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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
:j daily jounriAL, fotlA!:d. fhiday .cvEwnio. july r, i:;5. 15.0, SIUIFIrS; C3ATrWA(E-;iJP- ".WELL AND COST LITTLE: i'.V. : "-w-'-v.i 7 . ...! ... i 'i . . T T7" VAGAIIldDrNlOSf-S- r;u Va CQtAO 01! A urn Keep ehccrfuL Samuel Johnson bnce id "It It worth 'Ffcc Thousand Dollars ytr to have the habit 6f look-' ing on the bright tide of things,:" That's true today as ' yesterdayand will keep foro tomorrow. Don't keep 'your kindness in water-tight compartment. : If it rung "over a bit 'twill do no one harm. If you are going away for an outing jpver Sunday, or for a longer period, take NO WONDER YOU RUB ; YOUR JEYES- ANDrrrREAD "ITEM TWICE!'; , ,.. 4- Lin' .,..'- . the family with youbntrdon't forget to send them here pai their needs ere they leave, and remember to Tceep ijthe store at your elbow to-lean-on for-all your wants vhile away." Our prompt and reliable MAIL ORDER SERVICE will tave you money and time. 4 Come down Jto the store-tomorrow and get things ready,! Be kind to 'tfie workersand come before 6 p. m. ' ,1' V : . v. - THr DITTERENT -STORE" WELCOME, VISITORS -X- TO OUR f REE PHONES PORTLAND'S FORI MOST RETAIL Drinkine Founts, Cookine School, Lavatories, Informa tion -Bureau, Rest Rooms and Writing Deskyfufly top plied with stationery, etc. Check your parcels free. , Best free delivery serrice-1irthe-'cityr:Thecoolest shopping- mart in Portland, .v ' " Best Man's in - - I ' MtmiM Saturday Spartal. ... 1 - 1 " - WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Is where men" of dressy Inclination and ' prudent propeneltte--' chsng a llttl email change for the smartest thing In Mala Toggery show in Portland. A plenty, of new "flxins" for vacation pr busi ness waar at pecll price for today - v :,':'v- it:"r-.rr:-r mo $$, r.jy';:r t-" -:.---,ry-' Van' $1.10 Golf Shirt; all thl Muon'i loodi; eorraet styles, good : eolora. broken llnea: not aU also, but what ara laf t will b oloaad ." out at a holcpt , .,in.i...t T9- ; y --v., toe bbckwbab, i. Wr lien' Neckwear. Tacka and Four-ln-Hande; lie and 10c vlue. Extra special at. ......194 v-'....-; .-7'." . '. SSa Bo, IS. : .:.,;',;) ...-- :. , ; Men'a Fashioned Soamleaa Half Ho, fney triped; beat SSe alua. ' J'-PSL1'1 at: tha pair 18 Two atylea In ' Van'a Underwear one a pur white tneeh.- the other ) Special at, tba gannant ............ . .................... .,..35 Coopar'a apiina: needle. "Blore-flttlar. Jeraey-ribbed balbrtsxaJi Bhlrte - and Drawer; good blueehade; our regular 91. ii gannanta. Special V at, the varment ... w-87H WXJTB.V OF TXKSa I RemarkableValues ; for Silk Buyers ;. r batitrsat sraoxA&s., . : .' , "; SIIk"8TORK FIRST FLOOR ANNEXE-FIFTH STREET. -Rec-ular . 110.00 Bilk 8ult Patterns, In a . large . color aaaortment. ) Special for Saturday only, per pattern. .................. .R6.8S f ' ". ! " yarda to aach ault pattern. y..." Regular '130.00 Silk -Suit Pettern, 1a all the new makee and eolora; x tba larceet uaortznent ahown to the city. Bpeclai for Saturday only, per pattern . ..,. f , . .f 13.4S - . - j -yard to each ault- pattern: .;;-7v--j.- Walte Zndla and fapaaaaa SOka All competition beaten; 7 lnchec wide ' ' '".. .'...,. J Regular. SOe value. Special only,, per' yard . ......... 384 Regular ' COo value, i Special only, per 'yard . .47 Regular. 86o value.'. Special only, per yard .... ..,...'. ..84 Regular f 1.00 value.. Special only, per yard ..i .... .".74 Regular 11.31 value. ' . Special only, per yard .86c Regular $1.60 value. v Special only,, per ya,rd . .$1.12 to make AU Fare SUk Blaak Taffetaai the makee that have helped tola the largest atlk department In the Northweet H-lnch; regular ll.Ti value. 'Special, per yard St-inch; regular-11.00 value, : Special, per-yard M-lnch; regular 01.00 ' vahie. Special, per ' yard 3t-lnch regular 01.5 value. Special, per yard 2!-lncn; regular value, special, per yard : J 1 -Inch: regular 11.00 value. Special, per -yard The above Taffetas cannot be duplicated In any store in .at our regular prices.-. . t : 1.4 t.3 1.1 48 36 19 89a ..,.T9e the West Free Cooking School . Tata FDfAXi OaTAFTSB rjff A MyaFSBr,s1 STOBT OF Mos?ery Sllmg wto-vf of woiroamFvx BAMAura. WOMEN'S 65c HOSE ;-T 33C PAIR AM Other Oree Taluee U Woaiem'a aaA XAOdramf v . , . atoalaxy. '' - FIRST FLOOR. . Women's Fancy Hoelery, in - light pretty strlpe,all full " Onlshed. r importe- hosleryr great collection of them; value toe,, toe -and 06c. , Special at, per pair';.,. .... S5e Women's Black Lace Hone, TinJPli"Toot,oubir aoierT j worth . Oc - but we sell . ' them at, per pair. . , .3S -Women' Black and WMHrr - Tan and 'Black Fancy . Striped Hose, great - aa- aortmant. per pair. ... 254 Women's Cause Lisle Hoae. w fin gauge, double aole. - spliced heela; Ifo value. - Special, per palr.v.. .Z3a Children'. Mercerised Black Ltal Hose, eamleaa, else 0 to OH; Ho to 16 valuea. Special, per pair. . , . 19 Children's Mercerised Lisle Tan Ho, Mamies, splendid aaisrtmehC per pair. .f... ...i ....2ff 30a 3Be InfanU. Black, Blue. Plok. Tan and -Whit.-. Plain and Lac Lisle Sox. Special value, per pair. ...v..... ............. 25a) I WW i m Mi Ifiait. WH, ' f I h m f j mi J For Saturday Only! New and Stylish ; . $15.00, $18.50: and $25.00 ft J '-v. Vs'-' i-'--.h 't"" ' '. - s - .'7'" '-: v -" r : f J : W(Q) 'V".;-'-'M.jCi JSfyl ?t'? H.- Yes I Saturday's Price Is Street; Saflflts litii A Wonderful Bargain Indeed " Hatidsbrne, fashionable,1-tailored Suits, alLbf the.present season's production and every suit the handiwork of one of America 'i lea dingman-tailors.BothT plain tailored and .trimmed effects; serges, cheviotsand etamines, with a color choice of blacky blues and browns. - Eton and blouse styles of very .latest designrTThe. greatest suit value ever - offered by-this-or-any other Portland house. The best regular values at $15, $18.tS0 and $25 ever on sale in Portland. Por on e day onlythat day tomorrow1 at f6.98 A- DAY- OF- EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY FOR PROVIDING SPECIAL" NOTICE As is oux usual custom, this store will close at C p. m. .tomonowtorjLilt shopping ended when the day is done. .Vind up the week's buying at THE DAYLIGHT, STORE" be fore 9 p. m. Saturday. VU'v;;"'- White Goods and Barqa ' 1,000 yard new White Oooda, each as Jacquard. Piques.' Fancy Duck Suitings, Parla Mouaaellnee, Lace Lawns. Persian Mull and Me-, certsed Madras valuaa up to 16c yard. All at. yard. ...... .19) Mohair lustre. Etamlnea, Voile. Fancy Organdie and Batista: la r value to J Sc. All at, yard .1B l6e and 10a Imported .Sllk-Mlxxl Crepons, Printed Nets, Dotted .. Mull. SUk Gingham and Embroidered Vojlee. , AU now special ." at, yard .......... . ..r83 11.000 yard Danish Cloth; all eolora; 10 Inches wide;' half wool, per yard . .-tsiii. Bedspraada, good crochet spreads, medium-weight for Bummer; man handsome pattern. Special at .'....90 Fin Marseilles Bedspreads; extra large, handsome raised pattevne; tt.00 value, Special at 92.2S - WASH GOODS AND DOMESTIC AJSLFS FIRST FLOOR. w - Sale of Summer Shirtwaist Patterns vi!.'"' Beautiful Evening and Opera at Half-Price 1 Costumes Our magnificentstbek of these unrivaled gowns ; for eyentng and spcie.txi functions, the values up to' $50, on 'Saturday only, at ONE HALF their regular modest prices. , Handsome crepe de chines, peau le soies andTeta mirtesjnjfclijtaeja effectKf rare-and jdairity laces, every wanted coloring in the great fashion r-convention for one day only at. . . . ... i'i. . . ; ..ONE HALF. PRICE ::- Pretty Kimonos and House Wrapp ' $2.00 KIMONOS 94c ' " "r " . . Handsome Long 'Kimonos," in dainty lawns and other- summery wash ma terials, in a color range embracing black and white, pinks; blues, reds and greens, pretty flower patterns and conventional designs, oriental effects, etc.; values up to $2 in the lot. For one day only at ..84 '. ;.'v'..-" $2!50 WRAPPERS FOR 79c ; ' . 7 Very attractive Percale Wrappers, In' striped, florarand Dresden patterns, navy,;red black and gray tolonngs, narrow or wide collars',' belted backs and yokes, Bishop sleeves, flounce styles, trimmed in pretty braid and em broidery, effects ; values to $2.50. ; : For Saturday only at. 79 MANY MAGNETIC IVIIiOlliiiery marvels .Saturday U ths "BIJoa" Saloaa. ( SECOND' FLOOR ANNEX. " ' Our Milliner have prepared " won derful convention pf bargain foi; Satur day patron. . A' plenty for all, oj.' Past experienc has taught us w must pro vide an ample supply to. fill the demand when . ; '' - '" Beautiful Maxine EJSiot Hats Are Advertised At $2.00 : We're so prepared. Come and choose from great aaaortment of , this charming, favorite etyl Hat tomorrow; all wanted coloring, black, brown, navy, green,. etc, prettily and stylishly trimmed, 'with dashing ribbons and dainty flowers. ' A wonderful -sped" I . value, for the day only, at .........$2.00 SATVKDAT nil a IWIinil OXBABAaTOB OF aa va a ... . Women --; lUndermuslins xoima ovoas. - Women who - are particular, in underwear -selection mar - with profit to themsefvea, choose from our stocks before departing on their summer tripe, Such opportunity a thl will have flow n-r. the "tewn season"-ope na again. Better corns in today. Borne num-' bar may not last longer. Remember Entire stock reduced. Special mentions: - " '- --'J-''; ' . ,. - , - usa Made" of muslin, nainsook and .cambric, trimmed in em broidery, lacea. bematitohlng. high. low. round or square neck, ln eluding the new slipover; long, elbow and wide kimono style aJeeves. Regular prices 10c, 7c, ll.on. 1.0, ' l. to $.0.00. 4 wpectai pncea f it bo a) l.x , SX.Jk - SIT.ttU Prawess Of same material a above, trimmed In Bwlee Hamburg embroidery, dainty lace and ribbon; regular prices tic, 60t (Oo, Mo. II. i0 to tt.10, - .Special - price.. 21 tp-424 SO 724 $8.35 adie' Skirt Of fine whit materlala," trimmed' In a great variety of atylea of flounce, edged with VaL. jpolnt de Paris, Cluny or ' Mai tea or fin embroldetlea; regular price lie, $1.00, 11.10, $1.1, !.: to 141.00.. Special , . . . . price.; ,,..55) 85 $1.25 $1.04 $2.42 o $39.50 Ladle Oersei Oevsr ; Of' fine cambric nd nainsook, tight-fitting. French full front, or, without shoulder straps for evening wear, trimmed in an almost endlee variety of atylee; regular price lie. Sic, lOo. Tlo. $1.00 to M-00. V - Special price.. t. t tv.. "SI 30) 424-034 85 8T.05 Ikwt aad tag; iOksmlsss Round or low. saiiar neck, trim med In embroidery or lace Insertion and edging; regular I0e, lle,- 1.00. 11.3,' J.tO to . ; - Special prices.. ... .. . 42 .72 $5 $1.15 $1.69 to $T.9B Remnants and Reminders Bar Bargalm Sataraay ta Wemea1 FaraJaaUag Shop. -- R8T FLOOR."""-'- . FOB TOXII AJTS Z.ACB WAISTS. - . . ' Xaateoaaa Tal AUovsn,' Kalf Friee. ; ' . . Beautiful Allover Venise Lace, In cream, reduced to exactly on blf rgular prlc . -Regular price, per yard l.0: $f !t $1 t 11.00 Reduced prloe, per yard yJO S3 Ts $1.00 - . oaaouuo, srAarsoox ajto swiss aatBaozsamzBS. From I to 1 (nehea wide, cut on third t on half regular price . Regular. 1 ic Embroideries. Special at .......104 Regular 26a Embroldertee, Special at 1&4 . Regular lie Embroldertee.. Special tt4,,u.m.A80 Regular I Do Embroideries. Special at , 264 pMsalSal of ladles' BTaokwear. ; Tour choice of several very pretty style In Linen Stocks, In colors. with -Oior4 Tie; aeiling regularly at 11.60 to 11.00. Special at . .... 91.00 mbroidrd FtaaT Fongm. Very pretty nd especially adapted to hot weather wear:, each . ,SO or 3 for 50d . : FBIOXS XA9 A "FAXUT OVT" WITI TUfJ j ' Blankets and Bed Values ' :S .'f.,..;L.L- PH FotRTH floor...... ; Genuine-Pendleton Woolen Mill Blankets, plain gray, all wool, full ' Regular 16.00 value. Special at, pair ................... .$2.75 Regular $1.10 value. Special at, pair : $3.25 Silvery Oray Blanket; vary fin fleec wool; fS.60 value. Apeclal - , at. the pair 83.50 : - .Sadlaabrla. 1 . ': All-Wool Shawl. In plain color and fancy plaids; $4.10 value for , f...vv.r...............t..v......i.....,..$2.56 , ' ''"'". Oomek eorar. , ' Regular ls Couch Covers; good $10.50 value. - Special at. ."..$5.50 " $10.00 ta,OaT.Bais res' iiiTTu Z.'J'tlZ-. White Enameled Iron Beds, braee-t rimmed.'- full-or three quarter else, bra topra'll, six brsss spindle; an elegant design; splendid f 10.00 value. . Special at i$6.T5 TIT'S SO LARGE "TTlnd myself completely bewlldered.'Msald" a ladV"who had been visiting the great eapoeltlon. "I'v spent "the whl day and scarcely know what I bv seen. . - - - -Tha-epoltlon I large and It hard to find One' way around if not directed. At the same time It's very' unpleasant to have to ask questions of every on one meet. , There's on solution of the trouble, end only one. ."' v . - - THE GUIDE BOOK .Th Official Guide direct you w her to go and what Jo . It ells everywhere for II vent. We furnish our patrona SraM for S eeate. With vry purchase of $1 or aver. we give a coupoa good for $0 cent toward the purchase of th' guide book - when presented at th headquarter. Oriental building.. Exposition ground. Dainty, $.oo 16.00 14.60 ... $$.60 . $1.16 11.00 ' 1160 prstty witcheries; real band-embroidered. Raxd the reduc- Waist Patterns. Walat Patterns. Waist Pattern. Waist Patterns. Walat Patterns. Waiat Patterns.. Waist Patterns. Special at Special at Special at Special at Special at Special at Special at -t- .k . .. . . -WW-.. l o wfb a l r.84.78 ..S3.90 ..3.75 ....$3.90 fa.75 ....... a.2K ...$2.00 . V Quzcx FAaszao of' Dress Stuffs Saturday at .jv:;i;,;-:nalf-wce'I' WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOB. ' I L -. V We ar determined to "close out every yard of odd and ende In u ii....i.on; oey axe an inj season ff styles. Including Novelty- English Mohair In stripe, checks and changeable affeett ,- - ' " u HMwiiin nw-iiflunflQ .weaves.. All go ' '.........-,.- ...........XAXF raioa. Regu .r $1.60 goods for. yard ...........r.. ".75? Regular 11.00 good for. jrard .60s) : lL niFOBTBB nioi aaousa: kokaxb noruji. . m .ra wnmv pwrrecx-ay ana rinisn; regular Hlo. vajues. special lor rTiaay and Baturuay only, yard .......,..$Og Short Prices on Table; Linens Saturday FIRST FLOOR.'' Bleached Linen Table Damask, IS Inches wide, no dressing and excel lent wearing quality, yard .. A$ Bleached Linen Napkin, full dinner1. sis and many bandsom pat terns; value $1.00. Special, dosen '. . . .....$2 2 Rlohardsona Linen Sheetings; Just in; woven of round thread . greatly In demand now for ahirtwaigt nd. linen suits; pure flas iSi yard wide per yrd....f., 14 yrd wide pr , yard i. $2fto A QTTAB' OF FXOZ-UFS. Saturday Specials in the Small V FIRST, FLOOB.':. f ooBia.. : v.f: t rivs double Sheet of Fly Paper pclal-at '...,.... ...104 10 Sko Fas Oeata. " Shoe Paste for fine black leather shoes; does not soil fingers; regu lar value 10c Special, Jar-...., i ..'..', .....5t eveai Spool, Thread SS Oemta. ';., . - . . . Beat American Spool Cotton, for ha rid or machine, all sites, .black "or white, 00. yarda on spool. Special. T spools. ,2B - 8 Wrttlag Paper 1 Otskj. ' S. -' .' , w. Fin Whit Correspondence Paper, with mboaeed Initial , on every sheet, all letter. Inclosed In pretty kid-trimmed boa; our regular $6 vlu Special, th bog . .t. .... . . i ;v , . ; . . . . ... . I9g SOUVENIRS - Bl Assoitaaenta mu Fikis,' .; : - , " . The largest assortment and best-by-far variety of pretty and unlqu Souvenlra In th city. , All the latest novelties., embracing apoon. foba and pocket piece.- pott card, pictures,, leather and paper articles, china and glass pieces, Indian blankets, etc. All at our famous fractional price. , , AU TTJ IVATB ABJUTAXg) BOT QVABTBBBB A TaTB BOTBXSI r SFBCZAB ABBITAM OF VOTB JVST BBOEgTBBBO. D n the Stucie Store ON TTHB . FAIR-WAT" SOUTH - ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. A LEADING NEW YORK SHOE. HOU8E sent ua by ezpreaa several cases . pf Women' i Smart- New . , - - -,;. OBAT SBA-XSXAarO BOOK ' . BLaXF SBOBS ' WttbZ eof t. aasyT flexlbl- hand turned ante, easy to the tread. th Ideal aummer shoe. Wide ribbon ties and In that popular shade ef gray .that ha caught the' high favor of smart dresser thl aum mer in all eastern style center. 'Protection' the ostr : . . Our regular $4.04 Tan- Vlct-Kie."Dutteniio..r pelr. ,..r Kvw t"7le t Satee Frrl 1 r BZTBA SPaOXAZi VAX.UBS TM :" '. TAB BBOaa SATVaOAT. Tblainoludea 11 the Jlnea of - ' Tan Lac and Button Shoe; th different grades and prices. Poel . tlveiy these pitce will bold good for two day only ' Our regular $1.60 Ta Vk-I Kid. "Harney make." ' Special at. the : ; ., pair ...... "..f2.7 1 . 0r " regular $1.10 . Tan ku, i? .Calf. "OloTla1 mk. s"l ' . the peir'i......;. Our regular $4 0 Tan rue IT' V. 1 " THE OLDS - WORTMAN -ICINO STORE : . VVASHINQTON, FIFT: Is