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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
r .j.. :lv jz"j: ::.zx iczttu-vd, vzdijtsday evening.' julv j. ; lscx 4 . X.'. 1 - IiC?S ACE SELLIu id AT LOWER VALUES Many Safes Reported During the v Past Few Days -Pool Mn -yl Amonj; the List. : BEST BJJJTE1HS WEAKER' r t TWENTY CENTS TODAY Cheese , VVeak and ;lnactlv , i Eggs and Poultry Firm- lLlJ -Prunes Range Higher. - r'v '-' " - V-. :.: ","..; front ' Street. July" la. The principal fe. turi-of . tht ltlao WtKueaele markets to- , ay utt ' v. v. V eq Bale of bop are : ,y , Aavtber car of aaelone arrlre. , ..Cklrkeae are Brat at. price, , ' 1- Beet butter aejia at 80 cfnt. - Ibeee te Terr tuk en iaactlT, i .tOfcrtupply f Teaaa tomatoee 1. -Um4 irtrnffre4 f or aruoee, ,' ' ittrrwlB oalona eoat better. -, Batmea ran aot ee beery. ' Etta, are flrai ilhaii vaheee." Vaal ka4 boas U food ahapa.r-: OataUa Tra4a It Yarr KaaT, , 4. . Tradloa akmc rnint atrar ta now rarj : kaatr. Ordwa from tha countri' kiwna ara paurlDf la baavtar thaa at any tlma dorlna : ka praaaat- aaaaaa. Ur rad la aaryUal)r ' bat ordara fraai tko aaulda ara fallr aa baarr d Banbaata ka- baa waipll4 ta klra itra aw la ardar to kaa ap witb taa km. Kaay lalaa a Mapa Ara Kada. - Dnrta tba put faw day tbara bara baaa .buiay -aatr -M bapa arklch bara baaa bapt mtrrrt p ta tkla tlma. Tba narkat la aaUaa, . bat tba prlvaa bow balna paid ara (aaarally . about . 1 - cast lowef than tbaaa which ralad dtirlna tk' -orarlada waaK. bf ea a anna tbea moat proailnaat la tha lata pool ara aalllu wboaoaaa tbar ara of farad aoBJa- tblnd Ilka araraca qaotatloaa' 'and It la aow aatlatatad- tbat - rally .5ua balea hTa rtlapoaad at dnrinf tba paat taa daya. K Anionf taa ravaat aalt taa rniiowina. ara awanaaca Jullaa rioraa froat Tom llolmaa af Balaat, IW balaa ebolea at IStta: Cbarlva Uaaalry 0 balaa it Halaov fbolra, at lHa; Raaaay as Matalar tnm Hoafar lora af-Champoat. 170 balaa af cboia at lc blcKlaUy Ml tea II la ranartad t kaTt burcbaaad ao ila at roarrala around 18He. ..Jf. H. Ollbartaoa of Aurora la raportad ta baaa parcbaaad tba . Jaanbaaa hit af lot balaa at Balaai at WHO. , otbar aalaa of anallar lota a ran ad tba aaata Taluaa ara nkawkia rtportad. - Hlfkar Woaa Offarad far Vraaaa. " lbeaaa-a , tka laak I hot tba Paciaaaori b' waat will baaa laaa thaa a halt of tb aoraal 1 amp af praaaa, bl(bar prior ara anw bln ' . 4krd aad raoalaad. Last aaaoa tba aiarkat -diw4-iwid l4r baala., wblta S4a la belnt 1 offarad tba prraant aaaaoa. DrmaBd la aald ' t ba far battar tba a tba nraaloua aaaaoa op kMoaot at tba larga eraratocka carrlad orar tbaa. .v -' Oab)lbM''atM Tim at'aMaa," 'Altrnmrh tba raralpta of eblrkaaa ara aalta . .... n,rt-;i,- drmaad ahowa a goad lapaaaan.- aad prtrea ara belni btild ap ta tba top aotcb with tha market alaaalna; ap arary day. T '-'Tba rcg markat la quoted ana' wttb ra . calpta of , local alocka aot beat. Kaatara . ,. ara rather duH and weak. fTlcaa aavhanarad Tha-araamary battar aaarkarla dollar tbaa : rar, aad daalara ara of ferine tba beat product ' aloaf h atraot at SAa ana. ara vary glad l.l, Only aacaptloaal aalaa ara 'made "it at adraaoe trwrr that agura. '- ' T TUP 1 lifcear market bra nerar baaa ta dull 4 aa durlnc- tba paat law daya. , Utarka ara-aery i beery and drataad la alow ara at tba ma " tarlally radarad ajuotptloav; ti. sih wabaaa Saa la Vat Bo KaaayrT3? Reporta from tba lower rlaor aay tbat tba ; roa af aalmaa la aot qui to aa baar, -although X. tbacatrbaa ara atllt eonaldarad aary good. ( Tba water It rather muddy la aoma place. . rrom tba appar rlrar eamptalDt la . mada al ' t tba ealrk ok treoant at tb cloalng of tb , nragreaa of tba flab by tha ettra laraa anro. . bar of aat at tba taoutk. rtakerawa t tbey bara aarer aea ao aiany Beta at tb moatb aa daring tb praaaat aaaaoa, ' ''v .' Oaoraapply af Vaaaa Tamataa. -. . The prodae markat abowa .aaerauppllea of Tex tomatoa aad tka price la waakar, al ' 1 tbuuirk anebaaged. California atorka ara rora n Ing In better abap and tb awrkat la waakar , ' all tba way tbrougk.. String beana ax coaling faafar tbaa arer tad ina maraat la weak aad dragging. reae eaa hardly ba atnaad at aay price and many ahlpgaaata ara belaf mada to ' tba ,,. creajaiory. w t . ,. ;,. . : ailrerekla anloaa fnra the aontb are la -albrhtlr' batter raeatpt. bat In price fai nrro. i.-a f ery plentiful 'wltb tba aiarkat weak, - tboagb 'unchanged. - r Jxwenberrlea ar la aery ood ' aupply, but . jdetnaad ta aery .good and price ar bfli:g Htrawheerlea were aary ararcd la tha' beta today. 'y'-mm-TmmmV.W"Vtrmi mi i9 mar- t-t. prt-w nvin rnraiiaoranly waakar, - . , . , - Today 'a wkoeeaala auotaUoaa, aa rerlard, . art w. ,i,llMra! . , . ... 7 Vv, v ' eram, Hour aad Faad. , " ' OTHIAT Womlnal alab aad red. Mat bhao. , Mem. bBOSOc: aalley, . ' "" - BAKLEX-raad, u.oui railed, 23.0 brew. ton waota, fiT.'w; eraekad, I2S.00 Bar w aYEdl M aar awt. OATPNa. I wblta,-IBO.dO; gray, J,, ' 4.M: atrahjbta,- BA.TBI aipnrta, a? SO O S O?. - FUlua aeteiara vragau pataara 00 V alilXBTUryt Braa, tit M aar ,., dllnga, M.OO: aborta, enautry. $21.00; . dir. Kit. 80: ermo. B1B.00. PIAT Tlmrrtby. Wltlamatt allea, tmwrr. aib.ooi ariaary, . bikUMi . lll.eo; mUad, 111.00; tlorat. tll.OCI grata. till. 001 cbaat, Bll.oo. B)ttor.- Kgf and faulty. - . BITTTBR f AT Bweet, BOei tear, IV. ' '. BUTX City treamery, beat. eiit-. ,-n ,, grade. UHeJittj, otald f. ney, VoSlSci rdliitry. IThci alora, 1B1B, " B01 No. 1 frreb Oragoo, candled. ?! . ancaudled, IbttlOe; eaatere. Uaaor? . CHKtrIB New Fnll cream, twin, liailuu Taunt America, IJi&im,; Cbeddar. fllij PoLLTltr Chlekeua, mixed. ltVka lb; ana ItHa par lb; rooetere, old, HOUHt bar ih! t young. wuiXHe id; broiler, 1c prr Ur lb: fryer, 1 pet lb; duck. 4.00 oa no pa 4ol aeeeej Be nor Ibt tarkera. ifaaiaa.r-. 8c' tarkaya. io aqua be, x.6oJ 1.00 aat doe. -, Xept. Waal aad' XMaa, p flOP Contract MOB, lac; 1B04 cropi 1J.U 1!tc r- choice; KViC for prlmea aad mrdtaaa, ' WOdU-llwB cllp, tallrr" aaoaa toineatuai fdNktoeSiiej : toe, , etetttreIS5 , MuHAtR-rtaattnal, BOQtla. ' ' RHKICI'll KINS bearing. iM,. abort W00L BOeJSoe; 1 medium waal, BOQSoi; loop ZL BucOlf .00 each. - . ' 1 TAiAOWPrlBM, pat IV 4ee K. tad greaee. ItJlHa. ItKBtta ' lb. HIDBBnry bldn. No. 1.. id lb tad aa. ""T" o. laeaiaa; art aaltad bldra, tttajravaranoV BO Ifc e rrr. tHtt F1,C,..-..:.PW nl naaer r dt lb an aeatnd. tOTe; eiaga aaa ni a; rroMt aad Taaratabla. ' rOTATOKS Beet Oregoa. 11. jj! UIo- peaota. tl.IBtJII.10; Coloiad. tl.OO "J.(5: aweeia. arateo,; w Ca Iforala, tl.Ooct MB; new Orrgno. tl l garnet. tl.BB. OKIUNII Kw - CaUfarala. tl OOfjl.lj; garlic, 01ibV pt lit, . PRBBH rnCiTaWAanlaa. Mar. i. e fancy, tlOO per bni; aw California tlloO; cheap gredea, ti t pet boat ra. , cowa, ivii eiege aaa Balm. - laaaaltedl, 1 per lb kaa: tulle, lifii tbTeS! boraebldea. aalted, aacb, ll.JBakl.TBr drt! aacb. tl OOtJl bO. tolt hldi. aa"i iflCWei geaLtblnt, aonimoa. each, 10itc Aagara! will wee ao. aaab. tBcQll.OO. . t t1.S.;t: t Aledlterrtaae . rami, tiib 1.1. Kiel 110 boa: fancy. $3.TMtl w hntl .. Meakaa. & loo : plneeppl. rraober- " !,tk-t,;,.,' JU;'W.. "C atrawbarrlea. .. tl.Mtj to rrat-.f 14 baaaa; .cbarrlea, Royal '. Ann. 8Tc par lbi Binge aad Lamberta, 1V- per . , in; epricm. eoriaei.w; peernea. m&enr; '- rjnaie. !.! far Crate: wild blaekberrUa a- - a, 1 liirwni", i.w y crai 01 bai I ?'. rv. n,:n-J:'ni"r-;T r t r " "- . eaataloaaee, S aa.M 'per erSte! nmaU, Be far. Ju; .-UDerria, , tl.wt-e per -crate 4 bwee;, Sfcfeittte per ft; (rapt, 2.i0 if baa. -, . . , VIjTAkLE-TmlM. a w. tilt f Mil carrot, ti.euaji.po a-r taeei- aeeta, tl.M par aaeki Oreaun radlaka. Ua set oi e.uoet. Onto. I1.U0A1 Mk tear awt; greea pepper. 7 la; jmpm. suffzz4 pee in; ailm, Texae. il.10eM.Ol; California, tl parHiliaj. ll.iaiall.W; atria keane,. Bubo; eaull power, fi.70eia.oo cratej rbutwrtv par lb; boraaraateb, 1) par lb;, artlobokaa, 40)(fa)e paa lue Va) treea oalona, lua ear Mfaanaa irtiM biaa.h anfuaeb. la aar '. ra corp. w per piiara.ji lbi caounbara, BOwaOa par dua( calarjr, 7 DBIIO r"aCrr Aonlaa. aiaoeratd. TQM . Ma loj prioaiak )icil par l1 aacaa. par id laaa: MubM. Mi2a mr lb: ifra. per lb: pear par lb: nrnna. . Itallin. dm ! frrack, IH04Ma par lbi flaa. falttorola bbek. per lbi California white. . pea lbi puiau. plttadT pw Ibt d'tea, goliaa. da pa lbi tarda, par lo-ib , , r ( " wraoartaa. ajuta, ,- b0 fruit raatilatad.'bC.Mi dry granulated. ts.50; Ooaf. A, &40 katt granulated. .; aitra C, .v; golden o, 14 vo; I yellow. W.SOt bota lee. U fv Lih KOa adraaca oa aack oute, irea aba par awt tut aaab, J "pee. iiaiN, par lb. , ., UONEy 14Hla. ..; rori ra k..JT 1 m. r AUX-. laa B.W s. a. w 18a. tl.M: table, dairy, .boa. 111.00: luua. tlO.TBt laa- Ce Merrpoot,. oug, 117.00: 11M. auj.evi pa, 'fit. 00; extra floe, bbla. be, be, tua. atit bubola, UO lba, H i aaeka. ..ALT Coajae Half groand. 100a. per tea, !'-Vi Ma, pr loa T.0U Llaarpool tamp rook, ilt.M par ten! ko-lb wt. IT .001 100a. M.T. (A bora prleaa apply to aalaa at Mae tbaa car lata . Car lota at apodal prlcea aabjael . URAIM BAUil Calcutta, Hc . J4i.Naar urleaaa bead, tajat Aju, da Ore. ft arhiia avaaauai bra arhlta. IHrr pink, HfcuStta; kayoo, dikai Uaaa, fcal reoa, 11 HUTB faaaatt, Tmei yarakoa, OUa per Tbi raw. btjlua aar lb; roaated. aoeaaauta, a0e per doa walnnta, 14 Ike pat Ibt plae mmirn, auajiiiHa pee 1( klcetarp aata, ioa saw ni ckaatnata. aaetara. l&aiiea. nre lb i ftraau aata. lAa per lb: fllberta Udite ptar lb I fa ItQloa pat Ibt alawada, la01b pea s. fatata. Oaal OUa. Zta. BOPB Pure Haalla, lac; ataadard, 1141 alaal. 10o: llaU hrand alaal ttatr- ' COAL oil feart r Aatrar-Caaea, BOa pet anui water '-waii,- iraa 00 te, - 10a par gat; woodea, la pat (al baadUgbl, 17V-dg, raaae. BHe par gaL - - tABUUNlC4er.taaea, Ua far gall Iroa aoia, w pre gat; etoree, ana, atM per gat, Irua bbla. 18a ore nL - HE lint caaea, BBb pat gal I. troe ". ioe per aai. TURPBNTINa la 10a acr tad: eraooaa ana, aot per gai iroa aata, ao tel. ' . WHITS LIAO-rToa lota, fit per Ibt fOP-lb via. i-aa per 1D area ktxa, aa par tans. . Wlbff .NAILA Ir.aea7t hue at 13. TO. LlbBlttU OIL Para raw. la pbla. da per gal; aaaea, Boa ear gal grnala kattby balled, caaaa,- Tua per gel; bbla, tb pat gal) graaad cake, ear kit, 130.00 par tap) lee, thaa tar 1. .1 a.. JW, . ' . - Meat, flab aJU?er!taae. ' rSESH MKATH Troat atraat Beat altera, Bo par lbi pork, block. . TVta per lbi pack era. TS4e per lb; bulla. 4 til pet lbi , ;4o pot lb: mattua. lye per lb; extra, 44 W ordinary, 4i0c pea, lb; aOBKa nr in. HAM8. BACON, ire PortUad pack (local, bama, lu Fa 14 Iba, 1IH.C per lb; 14 to Id lb, lataa per 101 is as au ina, uat par n aot taa a. be nar lb: breakfeet tacoa. ISuaia isvktjiM par. ja: tlcnlc Itte pec lb: regular abort eleara. aa- aiBoked. BVk fer lb: aaaokad. 1044a per lb; clear backe, aoemoaea, pue per 10! amoted. lUtfb per Ibj Union butta. lo to IS Iba, aaamokad, aa aar tot aaaoaeau. ve per 10: near neiiiea. aa- aaaokaal 11 aar 16: . amoktd. U - aet lb: aouiaara, atac . .,- r. IAMJAI, laku atiiie leer. irL loaj, ar n; ba, lOHe per lb; oo-ia tlaa, 10 I ba, lOHe per lb; bO-lb tint, 10 t net lb; earn raaderad. 10. SHe per lbs ta, t bar ; tuba, da per lb; Boa, t4a pat lb. CANNED BALMON Columbia rirer l ib talV. .15; Mb telle. It. BO; 1'aacy, 1-lb flat. 13.00; ataa w la taacy nata, ti.zs; raacy i-ib araia, M.I aka tana, piak, Bbttauc; tad, tall. 11.00. risn no ock tod. Tt pat Ibt nrmader. fa pea lb; kallbat. Be ( tac o;. craoa, 'pi.ow par aaoa; atrtped baaa, 12He per lb; rarflrH. Te per lbi; Balaton, Chinook, Be lb; ateelhetda. T lb; bluebeck, Te; barring. Be lb; an Ira, te par te per lb; roe ahad. Be par lb; abade roe, BOc per lb; bleak cod, Ta per lb; aJlrer tmelt. Be par la; lonatan, lBei traah. mackerel, ta pir lb; rawflab, BBt par doaj fleaadar. ta pa au 1 .nr. mi urn. , vm on ,u, i;h. mw wr 1 RW u. aa; aTuraeoa, to per m. . OTBTKHi Bkoalwatat bay. per gU I3.JB; tar aack, t Tt. CLAMS Hard then, pet Bag, P.BOt- later maaa, m w par cos. STILL NO HOGS ARRIVE IN YARDS Prices Co Practically a" Quarter Up on Very Strong Demand From Packers. ' '. ' Portland t'nlo Btockyarda, . July : 1. Uae ttork receipt: . r; ""' ' : , Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Today . . ' - TB ; - ;. week ago t..,..,..lV9 in j.T'ai Prerlona week 1 :, t'v KI9 Month at . . . . ....... . M 17 . . . . .. ru nix mf-Mint mw Ibe mrgTiiBTaia prlcea ara from Ike for brat, aa adranre f practically XS rente. Cattle are aery dull, while eprtng lamb ara eagerly taught. Bbeep ara Arm: Official price for Beeetack; - Hoga Beat eaetera Oregon, td.lBr blocker and China fata, l5.6llfl5.T6; a lock era and feed- l.Ut.H). Cattle r Beat Oregoa ateara, f.1 JftfJ; light and median etrera. ti.0nJ-z IWtt.ld: beet coweand belt era. tS.ajl60; aid and light cowa. tl.TB; atarkar and feedert, (1.16; bulla. tl.M. ,t . j : ; - Kheep . Beet fancy Bbeep. $3.004.2B; ewe, la.-00: aprliig lamba, 44V,e.- (alrra Oond real, r&O to 300 ponada, 4Hc; rough tad Ipeary, a He. . '.. . -raBTUK BOOS LOWSat. ..." Chicago," Jly " B. Ureal net Tacalnttl 7 - ,''ln' lied, tattta. Bkaaa. Chicago ,....,rtW....,-.3.t'0 JT.OiiO is, Omab.,r. S.0n d.l BOO kanaaa City-....., 11,000 lo.oiw - B.ouO Hot opened B rent lower. Receipt a year eto were BI.OinX Prlcea: Mixed and butcher, to.xbtiB.dO; . goad ' and hrary, tB.Bftint.anj mnrb and heary. B5.lBtlB.S0; Hght,. 16.851 cattl Tea ta in crura lower. SbeepTen eentt lower. ' " ' ' . '. " ' " WALL BTRXIT COBBI, (Fnrnlahed by' Oewrbtek, Btair A- Cook Co.) . New York. Jely . Tha Wall Street Jaoraal aayt: rharopeaa marketa ataady oyer the holi day, - Demand for atari rat la - aapreeedented. Kaetern manufartarer ar aow aaklng premium oa atoel plate. Antbrartt trade actlre, hltnmlDoua trade - ulet wltk comll tlona unchanged. ' American tla and abaet plate ' aaannfecturrra will adjnet -illffrrrecre with emplnyra. Waahlngtoa U Ike of re-enacting of Rpenlah war atamp taxea. ' trntr grn eral demand for atorka in tb -Van crowd. Sixty -two roada for May ehow an treraga aet Ineraaaa af B.M per cent' and for 11 months . per cent. Thirty-eight made tt the third week la June abow an average groaa lnrreaee of t.Tl per cant. Any baw of car renry by the banka aa tb July die bar, meat will ba offeet by tba reoelpta of aew gntd. Bauk .gaJnad from awb.lrooeury alnee Jaidea VUt.oiai. ' Twelve Induetrlal adranced , 1.23 per crni. m nciireriie enrancea l i per em i. Conaol 00 ii, adraoea 1-1B . . - . ; v daiCAM raj- cia ton. v Cblrag. Mr B. 4rt car brtt: car, urane. Rat. 1004. 11 SB but : b "ITT Bb4 Wbaat-'..'.. M M Cneav ..J.noO .. 400 tna led (lata - '.. Llaorpeel Oattoa jllgkar. v f UrernnAI. injr t. -Otter, fnturea were aarr atroag and the rloa aaa IT to S3 point ap. i. 'As Svldtnoe af 0ood Faith. . . I Oarllnger hsa bought from Mitt U Fastot-kv MooR ontalnlnavalaht raaMeno lota bounded by Raleigh Qulnry, Tnur teefrth and Fifteenth at reete, for llft.Onil. Mr. Oerllnger-h no plans for immadt- ate building nrt th proparty.' but aayt ha purchased the ground aa evidence of hit faith in the. futurt ol..rortland rtaJ etute. ... . - " .... , , -1 . J at LGSSEf OEiiEilAL ; : AT TliE CLGSIuC New York Stock Market Opens Generally Strong but Sells iffLater. SOME ADVANCES ARE ; GOOD DESPITE WEAKNESS Reading Strong and Active With t .Gain of One And Three , ' Quarters Points. LOSSES. Atcbli laaa HIMteel i ....... H A Dial ramatea ...... i on prererred .....1 Brooklya ...v. .....I rouierine -r-,,u,.,l' Metraoolltaa 1 Baltlmara VrvT;:v:.m Pannaylaanla ...... Houtbara PadBt.i..l Erl ...............IH X. Y. Oeatral J1 Rock Jalaad 4 Ualua faciae b AOTARCEB. r-wauT . VitCaaadUa ' U'flaa , I Illlanla Centre I . . ... fiUlea Baadtnr ............ lCteuaaaaea toal ....1H (ttralabtd by Oearbeck, Btarr eVOooka C.l Wall Btrort, Nea, tork. July B.Tba atock market opened ' wltb a firm too aadK prlcea generally bad an upward taadaacyi Tb atroog tna oatlnuad until a boat, tba middle at 'tb eeeato -wbe reaetloa eccaiied aad tb (w eral Hat aold off. A notable ncapttaa to tbl waa Reading, whlcb,- oa pool bulltag. market erawldnrably higher, and altbovgb tbat waa pome reaction at tb cjvea tba aad of the aeaauia a bow au adranr of l pntnta erer tha prarloiia rloalrg: Tenneeeee Coal A Iroa waa another atrorg teatute aad the cloalng raa- iw rwiata aigaer. llllrjbM central waa rood aad atroog and ctoaed H point up. Aaaoug no traak feature waa New a art central, wblctr loet I '4 nclnta af tb prcrloo doa. Lnulaalllr Naabrlll waa 1 oft at tba n. ' ' ... . ITI, m'm AeiAlt ..A k . k . -rv w ... rw;a Open. Bale. AmaTtaotaled "Popper Co. atcnieon, com mo American Bugar, IWSk Amancaa Bmeit.. Baltlmor Ohio, IH .......ii. y Jinia Brooklya Rapid Tranelt Canadian Pertne, commoa Cklcoaw ft tiraat Waatara, cam..... BOW Chicago, Milwaukee . HJt. PI....1ThsJ Kna, cernana ...,....,..,, 4T lUlnola Central ............... IaMilarllK Naakrllte Metropolitan Street Railway,... Mleaourl Parlae ,.1T ..140 ..laott i ..1(K)H fa New York Centred- 141 V-147 Norfolk Weatera. ommoa.... Peenarlraal Railway .'. . Prople'a Uaa. Llgkt aV Coke Ca. St i.iaz .! 5 !.4.'5 Heading, rarnmun .ioa Rnrk. lalaad. eommoa u .. Bitf Koifthrrn , Pari Re .... Tanneaar IVhiI 4V Iroa...... I'nloe - Pacloc, eommoa ! ' 118 'A United State gteel Co,, cojamoa. . Iti 2'i do preferred .....100i 100 Kx..dMdad 1(4. par eankr -r MIS AUTOMOBILE RACE M. TheryJ Victor in Struggle for James Gordon Bennett Cup' AMERICANS NOWHERE IN RECORD-MAKING CONTEST V, talians Finish Second and Third Three Hundred 'and Forty ' Miles in "Seven Hours. . ' 1 - (Joaraal Bptatal Berrlea.) lacbampa, July I. M. Thenr. tha French. autottt, won " Jt-met Qordon Bennett cup today... Two bundrM thou Band . people watched the profreaa of the race on the Auveryne mountain and T,0t aoidlera ruardad the eourae, which began at lachampa and waa tf mllea In lentrth. Each competitor made the tanoa of 141 14 mllea. There are 40t tuma on the oourae. ' The atari waa made at o'clock aharp. I The Preach champion, bf. Th err. on t Richard Bra iter, waa flrat ta atart. In a iew aeconda he waa lost te view.' Five mlnutta later the English champion. Clifford Earl, on a Napier, atarted, and Janatsy, . tha German winner of laat year' a race, followed. He drove a Mar cedea machine. Other followed five mtnutca gptrt. ' There were II atartera. The Americana 'ware Lytle ,on a Pop. Toledo; Dlngley. on a Pope-Toldo, and Tracy, on a Locomoolle. r- N atari of Italy flnlahed aeeond and Caany-rrf Italy third. Lytle and' Tracy, Americana, remained valiantly on the couree, Itbousn bopeleaaly Beaten; Dlngley, th-American, abandoned the race. - - - - Thery flnlahed the laat lip In T hour and 10 minute elapaed time, and re calved a tramendouB ovation. He won the race laat-year. Hie machine la of t horsepower. Lancia of ' Italy led at the. end of the flrat circuit, which waa covered In 1 hour and l( minutes. Thery waa In second place, tlx mlnutea behind. In the third roil rid the Italian had a breakdown and Thery returned the lead. ' " . ' 1' Ttie teams to represent th various countrlea are aa follows! France Thery and Oallois, Rlchard Braaieri, Duray, Pe DIetelah. .J Oermany Janatsy, - Baron da Caters and Baiter, Merced a. , Italy Laacle, Cavno and 8 torero, F. I. A. T. car. .- Austrlar Barton. Terner and Brauni Auatrlan Mtrcedes, England Clifford Karp, Kapler; C. Blanchl. and the lion. C. 8. .Rolls, Woiseley rarra.- - I America, 'fiytle antx Din Bley, a lups Toledo: Joe Tracy. LocomobU. -In addition to theee Countries, Bel. irium and flwltaerland will ba competi tors. ' . - ' With' Thery aa the favorite, the lm preation In foreign olrolea Is that Jen. atiy Will Aebla most formidable oppo nent. ' . .'.'.'.'"' ' - Walter IIU aSurdemad, . . ' Vpon the requeat of District Attorney Manning. Wlllard Hill, aervlng a. sen ttnee of six months- for violating the law .regarding fallen women, - waa per doned by Uovernor Chamberlain - this morning. The pardon was aent to Coun ty Jailer Orafton. but-aa Hin waa work ing on tht county j'ockplle at tha time he was not released. Kill waa convicted In the municipal court laat March, and look an appeal. He was tried In the circuit court and . Judge George sen ttnrtd hlm Ilia' tantanra-would' have aspired n September it,- - 1 eammn ri3V ja coannaone 118 , aonuaoa Tri- Conations in Prciusa Dliiict ; Ar . Now Vsry Coed Cxlts to Country Are Hsav V. Ist Thin Evsr City Trads Exceilshi r :; DAD DHEAH CHICAGO Wheat Market Breaks on Heavy Selling Orders Early Trad - . ing at"a;RlM.-T-"'.: July Breaks Two Cents--Sep- - tember Off Two and. an W' " -v Eighth Cents. : ; - WEDNtBDAt'S WHEAT M AH SET. . , . . Opea. Ckaw. Clnae. . Loaa r Todar. Tnd.w . Unn . Tneutf. eniy ...... ...a .aj'A a .)- I ,VZT4BB .03 September .... Jj . . ,8T ,b r.OBtt Chlcage. July !.' beat taluaa la tba Cbleage market reeeleed a vr bad huasn rfurtna- a. day t eaaeloo. The : market opened with tba oaa gamrally atrong, iba prtera brlaz eotaa wkat higher tbaa tba eloalna of kiondar. Later oa extriulr aeutng preeeure .tba ton aaaed off ana inrra era aowawara . trend r value. The July rlneed with a koaa af t rente.-white lar-aari iraaina in tna Mrnu-mrw-r aaowaei loa of tm eeola. The core markat waa dull wltb prlcea trie, tknaally lower tt th ead of the aeealon. Waa tt Bryaa aayt The weather amp tor aanaay. atoaaay aad.Tueaaay abowa genera predpltatioa, Thta morning a map la wet pretty much all ever, bat mole hire baa baaa light. Tb gaoaral conditloa aver the holiday aeemeaj ancnaageo. aota aortnweat and.aoutn waat coBdltlooa bar beea anfavorable. Cor eentlmmt la tbra market la divided aa ta tba peaalblllty of holding up af tha preeent larae racetpta. Th epecnlatl.e market acta alow and doae aot taapoad to recent aharp advance ta ta waeat. in or ta prie,rangt la tbl may. tat m rirmiy maintamea. . Today'a oxnrlal marketer - y .WHEAT. Open. Ooae. July ..... Baptember s(4 .v. ti i COBM. September, old December, aid , ,BB : 69 ! . OATS, Repiembet' .,.....,.....'......31 M uwwupw ,-. ozk i MEIIB POBK. September ' . .$11.00 I12.U FOBTLASD BAatS BTATatUTTT Clearing Balaaces . . . 104,00t.U by Jklrshl: (Jaoraal Special Servtee.) Parla. July M. Lebaudy'S atrahlp hat begun lta voyage acroaa France un der the direction of the-war department. Departure waa made from Mooaon yea. terday morning. The ateerable alrahip a under tna command or colonel Bout- tleauz, director of military aerottatle Bureau at Calais. ;' LITTLE GIRL 1$ ' SUOT AND. KILLED Mystery SurroundsShooting of Ophelia Weigel at Van- r.s:,--i-.., eouver. ' ; : ..'' : ACCIDENT TAKES PI CE ' DURING CELE RATION Coroner's Jury J Decides Death Due toGunshot Wound Caused by Unknown Man. egpeetiT fclapatcb to Tka Jaaraal.) Vanoouver. Wash., July (.Ophelia Walgel, aged years, was shot at IB o'clock: last evening at - the corner -nf Fourth and Main streets by an unknown party. She was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, where aba died ahortly after 11 -ociock How It happened la not known. There Waa a crowd ol the at reef at tha tlma and"theTaWaa a 'great' notae caused by tna exploding or firecrackers. The little girt waa aeen to fall forward on the pavement and when, picked up did not teem to be badly hurt. When aaked If she waa hurt she replied: .' "No: I want to see mamma." The auppoaltlon W.aa. tnat tome one nad fired a blank cartridge from a pistol directly behind the child1 'and the tbock cauaed her to ran.- A" coroners" Jury convened-tB:0 o'clock thla morning and after hearing tne evraance 01 a numDer or witnesses returned a verdict that death reeulted from a gunahot wound cauaed. by aome peraon unknown, -witnesses Testified te seeing a man on the opposite side of the street tire a shot at the time, but ew. Ing to the big crowd and noise and con fusion prevailing did not realise that any ope was Injured. t -The only wound visible waa an Inden tion on the back of the head as tf made by a glancing blow from ;aome small, hard object. ". " The dead girl la the daughter of C. M. Welgelv a well known business 'man of tnia city. ,'...: . BECKMAN ARRESTED BECAUSE HE RETURNED Because he did not aty out of the state afur being conditionally pardoned oy uovernor ueer lour years ago, W. F. Beckmtn will crobabln again . be tmprlao-ned. He waa convicted of mur dering his. wife and son and sentenced to life Imprisonment In ll4. but waa .pardoned on condition that be leave1 the atate and" remain outside Its boundaries. The sheriff Of Douglas county tele- loned the police yeaterday-ThattiarhBd heard . Beckman - waa In Portlands Da tectlvea Realng and Carpenter located htm ' and' plsced , hltn behind the- oars. The Douglas county sheriff la expected Ith a. bench warrant for him thla evening. '' V"-'. . ' "' ' Folio Asked to Flad Xlcka. : ' ' The police have been aaked to tocala P. .Hick a, who rearhed here y eater- day on the ateamer 'Roanoke from San Franclaca He has not - occupied his room at Will lame avenue and Cherry atreet alnce ha arrived.- When last seen he was riding on an express wagon and wsa In hla shirt sleeves. He 'Is tt yeartr o1tf,-tf medium- height and smooth-' ly . a haven. -.,..., .. ., Near Madford Uvy Murnhy had hi rnt broken by a board In the hands of Frans Whetstone, whue one of the lat- tar's lege waa fractured . with 1 neck ok handled by Murphy. - ' - Ki ALL 0?TI0IIS TADllUJEUVERY s ZTTr ALSOAUSfrrUlROP 111 'i ' r.!Arjrr.:i::cn Ar.r.cSTs - ' KEPT POLICE BUS ' The police ware kept -busy yesterday, a total of 4 V srrests being mad. -The prleonar earn from. aOl parla of --the city, a majority of the arrests being on the charge of drunkenness. .Many of tboae Arrested were allow4 their" liberty i thla morning by Chief Hunt, and the othera appeared in tb police court,- A few paraona taken Into custody, for Infraction -of minor ordl nancea gave ball and did not make an appearance In court, th ball being1 forfeited. TT .- Th arrest sheet at police headquar ters show th following charge pre ferred: Koe drunkenness, IS; trespass. ti abdbive language, t; discharging fire arms, t ; discharging - toy 'eannona,- sewing loaded cane, l; larceny, t; seep ing aaloona open after hour, I; being Inmates ofdlaardesly . houses,. 1; walk Ing streets and addressing men, t; vlo- ng hotel runners ordinance, 1; dlsor- derlytrmeluct, l ; aaaault and battery, 1: enticing m I tw rTrrte-aaJ tvon. 1; runaway boy, 1: minor-visiting sal6onr-t4 lodgers. I; held aa-wltnessea, I. Seven arreata for drunkenness -were mad by th police this morning.- --.-.FUt Dtjnag-ed Fit, ; ':r.'i Fir broke' out In the fiat occupied by Mra. Edward Boyla and Mrs. Henry Borchers at Union avenue , and Tilla mook street at 11:16 o'clock this after noon and before the flamea ware extin guished damage-in tha ajmount of was . done. The ; origin of 'thablase Is unknown, but it-started near the roof of th atructur. Most of th furnl-tura-wss carried out by firemen, and neighbor without being damaged. -' , TOO LATX TO etASSITT. LOST 1-adr'a banabag, July 4, eo fair greeada. at waat of t'alirornla aiHMing. riaarr pleeae leave with Jeffwraoa Myera, Oregoa bulldteg. TEETH NO PAIN NO PAIN 1NICB TEETM i We are the dieooverers and origin t- ora of the only reliable nd . aclantlflo ayatom of Palnleaa Dentlatry. We ax tract. crown, fill and clean or treat teeth abeolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yeare. . Our work la the beat our prlcea the lowest eo helatentr-wlth flrat-olaa work. BXAJ inatioi itruk. our xuaiaav-dLra una tec table from the natural teeth . and arw''amarantaadl'-ta fit. - riLLINQS . .. ...SOti 7S4 and Sl.Od GOLD CROWNS S3. BO to SS.OO BRIDGE WORK S3.00 to SS.OO FULL. SET NATURAL, TBETH.95.00 Opea f hutlaaas atU e'oleok eraallaura. Boston Painless Dentists myt Morrison St, Opp. tuum FitwU HOURS 1:10 a. m. to I B. m. Sun day. I:i a. as. to lt:tft p. m. ' Constipation and many other infantile disorders are the re sults of improper feeding. OrvW roar baby Mellin'a Food and ace how quickly infantile troubles disappear.' 8erxf for our book "Th Car Feeding of. Infants" sad w will sand it with sample of, Mellin's Food Crss of chart . ;' . ; ' - neuia's ree t u iili laraaatr teed, which received the Craad Frtaa. be klib aat award wf the Lawlalaa fwr- caaa Kspeeltiea. St. Leatt, ive. JUtva- taeaaii - j.: MILLIN'S FOOD COJiP8TON,tA8S.: -C07FEE,TfiWv DAtnr.awvDHn ftrc3EOTJwm tewfuhfcrltyv niBtslFhvor; ' CLrOSSETDDSYZI )lpi?riAfOtOQON.V Chickens 16 and 17 Cents Best Creamery' .....,.......... S4S Dairy- .1 3St? and 404 Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, I dos..-45l Plcnlo Ham, . per lb. 4. ....... .10 Cottage Ham, per lb..." Best Sugnr-Cured Hsra, per lb. ...14 Remember Saturday, I Chicken Day. ; La Grande Creamery 204 Yamniu bt. Dir. .B. E. Th gCTSaTTTXlO DIRU1 lhat Klievee all pala deatal ape ra ti one. - B4BV, wtwiaturtea v SB, av ewestlb Bowmo, oraviirs m CO, - . (Established lll.) ' WIMI AID) STOCK IIOUU -- ' Baaaa 4, srama4 Flamy, QatAIUXat OF CO'-IXaSOaT. V WRIGHT THIS IS -KILLINGSWORTH'S TAUTO Showing a partjr of InveatorS who, paid ltd each for aeatt In hi auto name' ;"8uocess," a few months ago. Twenty ladles . and . gentlemen ' purchaaad ! Kllltngsworth 1 shares of stock at I30O plr share In St, Johns property,- 9f' Hg 17,800. - jCllllngsworth resold this (109 net for each ahare of -stock In ar happy, - prosperous,1" thrifty customers and -full ef conOdanc ba : th grand futur fv Portland- arid St Johns, for they ar on." '..-. J ' ' 1 --Now. rcader.youf attention ia -called ta a. most Important fart lhat WAlr NUT PARK.-Portland s'' cboloeet residence property. Is on the market, at remarkable low value of -II and lit per front foot - Price will advanc IA each week until Its true vaiue has" been resched? 11.080; they are worth that and' mor at thla time. Remember this is a rtatrlcted district: " t' i .' . . ' NO SHACKS CAN BE BTJILt IJaT WALNVT PARK. 060I HOMES OR NONE. Tou will d yourself and family a kindness by Bxamlnlog today Wal- nut park.;-., . r,. ;.j.'.;-?;-.7j;:' -i'-.. ; -' ; :; . '-. We are offering special Inducement for a few mor homebultders.'"' Better call today or aend for WALNUT PARK MAP and FOLDER, . . ; A V V , Central offic .Walnnt Park. 'Phone Scott 1124. Suburban office 101 Chant bar ef ComnUre. Phon nroara 111.' ;lf'?',.r' . .. y'-r ';.! r f.'l ' "-..'t. i. :-, r - . i .''"''' ; N. B. ft mean exactly a ststed above, when Portland ha 100,000 popula tion, IB yara hnc-Wlnut Park -will ba th ctnter.- Her s aow my - trai fflc and will become in time a living reality. Send for ' Walnut Park map nd folder. No library. FULLY, complete without It, i r:W. t K. ' SERENE This high and alghtly tract is situated on East Twelfth and Florefcc atraeta. six blocks east of Highland ast of Highland aqyrtyvri(Wtrme tha Union ave- f:V :' i 'ifi' - -non car line. IB V . ;. - ::;. i-Zui- .. " de from Third rvT i.'l ;,l'y .;. V school, on nue and Vernon minutes' ride 1 and Washington. -'4, onr V n SttOD $200 Dowm $15 a Uonth S"r fan parttoulars s- M. OLSEN, Managing (hvner raOVS KAXbT 144. 10S Open An Account With Us -Tnu will sav money by It and your family will enjoy th best foods th world affords. - . Just Received Another Shipment - Pimento Stuffffed Ollvea, - Jhrg 1 bottle, - Me value, SB bottle. . Something Nw-r Celery Olives An Olive stuffed with celery, a delicious flavor, large-bottlea, BOe - Your.CoiTee Dad This Morning?" - Trv onr" SB blend Java and Mocha lf ib7 1J)0 good U tne llms. - Our '- ; Summer Store At SEASIDE, In th grove, opens ' thla week, order cauea tor ana delivered to an; tv DOlnt on the beach and OEARHART PARK quality and variety same aa Port-, land- atore. . .... .v ; FaDreoser ca Co. , : . Fartlaat'B Bieabeat froeery, . Swath aad Wathlagtca BSa IBta, aad Broadway. Staaade, Of. ;.. .'; ... ' Thare has been and will be no change rlftV th price bf Mineral Water, Soda Water, --Siphons. .... Syrups, etcj - the saai prlcea will be maintained , all reports to th contrary not ' ' withstanding. v r." ': " STAR BOTTLING W02KS ' Fhoa MS. U Finn) St. pacific Term AVNG CO. IT STOBT1 tt. Sataalae Oaaah. Awnings- f r stores and real- denoea. Tents end camping outfits. Oat eur ttrloss. TT I OVERBECK, OTARR T-' CCQII! .r ... 4 ..... Member ChTtatTO Board f Trad. Mill, FBOTItUOVS, COTTOB, STOCTT ) r r l Third Street. McKay Building. I" ' WB BO A STBXOTXiT CCTTT Continue' 1'.m by FrtvtWlr. ' VZ.. I -Jeers, aad Unite C ioth w 'v purchase for HfOOB rath, and ha pa'- th Waterfront Land company, bene all a if1- Sharloak BUf, Tnird abd Oak titst. ' Pay tila et Rest RttC3 iWotaadTOrnirtnrirThotce iota t a very choice suburban trace Center ofount Scott district. High, healthful and leading all auburba In. rapM - growth:- Nor - lot entailer than 10x100 feet. Water piped to every lot: streeta' graded. Mahy new and beauti ful hornet. Schools, churches, phone, tores, lt-mlnuta. car aervioa, to far to any part of city or suburbs, Mount Scott'csr, " First street. 1 Choice Lots ?!C0 .-:'. PAYABLE ,' J v a $3.00 Per Month ' Thlt is but hslf th story. Th ether ' Day! snd beat half !a to be seen at Fir land. - -Com out right away. It' aalllng right along, and there's a reason. Xou'lL.hK proud of your neighbors and promt" bl'L your home in auch a community. Geo :W; ? Brown , Booaa SOS FaOlzu Banding. . ' - ' - rboa Mala Sis. B. A. TATXOB AT FxYXABB. ",. . City Otf le Open Bvealag. Tot. modern ' dental work. World-re- aovnH Dciauaiafc ' - owt prleea eonalatent with Orat-atar 1 o t th . , NEW YORK DENTICrr arOVBTal ABB SIOBBIarOB f- Open day asd nlsht, from I tt a. t . - . an til IB n. m.