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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
L:;D. - THURSDAY EVENING.; JULY e, 1CC3.' a. efeJ VSm SALX PAUCS. tot SAT CPenr-acre txmltry rascal salt nil ; luu, CL: 4-nwm km, bug, chicken noose, bmiff house, 10 buildings ea place) e.n be Irrigated; fenced with steel woven , , wir field fence. 88 Inch klgb; 4u0 feet ol . water pipe, 4 byargnte. I0o-trait and mat ,-tr, f ,, almende. pwl, eprtout, r-acbee. i sruie,- wange, ciitnc;- pram.,- has, a. u4 . . herrle. eewberrha and rPi price 8l.lui, , i er on bait down, balanea Installment; tt .i this salts yoe ana vou understand the bl- a and kn a. small cgpltal and want ta ri iuw a mud ciimai. this -la mat row -, rhnnce, iorgo- T. Hoedley, .owner, BoekUo, ' Placer county, Call'orala. too ACRES 11 aallee from Portland, nrar Roedrlllei no acre being level and mostly b al land, balanea npland but eeery ,; I ,nld be plowed) 8S acre in artual - cultivation, b acre mora Marl; cleared; . all feivd: 4-roons plaateeed hone, bam aud . ether building; flt; vcry.eaay tarn.'- AMI " par acre. ' - - 4 - "- - - niuriiis' oibson, too AMngtotr wag- 88 ACBES, 100 aeras aadar cultlvtloB good house of I noma. well la kitchen, living ' ta farm, well at tha barn, all lvl ;i laad Estueda Una of O. W. tV aUUoa . on tha plica, graded acnonl atare and Boat . office wttala 600 feet- and church wltbla a . bait mile: price f AS a acre. A P1 - aa -.. plate to J. M. Kltchlng, Currtaarllla, 0. tf.l acre aa PewetTe Valley road.' Bailee ant, " lava level, good land and ey to clear, very light timber, do large etmmi, only a abort dlataaca to O. W. P. eloctrle line, price 880.00 per acre, on eery y- terms. Other laad adjoining selling at 1100 to 1 ne acre. Address T AO,, oare journal.. , ... - '"17 ACRKs Near earllne, on Jon elL noil . good, no bulldlBg: price loarar tbaa lands r,- farther ooti ran dlrlde lnta two tracta; 11U It.-aora. r oaay terna. - -- " -. .pho, ii4 SrOO. - 100 Abiogtoa Wig. Wlf.b aril or exchange tO-eere raach In Grand Ronda Talle - - hir propertf weat at Caa carte .-.. mountain; ranch la all node cultlratlon '., and well act to fruit aad beniee. apple pcincipalljr, APPi to ueorge B. Dmito, vorr, ;'' Orrgon. . ..... -. ...... s, aOHLTBy-RANCK. worth $500. ' for S0; acrvl mile ot atatton, Boa," caicaen . ' bouae.t iernbatnr, , braodat', too la, orchard, good aprlngj froefar to purchaan; J. 't nonle-eoa a ataocaeawr, 19 oiaia at. - lrOB BALI or Traoi-68H cr farm. 41 mile from Oregoa Clta conrtbouae; d bouea la ; Portlandr 4 large lota In Salem, ear partlca- ' lr aee owner efla WllUama ar.,; or phone .j,..:. Eaat maw. . -s.-v-v - -.-,.-. v . PBEB LAND TN OREGON ander tba ."Oarey irrigation Act." Dead direct troa auta. i Write todar, Booklet aad map free. B. 8. ' Cook Co., 1st Aider at., Portland, Or. Bt-AfRB farm, noma hnttaaa anod orchard. ; a aprtng Water, good barn, good bouee, apan af V mnla,euppllea. Xagla Creek eUtlon. Inquire " variee wagner,. 000 aaa e.. cii, - - '' linnr per acre for 11 acre wltbla 1& mile I PMtlaful 11.4 K,- m IX MlM OfltAln. ..... ing property. ) nrx ai- atlCR farm and fralt landa. Waehlngtoa eoaatr, Oregon. Write tot partlealara ta eorge A. Margie, ttlllaooro,, Oregon. - ; ' , tO-ACRB farm for rent, 30 ar year) hanee- .bold jood. rop! t-rear leaae for aam, price aiou. A 40, journal. v flUI for rent with option of bulog. , Sadeton. aoa Vlaa at., toeiai. a 0. IVIarmimU.Unieim ! . mip M.TtT r.A aaee ar v eorreenotld ' Wltb - rcpnrahtc relaiira of tht eectlon wbo wtab ta Biarry; ear paper, tna Mairimoniai neguier, price 10c. glree nartlculare concerning aereral ,f; hunitred Oregon member; many wealthy; all Sagee. Interatat Introducing Soclat, - S4 Hueael bldg., 1K roarto. -W ANLT rigor netored br Dr. Botwrta' Marra " i ClobuH-e. Oje month a treatment, tit ,J month. lent aecurelg aealed br malL ' Agenta, wooaara, uarae a) ia, ruruaao. via. -BOOK 8 1 Here turf are: Decameron," "flen. - tamerofl, "A Hot Tamaje," "rnny HIH," 1-"Twenty Tear a rakar," ''rorblddea Fruit, aue aaca; una tree. a. aenmaia, w tm 1 nT Mw.n rrora Jir tba areat Be. ' Loreni'a, Narva Toole Tabletat- IOC per boa. a- boxen'for Write or call at ByaaeU'a Pharmacy. 23T Ifarrtaoa, bat. lat aad So. THPJ BROTHRRHOOD OP MAM." baadaoma ,-Tortralt Prealdent Rooeerclt 141T- with 94 1 quotation, by mall 15c; T rople H. Wlfland Spcrlaltlc Co., 1047 Broadway. Hair Xark. CRKAT Redoctloa Sebr Bnttra eteck to be - gold below coot, plea coma la aad look. Ladle- nnflerwaar ana aniraaaiaia. " Sing jCo., 883 Morrleoa at. , , If ADAMRS XTKB AND SHBPPARD Scalp apeclallate, manicuring, eipert chlropodieta, , , aatleeptle foot bath for burnlDC feet.' Boom 1 8. SM Morrleoa at. ' - . - INDIES Too" appear 80 yaare yennger, ra mora all wrtnklea. bar akin Ilka velvet v by oalnr Oregon Orapa Bala rood, raoo Beat 128TT-- - " BINO CHOONO. ImDorter af Calaeaa rot clnra; aelle Cblaaaa tea that 4 certala erv lor all aueeaaa. . -j4 neoona peb xamaiu .'kml Tyior.- ; DR. AT WOOD Moved from Hamilton bldg. to 18 Rtiasell bid., aor, , Fourth t and Mor ' rlaoo. Dieeaeea ot woraea. Ccnaultatlon free. WIDOW," Mr atranSer," would meet gentleman to put 110.000 In bona Ode propoaltlon; will -u.m iavaewguea. Aaaraea V H . a WIDOW. BO. would . meet aantlmaav matrl uienlatlr Inclined who baa aome meana aad , la bomelover. AdAreea a 71. cara Journal. - "v LILLIAN. B. CRAM Oilropodlrt. mantrarlnf ' and aaampooing. rarior ax ADingcoa niog.. rortiaao, ur. maec ama. . . .MRU WALLER Ptanm aradnita (MnmMa Coaaervatory: leaaons 80a, , 111 Bait Mla. t leeata ax. main aiou. - WILL take oare of babtea or email children: have yearn of experience; charge reaeonable. - w aw, cara Journal. DRESNMAKINO, ablrtwaUra and en Its, gtat'( ahirtat tb npencar company, izb .uib at. raoon main ouiw. ....... IIIM MAKI. eclAtlOe Riaaeenae, graduate at . riniana; iaie amy. aua ABngioa. aa. aao. ffrRKISR BATHS. 800 Orafnalaa bldg., gnU ' an Bight; ladiee an aay. Mam lass. BALM OP riOS for til female dieeaeea. 4S4 Alder at . Pbona Mala 4833. f niKTWAISTS - and ahlrtwilrt nits, ! North Pourteenth at. 181 H abt iMPOBrrm. PBor. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait and Mnaarana artlatt' UiatrnctMaw. la ou painting, water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery , connected with atudio; picture for aala and 1 rraroing ro oroer. gen aioer ei. t-nowe loao. . toa Biarav - coneetloa road tnrougnoui toe 1 United State; bankraptcy matter a apectelty; . . bad tenant ejected; reata eallerted and gaa era i law anaineaat awtary paotic. A88ATXXS. Hum n rhb a " a r!eawnrl. mlrtlMl ,ImIiM .mmA . eiatalj . lurgiai. gntf waaBlngton at- - . . BATX8 MAS8A0B, IP yoal wleb flrtlaa a tram bath aad mae age treatment glv ma a trial; lady at-.- tendant. Tb Uerquam Uooaa, 14BM 81ith . at. Koom 24... . . ,. , . tt -. ' , BrTB SiwwnVfl tMttirtioiiia,' SM7Aldar Bt.""Tutr' .. ann vapor natn wits maaaaga, eieatrldtv, , - -. J IkM. U.I. KUil .. T0UNO Spanlek lady, ad entile maaaaga and bath. Boom S3, Hotel Tacoma, SUrk at, btw Third aad fourth. . .. . -, 4... BRPTNED rotinar ladr af 1ft. .tuat frnra tha eaat, give hatha aad maaag,v 884 Mor jtdIM HELEN - PETERSON. , 10TM Pourth at., ., mom 0 Scientific, mag and BaagoeUe treatment. - t , . ,1 BtABg 30X KArD-TAOTTTBtBs. .. : ilOWK. DAVIS 'i, KtLHAM.'' nmmtZL. Blank book maniifactnreret ageata for Joaea loipmved Ixxxic-Leaf . kedgera; ,ee tba. new Mireaa -iar, toe peal en tn merket. HOTEL, BISTAt BABT Ajrft CAMP BAM0I8. atOTElJ BESTAURANT AND TAM'p RANGM t rintiea at Beilon gt to., neveateantb and , 'ranrp fng.' gaeolln atorea and refrlgera- a WB an w ciiy, , . . l. .,. y ... A, - o - CaX - i,. 1 C ' i. a r Rr PAIkln. P. ev.iAN. A.yTHllkO ST. BxpiMaBBaBSBEaBuaBs3BMaaaaaBai ' 'C8AX AJtSr W00& ' .-. C- If (m. bare naaoead trasa toot -MTU eo. a-e avoaraag ml.: aaar klVhi M ana the atrtaat eraoaeard la rba cite, aarrp ln( all klaaa mt wood aad eoaL hlala Oal. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer la rdwood, anal K and green and try a lab wood. K. Jt. and Al- uaa are., a aiocaa aaai or ion., -saat aje. TKITL BRlDom PUKL CQ. dealer a la aoal, eord wood aad ttf alabwood. Pboaa Eaat 44, OBBUON rvsu CO., aU klnda af eoal ao . ateerleea. -Pboaw Main CO. ' KIRK BOOVBB, 111 Water at. wood and aeat nana aiaia aoao, , ... Tn SALaV-0,000 eorda fir wood, fbona Beat an 10. .j -m. -.-.-r caxAirnia a DTinia. YIBNNA 8TKAM . CIJtANINO DTI . Worker-Beat alpaa4 Kialpaad - plant . In- the eltjl a apoclaltr. Call up pbona orea claanad, free. Mlta raeaurai wora a . Mala la. . Ulorea PORTLAND STEAM CUANINS DTIINO Worka; eracllcal batter la connection; featbef aoaa mna ninnwa ciaanea ana curled or aa ex pert, ail rourtb.. Pbona Claf 104. CLOTHU cleaned and .preaaed II par aaonta. Unique Tailoring Co.. 847 Waaklngtoa at. S. W. TURKCB, profraaloaal drar end rJeana . BOB Ja'fereoo. at-Pbaaa Jtlaln-tMa. C0MMI88I0H itacKjam DAeVBNPORT BROS, General ; cfaaatat frnlt aad prodsce; oonelgnaenta ga t Uctted; prompt return. 100 Front at. BVEBDIN0 4 PABRELU prodoca and aommav . aloa mercbaau. 140 foot lUr Partlaad. Or, . Phena Mala 178. , 0ATXB. EBICKgOM-8 RESTAURANT Merchanf lunch . 11 a. m. to 18 p. m.; under new managameat. O. B, Era ae, prop. Saooad and Burnatda. THB OFflCB J88 Waahlcgtaa TT1. Samuel Vlgneaux. Mala CI0AB8 ABO TOl C8BERO-OUN8T VO.- , , - ., v..--.. PUtribator of " ..".- , - ". . ;,. - PINS) " CHUBS. v ' -; oradra 0ABBIA8B ABD HUCC OOMPABTIB. ' THB UNITED CARRIAGE CO.; Carrtagea, tally rlga and carry-all. 168 Eleventh L. oor. Morrleoa. , Phong Mala 828. CABPET-cLXAimra. RATE -your walla cleaned; 'we elean papered aad painted walla; aaUaf act loa ruarantaedl - prleee reeeonable; referenoca. Bad 2088. CARPETS cleaned or, tba loor; wa ralae'a duet. Phone Clay 881, free demonatratlo. J. HUNTBB Steam carpet aad mattrea- cleaarr. MM Jeffereoau. Pboaa Mala 814, CLAIBTOTAJfT AJTD PALMIST. . OTPHSX BEN0BIA. ' Qorea ef clairvoyant. She guarantee-i read erery iBcldeat af your Ufa, peat, nreaant aad future; - IWra 80TH AUrty bldg., 285 Monte " Boa. cor. TUlrd 1 . . MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. ' palmlat. cara reader; 1 give facta reiianis ana im portant oa ail affairs of real ur. . av BOc. 88, Seventh at,, near Oak. GAXPXBTEB8 AJTS BtTLDIBB. A. J. AUTHORS and H. a WOOD, earpenfere aaa nuiioeea; rrbainng etm yoomng: nor aad ofOca Satarea built. . Shop 808 ColambU. Mala 62T. . ., 'r - .. . , .. ., WB balld your new ev 81 your old horn vary 4 raaaenabl. Call t the ahop, 128 slireeath at., aorta, or Bear Wetter hotel 1 Botaf .WaU .' Bell. . .. CALL JOHN A, M ELTON for ofth-e, atore- nxturee or carpen tar-work, , I' bene Main 797. . Shop 288 GIIaa-.T . - ''. a CEMXBT OONTBAi CH A8V HV CARTER W w-nent oontracHora, 848 Eaat Twaatlath Paoaa Kaat 1878. All work guaranteed. CKIBOPODIBTtL IP your feet Bra out of order," ga to Dr. Worley seujaanio, seven th asd start, too not apa clallat. Phone Blaok 918. ' nzx eoTXBjraixjrt iajt-m. . CST opened to aettlement; fln level valley maaa; no atone ar umoer; water aaa aou Brat ola. Com lav and let a locate you. Room 60 Lab be bldg.. Second and Waehlngtoa. CBOCXIBT AaTP SLASBWABB. WHOLESALB crockery and glaaawar. PraaL BieiB aw,, tuti to tua-g int, eoraura at. DBr88MAKIllO. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waah allk, made for gl.Zo; ablrtwant auiu, ga.DU. 488. Eaat Mar- aa. - rona a&si. . ... -2 .-- KEISTER'S Ladle Tailoring eoUcget patvena cat to anoaaara. AUaky hau 400. Son Morraaea. DRRSSMAKINO Strictly ep to data; . la teat oeaign. era ciay at. DOa ABD H0B8B HOlPITAL. DB.C.B.BROWN.D.T.S..D.C. M. Dog, hone bo, pitai.oi nnrneia. rnooee: maineuoo, aBeaooo. MBTTSTS. NET - CHURCHMAN, dentlat. 824 Marooa bldg., SUtb and Uorrlaen. pnon Mala 1700. ILICTBICAL WOBXB, . NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNGINEERINO Company, 808 Stark at., Portland. O, K. for everytnmg ib u electrical una. raone Main laaaV' - PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineer, oontractora. repairera, eiectnc wiring,. uppii. va nrat. cor, mark. Main voa. n. tr: Tata, mgr. rvavAczB. BOTNTON warm-air furnaeea aava fuet J. C. .Bayer Fnraaca Co., 204 Second. Mala 401. 'f lBBTTTJBB If ACTOBIlB. OREGON Purnltar Maonfactorrng Oompaay Manuracturer at furniture tor tha trad, Portland. Or. " : " . . - .!'" -,. PUBNITURB mannfner-iring and apeetal order. a., novenaky a furniture factory. 170 rroat at. f"' 01OOXBI. WADHAM8 A CO.. WhOlaaala araeera. aiiim laciureru ana commiwiott mercaanta, rouru so, uaa (ta. ...... A LI. EN A LEWIS, rommlaaloa ind produce 1 cnanta. rront and liana ata., Portland, -S0T1 BKLLXVUE eXr newlr raraMheA eao ea aulte a , at agio. 811(4 Poarth, Salmon. Taraaa reaaoaabl. . Mala 1048. OSBORN HOTEL Or ad am. aad Bait Aah t anaenv car inntng-room eoaaactloni recently roaawated; 81 to $8 per day. THB Ltodell hotel. Market baternoa Third ad Fourta, partuad; entirely aew, Baropaaa aad Amerlcaa plan, 80a ta 88 pa . day. HOTEL PvadlatoB, Paadhttom W. A-Browa. mgf . HOTEL Partlaad. American plan; 88. 88 par day. HOTElst. Oeorg. Pendleton; Wdlng hotel. BELTRDERB; European plaa;4th and Alder 1 ' BUIB""AD SOiiP 8PKCTALI8T," "." X." BOBO, fMaufactarar ofhumaa heir roll, ate. can ninta, rnon aiu mi. , KABDWABX. Portland Hardware To. aotlclta enportnnlty ta ajuota prieaa, tea tat gi cor AMBf, Mats lit. 1 1- 1 r. nrr-'.Ajttx. J.I" ' f, WH1TMEB A CO. Plre laaneanoa ud real wnete, euceaaeera- anna viiaoa gf Co.: ofucv. Weat aide, 107-luS Sherlock bldg., Main 1008: eaat aide dept.. 4u4 Kaat Akwr (Ciuaeaa' hank), eaat 4Bi. ISA AO L, WHITE. 8r lnauranea. 800 Dekua LlAS. Met. WOOD. mployr liability and tn- oiinuai aeciaeai erry ooaoa 01 u aiaoa. raona t. hwi aun-ay piog. - - - H. P. BARTKIA COMPANT Plr laaaranc. 448 Bharloak bldg- Vrega. rheaa Clay 42. KBT Bttlng, eaat-troa braalng and general r ..pairing, J. it. nicnaroaen, mm iwna at. Pboaa Hood a7oa. LoerxsMiTX. BBOWNB'S IM TOWN Expert lockamlth aad Meyola raajalrlM.-. na-.ataa. aiaj Clay Sa- alghf phone.-Wala 8886. KBT fitting, caat-lron beealag aad general re. peinng. J. n. aucraraaou. aua roam VOaTXT TO L0AB. Tn Bi ITiB IAIN m ', ' Aay aalarlad employe, wage-earner, caa get . oa sua bow. viuwui aeortaage ! - -. ,. . rMonth "It Month. Week BOO Repay to aa 818.88 ar 8u.e or 88.88 .00 Repay .to na 8 8.05 ar 83.88 or 81.88 .00 Repey to 11a 8 4.00 r 12.08 ar $1.08 ... ' . aw acaai wua. HPS par eaat money; we build von a ar aa you manay on. your property; njonthly pamoate; lnraetlgat; open Saturday vnr i iug. nooma in it i Piog., m i waaa. MONET TO LOAN en ial pergonal "and coK . lateral aecurity; apodal attesuoa a cnauai mortgage; Bine oougot. u. v, rauei. - goa-o aeotoa blag., a la la (. ' - H1GHLX raw pecUbla pUce where ladlea BaJ : aenta can borrow munev on dlnmonda and Jewelry,. Collateral Loan Bask, . Sow Waab- ingtoa at. Pbona BUck TL , 6 LOANS aad upward aa all klada of aecurity or to aalarlrd peoBlai en thalr not; low eat ib ueu note; wweai delay, 818 A king toa , reteeg no puniiciiy, no autg. rBona aua itjo. CHATTEL lonna ta amouata rartglog frara 828 .- to 88,000 rooming Zouave a eueclalty. Maw aum lioaa ex xroai ua., auo uugtoa uo, LOANS at loweat vatae oa furniture. Blaaeel any aecurity nota pnrcbaaed, Eaatara LoaS - otnoaa, w Bnariocg tiiog. MONET TO LOAN la largja ar Haall amount on goou aecurity; tow rat, wiutam .. Beck, HUT railing BMg.- LOANS aa furniture, planne, other aeaarttJca, . loweat ratea. . b.- w. King,, room aa waaa. - lagtaa Diug. Mala aiuo. . THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANT Salary loan' from three ta atg month ;eonBdnUI. III Oregoalan. , . MONET TO LOAN aa CUckama conaty land. B. P. and P. B. Riley, 80S Chamber at Ueaa- POBTLAND BEAL ESTATE LOANS, 8 AND 8 per pent. wa, aMaboim, falling aiog, MONET TO LOAN, 8. eerecant. Northrup -aing, wgaA.t,Tommraii nut.-. ' ' 1 I ! II . r jroucAX. SECOND-HAND moalcal Inatramanta of all klnda at wwaat prloea, caah or In tall Bleat. F laker Muaic oa.,-,iwu TBira at. LEVT'S Mjai Honae Sheet mnale, lnali umnta. Foortav 1. at. c A. Bias, ciay ara. MR. AND MBS. H. A. WEBBBR. bants, m na, guitar intracttoa.Mala soss. 171 w.para. tY BORON ANDERSON Tffj pert ptaao tuner and TCiwtrlaaj. Inqalre Ptaker Maeie Co. Bad 8a8 PIANO Juolngv. 82; perfect wark- guarantaod. v. w; juoa. rnon raaui inn. MAOBBTIO HXAmrfL MRS. L. H. HART treate all dlaeaaea, tomaeh trouble, aervoaanaaa and functional waikne. Conraltatioa fro. 280 Park, cor. lefferaoa. BOTABT imBUO.. NOTABT- PUBUCPaper carefully prepared and eiecureu, eaargea reaeonamo; caiia an- ewerea to any part ox taa city. ao. ae Melrnth. S4BM MOT dorrlaoa at., room IS. OTIBALLS. BOSS OP THB ROAD -OVERALLS and 1 rbanlc' clothing ; union made, Neuatadter Bro., maanfaetnrara. Portland, Or. PLATIBO, BASTE Rlf - P LATINO CO., 828 Flrat Gold, llvr, copper, nickel bbo, braaa plaung jeweu-y wora pciaiiy. , THB -OREGON PLATING WORKS.' 481' Waah, ' Ington at, Pboaa 2676. Pollahlng, plating ana lacquering. - I PXIBTIBO. BU8H0NO CO. front nnd Stark eta., print. lag, lithographing, blank booh aad of Ac ; suiipll; worh don oa time: moat complete printing of Boa in the weat. Mala 1U4. . PAINTS, OIL AND SLABS. ' P. B. BEACH A CO. Tn Pioneer Paint Co. I wlndow-glaa and glaalags ,138 Plrat aL -Pbona 1884. .... BASML'SSEN CO. Jobber. Batata, oil. gmae, eaan ma oora. . Beeoaa aaa aaymr. pLtrnxxs. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHEB, aaaltkry - pinmeera. - a lanrta at. sou. paoaa. VOX CO., aanltary plumber. 281 Second bet, , Main aad Salmoa. Oregoa Pboaa Mala SUOL PTBUO AQOOTBTAVT. B. H. S. MULDER, eaaart accountant, room 441 nneriocg aiog.; oooaa openeo. najnataa nna audited "book kept for email eooorrne: mode rate camrgM; n rat -c la aa reference. Mala aroa. ' PHOTOOBAPBIO MOTNTS, B. U WOODWOBTH. Mfg.. 188n Tha lateat atylea of Mount Board. BVBBEB STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 848 Alder at., phomt Mara tiu; raoner atampa aeaia, areacin, aag . gag, trad check: tend for catalogue. Boornro. TIN1 ROOFING, guttering, repairing and geaeral ynpoing. - t. ioetll. ill aerttreoa ar. XOPX. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO. Corner Fourteenth ' . v ... E..i..a n. stobaox, raUirirxft asts HATruxa. rxAwi I Kltil. SAFES, Blanoa and -furnttut moved, parked reaov ror enannina na Bnippen; a 11 urorn guaranteed; large, 8-etory. bricks Bra-proof wareooua zor etoragei una uaiini a. C. M. Oleen. Pbona Main 847. 0. O. PICK. afSra 8 pint at., between Stnrk I and Oak eta.. Boon 8DS1 piano asd furniture mnva ana BacokJoi uippiugk. commouieu Br-aroort bticb waranouaa, a root . aaa Clay- stav .. ... : 1 STORAOB apaca. to let la oar new building. Compaay. - - . -f - . . X OREGON TRAN8FFR COr 184 North Sllth. Pboaa Mala 80. Heavy hauling and (tnraga. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No, 800 Vi Waah. lag toa at. Phone Mala Box . . 1 1 B00TXB1BS, TUB MORlAr-Cf.- , 100 to 111 Second at., ta floor. MaMfaotavar and- lahhara a Lewie-aad Clark eouvaau-a: nootna . aad atreei a tana nttod out oemplet . , , SHOWCiSIS Ain XIXTVXXB. SHOWCASES of every oeecrlptloa; bank, bar ana a ror a srmre man to eruer. xba batke laaaufactarlng Ct,, Pertlaad. WARREN Coaaetrnrtloa Co., treet paving. Ida- warn aaa eroaawaiaa. ttb urcgoniaa .owig. THE Trinidad Aaphalt faring Co. af Portland. vivcw m rrurcveier oin. - SATCS. FOR opening lorkouta and f hargalna g to i. K. nana, no -intra at. TOWXX aTOWT. CLEAN TOWELS B A I La Comb, brnah, oan. i per montn. i.awrenoa firoa. 'iowai auppiy ruuria aaa voacn. raono ttm. .. TTPXWBITZBS. TOST TTFXWRITER HBAIKJUABTESaW - B2 Fourth Street. W raat repair, eeil. exchange typewriter, Alf anonllea for all maohlaaa. ""BtBBdard machine 828 and up to'tloec- vm you wnat a atenograpner or ryuiaw T-y 8are Mat of good applicant -,?., , -.s-.n.. Pboaa - Blaok 2871. 1 BLICKENSDERFBB Typewriter, sunnlle, re pairing, bom at Hon, zoa fun. wain ltno, TI0LTX8. I. A. WESCO, vtnllB-maker aad rapabarf work arai Claaa . go Hoeaeu hiog-, 4tB aad Morruoa. WA1LPAPXX. MORGAN WALLPAPBB CO.. 184-1S8 at., bet. Tamhlll aad Taylor, Portland. HrrxAjroxAZ VIXKS STATES NATIONAL BANK -,- -OP PORTLAND. OBEOOB. " BOBTHWXST O0B- THIRD ABO OAS STB, r Traaaaam B Hiatal Banking Buia, DRAFTS ISSUED .- . . Available in AU Clttea af tha United Stata . and 1 Europe, Hongkong aad Maalut OOLLXOTTOBSMADX OX PATOBABLX TZBBTS Preeldeot...... 1. C AINSWORTH Vlea-Preeldent.a.. ..W. B. AYKB Vlce-PreeWant .8. LBA BARNES Caahler ....B. W. SCHMEER Aeelata.t Oaahier..... ........ .A. M. WRIGHT AeaUtaat Caahler.... ....... ......W. A. HOLT PORTLAXD TRtTST OOMPAXT OX 0RZ0OX. T , ' NO 108 THIRD ST. ' Tba Oldeet Truet Company In Oregoa, BEsoimcES over 81.000,000. ' ' General Banking Bualneee Conducted. Bavtmra Denoalta Hcalvd. Tlm4 certificate laaaml, alao eertllcatae' f oepoatT peyaoie upon 10 oaye- cau, ao aaya call er 80 day a" call with Inter! t L, i aad 4 par cent per annum, rpitlv4ly. Call ar aend for bosk of llluatratloaa. , BENJ.J. COHEN.,.. Praaldewt HL. PITTOCK. Vice-Preal dent B, LEB PAGET Secretary J. O. flOLTB A....... Aaalatant Secretary FIXST XATIONAL BANX -v OF PORTLAND. 0BXO0X. Dlgntd Depoaltory aad Financial Agent af tha United State. Preelrtent........ A,' L. MILLS Caahla.,t JT. W. NBWKIBK Aaalatant Caahler,..., W. C. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caahler. ....B. P. STEVENS Lettar af Credit baaed Avallabm la Europe - - - and tb Eaater Btatee. -- - 1 Bixkt . Fichanae and Telearranhla Tranefer Bold on. Now Vurk," Buatoa. Chicago. St. Louta. at, raui. omaba. Ban yrartctoco aaa taa artnelDal Bolntn In the North weat, Slaht and time bill drawn In Bums t null an London, .Parte, . Berlin, rraakfort-la-the- maia, iiongaong. xogonama, vopeaaagea. vnnatiint. otocanoim, Bt. r taraourg jao. caw, ruricn, uonolnlu. - ' ooUMtlona Made aa Fnvorabl Term. LASS TIL TON, BANKERS. , (XataMiahd la 1SS8.V Ttoaaaots a cHaeral Banklag - Collecttone made at all point aa favorable term. Letter of credit leaned available Ib Kurop and all - point la tha United State. Sight Exchange and Talegraphle Tnuufer Beia oa Aew.iork, washing ton. cnicago, sc. Lonla. DeoTer, Omaha, Saa Fraaciaeo aad Montana and Brltlah Columbia. xehanaa Bold on London. Parte. Baffla. Prnnkfort, Floogkong, - Yokohama, Manila gad Unnnln In, - . SXCVXITr SAVTXOS A TBTJST OOMPAXT, 844 MerTtaea St., Pertlaad, Or. TMaaaata a Baaaral Banklag Builnaat, . L SATDteS SXPAXTMXXT. tstaraat Allowed an Time aad Saving Deposit. Art a Trustee for Eatate. Brafta aad Latter at Credit Available la All Pacta of tha World. - C. P. ADAMS. ............ ...........Prealdant L. A. LEWIS... Flnt Vie-President A. I MILLS .Second Vlee-Preeldent v. tDiiA,,.Mtl,ut,,(,,.,c(nur7 GEO. P. RUSSELL.......... Amlstaat Becratary M' IBCILAXTS' NATIONAL BANK. I- , PORTLAND. OXXOOX. r J. PRANK WATSON......... . . , Prealdent aw L. Ill KHAM. Vlca-Freeldent R. W. HOYT Cahtr OEORGB W. HOTTrvvx r.--.lAaalatant Caahler Tiaaaaata a Oaaerai Banking Baalaaaa. Drartl and Let tar of Credit Iad Avallahl a rirn w ua wwu, : Collection a Specialty.' - - M ORBIS BROS. A CKBI8TEX8EX, 188H First St.. Pertlaaa, Or. Offer Ollt-Edg InveetmenU la Municipal gad - naiuroan awtraa. write or 111. . MORTQAOE LOANS Oa Partlaad Baal Xatato at Leweet Batoa, ziiiea anaarea. a a tract rnraisnas TITLE OUAXAXTEI A TBTJST. CO. Boom 4, Chamber af Oammaraa, , VAN CORTLAND . ALWAYS CONSULT THB BUT. ,. Other bbm and go, but Taa Cartlaad remain. PBOP. TAX CORTLAND, - 808 Waablngton at., ooraer af Fifth. THB MOMENT TOtT EWTBB1 WTU iiiab HI WILL, TK1.I, IOC lOI'l FIII.I. NAMB AOB, - OCCUPATION, TOUR MOTHER S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND WHEN TOU WILL MARRT and what yen caned for, without aeklna a onoatloat will tell the anna oa your aweeuieart or anything yea wnat ta know. Ho aenda yna awav muck wises aad neppier man wnea yoa eaueo. y. t . lB0T TAX COBTLAaTD. ;,. Bsfvaa Teara ta Xrtlaad. t-;" 1 Tha Oltra, 80 H WaaMagtoa St., tor. Xtfta . . an waasiagTea gtg. m - LOW FEI3 LOW FEB OfSca hoar 8 t. m. to 8 . ., dally sad Sanday. CHESTERFIELD n. r W.y f ptychle. palmlat aad rlalrvoyaat. -- Special all thl week: My full 88 palmlitry raadlnga ar dead trance clair voyant alttlng. 88a. I tell af changes, euc ceeaea, failures, snar rlage divorce, law oil, travel, death. Itvmm affalM " Hon, dlaraaes, a'teT T accept aa fee la sdvsaee. If raw e not lki8d reu par aaa aathlag. I wlah to aow tha eltieeaa af Portland that thee I eaa la thl profeealoa that anderstand his basin and. 1 no faaa: Parlors 224 Third aL. opposlt tb plasa, Offlca, boars t B, ax, to oairy aaa Buaoay. QURNAL WANT ADS " i ' . BRIN.Q QUICK RESULTS CLAIRVOYANT 'I V r -v . i: if t -w fl.VJA i?L , 1 ill if J 1 TAPS SFi.iA L FLUID. TO COnE r.IENlNGITIS New Cure DlBCOvererj for Oread Xl8ea$0Vhlch .u Carried : v . Off Huridrede."' '-: x : (Jearul Bnaeial BrvxM.f Htw - York.- Juip 4. Carnbro-aplDAl manlngltla hag been cured la two eaaea rocantlr st.tti Kawsrk City boapltai sua inraa mors ' victims o tna ia ara on' the road to) racovary. v Dr, Paul fLJi Raiiachrnbac:, who has ' ' booti oa ths house ataff only sine last Do-' camber, became haalatanr housa phyal- eiaa May 1 aa4 took chars of tha nodi cal wards - Dacldlnx -upon : sxpatimcnts of hla own when tha lncraaaod authority permitted, he took a eooraa oppootto to ratteh of that which had baen. dona. Tha.reauU ludicatea h has found suooasafui traatment of th dlgeaao.. It eonilats In drawtnc ona, or two ouncaa of tha fluid of tha spinal canal from tha victim, as soon aa tha caa. comaa under tha7 obaervat Vn and as of tan thereafter aa bd bollavas naeoa ary. two hot. hatha dally, tha water of a tamparaturo of 111 dograea Fahran halt, alt tha natural Ilxht and fresh air poaalbla,- abBOluto-tiulat. nratATlui(l, then a soft diet, ood nuralng and no EXPtODINGTTORPEDO ; PUTS OUT BOY'S EYE ' :7spelsl Dmpatcb to Tha iooraaLr" ' " Orants Paaa. Or.; 'July '.Tha 11- yaarvold son of P. Phelps of lesland was brought to - Grants Pass this, morning for medical treatment, Teaterday while playlns at o'clock tha boy found a railroad torpedo and began hlttlnx it with a pock he held In his nana, wnen It exploded, a piece .of the matal strik ing bim In. tho right yo. physician removed the eye this morning and the chances for the boy's rooovsry ar good. This Is- tha only accident reported tn Josephine oounty so far aa a raault of the Fourth of July celebrations. OOXOBBKOBA, SUIT, WYTWaJU, BfTXIBOOXaaM, TAJalOOtTBLB, MMOf SCAJTMOOO, BmMXraUTIBmT, MOtOIBLaV, AVSnOSA and BXXhT SIB&ASZS3. Wa want every maa - affllbted with the above dlaeaaea to honeetly Investigate our special system of -treatment, We In vite in particular alt who have treated elsewhere without gucce a.- all' Whoee eases have been abandoned by family phyatclans and so-called 2M0XaVla XBTB," all whose troubles 1 have been aggravated and made woree by the use of but, xnBxa BAicrxjrB, rxaax TBUaATlCXBrTS and so-called nOZX1 SOB. We wilt explain to you why suoh treatment baa failed to cure you, and will demonstrate ta your entire eatle faction that we ean cure you safely, quickly and permanently. On counsel will cost nothing, and we will do by you aa we would wish you to do by ua If our eases' were revefaedi Write for our home treatment If you cmnno. ealL- The DR. LI EBIG STAFF aaeesaa aad T Wlatohoeteg Moatee, S4 aad, Xxunisld BUeeto, IMrtlajad, Of. BatabUBhod 1ST. - - DAILY4 Up the TRIPS ft aw-; W - IzSSB sty ' To CASCADE LOCKS AND' RETURN Regulator Line Steamer "BAILEY GATZERP' Itm feteflalsrBti too a. avi petaras '. aV-.SS. . ....... a''- '""af 'M - i ' " wegll Bt nana are fop Tha Ballea aa Fare t5 .J .50 ir iaaaaaasara:, aj": i' " ; 55551 Ws treat successfully all private aer. vous and chronlo dlseaaea af men;, alao) blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Ws care SYPHILIS (without mercury) -to stay eared for ever. In 88 to, 48 days. We remove STRICTURE, without operation ar pain, la II daya. , ' We atop drains, the result or self, sbuse. Immediately. We eaa reatora the eexual vigor of any. man under 88 by means of local treatment peculiar ta euraalvoa - ' We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week ' Tho doctors of this lnatltote are alt regular graduates, have had- many years' . experience, have been known In Portland for 15 years, have a reputatloa to maintain, and will undertake no eaaebv i unleaa certain cure can be effected. we guarantee a cure in every on wo undertake or charge no fee. Conaulta tlon free. Letrm-e confldenttaL Inatruo tlve BOOK FOR MKN mailed free la nlnln wrannar. We cure the worst esses of piles la two or three treatments,-without opera tion. Cure guaranteed. - . . - - If you cannot call at office, writs for question blank, . Boms treatment sua ami. - . ....... Office hours. to I and T to I. Sundays and holidays, IS to 11. . V , , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS-& CO. Offloee in Vsa Nop Hotel, II w Third '. - LOCATED JN StSCS Ho Is called great because he euro all dlaeaaea without reeortlng to the knife. - Call and have a free -eaamlnatlbn. - Ho will tell you the -exact nature of your trouble. He treata aucceaafully every form of femal complaint, all private and blood dlaeaaea, cancer, 1 paralysis, ' tamore, rsmntlm an aH d order a of the stomach, HveV and ktd-f nye.--He brews his own medlolnae from Chine roots, herba, ,buda. barlta and vegetable teaa, a t of ni are entirely harmlea and whoae medicinal properties are uroo"n to American dor torn. He uhoa In hlo practice over oo d " I 4 .ental retnedies. Jxun.'reCs of testl- . ' monials from grstwful . ... ;-.':'' dp., 'ina Lr : ii atcxra rr NOT! CE! TO BIT PiTBOXI aVBTB TJofng Bualneaa at 261 Alder at., corner- Third, for the past t yeara, Will Remove On or about July 10 to the-large brick building at the BR. corner of Flrat and Morrlaon.streeta. Entrance No. 1 62 1 st St. fiur acaelmia 'and handaorha now af flcaa will ocupy the entire second floor, which wa have leased for a term .of yeara A We were compelled , to move from our old atand. owing to lack of of floe room and a large Increase In bust- "SjyaH or, , writer . rr,.,v::. The c dEr wo cnintsc ncDicwr cd, BTo. 189H Tlnrt Ooraer BUrrlaoa. . . isei a Baxy auaer. '" ' POITUXH, OMBOOXT. ' 1 BAttXOAD AXB BTEAMBOAT TTMX TABIXS. COLUMBIA RIVER " ;--.::2,SCENERY.tin Spencer Lii Fast Steamer . Spencer " Daily round trip to The Dalles from Washington street dock at t a. ttt, sxcept JTrldsy aad Bun day. ,. -w.-: ,-- v-.-.f--v.''..-.;-: ;; The aterlSBaclaad of Xosi tlagrnlleetrk Boeaery ta taa SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ... ta fhe fpur-mlllloa dollar ; Cascade Locks and Retorn leaving foot of Wash In srt on atraht ' at I a, stu, arriving home at - Bocad Trip Ttrtetsfl.001 , .Telephone ltala lets. i : . w. urmmtnm,- . . Qanaral . iluagar, AND THE- MARIPOSA EIG TRE1 Are reached irom the main lino or fhe Southern Pacific i by a mountain dflve over., pllofl , toads through ' California's most beautiful actuary. Let us plan youMlUnary, make Tour sloe per, stage and - hotel reservstlons sad arrange for your Stopovof. C X 8tlngr, glty tlckst agent. Third and ' Washington streets. TiTtt ttttt-ttti SJ Street, Corner Pine, Portlan Or. 1; Vei a. J Columbia f 1 DR.VIN6LEE THE GREAT r CHINESE DOCTOR PORTLAND baixxoas axo tn 1 : i Ssnat-at A 3ainsC to the EiU pdily Thrwagb PnaMaataadra an4 1 teacVM w,: Ing ear dally ta Omaha, Chlcaaw. So aourlot Bleeping cara Sally ta Aanaaa i throagh Pa lima toarlst eleenteg ear jr ally aaaidactad) weekly Je Caneao. ... wm ma mmmm w- 7 DWIOa PSPUT. .-avee- 1 Arrlvee. , CBICAOO-roBTlABO . '.'. for the Bast via Baa- ,: '"' , i - tag toe. . ' ; . spoKARB n.Tsa. .r-e-" . . v 1 for Xsstara Waahlag. . ' " mM, ' toa. Wall Walla. Law ;'" r?. Utoa, tag dAta Dally. , W. .. . ad . Oraat , Bartkaaa . .. ..T1 - aolata. .- ,..,.- r- y ATLAltTia BXPBESS. i.taaaV. T118B.BV :r.:i:;::-r'.:ri Qalamhla Stvej Pvlatan. - ;-;-" - FOB ASTOBIA and w 8-00. B L. -Boiata, eeaoeetJag with Dally. Aboat ? "' for Jlwaos sa4 ax. Sanday. 8iOa.Sa. "w-'h Beach, atr.- Baa- Satnvaay. aw. Saa aay. kelo, Aah-et. Soctt. inmo p. . . . Temhlll Slvr alawte. 80B DATTON, avaeoal ( . ', Oty aad iTamhtll iSSS TS a, as. T0 B. m. point, atmr. Bath aad Dally.- .. Dally. Saaka Blver Benta. POtt. LBW18TOH. loa.. I e:00 a. m. A boot 8 m aad way aolaU from "ally -ea. Dally ' Blparla. Wash.. r. Saturday oa, trlatf. Jpoksae aad Lewlato. - '' . aa wa Bhae Mala fls, t WLT BaJaBaBBB . at. AU t. CBAiq. Bsaarat PaM imiBgis Aaoaa EAST SOUTH TJXIOB DBPOT. Anrtvoa. OVEKXAXD BXPS8 tralaa. far I barg. AahUad. Bur. mentavOgaea, Saa er leo, Stocktoa, Loa Aa 8:80 j. ta. n jb'-vvsi - gei,- at rase, new tie. man aaa toe Base. Morning - trald , aeeta , at aallr eseeoi 8 JO 8. ha. with train tor Mt. AagaU silvertea Blow inutile, lirlif. 8 :10 a. av field,. Weadllas aag natroa. Bagese pa assagai 80p.L TrS0 a. aa. 4:60 p. ta. Beta at woodbora with 16:81 1 Mt. Aagl toa ml. Carvsllla 8:80 a, a. 8 -.88 a. . Sberidae paaaengar. ' enajly. ' -. fastla4-0awa 8 bVaj8es Bad TaaaAtB Depot foot of JefCereaa 8rat, - teava PortUad dally for Oeweae T:88 a. m.t 11:60. 1:04. 4:00. 8:80, 4:00, 8:fc. T:48, 10:18 p. m. Dally (eicept Snnoay). 8:80. 8:0, S:8. i0: a. a. 40. IIM p. ,av fenadaz eBay. 80 a. a. '.' BataralBg from Oewaga, Brrtve PertlanS dally' 8:80 a. m. l .M. 8:06. 4 H. :f. TrM, 8 M, 11:18 v m. DeHy (eicvpt Snnaari 848. tC J 840, 10:10, 11:48 a. a. Baeept Moooay. U:d B, am. Bonoay aaiir, jo:o a. na. Loaves from same depot foe Delia sad tata. mediate poiata Sally 8:00 a. ta. s Arrive Forte lsnl U):io . aa. rha Indenend) The InOepeooeaco-MoaaaontS .Motor tea, rate Sally to Moameuth aad Alrll. en. aeoratae Sally to Moaramith BBS AkBV aeetlng with Soother PH8 campaay'B tnanA .t rwlia. ..A tnAgnenSeneo. rtiwt-w Ir irra ri.w a iw e J Sa rraaelea 180. berth 88 1 Scasl Ur 818. acon-ola bertna 8 o- . v-fa.ta ro Baatan aetata aad Will sea, aha fine a, ChTao. Booeenr nna aeerran. flty Ttcket OfSo eorwar Third aad Trf-e p'e,ar.. raonw ' a w rnHOEB, , . !. a comab. aty , Iieaat Agenx. : - wmmm, bbbi TIME CARD OF TRAINS- Portland i DAILT. TJXIOB DBPOT. Depart Arrive Talkrwiton Park-Kaa- aaa Clly. St. Lonla Spe cial for Chehalla. Caa- trail. Olvmnln. Orr Harbor. Sooth Bend. Ta 8:80 a. bl 4:88BhV coma, Seattle. Bpoknn. Lrwltow Batter- Hill ing. Denver, Omaha. Kane Cltr. SL lank nnd oatheest. - North Ooeat' limHeSJ electric lighted, for Ta coma. Seattle, Rnokane, t.-OOa, at. . . rri,'.. - TX0 4.BB. natte, Mlnneapolla.. Si. Pal aad the Kaat. Paget Sonnjl IJmifarf for Chehalla. Centroll. Tacoma anA aeatil. 4:80 b. ta. lOiHa.1 ealy. Twia taty Bviireaa, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo kane,. Helena, Bott, THowatono Park..Mln- 11 18 a. aa. 4:80. fa. Beapolle, St.. Paal aad tb Kaat. - " . A. D. CBABLTOlf. - Aatlstsnt Gcnarnl Paaaenger Agatrt -I . 808 Morrlaoa St., Cor. Thbd. , V1: .. t Portland. Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia ; River: Railroad Co. Leaves. tNION DBPOT. Arrlv Vxr Maygora, Batatoa, Clatakaai. Waatport, Cllrtoo, Aatorla,- War. 8:08a. s. Dally. 8:80 B. M. II 80S. I Dally, ranton, Plant, ' Bm. moad. Port Stove, Oeerkart Part. Seaalde, AStoaia BM V OOp, a. IIDally. , Bxpras dally. MOB, St, Saturday anly. ,Kcayt Saterday. , - a MAT, J. r. sd P. A, Art. Oe. a A. STXWAST, Onmaweelal AgoaV S4S Aldat Btroet. Pboaa Mala 80S. . . Ttozet OaUs W Tlttrd S. acr ( . TransoritlrfBntxl Trwdnm DtaCy - - - - . PAGTlTIMn M oVJ -mV-a m