - 8050 Laat chance to get aa 800 tot Oa Esst Tweuty-elgbth at., near Belmont, - 8325 For t lots near Belmont and FurtistB ata. . - - - . - Tou'11 never ref-the "hergalns nntfl yea lea THB DUNN-LAW RKNCB CO., l-c- .... 140A' First at. ' . 8075 8100 down and 815 a month, 6-room boose and barn, corner let, two blocks from - cariine. 800 6-room bouss. flns Bstsh 81.000 6-room bouss. half block from ear Use. 8500 6-room bouse..- . 12,250 Flaset modern 6-room hoaae ta Part land oa carllne. - ' -Other houses st from 6400 ap; easy payments 85 s 1 moatti wlU bay .fo- i aas'kriB SeU. BE1XWOOD T0WN81TB CO., ' . Ualon 141. A BARGAINOwner must sell; a good T-room bouse near West Park: kovestlgsU tkls. -Nhb ltttrf boms tn Suoeyalde, S nice rooms .. sad balk, lot 60x100; just the thing- for a . amsll. family; 81,400. ' A good homo nonth of Sunayslde, lH-etory house, 6 large rooma. balls, large brick basement; a large quarter block beautifully , kept;.aa Ideal homel-aar -oae wanting a - bamo ahunld Investigate tataw Pries . enl) $3,150. , ' M. .... - OBCNDT-MBLBATH'CO. ""T. 24V fctorrlsoa at., room IA Phoee Bed 2671. WILL buy yea a tot aad build Stasis te suit la ,-eny part of ths dty. ' - - $ 60 caah, $10.00 monthly, , gets $ 400 boms, ino cash, 1250 monthly, gets 41 a) boats, .. 150 caah, 15.00 monthly, gets f ,0tM homo. 1 250 cash, 20.00 mouth ly, gets 1.500 heme. 850 caah, 25.00 moatbly, gets , Aula) home. . , cash, 85.00 monthly gate 8,000-hems. If roe ere interested we shell be pleased te . Best yea; no expense for plaaaand estlmstes. BOSTON BUILDINO CO., . T40 Chamber of Commerce. B0 ACRES of choice leed. TO acres ta alfalfa; - this Is one ef ths flnsst proposlt toes la Msl heur county. It will produce from B te II tons ot alfalfa per acre sanoally aa-l will ' produce la abundance any kind of ' trait known te the temperate bobs. Some Idee ef the value sf this property can ba g waned - from the fact that it reats annually for 8O0 caah per year asd renter para taxes. Price ' fa.OOO: 6TDoO down, bale ace en saay terms. ' For farther particulars ta regard te thla tr ether proper tlee. addreee -i , C. T.-M'DANIKfar Oarbtrle, Or. " HOMES FOB ALL AT LOW FIGURES. S 6 roouis. taew house, sear ear, $1,100, $26 down. $16 a month. S 6 rooma, new house. Bear ear, $1,200, $54 sows. $16 a month, , -room new boasa on oar-Una, $800,. H cash, - balance to sclt. DUBOIS A SHKRWO0D, 20514 Morrison stf a. FINB 6-room cottage, Thirteenth nesr Powell; lot 60x100, lots of fruit and Dowers, $1,200; $200 cash, balance $16 per month. ' New 6-roosn cottage, modern, Bna bath and . toilet anO esah. 16 .nee month- Flos B-room bouee, lots ef ales fruit snd sbsde la yard, 8 rooms rent tor $12 per : month; $1.6"0, half eaab. ;.-,-r '. ellllil V1U1M A. CA SIB Alisky MugT " "Phavae Wssfc-ealwi . ,, ' , FOB SALE. " - 6, A T, B-room houses built to order and r sola on the Installment plan; prices from S 1,000 to $2,000; also equities In ewer a 1 ouaas for aaln or will exchange for vacant :.lota; alao vacant lota -for sale at Seevlew, .Long Beach aneVTIogai Bna boose for rent la Holbday Park addltioa. William 0. Beck, SOT, ths Falling. . y.-. . , .. . - FINB modern bouses la Holladay Park sd , dittos must be sold at ones; owaer leaving town; alee 10 Bus lots with cement sldewslh. sewer In, Improved street, also Ball Baa . water. For Informatloa see William O. Beck, No. SOT Falling bldg., of. B., Bios, Twenty, "" Second and Wssco ata. , , SKLLWOOD LOTS. 85 A MONTH. $75, $luo, $125. $150 and $200. Lots scar asw wooiea mine; lota Bear leeroei carune ia Portlaad: Bne schools I Bull Bna water. Phone Ualon 14BI. ' . , 8ELLW00D TOWNSITS CO.. Office at Beliwood and at 222 Falling bldg. FOR eSALB A awKtera eoreer brick block, a. . story -and bass went, 4 storeroome, 40 rooms ; furnished , will sell all -ec separate st bod .rock prices; -elao 1 mooern p-mota resldsncav : close to R usee II of. vsn. Willis me ave.; good income piupei 17. inquire, ox nr. a Tha Falling bldg. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE eLsrgs snd small tracts of - land. Improved 4 and unimproved dty property, e few good timber-claims and soma good homes leads; In tact. If yoa ara looking for dirt don't fall to see ua. North west Lead Co., 211 Allaky blOg AN Ideal suburbia boms of 10 acres, d miles , southwest of, city, oa earttne; H Is caltlvs , tlon. balance small Bra: adapted to berrlea aad ' poultry 1 park': soil ths 1 very I beat. Price -very few, $l,M0i .terms.. Address A A ears JoaraaL .... , - FOR SALE 10 acres eh sloe lasA IS miles frost - Portlsnd. suitsble tor a bomef eestly lav BroveA kasdy to B. B. stsUou, bostlesdlog and good roads; good sotL For particulars address A. B. Folkeoberg, Bolbrook. Or. $1600 d ACBES wall Improved, all la Bae fruit, -fair buildings. 4 blocks from ear line, Csa be bought on very eeey terms) lev ' mediate possession 1 will take part la real eetste. Call 107tt Third at. . ACRES near Lasts snd accessible te 2 eer .lines; very flee soil; no gravel: rsnslag Water) $H00 per sere; $200, beleaed eeay terms: other land adjolalaa selling st $4M O 41, vara Journal. FOB BALE Modern enrmrbsn cottage, close ro- ear line,- Bne bvatloo. grnun4 100x100. O.. W. P. Townslte to.. 184 r'trat St.' '.. t , .1.1'. 111 --'' '-''c-t -t -;".-"'.'. ''"" A FEW lots for sale oa easy terms Bear feec line; wood - residence nelghnnrhood. Apply Joha Bala, room 2, 224 Stark at," ,' .')'.'' . ' ' ' I . j - f- 1; lot i.. tel. 1, 1 '7rfat t (' of a.. J. Ja.a... .J t a, e cv v m . H i .a 1 a c r -oee-r at.. korrtooa1 B4. WY e-t t r s . e vm I save se ir 4 ea keeil s.l essr'... nuich ea be I '.t oa easy teraw? , ,un N. hoc.ue, 1. m btma4 svs.. too IA FOR SALS wn,r 1,,,, lou,),), small colraee. Tr. . . Uv; i-ie. Vi W VH "ALU Nsw house, rental value $. price v 6.000; pert esse, balance easy tera; ad, au Investment or for a boms. uok this SB. Address 0 40, eare Journal. n ' . f FOR 8ALB-S best r"isacs ts In Raw. . tnorses rust at . block 'from publ n senool and e.r,.... I."' bsi-culBJ --- quire - Bud Wsauiugtoa at.' , . - CHSAP 100x112 feet; beautiful bonuel'e aee .. l-awthorne te. ; surest Improved. Hear, areteA ssd suads treee; terms easy. O, i Mo2 Laod, Asd tailing bins. -.. J UNIVERSITY PARK BABGAIN A Bqw mode era col tags of 4 rooma, with bath, toilet. ' IT'XI Alder 'it 60l'1U0 0ulr .lu? -' GOOD BUY 4 or 10 sens, handy to ear; easy torroa and long time; alao 1, acre with a. room boeae and orchard, I rani Mslvla, Corns merclsl bldg. 1 ., TOJlkkK0S?!M ,u. asedsm, lot fenced. fruit trees, 8 blocks from cert caah or terms! . P. i. Ryder. Montavilla. Phone Mala 564. I TO 1NYE8TORS Fine bctefc block on lOOitni), L" corner; Income over 12 pea cent; will doublat it",'J910' Mtlon;' Sin, BdsselTat.: SELWO0D SNAP A 8-room bouss with 4 lots,' creek running through place, suitable - foil chkken-rsacb. Call at . zl Alder St. LOT foe esle- cheep by owner en East TayleB :.anr 'twentieth eta.; bo agents. W. Psttersotu : sua Yamhill st,. or 601 Cast Taylor it, .TT, SKLLWOOD HOMES FOB BALE Two 6 rooma . aud oeo-4-roem bouee, dose to ear Una,, at a bargain. - Call, at 281 .AlJstaL- . ... MoDBKN houss snd 8 sorea- en carllne, 20, ' minutes ride from renter sf city, $2,000. v Alpine Caw 152 Flrat at. . , . FOB SALB or sxebsaae. 11V4 seres IbhsmJ. IVs miles 0-MeotevUlUns.lnqulre t owner, 414 Belmout. , , , - - ". MMMMS "' MOUNT TABOR 100x100, on carllne, T rooms. - - betb, barn, sll kinds ef fruit, sasy terms. Owner, 120 TblrA .- S rHOICB corner lota tn Stswsrt Park foe - Inquire M.' . Tomllnsou, 240 Madlasa at- room I,-Upstairs. . . FOR. SALE 6-room houss, lot 6OH02. streei Improved; Brico $600, -Bart caah. .Onset. . lubO Deaver ave. ., - .-- ; .... .... .. $1.660 New B-room cottage and t large toes, on cor. Urtnd ave. aad Soarsr st. Bee awasrs, - 8V4 Bh4vsr St.- .'- -. " " -V ' - . rom i ere BALE 6-room b- eat Dae wlttC . fruit Uee, eu Iseulce - 2ai .Basl lltlh at '.'... FOB' SALE Two lots on Lew Joy betweea 24tsJ . and 25th stA Write I. A. Stowell, St. Jabas, . T Oregon. 1 COB; 8ALE--2 lots In Bell wood 1 Bee Iscetlav"' ; 1 block from carllne. A, MltlehBer, Vans FOB 1 BALE 1 and B-scre trsds nesr esrllaee . H mils from MUwaukle postofftce. C K. Bale lard. -'.', ... . j' , 1. -. .. . . 6-ROOM bouee, Cheap far sash. Isqalrp U ah Remington, Boaemont ave Muntavllla car. . HOU8K8 built ea eeev pay meats! lots fumlsbed) If desired. SIS Commercia bldg. . Mela lOeOj FOB BALE Cheep, lots la Lower Alblna snj laetallmeats or cash. Inquire 171 Market st,i TEN acrea garden land: saay terms, low la teres t; $750. 210 Baat Thirty -sUth st,- ., DK8IBABLB residence lots st a sacriBee. : Drv u. as. uavu. owaer, aoa Waamereial at. - t or esstj DESIRABLE residences snd tots, weal aide. Apply forenoons 44B Third at. NEW 4-room cottage, cbesp. . H. T. Cummins. - Nashville atatlon. Mount Scott carllne.. 1 ATTBACT1VB homes. 6 and S rooms; bath, gaa, . Bice shrubbery. 1083.. 1'roBt at 1 . 4" BARGAIN B-room houses aad tot . teriv" $I.BuO. l-bone Scott 20 it. v.-r - 1 - t . aajTcarr-Tt iibi 11a j aauiiu jmi iisii it 1 " ssjs&mm"". " '""f fob stti BnacrrjrawoTJn. s ' BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rant eg fog- , sale on assy payments. ' 1 THB BRUNBWkK-BALKE COLLBNDBB CO, I 46 Third st.. Par Usd A . . ' WB nrtnT yoar" aame oa 80 calling cards, prepeg . . .slaa snd style. 264. 250 bualaeae carda, $1. Brown A ScbBMle, 22B First, Portlaad, Ore4 GRAND concert graphopaoae, large brass hornj . aad 40 records la very good condition for' sale cheap, phone West 82, 100 W. Fourth st, SEWING machine.- latest 1 -drop bead New Home, just from ti from factory, never been I ancrated; aheap for cash. Phone best 1004.1 LAUNCH for tale, length SB feet, 1$ B. P. sa4,.Jsrgs ca raring capacity I price Verjf cheap. Address H UB, care Journal.,. . FOB i'SALB Beautiful unrtght otsBO. , ressDoable; parties 1 laevlng dty. Address H 72, care Journal. AT HALF COST to new, Yam-Yam cots.' Buttresses and bedding. . J. Laadlgaa. 1641 SharaMB at . , .. . 1 ... 1 LARGE aaltlnc yacht for sale cheap) eempletsit aaqaare ii,s nisrorep nvtm ' rwimis TELEPHONE brack sts aad pins. Pioneer Weed! Mfg. Co., B. Bevsnth,. moan Beet 2106V FOB SALE Smith Premier typewritsr. alBteefl nsw, bssssssbis. asareaa a an, journal. FOR SALE 20-foot gaaollne tenach. can res toPal x -horsepower engine., rnone seat ion, FULL act car pen lev's tools, $30: all No. ll coes mm aauree D a, esure journal. FOR SALE Showrsse, stso snldflsh ana -. aquarium. Til w 11 llama ava. - . , I0B SALhl White foxteerter.xfemsls. Plsrnsl Union 2088 after 4 p. m. GASOLINE' Munch Union 1281. for sale ctssn.. PtMBdj .TO . XXOHABOB, u".':.In' EXCHANGE. "' " A"'' '.H " Spleadld farm, highly Improved, la southern), ' Wisconsin, worth 816,000, to exchange fori stock ef goods, etty property, or Und 1 .. 1 Oregon. Foil psrtlealara .... H. W. MILLER. lOBVi Slltrt St. ' ... ' FOB BXCHANGE- .-....'.' -.'-.. T , A Bne T-room modem houss In Pasadena,, Cal.. with 8 lots IBS front by 210, Sne lawa.l , ; pal tna. flowers, - etc., Portlsnd or suburbs u 1 property. Dnboto Sherwood, 205 ft Mor4 . ' Tleon. room A ' w - TO ' EXCHANGE Modem' 6-room ' bouse, lot, tetr, . stsble, etc., sn Wiuisms sve., close to Bw St., for stoca mercaaaaasa. . aouyt ' BrowneweU. . -.-..-.'....?- WILL trade SO acres of land two miles front f hm. Orsnde- for Portlsnd . property. J. O.l . Wssteijrd, Kenilworth - addltioa." lbooe TO EXCHANGE We , bare farm sad ritri property to exebsags, one for t'other.. Which) ' way are yon going? Boom 211,- Allaky bldg.1 YOB fULB SCBTP. FOREST RRSSkVB SCRIP FOB BALE Ap proved, anreatrtoted, ready for Immediate asetU - lowest prices. B. F. A F. B. Blley, Bunt Cham bee of Conmerce. CERT1FIEO scrip. Immediate dsllvsm, rrrweet , pnrvs; nmncr-mnns Doecsi ana sold., rr w ' Howell. 6K6 Cbember v 01. . Commerce. BOB BAIX TTBBXB, TIMBER claims and homesteads We hits what ws represent; yellow pise claims, x. -Ouo.OOO per quarter aectloa. - A. B. Mathews A Co.. room 6, 1864 Flrat St., Portland, Or.., FOB SALE Two homestead relinquishment cUlms; seeond growth) 'Will seU sheep, hi, P. Nlelsoa, Hotel Rbeinpfals. r FOR horn es tea as. timber -claims and farm lands see A, E. Mathews Oe., 221 Morrlsoa at,, 'room 8, Portland Or. . 46 ACRES timber-land. Yamhill ennnty, S2O0, Appiy 630 Mlaalaalppl sts. Toons lulea FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claims audi serin apply to 604 Commercial Tti. "