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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
j w -- .w.- : ' y W.- V. fpEstoffor Jlntelt y -that we v. r,'..! !v; ,f J" ..V "V "V: -V V V SMELTER riAUIKG MAFiY' GOOD fliES 'Highi-Tributt to F. Di Fulltf '.. ,VWork in Blue Mountain DISTRICT NEVER BEFORE: HAD SO MUCH PROMISE A.' J,:,Trlmbl Say TKat .Hftavy Development; tndiPoduo !v ;'. " v tlone Are the Rule.- ' A. J? .TAmbl. on of th mwt eon . , rvatlv and careful' OMratora of . the 'Blu Mountala mineral . son, and who -owTii tiM AnnaluJu mina. waa in th elty reatartar n .rout from Sump tar, . He ha mining and commercial Intareata ' In 8 lbrl. which require portion ( bin 'time at tha , northern porta, alkd be apanda )ha open aeaaon between local and other point. ' 4 Mr. Trimble view the mining altua -tion In the Blue Mountain with irraater " Thope than for rears; - HI tribute to the .j. .work done br Manarer Fred IX Puller of the Sumpter amelter i typical of .''what heavy mining Intereata think ' of ' .the reaulta, accomplished by. the ener , getle amelterman. The aubatanc of, this la that Mr. Fuller Is a wonder, and 'tils fostering and encouraging policy baa . 'don more for the mine of eaatern Ore " gon than anything that ha been done . ttefore. Throngh keeping tn touch with . . every property that haa or In bight and giving to the struggling owner ayery -poeslblo encouragement, - properties are being made, to produce, which were not -eren- -regarded aa likely to be producers for several years to- eom.,The tonnage In sight at the present time la suffleent . to lnaur heavy continuous operaUons at - the smelter, while new properties with . greet promise are being brought out. The-season of 1101 In the upper camp. .whil devoid of anything of a boom char. . arter, la giving greater comfort and aa , .suranc to the heavy mine owners and an eouna mining interests than any year - la Ita hUtoryi Moner sent to the camp used In development and i equipment, and the beet proepecta -aro receiving attention. '. This la Uken to Insure sev eral brilliant producers , at an early a!, . i rm. e .- -i-r; . ' "BLUET.EDGE" NEARS"A" MORE STABLE REGIME . (Bpectat Dlapateb to n JeareaLI ' , Troka, CmX., -July . Judgment gainst the . Blue Ledge Copper com pany, which Is operating on the bound ary line between thla atate, and Oregon, -has' been rendered In favor of the In , tereata that brought suit for default of CASTOR I A X.Tot:laaaU aa4 CLSJstx- - Tti ffcl Yn IztlZz? C::t . ZTt Urn r YESTERDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. have a holiday everyday of the .. week.: 9VS:.?S vl: tiiiii ' :"1( ' -4 .v---"' -V J -, , - J ' 'i. - - 'I V--'""'"f C U-.;.J '.. . The OWJPM Railway are ,With the. NewjRoof. Garden "and the ch V V ' v V V V v v payment and debts fneurred ' the past winter.- Nothing la given -out by thoa controlling tne property cs to what th future plan Is, nor will' anything prob ably be said until the time for redemp tion haa expired, and everything la clear for work of a permanent character. - The troubles that havo affected the Blue Ledge .do. not diminish the con- ftdence of men who know the property, For a surface showing It is pronounced the best In the great copper tone of this legiom It has been -examined by some of the best- engineers of the north west and it is. wsll known that several handsome bids hsve been msde to pun ch ft e it, despite the vicissitudes through which the property . baa passed, and which are . held by , many merely tbaJ preliminary te opening a great oopper producer. Bom statement Is expected at an early date regarding the Imme diate - future of - the property gnd the early aummer will probably see phns finished for steady' development -. STRONG CREW AT WORK ON GOLD HILL PLANT r-l (gaarlal Dkisatek it 1W Jeeraal,) Oold H1H, Or, July a-Work on the canal, which Is to divert water for op erating placer ground In thla vicinity and give to Gold, Hill a large power plant. . I pressed with energy. -iTha crew numbers about 1& men. but more will bo put on aa work progresses and the management finds whir haste may be nrad prontbly.v Whan the a team ahovela are put in motion rapid prog ress Is assured, a a muck of the ground la of a character that bandied oy mecnsnicat isoor-aaving-aevicea. The Brat power plant to be fpatalled la promised - at - Houch'a - mill, where there Is preparatory work- at present. By msans of the power generated here It la expected that a heavy saving may be mad hi the other operation. BELMONT IS MILLING ;V.. ;HIGH GRADE GOLD ORE . (Usealal JMapateb to Tke iornal. ,' , Tipton, Or, July a. --Since surtlng the little three-stamp, mill -On the Belmont property - recently, . Oilhey A Kershaw have been handling exceptionally high- grade milling rock. - The plate of coat ing ae rapidly that It. will be necesaary for the - management to clean up often, and the Indications for the first run are the most favorable. , Ne statement haa been gVvew out bv the management aa to the Worth of the- or milled, but It la good shipping rock in most countries. Surfaoe -exploration.- also continues - to prove th extent of the rich ore body. Greater confidence In the Belmont ss a producer of- considerable life grows with more extended work.. -. - : - 1 : (gseelil Dtapatck te Ts Joaraal.f ' Oranlte, Or.. July M. Dredging at Crane FIat,ear - thla- city.-- which" has been In progress .about month and a half, ha..- all the- outward - indlcatlona of aucees. Burch 4 Burbldge keep the big boat - In steady commlaslon, and while they make tno ' statement to" the publlo as to the value of the ground handled or the aeet of operating, there la no doubt In the public mind that this will be the most successful dredge vet Mhh 4 turn Hr..n. ' r "'t-'-phpw Work tesgmar 's-:-i - IBpectrr PMpitel "M Th Joanul Prairie City. Or-July e. Deeo alnk. (ng la to be prosecuted at the Prairie diggings, ssys superintendent Joseph Wei-tell, it 1 Ma purpose tor put the t shaft, which ha a depth of 171 ) 1 feet deeper Immediately, while ; t . :orUoa on the lit level . , - . . .-. . . v . . , .... tl i-rv That Is Wh 3 v v v vyv .-v v to block out ore on the three-big vein. Thr la . too prospect ef th 26-stamp mill being put In cqtrimlaslon until late U tk. wa . .It - A r ' , . ' ' Wralsa Bohemia Sistrlot, . ' , (Special Dtapatck to Tka JooraxL) Cottage Grove, Or., July t. C D. Orov of Colorado, who haa been in Bohemia aevernl weeks making metal lurgical teats at the Crystal, property. states that tns veins in that ramp are true fissure and predicts a wonderful future .for Bohemia. He says that If Bohemia was In Colorado It Would be a great camp and only need capital and push to fnnk It. so here. . '. ;- FIRE DESTROYS FRAME t HOUSE AT GRANTS PASS '"T iSpedal Dtapatck The JoarsaL) .: . Grants Pass, July . l.wThe flra-department waa called out on the evening of the third to put out a fire In th two-story frame house at the corner of Bixth and C street. The fire waa caused by neighbor burning grass In their yard next door. The building bad at one time been uaed for a carpenter ahop, before the upper etory was plas tered, and th shavings had been throws between the studding and tha flames from the grass In some way were drawn np through these, for when It waa die- covered the fire waa" coming from th roof. The fire department responded promptly, but owing to the low pressure of the water the upper part was. de stroyed. Ths lower, floor we occupied by the Slngef Hewing Machine company, and they Succeeded In getting everything Mt Tne upper floor waa uaed aa a rooming-nouse ana out uui waa aaveo The building was the property of I B. Hall and Waa insured for a small sum. KENTUCKY MOB LYNCHES ONE BUT THREE ESCAPE -,, ' . v ' . (Joaraal Special gervles.1 Russell ville, Ky... July . Ouy ' Lyon was lynched by a mob of 100 last night. He waa charged with criminal aasault upon Msry -Gladder, a German girl Three . other prieonera accused of the same? 'crlmeT escaped the fate of ' their companion, two ef them by crawling' up the iron railing ana niaing oy th big water tank, and One of them, John Saka. by darhlng out Into the open where he waa -ckptared after , being wounded by the sheriff. . ' .-' ' '-r,;;l-- COLUMBIA - RIVER EXCURSIONS. Vcrr Low.Rte VU the O. K. N. ' to Upper Rfyir Points."-- No visitor - to Portland should miss viewing the matchless Columbia river scenery - between Portland . and Th Dallea, aa seen from Q. R. at N. trains. Th Chlci go-Portland special leave th union station every morning at 1:11. giving a daylight rtde along ths Colum bia, stopplng-f-orrr minutes at the very foot of Multnomah falls. ' Evsry mile of th trip there Is something new and fascinating. If desired, tha return trip may be made by boat from Cascade locka r The Dalle. Very low rate thl aummer. Particulars and summer book by asking C W. Stinger, city ticket agent, O. R. M. Co, Third and Waah ington -treeta.:"r--' -r -1 . .. fgti atamgar '--'i I . - -.IJeersal aseelal SeerW.) . . iJnmAnn. -Julv ki--A rVUmna dianateh ! abates 1htArehduke Ferdinand ha t. gun military preparation with a view; to rent any attempt of Hungary tei cd Xxom th duai mooarchy. ... . J - Enough iicw features to make ten Pullmans for comfort -: A 5c fare each; Italian v v v v'v-v v- BUILD TARIFF WALLS Europeans Begin War of Retalia v tion Against United States - Protective Duties.- DANCER TO EXPORT.TRADE v CLEARLY POINTED OUT Couritries JThat Have Been Good Tl Customers' Put Prohibitive -. Tax on Our Goods. .' " 1 Alarmed at the-political' attitude of continental Europe on th tariff ques tion. American business Interests have atarted a movement to stay. If poaslbls, the tide agalnat American manufactur ing Industries and farm products. In a circular sent through .the New : York chamber of commerce, it Is asserted thst dtsaater threatens the American export trad, and a demand It made for a radl cat. change of 4he tariff system,' by 1 process of -eliminating- tariffs through reciprocal treatlea. t - .... The circular. Issued at th htstsnc of 'manufacturing and exporting Influence back of th New York chamber, la ao emphatic thst 1t1 creating a aensa tion. 7 Ths - Portland chamber ha re ceived a copy, accompanied by a letter from ' th socretsry of the New York chamber.- The local body la aaked t join-in a national movement to bring Influence to bear on congressmen and senators In every atate and secure im mediate action at Washington. - It I said If . ths United" Bute government does not do aomethlng at once the ex port trade of this country will be sud denly, and practically extinguished as the result of recent and prospective leg (elation by foreign cauntrle thst have determined to shut out American prod' wet In retaliation for the bom policy of v prohibitive protective tariff. , . ' roretgm sTatloa Will Btlia.. The circular deals with .the, present situation, frankly a the effect of the McKlnley and Dingley tana laws. It cite the -fact - -t hat Franee, Germany, ftussls. Italy, Swltserland. Spain and Portugal are about to adopt high pro tective tariff law, imposing duties- em Imports at such rate a a will be almost pe&hltttUv. nd will seriously handicap If not entirely destroy the American ex port trade, which last year amounted to i.e7,eoo,eoa. .- - - Iftwrtntg "out - tha - some - of 'these countries have been the best customer of th American farmer and manufac turer, ,The - countries of continental Europe last year took two third of America' a export. Of thl amount th Vnlted. Kingdom took on half, Ger many "took $21 -.OoO.MOV "Franc 'took and Italy I3R.000. . It 1 now praposed by the . countries to . prac tically bar, American products. . Th plana of .Germany are moet threatening. Its tariff schedules will be.dlrected especially, against Amerlcaa farm products and machinery.' It pur- , FOREIGN I mm m i Lruif u uiAftnn n rsiriii - - - - " ' v v v V V V CLEAKARICE ' A July! p i r I c e - c ; u 1 1 1 n g invent that offers the prudent shopper extraordinary bargains In the way of . household zoods. , : '::-V BARGAINS FOR THE HOME Am Okaiiw 1 Iaaee CTkeUra "piBlmg Ohatr : Peerto Ohalr Bedroom Sot r ' Dreesers Lto Tabtoa OWfmtores ' . Ooxamode . BUrrors' Blalag Table -' Bedroom Tables Parlor TaUaa 7 library Table Oardj. Table - " Xdie' Zeks . Office arMks Bask Caair aanlag Oaalra Cfcainr aVooker - - gewtmr moekwt Xros Beds ! .. .. Bras Bd: ' ' ' Woedea Beds TEMPTING DISCOUNTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT r pose placing duties -averaging about II. It a kilogram -U pounds) on alt wheat, which- wtll be much higher; Its duty agalnat flour will b fi.1 a kilo gram. . J .-: .' ProhiMtkia of Bop. : It will dlacrlmlnate agalnat American hop at the rate of SIS. kilogram; 119.71 on. all salted meata; $7.14 on butter and cheese; 14.11 on cattle! 14.18 nn hogs. A duty of 11.11 Is to be placed against American sawing machlnaa. and German dutle Vn all other machinery are to be raised to per cent. The altuatlon with regard to Franca la' almost equally unsatisfactory. In the laat alx tears American producers. dasptts.-thU'atni6t ysftorta.and. with horn legislation all In their favor, have been unable to Increase their export trad "with Franc. That country now purpose to further handicap American trade : by higher duties. Russia has raised the duties ( to ! per rent. Auitro-Hungary Is considering . similar IJaeUoa. 4, ,': .it resorts, and there is lines Band Every Afternoon V V V V V - - !. gldsbodd e' : ' atorrtag TaklM - ' Oklaa Oloswta . . - t. : Simburroom -t? Bwrto Sen .-! -; OeUareta -Book Caen Bug aCaWag Their proposed" tariff systsms provld a maximum or general tariff which may DranToredgalnrnnaTIohaTav discriminated or propose to discriminate agalnat these , countries; and a mini mum or conventional tariff, which can be invoked to cultivate reciprocal rela tion with countrlea that ar disponed to trade with them on equal termo. Under the latter provtalon they will be In posi tion to reduce their rate on many ar ticle by separate treaty with uch .na tion a offer tariff conceselon tn ei cnang. Bffea Will alaulMu ' 'When the systsras ar In full force," aaya th . xecutlv . eommitt of th Nw York chamber, "the effect am be- vary- dlaaateeu Cnlted Stat' export trade. Not only will our manu facturers, farmer a and xportr be sub- Jected to the high, and In many caaea prohibitive.' rates of duty of the t iti mum tsrtffs. but thsy wi!l $.'- i that te. r I re-1'ic' - f Eorr - ' der SALE 1 ,v much in ... . -. v tf ansfen , , 4 and HijihV V V BBSOBr. Delirhtfuf -Hount Ilccd Tiij EVERY 'VISITOR t Ijwia and Clark Jtp l - tion hould tak this the at , delightful of all mountain tr -In America. . Cloud Cap1 In v - (- uniqu and ploturasxju, T.Ood , feet , abov : - ea level. - af : fords splendid aeoommodatlonav ' Summit of - mountain . easily . aeossslbl from this - perat. Stage reave Hood River ta - tion dally, making eenn actio 1 with O. R. N. trains. JUrasi j trip ticket, Including eoac- - Ing trip, on gal at O. R. II. ticket offle. Third and Weea- , Ington atreeta, Portland. V-ar-tlculars about rata at CiOiU . Cap Inn by writing .unau, Xoed mtvwa. Send t cents to stamp t A. , X Craig, - G. P. A. Oregon Railroad . A Navigation com pany, Portland, xoi booklet lllag about trip, w'- Hotel Fairm ' ,11 W Cel.. J uppeuee asaia s mis as. j Clark Only absolutely Katl K lolnina? rounds, oouloi wits ect, j telenhonTe and snecial talsnhonlo e - munlcatlon for patrons, ynafor. I porter and bellboy at all hour . 150 Eteeant Rocr.3 upea tor vutsw , BATXS IXOO BAT AJTB CT. W. H. LATTIN. 0aral Maaase. HOTEL ESTACAD ON THB.O. TV. P. BY. CO . . . . TROUUCY IINK .. " BATTtg, rB BT.'.....f!-; batb. ran wjc...-..s ' SDwCiaLtlckeL. Jnc441niro"M , trip far and dinner.. Mpecial ticket, tncludlng round trip fare, one Bight's lodging "1 thre meal,.,M-"''"' ncnrvT omcm afb wit . MOOM, TJMmt AMO ! ..WW " write X. C M A'RTINCS. Manager, Eetscsda, Oragon. TMC KINO HOTL-, Wly fareieke tt.rWt, t r t mi F. ' - te eiiMrttea H ei eslr I . u. t M HUA . .. i J CnrrMpueiiteitce eei. - . tariffs will handio- r vivli slill furtlt Ths C"e 1 ' " 14 fl I t t i