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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
V 4 ' .1 J ' - ' - ,,'.-1 , v-- , ...;v .'?.,! j .. ' r. :- v. '.':.s .;. v:f Where . II Mrs. J. H. Albert Victim of mobile Accident That May . 1 ' J'-- i. GEORGE LAUTH MUST HANO JULY THIRTEENTH T-l-r-V ill i i ERIOUSLY WED . -rioff man, the Alleged Woodburn Bank Robber, Plead Not, Guilty.- v tilim, Or July . Mrs. Albert. Ut yhf of John H. Albtrt, of tbta city. i ; ry rioualr Injured-In an automobU - ootdant iaat ranins. .Mr. Albert end . hl wife enfl auhterla-Uw. . Mi-e. Jleiry Albert, were r141n la touring car on wnioa n aaa luac Had a buu cliovbinK attachment placed. ' They had ' cromed the Willamette liTef bridge Into Polk county and atarted up a ateep kill fin a ilde .road leading to an abandonee stone quarry.. When part way tra the lilll-cltmblng apparatus eaased-to work -' and tbe machine started to back down , the hUL Before it had gone many feet ' St ran over one aids of the embankment and pitched the occupants out onto a pile of rock. The elder woman was the only one to receive serloua injury. ; Jler collar bona was broken and three ''ribs and' bar Jawbone were" fractured. Her naad was also badly bruised and he sustained - internal injuries. -. Mrs. 'Albert is bet wren IO-and Tt yr f . age. She has been Ml fof months and - there is daarer that the shook will prove fatal ' v'.; ..' . - Oeorga' truth's - last' hepe for life . lias vanished and July II he will be Ranged. At an. early hour this morning ; tte was informed that the governor had . refused to interfere with the sentence. 'lie received the news -with the aama , quietness that has marked bl demeanor -. n prison. t" -' '-'',. r.-, ': The prison management, acting under rdera from the governor, has adopted e be fared. To those afflicted this "Conveys s, wonderful meeeage. Though finite common; Tt ts only a short time since It was eonsldered Incurable. .The ' discovery that it waa purely a nervous disorder has led to the application of the great nerva restorer,' ' . -;,Dr. Mil'';; . ''v;; - .Restorative Nervine with the happy resait that thoueands have bean completely cured, and other -are being cured every day. , ... , the year 'i I was stricken Wkh pllepsr.. Doctors treated ma for aew oral years, but I grew worse. I would have such awful fila I cannot tell my awful sufferings. A. drugsint reoom rnendd Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I bought -a bottle, and found It helped' mv ana I took three more and am cured. I hnH . nnlv ane llarht anell after 1 anramannad faking It. I do bore the time will coma wi TrjfDony win Know mat your . ertlrl cures theee "awful JUs,"- Clarion, Fa. ' -Vi.. Miles' "vi-vlne Is sold tinder a ran t your dm-'t U n If f 'ft , . t r t i i ... ..... .... ' y .... f.'1.,:. :?";'.'- '. r A j: S r' .-''i.- V icali .... ;(( TT)Tr fS HP ' A; TT - - ' Next Saturday: afternoon - the ne Miniature ''Railway and the Alaska Dogf (xP;- Sleci lail w some new rales In regard to condemned men and hereaf Ur no one will be per "J !.: -:': laads Wot OaiUy. Jack Huffman, the alieged Woodbura bank robber, appeared in court yesterday afternoon and through his attorney -an tared a plaa of not guilty. His trial will not be eat for hearing until Thurs day or Friday of next week. . t An ordinance 'pertnlttlna saloona tt keep their back doors Open on Sunday waa Introduoed at the meeting of the couneU last night and kfter the eeoond reading was referred to' the ordinance committee. The bill wis -Introduoed at tha Instigation of the saloon , men and will stir up no. end of axcitemant In alem.' ''"-- -,- y SUICIDE ENDS CAREER ; ; OF.ffElt KNOWN MAN Robert D, McGonlgle, Who Gave Away Fortune, Found Dead i ; - From Poison. V ' ' - (leeraal tpeclal serrlce.) " Pittsburg, Pa-. July What prom ises to be a sensational case of suicide was brought to light lata last evening, when- it "became publle that Robert D. MeOontgie. famous - throughout ' tba United (States .as .an author, philan thropist, clubman ' an4 ,- leoUirer, was found dead at 11 o'clock yesterday morning in tha fashionable Hotel Lin coln, where ha lived. Every effort waa mads to keep bis death secret, although tha coroner's offlce waa notified. MoOonlgle was last seen allva when ha went to his room early in the even ing, apparently in tha best of spirits. When- ha failed to leave his room next morning tha door was forced open and ha Was found dead in bad. and an empty phial stood on the dresser, which con tained -a solution -of chloral i MoOon- igla waa IS years of age. A few years ago bl-fortune was estimated at sev eral millions. 'Ha bad devoted almost his entire Ufa to charity. . . - - Tba greater part of his money he gave away., but recently' he lost HOO.m in an unwise speculation. Then friends deserted him and ha became . widrose. Bom months ago hs made a trip to tha Paclflo coast with John Tlndal, a son In-law of Senator Knaw.-t .;. ' CHAMPION JEFFL0$ES fTHOUSAMDS GAMBLING n--aaraat aaeriai 'tarvlea.1' '' . f- JBnO..Tv.. July.ljrJamaa JJeff rlasrl ax-beavyweignt champion of the world, spent, a few hours, in the city afer referaelng tha Hart-Hoot fight bucking the games In one of tha largest 'gamb ling housed of the city. Tha. play ran high and it is reported he lost in the neighborhood of $1,100. He mads bets ranging from -lit tev several hundred. and before he had bean playing an hour ha waa the center or attraction, : Jeffries plscad his wagers with a light spirit and when several hundred dollars would be raked ,1n by the dealer he would m lie and double the bet he had lost'. Hs is known to hava, drawn a large check sevsraf thousand dollars. : Oheyenmee Ttaaelng. K ""' lMirfil RimMiI garrix.l ' " " ' OUlahoma City, O. . TV July ' I. The Cheyenpe Indians' era congregated at Clinton today, where they are holding their big annuel sun "dance. Indians from U over the territory art partlcl- - '.v - ' S- - ' ' v... v. - .1 ;.i I fi) r - -- :i:7. V-:.U fU SiiiSEi 10 CK KO fJORE SPYiriG " '1.;. i- '.' I "V '' 0(1 THE Y7ABASD President Delano Abolishes En tire, Secret- Service J)epart-" ment of Railroad. SYSTEM OF SHADOWING , NEVER WAS PARALLELED Forearir Employes. Haye Been 'Subjected to Outrageous -' ' " Ucaraal isortat gerrlee.) ' Chicago. .July I. F. A. Delano, vice- president of the WabasK raUroad.. hS abolished -the entire secret servlos de partment of that ' company, including, about 10 .train' collectors, and by ao doing has anded tha most remarkable system of espionage over maintained on a railroad. . . , Through tha Instrumentality of C O. Barnes, auperlntendant - of tha seeret service, and J. B. Nichols, special agent President Ramsey built up a system of shsdowlng that had no parallel la rail road history, , By tha employment of II men. all of whom have been dlsoharged. President Ramsay was enabled te place a spjr, on every important orpciai am ploye of the Wabash railroad. jror years- tna man war aunjeoted to an espionage which began when they arose in the morning and ended only when tha lights want out in their bed rooms, k The system became so Irksome that resignations on tba Wabash due to it in years past had been many. In vain did th officials protest. It is understood that tha secret serv lea organisation' became so strong that many, members began trafficking in railroad transportation. This practice grew to such an extent that it became almost an open scandal . CARLOAD OF FIREWORKST . " -DESTROYED BY FLAMES (Jearaal gpMlal gerrlee.) Rwno, Nevv. 'July . While standing In' the railroad yards at Florist on last night, a carload of fireworks burst into flames tod .the JnbabUahU of-tbaOiuia mountain town were entertained . with soma besutlful pyrotechnics free - -of charge.;- The car - waa attached to a train containing several cars of dyna- Ter is seats ytm aaa plaea three Una ad "kef or The Journal' . Orafoau , fjan IS eeats - krlas mors vaiaet ' v "V- .".U ' - '-, .- .' . .' . .' ," v.- - e . M 'CENTS. mite, and- fo tlaeo It was feared the flames would .Spread and cause, aa ex plosion. " ."' - . ' '. There is no regular fir company at Flortaton. - but a volunteer company bravely fought tha flames and guocweded in confining them to a single car. The oars containing tha powder ware finally rat loose from .tba oar 'containing the exploding fireworks and rolled down tha r.m to at sate distance, ; -: 4 -. NEW NORTHERN PACIFIC - DEPOT FOR SPOKANE r t'tgperlal DMsatek ae' toaraeLrC: Spokane, July . Should' the city eouncll consent to tha closing of Browne straet across tha tracks of tha' North era Paclflo company tha railroad pledges Itself to spend tilMOO in improvements here before tna eloso of -the . present year. At a conference of railroad officials ana tn eity eouncu toaay a propositioa of the company waa submitted to-W city fathers and favorably racalved by a majority of . tba members, though definite notion was not yet jrakeo. STATE'S OPPOSITION TO --IRRIGATION WITHDRAWN ;V '. ', .... n . '.- t-- '' (learaal gpavlal tervlee.) ' ' Korth Taklma, Wash.. July At . a meeting held here yesterday between representatives of ' tha different com mercial bodies of the4 - Taklma valley Governor Mead and Land Commissioner Rosa, the state official a, decided to with draw-from the field in. tha matter .of tha state's selection Of lands nnder tha Carey not. . ...... ' !--- The officials announces that thsy would not stand In the way toward the people of Taklma valley securing gov ernment aid for Irrigation. . .. ; . , ' PIGEON FLIES FROM . ' i r; OREGON Ta OAKLAND (Jaersal StMdal Wvlea.'i ' v,'- Oakland. CaA. July An Oakland homing pigeon released at pregon City, June ti arrived here last night, mak ing tha trip In It days, a distance of IOC miles on sn air line. - Tba pigeon had-. ta ' cross the Siskiyou monntsln S.900 feet high. This ts the rst--time sfter kl years' -axperlmenta that bird has succeeded In making the' night. ' , " : Twuikera Talk Shon. . ' Jesraal k-peelal SfttIm.) Asbury Park. N. J... July .Thf Na tional Educational asaoclatlon' In annual session today had another busy dayi af Xvartthaltrasaioni jff aha-suri were not auffloient to lure many of tha ieacherei andU. of the sectional con ferences wsre well attended. -No general ulon was held, but the departmental meetings listened to scores of interesting pspers and discussions covering a wide field of aducttional work. . Ths qpen meeting tonight will be addreeaed by William - Barclay Parsons, tba, famous New Terk engineer; Frank ' A. . vgnder- Hp, vice-president of the National, City bank of New'Tork, and Lorento D. Har vey, superintendent of tha school of Menomonle. Wisconsin. " : -J- ;ervs Taastes," i " m le'knTU'ir arte'1fiIaartMsMtlmM doe te knrrr an4 wnrrjr, bet Bin. tlawa ent el e due te penr Indismtwn, a naa atnaiark. a L torple liver or Mmaiipatine. tbm enadltmnl II rt n tka.ailaa aed will kwp yosr sar-nw a ease If -yne on BM mime tkvai by ! Orten Aasiiat glmrar. Tht w ne trottwr Itmutt BvdMae la tk Vnrld n,e Aasvet Fkiw-T. aaa ne earr nn far imetiue w drpPl -i Trinl.enttle. 3tv. Bis nettle, TO. At sU erafiuta. , Vet time s Aiaiaaae. A eW- . - ale - iv v-y vw - ATJTHElTHEATRESailU Fun at tbo Marquam. : The faasr eersua eesiedlaaa, Kolb and Dill. with their esceUent eesipaiy of 60 people, are areaeatlDS tke swrnr snateal eosMdr-enrUeaae, "Tke Beaat? Shop." to crowded koaae at the afarasaai uraed tneetre; oa Morriaoa au-Mt i twees ama aad Btnath. The stay la e cosMdr with eiraty ef ratchr . . There are 40 beaatlfal cborae gtrla la ta aat. jVTaa eaaty Shop" will be the bill every slant this k with a epUl BMtlsae Saturday. r t'ejmUi arrwes prerau at uia ueaue. ; Daniel Frawl t th Marquai-n. "kaeaoa'a rony,"tbI - play - m wMrb T. tMaM rrawley is te apsear at the- kfarqaaa Stead theatre seat Tbareday. rrtday, Baturda siaaaea aaa aisat. Jir M, ie eas -ie, aaoer the dlmtloa ef Hary B. Harrto. la a dritaa- UaatliMri by BJcaard Uardla Devte-ef air atorr ef tha mm aaaw. The wmurt laid ta snatera srsr soet aad-'ttSe tlio,-.i.. tha Mr. rrawley IS enrnieadoa by as - eottoetly .aataared caat. tnelading-'SiMSi wall knows alarora aa kloaaor Muatell. Mark rrtee, ttrace Thome, Craaor-Coulter,- Kathrya Hay Bttrtoa aa bobm etsera. f ' At tha Bclaaco. T - '- ; As this day waa saswd ta aoaor of kaea- Jawee at the expoaltloa, eo tke sight aaa boas aaawa ear tee Indian sonnae ac ue swiaaeo thoatM, whore Imowij i thrUUos stase stctare ett the Low la aed Clerk eipodltloa le oa view. The Cesaaaat"1 alia the atory ef the ataroy Moron . and their - aaparalisiod tits moe the eoatlaest, bet Mterwta with the hUtort I facts ta a Straus resHace that of Ceptala Clark'a hnefor Judith HaaMitoa. The nrodno Uoa le t blah enaUty aad a lorel rortUadat or any paraoa IMoreatod ta the eeateaalal aboutd lea It. . - v-i-t---V' '" - V ' Cool at tha Grand. :' ' ot . weetaeT does set effort 'the satmaase ef the Or ad, for the popular oaedertue thoatra ie alwaye oooi and coafonable. Thla la ke eaaae the aumasoawnt bos ImtalWd a veatl latlos suat ef the latoat ass awat aeieauoc attorn. The note at the Orand thla wnok are loot ealtod to nanuaor woalhr. Thoy are of the tnUir light aad oly aort that kooy paoplo asnaad aad stake tbeta forgot that tkt Oooj 'Vaudcvilla at the Star. y Ths itar kae put to "one of the taiont anollna BMchlaoa for the eomfort of Itn pan use during tha Warm euouaor ernnlasa and tha). toaothor with a good enow, awkoa aa tT.nlnf In thla family theatre swot' raioTable, Prank Mil tun and the PoLong elotors aro aoos la dn n-te-dat art: Mar end wnuanw aes mart to tha sir ta lament.: The teat of the Mil Ulht (taadard. ' . i r. , - '---'"At tha Baker. The Bakor eftere this k UH4kat ens, Ulna all tbo boat that la available in Taudovtlla. larradtng the Throe Kukaa, laatramontaltnta and ainsfra. wboiars the fraturoa end alns same oL.tbe, Uteat.aiiasn.K'attatbacaat. la raplul. Tha Baker la tbo roormt pi. to lirrh city. UaHnee dallr at 11 SO e'dork; evoianga at ..T:K. aad t. 'elotk.u.. , - ,t ,.., Wt T .-' ' "It la Luedne" tut brnr a Wet at tke gaaplre aad will enetlano wltk a mtl- noe orory any at l:i. Tbo taat perfnrmanvo wilt, b flooa gatnrday alsht The play hat may ttroog, roallatle sceara, ".:;.' : i''Vv-- -Haael Klrke :1 " rtierl Kirk" Is havlag phrnoeiraaV tocrtte at the Lyrte thla Work. It la a feertuatlns nla.T that ooataloe much Bathoe aad man tbrllUnt ettuatioae. - apoMoltlaw ail tar art.T hfnttnoo watlV it I N e'rlork:? f Matlnoo dntly it I H ekrk:' tronlhan HIM ad e'rtopk T . ,"Tha Heir Apparent. : i . - , .. - . T . , Rrnndnr (nndu aftrrnnna and continulns all .,' with mating tt-rr day, Iho Eiaptra tnrk mmnanr will sroonnt fnr the Inat tim Jnkaatoe MH'nllnr' hrantlfiil ! plar. " I -. Hnir appanat, " ekica waa arltlea eoeocloii tm w i . .. i w ' v, v.- .mj sj .. - - ' Dr. B. B. VniGIIT ' The) ClMTtl'10 ' , SksTTia that GUaves all' pain dental s apera- tiona. ' 4av. Wealiiarte St, . Seveatov DUNNE OUTLINES PLAN : FORCITY OWNERSHIP UourBal Snaolei WwSfcT-iil- -ix Chicago, July I. Mayor Dunne Outlined lsatwght his plan for municipal owner shlpof tha traction companies to the eltfeouticii. , It provides for tha Incor-poratlon-of a -company managed by five man who command the confidence of the people.. of -Chicago; Tha company will be granted a 10-year f ranch laa oovorlng the streets Jn which ths rights of ths old company hava expired.. Tho atock la to he depoelted with a trust company so as to prevent the purchase of It by out side Interests. Tba stock la to bo sold by popular subscription.. The city may take over tba property at any time It chooses; , ,..,- : .. ' , Cati Find y J i.i iiMjlMUUBBSBBBStSSSLlSmLJJ1..1 J1 TTmI ' '. JUST WHAT YOU ARB LOOKING FOR IN ; The Journal c k . Wanted, jGirl vto"Xare for Baby-See Help Wanted, Female ,- , . ....... r- . i For Sale, Thoroughbred cotch A' Tew, Hundred. Dollara to Invest- See' Business Chances C)lumn. ' . Ci' '..'T .' -v : "". ' v'-r ' FiyeWaiters Wanted 5ee Help- Wanted -Male 'CoIuniB'. For Sale,' First Class Restaurant and Cafe. Opposite Fair f t.'. GTpunds-See Business Chances, Cplurnn.--- - - - -" Vttnted, First Qass Hand-Iron ers See Help Wanted Female ICifl tot General Light Housework See Help Wanted Female ; j'fColumri. t:J.:. .t-:j.c.jtuik.- Klondike. , Waffle-House; For 'Sale See , Business Chances f;' Colunin-'--; ';.'-. - U.,.',. --fJV ' ' ? 450 For a Rare Opportunity" at ? The Fair See Business ,'!' Chances 'Column. .; r;'.' : '-; v ' Wanted.,' Man for Milk: RanchSee Help' Wanted 1.!x!j i'' Column., v - LostSmalrBax. pbfijrrSee Wanted. Young Teletrraph Srudentr-See He! V r.zz'Ah Ti:i'' jour::. i. v - 1 1 .1,1' - ' Sf .. - ' -2 TEETC i ""a"eW . alnTajBnyoajawJ sstoffa r -eTM rot- medem dental - work. -. Wartd-re- : ' ' nowned apaelallsta, . lowest prleea sanelsteut with trwt-alasa NEW YORK DENT15T0 Open day and nlht, fross S:t a ntU ie v as, v" " 'ana n - . tiuuo.a. - J HOree fit"- ON INStAU--. .. an rrnicxa.'. MHtAMNT Or All. HHZ3 MAP VtOTSOCVeiOPtt CHSCJ3T rmisneo pmnm nteftsxr. '.'1 Want Co!i , , ,r je- v - ' Collie Pups--See Misccllane- Lost andFoumf 'Column. amnss