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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
TinSJlDRE0OMvDAlLY:- jaiTlAi;" ibTLAKP. - WDrr DAY EVEriHTO. ,- JULY 8. LEfT FEW PAfIGS; IHS.DAY AT FAIR iliUlu:-' MM Ladav From EverVrrNi00e7: Cut .Two Serious Injuries Ye- .trday and Both Due to Use of Forbidden Explosives. - ' Corner of the Land Qather -' d Celebrte.v"t Welcomed bV officers" ' -of-jhe great exposition A Juty;prlc-ciittlnc event .that effr ths prcisat.ecppsr exfonord Inarx tircalnsV XVTrttL'JvlJNORHWRTS V DUE TO. DENSE CROWDS In tha way; cf household goods. ; t . v; - " ... .:S - (C(iEACuArJ(OE .. . .... Enforcement of the Ordinance . Agrinat JBornbsand -Giani- r - Crackers Given Credit. ;, Portland' flrst sane Fourth of July I '! wss celebrated yesterday. . After th - SOle ctuid : by th. popping of fire? I cracker. th soaring of skyrockets -and I the gurgles of Fotirtlt of July lamonsd , (had died away and became a a dream, . the doctors of thl city enjoyed a more '. J restful night (Ttkit they had ever known to follow- Independence day.- - . -i - Pbyslclane state that the Hat of aeci .dents yesterday waa remarkable for Ita (brevity. There were no fatal Injuria land the list of accidents la small com .' pared to other yaara Laat year there i waa- one. fatality besides t Hit of 5 pothers who were Injured: The chief reason for the yesterday and the small Hat of the Injured IS aald o be the passage of the ordlnano pro. firecrackers, bombe. , toy cannons and torpedo nnM -twtthuaitbe c4ty limits; ,t his ordinance-was strictly . enforced, and as a result Portland today does Hot - smell . like aa arnica .factory nor re semble a second-class battlefield. Some accidents did occur, however,' la .aplte of the giant firecracker ordinance n.Jhu.watchfulneaa. of j the police.. :.ost "ofOieisrwere. of-a minor 'nature 'and were- not reported either to the po lice or hospital a. For moat of them pauses othertnkilS JrrwoV 're re. ponsioie. , . , wlaa 'OnoJxac'a . Week. -. V " t Willie Keady, the 4-yeer-old Son of Mr. and Mr. W. P. Keady of Woodstock, ihad his right hand terribly lacerated by jhavtng a gtsnt firecracker explode In II iyeeterday morning-..' The ' little felloa waa engaged In celebrating the Fourth ;wlth other children' and they bad eev ,ral .large i crackers.- The one Willie ,Jld -was lighted" and -the- -fuse segan-x 'sputter and alasle. In bis excitement .the little fellow forgot to throw the big -wrecker and It exploded In hi a band. "" Th shock, was tertiflo and the boy waa 'throws to the ground. 'Bo arose scream- i"-g from the pala and ran-to the houa .jt. R. Kelly waa summoned and be ar- rived shortly after. He found that th Yhumb waa nearly torn from th child's and and the flesh lacerated. Although ,f ha --wound was carefuly. cauterised th vector feacs that Jih injury will prov .erlous.;..,,-:; . .. , r. , " Mrs. " loss,Protlc.' ' whi - lives at Hppner. waa prostrated by th heat :iwhllaon--thafalr grounds-yesterday, t.he "wag with a party of. f rlenda en Gray 'Boulevard when ahe waa aeon to Tall -Tnenda rushed to, her aaalatahoe and called tbe ambulance,.- She waa removed "to- th . emergency noapltal on th BTOunda.' where physicians pronounced .the case one of heat prostration. She I.Iariy people' who are neglecting svniDtoma of k i d n e y trouble. !t a"I slOpingf Vlt Will wear -away, are (drifting towards Bright! Diieate, h I. M..kt I. J ""- "y'Z ats wont lormi. KM ' . ' . ,... v . .. DQmm mm mropa irreguiarmes,' screanneBS - the-Urinary Organs arid builds Up . y ..the worn;out tissues of the kif . "OeyS SO tJiey-.WlU perform- their ;--functionprorwlyrHeatthy kid- . " L (". fney. Strain lQUU the. impurities from the blood -gJ it passes through theni; Disea'sed kidneys ' j, , . . ' -,O0 not, and tn poisonous waste ,. f .matter is carriedty the circulation t vrv nart rvf t'he'bodv cauiinc ? ycry parr or ine ppayrcausing ; ClZgineSS, backacneri Stomach , 'trotrble,- sluggish liver, irregular - .-' .!.: - - . vDCart action, etCr y ;-i'.i.w It you have any signs ot Kraney i yf Bladder trouble commence tak- ing FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE & i -ar once, as it wi-cure asngnr. qi ' rder in a few days, and prevent , . ' . 1 i tl ' 1 ir. i . j a fatal malady. It is pleasant to , take and benefits the Whole System. ' . - - - ; . rffOW tO rUMI Otlt , . "! 1 ' -... is - U- otwjimutuui.u.ii Htyg r out of order by tettfng id ' tuf Z4, noara a DotU or to unn paMa -joon arisinr. 11 coon examination it 1 15 ciouay or muxy or nas a onck-aaat ediment or mau carticles float about la if. vonr kidriev ar dlieaaed. and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB should b takai at onoa -yc vV4t B. lariMM TmUHm After :: .sV.sWtMreTfACstr.a.Y.r1teil "About lour veare aso I wrota roe eaatlDg that 4. 1 bed sees eoUrely eared of a amre kldaef .trouble by taklag lee than two boiUe of Koley'i KMaev Oura. It entirely etevned th brick- Md1mntsad pala aad rwsionuof kidney mai iiuMMml. I am alad ear tha I -tee sever had a retara of say of Uieee eyaap- max ayrlng the lour year last save eiepeea. . ' end I an evidently eared to tsy eurd, sod - iiamir reeemaieaa Foiey-a uraaoy vurete o J eusenag Iron kidney or bladder treabla, ' . Tw Sis, a- aaa 100. - " ' filB I"! t?'""TS?ra CY-J U "' lw J vmtm af rag vsavaawy tkM Wwa I a 0 I recovered qulckfy -and was abl to leave I toe noepttsl last night. Calvin Welch, a sod 17 years, par- chased a (lent cracker from some, dealer who had forgotten about the ordinance prohibition- their sale. Welch lit the cracker and the exoloekm came quicker than he expected: fie was atunned by nn jinniaii.mii waa not Hriuuwy uum " . Uat of Otaec Uuke. 4 ' While walking In the timber near thel y,.terday. Mrsv -Berntseh Stubbed" her Garden home, close to wet . Portland. foot on a stick and -fell -breaking-" Per right arm" Just , above the wrint. Dr. Edna Tlmms was called and. aet the broken arm. Mrs. Benasen Is 64 years old and owing to-bat advanced age. It la feared that the broken bones will knit vei' -alowlrj.- ' " . - Miss lrtna Stewart of1 Laurel wood fell from a crowded- streetcar and received aumeroua bruise . and her ankle waa pralned. She la an exposition musician. . Wealey'Krupke.' hged 14 year,' jumped on a crowded atreet car and waa brushed off . at th corner of Tweaty-aeoond and Washington atreeU; -he w brutaed bout the head. As she was descending the northeast I steps of the agricultural building at tae I exposition;' Mra. . A. B. Ho man, aged ft year, waa jostled by th crowd, and fell. Her left wrtat was - fractured. After receiving treatment at the fair emergency hospital, h waa removed to hr home at 8 Eleventh street. An attack sf heart trouble esused Mrs. Henry Hoss of Greshsm to faint yester dy aftm-noon while she waa Vlnltlng the Oovernment ouiiaing. .Mer conattion is not serious. '. i . 1 . LltU Ale Kelly, daughter of newapaper man, .waa In th crowd yea- teraay-when a large, heavy maw- dn tally stepped en her foot, it wa badly cruahed and aha. la still eonflned In the emergency-hospital. .v r"C". During th entire oay tberpwas not an accident reported at the Upshur street police station. Immediately out- side -the grounds. , An elderly woman, aeoompanled by her daughter, fainted and "Waa ' removed to " the atalfon. but was quickly revived, r, 8h refused"' te giys. pr.nsme; . ,"' L. Tire Ae Haaaexoa. Fourteen fires, entailing a total loa of about li.060. occurred between day break yeaterday morning and midnight Immt ttlffht. - Twill vm flrM wra atarta hv I firecracker and akyrookets. on fir b nr """"n mm " " w,r"- -JTb only-aerlous damage waa caused by a Skyrocket. Patriotic children on Portlsnd Heights were giving a. display bout ll o"clock and on of th rockets Uu on th roof of th residence of Mrs B. H. Nlcolt st B(S. Chapman atreet. The volunteer firemen of the Height with Inadequate apparatus, did very ef ficient work, but did not get th flame under control untH-damage to - th ax tent of H,0 had been don. Th loss Is covered by Insurance. ' slA - rirecracker " rt ed a "Bl IfT" th residence of W. R. Walpole at H4 Eaat plnptretlTh dsmsge was about tiod. A skyrocket landed on the roof of the Nicola! mill at First and Everett streets about 11 -o'clock lost aight and stsrted a small firs, but th flam war eating uiihed before . any damage done, . . -' :- e " A Hv wire eauaed k blase In th "real. denoe of a Chines at Second and Pin streeta The damage did not exceed lis. A fire balloon Ignited the roof of a bouee at Twentieth and Waahtngton streeta. flames were soon extinguished in loss wa aoout iiao. . Htry Martin Inatructed hi. ntti on In th art of lighting firecrackers yes- t-fX. w. per of a room nera bundle of clothing. . Martln llvesat Orsy's Crossing, fsr from the rlre department, and although th Be1,hborg quickly gathered and at- tempted to. save aomethlng from the v,nT,, houae burned as though It bad been a bundle of dry shaving, th flamea de- atroying aii th furniture, clothing and ,ooA th1 wr .t"t.-hous.-Th-la Mtlmti t $1,000. and it is rsported that ther waa no Inauranca Martin la inl' ?1 " r,B won,'n "f pay for hla bom. It Is reported that he pld the last dolUr on It, short, time go. - ' . - ,- ' --v-"'L J-y t: JJLTJ? ' Chicago, . uu juiy . According to '': '.m?".5r ,Picfl,; there af -41 dead, 2,4(9 injured and a nr, m,, 0f n,oo aa th ruit of Fourth of July- celebration In the United SUteo. Laat year when the finsl statistics were compiled a month later t found that more thaa so deaths were -recorded, mostly du to teUnu xh- PgBWi of Uw, .gainst deadly fire- works ha had Its effect in decresslna th number of accidents t rlre at readletoa. - -r ' i ' (Sptekil Dwpatch U The Joaraal.) - '. V Pendleton. Or-,-July- I.-Small boys playing - with fire crackers ataTied a conflagration In th . woodahed of Thomaa Hampton. In thla cltyreatardav. -which entirely eonaumed the building. The extent of the damage la about S100. th building being valued at Sit and toere being about I ISO worth of furni I worth of furni- Wl Xif. y. tur stored la th shedl .,. atay 001 .'---: llwMl gnlt lirtnt.) - Nw - Torkr-Tuly . By-th -prm-lur explosion of e shell l th pes breech ef a five-Inch gun whUe th Fourth -of - Jlnl y ls 1 ; was-bein g f trd at-Castl William, nn Oovernor's Inland. ywterday Private romelloe H.rrlngtoti of company1. H. Blghth, InfapUy . and sergeant rrana wm or th same oem- pany wer fatally Injured. ' British JFour-Mst4 Bark. Pinraorg Now FIVE YEARS FOR' HAN OF TOO MAHYrHAf,lES Andrew Jensen, Who Sold Wood He ,Did. Not .Ownr . " 1 ' . Scored by Judge. ' "I don't believe a word of the story. TheTnan guilty and his guilt- Is proved by th vldeno,v said Circuit Judge Fraser thle morning when At torney John, F. Watts made a plea for clemency for his client, Andrew Jensen. alias Herman' Fred, alia Andrew stef fen. Last April Jsnaea called en Kirk Hoover of Portland- and told htra that he owned a lot of wood at Rainier,. -H reproeented himself to be Herman Fred, a wood dealer at that place. He sot th wood to . Hoover and obtained a cash payment of JIOO. Then he bought a ticket for Pennsylvania, where he was arrested by Detective Day.- - , ."Jenaan I honeet," said Watts, when his-lient "was" arraigned for sentence. He Intended to build a bom down in Columbia county. Befor hi arrant h bought IS acres of land Jor 15, and he - built a nous there coating him t0." ; 1-rr-.--r-. !.-'. , -' I would hav tkd to have been th contractor for that houae, said Hoover. who wa On the witness stand. " "Ther would hav bean a obanoa for a profit. It is nothing more than, a but It was built witb other people's money. -1 did not know Jensen when n cam to presented himself aa Herman - Frd. but I leaned later that he had treated hi wife brutally and that he had" swindled other bealdes myself." "Jenn Is undoubtedly a thoroughly bad - man,'? , said Judge Fraser. "He might hav built he house and bought the land, aa Mr. Watts says, but ha aid It with other po51e's money. He stol th money In ordf to psy tor th land and -the bouee. He Is sentenced- t eerve flv yesrs In th penitentiary, and also to pay th coots f th cas."1--; - Th maximum sntnc ror th crimt Is seven years., .- PUSHING THE WORK- (Continued ' From Fag One.) charged with subornation of perjury, were filed by hie attorney. Dan J. Ma- larkey. Charles F. Lord aeked Inbla own behalf an early trial of the caae agalnat btmaelf, John H. Hall and oth ers accused of conspiring to obstruct justice, and stated that he would waive all Irregularltie or. defects ln the In, dlctment Judge De Haven replied, how ever, that. as this waa not a land fraud cass. bs would not hear it and it must be est by Judge Cotton, recently ap pointed to succeed th 1st Judge Bel linger. . -'r . At the request of th dlatrtct attorney, bench-warrants were laaued. for A. R. Downs snd K, R. Downs, Indicted with Prank K. Alley and 8. W. Turn!! for conspiracy to defraud the governments - zast f Oases OaUed. The 'esses called this morning, com prising all of th land fraud Indictments, are as follows: - -.' . No. HIT Frank P. Mays. Horace O. McKlnley. 8. A. D. Puter, Maria U War. Eramat Watson, Dsn.. Tarpley. Robert Blmpaon, conaplracy. , No. 18104. B. Ormaby. w. H. Davis Clark K. "Loomls, ' Henry ' A. Toung, Qeorg Borenson, conspirsoy. NqBSl John H. , Mitchell. Binge Hermann, conspiracy, dismissed because covered by subsequent. Indictment. - .-- No. !S John H. Mitchell. Blnger Hermann. . 8. A. D. Puter, Horse Mc Klnley, Emm Wsiapn, Dan Tarpley, Elbert K. BrOWn, Mrs Nellie Brown, Henry A Toung, F. H. Walgamot, Clark E. Loomls, 8. B. Ormsby. conaplracy. No. Henry W. 'MUUr. Frank E. Klncart. ' Martin B. Hog, Charles Nlckell. conspiracy. i- No. J0 W. H. Davi. perjury. j No. J01 Oeorge C BrownelL sub ornation of perjury. --r-------1 " no. ijvi -nmry xneiarura, ueorge.s.. Waggoner, D. - W. Kinpalrd, Ruf us 8. Moore, J. W. Hamaker, conaplracy.. . Nov ttOS H. 11. Hendricks, suborna tion of perjury. '. .. .. . . .. No. I0 Oeorg C. Brownell. sub ornation of perjury. ' ;'; ?. !..- No. Illl W. W Btelwer.. H.: H. Hendricks. C. B. Zachary, Charlea A. Watson. Clyde E. Glase, Blnger Her mann, John IT. Hall, Edwin Mays, P. P. Mays, C ' K. boorals. Ed D. Stratford. conaplracy. .. . - : -r , No 111 I Henry Meldrum, Oeors E. Waggoner, D. W. Klnnalrd, Benjamin F. Minton, - ouetavs . Kiaatsch, Oeorge Donniun, Ltivy sLipp, conaplracy. . No. :14 J. N. Wllllamaon. .Van Oeaner, Marlon - R. . Rtggs, 'conspiracy. (To h triea next rrldsy.) ' - No. Jill John H. Mitchell. Blnrer Hermann, v. w. Williamson, r. p. Mays, W.-N. Jones, ' George Borenson. con- piracy. .' ( a : . .- ' - No. StSt Charles A. Watson, perjury. No. 1!1 W. N. Jonee. Thad 8. Pot ter, Daniel Clark. Ira Wade, conaplracy. no. xo rranx K. , Alley. A. R. Downs, E. -; R. Downs, 8. - W. TurnelL conspiracy. ' . - n. No. : 1 Coe D. Bernsrd, perjury. No. t4I James H. Booth, accantlas rea while a government efflclal. J Nr-44S R. A,- Boothr Jam H. Booth, T. E. Singleton, conspiracy,.' No. Z44 James Benson, perjury. No. im C. B. Zachary, perjury. No. fJ Oeorae Borenson. brlherv (for .retrial . , V v "j : , - ro. 7 oeorge rkrcnnn. periunr. No. 211 John Halt. ' Mnry . Ford, In Port. Harry I Rees, A. P.- Cay lor, Joba Cor dano, J.. H. Hltchlnga, John Northrupi Charles lxrd. conspiracy to obstruct Juatloe. ' Dlamlssed, a aubatituta indict ment having been returned. - . ' ' No. HIT 8am defendants and sam offensa. Substitut for foregoing in dictment "-- . - r-:-i The penalty for conaplraoy- to ' de fraud the sovernraent, th cbarga .in majority of th land, fraud caaee. la fin of from 11.000 to $l,000 and lai- pnaonmenf noi exceeding ivo yeara -The penalty for perjury or auborna lion of perjury la a fin hot 'exceeding ana impnaonment at hard labor not exceeding flv years . ' CATHOLIC SUMMER ; r ; SCHOOL IS OPENED (Jearsal SMdal tervlc.! "nrffaven. H;-y.7aly- Th Cath olio Summer School of America began Its fourteenth snnusl seeslon her todsy snd will continue until September During thlg period ther alo will four weeks' meeting of the Summer In stltut for Teachers, under th direction of the Hew Tork s'tat department of education.- - ,-. - --. -- The lecturer who. will discus th varied program of topics provided by the summer school Include the Rt. Rev, Monslgnor -' Loughlln of Philadelphia, th Rsv. John T. Crugh of ths Catholto university at Washington, ths Rev. J. T, Drlsconof Albany and" Professof7JT"C Monsghaa of the department 'of Com' merce and labor, Waahtngton.' . v CAITLE IN TRANSIT MUST BE WATERED AND RESTED (Jearaal Speetal aerrtee.)"-" Washlngtsn. July S. Suit wlf 1 In tltuted by the department, af nioul-, tur against-, all railroads for violation -of the law whloh provides thst cattle In transit from onr- stgte to another- mutt d unioaaeo. .waterea. ana restea alter they have -been in cars for SS boura. Ths penalty for each'vlolatlon Is a fine from SI 00 to $500. The Uw Is an old one. Conclusive evidence baa been se cured for V1.X00 proaecutlona Msny of th railroad want to compromis by payinr fine and all af them promise to bey the law -' ,, , LAWSON STARTS WEST ' TO FIGHT OCTOPUS 7 : (Jeoraal Speelal Servle.) - . Boston. July S. Thomas Lawaon, cop per magnate and arch-foe of th Stand ard Oil crowd, left -Boston today en route to Kansas . m her-, he - Is 'scheduled t speak at several Chautauqua gatherings on ths methods-of the Standard. Oil trust and thos at th bead of th com blna Prior to his departure Mr. Law- son announced that be would travel weat by way of . Canada for -fear that-some legal action might be taken as b paased through New Tort to delay few arrival In Kansas. - .j;- INDIANA SOCIETY WILLv- - ENTERTAIN FRIENDS At th regular meeting of the Indiana society in Knights of Pythias. ball. Mar qua m building, tonight, a unique pro gram win d presenteo.,. -among th fea tures la a mock-auction. This is a novel form of amusement, always creative of merriment, . .. . .. . v.i,--- -... . ..- ,- InformalitywUlwtark all hs proceed H ing or the evening. Members are asked to bring friends, and Hoosler visiting th fslr will be welcome. Among prom inent Jnaianiana Who will be preaent to night Is H.-E. Henry, state librarian. Admission, pz coarse, 1 free. . . .. - . . K- ' Ba-Oosvict Meld for Muder. ' ' '' (Sowlal PUretek to Tk Jearsal) Spokane,-Wash., July S. -Frd Hunt I 4lng held In Jail, charged with be ing an aooeasory to th murder of Of. fleer Stotko. . H baa been In Jail for two montns on-a vagrancy -cbarga. - At th tlm of hi arrest th evidence la tn osa aid not warrant filing an in formation charging hint with th mur aer. - nis sentence on th vaa-rsnc charge is now about tip, and th charge Is filed at this tlm to hold him in cuatoay. nont is an sx-conyict. ,4 ! ' . - , . f ' e. v, -, Orestes a Sensation. ' (Special IHepatch te Tke JoarsL - Mocow, Idaho, July S.Oult a sen- oat ion was rsaaM her on th afternoon or tn nrt osy or ths celebration. ; O. D. Mcueary ' aaeaulted Oliver Meek. . who wsa wslking down the tretwlthllMo Oesry wife. "The "McOearye hav re cently separated aad Meek and others ars iamed for th trouble. RHEUMATISM SHirrxe gy Afunyon'a itneuma tiant Cur seldom fans to relieve "' pains la lga.i arms, - - - back, tiff or wollen Joints In few houra Positively cures In a few day. It does , not put ths . dlseas . t sleep, but drive It from the yetm. - Speech In " Response Made . by Fourteen-Year-Old Joseph B. 1 Hosmer of Colorado.' i- ? American Boy. day at th twla and Clark - exposition today waa one of th moat suocesaful ever held by that Juve nile organisation. . Boys and ofllcer of th organisation from varloua cities at- ' tended. Oregon and Portland wer well represented wlthMelegatlons. '-,' ;: Formal Mercies war held In the Auditorium at I- o'clock. William C Spragu o Detroit, Michigan, presldsnt- general of th order, presided. President Ooode delivered an address of welcome, to which Joseph B. Hosmer. a 14 -year- old boy,, of Fort Morgan, Colorado, re sponded. Addresses wer also deliv ered by H.-Wr Btone, general -secretary of the T. M. C. A, of thle city, 6d Mr. Spragu a Th list of speakers Included a number, of boys from Portland and other cities of the northwest Mualo was furnished by th . Administration band. Th following, program was ob served: : ..(. : Organ; played by Professor Frd-Wi Goodrich, Bt. David.' Xplaoopal church, Portland; .Invocation, H. W. 8ton, gen oral secretary T. M. C. -A.,- Portland; address ef walooma H. W.-Qood. pres ident of th exposition; address of wel- William C7Sprag coma on behalf of Portland boys, -Henry Mastent Portland; response to address of welcome, Joseph B. Hosmer. Ft. Mor gan, Colorado; bugler, 'Charles M. Tay- krr, Tancouver, Waablngtop boy choir. z , voices, -irora, at. uavia s- tpiaoopai church. Portland; . boy -ocal sololat, Norman Bapey, Portland;- It-boya vaulting horse; boy vocal solo. Tommy Dobson, Portland: letters rasd from Ad miral Dewey and many governora .of tatea; violin chorus, nln boys .-.Professor . Spltsner, director; declamation, Harold Wells. . Eugene, Oregon boy alnger. Xawrence White. St Stephen' church. Baker City, Oregon; oration, Ar thur i.Wlnatock,. Portland; . piano, . Ray mond Couraen, Portland; declamation, Melville Pool Ogdea, Portland: boy alnger, Carlyle Oelaler. Trinity chftrch. Portlands declamation. Grant McDonald Qlbaon. Irraquah. Waahlngten; boy poet, Angua M. Berry, . Logan. Iowa; violin solo..Dwlnell Clapp; Forest Grove, Ore gon;. singing of patrlotla hymn composed by s boy; aaluts-to the flag; slagrelf th "SUr Spaagled Baner." t- VyaaJIalas; Xtw atatt.---' -The American Boy I an organisation devoted to th upbuilding of condition Of boy ' throughout thla country. : It Includes thousand of boy in Its mem bership,'' and 1 ssld to - be . growing rapidly In th wast. - ' - "Th strongest club," aald William C Spragu e, "ar at Boston, Mae., Phil adelphia. . Cairo. III., and Bedford. Pa. W aim to organts Into on -national order all kinda of boys' cluba - This movement was originated by me at th BU Louis fair, an July S laat, and ha grown with leapa.and bounds' - Joseph B. Hosmer wa cheered,, and said:' - - "Presldsnt Ooode, Boys of Portland. Ladle and Oentlemen: Permit me. In behalf of th boy of Amarloa, ta grat- fHy"aoknowledg thi cordial greeting given us. With true weatarn hospitality, everything within th gate of th city, a wall aa within this twentieth century wonderland, haa been thrown open to us. Strang. Indeed, would h th. boy who .And In' hi heart no response to th sincere . and cheery , (resting w have received. ' '. iThls . Is our' day. and 'w are bar from every , nook and ' comer of our vast lane. '-.'..'', j "Th constitution snd our. beautiful flag ar th blggast thing In th world, but tbe . Lewis and -Clark exposition come In a eloper second.. ..... "W are glad that away back In our great,' great grandfather' days, . Presi dent Jeffersan -laid th foundation for this oelebratlori In Whloh you hav hon ored us by allowing us to. partlolpata President Jefferson builded better- than knew when he took the Initial step toward making this rich and resource ful section a part of the union. - ' ' - .ISlwwta ft Fait Z4. ' ' TVhen I first beard of the Lwl and Clark exposition I was quit a- email boy. I knew nothing of th achieve ments of Lewi and Clark, and my knowledge of PorOandwaa meagre. "Soon - th - nwpaprs Jbgao to .de vote much apace to write-up of th why and wherefore of this exposition and I began to be Inter at d. Then a little more than a year ago. while in attend ance with my father, at the National ance wnn my Edltnrl.1 aaeoclatlon at Bt, Loul. I mst ilk.., Tmir nf, BnrtlaKit'a MtSll. laatlo cltlaen and ex-preiant or me Hatlonal Editorial asaoclation. Her-1 card such wonderful tale of th at traction of this peerless portion of the great weat, such - artlatlcally - painted word picture of th coming exposition. thitlruol. to attend ana reoeet the grand, good time I -wa then having. Lrttle did t-drasnT-then-pf -rh-1ionor that would be mine on this orcaalon.-l ahall always count smong th happleat moments.of my happy life th moment when I was told that roln jvould be the privilege ef k-eanondlng-to th. gracious welcome which ba oeen accoraed us. "tor, ail tn-iAmncn ooyg prnt, I TV0 TIIOUSArjD BAIiGAINS FOR T.1E U0r,1E . :.v-iA'--j..,-. -.'' ;s's'''r.' . Ana Obalrs Mkw Chair . mtaiag Oasln' Parlor Obate ; itrrla Onaira ' Beak Oaalr . . 1adlsg Chairg SU4 Obair' I r ' SClrror : .Blalag- BeareeisTaalea Farlo V Sewlag Book "XlfBa;;?.V'W '; - sag t : Xaarary '.'; ; Oara ZAdiea Offla TEMPTIKU . V IM EVERY from whatsver pert of our loved land. and from myeelf, who com from our country's Swltserland, Colorado, , wher for Its day In th yea th sun vainly attempts to melt the snow from her lofty peak, I heartily thank you.'.' AMERICANS LOSE RACE AFTER CLOSE CONTEST ' BBnaBBBBBBaBnaanswaawaM -' ir. Leander Victorious After Hard Strugsle In Henley Row -.f Ing Regatta. ' IJosraal BpeeUI Servlet.) ' Henley. England. July I. In th eec- ond heat In th raca for th royal chal lenge cup. th Leander college ' crew defeated th Vesper of Philadelphia. Th Leander' tlm waa T:01. The Ves per - gave -tha Leander - tha ; hardest fight ever given by an American craw on th Henley course. . Both-. crew rowed like demon and war Consider ably fagged at the flnlah. tb Leander winning by- a bar length. J , The Belgian crew defeated tha craw of -the London club by three, length, tlm 7:J0. , Th Belgian orew and . th Leander will meet in th final con teat tomorrow. - -y,'. ' (Joeraal UomUi hnla.l Berlin.' July , S.-Intense best which raged for dsys throughout bentrsl Eu rope, haa caused hundreds or deatha in Germany. At midday the tempera tur ha been a high' a 107. Numerous prostrations ar reportad throughout ;..H. m,.-.,. t.-..i- n...... r , . L . Oa SUgkS AiUml--: .- (HfMcUt Dlieetrh t Th Jeorut.)' Salem. Or- 'July S. -The "working- men's celebration" In Salem was only " W on ,Ilght accident. Iloy I Jrownr.a.oan -naaaw- .- far. tridae.from a platoi Bred In hla fao aad received severe powder burp about th ya, . .'. : '....- ." ' - 1 - . S1ebI ioatoty auoHag-. '' A meeting of th Illinois oclty will b held thle evening at the Portland lenamotr ' or ; commerc on tn : geoond tioor. -. . . vrvN con V ' I M 1' , iyJ)l , .or fadfgegtion erer made. .:. v- I XJ If iTThi problem is to'maJieow know It. 1 1 " I V IT jtwaW It will help you .from the . I I y V," first doae, and oirtyn if its txae is . 1 I y - persistea la tor a snon time.. ;-.. V '-'''"'A 1 problem is to make "ytm know" it ,T; Tnralor, In edc to ladnc sagWrani from 4yPP - II ' Chago'g Dyppapala Car a fair trial w ask tbexn . to ro to say drurrist and ret a bottla. If after tare . 11 1 ' k , oars' trial two ar not aatjaiad that ft h what rou want, . 1 1 1 1 .' to th oVucslat an4 ft your mny . back without . 1 1 1 I '.,, 4 juion or afwaont. ; ' : ifX'X.'-""f ' " '' ' -l'' I U i TEC CBAJE KfC. CC Kttcj& N. Y. V ; ' ,;.V ' ' --; '".'-:-V :.r..i.'. v' ' 4wa a--fc. ',ffa -,,"x Piwsstn -fV- '-Vs ' .-'.'- aUaskoardg ' f- VeJlaS taB''l' ;:.--. etawtaT Table Oattfamlarw - - wtg . ''' Tablis TabUa STaalag Tablsa Seeks Baks 4 DISCOUNTS DEPARTMENT. I f SX ' DALLES' NEW MAYOR - -- TAKES HIS OFFjCE ' J (bpeeUI PMpateh te Th Jeer!.)" :1 The Dalles,- Or., July -Msyor F. A. Seufert Mondsy night turned th key ef -th ctty over. to. the - new mayor, -James L.' Kelly, and th following new counoilmen: .W.-K. Nixon, Charles W. Dletsel. J. L. Harper and a L. Phillips." Th last year haa shown many Improve- 1 Mayor James L. Kelly. manta In beautifying the city, owing to the auggeetlona being carried out that wr mad In tb meiaage of ex-Mayor . F. - A. Seufert when he took his office, -nd it 1 said "the new .ms vor-will- keeo tns.good work on th move. The new' r mayorr Jm7 U-Kiiry" niiofl " member of th city council for th last , nine year, and ha filled the office with credit to himself, aa well a to Dalle City. With hla past, pxperienc he 1 conaldered.well able to look to tha. city welfare, and la always awak to tb ' city' interact. y - I - , ,y , ten-OaUanai ?v- -y?- Book Oaaea .. . . . r 1 ' -- it. V: . ( ' vt f. if f- A i i f t f s ' . M -rV it,"