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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
ejwwa. I C v I 4 .. 1 k. v 4 1 as - V T..., r . Ti!r tor.f;it and Thurify; tttrrti- vcl. iv. no. no. ,roTLA:.TD, or.r:coN, -Wednesday evening, july lees fourteen- pages. PRICE TWO CENTS. VLE?i!I icrrzr.'DArJTo in und fraud cacs3 now cn trial and their Attorneys.- 1 'I" mmm mim Sale 5 Idbnckr Releases LarSum - : for Lbcat R IIUMTIKGTON BUSPROPERTy limotfl flaence ; on the .Real Estate Values of '(Special Dispatch .l-,iliesC" JoIy-12The most important business trans- " Oregon, from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 in money.1 This is the sih : of the Redondo properties by the - Captain K. K -Thompson of ban f -thine above $2,000,000, but :the; exacf figures are not- made- public " H. E.; Huntington-purchased the property, which consists of -the "fRedondo townsite' and th.e -25-mile electric railway, line connecting v a a e . a ' or - a a -i. . Keaondo with Loa Angeles. ; ; ,-f :, .v f.i .v ; Mr. Huntington, who is no longer connected with the Southern . Pacific, owns the street car system qf Lbs Angtles and suburbs, and his purchase of the line running to Redondo, with his announcement - that he would made, great improvements: there had a . tremendous .bull influence upon real estate at Redondo. - In the very brief period 'since it was learned by the public that extensive improvements were contemplated, by. the new management, there have. been realty sales in Redondoi aggregating $250,000." Redondo has a population of -about 6,000 people. ryryry--p -ZTT Redondo isr the staport fotos-Aageles and it is from this place that "vitixljr .tl "of the fuer oil sent out of southern California is shippe'd; The railway4 system sold had three wharves on the wa- r tertront. , -',--'r": ' ; Mr. Huntin ngtpn.says- he will Redondo district: open the entire - " When shown this dispatch ; from' Los Angeles this morning President J. C Ainsworth of the' United States National bank said he did not care to make any statement regarding the dealr-but ad- mitted that the statemen ts-were substantially correct. ; As to the bearing upon Portland interests, he merely said that the Ainsworth estate was now settled arid the' Ainsworth company had been formed tq handle the property I Mr, Ainsworth is president; of . this ; com pany, r .u1,' j t -:::it ; i v y,:-.;.;:,-. -- Announcement of the Los Angeles deal is having a -nounced'Bull inUuence in Portland than in the southern city. Ob- serving ones reach the conclusion that about $1,500,000 lias been re: leased, from thejsouthern investment for Portland and Oregon de- velopment. Mr. Ainsworth is a member of one of the oldest and most influential families of Portland, who have been identified with , Portland's progress and growth since, its earliest days. It is but a natural conclusion. that the monex. released in California will be ' drawn northward and will be a magnificent addition to the local capital that is seizing every opportunity for the advancement' and nrosoeritv of Portland and this state-Th fact that the"Airisworth , l.l.l .l --.mnBnv w. inrmm u iitii ivi m i 1 . . j y aiso consiaerea eignincanu inis is lancn iu jnuicaic wiai i the vast interests" , of this family are being organized, forleffective work in this city and its yicinityT -. y: ' BOOK TRUST DECLARED, ' AN ILLEGAL COMBINE tlMraal Sncdal Swrlc.) 1 NWTork, Jul A daolalon was handd down today In ; tha v Vnltad BtatM circuit court in an action brought by Charles Scrlbncr A Bona and th Bobb-Merr111 company airalnat R. . H. Mcy aV Co., for an Injunction to ro tralrv' iho Arm from Mlllnf copyright books at leas than the retail prlos flxed by the Publishers' ; association .which will hare far-rachlnc effeot. The court rendered a weeping decision In favor of Maoy severely criticising the combina tion !3of ; publishers- and ; booksellers, .whlck Is held to be illegal; and In viola tion of tho anti-trust law. ' ftefase to Obey tolkS Order. ;'"r'" : (Jeiraal SpMlal Swrke.1 -. Chicago. July II. The baggege and parcel delivery drivers have refused to obey the order of the teamsters' Joint council to Strike, although their employ ers made deliveries to boycotted houses. PORTLAND INDieTED;AT5BOISB :" fgptctal Dwwtrk ts Tke tmit) ' r - Boise. Idaho, July 11. Lata ysster dsy afternoon tho grand Jury reported Indictments against Ivan 1C Corhell of Portland, charging perjury before the United States land office -at Lew Is ton. Cornell made a timber entry on. June Vl. 1101. In Latah county. IdahoV and proved up oa September It following. Tho false swearing was made In testify ing that the land was taken for himself . and paid for with money received from his father, whertse In truth the land was taken for George Keater, who fur Dished the expense money arl to whom TO PROMOTE NEW; LINES to The JournaL)' Ainsworth estate of Portland and. ranascO. : The pnee paid is some' - v ;.;.-vu.i Jifs. , extend the railway system and U;' ,'-'.trX V".-'.' J f .t.- T A I 1 r rsa.L I imp i u iiir - i y-v 11 irir V 1 ti. ? s t . : j a aL.a RYAN IN CONTROL OF . : THE WASHINGTON LIFE n "..- V ' (el Sseelal aWvlce.) - - : Hew York! July 1. Thomas T. Byas Is reported to have control of the Wash ington Ufa Insurance company, as weU as the Equitable. LMt February Super intendent of . Insurance Hendricks de clared : that the mismanagement In the affairs of the Washington Life hsd been simply Incomprehensible. Control was secured by . Ryan . through new stock Issued. . - ; -v -'- PHILADELPHIA OFFICIALS I SENT TO PENITENTIARY (Jovrsal tpedai grta.t ; -r--;--Philadelphia. July .11. Phillip Alvord and Edward Wood, ward committeemen, convicted of conspiracy to pad tho as sessor's list In the first ward were today sentenced to nine months Imprisonment and lined $1,004. i. j .- - .. . - MAN IS . . , . .. '. ' -1 ' , the land was conveyed sfter proof. The false evidence was taken before Regis ter West. .(.....',,. - Cornell was tbo third witness before tho grand Jury. He espected tho in dictment and had an attorney employed, who appeared immediately, and he pleaded not guilty. It Is generally be lieved that Cornell has arranged, with the prosecution and will assist In bring ing conspiracy indictments against oth ers Implicated with him In the fraudu lent transactions. The Jury voted four additional true bills, which were not re turned. A, final report. ls expected Thurediy. ... " M.i' aT ' I j en , a arr - . T- iBl v SIW 4 1 ' ' sjr ... . ri.trw,' 1 I ' wr - ' " ' " v r i rw . MAN WITH G R EAT TR I UMPH OF Reading a paper on ."Esophagectomy. With Report of J Cass Wltlr , Prothstio Appliances.". Dr. Wallace L. . Terry of San "Francisco this morning brought be fore tho. surgical section of tho Ameri can Medical association in trie - First Presbyterian church - a patient upon whom bo : operated - for cancer Of the larynx Involving tho . esophagus. . Dr. Terry hadv cut away the cancerous growth, leaving a cavity five Inches up and down and throe Inches across, back to tho vertebrae, completely separating tho connection between the .mouth and tho stomach and . which deficiency he supplied, by applying .a rubber tube. Through this,, tube the patient drank water In View of ths surgeon who were present. , J " - '.'... . As tho fluid went down the tube and the patient 'took It Into , his stomach with only a small degree of reaction and retching, tho applause wa loud and . prolonged. . Then ' they : crowded around tho doctor and tho unfortunate man for whoso life Dr. Terry Is' making so unusual and gallant a fight, and for half an hour there was a cessation of the regular program as questions were plied and answers given by. blm.aa to tho experience he has had in this moat wonderful operation. . . . Notwithstanding tho lateness of ths hour last night when tho delegates to tho American Medical association left ths American inn after the reception and fete, they were op bright and early this morning to enjoy ths trolley ride over ths city. 'Then the physicians wont to tho meetings In which 'they ware espe cially interested, and their wives and daughters sought diversion st ths expo sition snd other places of amusement Expressions are universal that the. en- UNCLE AND NIECE MARRIEDrlT'S VALID Uiv:r-....'.,.. :yfr New York Court Upholds Cere mony Uniting Woman to Her " ; i a Mother ferotheK v ; ,.-"V.- '-y- " .f ' yjusisal guwilal Servlss.) - ''."''''J;' Nsw Tork. July It. Ths supreme d tha demurrer which interposed in the suit brought by his wife. Jennie Welsberg, to have tholr marriage annulled upon ths ground that ho Is her ancle, being a brother.of her mother. r . The uncle snd niece Vers' married March 21, Ittl, and havs children,! At the time they were married there was no law In tho stats expressly declaring such a marriage Invalid, but In lltt, two years af tsr thstr . marriage, tho lagis lature passed a law declaring such mar riage void.1-- - ..( "'' The court. In luitMnlng tho demurrer. ss"ld: - - - "Such marriages are now sbsoldlely unlawful, but as the psrtles were mar ried In lltt, tho marriage cannot bs de clared void - on account of subsequtat SUtutee," ": niivw im RU 0. - . . v-- ' Program for tonight s and to-a o d . morrow's sessions of the Ameri- ' can Medical association: . . '. o clock tonight Dinner, by f e 4 - Women's Portland ' Medical . ko- 4 eV1 oletjr tovslting womsh; Prt--e e land hotel., j, - - 0 to 11 o'clock tonights-Re- e '. eeptlons by Dr. snd Mrs. H. W.. 4 Coe. at tbo Oregon building.- ex- dr position grounds. In honor of - e President McMurtryaad by Ttr. e ' and Mrs. K. A. 3. Mackensle, Dr. e Oeorge F. Wilson, Mrs-JU&v 4 'Wilson, at their homes." : ff . Trolley ride, I a. ra. tomorrow,. 4 cars leave Third and Alder. d Reception to S p. m by port- d land ladles, Conoordia club. - ' 4 ' - Reception in tho evening st tho . d e' Oaks by aty and County Medl- o e eal society. , ... e . "- e tertalnment provided - by the Portland committee Is mors pleasing than ny svor before given by a city In which the association has met. . . Among the delegates . Is Dr. Herbert Wl Hegels of Chicago, sonof Charles Hejrele of Portland, and who- lived hero upito sight years -agov-- TThe delegates tell mo they are hav Ins . a. better - time." said Dr. Hsgelo, "than they eveb have had. at the association's- sessloRa " Tho people of this city are making a new record tn enter taining tho doctors." " While . the ' work, on . the sections is not neglected' for mere enjoyment, the physicians -are- crowding-Into tho four SHOT NEGRO4 WHO WAS CHAINED iTO CAR SEAT pw,..v ... ... :y- -, pirl'e Relative Avenges Her by rr Killins Helpless Prisoner ( " in Cold Blood. (Jesntal Sperlsl Serrke.l " 4 1 Jsckson, Miss., July 11. Frank Col lins, colored, who attempted to asssult Miss 'Ada Hogg, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, was shot and killed by Robert Toung. a brother-in-law of the girt while being brought to tho peni tentiary today. '-: "; A special term of court was held at Hsselhurstsnd within two hours Col lins jwss tried, convicted snd sentenced to 10 years. An attempt was made to lynch tho prisoner st Haselhurst but tbo mob -wss beaten back snd tho lead ers arrested. On the train Collins wss handcuffed snd shackled to a ear seat.-' - Toung and a friend boarded the train snd walked up to tho prisoner. Toung pulled a pistol, snd shot Collins thres times In the breast snd stomach. Death wss Instantaneous. -Toung surrendered asa nis irieuu was) arresicq, j; t .'I. IMbvl lo SURG ERY days in' Portland as much pleasure as possible.' Bids trips are planned to all northwest points and some of tho dele gates will ; remain - hero for several weeks. - ', ' ' ' . Un to a lata hour tho registration had exceeded 1,600, and la expected to be more than. 1,60 before night, with many delegates still oa route. An av erage of three - women and children to each 'delegate brings the total of-visit or to between ,000 and 1.000. the larg est number, of persons over brought to Portland by .any .one national organi sation. ''.'- Tho surgical section continues to at tract tho largest attendance, and ths program Is listened to by not less than 00 surgeons. Following -the papers read yesterday-by Dra. Mayo,. Maxcy, Powers, Moors. Nlles. Be van and Osch nor. came those by Dr. Oeorge F. Wil son of Portland this morning on "A Clinical Chart "for tho Record of Pa tients In a Small Hospital"; James M. Anders of Philadelphia on "Preliminary Report of a. Study in Tetanus"; W. A. Bryan of Nashville, Tenn., "Cysts of tho Spleen"; W. M. Grant of -Denver, "Lip Operation for .Cancer and De formity, With Report of Cases." and Dr. Terry on "Esophagectomy " , . This afternoon papers were read by Jacob. Frank of Chicago on . "A New Method of Incising and Suturing ths Liver to Reestablish Its Continuity": W. D. Haggard of NasKvllis, "Gallstones In tho Common Duct"; David B. Falrchlld of Des Moines, Iowa. "Honcalculous Cholecystitis"; R. Wlnslow of Balti more, "Penetrating Wounda of the Abdo men": Miles F. Porter of Fort Wayne, t (Continued on Pago Six.) TO RESTORE MILLIONS STOLEN JROH PEOPLE Thomas W. Lawson and Rve Thousand. Policy-Holders tbV' Sue the Big Three. . - ( Omaha, July 11 In an Interview on board his private car this morning. Thomas W. Lawson said that hs will soon take his Srst step against the In surance eompanlesMa tho form of a law suit .in which bo will be Joined by I.OOt policy-holders. Tho suit wilt bo aimed at tho New, Tork Life. 'the Equitable Life and tha Mutual. Lawson said; ' -The suit will be for the restitution of millions Illegally - received . by ths compsnles In ths shaps of commissions and perquisites, Ths result will bo that tho people will recover their money. "The Equitable fight has been a nasty one. but It shows thst the charges that I mads against ths companies' are mud in comparison with ths facta." ": Lawsqn ssld that over 14.000 policy holders - have responded to btsx request to Jol in a lulu ' ' .. ... . -r'- PctcnklnTRcfloatcd Hilt SIuticecrsl2dDaiTK STR(KIRSMARC1LASKINi11l REDUCTION IN RENTALS Admtral Kruger to Reslgrv- Crew iTakerr 'Off VesBels for Fear of Mutiny Czar - to Summon Assembly. (Joaraaf Spedal aarvlom,) St. Petersburg. July U. News of disorders- and disturbances - continue to drift ' In from all. parts of tho empire. At Warsaw today to persons were Killed or wounded as a result of three on' oounters -between, troops and strikers- shoemakers who marched from houss to house, demanding a reduction In rents. Many proprietors complied with ths de mands. .-j....:. Ths ' battleshin Potemkln wss floated ' thts morning at KustenJI. ' It wss found that tho -mutineers had tam pered with the engines snd' boilers, which refused to work..? 7 It Is reported that v Rear-Admiral Kruger will - resign on account of al leged incapacity in connection with his treatment of tho- situation . created by tho mutiny of tho Potemkln. Fearing a mutiny the sailors of the Russian srulsers Mlnlne- and Kram at Kronstadt have been relieved of their arms by hs authorities. Ths sailors have been' complaining of tho poor food served thorn. Officer responsible for the bad condition of tho food have been arrested. .... :,T r- The Btovo positively . announces that ths emperor will go to Moscow, where, on July It, ho will issue a proclamation summoning tho representatives of the people to Isllnsky palace, Kremlin. Peasants' ha vo overrun and destroyed a 'large amount of property of ths es tate of the lata Grand, Duka Jsrglus, near Doblnsky. 7 .-... CrflNASHUT OUT. Japaa TsOa OelastlaJa That Xar As I Iris By Arrsagea. ' . . ,; (Jearssl gpeaUl gervics.) ;''." ' Pskia July 11. The Chinese govern ment has recently notified Russia and Japan that it will refuse to recognise any arrangements made at tho coming peaoe conference unless China Is con sulted. . Japan has replied intimating that her plan as prearranged .wilt not bo affected by China's request. Russia bss not replied.. ..... , ., w . Busstaa Selegate ails. ' ' . , (Josraal 8wcit Mtntet-i Vladivootok. July IS. Captain Roy alne has left - for - Washington to par tlclpata in . the peace negotiations...-.: DISCRIMINATING THIEF-r hrONLY, WANTS REAL GEMS '. ' (Jearsal seeW etevke.) : ' Newport. R. I J July 11. Mra Charles M. Oelrichs was robbed of Jewelry to tho value of $10,000 yesterday. No ar rest has been made. , The robbery was dlsoovsrsd by Mrs. Oelrichs late yester day afternoon on her return, from a drive. . Entrance 1 had been effected through a south wlnddwof her oottaga Tho thief took the Jewelry from a bu reau drawer In her room. Mrs. Oelrichs had a duplicate bet of the Jewels In pasts, but thsse wero not touched, only tho genuine articles being taken. Last night - tho polios surrounded tho place and nd one la allowed to leave or enter without being subjected to an oxamlna tlon. - . NEW BUILblNGS PLANNED ' AT VANCOUVER BARRACKS (Washington Bursas et The. Jearaati " Washington, July 11. In carrying out ths policy of reconstruction of Vsn oouver barracks, one double set of cap tains' quarters, two double sets of lieu tenant quarters and two double bar racks are to be erected at Vancouver barracks. During ths :' current fiscal year. Tbo announcement- of the allot ment ' of funds for this purpose was made at tho war' department today. - ' Fo BoHe aaalblt. (SiieeUI Dlepeteh Tse Joaraall -Eugene Or., July It. Tho Fourth of July committee finds that whsn all tha bills are paid It will have something more than 1100 left. It has been sug gested that tho surplus amount, bo used to strengthen Lane county's sxhlblt of mining at tho fair. . . PRINCESS OF WALES .?-rr;r.;7!r,r j.: . . (Jearaal Iseelal terries.) . -London, July 11. The princess of Wslea gave birth to a son st t o'clock this morning at Bandrlngham palace. Tho mother and child are doing well. Some disappointment is felt because ths new 'arrival is not a girl, ss four of the fire former children of tha princess are boys. Prlncs Oeorge married Princess Vic toria ,of Teok In !!?. Their ch" 'roi are Albert K1 Frederick, ' dra, bora ' 'n .J4; -tnr .l&'VMSViw.V Prosecution of Vi Jlifr.:: : . Biggs aclGesnegVit C0NGRESSrJAN!SNEPHEV7.: ; -WITNESS AGAIuSTJ!! Perjury : Admitted In' Filing cn Timber CUJmi-ettere by 7 Biggs Figure Prominently " '-In the Case. -t Tho trail of Congressman William- I son and his co-defendants in tha federal oourt is n earing a close. United States -District Attorney Honey stated at noon that ho expected to oonouldo tho pros- . entatlon of evidence tor tho prosecution j this afternoon, and tho defense will then ' opsn its ease. - " .. ... . In.. support of ths charge that tho threo defendants. Congressman J. N. Williamson, Dr. Van Oesner and Marlon . R. Biggs, wsro engaged in a conspiracy 1 to suborn per Jursv the government hasr; sstabltshed tho fact that perjury was committed In a number of Instances by applicants for .timber claims, witnesses have testified thst they took up these claims at tho suggestion of defendants, with ths intention of -conveying them to Williamson and Oesner, and that tho -cost were advsncsd by Oesner, aad this afternoon evidence was of fared which was deelemed to connect Congressman Williamson directly with the borrowing of tho money, with which these costs wero paid. - . . .. - 1 Co agree sauui's Tephew 6a etaaa. A nephew of Congrsssman Williamson. Ernest Starr, occupied the witness stand at ths opening of this morning's session aad his testimony proved to be very important for 4he prosecution. He was followed by Miss Maggie Olaa. whoso torgettulnsss of msny importari facts brought forth question from t e district attorney which hinted strons-r of a., belief khat-aha-waa-wlthaoW, evidence for tbo purpose f shielding ti.e defendsnta. - Letters written by Marlon R. Blgr. defendant to the register ot the land oe- ' flco at Tbo Dallea, formed an Important feature'' of the day's evidence. ... Blg?s wrote concerning the timber claims which havs figured in tho case and re mitted to the register the money with which tho claims wero to bo proved up. In several Instances these remittancea were by personal check of . Dr. . Van 1 Oesner. . .. C.B. fl. Wood was ths last witness this morning and be testlftsd that the WUlamctts Valley and Cascade , Wagon Road company, for which ho is attorney, had leased to Williamson and Oesner certain odd numbered sections In Crook : county. The importance of his testi mony lies in: ths fsct thst ths timber entries involved in ths case ars) In' the Intervening even numbered sections.' thus showing that tho defendants -wsre acquiring, by lease aad purchase, a con. tlnuoiis stretch of territory on which to grass ths sheep of Williamson, and Oes ner. '- Ernest Starr, - Williamson's nephew, testified that hs was employed in lttt by Williamson eV Oesner and is still working for- the firm. At tho sugges-: tlon of Dr. Oesner ho took up a timber claim in ItOt, and Oesner told him that hs would buy tho claim for tfiOO. Starr paid ths coats out of his own pocket but with tho expectation of selling to Oes ner or Williamson A Oesner. The eross ex a ml nation by Judge Bennett served tar bring out some points that had not been developed by tho direct examination and which seemed to strengthen tho force of the testimony as viewed from the standpoint of the prosecution. Tbo witness denied that ho took tip the claim with tho Idea of selling to some ono other than Oesner. Bennett asked if Oesner' a offer to loan tho money with which to prove up on the claim was not made for ths purpose of getting grasing privileges on tho land, pending the issuing of patent, but Starr could not remember that this hsd been suggested. -I don't think snythlng wss said about that," ho asserted. "Didn't Oesner say that you could not legally make a contract to sell and that . he could not make a contract to buy the claim until patent had Issued V asked Bennett. - ; . . .' ' "No, sir. I don't think so," ; replied -Starr. . ..... .... Numerous .'questions wsro asked by counsel for the defense with tbo pur pose of showing that ha had been ooached by the government officials ss to ths testimony that he Was to give, but. without material result, Althougtt the witness testified with relucsnce, be edhsred substantially to his original story. Ha denied that ho hsd bee threatened With prosecution If he failed - (Continued on Pegs Two.) WANTED A GIRL ltOO. and OoorgaiEdward, bora 11. King Edward, as well as the IT of Wales, are both disappointed as the SX of ,ths child. Ksrty thhe r Ins salutes were fired from all tne fleet Ions IS honor of ! r-- r while telegrams of eor been pourlnc in Sll rnurts of Europe. 1 The sr"Mi'ph"p ef I c- umery (. lilt te u' r 1 U t . m. I I Til- .vea I .5 V '.. ,.l ,. .. 1 . V- i'-rt;1 . I- .' ......