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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
1 1 . J i lo' rfll - kowavaL.O ' ' V '- "- xcxtrr t xTsrxxxTt.- , . . .The Oonenoet" "TW Krauty fcn" "liaatl Bin." 1 arquaa. Lrrle .... J oplre.. f -an . i. t " ...... VmiKM'i' ...... TaadeTlllo V. " ' Whll rldlns- vr the range near Lost Lake. Adolph 'Asthoff. head forest ranter , of the Western Oregon district. nearly, lost his life a fiw days ago. Ms "m following; a new- trail -woe.. tils horse shied, reared and fell over back ward, pinning the rider to the ground. The horn of the saddle penetrated the uviny Iari vi Afinuii a mini,, v " serious wound.. : Blood -.flowed freely and Astnorr,'.,. realizing nis aanget, dragged himself to a spring.' Bathed " . hla wound and than hound It. Thinking that anma -attiap fni-Mt rana-ere Might . happen along, he lay near the spring .... I I fcj-. afinJiiptna ha ' struggled to ne saddle and rode to ms home, 16 miles from Lost Lake. There his wound wss hound up. ana no was . Tdrouaht to St. Vincent's hosDttaL . Aet . .hoff will be able to be about In a few weeks. In the meantime hla place will k. .lrM k U.r.... Atutjirann. Hla dlS- - - A- Trip' "Up the Columbia" Steamer BaUer Gatsort leaves dally. 1:10 a. to. UT round trip to Cascade Locks. . jnne daylight trip un the caiumoia river; - grandest river scenery1 In all creation. ,A trip IB I a IQauui v- No, smoke, no dust.; A ' trip -of a life ".time. - Fins - steamer Bailey Oatsert leave dally (except Monday) : : tn. returns : p. m. Bound trlpi.Jl.40. .. unci awa (iwuniiuvi. w Phona Main SI4. ' : ' '. " '.lOur fifth annual gift sale will fcon- . tlnu unUl further notion. Every pur chaser to the amount of 11.50 and up- ward of - our well-known brands ; of wines. Itnuors snd cordials will receive -a. valuable souvenir, consisting of haod- painted china and, other fancy goods of . imp on lmnrtaHoa, - u wruinini famiiw iiniiA rfaalar 218 Morrison street. r-- Mr. and Mas. Blltg Pa ton -of Santa Rosa, California, ars at the Hotel Portland on trip that combines buel- . ness with pleasure. i nT wm, romauu In the city for 10 daysvwhen Mr. Iaxton will go tOjTexada Island, where ho Is v Interested In the Iron, company there.. - has been. Inaugurate between Portland, Huntington and 8ait lake, via the Ore gon Short ' Line. ', The . first car ' left . Portland July J. "- Ths service will be . dally. In trains and 10 eastbound, and Strains T and V lrestbottnd. ; ...' ?. See thTsea at Seaslde-A delightful "f .a J M aala -4UtlSl WlMlSMt . SMat I rip lO Vin WP4"Bl V1U avagg a va-p " - - - - w satS1 iTaba MIH frS Flak lisin 'inW rurUetUVt smsw sat uiv deep. Tratnf leave the anion - depot . dally at I -e m. For Information apply - -u . r & . rvkVMri. tit .roar street., Phons Main tOIr-; . : ; ,."r Carloads of delicious . Mermaid brand -. cantaloupes ' and ' paper ' rind ' red meat . CoacheU watermelons r constantly on trackv See that you get Mermaids. . Nouini iih nair so iwnfc. rwiwra- Pags Co, Main , Sola agent. - , ' rm Bala RftcnnA.h, n1 mirhlnal TVB Singers, complete attachment.,' f 10; 1 : N Hitmt. ll eOmnleteL.I UtdS ak Kin. machines complete. Singer Store, -40 J ? WasaingMH Mreeu;.- r,;.!-',. i Roof painting uoiumoia nuni com pany. Main 14M. TO. First street. Moss and fireproof, paint for wood, tin .avad Iron. ; Roof painting s, specialty, ...j - moved office to 108-1 Marquam build , ing. Phono Main 4( residence phone. Main tl. ., . ... . ' ' Any . watchsa cleaned. 11.09: ' main- .4na 1 1 ASr ..alt work arnarantaail nnA . year. MeUger s Co, 111 Sixth streeu ' . Waj,jtflhre rlnlahara ' anrt ladleaf .'clothes ironers. Union Laundrr Co. .' Try a meal without meat at th Tege tarlan cafe, 101 Sixth street . , ... , ' A- Dr. B. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Ansley Printing Co- 180 Oak.. Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's new . vat. agwh . BI.XU wvfc ( a nnyuvm an maim rnr&llv. InnavtAaL .. Rataa. II and upwards, - lis Bills 'street WHAT WILL POOR GIRL Sixty-nine boys and ' TO "girls . were born In Portland In June, making lit births against It deaths, - . A decided decrease - In the' number of . contagious ' nieeases over preoeaing months wss noted in June..' Diphtheria, measles and scarlet f eve? were quite -tt prevalent March, Apsti and May, but ', the pesthousa, but the patients brought the dieease to this city from other parts of this state and .Washington.'', v Plumbing Inspector T. E. Hulme has compiled ths following report for June: New buildings Inspected, 174; old build ings Inspected, It;' cesspools 'connected, 16; sewers connected, 101; written no I tlces served, 1 ; total number of licensed ' plumbers, IT; reports . of defective ''plumbing, .' II: plumbing 'remodeled' bn - notice, 4i tptal number , o . visits for il number. connected. 111. . Ths Boot Shop , s Tbst wants your trade. "Sorosls" Oxford ; . Style JTJ, f$M per pair. . - ' r a j .' ."Sorosls" snd m ' .' f V- 0 Walk-Over" Store.- i " r Mabel McCgne.boprano Prima Donng Sin(ing Japanese Sopg.;.l PEACE REICHS Ifl- EPISCOPAL CWORCII Controversy Over ' ConTirrnatidn V of Dr. Lloyd, as .Coadjutor .;.. l.T .Bishop Settled ",: ' ' PROTEST WITHDRAWN AND 5: ':-, everyone is Happy DrlT Morrison'" Says - He and His AssocjaTresjAnjr Satisfied With Churchmanship of Lloyd. "? " ' The. controversy over, the. election of Rev. K. j. uioya, v. u.. to tne co adjutor blshoprlo of the Protestant Epis copal dloceao of Oregon; has been set tled, by the ; withdrawal of the protest prepared' and signed by five clergymen, Although 4t had been-aaserted by the protesting clergy that Dr.' Lloyd wae a high, churchman and that Dr. O. B. Vaa-Watem,' rector of 8t. David's. In nominating him before ths diocesan con vention, stated that he : was , a broad churchman, the proteetante accept ths explanations that have been made and will .not' endeavor further ' to obstruct ths confirmation of Dr.. Lloyd. ; s - . -Dr.- A. A: Morrison, rector of Trinity, has defined his position snd says hs snd his associates In th clergy ars satis fied with the ' hurchmanshlp'. of . Dr. Lloyd and that he la in- sympathy with the American conception of ths ohurch's functions. t- . . . ,- In behalf of Dr. Morrison, too, Dr. Hope' said that it could not be that Dr. Morrison wss actuated by any motive erf pique, for the reason that he refused to consent to Dr. Hopes bringing him before the convention ss a candidate for the coadjutorahipr- and earnestly aakM that he bs kep out. of the con tent. '' , -' ' -rp.-..: . Air who were interested In" the. affair accept the bishop coadjutor as satl "fac tory ana his inaucnon win. ne accom panied by congratulations by ths clergy without exception. ', ' ' ' 1 Churchmen - in Portland are - pleased that there Is to be no further contro versy in. ths matter and predictions are freely made' that the Incident' Instead of prejudicing the Usefulness f ths new bishop coadjutor, will immediately in stall him In ths confidence of all . ths communicants of his church.' ; ' ' "The poise of character maintained by Dr. Lloyd while he was assailed." said a wall known .churchman--today1, "wUl give him ths confidence of ths people of the state. Ths generous with drawal of the protest will prove the sincerity ef those who first published UtTbs4noldent-l8-eIsed.u XTJ' .;. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. What ths Ooadjntor Bishop. Mas ; Ao ' eontplished In rorty-aigM Tears. - (Special Diasetca te Tse Joeraal.1 Unlontown, ' Pa, . Julr I. From a sketch of his life given out recently by Dr. F.' E. J. XJoyd It is learned that he was born in Wales 4 years ago and at the age of 13 years graduated at ths Theological college at .Dorcheater on the , Thames near Oxford, having ths first nrise in Hebrew, first in theology and I lrat In history, ond winning the college diploma and hood. -- - He passed at Islington, Lonoon, ine Cambridge - university special theo logical, examination and -than - passed the bishop of Oxford's ordination, ex amination, winning special . mention in Hebrew, and was ordained' the deaconats at Dorchester abbey by the Lord Bishop Mscksrnsss -of Oxford.' e Dr. Lloyd wss a missionary for two years lit Labrador -and later was rector of churches In South Quebec,. Prince Edward Island, Bloomlngton. '. Illinois: Hamilton and Clevelani, T-ohiOT-Mntd-Unlontown, Pennsylvania.. The Society of 8t. Phllfp ths Apostls: wss estab lished by -Dr. Lloyd in the interest or parochial missions.--and In corfnectlon with this society,, ss president and vice president. 'appear the names of 11 of the leading ttlshops of the Episcopal church, and there, are also IT mission aries all under tne general airection of Dr. Lloyd, who has himself preached at about 10 missions. ...,. - . -r " 1 1 - ' T".MilwaukIe Country Ctub; rt Eastern and Seattle races Taka Sell Wood and Oregon. City cart at JTirst. and 1-J- Trombla to San DonaUge. (Joaraal Bpadal serrlee.) j ' Ssn' Domingo, , July I. The , govern ment has issued a decree proclaiming a state Pf siege. In the Bsrahona district. The trouble Is sppsrently local, all, other sections of the republlo are quist Eureka Is Latest Addition to' Fleet That Was Too Small .' for Business. . ; -7- WILL TAME CIO LOAD OF ' V WHZAT TO CALIFORNIA Vnusually Large '.. Number: of Ctaamers in Harbof,lnclud- Clnj Two Large Yachts;" : V Ths steamers Eureka, ..Redondo and Northland reached port last night from San Francisco, adding to the unusually large number of steam craft in' ths har bor. The others sre Columbia. Sand hurst. McCullooh, Umbrla. El Primero and Thistle. .'. , . - ' j- The Eureka la a recent addition to the coast fleet but wlU probably- not make more than, this one trjp. -She came light and began early thla morning to. take on, wheat at the. Irving dock for ths Bsy City. The cargo will be shipped by the Northwestern "Warehouee company and will cowprlse in the neigh borhood of 1,000 bushels. The steamer la about ths yams slss as the . Frances H."Leggett' - The Redondo brought a full cargo of general freight from, the California me tropolis, and -ell of the passengers she could accommodate.. On the return trip she wilt take out grain, lumber and railroad -tlea, a full cargo having been secured for, her. .,' As has always been her custom ths Northland came up the coaat In ballast and proceeded to the Inman-Poulaen mill, where she will receive a full csrgo of lumber which she wUl carry to ths BaXXttjvLTiJC. Ilagermsn, representa tive of a local ship-chandlery ' house, was n psssenger. He spent several days tn San Francisco to an effort to induce the owners of the coastars to patronise ths Portland merchanta -more liberally than they have been doing In the past when, purchasing stores or supplies for the vessels. t It waa explained that one of -the principal reasons that Ban Fran cisco Is given.' the majority of the busi ness is because msny of the merchants are financially interested in the cosst ers. Hs was assured that the matter would, be. given conalderation and. would probably result advantageously to Port land. . Mr. Hagerman report that the shipping situation down the coast is rather eulet so. fsr as ths export psrt of the business is concerned. But-he declared that the coasters are handling all of the traffic that they can possibly tak car of' ' j'-'-.-h - YACKTTHISTLE ARRivES. 'i'.r.'i--':-?,;.'V;'; 1 .1 . r: , .:;';... James Bnnamnli'n Party from British " OolnmbUJim Be atertained Here.' "'Carrying a distinguished party of British Columbiana tha steam yacht Thistle, belonging to James Dunsmutr, reached the harbor, this moaning from Victoria, and dropped anchor in tha mid dle, of the stream., above the Morrison street bridge. - A. very, pleasant .voyage from the Canadian city was sxperlenced. When the mouth of .th. Columbia, was reached tb yacht was eecorted over the bar Jv. the . collier Wellington, which .Is also- operated by Mr JDunsmuir.- The eolller was an route, te on- s rapciaw with a cara-o of coal. r - Those making tha trip on the Thistle ere: Mr. and Mrs. James DunsmuUy ths Misses - Katharine, - Beam rand iean Dunsmuir, Mrs. Bromley, -Mr. and Mra. Harry Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Duns muir, Hon. C, H. PoUeh, H. M. MUla and Tha party cam to Portland snjoyT the cruise and attend, tne lair ana win probably return to the north In four or five -days. At least that Is ths present nrosrram. but It In said that a decision mar be. reached to remain longer. Local acquaintances are arranging entertain ments In thslr honor. - Mr. Dunsmuir Is nerhsDa more widely . known than any other resident of-British Columbia, "Hs not only owns nearly all ths coal mine up there, hut is one of the leading fig ures in the political affairs of tb province..- - - , .' ' ' ' . Ths Thistle Is provided with a double deck and stands very much higher out of the water than the El Primero, which is anchored, a. short -distance from he. Her cabin are elegantly furnished. .. ., ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ' Word was received from the' Co wit ts this morning - to the effect thst ths steamer Osmecock would probably be raised today. A barge' Is alongside and the jwork of floating her lr progressing satisfactorily. .. ' 'This afternoon the gasolln launch Lorena, brought here a month ago to remain .during - tfce-eiipoeition.' let tfor Astoria, whersfas will be used as -a cannery tender for -the balance of the season.' , . Lester Spinner, dock agent for the Shaver Transportation company, left for Seaside thla morning to spend hi vaca tion. In his absence the business at the dock will be looked after, by Captain Del Shaver.. ' . Laden with lumber the French bark La Fontaine Isft. yesterday for the United Kingdom. " ' " , . This afternoon the work of discharg ing cargo from the British -ahlp Pin more wat stsrted at Columbia dock No. l.. .,. '. - ' " . , -'--" At the North Pacific mill the British ship Pythomene began this afternoon receiving lumber for Cap. Town, South Africa. ' ., , m.-'t ' , .. f yixMARINE NOTES. - ' ;" -. " - ' ' . Astoria, July I. Condition of th bar at a..m Smooth; wind northweti weather cloudy. N shipping moving. . gtiJehnsi July I. Paased at t a. m. Tscht Thistle. -'.-;-:-- - - San Franclaco, July I. Arrived - Steamer Aurella from Portland. - . Ar rived at I a. m. Steamer Roanoke from Portland and coaat port for Port Los Angeles.. . Astoria, July 4. Arrived at noon and let Uip t, J ;0."-JH,Btamer Redondo ; from San Francisco snd wsy ports. Ar rived at 1:11 a. m. nnd left up at '1:30 p. m. Tscht Thlstls,"",flm Victoria. Sailed at 1:10 p. m. Steamer Whlttler and barge Santa Paula for San Fran- eisco. , , v. ' f f-"' : j ? ..'.v .... 1 1 1 1 "' ,- - - -' - r. Beatty Batertaiaed. Dr.-U K. Beatty arrived yesterday from Washington. D. C" and Is enter tained by- United State- laepector Ed wards and Fuller. Ths doctor is a particular- friend -of 4TergUhUr;-supervising Inspector-general, who. he says, will soon make a trip te Portland, tt Is not known whether Mr! Uhler 1 com ing on., official business 'or not. He Is well known to'lhs lorsr a tee an boat men. as he cease hare avoupla of years ego to settle, the marine engineers' strike. At that time he was president of the Na tional Marin Engineers' eeaoclatlon, ' -V . -- 1 a i i v. ... , ... :?- ' Preetdent ray In h City. ' 'oeorg D, Oray, president ot the Call- If yra putk'e ir.r.tthir-2 - tcisre you wH have enough- j to jnske an investment.M ay--"be: you will want'to-buy a lot, or , go into busin$s. When that time comes our ; advice is yours fortbe ask-J. Ing.- Will give you our hon ''est opinion. '.'; V PER , INTEREST. ' ':''."'.'-. ' GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ! ;, ; .TRANSACTED. Oregon ISavirigs Bank Sixth knd Morrison Stavit, y . W. COOCKR MOEBIS. CashWr. v ... kU BAYS, ' Aatt.' Caaaler. " "TELBPHOKf MAIM 1. - - - - fornia Oregon Coast Steamship com pany, - arrived this morning from New York, where he spent month on a busi ness and pleasure trip. Af tsr visiting (be fair, a few days hs will leave for his home in San Franclscoi Ths com pany hs represents owns the Alliance. Despatch,' Aberdeen. ' Nome.- City and other- steam - achoenersj-jrheAHnnc will arrlvs tomorrow from Eureka and will, remain in port oursday,-to-hav her . boilers washed. . . v- INTERESTING EVENTS : X : - AT FAIR TOMORROW -Among tb feature, for tomOrrow"si ths Lewis and Clark eapoaitloawill be th ' unveiling of th Sacajawea statue and the Red Men' parade. '.An inter esting program-has been prepared for the ceremonies ' accompanying tha un veiling of the monument. The follow ing 1 the order of the day for tomor row; - ' - :',' '-: Red Men' and Sacajawea day." British Columbia week, Wallace, Vancouver and New Westminster day. . American Li brary association convention. Omega Na Sorority. , v ; .j l:4t a. m. Red Men's parade, with Administration band, down town. '. 1 p. . -Kilpatrick'a daring ride down a steep flight of steps on a bicycle. I p. nr Sacajawea exercises and un veiling of statue at head of Grand stair way. Administration- band. -- v '2:11 p. m. Grand concert,' Liberati' band, bandstand, Gray boulevard. -- - 2:10 p. tn. United rJtates llfesavlngj drlir-tn- lax. " r" w ., - . . - - I p. xv-Kilpatrick'a marvelous ride in automobile down steep Incline, fodt of Trail.' :;.'.''"-. ":- .:,.,'. . I p. m. -Grand . i concert ' Liberati' b bandstand. Gray boulevard. ajpf -ro. Kilpatrick'a dating ride on bicycle down ateep flight of stops." 10 p. m. Kilpatrick'a marvelous rid In automobile down steep Incline, foot of Trail. " . - - . ...i " P. N. A. CHAMPIONSHIP DATES ARE ADVANCED The P. N. A. championship track and field neet. will be held on the Lewis and Clark stadium, July 1 and I, In stead of July 14 and It, !aa first an nounced! Thla change was made . so that these games would not coma too close upon the A. A. V. national cham pionship games, to be held on Auguet I and!.' ' x : ' Seattle Is preparing to send a strong team for th P. N..A. meet ' In a letter received from Mr.- Englls, superintend ent of th Seattle club,' be elates that the Seattle team will arrive In Portland, Thursday night and will probably" put up at th American Inn. .., ..-.. . . Bud James, captain of the M. A. A. C. track team, announces that the local club wUl be represented by the atrong st team ever put on the field. -With such msn as 8mlthson,'v William and Greenhaw In th dashes, Frlssel In the hurdles and broad . Jumpe and James, Saundera, Johnson and Walker In th welghta. Multnomah should have no troubls in taking first place. . r British - Columbia, with .; her tw teams, will be strongly represented. . I attthettheatres;; :3eut3rSliopw Tonight ' The Qeroias epswdlaM, Kelb and Dill. Is fhe araetml team!? brlaaiw, "The Baaaty f bop." will be tk attraction tnalfht at the Msrqssm Oras tkeatr. every sight this wrt with, s special siatlnes atorsar. "Tbe Baaaty gkop" Is rail of ras an sassieK SO baaetlrol eharos girla alng and eases ebaraalna-ly , asd are very pretty: Popular prlcss prevail. Grand' Clever Sbow.J Tbe vsnsavltle sia at tte Srasd this week Is above tse s vaeaga.- Marahall sad Lorralae have as set that la as fnnar ss s elreue, Th. siualeal Bawltts are ave la aoaibar aad thir act la ealcnlatad to astoae aa w.U at latere t. The Back.y. Trie are eoaaedy eere hats. ' Daly an Herald are etagars sad jofcars. Tky have av dog that bas keen spprecla. Ilea et snsior. - - - - f: ' "Lost In London" at the Empire. One ef the nwaf tnteraatlng ef all the sopa lar price shows Is ths Kmptre etneft eonpany'f pradortioa ef tbe graat- Maotloiwil Sraaia 'Lee Is iMKloa.'' -this wk, Tba story is of iateDse Intenet. . and the saaMraus . ttrlk Ing ereaea and-ellmaiaa bold a adlesoaa-spell bon ad to t end. Mattnea every day at 1:11. Rntelng serforataaee atarw at a;ls. t:-; . i M '' - oodhpwttJhjLStaCa. Prank Mlltns and the f Long-elarera la S mmilral art ara the boailllnara - at tba Star thla week. Mark and WllilaSM. - rwe nlrk talkers.' kavp-.taetr aedleare Is a SMrry nanod. St.phra PitapatHrk Co. am oen la s akeh-h. Mr. Bonner la alnsln tbe Irlak ballaa,. "Kate kremey." Ths Htarasena akows sows later. siting war esenes froaivtbe far oast. . .. .- - 11 ' , v A "Three Kuhni" at the Baker. ; The Mil this weak I by far lbs boat that kas horn eoaa at tbe Baker la a long tint. Boalo-o tb the Knhea," stBr.ra snd Inatre. SieetaUala. thara are. OS It aome penpl. who land aary klgh la th ranatie profeaaloa. The Baker ' la a pool a a anmmtr . gardes. Matin, dally It 10 e'clork, etvnlnf at T.JO aad.a-S'Cbxk. '. ... ' -I. i'- :Haiel Kirk- at the Xrrit y "Haarl Rlrx." , appeata 'tn Popl of all elaaaeo, . Tb. . trrle wk enmpanr glvos as Intarpretatloa ef It that will pleaaa eves those who bar aeon It, produced at the kith eat erlcad tbeairaa,. . nlly siatlnoo .0 clock, etealogi at T.30 and o'clock, w- 4 Portland Authorities Say ."They Havs Full Information Con-' 11;L corning ths Thisvss. z ' SEVERAL NOTED CROOKS " COMPOSED THE GANG .,(',;,.. ; i . . .-j -.: . .. , .v ;' - ' ? '- Also Asserted ThatSaiTis Crew Was Responsible for th -v Newberg. Crime.' . ; , , ' Not only do thiollc now profess to havs full Information aa to th Identity of all the men responsible - for - the Leanna bank robbery but they assert tnst tne same persons coanmiiisa tne Newberg bank robbery, obtaining 15.000. snd attempted to .loot the bank at Sheridan. - J. F. Klngstsy, bn of ths robbers who ssesped, is ssld to bs James Johnson, sjlaa 'Toronto- Jimmy,- a noted, bank cracksman, who broke Jail at Rochester, Minnesota, May to, 1P0S, and for whoa capture a reward of lilt wa offered. , Parting, the other criminal who- es caped. Is said to be William, alia "Doo pay enpojrt Ja, noted-era rksms n , snd bank burglar. Me. too, broke jail at Memphis. Tennessee. with ' two companion In crime, May J, 108. The tools with which they broke.. Jsll , were furnished them by George Stratton, a mallbos rob ber..who waa afterward sentenced from Denver, Colorado, to serve tl years in th Canyon City penitentiary for robbing the United States malls. Stratton es caped with two companions, both of whom were captured and lynched. Strat ton ia atlll at large. ' - ' ; ' Croeslev. one of the convicted Lebanon bank! robbers, Ts a St. Louis plekpcckefe - tu uunn la paid to have been a "rapper' for two- years for a peker gam at tb Mass cafe. Punn's wife Is n slater of Dora Williams, a noted 'female thief, who was recently In Portlsnd with Robert Robertson, a criminal of-many aliases, beat known . aa ."the Gorilla.' both olng forced to leave town- between o suns oy Bnenrr word. - ' - Ths police are poaltlvs In thslr asssr- tlon -that neither of the Ibanon - bank robbers who escaped the dutches ot th au.thorltlee Is at Seattle. Pioturea of Johnson and Davenport and accounts of their exploit as crooks are -given in The Detective, a Chicago publication devoted to the Interests of poiice ana sneriiis, unasr ins aate oi July 1, 1101. A copy of this publication has been secured by the police. Hives sre a terrible torment to the little roiKa. and to soma older . ones Eenlly cured. Donn's Ointment never falls. Instant relief, permanent cure. At any drug store, 50 cents. .. v. . . a"- . "' i n - ..... Aveiy iV Co. Movedrv Ths Portland Trust Co. having bought the building at 81 Third Street' Avery 4s Co.. necesssrtly having to, look for a new location- found av very suttabls pise st 4-rhlrd street,-between Pine and Ash. This building', waa erected for them and Is especially adapted for th hardware business. It gives Avery A Co. considerable more floor space for their rapidly growing business. They will now be in a position to better handle their large- line of general hard ware, tools, cutlery, etc.. In these new nd more commodious quartera. They. will be pleased to meet their old customers. wall ss nsw ones, at tbelr new store. '. "' - ' ' Y " THE of Commerce Capital $8i7oo,ooo. ; !k?MrvSj,soo,ooo v , -'Portland Branch, 144 Wsshtngton. ..' ' IS. A. WTLD, Manager, .--' .rr'i-r-'U Travelers lefters of Credit ..'.-. -.- ' . Avsllsbls In all part of th world - Ill branches In Canada and th 1 United. States, Including: ' Ban, rrancioco, Seattle, Victoria,' Van- bouver, Nshalmo, New Weatmlns- .-1 err" Dawson - (Tukon). - y."-'" ' Drafts ' Issued on ; 11 , BjrBranch -. Trsnsfsra of money to or from any part of Canada by letter cr telegram...'.'' '. ;.'.'".'" -.'.' A General Banking: "J Business j Transacted uioniiiu ewi , T. rraaaio. Baa. UAayvAi'i TKIATBS Paoao Mala M (Morrisoa St. bet ftiitk aad aevosth.) " T0B10BT AT M O'CLOCK. ' Ooallsnlng Brorr- Nlskt Thla Week With a Ladlea7 and Children's Matlneer Batardaf, THS rAMOUS OEBataN COMEDIANS KOLB & DIUU v ' Xa the faaay stsslosl Oaaieiy Xurlona, aThe Beauty Shop1 n As Kir.ll.nt Cast of Prioetoala. o BKAinrrt ciioRt ti nyti. ; HIKTll AMU MIBIl.. FOrTTLAS PKICES-Matlnos is, II sad lee. . Vlkt, U, U, M sad Tte. Beat Are Knw Batlln for tk Retire Week, A H!NT--Boy foal -.t. ruyr - Delasco Theatre KSPm, . - i rorsiorly OolaaiMe Thoatrs. ; laiaeoo, Xsyor a Ce, Tfross, . ti r:ToirtoHTjiso ail m tiii,' j '. Slatb Wf Blaar ' Stork Osipasy, . . Ftrat rresesutloB os.Any lug., tl Phil ' f. B"'''., fron Ct Kaerx..Iys'a fepuhr Not-I nf th. Kane haate. .J IPECTAdLUAB tkODt'CTlON- f " AI OMFKTU) CAIT Refntar Matlnaaa .tor1r aad loada. Prleorr Mgkt, 1 toe; atanaees, W, to lOe. HUT wm- A FC0L AND KJS r.ONEY't y -We add a new style of square and round top tables to ' bargain list this week. , It is a lived leg table also.'. . Many " ' taking advantage of the special terms we offer to furnish t dining rooms with high class tables on the easy payment It is worth your while to examine the goods and terms. , -' ,. .-. . ..',-' II 1:',.'"' -I '., I .!::' I 1 '" '.,.' i -v',,.y. ;-ir--;. ! ' i -6 . 1 .' ...-.V 'i v VO, SSO-vTh illustration shown hare Is from a photo. It- I' made of . . selected, klln-drled oak, quarter-eawed and carefully ' hand . pollahod polished with palm of the human hand with the flneet varnishes Until it Is as smooth ss glass and aa beautiful aa-any piano flnlshv r-This tabls is 44s44 Inches,' and may be extended to feet - It has 1-Inch ) Llurn.ed. Sfter a moat unhina design, easily kept deanand porthed."We srs selling this table en the UboraJ -torma of tl down and I0O week. jvWe put itln your home snd Til hav full use of. lrand .- will never miss th small weekly payment. The cost , IT of these splendid t-roct tables is only w Th 1-foot ls la 111. 8old on th same terms. ' I ,, . - '. il. G -fierorlz Sells it For lm" -U ' r 173-175 First $t-r37 Yv3 Jl ja? aMUaUUnJjrra.- Free Lectures on Practical ' Demonstrations Of ths verleos sos for eallnary sf the . ., Chocolate Cocoa rJ---Massfactnred f , - Walter Baker & Co, " .-...'";;" L1MITKD '....., : . ' DOltCHTtSTER. MASS. . .ij.., (lata busked 170.) - ,.- .- WlU be gtvea by -' :-,-S Brliss Elizabeth K: Burr TSMstt Sdeaee Dept Bossm T. W. a A.) -;,-.". . w .a .-; ' --". :lTpchurch Hall ITTat m WSSWSTaI. 9T9.' DAILY- FOR ONE WEEK At'lOiSO sxriock U ths Kovaiag aad StSO Olook la the AXtenooa. Sasiples ef'aflsa Batr'a rar.tloaa, me as I 'a kas. Paddlafs, aferlngnaa. Isd(e, Soeffles, lee Craam, Bavarlas Crsasw, etc will be esrvad et ear. aarrare. and ahe will be pit aid to answer all Inanlrtas ro- Crdlng the aaaM. A different, swss will proparo and om d at each lertnre. Denplo enkoa ef the. Walter Baker Pre mlnai No. 1 Chocolate, the Vanlla Swoot Chomlata and little easipta esss ef the Braokfaet Coeoa, asm a hook of "Choice Chocolate Rorlnea" will be priaaotel to ell prosa attandlng tsoos loiturea. - asd all who ars Intonated hi oeiaatifi eooklag should sot fall to attend, ae they are . , . '.. :."ran ,o aix. ' - - " ' - THO CTAb s Attraetlsas I -' - s r-ssv- TandevUis ' ITEPStM nTCTATElCTC a CO. r. riASS. oUXTOW AITD TAX BS LOSS --J1 -..r .. IISTEKS. ... . : TeTACK AgD WIlLIAat. . ... .KMKIN AB O'SUIX. - . " ." '- -rsAinc grxiH. - , "-'.". m. Joseph Bomrrta.'"-.' thb xAaotcors.- Oasorat adstlaaloa Me. Su.dara, ovtslnga and hoiidara, front seats lower goer X. Soi aoota c.' ' . Dally. Matlaeaa at 1 10. groalns atf:l. AU tkle wooh-the Kraolre snca Corapeay tn the jre awUoaaj LOST"!!? LONDON!! AAitiasxov 10c -wn LYRIC THEATRE Startiag Koesay. sl J, , TKt STEHLDIO OSAMA I 4 ACTS, MAZEL KIRKEf ! on T0V AIX MATS KXAAD ABOVT.' . - ADMIMlOTf TO A.tT SEAT, " 1 CENTS. wXSL THE GRAND A?2 IKS BTJCXITE TEIO. :-' '".- MTJ8I0AX MEwTTT MABiHAXL AMD . tOtBAOrt. , DALY ADD HZBOLD ... ; aOBEKTS AMD DE MOBT. -;..'. MB. O. H. IHOME. ... THE OBABDIKOrE.1 " Oenaral adraloirfoe. Hie. Kmlnga ftasdars and holtdara, front aoeta lower fcxx, Jiuc. Bos soaU Sao. . '--- ' ' DAIUUl. THXATtXE ELS A -, Keating A Flood. Managers. ' ( ' . .. . ' THB THBXE ETUHM. V LIZZIE WEXLXB. rnrt abs damdt. jeabt wtlbob. boiiit soma. BTBOT Ajrp BABO. 1 M0TTHO BICTVBES. , BAKIB OBCHEtTBA Thoatra alwara eonl and eoaifortable. Par farmaaceo dallr at SO. T SO aad s. at. ' Ad m mm loo 10 eaato te say aeat-cot bosos, - - LEWIS JtND CLJMK OBSEWJt. t TORY JtMD CAFE . . lOBILABD TbTJOHTS.' ' '' '.a- ' Tike Portland Balghti ear and got off St Bawlkorno Torneo, one hktrk frosi ear Use, Be rUmolng. Eloetrte lTto. Im bMttUfnf otfact sf poworfal a.rtnrtt from top of tower. lee eaa oat a dalaty lama white wtowlsg tke BMOt aiasalflcont, aoaaary la Asntrlra. Opoa a. av w s. am. Adnjav aloe IS. easts. Opposite Sf sin TCntrancs Fair Grounds. rori DAjrea mmr itrnn, B LAZIER BROI. CO.trEBT EViJlT KN5B.T. Cooking ",' AND ,' 'C,.; V W--.,f "7- . 9mzT " t'77 : ' If taken before .July 25.' , . Ucautinii : ; of ; 4 rooms. Hall.', pantry, Tbathroom ; water in kitchen ; lot ouxiuu; one -DiocK irom car line; Ai: neighborhood: t a bargkin.A'r. -Address - J. Brainard St., -H.T S.rr528 Montavilla .. '.. 'J. SMSSS4)SS: Compart Our Prices ON J !.. .rfiijh Grci? Pianos With thoss asked Cor th bad makes by others and yon not wonder why we sell ptanca Dundore PichoCd ROBERT CV022 330 Boy 1st on Strcst BOSTON; MASS. IGW-CUSS i ?hmWj Portland Accd:iny a anaaiv .aw a M in m a.,a a .nail, I mm aavwaa aaj, Maamiuaa nauva fits bor end girls foe eastera aeoT areat.roi, eollegee, OfAro hosrs et the principal dian i varatloa. from S-s. nv to 13 at., at t. , academy, rornoe of Thirteenth and arrtav. atroata. fror cetalogse, addroas Portland Academy '-ny," lttaaC. Ceege. 4 - j Special for Thursday Cr.!j Good Jo ma toe a, 4 can. i-23 Same, per dosen . .. .,T0 vr-. lNdsw Yorlc Oroosry BXinm ajt Momjusow f ' RcHablo Merc!:- People who hsv trsded with 4". Dsllar for - years have found I 'as he safe In every ent of their lev ment getting full value- resolved. Delia r does nuir trat w-strslght I mats .bnalness. f He . carries a ..w un , and Bovs rl'' . dsts Suits, Psnts. Hats. tnt woor. etc.; Slao run r - w . uuui' afial Itnva' k. .'V fords." gverr srttr-le 1s-tnr figures, ws hsve strl' ta ail. ....... Oeneg X t t " ' .' .. -.. -,-..yv .. ; . " Cottage