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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
"CIwKhti Wtri No - Mttsh. for , rcrtJandsrs In' Yttttr-. - " day' Coriust.: ,. t.: TWO D0UDLE3 CCOHZD V : t:TH5 WWNJNQ TALIY , Corbett Wu In Rare Feti! and r Hff Haft's Men Down td " 4Sd -DlMWtch te Tbe JoTOL .JSsnttle, Wash July t.r-Portlanl sn . MM another game from the Slwash yesterday and . once more ' reached th .. .too urk a no mean ecoompllsnment Sksl" Roach who would not pitch for rorutnd thla raar.lstottnc thtl M pr rreU..ta y on. a wrnfilng teajn, Ira's in Lb bos for (ha locals and Jt w not "T altogether hi fault tnst rortlsnd was ;. J iPtorlpae Roc pltoh4--.beutlful game, but . was not bl to hold th heavy" hitter front th Exposition City sara,; itt (ha third Inning Ats was gives Ufa on An eesy pep .fly that OConnslI :' '-sr Prsrv should hsv takan. but which f-' waa missed by both, and ha pord lstosf on a ssertnc and n nit. isaer nest - Jnntng Seattle tied Jib-cor. In th ' aixth-chpttPortlnd ruahed a., run pa the rubber in lightning order, y doubles by Bohlady and McLean-doing ine trick, jh Blwsshes mad : flea P rata effort t rally, but Teddy Cor btt had the "Indian lgn" on them and they couldn't connect with anything that . V reatmbled a hit. . Corbett pitched what -w really -a -phenomenal gam.- allow. ing'but four hit. H had all worts f curves and the speed of lightning, and - all that Hall's men could do wss to pop " them up In th air.- McCradl waa out of th item again. Cates going to left ... Held and . Van Suren to right " Catea V played his usual steady ' gam and mads 1'.'. Pi of" th seven hits. : . .-.., v Van - Buren'a . one-handed , . catch" of Dashavod'e amaahlng drive that looked good for a horn run waa th fielding A featur of th match. -Ats. Schlafly, atckean and -Runkl ar charged with errors, , but they were all mad on dlf flcult ehanoa. - x i . -' . In th last thre inning Corbett had th Stwaahe entirely buffaloed. Hall's man were so completely fooled that they ' ; wr swinging wildly at his offerings to ' . no avail. Th wear.- M'k Iters, rt. ii-ffi - .Btlckney. cf. 4 At I . 0 Kane. lb,. r r.". 1 ;1 .J-rary, Jb. , ,,4 g -1 - Houts. If, . .71....... 'Iff O'Connell. Jb. . 0 1- 1 , ',R. Hall,, as, , XNtaliwooov k.?:;:::::::J J.J J Ji " tr li-H-Ti ' pfwrr.AinL ' itoacs,- p. , Totals , k.,:..;:Ii:r1;.r ar r. H. po. a. E. Ats. as. ............. ill J 1 Van Bursn. cf. .. . . I ; . , . J . l It. hell, lb. t 4 j '.J ftchlafly. Jb-Vi-MM. J !!'?' itl oaaeholder. rf. I !. .McLean, c. ......... t ' 3vl I 1 f ates. It ....... lit ? f 1 9 ..ftunkl. lb. ......... i t - J . jCortrttt p. ,...,... 'Jt . .' Totals . ............II a t V 7 .4 ' , Uaahwood out bunting' thlrd stHk." ' 8CORB BX-INNIrTOB. .. - r-- ' 11 I I I 11 ' -Bttr r;-i.-r. ; 51 Hits ! 04 ,y Portland .7. ; . I f .-; Hits . , ..o 1 I 1 s a s : ,. SUMkf ART. : : ' - ' i ' Rantarf nmaAMttlA. ! Portland. 1. Two-baa hit Frary. Cata, Schlafl)-, : McLean, - Kunin. - xniwe-oaae nil , ren. Btolen base Bchlarty. Struck out By Roach. rtf by CorbetV Paaaad - halls Daahwood. I.' Left on baa .Reattls. I; Portland, a. Tint of gam ,Tw. hours. umpir Bray. , BAKER BOWLERS WIN FROM GOLDEN WESTS : Th Bakers defstd the Oolden West . team Uat evening onrTh Oregon alley. I wlnntng two out of thre gameSw Ths scores:.- , . ' -r "faTe .im.ii.ii4m1II' iK. C'oaaett . . ; . . J -: " Flood ..i...........-.lTa ' Rich .;.,........ ....141 Keating ......... , . f . . .144 " ."" 'Totals . . . . . . . IM - " GOLDEN -WEST. McMsnomy .....i.T;..Hg. V.1T4 ' 114 -Hyamlth ..i .....14 117 y. HI " RoeeburghV.. ....14 U 11 Roberts let. 149 f Clossett 'r.n . . . Totals C .144 ' '-Cue and Pollock mads .record of J4 and 111, total of 414. CHAMPION BOWLERS ' : : : ; , . COMING TO PLAY Frank BrllT ind OUs'-. Steele. "thf chSmplon bowlers from Chlesgo. will arrlvf In 1 Portland: Baturdar " morning; They hare bean playing match game mH through th weat and on th coast, nomtna- here from Lee Ana lee and thin Francisco, and from her they go to Seattle-nd Spoksn. They. Will - play a match gam Saturday waning on th Qreson mlleys With , Keating t and Bsil as their opponents. X ' . . - -" ' Monday nlsht thy wni play a match gam on th Portland slleys with Knis and Cspen. As sll of these men ar crack bowler these games will b vary lntereatlng, as It. will go 4 prov th quality of th Portland bowlers when pot :rp -against thr world nmpion. DONNELLY. IS HELDrr S . , NOT-RESPONSIBLE (y"' ' ' V JraaI gpaelel Perriee.t ' ', - Aberdeen -Wsho--July I. - Jack Den- nelly, who -was ' detsinsd her by th 'polio for having engaged in bout that reaultf d In the death of Jack Roe, was released yeaterday by Justice Pox, who declared that Donnelly was not respon- . stble for Rose" death. Tht two men en gSged in a boxing match and Roas fell In tns lSth round snd struck' his need on th ground, which , reultd In his death s'few hour later. Ross will b burled todsy. - .' . nu ItarhMta ml lit ' no 14 r 14 111 V'l( 411-147 M4 - III -114 ' 111 147 ; 164 "lit ' 111 th alley .-.J -Rlsley, Englsnd. ' July1 7. In th con '-, ' 'last for Blr Howsrd's shield yesterdsy . . ths Seventh rglm1t. V. 8. A.. riflemen 'rlowd the day's shoot hy lesding the ,i r rlnnteera t y five points. . 1 I I It ; 1 t ts"rt t- iiewrasl gsteial Berrtas.) Kw -Torfc, ; July 1. Brighten Besch rice results: a .-,.- tlx turlongs Brokdsls Nymph won. Merrick mwhJ, Wvll TfH tblrdi time. kil and ene eisteenih MaJn Dan- gerrieia won. Action second. : , Liberia tniro; time, l-s. . ,' - : Sit furlonfi Druid ' won. Drnier second. Handaarra third? tim. 1!11 1-f, Th-Jamaica' stake, six furlongs Nsnnl Hodg wot),.. Ueranlura seoond, Kin;'rppr tniro; time,' i:is l-l. . ' and on furlongs St. Bellan won, Mopsieor seauoair seoond, Abdell third tlm. J:!. ... Plv nd n half furlongs Sly Be won. Snow seoond. Quorum thirds time, At httt. SeatUe, July t. Reeulte f rsc:i- ' FOur and on half - furlongs Bellona won,- Sjnller second, I as beau third, tim, Flv furlongs Ladr Nlnora ' won, Orenor second, BUI Short third:- Urn. ttOtKv'.-' - ,--r-v -.v.-.., '. Six. and on half furlong Th Pride won, uouereit second, . Matt. Hogas laim; (une, s:ii.- gevewtqrlongs - jncBennett won, uom yinoer second. Dandl Ball third tlm. 1:174. - -- -- . . - - - 8vnrfTlohgs WTlsWy;;Klritiwn, Sea -A second, :"Bllsarul third; ; tlm. V". . Al M, - St. Laulsr-rfury 7. DolraSr Park race Four aad D haTf furlonaa Mas Lynch -won. Mildred Orlat second. Han dy Mis third: time, :. . ". t -Seven furlongs Card ens won.V Thank Heaven pond. Chris telle , third; tlm. Four snd on half furlongs Mrs. Murray won, carotins W. second, Kath rln L. third; tim. ... ' Six furlongs Tyrolean won, Sorrekop, aecono. uddi Mar third; tlraelU tt. Seven furlortga Eleanor Howard won. ra ievy aecono. smma M7r third; tim. i:ti t-t. . . j . : un mil Restoff wbnnada ond,. Wakeful thlrJ time, liti. ' MISS SUTTON WILlK : r .PUY IN THE FINALS Ur V ' s.: a . . . "... uwmrmmi apenai sertl.,. London, July 7. Miss Sutton or Cali fornia .won out In all th Drellmlner'lea at Wimbled on yea re rday and win met aiiaa-xwugiaa ror th champlonahlo Satt oraay. jniss Button defeated Miss Wil son, ths champion ;.of Kent. in the straight sets, -. t-l. Mis Bbtten was heartily cheered by the spectator for her brilliant work. JtL tha double yee- teraay tn Auatvauaag, Brooks snd Dun lop, were defeated iy Brnlth snd Leys- iy. - this iravee none 'but .Englishmen tn tn All-English-Thsinplonshlp. Rational leacue. it J: - Won. ta r New Tork . .......... l 20 .1 .714 Pittsburg ... ......... ' . , 17 .ig nu ipiua ... .... L IS .6S4 hicago . . i.....-.. 41-- 10 .lS Inclnnstl. . ...... It at : ksi St. Louis . it r . 44 ,-' .tti Boston.. a..MMK.t it . . 44 .-. ,.0 ptinsdeiphi rt T., , , t - 7 - Boston v4 v.-. . w i. . , .'. . xJS ' 1 Batterley Corrldon ihr Dooln; ivni ani jawran, umpire Kiem. . At OlMalajsatL. , R H. E. Cincinnati . ,.4 9 w..- , ... ......i,,,,. ..,.,4 a ftatfArlAB Vtttntf m,A atM.I n . ana xaarro. - umpir--Bauswli 4 Minrm 4 ' ma ana' towrman: Eason nod Bergen. Umpire Johnston. Chicago ' i--. ,t. V. U i Vi '. !. v fl 'It -i Plttaburg i ; .,.1.. ...,.. 11- ' nvuiutwn -.ana ivunK - imppy-amq wmch, i.; mpire-v AMERICAN LEAGUE.' " Wm -Tifc "wW V invri.rrTI . .1 ; z , m 4 case. ... v.......;. 44??-tSr.l ladlphi.. ,;.x,.rv ! tf " L41I rolt . . 41 : It - ,41 1 "ton . . 14 ;-0 v -,444 Phlladt Detf Boetoi New tork .,; u i 14 - 431 Washington'." ." . ..'.. II St Louis . .... ..-.11 . 4 .Sl 41 .144 . A4 Oetreit. -l".-; ,' ' - . .-:.'' R. H. E. Detroit .v. 4 ( St. Louis .1 s s Batteries KUllan. and Doran; SuU nan: ana itom. , . .i--r" At VhiladeMfcla. Boeton . . .i.r.T. ............ .,4 11 1 Phlladalnhla . . '.....a... T It 1 Batterlee Winter. Tannehlll -and Mcuovera; woasiey ano acorecs. . At ClTlaa. - Cleveland '.". '..... Chlcara . .1 10 1 Batteries Bernhard. and Bcmla; Alt- roca ana .sscrariana. .- , , a f w" Wt W . wTtV I , SsetrS SaF 'I 'iff' '' ' cLcsa. "' ' i - :a 'V- xs PMTtlWt4Mf 4iaY.'.. Partlaa .n Ua Anaelna ........ .4N2 aLkAa '"-' .4.14 41 -I 147 k Boot Oosmiag. ". - '(Special Phiratrk te T6 joerutk . Reno, Nov- July 7. Jack Root 4 Marvin Hart, principals In th miaillatlo surpris party of Wednesday, left In oppoalt dlrsotlorim. Root starting for roruana, Jratm, na tlir; east Be fore leavlhg th men were brought to gather, and H was agreed between Lu Houeeroan. noting for Root, and 'Jack McCormiok. manager for Hart,' that the third nqociqina; penis t arranged. i 8TOTOT ffls - All rxrtlee f amateur b hail gam, challensea and sth letlo svents must be Beat t this ofAc be for o'clock a. so, on .th day for publication. Am tear manager ahonld pay at tng of tt wlll iamr a -proner- ' report of , thlr doing. Ths ; e Journal. . . - What's th scrt of happy. vlrvus Hh. Slmplv keeplns the bowel, the n oach. tne liver end kldnys atronaj 4 aeiiv. Curdock fclood Bitters does , 1 K- . Bi fir jh" I r - ) -r-i . r I . 4 ' f,!!tnc."nth C!u!) H Mtny" En ..rtrLi for th P. N.'A,. . : ChiTiplonshlp.; CrllTlCH COLUfvtClA AND-" .' CZATTLE CSND .TEAMS MerVwho nViU Tako Part In To". day's CpOrti at Rcra'-' tion Parity , TH- P. N. A. championships- ar on t Recreation park. Only thre clubs ajr rprsentd. In th Seven events scheduled for this afternoon Multnomah club has 14 man entered, whtl th total number of entrlee of th other compet ing teams Is 11. v Ths Brockton ' Point Athtotic-etuhc-mwr f British Columbia, and the SeatUe Athletic club s athletes arrived this morning. ' Todsy. pro gram I: " ' - ---i- - " William. M. A. A. C; Moore. M. Ai A. C; Kelly1, M. A, A. C; Oleath. B. P. ArC; Dahlquest, S. A.. A. C; Huntoonr V A A.: C. - v. ' . ; . -: 14-pound shotput James. M. A. A C; Baker, M. A. A. C; Johnaon, M. A. A. C; Hugg; M. A. A. C; Ssunders, M. A A, C-i Zsa, M. A A. Ci Hsrtnsy, B. P. A. C-t McDonald, 8. A, A. C; Lawreno. 8.-A. A. C. - . ' . - . ': : : 444-yard run Williams, M. A. A. C,; drnhaw. M. A, A., C; Peteraon.: M. A, A. Ok; Huntoon, 8. A. A. C: Phljust, S. A. A. C; Doud, S. A. A . One-mil run Oreenhaw, M. A" A1,C. ; Ostes. M. A- A.Cr7- Msys, M. A.-AC; Hsneen. M. A. A. White, B, P. A. JC; Oorden.-B. P. A; C.t W. Coyle. . A. A. C,; F. Coyle. 8. A. A. C. Harris, S. A. A. C: Dohml Br A. A. C. , " . ' - ' . - ' Broad jump Frleaell. M. Ar- A. CtT Kelly. M. A. A. C; Peteraon. M. A. A. Cj O, Kerrigan, M. A A. .Ci K. Trohman, M. A. yt.. C; Murray. B. P. A- C: Qrant, sV AA. Ci F., Coyle. 8. A. A. C : 114-ysrd. low hurdles Smlthson, M. A. JK.C; FrleselL.X. A. A. a; Moore, M. A..A. C-t Kuykendsll, M. A. A. Ci Ok Kerrigan. M.-A. A. C; Wi Coyle, S. A. A, C; Brockett, S. A. A. C-i Doud. 8. A, a. cT-iv ; . . --tt: it-pound weight James, M. A. A. Ct Johnson. M. A. A. C: Baker. M. A. A. Ci Hugg. M. A.A. Zan,' M. A. Ar Ci Saunders. M A. A. C. i Haftney. M. A. A. C; McDonald. 8.' A. A. Ci Lawrence, S. A. A.X-.1 Qnrdnsr, R JJtJC. 7 Bosiag' Tomrmay Tonight. . Following r the entries for - th smsteur boxing tournament that will be pulled off thla evening at tta. eapoal- tiop auditorium; ",.. . , llt.pound claas George Teller, M. A, U C.; a Newtt;-Tr M, C-Aii-Jr-wVti- ny; T. M. C. A.- . 4 - Ill-pound class CMmsr Dranga, M. A. A, C; P. O. Duggan. M. A. A. C; Edgar Frank. M. A. A. C; Wflliam Dwyer, Olympic club. - - - llt-oound clsas-JTDouala MT A7 A. Ci O. Mspos. M. A. A. C!; Bob Lundle, Olympic club; T. F. Healfy, T.- M. C A. ..4i-pound class Hood Botler, M. A. A.d K. T. Ruakln. M. A. A. C; Young ferhorn, unattached; ,T E. Fax, unat tached.' - , .. , .. r -, ' Ill-pound class L. H. Plnkhean. - f. M. C. A. J.-Wr Welch, M. A A.- C, .. Refr Jack Grant, . Portland. U ' ". Timer A. 'B.'Fechheimer. Frank Rs- Uy. Jack. King.'- ;, v, Judge J. Stott, Jsck Olesson. . y j i. SPORTING NOTES, 'i'- teddy CorWtt showed Takel" Roach howto-plteh winning-balh-yestsrdsy. Old "8kSl" is not such -a pepr pitcher ftr"alL . , . . ..-.v.,-' , . ;. s--v- ., . . - :;-.:, ''. a -'.v; 7.',rW,.-'V 'Tli fact that Ats ran out an infield pop ny yeaterday mad It poaalbl for Portland, to acor a run. Frary ' and O'Connell failed to get th out And Ats was -safe. That's th kind of baae- runnlng that counts. McCradl ahooid compel everv bataman to run outysry it an 10 in in or ouineia. la) . . , ' ' .; I'v":"'' '--Frank Watkln defeated ' Thompson last evening in tn sort handball tourna ment at the Multnomah club- by th cores of 11.1 . 1 Dunne defeated Jon, Jl-4k ti-f.-.. r- v : - v : Thr will b ' a cricket match ' to morrow afternoon at I o'clock betwee th Bailor of th Sandhurst and th Portland playr.- Th' match will be played at Bast Thirty-ninth and Bel mont streets. , ,';..--. -.;' Jsck j b'Brtn and -Twin' Sullivan fought 20-round draw-at Dawaon on th Fourth. . After th fight both men a freed to tnt again In August. - Portland I -one mor at , the - .500 mark,- and th fan are'happy. . If Ho Credle- and- fat team continue to play good nan tna .son mark win b an asy on to reach. -i---. A man named Pos lost his derby hSt st t he afternoon gam on th Fourth. Th hat was such an odd shaped thins tnat wnen n aoira it to a young wom an th Wind caught It and carried it away. .Th laat seen of th hat wag by s fsrmer near LtnnUm, who" says he saw crow having s rac with it, . Th 'Baal passed - through her yes terday n rout to Tacoma, where the! will meet th Tiger today. Th ntlr team attended th expoeltlon yesterday. Manager Flaher Is a'eUnch friend of Umpire ."Slat'' Davl.' . Yesterday b paid Pavt n ntgtr eorapllmnt,rprallns hi ehllltyss sa umplr and refenin alao to his honeaty and eonclntloa ness. . Fisher waa discussing Vrr?lal- tren recent rabid utterance, in which h aeaerted that Davl was tn th em ploy of th San Franclaco gambler, and tbat he wa giving San Franoiao every clos declelon In an effort to throw th pennant to th Seals. - "Davl Is on of th moat eonsdentlon umplr In th buslnea. . to- - my - certain- knowledge," said th msnaser. "It I always th erf of thIonr tbblam the umplr Probably this was Van iialtrn'a mo tive. . it- Is wrong to ccue Davl of dlahorleaty and unfalrneaa. v I , been directly connected with thl Uagu for four yeara, and Indiractly for IS yeara, and I bav yet to Snd th flrat dlabonest set committed in It. It is unjust for Van Haltren to apeak as hs did and his remarks wer uncalled for. With San PranrlacOt TScomn I .th club moat in terested in this Tac. I don't believe thl-talk that Davl favored the Seals at home, for t know th publlq would not " tolerate .'it. - In prtsaflghtlng th referee rendere on declalon and than get out. In baball th nmplr glvoa ahont tf drlsirmrTtrwvprT gam. n he' In an Inclosur where h can't rt out I do not believe Davl had ' the lighteet feeling In thoa gam at San Franrtaco. 1 Th Seal played th best bell And that' why they won. Davis was working to th beat Of hi ability. Durlitg th lt . thre weak Taeom has been closely wstchlng th rssulu at f -n FraouIcA a, next tc'Sha Eaala. w were th moet concerned. . In aplt of Ban Frnnciaeo phenomenal spurt w ar just ss much in th lead a w were two week sea. Nobody can say that any umpire hea-favred u- iW -won- or -merit. - far my prf 1 ant -glad Davla Is to be here, for It will b pip aad tuck this riv believe. T;;: , ALL GEnriAttYnCUSEO TO ANGER AT TRUST 0ef. Combine Form, pj-ic Up to Hlshsst Notch Ever Known r ; K . ' in'Fathsrland ; T ' -Joet Snelal aeTlea. 1 - ' Brlln,' July T. Germany la' roused' to a high, pitch of angry sxclternent ths bsr . tempo rsrlly eclipsed . th Moroouo question by ths grasping tactics of the beef trust which conaiata of a handful of Agrarian arlatocrata. Th National Butchers' association calls- on Chancellor Von Buetow . to employ li full power of th government to save the country from - th disastrous results of sn 1m nandlna mat famln."" . . ".f - Th -trust h foed th prle toTB hlshest ver known. Pork, ths sueten not of ths working classe. haa al vanoed beyond reach . of th 'middle risssss. who lonk aa veal snd. hesf as luxuries. Relief Is posalbl only through th open Ins of th frontier. Russian, Danlshsj-Aostrtan " bogs and cattle ar - now almoat . wholly exejudedby Th Agrarian , monopoly " will; become more complete next year when "the higher rate of th new tariff ar en forced. Th Agrarian rthe power behind the throne, and th popular pro tut is not likely toftet them. v ry." 1 1 u' "... - ' - . .'''T-'-'tJmbsln-E. Tomorrow. Tomorrow ths Itsllan cruiser Umbrla sin leave Portland and In a leisurely manner T wilt - procd to. . .Mont video. where -an wm join liair - TAunnnu squadron. . Bh ha been a.way from Hundreds" of visitors have been on' board th crulaer sine her prrlval-.about.10 day ago. Many weli wlabes from Portland people will follow the Umbrla on th long erula oh which sha start 'tomorrow. " Th officers mad a trip xo wsscaav Locks 'yesterdsy on tb steamer Bailey Ostsert. . , ;.,Vr.v' Wloomdln Beach Kosgkong. . Advice received thl morning from .. aiata that ih temhip Nlcomedla reached Hongkong from Port land on Tuesday.? ens ssueo irom mouth f ths Columbia river on- Msy 14, ...iinii ih. neaaaaa waa about awk longer: than I usually required to msks tns trip, iint ampram un nxt'"ontnl"trnr-Tdo--from--th--far . h ulie from Yokohama for Portland on June 17 and ahould arrive th middle of next ween, xne sisamnr I bringing th usual lin ot orienuu good- . ' Vv.x'" i : iKrng to Carry X.funber. .. . UACimiKk A .o have chartered th ateamer W. H. Xrugar to load lumber at Portland for Ban (Francisco. Bh sailed -from - ths-California ' metro polla yeaterday afternoon. . The ateamer will alao carry paaaengers on the return trip. 8 he la in command of Captsln Martlp, who until a short tlm ago was .master of the steamer Chlco. Whll bars th Interests of th Kruger will be looked after by W. E. Potter.-" 1 - r 1 1 1 ii n i 1 . COLUMBIA RIVER Y : .-i -r EXCURSIONS. Very Low Katcg Via thSjO. R. 4 N. to Upper Fiver Point. THT YtaUor ' to PortTkninhould miss vUwlng the matchlaaa Columbia Jlvee canary between Portland and The - W- W Vwitta Th Chleago-Portland special leave th nnlon station every morning i :ia, giving daylight rid along th Colum bia, stopping four minutes at th vary foot of Multnomsh fall. Every mil of th trip there Is something new and fascinating. If desired, th return trip may be msds by boat from - Cascade locks. or ThDalles. Yry. low rstss this ummr. Particular- and summer book by asking C W. Stinger, city ticket agnt -Q- R- antra ana wn- Ington. strsts.- L;rThs.'Confiuent'gtthg Beltsco, - Pew eppsrtuBlttee ranal for tee play-BBlas pablie to wltaeae the Belaaea stock eompanr'e aneeetkia ( the- stetoricai froat Mr.. Dye's widely read sovel, "The Coequft." Its res thle werk has bees soUble la awre wars Ums ene. - The play a. a arawa to tee Balaaee a eiaaa of people that rarely ' attend a thoatra. The edacatlonal tntareat la tae. story of Lewi and Clark la reaponelbte tor thla. week. aeslsiilBg Mooday nlcbt, th bill Will be "A root aad Hie Money," wblck waa tb easaedy bit ef Broadway tw Seasons ss whoa by William Uoiuer, , . V. ." At 'th Lyric- "Has! - Klrke"'ls tn .beat mlc4rimt am ItT at that popular stork fceusa ad when one renMaibera that tor ee mtlh th nrlc aaany rharsed to It ene re witness s production eqnatly , good tt le not surprising that the Lyric le perk.d every night. Bile wh im sad Those. H. Clark, in tbe twe leading roles, carry eff the honors. , ... Th Sur's Vsudevill. Prink sftltoa snd th Dh Long tstera are topping tbe Star' splendid bill (or th Week aad have Jnatly eernea the place. The stare rape'e plrtam r nnrh (beve the averse. The la eaoled by th latest appiratv sad Is kept St s rerreshlng temperature. , ' m " : ' ' '. j ."-' . Cool snd Entertaining. The Sraad tbestre le supplied with ths latest ennlln eppararas. th nrogrtm la one et the beat ever mm here, tan for three reasons the bona enJoylns s season er nnesneete ro. pertty.- Amour tbe -notable fMtares sR tbe Oraadlerop plrtnrre ef eoahalslng sa Prases snd tbe Oregoa ploeeer eoas.- - 1 " Three Musical Xuhns. - ;: 1 The ' lite'i ' feature this Weak I ths set et th three Knhaa, whir I reeognlssd aa ene at tb araatet Ja-tandetllla, 1 Aetna .th. etaa sned. thing la tb ilnstng ot . ir.a Wllsoo, wbe le STlTlng for lie farewell week "Br .tb Dsar Old Dataware." Morwrt Keas and the Bakerograpk. toojpl.t. thetn-frtjirJillL ' 7 Lost InJ-ondon.., '. x Tb Isst aeifwaianee of "Lost I London" will stm at the Earntre tomorrow algbt. Tb play sVsIs with rrars rn th Urn of north Rue-tan eselsrtner end tells s pewerfat storr ot to-rs And neesjo. - - - t -r-r . . i - - The Heir Apparent?.-. ' "Tk. Hrrr - Aspereni.'irblcb w . wrlftea eeneelsllr for tbe K metre stwk eetneaar. will be nrodncrd Sst WMk. Johns McCull.y Is tbe ssthnr. TM rtiprrfornanee,wlU..b fire gnaday sft.rnoon. .. v- ' "' ' ' Aggravating. ..v . "Oraclousr shs xclslrad, "you look hot.".; -. . '..' - ..... . .... "n t L.i. ..-f i.X t.. . i.w 11.. K T . iimu, '.VI .11 IMHM - t.M . I handkerchief, "id's dough to bake ddyhody hot to hab a cold Uk dl id I AT THE THEATRES. -1 ! CUtiEil uCOLLCal flii FcIii'S PLACE Astoria Chosen as ths Permanent . Station for Revenue Ship 1t5- the Harbor;.:-" XJ-- PREDECESSOR UNABLE- ii V T BATTLE L VITH jJALES ptyCosKtoiaj'lc " NearlyThree Thousand Dor (are to Pay the Crew. j "f '1 Jl ; Astnrht hsl been choaen as h perma nent station of the United .States rev, nu -utter, Hugh McCuIloch, and con quently ah will probably remain in Portland harbor until after the cloae of ths exposition. :, Rhs is ons of th largest and beat equipped cutter In the service. snd has attracted nearly aa much at tention as - hss any of the, wsrshlps wlikJuhava-viaitad th port.--'-' rn - - F. L. Parker, chief QtPUtV- coll""'"1' 01 cueioma -at -Aeioria, arnveajjnis mornljgtopay ths offlceTS'B.idJcrew for their laat month's service. It Is the flrat'tlme' that ho has ever -been called -on to perform that duty, aa the MoCulloch' former station wss at San Franclaco. ... ; This - month's ;; payroll smounted to 11.111.40, but Including ths coe (''of stores th averese monthly dis bursements will approximate ,I0. Until the change wa brought about the revenue cutter Perry did aervlee at Aatoria, but from now on ah will be located at on of th station .In south rn California. Mr. Parker report that a she wss rather small and frail she wa unable X croaa the- Columbia river br ' at certain -period "In the' fall and" winter.- Cutter ar expected to put to ea, at a moment's warning 1n all Sorts of weather, snd It is said that the Me Culloch will be able to do so,. It ls said ah will - b able to go over . the bar in a storm thst would mean certain diaaster to the bar tuga If they ahould attempt to f ollow , her. . On e-trmber-of occasions- "recent years ships hsv appeared flying lg, nal of distress off ths mouth of the Columbia when Storms wer raging, and aa the par waa too rough for ths Perry or- th tugs to go to their asslstanss many lives and much property were en dspgered. - With- th McCulloclMher it I believed th Ufa-savlng equipment -at Atoriawlll-b- arTlh as at any point on the coast. In th summer, when there is no likelihood of any sever storms st th mouth of th Columbia, the cutter w III" go on 'regularpatrola In Alaskan water to guard th flattery and sealing grounds under the lurisdistlon of the United States. ..j- " ' ACTIVITY ON TELEPHONE.; Likelihood That Bteaaaer WtU B Plaoed " lav Ooaunlssiotj tn STsag Futpr. . Llfepreaervars and - other -equipment placed, aboard Ihe . steamer t elephone yeaterdaf gave color to th report that sha would ahortly be placed in service for th first tlm. although" she Is more thsn a year old. - - ... Th , Telephone has been- av-ptissl to the-steamboatmen of Portland. ." When a he was launched tt wa gtwn -out that ah would g In. commission at onco.on th tipper - Columbia -river -In- opposition to the Regulator Una. of boats. A few days later shs wss taken to th Haseltlne dock, her present moorings, and there she has remained ever slnoe.- Captain Cochran, ons of ths owners. has been looking after, her, He has stated from tlm to tlm that' arrang msats wouldeoen-be made tor plaHna; her In .operation, but on-what rout he persistently declined to state. I: is salt She .1 faster . thsn almoat any other tea mar' on th river, but thl matter, of course, -remains 'to - be tested. Th designer had th speed question in view When she -wss built. .' ,-...' It is believed that shs wULb laced on th-mnr between Portland, and The Dalle or on th Astoria routs. 1 She may possibly be operated -ss n excursion- Two-Piece Outing CJ-C7 Correct Sunimer Novelties ' THE BALANCE ON EASYj 2 VeeKIy orMonthlyPaym Y6m pay no more tanwere you to pay ca and at lets y than any jeweler in the city. We give you possession when S making first payment We tJernand no security charge r. ' interest for credit accommodations. - It will pay you to see ' ?V ";;v u beforebuying elsewhere;1','- tc s"'. ' ' .'-. MARX & BL0CH; Props. boat thla summer betweethl elty and some point on th upper or lower Colum bia rlvstv, ' . ' . ' t;-'-, v.'' .' MARINE NOTES. : Astoria, July T.Outsid at f . m. A three-maated ship. Arrived down at t:lt s. m. 8choonr Jenni Btella. - Astoria. July .--Arrlved at 1:4 and left up at :10 p. -m.--8teatner Alliance fronr Coos Bey and Eureka. -. Sailed at l-.ll p. m. Steamer Columbia for Baa Franclaco.- ' San Francisco, July 4. Balled at noon Steamer Geors Loom! for Itjrtland. galled at I p. m. Steamer W.. H. Kru ger for Portland. Astoria, July 7. -Condition of th bar at I a. m.- 8 moot hi wind - northeast; weather cloudy. T , . ' , ALONC-THE WATERFRONT. r Consul Labbe is receiving betters for the captain of th French bark Vauban. whloh would Indicate that she Is bound for this port. But she Is lleted for Puget ound. A merchants' exchsnge report states shs sailed from Genoa for Taeoma on- Msy 4-- -r- Tomorrow the German ship Nlobs will complete ' her lumber cargo,. 1.700.004 feat, at th Eaatern A -Waa tern xoiU for the United Kingdom. : ' . . ' 4 Wednesday nigh the yacht EI PH mero drsxsed her snchor and drifted against- the Hasltln-4ock. 8h- w nulled Into deep water ny ns launcn Oasell and ufferd no .fdamag. - With a cargo of gralnchlpp by tn Northwestern Warehouss compsny , th steamer Eureka sailed at-noon for San Franolseo. . Tomorrow ths Steamer Csatina will Complete a lumber cargo . at St. Helens and will move 'to a mill down the Colum bia to take on an additional shipment. She" will carry 700,000 feet. Lighthous tender Mansanlta Is being painted " abov the water, line at the Couch street dock. .'" v.' '-' - ,. Steamer Redondo ha cleared for Bah Francisco with a shipment of! 400,400 fset of lumber snd 100 tons of wheat. " .'. . . I I I .11 r --t 7 Carry Kail to Ughtaaip, -'. When the Redondo cam up th coast from th Bay City ah earned the first mall : tbat -wss - ever delivered to th lightship stationed at Blunt's reef, near Mendocino. Th lightship recently ar rived from th Atlantle coast and-was placed at -hr ' present moorings lea than two weeks sgo. She is located som die- tance from the route taken by 'th icoaatereand if the offioers snd-crew gt their mall regularly It 1 saidilt will Outing Suits Get ready now, Mr.: Slimmer? ; A Man, fo . . v r here to stay. ';- .".. Ths widest assortmsnt of correct clothes Is hers -A-, prices Iowa K; f ,c1..., , 'L,! jj'sj., .,Tr".--: kr.-iv ' : v Character, tone, quality and perfection of fit are.. 4 blended Into' a harmonious kinship in every grade we handle. ;i J'i ; Cool .three- piece: SaitSp; of gray : and Srrown-mixed cheviotSp homespuns' -v-'' ri T-smrrv frcts4(s -..r--s --r . .y-, .r -, V J auu iuwi, wwittiAw . ' . - . 3 '1 i ." "iiT" 1 1 ' in 1 i in 1 'r '- - - -in I ) i i" '11 1 1 ' ' r mi 1 in iin'Wat .miisf -ij ti ti-rr-irr- J j - if' Suits Homgpuns -and 7ii SIG-TteC'. ..- - f. 7i THIRD ST , v. be through the ceurteey of thoa on' tl 1 teamsrs plying regularly up aad dost a the coast. Hearing of their Isolation, the pf fleers of Redondo got wh papefs and letter hsd been forward. to flan Franclaco for them nd topp 1 near the reef."" -A" sman boat was lower snd the mall delivered. . . SACKS OF CREAM. few Ksthod of gblpptag- llok luf; ; f ; Fluid Vssd Mf nrtauuu '7n Cream . in scka ' wss brought fre Coos bsy-thl morning by th stean ' Alliance, which arrived from Eureka a; 1 way ports. ' Ths product wsa caked ar 1 will b r-shippd front -her to Me Tork, wher it srfll b manufactur. Into glue. It Is said that it .will net a larger profit In thl forth than hsd i. ben sold as cream. There ar 411 sac! 1 of th glu material. . , c 1 Th Alliance carried M paaaengers, s" she could accommodate. ' Aslds from t t freight already mentiomd. sit broug t 1.000 feet of redwood lumbar and I. caaes of ereara. Her boilers will t cleaned whtl h I tn port and ah wi . not sail until next Monday vnlng. ; , "-'r" Xcotm VTltgv ; ' Off the mouth of th Columbia tt.'i movnlng Observer Kelllher at North he. I sighted a three-maated ship, whloh. , w waiting for n tugboat to escort her over the) bar.. Th vessel 1 ruppoaed to r i th German hlp Arthur Fltrar, Which Irf out lit days from Hamburg with. general cargo consigned to Glrvin It Eyre. Bh la a threa-maatsT snd hwr ar rival haa been axpected. ... , The Britishship Thlstls 1 also due fnom Ban Franclaco, but h 1 a four-, mastsr. Bo far as - known no . other aquare-tiggers ar likely to put In aa ap pearance for several wweks. :-- y'"V Am saa fm ' : ) 1 ' . r "Goodnea mat" exclaimed th won't at th kitchen door. - -This is ths aco 1 time yon have called her thl wk!" ' . '"Well, dat ain't ao wore," an wars 1 th hungry hobc "Dr wus a . tip" wieaaae bt glrl klcked ef I did t how up twlc a dayr'. -a- . Pcrc!:::.t:.TcE::::: BStTOBSS BtAsTEOOB Bss sw ' t et case et Memos ttontltty. lssamuls - a phy. Tkey er the hrata, emaav-. tlm tattoo. BMke dlssetle perfect sa4 1 Baaaetle vlga- t the whoto selaav U aad )osa stopped serai sently. 4i.v kozl g bone gaaraataed t ens er si waey, ia.00. sUIUd saalea. t PUl Umi. Co.. Saf An st. Pi" K. SuM la Pertland eahf by Fran . Pertlaad Ratal Psaraer. ;;:w.,V--r. .. :TifiWW6iiic '.vt