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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
Tiis oRzcoir daily jouijai; roRTLAKD. ted: :z:s ay lvz::i:;o. j'iiY n. u: , ' . -- tittle-' likelihood That Badger - Crew WiH :Compet Nxt: ' r:T'YM jn Hudson; f " ''. --7tF0R CAME STRUGGLE .- i ... i' . '' - .: ... Many of tha . Opinion That Yale - ;-f and Harvard Should Row, in Regatta, r i (Jocrnal Special tt1c.) -... New York. July-11 The college boat races -are aver, and the jeioiclna ,Tlr--tWfif of hitory. It tetmi a pity thai' .there should be. two regattas. wheal one would furnish much batter port, .and would-in addition demonstrate which 1a the-best-of he-college crawa. If Tale and Harvard cannot aee their . way. ciar jb m to. .rougnaeepsie ana Tight It out witfl-au-thi why would it not bspoaalbl. to lot the 'winner tt the Poughkeepsta ' race Into -the Thames eventT' - It Is not Improbable that there' will .. a change la tba Pougtakeepale x aatta next year. Tha Impression' pre vails among close followers of college . rowing that tha showing of Wisconsin ' rn tba Hudson last Wednesday will mil ttato against thajgtura-wt a. craw la not. .., ,. . -..- - Tha Badgers ara under heavy expen In Journeying to and from Peughkeepale each - yaax, - and their abaoluta failure ' thla rear makes tho burden doubly hard. The fact that both tha eiarht and f our. oared crawa finished last la tha rteea fa which they competed was- a moat discouraging feature, and from remarks ' made after tha regatta, tho improaalon - rained around -that -the weatern -unl-4 varsity- would not be represented at tha Intercollegiate ' rosatta next year. 1 Another craw that can from a .dis tance and upon whose. ahowlDg- much .. depended waa Georgetown. Tha aouth ernera hare always found the expense of the trip a heavy drain upon tho atht . letlo fund, bat tho great battle put up by tba Washington eight with' two alck men In tba shell, waa a revelation to their supporters, and tha Blue and Oray will be on hand again next June to ; maarura Mpdes with the- other eights. There la also talk to tba effect that tbe United. StateeuNaval-aoadeair-wlU enUr a crew la tha regatta of ItOt. j- The-sailors Ehd an exceptionally fast I. eight thla year, and. defeated Columbia, ,Yalaa Pennsylvania and ... Oeoagetown. Tha showing made a-great impression at Annapolis, and tho middles are -now looking for larger fields to conquer. ' A veteran oarsman said la discussing this possibility: "I hardly believe that Annapollo will enter the regatta next year. If West Point could ba per suaded; to enter a crew, thea an entry from Annapolis would ba a certainty." ;.- There has been desultory talk of a crew from the military academy for ' several years, but nothing has aver come pf it. There .la no reason that an epl alder can see why -the soldiers should iot take up rowing aa well as football and baseball. With tho Hudaaa at their . front door they would , have unrivaled training facilities, and the auooess of the other athletic teams indicates that art j eight: from Weat Point would ba- a for midable proposition. V', ; ' ? JPha annual rayatta, of the --Middle Itetes Regatta aasoctaUon-wlll be held t Philadelphia on Labor day. Septem ber 4. . Tha regatta committee, which i set 'thai time aad placa for tha annual 'meeting, decided on a, program of 14 yowlng events, consisting of single and double - sculls. : four-eared, eight-oared and centipede races. In senior. Junior aad Intermediate classes. ' James PUldngton, of the Harlem. B C, hat been' selected 'as starter.-. , r .;" .- A feature of the recent development In yachting Is tbe gradual passing away of . tha . old1 auxiliary yacht.- Most of the big boats now building ara either out iAi a reduction of aboutrbne-third iTwo-piccc Suits of homespun and Mucjscrgc- beltt f to matclMealsumm AH i5l50 viiiuc to i r .$50 - All ?4.50 values reduced to . ; $3.25 : All $4.00, values reduced to . . $150 All $3.50 values reduced to ; . $25 & i Ml $3.00 values reduced to ; $2.00 i; ; Boys regulation Khaki Suits, $1.5Q , 1 CS OT ItM tit. iOctmen Stark O9K jf : Z2JjL.ri::z'3. sun nirmin: and out steamers or. auxiliaries... The Victory of the Atlantle In we recent ocean race la likely te give a boom to the latter type -of boat. . - They - really are- tbe Ideal pleaaure crafU combining the good potato of both sail fend iBteam yachts. That they can go under sail was demonstrated by tbe Atlantic's victory. At the same time they are not at -the mercy o( the wind, ot rather lack of .1. ? -.: RUNNING RESULTS v 4-- ON THE "TRACKS Iearaal gpeeial ;' - Seattle. July 11. Reaulta-of races: -Thif furlangarKlsbrook. woitraatoa second, bias third: time. o:lftt. Six .and one half furlongs Mr. Rob- son won, Headwater secono, atenaara thlrdr-ttme. 1:IH4. .-., Five frlongs--Macene a won. Lady Nlnera second,. Ught of JPey third? time, I:01U Four, furlong Queen cup won, Misa Provo ; second, . Bevepty . third; time, Blx. furlong Bol .LJcntenstein , won. Lady Kispar aeoond; The Pride third; time. 1:14 U. - 43naantta-and 0 .yarda. Marello- won. Capejo second, " Isabellita 'third; time, 4aV - At BrUrhtoa Kew tork. July, Ilir-Erlghtoa Beach rare renulta: urloncawSU. Estapha -woaanaia second. Sir Russell third: time, 1:15. Blx furlongs Hermis won, joeuna second. Incubator third;; time. 1:11 1-5. pne mile - ana one niiinrnrai won. Buttons second. New MowifHay third; time. 1:4 1-6. . ' . . The Seagate stakes, one IP lie ana one ei.rtnn uhtt Lark won. Coy Maid second. . Wild- Mint thtrtrlmeliSiZ-fii-J One mile and one ruriong uncaa won. Wot an . second. Woodsaw third; time. Trrv and '000 - half furlongs Snow won. cnialfonta-aecend, . BeU Snicker third; time, lrf7 8-S. ... '. ;! .' ' :.:.'l.r At' St. XKmls. .feCaC St. Louts. July 12. Dal mar tace re sults: .j Six - furlonsa Meehanua won, eani second, Mattie Spenoer third; time. 1:24. Four and one nan runangs gipnm Maid won Katharine L. aecond,- Kettle Roth third; time. !:". -- ' v ' Five and . one nair ruriongs conoa won. . Bequest secono, xrurnuno unra. time, 1:16. . :. Six furlongs xr. Bcnarrr won, or- seltop ' second, WllTowdene - third; tlms -One- Mile Delusion won, Borak aeo end, Anadarco third; timer! :6l -6. Six furlonsre Thank Heaven won. Outlaw second; Emma Myer third; time, J:t4. . --. - -- . - vrj:, . -AMERICAN LEAGUE, I t Won. Loat,: P.C. Chicago t ........... 41 14 . .4S1 Cleveland . . ......... 44,L2J 2 Philadelphia TT-r ir-J 211? ..414 IXtrolt , . ! 16 -.478 Boston. . ....,,.... 2-""t 4TS 462 S57 New Tork . ....... 3 5 6t Louie 25, , 45 Washington . t 24 . .,45, 348 At st, Zjoala,. ft. Louis . ..i. .1 7 t Washington . ....t 19 1 Batteries uiaae ana Koin; jacooson and Heydon. :, , -' At Setrott. , Detroit . . . ...... j t . 0 New York . . . . . . V I j 'l Batteries Donovan and Doran; Pow ell, Hogg and McOuire. C;i At Olarrelaad.. Cleveland . .................. .7 11- 1 Philadelphia- . . . 1 . . i .- t . ; .0-- Batteries Moorw-and Bemlg; Plank. Bender, Bchreck and Powers. .' Franchise Traaaferred, . ' (Joanal Spaslal Sat rice.) -Everett, July !. At the "baseball conference held here -yesterday it wag decided to transfer the Victoria fran chise In the Northwest Baseball league to Spokane.. Victoria did not protest the action. - . . The new. season commences July It, at" the close of the present series, with Everett, Bell Ingham, Vancouver - and Spokane In the league. , Tho. Victoria team goes to Spokane. 1 FOalTLAKD CEixATS THE VARY TIGERS Corbott Wa Given-Perfect Sup- . port . and He Mowed : Tacoma Down ' ' ? BRILLIANT' FIELDING -TTTT OrM'CREDIE'S MEN Atz and Schlafly ' Show the - Nortrjernera How to Han- :. die the SpaJdiqg. v;; V (Special Dispatch te Vae jneraaLj Tacoma. Waah., July II. Backed by faultless support In the infield arid, out field. Teddy Corbett annexed another gam yesterday 'for tba Portland bunch. Tbe game did not begin until :S0 o'clock on account of Mike Fisher's greafc desire te eater te everybody in tba city-and In cidentally to enrich the low Jreaaury of tha micbty Tlrere. Portland piayea one of the prettiest gamea ever seen in this city, and tha fans wenjtwlld over the remarkable work of Ata and Schlafly at short and aeoond. Emerson was la the box for1 the locals and aside from the third , and eighth Innlnga the clever young- twlrler bad things pretty much his. own Vav. -Runrhlnr at hits, how ever, in tbeae Innlnga coupled with a hit by pitcher ahT GrananTs-naa throw netted the Portlanders four runa, purine the game Corbett pitched careful ball. keeping; the hits strung out In every Inning save the first and second, when th. TImf 'want nut one. two. three. McCredie andUitcbeaar atiiroUVbtT the game, suffering from Injuries, and an unknown named Paula cavorted in left field and .- "BelUble'r . Cates held down the. Initial .bag - In -fine . otyle. Tacoma's only run came la the fifth Inning on Lynch's double and Casey's safe poke Into right f tetov-.The score;,. TAtUHA. .-.. . - AB.R.H. PO. A.K. Doyle, rt ..A...V... 4. 0; --.Xx uneenan, o . s'.o i j v Nordyke. lkv.M...... 4-. tl--0 isagan. aa .........-. 1 . e McLaughlin, If. -vv... 4 a 1- 0 Lynch, cf. . . . , 4 I t S 1 .0 t - I s 1 10 Caaey, 2b. .......... 1 -. 0 7 I7 1 Oraham.-c. -o. . i.w v Emerson, p. ......... I 0 0 0 -Totals v ...:.;rrv.ta-t" I 'zt IJ7I I, . PORTLAND. - . r AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ata as. ............. 4 1 2 1 4 0 Van Bu!iv-f., ...-. 11.11 L . Catea, lb. .......... 4 Schlafly.- 2b. ' J 0 0 7 6 0 Householder, McLean.- c rf. .... 4 01 8.0. 0 ...4 0 J i 0 -vt-iriV--0 1 "0 "1 0 Kunkle, Ib, Corbett, p. ....... , Totals . . .7. .! 4 1 XI 1 0 ', SCORE BY rNNINGS. ' . : : ' , 1 I 4 t i r t - Tacoma ........ OOfO 10 0 0 0 t Hits . . ...4....0 0 1 l-0-t 1 1 Portland , . ......0 0 X 0 0 0 0 t I Hits , , I ...... ..1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 7 to;.." SUMMARY. - - - . '-. ' - Struck out By EmersonTTy TCor bett. 3. . Bases on balls CMf Emerson, i; off Corbett, I.-HTt by pitcher Van Buren, Schlafly Stolen bases Cates, Van Buren.. Sacrifice bite Graham, Van Buren. ''Two-base hits - Eagtfn. Lynch. - First base on errors Portland, 1. -Double play- -w Ats to Schlafly to Catea. Left on bases Tacoma, 5; Fort land, t. Time of game One hour and 14 minutes. Umpire Davis. .; - p-fACIRCXOASTZLEAMIErn m HI sit- I' even. Tacoma Ban rraaelae. ....... PorUaad SI 1SI 54 13 121 .547 .600 .43 .438 .411 8 7 7 Ixja Ana-elee ......... Oakland ............. loj S -.10 IS Seattle ai a Sjl 46Bo iia 843 42 Jimnay Byrnes X14 JtsvT' (Joaraal-siMeial BwtIc. ) SAn' yrancisco.- July 1 iByrrfer Safe liner down tba Initial sack route cleared the bases yesterday.' and the Oakland- era won. Wright pitched a beautiful game for the VUltora Soore; 1 '.' )--' - M . It. XX. JS. Los Angeles ...00 01 00 000 1 S Oakland ......00000010 I ' 0 Batteries -wngnt -anov Eaaer: . ura- bam and Byrnea Umpire Perrlne. . ' 1 A ' (Jtmrnal gpaclal gerrtoe.) ' Seattle. Wash, July 11 The Seals tied the score In the ninth and won out In tbe tenth yesterday from Russ Hall's- gang. . The visitors out bat ted the lo cals two to one, yet had a bard time In .winning. Scores: - -1 - - -- " R. H.R. Seattle.. .. . .0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 s 0. 1 San Fran ....0014(14011-4 ir I Batt.rlee C. Hall and Blankenahlp; Wbalen and WUaon.. Umpire Bray. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. t P.O. -.711 .118 , .tot .571 .tit .170 .tot " ' ' ;' .' .Won. . Lost -tl f- it; St , . ' as . . 44 51 - It :, New York 41 Philadelphia . . ...... 44 ' Chicago . .4.......... 44 Cincinnati . . ........ 40 . St Louis . . ......... 27 . Boston.. ............. 21 Brooklyn . . 'it ; At Boston. . ..... .- -,,11,., , Cincinnati . , nflHton .... te . ............ . R. H. EL ...0 It 0 t ' 1 Batterles--Ewing and Hchieir Harley and Moran. Umpire Johnstone. . ) . ? At iiisipWav'-r r;s':""'": St. Louis . Philadelphia . 4 10 . t .......'.10 It 1 0 Battenea Kagaa ana Qrady: S Darks and Abbott, Umpire Bauswlne. . .4 2. .? R. H.B. At Bew Tork.' Chicago K . . . . . I 7 1 ,.r.v.t 1J 0 New York Ratterlea Reulbach and O'Neill, lie. Glnnlty, Wlltse. Bow.rman and Bresna han. Umpires CDay and. Kmalla. . 'At Broeklya. .. , ,. . R. ILK. :b- .i..,.. 1 14.1 Rrnnktvn Pitteburg . . ,..11 J 1 Ratterlea Jones. Mitchell and Bar- reni- fhllllppl - and - Pelta Umpire Klem. , - (.. - A" household, aeceaalty. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo OWJ Heals 'burns, cuts, wounds of any sort; cures aore throat, croup, catarrh, 'aathmarriever falls. , PcrcicntJorvoEcccniD aztTOaZl JgAJTIfOOlJ Has eon e eaaae ot Xarroaa IblUtr, la-nla. a d4 Av hr. Tkay . claw tbe brala, atrcaauiM ike elrealadoe, atak. 4lf.tloa pwfaet ao4 Iwpart MfMtla vigor t. th. wboU twlng. All dralaa aa4 kaM Mttval partaaoratlr. tl.OS rf boa; 0 loie.srana4 4. .are r rafo.4 Binary, It 00. Mall aMl4. . . Book frae. rraia. ms. co. , - who am rn.iaaaipou. Pa. - ObM la Partlaa4 aeiy vey liaak baa sesiiasa i By Mrs. Eva Emery De 5 Don't forjef tp .recommend j this story -xf -Lewis; and f Clark to your friends-p :7 1 f" Have you read It yourjelf ? ? $1.20 by Mail I J. K. GILL CO. 1 ,i v- . ; A , , BooksePers and . Stotionerau AND -ALDERS Creat TMnjs at Uttle Prtei PENTATHLON GAMES T AT RECREATION PARK Los Angeles Team Carries Off Honors In " First Z- Day's -T Field Events, s ' J""; A good ' slsed crowd attended the Penthathlon games that were held yea- terday afternoon ax - Recreation para under tbe auspices of ths local T. Maf A., The -.Los Angeles T. M. C. A. athletes carried off the honors of the day., makings l.Ott 1-t points..:: : Seattle was second with 1.578, and Portland third with ttt. Howard of Seattle won the Individual cbamptonablp, scoring 198, his nearest competitor being Crom well of Los Angeles,, who ran up. 184 H Notwithstanding that the athletic committee of tha Lewis and Clark fair, of which Herbert Kerrigan Is chairman. did not make any public announcements at the T. M. C A. games, an interested gathering witnessed the events. . It. baa been the. castom of those in charge of the sports st tbe exposition to advertise all of. the athletic -events that . take place under the patronage of the fair, but for some unknown reason the T. M. C A. games have been entirely . over looked. - The . athletes . who .have come bere from Los Angeles and' Seattle are crack men.uand their work on the field and track Is first-class. The .local T. M. CaAj men have woraea nara u maae this event one of Interest- and so far the affair has proven successful, despite the difficult labor ana tne big expenae en-T. tailed. : -- ' ... ' " " This afternoon the T. It, C a. nastle exhibition will be held at tbe Multnomah club, and tomorrow the field events wUl be completed at Recreation nark. ' Parsons. probably tha fastest man la the sprints on the coast will be here, as will a number of other athletes whose .recent good work baa attracted Knmm.nt an the world of athletics. Yes terday's auramary was; -: 100-yard oasn Stanton.- iaib Angeie flrat' Livingston. Portland, secona; Llghty. Portland, third: time. 0:10 1-5. man lumo WOmweiL ijoe Jingeiee, and Vance.: Seattle, JUed; beigbt, 5feet IU Inrhaa '...'.--. .' 1 X-pound -i nammer-tnrow vramwuu, Tvta Anmlea. lea reel uicnea, umixm. Los Angeles, IS feet IH Inches; Howard, OMttla IB feel. ... --w . r Pole-vault Tie between unnKiwD oi Portland. Vance Of Seattle ana Crom well of Los Angeles; height, t feet 1 Inch. '' One mile run Stanton, w a'"". first: Backus, Portland. secona; uisn, Seattle, thlrdr timer :01 1-5. . ' ; WHOLESALE INDICTMENTS1 OF MILWAUKEE B00DLERS Joornal Spactal tarrte..) " V vimnkM . Julv 11. Sixty-seven .In dictments sgalnst 15 persons, most of them ex-edunty officials, were, sanoea down by the Milwaukee county -grand jury laat "bight - The investigation still continues and - ths , total number of true- bllla- y turned 4avattls -105. It v le expected that .many . more Indlotmenta will i be brought in jater. uriv an the indictments returned, yes terday charge . orioery n- u ISO. this amount having been paid td officials In connection with the swardH Ing of county contracts.. Many of tha Indlotmenta - are - ne reeuic i m . vm stons of .Otto Seldt, Jr., and Edward V. Strauss, members of the county board. - i i ' - Willamette Valley Chautauqua TyVr :CAssopiatioriv v Kor the Willamette Valley Chautau qua association at Gladstone Park, July 11 to is, tne Boutnern rmoiius company baa provided " special '' train' service. Tralna leave East Washington street at 7:46,, 1:40; 1:10, -li:o a.-m.; -x:is, s:iv, 1:20. 4:26. 5:23. 1:01. 1:30. . 7:l6.l:6t tn. Last car leaves uiao atone lor Rast Washington street' at 10:26 p. m. Tor , further. . information call telephone East 617. - - .r---',',!- . UNION PACIFIC SHOWS INCREASE IN EARNINGS . 'Y vi iJoeraal gpeclal Bartlaa.) ' ' ' - : Omaha, Neb. July 11. The statement of the transportation operations of tbe Union Paolflo, Including- the Oregon Short Line and Oregon Railroad A Navi gation companies, for -May, shows a de cided increase over laat year. The gross receipts for May were 84,Tli.S.71: net arcelpta, tl.061.18t.07; Increase, $118, oer May, 1804. ' For the 11 months ending May 11, the gross, receipts wewi ttt,106,llt.ll net receipts. tlS.14t.l71.07. For the same' period of 1804 the gross receipts were !t0.ttl.fti.ei: "net. tii.tii.4it.Tli in crease, 11.821,458 84.. -. . --. - Fref erred - Sleek Oaaned trepdg. . Allen A Lewis' Bast Brand, , , -, . ,.,.1,.-7.. .... r... - ''' S 3 : -. T . --. let. -r .- - PciiCEnAn;si:cosv . PERT CHICKENS Carrie. Nation and Cassis Chad t wick DIstuA Peace of.-, Nelghborhood.---r3 ' Oallinaceoua affronury i aald to have destroyed the amicable relations hither, to existing between Mrs, Adams of 610 East Twenty-flrat street and , Mrs. Lynda her next ' door - neigh bor. -Xhe chickens whose ambition to pose n tbe limelight 'of publicity Is al leged to-be responsible. Tor. rupturing the bond of friendship between the two families, are the . property of Mra Adama. ' ,'.. . '--.-"" Two fowls in particular are.aocussd of very - unladylike--conduct -. One-ot tbeeerbehs, because of her destructive tendency', has been called Carrla Nation; tha.other a een dubbed Mra Chad wick on accouht of her -oatrlch-Uke ap petite, which la said to induce ber to carry everything away shs cannot -eat on the. epot, r'- ------ - it la alleged thai these two hens dally forage Jn.tbe property of Mrs. Lynda WhUe 'Carrla' Natlob demolishes planta, Mra Chad wick loots the yard. Bearing the two hehs away, it Is renprted, has in numerous Instances proveeT in vain. . many Mra Lynda, after registering a number of protesta 'With Mra. Adams on account of tha conduct of her chick- ena. and more especially of Carrie Na tion and Mrs. Chadwlck, was obliged to Call on the police? . . Patrolman My ere tackled tbe problem and after -wrestling with It for. several days and reoelvlna e aul ewldeaew-of 4ha-trnttr of the com- plaint made by Mra Lynda, hit on a plan- to end the trouble. v ' '-- - "I told MrSTAdams to keen her chick- ens at home," said the policeman In a report made this morning to Chief Grits- maeher. ' : t .- ... - MONTHLY REPORTS OF V WASHINGTOiV INSTITUTIONS (Special Jkpatcs..B. The laiaraaLl ' lympla. Wash-r-July-! 1. The monthly report of the reform sohool at Chehalis 'shows a faUlng off in tba number of Inmates, the ayarage attend ance being .117. The Medical Lake asy lum shows .an -Increase I In - patients amounting to 11, exceeding an previous reeoraa, -: v : , y . - Ths penitentiary monthly seoort shows the average number of nrlaoners 6 i-lAL, aw laawaia or-17 over thej preceding month. The Jute mill turned out 151,461 baga and 171,t80 yards of Duriap. ana ii,io brick were menu factored. t ? ,.'- ?,-:. '-,,,'. . The contract - for printing reports ' of the supreme court' for the- ensuing 10 years has been awarded to -Bancroft. Whitney A "Co. of San Francisco. .The printing will be done by the ata te. GOOD ROADS MEETING r JS ON AT LA GRANDE r-s -- - -. ' .": , (tggclal Olspatch te The JcroaL) ' . . Grande, Or. July 11 Colonel W. H. Mooxa, president of ' the National Good Roads associations Senator A. 8. Mann, vice-president of the "National Oood Roads association of Jacksonville. Florida; Hon. WlUlara Bradburn, con- suiung engineer oi rne national uooa Roads association; Colonel T. P. Rlxey. of Jkllssourl. lecturer ojt the . National Gooda Roads association -Hon. Wel lington E. Lotlcks. orgaalser. of the Na tional Goods Roads-. a.eociatlon. and Hon. -: Jotin-' Croft- prealdent Alabama State ' Good Roads-- association. of Mobile, Alabama, are holding aj goods roads convention, bere today. The at tendence Is brrge and much Interest ta being xajten in tne meeting, and much good Is expected to result from the meeting, -z '' " .', - .-v .-v , , : AT THE THEATRES: fy-. Daniel Frtwley Tomorrow. T. Daniel Frawley aad hla excelleat emaealr of playeie will keaia sa easaaeBMBt ot tan. nifhts with s aatlMe Batarday at ta. liarqaaaa Oraoa tseatr. tnoMnaw ITSoraaayl alcht Kicaare Haranis imtbi- eonway ara ma. son's roily. ' aa Mr. rrawlay Is one ef tbe moat popular ectors vtaltlng this dty. aad camlaa. as be eoea. with a play tkat-bad alncle star ef 100 alahta ta . Tork alene. there ia amy rraaoa te ballcv. that tbe en- sacenent wiu . prora a stoat attractive to the taesue guaaa was use cwaa eooMoy ea the suge. .; ,; n - .- ; : t Last oi "Tho Beauty Shop." Toalakt at 0:80 cTelork the last pwfarauar. ef Kolb a a. D1U le the BMtry sraairai aowaay herleKpi.. "Th. Beaaty Shop," will ba straa at th. Marqnam Grand theatre, ea Morrkna street between Math sod grraath. Next Mt Acaia alns Monday thM. elnar potaadlane aad their xnllent - coaapa.y win amnt. taeir- mra mTtAmtnl nniWl RrmKll. "I. O. IT.." 1 which .Mta wUl b. placed ea sale next Friday Burning at 10 e'clorji. 7' At tho Bgker.'- There la aa act at the Bakrr this week that far above the erniparjr aad ahoaU eat ha Ditaaed by torera et Bisals. . The act eoaaea dknet t as fresi the hat haews graad opera eaaiDaar In the eaat and la abaohiulr the aih nrhvd alnslnff .et la western n dTllle. Anotber set that woald b. a feature ea any M! ta that of Karl aad Aabtoa. knowa M tbe "flrtnjr riaB)sa." Ipb-odocbis their star. rekna daatb-defring aertoeaane, tha "Bawaa Trapaaa." . ..'.-" 1 .7 t -Tho Heir Apparent" ? . varr eae Vbo kaa seea "The Heir Apparent" t tbe Empire thla WMk ha. words ef prala. nd. eneoaraf anient roc Jonnatoa Mcuouey, tk an tix r. The play along th. Itsea ef anch production, aa "Fy Rlfht ef "wore" and Tb unaoaar oa wmam. -. " "i n mmur pretty lore mom. and Mtaaeeiy ntereeuaf djalogoe and sparkung ellajaxas. .. tho Belaaco.,:.. Ther. Waa sets a better excuse fat lvshter thaa "A root and Bis Momy,"- the hrlUlant fare which the Belaaeo stork eompaay la play. lag tlria weak- Another larte aadleaee attended laat alfht and ni)red tbe placa -InuaeaMly. It sire, all o th. principal. spMneie pportani .iu mmA la tMMBttfnllr nrniiMa. fnan tha Standpoint et eeaaery asfeaatnaMS. ' Bobby Gaylor at the Grand. y- There hi no better Irtah eonedlaa m ABurtea than Bobby Gaylor, tbe orlctnal "sport Me Alatr." -He la et the Grand thla weak as the beadllner ea a sqperflns prncraai. riaber aind Jnhaaoa, the Xarapaaa bicycle riders, have aa aft that la worth gatBg aawe ta wltaeaa. Bolmas aad Bolmaa have a eldVepllttlag sketch. . Good Bill at th .Star. .-';' shields aad Peal, two yeang awe, whs Aa th. awst. wosearml. thtasa with aa ordinary place ef rape, ere ereetlag a amaarlea . th. Star with their anion, perfnrwence. Abbot and Bryant bare a eharmlns little ewers. Carl W. saadefeoa aad eeaaphay .ara tboreaahly ee Joyed la their offering.-.. . , .. -,- "The Rattian Sjy ." -. 7 ; Owing te the paratet dlfflmHf between Japan and ftneala, th. play at th. Irle thla werk s woerlally Intareatlnt, aa it f Ives aiany hialrhta 1st. th. BMMle. and haMts .1 tbe aeopl. ot the tasda of whlrh we hear ao aiarh snd ksnw aa itttlei -The play Is ttself Is a sUrruut Bialodrama ta tear acts. Sast ast Floreaoe gta. High and atghtly tract Thla fine new -cottage, , with' -foot lot, - r . S: -1 Small payment down, tit a month, fitreet graded, side-' walk. Bull Run water, wood fiber plaster, i ' - -, rev fall yavMoalara tea'... . Managing Ownar FXOVB BtA 144a, ,;v-".,; 1M RetidThls ' 'J hewe been pretty much V air pver these United States . In my time, and I hsvr be-; : fore; saw or heard of, such :. hajtcwt- f o-jwerkfng? Pfof pie to get . homes with - a. v prospect , of paying' for LJthemjsarXjettSrt ' here In ML Scott district, j."-,,-..V- .'. -;" -.-r-- !- -, : The foregolngals the' remark fit a building contractor now located. In Mouttt Scott district ToU ; bear almost the same statement . repeated by everypne who learns -the-lnducements offered. - " . , , - .... , .. THERS'8 A RBASOJ".-- r" T"' i 1 -" 7 Is on.' of the very best tracts on v the market. In thla locality. It has every advantage pf the others, aad more. - v -,', ." ' r Lbti' $ too,- Payable $3 , r Down, $3. Month Xonsee"bnll W aulV yoa' and 'sold with lota at actual seat ratea. ;, , .' C!omeout' today. '. Take. Mount , . Scott ear en First atreet. Agent , on ground.'. City office open event - Inge, -r ;. A- .' '.- -i .-,- ' --.--.. ..j ,-- ' Qt.;:w: Brown; vRoom JOt Tailing BullJlng - :'"',-;;;' : Phone Alain Sltt.. . "Put He Off at Vernon t If you are wise you will get In early and make an investment - at ' Vernon. Lots are selling now from 180 to 8400. and -without a doubt will sell for double that within a year. We give the best of terms, will sell on the Installment plan. The - streets are graded, water plpee laid. There la 15 miles of elde walk, but we can't tell you abont It tn thla small apace. Call at our office and hear all about Our plan, or drdp fjs a card and we -will mail you our, deecrlp- tlve circular. ft-. "y '' Taka Vtrnen Car,. it Moore Investment Co. UlH- aWxtt Street. rbeae Xala la. MORMONS ADVERTISING : PULL WITH LAND OFFICE ' --'(Joaraal SpeeUi UtAm.-.': Washington, July U.-LettersT have been placed In ths hands of Commis sioner Richards -of. the land office written by f members of the Mormon' hierarchy advising brethren who desire to settle on land In the Uintah reaerva Hon In Utah, which la soon tob ippened for settlement, to Ho business with the presidency at Heber City, Utah. The lattere state that certain Mormons have land of floe connections which will . be of value to those - of tbe church . who desire to enter upon Uintah land Mr. Richards has started aa -Investigation. OFFER DANISH PRINCE r - THRONE OF NORWAY i' ." ' Uosrnal gprelal Oar rice.) '''' - ' ' ' Copenhagen, July 11. An 'offer of the Norwegian throne has been made to King . Edward's son-in-law, . Prince Charles of Denmark. Tha matter' Is still under consideration, and consulta tion are now going on. it Is undaratood that King Christian Is opposed to the acoeptance. . No decision wtll be given out before . the latter, returns ; from Attstrhx next .week. , - ' r ' Aberdaea Ban- tjblaeae. - Aberdeen. Wesb., July 1. The cham ber of commerce has wired a te the prealdent aver the adraiaslon of Chinese as provided In the recent exec utive order, an adopted, a resolution protesting against the sctlon of the Portland chamber ef commerce In send ing out circular letters to various i Pa olflo coast cities asking that the bars be let down, . r .-- ' '-''' 000 Hi ajgaaBBBBenaaasneana tMmmtgi"'miryPf'rl TV- "'"'v.J. " i,-" Charlock ftldjr. 4, Oak ' Stwatsy-y .UvbfiCb;iFc!r -Can? Grqri Ccpcny ; anuriaiBr and Adjolalag ;HAVTKO?ja PARKl Gateways L ,; Jr6mi camp grounds -J-livtcrparlc; Seati,"Ubfes. swings, . lagoons . and shade in this " most beautiful park in Portland. Ten minutes' walk from the business " district', on. west side. Twenty minutes to 1 the World's Fair 4 ; Grounds by ar.T Live at home in : Portland -and-a void hfrhearjr- ccst and ' inconcenienve of the " crowded lodging house and res-. , taur.uit. v There ; will be : an at- tendamvia -charge-of th-Tented Dty : day and night, - Free tele- phone connections' in his office. The famous Bull Run water piped : , on the tract freer;.- Toilet arrange- -ments and sanitary appliances lo cated convenient to all. Garbage . will be removed daily at expense of the tympany. All avenues and 7 alleys will be kept clean and free from rubbish. , You must reserve "; tent spase foretime of your visit.: Send us . your, reservation .now, . . that we may-bTaHe" o take care of youwhenyou come. Remit us . $7which will pay your first two . weeks' rent,; with right of occu ; pancy at $2.50 per week thereaf ter. You can reserve for any two-i weeks during the fair period. The first to register 'will have choice of space- i Mail - all remittances "to "-' 7" Beoead St- rortlaad. Or. I .; . - 1 . t . ; Phone Mara -!.- t , Ot any of the following agents of our - -.'- c Company: , , . . Herbert . I Otll .Woodburti Howard a Boost. .............. .Albany Hurley A Taylor. ...... ;t .Independence Hon. N. Whealdoa ......... .The Dall.e A. 1L. Blender. ...... ......Myrtle Point Jkum. nucanwin. ...... .... . .Salem Ambler Wattera.. Campbell At Fullerv ...... , ...corvallle , . Dullaa grill at jtapinwaii . ... . . .Brooka " This choce tract of 400 aorea on tha . Oregonf-'Water Power Railway and O river, - twenty-one mbiutea' ride 'from Flrat and Alder streets, is now on the . market and . selling fast The preaent purchasers are . 'all borae-bullders and -Improvements , will . begin , st , ono. Large lota,. 60x100 feet, .on the earllne, ' right at the etatlon, for t W OO per lou, ; Choice acre traeta. 'from one - acre up, with, rich soli, .water plentiful, for tl0 Jj: per' aore. .Tbe land aurroundlng -tbeae acre tracts la Improved and highly cul tlvated.' The price of lota la fifty .(to) per oent-less than, -property Almllarly ; altuated- In apy direction from tba' en- , ter of Portland. , Also take Into account the -excellent car eervice, the healthful location endbeauvy""and B-urroundlnga. r As a apeclal Inducement to working , people to own their - own .'hotnee and , enable them to have a large garden ta , , the principal- reason' why -the prices.,,, . have been . placed low. on lots . and ' acre -tract a.- The title ia perfect, a complete ' abstract of title furnished to the whole tract upon Inquiry of the owners, the Hlbernla Savings bank. S4T "Washing ton street, Portland.. Oregon.'. ' Free tickets to .and. from Mllweukla i Park -wilt - be given to all Intending burchaaera for the purpose of , Inspect-.. ini the propeaty. . - - Those buying at once have choice of Iota - nearest' earllne and -station. All , Oregon City eara atop at tbe tract,: com- - "r Ing and going. The -lots are-all high, . alghtiy and levels, . For Information I or Information and free tickets, cell at Rnmrn tot. McKav building, Thirl aad Stark streets, Portland. Oregon , f lf taken before July 25. " lioauuiui I .Moderh .r .' ' t , ' , ';-f X of 4?room$. .Hall," pantryrl bathroom ;.water in kitchen j X lot 60x100; one block from I X, car line; Al neighborhood r a bargain t ,x Address " J. IT 1 S.', , B28'f t Brainard St, Montavilla. V-. P: BAECEEl ; ass wixtiAMS Avatrrna. .-'..v r aat iras, , - Has eevernT rare opportulltles"to home-seekers.- Houses and lota for aula tn Irvlngtoa aad Holladay. park Additions. Cottac i - . -I .- ' . , -