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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
-' .1'-" ' . ' ' z:7z:czzz:i dailt j3ur.::ALV rctLAiiD. fkiday tvENnio. july 7, i:cj. "N r" "r ' .....UweU..eUwto..L....--eUeto ::OillOnOTV .- . . .V - IStBi ' - -sBs "ggtsassn M k ' .- . , - . . r?. IVfiddteof the Block ThirdStrcct Bet Oak and Pine Sts. Hi XI 'C '7' Men -'For choice of 30 styles of Suitsi: worth from $12.50 to $13.50. : --t;- i . :i For choice of 40 styles ol Suits : wortTQfJtQgtlS(fc .. .. . . . 'For choice of 25 styles of SuitsT v worth from $18 to $20, . 0 For choice of 20 stylesof Wits, worth from $22.60 to $25. ; - 1$5.00 Forchoice of Outing Suits .. worth from $7.50 to $9. I: ?7.50 For choice of Outing Suits .v. worth f rottf $10 to $12.5Q. i i f 1.50 For Working Pants worth .- $2.00. T-'. -t-";:: f 1.65 For. - Corduroy , Pants worth $2,50.. ; : V 1.65 s For Cassimere ' Pants x worth $2.50. : ':' 2.50 For Fine Worsted 'Dress rants worth up. Young: Men's f 6.85 For Suits worth up to $10.N $8.85 ForSuitsjvorth upto i. . $13:50. ., .,-,-'v.v ; :---ri : ftll.85'For Suits .worth : p Jb 12.85oruitsworthpttri ial 1 83.85, For choice of 75 Young Men's Outing Suits, 14 Jo2Q; ' years, worth up to $9. . . - ' . Boys' and Child- rf ri's Dept " Sl.eS-For-.Boys'-JCnee Pants;; Suits ,worth $2.50 to $3. 71 ; Tf2".65 For ; BoysV Knee Pant ' Suits, worth $4. , - 83.85 For Boys' Knee Pants v Suits, worth '$5. m !.. ',.:V : 18f For BoysWaistsrworth 25 to 35c. ' .-v-u...-..,.; -.-v 38 For Boys' Waists, worth 50c " to 65c. .; v.; - - i,, ' 8 For Boys' Heavy Hose, wbrtlr i2c- ..; x IZyft For . Boys' - Extra Heavy Hose, worth 20c' - . JJ5JFWysWcnxlT5cfraw Hats. ', The Chicago's FiillworthHat" $2.50 . Scores of Men's ?0-Needle "Ribbed 1 Underwear, French neck,' shaped Lsleeves, pearl buttons; drawers 2 double seated and extra rein forced. Colors, black, white, ecru.. 7 . pink, blue. Tomorrow A Hat to Fit Youc.Face72I ; A Size to Fit Your Head ; iSPECIAL PANAMA.AND 7 STRAW JJAT SALE . Genuine Panamas $5.00 Grade ......... . . 83.85 $7.50 Grade .85.00 : : $10.00 Grade . ..... . ... . .$6.50 Porto Ricans and Palms i$3.oo Grade-Trrrrrrrf 2.35" . $2.50 Grade TTTTT. . . .f 1.85 Splits and Sennit Straws $2.00 Grade . .81.50 .$3.00. Gradewirw. $2.00- iFurnishingi FGopifls UeptTiJI 60 Dozen Men's Summer Weight, Balbriggan Underwear, 35c value.,; - - . . Tomorrow " ' yz - Over 40 styles of Men's" Golf Shirts; values to $1. Tomorrow Jpver 50 styles Icns Golf Shirts, every conceivable style; values to h..... "f $15. Tomorrow J r -;- - ?Ourt entire line of $2.50 Oxford, Mohair and Penang Golf and 1 ' Negligee Shirts' tomorrow ; ; ". - II X. r ST M I , I ... . . ; Saturday Shoe Specials ; owu rirj oi.mcns vici rmu, siucners ana cats., all sizes; reguUr $2J0-value. t A-J - r Special. . . . . : . ......... . 10 O , "7BOYS TAN SHOES . ;;V lEyery Boy Wants a Pair.' Sizes B to 13r regular-value $2.Saturday. . . 81.55 TSizeS'lSVl to 2, regular value $2.25. Satur day ...... . : ... ; . . . ; ; . . i .... ... . . . .81.75 Sizes 2lA to W, reeular value $2.50. ; Saturn 1 i : i , day .-. .81.95 ; yery Pair Warranted. A New Pair If They Go Wrong. '? J, .5- .', t a; 7n 3& READY TO SELL PLANT TO T 8t. Johns Water " Company Finally Offers Its System, to . the Council.- r"r TAXPAYERS APPARENTLY FAVOR ITS ACQUISITION Definite Action on Proposal Will Be-Taken- In- Nearer-41 T"7'T Future.' ' Tb Mt fflc f TIM Jcmrnil It la : tb (tor o Mn. r. W. McKlnoy, (M ut c Mtrrlwa ttt. TelphM Cm T6. ... . Afti1 further consideration-and count- Inn the coat. th St. Joh'ng Water cora , finT deolded that If the town de Irea to own .It water system tt shall: -. he given the opportunity. At a special meetlnc of the council last nlg-tat p. com munication was recelered from H. Lk Powers statins; .that the company had expended in Ha plant $14.00. but that -- it would sell at a . reasonable flvure should the city desire to purchase the plant. The oouncll received the report . . favorably, but delayed action until the . .- next regular meeting, July 7, when it Is expected that a large number of clu- sens will be present and the matter can - be thoroughly discussed. ' The management of the system last - week announced that it 'was not its de '"sire to dispose of Its property and de nii that any. offer, had been.. made by uny one ' ootclally connected with the " ' corporation, it being stated that the plant had been conducted at e-loas to ... provide ilre protection to the - water front factories. In, which the owners of the system were vitally Interested. Whatever the reason for the sudden " , change of front Is it Is now evident . that the company is willing to dtepoee , ef the plant, probably at a figure lees than the amount reported to have been expended. i Though the question of taking over the system haa only recently been dis cussed in- Johns, general sentiment seems to favor It, and before the end of the year another "bond election may ' result In. the acquisition of the water . works, and the enlarging of the busi ness mains to supply adequate Are pres sure. . BU Johns buslnees mea favor the purchase of the system to give them fire protection; householders favor It "teiauae they want - better . water-end more of It for their glomes and gardens. - lav '.'.-ik cf th cost of titrat ing the system and the cost of placing iwn lunula inrougn ini ciix may cnange the present sentiment hut If there Is any way by which the water service in the town can be bettered at reason able cost public sentiment would sup port the purchase. SCRUTINIZE' BOND ISSUE. trjo&aa Oertiaeates pro Te Aeeepted -t Tim That Bids forThesa. "Though the' St' Johns bond Issiieof lle.SOS has been purchased, it has not been delivered or accepted by the Port land capitalists who secured it. The bonds are ready for the purchasers, and the St. Johns council is- ready for the t rt.OOO, but - the money' is not yet In evidence. ... .. ... t . ' By an examination of the records and after reading accounts of the bond elec tion the purchasers discovered that there was a slight cloud-on the Issue, and until-this is cleared sway no money will change hands. It Is the old Question- ttf whether the city council acted legally in placing the bonds before the voters as an aggregate. Instead of speci fying on the ballot what purposes the bonds were to be issued for. After an examination Of , the charter the : city attorney. Mayor . King. Auditor Hanks and the oouncilmen concluded that there was nothing in that document that made it necessary to vote on the bonds sepa rately, so loag as the purpose of vari ous bonds bad been stated in the election notices. . ...... f It Is admitted that the charter Is vagus and hard to Interpret in this re spect, arid . this doabtlsss -caused the confusion in the - minds of - many - St. Johns clllsens at the time of the elec tion and led to. the belief, that tho bonds as voted wars illegal. , It Is not ex pected that anything more than a vexa tious delay will com from the present Investigation, ths council receiving good legal authority concerning the validity of tha-bonds before offering them for sale. Contrary to report, . there . were three bidders for the HL Johns bonds Instead ef one. The Chicago firms of Kean eV Co. and C, M. Elllnwood offered bids, one offering a premium of 4106 and the other of 1411. - ravlar Tire street. ' Work on Jersey street, the, main busi ness thoroughfare-of, Bt. Johns, js progressing rapidly, and the grade haa been eatabltshed and excavated for moat ef the street's length. The present grads-is several 'feet below, the old lavel, and the car tracks and som of the business - houses - will have - to be lowered. As first planned, the street waa a foot lower than the j. present grade, but when excavation we begun It was found that this would entail too much expense and the grade waa raised allghtly. ..This is" the first -street Im provement work that has been done In the town, ss heretofore the only . Im proved -street - wethe graveled county road. This summer the council will let contracts for the f radlsg and graveling of half a doaen of the main' streets of the town, and the first sidewalks in ths residence district will be laid. In many places the platted afreets run through. dock yaroa, and the thoroughfares in use are vacant lota In reality, so rap idly has the town outcrown its orlsinal bounds. When., the city engineer has a montn off he is going to point out bwBers ars going to shut off frame from their corner lota, but at present trafflo - is free to wander. BlTer Their Kome. If ths Willamette river waa less than half a mile wide above the city It would certainly have overflowed Us banks the lest feV days,- for the Juvenile population- of - East - Portland haa . taken ita abode in the stream. The long, hot days have driven-the boys of 'ths suburbs to the river and long lines of them may be seen heading toward .the river bank every hour of the afternoon with small, bundles under their arms, which may be ths latest pattern in trunks or a gunny sack with a couple of holes in it. Some youngsters who left home. In such a hurry that they forgot to carry along bathing togs have been gathered in by patrolmen and about three score of these have facol the Juvenile court.' .. " -; Judge Fraaer has started a campaign for two more bathhouses, .where small boys can garb themselves In accepted habiliments and when the dressing aheds arrive well and good, but eaat side boys refuse to .swelter decently clad on the banks, until the houses arrive, and in Increasing thouaands they ars swarming the Willamette. ,' Bast 14 Betes. ' - Brooklyn eltlsens will soon -faoldT meeting to draw, up a petition for a fire engine company, located at Powell and Mltwaukls streets. Two of the members of ths new . councU . have pledged their support to ths movement O. W. Oliver loot his suit in the east side Just toe-court-agaiitst r. A, Bailey yesterday Oliver, sought to - recover 1 115.70, alleged to be due him for, work In constructing a bouse fori the defend ant. - The defendant showed that- the house cost 11,700 more then Oliver said it would, and won the suit-- . Bt Johns experienced the Queer sen sation of seeing the through cars come from , the wrong direction yesterday morning. "Xi car with a broksn axis obstructed trafflo near Northern . Hill station aad cars from ths city had to uss ths south-bound tracks Instead of making the loop. Ho unusual waa the eight that people who wanted-to reach the city refused to board ths cars which were headed In the wrong direction. . . Bawailan Bonds Approved, ' (Jeeraal Special Bar. lee.) : Washington.- July "t. The president, has approved the issue of 100,009 of bonds by the territory of Hawaii to re fund -the gold bonds of ths republic .of llawall Issued under an act Ct ths let UUturs of June II, lift; - , ' ., , DESCHUTES VALLEY , NEEDS A RAILROAD Indications That Extension of the Klamath Falls Line , Will Be Made.- LINE WOULD TAP RICH 'I AND FERTILE SECTION Irrigated Lands . in , Demand- Beet Sugar Factory Located , i . Homesteads Available. ' - (Special Dispatch te The Joe rati.) ' Bend, Or., July 7. Everything Indl catea that Bend will soon have a much' needed and. long-desired railroad which will connect this fertile snd rich region with the outsidV world. ' Ths moat probable lino will be, a connecting-road with the Klamath Falls line which hss now been ssaured. Klamath la not far south of Bend and ths line can be eon structed , without sny-difficult grades. There are- several other . possible routes which can be used Sot railroads one from Bhanlko which Is now beln talked of,-another the extension of ths Corvallls St Eastern, and stin a third, sn slectrlo line to Eugene. These- rouies will tsp ths finest body of timber in America - and - would insure - the ' trade of what will soon be a thickly popu- Ister country toPortland lnstead.of diverting It to Ban Francisco .as would be done bjr the 'construction of ths Klamsth line. A large amount of money 1s being spent to irrigate the lands In this vicin ity and a large population wilt soon follow.. The Deschutes river affords the finest water power -proposition In the state. It rises and falls but few Inches during the year, making It aafe to build alongNthe bank, and Is stwsys clear and cool. - - " Bendfls located In the-edge of ths timber snd ss boon as -transportation la afforded lumbering will be sn. Im portant Industry. Irrigated lands are now selling for 110 sn srre snd - will soon- be yielding th" choicest agricul tural staples. Bis thousand acres hay lately 'been located for a beet sugar farm and It la only ft question of time when the water power will be uaad by factories of other kinds. There .Is s good .deal ef - land - yet- to - be taken -ef bomeatesd and timber clalma plats of which may be had at Ths Dalles lsnd office, - . - . , l - : ' ir.CL 1 . . , -v ;'.-. . ,-' 1 -' . II inn I : I ! CIT-'.-f a WW B A JE-.I i leAsWBBBnw T Is now of more Interest .than . ever ' to belated buyers." In view of a gen eral CLEARANCE of every sum- ' mer garment in the house,-we have decided in addition to the liberal re ductions of prices1 to" modify our terms on this merchandise to such .......... . an extent as to make it absolutely easiest and most convenient for our respective patrons te indulge in the comforts of warm weather apparel without an outlay of cash .money Select your Summer Suit,. Outing Suit," Wfich Jk A W UOWi v v uuit -' VestV"Hat or Shoes S 'vP illy PayforThem-atYour" Convenience , r,r--- : amy.. Eastern HfflMEg Gomp "THE STORB WHERE j - YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD' 3D3-C0-92 yczt'z't htts VIRGINIA MURDERER CAPTURED AT TOLEDO , f jonrsai gpeelsl terrlee.) - - Chehalla.- -Wash.. - July 1,--IIeeklsh Hall. Virginia murderer, waa raptured at Toledo yesrday. He la winded f r killing, Jota , ruli st, Jop . ; glnlal June it, HO. Hs admits his Identity ar 1 states that hs shot orubb n f . ITaJt has been here s!- ' - : - wss .Into'- t " "a kls wy I; r-1 ' "-e