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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
ths i ohegon: daily : jouiUx; I potlaud.- tuzcday . iyr:n::a. july. 4 LBFcOFCll je:i stupid, riAnriER , Local Deserva tha Beating That 7.! They Received Ye-tefrday . ; ; From the Tlgere. -in itio LIFE NOR SNAP--;..,' :7r0T0RTLAN0'S PUY nte7aldjrta the Browne on His Staff and Puts &TZr '.vf - -'"jv i"i''"u" '. 1 " '" 'I-' , ii Portland.' J: Batterleamagerald nd Hogan; Cor- tMtl end Murphy,. 4 ' . - ' . : . Portland played a'ponk M yester day mnd deserved to lose. It W such a punky nature that the J- : EuinUy aet off ; JfSS hit the Fourth had coma. Of all game : p, en the HfXiay none mack. art horwpuy end folly aa-dW yesterdays. , There 1 were bad tosses and bad throw, bad Judgment an. bad eh,nh. were mora atupld plays than tha score rtoVreaa only tha real ripe on., were recorded In the book of book, . ?M ieculte apparent that tha work of tha lfceale haa deteriorated, conelderabir " during tha paat aeven dayev end should " tha Portland muMtw tovny tkms of Improving tha etandlng ofhls team, or even maintaining Ita praaant portion, ha had battar drill, a few oflntelllgeiwe. Into, the tblnkeriee pi several of hla man. Errors are a part of baseball, bat an. aruleavor " faat company to allmlnata gtupldlty. Tha performanca of yaatarday will Hye long ' In tha memory of thoaa who witnessed . it aa-ono----thr inoal . tlr-awue and childish of mni if- -.u - T - Corbet, bad -a, bad -eye. whan it came to locating bases, and Bchlaflys arm waa not accurate . In trying to. haad off a ' man at too noma-plata. Lrry alaa stood In hla tracks and forgot to cover aaoond baaa during an attempted ateal, although ftfurphy'a throw,, to that bag waa true. Teooma atole baaaa with Im punity, elx pilfered aacka going to- hor eredlC whlla tha lively locals ran baaaa ' Ilk a train of sprinkling arta - Twice Portland opened up tnnlnga by tha A ret battar -driving out two-baggers, but on each occasion . the next, three nan want out In ordof. . Tha making of a good taam la at praa ant representing Portland In the Pacific Coaat league, bat representation la all that tha majority .. on tha taam cara about It la not too lata for tha local t getinand play good'aaehaltws - Walter" McCredle' baa " a big. Oppor tunity before him, bat he does, not aeem to appreciate -it. He ahould set a good example, for the entire teatm, both in playing and deportment. He ie childish and peevish at times, and lacYs the 'temperament that should characterise an up-to-date manager. .- - - - -XMtnOi of Oa-ae. ' 1 . .,' ' Doyle walked In the first. Bheehan sacrificed and Nordyke'a out sent Charlie - - to third. Kagan hit safely and Doyle scored. McLaughlin ' bunted and wac --afe at fireti Kagan going all the way to third.' - At thleatage Eagan and Mc Laughlin pulled off donble steal. Truck coring ana jaao iroins; i inira twij brnianya tnrow w me piaia waa win Lynch waa hit by a pitched ball and ' immediately- started- for second, "Mc Laughlin . scoring when Corbett threw oaaiy to ncnieny. iaaey new v asovra Sheehsn's hit. Nordyke's aacrlflce and '.'another hit by aga gave Tacoaia the When re .'.-have somethino; that t nb 'orie else has it's v 1 1-ltlwondcrfulJiowanxibiis i. . .'people are ;to 'tret :thats. "C"something. Perhaps .-4 mats wny our - 'I- ' i Neckwestf , . ' have been leaving us so ' fast There isn't" a sin v gle one' among them' . ' .' V i -aarPitj : jaa oCnt . ; ... the city outside of our. Th game wit our Hats DUN-- LAP AGENCY, -; . , Robinson Co. , Hotel Perkins T'1 . . ,-yv- vwe aryrr . 'tl. 1. L . I ' ... -. -. -1 ' fourth' and 'UaV run U-tJa third. Tha score uywwe. : J ' - PORTLAND. ' V; -. . AB. R. H. PO. A. B UcCrmile, rf. 1 J Mitchell, lb. - t-S -S i- ! Householder, cf. ..... 4 :-, Van-Buren,- If. .. 4 " ' Ri.nlrl. "k. ...... S ! i Murphy, .o. . -i. JrJ 0 I orbeUp. . i . .T7-4-ee a a i Totala r7T.:;i-.... "15 - t- -i,-' -'----;, r'i, TACOMA.-." rtnvla rf. . 4.1-1 Bheehan, 3b. ,... Nordyke, lb. . .. 4 1 U!iMy4rJ . .. 4 -I 0 0 ill o Eacan. McLaughlin, Lynch, ct . If. 0 t-l Casey, . 2b. ... I a riteralJ. p. . . i.,.., ail Totals-tTTrr.": ,11 4 I 11 14 7 - 8CORS BT INNINGS. v V r: i 4 7 i taJoisr. ; i. t j f - Hits . ., ,vr.....j ! 11 J Portland . . ,.. 2 ? T 25 Hits . . 1 1 1 1 - - fC.. ' SUMMARY. ' Struck out By Corbett, (Fitsgerald I. McLaughlin 2, Nordyke, gan. Lynch. Casey); by Fitsgerald, 1 (MiLoh ell). Bases on balls Off Corbett t (Doyle. Casey )i ore ntsgeraia, t inun- kle). Two-base hits ' .;-Ats, Bchlafly. Left on bases .Portland. T; -Taooma.-t. Double tUr Hheenan to casey to nor dyke. First base on errors Portland. 1. 8u6riflce hits rtiheehan, Nordyke, Stolen bases Eagan I, McLaughlin t. Lynch, Dovle. Hit by pitched ball Lynch. Paased halls Murphy, Hogan. - Time of game-"OnaLhgnr and 4 minutes. um pire rerrine. . -.. - . , PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE.' "IT OLCM. faoema " , Baa Tranches ....... Portland 131 12 9n T5T5 .675 .474 4a lHt .437 Ha 1M altr.. 7 tl Ixw ABaelas ........ Oakland sealtie 11 teat, imt 140)4 NATIONAL LEAGUE." New York. Pittsburg . . Philadelphia .. - 41 - tl .s .400 t( 24 . nicago , 1W . I. . .-41 ave - H t l - 4.25 40 a a . 20 46 .7. .-. j ' 41. .6I .I8S .Jul .JTs Clnclnnatf St. Louis . Boston . . , Brooklyn . '. 'Jl ' Vtttaanrs;. -. L . -a - - - - . - ,'"-'. i . R. H. 1C Pittsburg .4 I Cincinnati . . ...-,. I 3 Batteries Lynch, Pelts and Carlach; Harper and Bchlei. , r ..; c - ; 3Pnila4alpWn. - J -- " '.. .: R. H.U. New York V 11 1 Philadelphia . . 1 14 Batteries Taylor afldBowerman: Corrldon,. Dooln and. Abbott. Umpire-1 At Brooklyn. Boston- itiimviitiiim.i. lS -1 . Brooklyn . Batteriea WJIUla and Moran; BJxlck lett and Bergen.. T" AMERICAN LEAGUE. . 'i, Won. Lost P.C Cleveland Chicago . . ........... IS II Philadelphia IT 14 Boston ir ' It" IT Detroit . II II New Tork . 14 ' It Washington II , " II St. LouTa , U. II - : 1 At Saw. Toav. .444 .(07 .100 .476 .431 .lT IW ' J."-. '. - . R. H.E. New York. ...... ,............1 Jo 1 PhUadelnhta -r-rr-.vr: ;:t:.:.. - Batteries Orth and McQulre; Henley, oarion ana onreca. A! R. H.B. Boston . .......... ......4 10 I Washington ... 4 1 : Batteries Winter and Crlger; .Town- sena ana ivitireage. .. . . 1 RUNNING RESULTS ON THREE COURSES . 'Jeareel tpeetsl oVr-Hca.) - i ' St.- Louts. July -4. Delmar racetrack results: - t- . Four and a half furlongs Miss Dii- tla wen, Frencbie's First second, Japan ese Maid third; time, l:oe. . Seven mnongs oene Handlon won. l:ll I-i. j. .. , Five and a half furlongs Don Ham ilton won. Palmer eecond, Burnolette third; time, 1:11 t-. Mile and a sixteenth Htlea won. Mynheer second, Courant third; time, Seven furlongs Dr. Hart won. Lans- downa second; Atlas third; tune, 1:11. Mile and 10 ysrda Court Maid won. Mammon aecond..XuUaw third; tlroa 1:4T S-l..- , 'A aOaopskaaa Bar. ' - New York, July 4. Sheepshesd Bay race results: Flva . furlongs Cinchona, - wen,'- Law- sonlan second, A vision third; time, 0:11 4-S.- . - i'. Six furlongs Artful won. Bear Catcher second, Eugenia Burch third; time. 1:14 (. .. . . , Five ' furlongs Edna Jackson won. Caprice) second. Running Water third; time, l:oe 4-4. . . . Mile Elm wood won,' Novena .second. Atwood third; time, 1:41 1-1. " Mile and a sixteenth on turf Dolly Spanker won, Broadcloth second, Schu lemlte third;, time. 1:4. . ' - Seattle. July 4. Results of races:".' Six, furlongs J.' H. Bennett' won. Velma Clsrk second, Annie Burk third; time. 1:14'V ' - . . . , Four furlongs-rCsn't Tell won. Agnes Mark second, El Verracco tnlrd; time, 0:4.- .' Four furlongs Rslo Cloud won. Bellona second... Smller third; time, . Seven ' furlongs Eleven Bells won, Llberto second. PrestanO thirds lime. Mile Hlpponax won -Cinnabar aee. ond.-Dundreary third; time, 1:41H; ' . Mile and yards Mont Peerlea won. Crlgll second, Yellowstone third; time, 1:44 V. c 4 ' aTOTXOa TO aaUtmai.-' 4 :v ... - 1 ... - 4 AU notleea of matter base- e 4 ball games, challenges and eth- 4 4 letlo .rente mult be sent te this 4 . office before I o'clock a. m. on 4 4-the .dar for publication.: Ama-" 4 a teur managers should pay at- e 4. lection 10 thia ruler aa lae-keen-re 4 lng of It will insure a proper 4 4- report thatr"ngg. The"e) v Journal. - -4 1 raf erred Saaak Oaameg Oeocs. ,. . Alias at J-ewU" Beat Bruit - HAOTCMiSCCOT Id TffELfTII OCUaD Louisville Boxer! h: Lands - the r KnockoutBlow In the" Pit ,; v?' of Stomach, - t .P. . , LARGE GATHERING - t - ' ' WITNESSES THE BATTLE Houseman ," Says Blow Was a "y"T. Fluke arid Arranges An-' . - other Mill. " ; ' (Special Dlipatch te The Joaraatl ' nnv Nev..Jul 4. Marvin v Hart bniu-kM out Jack Root yesterday with right-hand punch I- the- pit of the atomacn. In, tne iweirin rouna oi finish contest for heavyweight honors: The fle-ht waa witnessed by fully ,J0 apecUtors and the greatest excitement prevailed during tha contest. --.Both men put up a game oatue anu mi rounds the honors were evenly divided. In tha seventh round. Just as the gong had sounded. Root ' landed a terrlflo right awing on Hart's Jaw and the Ken tucklan went down In a heap. A claim of foul "waa made by Hart'e- eeconde but was ot 'allowed T' Referee Jef- frleav--After the fight Root saeoiarea that be waa. satisfied - that tne oetiex man had won, but hla manager, Lou Houseman, said that tbje decisive blow waa a fluke and that be wanted another meeting for hla man, which waa agreed to later In the day by Hart. No par tlculara regarding the proposed match ware given out, save that, Jeffries will act as referee.' " Hsrt entered the ring at lie pounds and Root at 170. Tee broiling sun liter ally baked the two stripped fighters. Hart' had "the choice of cornera and chose the one with the aun to hla back. Root a seconds were "H teddy Alexandet and Paddy Mackey. B1U Gallagher of San Franoiaco held the watch for Root. "The aeconda for u.rt ra Jak -MoCormlck. "Deafy" Won- "LosTTefThompson,. Jack RobertHal Vpdlka and .-74 rf .m I Lee Updike. ...Al B UPdlke was, time- raalfair. Some of the "prominent epectatoraJ were Harry Corbett. Jack Welch, Billy McConnelU Bill Gallagher. Attorney General Sweeney of Nevada.. Sam avis. Lou M Houseman jot Chicago, Senator F. O- Newlands, Lieutenant-Governor Allen and wife of Nevada. H. I Bagley, "Doo SmltlC Walter Young. Al North .i naiuv nolonel Martin Brady. Al Har ford, Warden Consldtne ,ot the Nevada penitentiary, Dan Noonan, omnii i.r rell of Washoe county, D1stMct-Att6rhty .Craig of - Nevada. ' .-r, - . ', rigkt by moarnda. Round 1 Opened with Root counter ing on Jaw Clinch. Root landed right irt at will on head and body. Clinch Hart landajrlght to JaawRoot lands right, on jaw aeoona oeiora ui bell. : . . ' . . '. . . Round I Root stariea-in wnn iwo Mafia" 14-jaw and-iwo maavy nirao fixwtv. Fiahtera then exohanged lefts nit flinched. Root. counters and con' tlnues to land with right and left. Hart reMirnln with left hard tO body. It aii nmfi "round. -w Bound 1 The men Indulged In rough Infighting.- Root kept hla left on Hart'e 4a .r-na-htlns desperately lanus'a hard blow to stomach. Root lends right on jaw. In a clinch Root sends left lo body. They exchange lef ta to jaw. Honors about even. ' ' Round 4 Root continued '. to' awing righta-en -lefts-to -Jnw- Hart gol in a couple of good kidney punchea Des perate infighting followed.- Hart put a hard rla-ht to body. Root ' put lef t to lUrt s, heart llarl. gwlngg--.. wildly- Round. SDoui even. ' Round I The men' indulged In much clinching, with Root doing most of the free-fighting. - Hart landed -a pair of swings to Root's head. Root came back with heavy lefta and rights to body and Jaw. . Root's round.-- - ' ' Round 4 The pace waa beginning t tell. Flghtera held on hard in clinch after swapping half a dosen punches. Root did moat of the work. i -. Round T Hart started out well, land ing a -beavy4bIow on Root's kidneys and sending terrlflo right hook to law. Near the close of Me round, however," Root knocked Hart down with a terrlflo right A claim of foul waa made for Hart, but Jeffries disclaims foul and orders tha men to continue. The gong saved Hart. Round - I Hart opened ' up fresh. There , waa more rough inftghtlngand Jcffjrtei--haa-tohrrlt them, Boot ham- merlng Hsrt'a Jaw and body with lefta and rlghta.. Root again landed a ter rlflo ' right awing Juat aa the gong aounded. Thlo waa also Root's round. - Round Hart looks to "have a slight lead In thia round. Ho 4anded "heavily several times on Root'a kldneya- Root landed a number of light Jaw and body blowa. Jeffries had a hard time sepa rating -ahemi . ': : . Round 10 This round ' opened with both men lighting wildly and falling Into clinches, neither having any ad vantage at the belt - Round 11 Thia round war devoid -of apeclal Incident. Root continued., to pound Hart'e stomach.. Round 12 Tha 'men fought Into a clinch. Hart landed left to body. Root duckeoSaway from hard awing. Hart missed a right swing to head and re ceived e right to ear. , Root landed left li ghtly to. head. They clinched, and Root uppercuts Hart's face. Root put left to face. Hart countered with short arm right to stomach, and Root goes down and out, , v j- - f SPORTING NOTES. i . Herbert and Ryan and Herrera and Neary are scheduled for to-round con tents at Butte this afternoon and nlng." ;7J. tttl"irt 'j'X T"7 ." Taeoma" and Portland are" playing a double-header In thla city today. Tha Portland team will leave thla evening for Seattle for a week's aeries, begin ning tomorrow. , ,.. -. w.., , 1 1 . . - ; . The 1 epectatora were very tired of yeaterday'a game and many a sigh of relief wenjp wjien Uiejast : jnan.went OUt. f ' . ! ' ' ".... ' . . '. . Taeht Baee Today. ". The Lewis . and Clark . yacht races which were' to take place on Guild's lake last Saturday afternoon had to be postponed beoatiae the necessary breese failed to show up: These races will take place today, and It Is hoped that a' breese will be forthcoming. This event will be one of the prettleat features on the day'g program. The efflclala for thla event are: Referee, H. W, Kerrigan ! Judgea, W. J. Clemens, Oeorgs Brown, William Harder; clerk of course, Charles Kelson; timekeeper, H. L, Stephenaon; Inspect ors. Ir V. Woodward,-F.D A rcy," H.F. Todd.. .. . .. ;. . .rr .' Watktns Defeats Wlcksrsaaaa. - Frank Watklns . defeated .Brandt Wlckernhsm in the soft-hall singles f the handball tournament, . by ths acqre CZATfl SEiiTEhCES HAY DLXOuiillTED GovernorCharnbrlaTn Appealed to by Two Men Convicted of ' Mulder In First Degree. ' LAUTH AND D0JDS0N ASK - FOR LIFE IMPRISONMENT Three Hundred.. Names: on One (Petition and Fiftv Names r . . Upon the Otfter. ' i : Igpedal DUpetck ta Tha learaaL) ' Salem.. Or.r July 4. Governor Cham berlain yesterday received two petitions for tha commutation of t)ia death sen enca., The f lrat waa for George W. Lauth. loo la Hntracw ,iq . m iiiiaw 11. and tha other la for' Dodeon. who Is sentenced to be hanged August 11. The Lauth petition contains about I0 namea, and. aaaertg that his paramour, whom he killed, was partly to blame. They ask that hla sentence becorn muted to life ImprltonnWot'-r'' The Dodson petition contains about 45 namea, -and asserts that Dodson should not. dla whan -the : man who really did tha killing and who would not have bean convicted If It bad not been for Dodaon'a testimony, gats off with life Imprisonment. Dodson and Ingram killed a man by tha- name of Dunlap In September, 1141. A eon of Ingram. , who was bid . In "the brush. waa the only Witness to the deed. This boy kept his secret until a few month ago,' when he , told tha .officers what be knew. . ; ";';:r ... Dodson and Ingram wera at once ar rested and charged with - tha crime. Dodson pleaded guilty and was sentenced to be hung.. Ingram pleaded not guilty. and on the evidence of. Dodson and the boy, he was found guilty of murder In the second degree cy the lurytand waa accordingly sentenced to Ufa Imprison- in i . . . . - LEAVES" FOR PLACE . WHERE GLORY AWAITS Swedish Mlnisterat Washington Departs . for Natfye : -sttft'dr . (Waahtogtea .Boreas of The Joarssl.) Washington. D. C. July 4. Grip, -the Swedish -mtnrster, has" taken hia-departure. He haa gona where glory awalU him, leaving, the T1 of dean . of .ministers ' aa bare as Count. Casstnl leaves the dean of ambassadors. Mr.- Grip has dwelt- lthtn-or gates since III!, and during all -this period ha haa never been known to aeek social honora by giving a dinner party or en tertaining the natlvea formally or In formally. He was aa exceedingly modest man in Washington. -" The mlnlater from Sweden and Nor- I way waa tiulta1 soclabiaIftseIfbw- ever, and never missed an .opportunity to aocept the hospitality which Wash Ingtonlang force upon unattached . dip lomats. - .. z ... It la nlnted that" thia urbane envoy Is destined for high-honors tinder the reconstruction. Ha waa always a great believer In the star of the Noraeland, and nothing made him more Indignant thD..lo ..-dubbed-the Swedish min ister. It ia said that once on a time he corrected the secretary of atate, Mr. Hay. Thia dignitary waa giving a dinner and he Introduced Mr. Grip as the Swedish minister. Like a flash, Mr. Grip responded, "Tour excellency, since 1 you divide the country from: which I am accredited, pray give trie that por tion from which I come: call ma tha Norwegian minister, fof I can be that with some aemblance of consistency." Mr. Hay looked slightly annoyed, but he joined In the general lasgh. . POCKED OUT IN THE FINAL ROUND like Schreck: Lands Upon Barry in Last Thirty Seconds, Fell- 7'' --7 lng Him , f.:'- (Jooraal Special Serriee.) ; Salt Lake City. July 4.--Wlthln II seconds of the finish of their to-round bout last evening. Mike Schreck of Chi cago knocked out Dave Barry of. San Francisco. . ,, . ; . " n Honors were about even -'upC to the final roend, both men being punished severely, although , In thia respect Schreck had the better of It, for Barry started -t be-last round In apparent di m treee. . . . I . ' Schreck saw the ; condition- of the San Francisco lad -and went after him, raining a shower of blowa on hla oppo nent, who was plainly distressed and fighting .on' the defensive. A .right awing to tha neck sent Barry to the floor for the count, and It waa fully a minute before he recovered. , ? .' - Marvin Hart wired, from Reno, chal lenging the winner.. , . '- P. A. X FIELD MEET . " -'.'IS DECLARED OFF .;rr-(f'i'- ' ' r v!-"''"r ' Word haa been received from Herbert Hauser, secretary and treasurer of the P.- Ar A. announclngthat It had been decided to call off the P. A. 'A. champ ionship track and field meet, acheduled to take place on the Lewis and Clark stadium, July II and August L Mr. Hauser stated" that fhts action waa taken in order to concentrate- all their efforta for the. A.A)w V-.-NaUoai championship games and thus aid In making them a grand auoceas. These A. A. IT. gamea are acheduled to take place on the, Lewi a'tnd. Clark stadium Auguat 4 and .- - v- , Mr.- Hauser further atated that the Olympic club of San Francisco la leav ing no stone unturned In Ita prepara tions for .the A. A. V. games, and that they srill send to Portland the strongest and beat team that ever repreaented them on any athletto field, r f ,' 'tre. franolg rilal Die." . -i-"- ttsertst Otapetrfe ta Tse JaoraalY Hlilsboro, Or., July 4 Mrs. Francia Flint, agud 0 yeafs, of JScboles Ferry. near this city, died July I of Blight's disease, -and waa -Interred tn Schole cemetery today. . ' She had resided In thla state about li years, and came to Washington coun ty, from Portland about II years ago. Khe leaves a husband and two married children, ', - S-VE-LY:SCALCD Face and 7 Hands ' Durned ' by 'Z Steam From Clogzed Pipe; p.r.'T, PORTLAND WOMAN IS .1 - INJURED AT NEWPORT 7 :' ' j Falls From High . WalkT-Child Suffers Bad . Cut : to riiil-'-Her Ear ' (Special Dlapetch te Aa JoaraaLl Albany, July 4. Engineer WUlUm O'Malley, of the Eugene local, while coming up last, night, was aerioualy in fured. "being acaldad by steam escaping from a dogged pipe on the engine. The accident ' happened after leaving Salem, and the1 engineer's face and lett hand were seriously scalded. On arrival hsrs the -company doctor' at Junction City was ' telegraphed to . meet the train at that point, and there the engineer re ceived the first medical attendance. CMalley plucktly remained On hia en glne and ran the train- to Eugene in spite of the severe pain which he suf fered , from-th burns. Cellna, tha : S-year-old , daughter ' of A. Richmond of thla city, while playing in the yard yesterday afternoon fell on a piece of wood from which the. sharp end of a screw protruded. The screw penetrated her -ear- near- the top, -the end o( the screw passing through the ear and catting a gash sln the head, A oomnenion mcaea un tne lime eriri. ana In tearing the screw from the ear cut that member open ..down to the" lobe. She was taken to a physician and the cut Oar was given' treatment, but. the little one. will bear, the scar : from- the laceration-' to tha end of her days, i Mrs. Panthemer, a resident of Port' land, and who with her family la tem porarily staying at tha seaside at-Newport, met with a serious accident Satur day night..- She had come into Newport from her cottage at the Nye -creek beaoh, and while returning home over the high Bill dividing the two places, and. walking up the hill on a steep board sidewalk, she stepped on the end of a board that was loose, the board, tipped un and she was thrown into .the gulch eight feet below the walk. She la Urge and fleshy, and she , fell - with great f orce etrlklng eit her -head and afaoul- dera.- William Mathews hastened to ner aid. - It was found that aha was aeri oualy hurt and aha waa at once conveyed to her home anajnedleat attendance secured: It If feared ahe la Injured in- ternally, but this cannot be determined for a few days--An effort win do maas to compel the city .of Newport to pay the expenses of her Illness. , , ' . 7" Ooodmoede One. .r ' -Tha- aoeolal good' roada ear eama-np from Portland laat night and thla morn ing went to Corvallla. where today the good - roads . convention "la being held. The ear waa here Joined by Colonel T. p. Rlxle. the lecturer of tha Good Roads association, . who visited -at ths home - of his .hr.m-iaw. - f. aaasoi the laat fsw days. Hon. M. A, Miller, aUte senator from this county, came down from Lebanon veaterday and went to Eugene laat even ing,- jvhere he delivers ,the Fourth of July oration today. v F. 8. Rieder, manager of the Cascade Mountain Wagon Roafl company, came up from Portland yesterday .and today starts over 4he. road Burns on a tour Of Inspection. . Mr. Rieder la a resident of. Burns and will make tha ' trip overland from here te hla home, on the way inspecting ths company's property. County Commissioner Butler, who la In charge of the force of bridge carpenters working for the county, haa taken hla force of men 4o Harrlsburgt where he wlU construct a new ferry boat for the county. The old ferryboat is badly damaged and cannot-be used much .longer, and the county court will at once provide a" new boat for service at Harriaburg, where one Mf -tha" main roada to aouthern Jpregon croseee the Willamette- river. '"--. ,'-' MURDERER A VICTIM - -:i3F-lNSANE-vMPULSE r ' '.' J. (Sfwelal Btopateh' te The JnaraaL) Chehallai Waah., July 4.- The motive that prompted Julian Coleman to kill Mack Justice Sunday at Rlffe will nsvsr be known, but It ta possible that some Insane Impulse, dating to the row be tween these men . and others at Rlffe schoolhouse In December msy have had something to do with It. After the kill ing and Coleman's' suicide yeaterday. Justice of the Peace Coleman, a relative of the dead murderer, called a Jury aa acting coroner and held the Inquest. At this It was brought out that tne anting of Justice waa audden'and unexpected, without quarrel of any kind at the time. They were eating dinner with a family named Christian whsn Coleman suddenly- ault the table, - started for-the door and shot at Justice,, a ll-callber bullet passing through Justice's right breaet. The latter died aeon Afterwards, staggering Into the yard, and later Into the house. While In the act ef reaching for a rifle on the wall he, fell back ward a and died, .: ' ,. " ' - -' r - Coleman ran about half a mile down the Cowllti river, passing three women on the way. - When on the gravel bar, within a short distance froa--the-publlc read, be placed the tnuisle of the gun to the side of his Jieadjand shot him- aelf. V, .'-.-f. .V--y--.f .' Justice's father la m Weat Virginia, and la expected to order , the body ahlpped aaat for burial. r - r :-!-. XVos by W-nnlB4T.T . From the Chicago News. ". He Clara Bpooner . "lost - her - Mend last week. ,' Bhe Indeed! How did It happen? He Bhe married him. beat f nAVANACnOAItS. , S1G. MICHEL, CI CO. M Third Sxree, . v . .7. Xlaris-Bera ON 0AUS EVERTWHIRS. 1 1 r Cix-ZSAM remedy tkat " tka eJr C"-.7 . - XaSOlKQ I H OQINCXlt OQLMX3 111. aTarpMae UrtU aava smlsHs WU NOT A HAIR-QROWER Ifewbre's aatare 4 Bdcreale Harptdde .wM ae grew hale a, tale aat-sy awueylng" the isewlee ef aalr kealth tke batr la aaaae I a srew as aatare lateaa4; MX earesie tiaHaata. It requires set a eept U tv rti Srej.Llt, Send He. S-sg, tnc:t C8., left. I, Mrah.K!rB., ht , ryuo-Tios4 a raoiixsia. afci-a mmot. Lei Me --j4faasi --r- borne Traveler to'the Tefl Yon . There , are , through t Pullman I sleepers, both -Standard and 'Tourist,' going ast from the4 Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes ' they travel via Rock Island System for a good share of the tiistfence. ' f ;Jt--4'-'- ;-;A--y Vou can go by way of Ogden, alt Lakeand ' Colorado, or you can go byway of San Francisco, Los Angeles and El Paso, and the RoCk Island v will land you in Kansas City,' St. Louis or, Chi cago. . .Direct connection in Union Stations it, aOl-three cities for-aai irnportant points in the. East and 8on1Lx?i' ' Orhe traveler via Northern route can take ; the Rock Island from Minneapolis and Stf Paul tO' CWCa0sA--f3":'''f" , r Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies ''V ' ' l- J ; -'' J-'- ' -. best meals on wheels. I ..t.u X - Otatnl AfinU Roe Ialn4 8yataiB, :.' x ; l,nJf ' y;:7.f '7 yr tfrtobi 99at0aa,pn.t. ,; tM . .The FoUowing Prices ' are ;l:.coai-s i:KacRxSpririgs 7.508.00 J I : w-sr ' ' ' ' '1 T . other coals proportionately low. 7. "T;'-; , - - acreenea ooal. ,7;''.; t.iw-" ;'.:.-.-; i The Pacific '' r''.CHA.' K d ' SO Wartl-gtew ah , - , - mem f '. seven . K w. O. This -'-'" la I' '' " '.' ' V".JI Rheinnatism Cured Free r - After yearrof-experltnentlng we have formulated paste, which when applied to any portion of the body, suffering from rheumetlsm. will Im mediately relieve, and eventually cure the most persistent case of rheu matism. It you are a sufferer, and among the first to anewer this an nouncement; we will send you. by prepsld mall, a box of this wonderful oil, all that Is asked In return Is the privilege of referring to, you (when cured) in corresponding with prospective customsra in your locality. , . NO Teb-rOfJal SottdtgeL NO IwMt rhlMiahgd. 7-7' V'"' All that Is required la your name and address, and full particulars re garding your case, accompanied 07 "ASSOCIATED The Oregon. DaUy.JoumaU Facts Are Stubborn ; Things - When-we aay that aonje of our gradu ates are holding responsible positions in the city and earning sslarles of ISO to 1110 a month, we can back up our state ment by pointing out te you the people. We would e glad to do so If , re quested, ...1 , .... , f i Dhnke-WalKr ' : Business Colleger . SUih aad Morriaoa treeta. Open all tha year, day and night. Bend or caii lor aiaiogu. la the went sleaete ea arth. ret the eaaleat u ear WB tH ZOO KNOW WHAT TO lx. kUnr kaae. slat pl,' . apets . ea tae fela, eoras la Uie awe lb, aloere, falllaa aalr, hose p.loa. ea t.rrb. aaa non't feaew it is bUhid poison, gang te dr. brown. Ml Arch at., Ptailanalphla, Peaa.. tor BROWN' BLOOD CURB, 12 OS par kettUt laata eae awata. Bold la rWtlaad ealy e Iraak Mas. Partlaad Betel rbansaey. ... . -.. , OS 4th St. Y HOt'M Bl'lt-T ' i9 AV lltlTlll.urKTt on PRicr DLOOD P0I80H y I r "X ... . BUILDER. nareleUa." UaUt koewtedae at seals aaatemr that the hair ge lis Bn-raawt fet rroia the aalr-eapUls. Th- tM 30-aal . treat Is .u ,ti. ea-M the diaeaae. HarpMa aoaa thlaj H eerea daadrarf,. atop faiung aalr aai re lieves Itrfclaa. A aaUsDtral kalr -4rMias. -...V-'W..f East, X ibaveVrdior you M SSMf PRICES REDUCED V..-' 'l,i RetaV - J)elivered, to. Consumer t aa Do not pay morn than 11.00 for the Coast Co. ! CUOi Asat S C"' ; 4"-. v'? v Telapkenea M aa4 " ' Save XV -1 --ta WXAT A - WVUTLAJn MAM : BATS ABOW Casey's Rheumatic Cure --.J. H. Caaey Med. Co.; Spokane, Wash. Gentle- I have had Kneumetism very oaa lor years; have tried the beat'phyalcians and i M Mll mII I rl I rfA- kAt-sey Rheumatlo Cure. "I have Just need four "fa , bottles, and It baa been the. greatest blessing In- and am able to get around good.. 1 will al ways tell others of this great medicine. , With beet wishes, I am yours truly, j-'v . - J. LAIRD, Foreman Steel Bridge medicine sold and guaranteed, 11.41 bot tle, by Woodard, Clarke t:o.. cor. yourtn ana Washington; Watts Matthleu. Ill ttussell e( BKIdmore un ig v, ioi inira m.; Aioin rnar macy. 110 Russell st; Oeorge A. Harding, Ore um mr, DRUG STORES - " .'XrOUUflXXa, KT. Wanted , How would yoft like to eecure a commission as an officer under Uncle BamT If you are between the ages of 11 and II years, pos sess the . - necessary common school education, are moral, per sistent,, and can pass the required physical examination, send .ne four one-cent stamps to pay post age, and I will mall yqu a per sonal letter, ..literature, etc, that .will tell you of the qualification required .for. positions leading-to- romotlons of high rank aa an officer In our army or navy, i X. H .W. PHILLIPS : ' LeuttvlOev' Ky- .. NOT IN . THE TRUST YOUR PRINTING done tindef car. . (ul personal lupervisiori; with no at' ' tempt'tor Itold" jroii tipPIf you Wanl to ..know, xnorg. about-itr-caJt-Tncrnr-aayCfit-It--iobm--lr Mulkej -building, Second' and Morriton. ' T. 0-ROBISON Job Printer ,.-,-1 " r - ... .-. -4-: