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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
c-:: daily , jounriAL; .. rcnTLAiiD. tiiuhcday cvctrnto, july e. ice?. 1- y r "e. CQi;;3 mm.. -The Boot Shop" " -." That Wants Your Trade. ' Cl::-2ES SEi'JATC D:::cD Cil RIVERS . eLL.ltJLv..JLLiULL xomart umnm IMaae . XUrqiua, Lyrla . . . , , Kmplre... taad ... i So ayt P. J." . Finnejan," Stn Under; Direct Primary . Nomina- Order Issued Against Games of .."turn airae i Loat Im Lonaue tenced to Scaffold and Call - on Perjured Testimony. " tions Law Orejorir Electors J Name Their Choice. , Chance on Boats In CaliJ: . . . " forhia Waters. , ' .VeUMTIII fctar . Baker .......rak.,... Vaudeville .Vaudeville jl TOw'i'J TC?1CS VI bw. til. 1 ill I I I r w : IlZ, k: 11 . . . A Rg YOU GOING AWAY?, " '"' Subscriber .of ' The 'Journal 4 who co away for j a week or longer my have th - paper 4 stopped their residence and--4 aent to -any addreaa by at r - th regular ratea,' and colleotlop , will be made by regular carrier eaftar return to tha olty, xopt at Long Beach and Seaside," where Tha Journal he a regular . - carrier, .delivery. Albert Olaen of ' Ilwaco, Washington, ,hss charge of Tha Journal. on Long "Beach and Lewie Co. of Sea aide have .charge of Tha Journal on Seaside or Clatsop beach. -Delivery will be made at theae two points at regular aubscrlp. ' tlon rate.-'' Give ' your change - - of addrato your . aarrUr - or y Phone Ma1ir00-andprinpi ,; tentlon will be given ell ordere. Installation r of " officers of Oregon Council No. 1 National Aaaoeiatlon 8ta tlonary Engineers waa held laat night. .. aa louowei President, J. a. i-unningnam vlce-preaidcnt, D. E. 'Smock;, recording . secretary, jaLMoran; correapondlng aec- - retary, J. D. Asherr financial aeeretary, , M. A. MoClung: treasurer. P.. Oberle conductor. N. ' J. Mapeer doorkeeper, V Oeorga Havlland. P. Oberle and J. X , Mapea ware elected delegateato- the T national convention which convene at tr.-lXoui.vUle, Ksntueky, Auguet V-. Thoy will leave PorUand tha laat week In July and will be gone about three weeks. Be fore their departure a farewell reception " u given tha members. ' -An Interesting, Instructive and uaeful , v folder on the Oregon . country and the " Lewis and Clark exposition baa bean Is- -- u4 by the Union. Pacific Railway com . pany. Handsomely Illustrate with nearly 100 half-tone pictures of exposition and Oregon- acenea It la valuable for the historical Information It contains, b- ." sides tha great fund of Information about - tha exposition and tha Oregon- country : which now. embraces Oregon, Washing ton, idano ana tne western portion -or ' Montana and Wyoming. Tha title - la . "The Lewi and Clark Centennial Ex r . ' position. " . ... - "A'meeUng of ha Oregon: Railroad r Navigation company directors yesterday afternoon formally voted J. P. O'Brien ' vloe-preaident and general manager.- He ,' waa laat week -elected to similar posl tlona In tha Oregon & California Bail " road company. A. L. Ifohler, K. E. Cal- - vlit-sad J. P. O'Brien, respective heads -of tha Union Paclflo, the Southern Pa- ' clfle and tha Harrlman lines In tha Pa clflo northwest, have each bean advanced ..through-tha operating department of the Oregon Hnea. : , Messares by heliograph are being aent today from Mount Hood: to the signal servlee station at the Xewls and tJisra - - exposition grounds. . A- week ago a da tachmant pf. signal aervlee men war v sent to Mount ooa wun insiruoriona 10 a jrstabllsh communications with tha local office aa aooa as they reached the tint ''. bar line. Tha first communication waa -v.-iit: esiaoiianea toaay. .-. .; Tha ' third - quarterly meeting of tha - Columbia river branch of tha Women' ' Kerelgn Missionary aoclety of tha Meth- odlst Eplsoopei church will be held Frt day .afternoon at 1 o'olock In Grace church.' Biahop Thoburn will be present -Everybody la invited to attend, - , - Orand excursion to Estacada and re " turn Saturday, July t. Leave First and - Alder a. m. ; back at p. m. Dellsht ful trip, beautiful scenery. First-class I "hotel or bring baskets. Under auaptoea - Oraca M. K. church.. Tickets oil! a book- atore, 75c. - - ' v. ----- " : Tha Portland chamber of commerce will laaua a leaflet- directory of Portland ; walk'a and drives. . Pa6pla who know " Interesting plaoea of - thin ' character abont Portland - are retfuested toy send -- particulars to the aecratary of tha Cham- a ,ber. .. J, u t - i Sea tha Sea at Seaside A' delightful , 4rip to old ocean, only four hours ride from Portland. Take a dip in tha briny : deep. Traina leave tha union depot . dally at I a. ra. For information apply to Mr. C. A, Stewart, agent, 14 1 Alder atreec Fhone Main lOi. " Carloada of .dellcloua Mermaid brand cantaloupes and paper rind red i coecneita watertneiona constantly on 'track. See that you get . Mermaids. 'Nothing alaa half ao aweet. Pearaon page Co Mala 47(. . Sola agents. . ' Wedding invitations. .Whan you see our samples of tha new atylea In old English and plate aerlpts you will be . pleased. Wa make a specialty of thta ' rlaas of work. Alvln S. Hawk Co.. . printers, 147 Third street. ' For Ban Francisco. Tha elegant ateel steamer Redondo aalla Saturday after noon. til first class. It second clase. ' Meala and berth Included. -C. H. Thorn p- 1 aon, agent, izs Tnird atreeu , - '-; ' Mtsa Emily Bauer and Miss Marion Bauer of New -York City - will be "ai home'1 to their friends aithe home o.' ineir momer. ai izs ivoruiMVineteentl street, on Sunday next. j T'jl,""- The pulpit af Temple Beth Israel will he occupied tomorrow night vby Rabbi Emll O. Hlrsch, LU D., of Chicago, who win apeak on VTha Character of Jew Ish Kthlca." .-. w -':,.', Pr. Joseph Htckey wlahea to announce that ha hae entirely recovered from his recent Illness and Is to be .found aa New- Ladico . r Neckwear ; WE'VE JyST RECEIVED A ... NEW L Wf OF KEISER STOCKS, SUMMER STYLES. HwCef LftCzy 0 Co.' , ..' XASikDAfUKS. , t: 39 Wathlngion Jfrf :t: "' ; - XA glAirO THXaTT.l. ' POLITICAL LEADER IS , : GUEST OF FRIENDS HERE Conditions - Bitter - In Ireland, v. Which 6till Lookr to This Country for Help. T, W. Lana and a party of about SO f rianda .gathered at tha home of Jamea Muldoon.- 1141 Minnesota avenue, laat evening to. honor Patrick J. Flnnegan, an Irish patriot who Is plaiting tha United States In the cauaa of Irish noma rule. The Muldoon lawn was Uluml nated with, Japhbetfe Janterne. and Mrs, Muldoon spread a bountiful . lurtf-heon fer the party. The young -people played games on tha lawn, and there waa a mu leal program Indoors. . ' - In 1181 Flnneasn. a young farmer, prominent In the cauae of the land league In tha district of Loughrea, ooun ty Oalway, waa convicted and aentenced to be banged on evidence afterward aa mltted'to be false, charging him with participation In tha killing of a landlord who had been evicting tenants on wholesale plan.- . Flimegan'a. sentence was at tha laat moment commuted; to life Imprisonment. He never aaw bla old father and -mother after be enteoed rthe prison doors. They faded with grief. and are Burled la the little graveyard at Klllora.---r Flnnegan spent three years In solitary confinement, picking oakum in a dark celL but waa kept closely for 1 years. Then a movement, started at jsoatoa oy the Social Oalway chub, brought tha car of Flnnegan prominently before tha pub llo and tha British .government. A eon ventlon held at Loughrea, la county oai way. unanimously nominated - him- for parliament? -but-he waa disfranchised aa ha waa a oonylct. The records of Bis trial were aneartnea ana, wun mem letter written Immediately after tha trial, IV the county Inspector of Oalway, In which ha stated that the crown's wlt neaeea were not telling the trutbnnd that n bla opinion tha prisoner did not gat a fair trial. After a -searching In vestigation Flnnegan was liberated. Tha beat part of his life la gone, and hta hair la prematurely gray, but o retalna tne Indomitable Irlah pluck and aplrlt that characterised his countrymen who carvj rled on tha land league agitation ao many .yea ra. and suffered Imprisonment and exile. Of changed conditions ha "I louna on coming xrom uuonn pns on that- many ebangaa had occured In t.O years. Tba Irish .people are In some what better condition. They are better educated, and are thinking out for them selves the nroblema they must aolv Therr homea are better, and tbelr young people are mora intelligent. The work of Mr. Glsdstone did a great deal to help the cause of Ireland on t a settlement that will yet give Ireland borne i-ulev under certain Umltatkona from the Brit ish government. .The people of Ireland must depend largely an help from out side. J. The men, -of America. who have Irish anoeatry are -doing a grand work In' the cause of Irish bom rule, and II tney wuir oniy continue toutne ana a settlement of this queatlon win be secured 'before many -mora years. . When Flnnegan waa released tha ual way club of Boston started an Indemnity fund for him. and mora than 11,400 has been subscribed. . He came to America to visit noma old friends whoad been forced to . leave Ireland. Epthualaatlo receptlona . were given -him' at Boston and other eastern cities, and repeated at San Francisco. Ha travels very quietly. and came to Portland a few days ago un announced., He will go from here 'to morrow to Butte, continue eaatward. and - return- to-1 re la; uaual at hla office, No. ' SIT Dekum building. The - Siberian Railroad."- one of the fouf - great - St. - Loula - attractlona. - tba only one brought -tierer-waa largely at tended. It la certainly worthy of tha patronage of Intelligent' people, being original, novel and a departure from old methods. It la highly . Instructive as well aa entertaining. ' Everything kbout It la ao entirely, new and Interesting that It la a matter of regret that1 there are not jnore attractlona of a similar arlatlo and educational character upon tha Trail. . , ,. "-:.' Roof painting Colombia Paint con pany, Main 1481, 70 First etreet. Mos and fireproof paint for wood, tin and Iron. Roof painting a specialty. Calef Bros., furniture dealers, for merly-located at 110 Sixth street, have moved In their new building at 144-141- 18 East Morrlaon. Wa are atlll selling our -11.10 eye- rlaasea for.. 81. - Consultation free, and every pair-guaranteed. MetsgeV A Ca, 111 Sixth ctreect , - ; . t.,....c. Dr. - Walter T. Williamson haa re moved office ta (08- Marquam build big. .Phone Main 440; residence phona Mains MsV- r-7 One of the many 'Interesting features of ,the Friday' a Journal la Ita market and grocery page. tse aura you reaa it. . Moffett Hot 8prlnga,-ll.E0 day: 88 and 810 week; batha, 16c . Takt Regula tor Jlnv, . ' ":ci Wanted Shirt finishers and ladles clothes Ironers,. Union Laundry Co., Ansley Printing Co, tlO Osk. "' v' Hotel Hamilton, San Franclsco'a new eat hoteL .Steam heat and -telephone In each room. .- Centrally located. Rates. 11 and upwards. 115 Elite street. . . FRATERNAL HALUTOBEvJ : DEDICATED SATURDAY . . t mmmmam .... Arrangements are being completed for tha official dedication of tha Fraternal hall at tha Lewis and Clark fair grounds on Saturday afternoon. The exercises will commence at t o'clock and promise to be very interesting. Addresses will be made by J. L. Mitchell, president of tha Fraternal Temple association: J.' W. Sherwood, representing tha Knights of tha Maccabees. "and Secretary Lou Ellen Cornell,, and J. H. Schtvely, 'deputy In. anrance commissioner - of tha etat of Washington, who preaenCon. tha Invitation of-th-fraternallateaX-thl city. h Tha Fraternal temple la located Just north of tha Utah building, facing dl-reotiyoif-th lagoant-and t mie-story structure containing booths of tha so cieties represented on the const. . Mem bers holding certificates in the Fraternal temple enjoy all of Its benefits v '.. EFFORT TO CARRY OUT- - 'r MAYS LAW PROVISIONS Voters Have Rlfht io Take Mat? ter' of Senatorial Elections l.From. Legislature- ': , Under the direct primary nomination law the campaign of 1002, when candl dates ror , united states senator were votedfor4uulejr- tha Mays law, aeems likely to bo duplicated In 10. In 101 T. T. Oeer. Renubllcan.- anl P. R wood. Democrat, were tha candldatea of the principal parties, and Mr. Oeer re ceived, a majority. The Maya, law as adopted by the legislature to permit the placing en "-the-efficiar-bailor of ha mes ef candldatea who might be named -H party eonvsnttona for -the- federat sen atorshlp, and this was. by tha theory ot the Maya law, to permit the voters to suggest to the legislature their choice for the office. When the legislative as sembly met in January,- 101, the ma jorlty cast for T. T. Oeer. waa Ignored and C. W. Fulton of Astoria waa elected the laat hour of tba laat jlay . ot . the sessian. '. t -.. , . , wnen tne direct, primary law waa drafted, the authors Inserted a clause providing for securing an axpreaslon of tne voters' win on the federal senator ship, so that candidates-for office may nave the same rights -In- tha primary homlnatlons election aa candidates for Other- offices. Another-proviso of the nominations law la that a place la re served on tha acceptance blanka for can dldates for the legislature to state whether" or .not they will accept "the de cision of the people aa to the federal aenatorship and support whomever - the people give a majority of votes. . Dlscussloahaa begun-over the state In regard to -this phase of tha coming election, ana expression have been frequent-In favor of bringing thla Issue prominently, forward at thla time . and creating a aentlment aufflolently .pro nounced to constitute virtual assur ance that all candldatea for tha asaem oi y win respect the will of the DeoDle In tha matter of the federal aenatorship. It t considered that by tha proviso of tna direct primary nominations law re ferred to the people have it within their power to take th election of a federal senator practically out of the bands of tna legislature and accomplish in this manner . what - they have striven for many years to da through tha obtalntnc jf con aent of tha United States .senate to aubmlt the queatlon of an amendment to tha r national constitution to the people. - ' . - . - , Politicians appear to. agree that the adoption of tha nominations law,- with lta federal sens torshlp provision haa solved the problem for Oregon, and that whether or not the national conatltution arar la amended In tba reeoect of elect ing -senator- by- Bosuiai voter Or nn now haa tha queatlon aettled In a satlsJ nctorjr manner. - ", i " oovernor Chamberlain left last nlarht for Buffalo, where he will attend the grand lodge of the Elks; he will return in about a month. This la his annual vacation, such as most officiate take every year., ror tha emergencies of hla absence. Secretary of Bute Dunbar will aerva as- acting -governor. Governor Chamberlain, before leaving, reiterated nis belter that war Senator Mitchell-to resign while tna chief executive la out of tha atat tha vacancy could not be iiuea legally by tha secretary of state. At any rate, were auch a resignation to be handed in and- tha aeeretary of atate to appoint a auccesaorl the aov- emor would Ignore It and himself name tha auceeeeerr-thue paaeing on to the tfnlted Btatea senatrthe declslon as to tna legality .or bla appointment.--. TAX DEPARTMENT REPORT. FOR YEAR Figures 7That Will Prove "of T ln- Iterest to Propejly-Holders wof County. , The following report of tha condition of tha tax department at ,the cloaa of business on June 80 waa aubmltted to tha county court thla mornlna? bv rnenrr won; ....,' 5?11 v rrrm.t.2,S0?,Sl Kenalty : 1,230 Interest . ........ ...... 117 Total .13. 20B. 17 Paid treasurer i.. 11,828,847 neoaia aunwra . 62,010 Unpaid ' 224,031 Total .8!.:0S.87 Also a detailed report ahowlna- a dls- triDution or tna unpaid, tax as to tha different lunds: r r Poll .. ,..7 1.810 state and county ernooi , Road . . .......... ,i. , ,,v. . ZS.ZUI t .12.H1 Library 1 I.1ZS Port of Portland 14.117 - , n . i , 47.8.4a fix m. unni School district No. 1.... .... 8S.701 No. , 3 , ................... No. No. r nr(rrifTi(M(l;ri( i .,,..... ...... -1 ' i No. No. iS ." 0 15 No. NO. 10 . No. 11 . No. II . i , , . , 107 a .- 41 f . 2 ' 4 790 No. 14 , Nov IS No. M . No. 1 . No. 10 . .............. .....,r i 5 No. . 21 , No. 20 . MJ ... , . .... .. . r . 11 No.. 17 . . t f t-.i t . . . . . -1 No. 10 . No. 11 . No. 10 . No. 8 7 ........ i -. i No. 40 a. . No. 4 No. 44 Nc- 41 - t ..... j No. 40 . . No. 47. NO. 4H t .: NO. Jt No. li Jt. No. M Jt. No. 41 Jt. No. 01 Jt. Na07 Jt. No, 7p Jt. Total . .................... 1214.01 J WHERE TO DINE. AJT'tha delicacies' oriha aeasonTlrP vate apartments for ladlee and families'.. Strause'a Restaurant. 119 Washington. - Milwaukle Country Club, v '"' Eaatern and Seattle race Take Bell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. -.. r i2i 21 ! 1 H va 41 loe -. 01 1 1 LIKELY TO BE REPEATED ; 4-VIN OREGON TERRITORY Captns-PermJtting - Violations of the Rule Will Lose - 1 Their: Licenses" 0mbllng will probably "aoon -b stopped on the steamboats plying on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. . Super vising Inspector Bermlngham haa lasued orders that no gambling will be per mitted on the boats operated in .Cali fornia waters. If the mandate la not adhered to the captains of the craft- on which . games - are run .will lose their license.- --- . - - rnr lsuppoaed'friaTrTOrTaWerder will soon be Issued here, although Local Inspectors1 Edwards and Fuller have not yet received any official notice of the matter. If they are Instructed by the supervising Inspector to take action. gambling will soon be stopped -on the Willamette and Columbia- river boata. . -Nlchel-ln-the-elot machines are about tha only devlcea uaed openly for gam bllng purposes on tha river steamers running from Portland. Tha machine uaed la tha sort that paya money. ., Some of the transportation companies do not allow them on their boats.. - A number of Portland gamblers en deavored to lease the barge Klickitat the othes-day for gaming purposes but their offer, was rejected.--They Intended anchoring the craft off the Lewis and Clark fair grounds and cyduotlng every - gams known ' to the greencloth fraternity. Those at ' tha head of tha project salfl- thtr aa long a they were out in the river the civil authorities would have n Jurisdiction -over thenv en they failed, tdf get tha Klickitat gamblers said they, would endeavor to get some other boat on which-they would begin business. -I! OFF FOR ALASKA. Kromtaent Portlandera Ooesls bm Seattl for Vorth. : : On board tha steamer Spokane, whlcb sailed from BeattU ,. this morning for Aiaaka were 21 Portland people, among them Mr. and Mra. J. Wesley Ldd, wh have aa guests Mrs.' Charlea Pratt of Brooklyn; Mra. Haughton of New York; Charlea Pratt, Jr., Mlaa Helen Ladd. Mlaa Young and H. 'L. Corbatt of Port land. Othera - making tha trip, who have bean attending tha Lewis and Clark fair' from the east, are Dr. and Mra. Low of .New Orleans, Mrs. Wilbur and daughter of New York, and F. C, R, D. and H. Commlns ofDaytQn.-.OhUwMre. Farnhanr and Mra. Robinson of Forest Orove. Oregon, are also passengers. Among tha distinguished eastern peo ple who will leave for Aiaaka tomorrow on the City, of Topeka. will b-th Rev. f Antoinette Brown BlOckwell of Elisabeth;-New Jersey, the first woman aver ordained a minister of tha gospel. ! 1(08 she' went alone to. Paleetlne , and Brought back a bottle of water from the River Jordan, -with which -ah haa alnoe baptised, three of her grandchildren. LABOR IS SCARCE. XKngahoremea Are la Sesaaad Bsoaase of XBoreaae fat Coaatwla Trade. Longshoremen were ao acaroe thla morning -that the agent of th union waa obliged to secure outside men to assist In tha work of loading and-discharging vessels. . Until recently there waa but little demand along tha waterfront for labor Jind manycfthe -cargo - workers left for th harvest fields. . Until they return It will be difficult to aupply -the ehlp with f ul I crewa. a number of big lumber carriers are- receiving cargoea and a couple of othera are ax - pected here - In a few - daya. Mora coasters are Jn commission than aver beforehand, they require a big; force of men. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. in day i th at Quean will again be in commission after having been converted Into an oil burner. Her first aupply of 878 barrels of fuel oil waa placed aboard yesterday. 8h will tow ahlpa up and down tha river In connection, with the Ocklahama. When the cargo -aha la taking here haa been discharged at San Francisco the steamer Caarlna will - return for wheat: aha waa chartered yeaterday. It la estimated that aha will be capable of handling about 1.800 tona of grain. In tow of tha Ocklahama tha schooner Jennie 8tella left - yeaterday for- San Francisco with lumber loaded at. Van couver. The tugboat will retch to Fort' land the achooner Annie Larsen. To test her oil plant tha steamer Har vest Queen will be given a apln on tha river, and If everything work right ah will be placed In commlaelon at one. Tonlerht tha steamer Alliance la du from Eureka and way porta. Yacht Thistle Is atlll at an anchorage labove tha Morrlaon etreet brtdce.-where she attract considerable attention. It la probable aha will make a trip over to Vancouver . tomorrow. Today Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Dunamulr are attending th fair. 1 MARINE NOTES. ' A storla,-' Or July - '.-A rrrvd down at'! and aailed thla morning Steamer Columbia, .for Sant Franclsoo. Sailed at 8 a. m. Steamer Cascade, for San Fran- clco.; Left op at 8 , a. , m. -Schooner Annie Larsen. Ban Francisco, July 6. Sailed at 11:10 One Man Cared for the Baby - 8 - that bla wife and children , might see the exposition fire works, and la now willing to tea . -tlfy thst he had a mora varied rnmblnatlon Of fireworks at home ' .than they had at tha big ahow. Fire Don't Pay i- When used in a fire-heated pni . ieher at i. laundry. Ours are the only steam-heated polishers In i Oregon only ones-that do not hum -the- good-r ereahen- th -Tertore nf thP ttnen. They lenafhen the life of your gar--.- mente by about one half.; - UNION LAUNDRY Tel. acala Sat. Seoond and Oolambla. : Beautiful Fair Souvenir Free.' "Walk-Over" .1 Quality , i i a matter of principTe. They"miist" be right - or 2 tfiey7e'rnot. "TWalk-Overs ?T ils .lz ' $3.50 and'HOoT Knight's Opposite 'Perkins Hotel. a. "fli. Steamer St.- Paul,- for 'Portland. Astoria, Or, July i. Arrived at 1 p. m. Schooner Annte Larsen, from San Francisco.- Sailed. at 1:0$ p. m. French bark La- Fontaine,, for London. v St. Helens, Or., July . Passed at 11:10 a. m. Schooner Annie-Larsen, Astoria, Or.. July 8. Condition of the bar At s a. m. Bmooth; wind northwest weatner clear. " miver Out rhroags Bar. ux uavia B. ogden. -assistant United States- engineer, . left this morning for uorvaina to inspect - the government work up that way..,, Tho river la cutting one of the bare and la -forming, a new channel near a revetment built a couple of year ago. Stepa will be taken at once to hold th water In .tba old chan nel. . , . ....... Will Solid Steamer at Oaea. v .. The Paciflo Coaat-Staamahla company haa decided to build a steamer tmmedt ately; a second will not be In -commie Ion before .the summer of 1107. The new veasels will have steel houses -and there will be accommodations for 800 first class and 141 second class pa seen- gera. - Tba vassal will have a carrying capacity of -approximately 8.000 tona, will be 40 feet 4 Inchea In length, 44 feet Inchea beam "and , have a depth ot it feet t inch. -A .-- Oesaeat From Jsjmsu - The cement recently ahlpped from Japan by Mitsui ft Co. waa tested by City Engineer Wanser, who found It to bo a very high grade. There la no doubt that other large shipments of the same brand will be made. - Between f 0.000 and .100,000 barrels of cement will soon be Deeded at Celllo by tha - mea who were awarded the contract by tha gov erameottabuUd-tb-aiialr Thla-will be equivalent td about three or four ahtploada. ., '. WYOMING WILL HAVE- SPECIAL DAY AT FAIR Monday , will be Wyoming day at the exposition, , and special eeremonlea are being arranged for tha occasion; a re ception will be given In, tha evening Is honor of Oovernor Bryant E. Brooks. Tha formal exercises will be given In the auditorium at 10:80 o clock Monday morning. . Those In charge of the eere monlea aref Oovernor Brookav president; George E. Pexton, vice-president; C R Richardson, commlssloner-ln-chlef ; W. C Doming, aeeretary; B. C. Buffum and J. L. Balrd. ,. v. ;..-' : , SATURDAY-SEASIDE-SUNDAY " Two-Day Excuraln Rates Be tha sea Via the 4. C. R. B. Round trip only - 81-80. Tlcketa good Saturday morning I . m. or 1:80 p. m. 1 returnlng leavea Beaalda Sunday i p. m. spena a iwo-aay vacation at port land'a popular aummer resort and enjoy the. aurf bathing, boating and fishing. Ample hotel accommodation at reason able rate for all. Further Informa tional 144 Alder etreet. Phone Mala 808. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. "An Optician In time haa, aaved thouaaoda of wlaa pen- pie from wearing glaaaaa pre- maturely. So' If yo have ( headache. - eye ' burning or ' . aching, or' If type sometime - appeara blurred, coma and aee ua we can probably give you , . glasses that will allow tba atralned nerves to . recover their strenrth in Tew "week ' nd obviate permanent eye ; ''.'. ' glasa wearing,..... - A. N.Wright IOWA JEWELER No. 293 Morrison Street Outing Shoes -Ol.o6r0l.25.-Ol.5O- Men' Outing 8ults, S6.00, ST.OO and 98.SO. - Men's-" Outing Pants, $1.50. f 2.00 and 92.SO. .. . , : Straw Hats, all shanaa m&, K04, f l.OO sad 91.50." TV Men'a Oolf Shirts, &04, T5. fl.OO and fl.50. , -r Balbrlggan Vhderwear,' 35 and 50 par garment.. - - . - - v Great -barrgaln in-eome. Toung Men'a Double-Breasted Shirts at ana half price of their value.,., ...... Sscrlfloa a loe jtn lAdles and Men'a Tan' Shoes-and Oxforda. Call early while wa have alt lse. they go very fat. , " -' ,... JOHN DELLAH Oor. First and Tasahfll aad Oot. Third We. are putting high class, Dining Tables in the; reach of everybodyi "No article of furniture ir moire highlyrprixed by the ambitious housewife Jthan a good dining table. She knows that no. other article gives her. dining room that air. of com "pleteness and proper setting as a good table. ' A" flinlsy tabltf gives a "shoddy aspect; no matter how rich and sturdy the other furnishings.' ' r ' VO. SBO r The- tllustrsrlon shown her ta from a photo. It is made of aelected, ktln-drled oak. juerter-awed and carefully . hand - polished - . polished with palm ot the human hand with tha finest 'varnishes until . It Is aa smooth aa glasa arid aa beautiful .aa any - piano finish. Thla table la 44x4 inchea, and may be extended ta feet. It has -lneh lsga - turned after a most unique design, easily kept clean and pollshedrWe are selling tnis tame on tna liberal we put It in your home and you wm never mlaa tha email weekly payment. The coat -f the splendid 0-foot tablea la only................. -Tba 1-foot slse. Is 111. I." GE.VURTZ m SONS rGrvnrtzSdbltrorLess" Free Lectures on AND Practical Demonstrations Of th vsrieos ass for caUsary sarpeae .. .. i..;., " ef the : , .. . . , Chocolate Gpcoa Masafsetareg by' Walter Bakcr & Co, WsI1Tip jDOBCBESTH. MAM. . (Istabllakee 1T0.) Z WU1 be glvea ay Miss Elizabeth K Burr (Do si (arte iciene Beat, Bostea T. W. a A.) Upchurch Hall i im un mamsmax wta. S , DAILY -T -FOR ONE WEEK At 10)30 e'Oloek im tha acoimnT aad . tiso a'Oioek ta the Aftsraoea, - Samples ef slls Bwr preparattes. seek ( Oak, Psddlsg. MertBs-ae. radse, aaaffle. Ire Cress, BavarUs Creaaas. ete will be served at each betare, aad be will be Blessed to answer all taeab-l re- Cralng tke seme. A differeat swea will prevared and served st eee leetere. - ieaiple eake he Walur Saa pre. Bilusi Ne. 1 Ckeeelate, the Vanlla Sweet Oaeenla aa little aaaapl case at tke Knakfast Oeeaa. saw e asek t "Cbeice Tkaealate SarineIl.wlllj! preeentad te all seraoas atteadlna tkee iectiu,'aaaatr wb are laterestes is seientlrl eaoktag aasald set tall te attosa, as tbey are .''ran to all. ItarMav THO CTAD ' Beat ta Atuaetioaa 1 - -' Ta4vula TCTKXS TTTZraTBICK w. raAXX UXLTO AWD tU SB UH -- BtACnr ASD WItUAMt. , mrxnti ajtd O'kuu. - tbabtx azxni. ,.'. KB. Journ bovvb. m biabosoopb. Oesaral sAmlaalos loe. udr. evealag s4 aellaaja, treat seats lewer floor stab Be easts xOe. EMPIRE THIATBB. . tltk and Twe PerforsMneee Delly. Marloeee st l ift. Evealns at 0:18. -All this week the t-sulre Stock Ceetpaay is th great naotloaal eny-drtsia. r "LOST IN LONDON" ADsOSSlOsT IOC AS.WAT LYRIC THEATRE KaatSBf a) Tlood, atrre. "Tut Hutga or auccEflatg," , ; Week isrtlag atnay, Jaly . " ' TKZ STIBLIN BBAJtA IB 4 ACT. HAZELKIRKEM OXX T0V ALL HATE HXAM 'ABOUT." ADX18810!r TO ANT SBAT.10 CBITTS." Taa4vfl1s - THB nDAMft BxaasUles Par BaeeUasa iii uiWiu AtUmatl T- THB BUCUTl TXIO. mviioal Hfwrrra f atABOHAU. ABD LOBBAQfX, , ual i saw ataAvijif .- i - BOBEBTB ABD DB MOST. - ' . .. MR. 0). H. BMOVE. THB OBAVSISCOPB. Otneral adniutoa, loe. ETralnaa, Boadar and soltitaTs, -rrest aeet lewet aeor, sue, Bar seats ISe. BAKER. THE ATIUL'u"4 . Eeatlaf rwieo. Manaaer. THE THB EE KVHBB. - , USZIE WI1XXB. mi ABD DAKDT. J I AX WO0B. BOBEBT HOKE. ' BTBOajABD B4WTJ. 6TTB4) MCTVBEB. , . BAAaA 0BrEBTBA Theetr always eoel and eaaafortahU. Far fnrniancee elally st 1:40. I snd 0 s. aa. . A4- Dlaaloa to cams ' any east. leapt sains. to ccm an zz crasr.L zu Opposite Main Entrance Pair Orounda turn .ao4. Gbokihg terras of II down, and too a week. have full use of Hand $10.00 Sold on the aam terma I7W7S First l.-7frmK&?A St , AsroSsWAsTTB. ' ' '- -' MARQUAM VZF&ru?" 4i- (MoTlaos at. set. Ilith ssd serenta.) . : TOBIOHT AT S:e O'CLOCSV. Oestlaelng Bvery Wight This - Week With a Ladles7 sad Ckiierea' .stattnee aararaar. ' '' -THB rAMOCS eEBMAR COXBDIAXB KOLB t& DIUb i la (he laaayMsaleal Oesxdy Barlesine. ' "The Beauty Shop , - a.aiu-t Maetsels. -- -o mmrni chobto oiaiA io atlBTU AND MCS1C. . FOPTTLAB BI0ZS Matiaee t, tt aad Me. . sTlsat. , to, M sad We, . Bests Are Hew Belllsg for the Satire Week. A HINT Bay year east early. . Belasca-Theatrc toon MAIS 1U Tuierty Cehnakia Tkeatr. l Bel eee, Mayer A Ce,,- rieya, j -; ; ' TCBTOMT ABS AU TKZ WEXX.! Sixth Week Belaaea ' at-k Cmu.. . raat rresnuuoa sa Aay Bus. ;The Conquests By Phil. F. Bossway, front tra BsMry nye'a Poimlar Nml af tha fmmm N. - ' PBCTACPLAA B0DUCTlO " ' . -AUOITENTTD CAST Begnlar Matlaees Satereay s4 guaoay. Prices Night. 10 te TOe; Matlsees, 14 kv aOc '' " : "' XXT WZkX 'J ' '; 'A FOOL AND HIS MONEY KIRALFY'S CARNIVAL OF .VEFJICl 0 THB TBA II, THB BIOOEST BIT OF THB t.IW'.S AND anu.prnpl.a an . i. . tlOA.nia INVB8TBD 01on,A A - - - APsiraaioB, a cxbts. . LEWIS AND CLARK OBSERVE. 4Vaf Cft fs afj .. Sit aBBa - . VenS TAJ VeBfrsTeS POBTLABU KPOlaTTB. , . ,, Take Portland Helahaa rav aas mm m mm Hawtherne Terraea, aaa stack tresa. sa Baa- Ms eUBhlng. Blwtrl elevatar. swa aaaaiirai anacc ar aawiai - - from to at tower. Too eas eat a ealaty turn. while vtewlag the aawt BMsnlfleaat e is ABMries. Opaa Be. at. te a s. a. sUa 10 easts. . If Uken before July 25. - 3eaiitifiil v A rAAma '. T " f f bii m v i wui7 . iiaii iau.i j bathroom ; water in kitchen : i . lot 50x100 ; one block from X "car, line ; Al neighborhood ; X bargain. X Address J. II. S., S28 -Brainard St.; Monta villa. . J Portland AccdsiTi' AHxioUSS' AB9 OLABflOAX, bCbTML. flaj beys sd flrla ft eaaters ana wa -eellaaaa. Ofsr hoar ef the plrtpale 4 MtUM.,l 0 ' iraa-, eatne at ThirteaBtk . sea I. streeta. Far catakawt, eeiinae , V- Portlsnd Ac:- awil.ait. r '-rr - v m -t. i - - AS Cottag I' .