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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
( . .1- V - z: :z? czr.zzn cailv - jcjr mj, : rcr.TLAiib, tuzsday evening, julv 4. -TC.:lllE3i;kjJIU' WKoU vNorthwert With Fortln t Nations Join in Observance ,Y- at Exposition. - 1 ITALIAN SAILORS CHEERED " AS THEY PARADE" AT FAIR rDrVt Stsphsn" SlWisiDelfvsrs r Eloquent Addrsss and'Dls-li-cussss Crvlo Conditions. 'y.. At. th lwli and Clark egpoaltloB ' grounda today Portland moat epectaeu- Jar fourth; was celebrated. In attend . anoa at th axDoaltlon tha day waa un i , eurpasa!, even, by that of tha opening day ef th fair. In features and yarlad forma of celebration It la alona In wee "em beervanc of tha country's natal 'dayTT BplenUrpubno proarama-waM rendered, and private banquets ana r- r crtlon war Innumerable. :""' C.. 1 Cannon "on tha government peninsula boomed loud and ..continuous ,aaiutea. chime pealed melodloua - airs,! banda !: tfUved and neoDle L cheered, aoldlera --" marniiiul an'fuMltn sailors Dsradod. ;' :- At It o'clock ; tha admlaaion depart went eattmated -that betweea fl.OOO nd - .(..00 neonla had nassed tntouin mi gatea. ThU la aald to bo almost twice -as many a entered In Aha ame period -"' on the opening day. and la by far the w largest crowd that baa flatted tha fair . In the forenoon of . any day sine tha fair waa opened. , .' ' . . ",. rive thousand children had entered h mmuii mt nana. Eatimatea by tha admission department are to the, effect .that the total attendance ior nw . ".will far. exceed 10.080,, more thaa that V": of the-openlng day. y nm tkj. moat tntaraatlhg'-faturg J., of the celebration waa . the parade; of the -Italian Bailors from the waranip C ' - Vmbria.; Another waa the band from .- Sltvertori, Oregon, made famoua by the ? crtoontat-lecturr. ; , . , .. Aa many people aa eould gather with - Ing hearing distance n other worda, - 1 "aaveral thousand listened to one of tha nwBteloquept Fourth of Joly sermons : aver preached. J Th orator waa Dr. - -r-Kephen 8. Wise. And, although tha aun : "waa broiling hot and ooant.awnlng rheft'ered only a fraction of tha multl Ttude there' - waa no man nor woman present who waa not thrilled by., tho eloquence , of the Hebrew divine. President II. W. Qoode presided and : - after an overture toy Uberatl'g band, -i-tharCiiclft 8am March." Introduced the Rev. A. A. Morionr-wno-pronuunRS5iiw Invocation. ' "-v T Barry Bulkier, the Washington. D. C; ' lecturer, read tha Declaration ot Inde pendence, the. band played "Hall Co . tumble." and Dr.- Wise waa Introduced as tha orator of the day. '' ' Tha apeaker made eulogistic reference T--to-Thomaa ' Jarferaon ana his great deda. In one dramatto passage he said ' '. that speaking aa A Jewish pastor ha waa v . proud of the fact that tha old belt which . . rang out liberty waa Inaorlbed with" Jew ' i' lah charactera proclaiming the divine " principle of freedom. . Bvantwally Pr. ' Wtae took ap tha eubject of civlo con- f. f Otvie CemdltloM Plaoaassa, - - ; i- 'X)ur country and all other countries." taatd h, "are honey-combed with rot . tennesa. . Wo are pursuing a oouree that spell a ruin, tyranny, despotism. . But of :'one thing we are grateful. If New Tork r baa a Richard Croker, thank God it haa 'A Jerome! ' If St.- Ioala haa a Butler, thank God It haa a Folk) If New Tork ' la the home of a Murphy, thank Ood It - la tha Jiema also of the Theodore Roose velta! . - !...;...' i "Be not angry with me or if you will. - be angry-tnat I have struck an ugly note In the aymphony of this oocaaton. But I love my country and I want to aae ,lta -betterment." i - v . Dr. Wise encroached hla peroration - wlthai plea for a better city, a grahdeff state and a nobler . nation. A century ; hence, he thought, grandchildren ahould be able to say that "we found an em plre and made It grander In virtues,' - - "Ood will It," ha concluded, "and ws will achieve It. "Z1 7ir "tttar Spangled banner' was sung by . Mrs. Rose BlooU-Bauer.---;-r .7. - The benediction was pronounced ' by , Rev. T. U Eliot, and -the crowd - dis persed after tha rendition of "America" " by the band. - - 1 - - At the cloae of the exercises there waa v an informal luncheon to prominent guests of the occasion ft the New Tork building. ; -- ? On the atreeta of Portland today the ." email boy has his own way. ' The large man with, the dynamite cane and tha " 'equally dangerous man with the Urge -' cannon cracker appear to have been ex . .eluded from,, to them, the joyoua sport . of frightening women and children. The Dewey "chaser," an annoyance to women with trailing skirts, is noticeable by tta .absence. Ij'or the boys, tha. day was ' one of the old-time celebrations, - They . had their bunch of fireworks to set off, and a few who had saved ap from their - . monthly sllowancea were able tojetoff mom -erackerg "than th " olhere." . ...;':.. Skips 9 Wtkk SlAfg, .':'';!: 1... Every ship In the harber. American Jand foreign, is--gaily-decora ted with . -flags and bunting. Union Jacks and r rthe stars. and gtrlpes are flying from the yarda and masts--of the British -"- ships Pythomene and Ptnmore, Although . , thaaJatter arrtved yesterday. From the .rigging of the German ahlp Nlobe, the -.Oermsa and American -colors' are sua' ' ponded. ' "" . J . But perhaps the Vnlted States reve nua -cutter- Hugh McCulloch "And the Italian orutaer Umbrla, clad In gay at - -j,tlre. Attract the moat attention. Lines have been stretched from the -tips of .the bows Over the tops ot the maata , v-down to- the stern of each craft from 'which hundreda of holiday flags are T fluttering. ' At noon the MoCulloch f Ired a aaluto of tl guns. Tha steamer T , Columbia which arrived last night from "Ban Franolaco Is alao dressed up In 'yourth of July attire. '. . , J ' At. 1 - o'clock thla afternoon' three guldea with pounds of red fire left floud Cap. Inn end .wilL t l o'clock this evening, aet off 11 pounds of It from the summit' At tho other SI pounds 1 will be set off. Thousanda of Portland . .people will be watching for thla lllumi . nation - and, as ths atmospheric cbndt . tlona are perfect, it ought to. be seen ' under very .favorable; auspices. ' GOVERNOR NAMES -- V NORTH DAKOTA, DAY "Ta telegram- waa received ,yeetefday '.. by President Qoode -of the Lewie and -Clark- exposition- from Governor E T. j Searleo of . North ' Oakota. stating that r-Jn!v-h4-ben designated sm'Nonu Dakota day at the. exposition sod that the governor and party - would reach Portland July IT to take part In the North Dakota .day ceremonlee. . - ' . - North -Dakota has a very. Intereetlng ' exhibit at the exposition In the old log ,'ycsMn which' Th' "Te f"""-elt oocu p'.l It r ' ( . II i '1 . r;jic:::Lt CiVicTEO ' (Continued from Page One.) "Waa thla and ta thla yaur verdtotr' Senator Thurston addressed the court. "We desire to. enter motion for new ana,": Judgg De Haven Inquired when ooonsel desired to argue the motion and It waa agreed that It should be aec. for next Monday. The Jury waa then discharged ana court adjourned. ! - . The orime of which Benetor Mitchell stands convicted la violation of section im of the United Statea atatutea. which reads aa rollowai-1- - - "Sectlon I7M. No eenstor, reereeea tatlve or delegate, after hla election and during hla continuance, in office, and no bead -of . a department, or ether qfflcer or Clerk in the employ of the govern ment, shall receive or agree to receive any compensation whatever, directly cr Indirectly, for any services -rendered. to be rendered, to any person, either by himself or another, in relation -to any proceeding, contract, claim, controversy, charge, accusation, arrest, or other mat terwr thing In which the Vnlted Btatee Ia n party, or directly or indirectly In terested, before any department, court - martial. Duresu, erncer. or any civil. military, or naval commission whatever. Kvery person offending agalnat thla sec. tlon shall be deemed guilty of ' mla demeanovr-and shall be . Ira prisoned, not more than two year A and fined not more than llO.eOO, and ahall,. moreover,- by conviction therefor, be rendered forever thereafterincapable of holding any of fice of Jionor, trust or profit undorJht government oc the United B tales." . f' -Tha Offeaae and tb Tmalty. - The specif lo offense of which' Senator Mitchell ! waa -found guilty waa tho ac cepting of feea from Frederick A. Krlba for aervioea In expediting tha patenting of timber claims in which Krlba waa in t created. . .". '. ' " The measure ' of punishment . to . be Inflicted resta entirely with the trial judge. Although the statute-provldea for both fine and !mprtsonment,rit la discretionary with, the judge to Impose either or both. It haa been the popular supposition 'that if - convicted Senator Mitchell will necessarily be sen te need to Imprisonment, ,butt Ilia la . not the asa. .. . ., v "It is clearly established by repeated aectilowii said District Attorney Honey in discussing this question, "that wher the autute prescribes both fine ana im prlaonment tha court need not impose both. - Tire aentence may be fine alone orv Imnrlaonment alone, or it may be both-fine and Imprisonment.- Sentence will' not be pronounced un til after the determination Of the ap peal, which means a delay of months At leaat. If the case anoiua ne ien w the United Btatea supreme court A final decision, might not be rendered until next eummer. ; If the -verdict ahould then be affirmed. Senator Mitchell must pay the penalty of hla guilt. Pending the appeal, the defendant will continue - to hold the -of floe of United States senator, though under the rules of tha senate he cannot take his aeat fwhile-under 'eonvlotlon. He will still draw hla aalary of la.OOO. ajtnougn un able to perform the duties of tne onice. The trial of Senator Mitchell la tha moat remarkkbte and momentoua In the history of Oregon It- to-the-flrat -of A series of prosecutions growing out -of tha land frauds and ' Involving many man-of nromlnenoe In the affairs of the state. Upon the isaue of this trial the 'reaulte of the subsequent prosecutions must- he in measure oepenaent. von gresaman J. N. Williamson Is next to be tried and Indlctmenta are also pend- tnaraInan,OMa3r-BTWI7rr. mann. - Able connect were enlisted In the de fense of Senator Mitchell. Judge Ben. nett la known ms one of tho most sue oeasful Jury lawyera in - thesteie and Senatoa John M. Thurston haa a reputa tion that la national aa one of the fore moat advocatea in tha country. All that could be done, in their .client's behalf waa done. . But the evidence agalnat the defen dant . waa overwhelming, and the case was conducted by n prosecutor who has few equalA Franola J. Honey, the dis trict attorney, won the admiration of even the opposing counsel by the mas terly manner -In which bo tried the case. The evidence of the government was marshaled wltlj , consummate BKII1. Scores of ' letters and documents were offered in. evidence so elearly and so logically waa the caae developed that there waa never A chance of eonfualon In tho minds of the Jurore. Every loop hole, Of escape seemed to be -closed and every objection of the defense seemed, to have been- anticipated tad forestalled. In both . hla opening-., and hut closing arguments to "the Jury Mr. Honey proved himself - a- prosecutor of marvelous power, ..!.. .: , . ., -...''. Karen's Oharre. fJudge De Haven's charge ' to the-Jury waa Ipng and comprehensive,. but Is re garded by. both- prosecution and qcfcnss aa eminently fair. In concluding his charge he sal impressively: - ' "In conclusion. I cannot do 'better than . to . use th language of another Judga In charging -a Jury In another caae. when a aenator of tha . United States . waa charged with tho violation of tha aama atatute upon which-this prosecution Is baaed, v "Thla case-is Important because ths accused la a man occupying s high and honorable position in the publla service, whose reputation and usefulness may be seriously effected by your verdict. The case is Important, too, because It in volves an alleged violation of- the law Intended to promote the public welfare and eecure efficiency In th public serv ice. ..'..'.'. --. ' . .-' .- ! ' "In approaching a finer consideration of the caae, you ahould bear in mind that tha Jaw, sad tha courts of ths land organised to administer it, are hot and cannot be - any" respecters of persona The high and the low, the weak and the powerful, must alike be eubject to their beheeta.'Jt;r-'r":-r" 7 " '':r'" sTexx Jae;:-W,;,' - Next Friday morning the caae agalnat Congressman J. N. Williamson, Dr. Van Oesner and Marion R. Biggs " will be called '' for trial, Th defendants . are accused of . conspiring to defraud ' the government of public land by aubornlng persons to swear falaely Jo claims In Crook-'county. It Is alleged that on June 0., 101. th defendants conspired to suborn 100 persons to make falae declarations in the filing of land neer Prineville. Judge1 Bennett and H. & Wilson of .Th Dalles wUJ-PPt-iet Congressmen WlUlamson. . - a new panel waa drawn yesterday re turnable Friday morning, and from thia janl will be chosen the Jurors who are to try Con gresaman Willis aa son and hla co-defendants.-' - ''i, - The Vew PaaaL . the peneTTs" M followirT-.?1" Beker' county B. R. Angel!.' farmer,. Halnaa; Clark Snyder, miner, Sumpter; B. Slsley, farmer. Weetherby. Benton county F. J.' ; Chambers, farmer, Klng'e Valley J. B.' Hankie, farmer, philomath T. R.( Chandler, farmer, Aisee. CUCkArtr couhtr Kdelri "NT" Bales, farmer, Currlnaville: Reuben Fanton, farmerrTCgrua: Philip " J. " Hnneman, fruitgrower, MUsrauhle; George Randall, farmer. New Kra; M. V. Thomae, farmer, Bull Run. - J " ' - ": ," Clatsop county J. K Bralller, termer. Seaside! Mr McFarlane, logger, - Weau port! Robert McMath, farmer, vWest port. ' )' .''" CoSij-blA county Thomas a. Clonln- - -v ; ; rr. farmer, Suppeese- Charles W. MeU lin'er, farmer, Vernonla. - ... C'ooe county Oua Carlsen, farmer, take; X V. Lamblock. leboren Parkara burg; C. D. MoPaylln farmer,. Empire CHy; Webb Maetr -farmer, Lee. - Curry county William Caughell, fish erman. Gold Beachl W. R. MUler, etock tnan, Ragle.: . Douglas county H. A, Champagne, Stockman, Roeeburg; J. L, Dewey, mer chant, Olendslei O.. H. Flock, farmer, OlalU; . William- Levens, miner, Oa le vin e; John , Wilson, farmer. Camas Valley; H. D. Tettr merchant. -Tonealla. Oilllam-iounty W. P. Weat, farmer, Blalock. - - '-' Oran county STvY-auiridg. farmer. Granite. . '- '- " Harney county F. O. Stauf for, stock man, Cran. .- " ' .' Jackaon ' county H. M. Croweil, farmer, afedford; J. II. Hwffer. Sr., miner,- Jackson vtlle; , John Olwell, farmer. Central . Point. - '. . 1. Josephine . county M. , W. -. Espy, farmer. - Leland. " -r- " . - Lane county Kansas - Hal. " farmer. Hale; T. J. Kirk, farmer.' Junction City; Arthur'-Roberta,, bookkeeper. . Spring field; O.i O. Walker, farmer. Walker; J. W. Williams, farmer, J u notion City.... ' Linn county N. : Brldgea,:- farmer, Sodavllle W. w. Francis, farmer.- Hal aey; ' H. A. Heckner, farmer, Albany; Barney May, merchant. Harliaburg; H. R. . Powell,, farmer, "Plalnviewi Charlea A. Warner, miller,- Solo. - - Marlon -county W. p.- Oeorge-ererki Saiem; M. R.Oeedell, carpenter, Salem; F. J. Hughea, clerk, Salenu W. H. Slmp aon. farmer. Sales? j: - - ' , ; Morrow count y A. . B. Blnna, . 1 1 very man, - Heppner; W. J. Davis, carpenter, Lexington; A. C. Morgan, farmer, Doug Ins. w 'o'---,.;'.-s-.-- . v .-- - -- - Multnomah " county F, WV . Baltea, printer. Portland; George Batea, banker, -Portland; Hamilton B. Brooke, bookkeeper, ' Portland; Auguat Carlson, manufacturer. Portland; Herman Claus' aenlus, plumber, Portland;- Fred W. Clayton, expressman, Portland: Ferdi nand Dresser, grocer. Portland; Charlea L. Fsy, Insuranoa agent, Portland; Rich ard- Qately, dairyman... Portland;-Louis uoiaamim, - real eaiate, roruino; n. Hablghorat, -merchsnt, Portland; F. H. Hopkins,- broker,' Portland; John Mon- tag. manufacturer, Portland;. Henry 1 Plttock, buainese manager. Portland John ' POulsen. lumberman, " Portland; Walter Reed, oculist, Portland;-Slg Slchei. "merchant. Portland. Polk county B. I. Carey, farmer. Falls City; W. O. Cook, laborer. Inde pendence; William Fauiu-merchAnt. Dal las; H. B. Flannery, farmer, Jferry- dale; -Jk, ' J, Goodman, merchant. Inde pendence. - . A. . - Sherman ,county--J. jfr Loven. farmer, Kent. 1 : - -' Umatilla county jr.. J. Baumgerdner, farmer. - Echo; - H. - It- Fraxter, - farmer, Milton; C C. HendryxTcaplUliat. Pen dleton.' .: . .... -'. --- Union county . I Brooke, farmer, Summerville; 8. L. Burnaugh, - farmer, Elgin; J. L. Hlndman, farmer, Elgin, -' Wasco county C W. Dettxel, specu lator. The Dalles; William ' Frlsaell. farmer, Cascade Locks;. Charles Green, farmer, - Kingeley; L. Henry, farmer, HoodRlver; R. B. Hood., merchant. The Dailee.' - - Wheeler county- Charles "Milton, stockman. Clamo; - James - Mansfield, farmer, Mltohell. . .. vv. , - Yamhill county J. L. . Vlckery, mer chant, Lafaiette. ,'i-V HITCHCOCK HEARS IT.- Said to Be Fleaaed Wltk'th jrnrys meo- emmengatloa of Clemenoy. (Wasbiagtoa Borea'a as? the' Jooraal.) . Waahlngton, July 4. A telegram waa received ny th Intsrler department' to day apprising Secretary. Hitchcock ' of th conviction or Senator Mltohell on alt the counts ' of the Indictment and that tha. Jury had recommended' him to tha mercy of the court and hla- counsel had made. A motion for A new triaL, It Is said that. the secretary-has ap prleed hi representative : at Portland that -the government "la pleased with the jury's recommendation, and, in faot, th Impression gained her is that the officials ar satiafled with . bar con vict Ion and ar willing tr se th light est sentence Imposed on the aged sena tor.: It la believed here that th motion for A now trial will be overruled, but whatever sentence Judge D Haven Im- poses will not be carried out for soma time, aa it is expected the caae win be appealed -as high as the supremt court of th Vnlted Btatea 11 neceaaary. CORVALUS SCENE OF jBOODrROADS MEETING j (Special Die patch to TfceoeraeL) Corvallla, Or.. July . At 14 o'clock thla morninn ths good . roada official "convention wes called t order In Fire man's hall In thla city. A big crowd fllledthejrlt.Atructur and repreaent stives of good road advooaoy were pres ent from many parte of the state. The Invocation waa by Rev. John Reeves. Addresses of ' welcome were made by Mayor A. J. Johnaon, Judge V. K. Wet ter and B.-W. Johnaon, to which Colo nel W. H. Moore, president of the Na tional Good Roada aaeociation, reapond- ed. - He waa followed by Colonel T, P. Rlmey of Missouri, wh,-ehos as his topic. . Legislation."" , '' -': After . a anon . intermission, . inter- a parsed with music at l o'clock the convention again came to orddr, and Senator A. . S. Mann of Jacheonvilie, FloridgrTtr-presldnrTf lh National Oood Roads association,-delivered a charactertatlc gddreaa oli "Our Ladles Their Relation to the Oood Roada Move ment." He waa followed by Hon. Wil liam Bradburn. conaultlng engineer of the Oood Roada association, who apoke on "Practical Road Construction." - Five , minute talks. by delegates waa act in order, after which Hon. John Craft of Mobile, Alabama, president ol the Alabama Oood Roada association, delivered an address. Reports of vari. OUa committees were then heard and ed jotornment taken until I o'clock In the evening when th.c!oelngesslon of the day will -convene. . ' ' The evening sssslon will open, with aa address by Hon. Wellington E. Louche, organiser Of the National Oood Roada association, whose subject will be "Or ganisation.' Th meeting win then end with stereoptlcon lecture by Colonel W. H. Moore, entitled "The. Roada of the World.'4 - - . n .: ' . sealous: WIFE v : (Continued From Page Onr was aerloua, because when he fell ths woman stood gasing at mm tor two or thro seconds;, she then walked back a niarad the sreanon to tha aide of her heed,- end again fired. HThen sh, -too,fHr n 4 aaw- K-wae murder snd aulctde." .; ' . T Xa Jioaor f Tffrahrla. , v f.mnui Italian band will - it.ii.. whumw esnactall v- aew ranged for -th occaelon nt Friday evening in nonor 91 an .vi wni, Umbrla. Sleverai Ol ina omcors mrm .taA to he In attendance at the ex- poaition Ibal ivenlng. V" ' 't v , Ameriean Boya Bay. American bny day vlii h celebrated at- th exrositlon tomorrow. Music, and oratory will be conaplrbnue ln,exerclea In the Amlllorlum. There will be a brtlllatrt. display vf 'fireworks tn. th evenins ' , ', : ; '. , A Shortass InC'cMyCrop . Is " Causs of Recent Advances T. on Pacifio Coast. . ; - :y -':, -. RISES IN QUOTATIONS: ARE JUST BEGINNING Now ''Calory Ts In Market Hayy Rsceipta of Lbganbarriss - New Local Apples. . "A . " yvoat street, JalT Th prinrlpel festares t tha.jertiene KKoieui aasraeis lousy sr Half holiday along the street. ., , .. HeaTy buaiDeae Icon the . country -'- r " New celery is in siark.t. . . ' California preduee Is oninsded.. Hearier shlpnienle ef ."esU" frnes aouth. Firat Oregoa apples sre In market, J. LOJoa aiarket I senaatloaal. - .' .,"""'. t 4M potatoes are- arassiBg. Hratr receipts of losaBborrles. . FiB etrswhwrrtas fran siuant Hood. Scarcity et wild blackberries. ; t ; ' ;"'i-la' Tasrket la -aStleaalT -. With ' tha cemlog et ' warmer weather tha teesna saarket is s.trlua aeaiatlensL lite aaaad ta lesaeas Is sow very great sad supplies la this market "are am 11. The prices have beea givea a upward boost during the peat low days ssd prices hers, ere not as blrti as tbe same tooda eea be bought ia the primary aiarkets la tbe south. Ia California tbe ssbm lenraos that sre selHo te Portland today a U n are 'worth S4 a ease. Etcb at that pries tbe California market, are , (bowing ever? tneUnatloa to rescb blgher. Tbe fact that the. lemoa eeop In Hlcily bas preeek bed and that there will tbererbee-b a beetier eall lor aspplles from tb - testers markets --see the Csllfornls growers to hold. Heavy Basiaeaa from ths Country Bat - a kslf say ; was devoted to baalneas sIdds tne - produce aeetiea today, the stores turning at tke aeoa hoar. Tbe sales to coun try polsts during- th period sf actlrlty were tbe greatest for tbe t'ourtb of July la tbe klatorr of the street. Cltr trade was Ilk wise very heavy sad averybody connected wltk tbe produce eeetloa was mull eusased. Hawkers were in their glory today, the market belaa everatorked with bsnaaas . that same is s fine, conditio. . The California steemer arrived and brousht good auppliee ef apricots and ether email fruits.-:- The .-termer fousd-a good dsmsadrat 1 for the bit. ......... The flret celery' ef the aeasoa came Is today nd was quoted st.SAc for tbe beat. Dryer, O'Malley A (Jo, today recelrfd' the flret local -plct ef tbe Seaeuet. The came frem Ueecbntes endwee-f. tbe gtrlned A- tnrnsa variety. They were in good-ebape. . Texas tomatoes sre la very beery supply but moat of tbe storks ire to, greea for Un mediate The ear ef TeiMwa'KfmVloaa which was un loaded yesterday waa fosnd to be mostly polled as only severatwssw-irnnr wrt saved. Tbs eer was originally consumed te Seattle, but would aet bold up snd therefore was un loaded as quickly, ss poaelble.. Tbe shippers sre earn te sat loet aesvitr. - A ear ef watermelon frem Merced." the ft rat ef the season from thai section. Is oa the trsck but will probably tie-sent north. A car from Ooecbells Is due tomorrow pjoraisg. The -beat ws termeloas j re. aalllna at 3V. - .' Heavy Beesipts ef LesasWrriee. Receipts of losanberrles ' were very, heavy during tbe day and most of the storks will he carried ever until tomorrow. They were is food ehspe, however. Prices hold Arm for beat. - . Strawberries frasaMouet-JBeed; enm ef the Bnerr eacclred this sesaoa wereeeaaigned te Davenport Bfosv-today, " Tbero iaa -seneral IcsreUy bf. wITfl T1 beniee. Some tbat came la this mersiaa sold . a .... . - m . m riHu - "'" " : OU Fetatee Are Bragglag. " s Old potatoes sre not es arm oa acromit of to much be. Tier receipts of new etocka. Th latter am sow ef very good quality and feosd s ssle. around present vahiee, although th. market la not so Arm. . gome eoncesaloas are being made la: the price of onions, tbe quality aet being (ood enough to hold. " 1 try Is ia Oood gaas. '.': ' ' ' Ths poultry market ' la good shape wltk all arrivala today eleoaed up. , . , - Tbe egg market ia fairly arm, quotations re. mainlng betweea XOejSlc for local, gaeteras art doll. - - v. .--v. Tbe creamery better market Is dull snd ese ceeeione ar still betnr made la the price. Cous try store Is very dull. Today's wholesaU quotation., . et-'eed, art as follow: , ... Srata. rvw eag Fees.' ' W HgAT Komlnal; club sad red. Met blue Mem, tsjeooci relief." Mo. v. KAKUCX sed. W.0O; relied, JSSA0: brew- - fbR! Whole, 2T 00; prarked. 121. 00 ne tea, TBTK glA aer ewt. - JW- . ,. - OAl'g No. I white, ) 00; gray, , . " rLOVK Baatarn Oregoa patents. tt.Roct M; etralsbts. M-W; esports. 3 6oes. to ll.,, at. 16; grabam. .ot ;os., U.i e. 50a. $6.00; hales. M.T5. : ' ta rt.. alltigTirrg Bras. l.0 per uoa, mo. dllnsa, (38:00; ahorta, eouutry. 23.0O city. HAT Timothy. . Willamette taller, raaer. tig 00; erdlnarr. 113.00; eaitera Or-rna! sis.w, aniaen. aa.uu ill.OOl cheat. 1 1.00. Batter, Xggs aad Fsaltry.. . B0TTF rAT Sweet SOcr sear. Is. BDTTEB Tlty ereeaiery.. beet. tlUe- m . llUBIkJ.! M.elAe lmmm kiA... erdlin'ry if er- etore, ISerlac. ' IUU Aa 1 rreaa uresoK. candled, anetei.. anrandled. !(; eeateru. JBaoc. . nilKHK-New l-ull cream, twin. lie. v.... CHKE8E New Full cream, twin. UeilUeT Xaung amerlra. laaiane; Cheddar. flHeT POULTRY Chlck.w, mixed, inn lbi im per lb; rouatera, old. I1QI1H pr n? young. 131120 lh; broilers, ln per lb: rryers. tee per ; oncaa. e.nos no doe: seeee. per U: turkeys. I.akiae u- -nope, weei.aae Hides, HOPS Cob trad. 1006. lBaliaet laoa 19iH p cbutre; 18Jls for primea aad mr eiunie. WOOt ISOB rlln. taller. Men t MHMe sar e;, tsstera On-gua.' MOHAIR Ifemlsal. olle. aHEKPSKINS Skearlne. 1BAWW- mK i J0yi medium . wolgoe5oj km, mm aoctl.00 eacb. t.iuw mBa per is. eetiir: no. a XlM,e. r . ittri M Dana, ee' per ra. . 4. -. MIDKS Dry bldea.- No. 1. ia tho mmA J19c e-r th, ary-tiprBe. 1. t te ia the, 14c; cry eelf. Ne. I. andee 5 lbs. ISMia. dry ealted bide, steera anund. AO lha ee owe. Sum He; an te ins. tSHct suder eo im .na Cmc tS an bulla. mammA MI.. klb. II to go Via. Se: onnd. to to la 'th. is calf, anund. ender 10 lbs. tHOIIe: greta un.m-n). i per In lessi run, t per lb lem; Mrsefeldee. salted. - eecb. ai.aKOl.TR- each, II, sell bides, eaeb. SSAtyiri t aklee. eamuma. eeeb. lAellkai with wool ee, eecb. SSceti.m. v .- - rrslts aad egeUslee. '' t POTATOES Beet Oregoa. lUgSi Uln- Coloiarin. tl.ooetl on: ewecta. crated. l.75; ' callfnrala. (t.OPtt I. IS: new tlregou, gl.SB; garnet. It.M. OXIONSNew California, at. miall in- rtic MtlOr per lb - rUESn FKL ITSXAibIm. ums ieu. 1 as aa. flnry. fZ.oft per hoi; pew California. Itiso; eaeae graaea. gl BO per . boat orengco. navel. IJ7SkI Ifl ner rx l.t. v.iTi.. M fWfll.IS: Meillterranean sweets, , t-t mvt J.BO boa: banana. 5c. per lb: lemooe, rnelre, p.miul.ry box; fancy, g3.T4. ".; Umra. Mrtlcan, AV per 1ih: plneapnlea. fa.KV eranlwr. rlea. eaatcrs. til. 00 mmr febl- e- vIwm l SOT2.2A trate of 4 botes: eberrtea, Ry,i nn. oaic per in; mnga asa Lamberts. 10c out lb; aprlceta, BiirUtl.iiU; peaehea. ar.UM.V-i plume, ner crate; wild blackhrrrle. Ar lb; rrherrle., tl fto . per crate ef M bote: rant. Ina p-. II Ofvta at per crate: esrrtnt. ee per lb; Ingannerrlea, gt onfil.aif per crate nt 24 bosea; watermelons. !tAbiWo per lb; er.Dt. J no tr bot: 1 . , vg'jKTABI.IS Tumloe. aew. IIS ne eaek ; carrot. . l.40ll.M . pee-earkt -'beets. 1 II. AO rer eeckf Orraoa radl.bes. a&e per dne, eal hate. Oregoa, tl.ootjl M l.ooffll M pee ewt: greea peppers. Tc laj peeoera, iOftti lie -per -fir? to mauiea. -leaaa. l.f.-r'i.uu: talirornta. Bl.w: paraatv l et.lm: string be ana, 2Hrr canll- flower. gi.Tivna.lio era to; rhuiierb. per li; b'.reer.idtab. Itc per lb; artlebke, 40)nne per An; botbene Mtuea. Kt7iv-i beed lettuce, Ifle pet A: green onion. lOe Bee goes aa- r'aragiub eiuat dr bunt-bee; aplnacb.'. 3e per h; rrees eoro. X ra"w dost peea, IV per lb: eucumher n0ia per 4rm celery, TAeHoc t pltllD riCJtTS Apples, eavaaoealsdj fgjle er lb; sarloets. Hf'V ,per Vf seeks, W lef b bs; seukee, i iae or lbi seen. lb; prnBM, - Hall.s. - Hf He Wm f r.nh, ptt lb: fits. Cslltorsia sU, eftOHe prr Ui Celltorala wbl . P" l slum, sliere, per lb: talM, geleea. St er U; tsres, .i pr lt-tb tea.. -. - ' Oreaertas. lists, Ste. SUOAH Bscs as.le Cab. sa.T8Vvwe4 f 0; fruit sreenUtwL S&.&0; dry freosUteo, i Cuaf. A. a.H; keet .rmoulsUA .; etrs O. 00; eoKk-a l'. I ; I . M nu; Mils lu.-, H bhl KM. iMMLes IMM siltsaee ea seek baiis. Ine 30e are ewt sat ess. U !. Uise set Us .- fCOKKKB brsad. U.T. - ' UU-Fine Beles, . te. U, as. 1 Uble. Celry, SOv i'h.oo: 100s, I10.T8; l eorted Uvtrpooi, aos. gu.oo: loos. Wis. Iiesoritlriflni, bble. te. ae. 10s.; kola, ax Um, S.iwft.00; aaeka, ..SALT Coeise Helf graend.- 100s.-ser tea, fT.00: Me, pn toe. fT.00; I.leerreol lam roes llt.M Mr lost 50-lb roe, T.0O 100. M.TA - (Above arte apply to ls et lees thee ear lots. Car kits at oecll price ssajvel to flnctu.rloB. ) , , . v- : OHAIM BatiaC Caleutta. THe. AICK ImporUI J.p.u. No. 1. : 'He. Kf New Or loan e4; AJ, m ke- BCAMS Snail sA04Ul Urge white. pin "kW-lliei bayou, til Limaa, ai Meal.:, n eeile ' NLTH P.anott. TW Jumbos, H ear "l raw, Qio mt lb; roasted. e-i eoooaauts, UOOOc per doe; walsuta. I4ls pee lb: pin nats, joeiimo see lb: hickory ants. 10 Bar lb chaatsuta, eaatera. lbOlec pee lb; gr.ail auts, 16c- per lb; filberra IStllse per lb; iaaey pecaoa, 14C1S p.r lb almond, llqllae see , - Batata. Oeal Oils. Xt. R0PB Pure Manila, 141 ataadard. ,IIHI slaal. luicj Hale brand aiaal, . -. , COAL OIL fearf or Aatral C- BOH gal; water wklta, Ire hbla, lft per gal) wooden, 18 per gal; headlight, '110-seg. eases, ttfec per gal. .. .. -- 0 A S( ' LI Nt Ss-deg, cases, gg p gal; Iroa bbla,- lioc per al; atovea, eases, Mie per galj Iron bols, 18e per gsl. BBN7.IN& cJl-deg. esses. IB aer gal; area Bote, tevkc ner gal. TIIRPENTINB la csaee, ge per gall woodea bbla, 16 per galj Iroa bbla, aal. WBITB HAD Tee tots, f 14 per tb SOABj mts, ie per n: lee bits, se per in. - ; WIRK NAlIja base st 12. TO. - - tjINHRED niltnre raw. la bbla. B3e est gal; eaaes. Mm ner gal- genuine kettle boiled, eases,--TOe per gall bbla. ' tbe par gait ground eake, ear lots, S30.00 per Sou; less -tasa ear kits, per too. - L Hosts, risk sad gvevlsleaa. fRKSH MEATS rout street Beef steers, Itjec per lbs perk, blork. THe per lbi peckers. - TWe per lb; bulls. ' tjs per lb; eowa, tQUe pa lb; mdtton. SHOTe par lh lamb wttk pelt, IKOuc per lb: veal, ettra, i&JWc; ordinary, oCc per lb; poor, 4u,tllH ore lh-. - HAMS. BACON, rro. Portland pack (locat bama, 10 to i las. I3e per in; i to is tbe. latie per lb . an .v m am. J K . . iw nun IS to 10 lb. iia t pi Be par to; breast! oacon. isvtaioe Per ID picnic, SVe Per lb: regular abort eleera. aa moktd, SHe pat lb; rooked, 10 i pee lb clear barka, unamoked. lite w lb: ameked. I0H per id; (jniou SUKta. iu o in in, unamosoq, BC pet lb: mokd. e per lb; clear bellies., as. smoked, lie per lb; smoked. I par lb; boulders. BUc. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10. ti per lh; 6a, lOHc per lb; eo-ib tins. 10 t par lbi team Tnder. a. lus. 9ie bet lb: . per 'ej: tuba. SVe per lbi- wv- e. par 'lbu - bANNED BALMnN otiumoia nter l-ib ta: lis, il.sA; t-lb tells, fl.60; t'asey, 1-lh flat. fl.OO; U-lb fancy flata. tt.tfl: fancy 1-lb Ota la. t.TS Alaaka tall. . Dl pink, toffleoei red, 11.60, asm! I aal te. talt 12.00. PIKFl Rock ed.''f per Ibt tlnnnders. ?epr lb; halibut. Se per lb; crane, i.w per one atrtned baas, lltt oar . lb: eatfl.h. Ta set lli; -salmon. Chinook. A lb; (teethe da, Te lb; blneback. To; herring. He lh; soles, Ac per lb; shrimps, 40c per lb; perch, as per lb; shad. 4c per lb; roe per to; anaae roe, sue (K. hi... m4 Im - - IK, mtwm net Se per lb Inbetere. 15c: freeh mackerel, Se pit th; crawnan, an per ooa, tosnesrs, ; antrgenn, re pet in. OTRTRRA Sboalwater ear aaek. EI.7I. bay. per gsl, gl.Kt; CLAMS Hard shell, per hot, W.OOl,, rsaar inn., ii u par dob. CATES SHUTS OUT - -THE TACOMA TIGERS Morning Cams Coes to Portland AhsrontT.arifLJBrilliant ' Contest, Portland 1, Tacoma 0.' . .. , V. ' Batteriea Catea snd Murphy;' Brown and .Graham. .-.,.-,.',.' .-'.' :t Portland took s decided brace In tbl morning's' gam and won out In th ninth Inning on Mitchell's baa On balls, Schlsfly's and . Houaeholder's double to right field. A large And en thualaatlc crowd attended the contest snd poked all sorts of fun At "Shrimp Perrlne, the worst Umpire in the world. "Catea pitched'" beautiful game, Strik ing out seven men and allowing but. flv aafe hits.-..' Brown was toucnen up ror seven hits snd fanned only three, Tht afternoon'a game will be called promptly at g o'clock, with Ksalck and Thomas aa the oppoelng twirlerA The'offclal acora of thla morning a game rouowaj POnTLAriA - w . . . . AB, It H. TO, A. B. At. ..4 t 14 Vsii Buren, If. . . i . 1 Mitchell, lb, ;.. I 10 BchlaflyV fb. 'ntnqrl 1 J Householder, ef. ,..Tt--S,l.t Cor belt, rf. Runkle. lh. Ml Catea, p. Totals S 0 4 1 17 iT .......T TACOMA. "' " AB.RRPO.A.E. ......., . 0 0 3 Doyle, rf. Bheehan, lb. Nordyke,4 lb. ........ i t i ........ 4 : l iori Regan, aa McLaughlin, If. Lynch, cf. . . . . . 4 o 1 i ;. t o os . . 4 9 i ..10 14 1 ..4011 t 4011 4 Caaey, tb. . . .. Oraham, c- . . . Brown, p, . -. Totals ...... ...II 0 IMC 14 - eone out when winning run scored. " SCORES BY INNINGS. . v tiiiiun Portland ,..,.'. o 0 0 0 0 11 Hits ,,',.,.1.111 0011 17 Tacoma . . tdHHI 00 Hits ; . .....w.O 0 10 111 11 , . . ' SUMMARY.-- ' Struck out By Catea. 7: by Brown. 1, Ha'aea'o'n'balls-i-Oir Caica, ?; or Brown, T.- Twe-baae. : hlta Esgan. Householder. Double play Oraham to Caaey. Sacri fice hits Schtafly. Bheehan. Left,nn basesPortland. I; Tacoma, t. Hit, by Hitched " ball Householder. " Time " of Lgame One hour and 10 minutes. -Um pire ferrine. ' - i . i ; . - " '; -.''... Beattl Wins Again. " : 7. (Bpeclsl 4)lapstc Is Tbe Jwrnal ) Beattle, WaHh., " July 4. Seattle won the - morning gam - agalnat - Oakland. Bcor by innlngei - Seattle - ,.i.......O 0 10 10 fx 4 Oaikland " r. . 0 1 O-AAA-g-- g Batteries Seuttle: ' FitspatricK and Dash wood. Oakland: ' Mosklman -and Btanley. - . - - - . Sigh 06vlts Xecape. :;'.J.:::v Uourasl BperU. Savwee.. .'--..-- Tacoma. July 4. Elgh convicts ee. iepej -from the. -Xedcral prison at Mc ell's llind st midnight. . The' cut through tn root, iwo rw mia and are now at large somewhere in the woods near tht city, roeeea are or ganising for the purault The fugitives are C. B. Castle. Joseph Lesniie. William McCarfVr J.-Hi Melon, Matt Moo re, K. IV Stlckny, K. Takouchi. and Oeorg Wade. .' - Oreatly la SemaAd. Mothlng Is more In demand Medicine which meets modern merle; or a blood and system Cleanser, such ail lr. King a New 1,1 fe Pills. Tliev are jiint what vou need l cure stomncl, and liver troiihle. Try them. At b.lil- mnrv. Pnis Co.. lal iniro at reel. ;ac: guaranteed. - . 'i uced-dai;i::?si FC0.T THE COAST English Authorities Busily En gagsd In Examining Thsm for ;.i Too Much Poison.' SAMPLES SHOWN CONTAIN - FAR TOO MUCH SULPHUR Brewers There Are Anxiously A waiting Tester-May Hold Back Purchases. Uha a ttunderbeH u ef. the ski eeaM ths SBBoanreuieBt freaa - Burope that Pact no cet hops mar hereafter be barred froat the aiarketa. there. It a claimed that la sprtrlag sad la drfiBg the hope too mucb sulphur Is useA A large smesat ef srsenle avs-s tbsa the law allerwa I clslaied to as the result ef the a-free ue ef eulphur, sad tbe Brttlab law ta about to be latoked ggalnat th use ef stacks rau Blng etr tha preecrlbed limit.' ' - ' ' . Brltlab brtwara bate beea esutloaed by the authorities sot to aae beps tbat carry toe much arseaU and beats ar aew being sasee te nd the exact ner rentage la the, supplies, which come from tbe Pol4 react. - ' - l( It ebould Drove true tbat the bops from the coast carry toe much ef the desdly pnuma It will sbat cut eempletely thb? se la Qreat Brltala. ... - The followln Is a eemmanlcstioa Hugh Balrd A Boas ef Glasgow t premtaeal locel dealeri -. "Before the ksrvMting ef a aew crop ef lepa w bat decided to write ye fully re garding the, eerfcaa coueeoueoees which will effect tha ahlpper ef Paeula hep la this eountrr If. en the eismlaatlea S Part a bops la our labor. tori e ber. w gnd they eoatela a amount of arsenic which exceeds the got erameot limit a t4JiTtbe rojal eomsiuailoa en. araala-pataont ng. e iimtt s wsica brewer ara atrletlr anaonelld to conform. - "With a view to pattlns be bar sws sD the -Information we ess we asr goae particularly lute .the matte sad ksve bag many Interesting meeting and anmaoalea. tloea. with some ef the Itsdiag scieatlsta aad brewing ehemlsta ta poadea. we may asr alao that we flnd very generally ia going about tbe country that thla Is a subject that la. at tracting the attentive ef all brewer e ac count ef tbe stringent safereemsBt by th suthorlties ef the gadlngs ef tbe enaamli snd therefore Is being tery-cerefuHr watcb4 In their Isborstortes., Ws think perbapa we could an se better rbaa ejaeee yw la tun ea Instrtctlte letter which we bat received from en ef the leading brewing ehemlets te Lea son, who la au wll kaowa la the seteatta world: . " - . 'Slaee the ' srsenle seer ef 1MI man samples ef Isgllah ssd fbrelga keps bate, beea fouad ta ee beatiiy coutamtnatae wit arsenic. Ia boss essee the amount ef ersenie serlouelf epntrptcae ths limit ef 1-100 grain pa pound, which was recommended la the report ef th royal commie, km ea arsenic pot coning ae the maximum amount that beer er any rfld see In the manufacture ef beer should contain The arid. dc ea the contamination of keps with srsenle which was sabmltted 4 th loa wa very - gaesger, sad the It happened that bops bars te a great ex teat escaped th critical xamlnatloa for srseele whlcs matt snd ether brewing auteriala bete bea sub mitted te. "'In tti 1culos ef a pte whirl wsi brought - befor the - gociaty ef Chemical In. duatrr thla rar Dr. Thorpe, the saslrst. said that ke bsd reeeatlr hag sample ef bops which contained the limit ef 1-100 grain per pound. This tatment was eorrobo rated br the ether eh em let a. It at thus clear tbat eh em lata ere aew well aware ef the-pee- aibtuty er sops containing arsaai aaa. la cos eequence, Ktepa are being taken ta th brew- Ing teade- of areeal. "The kap trade will Bew bar te face, e set et conditions similar to which waa con fronted tbe malt trade staee tb ratal scare The presence ef arsenic la hoes may arise from four causes: " Tlrat Tbe nee ef e dresslag prpred from max en. ia containing ereeale. " 'Hecend The aae ef ga eake tn- the east (II1B) Sre. " Third eTb as ef tnf trior aathracit t IB eaet (kiln) Bra. " reurth Th prtellc ef baralag aalphat xor oaas SIIBI are. " Th grst ef these CanaaS mat be dbvmlaaed for aaoet ef tbe so pa ssd eatrmure which sre seed by grower sre eubstaatlslly free froea araanlc. Tber should, bow tat, be tasted br a eompeteat ehralet from tlm to time. " 'The eeenud esas should sag aria after the uireet waraings ueued by tbe mysl eommla- aios. 'any grewer wing gaa asks must b conaldered guilty ef greea aad eulpahl aegll peace. Notwithstanding thla. It I te be re gretted that I he as ef coke la the eaet (ktla) Br la by no means aaeomnw. ' . , . " "ir ca so soaht seeaants for eaiairag eoaraaunatloa. - Bat In tb second snd third eauaee In eonttincrloa with te fmtrtb tt probably tbe key te tbe unaiinn. ii aaouia ae rt naembercd that srsenle eslets la anthradt aad eoke la twe rorme sxed and volatile ead la aa ordinary .... - '- onir -a ics way tnte the bops. Bat wkeu sulphur Is threw tat th Sre' temporary reducing actios takes place 7., . "- tnemuy rsaeere visa- tile and ee eerapea te tbe aebs. w JULZl ""' llr la'aes Is andeubttdlr. from tbe petal ef view f sraeulc! contamination. ..safer thas (brewing - . "- " aannner la Which tbe opera tie la carried est renders It queetMatble whether the eembtmtiae ef the aaini i piste, la ment ceeee It ta ant. and tbe sulphur XZy ' turrte ap te the bona. "WS would be pleased te) bear and receive stiggeiiloue se to this maltev which will la any way help-the aetnal grower or eregusrd .ht-- BA1BD A BOXa, (LTD.l. - "Per Moategu Mr Balrd. Managing Director.- NOT A SINGLE HOG DURING THE MONTH Receipts on Tuesday of Late Have Been Void of Block .. and Packing Stock. . - ; - Portland Csioa Btockrard, July . IJveeteck Iixlla; Hiats. Caltl. gheep. Tedatv-,-,..,,,,,,,,., ITS --- 14 week aaw ....... ...w. . ... Is ... Prttlone week ... - r.w ISO Month age ............... .. ... . HU hot a single bog bee arrive . Is tb karal tarda on a 1'neadat during tbe paal month. Berond unloading th cattle and sheep. IS biraea and a mules were recelted. .K atmt- aeae tod.t. ,. A (facial prtree for. Ilteatoek: ' ' Hiwa Beet eeetarn Oregon. - 0AOUlAat: bVacfeere and Chins .lata, .& ATS; Blockers and feedere. rattle Best ceetent Oregon steers, a.z t.Sn;- light end medium eteere. ts.taxaa.Jrt: beat cows snd kelfera. Ii. J6tl..Vi; old and llaht cwwa. It.TSi atot-kera aad federe. 1 74: tnin. at. an. Mheen Hant gtOftglltfll mmmm xiioti ii; auring lanina, .. . t'altea flood teal, tau I AW peasd. 4c rouge ana sestj, r. , Waahing-toa aad XdAAo st the Jair. Kalao a net ' Cowl its count lea, Wash ington, sent about 10 cltlsena to th exposition today. There were no ap. Ui- eeremocileav - Wi eerrr ldiho, wag reprenented. too, by a good crowd. we aeaeviaaaa mwm. TOO 1ATI TO CTLASStTT.. LOST Near tale grouads, w.trk ssd fob. Initiate W. M. en reee, gninailea. aigls Uwivenietit Beware) tf rerntneei ta t'ahrtuiw Market. tentr-(tb nd Tbtn-awa. . Member Chicago OBArBT, Tttvrv" 103 TMH I ' Continue gyrrri e i .asmmemmmma. ' e, - ' .- nr PORTLAND, OREOOH. --AaWtcaji T 1JS3 r 7 . je) vpwgyC -: - - ; . , TaAYXXeEsJ. ' Special rate mad to fans r snd) single gentlemen. A mow Turkish bath stapilstut Ia te Soul. .. ' Hot Too Hear vi Hot Too Far - Vlsltora to th Lewta and Clark xpoaltlon will find that thbov Aptly describe th Vooaiioa ol th HILL MILITARY T ACADE1Y HOTEL Ttils splendid building tiss bee thrown open for th oonvenleno and entertainment of per vis- -Iting th flr. Within ten min utes' walk of main entranoe; owly building In th block. Give fin -view of exposition building sl mile- of --the Willamette rlvx. Btrtar-? th door. : Re-t -; vatlona ahould be made) bow. or ratea and partlculara apply to DK. j. W. HILL . sal Marsh an trk, artlaBs. Ob. uns ussjaus a Opposlt Kstsi SBtMsav' to Xesura omS ... , Ciark IQfyesltlssi. . - Only bolutly - fireproof hotel ad joining grunds, .equipped with i - -a islephonlo and speeiai telephonlej munlcatloeia for parrotia. ttnor.. t porters and bail beys at all aearl AA guests service. . - ;' 130 Decant Roobs :: 'X 7. Open for Guests v ' ' BVATaTS WUKi A JtMS-XM9 W. '." W. H. LATTIK. dsnerai afUta4rr. . Clatsop Beach," Seasiie, Cr Finest summer reaort tn Oresjoav. Tn only hotel on th beach overlooking th eeean. . Se foods A spjolaltyv-Tk has been rebuUt aad newly -furniahed. ' Hot sslt hatha. - Fin sort bAthrac dl recUy la front of the hoteX Strictly nrst-elAss. - Amrlcr pUn, for ttran and - rassrvatlona : sddre , DAN J. MOORS; proprietor. . . , . V HOTEL ESTACADA 8 ON THB a W. P. RT. CO. . ,"'";. - . TROUlWV-1 avATvts, m sATy,,..,. rn Special ticket, Including rtmiM trip far and dinner........ ALt Hpeclal ticket, Including round . trln fare, ena Biarht'S lodslag? B" I inre meata. ....... ........ ttuabt omri AJT W""'"JJI SiOOas, TZBMtS Akat AT.i.a... . Fhone r writ . X., . K. MARTINKZ. MaaAgwrv -KstaoadA, Oregon. - PALACB HOTTCI-, 2 Whether h goeai by 14 r sea, th traveler will d It delightful Ulp to ft- Pranclaco. where h shoui stop at th werld-famel Pakce !Ict:I snd enjoy It mny ttro tlv feat urea, ror fuller Information writ .t to Palace, or see - - - - : " T. O. nUXT ' '. at tb Portland Infor tloa snd BooklB .dgeai cy. Hotel Portland. el I nniow aovnvd Hotel Eaten fat alab.d. eMgaatty ssalaiid, greoroef. gee mlsutes' walk rreet beer ef Shopping an seunasus aseanea. atrt. outdde em seavaub wwirw Ughuy -teUpkini la eeeb tirg efseee. teungine. dice' reeevtle perkaie, bp men 'er nnpaaa. r. rtvate mslVas assets eraJaa aad aaesess. Rooms $1.00 im $S.OO m Dmjf gpeetal Bate t CtmamfsUt , sIBB. MAS KAT0B. (rarasertr f RH BedwsrA, ' BBebaaal THE KINO MOTEL ' Kewiy rnralehed thmugheu. It err dec. Modern In' tetr prllclri aw direct eer Im to esnoeltloe. pud iP"ti esly t mlaute' -from P. O. and bualaeaa center. rire-ia . meele eerted Inr eeut. au fefferma i. t'orr-apoerf-nce eoHWted. - - PBXT ATS MaSB AJTV BOOtTI. , Mrs. Barsb CkamberlSTB. tons I Beer. Wash. -, Home rm.klg flood V - Mwam sonnra co . (EeUbliahed lA WSEBAT ACTSTOOaa MXZZZZZ C3AI lti j'i uoara oi i. IB Pert! HdteilfairiiioG TWUTT-aUXTSI Hotel toe A ' '