The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1905, Image 5

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    i- v J win ..... iJ, .- lto.j.
;iorr:w Axcz-ntrrn 1 '
1 areuaa
,.....'..,... "a ri b iib'
I ns. .................... .T. tiHiu Bor"
1 Mir.. .......... "The H.1, ADOWsut"
Crsnd .-..... .. ......., Vseoeeiile
emr,...,.,.,. TaWMTlIM
stakes - ...............VaaTUis
' Subscribers of Ths .. Journal
who ( away for , a week or
longer mty have . the paper 4
topped at their residence and . e
teanyaddresa by ma.ll at . w
- e the reaular rttM and ' collection
" ' will be made by regular earrler
' e after return to the city, except.' e
' at Long v Beach and Seaside, .
y , e - where The Journal bee a regular e
carrier delivery. Albert Olson 4
of Ilwaeot - Washington, - haa j
-V ' charge of The Journal on Long
Beach and Lewis dt Co. of Sea-
' e side have charge of The Journal
' on Seaside or- Clatsop beach.
Delivery will be made at these
- ' two, points at regular aubeerlp-d
-,-v ' tlon- rates. ; dive your change -
Jr ' -d of address' to - yeur -earrler -or-.
. Phone -Main 80 and prompt eb,e
; tentlon will bo given all orders.
t V o VwTV
"T 'Tom Richardson, manager of too' Port
t land Commercial club,-who went--to
i "Wellington, tf m, on account of the
, - Illness of his mother. Mrs. A. a Rich-,
erdson, will be detained at Wellington
days or two weeks." His mother died
yesterday. He is secretary of the lrrl
' gatlon congress and - vloe-ehalrman of
i the . Trans-Mlsjisslppt congress, and la
also secretary of the Oregon Develop'
' "Went league- Mrs. Richardson wee it
veers of age. ; Her Health haa been
' failing for some months, and ber death
waa not - unexpected. She leaves two
1. tons , who , Trtr--Uh "f -lest
hours,-; . v.- 4 . -.', p -
The final practice shoot of Companies
U9H wid-K.".-W... prior to rthotr
departure for'jCamp Qearhart. Thursday
tnornlngv was bald yeeteraayr tm score
f the dav waa made br Musician H. R.
Cooler of Company T. who made ft oat
of a possible 3$ at S00 yards. Ckptaln
- ' Bcott of Company tC made SO at S00
' yards. Sergeant Boytana and - Corporal
' Sever to at the same distance, and Ser
geant L. E. Crouch and Prlvotea I U
' Seitser and V. P. Compton, all of Com
i-pany- P made It, 17 and X7, raspoc
.tlrely, at the 600-yard range.
' Word waa received this -morning by
" friends of .Mlsa Nellie Staver'that aha
bad died yesterday at bar Chicago borne.
When she. left Portland four year ago
: she waa one of the beat known young
. women of the city and waa a leading
; i worker In the Taylor Street Methodist
- church.- Sbo was a daughter of George
r E. Staver, (.who died hero nine years
ego. For the last ' four years Miss
Staver lived- with her mother In Chl
, rago. but each summer visited her many
Portland friends.
i For two hours yesterday afternoon
. the gasoline engines which supply the
power for the operation of the raw of
the steel bridge were out of repair and
. steamboat traffic waa 'delayed. - The
' draw waa In place, however, and travel
, ooroasithe bridge progressed, without
il Interruption, v When'tho machinery waa
- Bnauy got la order nine ateamero paaaed
H through the draw in the course of a few
,) -mUlUtea. t;Q 4,f;- -
' - Our fifth annual gift sale will eon-
tlnuo until farther notice. - Every - pur
- , chaser to the amount of tl.SS and op
, ward of our well-known - brands" of
.wines, liquors and cordials will receive
. a valuable souvenir, consisting of hand'
. painted china and other fancy goods of
, our own importation. IX OermanUs,
, family liquor dealer, 121 Morrison street.
Bee the Sea at Seaside A delightful
trip, to old ocean, -only four hours ride
. from Portland. .Take a dip in the briny
deep. i Trains leave--the union -depot
, dally at I a. ro. For Information apply
to Mr, C. A. SUwart, agent, lit Alder
r street. Phono Main 000. ,
' The ' long . delayed Improvement V of
' Williams avenue between McMUlen and
. . Morris streets with bltullthlo pavement
will begin today. The Warren ' Con--.
atmctlon company has the contract -for
doing tbs'work at about tl !,. - . '
Csrloads of IteloudTMermald brand
. cantaloupes and paper rind red meat
' Coachella watermelons constantly on
track." 'See rthat -you get Mermaids.
Nothing else half so sweet" Pearson
Page cov Main. 471. , Solo agents -
V' Tourists, as wall as city people, finan
cially embarrassed, will find the Port
land Loan Office, li Third street, the
safest and moat reliable place to traaa-
-i act their business -Rates reasonable. -
t For ' Rent Modern six -room - house
. - with halls, bath, pantry and f lno base
ment; new furniture, all or part for
sale; owner leaving city. MS Thirteenth
- Street. .-Telephone Main 14 It. . .
g. "' - Any-, watches cleaned. ll.oOj main
' spring, 11.00; all -work guaranteed one
jear. ' Metiger Co. Ill Sixth street,
A- letter- has been received by Reore
' . tary Reed of the Lewis and Clark fair
t. from Charles L. Knox, secretary of the
in tee an
75c to $6
HOtrVENIRS of all
KINDS Mugs Ite
to tf.00. Fobs. tOc.
fipoons. 7 Bo to 11.00.
Hat , Pins, SSo to
75c. Rroochea, Tto
to tl.0. -
lOmrtM or
' Our store haa the
reputation for the
-very latest In novel
ties on the market,
and wo do not ask
fancy prlcea for
them. . '
Jigger Bros.
eTaTWWtiwmS An
to Vorrlsom St,
Oas of the bfflolalBct. 4th and Sth,
. ..i . F?oonB. Near , Postofflco.
r Souvenir
- apoons
. ) . elub, t
U - a . - t te tuade for a
nut r. ! t.,uye.e raoo to be b.l
this ely i uet 1. August 14 Is I
yea c y f t tie fair. The letter sir
that, tie t .b has defeated every aim
organlaetw on the coast and is will:
ta : eaoou..r any aspirants that t4
north west may .produce. , , ,. , , ,
Tar Rent Xfodern ' tlx-room t bouse
With balls, bath, pantry and fine bae
ment; new furniture, all or part for
sale; owner lea ring city. 141 Thirteenth
street. Telephone Main lilt, .-m
-'. -- I- - :- - f
Mrs. 11 a Boyoe of Ablngton. Maaa.
ehuaetta. jhas written to Mayor Lane
asking fof - Information; regarding ber
son. who was In Portland when abe
neara irorn turn iasi.
Ours are the lonly launohos laadrng at
tna oaks, iiaunchii for charter. Favor
ite Boating company, -upper elder -Morri
son street onqge, - toi. Main (tox.
' Roof painting Columbia, Paint com
pany. Mala IMS. T First .street. Moos
and fireproof paint for wood, tin and
iroiv mooi painting ev specialty, y
. For . health shd a pleasaht outing go
to Amos D. Bt. Martin s hot springs.
Carson. Washington. .Mineral; Springs
Hotel company. ,ieesees.. . -
Steamer Alllnce sails from Couch
street dock for) Coos Bay and Eureka
Monday night. (July Jo. at . F.- P.
Bairmgartner, agent. Main 11. '
Per health and a pleasant outing go
to Amos. D. Bt, Martin's hot springs,
Carson. Washington. Mineral Springs
Hotel company, leasees. . v
- Moffett Hot 1 Springs. ' $1.19 dayi tl
and 110 week; baths, lea Take Regula-
Wanted Shirt, finishers and : ladles
clothe lroners. i Union Laundry Co.
Oold signs for your windows? Call
up roster jualsar. phone Ex. il. .
Try a' meal without meat at the Vege.
tarian caie, ids guts awoob : - .
,:.;."ThgtlHeit Apparent"
Wsea a sewapaaet! teeuitar Is suae - the
enter ef a play It if apt te ee e failure, rev
kletery- abowe It. J But . Jofeeatoa aleCalUy'a
"The Half appereatt" ' watch .waa produced
yeetereajr et taei Mpire fee tfee ant tiaae oa
say atage, epeeere i t be aa exeepUoa. It
was warmly reodredl by twe larce aadieaeea
and till praeaalyL ara Mfr iealaiaa tareegbout
Ueweek. .ill - ..
rt htm Ant sttaapi -atr; McCsaey aas dose
Fell. He has eesaeleed- ea laUreetlag plot
a plot based ea court latricW ta e avthleal
kinsdoav with s i reasg prlnceaa asd aa ased
klag as prlBrtpale.! 'The eU klsg eeqaeatha
hie saathter te a swaibet ef- the eeurt, bet
abe -really lerer1 a aewepaBev earreapoai
wke has discovered a plot asalaet tke kins,
gesereted by a pruwi. artBleter wke aeplne to
tae taroae. wses toe sing a tee tee prureat
beceaes qneea, syt jabe eanaet starry a Me
Xerk sewepeper sas, asd the s
Bathetic saruag. . Mk ' -
The Iinptre atocg icestpaay seas , the play
Joatlea. Of apeclai lstereeS were tae per.
fonaaaeee et rraeh fleaalna aa the ee
Ljnia, George Serreli as the TllUle, Oertrsda
Ptnie aa the priacaea asd Charles York aa
OapUrla ltUKla.ii The play la wait. BMuated,
H.f V Bobby .Gaylor at Qrand. - -
I 'ComaiiclB this ifterseea the Oraad will
preeeat the sreateet JadlrMaal vaaaerllle eter
Portland er the PecJoe eeaet haa ever eees.
la obey Oerk. i tkle te the faatoas Irish
enaaedlea wke Is kaowa froea eee eed ef the
coaUsest te the other I as ''Iport hteaillater,
Piahee sad Joaaesa are ceastdend without
eanaJa. - Byre aad Lanardea bare s
akrt talM "The DedeJ Petectlee." The Beelera
era nOaad epectelty people, asd Richard Charlea
wlU ales "A rat of Mlae," with plcteree. - The
Oreadkioooe haa a etery ef ."The Cantata's lay
epecuea.'' . ,. -i , r , - ,
At tbf Star. -
The gtar had aa aaaeaaUy larae arteadasee
thn afteraeea to greet! Its Mil for the week.
Bhlelde esd Pael praaaot e very eatortalnlog
osieer. Cerl W. aaseereoa A Oa. la "Twe
Theatre Tlckete" are , eepeclally food. -Abbott
ead Bryaat fornlehid faa. Joseph M. Ooldes
te geed Is his aaeaelagse ead- the- Great Par
iah, veatrllooalau . haei as eatertalalng act.
l a Trytag So Hare1 te rorget Tee" Is the
res. sad It to well MSdeted. - The Btareecooe
ahews s plctare fell let taterest. . . .
Buty Sho
at Marquara.
The weramaa eosiedlaae. Kelb asd Dill, a
gether' with their ceeapany e M people, will
rreeeat the aterry aaaeicel eoraederleeqne.
Is Beaerr Shop." at the Mareaaaa Oraad
theatre tealfht, TueedaF esd Wedaeeday alfhta,
with a epecial-prlee atatiBte Wedaeeday. There
are 10 priori pa la la the east sad 40 good-laoalBg
chorus girls wke eaaJatBg asd aaace, - Popular
prleeaPtfTU, . t f . . t
;- At "tbt Lyric '' ,r.'
A Boaalas Bpt.' Ji ralllUry draaaa ' baaed
ea the tneble setwees apaa aad Baaala, will
he tke attract loa at Ib I-rrte thle week. The
play ta pf the eeaaattoaal order with many
tanning atteatMae, oae er waira la e earue
la fall eperattoa. The play wile eoatlaee all
week with a matinee every day. Mgat perteraa
aacM at f :) e'ekx-k aod tilg ecloek. atari.
sees It l:H o'clock, . s -
'- I. At Bolaaco Tonight ;
The ' Belasce atock eesMaay will apea to.
aUtht la the celebrated farea-eoraedy, "A Pool
aad Ble Money,"- which was William Collier's
areataet Hew fork aacriia. Thla will he the
rat prterautloa ef the. play la the Berth.
west. The principal rolea an. admirably suited
te the awaihera ef the eoatpaay. '
Advanca Sale for Crawley.'
Toraorrew avmlni at 10 e'efce the advaaca
sale ef seats wUI eees for T. Daatel Prawlry
and' hla eaeeHest eompesr. who come te the
Karoaeai Graad theatre ant Thursday, Friday
aad Betarday , la Richard Harding Davie'
eonedy-drhaa, "Baaaoa'a Polly." -A apeeiel-
price asenaee wui he givea. aataraay at s:l
e'aiees. rrrt ; r .
"!.V-t'.tv'.At. the. Baker. i.s
; The Baker haa a capital Mil thla week.
Vurrar and Lane, lata ef the Oraa grand opera
eoarpaay; Karl and Aahtoo, the "flying names":
Alta Phlppa, the aweet soloed 1 eopranor Tom
htaek, the asenetogae-asaa; Boy McBraat la pie.
tared ballade; the Baheregreph and Jones aad
H easing are leadete la eatertalaaMst. v .
Take the "Potter' -Queen of River
Boats Down" the . Columbia. -
' Th Ti ; J. Potter" queen ' of river
boats salla from Ash - street dock for
Astoria and North Beach as follows:
Tuesdsy, July-11, 10:11 a. m.; Wednes
dsy, July IS. ll:lt a. mil Thursday, July
It, 11:10 (noon) Saturday, Jufy II, 1:50
p. m. Particulars and O. R. at N. Sum
mer Book by asking C W. Stinger, city
ticket agent, - Tnira ; ana. Washington
. . - n..t inil -
, Milwaukis Country Club.' :
Eastern and Seattle races Take Bell
wood and Oregon City: ears at First and
Alder. . , -. I-,. '
'' Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's new
est hotel. Steam heat and telephone In
each' room., Centrally located. Rates,
II and upwards, lit Ellis street.
11 . ".'!",."''
For forty years' Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry haa been wiring
summer- romplalnt,. dysentery dlsrr
Jioea, bloody 'flux, pain In the stomach,
and rthaartever yet. failed to do every
thing flalmed for It.'
j laVsamkyassnaawsirektaBsaaa
fe'or May Thiy Crv Ambsr Juic
, of Intoxlcatlnj Hop In ;
-. Y Caloons. ..
Wpmeg Y.ri!l Not Ba AJIowow to
Haunt Saloon In Port- v
' : land Haraaftsr. r
Too. will have to obey the laws the
same -as other saloon . men. You will
not bo allowed to have women In your
saloon, aa I believe the. ordinance states
that no women are to be permitted in
places where liquor Is sold. That la the
law, end It Will be 'enforced."
'Such was the statement made to
Shapiro, manager of the Mass cafe.' ,'neat
Third and TemhUI streets, this morning
by Mayor Lane. Shapiro visited the
mayor at the city kail and desired to
know what ha wae to expect from the
executive. He stated that ho had n6
boxes in hie place and that woman, sat
In the balcony. --v!
"Toil ran a theatre and 'saloon In the
samewoom, do your' Inquired the mayor.
"Yes, sir," waa the reply. ,
"Have you . been notified by the offi
cers that this Is lllegair asked the
mayor. . ... -
"About a week ago." .was the re-
lolner. ' - ,-'
rwelLithen. you want to be -caref uL
for the- officers will bo around to
you If you continue to allow -women In
your , saloon," waa the warning of the
mayor. - ' ..: -u --"'-
Orders were given to the police today
to atrictly enforce the box ordinance
aad the . ordinance prohibiting women
from lounging about barrooma. The
edict regarding -women" WUI " seriously
affect the larger beer and .concert hails
in the city, especially tno urpneura, the
Mase,. Erlckson's, Blaster's, Frits' and
others."-- . : i
' It provides that .It shall - be .unlaw
ful for any person to permit or employ
any women to act as waltresaea or bar
tenders, or to hJlow them to slug or
dance In .any , puhMo harroom or place
where liquors are sold to bo drunk on
the premises; also that no - doorway.
window or opening shall bo permitted to
remain open between any barroom or
drinking place aad any room or place
where women commonly congregate for
the purpose -of singing or dancing. : It
shall also bo- unlawful for any proprie
tor of a aajoon 'to allow any theatrical
performance In hla place. -. -
The saloon interests or the city are
excited over the mayor'e order to the
police to enforce the ordinance, aa they
say it will rum tnair business.
All piaoea violating . uie mi oral-
nance and the - other ordlnanoea - have
been notified, and - orders will bo given
to the police to take a Hat of those who
are not complying with the law, and
they will be punished." said the. mayor
today.'.r. . ' i .'. ."". ' . -' X'
Appointment of Captain to Head
of Police Department Give
General Satif action -
In token of their appreciation of the
appointment of Captain Orttsmacher as
acting' chief of police by Mayor Lane,
a letter-of thanks, signed hy every
member of the police department, has
been prepared and will be Bent to the
mayor this afternoon. - The list . is
headed by Captains Moore and Bailey
and the text of the letter 10 as follows:
"Harry Lane, Mayor of the City of
Portland We, the undersigned, . mem
bers of the Portland police department,
wish to express . our appreciation - to
you of the appointment made by you of
Captain Charles Giitsmachsr to the po
sition of chief of police by placing our
names hereto." - - - -
The various reliefs are vying with
one another in demonstrating -their
pleasure at the selection of Captain
Gritxmacher as acting chief. When- the
chief appeared at the station yesterday
morning he found an enormous bouquet
of carnations on hla office table. As he
appeared to face the men in line he waa
Informed - that the bouquet had - beep
presented him by the officers of the sec
ond relief. '.. -
Chief Oiitsmacher waa visibly af
fected by this expression of tbe men's
esteem, and tears glistened in bis eyes
aa he said: - - -
I cannot tell you how keenly I ap
preciate this evidence of your friend
ship. I know the wages of you men
are small, and I appreciate auch a sac
rifice on yeur part. - Alt -f have to sutyi
la that to tbe best of my ability I will
endeavor to conduct thla department aa
long aa I occupy .thle position In a man
ner which win reflect credit on It and
on every man In luIt ta unnecessary
to say .that In - any circumstances I
shall endeavor to see that every man at
all tlmea gets a fair deal." . . : ; t ',
Judge White Will Address Local
Clubs arid Debate .With
Prominent Socialist.,
Judge John Z. White of Chicago, dis
ciple of Henry George, Snd one of the
most distinguished exponents ofUhe sin
gle tax. will address several audiences
In Portland next week. Tuesday even
ing Judge White is to speak before the
Toung Men's Democrat lo olub In Unity
hall. Second and Morrison streets. It Is
undsrstood thst Mayor Lane will pro
side and Introduce the speaker. Wed
nesday evening In the 7. M. C. A. hall
Mr. White will debate with Mr. Lewis,
a Portland Socialist of ability, and It Is
hoped . that Judge George H. Williams
will preside. Thursday evening Judge
White la to address an audience at the
People's Institute,- formerly known aa
the. Men' e Resort, Fourth and Burn
aide streets...
In addition to these engagement.
Judge White le to speak at the T. M. C
A. one evening while he te here, and It
la expected that he will address a meet'
Ing of bualnees men and probably the
clergymen of the city. . ' '
Portland men who are personally ao-
aualnted with Judge White state that
he Is regarded In the eaat aa ha able
economist and capable of holding the
Mention with his expositions of the
system of taxation which be advocates.
Confess ef Member From the
- Northwert Ctates to Meet
for Two Weeks. i
Leading- Men of, Denomination
Are on Program' forfAd-
dresses and Sermons.'
For the next few days Portland will
be In the bands of the Methodists. Hun
dreds of members of the -denomination
from Oregon, -Washington, Idaho and
Montana' will attend the oongress to- be
held at Taylor Street Methodist church
the next' .two weeks. A number will
oome from the' east as well, and many
are1 expeoted from Denver, where they
have been attending the Ep worth League
convention. Next Saturday Is Ep worth
League day at the fair,. ai4 Sunday the
oongress program is theirs.
; The congress has been organised chief
ly for the purpose of bringing together
the Methodist forces at some time while
the convention lasts. A data was ehoseo
when the greatest number could be pres.
snt, and Methodists throughout the Pa
cific northwest arranged to. be here at
that time.; - ': , .. - ; , -- ---- -
- Better acquaintanceship among Meth
odists of this branch Is sought and ths
speakers are 'almost altogether mem;
bare of the conferences of ths four states
holding the congress. - Bishop-Hamilton
of San - Francisco, resident, bishop - or
California.- Dr. A. - B. Leonard of New
York, - secretary of missions for ths
Methodist Eplsoopal church, and Dr. .H.
J. Talbot, superintendent of missions In
Utah, are tbe only throe men outside of
thle -territory. - -r.
Dr. R.: A. Heritage, - president of the
Spokane Musical college, will - have
charge of the muslo during tbe congress,
snd Friday evening wlU-gtre a grand
concert-with' a chorus of 110 volcea
All the . prominent Methodist singers of
the city will sing with the-chorus -and
many from Other cities have consented
1 to lend tbclr aid
Among ihe prominent speakers on ths
program are John H.j Coleman of Sa
lem, president of Willamette university,
who Is perhaps tbe - moot prominent
Methodist In the stats next to Bishop
Morris; H. L Rasmus presiding elder
at Spokane; 8. 8. SuUlger. elder at Bel
Ungham; J. B. Williams, president of Pu
get Bound university; J. W. Flesher of
Belllngham, Fletoher Ir Wharton of Se
attle. Bishop J. M- Thoburn, Blahop Da
vid ' H. Moore, and many others. One
of ..the pleasant features will be the
morning devoted to the reminiscences of
the herolo days by ths oldest workers
or tne atate, .- -'..,.'-The
spectacular feature of the con
grass will be the Indians In -attendance.
White Swan will head a party of the
red braves and Will himself be one of the
chief apeekere. White Swan haa been
ohlef of tbe .Yakima tribe .since 1866;
four years previous to thst a t was con
verted to Christianity by Jason Leo, the
first rrotsstant . missionary In ' Oregon.
He has worked constantly among his
own people since then, first in connection
witn juees successor. J. it. wiiDun -'
ete Same Prom White UemL t':M
In" his naUvs Indian dress he will tell
of his ancestors v no inhabited these
mountains and of his own , Ufs from
childhood to. manhood. The chief gained
his name from tbe whiteness of trts-eont,
and be la loved and honored oy-hla peo
ple. - Dr. George Wsters, his pastor, will
set aa his Interpreter. During the con
gress White Swan and his pastor will
guests of Dr. Clarenoe True Wilson. -
This evening there will be a general
meeting at the Taylor Street church for
the appointment ot committees for the
meeting and disposal of visitors. - There
Is no way of -estimating ths number that
will be In attendance, for this la not at
all a legislative congress but purely ad
visory. . . no delegatea are sent from
churches to ths mass meeting. But
committee will, meet "the trains every
day to receive incoming Methodists, and
will conduct them .to the headquarters
at the offices of tbe Pactflo Christian
Advocate., where a secretary will alve
all hla time to the work of this congress.
Information about rooms will be-found
here. - Tomorrow evening a reception
wilt be given by the Methodist Laymen's
Social union of Portland and the fol
lowing morning the meetings will begin,
with Bishop David H. Moore presiding.
No meetings will be hem In the after
noon, when visitors will bave a chanoe
to see the fair.
Dr. D. L. Rsder this morning received
noUXloattoa of ble appointment aa mem
ber -of the International executive eoro
mlttee of Sunday school conventions for
ths ninth district, luls comprises Ore
gin, Washington, Idaho, and Montana
and also British Columbia, Alberta ana
Tbomse Smith, aged 17, Is the young
est man arrested for burglary by ths
police of the Upshur street station. His
father, with whom he Uvea at Twenty-
fifth and Thurmaa streets, was srreated
at the same time, charged with permit
ting bis cows to run at larger the ani
mals had been devsstatlng ths lawns
Of his neighbors. . .
Smith, tbe younger, had in his pos
session a watch that had been stolen
from - a Japanese, j He was.. .unable-, to
explain whore he secured It, snd Officer
Ellis entered a charge of larceny against
him. ,, ,", . ... :.-.r.- -: --V"
Reduced Rate to Shasta -;
Springs. ::' . ;v ' r
The' Southern Phclfla compsny has
placed on- sale at Its -Portland .offices
round trip tickets to Shasta Springs at
a rate of ze. -nesuurui, muBtrated
pamphlets descriptive of this resort can
be . secured from any Southern , Pacific
agent." -;-.- . ' , .
Body Pennd'on XAke, . t.
" tapeelal Dlapatch te Tbe JeeraeLl'
Seattle. July 10. The body of Mrs.
Minnie Mitchell., who was droWned In
Lske , Washington with H. F. Gibson on
July t, wss found yesterday morning
short distance from where tbe boat
rapslsed. ' ' -' '
V Stokeala Sklverlag rite ' t
of Ague and Malaria can be relieved
and cured with Electric -Bitters. This
Is a purs tonic medicine; of especial
benefit In malaria, for it exerts a trua
curative Influence on the disease, driv
ing it entirely out or. me sye m. it is
much to be preferred to Quinine, hav
ing none of this drug's bad after-effects.
R. S. Mundsy of Henrietta, Tex., writes:
"My brother waa very low with malarial
fever and Jaundice, till he took Klrvtrlc
Bitters, which saved his life. At Kkld
mnre Drug Co.. 141 Third street. Price
lOe. guaranteed. -
"A" c:zs
New East Side Postofficeln First
. Month Takes the Lead- T
Jlrig Place.
Mone Order and Stamp Depart
ments Make Unexpectedly
, - Good Showings.; V
The esst sMs etBee "of 'Tie ' Journal
the store-af aire. P. W. McKlnnej, eVO Kail
jawrrieoa street, xeiepsooe cast lis. ,
' Thattthe establlehment of a fully
equipped and modern postof flee in the
Lcentral east side district waa greatly
needed has been already" Shown by the
bualness - dons since ths office was
opened at Union avenue and Bast Alder
street. : The stations waa opened May
It and though many of the residents
of the district have not yet -learned of
its establishment, still for the month
of Juno . the station did as much busi
ness as the old snd well-known office
on Russell street,
During June It.lOf In money orders
were issued and the ; atamp salas
amounted to about 11.100. This volume
of - business- was a - surprise ' to those
connected with the office ss -well as
to Postmaster Mlnto, and though it
was known tftat there was a need for
the substation it waa not believed that
the office would, so soon secure such
a volume of business. - Though '..the
office receives no vouchers for money
orders, snd consequently -would not be
expected to transact much of a bual
ness lncaahlng these orders, still Ihe
business of psying monsy-orders Is
growing rapid! y. though-all of this ta
In the nature of an accommodation snd
-only- for- those-who-1 are known to' the
clerks. " -. . - - : ,
The mall business bas kepfc stsp with
th morrey-order and stamp departments
and tbe algtit carriers are carrying big
ger loads every dajrr " At present these
carriers dispossHof . more- mail-than- do
the te carrlera from the Russell street
office, but they are able to do this
becauae their territory- la much -more
compact and thickly Battled- - However,
a couple of additional carriers must be
employed before the end of 'the- year
If the Volume of mall keeps Increasing;
and If the department -will grant the
men an-, additional business '"delivery
wlU be Installed. ' The shpwlng made
by the money-order and atamp depart
ments In the month and a. half the
office haa been In operation la believed
to be good enough to secure recogni
tion from the, Wsahtngton officials when
Improvements era asked.
Tsrbal Lease and Miastna Chickens
' '. Form Motive fop Two Suite.
The ease of 'W. A. Miles ' against
Catherine Huntsman was beard In the
east side Justice court this morning.
Some delay wsa experienced In securing
a Jury and the panel waa 'filled only
after the constable had preased - Into
service neighboring business men. The
plaintiff -alleged : that Mrs. Huntsman
would not vacate his house though re
quested to' do so. The defendant re
plied that she had a verbal lease which
had . not expired, and tbat ahe bad
tendered the rent fixed by Miles, fulfill
ing hsr part of the agreement . The
defense alleged that possession wss
made valid by the- verbal - leass, and
that the only desire of the plaintiff was
to secure a higher rent, after having
once Isased the property.
A quarrel over chlckena waa also
heard In the east side court today; The
case - wss the suit of G. B. Keaton
against L. W. Fryralre. The plaintiff
charged tbat when he and tue defendant
severed connections aa partners In the
chicken' business Fry mire took -more
fowls than his share of the. bualness
warranted and to- recover ' the value of
theee-suit was brought. r
St. Johns Congregational church will
be admitted to the church fellowship st
an all-day recognition service to be held
Wednesday, when ministers of the city
will attend and welcome the new con
gregation. ' ' .'"
Tbe following officers bave "bees
sleeted .and Installed by the United Ar
tisans of University Park: Master ar
tisan, W. B. Satterlee: superintendent.
Mrs. M. R. Cummings; Inspector, Julia
Faulk; ' secretary, Mrs. A. S. Clark;
treasurer, Q.- H. Hematock senior con
ductor. Bertha Otteratedt; Junior con
ductor, Verna Morrison; warden. O. Ot
teratedt; instructor, Mrs. Hat tie Faulk.
A long line of friends 'escorted the
body of J. L. B perry to Its grave tbls
afternoon. - Mr. Sperry wss an old cltl
sen of the east side and an Indian wat
veteran. - The funeral waa held at the
family home at East Seventh and Sast
Burnslde streets.-.
'All cltlsens Interested In the reopen
Ing of Grand avenue are Invited to at
tend a mass meeting which will be
held this evening at the East Side bank,
Grand avenue and East Alder street. -
The first steps toward the organisa
tion of the Baptist church at St. John
will be taken Friday evening at a meet
ing In the Adventlst church of the town,
Rev. William Randall will preside and
other clergymen will attend and assist
........ Objeote to Sedsloa. .',
G. W. Oliver, In- a signed statement.
takes exception to the' ruling recently
made by the eaat aide Justice In finding
for tne defendant in a suit brought by
Oliver against F. A. Ballsy . to recover
1111.70. Mr. Oliver asserts that this
amount waa due blm for work in designing-
and ; building Bailey's house
Oliver alleges that this amount was te
be satisfied by Bailey exerting hla in
fluence with -the O. R. N to bave a
nutKock patented by Oliver tested and
uuH on the road. The nutloek waa not
adopted by the ooropdny and the bill
waa not paid In any other manner by th
defendant, according to Oliver's state.
ment, and suit waa brought- Finally
exception Is taken to the statement that
the house cost Ballsy 11,790 mors thas
Oliver's sstlmate, whlott was . made a
strong point in the defense of the case.
This Is denied by Oliver and held to be
Irrelevant and Immaterial anyway. .
' V. Pave Yew Street, ...V ,
Work: will soon -be commenced oat the
graveling of East Washington - street,
from Union avenue to the flreboat sta
tion. Today the firemen of engine com
pany No. f moved the lire alarm poles
and tomorrow the paving contractors
will start work.' Tbe street will be
paved with, crushed rock, with a -top
dressing of finely powdered rock and
sand, and will be opened to traffic during
the month. The contractor bave nearly
completed the last block of the big fill
and will have this finished before the
paving crew reaches the block. -' The
completion of the street will greatly in-
crease the eCdeney of the Aw" t. ee
the hose wagon oan answer all e.ije v
or down the river without having to
take -roundabout paths In reaching the
fire, and when tbe boeewagon is enabled
to reach a distant fire as soon aa the
boat firemen say Whe efficiency of the
crew will be greatly Increased!
WlU msostvs Cnaap Memsere.
M. O. Wllklns, newly elected consul
commander of Multnomah Camp, Wood
men ef tbe World, . will entertain the
members of the camp and thslr wives
at his home In .HoUaday park - next
Thursday evening. A lawn party and
Informal program will be the means of
entertainment. i -
. Members of the Portland Ad Men's
league say this "will bathe greatest
week of the exposition season. Three
days of the week Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday wUI be devoted to the
convention ot the Pactflo Coast Adver.
tlsing Men's association, : whose mem
bers will be guesta of the Portland
league. .- ., . ,-
Thla. evening the league will have a
meeting In the Commercial club, tower
rooni-to complete details of tbelr ar
rangements. Tomorrow morning ths
visitors will arrive from California) and
sound l aities. ' Hesdquartere will be at
the Ameiiean-Inn. where the business
sessions will be held.- A banquet will
be given 'them tomorrow evening there.
Wednesday there - will i be. Important
tbuslness sessions, and' dscusslons . of
the advertising problem will be heard
from notable experts, and on Wednes
day evening the . advertising men .will
"hit tbe Trail." - . .
'-'The steamer Bailey Getsert Has been
chartered to ake the visitors snd their
Portland hosts for a trip on the Colura-i
hla river Thursday -A. F. Sheldon, a
Chicago man. will - addreae Portland
bualness men Thursday evening at the
Commercial - club on " Sclentlflo Sales
manship.- t- '-
St; Louis Medical and
;- W v : litaMiaet- 117s. ',
' TbuMAmfa Ib Portlaiie n4 all rr th mnrtk
mt ml tvatlfy 4o our gnmt arxl voeiampWd
Uay be atteaded with the graeeet cenpllcatlena
it BSfMctse er improperly trssiea. we Bare a
apeelfte treetraeat
. wblcl
bkh care eyilckly, safely
aae patsieeaiy
Is - anether aeqnlred dleaeea. the raragea el
whir wbes rally developed a psa eaa eeerrlbe.
Wfcea It ebewe br akin ersotloaa or br sore.
in aaetttb er throat Ita horrors are atrsedr
teegna. We safely and tanrneghly core yea, asd
Bo auaerai soieoss are employee.
We treat and core, net by tbe eld snrgVsl
preredure, Imt fir a palaleea Betbed solely oar
vnsm We likewise srlll rure yoe and aare roe
the snffvrtus- assnrlsted wlttr Tlervees BeMHtv.
Lest Maakeod, lapotsaey, gpersaatsrrbsea. See
earaal Xmlaaioas, lreajatare DaaUae, Lees ef
Meaieey, Kaargy Bad Aatkitlea la the briefest
tins It esa be dene, aad ae losers yea a aaf
aad positive care. , . L.
(oiisuiwiioii w MiMm
Write fer BTBmstera Blank sad Seek If, Tea
Oaaset Call,
office Htitrar I a. a, te a. as. Sasssys,
It la U ealy.
v Medical ami
Surgical r
Cor. leeaad aad Tajnsill Streets, eruasd. Or,
What Does
;t : U Mean"?
' The leading dealers In most of
the isrge cities In the United
' States and foreign countries
carry the Stelnway Pianos. If
' some other msks were ss good.
' why would it not be at the head
' of their lletT
We are exclusive agenta In this
territory for the . u
: . and a. number of '' other . high
grade and atandard pianos. '.
- We have the right plsnos and "
sell them at the right price. '.
Dundore Piano Co.
, ess WASHxareTOsf sr, .. .
Hats, pants, shirts and underwear. Just
the right weight for the season. Ton will
do yourself Justice by seeing our grand
bargains we offer. We are also 'having
a big eale on tan shoes and Oxfords for
ladles, men, misses and boys. .We run
two stores, ons corner first and Yam
hill and on corner Third and Davla. ,
PortkrJ facL'-Tiy
nta Bora aad 1rm v sl.ea and westers
cnlUe-e. Ofne htmn nf t-. p-nrirla earing
racacien, irom . i. is , si rae Dir. enrser ef 1.,.rtk sad Karrlnsa
streets., rer e .resa
Surgical pispen
Trealed Q
Si ... ' : MVi
Fre; Lcc
Of the varlees asee Bw eanaery
Chocolate Cc:
, ':.: IssMfaeeared by -
Walter Baker Ce
. v... ... :-. . UattTaVD
teetabllsbsd ITSO.)
r.--.;..!' WlU so grrea by .
- MlMEK.:l.:rr
(DosMstle geleaee Dept. Btartsa T. W. a A,)
: ;-'.-C:..x--::.i:. ....
Upchurcli Hall
itxti AJrn MsVSsTiT.t rrs. "
At xoern CCloek in the' f--irir m
.. gam etnoeis ta tae
samples ef Miss Bart's trMparsrioes. e t
as Cakee, Paedraga. Bferlngvas, Pe ,
bouiiss, ivm uaera, navanaa vraaste. a
will tbe served at auk wiar. .a - .
will be pleased ta eaower aU laejelnes r -
Crdlag ike aaaw. A different aaeaa . .
prefiared aad served at eeek leetare.
BaBple eakss et the Walter Baker F 1
sircai Ne, 1 Cbneolate. tbe Taalla g
Cborolata asd Uttle- sawpls eaaa ef t
Brsakfaat Oaeae. -alee a bosk ef t.
Cboeelate Rsct !. riu be prsseatad te a
rveee atteadlng these taetares. ead a
Wke are lateraated In Klnllllt eaekW k
Marquam Grand JThtsXr
Blractiea HV W. T. Asserts ties. - C. Ha!"-,
preeMeat., Marrtsna at batwea Stk asd 7..
TOsTiaacT ax Sao o-envocs. .
Tseadsy aad tredaeedey tilth ts. July 1 aad
,. ia P11 yrlrs statlaee Wednesday .
-r. St.l:J0. Tke faaay Ceraiaa .,
-rh-..- tix-. i: Coraediaas,
i!lJtserryaselal evartdj-kiKleseee,
e Beaattfal fweras Olrto 0. lUrth as
saaate. Ceeae. laagk asd forget yew treab.
MPtJLAB , rBICggKattaee, Me, see. s-
Bay there la advance. . . ;
Marquam Qrand Theatre
T"wvt "V tnrdr slgkt. July it,
yl l'lJ!"i- PII a.stlaee
' Batardsy.. Special eBSsseateat
IB Blrhsrd Harrllng Dsrta' rrmirdr-Drasu.
m,,ro,aAJr.",r" FO
..ff ff. ss, tee. 7a aad IL. Ad
vaace sale sunerrvw at 10 a. si. , .
Belasco Theatre S2au
(Formerly Columbia Theatre) rearterath
asd Wsaklagtea. -.
BeglDBlag toalght. atatlaees gatarday aad
I I . ' . -
A tioriK:enpCtnx,J
fefOOL AHD O i
-'eee. "H. Broadharst'e latest rarea.'
S??'"!? by WlUUav-Oolllrr. .
rnce Mht. JS to T5-.- aallsMs. t b aw
Neat a-eek "Tke Meeaer ef fsaes-"
. lUHALrrS
gion.rwn ixvRKTKn ' y,
j APanSSIOaT. SS OBBTTS. - " -
. 12th aad kml ea.
sTXTBA this week EXTRA. A le-ceat sbe
for 10 eeats. Jubaetoe McCnlkry'a great r
asastle play, : - '
Matinee every day. S:1S; erealag. :lm.
Only hexee and Inges reserved. tSc.
theatrical bargain ef tke eeeeoe.
- THE STARr-,r,-tlt
IIItlDI I fill,
, OAKl AKDIkoOK 00... , '.
" JOaiPH BOMslaA. -
Bin aasai wai aa nas ks IUsm ---- - a 1
" aasrs insriTVW ayargfTS emBJ JBJWJ ejW
0ooc. 30 enli. Box Mats, M conta.
10I1T tlTldt.
. ; , . riaatFB AMD' JOHHsOM,.. ' ,
. THS HI ALTS. . -'a
. KB. BICHAXD CHAttXS. , .i .
General admission. H rents. v Bventnaa.
Dnndays aad koUrlsrs, reserverl aeera ea lews
Boor, ao rents. Bo ssata, xa reals. .,..
DAlTClVTHaXATXllt ?.Sii"-
Keetlnr A Fleoa, M(rs. (rest are acei entf.)
t v, atOTIBa riCTUBIa.
Perrnrmaneea dally at &. J.30 esd B. Ss,
Admleeloa 10 cents te aay aear.
Xsatrng yieed. Mgra. -.Week
sartlag Meaday, J sly 1. .'
you B ACTS. 1
Atrmlssloa te aay asst. 10 -eases. 1
' Tvke Pertlasd- BslytiBj ear sad set e?f 1
ftawtkerae Terreee. see ht-k (rem SI I ,
lie climate. BVetrle eLveue.
gse BMatlfnl etteot ef eewsrfal asset -from
lor of Mr. Tea ees est a datasf ,
wblle rlesrlag tke asset mage' nee f
a ABMrlce. Ossa a. as. pr-ea.
ma 10 seats.
; BLABIBB Snot. -
tONCBST Sr. T r"?"T.
f-- -