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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
J. , . 14 !' ---u. "X r be ' V-" " - ', - ', . . . .- ' -v Flr , and continued t warm toc!ht and Saturday; northerly winJ. A.' VOL; IV. . NO. 1C3: i 11 Six) Farniers, four Hci)i IchentsindIwd -Man-i - ufcctcrcrsttclaroris ATTORNEYS BECIu ; : : 0 -diPENINQTATELcNTS Getner and Bi gjs Arraigned With t Wltliamsbn Watch Slctloii of th Twelve Men With,,, ".V Much Interest, v - , The Jury eelected today to try -Cdtaarcaaman : Wllltamaoni - - Dr. -, : 'Van Oeaoar and Marion B, Blgia,: la aa (oflowa: . s - Autuat Blnna, roarr Heppnar 4 Borrow county. ' " A- . lutuit CrlOB. manufacturer. . w Portland. Multnomah coupty..i. 7 Webb Maat,. farmar.j Cooa? county.) ... . v ' . ' " -" '" t - Barney May. merchant, HerrU-1 toara. 1.1 nn county, i ' :-" ." ' M. V. TTi aaaiarar,-BiH " l.ufx. Cla'-kan aa county., i j 4 . G O. ' r. ' rjar..,-Wra;iwrs. - J. W. Wllllama. farmer, judo - ' T I i x:." '...'v. tr-jrrf f i V. E. Henkla, merchant, rauo-, : .math, Benton county. r W. . . P. t.Oforaa. ' reataurant ; Jteeper. Salem, Marlon county. " 'tloti City. Iane county. 4.: B. U Burnauch, farmer. Elfin, - Union county. ?' ' o. H.i Floolc " farmer: Olalla.- " : lxugia '-eoonty.!0" -K W.- O. Cook,- brlckleyar,- Eu.f ;;. wf na Lane county, - - . ' ' One mora.notablf leaal battle beaan thle niornlna In tha federal court when lJraaamanaohTK. : WiUUraaon, M " partner. Dr. Van Oeaner. and Marlon R. - B1, former United . JStateB , commla atoner , et Prlnevtller-were placed on trial, charared with conaplracy to aecurt r public landa thrOuaH aubornatlon of per 3ury.-T-A'3ury waa-aecured befor court adjourned it "noonr and" thre"Tftrnoon - ,-the openina atatekienta" to the Jury were 'made by attorneya for tha proeecutlon nd defenae. The government then be gan tha preaentation of Jt caaa. j Trie Jury waa eeeured with unexpected ' exDeditlon. '' Only 26 men out of. the "spajier orsO" were iaamrned and of theaa - rive were peremptorily cnaiienseo, uiree by the proaecutlon and two by the de ' fenae. Three others weravchallanaed for cauae by tha defenae 'or eacuaed by tha court. Six Of -the Jurors aelected are farmera, four sref merchante and two . are manufaeturerw. .!. Conareaamaaf- WllUamaonrlha central figure in the caaa, (appeared early ac companied by ' hie partner. Dr. Oeener. The third defenaHnt- Marlon- R. Biaaa. waa alao In court. Tha attorneya for the defenae ar Judge Ac 8. B?nnetU. j.who waa aaaoclated with Senator Thurston BennettwhoJ In tha defenee of Senator Mitchells H. & Wllaon of -The Dallea, and C W, Barnes ; of Pirtnevllle. . j. - - he Aoooaatlon. V, , , 'V.t . -Before the examination of the Jurors beaan.- United ' States pistrict Attorney ' Heney made a brief etafement. of tha ' eubtnc -of JheJndletmant . "Thle la a oase.,'r Jie explained. ,'4n which Congressman . Williamson,-' hie partner. Dr. Oeaner, and Marlon R. Blaaa lire cnvRfa wnn tvn.linB " .uwiu ' perjury by inducing a. number of per- 1 'aone to make . timber entries wnerein i they swore that they were taking up the landa for their own use . and benefit, while aa a matter of fact they had an . agreement with Wllltamaon and Oeaner v to convey the landa to them for a con? :Ltslderation In each caaa of 175. over and . above the coat of final proof." - H. 8. Wilson Of counsel-or the defense Le repeated more In detail tha charges of -the Indictment, and the aelectlon of the j Jury .beg-anThe .jrirat on to be ex . v a mined waa A. K. Blnna. a grocer-, of " Heppner,: Who waa' questioned at aome length by Mf' Wllaon. - He proved eo- - rentable to both proaecutlon and defense. ft lir BrookWr-o-Unlwn eeanty-rmrr-de- rlared himself without .prrlurtlce or pre conceived opinion, but for soma reason he was -not satisfactory to the defense and waa peremptorily challenged- - " August Carlson, a ' Portland , manu facturer, waa .the second Juror to be ac- 7r-eptd."r John Poolaen, of the loanan- poulaen Lumber company,, had formed n oplnlon'aa to- the Rullt or Innocence of tha defendanta add was excuaed for cause.' - Both prosecution and defense were satisfied with Webb .Meet, a Coos county farner. . s A -" . X)e Ma van Sefenas OongTeea. " H. .8. Wllon. of counsel for the a de- fenae. Bad ' heert aaklng y each ' Jurof whethea-ia heteV -way -preJudlee-.agatMit Williamson becauae of hla being a mem- icr of oonareaavT -Whan tha aame ques tion waaoeked of Barney May, a llarrla burg merchant, Judge JDe Havpn Inter jected: - I - x ... :- pBii Belmont Lodgings Inpred r ThrclrgRed vTape- j- VV", FOR LACK OF, NICKEL;1; i;I CANT USEJELEPHONE Train Stops In Front of Burning jBuildingS: StreetcarinVT Hose, and -Gueste Lose -;':v:Their'. Propertif. 'v . -pp.. "Our house la on nre, - crieo jara. Clsarle "TEJelraontr Kourrh -street,:-twaen TaylosaneV-Salmon, through bar phone,' h1a morning at a few mlnatea V- dsiotw e f ciwuk. "Nickel, please," calmly answered tha girl -at tha central telephone offlce. .' "But I can't And a nickel, and "1 want to turn In an alarm to the fire depart ment,"' replied Mra.BeImOht,. ln' plead ing tones, i .r- i i X v;"5 ' T V 1 -. .-Nickel. please; thla la a pay "phone you are using," Waa - tha rejoinder of oentral, and Mra. Belmont, hung up the tranamltter itf deapalr. ; ' , - Site hjid seen the flamea1 bursting t' .'ui4,.Ab Lroef nf .v ibr huabaJid's rootnlng-house only a moment prevl oualy, and naturally went to tha tele phone to Inform tba lira department:. Aa ahev vainty tried to Induce tha girt at central to connect her with 'the depart ment tha lira was gaining headway, and higher and higher mounted the nmga. L until -they rose in a great column, while denae clouds. of amoka msde-it dimcult to - breathe -any where In -the building. . - Mrs.- Belmont rushed through the house, ceiling to the 3& guests to escape with their Uvea, arouaed her husband from aiaep and than ran Into the atreet to find some way to carry me news o Chief Campbell'a firemen. -' A man heard Mra. Belmont'a rleaandvoluntaared to turn hr tha alarm. ;.'. -- ' ? Trsla Belaya a japartman,xf . Without, delay--tha doors Tof tha en- gliie-bouae opened and the teama dashed away to tha fire. - Tha guests were pour tna from th burning structure,- having snstched what-clothing they could find, and - men were gathering from ; thai neighborhood to amlat ny-wh might be belated in their eacapa rrom - xno roaring flamea End blinding amoka. f- The nremen with tneir apparatua reached tha hydrants at Fourth and Yamhill atreeca, and were about to con- nsct the " Oouthttn Pauiau nossencer train, -bound ou on, the west side line, came In front or toe naming house and atonoed. nva minutes eUpeed before .tha n arlne 'nulled out and the- firemen could adjuat themselves to the unexpected In terr'uptlon. Just aa tha -delay caused by the train1 was ended a atreetcar ran over and out tha tine of - hoso that waa laid from a hydrant on Fifth atreet, and added to tha firemen's troubles. : When ettoe Uie -department had over coma tha obstacles so unexpectedly In- - terpeaed, Via fine waa. quickly extln- gutahed. 3 ijie loaa waa aoout i,vvv, ui which Charlea Belmont euatained $00i Chariea Correll. owner of tha building; 8o: Ruech Qeter, tailors, 1140; J. H. Richardson, machlnat, $0, and tha rooming-house gueata 29. Several of the guests fled without saving any of their property. excepting tha clothing they wore, - "V. . 1- ' : ... j : Telephone Oirl at raurt. District Manager J. H. Thatcher, of the telephone company, waa informed of tha refusal of tha central girl to connect the Belmont house- with - the fire department and atated that tha rule of the company la that as soon aa a call oomea to tha central office saying "firs' the eubecrlber la to be connected Immediately with the department. . -' - "AIL other matter a must wait." said Mr. Thatcher, "when are alarms come in. It Is the "rale of tha company and all operators are expected rigidly to ob serve it. , ,Ia any -particular case when this rule Is-not honored, the fault 'la wltn tha individual who. waa at tha ex change board In the central otBoe.-it would make no dlffereno If the peVeon at tha telephone could not find a nickel to droo Into the box of a pay; .'phone; the -statement -thai -a- fire -te-4 j"smmmJ should give instant connection with the flre department."-t - -r-r - , Regarding .the Southern Panlflo pas senger, train, atopplng at the Fourth and Yamhill atatlon in a manner to obstruct- the-work of the- flremen, a rep resentative of Superintendent Fields, in hla abeance, said- ".! - "Tha facta In ' this, case, of Course, have not been officially reported to us, but If - they- are aa stated, immediately after the Are had been extinguished. It la likely that tha trainmen should ex ercise quicker thought and meet euch emergencies. Tha company- would not indorse movements of lta. trains In ' a manner to. Jeopardise property, and we will. take up thla case so as to ascer tain the facta and learn, who. If any on J Is to blame." ' - , .!-..: "- .-. . Sparks from tha chimney of av' Chi nese laundry In the rear a re thouxht to have caused the fire by Igniting the PORTLAND OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JIYcT. y -v - -' f. f ii 14 !. i ,w4j; k , f : Harbor of Odessa a Seen Frdm tha ELItlU ROOT. IN, JOHN HAY'S PLACE Official Announcement ? of Hi$ "AnnotnTmant and lta AceeM" i k - r ' ' ' -' 'jt.,,l V . V , J I ,Tr . r '"e'Chb I - an CO I HKcl vmicej ooon. '-SV r ' " ; - ' ' .1" . - (Joareal. Special ger-lee.) i i Oyster Bay, - July - T. The followlne statement waa Jaaued from the executive offices this morning: "Ellhu Rooyt will accept the tender by- tha president of the office of secretary 0' state. He will take the office in a couple of weeka, but It- will necessarily be soma Mttle time before he closes up hla bualneaa affairs. He -will not be In Washington perma nently until aome Uma In September' ; . . " ) " "i . ! -V'l' ! 4" i- fog Iroa Flaa- Vf: Jaoroal Bpaclal Berries.) -i .'v'--- ' Seattle, . ,Waslu i Jqly t 7. James A. Moore has returned from 'New York with the statement that he haa-'ratsed 11,000,000 to establish an Iron plant here to manufacture pig Iron. ' A Tolling mill and-tln-mlll plant-wtll follow the com pletion of the pig Iron furnacea r . v The Twb - , . - . ..... . .. , . - - i , . ,:tiTSL3ry.--.; muttd'0e ,. Sinea Tha .Journal made ;a ; little aacrifltta at tha beheat of a tniblic ; need ,iand fat tha faterett of t pr6grM and a battar circulation, In marking down single copiea of The Journal from five to two can ta .each on the atreeta, "tha enamy," othanriaa known a a our' estearhed contamporariea,"faavf ".oeen 'caatine; ---about ior-a wa to offset JTha Jougtal'a-coipButJip la.Ui T 1 problem tha darker haa (rownithe outlook until new' "tTf ly Dispoaitlon" rulea the rooat and "Deaperation" X ' atards guard in the portala of the Tall Tower- the order 'being. eent forth to "cut the price" of tha Evening. X I Imiutor,' If there be no other way to check ita flight on the newspaper j toboggan. v The truth of it la the X X ? teople Vant The Journal want Ujor the newgf want it for what it aUndi for: want It for defense r wanlX it in preference taany other paper, particularly to one which occupies tha unique position of contending. T editorially that there faa dlfferenca between Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, while shuttle-cocking on every . quaadon of the day on which people are likely lo take eidea.,1 The Journal hajrjpg set the pace for newa-T papers in thia town, the two Weary Mooaiea.up' the atreet have, nothing to "aobut to consider how best ? to fofloJ; in ita footsteps, so the publio may expect ery shortly to hare the privilege Of buying the.Kven- X inc Imitator; and even the Morning Glory, on the streets at two cents a copy, possibly three cents, for it 1 raeema a bitter dose for .either one X. putiL, Pwt, narereleMlTie, Jcynat ,ald, enthe. ptreeta at 2 centa gratifying that thoil era prospects' that other' paperi are to be sold : There ia room tor ail. '. , i ' ,,.,'.:! .'..-.- i " . . V 7 T'" . - . , - .1. ' '"... --.-" - .' mm V-' :'' - ''i Deckajof-the Kniaa Potemkiar- Below PEOPLE -SWELTER IN-1 THE- EASTMND'SOUTH e Boise, Ida....... ...... v 1 . Cai Chicago .... ,V. -. . . .. .. ... It ' Denver . . .-. 84 aRt Paso ., .w.. ............ ' 90.. d ' Fresno. Cal. ... .i . ,110. d Independence, -Cel., ; ..... , .v.. 10J - Ixs Angeles;.. ..J.,.. ..A 14 . d . Phoenix, Arlai. . . ,....'....- 110 'Red Bluff j Cal.'A :.,.,.'. 108 i e . Sacramento, Cal.'. ,....,. 101 4 - Ren Francisco r ...... 4 'yuma. iUrla.' .'.-; lit 4- -i . .. . .v. . -i't a i-.'r:, ... a f r . 1 ' .... 1 t ... :' s sVraahsd ; for Slope-neat... :.'' f .. -:'..''liv tJoeroai .eeUl srrle .'r4... " Dumae,': Ark.. July -7-James , Wood man,, a. nro.. of ' Blvee.. Arkansas, was lynched , here- yesterdays after haying eloped? with the daughter of. J. a Smalt a white man. .' i ne'eiopement occurreo tha day before!' The couple were caught mm a ii.ln Ani1' t h'. arlrt r-iit4 tn on a her' parents renta.".-. . - - 1 ' r- , - Cent' . .i .. , , . , --. Jl - - - i , ottJieMTtime-rnarkera to.drop a penny" in price unless it is ."forced i X - - - ;103SIXTEEN' PAGES. .L. U In A V I LJ I v A L. I LIJIUMYl yOVVVii II I lip v fii 1 liilvL" Uvi -4 i. i f t-y: ii'!,, f 3 ! - - - 'vrt;:i SB? Ia a Photograph of the Ship ;. J DANCES TO HIS DEATH j . TRYING TO WiN PRIZE v i ...v: Applause 'of Indian 7. Maidens TrrCalIseriCaoot(DootoT , Come to ,Tragic ,Cnd. ' Jocko, Mont. July 7. Kaootlo Doraoa. one of the beat known of tha bravee of the 'allied- trlbea' of Flathead Indiana. Is dead-., as' a result of SO hours' con tinuous "asncing in an error. 10 win tne prise 'for- the best" dancer at a monster, pow wow being held by the Ave tribes on the reservation. Doraoe's tragic and Is believed to be directly due to the ap plause of a number of 'Indian maldena and' aome white people present at the dance. "When it'waa'aeen that-Doraoa was ataggertng an effort was made to Induce him to stop, but' the Indian girls would- not1 refrain- from singing - their praiaes of Dorsoe or squaws would- not deelst beating tomtoms - which- seemed to awaken a aavage fury In the breaet af Dorsoe, who kept springing forward with - arrlm -determination -to keep on dancing: '...' i-v .."'::"' . ' 't 1 - ..-.. copyPAY NO MORE-ahd It ia likewise.' ;. lhe more the merrier! TffA1:ii PRiCE TWO ' 1' ' ' T - .... - ii D - v .1. t.-kv. It gf ' si si I PSESIDEHT TALKS :T0TflE TEACHERS 'WrT, Praise the 7 Occupation of ,ln-etiiicting-Youth- aa-Most ,iivui vi weuHiitja.. ,v - t RECRIES AMBITIONS OFf - - MERE-WEALTH GETTING Vulgafityof Over-Rich" Cenaured -Rekr Dangers Nation Facet Caused by Money, r 4 r (JosrosL KpecIaT. eWvTceTi , Aabu ry , Park, ; N J.;. Jul y, T,--r PresU dent , Roosevelt "left - for . Ocean Orove, New'Jersay, at 11 o'clock aboard a spe cial tralnl on the Long Island railroad. At , Long .Island .City . a boat was la waiting to . convey the. party to Jersey dtyrwhtfetBg president toua. the train-f for, pcesn Oroye, where Jj will deliver sn address before the "National Educa tions! association. Secretary Loeb and several eecret service men accompanied the president, who waa Joined at Jersey City by Senators Dryden and Keen. - Tba president's two addresses brought to a close the annual convention of tha National Educational association, The first address wss at tha Auditorium and the second at tha beach. The president said hi parti .' ,.. ' . - - : fsaiaaiii1a Addraaa.""''' :.' '. . I ' am 'glad to - have the ' ehence of greeting!, the National Educational asso ciation; for la all. thla democratic land there la no more -genuinely democra tie aaaociaiion -uuin una. . -. , ', is not. too much to say that the moat characteristic work of tha repub lic la that dona . by tha educators. - for whatever our shortcomings as a nation may be. we have at least firmly' grasped tha fact that wa can not do our part in the difficult and all-Important work oj self-government, thst we ran -not rule and govern ouraalvea, ..unless .wa ap proach the teak with developed minds and trained k characters. ; v " . ; - ,.,v - Whole Wort Pebtota. ,rl ToU teachera make the whole world your debtor, - If you did not dor your work 'wall thla republic would not en dure oeyond the apen- ef the genera tlon. '. Moreover, aa an incident to your, avowed . work, yon render; aome! well nigh unbelievable services to tha coun try. For instance, -you render tov tne republic the prime,-the-vital- service amalgamating -- Into - one - homogeneous body the children alike of those who are born here arid of those who come here from. . so : many different , landa abroad. i " t "It la In no small degree doe to you and. yous efforts that w a Ara one people Instead of a group of Jarring peoples. f yralaaa Z-afty Xdaala. A ,- "Moreover, where altogether too much prominence la given t6 the mere pos session of wealth, the- country la under heavy obligations- to euch 'a body aa thla, wmon auoatitutea tor tna Meal or accumulating money tha Infinitely loft ier, . nonmaterlallatlo Meal oft devotion to work - worth doing simply . for thst work's sakew I do not tn .the Wat un derestimate tha need of having material- proapeiity.aa the basis of our civilisa tion, but I most earnestly ln'-t thst if eur civilisation does not r .a a I . ; superstructure on. this tis. wwcen never -rank among the r ... jr t plea. , .'Ta f in y-" Ised T .CENT8J'l!J2?iiffa c IIH1 ' '''. ' !-' ' ,--" 1',-o, -, ' itriethc Great Ce- -,ef.' ' .' ' BRITISH SHIP HELD UP H BY, WARSHIP POtEMKKJ Stories . of s Bombardment ; of .X Theodosia and Destruction f of Vessel Not True-ai v ; to Summon Assembly. -V .;..!. - (JowssJ gpeelal Servtee.) T'"--, London. July. t-r-A. dispatch from St. Peteraburg saya It la reported that tha crew of the batUeablp Catherine tha Great has Joined, tha mutlneera. " ' ' dlspath-frtmr-Theodo4. saya"tiat ' the Potamkln Stopped a Britlah ataamer and compelled ber to follow .the - bat Ueablp. and- a quantity of coal - was taken -from tba ateamar. - According to thla dispatch tha Potamkln left Theo dosia last night. 4- "--' . : - Reports- to tha effect that tha Potam kln bombarded Theodoala are untrue," as la the reported, daauructloa of the warship. , Her present whereabouta la unknown. The torpedo-boat destroyer fitreralteiny arrived several hours after the Potemkla departed, and after hur. rledly coaling put .to eea. . t . ; , . ,w -' At Valea. Crimea, there is intense ea citerftent owing to the fear-that - tha Potemkin will bombard tha cltyi- l-l. A St. PeUrsburg dispatch atatea that reports are current today that tend to confirm- advlcee from Moscow to tha effect that.the emperor has prepared to go to Kremlin to Issue a manifesto sum moning representatives of the people. L REVOLT IN CRIMEA. ' I' ' JronlasoU ' Aflame . With Berotatsea. While Anarchy Xalgma iai Oaaeaaaa. .?' ' 4ooxaal Special Berviee.) - - ' - St. Peteraburg, July 7. The whole Crimean penlneula is on ths verge et revolt and anarchy ralgna In the moun taina of the CaQcasus. At Theodosia t!" workmen are backing the mutineers ana the soldiers refuse to tight them. The crewe Of the several ships In the harbor have Joined forces, with, the crew of tho Potemkin.---. -, v :v , '. - JJws ef tha mutiny waa a signal for a geueral revolt In the Caucasus and troops and police are practically power, leas to cope with the ituatlon. KaHroaw trafflo In all dlreotlona haa ceased aa4 tha better classes are freeing the coua try. , v. ' ,-: .. . '.. ... . . UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE. Plan ef Slaotloav of Propoaad. . .. tattva Assesnhly Is raallahaa. . f-tA: ' :' (faerssl Bpsclsl 8rTlce.t 1 St. Petereburg. July'?. The draft of Boullgan'a - project for the formation of a representative assembly Is printed In -the "morning papers. Tho" question of election of members of 'the lower house Is on the basis of universal suffrage by men and women. the latter voting by proxy. The claases debarred are Jews, nomadic races, persons not of Russian ' nationality, governors end ether; Im perial and local administrators. The emperor haa the right of absolute veto -aa welt' aa the power to prorogue tha . eesemblyr Tha presidents ef the twe chsmbers are to be cboaen by tha em peror, who will have the right ta rue- t pend the sittings. 'The interpolation of ministers -will take place behind doora If reasons of state are pleaded. .. .. r, ... ARMY PLANS REVOLT, o evtjn-f Arras e Ala Oa-tesT af' Baaalaa meesratteav. rr - ' - - (Jeeraal Saeetal Berries,) London, July T The Moscow corre spondent of -the Standard eiatee thst an ultimatum will shortly ho preaentnd ti , the' csar demanding politcnl righta lit ' behalf of tha army. The demand will be made at .the , eompleth'S of tha mobll tea tlon now tn progress, when 10i). r 90S of" tha mupl f dive -.tlsiled me-iieeo"-1 will have reoelved their arms and will be nmrer-T-ramaid of men large-V drawn from civil life. When the newly mobollsed men ere fully equipped I r war tha revolution wiu be started, TEARS OPEN VEINS T vt HlL WITH Fir.'GER-NAir - - - . . , -, .'- (Joerssl SpkUI Sr'-e- Owtnabom, Ky.. J"'" 7- Mstliley was haim -1 ' morning at :4 ' attempt" 1 J ' t r , TAI CContlpued on Paaa Ta-o.J . I Ijnosa on tha roof of the BeiauMU. -i i t r i a i aaaaaaesaiiaaaaaiaa1aaaaiiaaaaaeaaaaataaf afifteeaaeeeaatttr. t ' I '.1 .