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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
1 1 - - . ' ' ,,' . . . ' . " " - . , , V's : . , -i f " r-i -Aj . " -:-UThi3urrtd V , ....Zii -"-ve " -" r . r- . , ...... . . ... .. . . - ... . Tlt-V.l?, ' F if nnt rm tnt--M - and Thursday; nortusrly wtnus. : - V0L.-IV.N0.1Ci .PORTLAND. OREGON. .WEPNE3DAY " EVENING,-- JULY 5. FOURTEEN PAGES. - ! . , PRICE TWO ; CENTS, SZuEn'9 RUSSIAN wmm llgli mmmm isiii li ., r, ',. ; vim flfti '. fir-';' 1 Jie Di Haven Cdlf 26 1 Lend Frcui CesesH Ar.GUMENT,TO:.:onROW 4 , f y ON MANY. DEMURRERS 7 r-. ' - ; :K V.: Wlliamson' Trial' Will - Begin y Friday very Indication of J y Intent to DIspoee of Ore- . gon'e Land Scahdalajyyf Th following tlram waa ra- ' ' calved thla morning by F. J. Ha - ney: . , v j . ... . . . "Waablncton. jutjr S, .10. , United -Statea Attorney Port- . land.. Or. Your loyal, abla and ' d " BucceaafurSohduct of proeseutlonv : d ' acalnat Senator Mitchell la ap predated and commended. ' U ' . HOYT., " ; i. -r "Aotlnc Attorney-General. , federal grand Jury'a Inraatlgatlona Into the Oregon land fraud wore called up , i thla morning by Judge Da .Haven- for the. purpoae of bringing them to an la aue and aettlng them for ' trial. Many of t: defendanta have not -yet. beau ar ralgnt and they will be required to ap iaar t once and plead or demur. - Oth . era va ttled demurara and tbeae will X b -lod without Joaa ofttme. i jn the ca agalnat the - Bulie Creek iLand, 1. er 1 1A veatock " company, repra .; awnted by Judg Bannett. argumenU were heard on the demurrera that have , been (lied and they Were -taken under , .advlaement.-.'-?,,'' ( ' . ' It K'.'ldent' purpoae of Judge -Ba rap1aTTaloartbl6nair9tTJrfJri tha atone time In bringing, all t tha land fraud caaea to an early eoncluelon . TU trial .' - of Congreasman Wllllamaon, which will hairttr-jt'lrydv."'wffi: be Tollowed. In , quick aueceaalon by the proaecutlona of Congreaaman Hermann,- aXate- -Senator .Maya. Mayor W. H. Davie of Albany . - and -othcra. ' though the- order hj -which - these aubaequent caae will ba called la yet to be determined. " ' .,; - ltaya Oaee OaUad. 'In marked contraat to tha .thronga ' which crowded "the - courtroom,- during , the trial of Senator Mitchell, there were 1 scarcely a dosan apecUtora preaent thla morning though aeveral well-known at torneya were In court In behalf of In dieted peraona, . among i them Senator 1 Joaeph Simon. County Judge ' U 'B. Wtbeter. ' John M. Jearln, . Dan " Malarkey and Judge A. a Bennett. The (Iret caaa called waa that of the kJL United Statea va. Frank P. Maya, Hor- aee O.- McKinteyf S.- A. D. Puter, Marl L Ware.. Emma Wataon. Dan Tarpley ' and Robert Simpaon. The defendanta - are chnrgfd with conapirlng to defraud - ' the "government of public landa by ' - mesne of falae ' and fraudulent home stead entrlea. United SUtea Dlatrlct Attorney Heney made the algnlOcant itateiuewt-tothe ort -that the only -r person to e arraigned waa V. P. Maya. the other defendanta having agreed, to ' "plead guilty. . -.:.. : . Udwln Maya addressed the , court: "May It- pleaae the court. I : am a . brother of P. P. Maya, and though hot " hla attorney, ! deair to state that be la III In. Oakland, California, and unable to be here In court" - ' : . . Mr. Heney replied that he understood ' " "the facta to be aa stated and tha case waa thereupon placed at the foot of the ' calendar. The apeclno. charge against . , r. f Maya la that he acquired certain . . ' traata of land On which the patenta had been obtained through frauds Thaddsus Potter acting aa Mays' agent In re ceiving and delivering title. With- the exception -of Simpaon, who-ha thus far . escaped arrest, all of Maya co-defendants ' . are under conviction, for the famous f.j -ll-T" land frauds. . ; t - - . v ' Argnateata e Demarrsra. ; ' f ' Arguments . will be heard tomorrow ' on k number of demurrera Hied by de- fepdants. As to Prank J.. Van Winkle, . indicted with Henry Meldrum et at for conspiracy to defraud tha government; r -tha charge was dismissed on motion of Mr. Heney, who atated that he waa con L -"vlnced thgt Van Winkle la nit guilty. V a similar order-waa made aa ti Prank. Vf'. Dungan, also indicted with Meldrum , ' on a conspiracy charge, and aa to H. I' rHisler,1 Indlcted-wlth W. N. Jonea and - - athere In connection with frauds In the ' Silet reaerve. -; , . i ' , . .. Usniurrera to the Indlotmenta agalnat i State Senator George C. - Brownell. (Continued on Page Two.) BU RG LARS- OVERLOOK $2,00Q - .' i (Special DUpatcb te !Tb. Jimrssl.) 5 - Beatt ley Wash., July B. Some time l.! "early thla morning burglara broka Into ; 'the sub-basement of the Madison street cable station and bored up through tha basement floor Into the deposit .bos, where conductors after o'clock In the i ' afternoon place their' receipt .tied;. tup I jn bagi.:; u; r J The - robbers secured four baga con ""TTilnlng about 110. but were frightened f away by the engineer, who caught them at work. They would have secured 0 - mora bags' containing- f 3,00, President, Viw-Prcsidcnt r Cud Ccbinst FisCCibsrs Attend. FuncraL ESCORT OF TROOPS 1 ACCOMPANIES BODY Services In Washington . SimuN taneoue With the Last Ritee; 'l . at Lakevlew Ce'mttery tin V. riyry f Cleveland,' Ohio. r ? ; i v - tJoaraal gpedsl. Berries.) "" " .: aaveland, Ohio, July a. With String ceremonlea. yet marked with aimDllolty. flha body, of the late Secretary of. State John Hay was today ' laid In ita last resting place at Lakeview cemetery. ' At H o'clock short services for tha dead began in ttie aanctuary-of Wade 'me morial chapel at Lakevlew ' cemetery. In the chapel assembled a little com pany of distinguished mourners, - lira. Hay and Clarence Hay were In the front bench to -the 'right.' To the left' waa President Roosevelt, SamueJ Ma ther, and other relatives were near Mra.-ay: ,'VIce-Prealdent? Pairbanka and the remainder of the company, aat well. In, the rear of the ekapeL', -'. When the allent wmpwijr aaembted. Dr. Hiram C P. Ilayden began the prayer-for the dead. - A quartet Bang two verses of hymn, following which Dr. A. B. Meldrum. , pastor, ef the church, read a passage of Scripture. Another hymn, a prayer and the eerv Ice ended.' - ' " '.- - A squad of troopS iTrtmi "theOh lo Na tional Guard bore (he caaket down the aisle. Behind it followed the'. hlef mournera and members of the cabinet, who acted aa honorary pallbearera. The president accompanied Mrs. Hay to tha carriage, . - ' Servloea at plot, where the casket waa lowered Into the grave. Dr. .Hayden .read the fa- LmUlar . graveaida prayer TUe- party -at once entered carriages and were driven away, , The president and his cabinet, with visiting associates of tha late sec retary, were driven to -the train. Mrs. Hay-returned to", the home of Samuel Mather. ' : V" ?.'-- The funeral began with tha arrlva) of i President Roosevelt and. party at Chamber of Commerce hall, where tha remains lay In ' state.' , Troops with squad of police led the cortege, i A large number of people lined the atreeta lead ing to the cemetery and watched . the passage of. the funeral procession. ., VrealdantUl TraU "Artrea. . . " Tni special train of the Pennsylvania bearing the presidential party to attend the f u neral . . arrt ved at Union ' station at o'clock- The- president--waa ac companied by .Secretaries. .8 haw., Hitch cock, Wilson. Metcalf and Bonaparte, Attorney-General , Moody, PoatmaaUr Oe neral Cnrtelyoo, former" Secretary of th Navy Paul- Morton and former See retary of the Treasury Lyman 'B.. Gage, Kllhu Root. Charles Emery Smith. Sen ator Philander Knox. PtltP. . M. Rlxey and c retary Ixmo.' "Troop A of the Ohio National Guard waa drawn "up a.t the entrance of the station. : The party was met by Samuet Mather and a com mittee from the chamber of commerce. A large crowd witnessed the president' arrival, but made no demonstration. The party-Immediately entered' . car riagea and were driven to- the chamber of commerce, where they were met by Oovernor Herrlck and. Vice-President Fairbank. - ' - . - - At I o'clock thtt afternoon the cltl aene of Cleveland held ' a ' memorial meeting In the chamber of commerce. Governor Herrlck , presided and Ellhu Root delivered the principal address, w -ft. Vaatlvltlaa Akaadnaad. "" 1 (Joornsl gpeelsl Brle.) -'I- ''. ' Ban Francisco,-; July : I. Because - of the funeral of Secretary -Hay, all. func tlona in honor- of Secretary Taft and MIsa Roosevelt were abandoned for to day. Secretary. Taft waa up early and unattended enjoyed . a stroll aoout the streets. -Miss Roosevelt remained at the hotel until thla afternoon when, ac companied by frlenda. phe wsa taken for an automoDiie nae. ;;.if'.-i at Capital, v. -(loaraat.gcerlkl Servlee.) o'i Washington. July s.--Memortal vices were held ' In Waahlngton today for tea late Secretary Hay .attended-by members of the dlplomatlo corps not la Cleveland, by officers of the army and navy and public offtrlala. 'Tha ceremo nies took place- in the Church ' of . ths Covenant at-the same hour the funeral ceremonlea were being held In' Clave land. ' i f I'- . -'it,--" S U R PRISED" ' ' F.ntranc to the basement waa ' ef fected by cutting through, a door.-. ' - The deposit box, rests on the floor of he basement above the sub-basement nd at the end of A chute where the sack are deposited at the ground floor entrance. Traffic yesterday waa very heavy and the afternoon and night receipts- of the- line -amounted " to about ll.tftt). 1 1 -r- ; , In. taking, the money awCof - the box the coin-rattled. - Thla noise attracted the attention of 'the engineer ; who started an Investigation ' frightening away the tnievea, - - , OnEGOH HOP CROP - - Hi REAL iDAKGEK Julius Pincus Says ft- la Threat vened With -Oesctloh 'Ti RED SPIDER, TOO, " A SERIOUS MENACE Spraying Alone TYfilTSave the Golden Stofer Declare reTramouw' Bear,'! -v ' T ' ' ,v ' . 1 -' ' '. - ( 1 1 Xccofdlng "to 'pronjiient'Jilealere,lK)tb bulla and bears, he hon crop ' of Ore aon la threatened wltir 'destruction; Their auggestion aa to the'wsy to eax'e the crop la to apVay properly. To bff aet thla the growers are threatened with the loss of the English market" If It la found, upon -a . thorough 'examination, that toe much araenlo appears in the hooa front thla section, .-i , '. Julius Plncua. whoss Attitude' in the hop market during, the past season has never shown the earmarka of a bull, says of the eltuation: - - -''""- " "Hop- growers ' should not make tbe mistake that their hops will come out all rlgbt-.lf they do not spray -Honey dew is so pientirui imong . me . nop yards that the situation baa become moreahtrmlnr than: during -any-recent aeaeon. Hop lice are much more plentM ful than they, have ever been, some or the yards -being literally covered with the little peata.. or course w earner con ditions could possibly help the growers to . rid their yarda of tha vermin - but weather conditiona do not also ceme as they are planned. " Ftwgrowera realise the danker In the -present situation. --The danger la such, that present prospects are that the crop OI ine atate 01 urvgon, um present season .wiu-d ruineu. .-;.-i---''Trferi hi s - m present season wui-oa ruineo. .. .. counollnien: filed Into then "At first boney o-;.wh ibews .toKt,,, iitta;.'vTBirs, at only a, few. sections but has ap peared in. every direction.--Honey-dew la caused by the lice puncturing the leaf of. the hop and allowing the ssp-to es cape. - This' causes the vme- afUcked.tO lose Ita . crop." .j According to Information -received by Tha Journal very few growers have act ually .prepared, themselves for spraying their yards during the preaent aeaeon. The danger has been, underestimated on all aldea. ; Hop- lice,- according to -every report : received, ' are much more , prev alent now than at any . previous time during the hlatory,of-the hop Industr of the atate. '', ' ' - , Several states. New York and Waah lngton M particular, have In, years gone by Buffered, the almost total destruction of their hqp crop by the action of. the honey . dew. , In most ; instances ; the vlneB 'grow 'just as, high when ' st Ucked - by the - fatal ; disease' when perrectlf free ' from vetmln,-' but the hope do !not. form at all. ' The losing of the sup stops thla In! every case. " ' - Red spider Is another . Insect -that the Oregon hop grower iwlll be kept looking after during the preent.aemaon:.Theee little insects, so -email- that they .can hardly be distinguished even by an or dinary, glass, are. showing a-.very rapid Increase. Among - -growera they are classed among the. worst enemies of the hon. - . . ' -'' - .-'-'-! L Weather ccndltlona during the past few daya have not been aucn aa 10 aui-vunev the lleer the red spider. To kill the llc-ej very' sltrj weather: la needed lor weeks. aLs,llms . r, . , i . ..i , . HEAVY RAINS CAUSEfL, V MISSISSIPPI? RISE t C ' ' . '.-4 i (Jeersal -gpedsl grtlce.t . ".' Minneapolis, July S. Heavy rains In northern Minnesota haye cauaed the waters of the Mississippi to -rear a dangerous height. 'Two railroad bridges here have been undermined and .closed to traffic' Dwellers on the lowlands are warned to move. j t :t ' 1 TlTL: ; '"' Two Oars ef Wool Sura. ' fgpeclsr Vl,Mlck' taTfte JoorpiL); . "Hafnea.'Or:; "July's. Fire broke out rn fretgh train nsar-thht placs Mon day In snme unaccountable manner and destroyed two cars leaded with aroured wool. In transit fronr Pendleton to Chl oago, Tbe wool la valued at 119,004., K- ... . i i ' i m v ., ' a ii " "l,-;, i t ; ' -- ' Vqity Hall -ifihqreia MAYOR ;NAJVjESOMMITIEES assembled for the first . meeting of the administration at J . o'clock this after noon and organised. Mayor Lane named hla council committees, and the member of the council ,caat lotaf orx tbelong ghd. ahort terms. , -; ,' vi ; . ,-- v- Long before, the meeting was called to order, a-great "crowd of curious people thronged - the tcounctl chambers,, which were decorated by H. Lowlta. auperln tendent of city parkSw and Chief Janitor J.- SImmonds.. who had artistically ar ranged, flowers, snd plants on. the deaka and aboju the room. , '.- -. - 'Promptly at 1 o'clock, the mayor1' snd unoilnien: filed Into the -room, snd took wave of- ex citement as the mayor let his . gavel, fail snd naked for Uie-re41icall; - For the Orst-.tlme In the-hlstory of Port land ,'. It'. oouncllmen , sat . together . - to make lawaefor the people; under the former charter there, were .but. eleven. f when Mayor - Lane , announced - hla coancil committee It wsa found that to Wv T. , Vaughn.- the nlyv Democrat' In TEN MILLION DECREASED fetr IN -DEBT! DONATION ' 1 .; .rv ' 'V ' .'. r r-. ." IJaamal Special hrrVa) - . Waahlngton.; Julys. I. The monthly statement of public debts shows that at rthe. close of-business June- 0.. the debt. less: cash in tha - treasury, amounted -to $8.I5.7H. - a; decreaae,-ras -compared with ' May of 10.Mtfie"debt Is recapitulated sb 'follow:' ' ' " " - ' ' Interest, bearing 'debt.. I5.18,l; debt on which Interest has. ceased since maturlty.'ll. 170.14a; debt bearing no In te rest. J8.82,iO: total.,. 1,181.I7.04. Thla amount.' however, , does -not In clude ' $9S2.J57, i-ii; certlflcateB and treasury , notes outstanding which "are offset"! by an equal amount of caah on hand. Which la held "for redemption.. - The-caah In the treasury :m classified as. follows;,. Gold -reaerve, $180.000.00; trust funds. iJ.l67.; general fund, tl41.6tO.144l- In -national bank-depositories. 7.0,3; In Philippine. treasury; . . The -total .la II Jf5.1.491.-against which .there are' demand' liabilities out standing - amounting "to $1,071, 77.11. which leaves a. cash balance on hand of tll,4vO.I31. , . , f',- V ' '. . il III". I 'i . ! I., i I ,' I t it rTi i cprorc romi -lr-v VIU I IM COwnrbtf mum - : , XX r PENDLETON ROBBER - tlpeclsl Dhsetch Nte The Jearaatf 1 '. "Pendleton. Or July S, Bruce Parrlah waa held. uplaat night, while returning home after escorting a -young-woman from a daace. While crossing Webb atrset. at' tha railroad track he-wa.e-dered te "cough up." The robber grabbed Parrlah "by the coat collar, but ' the vic tim slipped out of the garment and then snatching It (rots the robber's band fled to the police station. -No trace has been found 6f the highwayman.-; - ...-vr -; i ; i i i '.' the body., had -fallen the honor of ap pointment i to tha chstrnfknsblp of-4 he street' committee, th moat important In the body. He, was also appointed on the liquor -license -and Judiciary snd elections committrea. tha two other moat important . committees. - ., .? Wi-'T.-Mastera,- represents tlvr of the Fifth ward, - was chosen chairman of the Judiciary and electlone committee; Thomas. Gray, councilman at large, of the liquor license committee; H. W. Wal lace, councilman from the Seoond ward, of the waya, and meana committee, snd John P. "Sharkey of th sewers snd drainage committee. Following are the coramlttees, the first named being chair men: , : Waya -and meana H - W. Wallaoe, Thomas Gray and Frank T. Bennett. --Accounts and current 'expenses R, E. Menefee, Frsnk , T. Bennett snd A. G. Rushlight ; , -. '. . :.... Street cleaning snd sprinkling Frank T. ' Bennett. R. A E. -.- Menefee, W. T. Vaughn. .; Daniel Kellaher . and J." P. Sharkey.-. r, st.--, EDUCATORSDISCUSS"; X'l CHILD LABOR PROBLEM K t Uoaraal gpeelal Brvlee. ." -; Aabury .Park, .' N." J..; July J. There was- another interesting . snd busy day for. the thousands of teachers who are 'attending' the annual .convention of the National Educational association. The attendance . waa Inoreaaed over, that of yesterday by- the arrival of, a number of belated-: delegations. . "The , greater part of today waa devoted to. sectional eon ferencea of which thercwere more than s doseu for the discussion of questions relatlngxtq Inatructloa In muslo, draw ing, manual training and other branches of education. The teachers reeaaemble for a general meeting tonight at which ."Child, Labor, and Compulsory Eduoa tioa", will tho topic of discussion., . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ARB YOir GOING AWAY? v -- ;; .',.i. r ' " - ' BubscrTbers. of ' The ' Journal ' 4 who. go " away for-'s -Week orT-4 4 ' longer may have ' the paper e 4x. stopped - at their residence and ' 4 - aent to any address by mall at.' 4 4the regular 'rates,-and collection 4 will be made by regular, carrier e 4 after return to. the city.' except "4 4 at 'Long Beach - and Seaside, 4 4 - where The Journal has s regular 4 4 carrier delivery. . Albert - Olsett ' 4 4 of liwacoi- Waahlngton; ' haa. 4 4 ' charge of The Journal on Long 4 4 f Beach- and Lewis Co.. of Sea e 1d" have charge of The Journal.' 4 on - Ssaaide -or Clatsop beach. 4 4.. Delivery -will be- tnada- at- these - e - two-pertnts sr-regahvr'anbacrlp-" 4 4 ,tlnn rates. .Give your, change- 4 4 , tf addreas to your ' carrier , or 4 Phone Main 10ft and prompt at- 4 4 .tent Ion will be given all orders.- 4 ... barged ifidj Shot; by Cossacks, i. r- j (Joarasl gpedsl Srrtc. ) . -e rTrlBe' Petersburg July" l.Bldodahed and disorder which last week ran riot In southern Russia threaten ing workmen congregated on the the Cossacks, who fired upon tha .many.. One policeman waa killed attempting to arreat striker. A. d ' t'"--' -rf:-' .''.., v Streets, W ". T. . Vsughn.' H. "W. Wallace. R. K. Menefee.. A N. WUla and John, Annand. v , ; ; Sewers i-and-iralnsge J. P.- Sharkey; Daniel Kellaher, George A. Dunning, H A Beidlng and A. N. Wtlie. - . , Parka and public ' property A.. G Rushlight. H. A. Balding and George A Dunning.;'"';' - Health and police George 8. Bhepard, R. A. Preston and H. A. Beldlng. Judiciary and elections W. T. Maa ters, W. T Vsughn snd George 8. Shep ard. . , - -..., .,-.;l;v-i v-, Streetllgnling George A Dunning, Thomaa Gray. R. A Preston, J. P. Sharkey snd W. T. Vaughn. Licenses A. N.. Wills.- George . S. Bhepard and R. A." Preston. Commerce, ' landings and ' wharves John Annand, , R. A. Preston snd H. A. Beldlng. ' . ' . ' ""'".:" Wator Daniel Kellaher.. A Q. Rush light snd R. HS. Menefee. .- . Liquor licenses Thomas Gray. John Annand, W. T. Maatera. U. W. Wallace and W. T. Vaughn. ; ... FLOATING JuUUTARIUM - . ,T STARTS ON LONG CRUISE ..'...;. .... 1 :,..,:..; V, -;.,. (jearBsl Speeiil gervlea.t ! ' Berlin, July i. The steamship Fuerst Blsmarekr recently built by the Hamburg-American line for a floating sani tarium, - la to start tomorrow on ' her first "health cruise." The cruise will cover nearly 1000 miles and will Include stop at Guernsey. Ban try Bay, Storno way, Lelth, the 8hetland ' Trondbjem and Bergen. ' , The ' crulaee are to .be chiefly - for, eonvaleecents and those In heed j of - rest - sad recreation. Dr. Schweninger, who was : physician' to Prince Bismarck. ' will be In personal charge. The ship la equipped with a gymnasium, electric batha. massage rooms and all other accessories of an Up-to-date sanitarium.' " ' j ARRESTED AT DIAMOND ON LARCENY-CHARGE (Jearasl Bpeelar Strrlee.) Colfax. Wash., July I. John Gates of Diamond was arrested yesterday -on-a charge of larceny. ' He waa employed In s poolroom owned vy Ed Roaencrana which burned s few nlghta ago. On the night before the fire It la alleged he took the chaTlge out of the till nd refused to give It to the-owner. He- a vera that forgot to take It out and that It was burned.'- :. . " - v Oazboadale, Colorado, asms, U (Joaraat SpeeUt serTVe5 Gtenwood Springs, Col.. July i. Car bondale. It miles south of here, wse partially- destroyed! by - Are yeater f sfternonn ss a result of the e -"- i of a gasoline tank, which n f t u Jacent but!,''"-a. Twn r i r j I Jural la f - t t ie 13 ' 1 ' . ' northern Russia this week. " This morn Peterhof road.' and were charged by unarmed men-, killing and wounding and another wounded atrtha worka in I. t ' i ' . -i (Joarasl Special Rerrtea.) "" '' '""'' - St. Petersburg. July I. The strike I spreading, ' but . is net yet ' general. A . meeUag of the atrlker If hs PutHorf ' worka -was held thla. morning at which demands were formulated 'baaed upon Fa'her Gopon's program, t .A , strong force of cavalry Is guarding the works.'. TSmploJres-of-tlre 'LafoTnle tobacco works Joined the atrlke today..;' ."-'.;' Several were. Injured as the result of rioting at the Putlloff works this morn ing. The police arrested a young1 man entering the worka who was suspected of having dynamite In bis possesalon. Tha Voung man drew at- revolver and killed the policeman who made tha ar te t and waa himself wounded by an other policeman. ... Strlkera congregated on the Peterhof road and tha CewewPttsETia'rged them. using- whlpa, then they fired a volley wounding several workmen. Other dis orders are anticipated.-""' r '.' mb XsrU4. st Polioek . ' An -unknown 'man threw s bomb sf Bylostok last night seriously wound ing the aalstant chief of polLcespor lies lospeotorF-s-sergeant and two civil Mans. Several othera were sllahtlv in jured. .....--,. ,-- - "A dispatch" from .Kustf njl. Rouman' states that the steamer-King Carl, J arrived, reports that sll Russian t . chant steamers from Alexandria to ( n stantlnople are arriving with their cr . j 4n ma tiny. -."-' r-- - ---- ; . ; v A Sebaatopol dispatch states that Black sea squadron, under Rear-Admtral Kruger. returned -here today from its second voyage to Odessa. The squadron Included the battleahlp Pobedonoataeff. -,'- :"-'4". '.', JrXrtemkla at Theodoala, The battleship Potemkin has .' ar rived at Theodoala, " Russia, " and re quested provisions and medical attention.- Tha mutineers demanded that ths authorities guarantee their aafety dur ing their etay here. ' i The commander of the Turkish fort at the entrance of the Bosporus bat bee ordered to firs on the Potemkin Li she tries to pass the Dardanelles. ' INDICTED MILLIOWAir.ES. GIVEBONDS 1Z TKIALQ -l:.W.,-e : :.:.- .. ' (Joarasl flpedsl Semca.k J, T'Olcago. July J. Packers Indicted b the federal grand Jury for alleged viola tion of ths anti-trust statute appeared: either In person or through attorneys In the United States -circuit court this afternoon and gave bonds for $5,000 for their appearance for trial at the fall term of the court- ' ' - - But few of the packers appeared li person, a majority of them being repre sented by their lawyers. A pUn for concerted action In fighting the cases haa been outlined and dally conferences are held between the attorneys of ths accused parties to formulate s plan of action. ' Tha caaea will be hard fought. ' and every legal technicality that it Is possible to raise wl be " taken ad vantage of.,'.,. - - lt . - v, , SWIMMER DIVES FRCf.1 V RAFT AND IS DROWNED .;. v. '---'. (Special Dtspafrti to The joarasl.) ';' ' i Walls Walla, Wash,, July 5. W, CV Poulaon, s carpenter employed by ths Konnweaiern Gas Electric company, waa drowned while bathing- In the com- " v """w on..ns sou it) rork .or , Walla Walla river yesterday - evening. ' In company with two other employes of" the power plant, pmilson waa divine from a raft. His companions went t ths lower end of the big reservoir, and '. when they returned s small hoy aittinc i on- the bank, sleefullv shouted th.t , wtr iur nw minuiev. His companlona Immediately plunge -Into the reservoir to search -for PouU son. '- l ney-iouna nis ooay in eight reef - , of water. - , r ".- --''- '.....-..; - " 1 1 r- a lrt"r -rn Annnp . t ,i I on cm nuuu urruot ;t ' ENDING CHICAGO STRIKE (Joaraat gpecial -Srrrlee.)'- ; . ' Chicago, July i. tt Us stated upV good authority tliat PresHent rlV-S will not oppose the termination of the team sters' strike when Hie question Is pit to a vote in- Joint connelt tonight. It la announced,, that fhs-oltrems.t sti duty guarding the waguns will be wit? drawn tomorrow. . ',, - TWO BANKS WRECKED 1 XI- BY KANSAS FA.'Lr ' " (Jftsratl t-cil f fTlee.t . WaahloioB-JX .ilJuJy 4 T- faiee showing Out,ei' t-e e t,t j .t al bss.i trt T annou sed toiv by the r the currency. Thev r f lev hatlonal hurt r - ' II nols, e4 t- . T. - I- -i "v.-