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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
, Ti;r. ctszz:)'. daily jour.::.L, rcr.TLA::D. t::uh:day evening, july- i. i::3. ; 1 i r Tr23-0DG- ISIFTH vIMD SIXTH STR31 if ... 66 nr rc.rr.. . ULnUJ ::VELCCr,:Z,ViS!T0ri3! ! To oar FREE phones! drinking founts, cooking . ! I -school, lavatories, information bureau, restroon Sit dcifulicarnival:i 6FV values Vacation :helpa X and writing desks, fully supplied with stationery, COi!OMrSA!LP TOiWRSW rslMiille Barjjaii TTrl H Inlay wm ii ii a - EeMfl(D)iniall t0 ADD! MMMMiMMMMiMMMMMMiMiMtMMMMit, recreation, household necessities and conveniences bigh-class merchandise ALL" AT PRICES THAT ARE PLACED M Vlfs Worth the As a Souvenir, if nothing else," said a fair. visitor who ,was shown the Official Guide, containing' pictures and descriptions of every buildine in the fair erounds. "The MGuidfe is the best record I caajake home of what I've seen at the fair. 1 I -.--X.T3 She aid 25 cents fort Guide, found it "enabled her to see the fair to best possible advantage hrthe shortest' possible time"and5tili-tbought it worth the money as a aouvenirT-" - ! r , ,-u'. - '; - 7-U ' The. Guide need not cost you 23 cents: hWt furnish tXAN OFFICIAL GUIDE FOR 8 CENTS. -' f . -; : With every purchase of $1 or 'more at our store we give a coupon worth 2Q, cents on the purchase of a Guide, when presented at the headquarters in the Oriental Build ing on the Fair grounds. i-JX'-;'''1 Tt-jr-rlV rx :-' ; : Outfitting the; MeriBK " FRIDAY SPECIALS IN THE MEN'S SHOPFIRST FLOOR WEST AN$EX.-;rr ppXPXlM&i. Handkerchiefs lltfc. y 'j A' line of Men's plain white fins mercerized hemstitched Handkerchiefs; regular value 20c Special, each 124 -T or, two" for 25cV - -.c'r.... .1.T.,7-'-T.rv- v-'-T. v:, '-' -7 ;Vv y..-. Men's 50c Ties 88c." H '7 pXi A line of Men's Sillc Windsor Ties, an assortment ofpat terni; regular value 60c. -Special, each.,.,,. u.36V .r r ' 'Men's 25c Black Cotton Sox' crr-'- -A lot of Men's Black Gotton Sox, high spliced heels, - double soles, full regular made, real combed "Maco" "yarn jjegular value 26c ..; Special, pair, . . , : , , . , , ,15t Men's 50c underwear 83c- A broken line Of 11 en's Ribbed Cotton Underwear; regu- t Jar value 60c.,- Special, to close put, garment .Sue? FRIDAY-ECONOMY SPECIALS IN WOMEN'S FIRST. FLOOR. izzLpyemm $L00 Pants Mc.:ir: .Women's fine white lisle lace trimmed Knee. Pants, with " tight top regular jvalue $lrSpecial, pair. , . . , .68tt rrr7v.C Women75c Vests 88c , ppxXp White mercerized lisle mesh Vests, . low' neck, sleeve less, suitable for the hot weather;, regular value ' 78c- Special, each ,.V...... .............. ..V.B8 - '- ; ... : Women's $15 Union Suits 85c 1 . '-'.V' . White mercerized lisle mesh Union Suits, low neck sleeveless, knee length ; regular value $1.25. Spe- cial, suit f . . . U ...................... 85 -rLiLiiMi i5c'Un!oit Suits 5c.y; ::;. ? f Misses' VMerode'LUnion Suits, very h'ght weight, low v-neck, sleeveless, knee length ; regular - value 56c. Special, Suiti . . . , , , j , r J !.'-? ,50 : Chndren'i SOe Underwalsts lSVic. J 1 ' Children's white knit Underwaists; regular value - ' ;.20c. Speejaj,-each r. , , , .V. , . . , .13 A'GRIST OF ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE . . . t. .i - Small Wares-Aisles- ; -First Floor. .'. ' ' Fancy Mounted Back Combs 85c." A large assortment of fancy mounted BackCombs, ml . shen, amber and white.'- Special at, each ..254 V r 25c SheU Hair Pins 15c. Shell Hair Pins, one dozen on card, smooth finlshrplain hoop or crimped; regular value 25c. 'Special, -carT , . . . . v ......... , . . ;-. . . . ... .15 " -r 10c Shoe Laces' 5c. V v':'r-"; ' Men's, Women's and Children's black tubular Shoe Laces, . best quality, monatr; regular .value I0c. Special . ,' package ...... , ........... . i . . I. Set. . 5c Cotton Tape 8c. '''''. Packsee ' White : Cotton Tape, patent non-twistingl r egularsyalue 5c. , Special ................. . . ..... 3 85c French Perfume 10c ' Imported French Perfumes, Nin bulk, all popular odors, violet, rose, lily of the valley, etc,ijegular value 1 25c - Special, ounce.". ................... , , . , . 10 15c Talcum Powder 8c Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder. - delicate and ire-' freshing; regular value 15c. Special, an. ',,.. , 0 '. ,;r '1 10c Toilet Paper 7c . ' ' ' U ' .. Toilet Paper, in extra large rolls, best quality; regu- ,n. if t r-t" v - - "i"-- .j. ....... ' 1 1 I T ' I I I i i i I i i t y -::;t:y S5c Florida' Water 19c. ; , Large 8-oz. bottle Florida Water; regular value 85c. Speciar . . . . .. . . .T. , . , . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , . . , . . , r, .10 y. f i''- 3 5c MuciUke 8c;..v-t-1;-'-: LVPage'sucIIage, with brush, in 2-z. bottles; 'reg-v vljr value 5c. Special, bottle. ............. i . . .3 -' -p 6c Shelf Paper 8tfc : . ;' : 10-yard pieces Shelf Paper, fancy lace edge, all col ors .regular value 6c-Speciil, piecer..,...2H 7 : . '! . T' 5c Lead Pencil l&c , . Lead Pencil, No. 2 Eagle, best huality rubber tip ' - reguTaValfienScTSpecial, each ; r , . . -vsvBox 85c Writing Paper 19c V 1, ; V s Box -fine quality Writing Paper,, plain and assorted Shades, -envelopes to match; regular value 85c: . ' j. i , tf ..,..,,,,,.,,. ,1D X A SET OF SENSATIONAL SALES OF FASHIONABLEL APPAREL IN THE GRAND SALONS SEC- I OND FLOOR PORTLAND'S LARGEST' AND FOREMOST SUIT AND WRAP ESTABLISHMENT mnieini si GOuTccils.ofirie t ; .-. - w Another of those extraordinary distributions of beautiful Summer Shirtwaists st a ridiculously lowpVice. '"Ah opportunity for women to provide a liberal supply of the always-in-demand shirtwaistS'.af a price that does not represent the first actual cost of material. Dainty, pretty waists of splendid wearing, handsome percales, lawns and richly mercerized fabrics, m plain white, blues, pinks, grays, "tans and charming mixed stuffs; values up to $3.75. : special Friday on l Smart and jaunty. Silk Shirtwaist Suit s, in very latest designs and, effects.. A. 'splendiduality silk! blues, blacks, browns, greens and fancy mixed patterns. The: best 5ilk Shirtwaist Suit offering of the year; regular rt yi -3 x 5380 values. -Special Friday onlyrat . . , . ; . .' ; i . . ; , . ... . TT t-P x Handsome Dress Skirts One Fourth Off Very stylish Dress Skirts7 in dress lengthsilk, etamine and voile jnaterials, in plam black, light gray, blues and tans ; values m the lot to $28.50," SpeciaLFriday only' at -P -' - r.-- 'Py T , : . .; ' ; JJL---'-'': . P: ' . -t Fourth Off Regular Prices ii t. ' ' ' . - . . . " 7- - - .. ' I M MMSMSMMM; Smart Tailored Summer Hats 98c Thrt Were Modastly Priced ai$2 toS3.50i JBlou"Millinery Salons Second '.'..-' Floors-Annex. y A grand Millinery event that vibrates with interest The entire stockof a leading and well known eastern manu facturer of tailored hats was secured by our active New York buyer at bar gain 'prices sure to attract the attention of discriminating women who favomr vriih their millinery selections.' These extraordinary values will be combined lomorrow wiirtjcne. entire Daiance. re maining of our regular $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50 tailored hats and Heading styles in st reet hats, which include both jthe popular turban and sailor model, All new, bright, snappy effects and authoritative Fashion creations; values in the sale up to $3.50. For tomorrow only, choose at . , . . ; v Pay Half Now and Take these Dress fltr1c Wt Annex. , , UOOOS Plrsit Ploor r'n. COLOREDDRESS GOODS GO AT HALF PRICE We are determined to close out every yard of odds and ends in Colored Dress Fabrics -they are atLthis season's styles, including f Novelty English Mohairs in stripes, check and changeable effects ;' Novelty Tweed Suiting in mannish, hard finished weaves. V v . ALL GO AT HALF PRICE. ' 7 Regular $2.50 goods forT. . ;t ; . . . . . , . ; .1.25 Regular.$2.00 go6dsor.;.,....;,;;.v. ..... :.f 1.00 Regular $1.50 gpods for. .......... .......... 75 Regular $1.00fgoods for. . . .'. ... .............. 50 f; IMPORTED BLACK ENGLISH MOHAIR ( r i V-V:.. ,L .; :: SICILIANS. :- , - .'A;. : 52 inches wide, good weight, perfect dye and finish; reg V ular 85c values. ; Special for Friday and Saturday " only, per yard .". ... ... i... . . MOf Women's and Children's Hosiery 1 Section First Floor ' '. v Women's 65c Black Hose 29c. ' : ' . ' Women's black gauze lislejlosewitbrembroidered ' boots; regular value' 65c. Special, pair....xi..20 T"" ' ' Women's 50c Black Hose $9c. . Women's all black' lace lisle Hose, full finished : ree- LJjilar,value 50c Special, pair. . . ,r. . . . ... . . . . .29 , Children's 35c Hose 83c Children's- fine ribbed black-lisle Hose,t finished " foot, ' sites '6 to 9yi 1 regularvalue 83c.-. Special,---- ' PX 1- v ? -- . 1 Ai i tifc., . 23 - Friday Specials , in Crockery Store r,: THIRD FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR. )'". ;',. '', -''Lawn Mowers'. . ,-' Good quality with brass" bushings- , ' . 12-inch.size.-Special at, each.... ........... ,..'.2.65 14-inch size., each. ........ .$2.80 ;'.'.-.. Coal Oil Stoves. ' HandyT ton veniennand economical 1 One-Burner Stove. - Special at, each. . . .. . . , ...... .37 FiveBurner, Stove. ' Special at, each. .74 Two-Burner Blue Flame Stove. Special at, each. . f 4.15 :rt, Refrigerators. ' J f ... Automatic High Grade Refrigerators, enameled linings 42 inches htrh. 48 inches high. 45 inches high. Size 24x37. Size 30x37. Special .V .917.50 Speciat;i7.Titt r,7;; ;. . . . . . . . $20 jss Special.. ...... ...,.,.,.,.,;.22.15 Window Screens. - ; . ' ' Special at, each . .V. . 25 Special at, each ... . .... v ....... . . . . , .30 : ECONOMY SPECIALS IN. THE! SPLENDID FRIDAY SPECIALS IN THE Domestic. Aisles : 85c Wash Goods 10c. A line of new Wash Goods,' suitable for pretty summer jdre5s." in plaid and striped voiles with tan arid whjte 2. grounds, plain colored etamines,, in. all - the - newest .shades; regular value 25c. Special for Friday onlyryard ,710T $1.75EnglUh Long Cloth $1.25. Fine- English Long Cloth,- in 12-yard "piecesr smooth finish ; regular value $1.75. Special, the piece.. 91.25 Remarkable 0g 4 o' ' vi., for oiik Duyers FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Silk and Dress Goods DepartmentsFirst FloorAnnex " ";', V..J-',';v- z-Fifth Street. . ;" . ". "' Regular $16 Silk Suit Patterns, in a large color assortment.- Special for Friday and Saturday -only,-per pattern ..... . . ... . .". .... ....... .9 6.85 16 yards to each Suit Pattern. ( 7 " Regular $20 Silk Suit Pattern, in all the new makes and. 'colors, the largest assortment shown in the city.Spe-" cial for Friday and Saturday; only, per pat-j- .. - tern . . v; j . , . . . . , .f 12.45 16 yards to each Suit Pattern. . . '.. ' .J .. : : ..- WHITE INDIA AND JAPANESE SILKS. j All Competition Beaten-27 Inches Wide. Regular 50c value. Special oivy, per yard... . . . 38t Regular : 60c valued Special only, per yard... ., , ; 47 Regular 85c value. 'Special only, per ya d 64 Regular $1.00 value. Special onlyfpKarA;.. 74 Regular $1.25 value Special only; per yard VvJT? s 86 Regular $1.50 value, special only, pef yardTTTTT; 81.12 ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETAS. The makes "that have helped to make this the largest'. Silk Department 'in the Northwest ' 36-inch, regular $1.75 valuer' Special, per yard...S1.43 36-inch, regular $1.60 value. Special; per yard. . .01.33 36-jnclvr.egular $L50 valuer Special, per yard..?1.10-27-inch, regular $1.25 value. SpecTil, per yard. . . : COf 23-inch, regular $1.10 value. Special, per yard. ., 7Zp 21-inch, regular $1.00 value, special, per yard. . . Cl : The above Taffetas cannot be duplicated in fy r" in the west at pur regular prices. ; ; rcooomy Specials ! themen'sShop FIRST-FLOOR. ; pr '- 'p.:p ZT ZtSHIRTWAIST: PATTERNS."-rt meofJiandoe:jievhiriwiistPjiterb broidery fronts, in 3 and 3-yard pieces, white, cream, brown, blue, pink and tan' ; 1 Regular $3.75 value. ' Special, for tne pattern . . ; .81.75 Regular 3.00 value : Special; for the pattern. ...81.50 Regular $2.7 5 value. SperiaV for: the1 pattern 1 .7781.45 Regular $2.00 value.. Special, for the pattern... l.CO Regular $1.75jyaluer:.Spec;al, forthe pattenu-CO Regular $1.25 value r: Special, for the pattern . V. . ' ; 5 , EMBROIDERED PARASOLS. ".:; Just arrived, direct from "'"New York, a fine line of the :: latest style pongee and white linen English' eyelet embroidered Parasols ;. can be cleaned nicely without , 'removing from frame. W$ hand paint them. 'Values T from .. . . . . . . V. .... . ; . ... . 7. . $2.50 lo 810. each ECONOMY SPECIALS-FOURTHFLOOR. -T.-;-rT: $12 ' RUGS - $8.S5.T: . .,," Air-wQol double faced Smyrna Rugs, size 6x9 feet ; : regular value $12. Special, each...... ..,,....83.35 Sirn: '.'i 15 fc1 $10J5.--j r:' : Same as above,-heavier grade; regular value $15.",' Special each . . .. . . n.. ..810.75 ; -;;;r::; $18.50 Smyrna Rugs $18.50. Same as above, size 7yZxlQyi iettl regular value ' '-' p T $1 8. 50.Special each-r . i . 81.3. vO ": 'l-' '?' v$8l:Smyrn Rugs $185. -w ,;,;":';''; Sams as above, heavierjguality; regular value $21. rr Special,-each 77777. ..... ...... ... . . 7, i . , .816.25 : $ Couch . Covers -pM.r--r T';:,: Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, fringed all around; '" regular value $4. Special, each. . ; , . . ... . . .7.$2.5 Grand Friday Economy Special J IN the SHOE STORE ALONG the FAIR-WAY, First Floor, West Annex Our great special sale of Women's Tan Shoes last Friday Was so success ful we decided to repeat the offering for another two days, Friday and Sat urday this-includes-alHhe-lines tany- lace and button shoes, the -different grades T and prices -positivelyhese prices will hold eood for two-davsonlv. Our regufar $3.50 tan vicrkid "Heavy; Make." v -Special, pair , , . . ........ .,y . . . .7.7 .82.25 Our regulaj $3.60 tan Russia calf "Gloria. " Spe- cial, pair ... .7 i ... . . . . . . . . .S2.C5 pOur regular $4 taii Russia calf "Protection. . Spe- - ' CiaI, pair; ,rTrT7txi iHv. r r. s rTi i ri i .9.09 Our jugular. $4 tan vici kicLDuttenhofer -Make."-Special, pair ............ . . . . . . . 83.00 Seven styles' to select: from all sizes and .widths. .In Undermuslin Salons and Art Shop Vi7 - " Annex Second Floor. A TRIPLET OF ATTRACTIONS FOR FRIDAY BUYERS. . - V"";' Vl! LadiesV and Children's Poke Sunbonnets, of percale, gingham and calico in striped, figured or plain. ' " colors. - Special atr each t .vv. ; . . .1C Ladies' White Cambric Fett'coats (extra wide arid full), 19-inch JawoJIouncerr3 clusters of 6 fine lucks each, . 3-inch hem and under-ruf f le ; regular price- $2. r" Special, each . ... . . ... . . 7. ..7,7. .7, .7 ...... 81.10 -; x'r : 4rt shop x:'::xp Rouirtl 24-inch Centerpieces, of white linen, stamped in ..conventional designs to be worked in the new English 7 eyelet work, embroidered edge; regular price $1. Special each : . .7 J, . : . ; 7 . . ........ . ..... 7 . CO .;. ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE -, 7 , Jewelry and Leather Goods Aisles -r V FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX. !T? ':' 75c Bead Neck Chains 49c7 i :- 7;y. A lot of Neck Chains, in pearls, turquoise and ame- - thysts ; regular value 75c. Special, each. ; . ; . r. 7.40t $1.50 Neck Chains 89c 7- ; -An assortment, of pearl, turquoise, etc Neck f -, 'Chains; regular value $1,507 Special, each.. ..7.83e . 7 ( Souvenir-Hat Pin SScL . 7 7 Sterling Silver Souvenir Hat Pins, with large sterling ! and a variety of different designs, including Fair Buildings, Mt. Hood, Oregon Webfoot, etc. ' j SpeciaUt, each 7. 7. .7 7 ;'..Z0f - - . Women's 85c Leather Belts 89c. "A lofof Wqmen!s Leather BeltsrmadeTf nicelv finished soft leather with nearpTain gilt buckles, in black, tan - ndbr6wn"; regular value 85c Special, v-- each' i . . v. . ........ .,-.. . " Women's 45c Secret Jewel Pockets tic- Secret Tewel Pockets, in oink. white and blue filk r ' -inside-chamois-pockets ;. Tegular-value 4Jc. f - cial, each .....,...,.. Wc-ca's tin CgzV -Wcr:-n's CombinatKsn Pr' I well rr.'i', :