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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
n coxa's tiATcn r-?d Rps8,Who;Wa Knocked " Out by Jack Donnelly," '. .V V.";:;l- Dead.? ;' VICTORIOUS PUG IS- - PLACED UNDER ARREST ratality In Aberdeen Contest Due : i'yr. to - Solar ,PJexy$ or . pall fgpeclal Dtepatch 'te The loorsaL) Aberdeen, Wssb., July I. Fred Ross, vtit u knocked unconscious by Jack -Doaaally In a boxing match, died .atly Wi morning at th Aberdeen- general hnepltsl ' Ot the - effects -of - the blow. K'xo cam from Denver' and' met Don nelly. who-haila-fi-onr-Btr Louie, -in AO-round match In Electrie park 6a the evening of July g. v ' .... , Electric park. I midway between Ho- , qulam and Aberdeen and a crowd of aev ral hundred gathered., to wttaeaa h right. In the fifteenth round 'Donnelly landed several left-handed blowan hie antaa-onlst, following It wp ,with a blow la th region of tbTKlar plexuv when ! oa tittered and felL Donnelly, .'who waa dlnohlng, fell "on top of him. hie -ne striking heavily on hl , victim' t ueet and neck. , Roes waa unconscious when picked up and did not recover con- rx-lousneas before death. & Donnelly la under arrest pending; tho coroner. Inquest. The doctor state tbat Rosa died of concussion -of the brain whwh .-tJmay have resulted: from " s fall to the -floor rather tbaa by the . uniahment by Donnelly. --.r "-- .:h,ican eagles OUT PIN THE WESTS Th Golden West bowling team waa .tdedly off Monday renins, and they ""pad three game to the American .lea. ' McMenomy had th high aver- , zoo'z-s. i Me also nad th highest jjle score, making lbt in his laetJ oe. There waa a pretty race la th t gam between McMenomy and Con- . MoMenomy making 168 and Con row I. Con row la a new bowler and de- ve lota of credit for his good work. a scores were: rla t! ; J idV Av 1.. ...... 16 18 177 1-J lav-- j ow . .. M....17 - 17T -r . , ... W..12J 1B ' rd .161'" 150 lJ 11 -258 It J-l 15ng' . 114-11114 ,'otalg . 7 -78" tit "West 1 (SI y (I) Av" h . . ...... 14 ' momif , ' 20t rta . . ...... Jit . 11 trough.. ...,15 187 mtst . ".";. .V.12T':1341 i 16S 141 . f 68 -200 2-8 131148 1-1 - 131 145 155 JJ71-J Totals. . ...'...718 788 888 Tb Chicago 'cracka--will b her laraday. They bowl Ball and Keat t oa th Oregon alley Thuraday even r. and Kruse- and Capon oa th Port' id alloy Friday evening. . ' 4 CiMk .n st. Lewis' Beat brand. I7JVEST; THREE DOLLARS W " LITTLE TUDOR pLAYsuiTs .And : thereV. .the - young-". , :2 Summer Outfit. ; ;7 Buys Six Suits ;-A change every day if you vish. They're ' as washable a handker chief fast colors Uy- -' on buttons and wear like : "iron: .rJil ... : r4' Sizes jo8 PRICE 50cti Sold only at the Hill Store v 8S-87 THIRD ST. rT.;,:-G6ast-, e v$3o0' Salcrn.l'coleni SYSC;3Y CAPTURES- rr tAWREKCE STAKES i . '. : - ,. .... .. '! , J?!,n -jv-'.'."'jChamplpn Three-Year-Old Adda to ; V Hie Other Laurele. ; v Jearal Mil fcnla.1 New York. July C Svaonbv added to hi laurel .. yesterday . bv winnlna -t4he Lrfiwranc Keallsauon atakea at Sheens head Bay track after a verv mrttv rasa. The race was wortlj 117.090 to th win ner.'- Result The, Independence steeplechase,' about two and one-half miles Castlllan won. tiiucs, Huaaar eecond Gold Van third; time. .8:12-8. i-. -j- Six- furlong Incnnutlon " won," Seal A. second, . Ladyf yncaa third ; time, l:i 8-8, , ... , . : : TH Double Event of $10,008. six fur-longa-ilroneidea,. lit (Martin), 18 to 8. won; "UcKittredge, IIS 8haw), 18 to 1, second; Timber, 122 0'NeUI). ( to 8. Atllril. - ,Tlm,..ti4. Oeerg C. peniistt. Vendors. Bohemian. Belmor. . Samser and bill Phillips (the latter three coupled) also ran. ::. . . -; The Lawrence Realization stakes, one mil and five furlongs reysonby, -114 (Nicola), t to 8. won; Tanya. 121 (Lyne), 4 to 1, second; Migraine. 118 (O'Neill), SO ta l.;tnlrd.vTJmt,;?;4T. : Blandy also ran;.,'. ; , ;, '. v- One tnlTe and threa-atxteentha Ocean tide won. The Southerner seoond,. Palm i re tnira; time, l;0 One mll-and one-sixteenth otr tarf Buttling won, Tommy Waddell second. Palm Bearer. third; time, 1:47. U- ,. ,v ; ' " v'c.- ?TT7 ''' .A stoattl Meadow. . Seattle. Jnly ( Results of race:- ' " Six rurlongs Jlorarth- won, Paul E. Jonea second. Foxy Qrandpa third; time. l:14H. '.v.--' - ... ' 8tx. furlong Caraeletta. won, ; Wla tarla. sccomV Bwet Tooth third; 4 time, 1:141,.--, H.-,-- . : c Six f rlon tkrlce won. . Holly Berry second,- Birdie P. third; time. . Five and one-harf furlons Joe Kelly won, . Chief Aloha , second, Iady - Rice third;, time. 1:07. ' .- On mil and - one-quarter Horatlua won. Mindanao second, M. t- McOowao third; time, t:0. Five furlongs--Laldlsw won. Tocalaw second. H. L. Frank third: time. : One- mile and one-eighth rEthel Scruggs won. Fill d'Or second. Gold finder third; time. 1:64H Six furlongs Peter J. 'won, Lurene aecond, Jpjlow Vi third; time, ,1;1IH BL Louis, July 8. Del mar rac re sults'. , 1 . !':'- - '; . Five f urlong- iJo Shields won. ' D. O Teylor-aeeond. Little Pat third; time. 1:08. Seven furlong Tyrolean won., Wake ful second. Lady Meneus third; -time, lt0 Six furlongs Topay Robinson : won. Chief Hayea aecond, Vna C. third; time. 1:17. run 'and-' al'xteenth JTl. Mayberry won. Taby Tosa second. Jack .Young third 1, tlm. 4:8. - 81x furlong Dr. Scharf f wort. 'Wlllo- denv second, J. W- O'Netl, third: tlm. 1:17. Mil and three-sixteenths Dr. Riley won. Rostof f second, Caahler third time. J:08H. J , - V V- SPORTS SCHEDULED 77ZnArTHE:EXP0SITI0N Thomas Kean, world's champion pro- frssional sprinUr, ha written the -man ager of Lewis andClark athletics with th view of enuring th professional game that are to be held on th Lewis and Clark stadium August, 14. ' - Keane la without -doubt -the greatest printer In th country today. In 188 ha won th New England champlonahlp at 229 yard and 440 yard, and In the following . year -at Taver island.- now York, whll representing th ' Boston Athletlo association won th A. A. U, champlonahlp-at a quarter of - mile. defeating aoch noted crack as Tom Burke,- Qeorg Sands, deorg .'FoaUr, Sasford of Yale, Lyons of th New Tork Athletic club and Townaend of Michigan. After winning th honor of amateur champion. Kean. In -1888, decided to turn professional and for a year or two took part in an in- Dig proresa.iona) meetings and Caledonian c club x games In thla country. it is almost certain that Keane wilt '. be In Portland on August 14 to take -part in th profes sional games,' and th northwest will then hajr an opportunity of witnessing on of th greatest performers on in track today. k ; In th Lewis sad Clark canoe races to be held from- July 28 to 4 A. L. Tape of San Francisco haa entered.the senior division. Tap Is recognlaed a on of th beat canoe racers to be -found on th coaat, and for thla reason there are several eanoara, some of which are local men, who are awaiting r the chanc to take tils scalp. . . ....... Stava Veraenl haa entered th Junior division for canoe racing and It 1 gen rally expected that he will make all others In that ciasa.rgo soma" 11 tney would oaaa th buoy first. . v The canoe race win b held'' on Guild's lake at th asm tlm th Lewis and Clark regatta 1 scheduled. . , - t ' V"-'- Xadlaaa 'Wtsv--r" C'T ; ' (Bpeclat Dispatch t Tbs Josnal.) A ' Hood River. - Or- July. I. OS burn played 1n hard lock for th local yes terday, permitting tha Chemaw Indian tbre runs In the rirat mntng, and by a wild -throw of - hi ro second In th ninth two more runs were presented th redskin. '..Th acor - . - - ; ' R.H.E. Chemawa .......8 0 8 0 1 1 7 8 2 Mood River 8008202 t 8 Batteries Poland and Tobe; Oaburn and Blavln. , Upiplrt J3ukes. Attend ance, 1,200. -" v -' . ' Bveat at 0a trail. - .. (Special Diaoeteh to The Jseraal.) - r-. Central la, Willi- July 8. Th ' re sults of yesterday's races her war as fOllOWS: - " :, '.: ' ,' " Three-minute pac--Ro Rial won. Hummer Girl aeoond. - t"rre-TryrntT pacBo ford wonrTrnirett t second. ... 2:2 trot Snohomish Boy won. Uuarter-mlle running race Tlmbuc- too won, Bert Davis aecond. . Three-quarter-mlle running rate Bert Da via won. Bell econd. ' ' - . ' -Ytotos Defeat Sataaada. -: Yesterday th , Victor baseball team defeated th Eatscada Bin In a-one-elded gam by th score of 8 to 2. Th Victor team lined up as follows -Taylor. - pitcher; -Walls, . catcher: Foster, first base; McKinley. aecond Jse; Mo Holland, third base, Griffith, shortstop; Clark. Mclntyre and Kelb, outfielders.- Oorrallia Star Flay BUnfor. , - (Joarsal gpeeial aarrtee.) . Ban Francisco, July 8. Negotiation ire now on between th Oregon Agricul tural col lex' and Stanford university eowHrd arranging -a -football gam for OS". ;: . : : . .. .i . , -s;, tiis orsgon daily jsuhiiau ror.TLAi::v 'vzd::z:day j rr'z: ; juz.v e. . : w. jiwi. i.-- lap. i arr - . " I ESSIal CTO- mj... as s , ex jkaaee ihm . - - i THE TARY TIGERS 1... t-.-i- lei- Spitball Bill Haa. an. Easy Task ... in Shutting Out Fisher's Bengals. - .' . LOU RUNKLE MAKES' f : THE WINNING HIT 'V! Portland Nine Braces Up . and . Wins Two Brilliantly Played Games. . ' Portland 1, Taeoma 8. ' Batteries Esslck and McLeanTiuimaaJ and uoaaor- BIU Kasick did the trick In th after noon gam, as - did Ely Catea in th monlng contest, each: t wirier scoring a 1 to 8 victory over the -ehamplon Tigers. brated hy- th. Portland baseball - xhlb After playing several bad games during th past seven days, th Ideals got busy yesterday and pulled together with th most satisfactory ' results. '-' - In - - the history of th local club doublehead victories- are as scarce , as anything could be, and far the team to play auch perfect ball.-eepectelly in -the- presen of large ' crowds, is as surprising as tt Is pleasing. It has never been Port- mnd's lot to perform brilliantly tn th presence of 'large crowds, defeat In variably visiting them. To wla gam. a Tacoma usually does, bard and con sistent work must be don during every minute of th game, and If Portland can perform brilliantly in two games it Is reasonable that th same club should perform in nearly similar form in .Jvr game. .. Yesterday afternoons exhibition wo of th Intense variety and, waa so pleas ing to th 8.000 spectators that .they scarcely, realised that such a fin con test was In progress. Th game waa a pitchers- battle, with . Esslck carrying off .the honor of th day by holding th - dangerous Tfger down -to on vagrant bit. -that being raade by 1 Shee hnln th fourth Inning.' Kasick pitched a phenomenal gam. He had perfect oontroV Issued no passes, save Nordyka, who had hla ribs warmed by a delight ful inshoot, and struck out nine men. It was useless for the Tigers to con-, nect safely and they went down to de feat fighting bravely. . 1 r - j. - 1 L 1 1 t, - a uumu, si no, was in rare xorm,-al lowing but flv hit and not giving a baa on balls. . Th gam waa f re from kicking, "Shrimp' Perrln having but a - few close - decisions and none causing any 'dispute. Th fleldlnw of Atawwaa superb, thai clever fellow having aeven -difficult assists ' without an error. - Lynch and Sheehan carried off th Yielding honors for Tacoma, the former's one-handed catch of Sohlafiy long drive to thy, f enc In th seventh Inntng.belng oae of the prettiest oatohes ver seen on the hors grounds.'. Shee han had flv hard chance, two of which war corking drive from - th bata of McCredl and Van Buren, and which the - doughty, third-baseman skillfully speared. - -. . - - '. awv Portland's only and ' vlatorlou run cam . In th , fifth Inning.- Householder droy out a slsxllng double , to center and only reached, second by an eyelash, sliding away from "Truck" Egan. Mc Lean advanced hint to third and, with two down. . Runkla scored blra with s pretty safe drlv over second baa. Tb crowd responded to th feat by giving both men .a deserved -ovation. Tecoma mad determined effort to get on th circuit but Esstck'a -famous ' "pit"- ball had tha apit In th right spot and th Tigers succumbed. . To the credit of Portland it must be eaid that th tw games yesterday war a credit tot th club... Tb core:-- , -,.. . i,- 1 , PORTLAND. -. a. " ; . u A B. R. H. PO, A. K. A is, s. ... . ;...... 8 0 0 7 MoCradl. rf. 8 ' 2 0 Mitchell, lb. ........ 8 , 1 11 Bchlaily, Zb.' Householder, r, cf. ...r 2' 1 .2 t t 10 2 It ...... 8 8 18 0 Mclean, c. Van Buren. Runkle. 8b.. 2 8 2 , 0 0 Esslck. p. 88 81 - . . i . . - I" M ' sh aw - .Totals , ..21 VI 8 17 It ."':"TACOMA.V; .... ..... :-.-:AR R. H. PO. A. K Doyle, rf. 4 0 0 0 1 0 Bheehaiw 8b.-... 4-0-1 - 8- 8 - 8 Nordyke, lbi 2 8 0 12 Eagaa. as. 8 . 2 - 8-0 McLaughlin, If. ..... 8 0 1 0 Lynch, cf. , , 8v 84- 8-' Caaey, 2b .,i. 8 . 8 8 1 .8 .0 Hogan, c ........... 8 0 0 1 0 1 -1 nomas, p. ......... g 0 0 4. 4 Total . . ..U 28 -8 T 24 18 -- .,,- SCORE BY INNINdaV i"V 1. ' f . 1 8 8 4 8 4 T tVr Tacoma . .. ,.,.... 0 0 0 e Portland . ....... 80 1 1 Hit . . 1 8 1 2 8 8 1 i , ' .. aVafMART. Struck out By Eaalck, 2: by Thomas. 1. Two-baa, hit Householder. Double Play t:asey to Kagan to Nordyke. Left on base Portland, 2; Taeoma, 2. Sacrifice bit Mcl-eam Hit by Pitched ball Nordyka. First baa on error Tacoma. Tim of game One hour and la minutes, umpire perrln. . ;T - - Seooad Chemawa 1V- --i 1 (Special Dsvateh to Tss JowsaL) i ' Eugen. Or., July 8. In the baseball game- her yesterday afternoon between the Chemswa Indians' second- team and a Eugene team mad up of-high school and university players th local shut out th Indians, th score being 18 to 0. Eugen played an errorless gam, while ine inaiana maae rrequent errors, sev era! of them being responsible for runs. Th .score by Inning:' . Eugen .21 11 082111 Chemawa . ......... ...00208800 8 , 1 ., j . .. . , r.- ' Taekt BOsehlaf irias.'1:- Th yacht Mischief. R. W. Foster ilclpper, won th Lwt and Clark yacht rac on Guild a lak yesterday. Four yachts - competed and finished as fol low: Mlschlaf, 21:10; Lakota. 81:28: Jewel, 84 JI: Moonshine. 88:14.. , Th officials wer: Referee. Frank Lonergant judges, W. J. Clemena George Brown, William- Harder; . clerk L-CjaW.. Charles ..lMelson;..tlmekeper. H. L. Stephenson; Inspectors, . L.V. Woodward, P.- D"Arcy, H. F. Todd. " -: '-...' By DefeaU Xerherts. . (Jearsal gpaelal Service.) : Butte, .Mont... July 8 Buddy Ryan knocked out George Herberts (n tb eleventh round of their match yester day.; . ; . - '..v-'v,.;..; X J - - otxo TO-aitaavma, ' '. ;v 4 ' All notice of 'amateur base 4 ball game, challenge and ath 4lelo events must be sent t thls 4 - ernoe oerore e ciocs a- m. on th day for publication. Ama- 4 tur manager ehould .pay at- ' 4 tentlon to this rule, aa th keep.,) Ing of It will Insur a "proper report 01 tneir . aoinga to 4 Jouraat 1 - - :Tr -" Mtfffvvvvv i:::r.cnA.r;EA:Y -ccor ' - STOPPED BY SHERIFF OJd rudfi-AgaimtcJMexlcan Causes Butte Fight to Be .: i- r,.- stopped." : r cr . y J r- 1, '' - -r ; .-A S - ' : . - t-. ' , (Jearsal Spselal- Swrlaa.) .Butt.aJaonU July 8. Sheriff "J. 3. Quinn and a force of deputies last night stopped tha Herrera-Neary f Ight . in about the middle of th first round. Tb elierlff threw hi hat Into tha oen- er of th ring' and with hi officer Immediately Jumped -through th ropes, waved the fighters to their corner and notified them and - their second that ny further effort to continue th fight would. result In their arrest Tb sher iff officers were hooted and hissed by 2.000 '. persona' Jer Clifford, for merlr msnaaer af the Montana Athletic club, - swore to 11 complaint aga tnai HerreraanalJiteary and thlr .followr. Charging them with committing felony, a prlsef lghting under the - Montana statutes 1 given such a classification. Herrera , disappointed Clifford In not keeping an agreement to - fight Kid Goodman,, last fall, caualng Clifford to - - ''w0',''' 02in'?ii'''Z5 ever fight again In Butte Indignation la Jteen over Clifford's action. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLUBS. Taeoma i 1. II 0113 .503 .Ml .4MI .4H 1.4.T4 .4SV i 12110 tt 8 rwtuod ............. Uia Aastle. ,....... Oakland : 410 oca 1 u A 41 - .tHIM. 84 I 40 48! 4T)44 24T1 ; "'2rak eaattta. . - . - (Josraal Ipaclal Sarrtca.) J vl . Seattle, Wash.. July I. Tha Oak- landers and hom team apllt even on their double-header - yesterday. . Fits- Patrick waa effective la th morning gam and I berg in tb afternoon con test. Scores: ;J . : ,r .. '..' Mornlns- same ' jl T w. PL Seattle . ...., . 0 1 0 I I 2 8 4 Oakland . ......0 100001 02 8 8 Batteries Fltsnatrlck and Daahwood: Moaklman and StanUy. -: - Afternoon gams '' Rl H. E. Keettl. . ......00008 8 011-1 -8 I Oakland .1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 8 4 2 1 'Batteries Shields, Blankenshlp and xmenwooo; joerg aua oyrne. umpi Bray. , ' r. -,. , .Aagala . IMay awaa.-ri?T (Joarsal SpseUl Service.) ' ; . ' ' San Francisco, July 8v The ' Angel played two errorless gam yesterday, defeating th Seals both times,' Baum held th hom players aaf In th morn ing, and In th afternoon Toser allowed buf one hit. and that in- th ninth" ha lting. Score: - -'-Mornlna mn- .-ft. IT: Ft Lo Angeles ...0100000182 7 0 San Francisco ,. 8010000 11 T 8 Hatterles Baum and Eaxer. Whalen and ahagrv-rrtu.. .... i.. -,. ,... Afternoon gam.'' V' "r, H.jj. Loa Angele ",.000100800 1 8 0 San Francisco .. 0000 8 1 - 1 Batteries Toser and Eacer: Hltt And Wilson. , Umpire Davis. ,. American league. - Won. . t i.f yt f C1vland-T-,r.f-4-r-T 23 --.845 Chlcsgo. , 28 " 22 .' , .828 Philadelphia.. ....... 2 ' . 24 ,.81 Boston . , 17 w;- it 482 Detroit. . ,.,'..t.,,.., 28 : .. . 83 . .478 New York ....... .24 12 .441 8t. Ijoaf . . . ........ 22 ,4 . .. .80S Washington, . i..,.,, 22 40 i ." .258 .'-At ClTlaa&, Mornlng game . -- .v ,.j , R. H. E. cieveiana ... 2 11 Chlcaao . . .8 11 Batteries Heas and Buelow; Altrock ana sicrariana. -i--, r-. Afternoon gam .' V , R. H. E. t:ieveiana . . ... t. ........... .i Chlcaao . . i 8 BatUrte Moor and, Bemls; Smith ana aicrsriana. v 'f'''""i V 'At Stnt. '' : ' Morning gain - R. H. E. Detroit . .mi.......... ;.. 4 8 1 St. Louis - ...... .-..1 7 1 .. Batteries Donovaa -and Derant-Pelty Afternoon gam ,, : .. R. Jt. E. Detroit . ...... v.. . ............ 8.8 4 St. Louis - .j ............ .11 17. 2 Batteries Kltson and Do ran; Morgan ana eugaen. . t J ,. '- I Ar'ots Morhlna n-am . ' ;R W K Boeton . . ................ i,, .t 12 2 Philadelphia r . .......67 8 Bstterles TannehlH and McGovem; waaaen, woaxiey, nans anq Bcnreca, Afternoon gam --.,. R H. E. Boston . . ..'. ...... .2 1S ( Philadelphia . 4 12- 4 Batteries Touns and Crlaer: Wad- . II ' D . L 1- at 2iw;Ta.; - -j-'--; First cams , : ' R. it. K. Nw York . rT- , 1 in Washington , 8 t 4 Batteries Powell. Hogg. Griffith and Kjewow; ratten ana tteyaen., Second gam - ' . . Ri' H. E. New York . 8 8 4 Washington ................. .2 2-2 Batteries Chesbro and MoOuire; Wolf and Ktttredg. . , . . BowlBa- Club's Staaea. ' 'l"V'v.... Th results of th Portland Rosin. club Fourth or July regatta, held on th Willamette yesterday, wer a fol lows: .', - , . . First race, for Corbett run First crew, Harley - (stroke), Smld (second), Zimmerman (third). Smith (bow): seo ond crew, Gloss (stroke). Hart (second), Montgomery (third). Lamnerson (bow). Junior crews First, Taylor (bow). Orth (second). Peterson (third), Pfaen dr (stroke); second crew, four Allen brothers.-' - , Singles Gios,. Patton." Tmberson. -Senior doubles -Montgomery. Lam. hereon; Smith, Harley. . , " Junior double Rosenfelt. MarshaTil Luders, Smith, t - ' , : .... junior roar-oar. special Two entries. th Allen four lodlng. Th winner are: Fender, stiik;. Peterson. Orth, Taylor, r-TfaOomlolt aa fcnJOfiu , - -IJaorsst gpeeial garrtea.) -San Frandaco, July 8. Jim MoCor mlckv th proteg of John L, Sullivan, signed articles yesterday for a match with On Ruhlln, tr tak plan before th Cooma club on August 1L . ' - . 11 - .1, . , . - Walla Walla r-11, aeadlstea. 4-0. (Spaeial DtepetrS t Ta Josraal.) Walla Walla, Wash.. July 8 Walla Walla won two gams from Pendleton yesterday by th cor of 7 to and 11 to -. . aarna 8(atohe With Kelly. - Tommy -Burn and Hug-Kllv-hav been matched to fight In Loa Angele on July 18. The men are to weigh In at 168. at 8 o'clock." Aiiro recently fonght s 10-rotind draw with Kelly. " . ,, 11 . . - j Dlnhtherla relieved In twenty minutes. Almost mlrseulnus. Dr. Thomaa' Kc lecino vii, av any. orug store, . , nxnnrn i ,ii i mi maii . I r . - a . - :: - r:"V" ' - ;7.;.a. r Belmont's Fleet Mare -Showed . i C13 feeverse in Running In 1: . ; - a Crief Tlma. ' 7':'"T v OPPOSITION FIGHTING ; ,, RACE COMMISSIONER """-7''"" " ' ' 1 "' ' " Governor Higglna Ma Not Re- " appoint Belmont to the , t " .:; , Coveted Poeition. " ' "-""ill ..n rl Nw York. July I. Tha defeat of the great ueiaame by Agile and than com Ing back to' th race In winning form are th most talked7 of tonics around me race track these da vs. There om difference of opinion to. th 'the- Sumirbain . -Inner. the second mare to tak th bTuTTIbboTTbn in American, turf in It history In th rac of a week, aao. when she took the dust of Captain . ft Brown's fleet and game youngster. Whll there are many who blame ah Ul-Judged rid on th pari or w welll. Who had the'mouat on aeiaame. , other lay it to the track. which xulted thr eolt better than ft did th mare. . Both of the mar have bn, -protablr wr. contrlbutina causes. but th weight of expert opinion Is that Beldam is not up to her 8-veaa-old form. - It ' Is not improbable that Tar. Belmont will retlr her to th stud after the Saratoga met. By taking aecond money In th Jad. vane stakes Beldam goes In th honor list of mares that, ha v woa 2100.00. r mvra wi me American turr. ..uniy two mares now rank her in th amount of, money won. and both of them, raced much mor-than sh will b permitted to do. The two ar Miss Woodford and Ftrensl. . At present Flrensl I lesa than 816,00 In excess of Beldame as ' money: Winner, r Beldame's great rival for the. turf premiership this season. th mighty Delhi J. also well up In th lUt of With th expectlon' of Domino, Han over and Salvator, the Brooklyn handl cap winner, Delhi, is th largest 1100.- ooo or over money .winner of th Ameri can turf , to earn thla dlattnctlon In three season' racing. Delhi now sUnds seventh on the Ilat .of large American money winner, h. having, to hi credit a total of 1118.217 In atakes and purses Of those In the lead he may aever overtake- Domino, -with 108.2 04 aron; -but 128.246 morrtn winning will tie Kingston's record and 86,600 more won will put him In th lead of th other big winners which now front his name. These aro Btr- Walter.. Raceland. . Han over and 'BaiYator.Th following table glvea Delhi a.eoord by years up to and including hi recent brIUIant Brooklyn handicap victory: ,. '. .. - v Year. V-Age. lsts. ,2ds. 8ds., WOnt 1802 . . i . . i . - 2 - 1- - -e - 4 . $12.66 1204 ..'i.v,;."S It 8 121 li.. ,t ' . 78.867 1806..'....." 4 ' 1 ,- 0 '-lO.OOO Th hollow manner In which Ham burg Belle- greatest daughter of -Ham burg, won the- Equality stakes, -from a fine field of youngsters .indicates mat he 1 back to form,, and even If Bel dams gets back" to her Surburban shap ths-dsughter-ofrHamburr has- license to chslbMige her supremacy, Probably aa good, a filly has been seen , out in som time i wnimaicai, which won In easy : fashion last week. Th youngster waa a maiden ; a week or so back, but ah has developed vary faat with, racing, and now ah Is ' on of. the best of her eg In training. v Tlm Oaynor. who bought and. trained the filly front th tlm she was year ling. 1 enthusiastic ever her. ' No bet ter work filly or sweeter-tempered mis has been seen around th local courses this year, land If . Whimsical trains on sh will probably b th beat of th 2-year-old f lilies. In fact, .It would . not : b surprising "to ' ae hr beat most of - the cream ot th . colts. ' Syooasy and AfU.. ---' - HTn tS Brighton'Dorby It to likely that Sysonby and Agile may - com, together again. They ere both ougioie. at any rat.--. And. what is mor Interesting. Oxford, winner of th Kenllwortb7 Derby, Is,' too. 8lnc all thre of these horses will have up penalties, which mean ihaV tby 'will all ' carry respectable welBDt, th Darby should decide whether Agile, was at hi beat 'in th Tidal and whether Oxford Is a first clsss 8-year-old. .If beating Agile 1 a test. Ox ford ha proven that already, but sine Axil haa shown such marked improve ment at Bheeoahead It Is not a certainty that h was himself . when , Oxford- whipped him In tha Broadway at Oravea end, Ol eeau. winner of th Swift stakes at - Sheepehead. is not in any of .th race at Brighton. It is vldntly the Intention of Brady to put tn ormis eolt by after th wlndup of th Sheep- head meeting and reet him up ror Sara toaa. At - Saratoga Olaeau is In th 180.000 Great Republic. .-, '' Hermla mar d seen at ins races earlier than waa expected.- It Is said be 1 coming to himself again and ta salloolra In something Ilk hla old form. Hi trainer la greatly encouraged , ky tha great- racr Improvement,, ', . .. Mmt Vot atetaoat. Th auestlon a to whether or pot August Belmont I to succeed himself state racing commissioner is sun unsettled o far aa - any . formal an nouncement ' I concerned, but th first rmnresslon I that'h will not be. Th story hss been current about th tracks that Whealock of , th Met hs told Governor -Hlgglns .the txaer' relations between the--Jockey club and th book makers, and that' with th fact before him the governor has decided that Mr. Belmont will not get th piac. , tvnne tha atory aa to Whlock may not be tru. It doubtlee la tru that this bet ting .controversy hss had an adverse Influence on the ehsnce f th presi ding of th Jockey club. . Speaking of betting it Is aald on pretty good author ity that in effort will be. made to have th racetrack plungers .curtail, their, bet-J ting operation. A request to this ef fect ha already been mads, of will be mad at 00c. It will be In th form of a request only; aa th officials recog nise th fact . th8t ibey cannot oontrol these operations. Those hlgh'ln'thl councils of racing will try to keep the speculative feature In th background. As on racing man. . wno , erioenuy had failed to pick the winner; remarked rather plaintively recently: , "Raelng seems to be degenerating Int a mer gambling gam of chanc when the -player has only to bet his money and trust to -luck. He could a well do thla at a roulette wheel, and It would not "t "Hint 2TrnHrr-Thtfr are other way of battering racing than by refus ing contributions from th betting ring.' xoi victory ot it. nmatner in the most valuable and Important stak In hlch his colora have- been concerned elnre hts advent s a 'patron of the thoroughbred, ot. Saturday, with Secur- 1: v .... ,.,..,,.,.,,. y J i . - - . . - :'... v. .,; J vJ w . y J I . f , C:p!ij t::a esrtd. I auSered with weeelnif .'Keaama 4a-lts wr form, for about to years, in wbieb . tlm I. triad several rented iee aa I Detpre- - sort pi loo a, until I had loeoi abeot 1 f tea aao Souad- no peroiaaent relief.. Kuunllv -I bacam skeptieal and hesitated when a new ; remedy was oflered me. . "Yon will hav te ' snow me," as in Mlaaoorlaa says, waea ' w. mcuonei. 01 ia rioaeer prog Btora. :. elained be ewold cur me with D. D. D. I ' waaabow ptetographs of eases befor aad . anex laauog l. o. D.. togetnerwlta-iae atory '. of a remarkable eur of a mas worklD la th Valley Ax Worts at Alexandria, which easa under the personal obaervstioa ot Mr. ' Jordaav I eommeooed nslng th medielne aa per dlreotiona. After using Ik glta bottls I was cured. I have never had aay L relum of th disease. Msay com to rTaklng wnkt-O. D. D. did for ma. and I alwars teii west u tney wsot to m eured -Ua u. o. w, as per airostiona" . , v---ti J. K. WUBRSTEW. Moatpallsr. IdA. Wot. 8, NOB. St 1 .'' . '', . O. D. Dooata but b ouro or monoy rofundod. 'Writ th Msdloal Bepartmeat, coaaultatloa aad advioa, f Is ' I u - r ' U v -' . ' 1 a''"'' riN3T inf., ftp "vv,t In frf' - )' Removed ;tf48 jThlrd Streost, -t Bet. Pine "A --(t-' ,:v - ' - r-VS- ,'t S3 THIRD lty' In th Great , Trial atakes. . Is atlll a topto of discussion. -11. it is. tit general opinion among tn amart men of th ring and th paddock that. now that Hlldreth ha ' th le broken, he will continue to win many race with th. Smather horses, espe cially as th year' grows older, for th tralnerU-:wll known -for his ability In handling delicately constituted rac horses In th chilling month Of autumn. Basso, wta . BTatstauO. ': Th Ellers team -defeated Clatsksnl at Clatskanl y eeterday ; by the ecor or 1 to z.. Tn unaup: ; , - Filers.- i --"Posltlonr-.- ---Clatskanl. Riddle ....... .4.-..P Crandall Schults ,. ,...'.-... C........-.M. Swopo Domer . . .,lb.;..,.,,. Cardiff Flemmlng ... ..'.. .2b. ........... Poppln Dart ............ .8b. Abbott van Notwiek .ir... ...... Ticnenor O. Smith.... ..,.. cr.j m........ Smith Wood ,...........rf..,......,. Hiatt Eater ,ss. , Davis SPORTINQ NOTES.; Q : fc. ,. . .. ... . . - In falmeesto all snd 'with a- good memory for some, it may be pardonable to mention tbat from, the standpoint of attendanoe, interest ' fireworks and suoeess, yemerasy ' arternoon-a - gam more than compared with th on that th Indian pitched two year ago thl su mm ar. ,. . Th. only ? definite ) account - Of - th Scheduled game yeaterday between- th Trail nin and the LltU Poteto, come from. Jordan ZaH, and atates that th Trail .nine won by the. ecor of 14 to Th gam was -supposed to he rail of features, but ao far not enough hav been pat together to make an interesting tory.-. '..'-...i ! i h -4-,..v. e , . Mike Fisher beoam patriotically ex travagant yesterday and purchased ' a small United States fleg for each of hla player. On th way to the central city efter the second game.' th entire nine' wer arrested for desecrating th natlonat emblem s by hs vtng - - them smeared wtth whitewash. The Tacoma player were given until 11:48 laat night o leave th city.' At 11:46 ther waan't a Tiger left in PorUand. Fisher taking them hom to. watch Tacoma grow. . .. cites and Essies deserv great credit for the two perfect game that they pitched. ' Both, -pitchers are decent, and willing workers and everybody waa glad to e them shut out their opponent. ., . e ' It- seems ' tough .' whert Portland ' cau play winning ball without- McCredl or McLean In the game, but such wis th caa yesterday , morning. , . . ' 'Lynch' one-handed catch of Schlaf- ly long drive In- the - seventh Inning wis oa of the best catenas vr -made In thla cltyi k Sheehan's work was afjof ufniu. r- . ...... Jtiflge McrreVlle'ainl'B'eri Kly' wore Tr queeaous- smiles all day, yesterday. The yaOrJ 1 V y ' '8:CaaWr1 ' ' Vv UJ M V- - Is thei cast) ol J. E. Wuntn show, bar, his War was almost aatirsij covrd wiia vvsarpiag WWWI.' It rag ad for two years, sad was aft- - ward entirely clard sway is aboot ajj -weeks tiat oy ... , . 10 : n n ' J mm u-. ' 7 mm-. I M u - c u 1 ' a sad lo taiat of th diaaaa ha appmr4 ' sine.., ....... .'! x.,- . ...i.; .r W know thl a ba axactly as atated.', ' ' This result caa ba aecomplisbad. with - aai skio . anaction. Barrel of blood idicin cu do nothing for ski) dia a, Nina oat ol ten manifastsiuiaa U tba skiav ar local parasitic la aatnri aad abolatoly carabl by this stow pr acriptioa.. D-.D. D. is a cleaa liquid prescript iotv sopped or atonisad orar th affactad spats twka daily. . V:,.!' ; , ', -- .' 'Thla' reparation haa our urW : auallflod onaoraomonta ' Wo aro -rooommondlnax It with moot ox oollontrooulte. Thoouroa alroaey offootod 4sro .havinc wldoooroal mfluonoo la thla a action, if. yu -havoa akin affactJon oom to tha otoro. It will bo tho moano of malt' ln you happier human bolna tJQQ bottlo and lo suarantood - -;,. ;, , ,, -.--- O. 2). Bw Qempaay, OaUesuro, fog fre .".,. v : WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. v ; 'izX The Beauty I thst it I so easy to apply to aay ' la why. Bay Stat Paints ar ao deaerv- edly popular-. Any on can do If. previous experience i unneceaaary ; bl sides these paint ara so Wonderfully . permanent, thereby . preserving "wood ; from splitting, cracking or dcaylna...c . Fisher. Thorisen &Co. ' Cat. Ft eat aad . ICorrUem 9M. ';',, and Aoh STREET Pcrcbnt.crvoEcccr.:o BMTOaXSlfAani001Vk.Bss eared thee4 eseaset Ssrvaes Paamty. lasnniala as atr. ar- They elaar tbe erala. etraestke the cirestatlea, bmJi dltastlos sarfaet sa4 tsapart BMgMtle vlgef te to whole satag. . All araiaa . aa wasss eteppea perwaaaauj. gl.O sat halt holes gaarastaed taf oar w-nread sly, . sa.wh - an siaaia. retaua Ma. cn..,8 areh Pm. SoM I Portlaad wly rwriaaq nwrei rxaraaaey, 1 smiles ssumdauch gigsntkj propor tion that they lasted through the night and war still , In , evidenc thl ' morn ing. . ' ."...':-.; , , . --oaiv .. e. , ., .,).',',;' U't -The Portland team left last night, for Seattle where -a aerie will - b played. It la probable that the Sunday' gam' scheduled at Tacoma mar be aecured. for this city two weak hne. . r y NATIONALf LEAGUE r.t.. Nw. Torsv, ....... ... 4 5 .71 Pittsburg ,..,....-, 48 . 27 .414 Chlcaao . . 4S ' ' I ' -., Philadelphia .......... 40 J 27' .87 Cincinnati.. ......... 86 , .,4. 88 J-i.MJ ' St. Loula ,,,.r,..,,. 26, 4. . ,tf Brooklyn Jt ,. 48 C.80 Boston, v ....,...-- 28-v 47 Vr'-S . -v-i;.avv:"s -I V'-1 ''M' '''' WT-'"'.t, owoafo..; Morning firm - - . .. b u r , w . ... , . w , . t ... , 1 KM Chicago . . ?.;..v,.., ......... .8- 6- St. Louis . ............ ,J- -f J y Batten Lundgren ;and - 0'NI11; Eagan and Zearfoaa. - - -Afternoon game -n' fr Chicago ..,.'.,,. i.'., ., -.-.w.Lii Jj St Louis. ........ V.... '.1., 1. 18 -1 - Batterlee Wicker, and VII..- viknia and Zearfoe. Umpire O'Day. , .At Plttsoarg. Momina- arsma - -; - , w H.E. Flttaburc . 1... '..-..a 1 a nop tree. ky' Freak haa, - ' 1 Cincinnati ;;r ., . j, ,s j 1 :' 1 . ,.j Batteries Flaherty snd Plts; Ovar- . all. Cchech and Phelps, Artemoon game ' " r. u e. ' Pittsburg ... ...... ,,,.. ,,!, - 1 ; Cincinnati a . -i i -l... BatterleaLeever and Cariach; Ovr v -all. and SchleU . i;mplre Bauawina- ..! ' '' At Btssklyau ;.UJ.. : xizi Mornlna iiim . 'w t ' S?yn r;v.-Viv8 U i ' .... Boeton i.,-.-.,-.. .... .48 Batterlea Easnn aail ni.- wu. helm and MoranT - ' ... Afternoon same 1 - ' .1 f. w x ' ,, . .. . .. Brooklyn 4 1 ..'..,, Aj , , g 1 Boston . .,,..,...,.,,,',,,.', .1 ; g 1 -': Batteries UrTnvr- '..A m..-.-. Fraser and Moran. Umpire w- John- ' aton. ' --.-......' t-i r ''. a. aviui-tjl.V. jMornlng gsrfl , : V 'nT'ltE.- - New York -. -s . -. , 1 t, rrr.Tf.l . - 2 2" Philedelphl VS. 1 8 .1 I svirawaon ana-, wiarxei .. Suthoff and. Dooln. . . , Afternoon gam -'"v. R. fj K'i New York . , ....-!-..-,. .a 1 s " phtladelphlar, i . 1 j - Batterlea McQIrmitv ntw- Power-1 n; Spark end DoqIu. . Umpiie ' Jw..- and ivgaa, -ill '4!