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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
. w v-: i Tv ' ' 1 " c -JV - 1. L V Mrs. E. P. Dole, Internationa!! ; Famous for Loveliness, Earn Buster Brown Wash Inj Her Uylnj. - ROMANCE IN THE AfE OF f j SAN FRANCISCO CZLLE 4.:'-, In ;&flor-a Divorced ,From Nephew of Ex Governor ;v Dolt , of - Hawaii . v After Brief Happiness. : atlth lrae j an- ; r Eleaner Dot - la a. - tall, handsome 1 blonde with tha Kolb and Dill company, . playing" at tha Marquam Qrand-haatr. s' j Varloua ara bar olalma to distinction . '" tha courts of Europe nav entertained , $ har: around bar pretty throat aha baa - worn tha paajrla or monarch: princcr - diamond bar adorned bar ivory toanda and tba dlvorca court bava mads pace of hr history. ' - ' " For Eleanor Dola ' wa onp tha wife f Attorney-General - E. J". Dola- of ' t Hawaii, by vlrtua of appointment by l-4- Sandford Pole, tha preBldenofjfta pro? Trrrnumwr government - nexation. ' , t -Th allow trV appearance here to an .' acho- of a celebrated oase remindar f. of a marital disturbance that one n- ., gulfed tb Paolflo coast In aenaatlonal- - lam. : - '- ?. - ' : It wa In tba spring- of 10 that Judge . Dola mat hla future wlfa and future V divorcee. he waa then a comely girl "r" In Ban Franolaoo eeclety. the debutante . - of a aoclal aeaaotu. and many year the junior of .the judge. But he loved ber and ha urged hi suit With friend ' .' she went to Hawaii and waa the guest "" of the attorney-general In bla beautiful ' iome a abort distance from . Honolulu, ; where hla suit waa pressed again, and , she accepted blm. The wedding at the ' .. Palace hotel, San rranclaoo, . waa one '.. "of the moat brilliant event of a decade' the city of the ""Golden iQate. They ..went to Honolulu and for a tint were .happy? but one day a discordant note 7," wa (truck. ',. .;; . V- --. . "J,.. Tha Sraaaa waa Ore.'--'. . . The realisation that age cannot be i .; happy 'with youth occurred to both-of t them, f They were Incompatible. Her j- llkea were hi dislikes, and vice -versa. ' '; ' She returned to Ban Francisco at the " end of two years, having agreed to give i him a divorce.- ' The-attorney-general plained that eh -had deprived Mm . ;y of the right of husbandry, and after a sensational trial, baaed on the question alimony, -the distinguished Jurist re- :, '. ceived hi decree. -v" -t Prevlayar-to this, "however, the ral- mated, couple had "dona" Europe. . They . were royally received In foreign courts , . and knightly honor war- showered on the beautiful young wife. She had . - and attll has e pair of blue eyea that ' are hypnotic In their tendency, and for ,4, one who aeea her, either from tha front row or In a hotel parlor. It la no task to understand the depth iOt tha Influence - ehe exerted abroad. ' . 4 After tba divorce and Mrs. Dola had -been awarded no alimony, aha-went to , r-Europe for th second timet To get j. there and to live In tha atria to which ' ; ehe bad become accustomed neeeeeltated tha sacrifice ef silver jewels-far there v waa. no parental . provision now, her father and m other having died, leaving r leea ha aay Of their friend bad ersr - ,? auapieted. f l . X':"' ": '"y-" Trom ralaoea to roottlghtia. f:l ----- For a year-or mors Mr. Del lived X In an exclusive aet. Then her funda -were exhausted. She came back to America And determined to go to San r Francisco end enter some profitable --. business. The first opportunity she " found waa In th theatrical profession. . and while ah la not the prima donna of - the company,' Mra. Dole -la earning a ' - very good living and I apparently well j satisfied with ber lot. . . . . ; . A h sat In her apartmenta at the , Imperial hotel, refusing bow and then , to answer a question and at ether tlmea 7-algnlf ylng thtrutlL. of certain ihlngs oy a retuciani noa 01 tne head, tha story of her unhappy wedded life wag In strong contrast ta her surroundings.' "I bay a but one memento of the whole affair.", aald she.. 'That la this neck . lace" she held out a beaded creation , from Honolulu "and because of certain .. , associations I Intend to cling to it. But . .1 have bad enough notoriety and had -eupposed th. lacident Was closed. - II .' must be apparent that I. do not want to ) talk about It and I beg to be excused." ... j Baaaara tM by Tocaad. -- 1 (Joaraal ftpeelal aerrleo.) .r-irvn wonn, xexas,, July 7. Tb total ,11st of thoaa killed In the tornado which , ; swept Montague county now foot -up .11. Mora than were Injured and the property loan exeeeda !!l,000. - ;W.:hve the" most srtistic photop-aph of beautiful Mu X Hood,- ready for framing X i nificent Mount Hood rJc. .... V 50c Just! the" thing ' to . send or 'carry away as a Souvenirof X Oregon, or to have "tn your X own nome; The picture , is X 13x20 inchci. . - .Vr THE 1 V'BooksellerVlnd: V'' -Stationers, -l ii, THIRTy AND - ALDER ? i JL i&Ieanorolv Onc Wife of Hawaii ' Attorne-Cencrhl,t Now Chorus1, r t i, . . k! WYOMING HAS DAY AT; FAIR MONDAY Governor and Leading Citizens of State .Will Arriva in i 1 ;' Special'Train. Next Monday win be Wyoming day at tha fair and a special tram carrying over f 00 people from tha equal suffrage ftatr wilt - arrive,- tomorrow night - to participate ' in It obaervanea. Tho or. nrtal party of tt will be headed by Gov ernor and Mr. B B. Brooke and their daughter. Miss Brooke. They will be met at the depot by Clarence B.' Rich ardson of Cheyenne, ; commissioner In chief-of th Wyoming - commission. President Ooode and other exposition of-, flclala. . V.' " ."!-...-''" Monday morning at 1 o'clock'' the Ute exercises will be given at th Auditorium. To thl and to tha recep tion In tha evening at the American 1nn to the aovernor and hla wife all local Wyoming people are especially Invited. The week will he aevotea 10-Wyoming, each. town: of Prominence In the Stat having Ita apodal day and tne moat of tho visitors irui remain tnrougnout in Week. . The state has exhibits-ln the Agricultural and Mining bulldlnga and headauarter for Wyoming people will be established thee for registration and Informatldo.TMr Rlchardeon . t la In charge. : : 1 .' " ; - The official party will be at tha Ameri can Inn during Ita stay here. Beatde th governor and hla family there will be Associate Justice J. A. Van Oradel and hi wife. Adjutant-General P. A. Ootchelt and lile.1 wife, .Colons W..-R. Schnisger and hla wife. Colonel Harvey V. Reed and hla wife. Colonel Sltney. Major Iradale and hi wife. Captain Covert tend hi wire, commissioner Oeorge hv Tex ton and hia- wire, com missioner B. C. Buffum and hi wife. Thl party will probably go to California before returning.,. ,: ':-,. PRESIDENT TALKS " : TO THE TEACHERS H ' (Continued ' From , Pag On.) ' ' to the country. The chier harm' done by the men of swollen fortune to the community is not th brm -that th demagogue la apt to depict' a spring ing from their .actione, out tne rao that their success set up a fU atand ard, and ao serves a a bad example for the rt of u. :If.w did not our selves attach an exaggerated Importance to the -rich man who la distinguished only by his riches, thl rich man would have 'a ; most .Insignificant Influence over-u. .-. . y. ". . ; "In hi actual business relation h 1 much mora apt to benefit than harm the rest of .us; and though It la. eminently right to taks whatever ateps 'are neces sary In order to prevent the exceptional members of hi -claaa from doing harm. It la wicked follr to- let oure4ve be drawn' Into-any. attack upon the man' Of wealth merely-aa-uchijrr--VTf-i: --. y Tsaomoua nvy of Wealth.v ' "Venomous envy of Wealth -la simply another form of the spirit, which In one of Ita manlfeatatton takes the ahape of crtnglnr'aerTtrlty toward- vrearth,'andTtn another the shape 'of brutal arrogance on. the part of certain men-.of wealth. Each one or tneee ; state o mind, whether It be hatred. . servility or- crro- aance. I, In reality ciosely akin to tha other, -twi;"" for ,e'ah of ; them -aprlnga erated Idea of 'tha importance of wealth ea connpered-to other, things.., . ,. "The clamor or. the demagogue against wealth,' th- jmobbery. of .the social col nmns of the newspapers which deal with th doing of the wealthy.' anoV the mis conduct of those men of wealth who act with brutal "disregard of the ; right of others..' seemiuperflclally to have no fundamentals- reltll yet reality they spring from shortcomings which re fundamentally the same; and one. 01 these shortcomings l in rauure ; to hav proper ideal. ; '..v-',.. . . - memedy With Kaoavor. ; . Thl.. failure must be . remedied In large rer-by th actions of you, a land. 1 By your ' live, jvo les ' than- by your teachlnga, you show that while you regard - wealth aa - a', good - thing, you regard other things as still Setter,,. "Thrice fortunate are you to whom It ia ' given to lead Uvea of resolute endeavor- for 'the achievement of lofty Ideal, and,-furthermore to- instill.' both by-your live and by your . teaching, these Ideals Into the minds it those who In -the next generation will,' as th men and women of that generation, deter mine the position which tbta nation will hold In tha history of mankind.' - If there are any Chlcagoan or Colo radoan In Odessa. Lodx or Warsaw they win -reeir Quite at home, these day. Finest Duck, Gingham Galatea and . Heavy Madras. All colors andr. striped""etTects. , Prices begin at-" ""r , ; iyrii-'.y 50c,7Sc,$l.QQ.:$1.25, : $1.50 to: $5.00 " Clothes BuSter Brown, SaUor, Norfolk Sing'and Double Breasted, Suits. for boys. of 3 to 19 years. -Mad by the best - ; Juvenilelothes-Makers in the world. No finer models anywhere than at Steinbach's. : Every sturdy snd fashion-. . irk? H;4vV .u-U!-able' fabric from the most inejepensiyeto the most elaborate,. beginning atC k-kk JiVjrU -k f Yovths Svaj?cr Outing Mostly extreme models,- as worn by the swell college chap, .,vi:y.--i r'-v-i- r-.-'-'-ji-r'., as blue serges.. Beautiful shades of gray and. neat dark effects as well r ... i 8:50; $10.00, $12.50r$14.00; $15.00 to $25. DoysFiirnhh , : v' -;,: v.'eV;. eV 7 ev,e';.:.. .,--- v''k' ' "kk '" "kmi -ikk-:. rV' k ' k- "1-J--'Tr-' ' -- f V . ..-,,,,.,,1.1.1,., mm .. v ' n; .. uiasisiilm HI 1 1 H iSiri - ir n -, - ,t , v., I, i - -- -! i aw. I. . mini 11 i 'i'" r "1 - - f-' .:k -' UrtiM :' k ... ' 'V: .-.... ......' I .... ,! - ........ .-.. THE CIEATEST- CLOTlCIfi HQUSE III THE II0HTnWEST . . j. . ' - ' -' - j - gMlgasngauTa-TTT T II e - 1 o O' o o o o O- BREAD BAKING IN r4- Wl 1 .jArr?2$-,Ki-.-1 1 - II ( f),t.f-t .r'.V'i" Art L ;"-' '' :Mm.: t. .ipv;a:.;0; RANGE .V: vs. Trom thirty-five to forty-five minutes, according to" the size of the Jof.rilLI ttmumllv reatilred for" baldnrbreadrr"Xrshould beDlatedm a very hot oven. When the loaves begin , to brown, turn out one burner, or reduce the ; ' ; flame of both. .' Burners in single-oven ranges should be cut,,' . :, ' down one half. 'About five minutes before the bread is done turn off the gas-from the oven; there will be sufficient heat- retained to finish baking. Bread should be baked in tin pans. The ; Price Now Includes: ,vV-:rv Tha t vr th nurchaae orica we will set it up ready for Ase, which includes a run of forty feet of pipe. ; On a cash sale or if, you pay for it within thirty days we make you a discount of tenU per cent. .JWhere a fuel swd is aireaoy in ui Bwnen nu no ! pipels riece .4' -ft Do Norforqet the Convenience of the Hot Water Heater eisary a discbunt of twenty per cent is made. - ''".' V . . n - - .ljr "x : : i r aj I i -vf , tlte'aiWlicity.-its ' ineatixvffle ye worthy of consideration by all families, nd( matter-how small the hotiser THE -FKICB yr UAa waihk .naai-, VERS. INCLUDES INSTALLINGr-To . any coniumer now using a Gas RangewV' vVill'mstall-VGas Water-Heater fur..:..... .... - c- v.-. . - ; , 'iflf" ... : A ' r- --i -j - t- -r -;-'r.- M-SBbjsb SBAkaSBjaav' r.--- - ; FIFTH-AND . Y AMI-: I 'kkk-k'kk"kr:'..k i-': this iv -M:--.- ' ; !.:" . ' r' . ' i'. . -V : - "