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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
.il ir...::::: 3. . j: ii -i ; : . TOKO.'S AXffSSEZXTl. - :. 'MaHmB..V.;;'.r ,..."Te V"' ese .,... j..., c -- i" ."fiasel K.ITU' I Ira....... .M Iit t f.raad , ,.,..., ... .....,.V )( r c ...;.,. .4 , ....V.u.MTtll VaUT l.,.,.,.,i,.i.ltt.....Ul' ri AK3 YOU GOING AWAYr , Subscribers of v The ' Journal ,- . who go away for a- week or - - . longer may hav--thr iper-.O ..stopped 'at- their--residence ande aent to-r any address by-mall at , 0 " tho regular rates, and collection s will be made, by regular carrier . . after return to the city,' except 0) ' . w t Lone; Beach and Seaside, . where The. Journal lias's, regular - carrier delivery, r Albert - Olsen rf Uwaco. .Washington, has . , charaa. of Tha Journal on Lone" ' x . Beach and Lewis ft Co. of Sea- , slds have hrg of Tbs Journal .on Seaside or .. Clatsop , beach. 4) - Delivery will be made at these - 4) -tw. points at regular aubscrlp-' - 4-. tlon rates. . "Glv -yourchange d """of. address" o, your ; carrier , or , .-.. phone Main to and prompt at-. . j tan tlon will be given ail. orders, j : -,-. - r -, s ; ' '-I' '. ; .' -Twentr-elght member of the ApP- 'lachtan club. of Boston.' who will loin the Sierras of California and the Ma sareas of Oregon, in (be ascent of Mount I" Rainier, are here today and more will ' arrive tomorrow. . Tha headquarter oi , the visitor la tha Manama elubroem In the cttr hall.- Sunday morning the os tonlana will be -taken for a tramp along : the skyline trail west of the city by . Colonel L. L. Hawkins and other Ma samaa.. Monday ana party will .leava for Mount Hood, returning Wednesday, Tuaeday is Maxara day at the fair and a reception wid he given to the visit Ins cluba by tha Oregon mountain- . climber. -A trip up .th Columbia Is t clanned for rrlday. and that same even. ' -. Ing tha Blerraa. Appalachians and Ma . mas will leave for Varadisa paria jj, wttera Xhey wUl go Info camp before as; . pending Mount . Rainier. The Appa lachlans 'will - 'number about . tha Sierras about 104 and he Masamaa S. tnts camp Woodmen of tha World. . . held its regular ' meeUng laat nigni. Bevoral vtattora war present from Port- land camps and a pleasant evening waa anent. A. L. Barbur ot weoioot camp addressed the camp on the benefits of , tha - Home for . Aged woodmen. ; ointe Organiser H. U Day spoke on tha com ing celebration In Portland on August ""r-ti-i," end and was promised the v . cooperation of "the neighbor- of- Lenta ;;' camp. - Consul-Commander Howell "of ' Webfoot presided and spoke on tha good .J of theaorder, after which Orfaniser Day InsUlled the following officers: Paat 'eonaul. O. W. Webb; consul-commander. .A..a..Bhnardi adviser. PMoCollum; , banker. Ira B. Allen; clerk, C W, DaiOs; esuort, C. S. Davis; watchman. J. B. Marshall; sentry, Oeorga J. Orlffen; ' manager Joseph C, Mauck; physician, r...J., B. Moore. .. 'y.. Woodmere, a auburb , 01 KastV Port ', land, narrowly escaped 'a conflagration .. last Thursday-night about 14:10 'clock, . r .when . tha tower '. of- tha I waterworks caught Are. An. extra pressure , waa eeded to Oil the reserve tank at Laurel- woodi and so muck steam waa jrequlred .; n that the fineplpes grew redhot and net : flra to th wooden walla. Tha engineer ' gara the alarm.' and alL the me -and oya of tha suburb turned out to fight hastily organised and tha flra waa 'cuick T '7 Put out- ' Had the flames reached the 'top -of the tower tha whole nelghbor . -: hood would have been endangered. The ' cltlaena ot Woodraera kre - planning to ' purchase a lira hose to take the plaoe at buckets with, which to nght tno area ; ;. of the future. , - , .Vj-'v".. - It Is reported from New Tork that the Vnlon Pacific Railroad company win build at , Ita Omaha , shops six steel gaeollne r motor - cara. with. - several '- important Improvements over tha : car In Portland. They will weigh . H- :J-. 9 pounds and measnra (4 feet long. ', feet 10 Inches wide and I feet 4 Inches ' high. U Inside measurements. One of --. the most notable improvement will be , tha double trucka to be used instead of the slnarle wheel truck on tha Portland ' car. - The special equipment will include Commonwealth bolsters, Wayoott brake- .... beams,, Schoen- rolled steel wheels and v Vnlon Fecino spooiauy designed seats. ' With' tba departure of H. M. Watklns ' . next week to aooept .a position in the : auditing department of the Panama rati- V" l"'d. hla place aa traveling auditor of -the Oregon Railroad at Navigation com .' , panyf yui be taken by Harry. P. Cham ; pWvat present agent at the Ash btreet ": doc', who baa been appointed by Awdl- - torStirling. Mr. Champion started with th company as a clerk In IIS, gnd bo " (,eana agent at the, dock. In lti. .. He mnt be succeeded by Harry Blanohard, jurser en tne Haasaio. , , r . , -. . '. Dr. C F. Candlanl, Italian consul, is ' In receipt of a cablegram from the king ' ; of Italy, instructing him to convey to tho governor of Oregon and tha proal- dent of tha Lewis end Clark exposition tho thanks of hla majesty for their -courtesies toward the officer and crew of the Italian cruiser Umbrta while it ' -. kaa been In port. . v . -- v- :: '-.,- :. f After an inapeotlon of civic improve i rnent work In Portland, Prof etsor A .Van iler NaiUen of San Franclsoni will , go to Seattle for .a few days. He. is accompanied by-his fanHly, -andthey : wlU return to Portland for a Visit after soejng tha sound cities. Tha professor waa .formerly connected with the, San . j- rancisco ooara or pubiie workaw . In 'John Dellar advertisement " of a yesterday there appeared thla sentence: p Toung men's double-breasted shirts at lt.l nriM " . Tfr. .hMiM - k. -.... M . i3 'Young men's , double-breasted - cults." : ' Mr. Dellar, who haa two stores, one at .;. THERE'S COM FOHJ iai . : NEGLIGEE .J.SHEITS Wm'vm a Fltt0 SiUctton , . Modtraiftf Priced S48 Whlfton Xfrwaf J r'i r'i r"'-' , r V ' : U. and . c r ,t 1.. 4 i.4 Davis str U " "I i " irtlonal ft t ,fta, in .i t' -.many visitor to'' the llr ar taking advantage of it. Mr. Dellar he established, a reputation 'for aiiPX f Ta Tf quality ' t oargaln price, to wnlchUa owe"tha fact-that ha haa built ut a kuatntna o( which any on could t proud. v ' Our fifth annual gift aale-wilt coo tlnue until further' notice. ' Every pur chaser to the amount of SLaO and up ward Of our well-known branda wlnea, liquor and cordials will-receive a valuable aouvenir. consisting of hand painted china and other fancy gooda of our own importation- D. Oermanuc family liquor-dealer, 221 Morrison street Pure Paint and Oils F". H Beach Co., tha Pioneer Paint. Co. s gents for Berry' "varnishes,-. Harrison's oolors, Senour floor paint. Jap-a-Lee, Camentlco, Hygenid - Kalsomlne, Palo -Alto- Metal Polish,' window glass and, gluing, ltl First street. .Phon 1334. . ,-: Sea the' Sea at Seaside A delightful trip A.o old ocean, only four houra ' rid from Portland. Take a dip In tha briny deep. Train leave- the union . depot dailr at t a. m. For Information apply to Mr..t A., Stewart, agent. 141 Alder street Phon Main tosv y . j j .; Carload of dellcloua Mermaid brand cantaloupe and paper rind ' red meat CoacbeUav.-watermelon ' constantly on track. - See that you gat Mermalda. Nothing elaa naif, ao sweet. Pearson- Pag Co Mai 471. ; Sole agents. -'' Wedding invitations, When, you our aamplea of tha .new sty lea 4 n old English and. plate script you '.will -be pleased. - Wa make a specialty of this class of work. - i Alvto' 8. - Hawk " Co., printers, l4l..Thlrd. stree ' Bertha Aril la Wertmah ha begun ult for divorce' from George Wertman, a raualcian, on tba ground of-cruel and Inhuman treatment. Tha couple were married. -in Pennsylvania In 181 and hav on child. . Commodity rate toBouth Bend terri tory similar to the rate lo Gray Har bor' nave., been put into eiiect oy ine Northern 1 Pacific from Portland. Seat tle and XaoOma. to meet water, oompe- rtition. . -' . " " r Tourists, wall a city people, flnan daily embarrassed. -will And tba-Port' land Loan Ofnoe, T- Third, atreet. . tha aafeat aoA most reliable place to trans act their buslneea. ..Rata reasonable.. Roomy ' eottaga '- at ; Seavlew, - North Beach.- completely furnlehed; eul table for largo family; will rent ror eeaeon to private family only."1 Apply or7 address R. J. Linden,' III Commercial block.. For ' Jtent Modem -- sla-roora house with halls, bath, -pantry and fine baae ment; new furniture, all or part, lor aale; owner leaving city: ' ttS-Tbirteanth street. Telephone Main III).', For San Francisco. Tba elegant steel steamer Redondo sails Saturday after noon.. Ill first claaa, II aecond class. Meaia and berth included.1- C H. Thomp son, gent, ii Third street. -For Rent Modern six-room , hons with- halls, bath, pentry- and f lna base ment; new. furniture,' all' or part, for aale; owner leaving city. 1 41 Thirteenth atreet.'. Telephone Main I4. Dr. Joseph Hlckey wishes to announce that he haa entirely reoevered from his reeent nines and la to be found usual "at hla office, , No. 1T Dekum building. ; . "-."". 'vv. ,"; , Roof peiintlng-Columbla Paint com pany, Main 1411. 7 First street Moss and. fireproof palnf for wood, tin and. iron, oor painting s specialty. Wo clean and press your clothe and hi your shoes ror fl.oo per month. Unique Tailoring Co 147 Washington, Main iv ;. ' .v';; . JJr. .waiter T. .Wllllaraaon , ha re moved office to , 101-t Marquam . build ing. Phone Main 4jll realdenoa phone! Maw in., r;. - r-- . - Tho ladlea are always Interested In bargains. Tou . can find Uem in tha market page today. : Be sure you read it Any watahes oleaned, 11.40; main spring, $1.00; all work gnaranteed on year. Metxger.ft Co ill sixth tret Cedar park to reopen Sunday. Dane tag . afternoon-and evening. Special prises, Strictly tlrst-claa. No liquor ' . For, Rent -Two . modern ? six-room housesr walklnj Third sTfee Wanted Shirt jflnlshers - and ; ladle' clothe lrotier. Union Laundry Co, Sign as you want thenwFotOr-eV Kletaerv Fifth, and Everett. .-. .j - Sea' adv. orac : church Picnlo to Eatecada. - Page i. '-, v CHURCH SOCIETY HAS -HAD GREAT GROWTH Methodist EpiscopalSouth Urw der Rev. Mr. Mowre, I v ; Very Prosperous.. ' Eighteen month ago Portland had no society of the M.' JO. church, south. and in that -time Rev, B. H. Mowre. the pastor, and hla people hav assem bled II members of that denomination, l members - of- the Epwortn League end 80 member of tha Sunday school, bought a quarter lot at tha corner of Union avenue and Multnomah Street for 14,000 aTld are- now abont to begin eon straotion of house of worship to' cost $26,000,- Th strOctur will be of stone and a year will be consumed ' in It erection. Plan are not yet complete, but will be adopted Just a soon architect have prepared tbam. for 'dub- mission to the board, of trustees, Althouah there. are two eonferannaa' the' Columbia and East Columbia in this etate, Portland waa without organlo representation la the denomination until Mr. Mowre cam her early M" 1S0 and formed a society. Hla labor hav been unuaually - successful, a - the results already accomplished and tbs "plana for tba immediate tutu-re show. - Tb mem bers of the congregation are- delighted over tho prospects, . and are working with enthusiasm to attain tho and in view. Th new church, being the only One Of that denomination in th city. ill appeal to m large constituency., a there are many person her who fer anerly lived In the south and who era attached to the southern branch Of tb Metbodtst Episcopal church. . - ' MJIwaukle Cbuntry Club. Eastern and Seattle rices Take Sell- wood and Or go City ears at First and Aid, - . y . ,.; -.- ' . ; Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco new. at hoteL Steam bent and telephone In eCh room. Centrally located. -. Rate. II and upwards. Ill JEUlla street . - i '1- eDis:c:iG::E "Reputiuon of Traveler, Cauees V Friends Sorrow, 'MC'r CONQUU-POUCS; FRJENDS . ALL .JOIN IN THZ SEARCH Finally' Discovered,: Wrjen French ; Lamb ? Chop and Water? r "V-'-melori-Are-Hls Portion. - . ' ., ... . f ... - ' :.L" : Little Willi Hanebut stayed away from th home of hi uncle, F. W.' Hane but North Twentieth atreet much longer on , the Fourth than the time, limit allowed hlm.'vXWhen be dis covered that-in tlja enthusiasm with which, ha had enfered into tho celebra tion he had forgotten to obey the In struction given, him, anticipated, pain of punishment assailed him. and ha .waa afraid to go home. - '. - v His disappearance.' for' two day Willie Hanebut caused hi relatives, th -- polio and. French Consul L'Abb to make every effort to flnd him. - He waa located this morning' by hi relatives, and Consul L Abba reported to Captain Qrltxmacher that . the- police need- spend no more time on the case. . - , - Willie received no whipping., and th welcome given the prodigal son waa oold .and formal display of , affection compared - with what -Willi received. Instead of -a fatted caln however, he a given lamb chop. and a big sllc or watermelon for wreakfast i afore .. than- r ordinary . Interest v : waa taken in'' the disappearance of tho lad by. the police,-on account of hi unlqu history, , When ho wa l year old hi father died in Switzerland, and the orphan jra. hipped,. to Portland, where he. arrived safely,-without a custodian, after - traveling thousand . Of ' mile across sea and land.- He waa properly tagged before atarting. and experienced no trouble in reaching the home of bl unci in thla city. . . . It ls 'snld that the bbyrSo Is now about II years old, went to th 7 house of people with whom he was acquainted when ha' decided not to go home.' and remained there until hla whereabouts wa revealed by on of hla companion). WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS - TO BE ENTERTAINED lerci'al Club-When Woman's Club Will Be Hostess. C, '- ' Delegatea to' th - National Woman Suffrage convention will be guests at ."reception at the Commercial club this evening, at which th Portland- Woman' chib will be th hostesa . All who wers member of the convention and alt visit- ing dub women will be welcome. . - ' A number of prominent women hav remained In Portia nd( since the conven tion adjourned, and ' will devote consid erable tlm to seeing the exposition and other attractions in and -near the olty. While tho convention waa. In session they had little time for aightseelng, but having crossed th continent at much expense they . will not return without viewing : th . thing worth observing her and at other point Paolflo northwest 1 -T ; . . "-, - It was stated today by a 'delegate that vary . woman - who cam, paid her own expenses, - and. that the aggregat . ex pehded probably was not lesa than 116, 000, and that. In addition, th delegation Kubsorlbed i 18,600 for the national aaso- olatlon'a expense In the-coming-year. Several of .th . national - board mem bers will come again to. Oregon -to as sist In tho campaign for equal suffrage which ha begun. The state -Is to-be districted .and . thorough work don in preparation for the lSTOd election. "It i propoaed to develop an organisation quits, aa. effective aa those maintained by the political partjen and cover every part of the Ut with their speakers and literature, ..' f . - v -'- 7 ; ' hi tf be sacrinced to an hour' delay. Cholera Infantum, dysen- safe plan Is to hav Dr. Fowler s Extract of Wild Htrawoerry aiwaya on nana.... .. Ftefetred Solt Oessed woo. Allen Lewi Best Bread. v. ' Tv v- v -.' i . j, .... -idi--.-'t-V - -.-.."' ' ' ' For 15 oeawi jrott oaa - ' x plaoo tkre-!! a , J. aOfor.Ta-lony!' -... ; J 100,000 1. rsadsr U ",' - OMffOK - Oaa "IS eeat uv- ..... . 1 V 'v.,. "tarts saotw Tl ." , -. , , , , .. -1 . ..', ':- ' j". ' 'i '1 . ', , " - ' ' . - f - , - v, j- . , "T" "ChiTJrerTs Department j,JJntirL Second. Floor.-.; Samnt.r Shoes Our stock "'of children's " ' summer Jfootwear" for this r ; 1 season represents , all the ; ' high grade novelties ot coursWlC n i g li t ' s l low r; prices, atta'ched. You naX- ; urally . expect that. Bring 1 'the liittteS folks here ' arid ' .4 let tis show you" howwe" Ji can fjt .themwith -good shoes- at i little cost-: ? Knight's Opposite Perkins r Hotel. HASOSS REGISTER - FROM EVERY CLIME $ In Unique' Building at Fair Are ?r' Inscribed Namesof TFar . -Trayeled Brothers. . At bo other ozpositfoQ has. the Ms sonic order ever erected a 'structure . exclu sively for the' us of Jt member. The building t the- exposition ground la used a a headquarter for alt vlsltlngll axasoDej aoa oy me women ox xne Jbast ern Star. . The lower floor. Is Is) two parts, tho ona on the left for the Eaat ern Star, and that on tha right for the Mnsons. end both -reception- parlor- ar elegantly- furnished. On the upper floor are rest rooms, and beds for those mem bers- of -either eider wuu may become ill or exhausted. ' Mrs. Margaret : Lutke of Portland 1 the hostess for th. month of July for th Eastern Star and C 1 Wlegand ia the boat for tba. Mason. Y Tb trustees are John S. Cleland, M. 8. Woodcook and J. M. Hodaon. r , - From th remotest . corner of - the earth Mason hav com to- thla rest house and inscribed their names on the register. .These are some of the nai and localities given there-- Robert Hope, Dalkeith. Scotland; C L. Slmklns, Wlshaw. Scotland: R. J. Willis. Alaska Joseph MoClelland, City of Mexloo, and Frank Fay Eddy,- Nova Scotia. - Whan the cruiser Chloag o and Boston were in the ; harbor officer and men visited th building and for th none forgot then rank end .became, in truth, brother Maaona. ..,.. - .j-,s CARRIED RED FIRE THAT. GLOWELVON MT. HOOD Oeorge U. Welster and E. H. afoo re house hav returned from Mount Hood, where tney aucceeaea in carrying ma terlale for an illumination far enough up the mountainside to make th bril liant algnal vlsibl in Portland and several -other-town the eveolng of the Fourth of July. ' . ; . , Bxactlirat" i 'O'clock on 'that oventn; person who were on Portland- Height saw plainly the red light set by th two men, and it was also seen iri Th Dalles and Hood River. They carried 19 pounds of chemicals for th red light, and be fore and after giving their algnal they aaw th lllurnlnatloa In Portland. Mr, MOOrenouse nas auggescea placing - a sesrchltght pn the,, summit of - Mount Hood, which he declares could be seen for hundreds of .miles in all directions sod-would prov great advsrtlse meat for the Paclno northwest. . " , ; JOHN MARRS NAMED ifirstfire:warden . " (Special DUpateh t Tke Josraal) Albany. Or.. July T. Th f Irti fir warden to be appointed under tho law providing for such officer to be named by county courts iras John Marra, ap pointed In Linn county by the commla- sloners' court yesterday arternoon. . 'i n Hammond Lumber' company, of . thla county, asked , for a rir warden and named th man they wanted. , The lum ber company will pay the man but be will b to all Intent and purpoee a county officer. . - Sail forTAQUINA BAT, COQUILLB RIVER POINTS COOS BAT POINTS AND EURBKA. ', , ' : ' . -. Saturdays 0th S p. m., from Columbia Dock. Ni 1, AtirriST?TasnrngWnBT raoa KaU 1S14. ; Special for Satnrday Only - iro. i urrog tu. , i lb. for ...,,....-.... ..T..BO H lb. for .....25f NW Vorlc Orooery levtli KorrtoOM , AJnrsMMrrs.' Kal" rnod;- Kaftafers, t- , -- ', TOT THI KUFgfc, . ,' "' , . LlTIir WU,I. mrt Airo pamdt, icam wrxsoir.- XOBKKT WOMB. . kYROS" AJfD ilD. - M0TTIIS rlOTVktS. BaKiA OSCOTITIA. . Thar alwajra an enefrhle, - Per- rnrmancre dailr at t.M, 1 an p. si. BiaiUoa 10 cesla te ar saa.ekeeBt baa, - ;'i.;.,. sr. f. s. 00.1 .-.-; r 5illft WHITE CLQVER BUTTER Is made from. Pasteurized crearri, pat ttpifrt'. airtiglit-jetoi-prfiof ,CACT0N3r;,'f':. iXi 'i '"."; .In-hot summer weather the gerntrladen dust shbuld'be carefully excluded , from all creara- try ! products, especially Butter. This is bes t done byjthe WHITE CLOVER CARTOM, r- "the only Butter 6n the "Pacific coast protecting its consumers in. this tmportanf matter,; J3rickBndinolda rc pouJari.,atweddingsLa n(IecepUcms. - aaimy colors: inu iiavuis VvITE GLOVER Is mildiand.crearnjL Asi T. S. 4448 SECOND STREET, Cars leave First and Alder ft 9 am. f beck at 8 ; "m. De- lightful HpTSeiutiful scenery, first jeUss hotel or bring baskets v Tickets at Gin's Book Store Third Belasco Theatre SSTut. . ranaerly OatataUa Tkeatra. . 7 , .-Selaeae, aUyer e.. rrafs, . ' 2j ronaT ajto aij. rxx 'tfai'' " Slxtti Wk ' Belase Steek Cewpasy. . rirat rreeaataUoa e Aay Stage, ii The st? By Phi!. F. iwr,; rroaa-Sra ttaerr DyVi Peealsr Nerel of tke (Urn Mats. PBOTACULAS PSODUCTION AUOMKNTEO CAST Benlar lfatla fatardar aa -wnoas. Price Nlbt,l to-Uec MatlBae, U te We, .xrr -ws 1 f A FOOL AND HIS MONEY' Marquam -Grand Theatre DlrertlPB H. W. T. AasacUMob ,'.; puom main ft- .: J .c VJVorrlaon at., bet., th aad .)'- ronartX'M o'clock, - - SDerial-mee Mattoea Tomorrow at 1:10. Oebtnniiag Baturday," Monflay, "Tuesday, Wed- aeaaay Hinta,' wits a special -i- afathwe Wadaeaday. T TBS FAMOUS GERMAN OOMlDIAKi, , . iou ais snx -. .- Ja tke Kasieal Osaaeay Brise ;. . "The Beauty Shop" o BiArnruL chobi b oirls o M18IO AND MIKTH. - POPtriJIS PRICK Matinee, JB, W asd M . Miita. - Klckt. 25. an. 60 as To esata Seats see aew selling for this sad seat weak ASS2E- THE STAR STxntE FTTTFATlICs: CO. .TBAXK, aUtlOllAlirTHS PS I.0S9 ' nUXlTII UD O'DIlUa .. j.- i , KB. JOSEPH BONin.4 , i '. . ' - THE IABObCOPE. . . '- aluni amlMloe lOe. BuadaTS. anilntl and koliaara, front seats lew toot SOe. Be easts e. i EMPIRE TBEATBE. UU asd IfuHtsss.,' ' Two Perfnneanrea Dally. t lfarlaeea a :!. Eenlas st ' ail tais - wees wtK,-uvtrm mwm . Censasy in tke grea .aoaMey-dran -LOST IN LONDON" AO axosr IOc w" J ; LYRIC THIATWD - Keattna; Flood. Btrr. , "THI MOX'SB OF UREASES. . ' ;vWeek ttartlag Moaaay. slr l,i ,"' TTB TEBLrM SBAMA IB 4 ACT. HAZEL KIRKQ ? - .."Ori tOW AIL HATS XXAA9 ' aboutT5 -- -')- ADM18KIOM TO AN I II AT, 10 CENT. KIRALfrS . CARWVAtOFMNJCE 7 6B THE tHAIL. ' TBS BIOOBIIT HIT OF THH LEWIS AND , CLARK EXPOSITION. t '.j.... aoo Pipt eeo if . sion.ono i7ivarai M.ww( , - ASMIMI0B, U CEBTs. - ; ' Tssaevtlle : THD HDlNh Bsawrtlaa Vat Eaeauaaae " "Vf"' Attiaeuess IHS PUVUTI TSIO. I MVflCAI. HEwTTTB ': MAE I HALL A ED LOEEAIBX, ' DALT AND BTEBOLD '- BOBCETS ABO SB M0ET- ME. 0. K. IBOVE. '- - 4 THE BABD1SOOPB, -- ' ' at I tdnlMln. lit. .ETeiilaga, Saaday and . koltda treat eeaie' jewet. eer. -sue. Opposlt Main Eotranc Fair Qrounda raa SAjroai bitbtbt a vbxbto B4.AEIEB BROS. , CONCERT yBVEEt N10HT. ' ' '" siaaa bubniids, . - ,,''. i SHERBETS iu aum emjr taiiv ; '; rt . . Townseh Creameiy Co. and Alder" Free Lectures on Practical ; Demoristratipris Of tke varies asss fne'ealtasry paipiisl ' .... ,.... th,... ... - , ; Chocolate Cpcxja ' i'.---- '' sfaaafsetared hy -. - V ., , DORCHEgTEB. J MiM. . i"'. , . ,'iv tEsUkUaaed T0.)i i. , "v ;;iiii ke givea y Miss Elizabeth RV Bun? - (OosMstie Sc1bc Dept. Bostna T. W. a A.) rrvT . .; -' a - Upchcli Hall " -.TTat AJrn MAmssiaax, arrsv- ; -DAILY FOR ONE WEEK Al 10 OO oiok la the Xoraias aad . BOO Cleek tm the Afteraooa. ; ' Castries ef alias Barr's SMsaratloaa, seek as Cakes, Paddings, Marlaceee, Fa, BoaffUs, Ira Craem, Bavarlaa Craaia, ete will be aervad at eaeb ktetare, and aae will be pleaaed te saawer bU laqalrles le- Crdlng tke saw. - a. eiffarest am will prepared aad sanid at each lectors. SsbhiI eakaa ef tke Walter Baker Pre mie ai No. 1 Cboeotate, the Vaall Sweet Cbonnlate asd Uttle eaiaple ease ef the ?reektaat Ooeae. eae a book ef "Choice bocolate Recipes" will be preaastod te all panose atteadlng tbeae Meter, sad all wk -are istereatea la srieatirkr ssoeld sot tall te sttead, aa tbey are . ran so axx. Children's A tPwdtl Tt Uchif lot tb Ct.lktr.1 'tt Will tftav ' aaim-ah k S,-' 1 SATURDAY MORNING July 8, at 10 o'Cock Sharp MbMi Barr will aMke asd serve Coca Fudge aad Chocolate' 'lee Creaai. ssd evary child areata t recerra a Walter Baker nan. 1 : : : ; 'Dandns Saturday Evening and PaCric.Cunsay v -v.- exjrEjtAUT wood trxx,--.-." :.-'v TAS rtRgr T. CAB. C.-.-.-'.. ' . rti.i- r.:-.i t r r- - mi n s r i . - i eat Eae, Gdokiiig -. ' '. ' AND ' VVinakev4hese - to-order fct PHQNE MAIN" iZTt. J If taabeforeJulv 25. i Doatitifd LlcCzrn 4 ' of 4 rooms. ; Hall, pantry, J; bathroom ; water in kitchen : 4 1 lot 0x100; one block from U X car line; Al neighborhood; . X' bargain ' J-'-VLll"" ' Jt- Address 1J.-H.S.. 823 Brainard- SW MonU villa. . .' ee)eeeeeeeeeeeettj Oriental! Sale -rWowri th .time to buy-aU kind of Jpa Anef CMaes : ourio,'aa wo ar selllnaT vry artlol to make room for th ar rival of aew sood for tb fair. - consisting of llk sown. kienov - netsuk. puraee, aUvtr clolaseea , vaaes, satsuma, fln brown deco rated poreelala tea, get, matting, . toys, etc : . .;- v : ''' . - Acdrev Kb fiCo. Portland AccGy a sssusx ajtd er.ssioAL sosool. fits bay sad afrls fVw eastern asd we eohef ae. Otiee kaa e taw itertiaai vacauM, treat l. a. h II m., at scadeaay, eoraer ef Thtota.ata aa aarra treats. Fet cstskigae, aeereas , . y Portland Academy " ' Pertlaad, Oragea. ' W.'P.DAfiEr. ; SS WTTiT.f abfS ATSbTVSL - - ...'; i..Faoa Bast JTSS. -,'-Ha several rare opportunities to bwess- : seekera House and lots for sal n. TrvtngtoH 'and Holladar FErit Addition. eaaMaiiaaiawMaiSiMaa, n i I I I l Our stock of Men' and Tmitbs S- consist of Fanoy Worsteds, Blue f w Tweed, eta, of the very latest pu Every garment marked In plain II Prices rang from . up t I ths same kin you pay front f ' tt.OO more for elsewhere. P'v t of Men Hats. Fants sat I per cent less In- prl It ' ether stores' price, f Shoe for t ' Boys From I L CHEESE Cottag Curio