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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
OREGON . . i J .-.-- ;txt Council of Reservatlorj' of Oregon ' Hu Powyyow in Portland crJQ TALK OF GREAT v 7 " -SACHEM'ENCOURACINQ ' if. . ' i 'any- Palefacea Admitted ?, and , Crowd I'AroMnd HCampf ir 0' Grow Much Larger, .. a ' i A hew' constitution and T-lawawUI C. adopted by the great council of the -earvatlon of Oregon. Improved Orr f Rod Man. ,ln a the wigwam . t toe Portland tribe. In the P ''"J Cnrtonscn. Ft H, tutylor and Dr.. a IL L Henderson, Great Sachem.'; lwis King- of Portland have been pre irtnf' the draft of tha new organic w aa a committee appointed by the ' it great council, at tha thtrtenth great ' n eeaaion on the hunting grounds of k aside. . Thla new - constitution --will conform with tharreeulremente of tha )w adopted by the big chief -of the Lotted Btatea.' and 'will properly 'eegr-- - ue- tha powera and' functions of-tbe . .-lslatlve, executive and Judicial de y -rtments of the' govsrmrient . of the V.iheev . ';-- The Red Men In Oregon, contrary to e-i popular ballet -that tha aboriglnea - p- He.pfarinf,- tiara Increaeed rrorn . l.kit to I.B4S In the pest year. . - "We are - not -member of a fast dls- -peering t race.'." reported to big rhlefs. "but are ' adding to thee ' who rt her 'around -our council v fir .at a rate that ' prontlaea great things tot ' l-.e future." ""',' -'V-V'-v A .;. taa Taa tm Oreet aWbasa. ' When, tha great council met. thla ' r iornlng at 19 o'clock the great saohsm fare the tribesmen his - "long talk," which, aa merely hie annual report ; In ,. V ; a. G. If. Prtoty Great Prophet. . ' this H. I Hendarson ef Aatorla, who . Aconptes that poeltlon,. told the 'Red Men that. lie bad granted -It dlapenea . tiona to tribes permitting them to admit -palefaces to their council fires at -the small aharge of five fathoma of warn 'puna. ' New tribes were ' organised ' In Marahfleld,- Richland. -Oold Hill, Pine, Krho and Preewater. and tribes it La Qranda, Baker City and Henpner, wnieb a year' ago war bellewed to be beyond the hope of reauscltatlon have been re - . 1 :J . : -rMlt, t Yeast mm - vived and are now active brlnglrj total of tribes to II. uhtn Hendoreoa reported the coun cil of th Degree of Pocahohte In thriving condition. although soms wer tn et tliwwuh orawlaaUon,- end be advised placing- a woman la th f laid to aooompllah this work. --The- Honor o taking part ,la.Uje. veiling of tha monument to Sacajawve was referred to, and tha work of tha committee. I. B. Reeder. John Mlchell, O. M. Orion. Otto Ik-human and P. H. Baylor, waa commanded in connection wth the caramonlee yesterday. In part. Sachem Henderson. .saidrr -r-5-1-- wHat-IMIirraia' "The unveiling and dedication-of tha tatua erected to tha memory of Baoa a waa are now matters of hlatory.- How well this special committee did Its work you all know. ' I desire to personally and officially thank the member for the seat and patience with which they have done their -work. This la the ftrst time hrth history T"tha order that any public demonstration as aver taken place commemorating tha vlrtuee of an Indian woman. . Tne character or saca Jawea la aymbolloal of the vlrtuaa of fidelity and f rlendahlp.-' - Tha great chiefs of the great CVOBCII of Oregon are;- H, I Hendereon. Asto ria, great aachera; WY H- Con j era. Clat ekanie, great senior sagamore; Marios Irwin. Union.. great Junior sagamore; O. M, Orton, Portland.' great prophet;. Roy W. Ritner. Pendleton, great ohlet of rec rda; Jacob Relsch. Portland, great keeper of wampum; la Jacobs. Med' .-T" """'Pi " irrn. , wainn grTfiT r"-"""ra a. si, amiari nwiini great guard of , the - wigwam; M. M. Plynn, Bumpier, great guard of tb for est: U B. Reader. Portland, great repre sentative. ' ' '.' New chiefs will be elected tomorrow A number of representatives were gives tha great, council degree today.-; .-" v great Bach eat Appoints Committee. Tba following " committees were apt pointed by Great Sachem Henderson; . i Press E. 1. Klrkman of Echo. . - ' Credentials Harry . Ourr, Portland; Charles Nickall. Mail ford; 3. Devlin. Pen dleton, -,U Z-i. .' .':.,- - Dlstribution Tribesmen 'Howard, Jonas and -Orelbla, .....,;a rr-..- Stat ,f order Tribesman Lang worth, Hilt and Powler.( , ...- -Distinguished visitors from. the res ervation of 'Waahlngtoo are-: ... . -" Leo J A." Shaw. Walla. Walla, oldeat past sachem of Oregon;. 1. C McFadden, A.- M. Watt. E. H. Jackson. Seattl; M.. Gorman. Cathlamet; SL A. Hoag. Oraya Barbort T. J Bell, T. - Bevreseatatlves ' M OonaoO. The- representatives present are; ' ' Chinook Tribe No. 8. V. Fuller. T. 8. Langworthy) altematea, Rob.rt dol man. C. A. Mllnert . ".' ' - . - - Willamette No. P. A. S. Bemler. V. 3. Gardner; alternates, D. A, Oerter, .A. P. Loenlg. . .- -? Concomly ' No. 7 P. Lougberg,. C. Daahlatjom, H. .Jones; alternates, ' C; GaramoL, C. K. yoeter. - - - " ; , Seminole No. 1043. .Whiters. Naeomle No., !?. P. McDermott W ache no No. Is J. Walamaudle. O. WPelrclfull; alternate. G. Chambers. . Clatskania Fo, )i3, Rarr, w(t Conyera. a - ' . "Waaco No. It -D. M. Reardon. v -Vmahallla No. It r Kegsn,Vames poty. James Devlin,' - J. Roach. Pocahontas No. 1 X. L. Curry al ternate, . Jett. , - v., . .v Egan No. to A. E. Daganey. . ; '-, . vwicklup No, II J. . Vinson, George Hills. , . - . ... . Peo No. II J. B, Eaton; alternate, M. Inrln.-. .' - - - Vmptats No. 14 G. C. rowlsr; Wil 11am' Hunter! . ' Tataneowlts "No. XT S.'. Jordan. H. H. VcReynolds. VV- fi ' .-". Tahkllraa No. It a W. PlncH. W. H. Tkreaker; . alternates. , O. p. Williams, Jamea Wolke. . '. . . . - . - Wheatomke No. SO Ch arise Nlckell, W. U Cameron. K. C. Ragsdsle. - " KJamath No. 1 C. O. Nolop. " . Coos No. II G. N. Parrer, A. Seellg. Howllah-Whampoll No. ' 17 B. J. Klrkman. A. H. Graves; alternates. 'W, W. Smith. .'., . - ; . . TWINS ENJOY LIFE AT ; AGE OF EIGHTY-EIGHT v (JsarasI gpaaUl Sarrtea.) ' v Bridgeport, Conn., July I. Junius N. and Julius H. Banham, probably th oW eat twin In America., today celebrated their tttb. birthday by giving a shore dinner to their numerous relative and friends.' . Ths two tiro there were born July I, ltl7 at Mlddlebury, Connecticut.- They earn to thla city early In life and for half century have been prominent In the building Industry. Thy com from a long-lived family. Their grandfather lived to the age of ft. Their only brother died at the age ef 10. They are atrletly temperate and regular in their habit and all ' their - Uvea hav been Industrious workers. Both men ars over six. feet tall and not only look alike, both having snow-whit hair and beards, but also dress alike, ao that It Is al most lmposalbl to distinguish on from tb othr. . , '. , , ; ; i . - . ' . ' ' .".' "wtsli Okaataa.aa Opens. '""-7 - - " tJanraal Special BervtaaTt Atlantic City. N. J., July I. Th an nual summer sssembly of -th. Jewish Chautauqua society opens her - tomor row and many prominent Jews from "va rious part ef the country, Including rabbis snd noted educators, ars her to take part In th proceeding. Th s slons will be held tn the assembly hall of the Royal Palace hotel. . -ij ). . Taste T.TNIFORMLY lrbod taste . . .' - .well - brewed beer I ; It demonstrates the use of the very best -Barley-v highest-grade, Bohemia Hops, special culture' - : and thoroughly - filtered Water, v - The best - - jsi j .Av.iwA s T' ' 1 ' TT It always tastes the : 1 w 1111 rrr t II JJIU J;A Anheuser-Busch BrcWlnd Ass'n t. Louis, u. s. . Order Promptly Filled TUImann . Dcndl Dlatributors. Portlnnd, Oregon. The.Marliet Basket:. ' Oregon . gava to '. the., "world two varieties, of cherries of large slse.' good bearing , Quality; and . escellent Ylavp. They are the Blag and th Lambert, which are highly prised. It , fell to the lot of the old. town of MMwaukle to give birth to both. The Lambert is the pro duction of a wjan after whom, the fruit was ; nsmed. I. Thr - Blng. ' according to ths best . information , obtainable, waa firat arlven to the people by. a uninese gardener of that name who was employed by Seth Lualllng of Milwaukee. Tnaae arleties won credit at the St. Louis expositlon-eaeeeunr Ttj-raw wonaer- ful slse. . ' Or son .; .produce : II : varieties :vof cherries and ' they are all good. The Bins Is blackv while the Lambert Is of a jjlnkrsh red color. They ars neat Tor eating" purposes. f t :y.,'; ' - , . -Among the cherries produced In th atat are the Black Heart of black color, suDDosed te b- a native of Europe; Cen- tennlaL-natlv Mt CsUfornla, color, red yellow; Co Transparent, native -of Connecticut,.-, yellow-red; ..Downer. Massa chusetts, red; 'Eagle,. England, black; Early Purpl Gutgn. nativity in doubt, purple-black; Elkborn, nativity 1n doubt. tlacV;Hoaklna. jiaUv of Oregon, prnk red; Elton. England,-yellow-red; Knight Early. England, black; Lambert, Ore gon, pink-red; Lewelling, Oregon, black; Mesel. - Europe, red-black; . Napoleon, otherwise known s Royal Ann,' Europe, yUow-red;- Oxheart. nativity ' la : doubt, red: Republican, Oregon,: black; Rock port,' Ohio. -red-amber; Spanish Yellow, Euroo ynow-rd: iTartarlan. . Russia. , black: -Windsor. Ontario. yllow-red; Governor Wood. Ohio, yellow-red. . The eherrle In general na in thl atat are mostly given, to the world from th Willamette, -vally. ;-v , - Thl I cherry time, and If you don't get youtsuppllesr nowr.ther I little llkellhoodL pJf acu.rlng the beat- quality and varletlea-later on. The Blng are In very good supply, but H Is believed by -the leading growers that th season Is now at Ita height,' The Lamberts are coming now In very good snap and are eagerly sought and with the Blnga they bring the top notch of market values. Good Royl Ann are in very heavy de mand, -and .-of late the trade has- been unable .to supply th demand. . Tbla se counts In a measur for . the . higher price now ruling in th cherry market. Lemon time I also with u and prices SINGLE JAX ADVOCATE WILL SPEAK HERE John 2. White", Distinguished JEx ponent of tho Theory Com- " x' : ing Next Week.; - . John S. Whit.' on 6f th most dis tinguished exponents oT ths single tax mplbyedV by the Henry George Lctur aaoclatlon of Chicago to travar over tb oountry. I to be In Portland next week and will' appear before aeveral audlenoa.1. Mr, Whit la regarded by believer- tn th single tax on on of their ablest champions. His addresses sr vouched fjr by The Public, published- la" Chi cago by Louis P. Post, -which reeontly said: ' - "He Is distinctly onJof ths leading i f John Z. White. orator of th single tax movement' la thl respect he le-ln s class by him self.. . - ' . ! 1 - Tom L. - Johnson of Cleveland,' W'll- llam Lloyd Garrison of Boston. Msyor Fd ward p.1 hinn of .Chicago snd many other mu eminent in the political a ad economic - controversies of ths . nation have wrllteit.ln terms of high pralss Of ths abilities of Mr.. White. Prominent- believers in ths single" tax . .H the Infallible sicrn of ... . - .. ... . . . : - ?'-' - . - samcar 1 ..,r-,-- 1 , . - A. by - . r.. TlCrTWH a. I gs Bk, Jk, gsassaa. WW ar Jumping. " A great ahortag ltw crop of Sicily ha created aq attra heavy demand for California lemons, end although th crop in th latter atate waa quite heavy the paet aeaaon th de mand enables the growers, to hold out for advanced price. ' .. N , ' All th way from Texas tw csrs of watermelon arrived 'In " the Portland markeU In the peat few daya. : -Considering the enormous d la tape tba fruit wss brought. the quality I very good In fact It la Just aa good aa that of ths California .fruit, although" that Is not saying very much for th former. - 'Thr is now In msrket about a,vr variety or nan -ever receivwa in ion city.- Ther la salmon In plenty, hail but In good supply, striped baaa from tba eouth and Spanish mackerel from tar out in th Pacific ocean... ( ; Peaches from eastern Oregon are be-. Coming more plentiful, and thl 1 causing the prices, to drop.--5, - Aprloota are ' also. , cowing ln batter supply from local points with th- re sult that prices ars a trifle down. " ihii ill em-H s"" shape th past few day but batter quality la now ' promised. Demand 1 growing greater... ,-.(... ... i-. Strawberrlea have all but disappeared from th markets, although a few small shipment ' areV now oomlng .from th Mount. Hood district. - " .- - Orsngea tra, sorcrwlth .price higher, and bananaa in good rlpe.condl-J tloav' are new - very.TCheap.o .- The vegetable market have auppllea Of all varletlea) and - price ar going down. Potato a , ar . getting . cheaper with ' the larger : receipts ' from. local points, ' snd onions ar not. qvlt so high as they were. , , r - Ther r ia-rraJ-eavir damandv for chickens and this eauaedth jrlc lo again go higher.'" .t 'J Earn did not take tha threatened nig Jump in prloea which ' was. expected a I week ago, -.iarger auppue rrom ins aat and better local' stock kept , th market from climbing, i 1 -Creamery trotter is ihaap -Snmrsfit prospects ar .not- for- an -ndvsncs In prlcea. ":'.:,.-'..';. ...f-' - Cheese Is getting, cheaper. f. ' -The farm where the Blng- cherry wss propagated '1s now owned ' by - Richard Scott, a member of th tat board of horticulture. - ' ' In thla city ar planning for Mr. Whit to appear bciore the Young Men's Demo cratlc club, tn debate with the 8oclallts, to address ths Portland clergymen, and will probably arrange for i other, appear antes; .. ... .; . . . " ', ., .Tbe lectures win be free to the public and will afford "the people an oppor tunity to bear the logical presentation of an Interesting theory of taxation by a speaker df national renown. - Th-f sin gle taxsrs Jn Portland arranged' the com ing of Mr. White nahe belief that at this time, wlthi a commlaalon now at work preparing1 t'o revise and codify all ths taxation laws of ths state, it would be to the general Interest to hear the nrgudient of a body of cltlsena whe earneetiy believ that they hav a plan to offer which; adopted in who; cr In part, would aid in solving th problem of equitable imposition of ..the burdn of government.' ,'- , .. . ' J: WINCED COW MEETS ' THE f,IARNE EDITOR - -; .'r .r Rather Freakish Animal Arrives From Oregon City, Where 1 It ? Was Kept From Cazo. - On of th greatest freaks of nature ever seen hero Is - a ' oow ' with ' wings. This new sort of Pegasu wss brought from Oregon City yestsrday afternoon on th steamer Altons. The 'Yloppsrs" r located Just above . thai animal's shoulders and 'measure about It Inches. They' sre covered with -hair Instead of feather and bob up. and down when shs walks.-- " '-' .-,r-7-.u .- - Ths bovine Is trifle, more-than .one year old and belong to D. L." Whltt of Tb Dales. no" which point h shipped her thl morning on on of th steamers. H does not Intend to place her on exhi bition, and very lew people hav had an opportunity of seeing her. ' Jt Is ssld that so cornea from blooded stock. Th wing ar flabby arrangement, not anllk th fln of a fish. Professor Hochstaddsr. the leading biologist of th Athenlsa club. Oakland, Catlfomla, who aw th animal, expreased much lnUreet In It -N - - - -s- ; V . -This Is." h said moat tncontrovertlbls proof that a hav had yet In support of tar theory, advanced soma time ago In a modest 'brochure en titled "Reasons for Believing That Som Thing .That Have Happened Are Likely to Happen Again.', and - In -w4b..ui howd that tha dam of Pegasu was a oow.w. My opinion was bitterly attacked, but never - refuted by Dad 'Cahlll and Prefor B. M. Clough." , THE FOURTH OP JULY ; TRADE AT. . JOHN'S MARKET Was all right, arid we want the good people to KNOW that we appreciated it, v too. Remember that we sell out our meat every day . and it is new,' fresh . stock every, morning, at 5 o'clock.- All the little boys know 'the place. It's i'Ma, let rme "tot down to Tohn's Market and get the meat, rcause I . always t getr a rweiner wurstj ' " ' "-','""',' ' 3!fN."srxirrstr --PHONE MAIN 1854. ; f SUNSET DUTTER The-beat in the market. frn churnad vry day, '"Try our famous ''.---,.-. SSicst Ice Cr cam !un::t Crc::ry Co; 1, mAV7(:'.;;;,:,.,',W.::,:,;, :; Tuiniezular PRctt'Ouotcd Hert, However, oerfeyular pricef will sound .scahdalouily low if you have been trading with some, of the so-caied Urge houses in Jfort 25 I cans Dvild Ham; 40c do can. ;-"5,:.':'25.'::;:;.;''; . t can American Sardines. ,- :i - - - tot - ' t-lb, can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. C-J I pounds". Good Broken Ric. .i' :' .- ."" .. fef t - 't ' Iba -Best EasUrn Rolled lOatai. ' ItId. pcekage Pur Corn Starch. - Can ' BaScVg or Ohlrardclll'a Ceccev , - Pound Good Gunpowdr or English', -. Bratiai -yea. v PoundTllows',Blnd Costa Rice CoSe. 10e-lb. sack Dry Granulated Sugar. Deliver ea' aeet Btde vt Jajr. ? .... , '374 WashlngtonStreet If you want to enjoy a good, meal buy your meats of the Triedmaa Packing Co. ' specials for Satur- SPECIALS FORTOMORROW Boiled Beef and Pot Roast. .5 Beef j ' ' Comed Beef ' ' . 5 Rolled Roast ... , ; V,. : , , I. . Beef Steak, a ibSrtWVi .tvr.SSe) Hamburg Steak, 3 lbs.....S5 Lamb Chops, S lbs. .......25? Sausager? lbs. .V. . '. . ; ?V.25t FRIEDMArmCKIKGCO- Corner ; First and Columbia Sts. Independent Branch Market 'f. y V v ' 127 First ' St. Fairmont Market, 8 Upshur St. Free delivery k any part of city. Offers Choice Meats at Follow- ing Prices : . 3V- .'. X K Bacon, lb-;.;.-UlsS. . . 15) 5-lb.Pail Urd. ..60e Mutton Stew, lb.'. .:. i . .oe? M uttoa Chops.-3 lbs . 11 :.!, i 25 Mutton Leg, Ib 10 Beef Stews, lb. . . : . V ...... .5 Boiling Beef, lb .-i'vi ''"., . 5 Plain-Steak,-lbs .25 Sirin Steak lb;'.'; . i ;v12Kf Hamburg Steak,-3 lbs... ...2 Transfer Station for Lower and Upper AlbinaaodStJohn v. v.- Points.; :; - 105 North Third St ",' -J-Near Gllsan. ;;j-,.'. DUNCAN & SHAFFER Is doubt ae what to hav for din nr eaJI up EAST 411 and let eg decide for you. tW keep every, thing in tb way ef Meat. Poultry and Vegetablee. , Ivet us hear from r Kiridorf Brois. XMMMAn' Arm.'-;r: WB'-mAYB A Utai BTTPPXTOP Spring Cich$; Chicft ens end Geese c Am' well a fln hans,' on hand: also Royal Chinook. Halibut and . aonable. - Don t fall to call on US for supplies. - Phono Main 111. - - G. C0VACII & CO. , , srs rxakr mm. Chickens IS jcsl7(rit$ Best Creamary (". . . . . . ...... $4SI rlry ...... ........... .35 end 404 Strictly Fresh Ranch Egga.J dog, 464 Plcnlo Ham, per lb. ;, . . ,.k .. . . , . lOd Cottage Hani, per lb. .. .',. ,r, . Prices and Ouolitv WHEN Best nugar-curaa iianv per jo.. . .iq . Remember Saturday Is Chlcksn Day. ', Lo Grand 3 Crcsrhcry ;-: 254. Ycr:h!!I Ct. 'f a. Try. our ELGIN BUTTER, made Mt. -Hooot ; tl Union 'avenue. ! a A.J. V;2srlt end Ccti3 Crccer Third aot.Jtfersoa Tou can oave 20 'per cent' by. deeiUg',iv'!,".-'f''''-, ' . -,., f a . . - Fancy Creamery BuUer, roll i......46 Picnic Ham a, lb. o I i-eent bar Tar Soap-'.'.,.:.......4 3 S-lb. cab. Compound Lard . ...... .11.30 4-gaJlon Jacket Can 8yrup,-,-i.v.ll.0 1 aack Beat Soft Wheat Flour.... ,il.0 U-lb. bos Crackar .. ....iOo lb, Bhrddd Coooanut I so can Pioneer Cream '. .1 .'. . . .t&e 1 package Grandmothers' 1 package Scotch Oats ,0c lbs. good Rice .....SSo Jib. "Arm snd Hammer BodA ....... tc -lb. can Baked baana... ........... 10 1-lb. .can Baked Beano... la ioi Dcnuiing naaini rvar,,ii b. Royal Baking Powder ..40c , lb. Ie U. J. Coffee j. . ....... -oL. bottle Pure Olive Oil.. ...... (o 1-pt. bottle Pure Olive OU . ...... .10 t cens Sliced Pineapple ........... iSo 11 bars Royal Savon Soap ....... ..Jto -bare Owl Soap.v...v. . bare Silk Soap .V..!e it lorn. Sago or Tapioca.... lb. good Engllah Breakfaat Tea,.. lie Best Sugar-Cured Ham,.! lb. ...11 Me 1 lb. Gunpowder Tee.... ,..-r. .. lee raer n Sugar it ioa ia u. sugar.... I urk beat T. rt- aua-ar ........... .. A A 1 sack a-ood Hard-Wheat Tlour... l.e zo-in. piu Dw ian ..Mw,Ln l-lh. nail Dure Leaf Lard.. ...... .11. 00 Hb. pall pur Leaf Lard.,.,, ....... 0o Dellvrle on East Sid. Tueeday and Fridays. - . McKINNONS SMITH CASS CROCEK; Phone Esst 283 Tha Kew It era, UM eAVS ATX.. seers tnm atarriaoa, leases la high grades Coffae, Tea a, Etrert gad Spteas...;. . ..'.: fjf: 3 . HAVE OPENED FOR. BUSINESS AND soucrr your.pat.onace IS SeaM taatr:...... ...... .t on g-pesad pall beat Lard, 0e: 1 eaaaea... .$1 e Oaa poaa Herat Bakrnf rtwow. . va oaa aaiiitB-s awaj i wui...,. bm Sara'a Plak aad Knr Beaaa. see Dean. .. , ' 4 Oae aack saad aar araeat float. ......... .11. 00 Solid packed Toautoa, ST .Saaje... Tfte Oera, per eoeea ....... Sue taa. bnttla Vaallla Kxeraet.. ............ . 10e t-ea. bottle Learns Ultraet. ............... , 10 Paacy Creafaarr Batter, a roll. ....... I.. fraaak 1 1 i m'fr.rrTSat Taaale-rnat Ply Taaale-roat nr rim, s aneew ror. ....... a Oead Java frfo. 10c per saeod, S psnass.Bte Oend Enallab Breakfaat Tee... lie One poaa Oanpaw4f Te. .,-..., Sna naaa sma. vaiavp, a aoiiew.... .....,.. .. oov a Bros, vaiaop, a aoiiew... .....,.. .. oov aekaga Oera Btareb... :rk Oaw-rt. lf t lave aad Mora Coffee, peood. ....4, S one I Reetrl vim souse ess nssen weaao. ....... ....... S-pons eaa Baked Beana... ....... ....... Feetasj .................................. Goad Baeoa ............ e lot ne ITe e rw rraaa vereai ,........,....... mg rraaa ler i . .... ....... lt ISe 5e gfte Ie Wklt and Yellow Onra MaaL I'M a. auk,. Beat Sage aad Tastae. -40 poaada.. ....... U eara Soap .......................... I pmrad keat Cocaaaat. ........... Bottle Blnelna i se eaa Oregon Orapa Creaej..... .,.... .Ve eaaa CarasHe Creas). .....St i Thii; sptce'. belonjs to ; :r .... w gk V 133 - FOURTH : STREET H Try Our Exposition Brand . ' V. of Coffee 3 lbs. for. . . .e?l.tHJ PflORErAiC6TT7 Best Creamery Butter ------ M v. r., ... ,7"V 4. ,.. Fvir.Cream Tlllamook Ch, lb. . .184 t do.' Ranch Egg . . . '. . ..454 BpeclarBlend Cof fee,; lb iy&ttijgtl 5 4 . 'h V -t FARMER 133 m St EnTEnpniis cr.EAr.iEn ? . :'V'V,,, 'P ' (. V': Pure, clean and dellclou V --nilla. Strawberry, Lemon. Choco.' xaia any navor you .wiaa. .WaVTX ZPXS AJg9 MI - vur gooas are unaquaiaa . n. quality. None but the purest and best Ingredients are used by us. A- trial order will prov to you beyond a doubt. Hotels, restau. , rant and femlllee supplied...-..,.. - was ustoiAtu. . . a s rtl Or, , fresh evVy day, "at aiarkst price. Co. Phone East till. . Grcteriesiind Provisions iriOUSUI AK9 BETAm pns sack good Hard Wheat Flour .SLOt. s pouaoa gooa Kioer. i . Mew orop dry 1 few crop dry Prunes, per' ib"C!r!.so puunaa liauan rTunes, .......... .see S pound Med lass HaUmi,,.,,,,.lM Beet cleaned Currants, lb... ........ loo Tomatoes, stsndarda, t can... ....IS Tomatoes, Solid Pack. .............. 10 Two s-lb pkgs. Oold Dust...,. .....go On t-lb. pkg. Armour's Washing f Powdr ,... ... .'..lSe Fels-Neptha Soap , ....;......, II bare Royal Savon Soap. .Sfte f bar Baby ElaphanT Soap.,.. ...... tfto I bottlea Snider' Catsup ....See 1 Ibk new orop English Walnut. ...1 So 1 lb. Whit Honr.i.-.ii.T,......r.-ifto U-U. P411 pure Lard. ...... ......fl)0 -lb. palHpure Lard. ............... ,Oo nu rnmroai i-reara. .as lb. Enallah Breakfaat Tea lSe . lb. Ounpowdor Tea. ............ S . .S9e can Baked Bean....... ...... ..Se (wo s-io. can nominy. ... w ...... .so can Corn, Pea or String Beans, i .tea I pkg. Postum or Fig Prune Cereal. .10 ood salmon, leans ...............lso Li pwnsend & yaiji j cnoonnoven Kw Store, 147 Flret sU bet Morrison . and.Aldsr. ' Phone Mala 11U. WU SeUvesT VeasdAy FrtdAy. VASIIINGTOrr MARKET 1U First Street, Bat. Waakiagtae aad Stars." - Faaaw KasB saae. , BeHad . Boast Beef r............. .se Prtae Bib Bosses ...M.M...M.....n..tH Slrlola gtaaka ............................ltua Taadeelota gtaaka ........, ... ..It e Pertarboaea Btaak .......... Boend Btaak ....... ...'...i.t .......... 10 flals BtMk. g Bai4ar ...... .......Ko Lag Mattoa loe lag Laaa .j.......,Mm.,....llHJ Mattes Chora, t lba far ....... ....!&. Lata or Bib Caopa ......llttc a la BbonMer ef aiattoe's,,..M....Sa Mattao Staw ........ ...... ...,...,..Sa Pork Anaj .....loif7 to ilVts fork Cbepe ....Jo ta itwa veal Boaata ........,.....,.....10e to Veal Cbopa rwf.lOa ta Ue Baeaar Moai lba far ........... .arf Basitierfw, a lba tot . . .. ..A........... ..tea Bafar-Cwed 'Breakfaat Baooa ....M.....,..le Best Vreaaaarv Batter . .... is BOe Preeh Baera) Esfa .,, Bread. S teens far Icq Crdam Sagar-Catad. Baaa .w..ivi wiri,ff.lfi'.?'.n'4rl iv ids. KscMo-eienaeree bar ...." bou nee. ... ..............,..... CICUS TdPFERrProp.? Tapeoae order delivered sroaaptly, ' ssst or ... w Ms.....: . . j'-,-Erdner A HochulL 3 1 1 kk , -; let Fzrrx Rini.. ' The original rat sanssge maaofao tnrere. ' ah kinda of sausage, Xrsn mad every Saturday. - .; ,. . f . .-. . ,- .4- nasi srsHt Mgii. . m cnotce outs or meats ror your. . Give Ud a Call . Or phone'us, Main 41S, your wanta..'. .;' r 1'fr-"!:t Try our Fancy Blnd ',' ,;, MOCHA end JAVA COFTtE -T OVMBU FOB' Call upA Main 1HL Prompt . - , .. . . nauverv. IT IS A HATTER OF ; PERSONAL PRIDE With" us that, evary cut ef neat that leave Nur store Is In svery particular nrgjjtissg..: j ' t : - ; . QIIOHi mm ie Empire Market Oir- ar Tim Causa' - f m rim rt. rom vm ts. ; m rcn nr. -v - Etw .Wgiiuitton And Aidtr. 1 - . .. THOMAS DUFFX, , .