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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
t::2 cr-c:r daily jout.::ai;. roirrLAUD. .Thursday evening.: july e. ice? i v Remarkable Reductions X Quaker s Grew This U the second week of our Clearance Sale otOuaker Gray Cut Glass, the kind that :: won the highest award at the St. Louis Ex positiotwthe-Grand Prix. This- store has been known for the extremely, low. price for this- beautiful ware but during this sale we , are offering every piece at., amazing reductions. This is a unique chance fbr'thedajtotyy housewife who prides herself on the appurtenances of her tableT'The , following shows -UL :':A "iomejof the redactions made? You Can't Afford to Miss This Opportunity m - V ReadJTtwse Prlceshey9re Irresistible '.Bowls' -Bowls' Regular. Special. v-$.60- 93.38 $7.50 Bowls . ........... i : . . . Mll.OO Bowls ..... . . . . .$12.95 V Bowls . I V.. , . $13.80 Bowls . ; . . . . . ......... j . .$14.00 Bowls . ... .... ... .-, . . ;.$25.Q0 Bowls ....;,.. ; ...... ; .. ,$26.50 : Vase $2.75 Vase;..;:... ..... ........ $5.00 I'L Water Bottle . . ....... $7.50 i iJFifigWr Bowls, half dozen ,V $9.95il spoon i ray 7. .Tfrrwlir: $375-r, Spoon Tray Spoon Tray Celery Dish Celery Dish ...i Celery Dish 5.13 $8.27 $0.73 810.13 $10.75 818.79 $19.88 82.07 83.79 85.03 86.97 82.82 S3. $5.40 84.07 $8.25 $6.18 $9.00- 86.74 ....$19.35 814.52 ' . V"!' Regular. Special'.- Nappiesri i rh n ixfiv&i . r1 $2.00- r : $1.49 Nappies i ,7,ir . ; . . v $3.85 S2.S9 ' Nappies . ...... . J". 4 i .v $4.00 $3.09 Nappies......;.,......., $4.75 83.57. Nappies . .-. . . . $5.00 . i $3.77 r Sugar and Cream.... $4.50- 83.38 Sugar and Cream V $8.50 . $68 Sugar, and Cream . n. . . .'.$13.50 810.13 Sugar and Cream. k. $18.00 $13.50 Whisky, Jug . ; . .VJ ..10,75 88.07: Whisky Jug.. . .'.$13.00 89.76 Comport. . . ...,...$7.00 z..$5wS3 Comport ' r ' A .J?.$8.7jQ: $6.57 72 I Comport i ... . . .$12.50,. $98 Compbrtv.,$23.0qjS17.25 . .. : . . . . .- $2.50 .7 $i;88 Cruets Cruets . .'. iV. '. i'.. $3.50 A $2.63 Cruet.', . "'. Vrv.V-rrr- $7.00 i 85XS i Visit the . Store Tomorrow and see the Display, Whether you Buy or NoUlilxX v.! ... 1 ;;iAi.-.;:.;ir.' ; " v. ( v e Vashirtgtori Streets (CO ' - DRIW CLUB TIT7 HOLD RACE MEET Ta-B Held Bf Fair Grounds Under Auspices of Albany , . ; Organization. ' ' --. 1 MEETING IS CALLED BY COMMERCIAL BODY Rig Taken From Sodaville Was Result of Error and Has JT Been Adjusted. C1 (SpwUI DhpMek to'Tba Uvult . , : r - Albany, Or., July I. Tomorrow after . . rxn tbo flratrao Mt of th aoaaon .... will b bold on tho Albany fair (rounds . track, undr tb auaptoaa of tho Albany DrlTlng- club., In tho Hat of raooa thoro la a paolnv and trotting; rrnca, with a " purs of $60; a raeo for roadsters, own re to drlv. purs 2B; a cup raeo for tho Albany Driving club cup, for horaea ownod by mambars of tho club; a hal mll running raoo, ISO; a mula raeo, $10, ..-. and a boys' pony rac. Tho track la In first-class condition and tho prospect -1b rood for a successful meet. ; - Tho Albany Commercial club has "' called a meetlnt; for tomorrow evening, .when some matters of importance for Albany will oome up for discussion and acUon. Tho club la working quietly, but persistently, to bring mora Indus tries to this elty arid to Induce Immlgra tlon to Linn county.- Every effort will ba made to giv- thelewi-aml Clark '""exhibit committee' all the aid possible : in keeping the exhibit up to the stand " ard set. . , . . Took .BUf by Klsteke. . . . ' The horse and, buggy reported stolen from Sodavllla on the Fourth of July, while the peoplo there were celebrat- ' ing. have been recovered. It now tran'Plrea that the man who drove --the, rig away meant to take a friend's rig. having been Jnatrucjed to do so, . and ho : made -a -mistake.- The matter was amicably adjusted yesterday. At Rock Hill, a few miles from Leb anon, In (his county, on next Sunday, Rev. I. G. Knotts of this city" will or- ganlxa ay new. Presbyterian church, About 2S members are -living In that neighborhood and wlU form the nucleus of . the new congregation. Rev. Mr. Knotts has worked for some weeks to perfect the organisation and the jrork will be formally completed next Sunday morning. A number of members of. the Presbyterian church from this city and Lebanon, will so out and assist in the . Odd Fellows Install. The officers of Albany Lodge No. 4. I. O. O. F- were InstallM last evening; District Deputy Grand Master McNeill of Jialsay . appearing .for that, purpose. There was a large attendance of mem bera and the eveneing was. very pleas antly - spent.1 The officers named, rn stalled f or the term, were: J. N. Bran deberry, noble grand : EX S, Robe, vice- grand; H. Barns, secretary; F. M. French, treasurer; R. McKachnle, flnan elal aecretary; E. . Seeley, warden;. N. M. ' Newport, conductor; C W. Sears, R. N. o.; Hah Gray, U S. H. O.!.r. M. Powell." R. 8. V. O.; J. M. Ellison 44.V;-rO.; Jobfl, Robson, .L CUPu i". Anoerson, u. u. r. . ..,.... BOY BADLY INJURED BY GIANT CRACKER ' (SbkUI Dispatch to Tsa Jovraal.) ' Eugene. Or., July I. Tremont Valen tine, the little. Sryear-old son of a farm er residing two miles west . of Eugene, was badly Injured by a giant firecracker during the celebration here on the evening of the fourth. lie was walking along the street when a man threw a huge lighted cracker In the face of. the Valentine boy, knocking him down and burning his face in a terrible manner. He was taken to a physician and It was learned that one of hla eyes waa com pletely destroyed and the other badly injured. The boy was alone lh town, having come to the celebration with his uncle, who set him adrift In the crowd He was sent home by the committee la charge of the celebration. J , - .. '', WU4 Xorse lata Crop. . ..77 : (Special Dispatch t Tea )rul) .Pendleton, Or.. July Grain from ranch on the Wild Horse li now over tour feet high. Is well beaded and be ginning to turn. Peter Monee, who brought a sample to the city today, states- that his place will raise a better crop this year than last, the 1904 har vest yielding him . 40 bushels an acre. W. H. Markell k Co. .. - :'': ' - : : . .. f- -, :.v. V. .". , - , v.: 131-133' GRAND AVBNUB J I ' I - : . The Pv.idsummer Cearance Sale KdvvOn at jtifr. "I : i m - I his More BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPART "1EHT ANY DAY, DURING JULY D ry Go6ds.Clothing. Furnishing Goods. Hats, Shoes, trunlts, Suit -Cases, fieds, r Bedding,-Hammocks, Etc. - In ahy- okthese . lines -YotCWiLL - find EXCEPTIONAL' OPPORTUNITIES TO SAVE MONEY ON , STRICTLY RELIABLE MER .v CHANDISE. ' ,-v: C0RVALL1S VOTING ON VMTER QUESTION Matter of Much Factional Strife Will Ba Decided by - Ballot. " MUCH BITTER FEELIN r HAS BEEN ENGENDERED Both Side of Question Has ; ; Been Canvassed by the " " y Local Newspapers. W . .it; i l (Special Dispatch to The Joaroal.) ' . Corvallls, July . Today wlU decide a question for Corvallls that baa become one of vast sise and Importance, be cause a more hostile battle for victory has never been waged by the different factions of the elty. The matter to be settled is, shall Corvallls bond herself In the sum of 176.000 for construction of a mountain water system for -Corvallls, or shall 'Corvallls people, as heretofore, drink Willamette river . water, good or bad, and pay their monthly bills : to the old water company T : When votes are counted tonight a great fight will be ended and Corvallls eltlsens will be glad for the peace that follows a storm.. The matter has been thoroughly can vassed by both the local papers and It is a debatable question as to which side will win, the factions each being con ftdent of victory. - Much bitterness has. developed during the controversy and much ."mud-sllng-Ing has been 'done. A little paper called the Investigator vigorously op poses the proposed system. ' . A special committee of the city coun ell engaged the services of one Engineer MUlejvand had a survey made of the proposed water route from Rock creek to Corvallls, this service to be paid for from the general funds of the city. Im mediately opposition to the plan sprung up ana an injunction ault was filed against the city council by several lead ing eltlsens and taxpayers of Corvallls restraining the council from using city fund ror paying for the survey. ; The objections are: First, that Cor vallls Is already la debt 115.000 beyond her charter limit of indebtedneaa; sec ond, that there Is not and never has been an epidemic Of disease M COrvaills. and that Willamette, river water Is con sequently not Impure as .alleged, by the opposition; tnira. that the proposed ays tera is an unnecessary expense and will add to the burden "bf taxation; fifth, that the statements of Engineer Miller with reference to the life of wood pipe (which is proposed for the. system for Corvallls) are unreliable, and that the proposed reservoir to be established on Baldy Butte, If miles from Corvallls, will not hold enough wster to last Cor vallls 11 hours; that the matter of cost of right of way for the proposed water routed will amount to a sum estimated at nearly or quite I MM. adding greatly to the cost f the proposed system, and various other object Ions. '. All these statements are ef eourse bit' terly contradicted by the opposition, and thus the matter" rests as the voters one by one east their ballots bare today. TAFT-ROOSEVELT PARTY-- VISIT REDWOOD GROVE (Jceraal IpaeUI Berries.) San Francisco, July . The , Tsft- Roosevelt party are spending the day InTOe Bohmiingr8Ve aommrcmtj among the redwoods in Sonoma county, as guests of Ban Francisco's famous Bohemian club. - . ". The party left the city at I o'clock this morning, taking a speclsl train at Tlburon and will return thte evening, GOOD ROAD MATERIAL ABOUNDS AT PENDLETON ' "(Special Dispatch to The Jo-.rael.) Pendleton.- Wr.. July! .-One of the best materials for the making" Tf good roads in eastern Oregon ever known has bean (MaoovereU. near. thla-cUjf- C K,. Roosevelt,- local merchant, waa the first Pendleton man to try the road ma terial and he pronounces it a great suc cess. The material, which is a rock .formation found In great beds on the, hills near Pendleton, le called cement rock "by tho local good roaders. At one point near the edge of the elty there is a bed of this cement rock said to be 60 feet thick. . - : - - The sample street ; which "wee made by- Mr. Roosevelt . was not made care fully, he finding the cement rock under lying the property-. upon ' which he wished to erect, a house and it being neceaaary ' to excavate for a basement. Therrockwaa- carelessly-crushed up and dumped. upon the street and then thor oughly wet By the winter rains, Aftet the weather cleared-the rock formed a cement and tha street at that point is ideal, considering the work done " Xrfw Butterfly Oaptared, (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) -"Pendleton. ' Or." JulyT. One "of-the largest specimens of butterfly ever seen in eastern Oregon was captured a few days ago alive and uninjured near this city. It was placed. Uv-the. wtndowof a local dnip store, but died, today som. confinement.; The iniecfis" of a beauti ful brown color and measures over four inches from tip to Lp of -wings. ..' ': WORK AMONG JATIONS TOLb OF BY LEADERS Christian Endeavour Host Lis- teto Stories of Various j , Cou ntrles." - - .; 2r tt (Joaraal Speelat Bervlea.) " ' 1 ' Baltimore, July . Again the Chris tian Endeavor host began the .day ,wltn aqulet hour-sarvlceof!.prajaeand prayer. - The service, which, was at tended by hundreds, was led. by Presi dent King of Oberlln college. The hour from to 10 was devoted to a school of "methods. Under tho direction of ex pert leaders the convention discussed methods of Junior : and : Intermediate Christian Endeavor-work, foreign mis sions, home mlnalona, personal work and Bible study. Later In the morning the' juniors had their Innings. , They.-; assembled -r by thousands In the Fifth regiment armory and listened to a general dlsousslon ot the topic, 'The Boys and Girls for Christ and the Church." The - eneakers in cluded William Shaw of Boston, Miss Kate H. Haus of Missouri, Rev. C H. Hubbell of Ohio, and Raw. Albert Swift of, London. A. second Junior and lntet mediate -rally .Was held late this after, noon. "'' ' --- .j. . . .One of the most interesting sessions of the entire convention is that arranged for this evening. Leaders of the Chris tian Endeavor movement representing many race and. many countries- will as semble In the armory to exchange greetings and speak of the progreas of the movement In their , respective apheres. Rev. Albert Swift will tell ot the work In England and the Rev. J. D. Lamont will speak for.. Ireland. India will have several representatives pres. ent as will also Bulgaria. China, Afrloa, Japan, Jamaica - and Canada. - Ms Stephen Jones will speak, tor tha Ameri can Indian . and ' Blahops Alexander ' Walters and B. W, Arnett for tha negra race 'in America. ' v . i . ' ;. .": , ., Waablngtom's Oasa Book. , . ' (Joaraal Special Series. J; '' ". Jlympia, Wash., July .The monthly! statement of receipts and expenditures issued bythe auditor show, a total re ceipt in ell funds of JllllMJI.' Tha expenditures of tnojii:16 In tha month) of June. Of these amounts the receipts to the general fund are- l7S.tll and the expenditures tlSt,064, Including a loan to tha oyster.- fund and a part ef the fair appropriation. - There baa 1eea drawn-for-tha latter 186.090 of the 176.- ' 000 appropriated. , . . '.. ... Bodaea Mm Two Tears. : , (Speelat Dtasateh to The Jearaal.) Pendleton. .Or., July--. Wesley Dod son, who was - convicted ' Monday, was sentenced to two years' penal servitude today by ' Judge.- Ellis. -. Motion; for a , new trial was overruled.- ; -t---t-- VERY LARGp PERCENf AGE OF TO Our System of $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Vcck - v ssDasBBassBansaasBaaeBssaBB . ' - IS E EASIEST AND BEST. TRY IT. . : . $1.00 DOWN $I.OO PER WEEK "aasVaHm sllT ft JLf JL . Our line of CARPET3, RUQS AND FLOOR COVERINOS of all kinds, as wall as Uce Car tslnt. Portieres and Couch CTri s wall selected, and at prices that are bound to sell them. $1.06 Dqwri, i$1.00 - Per AVeek y-::-.- ;lJWiatuplecejt.liurnltur per week enable one to buy a good one easier than to bur a cheap one In the old way. Our stock of COUCHES, BED COUCHES and DAVENPORTS Is very complete. . $1.00 Down, $1.00 Per Week ; : 1 f DRESSERS Dressers.- like cut. NATURAL' MAPLE or GOLDEN ASH. . Two swell ' top drawers, French ; , - bevel mirrors Price, ?I3;50 ; Others 'from $8.50 up. . . We.vrill be pleased to show 7011. our line 61 IRON BEDS. FOLD ING BEDS. BOOK CASES and CHIFFONIERS, which you will find a good selection of as well as . eyerything needed' to . furhish""a' . home complete, which you can do at our low prices and easy terms of ill.00.PER WEEK. w ffilfi The Store where Your; Credit is God MB 3C3V.'"" m .v. 1 -.