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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
arm. yr ' Y . V va t " W T J 4f A ue AT L07EK PRICES ..R'ntrotBuU':Uaidaj:OUpMaa - of Holdings at a SacHflca OLD POTATOES nRMERri ' -:?--:::zjhen ones weakening poultry ; Market Going Higher With Better Demand Egge t Are Dull but Firm. v lBt Btacet, July f ,-TW atlaclpal feature .' ' V the Portland wboleeele niarketa today an: potaloee Srajert aewe weaker. -"S Wide raue aKoan ta oawae. . : . --' C- JalWeroln pple -coming: mor freely..-,; i ,.' Nop, eold -at lower prka. - t -U'ontaloupe ar setting cheeper. J Ureeu tomatoes ara too pleettful,' , ' ' U'ouliry market- la runging blaker. . ;.' ",-i.,Kgg ara dull with' price uachaunTeeW---- Local petcbe errlve laT poof ebap. - , . .', ' i New Naay la coming to market. - ? TBntter M dun Hit UBCDtngea. Wltermetontjo bo vary pledtlfal.' ;j'i;,"ltiiifc a lwr Trlo. - "'.'. 'That th hop market wkr I kowS by - - atrm arldaaca oa aU aloe. Bam bea.y aalaa - bTa beta reported during tba paat faw daya, j Wat tnty have ell beta at reduced price. Toe .proapact far to eoBtlug crop d not bav Back ... ctfaul . an tba preaaat aurkat, ept. par - kapa. Iq waakaa. It,' aa it I BarallT ballTad - "'.taat taa crap ( lu6 will k rrr tuuch Btiad ' ia quality.' Ta followtuc lata aakw at bop ara now raportad: McKlnlry klitcball truaa s 'Aral Bro. and K. W. MaBiili at Uarriaa, luu ', .'balaa raolc at 10c: Jullna Wult froai Claateld - -at' BilHtoa. 158 bala at food arlnw at ltc; U. U. UUbsrtxoa. from aha party -at tba .Iallaa yard, M batea at prima to cbolea at rr JtVi At natcbar fXaraya!l to Ueoria ; ' Uraalay. DO balaa prlawa at lTe; I).- T. Olda pi aaoa plara to aaaa purrbaacr, U baka'o prlmca at 7o. To , wtmdarf at faatar i tba ', f altaatloa la tba reportad parcbaaa of 100 balaa . . . prima by William Brawa (root Oaorg baa, t . . a fblaamaa at Vrooka at 18c. baa n a raatrr of Kraba Braa. tba blf bull kadara, aad lb "-'all1n of op of "thrte rnto a bopa at law . , vaioa I takaa by tba trada a avldaaea tbat . tha aarkat baa. about (on to plaoaa. By tba ''trada bar It ta ajutta ganarally pradlctrd tbat - : tba markat will touch Uttlda during tba nail r U day. Tbar t a d'maad far bap but ' ' brawara claim Ikty.aow bara tna altaatloa la 'tbetr ft baada. and ara going to mak. tba ' . growara danra ta tkalr moalc fur awbll. Ha-.porta-from tb growing crop ara. to tba l ' tort tbat th rlar and laaraa ara atlll rrd .. wltb rrtmla, but apraylng aparatwm ara aaw r tgnraL .v.., j ? --u t Old 'atataaa rtnnar bad Vawa Waakar. -'-TBerTSiarket for old ptatoea-ta- -abawiag .'batter w. Stock armlii , tery light b' aad tbara I daman (or thla grade tbat caa- V- .bot ba up)Hd by lb now atorkar Kew po- Utora ara now coming quit llraly trom tba y -auutk a wall aa kxwl poluta. r - Tba aoloa market aUll abJWa.. W wlda 7 "rang la nrlcaa. Bada ara. ijoot all tM way - .from $1,14 ta, ll.SU par aack, wblhj tb rlkr ' 'ar 'a,urte Ilk at 1.16. - . . r, CallfamU Apala -OobIbc ftuib f raaly. ' ' -duppllca of California applca'ar now quit . ' Ubrl aad prlcaa ara ant ao high. ' - :'t ." lew craiM of atrawbwrla fa good bapa 'v'; ara la from bloanl Hood dlatrlct tad ana aalUug ' iractlrtilly Iba only our. ' . . r. - Local paarbaa ara not arrtTlag la HfT td ; abapa jaod earn aaataaalum la Iba pclca ara ' raporlad. ' - - a . ' ': T '',(.' ' . r aattlna dowm. Watarawktua will lcatlfiil aK wack and a onaeiuat drop 1 ! U aapactad. t- ' iraKiematoaa from CallforaU, aad TaaM : ' ar- oaerplautlful . aad th markat la ?weab L-oa tbat claaa of al-b. riDndPaa ra ' yuotcd arm at tba nrks. v, . ', - . v,v real try Varhat 1m Baagla; Barken, : ' la a mark kattaf Trella 11 tba pealtry market and tba arte la ehewlng an adranc -' ou tba lanrar alaaa. .' Spring ar coming In nnlt rapidly and the prtra la not aa Srm. ; . , Tom rarrall of Krerdlna t rarrall aaya af fh ' ltutloa: " ; -- v"- - .- " . . j . "Tb poultry oVmaad la good, aa w pra- .dieted, and the market- doea not gat aU It .-. aanaelall m tbla tra aa ta good bene and large aprlng.' We quota aa ken im13c and on aprlnga le. l''ka are weak, nut ara : atlll aalllng at M.OOST.OO, or about Wo per pauad on young oaea. Small . ducka ar not 'wanted, an don't eeod any thatw.. go Jaw than poandatw Tb dnaea. Oeeee ara ateady only at sc oa old and l"fj 1 le a d large yaanai Turkey of all aorta anrrery Bywr. They will aell at good price 17 14 for old lira aad tawafto for- good duaaiC Sqaabe plgenaa-ara aeHIng at koa ' reek at aval te for Wala and IPQme tor eaatara., Taday'a wkoleealo quotation, aa rerlard, art a followt; -' " :' y f,-. "wrbta. flamr aa feed." , ' " WHBAT Momlnali cluk aad red, Ste blue ' 'atm. beanoe: aalley, . -. BAKUtlf reed, diMOi folerd, t2S.50 brew ?. 'foR! Wkola," .! ". 121.00 per toa. RYR Ol.ab pat ....' -i ....' . rtAT Ke. white, gso.oot gray. 1 PLUUR Daatera Oragoa pataata. ocl B4.UI freight. aa.Ti export. f3.o0as.Mi: r. w Wa.rp. ea.ii I) graaam, va. aa.wi IA fMlL halao.- Al.TtV uitjjTrrrt-Eni. 11. 00 aer oarmld. dllna. jrhorta, - enoatry, t23.O0( , alty, A Tmntbr, lyilianatt eallat,' raaey, tll.OOt ordinary, HI 0! eeetera Oregoa, iil.cot mlaad, ill.Wl aloaar. lU.OOt grain, 11.001 beat. oMl.OO. .v . X 'BuHer. Xgs aad teuHr. v '.BCTTM FAT Sweat. SOei aoar, 18a. . 1 BUTTRS City eraamary. beat, tlitet aaoaad graoe, J7HJOc: out aid faacy. Sort ordlaary, lT4c: atnr. Hwlna. , BOOS Ho.' I freak frregon, candled, t()Q21; lAAtaoe: eaatern. IMtaOe. C'HEKSE New full cream, twla. llOUHaej Jonng America, ixtoiiawci vawnnar. itMe. POl LT11Y nieaena, mixeo. lawiw in; nana,' Iftir pet lb: raoatera, M. HQime yer lb: yen. lilim mi orouara.. itie par Ibf ; .fryere, Anmi m lie pet Ibi ducka. AOOtja o - per . grille per lb) turkeya. uttlRo pee 4hi dreaeed, 2e per Ibt, Muaha, i.vo nor Hap. IWeal nal KUaa. ; HOPS Contract lOnd, 10e; 190 crop, JSVb tlc. for .cbole;- ITglbe. tot prlnwa , aad nieuum. t WOOb-lPCB cDp, valley, aoarae to mediant. H HAM He; . Bat, . W02J(jv aaMra . Oragoa, 5(iklAIIl-lomtnat atiejlle."" " -. ,' SHK BPS KINS Shearing, bort wool, toesoes atedlum, wool, alC&u.i mag wool, aocell.OO each. ' TAtXOW-Prlm, pet Ik.' dOe Be. S aad frraaa, IfJlH. . - , rHITTlhl BARK SU pet n. v HIDES Pry kldea. No. l. is-Bat and aa, 1aiW per lb i dry kin. Na. I. I at lb Iba. ' : ls dry ealf. Bo. t. andar iba. ItAlsei dry - "aalteq bide, ateer. anund. SO lb at arar, l4 J; - SHcl Kl to SO Iba. Svdttet aaoer 00 lb aad , .cowa. satV4e; ktata and buUa. eennd. Q7e-, " ' kip, IS to SO Iba, ici aoand. 10 ta 14 Iba, 00 :e,- ealf, aoand, ador 10 Iba. OH Oil: green (eaeaiTefli, la per ia want anna, le per ID leaai aorarhMea. Baited, each. ll.SSOl.T: dry. each. SlSOei.SO, ODlt hide, eara. BSdana: gat aklna, .-onmaaoa, each. 10dla aagora, -'-wit woat an, eaca, aoeeil.uu. v " rruHo aad Tagotaklao, ' . POTAToB Beat Oregoa. 1 bntUSS: hi In- i.. Sl.lftt rolnrado. U)Pl.lo: crated. Sl.Tftf new California, l.O0Jl.; new ? uregon. ai.m: garner, ei-aa. . , )S10N New California . red, $l.nnl.Mi - yellow Paneera, Sl.TS; garlic, 10c per lb. r"RRSH FRIIITS Anplea, new California, II. SO; : box oeangea, oaeal. e2.T6tj3.tS boi:.hrta Talea : rlaa. J.J.17i Medlterranena awAta, M.SK4J ''. 1,50 bnt: banaD, 6uprr lh; leaaoaav choice, "'il.aYias.n boa: fancy, I4.0uf4. hnn llmea. "-r- ileilcanr c par l0 plneapplear ALbA; eraahet. tie, aaanra. 011.09 per abll etrawberrtae, ll oOCa l rte of M hotea: rnarrle, Rojal ' in. 0T per lb: Blng and Lamberta, Kvc per ih: eprl-ote. fjOctill.OO; pea'ha. Oft 75c: Rluail. Tbrall.r0 crate) wild blackherrlea, Oc; it raapberrree. It 80 per aral of S4 boiaa; tantaloapea, IJROI.PO per crafej curraata, a Tar lb; loganbtrrlt, ll.SbOl.SS per orat. ol i ' 14 botea; watarnmloA, par lb) grape, 13 00 tier boa. i SirAbUCS TuMp. new. 01J0 t acki carreta. LtO Pa tack: beau. 1.M per aa-k d 4 radlehee; to pet I dee; caooace. Oreeofl. per ewt graaa peppara. ta lb; peppara, SO; iter lb: local taaaatoaa, TB; Teua, 11.74; a California, ll.auttl.Tb; rarulpa. ll.K'1 i ; airing beaar Sa cM- fkvwer, 1.T : -l.W aeeU; rhubarb, bV per lb; boraaradleh, las par lb) artlrnokaa, eodjlu par ana; botbaoa lattuae, Bo476c: bead tattaea, loe par. doe; area a ooloaa. 10 par daat ae baragiia, &jo6o do buuebaa; eptnacb, 00 pa lb: green corn. Vie per do; paaa, Se Per lhr MiMimhM Ml.ilOA i AM Mliti. TtObOd DBIBD' FlOrV-Applee, oaapanted. TSMm per lb; aprleota ; 0M6lae par lb; aacka, tb per lb hum; paaaaaa. SelLBt pet Mil peara, - per 10; pruaeaj Italia. IViaH .P Prench, S.4Hl per Ibi fig. Ca 111 oral bUek. Htm per lb:. CaUforala white. par Ibl tlXaa. pluma. pitted, pec thl date. pet b tarda. e 80 Dor ts-I bos. . I wrairtes. Bub, St. . StlAAB aUk - - aaTSt $600; fruit grajjiiatad, IA.60; dry fra aula ted. eo.ou; veai. 4 a.o; beat granuutaa, at tra c. t.oijl goloaa . '. .0U O . yellow, f4.)W bbla Itfi. H bbla Sbr. boxe SO adraac oa aack beaki-icea S3e par w lor eaab, IS day: Jiaple,r14Jlo par lb. ' , CorrKBFackage braada, fld.IS. ' ' SAUV-rtno Bale. Se, Sa. la. So, 10a. SI.SSl Uble. da lab, Soa. IliTio; loua, HO.TS: lm ported UearpaoL SO. Sit .00: toOu. Liaa, $iu: extra fin., bbm. Ba.Sa.loa. Mft.bUj alk, S tba, 4.U0C-I rSALT-JSrae Half gtoasd.' 100. par toa, T.OU: bv pa tea, fT.OO; Ueerpooi lata rock, 1SJ16 ye. tea; o4h reek. IT.OUi .. ( A bore r price apply to aalea of baa tbaa oar lota- Car tot at epectal prlaaa oebjeat to fluctuation. , -, , . 'OBAIM BAOS Calcutta, ttt : . . KIChWImparlal Japaa, Be. 1, Sel " HcNew Wriaaaa kead, Smai AJaa. 4at Cra- 'IAb-mn waite." SHU.t'Wi wblt. SHc: plgk, tul!ri kayo. li; Lbnaa. S NUIS-U'aaaat, TMt yambaiT ! raw, vajyu par lb; roaatea. l oawaaaie. Sft00e pbr aoai walnuta. 144)100 par Ibr pla auu. 10 iJHe per m; hickory aata. 10 par P ebaeiauta., eaatara. Ualiaa naa lb: Braail Bum. naatauta, aateru. USIlee pat lb! lb per 1 i fliberta Moll per lb; faaey paoaaa. IfailSe per Ibl almond. MU per eb. f Bafataa. Ooml Oil. Xta. . - BOPB ore Ma alia, tecj ataadaraV 1HI teal, loVc; llala brand a leal. OtkC COAL 6lL l-earl ar A tra I Caere. SO He pet gal; watcf white. Iron bbla. Ue per gal; wooden, lift par gal; headlight, 170-deg. eaaaa, CAIBt-a-deg. aaaea, SSt pat gl) Bwa bhla, 2f er gal; atorea, aaaea, S4H Pt gl iron dob, else Bar gai. - naikieiKfir a. it m pet sail roa bhla. - IKUr-iwv -emt TUBPKtTINB la caaea. SO per gait wooden ob), SS pet gal; bras bbla. Me per L X . - . M LBAD To fett, TH "pet IH S00-B lota.jJe per lb leea Wta, Sa par lk. ., ; WPS Is NAILS Praoeat base at SS.tvv tola,' SSO.OO per toa. ataata, Siah - FRESH- hi BATS -root atreet Beef atom. SOSe par lb; pork, bUrk, THe per Ibi pa oh era, TH per lb ball, do per ' lb; cowa, 4f)fe per lb: mattoa. HOTH pet ! laaaha with - Delta. SWatde nor Bu eaaL extra. Tc; ordlaary, Se per lb; poor, SQ6H HAMS, BACOrf. ETC. Pwrtlaad pack (local) bama, 10 to 14 lb. 1SH Pr lb; 14 to IS lb. 1H per lb: Ji to SO lb. ISH par U: eottajre. Se par tb: break feat baoaa. llHOlS pee lb; Blrnlc lUf nor lb: reaulac abort eleera. a- moked. OH per lb; mkd. HH nor lb; dear backa, aaamoxeo, e.per mi Baaoaoa, iuu,f par lb t'aloa butta, 10 ta IS Iba. anamokod, 1 per lb; mokad. Sd per Bu clear belllea. an aaaokeaV lie par - tt; amekad. , IS par" Wl (anaiaera. (, -,i j ' s, LOCAli L4RD aenia war, 10a iwe per lb;, aa, 10H per lb; oo-lb ttaa. lo L 10 Bar lb; Ibt fa, ok per per lb, - r rlrer 1-Ib talta. derea, 10a, per ia; 10 1. Sm ; tuba, OK per tb; BOa. 0 per lb. CArrNED SALMON colaartua tlrer 1-1 it. so: S-lb talks. SS.SO: t'aney. 14b flat a. 11.00: ib lb fancy flata. tl.Hrfancy l ib arala, St. TBI make talla. ptak, KfJOOc: rod, Sl.eO. aomlaai W t.U aa . . . ' , FISH Rook eod. Ta par Tb: neaadrra.' ( W lb: halibut. S per B; crab. I1.S0 par doa; atrlped been. 12H Pr ttrr eatfta. Ta par lb;. aalanon, chlDook , lb; ateelhaaoa," Tc Tb; vluebock, Ter- harrlmj.'S Ib eokta, s. par in; aartmpa, id par in; perea, a per 10; aaas, 4o aer lb: roe ahad, S per lb; aha do roe, SO per lb; black cod, t pet atleer emelt, be per lb; lobatera. Se freak mackerel, aa att n; . crawnab, sat per 00a: noanaara. a par ; aturgeoa, Te par Tb. . - 1 OTSTRBB Saaalwater Wr. per gi, UM; per each, la.Tb. . TS--' - CLAMSHaH ahelV 1 per BOX, H.OSl taaxr llaaaa, S.0 pat box. ; . . r. ; , GAIN CONSIDERABLE : : ; IN STOCK VALUES Almost the Whole ) List Gets a .Gof)d Boost Early Clos - Tng Strong.' . V A' -i ADVASCTiS. AnMlgimalod teacur l, i ; "n I WSJSI aaoetoaaoe.o.) ta Metropolitan Broohlja H Atchlaaa 1,.J.Jk,u Brie ............. . ta Mannattaa Baltimore.. , Uoularllle Mleaonrt Ptclflc U.I'anajl Stctdli ,...V..,. lWiboutbara I'aclSc at. raui yi N. Y. central .... H Mmelter Hi Tenueatee Coal .. k PI! eenyaj)aiSi4,. Steel. Bfd ......... 1 . .. iisflea. I'nkm PactSc ..... - HK'anadla PedBe '.. H : iKurulebcd by oterbect. Btarr cooko Co. I , Wall Mrreet. New York, July T. Tba atock market opened today wltk a very bulllah feel ing and thla waa maintained through the early part of the aeeabte. . There waa a reaction af boom exteat later, ' but th price . at - ta elnao were matariarle hither tbaa yeaterder. Both blanhattaa and lletmpoHtaa were uod leader, the former advancing 1H and the lat. tee 144 polntat Bted preferred waa bulltah, the-rinalng being a full point higher. Tb common berng 4 point up. Beading waa eery actire. there being gam at 1 Point in the Today' official toek , market doting . ; "'. I ". - .: . - '.-.J. Otiea. Bid. AiaeleameteA rfannew Oa ' ' Uh M AtchlaoB, enm,.. ..v,,w.. SftSa "S8H American Biifar, 'com . ...........140 140 American Smelter, com .. 113 Baltimore OhtoT com .1MH ' llllh .H J4. : ill' e - Tim '. T 1 1 .-..1S2C 161 ra, com Brook lya Rapid Tranall Canadian PaclSc. com . .a f'hla Ureat W eater. t'hlraeo. Milwaukee A St. Paul....l ITB'A rokirado Foal ovlroa, com 47 H Krle, com 47 H llltnola ('antral .. 10HH 14B 1'I !eulavllle S N'aehrllte ............140 Marronolltaa Street By ...129 I "'TT?;"'". ol' S "i. ........ .. ! "OH .,' ., .1 100 ........ ..,-J4S Kaw Virk Oatral Norfolk A Weatara. com ...... .. OA Penaarlvarila Br 1 4f T4 1 411 Prop lea dee. Light Coke Ca....nH - KWH Seeding, mm .-....,.;......,..,.10TH 10S RockUalaad. mm ................. 8l4 81 H Southern PaHae 04 H V, Teoneaaeo Coal troa .. . Sl t'nlon Paeloc, com -..-...V...'.......l(bHa .H t'nlted Statee Steel Co., com...... 81H Sa do preferred; ....100H loiH SAK FBABOIaOO LOOAX STOCXS, Baa Franctoco, July T. Official claaa, atoning ttaatoa:.' ... , , 'v i .. .- : vr VBM. ' , Atk, pting Valley Water ,.w. ......... 17 H - Menial ananw ia San Francleca 41a A Kleetrld ...... ST (ilant Powder ....,72' Hawaiian Commercial ..........., M llonoke Snrar ...... 1 llntchlnaoa Sugar ................ 15 Makawell Sugar .................. IB ' TH ' aSH m -si Onontea sugar ao Alaaa Packer' eveA Hr FOBTXABTi BABX STATZafXBT. Clearing Baktacee v , t . . SOOT. TM. fo US. 141.11 . SAB rBABOISCO OBAJB MiBKlT. Baa Franclace! July T. Oficlal doae an alas Open. High. fw, " - Owe. DeeiBbeTt....l.l4H 11.464" S1.4S . 1.4o . " BARWCV. Deceaibef r. ; 1 .w M .Sl -.sjh . -"'j. X". coTToir. ctoiis ' " (Fnralabed hy Overberk, Starr di Cooke Co.) New Verb. July 1 Oottoa futiiro cloeed S to petnta lower. October,. 10.11; Pecember, 10.PO; Janaaryi 10.8S. . v"'- FifTK .:illic;i : COELS CP WHEAT Preliminary Estimate of Crop of the Comm.? Season Sixteen Million Bushels for Oregon . WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO , PRODUCE A LARGER CROP Washington Yield Placed at Thirty-Three Millions ; Fair V' Increase Over Last Year. " ."' rrebaUa Wheat . Ores, i Oregoa. baabel. . . . . inano, ouaBAia....,.,. .n.,,.,,- T,tKJ,0"U Waahinftoe, bjakato.,.,.t..M,..,u..S3.0uO,(WO Total lbOS. aaUmatad buabela. ,SS,0OO,O00 According to reliable data received from erer loo oorraapsndeata The Journal Bow eetlmetaa the 1U06 wheat eron of the Paclae northweet at practically Sd.auo.000 buahato. Tbla la a material laereiae Oyer the yleM of Iba aaaaoa af 100. - ' -i . - ... - Of, eoaraa that aatlmat ta only a preBmlnary one Ineofat aa th arop la atlll la the Bel da. Harreatlag la J eat begun In a faw pleeea. Ia Wan Wall, "Waehlnjton. aaof f matril count. Oregoa, tb barrett haa already atartod la patcke. i x Be far, th " grain gathered . haa abewa ap wonderfully well, but It will be Inrpoaalbl to make a delalt report aa to tba laid until the hareeab 4 la full awing. ' Of thla crop, there baa been awra myatary tbaa during any recent eeatea. The damage done to th wheat la many plaeaa by aerare rroete early la tha i aaaaoa caueed reeaedlag la many, plaeaa, - There wea a eery Urge amount of ground not retarded which- waa Binned hr the touch of tba froet 'which will be very mack la doubt a te tb yield aad until that Bgurea r obtained tt will b ImToaalbl to mora tha nuke a prellaUnrry etlmata of them. , . Tba aann of wheat tbla Beaaoa m eome- what larger tbaa ta pravleaa year, but waa not aaar aa great aa bad heea anticipated earlier la too eeeeoa. - Tbla wa duo -to two rauaae ocfarorable weather at Beading time and a downward trend at Wbeaf Drlcee oorlng the aaw period. Same nortlona of eaatern Oreaoa and weak' mtton win hare a latter yield per arr than teat aaaaoa, but other locailtle will Bo. "bow an ao h,avllr. The Willamette valley will prodao a good crop of wheat thla eeeeon. It being eattmatad that the eran will reach about 4.000.000 baebele aa egalnat practically 1,1100,000 baabala dur ing the nrevloue aaaaoa. Tb larger crop la the valley I do to a targe mcreaee la tb acreage aad farorabl growing weather, - By th geaoral traoa It la believed tbat tba market for new crop wheat will open a tracttoa under praaent oootatlona tba raluee after that being Indueaeed by. the crop la Europe aa well a other portion of the United State. From the praaent outlook It ta ealte HfcaTy there will be eom atera demauad for ft clSe northweet wheat tba coming naaetin. bat to what exteat tb demand rule will 4a- Knd aa tha crop there. If tba recent toporta of mage to tba eron 1a tbat aectma are aue tnlned by the thneblng' returaa there wlQ ba fully a beary a eaU for northweet wheat aa during the paat eeeeon, but oa the other hand. If tha reporta have bee exaggerated the de mand will not ba aa heavy. T - " . -The Callforala wheat crop, anordmt to 1 lafarmatka. will be far oador Whet the trade there need end good Import, af northweet rala ar expected. ' . , .-. CATTLE WEAKNESS : ' HOST PRONOUNCED Decline" of a Quarter Yesterday Ha$.No.Effectpn the! . ' ' .Selling.. - FortUad TJaloa Stockyard, July' 1 iW rcl ipta: -; Cattle. Sheen. Today I. ... Week ate ....... ITS ina -IT .100 Prevloue week . . 4S Month ago ' The weakaaaa In the oattlo TS 80 SO S.STT arket Is moat Bronoaaced and varloaa queutlon ara ruling. The market la dall even at tba deelln af S6e reportad la Ta Journal yeeterday. Uoga aad aheap are very arm. the reeoipm la tae rormer being eapeeUUy light. Partus the any ES calrei arrived. . Ofaclal price for Mreatoeki HoM-kau. aaatara Oreaoa. SS.SS aad Cklna fare, S.04l&.T; a tocher aad feed , tatlio neat eaatern vrpiw - -, v-. lltbt aad medlam ateera. IS.0O; beet cowa aad heifers. SS-Sb: aid and light cowa, Sl.Ti; atock e.. mA t-A II bulla. 11. SO. re Beat nncy anaap, .uuwb.; ewee. loiac. 'el, poanda, 4H?i rough aad kaaTy. IHo- WILBUR FISK SANDERS EXPIRES AT HELENA Noted : Montana Politician and Pioneer Dies ; at Age of Seventy-Two. ; ' . ;, .. ;': - f Special DuuMteb t Tb Journal.) Helena, Mont. Julr 7. Wilbur Flak Bandera, perhapa Montana's most Illus trious cltlaen, a olrll war atran, pio neer, lawyr, ladr of th vlgllantaa, formor United Btau aenator. Rpub llean ladr and promlnont Maaon, dld her today at ll:l p. m., a god 7J jraara. Ms waa native of Now York and aerved duiins th elvll war andar Oen rai Bhrmn until lncapaoltatad. and cam to Montkna to raouparata, - -r '. At ones ha asaumod a prominent poet tlon as a proaocutor Iq publlo trial for tha irlBllantas, which body restored law and order In tha than hlshly lnlUunad arold country. j JI waa alectex) on of Montana' a first .Unltad BUtea aanatore, and had boon prominently identified with yry publlo movmnt aa wall aa connected with laadinp; lawsuits In th stats for, it rears. Ha had suffered for many jraars from a cancerous affltctlon, H la survlYed by a widow and tore fesn. .. ' ..'' " , .'.BttUtaT OarawlaS AdU. iv;'" i (Journal Speetal Serrtca.) t Medford.Or. July T.-T-ThrotiBh Jak-J Ing a drina t arpviio acita y nuiua, lir. J. Hlnkla, aged 77, a Central Point pioneer, died yeaterday evening In Ma dm r store- - at Central - Point, r H mis took th acid for brandy, tha bottles hav ing; been exchanged through. accident. :.- V" Itaflas JKmsU at al. , . -, Llberatrs band played jt fepaciat pro gram of Italian tnuslo this afternoon at th exposition, ss a mark of roe poet for th officers and sailors of th Italian warship Vmbrla. now vlalttns port. A larga majority of th crew, attended.. eBay Oloaiaf at Bolaa. . v ' i Journal Special Serrlca.) Bolae," Id., July T. Tha city' council, which 4a Republican, laat nlsht pavaaod a Sunday cloetng ordinance as a result of tha pre a nr brought by ths near ap proach of election, .'."; " ileuraeet wrdia market. . - T.levTpool. iely I. Tloae: Wheat July St 1114. H apt Septambair, 10 d. Vt ' .Hog. ( i Pricw - Rntar of Cu'l Leadar Ci"a at a : Xisriflca . Da&fcra Pre-!t a DscJin: - GCCD GAKJ flACE: ; ALt.ALOuC LIIIE Chicago Wheat - Options Show Strong- Feeling and the ; ; " Shorts Are Covering, i : -f-"r BEARS SAID TO BE . ; HEAVY PURCHASERS July 'Cains Qne and Seven Eighths CentsVyVhile Septem-. ber Advances Also. ' ' FBIDAV'S UTHBA htABKBT. Open . Cloa. . .Ckoa .. . Gala rrr Toflar Todar.- Thura. Today, . aeptemoer. .... .RT . , , .m . ,.ui Veceuber ... . JH .bH' . . -tii? (Fornhued by OverWk, Starr Oooke Co.) : Cblcaao. July T. Tba wheat markat today ahowed a good degree of etrenftb right from the vary aiart -of tb eaeelou. Tba opening Sturea abowed a good advance ta the varlou option aad thl atrengtk waa maintained dur ing the remainder oc the tra 01 Ha. At the clone of tb eeeeloa 'nly ahowed an advance of 1H while the Brptemutr cioaaakwuk a gala t Ae. December wheat . ahowed a rtee vf lHa per huahaL ' The loliowiaa eent out by uoxaa Br re a early la the eemloa glvee. about tba right ax. plauatloa of the market! ''We lookr for tbla wheat to Mil muck hither. Tha northweet 1 gla good buyer of wheat aad especially tae oeptemoer option, ni aortaweet crowd m now trying to get aack aome or ue wheat Bold prevtooaly.' The eaab demand- ahowa pome Improvement both at Kanaae City and Minaaapoiia. many abort traaara ara reported to be covering, their trade and ara aald to be taklag to tbe long aide. All outaide markau t "vexy etroug pricea. . . , eulcMt mar arte: . ,.,,, ; :. . -. . . . ; ,-. .. Opea. Cloaa. September' "J.l"rtT!!l!!'I"IITl"r T , Decemoar at is September, old StU M Dotewbtr. Bid ...Trr. -4i' So . ,. OATS, , . ' September ......"...-.... Sl4 S1H December S2vS SSVi vnu poiir . September.... ItSO 11. H JOSEPHINE. MELONS -in HURT BY DISEASE Already Five- Per Cent6lCropr Is ..Killed by Mysterious Insect - . Prospects Were Good. ' (Fnrotahed'by Overbeck, SUrr. A Cook 0e. eraat'a Ptaev Or., July T The melon crop or foeepblne enuuty, until wlthlo tbe laat few daya, aave nromlee bf a big yield. Some kind of pa peat -baa-ettaeked tbe-atlaeea. however, and tae aieioa-growere aave aot aa yet oeoa to determine what It la tbat la caualng the daniage. A vine will be la perfret vigor bnd within 14 boor will begin to wither aad dry a aad will ba entirely dead la two daya. Tbe only thing tbat can be noticed pars liar to tbe vine whoa drat attacked la a.yelknrtek tinge to rue neart or we runner ana or tne root a. Ko Intact can be o beared oa the learea, vlnea ar roota. noe can a larvae ba toned In tbe vine or. root. A email .'black bug I found la tb ground a boot tb room of eome of tbe dlaeeeed vlnae, but It duea aot appear ta feed ea or mo 1 eat tbe root. Some. of tbe dteeaaed vlnea,' together with a aumber of the Black noga toano la toe nuia, nave oeen neat to Profeaaor A. B. Conlley. entomologlat at tba etate acrlcaltural eollece at Oorrallla. In tbe hope of hie being able to dnd The -eeaae or toe ameeae ana a treatment tor prevention. There are over SOO acree ta melon In Jeeephlne enunty tbla aeaaoa and .ah-rady S per -eent of tbla acree re haa been killed "by thla new peet, Orewere expected to have fully l&q ear for shipment to Portland and other north ern mark.ta. but an leva aome way la found of dMlrorlng tb paet tbe crop will be failure.. . . '"' .. . TO TRY CALEB POWERS IN THE FEDERAL COURT V.i- . fjoaraal Spatial Berrtee.l w -1 Msysvlllo, Ky.r July 7. Judga Cock ran of tha United States -district court, today held that tha federal, court has Jurisdiction - in tha ca of Caleb Pow er, who la under aentenco of death for alleged aOBipllnltp Iwdhia aaaaaaliislUJll of Oovernor Qoebel. Powars attorney mads a hard fight to hare th ca aa r movoa irom tne state oourta. BIG SUM AWARDED &r BY MONTANA JURY r ';: - :,;r St. Louis Minfng Company VVins . In Trial Lasting More Than , Five Weeks. . (Special nitpateh ta Tba Joarnai.) k Helena, Mont, Julr tt After a trial lasting; . mors than five, weeks nd In which a . largo number of th leading northwestern mining sxperts wars wit neaaes, a Jury in ths United States court today returned an award for tha com plainant in ths sum of $19S,000 In tha caas of ths 8t Louis Mining a MUlIng company against th Montana company, limited. . Ths complainant e tympany Is composed largely at St. Loutsans, while ths defendant' company is ths owner; of noted Drumluthmon mine, Its chief stock holders Rothachllda and others of Lon don.. Complainant averred that defend ant had SDtered Its ground and extracted ores Illegally to tha amount of IteO.MO. Ths complaint was amended during tha course of tha trial to tfOO.OOo. . This Is tha eecond trial tf ths eaae, tha first one having resulted In a Judgment for III. 000, with which neither party was satisfied and a new trial .waa agreed upon. ; ' . - -V' " .-. ' - -: convicts-tAought-t i BE ON VASHON ISLAND . T..l iMdil I 1 Tacoma. July l.Ai 0mb laftriut morning for Vaaboat ialtnrl, where Stick- ney, one of the convicts thst escaped from McNeil's liland penitentiary, waa eaptured laat TiliHF' It Is known that inmi of tha convicts ara still on the Island and escape ta Impoaaibls. A large body ef clttstns Is hunting two eonvlcts supposed to be in th woods south of town. Th gun stores' stocks of fire arms -are ecompleitelr exhautted on "S count af the flHIK lltB.-i r-r-- 'BnalB4r aTtrrka ta eawttla. ' .,' i .. (Journal Special Betvloa.) ; ' ' '', Seattle, vWanh., July t. Workmen employed-'on th construction of th People's Bank building have gone on a strike beraua the metal work IS be lng'dons by. a non-union firm, ' . - , : :iS HELD ILLEGAL Supreme Court Holds That Law Z. Passed ISy UsIslatUrti Is Un- ; ionstitutionale ' I SPECIAL SESSION MAY BE CALLED BY GOVERNOR Knockout. Blow Civerr the Peo "r" ple- Great Victory-for, the,--' V Standard Oil Trust. ; . - (Jaorial Special, Servtca.) ' Topelta. Kaa,.-iuly 7. Tha suprsms court todny - In a -unanimous opin ion declsred . the state oil re finery law- unconstitutional. Ths refinery la declared to be a work of Internal improvement, - which the stats la specifically forbrdden- to undertake and tha- court holds that tha aatabllah. of a branch ef tha penitentiary at which the oil wtr ba refined bjr con virt ta elearly a subterfuge. Governor Hoch said:. J"l had- lKret t go ahead with ths plan and lick John D. Rockefeller.' " He would make no state ment In reference to the 1 calling of a special session to pats new laws to de feat ths trtandard Oil company. ' It la reported by the governors -most Intimate -friends that he 'la seriously considering ths-calllng ot an ax trat se slon at which punitive measUraa will ba passed against ths Standard Oil and a constitutional amendment for tha es tablishing of a refinery submitted to ths people. .- : .- 4 : ; . The law establishing ths refinery was paaaad laat spring after a severe fight between the Standard Oil adherents and the governor's supporters.' Pressure of publlo opinion, however, forced the law through. 'The law provided tor the es tablishment of a refinery at the atate prison to be manned by eoavlots. ' Pend ing a fihalf result a aompany-wa or ganised -and stock eubacrlbed for a ri finery which should ba turned over to the state aa soon aa ths legality- waa determlned-The stock was taken by popular subscription and work begun upon- tha construction of the refinery. Standard OH agents are very Jubilant over tha outcome and predict' that op positron will gradually die out. - . Thomas Lawaon 4s expected In ths state In a day or two to deliver a aeries of lectures against .Jtha -Standard' Oil aad show,, tp the iniquities .of the system,- part of a campaign laid aut by tha governors of western states to- edu cate th people -to- te wncroachmentS Of ths corporations. : ; . EPWORTH CONVENTION . DRAWING TO A; CLDSE Kit-".:: -rj-: . Final Hours Mot Marked by Par- ticular ;; Features Many :. v.'. Excursions Planned ."' I Journal RpeeUl Bervlce.r. - Denver, oU . July 7. There waa no aimmution or. inieruat apparent on tna part of the many delegatea at this, tha closing day or - ths great . BTpwartn League onventlonv. The last day, was not marked by any particular features. Addresses were delivered, by several speakers of note, and tha remainder of tha timer-was -occupied In clearing the decks of unfinished business. r-Apart from -the religious aspect which has surrounded ths. gathering, there has Mbeen a social aide to the week a doings which was -more noticeable than In all other conventions held In ' this city. Denver is made Ur largely of people who have removed from tha older states. The badge of a state was taken as a Bufflclea-lottr of introduction..' Dele gates to tha! Epworth JaBue conven tion Mve - got aocuBtomod - during-- the week to being stopped In tha streets by an entire etrangex, who would ask about aome ' neighbor, about aome one they may have only heard of, and. follow It up with an Invitation to-call In tire even ing and meet a numoer or enveriiea. several -of - whom, would duplicate the auestlons or tne asy, Today ' aaw aeverai targe excursions 15' 'lnfJuTital finish the breaking up' of r tbe crowd. Some will return borne, mors .will take In- tha n-eurslons to tha mountains,' to Greeley, to Tellowstons valley Inv Mon tana to th Grand Canyon. of the. Colo rado in Arlsona, to Bait Imks City and to Mexico, . of '"i,y FAITHFUL DOG WATCHES jJ BODY OF DEAD MASTER (SprcUl tHapetch to Tha Journal.) - Ttonebura. Or.. July 7. Ell Miller, a miner on Norah Myrtle creek, was found dead Monds-rv-ene leg caught under a large stump and crushed and hta throat est by himself, evidenUy to escape mlaerv. Miller was digging In a ditch when a huge fir toppled over on htm and ren dered ' escape Impoesible. A faithful dog stood watch over the body, though nearly dead frorn hunger.; .Miller was cast 70 years of sge and had evidently mettwlth tha mishap about June 36, as he waa last seen about that time. His body waa dlacovered by Hearn Qreeru. . Frawle in "Hanson's roily." '-'Ranao- roily.'1 la which T. Daniel traw ler la to appear at tb htarquam Oraad theatre sett Tbureday, rrlday Saturday matinee anS night, July IS, 14 and 14, andar the alractteo of Uenry B. Harrta, - m a dramatlaatloa by Blchard Harding Devla of kla atory -of tha aaaae name. Tbe acenea are aald la a went era army pott and tba-Hma -la tb preoeat. klr, ' rrawley Is aurrouaded- by aa oxce-Mtly balanced ceat, lachidlng such well knowa play, era ae Eleanor Moatell, Mark Price, rere Thorne. rraaer Coulter, Kathrya Baynora, W. B. Burton aad aome 90 othera. The advaaco aale ef aeata will opea next Teeaday morning at 10 o'clock. ... r.,,. Musical Burlesqus Tonight. a" mu4rraT"omdy"Wotue, 'aa "Beauty Shop." continue to draw erewded kouaae at the bfarauam Grand theatre, i- Both and Pill. with their vtraetlle company ef BO people, have saade. a deep) Impreaemo aa Portland theatre gorreT "The Beauty , Shop" - la Oerlea of langha" aoapnled by tuneful, ratcby aouga. 4-IH be the bf) next htetidoy, Taeeday, W4 needey matinee . and atgbL Popuiar pricea prevail at that .theatre. ... Mtine at the Msrqusm. bargala-prloo women't and rhlldraa' Bfratl. bee will be given tomorrow at the fctereuam Oraad theatre whea Kolb and Pin win areata! the mualcal comedy aucceaa, "Tba Beauty nop." r - OV15RBECIC, OTARI C: CCC! 113 CO. atambera Chicago Board of Tre- , MASM, WaVOTZBIOrS, OOTTOr, f - M Ju l4 -101 Third StreeC McKay 8u!' ' . . wm oo a .trrrrrrT c Continuous alarketa'- by prtv4 V'tr. r K . . lUtot, bar.Xtra aalX;" 1 ' . yJ f fTn hriOH TVi T UUfUlUJU OIL, SZU00 Down' en4'$lPO"i 'Vec-;-v-'' "Buy Any Refrigerator inOurStoc!s : TheAlaska Refrigerator? are" rriatlc" with a view' of meet'. Pacific coast climatic condition. ;They have been used i. Portland for many years" arid have Always pvtn pert ;iactioAfittt-playay-hfe -seedlin Jout-Yamhill -street window. : 1 .'vwy: ;.,ru vyf .-: 'diJs "I with1 " T' 'll. -t,, '- with I.Ge-vurtz 173-175 FIRST ST. r " ; " : . - . .. . i The "Eclipse", Range READ.ALL L 1. - - - 1 -, I J i m i i AND - THE- GREIi; WORTHVESj; lit iiiic-uuiyL ' nranNTTnrT a t at r . tl J ..4 nftab rveAalilAaIit.l.e For Sale by all See Display In .t 'I Washington tTJ CaTOIOBBT BUIbXDXbTOxI , BTaV- , VMM OT HBTlVajrrV--V ; 'Toncourag -the 'building; of homes, and the general development ef the prop erty, lots will be sold STJmXBTCr JT7I.T AT UU TatABT OBTal BLaXT IHII WOXTaT. To see la to buy. Ths build tng restriction protects buyers sgatnat unattractive- surroundings. , Full lots; perfect title; easy terms. Will assist In building If deelrcd. Call or write for new map and full Informa tion.' .... . : ., i r oa, btajuc rt. TRAMPS TRY TO WRECK . UNION PACIFIC TRAIN Journal Special Service.) mle, "Wyo July 1. fclaht tramps are under arrest her for an attempt to wreck train No. 1. ths overland limited, on tha Union Farlflo at Buford. at 1:30 o'clock - thla . morning. . Obatruotlons were- placet! an the, track, but tha en gine stopped In time to avoid a wreck. onnrs .c?ii 1 1 j.. . (KsUbllahed lilt.) "wnil eUTB aTTOOat SAOXmataV 1 .' awMS i tleSM rkst, , , '1 CTaiiBB m 'xsa.- 1 t! mm. t, rO T aameaoy "lB-r-Sfade of hardwood, . ' " coldeti .oak , finish ; . has ice thamber 16x11x11 inches; zinc - lined, and provision " chamber , 11x18x16 inches:- Provision" cham 1 ' ber has adjustable "sliding shelf ; and , interior is lined with white : enamel.- j Sold on. : the easy-pay ' : u "ment plan of $1 down and $1 . ri..,rL.weekat.Ji.i:' . ; ,,?ir mmmmt iatV- r--Tt 219-297 YAMHILL ST. .!.,' ' is Cheapest' and Beat." t ) ABOUT TiiE! Ncvadealers t -J r a- -a ' 1 4 7TnTrn 1 I t fl 1 II 1 xl I -5 Sachctv (m Piiu . The latest, moat convenient snd ornamental paveka ef Toilet PowddP aver aaed superior ta tbe ancient ' style tin Can or box. Bold by ll up-to-ate Drus Sists and Dry Goods Houses, -Jr"" , T-4LCUM PUFF BOB lcacXLMa.T BTeSA- POBnan. taV Manufacturtra' Bldg.. Pair Oroiuads, and at afoComnon'B Pna r mac y. Nine teantr snd streets. r ..v - , t. x THE LAI HUNO CHANQ ChineseRestaurant ', la Kr Opea anS Betdy Say Battaeot, -:',;OP BPCCIaLTIBs. ' ' 'nodle a la tal Bang-Chant. (Vm Boey S- la . Wa Tlas-Paas.' Bice, Pwb anS rklckea eooket . aad terreS . te the stoat faatldloua. ' , . . , J . . W Barv Taa With All Oraart at -- aftsaamVMa&Uatr Klt. -.'y - . ciXb at -671' THUIAN STREST Bear Mala atrase ta rit Qeoaeia. Park e WssBtaifoo, PsrUssd, Orrcj 4 .iT.v eciuiAl of Ousi!!tT' . MODERN. PRACTICAL, CtrSUT. 1 Osma aBtaebwar. Caal-c rws . . A. . AMT0f13, LL. .. tZZ"-