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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
1 1. TII3 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PCHTLAIID. FHID-V ZrZZlli:!. JULY 7. KtJ. ... , -aa. - .rm Mnl t the'' p-tefflee at rf-i mmmtuUw Umk the Balm ae astea-e tot tftyl camtoat Far aa S. r J e p-per. t nail MUN pages, aoa-. tjmoe,. ...... " aaJ, Oattego . nrMoixrao maom. , a-.. w ikMtei b party JoaraaL with looter. 1 'IS . riaiia, nuAtha. f 'TT 4 .. K.ii i .r wlrk Hunter. 1 Booth.. . : Lm D.H7 : . teui aBr i taeluoed; i t . :.""k"ii."Ja'.e' . M Dally ps no, bubb-i. . ( Ja I - . ..aa......e . a.. ' .. , V Wall. " Fa pally Journal, with tanadar. I rte"- SJ ii -a flally Journal. itti..1.;;;;: f a alaliy Journal, win ' f I s Pall? Joerual, bjooibb. ..., a belly Journal, with SuBdU,! ltr I e Dellr Joa-mei.-. month K-.w-t-JJ - aa Bliind.v JnaKraaL 1 Mf. ......a.- -' II '' loaday JournaL fontt.. .... r -Tfc tumvl-w-eekly tw3t ; KM Beat-Weakly Journal, t IJPf euca wpii, luwiini - . aw-ee" el jTwaBseT a" arV eojrma wer kesllttencae sbou'ld be mate by arafte. poetal botes, cxpreas srder end Mail SBmaota are . eptb tol aad Bsut PBe : ' P. tV Mo 111. PortHn. Or. ; iari xxx jwhtfix-mat nna " n loarBal aaa k lowl "ait t ba Wjwta-r pucaos - W. JU He? iKiiCAOO Paotatflea Kawa oaaaaarl Daar-t-.-vVorf, COLO KmdHrt Baal taTIT T. til InHtwMI airawt a. O'lUcntb iu Cmrtla atiaai r -4i CITY Vao NaT Nawa Ceavpi i n.APOU U. A. KoTaBaackv atwat, " . ' TOBK CTTT Bnmtaaa'a, CbVw oqnara. V .BA Millard Botal Naw ataad; Matl I aaoaaTr mdpot, 18CS raroani atraat. T LAKE CITY Kmroa Hotf) Nawa ataojl . irrtw Droa., 4. Wart lacoBd tn aootk. t..". LOUIS Phllla Boaoar, (1 lawoat atraat! x. watt, ooa tuira mrnrj. t XA N CI SCO W. H. ArtfOK Prfaea Hatel , f m ataad. and JOOS Morkat atraat: ooio ' MKtk Broa., S.4 aottar atraafc a Baint ' (raocta botal: Foatar Oraaf. Farrf bulk 'k loif i N. Wbaatlojr,, aamobla am ataad. oof Bar Market aod KaanMT atraata. BBATTLS Ralnirr Oraad Nwa at and! W. . i-oanka. Btl Kaattl Jtawi ataad. ' f-' AM. WASH. Joko W. Orahaa Oa. b-i'AialA, WASH Caatrml Vtwa aoaopaajr) i "tal Taooma Km ataad. -- - ' IVIuTOBtA, B. fc TkstBcU Baek B Btatteaarr -ajTZATKn- BXMB1V Kaarlr Bonnal tanparatarao pnrall la h ran tie ataua. bat la tha tntarlor of CanroroU It la vary war ax, natarter tba aaaxlmaia tnoparatarca in that dutrlet raatiof traal 100 dagraaa to 10R dcgTCfa and thta Moraine thr ara troot It dograaa ta K tfagreaa Hals. avoaralT Itaht. baa ocraiTad 1b tha Miaalaafpm aad. JOaaourl vallrja aad , thOBM MX to th' Atlantic atataa. Tha loaicatloM ara tar fair aad mttbraad rm waotbet la tola district toaU(Ut aad rnrtey. xaxxiasb ucznzs. rrarh Bobay of - Baa Fraaclaoo 31. Char lottt. t. Mllot tf. . . " K. A. . rknalnc of Colorado CS. Mahal Xib ' aao H. ' k . Tiro 2. A an la K. atranaa Mt ... . W. Oi tmltb Co.. Waoa. Poarth aad Waahtoatoa ota. faaaaa b BIB THE. , MrKINNKT July 6, to Mr. oad Mra. Gaorra -- MrKlim. 7' Caratoare atraat, dabtr. WINCH ElXJlr J, to Mr. aad Mrs. Claoa -"- I. WlaraoU. 331 Maado strort. a aoa. C0BTA0I0UI SIEXAJXI. WAI.KEB-JaJy . Mrs. JaBMO B. Walker, 429 Huth arrrat. dlpbtoorla. HKREKINO inly . Frank." Mary 'and Uaals Harkla, a Guild's lakav BMOalao. '-TttlLna.' AfiAME Joly X laaa L. A tens. Jr.,a4 - oaaatoa. aw- aaat-Taffart otraat caoao, -' Baraaama. Borlal ot a lata. Oracoa.. lirCLL'BEmTuly B. Harroy B. MKUnro. aad fT rrara, ZBl Tlllamaok atraat cauoa. araoala. Rorlal at Uno Fir eaawtary. C1.AKKB Jnlr d. aVbaoco H. Clarko. afod 10 avaitoa. axwi oaartoa atraat. .ranao, poca annta. Barlat at vLoao Par ' eroMtarr. . JONkX Inly 4. Ora May Jeaaa, oaad I months, ; at ood lamarlua baopltal; ranao, tasattloa. Burial at Lono PbT rrnjatarr. BOLTI tir.H Jaly B WUltaai f. Boltoora, a sad 40 yaara. at Csaatr noapltal ; rooaa, hara- . tarr. BiMMtEI fans Bo, C. B. Sommars, a (ad TS - yaara, at Pt. Tloroot hoaptlai; eafaao. old ' oao. . Banal ot Loao ru ccoMtory, 8JTXB TITW OXXRZBT. Bin,!, araaas I0. Paajny It, 000. Tbo ooly eaaaataay la aarpataally malatalna oad earas Fiatly Into rr - to 1 la rortiaod arhira earao dor lota.- Par fall tnforoiarloa opply to-W. B. Machaaslo. Worasatar block, city. W. bL Laod. praaldaat. Tbo Edward Bolmaa t7ndartakla( aoajpaay, Fsoaral directors oad oatbstawra, . Third atraat. Phono KrT. . . . it. P. Ptalay 6 on. fooaral dlroeloio oad , rahalojan. ooraor Third and Msdlaoo strootav OtfJco of oaaaty asroaor. Tolrpboao Mala a. Paaoral arraatha aad eat flowara a opedaltf ot Boss City Orssaboasn. Twooty neaod aod East Morrtsoe. opp. oeaMtary, BEAX MTATI TXABtTZXI. H. K. KtaaibT ot oL to- D. D. Mlnklar, saat lu aat lot 12. block II. WUUaaal Aranna addlttoa .. 1,150 A, r. Frtaarp at sl to r. uttiaaaiao ot . al lots 1 aod- 3. block AS. Pnltoa Tsrk sddltioa ....i. ."0 K. H. Bobbins to i. B. Botooarhoaa. lot AS. hlorfc IT Paatnanlar addldna V. a. Cobaa aod wira ao u. A. Marks. , par cat land 30B foot wlda Booth of . and adlolalaar lot 4. block SI. Carath. . ors' Sflillt ton ....... 4.. ...... i t B. A. HnortM to u. uiinart, lota I aod (. block 14S, North AIMaa B. Byaa to of boot district No. 1, MWiMO . aaat harlnnino BMWtbwnat aoraaa Kaas. . Foortarotb and Thoaapawl i 1,000 I Fearer oad wife to I. Pedrnoa, lot , block . Feorer'a addition - ' 150 Booaaa Catholic orcbhlahop of tbo dlo. caaa of Oreooa to nwsear loTstBMnit ' company, lota H aad a, block 17. cltr. 128,000 twarirr to M. Tt ooa, irnaroe. a.a ocres lo P. Onltd dnootioa load Hslai. : tnwoahlp 1 north. rana 1 oaat ....... t.Ktt O. Monro ot ol. to B. rlooaa ot aL. aorta. ' 4a HH a. pmn oi t. i. Perkins ot at to H.j W. Oonda. Il.tOO troateo, 1.0 acres r. iwna aoaatHia land claim, t nana alp, i 1 eaat -, B W. Baad and wife to Mrs.. L. U. , Prlncoa. lot B, block II, Albloa Hra. ataad i' : C v. Joanlncs,. administrator, to H. W. Band, earn Portland Trwot romps ay bnr- P. Wscaer, " aortk on tret lot 4. block 14, Wood' e atiH-h boo Yltlaena' Bank to P. Peters. . tract d. s Lnarsant Park ........... st o0 t W. Pittler and wlfa to S. J. Good inn hu 1 and a. block A. Laurel .' Park J P0t 1. B, Mcranlet et al. to O, K. Oeame' . al 1A .mm aacttoo b. tawaanlB ' 1 snath, rsnas X esst . d (Kd If H. Thomas to P. Clarno. oni lfflnwy faao hecHtittna 4b feet oootb ed aorta . i kife AJt UAllaOaa'a al. V dltlio ..... i-0 C. P.. Wssoer and orlfe to P. Clsrno, " bi', feet eo Holladar aaenoo ..... 100 II. hales et ok to A Brandle et al , . arinh W lot L anhdlalalcai block C. AIMns Hooaeaaead ' fa) Pt't Land cwmnany to B. B. Johnson, V-li in sod 11. hlorft 100. RalTerelty t " ' . m . .udor to W. B. BtmUaftoa. Tl seres atirtloa r, toaraahln J Booth, rant .1 aaat ................r... Ma - tmaraaoa oad abotracta to raal from tbo Tit la Qoaxaataa Trast BTnxonrs ruatrr. SBnOAST Jalr d. L. aod r. aXUtaat, ahov. MaroaM aTanaa oaar Maaoa atraat; coat, TiX PKTEHmiM Jul e. Iwlo. Patoraoo. aaraiuiuf, - Wheelaa natwoca McMIILa and Halaay airaal; CKRKtB Jala o. 3. ' A. i Oorrte. ' dvolllRt, : 41nm'o aUdltlaa.' Portlaad Uelfhtaj ooat. tlH'lS?r5Cltul W:' J. taodaraoa." 'oat . taira, vaat ruiaaaita dwwooi wiuim unu iiMttu nat. EMIA. -. MTIXkoWuIr . Polr B. bllllar. dwanmc. Halfht iwiwara BOOTor aaa faiua coat, fl.ouo. ' MONEY SAVERS Of whooi thart ara' aitoy In too City of Part, laaa. una to Biarao h invo aiaaa' Inftoa ahoold nmraibar that , . w ...'IBB OLBEST TXTTST tOMJ tMT X Resourctfs Over $1,000,000 XI TKB 7LAXTS TO BEF0UZ.- tat m cat , ; ,. OK lATTJiei AOpOVVTI rnUT-&iSr io 4 pee eeat -A eortlBeatse or deposit list oaa m rw "nj ubiw met fui iumt or- . . 10 Third Buaot. -- - faaoa Mala dM.- BI!I.' t. rOHErf.,..!... Praaldaat H.' I PITHM-li.:. ' Vlcf-Proaldant B. HE l'ACKT. ....Baerrury O. ti)L.l KA...... aaaanani aroj JOTTtBB B0TICXI. . HULTNOaUH CAMP, Ho. TT, W. - O. W., awata tooUht la : Ita : hall. Kaat Blith. aaor Baat AU ' dar. Alt alalUoc . aalhbora Curdlally wolcomad. W. W. LUhtSDBW. C. 0. ' 1 v.J. W. WOODWOBTH, O. ATTENTION, aaambaro of Court Oalombia, Bo. - x. roraotaro 01 Aaaarico kow araw." artaotly raqoaatad ot -out - aaaatlof tbla OTftnluf. July ?. inarallattoo ot orncora ana othar boalncoa ot Importanro. Rarraahawota t-artll bo ooraad. - OEO. A. JOUXoTON, r. B POBTLAND PEIr.BATED TKADEd COUNCIL. Hrtular aaaauna tola (rnaay) otoduot oi o a rkH t, ijomo Diora. wwroa aov atraata. ... GRANT M'DONALD. bacretory " VOTTOX.' PB0PO8AXB FOB SUPPLieb. flplem, Or.. Jaoa 10, 1SKO. Taa hoard of trastesa OI tao Oragoa fitala Insane -oaybrm bareby Inrltao sealed nrorjoaala tat furnish mc tho fotlow- ; las aoppllcs to tha Institution lor tbo oil . month audio Docombsr SI, 1MB: Orocarles, mllltood and boor, meats and ash, teyavoda, oruas,- scauooarj, toaiaar aao aaaioaa, aaea, plamblnf, fur nl tare, kardwaro, tinning, crockery and flasswaro. UsU of said oup- pries can be furnished bp tho clerk of the . board apea applies tio a. Bampleo Can bo area at the asylum aad foods moat bo la accordance therewith. Where samples ora . required aad not tarnished by bidders, tho at tho say hi at, aad bite orlll bo a aaa mad to bare been made oa beets of samples. . All Cods amat bo la strict Bccordaaca with samples la arlflBal part a res whea aeoslble, sod deliTered ot the State Ineaae osylam within 3a dsya after tba contract Is awarded. ; and bite must be on-alas forms, which will be furalsbed, totetber with I a true t ion a . to bidders, be tha elark. nma annlLeatlsa Bach "' bid oa ' Soar or meet most be accompanied by a car tl Bod check of A300.00, aad each bid oa Sab by a certified check for S76.0Q, aad ill other bite by eartlntd oaecke equal to ; 10 per rent et tbo amount bid; cheeks of aosucceosrui olaaera to do rarornea ibb tnedlatoly aad tbose of accepted bidders whoa the contract kt completed- Bite moot bo en closed la sealed euee lopes sad directed to the board, care of tba clerk. Bad plainly marked "Bite tor Aaylam Supplies." and the clsas of foods bid oa should a tao bo la ser! bed oa the eoTrlope. Price, Btneaa ' aad ouallty beinf equal, preference will bo rtreo to articles nuaursctarod. frowa or produced n this sute. Whea a particular article t a apmaiif aaiiau aw. aiua iw wtun aiiiii. w ..i..f. . M. ftu.a.A .11. mnA - wtll ' K entertained, bat to Insure rooofnltloa of oach ' bids saarples of tbo ortlclee It Is prupoaad to i sopply most aceompooy them.. . ... Bidder will Uko aotlco that there to ae the aeyluaa. Therefore claims for suppMas ran ooly be audited bj the aacrerary el stats and cortlacstss of oTldeece of aHowaace leaned to clalsuaata. a oooa as there ts oa 'aporopriattou- arallable warraau will be l sued la Ilea of the certificates. The hoard tiaaroso the tifht lo reject soy or all bite, or to accept or reject any part of a bid. Bite will bo opened at tbo eapltol at Salem at 10 a. m. Monday, Jaly 10, fro. - By order of tho hoard of trustaes ot the OrfOB Stat Jasane osylam. BIDS IjtVlTFD,. Soiled bite wlU bo racelred at the ofAco of the eapetintendent of tha Oragoa auto aeolteatlary at ftalaaa, Oregoa. BBtll Tneaday. -Jwly 3S, lbuS, at 1 o'clock p. at, of oald dayfor the- labs of I T tlcto coalued la . asK Beaiteatlary, ' the proTislons of oa' act of the ieartelature rassrd In 1WS and amendments thereto end sr tba foOndry plant belooflng to tbo state Bad sl taa ted within tbo prison walla. Bite to be Bnde separately oa tbo baa la of a flea or 10-year Mass, beginning . Augaat 1 PiSMti wiileB ami- -a i. by tbo Moerieteedent oa anelleatioa. a,aca oiaoer aaasi incioas who ow oio a ; certified check lo tho earn of b00 payable to the order of the oaperintendeat, to be r forfaited to the state la case the bidder to : which the contract Is lot telle to enter late a contract and gleo tbs hood required by the statuts wlthla 10 das , after tbo awarding ' of tba Cos tract. , Tho right Is renerrefto reject tsy aad all bids. b- - rnrtbsr InforaioMoa any bo bad It desired , by addressing the superintendent. . O. W. JAMES, Buperinteadent. Islam, Oregoa, Jane 3T, Ibvi, ROTTCB OP PINAL SETTLEM ENT. Notice 4. . . . . l . .1. u , 1 . . " wFwvf a 1 ' .aaa aoa uauvraiaweu, OB ea ecu tor of the aetata of Mary-A. -Greet, deceased, baa Sled hb) Snal account la the county court of the etsts of Oregna for Multnomah county, and that Monday, tbs 17th dsy of Jnly, 1906, at the boar of S:M o'clock Is the foreoooa of oald day, aad the courtroom of a aid court has , been , ap pointed by sold court ad the - time and place for the bearing of objections thereto aad the oettlf ment thereof. . , - B. DAV. BAFFETT. Eiecotor. O'Bryoa A 0' Br you. Attorneys for Esoeator. Bated and Srst pabUsbed Jane 10. let. . NOTICE of Stockholders' Meeting. Notice la i. hereby gleea that, the annual meeting of : the atockboldera of the Midway on com- Gny will bo bald at the ofSee of Ladd 4 ltoa, bankers. Portlsnd, Or,, at S o'clock , p. m., oa We.1 Deader, July IS, l0S. for the porpoos of electing a board of dliertora. to j act upon tbs action ot tho board of directors ..iv.Mi.1 i .ww wmtw oa aaa eoanpany B srrmartlea aod tho qoosttoa of Uquldatloo and dlosolaUoo of this company and fog the -trentsctlon ot sacb other bualssm as may cobm before fbe Baeetlng. - VTT- W1LUAM M. WUIDDX, Seeretsry. SEALRD propoaals for printing - tbs snnual repeetof. anhaal district No. 1 will be received st the office of the city superintendent of ; acboola, city hall, sslll 1 p. m. (Uturday, ' July IS, 1SAB. BMs most specify tha price . Par page fur printing 1,800 copies of tho - report end delivering the same at the ofSee of tho anperliitendent. - The school board re aerres the right to reject any end all bite. P. HHII.KR. : City eVhooM. Boticb op frrocKnoLSKRir meeting The snnosl meeting ot hbe otoekbeldere of Ptine - elile Lend A LlTsstock company for the elee tioa et a board et directors tor' too enoalng year win be held tt tu office.- corner 4th sad Osk sts., Portlsnd, so Jnly lo at 4 ,.p. m sad to trsnaart such othat k II slum proper ta said bvetlnf. ; m.. a - H"0 'I"r,. rVeaMeat. ' Portia wL Or., Jose 34. I Mud. h7TTB:'BTJ Aljbsa. persists . lo living sway from ay home, without lust esoss or- ixovoeetlon. I hereby notify sll ( peraoas that ftom this dote I will pay ae bills of ber contracting. M L. BAILEY. Portland. ' July S, 1006. ' - 5 DIBBOMTION NOTICE. The loW Srm of Plpot A Tlfft boa baea dlsoolvsd by antnal cmaaaaL My offices srs m, a ham bar of inaanii. T'lephoes Mala Oba, ' . " ' MABTTW t- PIPES. UTVATTOBI WABTTI1V yXhiALB. , - SITfATION wasted by rspsbfs womaa ss housekeeper or chambermaid la betel. ' Ad rarest A 70. cars, Jossal. 10R ABB rotTaTB. LOST OB ITOUCB Admiral -wheal with Marrow coaatet brsks; No. of wheal. .) ro. ' A ay one with . lnformatloe or sams - Oommoolcate with Journal office. LOST Brlndle Bootoa terrier white between . eyes tad oa chest.- tall aaa oera cui - ward If returned Goodyear Bobber On. PODND A plseo to base balr msttreaaes reao . . Tstad end retoroea ssms say. rev as a I did.- Portlaad Curled Male Peetery. arnttNta Tonaur self, snot ted red and white. oa Powell st. Owner cas claim Sanaa at SbS i Beat Tweoty Sfth m - -' LOST Old female bus McMlllaa. Reward. . dog. , Baton . ta 341 HXXP WABTEPMU WANTED At once, oober, indue trio oa ama for efoco work; ao eiperience neceaaary; muat hare S3UO cieb. which wlU be-well secured and lutoreet paid for; will, pay good worhly aelere and una COmmlmlOB. ' ABBWOT Quick. aa I anot base bua, this areab.- Addraaa 0 4T,' care Journal. . . . WANTED Msa bet weal 30 aad 3B t 300 ta a asfe boslBees; fas a woes gaaraa teed; If aaooey Is what job waat, caU at 11)3 lb Poarth at. WANTED CasTaaaara to Bell beet aad eheipeet borne firs eztiitgaiiaoro oa tao maraet oig V profits. Call 3aS Hawthorns ara. from to ' lu a. m... ' -;. . ... - DBTECTITEB Mea to learn: - era guaraatss warfc to ear pepkls. aV S01, 300 Morrlaoo at. MAN -for mtlaiineb, ' near city. . Ctll S00 North nweeataenta, our. Boner St. LAN1 DEPARTMENT.' :oteL eeataarast, office, atore, baksrjv laaadry and family na stronage eoiiciieo. - SA.SHBrl'k BntrLOYMBNT abj Wsabiagtoa at., room root SaraaU It.' g-QOQO saaao niRIJt wantina omomrmeBt. Bach a Sou aa ana a, waitraosas. csamoeraaaioa. esoss. call oa Bcaadlnansa Bmploymoat Cm, 370 Boraslte oC Phone Mala toM. WANTED Aa hooaekeepar oa fruit farm,- to- flnea womsa anoer on wiia gu-a uaNnrr aa, comfortable boats; good wages.. 380). Tarn hill. Phoae Mala o413. ... . ; GIBIa 10 peers or over wanted to operate spin ning BAacBlnea; gooa eragea.. ruraiauu; aeru I go; vo. 'Sooraeoato aoa awraaruai ate, ir. -w .... 7 WANTED Immediately, oiaeriencod . secoad Kl; brat-ciaae fiaillj.23uVo laovhiU. lborjs la S41X ".. . .- WANTED Tint -clam hind h-onarsr slao girls for- mangle.' unoai jetanary, Berentoenia . aad Qoimby. : . , - - WABTED (Mri to do gVoarol boaaaarork, a mall family, iaooiro J", lodoo, aooo oi loTojur at. WANTED Girl, or womaa for general bouse. work. Call at aaa Atssoa su .. : - WAItTEDIe dies' clothes Iraosra At.Paeine laaadry. first aaa aruor aia. . WANTED Germaa -Btrt for .Uttbt Inquire ebb TUIsbxmX st. GIRL ta do baaaawark part oay wacoa 111. Apply 6B1 Kearney at. BZPBRIBNCBD waitress at Hotel -Peattletoa, Paadlatoa, Ureeron. . : - - WABTTte M i T, 1 AJTS FZXAXB SBL1. WANTED Xoaac people to take a -course la shorthand or bookkeeping, ooy or aigoii oar graduates are. oil employed; we placed ST pa pi la darlaf May; ws will place yoa whea ooaaaeteat. Boboko-Walkar Baataaas coilaga. ANT ONB perma neatly employad aad wlahlnf to Baatortally locreaoe their Income without Ja .any way Interfering with their areoBBt occapatloa, please taiapBoae opaciai geai. Boat 131b, for pertlrulare. - . ' WANTED At oace, a bright, energetic, pre- eaataBio aaa or wonaaa, a gooa uiaeev- a take up aa attractive propoaltLoa. Inqulrs TU Chamber ad Commerce, I a,.a PERMANENT peoltaoa with Increasing - pay. lady or gentleman, call or odttrsss Beanoeai of , the IlalTerse. room 316. AKaky bids.. Thirtl aad Morrisoa. .- : . - CALLING and boalneaa cords 00a 100, . 1.000. 83a WBShingtna, aatomatw ijara rtooa. ' BTTTfAnOBS WABTETI Mitt, ' BOOKKEEPEB, sslrSBMB, stc., roopsetable aaa. age eg. wita new l ora ci penance, just ax rlred la town, dawtres position; highest cro deatiala. Addraaa U. H. Ulcklo, the Tiaaple toa. S08H First a C TO UNO msa aad wife wish poeltioa running rastoorsBt or working la Betel ; aaau wages. Addraaa C 60, care Journal. .. GARDENER fronts position; caa ales beat of rerarences.' Aaaress v as, sore jeaniai. EXPERIENCED grocery -maa aad bookkeeper asoiroa pealtioa. Annrass u eny eoarneii CARPENTER, good all-around workman, wants Job or aay wars, mono ocotx oaws. timjontm Aaxxoxs. PACIFO COAST BMPLOTMBNT ASSNCT Bameees to ut Jtorta aisiaa as. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPFICB. . . FOB MEN. SS H. Second St. . Phone Mala 1830. AMERICAN Employ aasat sad Bool Batata Agna ey-lU ebarga. il Binos or aen nrausH owe . os AB tTBramoo su PIONBEB EMPLOYMENT CO. aeibor ooabra cat kelp tree to employers. 311 a"T eranead and aormfled. Bnalo a B. O. DRAKE, SuBm Waablagtoa St. Clay deS. ISO MOBBI90N ColnmbU Blear Inf. s seamy I skilled Ubor rurnlaaed. Pooae Meia Baas. WAjrTaOl BTISmiJaBBOira. WANTED Mora spraying and wbltrwsaaiari the oaiy gssenne eomprosssa ou opraying outfit oa the asset. M. O. hi ore SB Cow 070 MllwaekU at. - Pbeaa Boot 3i. PORTLAND'S old reliable plana tonar at year oernco. Tsaiag f 2,0V. a.. Y. .oanaoa. mub 1011. - . - SROBT ORDER PHatlea Banaaa aad wasBiagtoa sto. Mala tooB. WABTXD ASZBTaV AGENTB aaake big money selling Bandy Bet. FOOtoaers; SSay to sou, eeery aauy wanan tbam; patented sal anuafnetarsd by the Fair msnurscianng le., akay tl mmm BoHao, Wis.; our caulofi children's specialties free.. caumgoa oi enaaso- one AGENTS WANTED To osU oar 0000110 high R-aOB aoraerT atoes) are oouj oumneaiat wmv t fornlahed free) eoah weekly I writo to day tot choice e territory. CepitaJ City Nsrasry Co.. Ssleow Oragaev ; WANTKTV Agerrte. mala and female ( wow propoaltloB. , Room Hueesi , oiaa. sorw- A0ENTS waated to wall stnrlas of Old Oregoa. Jeaes' uooa atore. awi aaaer am. BOB BXBT BOVIXXZXPrBI BOOM!.. CO M PING -opoeK' with e without board, IB minutos waia. cars ia "m water. Call ot addreea Sky mod. Portlaad Heights. Mela SMS. , i rNFi:BNISHBD houaekeeplnf -roeraa and other jonms,0ll per . moBUu.irlth ,wsteri aulst to T a. aC lt MIU at. Pisco, usii a TENTS and full hoaaekaettlna entflt 013 per Phone Scott 37M. Lewis aad Clark Camp, Mount Tabor Heights. TUB LINDA VISTA, alrety fornlahed boosskeaa. Ing sad single roucos reesoasois. xsim sirta. BOUSEKBEPINO-BOOMB Bottes of 3 or I ms; free pbone aad Data, ostv zanjaui ex. TWO furalsbed rootna, uae of laundry, bath, gas; reeaoaaoi. raeae aeas too. FfRNInHfeD hooa.keeplng rooma; bath aad gas. . 2ft4 Feurteeutb St. FOB amrt IXATB,- NIW, TTtodera Ornma fstar tneTnalng' steel and fas ranges, riaieey- aaa lerrabeo, east Bias, nqnlrs 24 Lerrabeo. FOB BENT -FAB MS. PON BENT 8 seres of land, an la rafttvatlem , Eaat Fortr-thlrd sod Per tioa Use road. W. O. Beck," 0T The PalUng. . WAJTTZIe-TO BJTJflV- OWNERS AND ASBNTS Will Snd It t sdrssiaae to list their recant houses and ..Beta aUaa-oae Poo tvental Leoert stent. Our aaoaut honaa director v haa beoome a Pecos ' ntaed iBstltattoa la Portland, buaareda of - teoeata being . weakly placed la eultablo -t t ooarteee. - We Baaho no . charge . irhateear a us owsers siwaia ssbs saaanugo oi uus serrlce by calling at oar rental department and filing la aa "Information- Blank." It yea hero a Vacant bouse, pboaa tha par. f " tlculsib aad lease the rest to us. Ws wes t allow It to remain long idle. H, B. EDWAH1M. UOUSEPrBNISHBB, f ree steatai ieparimaaa. , ; 1st to 11 lirat at. -. -uc. BOOMAWda aU aarts of the etty. Apply MM Ooodnough bldg. . B POSITION AUX3MMUUATI0N BUBBAO. Cade airectaoa of the Lewta aa4 CUrk Fair ..... . vornwraueav v-'--- pboaa Mala aad fuml eh ad boaeoat list your pro oar tj with ae; ws wlU da tbo teat, liobaa dl Xaggart. iwt Blith at. WANTED To rent a furslabed . house of S ms. good locsthMf. west aide, tor August; . 1 J . w . a - ' ear JournaL .- ' WANTED to rent 3 hoeaekeeplng-rooaas by msa aad wife. O ba, ears journal. WABTBDBIdt' ESTATE, , iWAKTBleianome property up. 10 HO. 000. and put la Dnely laiproeed larm oa stase iine road, S4.DOU, aa part pay. Call 44 Vs First at... or addraaa r, Michsu, Trouioato, ur. WOITU brry good bom. Mollatey avo, 00 vi cinity. 10,000 to f 1B.0O0; moat do nargain; .-give location. 'Address C 00.- cere JournaL 9X aUBT FT1B7IXZ9 BOOaTB, - r COMMERCIAL-HOTEL New building, every taing amdera througbut,---oeatltuiiy rur alshsdi rooma Bght, soany; planty of fresh air: location eoavenleat for either baelaesd at " fair; prices reasonable. 403 Washing too. . 11.84) PBB WEEK-a-Nswly furnished slnfls Toosns, new aauaa, Cloee oa aoa - overmoaing fair grounds, bouse stands sway frona aula thorouaThfaras that's why the . rooms are ' cheap. Apply J. Oka. 094 Guilds avo. TBB RAMANN. 18B N. ISthw car Doye Newly f lira lab ad rooma. 11 Hd nnt eoavenleat looatloo. i IS aloatoa' walk to fair gum ate;- btarrlooa car at anion depot direct to Souaa. raoae aaiu, PARTIES coming west, at to the fatr; a few aeetly rnnusBetl rooms wita prrvsta inmiiy, reasonable: all Bandera convenlencee. Ad draaa Rchaafar, 304 North TwoBty-foarth St. I GOOD bma rootaa at fshr aroands; Portland K Mineral Springs Hotel; free 'bus t depot; rsres ooc end i: ane Banana oc; etaj xest from mala site. Twenty -saita and Sariar. PORTLAND Mineral Springs Hotel At fatr grounds; bow aad dean; ratea ooc aod ai; msa la SSei free 'boa to alt trains. Treaty stath at, oor.: Barter. . . - THE OA BUI Furnlaaed mesa, Bght. a try, raa aoaable. with breebfaet: S ear Unas. Bast TwsatyesMtb aad Taagart ota. Baa T1SITOBB to fair will flat seoL sburful. aewly tsarnisbed raami. with ei eel lent raiaiaa aad bobm comforts at Tba Mootgamary, THE ALDBBB On . targe, , nicely furalehed slao small singis re ama. . lacraainf hath. Pboaa Mala 1SSL BUS Alder, asar Sixth. KELLOGG house. 184 'Bh'scaaa. tab I car oouth; eleea aoaglngs sue, mea is sue; rar nlahad houaekaeplog-rooBia, laaadry and bath. KICB furniahad-single room lu liable for .oao gentleman, with or witaont ureal ran: pri vate reeldoBca; cloee. , hi Pboaa East BMO. KABQflAM BODSB. 48H dth Roeass aa suits or single; asasssasptng 100010; anaa ovaa, bath, electric Ugh tat tra entente aotteltsaV NEW houae. aewly furnished, at OS st,, between gist ana Jja ; permaaeui e trsnaleat.. Call or phone Mala baas.- THB BBLLETCB, I18t4 Poortb at., oor. Isl- Newly tarauhea looms ar taa aay or Die. atooa iui. NEWLT fornlahed front room wiU ral and pbooe. 1 bkx-s from at curt rent ae.ia wees. La) TamhlU St.. neae Sliteeath. .. . .. PCBNIBHED reema S3, a weak and op; very healthy place; oao block of S car. - 3uf JVhltaksr sx. ; Besom u oeaireo. - THREE aleeplng rooma ap sts Irs 1 BrlTilegs dia- Ingroom and siteneo: aaooern. , ataax Buta aad' Market. Phoae Boat 1T23..L. NICELT furalsbed rooms for rent. 64 Sixth. bat. jBcksoa ana uncota 010.1 oaia aaa near Fifth st. cariiae. 480 DAVIS, cceW 13th, S blocks from either car Una; nice, caaa a rooms; a waoa ap; bath aad pheeia. Mala 1800. r. . FOB BENT Large room oa east aid for 3 or d young aasa: permanent. : H. E. Marti a. TOO Chamber of commerce. n .. NEATLY furniahed room, with aoa of parlor. to oao ar two iuua; renu awnsoaoeio. ae O vtf -cara journal. FTRNTSHBD rooms Soy rent, Baat Beth Bad efb Store pel rate family. Take Powell sta Woodstock ear. FURNISHED ramaaa. BOe, Tbo aad 31 up. Tsso- rtets aaa vrssninguaw, .saoa oosi.ouao oatoo Tbo Bow load. . . - TBB GLAD8T0N 13H oablo. -- v LA BOB front asa of fas range and bath; walking austsace. A Ta, care Joorpal, BtOB) float raam aad boars! la prrrats' family; y-oaikg man nsorerrea, aaa uiaaant. sue mm oa. uinl twralsbed room ta aes avsnlaace. awe urosoy, near sum onoge. TWO furniahed noma with oao of kitchen. 81 hi IB re tt Bear oto 01., aaa. oauruaw ao aaer. . THE IDYL Nicely raralshed rooms; . rent Die; iraBoieni. 2009 wras. FURNIRIIED to 38 aad as: bathe. Tba nor Clay aad Water.' 11 a els tiocea. COST parlof. folding-bed. asa piano, price .DIB. oao wans r.ia aa. 3 NICELT furoUbed rooms for rent, oa carlla a. e.i. . aa Kawth Rlzteenth at. - . ' COOL. Pi sant- artvate. Sna oceDerr. cheap. sow Ma. gnella at. Wood lawn. T-HB LBWIS. IPS 10TH BT. by lay. weec s moots, maia oase. TBB CASTLB 3Tt Wsablngtoa raows mam aeiu '- NEWLT furslabed room, block from dtp ball, ressoaahie. aai .auouoa ox. 4 . FLBN18HBD rooms, dzl Stark. - Pheas Mala tWMS.- BOOKI aVSTO BCaVBBw YES. we eea aecommodate a few mere table. ' class. Aster boaaa, Bevaath . aad. Ms iHism fhooe Male azsi. TBB - IBT1BO Elegaad eastaai aworaeai . tloof prlcaa right, wtani ehanraot dlnlna-r la coa I Irrlng. vor. aata aoa IBB Undell New - family battel.- Market, be tween TDir oaa sourta, una a 1, muis light, poreelala baths, exceed lug ly low ratsa. BOOM for more at Od.SO per week. (03 Clay, ear riftseaiB. rooae aais own. , . FOB BBNT Room sad board: s gentle men) v . -1 . aia m ear aaw a ' - v ' FTJBNI8HED room and board Aw I ar S fsatas. FOB BIVT BEAT, ZSTATX. TO BENT Ouartef Mock facing male satrsaoa to Lewis and Clara rsnr inr osscing pe. vlllon. Apply to W. B. Lettln, Bstol Fslc anoant Btth and Cpabar. . FOB BET! BT0BXS. ONB brick 1 tore room 3818O feet, good Vocation for groceries, aotieoo ar etoer ouaiarm, aeVm Bomall at., room 4. PART of well located front oa sixth at. tnr reat reeennahle. .ApplyEipoa1tloo.LssslDS rn ' VI Ofath St. " " ' FOB RtlfT tnrs Vnti aa grocery. Wmtara Ira porting lie.. low rine at. - , EBTmOX-BOOatl. OFFtrOBOOMii for rent. aeeoad' loot . Good. fob bbbt rr li.'W tnoa hones oa oouthweat eoroer of I "aco, , and eet Twoaty-euth at.) eemsat - aua, sew, ruraoeo, gas ana alec trie lajua B. 1 M. lombard, 814 Chamber et CoaMoaaoa '- ot BuO Laocock. St. - - S BOOMS, bath and pantry, strictly . modera - bouss, furniture new, for sale, air or part; . owner leariua city: call fireuoeno. eiil Thlrtoeath St. Pbooe -Mela SSao. . . . BJADDBBLT TBANSFEB-COMMIISION CO. rtaso aad fornlturo moved promptly ay a . perUaced bms. -110 Third st kiala looo. FOB BENT 3 aaodara f -room houoas aa burnt ,-zairty-roarls st, reat rh J. room eV7 Tba Falling bldg. ' 'i . FOR -BKnrr a. - a. ran Sat -- a not a Ira. -371 .Baker at., South Portland, bstvssa Tblid aaa roorth sts.. fia . - - ...r. .,.. 0-ROOM modern' eottace. furniahed-. 1081 Bast Mala; also ground-Boor flat, anruralanea, ouu Ksst salmon, price gai month. . aw aaai Salisoa. . " " . - 0-ROOM houae for rent; hot and sold wster; neeemoat; very-aeeriy aewt aia pee aaoi. Inquire 847 Broadway. . - ' - VNPUBN18HED e-room mttafs far rent In quire ml north sixth St. fl per mooin. X0T3ES FOB BEBT FPBBITUBB FOB SAUL FOB beet tosults on - ;' v ' - -ruBwiTvita,-' - . Whether to bay oa-sell. ring bp Mala 8093. . , POBTLAND ALCT10N BOOMS, . K i .. Sll Hirst at. eoetaga. cor. Ksst Fourteenth at. ; -gaa, hot aaa 001a warer. oaia, lawn; rent oniy 0; -a borgaln. Inquire at Boot Morrisoa st FrRMTl'RB of S rooms, clean and la Bret. -clsas condition. 0850;. Sat for rent: also S an- tarnished bousekeeatng-rouaw.. cunneeilaa. 81 1 Beventa, net. MadiaoB and Jefferson, ... A MODERN. 8-coom boas for rent: dmlrabl socsuoa; rurniture iur asm, . aea st. - ' GOOD furniture 8 rooma; suimble 3 families; hoass for saat. - 44 hsat Berentn.- aorta. Fl'BNITUBB of 4 -room bonso for sals) bouss tor reel, as noainiy. . aaa r our to. n.. . Fl'BNTTUBB for . bslo. .cheap; " rent T per Aaejuare-oaeae eea i. FOB BALE furniture of O-rooa boose, flow; rent alo. oao rroot st, -- FOB BENT Paralsbeaj cottages, 3 or 0 rooma. at Tioga, leaf aeaca. wsaninfaoa. inquire at Sua Baat Anksny.. PartUod. toae Boat d3. 1 COUNTRY CLl'B INN. Bood Blvor. Oragoa; Sao oak grove, good table, spring water, tennis, boating aad fishing; bow ap in. . . .. FOB BENT Pomtshed cottsgo st Clatsop Addreos W. T. tephens, Beeslde, Or. FOB BEBT 3 AMPS. XXTENSIVB shldy -snd completely srraaged camp arounoa; epace tor reat ay weea or awntb; feedyard; write for drculsr. Ad draaa Weet Aveaae Camp Groends, Mount Tabor atatloa, Portland. . - CAMP COMPOBT What ta tbo ass of awoltor- log Bt a Dotal at ooubie tns price waea you coa sat comfortable tent at Tweaty-Sttb aad Sevier, at fair grounds t . . t '. CAMP COblPOBT Farntsbed Unts for balance of Jaly st shout price saving of eat fare. Twenty-Sfth snd Savior. HOatZSTZAD BxaiBOTOrTMIBTB. , B6ME8TEAD.. " Wt aaa locate you on a 11 rat-clam homestead la the famous White Salmon fruit belt; good Ball, some timber, spring water. . Don't writs, bat coma It yoa want tt. W charge 3100 for location. Addraaa Wblta Salmon Land. .thv. White -Balnsoa-Waab Bsad lot BOOK. - - - FOB SALX HORSES AND 0ABBUGZS. I CHEAP ocHreey-horsae, 1 small satWlo berso. 1 aurrsy. . Bed Xront Stables, as Berth til teeuth at. . Wllllsm Reynolds. -. FOB aao. . good mar . and 3 .toe- buagl SUui. be- Baat Tblrty-Bftb. Phoae Bast FOB BALE One block borse, buggy lad bar- XI eea. net) Ellis sc., Hiaway, FOB lAXlV-BCBTP, FOREST BE8EBTB SCRIP FOB SALE Ap proved, aoreetricted, ready for Immediate aaa: lowest prices.- B. P. P. B. Riley, 600 Chamber ot Oommcrce, . -.-. i LAND scrip for sal for tlmbeted col tarsi Is ad, sorvoyea or aosarvsys Brieea. H. M. Uamlltoa, Portia ad rorttsaa. w. - 1 CERTIFIED serin. Immediate dell very, prices; tlmotr-laado heoght and sold. Howell,' 880 Chamber ot Commerce. - FOB BAIXTTMBIB. FOB SALB Two bamaatead MllnqulshBMnt claims; aseond srowth; win Ball cneap, Ji. P. NUlsoa, Hotel, Bbslapfala. 40 ACRES ttmber-Und, tamhlll county, 82nO. Apply aw Mavsissippt . svs. t sone inioa 0ao3.J. - - :,.fe-v.--. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber eUlaa aad scrip -apply to 800 Ceaaboreisl blk. TO EXCBTAB0X. FOB 81LE Or will exchanra furniture of 8- rooa cottage, value at 8400, for real estate. Adores B 00. care Journal. GROCERY to exchange for suMll farm. - Ap ply vs vixtB at. FOB UIJ-ltTSCiaiJUlEOUS. . FOB BALE 4 art square till feet, 84 ft eech: larva sook stoves, fd-oO each; 4 Iroa bedateada.i 87.on, wort iz; iron doob, ee eaeht "4 wood heda, osk, ask sad maple, $178; 3 eel extension tables, 88.80 secb; 8 bureh rockers. Toe eech; 8 arm roexsra, 1.78 oath) 1 SOU rsstaursat gas range, fJo; 3 dreara. 17. be each. bL i. McOratb, 0 North Third st ( FOB SALE Oao roU top desk.- t mall safe. letter press. . sew typewriter, dftlee 'chairs. too graph, ate. . Inquire SBS Hawthorne , f rom 8 to 10 a. m. - BILLIARD AMD POOL table So (sat ar- Sat ssre on oaar paymenua. : TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKB COtTLBrTDBB CO. . 4 Third st, Part land. WB prat pour name oa 80 calling; cards, araoot (las aaa style, soo. sou sasmeee eras, Sl. Brew A Icbaalo. 338 First, Portia sd. Or. LADBCB for aal. lena-tb 85 feet. 10 fl. P. en gine. arge carrying caBecary; , pne .eery ng capacity; , p 08, care onra eaeep. Aaarsso tt GABOLINB sraamsr for sale, .18 tons carrying 1 . OB a. . . aulul aalll II , - a T-mfia.;,L. m. a,. - a . " , an. a. Vbargala. Addraaa. A TO, ounml. .', FOB abowmea. Urge alligator, - snakes, sped. aod sec na ays. FortUad aua te., 1,7 fiocth Sixth, aear Vnlea depoaT At HALF COST 40 n,w Yam-Yna cots. msttreaaes aaa Beoaing-, "j. Lenaigaa, is Sherman, et, - ' 1 .. LABGB Balling yacht for Vila rhssp; complsto. Inquire 471Vj Bortnrapist., joorta roriaaso. TELEPHONE bracket snd pine. Pioneer Wood Mfg. Co.. B. Be Tenth. I'kone Baat XI OS. FOB SALE Smith Premier typewriter, blaaoot asw, rasssnstiio. Aoaxres a so, journal. FOB SALB Furniture ef 5 -room house: also nice lot of trultjars. Cot Mnrahall st. BOTAL ANN sn7 Tartarian cberrles 8c aad te It. AThta. ' a A lusA fAA En ree- afj( BT ntPHaa; sevaTWa. M alB) bBBb VElli - - ; MANTEL-BED. nearly sew. with Buttress, T. 414 . Kaat Mete at., snuta. OANOLINR Matlrh foe sals cheap. . Phone Uahra 13R1. abt MPOBJirm. PROP. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait sad mxeaacap aftlst; Instruction in oil painting, water color, etc.." end drawing: art gallery L connected with studio; Mcturee foe sale end framing to order, 3 aaa Aider St. ranne inao. ATT0KBXTI. OBEGON LAW A COLLECTION CO. 417 Pea. ton block. Collections msde throug boat the . Veiled Btsteoi baskruptcv matters s specialty t JMt tsnsnu elected; ream esiiecte fes srsl law suaineaa; . aotary pahlls, - -3 C FOB fAld la paisi- ,v. t ... 3e-euoax ruomiiur-aoiaao, f i, 13 'rbadrooeas. Id bearooms f,'-. t - 'ere; rooans eonalet of lb beuneu, a- aor, ,uuaa, -:-dluiug-roum - sod atarerouui, 3. bsi.-e, . 3 tullela, paaemeut I 8 Srst Snoro . heated by furnace,, hsuee to pew, 3-t'e--i feo cester of city; lot BfliluO feet; electric lighted. Any one wishing a bestosss of this kind cannot do better than to In vesttgste this property. Will ' taa H.OuO worth et Portland property la part payawat. Price OO.bOOr 84.800 rash, balance ' oa time. Addraae Blbora 4V Now lis. Peudietoa, Ot. - r -31.800 GTYEN AWATl . Ws offer our general morchandbts bssMisa for earn, with the abovo diaeouat oa aer- rhaadiae oad property. We hive a wall Be . lected. eleaa etock that will Invoice about 110.000; else d lot and buildings, tost we - offer at a bargain. Investigate; use at tht - beat apportanltlee la Oregoa. We aieaabasb asss. Inquire Journal or writ na. I. W. AND M, A. BOBINSON. Ash wood. Or. . ' - ROOMING-HOI IBB. - r . M rooms 1 block of Portland hotel: strictly - BanuVrn, 40, bed, furniture all asw and -the best of oa k. beat of Bruaeele rsrpeta, every room light and open In Ihe ball, ele gant sideboards, ao Junk la this place; leess . snd cheap reul; rooms blwsye full: a bsrgsla for tj.loo. Call at oace Garland, laft Fourtb at. . . .- FOR 8400, half cash, bale ace payable monthly -from pro its. I will eell half Interest la s . sure, sate aad established hustneaa that will . clear any war M.nm la neat (our monthai ante a no tasa snd worth twice lb aaooey. out 1 must air wids-awsk partner. tB. Mala 8183 ae address A beV- eer Journal. FOB ALE-A' 40-bSrrMir IT turn SUBiUlIU, goad wai.iaw, . ootng . gooa pasiaeaa. 14 a eras land, S-room new bouse, lsrgs .horn and baa- bouse, plenty trait, good school snd churches. - This will stand Invcstlgattua. Price 80,000; ' assy leram. . ' - ..- , . .. . -1 B, B. NOEL, Moeltor. Or.- ' ' ' -VlHtn . ; ... Have- parrbaser for ssaall batcher shop,, and waat Income property la ricbange for Im proved lauds worth from- (3,000 lo lai.OKO, aad cash for choleq mining stocks. U. . W. , aen 11110 strvva. . ' . - ' tail no iw niennii PERTTLB aotl, pure water, delightful climate; ana oc aireire. apples and clover. For full Information - address tbo Columbia - Soothers Irrigation Co., 888 Worcester blk.. Portland. FARMS, wheat and timber hmte, acreage, dty f-ropertri timoer ana nomeetesa, iocs tie OS ; ' business chances sod lnsursnce. TOWN SEND, MAXWELL 4 CO.'. ' ESQ Aider et ' .j Phone Mala 1333. A LADY vt gent lama a who baa a aaaall amoual eKBoouey to invest ss a partner to attend to office bustnees setting trom .looQ to 81,800 "r apwsra per Bronis. .bu Uh nana aaVKU st Pboas Msla SooT ... e-. 'A BIO MONET MABEB. ' Card printing satflt complete, located bt tbo fair grounds. Here's your chance to f ab ooey. I'hoae Msla 317. .coll at dab baraald. st. to 13 m. NOTICE to restaurant aad salooa-mea Moore' x Kestsoraot sad tats, Tweuty-aixtb fad Lp- ouur bis., . opooaite main antra ace to ex ImoltKiB grounds,, fur earn cheep. -Cell -for lira. T. J U.aa . .' . ...... . . . tBB NATIONAL FINANCING CO.f. SOB Mao4 amarn bldg... Portland. Or bandies bonds, atorhs, mines, fl nances legitimate sntaepciaea. furalahas safs lsvsatmou aad securea loeaa. B0OMING-HOUSB. very central locatlea; food lessoi owner Having city ana must sen regsrd lsss of price. Call snd make aa offer. For particulars celt 817 Fes too bldg ., 84 Sixth Bt FOB SALE Stock of general mercbasdlae lo- Sated In eood atock end farmlae counter, oa , K. R-i will Invoice 01.300 to 81.800; good reason lor nsiung. . a a area a v oa, -JournaL LATH mill com piste, will sell or trade at big aacriiice; taaa iitrooar, eamgiee, uca, utoa or, what have you No better machine msda, . Owner, C30- Seeeetb at-V Pnoa Mala 8184. KLONDIKB WaffU-Rouse, southeaat . car. Twenty-sixtb and Thurman. one block from mala enCreace. . tor sale,, vary sua a p. Ow sea msat jsave tur'Aiaaha. WANTED Partner with 33.000 to take part la- u tenet la gooa -saying restaurant and rata. , Inquire of msosasr Hotel Folrmoaat. Twaaty- : sixth aad Upshur sts. .. , ,, - FOB BALK Reetsnrsnt. eea tin ed; reat, in- ciuaing water,; loos lease, goo incs. tlou, good petronsgs; owner leaving city. V 44. .care Joerasl. v-; , A GOOD paflh boalneaa for sale st sacrifice. 11 looa ing (or oosftstaiBS permaaeet asm aoe and mean business, s duress . Owner. 1171 Ores ley st city. Set) poo 100x100 GOOD bnalneal ts-operty. brick. Improvements, rented 8375 par month, chance . te mere see, a agents. Ava iddnae Boa 3OU0. city. FOB ' SALE 8.000 share cspltsl stork ' Gold tjueea Minos company, aloes In GoMfleid, Nevate. Andrew McDonald, Arlcta, Oregoa. w t agri-JjFTAUBAN'T-oolng good bi ryed; low eat T mm maia entrance ts fair) Und botsl, I ' rooming boose. Addreos A btemoss baa block will aicheaga for Te, Joerael. - FOR 8 ALB At a bargain, 30-room lodging- house dolag good business: rent oaly 800. Madlsoa bouse, ear. Pint aad Madlsoa. PARTNER wsBtod to take working' tntereet la lira t-c laaa saloon; fooo reqslred. Apply . Bxposltloa Leasing Co., TS Sixth t - I HATE fw baadred dollar to invest with . servlcaa la business ewterpris. . Address- with ' aartlculara P. O. Box AST. A GOOD two-chair bootblack stud vary cheap; a money maker for the acxt three abontba. . 834 BtarB. I ACRES, all la otateea. aor csrllae, for 83.000; so ay tarma. Call, 107 Third et. FOB SALE Rooming -bouss t 14 rooms, 97SO, 8 idadlaoo. FOB HIT EI XBTATX. ' SO ACRES of choice Is ad, 70 acre ta alfalfa) . HbB la one Ot tba finest propooltioaa la Mal- fbeer county. It will produce from S to II . tons ot alfalfa par ecre son sally as-1 will tprodae la abumlance ssy klad of fruit f knows ta the tempernt Bona, Borne Idsa of the value- of- this property caa bo gleaned ' fronxrhs fact that U rents Snssally tot Sou .. cash per year snd ranter pay taxes. Price rt.OOO; t-CTJoo down, balance oa ssy tsrar. or farther parties la ra la rsgard o tha eg ether properties, address 1 -C. T.- M'DANIEL. Ontarts, Or.'' TIBBITTS ADDITION PB0PXBTX Eaat Vt of block 1.- . - , North H ' block 11, . " .,' . All of block 18. . - , Will sell this nroperty cbeaa. : .,' J. U WELLS CO.. 4 Grand vs. I FINE modera house la Hollatey Psrk ad , dittos must be sold at oace; owner leaving . tows) slao 10 foe lots with cement sidewalk. newel -In, Improved street, also Bull Rua .wster. For Informsttoa sea William G. Beck, No. SOT Palling bldg., or B. Bios, Twenty Bacond aad'Wasse sts. . FOB BALE A aaodara corner brick block. -8-tory sod bassaasnt 4 ttursrooms, 40 room furniahed t trill selft all '4 separate st bed rock price; alee 1 hooters rooa rssldsats, cksoe to Boooall st loo WUUams iva.) food income property, . inquire ot w. t. The batlinf bldg.''. AN Ideal suburbia borne of 10 seres, d mile ., southwest of city, oa ssrllne; I eulttva- - ttoo. hsISBce small Br; adapted to berries and - poultry 1 - perb ; soil tba - very bast,. . Price ., very low, f 1,800; tsram. Address C 43, ear .. JournaL - . . FOB SAL8-1A acre choice land. 11 mile Iroa Portland. -err! table "Tuf 0 hornet easily Isa- proved, bsady ta E L atatloa.- bootlaadlof Bed food goads: good MIL For particulars address A, B. Folksnberg. Bolbcook. Or. I2K0 cksH Most sen at oecs I tots 8 block Lfrnrn, -Mount .Scott earllna . Mlf -380 snub. I unBVk etaaainptoa sr., room a, " .',, 1 12,000 0 ACBE8 wall Improved, sll la Sno fruit, fair build Inge, 4 block from car- , llnev caa be bought ea very easy terms! Im mediate possession; will tsks part la real -. setale,- Call , Krll, Third st . FOR HALE Nice bnlldlng lota $100 and bp, ell blixlliO. caah or on Installments; good Io cs tlou, overlooking Willamette boulevard and river., Willamette nation, HI. Joku cerllne. C. A" Kyaowakl. 1810 Wilbur bt. .... ,, I ACRES aeay Leuts sad scceeelhle ta 3 est " line) eery fine soil: ao gravel; ' fanning : water) $:0 per acre; $200. be la see esat tsrmsi etba. (and sdjoislng selling st 34-4 . 0 41, cars Journal. ... FOB SALB e-aebeejaeM--si,aoV-Ner- 0-rooa modern cottage la Woodliwn: lot bOrOfi feet. . Vt block froa ' earllne. -Kay at Olangcr's Irncery stirs, . Isqulrs of B. I. Jleger, 30 lorrlsea at. S-ROOM boas, cheep for cash. Inquire U B Bemlngtnn, Booeaont ve Moatavtlla car. FOR SALE Cheap, lets In Ltwer Slhlna Installments or cash, Isqulrs 37) atarket at 1 r-z; V T a .hat ia a i- caa as a, b, 1. aa I hive - et . - I I ee ettoy t ae I 1 ..1 Graad avo., teo-B ly. -1 " '. ' ' P- , a - a po Ii a ti 1 m3 Ui,ii r ... r. - . -. i . water main, .ass mount Scoit ear. gat oti Greys rrossldg. . J. a. barret te. FOR SALE New house, reotsl value price pert cash, balance . csay tm-mi; aa ' j an Inveetmenl or for a home, look thi. m. . t' Address t) BO, cere Journal. v FOB BALK 3 beet residence lota la Haw. thorns'; Pint addition, at a bargain! I block . from public ocouol aad carliue. la. ' qutre .Ua . B malacton at. -. ; - BARGAIN for cash, fine reeldsno locatloa. .9 lots and asw building, ealleble for houeee keeping. Bee owner. 4il Bsst Thlru-fourtB st Phone Best Seed. - . " . BIG SNAP for Income; 8 good eottagee -seitb cornet lot, only few bloces from Bnraalns bridge, esat side, reatiug tZ. frlc 84,600. a.,,,., wt . w.a aa. . ... BEAUTIFUL borne location. 8 lots, fenced fruit, nnd holloing now ranted for 38; must , Bell t tbla wevhi fdou cosh. Audrras U 80. car Joerasl. ."T';... - $1,700 Bl'TS T-rooa bonae. hot and cold wster. , toilet, haarmect, ground V I no, located ta .. WllUrnctts, oa, 8t. .Jobua corlLDs. 1310- WU - bur st. -. .- ' 1 . - . h FOR SALE New modera O-rooa cot tare ' Mount Scott Berlins, 3260 cash, balance easy payments. H. X. Smith. Phoaa Msla 180B7 .' ' -FOB BAinVroom aatttg, aodtrs. lot toBctUJ. , fruit trees, 3 blocks from rsr; caah or termsev a. a. Bvyeer. muaiaviua. rnoDs Mela 8880, 81.H50 For sale. 3 lots. . oat Blchaaood Olid Woe da lock car II naa: Umml -to.- --eatioa. Appiybwaqr. TOO Esat Clinton. A FEW lots for ss Is oa easy term near cor. line; good residence neighborhood. - A Duly John Bain, room B 334 urk st, T SNAP 3- acres la fruit aad vegetables, i(rg. bouee, good datern and outbuildings. . WU. ' Usm Abbott, Moutsvllls svs. . . . .... . FOR- SALE 4-hrap: 4 Sne lots oa Fiak' snd frlDcetna sts., I'nlveralty Park. lnuslra of . H.- Mills,- St.- Johns. ' . - ,. FOR SALB or xchaBgs, Ilia acres improead. 1H allee froa MuuUvlIU earUos. Ineulrs owoer. 414-Balaout - .. 'i.-... . V.T. FOB SALE B acre, 4-roem bouae, hero -sad weii, 817. Kstscsaa to Gites, Ina qtlce at ureea- bouae-. MOUNT TABOR 100x100. to cerllne. T eaev . bath bsrs. sll kinds, of fruit, saiy terms. ' Owner, 1 Third... v- ... 11.850 New A-room cottage and 3 large lew. -f -oa cor. Graad ire, ud bisvar t, ..Dee owner. 1 8W4 Bhavor t -. -.. -" - ;- . I; GRAND AYR.. - N--Bargafnt Tall lot. Broom atodera booxe. trait Sew srs. sxcellsal " BBlghborhood, . . . ,v . FOB BALE .8 rooa bones oa cot Ha with aav -iniH., uea, eau. ixauira XBI Sixth, st -.- - ..i.. I RESIDENCE for Bale, value 83.7001 81.800 Caah r -Jt. ... 1043. PApt Blcveatb at B. Ka FOR SALE Cheap If takea at aaeo, 4 rooms, fnrnlahed. - SO Twsatlsth St., oaar Washing. tea. FOB SALB 1 and b-scre trarts sssr earllne, Vimiia from MUwsuiklslufflc C, K. h3 BOt'SKS built oa sssv paymsats; lota -furalaboul . If dsolrod. 13 Commercial bidg. Mala 140. NEW 4 -room modern houae. Sl.snr): Inst aliment ; seme as reat. .ill loTH Third at. . . , I FOR SALE fl. too My homo, BIB HW Tsnatye ' fifth st.-south, sacrifice for cash. BOI SE and four lots for aal cheap;' mast sail. -Addraaa J. B. Lee. Arista P. 0. ' . FOB IAI.rV-F4BMS. 100 ACBEft, eves a of tbs valler; 100 acres) ' ' under cultivation, S acres la hope. .Id acre ' ' : ndjjlnlng ready IW bop, fret cUea bop land, ' ,. 3ft aciee in bay, SO acre Iti oola aod barley, 3 ; acres fotd orchard, good gardes. I'armlng - Implements eoetelat of the following, which goe - with the place: One mower, 1 hat rake, 3 . "tilndet, t plow. One lo-lncb, ens lt-luch:' 1 . brag fesrrtny, t anting tooth harrow, t eeedWr, ;1 olak, I shovel plow,, 1 3H -Inch wagon, i , learn ef mares welrhlag 1.800 pouBds, 1 oa ' of. double work harness,- 00 new bop sacks, - 30 cots, about BisXI bop pole ready fo '. ; aao, 10 cords ef -d-foot Brwood, 8 Cords of B. ', - Inch flrwoodr- second -grow I h Sr end soma -, xuod Bleed oak so tha . firm; good paaturo . - fiar low gosta, a large cattle range wlthla . . 3 miles. 1 mil to good month school, 1 mile to church, miles to towa aad B, R-. M. P. D. router also farmer's mutual tele. phone llue-delivery wsgeer-- from towa ta -' the pUc orTra aewl; piece lays la a square, ' . jasri rolling and port levet--wttb aood' lances snd running wster 1b peature ; sam-4V room horreer largo, rooms, also pastry and closets, Mrs bora, grauaryy henhoiiBB, all la . good rondltloa: honhouaa Is 33 ft. kila 3 ft.. stove In good eoodltioa; sfl new ptpee; tba cropd. ore good; Sne prospect of a vary big. boacropl the hey aad arsm ran all be sold orr'thl place without rtiulieg. Price 87.0OO. $3000 dowa. balance oa- caay barmen t low rate of tereot. Call or Bdureos W. W.-Bepoy. roont 1 Hamilton ImlMlng. between Vi'sahlugtoa ss4 'Alder oa Third street. s FOR. SALE - Ptwif-acra poultry roach; ay. If mllat ' ., from lone. Cel.: 4-reoa bvuos, beta, cblekeoj - beuiss, brooder houae, 10 bulMlago oa pascol caa he irrigated; fenced with steel wove a - wire field fescs. 08 Inche high; 400 feet of . - wster pipe, 4 hydrants, 100 fruit aad aaO . trees, flgo. Bjnvmde, pears, Bprieots. penebes, -apples, urangea, quinces, plums, KngUsb sad black walnuu, Jipines r-araimmona, black, berrie, dewberries sod grapea ; price 81.100. . or oao half down, balance Installments: tf ' this salts you aad you anderstsad the baal. aces nnd have a small cspltsl aad waat t ' get Into a mild ellmals, thle la J net you ' chsnce. George T Hosdiey, ownsr, RockUla - Plscer county, California. .. 1 40 ACRBS land, moatly nil la pasture, gnoft . , .. 7 -room hoaee with hot ImJ cold wster, small burn, fond hoghouoo StUSO, I Phoenix 4V, -tea Bcsles. lb bead of cows. 3 harass. 3 wsgono, . 1 topbuggy. IS bend bogs, ama II creamery, ' - good markets, good school. H. F. I.- tnell, , , Srst-clsss pasture and oumlde range, goo4 young orchard snd other thing too reamer- . to mention; $ miles from river sad B. B. . SO mile from Portlsnd. Price 31.000. Term j. to suit; low rst of Interest. - Call or sddrea ' i W. W. Kspey, room 1.' Hamilton bid., be tween Waahlagton snd Alder, oa Third st 153 ACRES,. 100 aeeas asdsr cult Iva tlou: food bouss ot 0 rooma, wall- la kltchsa, Uvlti ws tardea form, well at the bara, all level - land oa Rstacads line of O. W. P., statloB oa the place, grided school, a tore and ost ' office wlthla So feet end church wlthla a .' bait Bllei price $W aa acre. Apply aa place to J. H. Bitching, Currinsvllls, Or. TEN acre on Powell's Yslley road. 0 alls out. -. mv level, good Una and aeay to clear, eery light timber, no large a tumps, only a abort - distance ta O. W. P. electric line; price 80.00 per sere, ou very eeav terms. Other land , adjoining selling st $100 te $131 pot acre.' Address T-80, eare- JournaL FOR SALE aO acre f arts . near Woodland, -, Washingtua, Clark county: 1 all eeet ; of. Rrattea s Isadlnf, on Lewi rlverc So vs.1 rlettes of .fruit aad berrie. running water . ' tor stock. 4-room bouee, barn and esthuyd- Ing! rhssp. .Apply to O. W. Winter, eB the farm. 4 ,.-.,.,...,,, WILL asll or oxchsnge to-acre ranch 1b Grand ' Bonde valley for property west of Caa cads mountalna: riach a all under cultivation oad well art to Trait aod herriee. applser E-lnclpslly. Apply to George B. Smith. Cora, regoa. -f '. ..' v ' " ' s POI'LTBY-RANCU. worth (300, for 82M: SO, acres, 1 1 mile of station, honaa, chlckes- nouse,- men ns for, brooder, tools, orchard. food -opeingt v ree "faro-to-T-trchssar;' $290. j nooaaaon Maochestsr. TS Sixth st. FOR SALB ss Trade 88 Wj -aer farm, 1 14 alia - froa Ore) Clty-euui tbuiiasi 4 bouse la",' .. rortisaai isrga mta in nalem. aer partica . lars see owner, 443 Wlllliaa sve- er pbsaa - -r - East 3780. .... . .. FREB LAND IN OBEGON Bnder the Cerep - Irrigation - Act. - DeetJ dltwet from -era t a. - writs moay. Booklet aad asp free. . B. - Ba Cook A Co.. 381 Alder St., Purtlaad, Or. It-AC RE ferm,. acme bottom, good orchard, - . apring Water . good bsraa. good bouse, spew ef miles. snppHes, Eagle Creek station, - Inquire Charlru Wagner. 868 Lake St., dty. ' BICfT fsra shd fruit laede, Wiahlngtoal boaaty, pregou. Write far particulars to Georg A, Morgan, Blllahnea, Oregon.. v 10-ACRB farm for rent, $M per year: boueea bold foode. crop: 3-year leess for sals, prle ; $180. - A TS, Jouraal . .. ISO ACRES rncden hill- fruitlanA. TO clsr. 1 mite s( tldewster. This I leap. Addrell - C. 40. care Journal. , . FARM for rent with option of twit Inf. Saodftone, 3p3 Visa St., Sooa i. . C. O. aeugk bids. APPiy eieraior. .' ". - . r y