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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
THIS OREGON' DAILY JOUnilAi;-1 FOUTLAIJU,' TVTZ?X.zfcK:J?Z.4:--i IZZ3.' i --- v - - . V-'. , . - ... .-' .... . ,. - m.. -' . :' - , COME, CELEBRATE WITH ; US TODAY SPECIAL, PREPAR- 3: .Gorgeous, spectacular fireworks'display on the waters of the" Willamette Fifty thousand, spectators, can View au tner wmcnaous set pieces- v . More Attractive Features -Than All the Other Resorts Combined : ONE MOKE ADDITIOMTCDaV" the iRy. t II;: vTlZS" Hear DUrbano's Royal Itailian Boind' and don't' fail to isitT ' 7 tht grpunpjlchildre OA EC AVE N y::- -. ' : 6' t,' ty uahatooaye;. : DIG POWER PLANT Hoist and Compressor Will Be o - Capacity for Heavy Sink ing Operations.' -: . AUTHORITY GIVEN THE A v MANAGER TO PROCEED 7:",7-Mr :; -7 Reduction Not to Be Considered Until Development Has Po Bwea Furth ko t)m will b tot by th minu- nnt of Ui IndUn Mlntnc eompanjr la- quipping - that - property, - which . 1 riwr Baker Cltr. with heTlr mlalnv plant. . At tba annual naaung thlf pur- P4a waa axpreaaed, an Managar J. w. Maaanar waa given authority to proceed In due time. . t . , . w. J. ataplah of Indiana one of the a-.yrw ses&ssm i i " ' Back of ell this noise is -Uncle Sam.'T'rT'"' V: " aratfoh of Indpri(lenc . . July.l. 1778. 3rrat Britain acknnldMl fth Indrpondrnce of the United SUtea, I STORE CLOSED TODAY rrr, ' , :. r- ' Tomorrow, ur store will . explode with good things to wear for men end boys. , : y ' If your apparel is injured today, bring your shape to i us tomorrow. , . v .a ..-jp f r .-. aerhlag fer-Mer a riofrav" e4ee Thlra, aeaa Merriaoa. , 1 f. prominent etockholdere of the company, who attended the meeting at Baker City and who la an route home -rut Portland, aid thla morning that every one eon' nected with the Indiana company eminently aatlafled with 'the reaulta of the work done there.: The alae of the plant to be Installed la not Indicated, but a larger holat and a eompreaaor for machine drllla wUl be put on the prop orty. ... - , .v.--. i - The Indiana company la ready to it velop lta property. Mr. Btapish aald tba ahowtng that had been found on the four lewtla eetabllahed to a. depth of feat proved that It had mine. No effort will fee made 'to rucft thla to a, producing atago, but Manager Meaaner will be given ample time to get the ground well explored, -after which the work of reduction will, bo taken np yaumattcally and with per bapa . one -of the largeet pianta' - yet erected in-aaatern Oregon. atockholdra -of the Indiana do not car to make detailed atatemonte - of th ly f ra Knrty nil permanence ei uo tnoota tnat nave oeen ezpiorea. They do eajr, however, that but one wall of the great . l,00-foot -dike haa been explored, and en thla the copper ore .that baa , eauaed . ao much excite ment around Baker City waa found. Tba development, to be puraued .thla yeer wlU be to exploit the entire dike and the oppoalta wall, while attaining greater depth on the ahoota that have been tapped.. . 4 ; ,. . GREAT NORTHERN HAS HELPED MINING MEN 'Jamea J. HiU la etrenuoualy oppoaed by heavy Canadian Intereete who would rather aee the Canadian Pacific railway and tha Grand Trunk open Brltleh Co lumbia than Mr. HUl'a Oreat Northern." aald a prominent mining man thla morn. In, following two weeka in tha northern province. - "Hill occupies an enviable po altlon, however, and plainly baa with him a heavy percentage of ;mltfe oper atore. He merely naked for the pnvl lege of building Into British Columbia territory, with no bonua and no aid from the government,-except tne f ran chlse. At tha name time tha Canadian Pacific branches that -compete with Mr, Hill's lines are receiving about 18,000 bonus from tha province' and .an equal aum from the dominion government, fot each mile of track laid in the great min eral region. ' r . "With hla opponent thus subsidised, and - all - possible national influence brought to bear against him, Mr. HIU seems to have the better Of hla com petitor, and la really tha moat assuring factor h northern railroad work for the miner. 'As a "result of hla aggressive policy, the Bamllklmeen will be opened thla year and. the coal measures of the Nicola valley region will be given a good market. The Canadian Pacific would have reached thla territory for per hapa years had It -not been forced to build there by the Great Northern. At ti"Mr." Hiir haa secured" from the Ottawa government tha - franchise for further work, provided he will make It Canadian road and not merely dip into Canadian territory to draw off commerce to nia American aeaboara line. He ta giving tha required assurance that ha Intends to reach a -deep-water 'port on Canadian ground, and will be permitted to continue Ms line to connect with the V, V. R. line. 1 ' - - , "While Mr. Hill Is shaking us the northerners In railroad, work, be la at the aama time ) securing - some of the moot important mining Interests of the northern' province, if persistent rumors are worthyor credence. It ie uni versally - believed that hla eanttal lata control tn "the .famous Oranby. it la iso not questioned thst they are ret ting centrol xt BrUUh Columbia Copper j --k. --v . r eompany Interests. That Great Northern I tha BuU of tba Wooda which were cal Interests are doing the heaviest work oulated to 'handle the freer pert of the In the Nloola coal fields la also unquea- era that oame from the aurface,, The tloned. Other districts are baokad by Badger waa using eight stamps prevl capital that aeema equally atrong, and oualy auxiliary to tha rollcruahlng no aouDt oomea iron tne ureat Mortn-1 plant, but in the early work on the orn circle. Thus yon will see' thst Mr. I Bull of tha Woods a wrada af ore waa Hill U developing British Columbia, by found that neceaalUted a more serious giving mining intereeta a railway, and l effort at amalgamation, and eauaed the aiding by putting money Into' the mines I superintendent to put in ft more stamps, themselves." .- .v .Several teams are An the. ma A Kenllnv I eoncentratee and ore, the haul being to Tipton. When tha Bumpter Valley la running cars to Austin, the haul of thla I district wUl be but about II miles, over good road, which follows tha middle fork of the John Day, CRACKER-OREGON MILL LEASED FOR THETABER (Special Msaatta to Tie JearaaL) Bumpter, Or..' July 4. Manager H."T. Hendryx, of - the Taber fraction ' com pany, la preparing to complete the Chloride Shoot anroag. (Sacetal MstaUa te Xae JnerssLI PMiwM. -rto Tt. 1 w a tl. v.a Cracker-Oregon sUmp mui and put ltAM., ,i .J. . Z. In working shape for mining Taber ',rt. . .Jy " ' "" ,fc!: wreMinn m sinn. hi. t-Biorida mine, which. bad th width of hare that ha bad secured a lease of this ' ' r wporta, la milllna nlant arranaementa have beanlon" ot me anoots that, had been ex haatened for deeper work on the Taber slored In the upper workings of thla uantlty-ef ( property. The upper drifts- milling ore , in alght In tha worklnga Chloride had opened three or, four short that have been opened to tha 100-foot (shoots, and level No. wad established level, ana n is a..o anowo inai wnue Dy driving a crosscut of more than the ColumbU waa opening this ground lM9 ,t Th, dflft , , a good amount, of ore in tne tnere waai4apth of more than 400 feet, where the irTv . . "i?. . ,n k."'- ,Mt ho wm ontered. and la gaining "t.hirra.,V.?:0W dpth ther faat. : Two other S the 100 and 1.100 levels may be re- h4V penetrated on thla level, but malna to be proved, but the fact that ia found that tha nr. i .k. there has been such rich ore at tha rery Ideepeat work., . A heavier pereenUge of va - ""' -iguena naseen encountered In Chloride depth gives positive assuranoe "thst I ores than In any other property of the there will be -an abundance of ore IrilRock creek district, which Is taken by ine J itei oc jrouuo int iwr rnu- u management to prove that deep work tlon has on the big lode ;-- - I bqro baa possibly more assurance than Tha cracjter-oregon mm is aamiraoiy in any otner property yet explored. situated for uae or tne Taoer erection, i . , . , , sa n is at the base of tha hiu beneath Canadian National Park tha wnrlrln.a. anil mV He enallT COn. I V! '""Ml"-" IIUWUIIOI rOTIl, nected "by an, aerial tram, which Mr. I The Canadian Faelflo has mad. Hendryx save will - be erected at an rund trip rate of -til to Banff and early data. Until the tram ta working return good for stop over privileges. it la the purpoae to haul ore by wagons, VUltora to the exposition ahould not tha distance being but tha length of fall to vlalt thla famous resort, situated two claims. . 1 ,n tn" T,T heart of the Rocky moun- 1 tains, teas tnan i hours fide from Port For descriptive matter and full par- LIST OF PRODUCERS .7itrir?7tfwix ' t . I vniva a . (gpeclsl DM pa tea to tbs jeers.i.i -BusanvUle. Or.. July . Operations in the Buirof the Woods, under direc tion of Superintendent K. P. Kennedy of the Badaer company, have been opened with fuU force this spring, and thla property Is already producing ton naaa. Ten stampa were put in the WANTED-AN ANGEL' TO : HE-P FIND NORTH POLE Your Heart V '-' Jarel Special flervles.) - New Tork. Julv ITnlaaa natWnti Badger plant laat fall and winter for 1 0I tlsens come to the - flnanclal rescue 1 I or - commander Kobert k, Peary, hla ' i dash to the noia will nava ta h mui. poned. The explorer has an auxiliary rigged schooner, the Roosevelt, the finest craft aver built for a nnl.e .w. ta wonderful "pump that works 1 ncee- J pedltlon. She is aU paid for, but money ntlir ftvravlnff aeventV 40 - DOUnd I la .aaaaA Im Auul an mi,Im.mi atrokea a mlnu te. and orrliig from 20 .xpaiuon eannot start unleaa at least to I pounds of blood throughout the I ,... aAw. . " - " body each minute. s m I ,tl:LHir-. .t. - f!"'-. . . he power that xeeps mis wonoerrui " oaay inat no in motion -hi nenre-foree. tho-an t mouey wilt 1ar raised tn time tar tHrm orgy furnished by the nervea. I delay In tha original plan. The Boose. Disease, over-exertion, fright, anxiety, I Whioh arrived laat nlalit , atead of stopping, makes extraordinary J malned at anchor In North liver, off enorte and causes neart strain. - - I weenawaen tooayana waa visited bv . Than nnmaa ahnrtnaa. of Kraath K.av I ...j.j lk - - - ' " . " - - , , muiiui wvj a. paipitauon, aiaainesa, eio., oeoause ins nervea ara too weak to fumlah hwif. Take the only safe remedy, 1 I ' ' Siokealaa Shlverlaf Pits Inf a ana and Malaria ran 8a fell.. and cured with Electric Blttera. Thla la a fin., tilnl mmHaIii., a It feeds. Btrengthens and builds UO thelhan.flt In malaria, for- it axarta a true nerves and muscles of the heart ao they curative Influence on the disease, drlv- UP? the necessary energy. I Ing it entirely out of the system. Ilia r5, .cu't - marvelous much to be preferred to Quinine, hav- a wa Dr. Mfles Heart Core remad7 an mre is a marveimis I much to be nreferred to Quinine, hav va Ilea 4t when eariltne 1 1. hah a hia A ... m k.j rouble Wi present. It meets the lnrtlre. I r a Mllfft1aV ft Tfantilaat4 a Tat -Bar f I ft at Boston. Mase. - - . I pi tiers, which asved his life. At "kid- The first botUo will hanaflt: If mi ik. 1 rm, in rt.ia AxugglsL will aStuLyotta motito"-. T-WiV&Uirz??" "-.:'T llfiYEILfBIEriT TO IRISH PATRIOT Statue of Thomas Francis Mea gher. Soldier and Statesman, ' Presented Montana. - BANISHED FOR SEDITION: ' BECAME CIVIL WAR HERO Escaped " From i Tasmania ; to Serve in Civil War and Die erritory's Coverno; " -..-V (Bpedal Dispatch te The la-maL) ( Helena, . Mont. July 4. In the pre! enoa of one .of the largeet crowda ever congregated tn . thla, -aUta, - the monu ment to Thomaa Prajiols Meagher, the noted Irish soldier and statesman, was unveiled here this afternoon. Governor Toole waa chairman, and Introduced Colonel - John - T. Plnerty ' of Chicago who delivered a stirring address on Irish patriotism - and r the achievements - of Meagher. Mlaa Anastasla 0Meara of Butta pulled the cord which ' releaaed the coverings., exposing the- monument to view. The monument was presented to the stats by President J. Jj Lynch of the Thomas Trancle Meagher Mem orlal aasoclatlon and waa accepted by Governor Toole in a neat addreaa. . - Tha statue Is eouestrlan In style, of bronse, weighing five tons, coat 110,000 and la tha work of Sculptor Charles J. Mulligan of Chicago. Money was sub scribed solely by residents of Montana with-exception of m contribution from Meaghers associates in ths Irish brig' aed of civil war fame. Meagher after being banished from England for life because of Irish sedi tion, escaped from Tasmania, reaohing New Tork In l6l. He anawared Lin coln's first call for troops and served through ths war -With- distinction.-- Ha waa appointed aecretary of Mon tana territory in 111 and In July of the following-year while acting aa gov ernor, fell from a boat In the Missouri river and waa drowned,-his body never belnr recovered. He waa at the time on the mission to secure arms to repel an Indian uprlalng, and this fact served to idolise him mors than ever.": " Mrs. Meagher, his widow, telegraphed from Rye, New Tork, her Inability to be present because of rheumatiam. a - . i. i. ,n .,, , HREE EUGENE YOUTHS BECOME HIGHWAYMEN ' (soetlal IHspatea ta The leeraat) -- Eugene, Or,. July 4. Tliff Olover. Riley Bavage and Edward Mulkay, be- tween th agea of Tl and tt. -wars ths perpetrators of Sunday morning's hold up hero in which M. TX Wilson, a col ored . hobo, was robbed ' of. several del larer. Mulkay. tha youngest of the trio, was Instrncted by th other two te pilot th negro to a dark place while the older boys held them -up.-- '-'-- . In - th aweatbox Mulkey .oonfseasd and told on the othera Olover waa ar rested but Riley succeeded In getting way. All three of the boya reside here. Th Mulkey boy will be sent to lbs re orm .acaooL. . i ... ; i , . .. j " -y',v ' t """" " ' ' 1 ' "' The Kind You Hart) Always Boulxt, amd which ha beesr; In Use for oTCP SO WMM. Tnaa tum. .av ala '' '' ana hm oeen rxuuiemuier cia d ' ' aUon-kl Srmai-nrlBf nn fefnoa. tfa lWna, -JT AXiiYm n a nna a A aaalaa -mm 4-h evia AH Oountorfelta, Imitations and - Jiist-augood are but --' Ipeiimentc that trifle with andendauigrihe liealUi i- rlnfimto and CIhlldjxiv-Iaa?eiienoe avrainst bnrlmene . ' ' ' What io CASTORIA Caastarla Is a ltuannless snbstlttite for Castor Oil Fare- , Boric. Irrops and Sootlilnar SrratML. It fa Pissnnt. in""'1:1! eontavlna neither Opium Morphine nor other Narootlo nbstance. Its atre la lta arnarantM.. it drwn Wmm and allays FcTerUhness. It cores Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic It relieves Teethlntr TronfelMj mi SUTllI .Yrllin1nV-r . T In.llHi.. a. T '. . . - -' I Stomach and Bowels, Qlrinff healthy and -oatural sleep. The Children's Panaeesv--Th Mother's Friend. t .;:'.. onnuiria CASTOR I A? alvayo Bean the eiffnatnre cf rir : ; -'S, V' - TIip pid You Harollways Bbnglit In For Over 30 Ycaro. vwa eeamHm tsuaaaa, w i WIPISWrF VwssM Mi VMHI tfJw 1 1 , 4. ' - flAWiTAwn nnirc daii iiir. I V WlXf m IKON FENCING l tta.tka4 tXTtaa' tan .a . . . - aaHHaa uw uu mwh r fTIKing, t a - a, .-' ' V' : V . POUltTT Nstting, Bt& V- ?''.,, PORTLAND VIRE & IRON WORKS : ;yv.' a63 PLANOCRS ST., Near Third Phone Main aooo Ba.,.. sntx IT DIDIN'T HURT l whit tut ear ef ear awtkoda of going ,'deatal wera. Wa So mrk fne nanala nt ef the city quickie eeatd any delsr. Krerrthlsg ao to 4Me. . Opra eveslscs a ad WISE BROS., Dentists - Xae geiliaay ear. taM aa4 Waatlagtsa.! - V J A. v r