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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
TII2 OREGON, DAILY JSUSIIAl. FCnTtAlID, TllUr' V JV S , . a, aa -. faaj. iLC CaucS ortf&nd Crew Lands on Charlie rV Hall for EtghteenjSafe -t' i-i : '.Vi:- -V Drives.;- CAKE ATZ LEADS : - ., .-;-,v' "THE HITTING BEE rsrtr-Jonea ; t" Was ln Old-Tlme FornrriTHadtheSf rashes Faded, , ' -YSpedal Mapatra to The Ivul) '- Seattle, July 4. Portland took Charlie Hall's - measure " early In yesterdays Kama and before the amoke cleared away at or VoCredlee blr petal had crossed jfce fiibUt, while Uu ana lone Indian riatared (or Seattle. The visitors were In great .form and -flirt not miss JdcOredie from tha gems. 4 They batted and ran bases la daring style and never !r ub. A.tM led tha hosts at the bat. setting four safe drlvee out of alx times up. Bohlafly and Householder tore. ojCt hrar-wptaoa,t-oraer acoring three runs and tha lattarto,4 r '--' With a good lead la tha eighth Inning fend with one out eevea Portlanders bit M.falw aart -wit the baaea toaeoV-Mifce- .Mitchell drove a triple -to tha left-Bold vanoe. sending three men ; serosa the - Seattle wee unable to do anything with Bart Jones, that clever twlrler having some of the home team'a best betters en his staff. Tha Tlaltors ' showed a big Improvement In form elnce Y their last viatt bora, ana snouia tney keep up the pane that they set yester day, tha chanoes Tor too cuwasnss gov . ting out of. tha cellar ara mighty slim. ...Tbe aoare.s r- .. . -.SEATTLE. '. ; ' . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Walters, fT. ........ ,: t Uekney, of. ........ t "'J . J ane. Ib. ........... SrSfS-J-t-l 0 J rary, lb. .......... 4J vl. ; outs. It . ....-. - 1 - I ' f - "' O'Connell. lb. ....... 4 I I I -Pi Halt aa, . ---t 1 ' J arwodjC......-i4V-a--l' ","? - C Hall. p. .......... . J t V, Total .........It 1 PORTLAND. 7 IT . T AB.R.I1PO. A.E. LAtsz, st.'V'iit.ii.n... 4 -4 4 1- 0 Van, Buren. cf. ,..,t. 4,1 I I 1 "ttdbell. lb. ........ 4 1 t - hoblafly. Jb. ..,... a l;'l I Houeholdertr. il II - 1-0 -J cLaan, o. .......... 4,1444 Caiea. It ............ 111,1 RuDkla, lb. ......... 4; 1 J J Jonea. n, ............ 4 .1 1-4 1 , Totals :'J,ViiHt.Ut 11 1II,-T;. 1 vr-'frarr wntr bit -by batted balL'- SCORE BT INNINGS. , 1 I 4 4 T f t - . ;.....4 44144440 -1 Bett1a -, .Hits . ' i Portland ;...HiU-.- 1 f I O 1 e T 114 14 4 4 411 ...! I l il-Mrl-41 , BVilMART. ;y n V Earned rune Seattle, 1; Portland, 4. Two-base bits r O'CoonelL - R. Mall, Householder. ,Threa-basa hit Mitchell. Sacrifice kit Householder.- Stolen bases Ats. Householder, McLean, Run ie.. Struck out BV C. HalL 4: by Jones, 7. Baaea on balls Off C Hall, luoft Jonea, I. Hit by pitched ball htlckney.. Uerr on Daaes- weacue. - . Portland. 14. Time of game One - and 44 mlnutaav ; Corbatt. Umplrea- -Roaeh. :sailchs;to meet LOCAL CRICKETERS - An Interesting game la -expaeted next Saturday afternoon when-' tha Portland : Cricket , club will meek, an eleven of British , sailors from - tha steamer 1 Sandhurst, captalnev by Bar. A. EL Bar , nays..-. Tha sailors have many experi enced players among t-am and. - will doubtless give tha local team . a Vary , arood game. Wickets pitched I p. m. at P. C C. grounds, East Thirty-ninth Belmont streets. Surmyslda cars go M tha grounds. -. Wc alshing;; For Business "m -j However, we do not of ; Vfef you tempting baits'' f 7 to please yoo,today and ?, ,.' '.: i disappoint you toraor-" : row, - but - good - ster-"' 'X: ling values the whole V year round. , If you are . ";4 'fishing round for a bar-r ,,!!.-3ux'-.gain in xnt,Treiv.;Tj "-V t.C'Nv ''-.?.' .:'.' Z Shirts or- -Undcrwcj -"""Jake arlook at bur line.' . Agents for O DUNLAP HAT. KODinson ca u).: Hotel Perkins Bldg. II SJSU V I !olii:?ic coxegsi; ; SHAPE FOR CONTESTS yVearert of the Winged O Expect .-r, to Down the"M7A77Crr Thraa fast boxers wha arrived in.this city last weak to repraaent tha Olytnple Atnletle club of 8an Francisco la tha Lewie and Clark boxing contests ara Al Kaufman n. ' champion heavy-weight-of tha Olymplo club; Willie Dwyer. cham plon 1 (-pound boxer of tha club, and Bob f Lund la.- champion' lightweight boxer of tha coast They came hare nnder - the s-utdlna- wlnr of John I Gleaaon.- the dub a leader, and DeVYlu Van Court, the club s boxing Instructor. For the Past two weeks tha boys have been training faithfully. They took on soma weight . coming up on the train and war out early- this morning taking off tha superfluous flesh. Mr. Gleesoa feels 'sanguine, that tha boys will make good snowing. - They cava taken pari in many tournaments and have always come eut on top. Vsn Court has taught Aa Van Court devaloped Jimmy Brut, Champion Jefftiea, Champion Frankle Nell, gam Berger and Oeorgle Flnnlgan. ha la well Ajuallfled to coach tha boys on- tovictory.-y T- . X Tha club Is represented In tha Lewis and Clark 1 amlball tcramamant by IOnt Levy, a crack player front San Kran Claca, i i-i Lovswwoa tha -hard -handball championship and is looked unon aa likely candidate for first honors in '- oft nionmmiit Within .tha next two weeks tha Olym pic. oiu will aend .J.' Bcott Leary and Francis Galley to represent the. winged ''O" In the swimming ' contests. " 'i nasa men ar record breakers and made splendid showing at St' Louis last year. A. raw divers will also coma hers -to take part In fancy and long dlatanca diving. They ara Lester Hsmmersmlth, Tom Bacon and Peta Sunoerg. In Au gust a . .half dosafv wres tiers will corns here from tha 01ymp4e-etubwnder -'tha guuianoa af Oeorge Melhllna. Tha boxing exhibitions will take place a Jt riaay, -, - 4 t TRACK AND FIELD . r ; -EVENTS THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday of this week tha P. N. A. championship track and field meet wm a pulled off on the Lewis ana cisr . stadium. This will be tha ft rat annual championship meet under the P. N. A, as this organlxaUon was just lately formed but of tha old N. P. A. It is made up, nowever, of praotlcally tha same teams that composed the old association, 'the nly difference being It excludes tha British Columbia teams from membership In ths organisation, although these tsams ara not precluded from competing In tha championship games ; if they register ; through - ths vanaaian association. . - w- Seven events will be pulled off Fri day, July 7, and eight events on Satur day. July I. : Entries for Frday. are loo-yard dash. 14-nound shotnut 440. yard daah, running broad Jump, one-mile run, 1 2 8-yard low hurdles and throwing m-pouna weignt. intnas for Saturday: U0rd 'dash, .running high 5ump, ISO yard dash, throwing 14-pound hammer. 110-yard high hurdles, throwing dlsous, pole vault and relay. . v AMERICAN LEAGUE. : Won. ' 41 t- PC .451 .42 Cleveland" ;r Chicago . . . -?r ' 15 '!?' it " .- 33 34 --44- Philadelphia 49 Boston .441 . it. . .44 New York . Washlnarton, -,v St. Louis . ...... .4X1 :.m .ti At Bostoa. R. H. E5. Boston . . ............... ..44-! Philadelphia . .4 T t Batteries Dineen and Crltrtr: Henlev ana ocoraca. . .-- r- . - At Vew Tork. 34r SJ-41 New York . Washington Batteries TC H. El ...,.1 4 3 .. . I 1 Hog. Putmann and Klein. ow; Patten and xvi 11 reel go. . t it- At Vattoit.; R. H.R Detroit". .4 4 4 Bt Louis y 1 1 4 1 Battenei -Mullen and Doran: Glada and Roth, At Olevelaad. -. .. .. .. - R. W. F Cleveland . i' .4 4 I Chicago . . ............ v. I f - 1 Battetiea Dononua ana Bern is; Owen, vvatsa ana auiiivan. a' ''' V" i NATIONAL LEAGUE. ,s,' ' - f Won. New Tork . . . . ..... 54 Ixst IT " 14' 4t 44 , PC. .714. .424 .443 .m .534 Pittsburg-. , 44 Chlcaao . . ........,) 43 Phlladelnhla adei 44 . IT IS II II Cincinnati . . . ... ... . t i. . .. . . . Bt. Louis Boston -Brooklyn ;.31 .414 ,144 At Broeklj-a. fft'W w Boston . . Brooklyn v.vtt;;;;t:;...;.:7 vr , ... i ........ 41 Batterlen and Bitter. Wilson and Moran: Scanloa . Umpire Johnstone. 4 CaI arWto4WMg'.V'L. f ' New Tork , , 4 It 4 Philadelphia 4 7 4 - -Batteries Ames and Bowermant Puggleby, Caldwell and Abbott U ni pt rt a Km 1 lie and Klem. ....... T. '::" At Olnolnaatt. 2, v -r't. - - -j . ' R. H.B. Cincinnati .1, .4 13 4 St. Louis ..j . . . .. . . , ........t 4 1 4 Batteries Walker and Phelpa; Taylor and Zaarfosa. . Umpire Bauawlna. . , : 'V:;-; .'At Ohloaro. . . ' ' Chicago . . ...vl.....V.V. j j'i Pittsburg Ill I Batteries Welmer and O'KelU; ..Case and Pelta.: . Umpire ODty. f t . r t . ; SP0RTIN0 NOTES, --I- -'Portland showed Seattle how i to do things yesterday. Eighteen hits and 11 runs in jintsminaArs a , siifflolanor-fos any team.- , a ' a-- ! K PresldVnt Willlama nf -the ' Spokaba baseball club la hers visiting tha expo sition. . Fsw man In -the Pacific north wast have enjoyed tha good will of tha public and players so much as Mr. WIU Hams. Hs Is considered a first-lass sport. 1 . - . f . .- .-v , K -.i,.,. f.--i3 a vaV';S"-" Jacob Ats, " Portland's crack short' step, lad la tha batting rally at Seattla yesterday. Ats Is one of our moot con sistent performers. Jeffriaa" Is raportal 4 have lost 41.444 bucking . the . bank at . Reno. . Nevada, after tha recent Root-Hart fight. If JelTriaa continues this game he will seen a vines- a-desire -4 -return to th4 ring. ..".- ' , - ,. .. , .-,:': ..-v.-. a... v ' George IlacVenarhmldt, ths Russian, was not favorably tmprsssed by. . tbs ability of Aaiericanwreatlers on his visit 'bars. In - a reoent Interview abroad ha aajra soma vnplaasant things about - them. Haokenachmtdt declarea ha Is la Hna health again.' Among other things, ba says'. "As to my experiences In America. I must say that I Urns ,4f my Ufa and will not forget some of tha nice folks I met 'Almost everybody treated ma courteously; One thing that I could not underetand was tha faking methods of adma of tha wrestlers. Wherever I went to aeak match 1- was confronted by a lot of aohsmera, wha made all aorta, of Yin sportsmanlike propositions to me. When they saw that I -was not a faker they avoided me and began . to say unkind things about me. - I gueaa I beoama an popular with soma of them, but I don't niind this as long as I have tha batter clamant on my side." . ' ; .' e. . a - . , . . . Jimmy. Britt Is anVbltlous te retire without a defeat on MS record, but he doesn't seem to realise tha fatality that iuraa la aaattation, " - , v .-.- a ''a .-.T t v, j.".-- ? President Bert has ordered Umpire Perrlha back ' to Ban Franotaca, . , Tha wonder Is . that . Perrlna la able 4o go back to tha Bay City after hta excit nSnitnfam la wis . , . rv., .' ee . v --i,'-! Jim Corbott says a light between Bat inng-NelSonTkndEJdle Hanlon would ba one ot I ha moat popular that could ba arranged just now,- and ba la pretty near light .'Both .men-ara fighters ot ths same type, and It would be bard to pick a winner. In his recant fight with Young -Corbott tha. Calif om Ian demon stratad that he is Xaf from being "all In,".-.. -kl--.:-Vv. Tba record' committee of tha A.' A. U. has refused to -allow 4ha discus reoord claimed by Garrala of ths University of Michigan, in - the conference meet at Chicago on June J. Tha discus used by Garrela at that tlm and plaos ts not offlciaL) according to the rules of .' the Amatsur Athletio anion, and. tha record will not be allowed by tha committee. Tha record made by Ralph Rosa at tba Olympic games at St Louis on Septan. bar 1, 1444, 121 feet 14 H Inches, still staads,-.,-..:,, V- -. a rr? t - if H ERR ERA MAY MEET " GOODMAN AT. SPOKANE . (Special Dlapatcb to'Tea-JoornaL) ' Tera. whose fight with Charles Neary of Milwaukee Tuesday night-was 'inter rupted In tha first round by .the sheriff. will probably fight . Kid Goodman In 8pokaneroa July M, a message having been received by the Mexican last night from Manager Qulnn of tha Spokane Athletio club. Herrera announced tnat In all likelihood ka would go to Bpokana and accept the 04 tar. Aa - offer from Billy Roach of Colma for a match wit Nearjrwag also received fey-Horrors, BRITISH RACQUETS ; V DEFEAT AMERICANS v..y - -jl;. ..-- 4barsal Spaeial Berries.) - . London.'- July 4. Smith and : Rlsley. tha .British "tennis experts, defeated Wright and Ward yesterday la he All England doubles tennla championship. The Americana won , four,-games but seemed to tire afterward. In tha final matches tha Britishers won ont easily. Ths scores in tha sets wera 4-7, 1-4, 4-1 and 4-1.- . --.f--.. , -.. .)' ; -J-..--4. - The" spectators , declared - that ths driving was tha most brilliant aver seen at- Wimbledon.. :-' . ' " s - : - PACIFIC- COAST LEAGUE. una V . .. ( T 401 .A5 .61 Ba rTaseawo Portlaad ..... ...... AO S anrna iad ,. Ot .-4M .4.T4 Seattle ............. 4) 4 .434 IS4S 48 2441- VOTZOa TO AMATMVmM. -'' e ' AH' notices ' of amateur bsse- X ball gamea. challsngea and ath : 4 letlo events mfast be sent to this 4 offloa before t o'clock a, m. oa 4 4 tha day for publication. Ama- 4' taur managers should pay at teotloa to this rule, aa the keep '4 . lng ot ' It will Insure a proper - 4 4 report f of " their " dole gSL Ths 4- Journal." . . e 4444 PENDLETON BOY SAVES ' HIS PLAYMATE'S LIFE (Special tnapatch to The IwruLk ' Pendleton, Or.; July 4. Burley Rob inaon, with great presenca of mind. saved tha Ufa of his playraite, Jule Anderson .yesterday afternoon. , Tba boys, who ars about 11 years old. were firing firecrackers near the banks of tha Umatilla river, when Anderson's clothing csught on firs from tha explo sives. . Robinson-grabbed his frightened chum and dragged him to tha adga of tha river about 14 feet away and shoved him Into ths shallow wstsr. Ths stream being shallow did not cover tha body of the boy so young - Robinson plunged Info the wstsr also and turned tha boy over, effectually quenching ma names. . ; . : ' . Wltttaaaa Ploaasa Baaa, '. ' ' (Ipedal Olapatch te The JearsaL) , Colfax. Wash July (.Word was re- celved hers this morning of ths death of R. Wicks of Onecho, a little place It miles southwest of hers. . Mr. Wicks Is aa extensive farmer and wheat raiser. Hs was one of xha first settlers In that part of tha oountry." Tha funeral will be field at ths family residence at One cho tomorrow , at 11 a. m, . ., y -. " " , sarisboro Km bseae, : , ispeeiai inssaica.m.,xps arsai.i Hlllsboro, Or.. July 4. J. H. Ray and . Soother Sled a complaint in tha eoun ty court here yesterday charging Henry M. Ray. aged II years, of Hlllsboro with Innanlty. . . .. t . - - ? Hs was examined and committed to the asylum. c-to-' -' - . - - --- f I fpt HavanaCicars, J 51G. MICHEL Q. CO. (Wo HI Third Street, 7, BlstrniaWtTi ON SALS iVKRTWHJCBB. '--'.I f7 .DEIii'C.RECrCh'ED ..-.:... Stockholder of Pugst Sound Iron ' company Says Pittsburg Man Ujj-: Took a 'Uat0a'v r. '' ' REMODELING IrtONDALE 5 SMELTER IN WASHINGTON Old Company la Also Developing TfJia Copper 'Deposits Jn .-, ; : tne.uroup. ' . B. W. Paxtoa of Santa Rosa, Califor nia, who Is heavily Interested in tha Texada Island Iron properties. Wys .the resumption of work In the mines hai been on a lease of a portion of tha great group; This lease is In tba Interests of Pittsburg men, who have concluded that this promising Iron deposit can toe made to produce richlyV' Tha holding concern. tha Puget Sound Iron company, which did. the early work on Texada 'Island, Is not sailing Its property, iut Is giving every possible encouragement to devel opment work, r . ' ' r - ' Before-retiirnlng Jtd? his TTanforn!n horns It la tha purpose of Mr. Psxton ta vlalt- tha Island snd-obaervatha-jrork that haa been. Inaugurated.- Ha la "now la Portland, where be will remain ik or 14 days-, following which he will go north for a short period, and later re turn through Portland. . There Is both Iron snd copper on the Island. - Mr. Paxton states that tha Pu get Bound Iron company haa been work ing tha copper deposit and there is every promise of making this part ot the prop. arty a heavy producer of tha red metal Shipments. hsva beea-JuAda .to the Puget sound smelters, - '" 1 V Ths Pittsburg people ara remodeling the Iroadala plant, ' in -' Washington. Which is- to be. used for tha Iron ore-as before. 'It was left In such shape that It requires considerable work, but the new somyany Is commencing onarstlnng'wlth all evidence ot permanency, and weems to have ample Support for 'making ths Iron deposits heavy ; producers of the useful metal.''-,.. ', 1111 im III iiwliflii 1 '')' WORK ON BIG JUNEAU U MILL NOW UNDER WAY Juneau. Alaska, Is waking to one of tha moat vigorous seasons that district has known, says Editor Russell ot the Juneau ' Dispatch. The . Joshua Hendy company haa a tff.VOu monthly payroll la ths . railroad and - mill construction work for tha Alaska Peraeverenca,and by the and of this month it Is expected that 1.000 men will ba employed In this mammoth erftBrprise. . Mr.' Russell says ths Alaska-Perssvsranca la a remarkable property, and that It will prove one 01 tha wonders of the north country. The mill- bulldtng-ts to be erected for too atamps, although but 100 will be put In this season, owing to tha magnitude of tha enterprise. Tha . railroad will be rushed to completion -aa quickly aa pos sible, thus aiding tba mill construction: Offices have . been opened. : draughts men ara getting up all plana and aneolfi cation a, -and there Is every possible as. suranee that the mill will be completed in - tna time indicated : by tha. contract. Mr. Rusaell believes that 'this work nd other enterprises taking, form- Will doubts - tha population '. of . Juneau in lightly more than a year, and will give an Impetus to ths northern metropolis which will make it of far greater im portance In Alaskan development than It haa been In the past - . . Ths Alaska-Peraeveranca mill Is to be one or the largest - single mills over erected, and ths .. designers . guarantee that it will have tha greatest crushing capacity of any existing mill. VTha total coat of the railroad equipment and the mill work Is to ba in ths -neighborhood Of. mM.J,,r??-::-7. OREGON SPELLED tf Sf 5 PURE WUGGET GOLD Superintendent Mellla of tha Oree-on mineral exhibit . at the expositions haa arranged a most striking feature in th foreground of. his mineral products. It is a beautiful cabinet filled with rich gold and .quarts specimane. The word Oregon" haa . been spelled In letters Of Pure gold on ths first abelf of the cabinet; Belmont gold from -tha Green horn district is used. There are many gold nuggets and goodly quantltlea of coarse placer gold, with specimen quarts Of rare beauty.. This being tba intro-J auction to the exhibit forms an at- tractive front piece. Tha cabinets 'ot the Greenback, North. Pole, Columbia and "Other largo properties, which have soma of tha prettiest specimens' of ore aver shown anywhere, ara interspersed la the exhibit A large quantity of nuggets from Douglas and Josephine counUes will ba received In two or thraa days and these ara to have a prominent place In tha exhibit '. Tha southern Oregon,, nuggets have not been conspicuous In the -main exhibit yet. as Josephine county, which Is ths richest producer of this -dsns of gold, haa a separata exhibit In the agricultural building. With the batch of nuggets and coarse gold that la be ing sent a better showing will be possi ble In the mining building. . Lane county baa a splendid showing of milling ores. as both Bohemia and Blue river are given extensive space In the Mining building annex.-:- . PROSPECTORS CHAFE" v 3J : OVER METLAKATHLA Ed C Russell of ths Juneau Dlspatoh, at Juneau, who ts spending his vacation In Portland, says that the prospectors of the north country .chafe under the baa that forbids their work In Metlskathla Island, tha home of Missionary Duncan and his Indians. . ' - v - Mining-men- heHeve-thstthlrJ,woTjla prove oho Ot 'hav-rlchest mtmrai dis tricts of the southeast coast. If opened to thorough development, which Is as Sored by mars opening of the island to mlneraT entry:-Congres has laen peti tioned several tlmea te permit mineral locations there, but Rev. Duncan and his Indian wards .oppose, and all efforts ae tar have proved fruitless. . .- , t- Mr. Russell States that Portland capl. tallsts assisted, Mr. Dnucan financially at the time he established thla mission, and have been atrong business factors In A arias Trea-edv Is dally enacted. In thousands of homes, ss Death claims. In each one. another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs snd Coldst srs PHPP- ly Treatao. toe tragedy is averted, if. the traaedv . Huntley of . Oakiandon, ,. Indiana. writes: "My wife bad. the consumption. and three doctors gave bar up. - Finally aha took Dr." King s New Discovery for (.onsumption. cotigna sno toiaa. which cured her. and today aha ta wll snd stmng." It kills the g-rms of all dls ee. 'Una nose -rueve. . tnarantxl at 40c. and 41.04 by Rod Croaa Pliar. mary, ninth and Oak streets. Trial1 bot tle ires. TEXADA-IIiES will Sara It Waiiaii'wia I CL . A' CUARSIATJ- T boelaess Bus who ta tae assy ft lu aaaltb oi smml mmJmx 1 falllag baai kif llsa at sa-iaaej Uf wa dmhij4s saiaaaai saaws aa Wld -W 4 kaA' alrrauAi aCV1 tl- t t alxHatir fcerooda.rl2eula ting the 5c of Promotes Digestfontaetfup rffissandnestontalns neither OpiumJorpine norllLaeraL yoTKAncoTio,; .... - 9 . - - - - .' 1 ,- ... , .v.M ft: , htrSmd.. Aperfecl Remeay for ConsHp Hon , SourStoinach.DiTriioea Worms Amvulsions Jeverislv nessenlLossorSljezR: - Tat Simla Signatura of ' 5 KEW YORK. EXAT COSY Of WstUSCkV 'U..--, WatAT Tf a. --.- iNlIi-VViiU fl "'TO IT, DIDN'T HURT la what ray aay.ef estal work. We a eat ef the alty aab-kly KrvrytDieg es 10 n.ta. auoaars. '1UIS 1024. WISE BkOS., Dentists Da. a. .. wm. TW-rauiag, eer,,Tslrl sad Wiuusgtaa. , the community . sines. . as local .whole salers extend heavy-credit to the. Indian V--, v' - '- ' i , v ' Puraaee sTear PriaeviDa. . ' , ; (Spadat Diapatch te The Jearaal.) Prlnevilla, Or.,. July'. 4. Construction Of a . mercury furnace , for the . Lookout mountain - clnnSbar ; property- of i the American New - Almaden cortpahy has begun. The plant will bo of small ca pacity, but Is believed of sufficient else to expedite development by handling all of-the- higher-grade-ores removed fn the progress ot work and giving te the msnacrment funds, ror -prosecuting the exhaustlvs exploration hoped to be taken UP til tail 1 JMb4S"" T haT,-avaW pMaA Jf" 1 ' PGIJ" bly have the plant operating by the latter part of September. - . - "...I- .."ti. '" " . " a. ... ti- jj ,' Black Sanaa Oeaie, .;... ,',..,. Receipts of blsck ssnds for ths trotted States geological - survey experiments continue to come In. Dr. David T. Day stated this mbrnlng thst ssvsrsl ship ments had arrived and that many more were coming. There has bean a little troubls In getting ths experimental work under way and but for this the ship ments to ths pavilion would have been heavier. All Is practically In readiness tor serious operations; . snd the ,. work III b puahod with all tha energy that can be master!. '" '" ' - ,7" . SCaedoaald Probably sate. Until this morning the family of Joaeph Mardonald of this city had re ceived no news from the distinguished mine operator, who' had gone lo Guana. , Ijmta, Mexico, prior to the time of ths va It aaar 1 ews e et 4 we eae at haae km!4 t"4. a- -v . , Al -4 si. t ef e -' . v - a- . a,as nariwa's 1 a- e -i ' - 4 -At ', a.. Mug .fcrstr;! ! r- r-v'r-- . a-v: a) - X. Tl:jii:il Ycj.Iiava Bcarotho SigMtiLro of X romnkm xjlst sats abovt Sees It SSe Ute far Imsili: Mam an na reaaR k in JLrjJ 7M,. MM-- ; USD : Thirty Yqafs - TwassrsasweaewaarM, asejvaaaerni. Casey's Rheumatic ure woatAB-a crtnu vo RsarrrfMA- X. H. Casey Medicine Co., Spokane. Wish. I have suffered .14- years with Rheumatlam and found no relief nntll I uaed Oasey'a aatimaOe Cava, -' I am now able to do my house work. I feel very grateful to you for what your medi cine has done for me. MRS. T. E. ZGLLER, : -j ..",. , -j, -, , . . Ill Jefferson at, Portland, Or. ' -r Medicine sold on guarantee, II bottle, at Watts A Matthiau. 271 Russell St.: Woodard Clarke. cor. Fourth and Washington; "Skidmore Drug , Co.. 14) Third at; Alblna Pharmacy. 310 Roa-.- sell at. Portland; George A. Harding. Oregon iwr. -,:..-. . . ,. . . -- . .. 1 r The latest most convenient and ornamental package .' of Toilet Powder eves used--euperier to the ancient' style tin can or box. Sold by all up-todate Drug. -gists and Dry Goods Houses., ,(. I AOS . 1UOUAT - sttBSX, POBTXJUrS. OU See Display In 'Manufacturers Bldg.. Fair Grounds,' . and - at McCommaa's Pha rmacy, Nlneteentr ' and ' Washington streets. - : ?-,,'.- J 71 --'H-- r r1 -,: " , ef snlns for seopls (ns eveid an? ielav. Opaa evaslags ssd THINK TOICE . 1 !,t BUT ACT QUICKLY! See-ue today about our courses In Bookkeeping and Shorthand. - BehnHc-WalKer Business College Stath aai aarMsoa Streeta, Portlaad, Oregoa. . K open.yan .the year. Dsv and night. -' Call . or : send nd - for csta' BLOOD la the warat dtsaaas ae earth, yat tha eaarast ta rare WHgft, log KNOW WHAT 10 OO.- tfaay ihare slax P0IO0CJII aeoca oa - tae aeroe is - tka Slaara. falling Soa'tVnaw It Is BUWO POIROM. Bans te Da. BSOWN. 44 Arts at., Palla4lil. Pesa.. tor BROWH'4 BLOOD CURB. .42.00 par. sattla; Uataaae Bwata. Bnig u Partual esly- by rrsab Baa, rartiaea amtml naaraue flood there. No especial uneasiness ts felt, however, aa Mr. Macdonald wrote his w If a that havaxpectad. to depart -from Guanajuato for the City of Mexico on a date prior to the time the flood oocurred aad it is believed thst he is now in the southern -republic's capital. Telegrsms hava been sent lo the , more southern 1 BS. W. Av wm. BaBBBBBBBBBBTJSSBBaj a I . J . V. 1 ' - . r a tic m tty' - i M'tTTCl. .- ;,''v . .-.a , ; -1 ..'RciAiv w v-' . vt i. r -Special rates msla to famlls snd s '.le.antla A modern Turktaa balo aiaMUMHat la tha : hotel. - . - r n . . .St, C. S9WZX3, Sbuuges. , riot Tao Fcr , : , Visitors to the Lewis snd Clark - erpoaltion will Snd fhst ths above " - apUy-aescrlbea the' location of the" iiiLL r.::uT.r.Y --ACACH1Y HOTEL- ; "This snlendid hulldlna haa feaan 1 thrown open for the convenience ind entertainment ot persons vis- ting tha fair. Within tan mln utss walk of -main entrance; only building In the block. Gives fins bulldtni view or exposition Duuainga and Ion miles of 1 the Willamette rtvef. Btreetcara pass tna aoor, neser . vatlona should ba made now. For rates and particulars apply to en. j. w. hill SSt atargkan WU SwHlaaS, Of. - Finest summer resort In-Oregon.'- Tt.v only hotel oa the beach overlooking the"" ocean. Sea foods a specialty. The hotel has been rebuilt and newly furnished. Hot -aalt hatha .Fine surf bathing dl '. rectly In "front Of tha hotel, ptrtotly ftrst-clasa -Amertpaa- plan.'. For terms iloieliJoore and . .. reservations Address ,' DAN J. , MOORK, proprietor. : " -.. .. f VrUi -v ; -'- - PAUApB HOTBL 5: n 0; 3, Whether he goea by land er sea. the traveler will find it a delightful trip to Ban Francisco, where he should 0 c stop at tnaworia-rameo .0 0 1 and enjoy He kssny attrao tlve features. - For fuller information write to . the Palace, or aea- : - '.-.r-i-. 9. SnSaWV.r-i'. st ths- Portland Informa. tlon and Bookla;- Agency, Hotel Portland. 1 - 7 IS naioH advnvd lldtcl Eaton - Oassar stiiiaiis sad West Park Sweat. , 'sdaeatalr rarsMbad, alegsatly eealpavi. arapraof, Its BUnatee walk Oats, heart a abopplag asd. SaalnsaS dlatrlet all tanra. airy, eataMa mail, ataaai haatad. elsetrlr llsata, tclapaeee - la aaab aaarfaat. ata Large erseea. toaasiBg, sawklag, wrWIag. laei raeasrlaa aarlart Ban an 'jeaarteg kg raall aa talapbasa, . Private ssislsss snsts ttalas sad lanami " It au $I.OO to tS.OO m Oaiw .- - tracts Sates' te OaBSMrcUI-Hta,- -' (rertserly a Hatal Badpata, gakaaa.l TWWXTt-mtTX , AM9 UPSJIUB STS. Oppsatte fgata - aTntraaoe to IVewia aad - v - Mvra auposroea. ' Only , aheolTrtely fireproof hotel ' sd-" loin lng grounds, equipped with el eo trie elephonla and aneclal talenhonlo com munleatlona - for patrons. Uniformed porters; snd bellboys at all hours guaais -. sarvree. ; -: -,-, nj 150 Elecant Rooms ' " ;:0peii for Guests SULTSS SIM ASAT AXD t. jf.V W. H. LATTIN", General Manager.' HOTEL ESTACADA ' ; ON THS O. TV. aV P. RT. CO. ,'-. '.: TROIXET UNt-..'-...v' ' SVATwaj, , pw'. AT';". .'..I , Ji.SS ' SvAlaa, 1TW WBX....SlAO0 ' Spaeial Mckefc-' Including r round trip fare aad dinner. ...... .S1.T4 ' Special ticket. Including round trip tare, one night's lodging and three meals. . . ...... ..... ...SSAO .H1?1 "T O'fl"! AaTD WAITTJr4' ;( howat, rxavaf AMJt AUULaV . r - . Pbone or - wrHa '....'. -. '.' t- 4r- MARTINEZ. Manager, -.1 Estacada, Oregoo.... .f, HbTEUSALTAIR , ,;-v , , OeatervOle, . srertti Commands fine view of tha v . neean. Hotel Fiirmount Good -Sshlng. Bsrellent water."-Home- 000 King, run ssrved . dally. Far particulars. addreea ." Iong Beach P. P.. Waehlhgton. jJTHE KINQ MOTEL, Nawly faralabed thraogbent II per 4ar.' Me4ars m evary aarHnkui aa direct car- Mae to espoeltloa aad oanotai ealr 4 alsatve' walk fraaa p. O. and pealnesj canter. . Ftrat-elaee Baals aarnd 4nr eaats. 4ut Jtfferaee st-' Oof r 4ao"riieTfics wHtfawJa - j- - . - x 1 pazTAva BOAms Ajra books.. Mrs. Sarah raemharlala. Long Baaek, Weak. Horn cooking Oasa Moal. u.. m 1 " 1 1 u. ,-ja- a .... , point and answers sr4 ei pet ted soon, giving assurance that Mr. ; Macdonald Is safe. , - - Even though he were - at Gnanajuato when the flood -occurred he would probably hs at tha mine tfnd not whevs ths- flood Struck with g?M' t fsrea,( - ' i ; 1 . I