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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
I z:r l a:lv ;jcu "Tchtlaud, yzshizsday.'- eveniko. july 5, ires. IP a-eeie congenial lift compaaloe, jol ; oar eoiely and eeet or curroeooad wltk v reoutaoie resident of thl serttoa who wleh M Birr rl aw paper, th MiUtnmlal Re later. 3 price 10c, giro parties lare aoacarolag aoTsral buotlrad Oregon rut-mltcre: many wealthy tl 'ins. Interetato Introducing ' Boclet, M Kael kMl.i 4Ni OhiU. MARLT vigor restored by Or. Robsrta' "re (.lobule. On math' tratank Ul V avoatba, $) at ecorely MM bp aiall. Ageata. Woodard. Clark, A Co.. Portjaad, Or. - BOOR SI Bora they erer "Dteanoroa." '-v ... tameroe." "A Hot Tiatlt," "Paaay P- . 'Twoaty Tear a Pkr," Porbld-'eB Frail. " - 0e b! Uata fro. A BchaMle, tad Plrat at LOST Bower Motored tb hUta: 1 Croat Vt. Loron Nana Toole Tab) 15 pa b. - f oeeee far 1.S. Writ or aU at hSWIl Pknueaacy. JUT Morrleos, bat., let aa ' ItAHICUBINQ by bow rotarr procaaa, kaad aveo ..;'. Mfi, elbratnry bsdy. feesf acelp -; trt demonetretloa. Ttbratorlao, roost as-ed - Lost Mgi aor. Part Bad Morriaoa tta. . ! i GREAT. Keductloa Safe EnUr. stock . to b V - old below coat, plaaaa com In u4 look. , Ladle' aadcrwaar and eblrtwaUte. Mas ".Mac A Co., aW Morriaoa L V v. - ) MAPAMES RVNE . AKD 8HSPPARD lp . aoclalieta. aaanlfflrlng. , aipart ehtreaodute, ' aatlaaptl foot batb fof burala feet. Reset -J ' 8, fcitf Morriaoa at, . - ' ah am all wrtnklo. hare aklo Ilk , yil-Tt by Bring Oregoa Orepe Shla poo. - Kjm ?. Baat 120T. , s - WNO CHOtJltO. Importer of Chinees loot teedl. - . -, eta; atlla Cblaaaa tot tbat la orula car .. tor all dtaa., 1M AUooad TbaA Xambltl ' M Taylor- - , ,. .-,. -Tib a Tn7nrrv fwua oa TTamllttrm blda , to U Ruaaell bid-.. . or. . roortb aad "Mor- -U-Wana. niataaaa ot aiaa. -PioaiUUUoairaa, '. UrXIAIt M. CBAM' Cblropodfit, ''aalearlat ; and abaBpoolDf. Parlor 4M Maftoa bldr, PortUad. Or. Black SMS. MRI. WALLER Ptano: (radnate Colombia CoaatToatorri traaoita too. 111. Iat Mlaa . taoatb at. Mala 4780. - I, WLH. Uka aaro at babta or bbmII cblldroa) bar rra at priDc eoarioa roaaopoa. -J; W an, ear Joacaal. - .--; .' " DRF.MMAKINO. ablrtwalata and jolta. tant' . ,, aklrta. Tka apoaoar cooipanj. jao aw ' , Pkoaa Mala bi. . 'MIUS MABI, aelratlB maaaanao, fradoaU af . Plalandi wdlaa oalr. au AOiniaoa. nn. oaa. : r- TrKKIBH BATHS. MO Oroffralaa bldf., I -.!- all alcbt) Udira all car. mia iwa.- BAt.Sd OP Pies tor all rmala dl. Aider at. Pboaa Mala 483SL VHIRTWAIXTA aad ahlrtwaMt avltav rtb Pourtaantb at. ' - llla SATBaMAStACB. " IP ) wlak a Brat-Haaa ateaai bath aad Baa v ,.. troalmeDt ! .u,".1 t , ''teudant. The Marouam HoM. 145m tta at. boom a. -. v . - ."THB knowdoa bathromno. W7V Alder at. Tub V aad Tapor batba wltb - maaaara. oloctrlritr, -"' lady altradaota. Pkona Mala tOni. " ' 1 IniTCH tart farnorl at Third at. rWeo bath TX' and maaaaca treat man t at 'JOaVi flrat au. : - Yoroer Taylor.' . Kooaa 1. . ho alcoa. -lJTOCNO Spaalah lady, adaatlfla anaaac pad - bath. na c hotel Taoataa, Btark at V- .' botwaak Third aad kooTta. k BEPINED roanc lady at 1; Juat froai tke ; eaat. atraa batba and auaoafa. - B34H Mor- ' rM roof 10. r -; ' ' .' '"' . M1M BELBM PBTKBSON.. 107 H faarth at., room .tV-aelaatlAa taaaaafa aad mcaatle ;.- Ireatmeat. . - BLA1T1C BOOK BLiaTTTf AOTTJBXBB. ' Mown.' DA via A KILHAaf. loa-lll Baeead at. Blank book maanfaeturara; afaata (or Joooa , Impmvd Looaa-Leaf . ladfero; aoa ta aaw , r.lireaa Mai, loo oaaa wt " SICTCU 9XALXBB. I I ' COtUMBIAr TB1BUNB AND -CRBBOBNT. ' f- VBrOKTlSO UOU. airaiaiau. L WO VIIMN Una THIRD T. irr -iCOAi am woon. , CH( R'"HLEI BROS. haa- ranorad troat' toot - lMTlB at. to 4k K earner at., aaar 11th; la ' aar th laraaat woadyar ar la toa ctty, oarry- ' tar U klnda of wood aad ooau laala Wl - ALBINA rUEb CO. Doalrra ta c-rderoDaY. ooal f and srao " dry alabarood. B. at aad Al T blaa ara., I khwka oaat ot Orry. Baat ST4. BTEEL BRIDOB PUIL CO.. deatar t ooal, i - cord wood aad dry alabwood. Pboa Baat did. . OBEOON PUBL CO., aU kind of coal (ad wood. . tad Morriaoa. . Pboua Mala do. . .- KIRK HOOTER. II Watar at, waad aod coaL - raoaa ataia oo.- . - v i .. ' . i in - ; POR SALE ,009 eorda ilr. wood. Pboad Bnt injo. " .' . '.. cxrAvnra axd stxibs. -?IEJt!A 1 STIAVf CLEAVING 1 PT1 .. i Worka Beat ooalpnad alaat In tka eUri . ' rhanlral work a apodalty. Call ap pboa i Mala im. uwtm cMaaod rra, iimh. ' i PORTLAND STEAM CLE AW NO A DTEINO -Work! araetleal battar la eoaaoetloa; feather ptiaa ana pramoa cimdmi aad curled b aa as. -Bit Powrth. Pboaa Clap .- -'- CLOTHES eleaaed and prtaai d 1 par aasath. i . iaiu TainnaB ua., mi waakuafto at. B. W. TI'BNKB. profeaaloaal drar and hMaar. - (OS Jefferaoa at. Pboaa Mali 951. CISAJll AKD TOBACCO. tSRERO-OUNST CO. t '. . ' ' Olatrtbator of , . - PIRE.C1QAR8. Portlaad, Orepoa. CABJUASB AXB SACK COMPAjrTXS. fill l ItlTED CARRIAGE CO. Carrtasra, r rial " and Carer iHadCT Klaaeat j at aoaw MeT1ePb)wr Main SO. c ABprrn.EABTg. j BATB your walla cleaned; wa claaa papered ana pamtea wain, aaiiaraction gaarantota; ? prleaa roaaoatbwi rafaraawaa. i Bad BMA CARPETS Plea aod aa fit Hoor; wVrala a dqii. rm Lur a. rreo aeaaonau'aTioa. J. BUNTXR Steam carpet and aaallnaa leaer. ban Jefferaon. Pboaa Mala HI. CAns. - KRICKSOIf'B RPKTAVBANT Merchant' hmak , , 1 1 a. B. to 1) p. I nndar aaw aianateaient. O. ' B. Erao. prop. Baoaad and Buraalda. . : THB OrPICEv-tM WaahloftaB at. Phoo Mate , ' TT1. jBamiKa, Tltneoac. e - a 'V I II "CLAIBTOYAlfT AaTTj PAXMTST. OTPHRT EENOR1A. - Queek at elalrroyaata. - She guarantee to read . arery lacldenl of aoor life, paat, preoaet aad nitura. noon avrta Auak oiaf ., aa Morrf . ir ' " akr dOP. aCalraV - '. ' '. - - .MADAMS. )OHN8TON Clairvoyant. palalat, v, card nadar; I fir facta-callabla and lav ooruat aa all affair of raal Ufa. tuadlafa BOe. dS Seeenth at.,, aear Oak. . MWirnM AB P BTO.DERS. . ' A. AUTHORS aad H. B. WOOD, earpaater and ' bnlldera; rape Irlnf ind tohblntl ator and offl fix tar ea bullu ' Bhp SdS Colambla. Mala tT. v . - Tl balld yoay now er tr pa old bom vert raaaoaaM. Call at tba ahoo. 1M Slifeeath ' at., aortbv or New Waatora boteL Wakl A ',. -Hen. -. . - ' . . CZMIBT O0BTBA0T0BS. . i'HAS. H. CARTER A CO., cement eontrartora, Et Tweatiat . a. Paooa Boat U7B, AH work guaranteed. cmaopoDirrs. r . " " y lr ymr feet ara ptrt of orteT. to to .Dr. WorJey fi'jujiH. Drnnin mora, vuw vava epae k UnHat. PTiona plaek tl. rSZB COTIBBaflBt LAUDS. IHT opeoed ta aetfleraentj Sa Irrel valley land; a gran or timber; water and anil Bnt claaa. tome la and let a locate y. ' iuwa ad Labt bidg., Boeaad tad TVaautnstoa. r'V c fTHOL' AL cr L A Co.. f a 'a' . Praol, ttark at. la 1-4 t A ra. arool a r waah lk, aud lot LM..4aM aUr- , - urtwatat t. tiwat Mat iul. lKIMIIB aV 4dla' TalloHaa coIlMt: aa est -10 BMaaura. -aVllaka kail 00. 2oS Morrtaea. D" atAKIMU Wrtctlr mp to data) la t oat v dan'su. WJ Clap at. 1 i i : J D.C..llOWi,D.V.S..D.C.Vl. Dot. bono boa plial.iT Buraaido.raeatai Malaua: BaatJooA. Ultr CHUnCUMAN, datlft. 834 bfarquaa b4d., Blitk aad llorrtaoa. Pboaa Haia llau. nxoraioAi vom fORTHWEST EUBOTRICAL. ENQIKKSSING Company, tot ttark at.. PortUad. 0. K. (or . OTarjrtklna la Um Metrical Una. Pbooa ' Mala litad. . , . PACIPIO Klaatrle Co. Batiaoora, aoatrarVara, topdlrora, tioctrlo virtus, aupvllat. M I'lrat, cor. , Stark. Mala . R. H. Tata, mgr. BOYNTON wara-alr fnraaoaa nn (noL J. C Baror ruraaca fJa., tod boaood.- Mala !. rUKMlrVBB PAOTOSMXt. i OB BOON ParalPar ' Maaafaetoriag Coapaay Maaafactarora af (uroitura tor tka trad. Portia Dd, Or. ; r-r- - rURNITL'RB auanfactnrlna aad aaoctal L. Rueaaaky' furnltura factory. tTO Proot at. ' wBOCEBS. ' - WADHAM8-' A CO.. wbolaaala groeara, ajaao (arturara and enaaailaaloa morckata. Paavtfe .aad Oak ata. . .. .- : . . ALLEN A LEWIS, eoatmlaaloo aad produce aiar cbanta. Proat aad Darta ata., Portlaad. Or. . XOTZU." THB BELLRTUB SO aawly (aralabed ea aoil or atogw. Ml Poarta. oar. Salaioai Tar ma raaaoaablo. Mala 1044. . OBBORN HOTEL Or ad ara. aad Baat Aak at.. A a ken r ' aaeaaUlp Aakeay ear lla1ngooaa eeaouoa w, at aa aa par ay. THB Llndall hotel. Market between Third and . fourth. Portlaad; aatlraly aaw. Europeaa aad Anvrlcaa pUn. bu ta M Pr day. HOTEta Peadlatoa. Faadlatoa. W. A- Browa. akfr HOTEL Portland. Aawrtnaa ptfcat S3, par day. HOTEL Bt. George, Peadleton; laadlas hotel. BELVEDERE; Baropaaa plaa;4fh aad Aider at. HOTIL, BXSTAV1ART ART) CAMP RAVOXS. HOTBL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES . Crlbbea. A Beitoa A Co.. Bereateentb aad . ,Upehur ata., largaat atock hotel, toatauraat, . caaip range, gaaollaa torcd aad rafrlgar ' tor la tb city. jua An 0Air aTxcxAusx. : t. J. BORO, ananfactarar of hauatt hair poll, ate. J8 Baat Moth. Pboaa Mat 11. ' HARDWARE. eiBiN... Portlaad Hardware Co. aollett apaortaaltr ta. ooute prU-ea. 186 let at., car Aid. Mala iss. 4, --"- : nfSTJRAjrcx'. -. LAMBERT," WHITMEB A CO. Tire laanreae aad real aetata, laoteeaore to Arthur Wllaoa A Co.; offlcea. west aid. 4OT-IOS, Sherlock bid.. Main lUOSi et (Ida dept., dod Eaat . Alder- (uuaaa-- aana, aaai ovr. . rtAAC t." WHITE, Sr lnsaraao. SCO Dakaa I AH. Hd. WOOD, atploTor' ttahiHty and . dividual accident surety boada ot aH kloda. rnoaa t. ra Mcay oiog. ... :r H. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Plra fnaaranea. 43 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Pboa Clay S2S. RET Sttlag, caet-lraa braalng and Earal ro- - pair tag. 4, &. Hieaaraaoa, wjm- souria Pbiaa Hood 1TS2. J juoaxamam. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert larkaarlth aad , Bicycle repairing. Btark. tay Clap SS; algkt phoaa. Mala ISM. BET nttlaaV aaat-lroa braatug aad gaaaral ra aalriag. J. H. Rlekardaea. SOS Yowrtb at. BOBBY TO 10 AR. THB .STAR lillX OO. Any aalarled aiply, waga-earaar, aa get - oa aia oof, witaoai BMrigag Month, Month. Week MO.OA Repay to aa SlAilS or MM er SS.M fc 00 Repay ta aa S S.di r tS.SS or il.SI 1 1ft. 0 Repay is m 1 4.00 or (2.00 or fl.OI - BIS McKay kids.- -r- FIVE per seat mery w Valid ye a boar er loaa Too aioaey aa poor property: Bwataiy ' paanaata;' loTaatlgate; opea Saturday a Ten- lag a. nooaaa is-11 latan oiag-, sriTk woes. MONEY TO LOAN oa real aoraoaal aad eol . lateral aecorlty; apeclak attsatlea to chattel ' anortgagea; autra bought. C. - W. Pallet. SU4-S Peotoa bldg., S4 sixth at, , HIGHLY reapectabra plac where ladlea , aad Jeata caa borrow BKuey aa dlamoad aad welry. . CdlUkeral Loaa Bank, "WB Wash- - tagtoa at. i'haa Black Tl. - IS LOANS aad upward oa all klada at wcarrty or 10 aaiarira people oa taeix kwi nro . ratea; no pubtlelty, as dUy.TMS. A b log toa bldg. pboaa led 17M. . - CHATTEL loaoa In amoonta ranging froai S2S to fa.iHio; roonHag-boasra a pcinp. -ni Era Loaa A Treat Co.. Sue Ablngtoa bldg. LOANS at loweat ratea oa furniture, ptaao any aaearity aotea parchaaso. stra mob orSeaa, dot SlierU hpcb bldg. MONEY -TO LOAN la largo or aaw II Boont a mm 'mmi.Ii, t Lnareal eatao. Wllllaaa 1. hveek, SO Failing bldg. . LOANS aa furajtur. pltnne, other . aecorttlea. lowest rate. B. w. King, room M. Will' Ingtoa bldg. Mala 8100. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY fUKrp loan, froai thro to aU aaoatha: coaSdaDtlal. Sir Oregoalan. . ' - : MONET TO LOAN oa Clarkaaiaa. county leads. k. r. aad F. p. Riley, sua ikauber of wa- PORTLAND BSAL ESTATE LOANS, S AND S per coat. ' Wa Denkujn, S3S Faluns Wd. MONEY TO LOAN, S per aeot.- Northrap A aing, aio-sii voparcll blk. MUSIC AX., i SECOND-HAND mimical Inrtrumesre ' of - all kinna at iewt price, rb a. Inatallmenta. I laker Mnal Co., J0 Third kt. i... LEVY'S Musi Ho ana Sheet aiaalo, laatrnaMata. ill roarta, I. at. u, a, bid, cup Pis. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, banta. auada Ua. guitar lutracUoa.hU la SUaa.171 W.Para. EOROB ANDERSON Bipert pUas taaar aad apairvag. aajair r inner Mooie ua. atoa aaa, PIANO tuning $2; perfect work guaranteed. C W. J hnoi rnoaa Mara 111. ' BAORTOO HEAltRw. MRS. L. H. HART treat all dleeeae. toack trouble. BerTounoa aad mncuooal woakneaa. Conaaltatloa free. .2SOS Park., cor. Jefferaoa. ' BOT ART rUBUO. asaiaksVsiia h'OTABY PtBUO Paper . carefully prepaiod ana ancawov cnarges rsaaaaaoio; ia) aa awered to any part of the city. Jot. U Malratb, Soth Morriaoa at., rooae 11 PREPARATION of TION of deeda aad axirtgagae a apeelaltyf pen the Marquaa. OTIEAIXS. Boat) OP THB ROAD OTERdLLS aad am- chanter clothing ) aalae kvad Reaatadtejt Broa., aafacturara. Portia ad. Or. . rtAtr. i. RARTERN PLATING CO.. Plrat ijold. . ailaer, . ropoar, nickel aad braaa plauog. ' Jewelry work epeeleiiy. a TVS OREGON PLATING WORKS, atl Waeh- l.toa at. -Phoo B75. PoUahlag. pUllaf - B aacaverTD. Rurrni. ?7 RCMHONO A CO. Paont aad Stark ata., arlat Ing, lithographing, blaak bok and afoe auupllea; work duoa aa tlBMj Bxat cosapieta prinuag oroca in ua weak aaaia va. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, priaUag, , llthogravhlug, bUak book, , Pkoaa Mala 17. Aiaor aC- -- - - - . 1 pAnrrs, on abd lasb." P. E. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; . wlndow-flaa aad alaalog. 138 Plrat at. ? Pboaa ' . RASMUSSEN A CO. - aaah aad door. a, palnta, OIL glaaa. Seoood and Taj lor. .. - PXTJMBIRS. -uL-rf DONNERREHG -A RADEMACHEB, ' nanltary pluaabera. 4 Fourth at. Both pboaa. POX A CO., aanltary plnaabara. S31 Bocoad bat, Main aad Balawa. Oregoa Pboaa -Mala SuUl. mUO AOOOtnrTABT. H. a. MVI.DBK. aiMrt aeeoaaUnt. Toon ddl f Skerlork blda.; booka opaoad. adjuatod and adltod;-t)k kopt Tor amall aoaoorna; bmmo rata rbarcaa; arat-ciaaa rataraataa. ataia avoa. r. ' t 1 ' . . 1 'T7 ' PX0TOORAPKI0 MOmfTB. R. U W00DW0BTH. Mfg.. - Tholatoet atyleoof kleut I RUBBER STAMP - a ri STAMP WORKS. Sat Aider at. Main TIO; robber itampe eeala, atandla, bas 1 gaga, trad chock; tead for catalogue. Rooraro. TIN RQOPIN. sttrlng repairing tad foaaral Jobblog. 1. LoatU, Sl Jelferaoa at. ROM.- ' PORTLAND COR DAG B CO.- PomrtaoaU and North rap ata.. PortUad. Or. TORAttX, TRARSPER'ARO BADXTJIO. SAFES, Blaao and (nrnttur BJorad, packed ready lor ehlpplnf aad hlppedj all work 'guaranteed; large. S-atory, brick, nre-proof - warehonao for ttorage. Offlc 12S Pint at, ' C. M. Olaea. Pkoaa Mala 047. ' , C a PICK, of Be SS Pint at., hetweea Stark and Oak ata., pboaa Sad; plaaaa aad furniture " mo red aad packed for atilpplng; couraodloea Bro-preo(, . hrlck warehouaa, - Proat - aad Clay ata. - .- 8TORAOB apae to let la bar aaw betiding, aia niur i pigier ammuia vwew, Campaay. ' OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Bllth. Pboaa Mala Btt. Heary hanllng and atoraga. POST-SPECIAL DELI VERT No. JU0iVaah - IngW at. Phon Mala MX ' SOITTEBIBB. ' ;';"-, "'" ' THR MORGAN CO: Z .".""' D?to IIS Seoood at., Sd floor. .j. ; Mannfactoror and lobber ot Lew la aad Clark eourentra; booth aad a troat ataada fitted . ut conplatav . . STREET PATTJfG. WARREN CoBstraotloa Co., gtraat paving, aid. walka aad oroaawalk.' lid Oregoalaa bids. ' THE Trinidad Asphalt Paring 0. of PortUad. Offlc SU Worceater blk. s SHOWCASES ABD FIXTURES. ' aad atoro datsreo anado to erder Tb Lath - Maaufactarlng Co., PortUad. SATES. FOB opening Isckoat aad eafe bargains go to ' J. R. Darl. dd Third t. - TOWXL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, aoap. . ft per aioata. Laarraaea una.: xowai aappiy CO., roarta aad coaca. raaaa a as. TYPEWRITERS. TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS ' . aa roarta atroer. . W Teat, repair, aell, exchange ty pewrttara. Ill auppllea (or allaaiacblBea. l' Staadard aiacblaaa 3S and ap to II Of), . ' Da yo want a atsaograpbar or typist 1 ; W hare Hat of good appUcaaU, .. 4 v.-.. Pkoaa Black SST1. BLJCK ENSDERPER Typewrttera, oapnllea, ro-palrlag- Roaa A Rosa, S Stark. Mala 1ST0. TJOLUTS. . I. A. WRSCO. Ttotla-maker aad repairer; work trst da. SB Roasell bldg., 4tk aod Morriaoa. WALLPAPER. . MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-iM Beeoad at., bet. Yaajhlll aad Taylor, PortUad. mARCXAL, U1 RITZD STATES NATIONAL BARB . r OF PORTLAND. OREGON, NORTHWEST COR. -THIRD ABD OAX STB. . Traaaasta a Beaaial Raaklac RiiaaaaaK .r lRAPT8 1MSCED Avallaba) In All Cttle sf tba United State aad Europe, Hongkong aad Manila. . COLLI CTXOXi'mADX OB PATORARLR TERMS PTeeldcot.. J. C A1N8WORTH Vlce-Prealdent ,W. R. AYBR Vice Prealdent ...R. LEA BARNES Cablr.................ll, W. SCHMEER Aeelataot Caahler.. A. M. WRIGHT Aaa la teat Caahler. .....w......W A. HOLT DORTLAfO TRUST COMPANY Of OREGON, r- NO lot THIRD ST, b -. The Oldet Troat Coaipaar la Oregoa. RKSOURCES OVER 11,000,000. : . , - Oeaeral Banking Baatssaa CoedvctOuV --' Baring Depoalt RclTed. Tlai csrtlflcatea hnroed. akeo cert locate of depoalt parable apoa 10 daya' call, SO day' call or SO dy( call wltk Interest at , IH ad d per cent per annum, reaporUvclp. Call or aend Mr book of uioatratioaa. BENJ. I. COHEN.. .Presldeal H. . L. PITTOCK B. LEE PAGET....... ........ .Tle-Prsldel ....Secretary ....AaaUtaat Secretary 1 J. O. OOLTRA. FIRST RATIONAL BANK ' I OF. PORTLAND, 0RZ00B. Dtatpaat Depository' aad Piaaootal Ageat at th Lalted tatea. . -Preardeat...... ,....L L. MTLLS Caablw. ....... ......I.... ..J. W. NEWKIRK Aaalataat Caahjor. .'. . . ...... .W. 0. ALVORD Second AasUtant C a abler B. P. STEVENS Latter of Credit leased hratiania IB sarop and tb Eastern State. . Sight Excheege and Talegrspbl Trepafer old oa New iorev Boetoa. Chicago,- Bt. Loul. Bt. PaaL Oaiabs,- Ben rraaclao aad tba principal potato la th Northwest. . . Bignc a n lira oiu orawa in euros eo esu on London. I -art, Berlin. Fraahfnrt-ta-tb Mala. Iloagkeagj Taknhamaj fnyiakagiBi Chrletlanla, Stork holm, St. Patareburs. Moa- w. Enrich. Honolulu. ' toiler tloeia Mao es rarer, or lerma. LADS A T1XT0N, BARBERS. ' - r, , ' (KtaklUkd la ISeS.) ', , Traaaaota a Soatoal Resklag Baataaas. 1 Colleettno aud at all prflnta as (avorebU Torxa. Letter of credit laeued tIIM la Enrop and all poiata a tka united statea. Rlgkt Eirhang aad Tee-graphic Tree ere Bold aa Naw York. Waahtngtoa. Chicago, at. Lmit. Denrer, Omaha. 8a o Francisco aad Montana and Brltlah tolahla.. rt -' , Exchange aeld a tymdoa. Pari. Borlla, Praakfnrt, Hoogkoas. Yokokaaia, MaalU aaa Honolala. m . . . , . SICURITT 8ATIN0S A TBUST COMPART. IdS Msrrtaaa St., Pert load, Or. Jraaaarrt k traasrsl Baaklag aaiaaas. v SATIHOS DEPARTMENT ' Isrerset Allnwed oo 'Ptnee' and eTtg Depoalt. . Ai Traato (or Ratatea. Drtfl lad Letter of Credit AralUM la All . . Parte of th World. tv r, APAMS.,... L. a. Lewis..... ! ! " Plret " Vlcil Prealdea t Ai L. Villa ....Secosd Tlca-Preoldefit R. 6. PI BITE. . . . ...:...... . ; Senretary GEO. P, KL8SSLL. .Saalalait Soorttary ix-iiEiidCi'lO; THE PAPERS Nurirymn rroryi AH Over Pa ; eific Coast Invit Public ta , ' : -Thair Convention. .! ? ADDRESSES WILL BITOT "l INTEREST TO ALL CLASSES Man Delegate Hera cr Oatber Iny From Nearly All ot the 'y? Northweetern'Statee." rJ ' From ail parts of th Pacific coast poopl aro aaaamblins bar for tho art jiuaI oonvanUon, or tha Paclflo Coaat As. aoclatlon of Noraorrmon, which oparrad this monvlnE In Knlshta of Pythia hall, Marrjuam bulldlns. . Prcsldont J. B. PllklDRton of this city eallod tha con-vautlaato.ordiU-which spont th morn ing hoars with Hht routine buslndta. prollmlaary to th mora Important aaa alon to ko hold tomorrow. . This aftar noon offlotra of tha aaaoclatlon will b oldctad, atuf averythlnR rushed throotrh ta Rat tha mambara In roadlnaaa for .tho papars on tomorrow'a prorram., , In tha mornlns tochnlcal paper, de voted to tha Interoata of nuraorymen, will be read bp members of tha aaao clatlon," And any who deal re to hear tham will be . welcome . at tha moo tins. In tha afternoon there la to be a mots) popular- pros ram, when prominent- hot tlculturlate will speAk; a fine fruit dis play' will be made, and fruit and rtv freahments will be aerved. Tha a ft em 00 tv aeaalon will "bd eape eiaily attractive to tha public Soma ot tba addreaaea will be by Profeseop Van Deman. formerly United States onto. moloRlst, and now In - charse, of the fruit awarda at tha Lewla and Clark ex position, who. is regarded as on of the moat,' eminent fruit authoritlea of tha country, and ia an . especially food speaker. -- Dr. -Wilcox, who haa charge) of the Boverntnent srrlcultural exhibit, will apeak on experiment stations, and the duty of fruitgrowers to tbem. Rev. r. Walden, one -of tha moat prominent hortlculturUta- of tha state of Waah InRton, will alao fcpeak, A larse quantity of excellent fruit' is being fathered for display, and choice cherries and other .fruit will ba aerved to . uthe ' visitors tomorrow - afternoon. This Will ba with the purpoee. of ex nlslnlnar. anmo of. tha ablandld reaultd achieved In horticultural work, and the delicious flavor developed In fruita. People Intereated In fruits ara Invited and WW. ba ivn R Oordlal reception. Tha satherins this morning waa not large, but the-members from Idaho, Utah, Washington and California Are aa. aembling in force. The officers of tha aaaoclatlon ara J, 9, Pllkhigton, Port land, . prealdent; C A. Tonneaon, Ta coma, eecretary and treaaurer; A. C Meant, Salem, and A. Brownell. Albany, Oregon and J. A, Stewart, Cbrlatopher, Waahlngton, members of tte executlvd oommlttee. ' . The vice-presidents' of th aaaoclatlon ara H. ' A. lwls. Ruaaell vllle. Oregon-.' A. Eckert, Detroit, Wash Ington; C. P. Hartley, tjaiaweu. taano: A. P. Dlx. '.Salt Lake City. Utah, and F. W Powers, Chlco. California. SPRING WHEAT. IS HURT IN VALLEY FurjPiseaeaaiifJM Ineect : Peett Ara NumerousHope ?') '.? I". . Art' Crowing.- .. ' Latest crop bulletin of department of aarrlbultura: 1 " , ' . , -.- Tha paat week has been favorable for normal growth, notwithstanding It av eraged cooler than uaaal. ... Haying Is now general and, although conalderable har waa cut and lying In tha fields when tha rains of the aarly part of tha week eeeurred,no great damage ensued, snd tha hay erop-ptoxniee to be unusually heavy- and af excellent quality. ' Fall wheat continues to fill " nicely and. Us harvest wlH bogliwln abou t-toav daya-or f two weeks. FUngus dlaaaaeaj and Insect peats are-more troubleaomo than uaual at-hl aeaaon of the year, spring wheat In Dortlona of tha Willamette valley la badly Infested with aphis, but otherwise tta condition la promlalnc- Oats- ara af fected -by a. red ruat fungus, which Is causing much . apprehension. Barley Is ripening nicely. . Corn, gardens, pota toea, field on lone and augar beets con tinue doing walL Many Ilea are re ported In the hop yarda, especially thoae situated near tha rlvep bottoms, and preparatlona for extenetve spraying nave been made, which win be put in opera tion if the present warm snd bright weather doea not causa their disappear. anee. Berries ara plentiful, and other fruit has - made . satisfactory -r advance- ment. ..' - if, ' Barly Sheep Baloo Begin. . (Special Dlapatch as Th JowraaL) ' Lakevlew, Or., July I. It la oatl mated that 70,009 mutton aheap will ba turned out of Lke county thla spring. Early aalea have begun, though stock sheep salea , have been alow tip' to this time. Buyers - state-- that moat of tha sheep ready for, market have already paaaed Out of Jhehanda of tha,aheep- men. ,.- . - . - v. '. .-i'.-.- Shoel avails Arrive. ' ! (SpeeUI DtepeKh to The JeoraaL " Coqullle, Or.; July 8. One hundred tons of steel rails arrived, on fhe last shipment of the Alliance from Portland, to be ueed. In 4he conetruetionOf the main ' Una of the - railroad bet weed Beaverhlll and MarahDeld. Tha old Iron will ba used In the-aonstructlosi of a apur to the Klondike mine and for switches and sidings. , j . -. - j . . Work V. BWa. ' (Special tlftsdtcb to The JearaaL) -. Orangevllle, Idaho, July Si Work has begun upon the Meadows extension of tha P. A I. N. A large, number of Japanese arrived this week from Port land..siidother PolntsandhAvabeen dlatributed in ganga along tha route. Track will ba laid as fast aa tha grade Is completed, and tha nref'IO Bailee will be flniahed In record time. . ' '- - yiRARCIAL. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. . PORTLAND, 0REO0N.. t. FRANK WATSON.. , Preeldeot R. L. IH'RHAM .Tlee Presldeal R. W. I10YT,. r Caahler flCOROR W. B0YT....r Aaalataat Caahlar Traaaarfte a Sasiesl Rash lag Baalaiaa. ' Drrt aad Letter ( Credit leaned Aral labia - Tto All Part of tb World... . Collect loo a Sportelts. ' Sf ORRIS BBOS A tntRTSTTRsTB. IVI .. . Ut'i tint 84., PortlaaA, Or. Offer "XftnWgi 2lnTetBxnt . ia Municipal aad Boada, Write or call. , . Ratl MORTOAQB LOAINO Oa PertUsd Baal Eats et Xwt Ratae, .. Trtle laesred. - Acatesets puaslahed; , TITLR ow AB ANTES A TRUST OO. MB V (Aaaker et Cetaxaara. PC.1TLJ;j PLEASES FRO;.:i:iEnTSAHJOSEAN J. S. McCihnre " WouldUvT in J .;Roe City, If, Ha; Could 17 i Bring Bunee.7!r ; ' Accompanied by his family. J- Bv Mc Olnnls, an attorney, of San Joee, 'Cali fornia, la In Portland .on. a. week's visit at the exposition, Tha party Is delighted with Portland and tha. fair.. .Mr. Mo Qlnnla .said: . . -i "Wi have been hers something over s week and regret that the pressure of bualneta compels na ta return- tary-aoonv We have epent- several -daya at tha fair and have visited various poirrte of inter ests. We are ao plaed with the city and Ita aurroundlnsa that I would locate here before tlx months if 1 could bring "my business along. , . .1 am moat favorably Impreaaed wltn the. varied and substantial reaourcea of Portland. ' It " can't help becoming a great city.: . It is certainly a very proa peroua city now. The pure water, mild climate and varied eceaery surely make It a pleasant place to live. The mid summer green of Oregon haa been very refreshing to ua. We shall retain many fond recollections 'of .Portlafid and Its courteous,. Intelligent people. Ohr ye, the fair. welt., that ia all right," too. It la fully up to our expectations ancLa credlC to the enterprise of your cltlaens." ' OoqtUUa RVtve , Yxaprovemeaea. ' 1 -'; Special Dlapatch to Tka Jearaal.) t -: Coqullle, Or"., July 8. The scows re cently brought down from' SiusUbw. are beiag reat,ted and machinery la being repaired preparatory to a good aeaaon' work on the lmprovementa at the mouth of the Coqulle river. . Government en gineers -are - here and 1 Are busy with plans ' for taking atone from tha old Tupper rock by means of a railroad to tha city wharf. 'where It can be loaded upon the scowa - and ' taken. . to tha Jettlea. t - .'.. ..rr- VAN CORTLAND ' ALWAYS CONSULT THB BRST. T Otaor eoaae Jad go, hat "a OertUad reaaalaa. : ' ' TROP. TAB CORTLAND. -' SOS's Waahtngtoa at., osrae of Fifth. THB MOMENT TOU ENTER BIS PARLOR BB WILL TBLL-YO0- YOUR PULIr NAMB, AGE, OCCUPATION, YOUR. MOTJ1KBS MAIDEN NAMB. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY and what pea called (or. without aaklag a aueetloni will toll tba Ban f poor aweetbeart or anything roa waat te kaow. Ha aenda pee away Deuce truer sad kappler tha .wba yoa esUed. .j. . PROF. TAB 00RTLABO. , , ' Bevsa Tear la Pertlaad. , , The Olive, SOIV. iJJjga' ' ar lfU WW FE8 l LOW PEG Of dee koera S a. to: to 8 . dally aad Sunday. CHESTERFIELD Paychle, palm let and ckireoyaat. Special all thla week: My (all 8t palmUtry reading or dead trance clair voyant alttlag. Sea. I tell of rbaagse, ae rraaes, fallMre, mar riage, dleoreas. law. Mlts, triTM, death, loss affaire. epr- tlon. dlaeeae. etc. I accept BO re is aorance. If eoa are ast aathfted res par nt nothing. 1 wtoh to ahow the dtlBeaa ( Portland that there la oa la tbla prof r aalae tbat aadentaada kit beeloeee aad U no fake. Parlor 834 Third at., oppoelts the Pla. OfSre boara 8 a. St. to 8 p. 81.. dally and Sunday. . BSW r BUT.A ae Aeld welattai k aa. aaakd leltkaiaaiietea. Takeooethee. kilail L iV IT . aha.AA faa dTeSkdl - fWal kg. I i7t--rt. . Ct.(abRaSx ikMM Cw I rail'-ej eTAaha DiULY .ttl. IL. CLAIRVOYANT mmB 25c mm To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN RegulatorUne Steamer leaves foot of AUdep street dally (axedpt, Xoaday), . auHi p. Fare $1.50 EZXZZXZZaU " Ws treat sueeessfully s.11 private ner voua Btnd ehronlo dlieasea of men; aleo . blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troublea. We euro STPHIUS without mercury) to stay cured for- - ever. In 80 to oeyev-'ve rsrao-Ts BTKICTURE. without operation r pain. ' la if daya. ..' ' - "' V-i WAarnn TirairlafTlerarotrSdIf- shuse. Immediately. .We can reetore the aexuei vigor of any man under (0 '-"! meant 01 J oca treatmea yvnutmr aw urt elves. . ' - V Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The doctors of this Inatltnte ere all regular graduates, have baa yaare experience, nave been knot many J- en lnr reputation f ke no eaaet hnlM. m.I.I. mum Can Ka orToolaMt . We guarantee a cure in every eeee wa ' - nnaertaaa or cnarge no 10. . i-unj na tion free. Letter ronndentlaL Inalrue live BOOK FOBJMEimaUed Jrea l plain wrapper, we Purtland for lb years, hsvs a to maintain, and will iindertai cure the srorat eaiea Of BUalialae at-laraa trejD.lnaaj.lo. aalihout aaerae on uur guarantvea you cannot call at omce. writs for eaawfn 11. ., Office houra I to I and t to I. DR. W. NORTON DA Pfflces In Van Nop Hotel, II Third NOTICES to Atr BArmowR abh m . ..... PTBLIO . ; ?8rcDot r,K;a:t(o. " "Doing bualneta at v Aloer- at., corhcr Third, for tb pant A years Will Remove Oh' or shoot July 10 to tha larse brlek building at the HB. corner of Plrat " and Morrison street a. Entrance No 1st St "ur" epaclous and handaome new of flcea will ocupy- the entire second floor, which we have leaaed for a term of yeara.- We were- compelled to - move from our old eland, owing to leek of 'of fice room and a large Increase In busi ness Call or write: . "--.-..' IseCwlf JOM Bo. 2MH 'int Rt.,' Corner KetTlaon, , Tot at 861', Alder. VOBTaVAamrOBBQUB. , . ' ' -OBORRB01A, Oim, BTTatrtlB, BTTVBOOBZsB, AJnOOOBEVB, XrORB Ol BEABTBIOOS, BvRtBTJafATIBaC, BOBBaCA, ASmiaV and SZXBT DXRRARXR. Wa want every - 'man afflicted - with the above .diseases txtw honestly investigate our special system of treatment. Wa In vite In particular all who have treated elsewhere without success, all whose easea have been abandoned by family physloians , and so-called raOZAXe XBTB,".: All - whose troubles have .been aggravated snd made woree by the use of BBZiTta, till BAJafTCBB. TaUAXi TRVBATaCBBrrR and so-called SBBOIT ICS. . We will explain to you why such treatment baa-failed, to. cure you, snd will demonstrate to your entire satis, faction that -we can ears you safely, quickly and permanently. . Our counaal will coat nothing, and we will do by you as wa .would wish .yon to do by ua if our cases we're reversed. Write fop our home treatment if you cannot call. - The DR. LIEBIG STAFF 1 S aad T Wtaeheetet Mouse, Sd Bnrnaide Btietar Portland, Or. .. BatabUahed-lB7R. . . - CURES COIORIIOIA fllllT Sold) bs All Omlks. vrMsaTT. BAHR0AB ABB STEAMBOAT TIBX TABLES. COLUMBIA RIVER -VrrSCENERY ; encer Fast Steamer Chas. R. , Dally round trip to Tha Dallas from Wsshlngton street dock at T a. taw except Friday snd Bun osy. , , . , . v The wttaatUsa sf Axaerloa, . rcoas Baatralfloent Soeaery ta the World. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS , , .to the four-million dollar . ' Cascade Locks and Beturn ' Leaving toot of Washington street -t t s. ax, arriving borne at ...... . . . . 1 p. tn. ..,','"" , Roond Trip Tickets $1.00 0 ' ' ' Telephone Main 141, '-' a, w. avnoxt, General Muager, Portland. Or. "BAILEY CATZERF- aM b xD.f tvtarae Si urn atr Line x-rrc- x' : Spencer 1 ThroagR steamers fop The Dalles and, .' way points leave dally (exoept Bunday), T A. at- BRone Mala Bid, . . , WEEK; .",' -J , 8:00 s . " , Dolly. fa ... I A IaW -V V-iJ - M , I at Mm. . .kf m er.., ; if ' , l S ST a ".5 ueetloa blank. Home treatment Sundays snd holidays, 10 ta 11 Klreet, C BAUJIOAB A, nn : Sd l , PBf ASkBk 1 ' -k Tfains to the Eat Cx!!y " Tkrsegk PsnaiaB atsadard' aad toart-t f tag ear dally ta Oavaha, Ckscaso. I nartet aleeplog ' ear dally to kanaka '" HKIOW PEPOT. Ueaa- CB1CAOO POItTLABP ' . ' SPECIAL. 8:18 a. Sk, ., rot tke bS? U Sao. ; . Ug toe, y ; . ""- ' ' ' 8PORANR Pf.TEB. . t ,v . Per Eaetara Waahlag- ' , too. Walla WaUa. Law. 818 a. l SV, latoa. Coeat d'Aleae Dally. . and 1 Croat Earth are -. - - aotBta,-'- ' , : r ' , ATLANTIO REPRESS. ' '' . SV. " Bvta M 0.11?.? Colombia Blear Diearaaa. POR ASTORIA aad wayl S OS p, ag. e-"" eiiei ling wltn atair. for Uwaea aad north. Beach, at. 8ae aalo. Aek-et. m-k. iHiiy. es. Saadap. iSatarday. SiOOB. aa. 10:1,1 p. aa. Tajaklll Si... , POR PAVTOrt . Owaoal -City tad Taaahll Uer Point, etmra. Rath aad ahallp. atodo. Aek-et. dock. I.x. Basday, . I Water eorBxlttlp7t y' T-nft m. am. - Bally. ea. Seadap., aaaas Rio Rosa. POR LBWI8TON-- ta. 4 OB a. na. A Sent t a rwiie- Datlr a a. Saturday .. ex. prldap Spokane sad Lwtatoo- T1CRRT OmcRTktrd aad Waaalagtea. :. ta" - r w e.ena TIB -er W ai iwalaiai h . . - J.-, EA'STvu' SOUTH .4. CWIOM PEPOT. Axtrt OVtSXAitO eeefM a. a RXPR1 i ..... aVSk, harg. Aahlaad. Baero aento. Ogdea. Saa Praa elaco, Siocktocv Le Aa sales, Et Peas, Raw Or ban aad th Boat, Moralag trala oe aorta ' at - Waodbsra 8:88 fdi s.). dally except Beaday 8 :80 a. 1 wltb -- trala I kl A -.t III. Iimll. Sprleg field. Weadilog aad naTrofi. Bagne P a eager una '- , . - - - - M... HM p. m. n0:88 a.av Mt. AagU .asd Jufesr-L 1M d.JO a. ol Cnrvallt 8:80 ta. Bkerldaa paaaengeryT m a. an. 1 VettlaaeOevese BoborWa Segrise aad Taavba Dtrialeeu Desot tost of Jettenoa - tre. . Leer Portland dally Bar Oeweao T:aS a. est 18:50. 3:03. d:00. S:0. 8:00, 8:M. T:4S. in I p. m- Dally (except Bandar). ;. S:M.S: - M , A fyv 1 1 - an m w. - -. K M a. rs.: 4:00. UJO v as. amadax' aau.. tw a. ax. 1 Bstaralag thlwesav aretes awB-ttead Aa, inn t:M. S:00. d:6d. d:JB, ' , . . a rt.iT. - -- - - a-u e 8V 10:10. il: m. m. Eioep aaoaaay. U-; k u A a aa axaxolas IAxln eh BBB 1 Lease frost aaaw depot foe Palis aad totse. mediate point dally d.OS p. BU Arrive Port- U10:VMtb Mce te opera ta daUy ta Monatoath aad Alrlla, eoo BsattrnT with 80 those Pads sasasJay ttaaa at rxllea aad ladepsadeac. g iri-eiaea xero Vr 7 asd Baa rroclK W Tlcksta to Eeetora poiata aad Baref J as a. Cklaa, Boaohila and Aetraha. City Ticket Offtc mrnor Third sad CL W. STTTQBB, , , W, B. COMAE, dtp Skesn Ages w .v. . si TIME CARD i'--'H or'-" TRAINS Rarland.i DAILT. OKIOB DRPOT. Depart lARtva Tallowatea ' Prh-Raa-aaa City, at. tool Bpa eUl rW rhekaUa.' Cos. rMlta. At em nle flrfefl Barker. Brhitk Bead. Te coma, Seattle, Spokane, 8:10 a. aa. 4:80 p. Sh, Lewkttoa. Batta, Bill ings.. Dewesr. Oaaaka. Kansaa City. St, Los la nd aosthoaat. . , , ie raid tl.l.ul electric lighted, for Ta eoasa. Beet tie, Bpnkan. J;00 a. B- TM0a.Sk. Butte, Mlnneapolla, St Paal aad the Baat. -Paget Soend Limited, for Chehalla, Con'ralla. Taeoma , and . Saottu ...'1 '., 4:10 p. av 10-M B I only. ; . . . ' . ! Twla City Bxpnes, for Taooma. SMatrie Inh. ka no. Helena. Bntto. 11:48 p, SV Ta Iowa tone Park. Mla- BeaBntta- Bt. Panl al .B0p.xa. the Eaat. AD. CHARLTON. - -Aasretant Cenaral Paeager Ageat. , -, aa aforrlaoa St.. Cor. Third. .. -.. ' Portlaad.. Oregoa. - -.,.(.'; Astoria Columbia j : River Railroad Co. - DHIOM DEPOT. Arris Pnr Mayecs, Ratote. 'Cistakaala. 1 Weatpert, Cllfeoa, Aitnrta, . War- 11 a.l Daily. , reatoa, rierel, na amad. " Port Steeeaa. Oeerbart Park. Sea-tea, Astoria tad Bmkirt... . 1. .. , - . eslly - Satarday ealy. , . Jwept laturday. ' , V. aaie, - OK 9, d P. A, Aatorta, O. C. A. BTBWABT, Cnmeierelaj Agaat, 8d I Street,. Pboa Mala 808. Hake Ottad IRS ralrd St. ' ratM ( Tt-mnAaoortt tt " " TrtpJrt'v I t- a" V '' " TO " r t f a r . x I I Li . fraWiBBhi na.y 8:14 a. 8:Sda. at. .1