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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
w . . . I I . t . - AT LAljI . 'MEN'S ' C0MFGr.TADL2 flothlh Heard of Eight Deeper lladoes Who Brofca Prison, at. ; McNeill's Wand. ' - .K.J ' - - 1 ' , GOVERNMENT OFFERS 'r- " v -REWARD FOR CAPTURE ?OMaJrt-Search With Ordtra to $ Shoot If Resistance i ".l'rrh': Is Offered. ; r. , . ' (Ipecial Slapatea to Te loanatt . . Tacojna. July Nothing bat tfcaeii " heard of the debt convict who ' t v. caped from the federal prison at afo--Netll's .island early ,Tuesday- morning ,.by making a tunnel. through the oell--Ing and climbing down the stone wall "They are supposed to. be lurking la-the wood In' the outskirts of Tacoma and several posses are searching lor tnem. v The prisoners left the Island by means of two rowboata after having .aiade a 'fruitless attempt to leave by taking the ' prison launch which they disabled by 'breaking the dynamo. All the escaped ' ! prisoners are garbed In their striped prison suits, and officials expect to bear at any moment of the raiding of some ox. the numerous camps to whico tne men ' - --could have hied their way. - -,- - lfteen 'other prisoners eonflned -In ithe same tier with the escaped convicts -.refused : to take the daring chance of escspe. ; i..-, h ': - K . - " ... 'I George Wade, who. i one .of.the most - - durln criminals in the country, is, gen eraiiy believed to be the leader of the i natty. The men s were all desperate )rtiRlnala serving, terms of from ona to " ' j SO years 'The escape was not dlecov. . ered until o'clock the. following morn- inr and toe posses havs Instructions to .. shoofc down' the men should they" offer - . tne sHgbteat resistanoa. i ns govem v rntnt hM authorised reward for the ' capture of any of the convicts. The fol- ' lowing Is ths description , of - the" con' V .- Vlets: " .". " ' Ed Stlckaey was sentenced In Taeoma, a Joly-t, -tM. to-ervw-iroayear for . counterfeiting HIS time would ba out 1 July (, 1997. Stlckney Js smooth shaved, has a Roman nose, la feet 1 Inch In height, and weighs lit pounds. A Matt Moor,, a Japanese., was. seatenced from Alaska July t, -104,. to serve five .years for stabbing. ' His - time' would havs expired August II, l0t. He la t feet . In height, has a broken nosa and his face Is pitted with smallpox. a . ' i. H. . Malone was convicted of the ' crime of rape In Alaska, August . 104. . - 71 f time would . be - out .. December 4 lltt.. He Is of light complexion, smooth .- shaved, 'blue eyes, la t- feet 1 Inches In , height, and weighs 1(0 pounds.- .-"- "Clyde D. Caatleaged ai; height, ;- feet i, incites; weight, 141 pounds;- hair. --rowo;eyes. browp; complsxlon,. light. - James Leslie, age IS; height,. feet Inches; weight, 141. pounder hair, , dark brown; eyes, blue, complexion. .flirt vaccination soar on left arm. Ui W. D. McCarthy, age 14; height feet Inches: weight, 147, pounds; hair, dark brown? -.eyes. blus; complexidn, lair; rignt name is W. IX McLaughlin. . K..- JTabwenchl (Japanese), age - 14; height) feet t Inches; weight m ; . jjvwng, niir, piwi , vyw, TignT Drown. ueorge wade, age 4; height. feet Inches; weight,. 1S pounds; hair, light brown: eyes, grayish, blue; pom- '' FINAL" SEPARATION v - V ?7 OF CHURCH AND STATE Wosreel BmcUi awee.1 Paris. July i. Complete freedom of religious belief Is provided under, the church - and state . separation .'bill aa passed by the chamber, of deputies. Since Its Introduction the bill has been almost entirely revised, but It had left , the atate entirely untrammeled In con nection with any religion or. sect, the republic neither recognising -stipend or subsldlaers of -any see. The proposi tion to convey in priceless riches of the church, consisting of a collection of palntlnsjs. tapestries and statuary, to the atata waa modified so that civil organi aatlona retain the goods of the church. BURNED BY EXPLOSION " i ; 0fv GASOLINE TANK, ' Oleeeha; IMspetek ta.the' looraaL) '. , ' tllverton. Or., July .- While. Joahua Morley, a confeotloner of thia city, at tempted to light the burner of a peanut roaster Monday evening, the gasoline tank exploded with great force fright fully burning him On -the face, naek, right hand and arm. - He will recover. www4Mr4wtwtM -1 I Z IVlIUIIIIIl alll t llMoiint Hood I We have the nppt.'. artistic7 J t photograph of beautiful MuX X Hood, ready " for ? framlne.f Jutt ; the, thingto tend! or. carry away aa a.Souvenir of X 5 .Oregon, or to have in your S hamt The ntpin lm" Si -.,:::::::j.':J- I J. K.' GILL-CO J BookieOere and t!Sutioneri:7 tl-TmRIX-ANDlALDER Crest niajs at LKIcfrttts I! j 'C D, Cattle. 'r W. :P. M cCarty. i J. H. Mlon.; Vlf E'S VICTir i TO BE ; IN SEATTLE BURIED Body of Thomas J. Dodgsoa WiH & Be ; Taken : North:" by'r vk His Brother. z ' SUICIDE LIES' FRIENDLESS ., V AT CORONER'S. OFFICE Woman - Had - Prepared for. the Slaughter Some Days Before-: Its Commission. '! V The hod v of Thbmaa'Jl ttodzaon. '.who was shot and killed by hid wife In- front of. the Hotel . northern at Twelfth-and North rup streets, yesterday mernlng, win bs taken to Seattle for Interment on the 11:41 'o'clock train tonight J by his brother, who . arrived this ; morning. Dodgaon's mother and brother. live at 411 Cedar street. Seattle... i i... That ..Mrs. ; Dodgson, who committed suicide after killing her 'husband.' had contemplated the deed for two or' three daye, la shown by the statement of. Mrs. Bessie Rever.'who had done all In her power to effect a reconciliation of the Dodgsons. .: Mrs. Dodgson's body ' Is at the undertaking -rooms -of ' Coroner Plnley and nodieposltlon will be made of ' it until word Is received from- her sister Mrs. Llssle' Burger, of Rexburg. Idsho. Coroner Flnley wired her; last night, but up to a late hour today no reply nan oeen receive. ;A marriage certificate among, Mrs. Dodgson's effects shows that she was united to her husband at Bait Lake City in iioi. Her maiden name waa,vvllsoo. The residence of her parents Is not known to the authorities. ' v , According to' Mrs. Rever, ' ths" ' ; revolver-with which the deed was com mitted waa purchased by Mrs. Dodgson a few days ago,- and when' the- Jealous woman , visited, the Jte'vers at the Hotel Northern yesterday morning she an n minced her Intention of killing - her self. She slso,wsnted to go to her hus band's room at 40 Everett street, and frlgbtsn him with the revolver, but waa dlaauaded - from thia ' and the - weapon waa taken from her. end hidden. She regained possession "of It -r without the knowledge of Mrs. Rever or. her . hus band. , . f j---.-,..- -i-'-; , "After.- breakfasting t together the couple started .for a stroll. -.and It wad expected-they would go to the Oaks In company with Mr. and Mra-ReverTh stroll terminated In the double tragedy wblhm the Jlevers were dressing for the excursion, happy In the belief that they had- effected a reconciliation . .between Dodgson and his wife.. '": ",: . ' Dodgson had an ambition -to become an - actor anU traveled .with a ' small troupe through j varloua Oregon eltles. It Is said , : his,"-wife's ,Jeakasy-was aroused by the attentions ha paid-the leading woroen of' the troupe.' Certain peraona are accused- of carrying tales to cauae trouble. In a letter written her sister,, .which wan . never Bent,-. Mrs. Dodgson told of her love for i her hus band and aald aha- waa "pining her. heart away tor hinw--. i - , . . In aamali wallet carried-by, Dodgson a. pledge made by . him to abate m- from the use of vile language waa discovered. It wss . written .in Ink .on ths. back of an advertising card laaued by a firm- af Kansas City, Missouri, sad reads as foi- lowa:- , ;. "',!, , ,- -..- ... ,;, tTo -whom It may. concern:.. This is to certify that. I, Thomas J,-Dodgson. will from this day on, gbstsln from th use of vile language. . .. Wltneessd by Mrs. tii- 0.'Dsdgon--hltr-tnh -aay'Bf 'Mkrcw.t 1I0K, at. P. m. ,. (Signed) . .Thomaa J.- Dodgson.". . x ---. -- V. The- deceaeed was a member of . the Modern Woodmen of, America. .. If' hl beneficiary certificate was mad' out In favor of hla wife, f he order will .have to pay nothing; If in. favor of his mother, she will reoelve the amount -of the Ib v.rgac4t.J. ij.r .'-.v..r w; , . OFPOVER LEAGUE FOaaUED Temperance and Efiforc.ement of Law People WilLBi Activavr --',:-:" hi Politics. ... ' NON-PARTISAN AND.WANTS ONLY BEST MEN IN OFFICE Movement Has Approval of Many 'vr Counties and Wil Become; ; ' '-. ; y- .State' Issue. 'v ''-Av- -V SATURDAY-SEASIDE-SUNDAY ;Two-Dy Ezcunkm Rates. .r ' See the sea.: via. -thaJjL CaA Round trip ' only $ ! Tlckatg sood Saturday morning' t a. m. or 1:10 p. m., returning Jeavsa Seaside Swndejr - t. m. Spend a two-Bait vacation at Port land's popular, eummer resort and enjoy the surf bathing.' bosllng snd flahlng. Ample hotel accommodation at reason. abrs rates for all. !' rwrthef Informs. Uon at tit Alder street rhdne Main I0(H ' By 1 exercising the belance1 . of poweri concentrating the. forces of "temperance mm,... Pongfe-and Silk Shrtrta MadrasrPercale; Oxford and Cheviot ;" Shirts, iiy.., .50.i?a.00, $3.50 to 3.50 ;t IISwcomcr Fouiard Neckwear in'polka dots and figMjesKUrij.i7 uiuc uai.nbiuuuua-auu iigiimciiit tiiangcauic OX nuul , erous designs, at. . Nw vFancy Hosiery -neat figures and stripes,' vith blue,' 'gray, - , tan and greenish backgrounds-rentirely new, just arrived Mon 'C:; ' y .,,....;.;....;..,.v..;;.:.;.. so f. Comfortable Summef Underwear, short and long sleeves every -.-'- -r , ; ; imaginable weave from 50 ' BalbriggansV to the finest 'Silks,; 7 ! ' .. . .. ., -. ..v .-- 1 1 , ..' .; v.; v ! r:.:r?rc c111216 ovse m .the iiortiest and . la w "enforcement on candidates meeting the approval of a new' league. determined effort Id being mad through out the atate to guard against Such a close margin ah -defeated the Jayne bill avt the last session- of the legislature.' A Balance of Power league is being organised -In - the varloua . countiea. There la a county chairman and pre cinct and - municipal ' chairmen. : Theae have the duty of organising the fight to control the primaries and slegtlons to se cure the best available men Thr all the tickets. This, league anaouncea that It la strictly non-partisan, so far as exist ing, party afflllationa go. Its mission Is to get the beat men available and di rect the - strongest vote " possible for these candidates. In behalf of the cauae for which the league has been organised. After the nominations have been made. the county chairman. will call together the municipal and precinct chairmen and make. a-careful canvass or tne list or men presented by the .opposing parties Hfor popular favor. . The candidates that stand moat squarely on ins piatiorm 01 temperance and law enforcement are to receive the support or .tne league tn mat county.' , Dr. O. L.:Tufts. superintendent of ths Anti-Saloon league Of this atata, has re turned from 10 days' Speaking in eastern Oregon, In which period he' organised the league in umatuia, union ana muter, countiea. He saya the plan Is received wit great favor.- - , .:. . -'-jm I Jta senator - Tierce - on: renaieion . saiU'that If the work was executed as it had been Inaugurated, It would give the leagua. control of . the sute.-?- said Drt TufU . this morning. "The three coUn. Uea .named have begun vigorous work. In Pendleton the crusade la against gambllng. and la having marked success. In. TJnlonV county the of fleers are ac complishing excellent results 'also. In Bakery Sheriff Brown and District At torney Lomax hare secured mora than 100 Indictments, and- have law enforce ment there In high favor, The people of-those;-communities -receive the plan with enthusiasm, and .assure effective ec-operatlon. , .-,-' ' ' , "Wa are determined that . the men of the last legislature who stood by the people, demanding, that the will, of the voter be enforced, shall hot be defeated. Ths liquor Interests boast that they loat the Jayne bill by but one voter and have started forth to put men In the legisla ture next-session who will change thia margin in their favor. We are working to see that the peopl shall -remain In control, and that becauee a man- has the courage to demand enforcement of the lawa enacted by the people, he shall not be defeated by an aggressive minority.' Dr.. Tufts spoke SO times In the J days of hla absence, and addressed- many large audiences. He-Is highly enoour- aged with the ahowlng In eaetern Ore. I gon,- and calls-especial attanttoat-the4-Y' fact that, the cauae or temperance has live out of . the eleven '. precincts In Wheeler county, and v 11 precincts' i Wasoo. .. , ' - ... - ." ' ..: Scchct:TdcOTi VtS! The latest, most convenient and Ornamental package of Toilet Powder ever need- enparlor to the aneient etyle tin can or box. Sold by all up-to-date Drug gists and Dry Goods Hon sea. - .. i TALCUM PUFF c6u:':.: os xaouat -mx, roTZJors. See Display In Manufacturers' Bldg Fair Grounds, and at VcCommon's Pharmacy, Nlneteentr and Washington streets. . . ,,. ,-v,- 7 I. WI1S. s.,X 5 , ;; ,A BIT". ".-;. what ther'say' of taf BetheSe ef Snlae dental work. We de work for people fiwa out of the Hty eslrkly to STCtd soy delay. Evnrytblag no to date. Opa 'eTealngs sad ondaa. llata 2028. ' WISE BROS., Dentists The,' Failiag, ear. laird sad Wsaaiagtea. . BS. "W. A. win. Wads Bngliah Arsay Offloer, ' (JoaraaJ Bpeetal Serrtee.) . Ixftdon, Jnly I A fashionable Anglo A.merlcan ' wedding today waa that of Miss Maud Oslnes 6inipaon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brnest L. Simpson of New Tork. and Peter Kerr Smiley of the Twenty-flret Lancers. The weddlr waa attended by many prominent me herd, of tha American Colony in Lont-Ai 11 ' i. ..ggggggggg- -. j sa.fA kta at. arsi eJti0. m:m:-m I mmm : ris ..:v.-;.:-'.l'' '"5a6S S .. ;: vp -. XJysT .i,......f, .j -rf ..,-iV. if!.-a i :y x.- JL-& sTsW "; -i-- :.' v-". ' . ' - .'' 2Jt. ., r.i.- ( i I f-t.'..1 ' ". t-. HOW TO BE ECONOMICAL "Be thoughtfuL ' There are so many little ways 'of saving gas, and just as many ways to waste it. Follow these three simple rules which cover almost the - entire .qurfgtciri, of -1. "2 M3. Never light the gas until everything is ready." Never use a stronger flame than is necessary.': Turn the gas out the instant cooking is finished.' The Price Now Includes That is, for the purchase price we will set it up ready for use, which includes a run of forty feet of pipe. On a cash sale or if you pay for it within thirty days we make you a discount of tenj per cent. Where a fuel stub is already in the kitchen and no . pipe ii necessary a discount twenty per cent is made. tt-ja- S.,-i'V'.c?',i ar4M ;-A-r-." 55S ; '4 Do Not iFbraet the; Cohveiri the Hot Water Heater .50 rflt simplijityits mexpensivencaa, are worthy of consideration by all families, no .- matter now smau.tne nouse 1 hb; i-fKiui ut? uvj wa i sk h&a i - ERS-INCLUDES INSTALLiNG--To any. consumer' now using a Gas v. Kanget we wui insiau . a uas water neater ior. a i i II,'. I Sll ') "i - " '' ' ' " ' ' " ''' ssaaaaa.aaMaSaasaaaBaaaa.aMaJaiaaao.w i I'llinl issSaaSsslSjsssjSMsasasaasassawea ' . ' ' sMMWM,g"'BM , . . 1 ' ' "' '' ' - -' ''.-.'- ,;., j - , I . . . ; j;, : : 1 f-' f.e :,r,.",-.:. x.1'iv- JiT !; . "..::'-";I;- ' :. ( , mm .Tl . --' K-! 1 I '"; 'tan ' 1 a. r : : ' . '.' i r i - af. W"i. kr- w . k. . " as T w . ar af T Lr ' Ls arataT. t m ' v ' "vr' '-V-.: : .". s:'"-":!. .'H"'"',"' a