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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
; - v. ( .tosI' oregdn daily; joiAimai; posTtAij. fkiday cvrrnira. july X, i::3. . '' p 1 1 i 'jV' JU' '.,iv-;': :' ... . . . , t I . iiSliMili IlfflSlHilll SiliBlill I I M - -- - - 1 - - . . g . HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST : Q ,fs 7:Mf).. ItSaW For Choice of mmm the Entire Lot Black - worsteds, - Mus - serges, gray ; i and brown, tans, gunmetal shades, -T" check styles and mixtures, hand- . .: ; work collars and shoilders,s sewed " with pure silk throughout A grand 7. v and handsome'lot'of suits that , we -jy ,.. have sold all - season at. $12,. $15,- $17.50 and $20, single . and - double ft'"- " : " uITrij-..iI - ' mo u.i. measure, but not all sizes -in every lot.: Jit you want Dargains see tnem. They will speak plainly for them- selves. THIRD AND BURNSIDE: nn-. W(O)jiji)-D'0(a I lDoTTNrwNnrxOkT f in ni -of-. Prices Lit U VlfjaVUJ , .. v. V'-i PHE doctor, lawyer, merchant, mechanic .;:::-X:;; T - ; laborer, and all men that " depend on-1-- ; luicir laours xur a living, aii iiia.K.ccvcryr dollar they spend fo Clothin&HEIats, ;Fur-:; : nishihgs and Shoes, do powerful workr- i Every dollar egendedathistore this Grand July Lot Clearing Sacaiibe made earn another dollarrPnces' in, some instances aird cut in half. tEyef y article will be cleared out" to make room for an early arrival of the largest and best stbclc" of fall ioodsever":showir'b5r this great store? " ; ' 7 Notice to Contestants ! we wiu name.tne person in our aaverusement . .'that shall receive the $5 for the best essay of the above picture,- ? ; . 'as per offer of last week. ;We have,received over 500 letters " pertaining to the same and it requires time to look them alC - over-and-dotuUjustTCertC-TO"c -V , J.r: ..4' - ' fTHE " HUB " KIND ARE QUALITIES , THAT ALWAY8 i;-v-.;.-V.v ; WEAR AND SATISFY. : ( - I . $2.35 OVERT.OOOTPAIRS OF OUR VERY FINEST $3.50 to $4.50 tans, , ; black, vici, patent balsv Bluchers -and. low cut will be cleared out at - far less "thair wholesaler coatrThis T ' in the best opportunfcyof the year .; in highest class footwear. - a Jt " S mm SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS $2.50 AND $3 SHOES, of aU LtyleawillJ)e closed out in this lot.' The Hub is Portland's leading Men s Shoe House.. We keep the ball rolling qualities and prices. , You know well always do it ...... v. - r '- Furoishings We must let off steam in this ' - Great Department f..' 5 For 10c Sox. 8 For 15c Sdx. 2tft For 20c. SoxT 9 For 20c Suspenders. . 18f For 35c Suspendera. . 229$ For 50c arid 60c Suspen- '. v ders. T; I- ' :. ,' ; '' .10 For 35c Underwear.,' ' .;. - 3M For 75c Underwear 59 For $1' Underwear;"" ' 29- For 50c" Shirtsl . ; T 39 For 75c Shirtsi '; 59 For $1 Shirts7 Now for a Hot' Time inOur p,J;v :i - Pantery. . : v ' For choice of 500 pairs of $2 and $2.50 Pants; they are the' kind that wear and satisfy, t A vanload of all kinds of $3 i Tf . , Pants. " ;. $2.35 , For all kinds of $3.50 and $1 They are beauties ; the kind - that made The Hub Portland's greatest store. -1...,.,:- !'"';.::;;:;"rrTC,.., .r1 , . ..":L Ttt, 02.65 -7 1 Pick 'em out; worth up to $5. r Any kind you wish, any size you wear.. Made better than ' ordinary tailorsjnakfr4o-order"1 -7T77Z . $ snd $7. H-aisl WILL PLACE STRAW HATS ON YOUR HEAD AT JUST- - V J- '. flflTC HALF REGULAR PRICES J $1. 15 For $2 Soft or ' ' Stiff JHats. v For . $3.00 . and $3.50 Soft ,' and Stiff Hats. Don't expect us to describe all this big stock, there are over 2,000 r:Hats in this Great Wage-Earners' Sale.;; On account of the many complaints of the people about the treatment in regard to being tompelled ; to purchase street car tickets in order to leave, the grounds,' we are securing coraplaintsat this store and The Oaks must treat the public as. they should,: and wejtyill see that they, do it We will throw open' their gates to free leave, without compelling the people to purchase a ticket of freedom from the street, railway company. y" t 'j:'i."2--:r r:'-C'',-" $y.u '., :'7j4i.r--:--V;''; BUFFALO PREPARES: : TO VELCOHE ELKS Advanca Guard of the Order of t Good Fsllows Already W : ; . "..lArriving... .... GRAND LODGE TO MEET r ; TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK iptff"toSpwtwtc)n Fraternal Work and Re- union. ... ' " (tarul SmU1 fcrtct.r ' ' Buffalo. N. T., July a While official ly Kik vnk doee not brctn intll Tu Uy efftrUI KlVrtom twn to ceme Into CASTOR I A , lor lafahU tad CMldrsa.. njKfcJYca tin Xfr:;x C::;tt Bera the rMtareof town todajr for the annual grand lodr ton and reunion. Uanjr of the na tional orrioers were amonf today'! ar rival, v - a . i. -J - . J Moat of the delecattlona will come lit tomorrow ev.nlnc an4 Monday mornlns, when It la exoeoted that no leea.than 10,00 Elks, with accompaniments. iwlll be In the city. The preparations to greet them hare been completed and th(tut neae eeetton of the city la already bloi aomlne; out In purple and white,., the colore .of .the order. The program .for the wek embracee The four dajr"'e. Ion of the grand lodge and unlimited entertainment for the membera' of the order,' who will have an lmmenae va riety 'to eeleot from, all being free to those wearing the badge of the order. Outaide of the grand - lodge the , moat Utereat attaches to the contests of vari ous sorts for prises. Th eoelal frogi'aiu throws open aH resorts of the elty to any one -wearing an Elk's official registration badge. The iwmpleted program ; for t he-week le- e follows: ..... .. . Sunday Reception of .'grand . . lodge members as thry ' arrive. ' Automobile rides " about the city- through the courtesy of the Buffalo Automobile club. Mondays-Boat excursion from t to I on the ateamer City 'of Buffalo. Tuesday -Opening of grand lodge ces sion at Convention hall at 1 a. m. by Governor Higdlna. Addresses by Mayor Knight and Wlllard H. TJoknor, exalted ruler "of Buffalo .lodge, v -Organ recital by the Hon. Simon Flelechmann on -the Pan-American ' organ.' Singing by the Buffalo -Orpheus' and a chorus of --J0fl trained voices. At S p.' sa., election of grand lodge of fleers. At 4 p.m., band eoncert. ' Wednesday Annual parade of the order, with lodge from., ail- ovet ths, '' . -i ' rV" " " '"" ' world and I A bands In line. Grand ball at the Seventy-fourth Regiment armory. Thursday Trip to the Lackawanna Steel riant by trolley or boat. Picnic f6r the families of the visiting Elks at Park lake. , . .. Friday Special excursion to Niagara Falls. The Niagara Falls Elka will en tertain the visitors while at the Falls. Following the ' closs of the reunion there will be spectal-exewelon to Chau tauqua, Toronto. Olcott beach. Fort Erie and other points pf Interest. ' - ? TWIair' Tamtly Betialoa. J " f7oarnaI ??elsl . ' Sandwich, Mass., Jul . Several hun dred members of the Wing family of America have gathered here for their third annual reunion, held at the home- -Take flutmeg: one is not as good aaanother. Schilling's Best, in nutmeg, Is ground fine from difficult nuts to grind be catrse full of oil; the oil is their virtue. There are dry nuts; there are wormy nutv We are no more carefLianutmees than all throughr TfTTT1""" Your grocer's ; ' money back. etead of the first member, of the family who came to. thle country. The house was built i In 1841 and Is now occupied by a lineal descendant of the builder, having remained - In possession of the family tor fwb and. hali.jrenturles. MONTANA MAN CHARGED l. 7 WITH EMBEZZLEMENT . : ." A - T : 1 . (Speelsl msMtea te The' Ioersst' Helena, ' Mont., - July -7. Governor Toole - has issued - a; requisition upon uovernor ooodlng of Idaho for the re turn to Mtasoula of Samuel J.-Til man, who has been arrested at St. Anthony, Idaho... Tllman Is alleged to have em beaded - IJ.000 of the funds of 'the American Freehold Land A Mortgage company. Limited, of. London, whose f?ntjeagjjLJiU R0SEBURG TO HAVE . - FOUR NEW COUNCItMEN (Special Dtspetck te Tke loarsel) ' Roeeburg,' Or., July T At ' the July meeting -of -the : elty council two new werds were admitted to North and West Roeeburg.- This will add four council men to the present body, and consider able 'interest Is felt as to who will re ceive the plums, as the members will be appointed by the mayor. , .... '.".-:. i Fw-dletoa. Hero beat ajsxogifc. T (KomUI IMseateh t Tke mtmlh 'Pendleton, July T. Fred Nolf, One of Pendleton's prominent merchants, today sold his notion store to Wlngfleld Perry and will retire. Mr. Nolf Is In poor health and will not go lrit business again until Tie recuperates. ' , MYSTERIOUS WOMAN ' r IS SENT TO ASYLUM skgeasaaB-sMeeBBSaaaaea i (Speelsl Olspstrk The JoaraaL Walla Walla, . July 7. A strange woman , giving the name of Louise Folmsbee was ordered committed! to the Eastern Wsshtngton hospital for the Insane, by Judge Brents yesterday. The Identity of the woman has been a pusale to the officers for more than two weeks. She was arrested on the streets by the police and - turned over to Sherlfl painter for safe keeping. Despite a rigid search-r no one- has , been' found 'who knowa the woman or -where she came frontt Bhe- continually speak -of her husband -md-chndren,but .cannot re member where her home Is. The woman la about 41 years of age and faltly well dreesed. Bhe will bo-4akon te the eey- lum In a few daya, -r-y -- -. - -frpae fe Oood moada Meet. ' (Btwelat Dispatcfe te The JoereaLl. ' Walla Walla. July T. The executive committee of the Walla Walla County Good Roada association will meet thla evening to arrange for entertaining dele gates to the State Good Roads associa tion, which meets ln Walla Walla some time In September. The 'exact' date has not yet been announced. The Walla Walla association expects that several hundred delegates from all parts of the stste will be in attendance. . Bakes- City's Oaah. Seek, Sperist Wepstrt to- The Joeraa1.J-!C r Baker Cltr. July 7. The renort of the city treasurer of this city made" be fore the. council last night makes a good showing. . The amount of cash on hand laat November was $3.J3. The receipts sine - that date bars been TEETH NO PAIN - Nd; PAIN NICETEBTH - We are the discoverers and' originat ors -or tne only- rename and sclenting system' of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, nil and clean or treat teeth absolutely . without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. T Our work Is the best, our prlcee the lowest con sistent .. with first-claaa - work . EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth ana are guaranteed to fit t riLUN-r-rftOdV-TBeVand f t.OO uul.ij uhuwnb ma.ov to Bo.UU BRIIX33! W0RK.....I3.00 to SS.OO FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. $5.00 Opea, for buslaees atU t . e'etoek veaiaga. - Boston Painless Dentists m 'rank na. - Sun- KlU Sforrisos St, top. aa Fegaone. HOURS I :tS a. m. to I d. Say, S:io a. m. to 11 Jt p. m. S7S.S41. - The expenditures have been tfll.MI, leaving a balance on hand ot iefened Steak Oaaaed Allen Lewis' Best Bra 1 wHllf j O CPICES o v C0rrcEaTE2i DAinilDFCVDSn: Ps!i arJy. flrvn; ThYoryH CrtttiSrmcfK.CasoivttJtfTkt ;sORTLAMD,OJfIQ0ri. Dr. B. K bsj lonmfid SlfTIM tkll- rellevee - aU pala . In dental opera .... lions. AV Wasulae-tea k, er Sevsaut.. II .'V'. -