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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
... TII2 OREGON DilLY jfOUniIAC rOr.Tl.ATJD,' Flb.V , j Fac::oTio:r ividtncil "That Nyda-Sharki r..r j - Ir. CTnsMn-r Minv Victim 'ft- pi - - ? . .- nere in urezoru -''fOPON- LOCAL-INTERESTS ' j....;.y-v Facta f-Tonopah and Coldfield .-..-aa ftibliahatf by Covammanti; -VW Headadrr"' ' ji ." ,...- :; " ; f Store Ths"o.rnal recently sounded not of .warning to": mining inveators , who are inclining toward Tonopah and . 4?oldneld. mere hat been much additional local vldencrnat-tt entire) coast and "especially the PaclfiSTiofthwest la being preyed- on r by -droves of "wlldceta." received -cere in mm . .Literature la nothing to show', but . a location sorae- ?bara la tha bantral part of Mavada ar out to fleeoe the- unwary public ex jorienoooi m . - . . 1 -.11 f r-nTTi ..... .... .trl-ltf . lOU mPl"B m0 HO nv wmiv w -K junbeeltatingly that thera will oa mora ;inuai nq ctm 11 m mm " jnilt of discovery ofr-ck ore In Tonopah and Goldneld tban have followad any boom t rsoenttimm, .,: On well-known mine operator, . who 1 -bom from tba oulHarn csmpa. state tblamorningr ' ' "A a -all informed mining- men know, ilher ara food values at Tonopah and Ooldneld. t. Tonnpab ha passed-the .ex perimental state and baa aoma wonder ful veins, .although development la yet 'confined to a limited area. QoldQeld --aae-been mora bewtldcrlnk, than Touo , pah. Marvelous chimney of ore have ; ,been: opened. These are used aa, tba .bests for soma of tba rankest promotion .work I aver heard pf. . bhtpmenta of rtoh iquarta ara aooepted ' aa absolute proof ' -of both wlda and deep ahoota, while, aa av nurttpifacvthe ora occurrences In roldfleki are exceedingly Inegulnr 3C. Spurr of tba United Btatea geologi ' cal, aurrey aaM tha depoaltlona were. on ;the ehannela of bot aprlnara. aAd Im tba work done up to. tba time ef bta Tiatt 'ibeaa rich chlmnaya did not occur In ahoola of much length or 'Width,, but were continuing; to auch depth aa work liad progreaeed. Thar waa no defined ; vain ayatam In the Qoldfleld dlatrlct, but -ra bodies eocurred Irregularly and the development , on One property indicated nothing on another adjacent to It.'. . ' "TJaanita tkM. aall knawn rata huh. ilahed py the aoemmenJ offlclaVpro- wotera ara aut with a muimuae 01 repertlaa oa which thera la absolutely aothlng In Bight, and wbere tba chance of finding ore la about aa remote as If a Joan went Up on the Caeeade" range and '. commenced , driving a croaacut tunnel artthout reirard to the evidence of crop '. filn'ga.' .Theao man publish their proa, unity to aoma' of tha proved mines and make all"" of tha usual, wildcat argo ... aenta about their holdings. iXbey as. . auma that tha ehtlre world la made oa of "suckera and will not tumble to the lake an til promoters bays reaped their " fortunea." : . . i . . . ' It Is learned that' many small In , Vestora in Portland have coram anoed to 'bite vigorously at, tha glided bait. 'They ara accepting. the atatementa of promotera. Without- .aueaOonv- wlteao other Information of tba location of tha f-Toperty-In -queatlon 'or wbst it has to , ncourage.'. development -That nearly every uch investor will loaa is fore gone conclusion. Such investments In ' mining properties, which leave every tblng to tha maa who la profiting .by ttte Investment.-as a rule- are an out right donation to the greed of promo tion sharks, and tha apparent fact that I I 'I' I I jhaayMt Vorsnua " tvhnnY ng. anaka ever assembled in any .single atialug eampinreats Nevada at inta imie oui adda to tba assurance-of failure.. aWsoe ;tke latecvlews glvea.out by tha promotion gang from'the south indl cale the style of work dona. 'One waa Introduced to a "Journal representative recently, and whan asked about condi tions at Uoldfleld and .Bullfrog, eaid ':The greatest mlnee tbe world baa ever kaowa ara- found -tli-e. . They, caanot be described, f9r words will, not tell of their richness.. Nothing baa' ever been eeea like--K. and perhaps never will When-asked about tha else of the ore bodies'; opened, extent of work, sotual returns on smelter shipments and , re liable figures of tha output, the only reply wa. WiStli-w9.lLi00.rlcl.iobt deecrlbed. ., . . - There Is no doubt, that good ore -is mined In Ooldfield. but It seems squally certain to tbe 'mining men of Oregon who - beve studied ' tha aituation .that this ore JaJtaed as I net anauodarork-fuf some of the moat glgantio frauds and swindles that have been - perpetrated alnce the Klondike boom. Tba reaottou will soon coma, when mining as a whole will b grlevoualy hurt.. ' Tbe unfortunate feature or tna aitua tlon la tha bad effeot upon local mining Interests. Moat of Oregon's rulnlag haa been developed by ouUlde capital. There are few producing properties in the state that have been brought out by local peo Die. Yet every big boom of an outside dlatrlct fin da a large number of victims It Is with the penalty In prospect of Im' mediate annihilation that any maa dares suggest investment In his Property TM reMif-eome: pear In the Ughtof decxyiag-be-lg1tl- of Ooldneld ano xonopan, ef which thera 1B much, bdt they do feel that tha intelligent people or this atate should learn that ha rothy promotiona of stampede days are .surer loaa than any bunko game aver perpetraieo. WINDERMERE CAMP f COMING TO THE FRONT Charles U. Keep, who Is operating a silver-lead mine In tha east JCedtenays 1 British Columbia, stated this morn ink that .this district, although yet dis tant' from a railway, waa comlpg to tha front 'rapidly. , Mr, Keep la intereeteo In tba Sliver Belt, which has sent out a few trial ahlpmenta from near the surface. - As It costs from t!( to 110 to market ora from Ine campTIT must have high value -for shipment upder present oonditkmev-.-A-. wagon haul la made to Lake .Windermere and water transports. tlon la, then possible to near tha rail' way. -.. .... ,;v..s..-,.v- - - -i - Mr. Keen Is an enthusiast In silver lead mines.- He believes there Is no other type ef ere which baa so much certainty of oceurranca and which may be relied upon to auch enormous depth. The allver-lead ml nee of tha glocan and Kootenaye, he says, have a great future, when-men llke'Mahager James Cronln of tha BU Kugene get hold of tham. Conetructlon . of the Kootenay Can tral railway has commenced,' said Mr. Keen "which -will bring better trans portation, and. within tha aaxt few- year. thera la no reason why the .Windermere dlstrlefwhould not become one of the most prominent, sllver-lesd districts of the country., it nss sn excellent anow Ing in all prospecting done, and the shipments of ors made in 10 had the effect of-drawing to It. more attention Mian any previous, work dons, there. Mr. Keep says that tha ora of Winder mere usually Is a high-grade galena. running an ounce of allver ta 1 per oent of lead, and values or (140 to lloo ton 'ara usually, found In the shipping graaea, PerVand to KilauatT Volcano. The special rate tlekets'now being sold by tha Pacific Mall and Oceanic S. & companies via Ban Francisco cover not only -tha trip to this great volcano, but also five days' -expenses in Honolulu- drives and excursions whilst there. J. H. Dawson,' at S4I Washington street oi C W. Stinger, at JI4 Washington treet. win ten au aoout . Won't last forever- neither will the boy Let 'em have if good time to- ; gethcr. T We - aim T to make t' clothes' that will tu'nd -all the : elementf that come into a boy's life.- v Boy For Saturday We Offer s' Wool Suits . Made to stand the use that active, live, energetic t ' (d "J f? boys will put them to. , Special at. ..... tfl v , . . PU90U :25t For choice of Boys'. 50c and 75c Straw Hats. : Boys Swimming Tights. Special at. .V.. ,.5e 10 For Boys 35c Knee Pantsyin aU sies.'-f '.lU-.y. r ALL OUR BOYS'. SUITS REDUCED 1' :.:yr 4 SaHor and -Russian i Blouse Styles FOR AGES 2 TO 8 YEARS."" "'T" ' $2.00 Wash Suits ngw Wash Suits now, 99e $1.00 Wash Suiti now :70 Boys', Blue Striped Overalll uoyr Kougner iombination Suits. - SpeciaJ. u..50 Boys' Shirtwaists, for ages 4 to It Special'at . ..... t:. i . 14s BoysVPast Black Hose, sixes 6 to 10. Special at. .. .... .JOt 75c Wash Suits now. ..' .59e 65c Wash Suits,49 0c Wash Suits now . . . . 39e Specials .. ... ....25 Youths -Long-TrouserSuits t Single !and -Double -Breasted-atyles, $ov-valuesr.n rr .$6a85 .Everything for Men and Boys.' ; : "JZZ:v US.KS THIRD STREET, .f:? -: 5 Near Morrison. 0.TOT HATTEO Quastion cl Building Sevan, Cori Crete Structures to Be Da- ; i Ji ' cldad by E1ectori.r . 7 " ' t ' , ' SUPREME JUSTICES TO ; L: -t-S00NTAKE VACATION Covamment Adopts Plan for Hy rographlo ami TopogTnphlC"T ' - Work In Oregon, v 1 ; ; "(Special OMSSteb U The Jearaal.) Balem, July 7. At apeclal meeting eftba elty -council bel4 last night an ordinance waa: paaeed calling - for apeclal election to be held July 14, for the purpose of submitting ta the electors the proposition of bonding tba olty In ths sum of .tlMOO for tha purpose of building' seven concrete ' bridges within the city, Tha. ordinance . carried - with buLnas-dlsBehjjanrta5rf -x- - Tiart Oases -aa Tbe last -castnr-tnat tN now ready for trial war set. for bearing before the supreme court yesterday afternoon. No mora c-aaea Will be set tor hearing dur ing the summer, 'unless it' should be In ae of an - emergency., - The guatlcee will-tea ve-iiv a few weeks for their sum mer vacation. '-. ..m:. . Tba cases set yesterday were as fo! lows. -.;V Tuesday, July It, Cohn against Wa rn ine: Sears aaalnat Jamaa July- II. Horn agslnst United' Slates Mining, 8e- ieurl a Trust company:- Horn against United states Mining, security ana Rowlsy Mee agalnat Bowden Gold Mint Ing company. July JO, Whelan against McMahon; Davis against Bllverton. , Baroarrapais Kaas ASoptoeV Slate Engineer , Lewis yeaterdsy aft ernoon recelved .WQrd : front that aecre- tary" of the Interior SUTIngtnat bis plsns for the hydrographio and - topo graphic work toba carried an la Ore gon this summer had. been adopted and that the government would expend II, BOO for tba work' of each - of these branches. Thia means that tbe IS.009, aDDroDtiated by 4hla state for this pur pose. Is now available for use between now and the end ox tne year leva. - jar. Lewta will afso ba appointed the gov ernment' hvdrogrepher for tbe .state of Oregon and will thus have charge or ail stream gauging work m tha atate. undft both state and national appropriations. Mr. Lewis and an assistant. Mr. Allan, who . has been in the employ or the Deschutsa Irrigation, company for soma time. - left for the .Upper branehee of the tvuiametto last ntsht for ths Pur pose of doing some preliminary worn on tha nroDoaed gauging stations which It will be' necessary to ssUblUh In order to determine tha water supply ox utesa streams. .'r : : t -- -r - a . Warden llas Seport. Tha master flah warden yeaterday filed bis report -With tha state board at fish commissioners for the month of June. Xt ahowa .that-14-arraata-ware made during ths month for violations -or the nsb. laws and that from tnese ar rests ths sum o. wss realised by ths department. The" totsl receipts tor -the month from all sources was Uil.T; whlla the total cspendlturs waa H.07l.r7., ' "i; t i .)-.-, t , ArtiaW lea. s r : The articles of Incorporation of ths glgaatlo Cooperative Christian fodera tloa and for Its flnanclal branch, ths Cooperative Christian Federation trust wars filed 'with the secretary pf state thU week. Tt required t pages of type written matter to explain tbe purpose and objects of tha federation. The prin cipal office ta In Portland, the capital stock ItO.aOQ, and the Incorporators are Henry Stahley. -WlUtam . E. ' Randall, David Leppert, H. D. Staley. H. a. WsJ lace and Wallls Nash. 1 BAKER CITY TO HOLD: V GOOD ROADS MEETING " (Iperiat IMeeetcb te Tke JeareaH .. W itv:JulyX-AC a mass meet ing bold yesterday at the city halU In which many prominent cltlssns .were present. W. E. Louchs of ths Nstlonal Oood Roads (Organisation aeuvereo an address and. paved ths way for a good roada convention hers on ths 11th snd uth of this month.. At. that urns tne ipeeial esr of ths national organisation will arrive wltn tne oincera ana n glneers of ths org'anlation and two days will be spent in tsaaer wny. The first day wUI be. spent In driving ever the county, snd ths second dsy will be given to public meetings. It is ex pected to hold four JnvlUtlons ara be ing sent out all over the county to prOra Inent cltisens to attend and railroad ratee nave bean reduced ror tna occa sion. Tha aaaociation aemanaea or tne , people t.M to. pay tha expenses of tbe meeting and tha county agreed to pay two thirds of this whUs the city agreed to pay -ba remaining ona third. A large attendanoa la expected and one of the big times of Baker county Is under preparation. - - ' i . , '; . " SEVERAL BUILDINGS ; BURN AT ASHLAND , gpertal Olepeteh U The Jearaal " ishland,- Or..- July .. A flra discov ered la a , reaidanoe property sn' First streeTTato yesterday afternoon spread ranldly to adjoining houses and threat ened for- a time to be very destructive before it- could be brought -under can trol Two - reeidance bouses -belonging to Allen Davis were' destroyed with a total loaa of they effects of ths family Charles Cummons, .who occupied one them. Tha home of Boyd Robinson. with all - hou-whold - effects.- "wse de stroyed; ths blscksmlthshop 1 of K. C Sherman and three barns, with eoms miiui. atruntures. were also burned.-Ths butldlnsS were not' Very valuable so the total Joss -wllllno tf xceed-1 1.0 OlUThs nsurance is. sdoui is' ' Jt.- Soapeoted aarsiar , rreed. ' (Ipertsl Pktpeteb to Tbe Joaraal.) Pendleton, July T. Thomas Butler, tba man who' was alleged to have held up John ..flohmiser - Wednesday night, wes yesterday taken to tha sheriffs offlcs snd given a short examination by the officers. There was not sufficient evidence to hold "biro for trial and be ae released front ouatody., There waa but one wltneas agalnat ths prtsoiier and his story' was rather vague, hence ths sctlon of ths officers. ' ' r - '.'l ' , r-Lrny mock Crashes. . tlsedal fnapttek te The JoureeD ' t Peodloton. July 7. At a speclel aea slon of Pendleton city council yesterday It was decided to pureheee sn Aurora No. S rock cruaher from Beell A .Co The rruaner will cost the city f l.f-9 and in HurniturMd .'-F "- . ' ' " ,..'r-; : : c, : J -';'v,k --.V-n--'7-r-iCTvr1 --:'L-L----v--;V-- In Furniture Given Away" To. the holder of the I r Lucky Coupon j Sat'day, Jaly 5 L IP' Cbloa ClVsef it i rrm. r n - Extension Tab! v Six Chairs Buffet AloneyrSaving Dis- Room In the House BUFFETS v-Cv,": : SIDEBOARDS t , " ! SERVING TABLES " CHINA CLOSETS DININGROOM SETS PARLOR. SETS TABORETS . BEDROOM SETS v ? XDRESSERSiL: TOILET TABLES , ' CHIFFONIERES : v ;! A COMMODES, :? ,: MIRRORS: -TDINING TABLES Z - BEDROOM TABLES . PARLOR TABLES K: : LIBRARY TABLES . . CARD TABLES V, LADIES' DESKS" - OFFICE DESKS ,i - 25 to 50 Eer Cent Reductions Look for Yellow. Tags Ta Be Given Away? Satu This - H an d so hi e; Weat h ereHIO a k Dining . Room Set ?ilrth$100 this' ' tale' '...' t is V Every article : in . marked with a special Coupon Tageach tag la numbered. sYou , get the coupon and the ,tag . is placed to your credit in tha office. . On July 15 the Uga will be placed -. in a sealed box a: disinterested person will 1 breai the seal" and -- draw out one tag. -, That number : 'i will win the prise.- So sare. your V coupons and . come ' back r on tha,! 15th." You may ;be' lucky. vs :Every"ArtIcIe In Thlii Sale I Has a Special Coupon Tag. Each .Tag I arChafice- on L the Dlnlno; Room Set. Like to Own t? . Buy Now. . A Co u p o n Wl t h r E v e ry Article, No Matter How -f rr:T Low the Price. '.' '-' v,,i.,--i-- ' " ... :-!00:' : In 'Furniture Given Away To the holder of the r; Lucky : Coupon,': SlMauly.5: Attractively Priced Bafiri in 3 Every; Department ARM CHAIRS . ; -LEATHER CHAIRS - DINING CHAIRS ; PARLOR CHAIRS -MORRIS CHAIRS : ? DESK CHAIRS v READINQ CHAIRS REED CHAIRS REED ROCKERS e ... j: , : -.s ARM. ROCKERS SEWING ROCKERS IR0N.BEDSV,U4i-' BRASS BEDS Tt:" - - wooden beds; : ' : ' ' CELLARETS " ' ''c; v-Av SETTEES pi.ti'-r'f'!' Ull CARPETS - --.-- RUGS . .. MATTING - - - CURTAINS ; 25 to SO Per Cent Reductions tbbk for Yellow Tags Mailt Orders Filled- Promptly r Co) W IE I 15 Firstr and . Taylor i - ( a ' . , . Streets ,f rami, rrom. every 'posslbls point of view and ttkt result will be the sasas always any paint ws offer you U ths bast' paint of Its kind ws can buy, and that applies to .varnishes, oils, putty, "turps." ato ' etu sold here. The color eard we'll arladly (Ira you tolls only part of tba , story- the paints wUI tell ths rast. FisheKThbrscn & Co. . ' ; Cos. rrart aad . Kotrlsom . arts. -; rJemoved-t7-48llrd-0 .,j:W-:.-Bet; Pino and Aah"t X.':. -!;. - eVf" --'.Vt';M.' 83 THIRD flTRBBT " ;..lz:'. 83 THIRD flTRGBT .'tr:: BjBjBjajajajajB.BBjajBajf t. .. '.'eyiEfc IT DIDIN'T HURT v ; - :A .B1T.':.-: : la trkat tkaJPiSar mt mmr saeNaMle -M eXnc eeai wnrS. - We So weak tor perajile rraai ant ef the eltf qel'ktr aa ereM anr Seiar. Krarrtklsy an il.u. , Opaa ereaiass aad Suae a a. , Main togs.. . . WISE BROS., Denttftts TtW Teallhif , aMfe TM St4 WtlalBM VHsaMaHHsHsHsalB -Jl ' ee. A. W . n itOTXXM airs USOlTt. --f--"-' Hotel fairmount ajra . unatuai an. Oppoana Mats aatoaase ta Xrswla aad Gaanc. aupasiuaau . - : ' Onlr sbsolutelT flreoroof hotel ad. lotnlnsj rrounds, equipped with eleotrlo Miepnonie aoq special Miepnonio com munications for patrons.- Uniformed porters snd bellboys at all hours - at wests' serytos. : --1 '. , -.r.....- . j. . ...-. A -.-rt.'.-.' ' 130 Elegant Rooms L ' " Opeii lor Guet7-- B1M A BAT tin TTT. K. LaTTIM, Oensral Maha-rer.- X movuxM An maeonTS. ' - HOTEL ESTACADA OH TH O. W. P. RT. Ca-"-; , y TROIX8T UNK.U.?-1 ATVe, W9M SAT....,;. tt-BO- svatm, u waax....v.eif4o, - Upafitar ticket. Includlaf rou nd rip ..fare and A Inner uauu(Ul Special ticket Including rotind inp rsra. oae nignt s loacins; ani inna neaia. ........ .Wa..-. Ttotm Of viols' an waimte) - boom, rxmmt am aioAja. - ) H"- rhons or wrtta"" . ' f 'Im .MAhTrNi;z. bfansesr." r' . - Katacada. Oraajon. - , TUB KINO HOTEU rtawly laralahed Hr-atkeet, 91 see . dar. MeSara In trtrf' serrtrttlar; a dlrert ea( Mna le aipoaltloa ana erxa enlr ( ailoul-e' walk frata 9. 0..an4 Sailaiaa eastati rtratlaae swale eara4 tne as easts, axis feffersoe at. CawiapasSaaoe aoHitea. -. :- - - f " ' JOURNAL- WANT ADS I cnip'cuick RESULTS Deiightful Mount llcod Trip , i "".f . , .. ,: .; , T? VBRT. VIB1TOR fctf ' ths V Lewis and Clark expoal -tlon shouU take thle the moet , . delightful of all mountain trips ' . In America.. Cloud Cap Inn, ' V unique and picturesque. 1,000 feet - above - aea-, lerel. : af- 1 . . i forda splendid aoeommodstlons. . eummit of '. mountain', easily : .'z aoceaelble .from' this, point. a SUges lea re Hood River sU ' tlon dslly, msktng connection .. with O. R. A N. trains. Round V ' trip tickets. Including coach. I Ing trip, oa sale at O. it A N. r -ticket afflca,--Thlrd anof Wssh' 4 tagton etreeta, Portland. Par 'T .ttoulars about rates at Cloud ' - Cap Inn by writing ' c . XjirOXZXa MaiMtga. -ooet WTs;--Orafbir7'77r" aend I cents, in stamps to A. ; U Craig,. . O. P.-A. -Dragon - ttairroaa nae-igauon com ' penr.' Portland. '. tar1 1 booklet " - telllag about trlp, Par-moderft -detrUt wort." World-rs .J . -V Lowest prices eonaietenV with flrst-olaa v..i. vi. Oo to thev. ';'.- ........ HEWlYORlConNTISTS ' - rouB Ar tscrr r-r rrx , . Pyes ear e' f- ui ba delivered in Augusv.; v 4 ,i a,