The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1905, Image 1

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    -- ' .,'
GOOD .nVrlillHIG
ifUM W mmm afc -4. - -
. ; V" l:.V .1
; ; Fair : tonljht' Tussiay "
warmer; northerly wiaia.
VOL. IV. NO.-103
Dal Town of tncls!-na
of ncllen. i
.. 4 .'..
New Hampshire Town Chosen by
:3 DelegatesCrew of Poterrw .
Tktnts- Quietly :8catter
'Ps'-tngi-iln'J Roumanla.
- '' (Jeamal Speetal Servles.)
. - XusttaJU- July 10. (Bulletin.) B
' tot leaving to KniaS Fotemklo the
mutineer opened th seacocks " nd
flood4 bar hold.. Th WttlMhlp U bow
Ijinf t th. bottom of. th bay, but t
azpaotad to ba raf!oie4 In ttm to
. ror 0yatapo). July 11 ,;, '
' ''T '". tfoaraal SpMtel ftaTlca.i ', T f
' Toklo. July 10. raoort from Bakh&
'. Han lUUi Jaja ha,v eeooJ
, pleO KoraakOTk tbo prlnolpaj tows of tho
. iaian& .. i na report ox rm oinoer cora-
. mandlnr th Undine: aajra: v - -.
tv- MEarljr oa th morning of July T our
. landing- anny-oooupMK Koraakor with
. rout much raalatanoa.. - Th Ruaatana
, burned . th town of Koraalcor and - r
. . tired to. a position near Sololvlca, aafen
- mile north. - whr ther-at tempted to
'-s reel at bat war dlalodced .by-our pnr
... autnr foroe. They than- retired about
. : Jl milee north of Korsakor. . - .
"Durlnc the encasament w captured
. s four auna and quantities of ammunition.
:tbr was no loss on. our aid.", . -f
TwwbJt, IMuMUn OiAnwd far B
fnatnt O tn
- . viypqnuu apeeiai' aemea. .;,:. ,."-
"4 St. ' PeterjhuK. July 10. Twenty-four
"X r 1mt etT 4Ka T7 liaala n i4n k
! courtaartlalad and sentenced to b that
, Tot remains" to prooaad to llanohurla.
Thy say that other effloer suooeeded
f In radlD( th order to (.toth front
by brlblnc th officer of the general
. staff.- - - ?r' -- -
A- IJthuanlan - rimnt " refused ' ts
f earry out an order glTen by th' brlgad
' commander, and car battle to a d-
taohmrt of Cossacks detailed to plao
the mutineers under arrest. Two nun
dred Cossack were killed or wonndad.
The mutineer were finally placed tinder
arrestr. 1 .' '' , . ' -.
The coarnor-geaarar of Cdeaaa narl
directed that precaution - be taken te
prevent a maasaer of th Jews.'. Seren-
taen persona were arrested t yaatrddy
charged with fixing mark to the houses
of rich Jaw. .-.. .
Bomb-thrtfwlng continue dally at
Tlflls. Ttrday . two were killed and
IS wounded by a bomb and last night
s policeman was abbt. -v - ;
- -i-' mi i 1 1 ; -j v . '
aaOet rrm - romktn' Qulatty
r perse tend to Mody
.(Joenal Ipeelal SerTtoeJ -
- KuatenJt' July 18. Umbera of th th battleehlp Potetnkla who
surrendered to the authorities Satur
day are quietly dispersing throughoat
th , country. . They declared they are
not hostll to t csar. but war' lad
astray by the rerolutionlsta. . Matu.
chen. th leader of th mutineers, say
that h intends to remain her -to learn
-f-thr Roumanian lan guar. ' . . v
' - V '1- mmhbbW' ' y-.-v.-' 4
OoTarnment SnUdlav at Vary Tard
worn t Vegotlatloaa. .;
..;-.: .(Jaawal SpeeUI gerrka.)
. y Washington. Julr 10. It Is offlolally
announced that Portsmouth, New Hamp
shire, will be the seen of peace '.ne ro
t'tlstlon between Russia and Japan after
' then- jremoTal' from Washington, i, Th
...sasaion wtlr b held in the larg gov-
i. arnmant building in th navy yard at
that olty, rapreaentatlva of both ooun-
" trlea having' agreed to this plan. ;
by iAdmlreJ Xrager
r v and rommd in Disordered Condition. ;
' Dearaal Bpedat nenle.) ' V
Kuet"nJI, Roumanla, July '10. Ad
1 mlrav Kruger yaaterday took charge -of
r" th - battleship KnUa Potemkln. , Th
7 vessel was turned -over to ... him by
Roumanian authorities by th order of
King Charles. The battleship was found
r 'In a stste of disorder, th ... off tears'
cabins being stripped of. everything of
(Continued on Page Two.)
V ' sT "' " J''' ' : J... -
. ' ' (Jenraal Bpeetal Servle.) .. ; V'
Oyster Bay, .July 10. The cotton
. scandal haa not reached th president
- officially, but It Is nnderatood that -ho
" Is of the opinion that Aaalatant Bta-
1st Ida n Holmes should b proseouted
;, criminally for treachery to the asri-
cul tural depa rtment. It la . said " that
, Attomey-Oenral Moody has given an
.opinion declaring that Holme is open
to criminal prosecution.
. flenstoV Knox of Pennsylvania. Is ex
pected at Bsfamor Hill tomorrow vn-
ilr ' ni
9 T W f 1
1 1 in, . BV
A JBk J8k A M
,; lending From" Left to Right. Top Row Horace Ankeny, Ohio, Executive Committee ; R. ML-r Allen, Kentucky; Secretry-Tf eagurer; N.1 B. Crkchfield, Pennsylvania ; J. W. Bailey, Ore
J M gon. y Lower Row J. B.. Noble, Vice-President; W. ,W. P. McConneU,. Minnesota, President; A., H. Jones, Illinois. Chainnan Executive Cwinlttee"".---.-.. 1 . 'i f
2,000 -DOCTORS
Many Delegate id Convention of American M edical Awociation
i VVhlch Numberi -Cixty Thousand Leading Physicians and . Sur-
. w geone of Country Already . H ere and Thousands Ejected.
' Program for tomorrow see-
Ion i of th American Medical ' d
association . which convenes , at.
the Armory at 1 a. m.: ..
Various sections i assemble at v
1 p. m. to bfgtn work - ' - .
. House delegatea meet In Cham- 4
bar of Commerce hall at. 10 a. m.
and 1 p. m. t. ..' ll:
Reoeption and fat In th even- ; d
big' at American, inn; aipoaltlon
grounds; pclal mnatoal program ; d
and 'firework. 1 . . . '
, Trolley, ride, starting, at, t P-.
BU M Portland Heights .
; Meeting ob the level .of high altruism.
giving' freely- to suffering humanity th
Incalculably valuabl ..result of scien
tific studies. th'Amrtcaa Medical MV
platlon, boasting - SO.000 members, and
asserting nm uue -aa mosi ais-
tlnruished sclentlflo. body In th world.
1 io session In Portland. " Already, 1,004
physician r bar, and almost very
hour special trains are arriving bearing
the eminent exponent of medical and
' - (. ' ' ,
' . . ; , ... , ,vi .
... . ..... i,..
Ing .to remain over- night.. 'Chairman
Bhonte and Chief Snglneer Steven of
th Panama canal-, commission are du
her within few days.- .,-
Th president ha settled down to' his
routine vacation and will not move from
Sagamore Hill until August S. when h
tans on a trip to Wllkesbarrey Pennsyl
vanla. - .. , - -
- Holme. , It la alleged, "received IT 5.0ft 0
for giving out advanced information on
the cotton crop, to Wall street spvcula-
" M S
surgical skill from, every orner, of the
United State. " .: t-
Among- th delegate re man . and
women whoe names-are-famlliar over
th world Roswell Park, "who operated
on ..President . McKInley after s the . as
sassin, Ciolgoss, shot him at 'Buffalo;
Arthur Ci' Bevan, professor of surgery
at Rush Medical college, formerly : of
Portland, who-recently operated on ' Dr.
WUltam -R. Harper, president of . Chi
cago university;. J. D. Cruthers, editor
of .th Journal of Inebriety, Hartford,
Connecticut, .John Puhton, an eminent
neurologist of Kansas City, . Missouri;
J. D. McDonald, editor of th American
Journal of Surgery,' New Tork; Presi
dent J. Muaser of Philadelphia, .and
President-elect - Louis f 8..'. McMurty of
Loutsvlll,' Kentucky; Prank Billing.
x-preldent "of the; association,' now
treasurer; Frank Foster, editor of the
New York Medical Record; F. If. Wig
gins, ' ex-president of th New -Tork
State' Medical . society, ' and : others ot
equal fume. ,- .. .. J, . - ; '
Oomgres ot Oreat ' Proportions. .
' The oongras ' Is of vast " proportions.
Besides .the main body, the American
Medical association, there la th house
of delegates, composed of representa
tive of th stat societlds, which has
control .of all legislation, and II sec
tions, each with a complete aef of offi
cer. Bach eotlon has ., a . separata
meeting place, and a program covering
-every Important branch of tho affiliated
sciences that make up th whole. -
Today between 1.000 and 1.S00 dele
gates have registered at th Armory.
Over, the Northern Paclflo cam ths
American medical special. .No. 1, with
111 people aboard this morning;' No.- J,
With lis at 1:11 o'clock thta afternoon,
nd No. will reach Portland at 0:11
o'clock with 100 personpv Th-Northern
Paclflo- also has the Gate special
train from Boston with JI0, th Indiana
party of 10 to arrive on , Wednesday,
th Klnport-Wlxgin party from New
Tork with IS, th Minnesota and Wis
consin party, to- which was joined. th
M teaourt - Valley contingent with 150;
th Pennsylvania special with 100. also
(Continued en Pag Tan.)
v : v '.,'.". a
National Food and: Dairy Conven
; tlon ; Holds ItsLflrst Ses- j '
v v sion This Afternoon. ;
Th National Food and Dairy conven
tion held Its. first session" thl after
noon t 1 o'clock In the Auditorium at
th exposition i grounds. , About 100
delegates listened to addresses of wel
come until they must have believed th
exposition wss their own. .
- President W. W. P, McConneU of Min
nesota presided, and in calling th meet
ing to . order Introduced J.- W. Bailey
of - the ' dairy and food department of
Oregon . Mr Bailey ex Undad a cordial
welcome on behalf of the department he
represents, and was followed by Mayor
Lane, - who told tho delegate that the
city of Portland and all it possessions
wero open to them. , , f .- , ,
.-..President Goods ' of th exposition
follpwed and expreased hi delight that
the national convention ehould have
selected Portland as its meeting plao.
Response was mad by J. V. Nobis" of
Connecticut on . behalf of thaaaaocla
tlon.. - ' .-'. '. 4 ; . v' -i
. Th ; nextorde wa th president' a
(Continued oni Page' Two.)" '
. ..... ,.' .-. ' . i I i-. .' - .-
d Portland continue to D on w
d bf th few cool t spots on th 4
Psoitis coast. California 3 still
e suffering from the hot wave w
d ,Tmpratores yesterday were:- ,' d
t'roimn ........... sa4
4 Bakec City ........... .i ... .... II
t Bolee city, idsno. ........... ss
Carson City. NevadA. . '. i . . . SS
Fresno, Call rornta .t,.ux
Independence, California. ..'..101
Iwlston, Idaho... .. .. .101
Phoenix. Arlsntia.'. r ........ -.110
Red Bluff, California. ....... H4
Sacramento, California. ...... 104
Ban Francisco, California. TO
Hpokane. "Washington.!. ....... I
Walla Wall. Washington
' 4
xuma, Arisona. ......
? 1905. FOURTEEN
'Statement That Fresh Indictment Had Been Voted Against Him
Declared Fatal to His Case, Thurston Says Heney
" " Says Defense Forced Out 'That Statement 'V
Senator John H.. Mitchell wa again
the central figure. In th federal court
this . morning, when ' argument ware
heard on the motion ot hi counsel for
a new trial. Ex-Senator Thurston made
the-opening argument, alleging that In
the trial which resulted In .the convic
tion of hi client numerous error had
arisen. ' Becaue of these errors h In
sisted, that th ess shouid one more
be submitted to a Jury. -'TT - : ' '
. United States District Attorney Heney
replied,-- denying that there had been
any error which prejudiced the defend
ant's case, and citing numerous author
ities v. In support of . hi contentions.
Judge Bennett mad the closing argu
ment for . the defense, concluding early
this afternoon. The" trial of Congress
man Williamson and hi co-defendants,
which was to, have been resumed" at I
o'clocki was deferred nntll' Judge -Bennett
had. ffhtahed hi, argument.
- Judge De Haven ' announced at th
opening of court' that he had decided to
overrule demurrers Hied by State Sena
tor George C. 'Brownell, axxuseoT. tt
subornation of perjury, and by, G-'D.
Bernard and C B. Zaohary. accused of
perjury In -making homeatead entries.
Oeorg E. Wagoner, twice Indicted with
Henry Meidrum and ' other on th
charge ' of conspiracy to defraud ths
government, appeared and entered plea
of not. guilty. ; !;' , i
Tharstoa's Point.
v Th 'chief objection urged by Senator
Thurston to th regularity of ths trial
of Senator Mitchell was based on the
contention that th verdict' of the
Jury wa ' general- It was therefor
equlvslent to a verdict of guilty on
each of th eeven oovnt of the indict
ment, while aa to the alxth oount no
evidence bad been offered by the prose
cution. It wa - the defendant' right,
he Insisted, to be acquitted on th alxth
count, which set forth a separate and
distinct ofTenaa, end the failure to ac
quit him was a distinct Invasion of his
rights. Had he been acquitted on thl
count tie could not be-tried again for
the offense which - It charged, while
now. on a retrial, he might be forced
to meet again the eharge contained in
that count. Senator Thurston ala
,'...... ... . ,
. - ..
urged that. Improper statement had
been made to the Jury by the prosecuting-attorney,
and the declaton rendered
by -the late Judge Bellinger on Mitch
ell' plea' In -abatement wa also as
sailed. ' - .. ,.i
.. A motion- in 'arrest " of 4 judgment had
been filed, ..but tb argument. .Mr.
Thurston Bald,, would be confined to the
motion - for' new trial. . The indictment;
h said, charged five : separata .. viola
tlona . of law by ' th defendant-1. The
alxth ctnnt charged an offense ' sepa
rate 'and distinct from, the other of
fenses alleged, arid related to a- pay
ment of ISO said to have been mad by
Krlba to Mitchell January. 4. 1804. No
proof of. thla transaction -was offered
by the prosecution.' so that the, defease
had requested the court to instruct the
Jury' that ' there, wa a . fatal variance
between the allegation sixth
count and th proofs, and had also asked
that the Jury be. Instructed' , to return
a verdict of not guilty aa to thla count.
i . Th court Instructed th jury that the
defendant might b adjudged guilty, if
in the Jury's opinion th evidence war
ranted such conclusion, on any one or
more or on all of th court. - Thurston
argued that th general . verdict of
.(Continued on Page Two.)
'(Jearaal. SWUI Ssrvto,
- Chicago; July 10. Leaving a note to
hla octogenarian wife to "be good te
John and Mary.'t liewt B. Stone, a mil
lionaire aged tt yera,rrimmltted ul
elds thl morning by siiootlng himself
In his Michigan avenue bom. Long
continued lM-health wa the cause.
fitone f ' : vial frame ' ol
mind, r v Nervous an-!
a- wert r
C2XJTS. ??at
Plot, lola, Kansas; Sa
fcrs $150,000 Loss;
Three StructuresTotally Demol
ished Two Men Under Sua- '
plcion Are Arrested Town.' !
"VVIde Open Despite Lawe 7
(Joaraal Special Servie.) '
. lola. Ka..' July 10. As th rult ot;
a plot of temperance fanatic to atop '
Illegal traffic in liquor thla town nar- .
rowly i, eacaped destruction esrly thl'
morning.. Damage amounting to 10.
000 was don by th explosion of ISO
sticks bf dynamlts. " : The explosion .
took place near tb rear of the Eagle
restaurant and at Montgomery place :
on West street, a-brick building and,
frame building, and another frame build-.
Ing between the two: place wa com-. ,
pleteiy-wrecked. . - v ' i '
Sight hundred plate glasa windows' In
the city were destroyed nd dosenk ot ,
buildings are cracked. - Large quantities
of dynamite partly burned wer- found .
behind McOauley reeUurant. Mott'a
pool hall -and the .Cataract hotel. Th.
explosion wer heard in Humboldt, nln.
miles away. - ' - . i
C W. Devlin, the temperance fanatic,!.
"whose sanity . I In question, and W. . C,
Stona are under arrest. - The saloon
had been run openly In violation of th
prohibition law. , .
Th explosion occurred at an early;
hour thla morning and caused a pan la
among th Inhabitants who ruihed'mad
ly- Into th - street in - thetr night,
clothe, unable to imagine what had oc
curred. A. number of persona were in
Jured and many narrowly scaped de-- ,
struction-tn ths shattered building.. -
Two of. h frame structures de-
rtroyed were two-story buildings, - and'
ids aeons sna mien ' iimoers nave
blocked - traffic on West street; where
the fir department and a force, of men
are busy clearing away th wreckage.
The roof of on Of the buildings ws
blown across th street, and In falling1
completely crushed a barber shop. 1
Practically every plat glass window
In ths city was broken, snd many of th -window
in private residences. Every
brick Structure ha hug crack
and aom of . them have already been
pronounced unsafe and ahow signs of
collapse. V . .- . -;
. The stock of ellquor in th two sa
loons wa completely destroyed. wa
everything In th two establishments.
. . There ha lately been a temperanc
revival .In progress snd many of th
people were bitter In their denunciation
of the traffic and open In their threat
of what would happen, but beyond a
poaalbl "Carrie Nation" raid nothlnr
serious was expected. C. W. Devlin we
the -leader in the crusade, and althoug
his participation In th affair of last
night I strongly suspected, there Is n
positive 'proof that he I guilty. Ki
ha recently asserted that the time hat
com for -people to tak th lawa in
their own hands, aa th council would,
not anforc th law. .... 1
. - .. .. ' WHMMWWWMM .
'::L'-.. (Jearaal Special geevtss.)
-Paris. July 10. Premier Rouvler n
nounced to the chamber of deputies to-.
day that th entente between Germany'
and FranSe was oompleted so fsr aa th
essential points were concerned., Th .
previous agreements of- France with
other ' powers were left . intaot Th
agreement with Germany was read to
the chamber. '
Rouvier stated that the ' condition
under which the conference, will be heldi .
provide that th ' Independence of th
sultan and th integrity ot Morocco will -
be recognised. The policy In force will
be continued, th army will be reorgsn- '
Isad by th powers, but nothing will ;
be don not In accordance with tami
recognition of France's privileged po'
ition in Morocco. - 1 - ' - v.
... .. . - -- .
-- ....
(Jeanul Sseelel ServUa.) .'. ."; f . "
Georgetown. Ky July 10. -Th threst ',
nd clash between atate and federal i
authoritiea over Jurisdiction in th cava
of Caleb Power, charged with ' com
plicity la th assaaslnatlea of Governor ,
GoebeL was averted today when judge
Stout continued th case In tbc stals
court and remanded Power te Jll.
United States Marshal Shsrp will leave
thl afternoon with Fowei for New- ,
port, where the Appeal will be heard In)
th federal court, i -
beard. v and . wh tha member or
family reached the librury ihr y I
the aged man dying with a ! t '
In hla bead.
John and Mary :
are a dns' "r
was a ft"
fornix r
he e
f ' -