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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
A-',; cr r 3:1- tailv jcur-:.u; rcr.TL.i::D. tuz:day evening, july 4. ... Out ; Mown ; . Frte2j : Send for' ..Catalog ' ' ' . r ':V.T : Now U the time to prffare for hot weather: We have the largest and , most complete "summer , stocks in the city. , Whatever you need at amallett' prices,' read our ads. ' ', " , ' Qor store convenience of particular value to. LI .; Free " iim of telephone, p... checked. Information bureau,, aor modatlon desk .yirst Floor. .'. Ladle', rest Inc rooms, levator) wrltlnc desks, free us of wrtti materials Second Floor. Foo drinking fountains-of pa. Bull Run water. . ? , MVP PQRTL,AIMD0 LARQEOT, BEOT AND MODEL DEPARTMBINX GTORE YAW f f . i r vv. 1 TODAY TONIGHT ARE TIMES OF PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION i Soon the fast plri wheel will hwt buzzed and sputtered, the last rocket wtlt have been fired and its myriad sparks dissolve into darkness. With the passing of the night the smell of powder will clear away and business 'resume its normal conditions, . Almost the first thought will be to prepare for the coming hot weather, for these are most enjoyable days the good old summer-time when one Is comfortably plad and otherwise provided, with the necessities and conveniences of the season. Here Is where this store Is of benefit to you for our stocks are bristling just now with hot weather gobdsrz While our prices are always lower than elsewhere, quality considered, our newspaper- advertising Is an Index to, what you may expect to find here. . - - ; """" ; ;v:y; r.g ; r"'.:-: :; ; ., ': - -, j -: '; v; .; : :;: y , t T:;,;:,-:;":Z Hot ;Weather Goods for Men i tsPEClAtTPRICEi FOR NOW; Men's Store.Tirst Floor,- New Annex, Where Yotr Get Better for Less. . ; $Ua SHIRTS 79c. , Mn'a' fl.lQ Golf Bhirto. U thlo ooaooa's cooda, oorroot atrloa. ' food eolora. brokoo IJnoof-not aU alawi, but what aro loft will po eloaod put at cboloo for. 7 50c NECKWEAR 19c i ... . ' 1 1 I l-W JI 1 M It'll m-Hanas; ifa Kztr 8peleU - Sc HOSE Moil' fmaklenod .Hoo. fanr a tripod valu. Spoouu, pair mrvrfrra im itunitB. v -trrriWBAR Two atyloa In Moo's tTndorwoar; mo a pura White moan, too olbor dark Oxford mv flu atrlno balbrtaran: tno boat oo aiuoo Bpoetal,dpor caraoowt . ......... .j ... 35d 'Coopor's aprlnv aoodlo. i gloro-flttlng, orsar-ribbod Balbrltvan . Bhirtevtad Drawora, cood bluo ohado: our rorular gmnnanta. .. BpoolaJ. por sarmont ........ . ....w. f ............ 8THw Woh.ehs Summbr Uriderwcor 1- CELEBRATED MERODE GOODS AT CUT, PRICES iv See Window display on Fifth Street Side. " V . .Woman's Morodo wHIto cotton Union Butte, low oek. aiooroloss, knoo lenrlh. half ooan front: rtcular I6e Quality. . SooclaL por suit ..... ., ...... . ase Womoa'a whlto eotton Union' S&fflCVory soft and flno. tone and abort alooroa or sloovolosa. oxtra silk trlmralns; ; roanlar qualify, Bpoolal, par ault njn....,, ....Taw Bamo In axtra larro alios, stoovoloaa. Suit ...85 Lona' alooroa. Bult ..................... r. ................. .ft8a Woman's Uoroda white list Union Butts, low nock, aloorotoaa, knoo . longth. half open front, oxtra allk trim mod; rocular piioo 11.15. Bpooiai, por suit l.vo Woman's white Msrodo summor-welcht wool and -cotton Union ' Suite. lon sIootos. anklo lonstb; rofular $L(0 quality. - Bpooiai, por ult . ....4......... ...084 Woman's allk and eotton Union Suite, Morodo; hl(h nook. Ion and . abort aloavos; low nock, no oloovoo; knoo lenfth, half opom front trlmnwd. knoo lonatk; II. 7J ouality. Spoolal. par suit. .. . . .S1.S7 Woman's silk and cotton Morodo Vostav Pants 'and Tlrhta. vasts . hick nock, lonr aloorea; hl(h nook, ahort alooToa: low nock, no n alooroa; hand-erochotod, allk trlmmod pants French bands, anklo plsnath: tlshte knoo, and anklo loncth; no batter l.t quality nado BpOClal . . . , , .'. .. . V... '. V.l-l..t.. ....... llrr..r..T3 Woman's white Swiss, rlbbod. Ion alooro Vasts; quality. Bpoolal .. .i .....(.... .;..'... 65i Woman's white Swlaa, rlbbod, morcerlsod, cotton Vtstsi'silk front, r lonr alooroa, splendidly tnada and neaUy-trlmmad II. IB valu. . BpooUl v .. . ..... . .V. , ... .... .89 Jeweled Combs; Pretty; Oelt H'Biickles; AT: SPECIAL PRICES. Jewelry ; Secdon-r-First,. :uVo Floor'".it Band soma 5swolcd and aol'd mounted Back Combs,, tood """Varloty W loot fioinr- . values up to II At..x An assortment of richly Jew- oled and soM mounted Back Combs, ale rant - designs; " values up to ll.SI. , Tone- choice at ...... ...... .BOd Special aalo of our recular tld - Back Comb at 18d An extraordinary a of 'ano Belt Buckles, tnosa remain.' Ins from a sroat many dif ferent lota, aelllnf as hich aa ' 75o; to elooo wo place them , all In one lot and offer your '; echoic for tt fxM , . , j, 10d ' Silk Gloves SPECIAL AT 85c PAIR. First Floor, Glove Section Tomoriwwa wliraelf ourj black and white Bilk a i a o a. - I -clean.' qoudio- ' tipped f Infers, at . this pe .; clal price, pair 63 LONG -GLOVES -VoR-r rSHORT SLEEVES.- 12-button 'lenrth Olace . Kid , Gloves, - white, eream, tan. e , mode and rray, tna oorreet . lencth to wear with ahort sleeves .....fa.TB . W SUMMER MESH Slasp'Mash Olovos In white - black,- mode, - ponceo and : Cray ..St.OO and f l.SS Every atylo of Glove that's correct, beat assortment, low est pricaa, i. 'iJ-.- -t.,.' Best Bustle and Bcott'r hip-form and bustle baa . an Invisible' odce and Is re -verslble; It la ItM in weicht 'and ventilated, perfectly san- - Mary; various slaos, Bpoclol ' '.'prioe, 'this week 48d) At ftyal WoToeotor Oeutera, . SECOND TVOOIl, ' Rue Handbags Half Price : Leather Goods Depart merjt First Floor. j A ' larro assortment of hlfh , trrada , seal' ; and' walrua - leather Baca; stylish .and serviceable, correct for walk. ' . Inc. drtvinc, stiopplna", ate. Varloua prices In the lot,' at exactly ........ On XAUr. ; i.00 Bar' Co for.:...9a.BO $. Bars so for.....93.00 . 10.00 Baa-c to for..... $5.00 Another 'exceptionally - atronc 'value' I a lot. of ladles' " leather Handbacs, In black brown - and tan, fitted with card ease ' and eoln purse, nicely lined. - Several 'pretty r.'. shapea in the lot and quite a ranee of styles in the frames. They are our rerular rr value.-- Special at.,, .f 1.80 v Shop . 'linen center- : " pieces, one-half -a Second Floor. ' . White or old-blua linen 14 ' Inch Centerplooee, stamped in iconventional doslcns: alse tOxit-lnch unbleached linen ilBcarte stamped and ttnud In pretty. doslcns. .. Just the, - thlncs for your movntaJa or -. aeaahors Bom. All thle ', week at ...... aTiT.T niOX 1 Pretty Cushion Tops and ; i: ; Materials, Only 42c. ; , Five ' tinted Cushion Tops on Berlin" Crash, smoker, - con . .. rantlonal and Other doalcna, with enouch "flosa for work- inc same, a full, dlacram ' ahowtnc nr edora are to be used;, also color card and plain back. Bpoolal this . week, entire outfit, t; nl y . , ... v . , .44 ':'r.Th(B;g: Tea Room 7 . '; S '' ' D2AUTIFUL READY-TO-WEAR - ORED STYLES ' .ALL NEW. S3 Rvalues' FORi 7 r f Tomorrow morning "in our Grand 'M illineryalonfijonhesecoad-lloor,- w Twill placeDftalefive hundred of the seasciiVprettiest and choicest styles-In ready-to-wear and. tailored hats; worth up to $3.60,t Yourlchoice-of the lot 'for 88c s:,'-..::-: ,i j-r7; 'TTZ ,; ; , TRIMMED - HATS FOR HALF NO RESERVE : A. Ci ' Please note that we have on site every trimmed hat in our. house, without ex-. , ' ' (1jfit ceptlonrat. exactly one-half price $6.0 0 haGpior :$3.Q0r $10,00 hats- for-$XKr- 7 5bio.w nais tor ji.w, ana au nigner and lower pncea ones at exactly one-hail . - 'Ai-Ji jour regular selling price.- - ?;..s:i-;xLs,z;z;j'J?:. r--. V ' - MAXINE ELLIOTTS VERY SPECIAL -WEDNESDAY '80 trimmed Maxine. Elliott hats, fulLMilaa-shapes, with flower and rbb trimmings, $3.00 value; while they las t they go for ONLY $2.00 . Every;! of Irsuslm Undelear Sacrificed :,iij;Thi great July tlearance salt of muslin underwear is in lulLswing, and commences again tomorrow morning with renewed vigor. It s a v igorous, lusty sale anyhow ; f thousands upon thousands of pieces of dainty snow white under muslins, gowns, corset covers, skirts.-drawers, children's undermuslins, fine hand made French Lingerie, all reduced for quick clearance. . We wish to emphasize the" fact that all our muslin garments are strictly high grade, made in clean, sanitary factories, of good and fine materials, -by skilledlabor. No matter how low priced the garment may be, you can depend upon it that it will be cut full width and full lcngth- fto ekimpmgrr Bewarrct sweat-shojrgoods Offered by some stores at seemingly low prices. You will do better to' buy garments that you know t o be reliable. As an example of the opportunity to save, we quote below the regular and reduce d prices on fine hand made Persian lawn French Ml garments; . : . .:y.. . ; : . ,-- - - GOWNS. v : Rerular prices". .... $2.50:: $4.00 $6,00 Special prices . ':. .V. $2.19 $3.49 ; $52 $7.80 to $25.00 $6.60 to. $22.00 50 $3.00 to $15,00 .08 $4.40 to $13.20 CORSET COVERS. ; i v j , h . , r ; daav e W w aeaVoVtapa Regular prices '. . . .;, .$2.25$3. Special prices ,,..'$1.94 $3.i Regular prices ... . .$2.75 . $3.50 $4.25 Special prices .$2.42 $3.08 ."'$3.74 $5.00 to $12.00 $4.40 to $10.60 CHEMISE. L Regular prices .'....$25 $3,00 bpciatTJncM t...,..$I."9i- $2.C4 .- SKIRTS. $4.00 : $3.00 to $18.00 "$3.4F"$4.40 to $15.85 Regular prices ; , . . .$3.50 . $5.00 $6.00 Special prices . . . . . .$3.08 $4.40 $5.25 . With many between "prices, v 7 Proportionate reductions throughout the entire stock. $7.00 to $50:00 $6,15 to $44.10 6,000 Yards Whi And other extraordinary offerings in our famous linen and domestic shops first floor ,C0 yard new wblto rooda' such as frequard. Piques. Fancy Duck Sulttnc. Paris Mousse , . lines. Laca Levwna Persian Mulls and Mercerised Madras; .value up to !6o yard.; All at, per yard . r-. . . ..... . .......... ...... . . . . . ... .... f . . . ..... a 8 d Mohair lustra, Ctamlnea, Tones, Fancy Orcendles and Batistes In1 values to ISo. -XU at, per' . yard ...15 (Oo and oa imported silk mixed Crepons, Printed Nets Dotted Mulls. Silk Oincbama and : Embroidered Voiles. All now special at, per yard .,,.,..............$3. 11.000 yards Danish Cloth, an colors, Inches wide, half wool, per yard. 12H Bedspreads, good crochet spreads, medium weicht for Bummer, many handsome patterns. Bpoolal at .. ........ .85 at r. 83.25 f Rear INCOMPARABLE" VALUES IN THE LINEN, DOMESTIC AND WASH GOODS SHOPS THIS WEEK FIRST FLOOR Always and over far In advance of all competition, the first with' nsw styles, over showlnc exclusive novelties not to bo fdund elsewhere, these shops are a constant attraction to th women of Portland. The oiiertngs lor tnia week, commencinc tomorrow, ar tbo best -THE SHIRT WAIST PATTERNSr 1 5 is ' . Real Linen, over 10 In th lot, about half of them aro real hand embroidered; while they last th prtoe are this way $.0 Waist PatUrns special ar.... S4.T5 11.00 Waist Patterne epeclal at. .. I. ............ ...........3.00 i4.ll Waist Patterns spoclsl at.... .......S3.TS ft.SO Waist Patterns special at..'.. ....21.90 fl.SS Waist Patterns epeclal at... II.OO Waist Patterns special at.............. ....,..3.25 LIS Waist Pattern epeclal at. ..................... ......2.0O . , t BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS. Bleached Linen Table Damask, 1 Inches wide, a dreMln and ex cellent wearlnc quality, yard...,...' ....6Sd Bleached Linen Napkins, full dinner slie. and many handsome pat terns; valus 11.00. Special, dosan. $35 Richardson's Linen Bheetlhc. lust In, woven of round thread, creaUy In demand now for shirtwaists and linen suits, pur flax ihi yard wide, per yard ...,2.00 IM yard wide, per yard............... ....................2.50 White Enameled: Iron Beds ve urrv (hi mnat'oomBleto lln of Iron and Brass Beds' to ho found In the city; also sprinc. mattresses, pillow, blankets, com forters and every kind of cood beddlnc.-FortomorTOW w. acatft. place on sal an oxtra special valu. ,. , t, . $10.00 IRON BEDS FOR $6.75. , -- Whlta Enameled Iron bods, bras trimmed, full or three quarter also. braes toprall, six brass spindle, an oiocant aosicn; spisnaia io.o valu, Special at ......... ...... . -fe.TB- ! For Yokes and Lace Waists HANDSOME VENISE ALLOVERS, tf'PElCE. r-r First- JfJoor.-- '-- - -,-7,-- ,. , Beautiful alt-over Venise lae and cream, reduced to exactly on . . - . i 1.1. ' IIWa . .. . . . . Recuar prteo. per yard....... v$1.00 . 11.10 1109 Reduced price, per yard.. ...... .....-. SO TO SlW .' A cosy little apartment just off th Grand Salons ' on the Second Floor, where . on may root and leisurely partake i of , th moat dainty luncheon lmC- tnable, under the ausplca of th Portland T. W. CJ, A. . " - Second Floor. '' . Cambric, Nainsook: and Swiss Em broideries 1 . From I to IS Inches wide, out on third to On half recular price Recular ll Embroideries. Wow, per yard. ,.;....104 Racuiar St Embroldarlea Now, por yard .j.rrT...,15e Recalar Sio Embroldsrlo. Now. per yard.......... SOw ' . Rocular lOo Embroldeiioa Now, per yard. . S5 Great Variety of now pattern to select from. 'Be Display 'In Embroidery Section, noar. Fifth street ntrane.. . Special Blanket Bargains: Blankets are needed the year 'round. In summer a well aa Id winter. Hero or some that ar vry handsome" and particularly aeaaonable at almost half price. "' ' Oonulna Pendleton Woolen Mill Blankets, plaliJ crar. all wool," full Rerular I J, W value." Special af, pair; ...... .. ... ..... r . i. S2;7H Rerular tl.l value. - Bpeou.1 at pair .....$3.25 Silver Gray Blankts,yery fine fleece wool; $!. .valua BpocleU . pair , ..,. ....... ..,........... ...... ...... ... . ..3.50 INDIAN SHAWLS. V r All-wool Shawls, plain colors and. fancy plaids; 14.80 valu ' for 2.60 ; v COUCH COVERS. : " Recula aloe-CouctrCovri; r4 $10.50 valua "Special at....$5.K6 " Closing Out ChildrenVCoats - Charming PongeeT Black Silk end White Bedford Cord Coats for the Little Misses at a Fraction of Their : Worth. - L..j..,::..r:-:;-;f: V CHILDREN'S DEPT--SECOND FLOOR , A croat assortment of Children' Coat In Ponce, black silk and all wool, whit Bedford cord; all this year s new creations, box and :: pleated bock. .Mont Carlo style, and aom In Buster Browa i fashion with belt. They aro trimmed . In lace and larc fancy .white pearl buttons, plain or. dainty colored eilk llnlnr For ''quick cloaranco tbey have been crouptd Into seven lots to be sold '. sa follows; : . AU to co at.. ...... 89 -Racalar . tt.7t ta, ti.t0 Coat. Rocular. tt-tO to. It 10 Coata Rerular t-t to t.7i Coata ' Rerular 17.10 to tt.OO Coata Recularl tl.t to 1 10.00 Coata Regular tW 0 to tll.OO Coata : .Rocular tlT.tO Coata. All to All to co at... ......... ..3.4T Ail to co at .......4.e3 All to co at; All to co at. ...... ...,, AU to co at 9.0 The Winneiiir tl ttt tion Votino Contest ? ; ? J l The lajit votes were received Saturday, July 1. at I o'clock p. m., the followtnc name belnc the winners, with talr reapootlvo aumber of vote set opposite thslr names. Eaeh of these Is entitled to a hook contalnlnc to commutation tickets of admission to the Lowia and Clark" Exposition. . . W bellev each' and every en of tboso pupils to bedeservlnc and extend our heart loot ooncratulatlon to One and all. The books .will bs c'ven out at our advortlslnc office on th Third Floor at la a Wodneeday, July t, and then fot the cood time tb rest of th season. ; . , ,i , S-i-i THE TOTAL VOTE v : LII.MA8 EWINQ. Mirk Sehool c... ....... MKTTA SKIDLER. PaUlar Cjoboot niuumtivn uujbehi, iiaaa acaooi ... VTHT IT a U.I.VWU. mt mm ... a PRirn flTnVUfjn Stkhtann knfcnnl .-.t ADRIAN SMITH, Umh Vortlaad Bebool Robert ELLISON, Solladay aVtaool nuiri mukch r. aixtaaesj sjoaooi ........ GLADYS CROCKETT, Atkiasoa Beaool ,..J BBlATftlCB MCUCAN, Md BOlMOl iua uinui.K, Kawtaorae okool RIITM UI1RPUT -mmwmWm lila.. JAMKS ROTHCHILD, Kirk BcaMl ,....!, ucunuo wnnubH, ausriaen awaooi ., TRENTOM JOHNSON, Xawthorae Bebool . MART BROWN. Ollatoa XeUy Bebool ... LILLIAN BROWN, Thompaoa Bottrat .... LEO BO I RE. Kick Boaeel ...-m..'.'.i;. BBRENBICK HANN1QAN. &add School ... Flret Twenty . . , ; .: .V .','. i . .v . . DVBfl UI - lrHMIItlfMMMMMMI S ava T-r-av. or 4 e e ILltl a.ot Si.4t l.l to.oit ..f.... tt.sii r:... . flt,ttt .......... ,lt ......... tt.7t 4.I It.Jll U.TIT M.tft St.llt l.a Sl.40t 10.41S rv.-.n. .W 30,t4 i. 1M4T .......v....tI0.t0 ' ...,.r..... a . Total ,MUt47t f?Most ShoelDealers Are Short OF WOMEN'S CHAMPAGNE HALF SHOES, BUT WE HAVE TKf w predicted a bic sal on tn enampacno color and placed a duplicate order with the manufactift-er early , In the season; also added several new doslcns lust out and had them come- by ezpreoa to keep our etoek up to th standard. . They ar hero, now is when you want them. Com soon before the also ara broken. ' Lowest price -tn th city on the goods. . . ' - ,' Women' Champa rno "Olbeon Ties, wide silk ribbon les, military' or French heels,, thin or street soles; rtcular tt.OO valu. Tomer ' v row at . ..,'.;..............-., t..v. ............ .3.5Q "... - uNEW- BOYS' SHOES. Just received; a new lln of Russia-cair Half Shoo. , Popular in style and rip for eum. mer wear. Th earn low prlcoa MEN'S SHOES. - - The "O, W. & K. Kustom," Best in the World for '. ' the Price. ' .' i ',-.. ..'..;. W want every' man to examine . these shoes, a line built toou- - order, especially adapted to thle, climate and will pooltlvoly sat lefy even the. moat particular; ; In all leadlnc atylo and of . overv - noDUlar iMtkw- ' at aa value in looks, wear etuf .r.l. . 7- Every shoe stamped "a W. ds Jiuiiom. met, palr.4.03 Silks in Suit Pattern Lengths AH' trie My e tn rHi rr s a not wen anown sna on repealed tnat tn Olds, Wortmaa 4b Klnc silk stocks ar th finest -largest and most complete to be found on th coast W ar aellinc this week these desirable allk a follows: .... , Bilk Bult Patterns, in th durable mohair warp silks. It yards, to each pattern, tn navy, royal, resedas, browns and croons; rocular price, per pattern . Sa.2 Bilk Bult Patterns In chiffon taffetas, chiffon faille taffetas, Louie .. ines. messallaos and mohair warp silks, all In th newest io& styles. These aro In tans, browns, rreena rrays, navy, rods, cadet etc rocular price per It-yard pattern, 1 20.0..-Special price, per lard patter n , ., , . .13.4 3 - WHITE. INDIA SILKS. . '; : 1, Everykmd or competition distanced. ' No other house can ap proach these .values. AU IT Inches wide Rocular tOcv Special, prr yard., .39 Rocular OOe. Special, per yard . . . . , , .-,.4Tt Rerular Itc. MpeclaL por yard ........,...;......, ,84V Rerular tl.00. Special, per yard. .....,.T4' Rocular tl to. Special, per yard....; .89' Reculsr tl.iO. Speclel, per yard.. ;...,........ 1.13 These much-wanted warm weather Bilk at such special price will prove an Irresistible attraction. - .. . , .4 1 BLACK ALL-PURE SILK TAFFETA. ' v tt Inch; rocular price tl 71. Reduced to, per yard. ......... 1.43 tt Inch; rocular prle Reduced to. per yard. ........ .1 l.3j tt inch; rocular price tl.SO. Reduced to, per yard..,. 1.19 JT Inch; rocular price 11.11. Reduced to, per yard. ........ .;.& 1 1 Inch; rocular price 11.10.-Reduced to, per yard......r.MT95 11 Inch; rocular price, "Reduced to. per yard :......69 r CONTINUED SELLING;- OF SUMMER WAISTS AND FINE SKIRTS AT '.:v :' ;.-:' v : ',L:-: big reductions. 7 ! ' Dainty and pretty Summer Waist In all white and colored effects.. fawns,' dimities, percales, batiste. Madras and other new wash rood a A larro assortment tncludlnr nearly every new dealrtu Bpoolal for tomorrow a follows: i " ." . L .Rerular.l3.00-Walata.ia ro for. ..-.t. 1 ,4 Reculsr tt.00 Waists will co for... .11.: 1 Rsrular tt.oa Waists will go for.,,.,,......,,.....,., j.t Rocular Waist wUlro for....... .4.tJ TOT BTAMXaTB AJTO SXUK tBS3BTS SlIinT BS9VCX3. A crand artreratlon-of flno-Bklrtr hmwalMnr an dree hrnctha Kandaom all black silk Skirt . and beautiful otemlnes In black, tana, rray and bluts . .''' C tlO.OO Skirts tomorrow for. .'.,...,..V,.... ......... .......T"" tM.ta Skirts tomorrow for............. , .1 J.; I tlt.00 Skirt tomorrow for i......fll. . til. tO Skirts tomorrow. for , iil.J - . , And all In-between prlea at proportionate reduetten. . A FOURTH OFF'ON EVERY SILK EIIISTWAnr SUIT-IN THE HOUSC r - Our immense lln of Bilk Shirtwaist Bulla i"11-""'- t - style snd vory-Waetdoinrr the h-t t t . . reserved. aU at ...... ..NOTsirOkZ..Ji .i'. . WASH SUITS rsduczd n r. : Handsome Shirtwaist Suits In all wh' rir'-"' " plain and trimmed, strlotry new, r ' r t i enourb of them t ...