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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
TIIS DAILY JOUnitAL. PO THURSDAY EVENING. JULY t Jt3. TODAY'S pTILpiRAUWCE Prices Advancing and V Five VNOoIlar Market hi Now Gen-V.' . r erally Predicted. -POULTRY SHOWS FIRMER k c.FEEUHQWITH NO CHANGES ' Hope Still Sell at Low Va1uee- Wool Men Complain of Low ? Contract Price." VvVmt Street, July S. Tee' prlnstpal foataree ; ', 'be Portlssd wholesale markets SaOer arol 1 " rr w bbcji rirmer. i Base an tft.M u . . m4m.. . apples earning good shape: - mim irt Knxwbit lower. . - "ZCZ -11 - far raataloapss and aw melons. . ,'4 .Oihi m plentiful nd dnwa. V '. I Ikh inkers n overplrntlful.' - T i - yrrea.aeaa going i,mu, .,. . -v "berries. ra to bad .kip. . . ' J Kaepbarrtee about rseeb, .bottom. v "1 Ksellent call (or ml snd hogs. , . tomatosa ara eomlng batter. "., V ' : J ' Wort to dull, but mica bold. , ' Best, eherrls are J good demand. r - taamaa Oeatiaee to Baa Higher. Y- YJ Not wmtent wttb tearing tha trad la to ea y'. .ulatoaa on seeouet- af taa heavy tola rises la 'tt'3 marker,-lemons are again - -tbe rempege , and pries, ara livelier tbaa' la rwcoat time. i.i Today tha Wat lemooe aa tha street ara selling y i at I4.SO and ermine merebsnts la general ara predicting a attfrkai bafora maay dajra hara Tr topads-'aiBrH-4f -iiiajiaaa wara-rathar aearoa ' a to thla Btnrnlnt, whaa tha arrlral at a car ; frnni tba aovth h Ipod tha trada ta taa aitant. . Thla, hawarar. -waa aacai dlapeatd f a(" tba ' oa mint andvatacka ara . aaais. aaaU. As " h baca told nrrrhxaaly tba abortata tba - aroa la) Blrlly baa raaacd a ararb laraw daaaaad v Car tha Callfarala noda hi tha aaatarq DtjttU, aad all hooch tha latter baa a vary wood croo tha- prlrao aataraltx adraiwad tha ajaauttoaa. Vaaltry Markat b afaah' f iraaav - . With rha roralnta Mt aaarlr aa baary aa darhqr tha 'nrtTlana few daya, tba aouTtry aiar. ttt abnwa a ararh Improrrd toaa today.. -Tba draiaad ta-anw. aarallaBt aad aonrUawa Klaaa I ranpa abnr thoaa printed. PrlaUd ralnas ara , t alKura ohtalBad. "-rr- - . ' Thara la not corh a fnod damaad for ten today- Mapphaa ara nat baayy, bat tba -trada . dnaa not- bay aa heavily aa formerly. - Baatcra - , atnrka ara rather weak aad doll, bat prleaa inrwwroat tna market ara aadianfrd The creamery batte aarkct la very dull and . drakra ara aot aaklag aaata thaa 20e tor tha ; . beat atorka. ,,.... - ,-- Saaa Still Sail at law Yalaaa. Tber la atllt a detaaad far kopa at the pra- ritf l-iw,, raluea aad anaaa aalea nr hetnc re ported. -Dealer J hara been trylaa to aril the emnlita; aron, bat tba deaand la' net food m taa praaant rabiaa ana aathhif ran ba deaa la that direction. . Complaints of Ilea aad honey dew ara Tory namerDaa and anleaa tha weather ' eondttlena ara more favorable during tha neat few- daya treat (lamic la elperted ta h done The eron. ' Aomrdlnt to'tarca dealers tobi aaora ;- thia a fifth M tha grower ara la a pealtloa lt aava. tbalc, aroa) by sprajrtaa. , - . lataBbarriaa Oeaa Hp Bad tkapa.- r Heavy arrfr la of Inganberrlea la bad kbins SreeV ahowa jaaam' aftemnon. bat tadaytht ' . tock .war aeot to a hwal caaaary la arder to cleat, ! and berln wltw. . . New ppkas aea aaw baeoaMng pleaflful aai aaalltv !e anad with demand fair. ' A sar of cantahmpaa frnsa Coacballa at r. ported In today. Tha second car of water i aarlnna- from Tas arrlvad ta yeatevday after ne-w. . ntorka war la exrellen ahapa aad aold reemir. nites a saaw. Ptring bean of all klada atlll flat tha market aad. Jara aaantltlee ara wasted. Oreen enra la pleatlNI from tha sooth aad . prlroa see generally a trifle lower. Jrt fberrta ara la good demand at top arleeo. lUapharrlea are teeter today, bat H iWred by the Ixad thst tha bottom prleaa hav been reached. Receipt aaly fair. . Prune and plana are la tna heavy supply and the market la weak and down. ' Pearbea ara cf better quality wtth tba market . somewhat lower. . ' Waal It Dull With Meat Vaehaagad. Although aa chaag ta the wool prlrca ara belna abowa. tba market la duller aad faw Pr are reported. Thara la general complaint among the wool me oa aecoaat of eoatractntg at low prlcea. Of thai a Prtacvtna paper aayat "Tha aneermen Ihronghont tha Interior hava -Tl laarnril 'f iiriiflUMa thoagh ripvsslta lin-" ttrta rear la regard to sailing their wool. A theagh It baa boca demoaatrated acvaral time la tha past that tha ealea day aader tba waled bid plaa la tha beat pratadtkm for tba .grower, tha aatea daya have failed k aaveral of tha beet wool market, thla aeaaoa beceuaa tha grower. aMeweeV tha bayara to coma la and contract most of tha wool and break ap aba ' sale daya! What few clips had baea raaarrrd for tba sale day Ware ' not pat up: aa tba . kairers refused ta bid aad followed tha atraw drawing' plaa af allowing on man bay tha clip, ao tbsra-woald he no aompsrltlvo btda. - "Tba result I now plala to alL htaay dips 'were contrartad ta Wkeeler costrty In April for IT cents, and. aom who bald their wool later received J T 1 eenta. A few -vrtu) were'fortaaata aaaagh as bold their wool antll aaleo day racslved 11 ta tl eenta at tba Shanlka ..u. Thls .doaa aerm much, bat when K la figured aut aawonts ta about T0 ta tha man who ruaa one band af abesp. aad twice that . ik. m wka naxm two baada. , It Is also remarkarde that ha aama Vlrma who contracted wool for IT eenta before tha sale vera among tba hlgn oiaaer on " eiars, asd pld 81 aad cent! for wool front tha '""alaMla duatatkma. aa favhrnd. ara i a follow! . " - v rata, flaar aad feed. . -. . WHKAT Hamtaal; alnb aad rod. Me: bhw - - afiAOlta) waiUr- HAa. ... ' Mftui-tWi, fiiuOi raUed. 2.50 br. 1 CORN-Whom. tJT.OO; eracksd.. 3a.W pat toa. . HXK im oer cwt. ' OATPria. 1 wnus, w.oi groy. rLOUB Baater Oregoa patents, HH , 4 U atratokta, MTSi txpwta, fl.aoai.u: valley. W-lOi graksm, 4l..00 :o. T.dt tys, bOe, S.60 hales, IS. TO. . stlLLSTUrraV--Brsa. $100 per. to M dllnes, IX.OOl abort, cnaatry, 123.00; city, .ftt.fol CbOB. US. 00; - - , HAT Ttmotbr. Wltlametta value, . fancy, ,111 00; ardlaarf, SlS.OOi ' Ma tare Ofegsa. v til. CO; mliad, Slt.ooi alarat, Ill.OOi grsla,,.Sll.aP, . .. . . a , - 'W-i-- BVWwwafy " SeTafal' aammfl ' FWltf.fW BCTTBR fAT Sweet. Soei anur, Ha.- -1 BUTTBB City resmery, beat, HHci oeeond grade, HHOIpc: ouuide fancy, BOr, erdlaaty. Tmc; store, HfllBo. BUOS No. I freak Oregon, candled, Soa2lc: . . a a tAjfiajriA - - mat kv p nIU"fWirJ, ll'I4ABt;. faWiajll, mtQ' ( HEKHlC Ww FriH rrnrn, twti, ilAllHe: im per H roosters, old, lldjllH per it, young. IJfJUHa lb kroner,. lAe see - Ibt fryer, lot Pr lbi ducks, d.000 Od . per foT - ..'JIbSS MmMiWa . , HOPS Oon tract' to, lac;-land croo, lu ' stlc o cbolos; lHe foe primes sad asrdlams! . WOOL iao eUa, rallr. ooro a smii,. ,MS.ttmrl . Sao. . Bsaglrf t twstora Oriijot " . MiHIB-emlal,'aoai.. . ' - . - gHiaraainn Meanng. iscjsd. wst fosjaoei medlam wool, - gOm&Oa; nag wwoL borll atl each. . TaiXOW-Prlme, paa lb.' )e Ha. t gad 4e dry JhJ.iTJ .'J?- 'Sail St i drf aalted sldea, staara. aeund. SS Iba ar ever, t4 PHct SO to gd lbs. SgUet smear SO ring an Cows,, aaje-iei eiese awa esus, oeveo. OTe tip. to P Tba. Set smiad. lb to id lbs. gcj gwVci aslC, aoaad, aader 10 Iba, Bwd)lli gree ia sea I ten), i per lb reei !, 1 aar Ik hm ' pjoreeni' e-' L B. iij. i.r-. ioX: I I I I"' at--a, i MARKETS geat-'skloa.'''aommoa; each. tl" Aagoira. ! weal so. each. ) as. , rralta aad Vagataklaa. - ", -' POTAI0K8 Best Oregoa. . 1.SS hlla aaaota. tl. 101. 20; ' CuJotado.- 1.00ll.i4f aweeta. Trated, 11.16; aaw Callfarala, II.OOU 1.16; aaw Oregon. 11. B: garneta, ll.So. a ONlONa New Call fur ala, lt.WIQl.Ui garlic ttfiue per lb. i TilliWHrBt'lTg Applea,ewCal1forola,4l.M; boa; orsages. aarsl. U ltU. bull hu Valen cia.. J.ioS.T8; htedltrrrsneao aweeta, J.J a bO but: Sana use, oa pr lb; lemon, coulee, l&BMtj&To boi; faovy, gt.nvaJ4.Bo bux) Uiuea, Mralcaa, Sa par loo; plaeappUo, $3.K; craaber nan. saatera. ui.n per sail atrawberrMS. at aoe4 'Mt o . -k. . u 1 Aaa, iatte per lb; Blnga aad Lamberts, toe per -hVt-opHcots. buetjII.M; peerbee ' 6TV; nloms, T6'j l.00 crate; wild hlsckbHrrlea, ho! ui rasposrrlrs, si. DO par arats of S baaael rantslvupca. 2.TSia.0O per crate; ou-raata, oc per lb; logaaborrlva. ll.uOttl.U per arats of Dozeas waiaraMkiaa, llbaiilrh Per id; grape, M.() per boi , . . TB1KTABLU Taralpa. aaw. tl.ta pat sses; esrrota, gi.ooji.aa per eacai aeeia. 11.64 par. sack : Orecea radleh.a. ane nor dual cabbage- Oregoa, 1.2h par ewt; graea peppers, Te II) ; peppers, tOfjUuc per lb; htcal touiatoce, I.JBL lexae.' il,7(H t'allfornla, 16Ml.t; Parsarpi. tl.uoat 2S: atrlea- heana. lu&ai caull- flower, 1. orates rhubarb, i Via per lb; boraaradhih. 12c pec ll; srtlchoka,-u)IVi pet seat holhoaas lettaea, M7sc bead lertoee. lua per goa: araea aaleas. 10 per goal psragus, sttoOa dog bvae; aplnach, par i", green corn, ae per aoat peaa. nc per lb: eueamber,, I9W0( pt 4s ealrry, 7SCe doe. ' " I DBIIQ rBntTS-Appla, avaaoratod. It) 4 asr- Ibr-aarleota, PHulae par : seeks. fc r" iv II. peacse. taut pcrpi poor- -fc" l . Pfaaaa, . ItaUaa, Vaf .aar-lbt freaek, JHQW per lb i figs. CaU feral bUck. (elUe oer lhi Ceiir.u t.u-. oar lb I prams pitted, per tb; dates, galaoa, aa pet Ibi tarda. ll.KKpsr la-lb boa, t . m -- Wt. Kla. ' BUOAR Back be. ii.liV powdered, 6 00; frwt grsaulstod, o.SO; dry granulated,; Cosf. a,; beat graanlated. as.o; eatr V, g.oo; guide .', $; 1 yelluw, W o; bbla toe, bbla She. hues BOs advaaea on sack bsals. leas goa oer ewt tut sash. U days; Jeapl, 14Jls pec bV""'. ' - oajra; AapM, - HONlf14Hwl.. : Cotr-BB fackego b SALT rtae Bales, ' 'h...a-' aia.ta. s HZ as. in. U.gOl table, dairy, bus, HI. 00; lout. flO.TS; lav portud . Urarpaal. boa. ill.OOi 100a. tl.stf Beta, glg.oui tr Ha, bkle. , as, lue. W.oOOS.boi pais. Bin tba, a.uotts.M; aaaka. BALT Coarse Half greaad. loos., ae oaa. IT.OO; BOs, p., to. T.doi Llearpsol lam roca. aae tn arulk nk ar.uoi looa. ad.Ts. (Abora prlaes apply to ealea f Us tbaa ear lotr -bra t pcUI artoea anbjeet 8BAIN BAUaV-Calcutta, TH - ' - -S" jJlaworlaBa head, ma$ J aai Or . BIAB-Bmall white. 01 Jarga whit. JHci plat, gltbfSmci kayoa, ic; Uaua, ac; mraii.'en rena, i 1 1, - N 1TB PeasntaTMet . fcjmbss,-w pat lb raw. aaiua rm ih nau ! aoaoaaats. UetOe pec. doe) walaata. 140 lie par Ibi pta aie, ivgutti pea is; aicsory aum, iue rw cbeataata. caster. lQlee per lot Bra all aata 10 per ni fllosrt lSlae per U taaee pecsas. laOlS per Ibf almoad. UtllB pat aa, , ' ' Batata. OaSJ 00. It. '. ' ' B0PB Parv -aUnUe-c! srandaad. Itljai afsst rOc; lisls araad slaal. . COAL OIL Pert or Aatral Caeca. BOH pet ga'l water white. Ire bbla, la pat gal; jreodea, law per gal; headlight. 110-dcg, tana. ' ASt'lNCio, csaos, SB ,et gait be able, ttm per gait stovaa, -aaat UHa pec gal) Iron bbla, lac per gal. . BBMBIWB aJdeg,- osoea. ' She par Ul Trod I bbls. 1H per gal. . f- TUBPBNTIMB la eases, ae per gal) Mod rb, w per gU M bbla. aa per pes. WHITB IITB LtAO Ta lot. TH asr tbr SOO-lk 7 par B lees hit, M per lb. SB NAILS Preorat haaa at 13. TO. lota, I WIS LIM8BIO OIL Pare raw. la bbla, S3 per gal; ease. Baa act gal- genala kettle boiled, ess, TO per gel: tela, 5s par gall greaad cob., ear lota, .0 per soa; km tbaa ear leu, tJO OS per tea. - ' v . Hoata. tmk aad rrarlaleaa. . . flUa IdEATB rroat atraat Batf atsera, a - par lb; . pork, block, : THe bet lb packers. T14 per lb;- balls. dfjSe per' lb; tow. 4b per. lb) mat too. H07Ve. per K; 7 BAhli. BACON. rrC.-PortUsd pack (meal) heme,' 10 ta 14 Iba, UH per lb; 14 to It lbs, iltte per Ibf Id 1a SO lb, UK per lb; aattage, t bar lb: breakfaat bscoa. ISUOlbe see lb I picnic. gHc pec lb; regular short-clear. aa amoked, SH per lb; smoked, 10 H par lb cleat soke, aaaaioked, SUe- per lb; smoked, lOkie per Ibt vnloa oatrs. lu to is ina, ammoasd. ae Bet lb: smoked, be ni law oeiiio,, an amoked, IS par lb; so, lis par ao. ebouldere, IH LOCAL LA BD Battle leaf. 10a, 10. pet lb; la, 10H per lb; oO-lb tin. iot pee lb; steam readeroa. 10a. $ per v Ibt ba, S pat Vi tubs, ge per lb; Ms. I4s pot Tb. hlNNID IlLMON Columbia rirer I -lb falls.; S-lb Ulla,; I'aaey, l ib flat, M.OOl H-lb fsnry flats, 1.19; fsacy 1-lb orals. i.T8i Akisk tolls, plak. SodJIOe; rod, 1.M, nomlaaJ Ba, tall. IJ.Ou. rUHBock aad. T par Tbt fkmndera. (a per lb; kallbut. Be pec lb; crabs, I.M 'per Boa; striped base, line per lb; catfish, Te per lb; sslmoa. Chinook, Se lb; oteelbeads. Te lb; bluebeck, Tci ksrrlag.'Sc lb; so lee, Be per Ibt shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, S asr h shad, do per lb; roe shad, Se par lb; had roe, go per lb; black cod, T per lb; atlrbr smelt, be per lb i lobsters. la frssb mackerel, a pit lb; crawftah, toe par deal (maadara, S per ?A1ZSl&X:& uf. g.1. .r'. per seek, Sl.TS. -. v I CLAW S Hard then. ' per boa, SS.OOT rsaaf I htam, 11.00 per boa. CATTLE WORSE IF THAT IS POSSIBLE Local Market' Orope Another - Twenty-Five Cents Hoge -and Sheep Very Firm. , , Portland t'nlou Stockyard, July Livestock recall) tar ; , , , . . "'- , ' Boa. Cattle. Sheep. Todtiy M Bid Week ago Tb ... Pravhtaa week led log And Month aro... .............. ... ... duo Worse again, la the general Impress ton of the csttl market. Receipts eontlmie.orer th demand' and prlcea bra 2be off. Bat two hogs arrived. Peroaad I very atrong wltb Sue aa tha top. Mors and lamba ara good. Today IT mules arrived ta. ' Official prices, for livestock: . .Hops Beat eestsrn Oregoa. Id.Sn; blockers aad Cbtaa fata, IS.S0OS.TS; stockera and feed er.. I4.20fld.60. Cattle Beat eaatern 4 Oregoa atcera, IS BSl light aai medium .trees, sa.uo: aeet cows sod helferi, fi.: old snd llsbt cows, ll.TB; tock r and feeder. II. Tl: bull. Il.btt. ' . Sheep Bsst fancv aheep. 8.004J3.2S; ewes, as.Tfttts.ot); apring lamlia, dfjtHc. CalToe Oood vcaL 100 to BOO pounds, 4Hi rough aad heavy, IM. BOOB ACTIVI BBS STB0B4. Chicago, , July -Livestock receipts: Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ...,..lH.uta) . g.JOO 11.000 K ansae City ao.ono g.oou. I.OiW Omaha ......10.000 1.000 ' 4.0W) lloga Opened active aad atrong. Becclpta a year ago were na.ono. Prlcea: hilled end butcher. M.htVff (l.oo: rood snd heavr. S3.4oi S do: rough aad heavy,. D.0at.SS; light, 13.3d Cattle Bteadr..,.-. ' ,, .;';-..i,.w. - -' Sheep Steady. .' . . .. -: COTTOTOTURESlRE OVER ELEVEN CENTS '' . - ; ; . , IFhrnlabed by Overbsck. Btsrr B fonk Co.) Kcw Vork. Jnly a, Cotton wae again atrong tad higher tndsy and tha market went aver Ho. The elnee we M In M points higher. Today' official rot to market i- ,' .' , Open.1 nitb. Low.' ' nam. Jsnnnrp aanei.. tci) 1oao load IoBimj Febnmrr, ....... iwj . nsm , irrro Uk .. ....... imV' not - KIT intMeud loRooo tllOICIIKI ; 11viii(I HvTl April ..,.. C.i. m ...1 . ... .... May iosT " I10J '10ST Juas ..... Auaiut lm ill 1W. naAod eptember .w,f 10 intb - te toTorrTH Octnbrr 1V ii,1 irnio 1 or no trm.mber tool IciTh inai fisi.tetan December-....... inaw - loat loaa- 1087 a M ew-Terfc-Oatk- eff; ' r" lew Tnekj Jilv g. Cab coffee: , Ko. f Bin TlHTTI-Ocl o. d Santna, e. - ' nafauaC krhaaX tMnael Ulsa g. LarwlB Basi Briod Lemon Market Prices on Account oMha Shortage of the L, Present Crop In Slcjly." . " .". H' viieat-now-- y OFFERED VAT LESS Kaneae " City 'Reporter Bearish Feeling on Corning Crop- - vSt. Louie - Cash Cobdr- JULY LOSES ONE AND a" HALF CENTS IN CHICAGO Both' September and December - Close With Decline of .Three . Quarters Con Higher. CIBDATS WnCAT hi A BJkl6T. tipea., Cloee.. Close, Lost . - - s- Todsy, - Today.- - Wed. Today. Beptember.,u. .at 2 .au . .eT2 .onat lleiiibef ; .biyf ; V .BajtBBTm (r-arntshtd by Overbsck. Starr A Cooke ).) -' blcag.H Jaly , Lots V Bryan aay:- Bt. ta wpattt good eaah wheat demaad, -while Kaua. City saja new wheat has baea offered for ae cecal days at Te ander last week 'a prlcea: Tbto- markeg -opened vrrear And displayed mock aervoasncaa. The July optica was clearly under . pressure, following the effect of new wheat thlpaieats.' The Oquldstioa la thla aesath an aotlled tba etittr market, but aside from the preasare la July the character of tha selling wa ualmpertaat. being mostly short selling sad nine Mattered lhiuldatlon. The publlra tloa of Jo' report, by which he eaya tb wheat -crop to T0.OOO.OO0 la leas tbaa the government report tat Jane suggestsd, caused a little "rally which la part waa eubssqumtlrlost. Frkma obtain for aaw wheat ta St. Louis seem to suigeet that mlllerts. trtbatary to that primary market are rata aaxioua aaysra, owlag to dlaapDolritlng h arrest retaraa on the alow movsment. Conditions ta the aortbwaot from a weather nolnt ara Imarovod. Imurovod w.etber over tha entire owieny would cans an ntrnalca of tba bearish feeling, which ace ma gun prevalent at taa atoawat. bat tba net ta, n.iartnehiss.- endfttaae ar far from bsarlsb. grata renerta ao far Issued show a decline la the asaduhnv from a meat ago sad 4be govww meut report coming on tba iwta w await ay the rraoo witt macs latereet. Oera Soars Bala. Considering "the waakness In wkaatYeora scored ijolts a gala, and while It was aot all hard, nevertheless 'prices show aa Improvement over yoeterday. The character af the market turn, unchanged. Aside from a eectsan af the corn bolt tha weather oa the whet 1 favorable ad tha crop I making satisfactory progress. , .. tittle fJkaaew la Oata. Tb eato market abowed llttkt change. 'The weal bee throughout the country abowa Improve ment, and If roratloued will do much to assure Urge crop of splendid quality. . Conaldertng tba slow movement aad tha large vMbkt It seee&a tha difficulty will be sperteaced whoa the movement begine. ....... ' In snlto af nmsll raecipU aad d allah t In) proreeaenp. at tb yard, tb provUlon market tlnucd M lea Tit or ooiaruma boo miw ander preaeur throttgboot the see. Ion, The action of tb aurhet hi discouraging , Tadsy'g efflctsl msrkera: VttlBAX. Ooea. J1 Jul ir...., pu.... , MH . .ITS .IT May...,. A July.". ' tori O. Bept-.9- fac,. M -Bib. .i5 OATS. " - Jury.... i - ,ti ,KS - .tSU , Kept.,...- .si , .oi'Uj !. .... .i .m -Mn ii JuTy..77;Uo'-: . 11W ';. 1I.W)! - Kept..... lsao iiiit umo -Oct...... 12.SH4 ltSS lB-TTi 1I.S0 Jnly..... TIBS T IB T.OB . Sept...... T IB ? ' T.BB y T Oct..... T.ITm T 0 T.WH 1 SHORT BIBS. T.08 TIB , : T.BTU IS? July..... TOO TOO . T.STU Sept T SB T BI ' T.TTH OCV...V.-T.IB T.SB T.SO OXIOAtM SBAUr CAB tOtB. -. - Chicago, July B Orsln rsr mta: . m .Care. Orade. 1st. 1S04. Wheat 40 Tt 4S S Cora ..S04 174 3d Ta Oar .!.......,... 174 ' SS HI h Wheat cars, rwa days: Miaaeapalis. iiui; Iulutk. IX Tear ago: aflaaeapelta, 141; Do rath, IB. , UTzaroot bbaib iuMm.--- I Jeer pool, July B. Close: ,.-:- -Wheat July, St lid. add deva; September, 10d. 4jd Oowai icemDrr. M iUiso.- t ors Jaly, 4s I1H4. achsaged; Beptembsr, ancaaogvo. ' ' 4 '- CHICAGO CASH IHBAt.' :"" Chicago, July1 B Cash wbssti Bid. No, S red, new..,,.. No. S red. new ..... ho, t herd, old SO .01 l.os .04 IIS roo. a nsru, em .SS .... I. IT No. S northern . I.IS J.ll i 1.08 1.10 no. I tprisg n.i. sab rBAJtcaoo bbajb xabxit. - Baa rranelsoat''july 0. Official close, , fore aooa attatoa: WBBAT. Decvmbcr I1.45M. Il.4t4 1.4Jm I1.4SH BABLBT. December m M , .11 .SB . i . . .' r . - ... . ' JOBIB o whbat: Y hllnnespoUa. July d Joaeo B Ingllse mske the winter wacat creo an,te. .... onsoeis on tba government acreage and 160,000,000 buahelt oa tha atato bursa acreage. SAB FBAJI CISCO LOCAL STOCKS. flaa rraaclsea, Jaly B. Official rloae. fora - . . -Bld. ' Aak. ia'H STH TS4 83 H ITU Spring VslUy ' Wster. . . . ... ... . ST Mutual Bmetrtc .... ,.,t . r Oaa Klactrte... BT Olant Powder TJ ,. Hawaiian Oommerclal , 8314 UAMfeee flue.r ........ n.a .... Hntrhlnaon Sugar... i... ........... IS"" Kllaaeao PJognr... .,.. ......... Makawell II Pugar... 88 J 80H Sugar.., B6I d3 Packera'..... SOuI 004 Almmbah Hsakdktilm, MraakBBwSrrllnt T Fivrtnc But Ttl. a . , B W 10S BOSTOB C0?FXB STOCKS. Boetoa, July . Offlelal copper eloee: . Bid. Bid. . i.v.... T.TS Michigan 18.M Mohawk ..rtv- 40-TB Old Dominion, 40 Parrot ....... 22.M Qnlory .. P9.0O Isreolo ....... SO.OO I tab , 48.IB - Wotverlaa- . ., Inp oo -Kim , BBS wrw tobx oorrn kabxxt. New York.,' July S. OTfe future closed ae'-ao pmeie ap, . . WSJ'" a eroeial eorie. maraeii, Bid. ACM "I. ASt. July ..,. 08 WOO, January-. .IT.nS T.II Antnat ....4 on S.TOI Pebruorg ...Till T.M heptsmher . 0 TS S 0'hlsrck T.SO T.M October .... 0 00 Ob"' April T.SB T.8 November .. I 0 IWIhlay ....... T.SO T.U Decern her . T.OO T.Ofli . , Total aaiee,' B4,ww oegs. ll0TXAJn BABH STA1 Clear. nee ........ ..4 .Il.flftd a.A IH.Bm.bB Balance f , '. .Btorlmg Bate. ' , 4rfew tnik. Jnly S Sterling ratea: Demand, tHB.BSrB0dsySe4B4.XI. Aon Y " (Jourasl Special Service.) . Forrtavllia Timla, July I.- Ffwnch lubmarlnd with g, crow of It foundered hcrg todays low.' - Close. li ? .88' ' . v .BB& . .BBA : 1 - - .11 . . :iiB , ytsfowod ataook 0mA aHodA -AilOB A LBTfiaT sBlVJsTBae ' Y v ; v' ' "" ;. ' -';--'' Striking;: Out for - Higher f ILLW CEflTRAE TV0 AND QUARTEli UP Great Activity Shown in Favored -I Few on-New York Stock Ex--y r-Wchange During Session. COLORADO FUEL IS ONE ; U AMD TWDFF QtJARTPRft OPP - p s w asw u i m am sum worn uaw a u a mm a g uar bi :'Y- ' - - . - U Tennessee Coal Also a Good i MoverLeather Gets Stfdng . -Tone From Buying. Y ADTANCBS. . " Amait'adlated Atrhlaoa htleeoorl TaClllc.... Nurroik . . . vk Atchison. Pfd to fd -r.-r,y- N. V. CsBtrsl.TTTm ougsr Car B roundrj Hitintsrio wssten. TblPennsylvMrta--, v. naitimnss m If a Alton ............. 'Republic Bteel Colorado Puel ....iSillepublle StrsL pld. ."i 01, eaoj . . Chess psska v.- JifTonneosoe Cost .w S Canadian Oelaredo Boarhsrn Itilttesl. pfd :::::::f. I pfd t. 1 Denrsc Brie Brio. 1st pfd..... Illinois Centfil t. Leulsvlllo ....... 'I Besdlng Reading. 2d San Prsnclsco. Sd 1 apt 10. H .... lit southern Paoloe H t'uioa racioe ..... Manhattan ....... 1 nuiioer . . . Kubber, pfd Metropolitan ...... . )i Ball V, . lA0BEo. ' - : Aaaeeada -1 lamelter.. ..14 Brooklya C. N. W ....... I Krad pfd ...... WlUrsat WmUra ... H bPurnlshed by Overbsck. Starr Cooke. Co., Wall Street. New Tork, July d. The stock market opened generslly hither but weakened eerly tad hat part of tba rlss. Then It became stronger n4 the rloae were moatly higher,.. oa. who iae exsepiaoa or apociaitleo IB cnauge wsr aut great. 1 a .uKwtiwi marsvv DBBCBirnOK. Anaconda Mining Co. Assal. Dapper Cp..,.. Atcklsen, com..,,..,, do preferred..;.... Aau. Car A Found., aa Aaa. Sugar, com...,. Am. Sioelj-eom,.-.,v Bait. Okie. 118 lldMlllIK do preferred. Brooklya Kapld Transit. inaau.a rscme. a ChU Altoa, earn. d pre forced Chi. A O. W.. cum Cbl, at. B St..P.; ChL B-N. W.. com ChvaaWake A Ohio. 1T8H Colo, gtiel B Iron. com tio. noutnsm eonij do SI preferred do lab preferred.. ueiawsre sr nodi Dearer at B. O., do prafarred... Brl. com do M prsf erred.,,. no isi prsrorrtt. Illlnom Central t ...I. V, - . , , , - meiropoucaa Bt. y.., Manhattaa Rallwar... ktlsssorl PclB......'."i.'i at.. K. ah col do prcferrod New York Oentral. N or folk B Westers, com. nana . AaMnraa N. T.. Ont. B West. PeanayTvaala By. ......I: P. O.. X. C. Co...... : 14Vt4ll4lA.14VA loo rreeoed Steal Car, com do preferred so PaelSe Mall Steam. O.. 4STa 43 U Heading, aom do 3d preferred... do 1st preferred. . Sep. Iron B Steel, e do preferred....... Beck Islsnd, com.... do preferred...... Bobber Goods Southero' By., com.. do preferred. ..... Southern PaclBe..., do are f erred... 107. 104 St. L. B S. P.. td pfd. , St. L. A S. W.p aom.., do preferred......... Tennessee Cool A Iroa. T., Bt. U AW., aom..., mr pT9ttTTOQ . i e" s J , Cnloa Pscigc, com.'... 00 preferred.... . .... C. 8. Lestbst. aom..., TJ, B. Bubber, goa.fu, do preferred.......... V. A Steel Oe.. 00m.,. do preferred rTbeel. A L. B.. eeia... do Id preferred do 1st preferred....... Wisconsin Central, earn do preferred. ....... r BT 1 S7HfH,4 lis 41, K1a 83 V, auU Uvtl Slit W eaters Lnlon Tale. wabaab, com do preferred Wf 4s 1I 40H wn4 Total ssles for dsy, 834.S00 (hare. ' Call money, BH per reht. BECKMAN IS HELDi WITHOUT AUTHORITY . i - (Special Dispatch ta The Journal, . .Salem, Or., July I. William Beckman, b Civil war veteran, who wag orraatad lir Portland for tha ollagcd braaklnx of hla parole, and taken to Roaeburv pra paratory to recommitment to the peni tentiary for Ufa, la Hold without any authority. Examination of tha record in tha aacretary of atateg offlca ahowa that he waa unconditionally pardoned by Governor 0eer and not on condition that ho muat leavo tbo.gtato, aa la al leged. - ; Tha auportntendent Of the penitentiary haa boon notified of tha facta and will refuee to receive him. : BIG FOREST- FIRES - : : , RAGING IN CALIFORNIA (Jonratl Special awr.) ftanta Crua, Cal., July I A big forest flra la xMrins In tho mountains near Boulder croak. Tho flro atartod from tho wawduwt pit of mill. on Newell oraek snd haa burned over aaveral ranrhoa -and destined much" aptlt and virgin Umbar. Many man are engaged In Bhtlnx tha fir. . 1 1 r , " aiAiiipn nine imiu.- 1. Wni iibiimnwb-niin aa nils, n uu n v VyiTH ALL DEPOSITS ' (Jsarasl Spsclsl Service. 1 ' Richmond, Ind., July S. Tho Com mercial bank Of llagoretowri, which cloaod Ha doors when Caahlor Bowman committed aulclda Monday, wl rjottw opon. Inxeatlgatlon ahowa that only It. SOS In cash la left out or aepoaiia or lioo.e SOS. It la not known what Bowman did with tho monoy. . - ". r j ' ' - .. .- . . . . ., AMERICAN INTERPRETER- JMPRISONED BY SULTAN .Y-" ', ' "'" (Jouraal Special Service.) ' - Bortlrt.-July t.aA- wort- from- Con atanttnopla Bays that tho Interpreter of tho American gmbaaay haa been arreltaJ by tha xhiaf of to aocret aervlca pnd held for aaveral hour. .Tho Amsrfedfl BhUUStOt lOdaTSfl B SU.ODg PfOtMt, ,7 TO. GUILD IIP THE FREE LiDRARIES American Association Has Inttr. esting Session at Which Val-Y uable Paper Are Read. - MORE PEOPLE' READING Y-w BOOKS THAN EVER BEFORE Coo Librarian and Strong Build , ings Are Greatest Economies y y -. to Be Found. JBtat work tn fro libraries; waa tha general theme treated thla moraine; In tho fourth general aaaaion of tho Ameri can Library aaaoclatlon at tho Unitarian church. Henry E. Legler, of tho Wl conaln library, read a paper on 'tltate Library Commlaalona; What They Ars and What Thay-Aro Doing." - Ho aald that library Incorporatlona had grown twtco aa rapidly aa tha population- of. our country, till from tl volumes to 100 people aa. It waa In 1ST there wag now an average of tl to 100. However, tho libraries - word not " dig trlbuted arf that-all had their aharo. Served In tho cltlea war 111,009 people, by. traveling Ubrarlea 11,000 - and -by country libraries tl.SOO. Tha atato com mlaalona aought- to educate .the'publlo aantlment to dealro book enough to wlah local taxation for that purpoee, and- they gava peraonal help 1n or ganlilng new and bulldUif up. woak Ubrarlea. : "Traveling Ubrarlea aa a Flrat 8tep In Library Development" waa tha aub Ject dlacuaaod by Mlaa Gratia Country man of tho Mlnneapol'la publio library. Bha favored a aaloctad collection which actit to all tho neighboring plaoea ' When deatred. Tha dlacuaalon waa led by Dr. Bfelvll Dowoy Of Now York, who aent out tho Drat traveling Ubraayln tb country. B took oa caption to tho paper, favoring tho great est flexibility In Sanding out books. Dr. Deway. la. aald to bo on of the foremost Ubrarlana in tho country,' atM hla word oarrlea great weight. . "Let tho people hava whatever they want" tio aald. "If any town wanta a certain collection aend It If a family wanta thorn hav It Without toy any other-poreon'e choice. If a ainglo person wanta certain book they ghoutd bo aent, or If b wlahaa only- one, that one ahould b aent. gnd glljt the jtxpenaOf the atato. Our country cannot afford to dleregard any craving- for knowledge, and ahould'aatiafy It by granting tho utmoat flexibility In Ita traveling library ejwtem.' Trr, Dewey-Tap reaente the extremist element ' In thla matter and haa dona much to advance tho caua of freer circulation of booka. Ml Manila W.' Freeman, reference librarian- of the Lulevllle (Kentucky . S7wJfroo llbraryand 8. H. Hanok of tb JtMWlRyeraon library. Ckand Rapid a. Michi gan, gave paper on "Library Admlnletra tlon on From Bl.SOOjto $5,000 a Tear." Varloua mothoda of economy wero aug geatod, but both' agreed that a good librarian and atrong book binding were economical, 'in tha end. Quantity and not quality. ahould be atlntod. ' Thla afterooorv-the .American Biblio graphical aocleUv the college and ref. crence aectlop the atato library com mlaalona aactlon and the chlldren'g library aactlon will meet. 'The evening program will ba given by the National Aaaoclatlon of, State Ubrarlea. The evening aeaalon yeaterday waa addroaaed Dr. I Herbert Putnam, library of eongroaa, who briefly re viewed the plan of work obaarved by tho Library of Congreaa, which plaoea it among tho greatest Ubrarlea of tho world. Of -the late Secretary Hay he aald hla ear vice aa a diplomat ' wero outahone by hla aervloea to the cauae of leamlnj: when he gave hla boat efforta to nut the library In Its proaont poaltlon, Veaterday-af tornoon - the-' meeting nf the Paclflo coagt - library aaaoclatlon paaaed reaolutlona In favor of Mlaa Mary u. jonea or loo Angaiee, wno haa been removed from her poaltlon to make room for: Charles). F. Lummla. Theoe wero unanlmoualy adopted and aant to tho southern papera. ZION CITY GIRL-WEDStrrr TO GET MEDICAL, AID ' (Jeoraal Bnoeial Serviea.) ' Waukegan, III., July I. To overcome parental objecttona to her receiving medical treatment for appendlcltla, and lying on tho bed where for gome daya ahg nag been very gtck. Mlaa pearl Van Zant, a Zlon City girl, today married Martin Rogara, who haa vratched pa tiently at her bedaldo while her pa rente have been taking a determined stand to prevent medical aid being admlnlatered. Only B faw friend wltneaaed the cere mony. . , Now the young woman will have medi cal aid and an .operation, If the doctor iteetna It neneassrv. Vhlla tha lntar- eated parties are averab to talking ofTf tho affair. It la admlttdd the marrlago. waa haatenad to outwit tho parente. Tho patient haa repeatedly begged for medical aid, but her pa rente . have gteadfaatly refuged to grant her request SANTA FE CITED TO APPEAR FOR CONTEMPT - (Jooreal Special Berries. Ksnsaa City, July Federal Judge Phillips today cKed the Santa Fa rail way to appear and abow cauae why It ahould not bo punlahed for alleged vto Ia(l6H"0f the Injunction forbidding the granting-' of rebatee on eoal and cutting tariff rate. -The ana war muat bo Bled by Auguat 1. LEANDERS WIN CUP IN ' 1'ROYAL HENLEY, REGATTA (JouraaJ Special Berries.) Henley, July I In the final heat of the royal Henley regatta for the grand challenge cup, Leandera defeated the Hclgiana todairln JMmo ef . whlch Belgian put up a game light, but could not eompeto with the Leandera. who finished two length and a half ahead. oa. Gu:::rs IMPROVED V UVER FILLS OURINBAOAOHB . u. y xemoTluff the CBuSB . OURS ILIOWBN BBS Y.' . -vy aldlnn dlReatlon . eLi'lf2BWoOl T' Kll fill CM IUTH T" IIND HAMS BOS) BBBI SAIfa.K BOX DM. SOSANBO CO., PHlUUHLPMw, Pa., a B. A. Goiiif? Eact? 5". .- When you reach Ogden you can go aboard a through Standard or Tourist Pullmsn, running via Rock Island System by way of the Scenic "Route through Colorado, thence to. Kansas City -.Stv Louis or Chicago--":---; 7" vIC ' Rock Island Tourist sleepers seem "Mike home " in their completely comfortable and rest " -ful atmosphere. They are as neat as wax, are . manned by Pullman conductors and porters and y . , in. addition to this they, are in charge of a ZZ7' Rock Island excursion manager. tifTSM V: v ' The Rock Island haa three Eastern gateways 7 Y Y! --Chicagor Kansas City and St. Louis. r Direct ' Connection in Union Stations at all three, for all " . important points In Eastern and SouthernstateSs1, - - Send tot out folder H Across the Continent in a Touriat Y".r trYY Sleeping CBf," Bn4 aak all tho quoations jn Vka.; General Y o u -T-" 2 . - The Following Prices are .J-..Y.'.Y--.---;,.:---..,-'. ------- COAbS t PcacockRockSprings 7.50 ;8-00 t other coal proportionately low. W.., ! The Pacific . CHAS. H. S4B WsktarlOB It"; ' 4 '.yAoa a4i 1 mmmmmmmmm0mmmmwm9mgt0BmmWmmmmmm PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS Phone JVUla aooo 163. FLANDERS ST Wear Third TEETH NO PAIN " NO PAIN INICE TEETH - We are the discoverer and originat or of the only reliable and eclentlfle .avitem of Palnleaa lntlatry. We ex- abeolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yeara. Our work la the boat, our pricoar the lowest con sistent with flrat-claaa work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our platag are unde tectable from tho natural teeth -and are guaranteed to flt . ' F1LL1NOH i.....50a TB and fl.00 GOLD CROWNS f 3.SO to fS.OO BRIDOR WORK SS.OO to fS.OO FULL SBT NATURAL TEETH. 0K.OO Opsa fog boolaaaa aatU s , B'olooB oreaiaBa. - ; , Boston Painless' Dentists BS1U BConrtaoa St, Opp. Motet ft rraiU r". " aad oetofSce. . HOURS 4:10 a. m. to I p. aa. . Sun day, S:fl a. m. to,ll:IS p. m. Scott's Santat-Pe?s!n G.psc!:s A POSITIVE CURE for InSsmaMMoa erOetarrfe of the Bladder aad tMeeaaea IM. ley. BO oaag ao rag. Uares ulrkhr and asrmaneulir Ik worst eaee of tloeia. nioaai an4 !, ae matter of now leag stseaingr-A aelelr barmlem. Solo ky SruggMa. Prloe fl .ok or by mall, peat, aald. T.0uT boxaa, ta.!. . mUXTAL-PEPSSia y Weedsrd. OUrko B Oa. bowbtxto, sronoxm it oo. (xvaubllabed 111.) aVooaa 4. aHwmsd nor. -tSMMMMXm OX OO lBaBOB' 1 Z&te in 11 Tm Sale T TIUI ABTD BTOCX SJaOaUaBB. fjaaammaMMajayaaajM OVERB2C;:OTARR Cl C: Membar Chicago Hoard of Tr-' "" aaAX?, rxoTtzioxB, csxr:. r : ' 1 Ivl Third Strt McKay X" - ; - a r ' COBt' vt . . N t -' ; a. h. Mcdonald. Afsat, Rock Wand 8yateia, i4-TMrd 8 treat. Portland, C nn Decome Aq Officer . ; ) .aaaxomaaaaiBwai .. : : - -It you areVersevering rooraijroung man; between the ages of 17 and 85 years, possessing a good -common school education and passing the nec essary physical examination. ' Y Y Further particulars for four cents in. stamps, by addressing, f - ' eM PRICES REDUCED Retail, Delivered to Consumer r: -v sal, . Do not pay more thaa 1 1.00 for tba , T uul . . .... . Coast Co. i CUUM, Axeal i .. - Telopaeaea SSS asM SBT 4 W BANK AND OFFICE RAILING rrrwiETKai. kcji fescks r Barbed Win, Wire' and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Nsttlnf, Etc. ;: " . Painted Shlncloo , Advantages t ained byYl .uaingour , J machine-Y Bhlnrlea 'a r a painted all over whan dry, thua forcing; paint Into an tbg frig them wa terproof. . Thla proven ta the Malls from ruatlng. or tba ahingle from waVplng. or rotting oft under the lap. They can be laid U to H Inch nearer to the weather than other ahlnglee and atlll give better satisfaction. The paint need la man ufactured aolely by ue and f oepw clally adapted to protect roofa from moa and flro. It contain no creo sote or other Ingredient lnjurlou to tin rutUro. Our modern preoea enablea ua to paint Oem all over a Cheaply - aa you - can paint B few tnchea-on tho roof. - W Invite you to call at ur 1o tory and aea for-yourself the merit of our proceaa, or phone your ad dreeg and our ropreaentative will eall and give you full putlgulara. " Elacl ' Diamond Paint Co. Ofllco and Factory. K. Sth and Mala. - .- . . rhono Baot SSToV ' : ,-' Every Xlczzn , mtmmmlmJKm4m . S.r0B IM taSMtleBTTall MAIYCL wiekiiMi &(wy iTko new VaaSael anaw- r- ' MSMArtM. a H I Moat t onreel. , Itumaem lim. y It b fmnnot sXJi r lAMVBaW UN 0let, iMlt MtVI BU rOB SALS BY VOODABO, BIABXS a cx tVUimT6- amalnir BlafaM.aBmwtsM axe. '. "- mm ajaamuB, v .- mm a 1 amiam aaaaaaarar-W-'r' " 2 uaass. - T-r, m r. ,