The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 04, 1905, Image 5

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    f - a TT ? ': - eve" r-ttTr' a- :
a.. . i lLsa. Jw- -in-'., . w - J r "Wi" vrf
i -
t . -
11 :
. t
vovij voiles
ioriobtb UKmvaxni ,7:
Mirua ' -i.,',7rn.iMTh Besoty Bhop
BelaacO .......... .1 "The t:onotiat
J-rrt .......,........,..........H... Kirk"
Km pi re , ....."Loet to Loadoii"
fraed,,t ;.,......v......vValeTlll
Star V.udarllla
Bakes .Vaudeville
Annie " Si, has - been - sued for divorce
. by Georg E. Hutoalngs, and has been
; onjoirtsd from withdrawing ll.iOO whlob
' aha baa ia a local bank and from dls-
7 Posing of th household furnltura and
- . horse and buggy.,' Hutching says
thst sines his marriage i lssr-h gsv
hls'wlfs all tha money ha earned, -'Which
. . J aha deposited In bar own nana. ; Ha
. baa ascertained that aha ia about to
withdraw it and converts to bar own
"use, and "is also about to dlapoaa of
their personal property. She baa alao.
- ao tha complaint atatea, a habit of stay.
lng -away' from homa until midnight
; Tlv nights in tha week. She would
' Hot 'get bta -braakfast. and ' when ha
' remonstrated with her aha told htm ho
waa a beast, and ahauld so out and live
rwith tha horse. They fiav on chlld."1
.-: . 'George T. tldelL. the-Bait. Xk capl
'tallat, and party arrived in this city lat
bight- ln-.a privata car -and ; will remain
In Portland eeveral days. , They will
i V return jro Salt Lake by way of ' Calt
; ... ' f ornta. The members of the party arJ
'V' Mr. and Mr a. George T. OdelL- Mia
Adelaide Odell. Marls Odell. Mrs. Joseph
- H. Richer!. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred
Odell. Mlaa Florence Grant. Mlaa Addle
T Mra. Gilbert. J., Wright. . Mr a. O. Q.
. vtrignv Mteuenva , wnmimint
. Wright, Idaho. Falls, Idaho, and Mr. and
Mrs. B, p. Crltchlow of Ogden, Utm
- ... Q. Hi Drael and Mary- tMreSsal have
' asked the county court to declare them
r -- legatees ot the late Henry W. Corbott
. In the sunr of S100 oach. The peti'
t loners state that at the tlma the
death of Mr. Corbott they ware engaged
! house servants on his farm near
. ' Corbett station. - In hia will bo be
queathed tlOO to each of hla house serv
anta. The farm was not-MK-Corbetrs
- residence, and . ao the petitioner bav
'. not been considered legatees, ana ins
. bequests havoTiot been paid to thorn, j
4 Resolutions In support of the olrcu-
.Jar-sent trat by -tha-New.: Tork chamber
j or "commerce calling-! or immeduto acr
tton by congress to modify the present
-American tariff system will' bo adopted
" by the Portland board ot trad. It la
: eatd if action along this Una Is not
taken the export' trade of tho United
' Statea With continental Europe will be
" . deatroyed by the --reUllatory, tariffs
being ' enacted ' by the governments of
- 7 Germany France, "Italy. Ruaala. iAustro
J. : Hungary, Spain. . Portugal and Great
, . -'. Britain.. v, ' .-. (f- ,
Otto P. PraarT-who waa an indepen
dent candidate for the nomination of
. councilman from tho Fifth ward at tho
. . primary election, has filed an appllcaJ
tton -with th CUT civil servloo commla
. alon for an 'eaamlnatlon for-the poai--ton
as sidewalk Inspector or deputy
' ' -city engineer. - The affidavit aooonv
- nanvLns Praa'a aDDlloatlon was signed
v by U T. Poery.. chairman of tho Demo
cratic city- and- county committee;
Sheriff T. M. Word and-Ogleaby Toung.
.attorney.' 'v's.' .. : v-'
xtit it- .-.' ' C'V, "a i ii'.'.V.i"';'..';-
-At a; meeting of tho directors- of tha
S Oregon aV California railroad yostordsy
; ' fafternnon J.-Fj, O'Brien was elected first
""'T'vics-presldent, succeeding- BTA." Worth
' ington. In pursuance of tho policy of
Harrtman Mr. O'Brien will occupy tho
aecond place on tbs executive staff of
' the Harrtman roads-m th Pacific north-
. west, with the title of ice-president and
- general manager. . . J'-
-Henry Weber and it. E. Ish, formerly
of this city, arrived In San Francisco tb
other, dsy from Tonopah, Nevada,' and
registered at the Palace hoteL " They
. left Portland penniless and are now
:j worth 1259.000- between them, having
' t made, a cleanup 1n tha Nevada" mines.
When they went-to Tonopah they rode
:- ,there on the brakaboams of, it railroad
" f". , train, : 'r:-'-:r'r , "
y'T' Tha BanFranctaeo Merchants' exchange
advises tha' Portland . chamber of com-
. mere that Walla" Walla' wheat will of tea
July be received on delivery at the
exchange on th earn baala aa California
v-. white wheat. Heretofore th Walla
. ' Walla wheat ha not been considered
- available, on -time cuntracy. -j -r
- -' ; While on an excuralon . to : Cascads
. Iocks yesterday on tho Bailey Gataert
' the Paclflo Coaat ' Engineers congress
. elected the ' following- officers: , George
P. Low of San Frsndsoo. president and
- treasurer: H. H. Sinclair of Los Angeles,
- vloe-prealdent. and Samuel G. Reed of
.. Portland, secretary. 'r
. Trolley trip on O, W. P. today: '.Ore-gon-CItyrCanemah
park, Oreshsm. H
cents; Estscada and upper Clackamaa
river points, nts round trip. , Din-
- at Hotel Eataeada, 7 i. -cents. -Cars
- leav First and - Aider Streets for Ore
. gon City avory . 40 minutes, . Estacada
L-V?HL!W-Jim,'!, ;
Special today on th 0."W. P.i 1 To
Oregon City. Canemah park . and - Wil
lamette falls. It cents round trip. - Big
firemen's tournament; dancing after
noon . and evening at Canemah park
pavilioiir' Cars from First and , Alder
streets every 40 minutes. '
- Be, thS Sea at Seaald A delightful
trip in old ocemn, only-four hours' rid
- ' from Portlands Tak a dip In tb briny
' ,,-- 'deep. Train lev the union depot
, dally at I a. m. For Information apply
to Mr. C A.' Stewart, agent, 141 Alder
; f.-;-. street - Phon Main I0. ;. 5
:"-TT7Trr 'ah official notice, signed by Theo
V - dore Hardee. . assistant to the president
pf the Lewi and Clark exposition, and
- j issued yesterday, tha publld la warned
' that none but official programs may be
circulated on tho grounda, Th order
.. . waa made a a result of tho episode Frl-
Hot, r
Light, froan Underwear Is a most
Important factor for comfort in
hot weather. We've a very ox
tensive line; All kinds, all prices.
- .r v. PER GARMENT. :'Tn'
I l777ztt;t7tCzy O Co.
s r eras '. ;Tfo stntt
' - -t r - - - i r
Keaa and Mr. Hardee informed tba
woman suffrsglsts that they -would not
be permitted o,.ua their own programs.
The official program coata It cents. Mr.
Hardee is merely an official of tha fa I
and has no intereat in tha publication
other than too success of tba espost
An electric ,wlre came Into contact
with the awning frame In front of
Foaller O'Neill's cigar store and tha
barber ahop of J. F. Neldermeyer. corner
of Fifth and WaaJtlngTton streets, at 10
w ..v.a. ...mi mug na cauHQ a, 1 1 ra
which destroyed tha' awnlnar. , Little
damage was dona to tha building. Tha
alarm waa turned In hv Patrolman rial.
bralth and was responded to py" Engine I
- On tha O. W. P. h. B.T. Co.- todav- - T
Oresbanv ti cente. . All polnta east of
ureaiuun ta aixl tnoiufling ,BUod, to
oants rouna trip. Dinner at Hotel Ea
Ucada, 71 cnta. Cara leave Firat and
Aider atreets T:I0, :I0. .11:10 a. . uv
l:l.. 1:10, i:U, lt p. m. ; . .
- For tha second time this acaaon canoe
Uts made, tba perUoua trip down thai
uiacaamaa rapids and on to Portland
Sunday. Ope boat waa lost. Thoae who
made the party wero R. Tl Macleay.
P. B. Olfford. Mlloor Roberts. Henry L.
wina si. h. coroett. -.v.,:.
v J. W.Jvef a prominent Alaskan mining-
man, la hero visiting old friends.
He. predicts lhat th Alaskan .output- in
gold this ysar will reach 400.000.000. and
aaya gold la pouring out of th Tanana
dlstrtct in Immense, quantltlea. 1
Carloads of delicious Mermaid brand
cantaloupe and paper rind red moat
Coaohella watermelons . constantly on
track. : So that you sat Tkfarmslds.
Nothing olao half-ao aweot Pearaon' I
Pag CQ-Maln 7. Sole agenta,
An ' attachment suit - hss been besfun
by G. Gallette against Fred Schwarts
and John, aUt-gar, who are engaged In
business at th fair grounds, for tiOQ
tor goods sold and delivered. "
Spit for i-divorce has been begun by
Hattls B. agalnat Ralph C - Grim on
th ground of desertion, beginning in
June. 190. They were married In
Clackamas county in !. . -
. , Camp Comfort. - What is tba use of
awelterlbg at a hotel at double the
price when jron- can. get a comfortable
tent at Twenty-fifth and Sarler. streets.
at ' fair grounds. . -. ,.
i- July II has boon designs ted aa Evef-
etf day: at the Iawla and Clark xpo
smon. and will - bo observed with , ap
propriate ceremonies. . J-1- .-
- W clean and press your' clothe and
shin your shoe for 11.00 per month.
Unique Tailoring o StT Washington,
saain ete. , . . - --- ! . -,-
. ' aia ' "-v
We are stilt selling our tt.SO eye-
glasses for 11. - Consultation free, and
ovary pair guaranteed.- Metsger Jc Co..
Ul BWth street. ,: :.
" Roof painting Columbia? Paint com
pany. Mala 141s, 70 Firat street. . M,oas
and fireproof palnC for wood, tin and
iron. , Roof painting a specialty.
Wanted Shirt" finisher and ladles'
clothe lroners. union Laundry Cp.
Try meal without meat at th Vge
tarian oar,. io Bixtn at rest- . . ,
'- Ansley Printing Co II Oak.
A - special --Invitation- from President
T. B. WUoox of the Trana-Mlsalsslppl
congress to President Theodore Roose
velt, asking hint to attsnd th Portland
session of th congress, wss sent , yes
terday afternoon by. Secretary Francis.
Truman. Q. Palmer, secretary of the
National Beet Sugar assoclstton, with
headquartere at Washington, D. C, has
written asking to. b placed on. th pro
gram for an address on aurar boot cul
tivation. - - A
Oovernor Pardee writes that he will
attend th congreas, and will be accom
panied by a strong delegation from Cali
fornia. ' Invitations 'from President Wll-
fcox : and Governor Chamberlain . havs
been sent . to . Oovernor Blanohard f
Louisiana, who is regarded aa one of th
south ablest men and greatest orators.
No more appointments will be mad
by- Mayor Lane until tomorrow. - It 1
expected he Will name a man .to suc
ceed Chief of Police Hunt. ' Hi most
Inttmsta - friends '' declare they do not
know who tho man -la, .
On of tho latest eandldstes for tho
position Is Eugen C Comatock. chief
elerk In th united Bute engineer's of.
flee. It wss rumored thst Comatock
had been offered the position by Mayor
Lane, but that he had not accented It.
At I o'clock tomorrow afternoon th
new city council will meet and' organise
by electing a president and casting lots
to . decide . who will-serve-.h -long and
short terms. Mayor Lane will also de
liver a brief messsg to th council and
appoint hi council committee.
' All tha delicacies of th season: pri
vate apartments for ladle and families,
Strauss' Restaurant, 2I Washington.
At Marquam halj tomorrow th Pacific
coast Aaaoelation of Nurserymen will
open , It tblrd annual session, which
will last three days. Today the nur
serymen., ar arriving from all parte
of tho state, at the Perkins hotel, which
will be headquarters. 1 Tha. speakers are
H. A. Liewla. Rusellvllls nursery; L.
Remlinger. of Remllnger Bros., Vancou
ver; -,C.r P.- Hartley, CaldwelLIdaho;
ev.-r. waiden, Norh Taklma; J. A
Stewart, Christopher; C. F. Lanalng.
Salem; H. E. Van Deman, Waahlngton,
District of Columbia. Nurserymen from
eaatorn atstes and scientists and liortl-
culturiats who are attending the Lewis
and Clark exposition will be In attend
ance. Exhibits of Oregon cherries and
other' fruit will bo made. - .'
;.x Milwaukls Country Club. - '
Baatorn and Seattle races Teke fiell
wood and Oregon City car at First and
Do not mis th opportunity now of
fered to visit th Islands. . Inclusive
tickets snow being sold via San Fran-'
Cisco covering hotel expense st Hono
lulu,' drives snd excursions. Snd a trip
to the great volcano. Full details fur
nishsd by J. H,. Dawson. .141 Washing-
tCTT Strwt.-lr W-8tfT)geT-, -Wavtr-
Ington trt ; "
. V i.i a
Hotel Hamilton, Ran Francisco' newest-
hotel. Bteim heat and telephone In
ch roontr Ontralljr livatad. -Rates,
ti t l.vrward : Kill street.
Prediction Mad by ColonsI John
', ; H. Carroll ,of Missouri tk ..:
-ft '"aCIo Obtervtr.- ' ; ;
Country Will Be as Prosperous
" and Powerful Commercially
: ; as NeW England. .
"n-IS-year Portland will- have ei
000 people, SeatUa will bar as many,
thers win b other large etUea through
out th Paclflo northwest and thla coun
try .will be aa proaperoua ind powerful
commercially, a ' New England. This
is a great region: It Is wonderful." said
John H, Carroll bt Bt- LouDX, general
atjorney'fo the Burlington railroad, at
tho Missouri building in "th exposltfon
grounds, yesterday,
Colonel Carroll, lawyer andma of
affairs, traveler. bon .vlvant on- ooea
slons, Hoosler by birth and Missourian
by adoption. Is making tur,ot th
Paclflo northweat. In : th prlvau , car
eaatern frlenda. He Is said to be
hard-headed -man of business, not given
to . flight., of imagination. Reared . In
Indiana, he witnessed tho development
of tha middle west ' from Its almost
primeval condl.t.tono.Jess than--heAf
century ago. ,. ' .
"X saw millions of feet of black wal
nut and oak-cut. and burned away to
clear the land nd 4 am' only 7 years
old." he said. - "Oregon atill haa prac
tically all her vast wealth in timber; ah
ha minerals, coal, naherlsa, agriculture.
great or flelda ar trlbuUry to bar;
aba haa tho orient for a market for hisri.w, will proceed agalnatthem," laid
surplus the future of this country is
beyond calculation. -. .
- Bverytklag to MAke Xty drreat.
"It will hav vast growth In the nest
II years, and within that time it will
rival New England in population, wealth
and . commerce. Measuring bsck i 400
miles from th coaat. compare thls'Ta-
clflo northwest with New England, and
you And far greater resource. The de
velopment of the will sustain a vast
population. I am almply - overwhelmed
with , tho revelation this region afford.
It ia wonderful wonderful." . .
- Th colonel-passed 'the cigars around,
tilted bis. chair back against the Mis
souri building and. pausing lust long
enough to light a weed, resumed his dis
course on the possibilities of the future
that would hava maae an old-' Oregon
resident expand with aeugni. - ;
"W have been eeemg the exposition
today and It la Just "bully," ho said.
"Tha location la fine, th fair la big
enough and not too large, and the .ex
hiblta are good. Thia expoaltlon will
result In hurrying forward th develop
ment of the Paclflo -rthwest. Thou
sands of people will come her to sea
the fair and the country, and thouaands
will stay her or return to live.".
He talked of tha letty. th Cellloow
nal and tbs city of Portland aa a com
merclal ctnter. but away fron
th subject of railroads. , " "
' Kor maOroada Oomiaa.
4 am not In a position to talk f
what the railroads will do," he said,
"bur ther is no shadow of doubt ' that
more railroada from the eaat will build
Into Oregon, and that Portland will be a
great - railroad center. The railroada.
In my Judgment, have kept up with tbs
growth of the eountry-ln tho pest
Building railroads across th Rockies
and the Tfescad mountains Is quits a
different proposition from building them
In Missouri and Oklahoma. But tne
railroads will corns, and tho country
will develop -rapidly. -. Oregon la now
practically at tho beginning of it great
development." r. , : ,
Colonel Carroll's party mcludss Mr.
and Mrs.- Homer Basaford. St, Louise
Mrand Mrs. Harry Vttuonbolder. St.
Louis; Misses Marl and Florence Wade,
daughter- of F.J. ,Wadeu president of
tho Mercantile Trust compsny. of 8t
Louis: Robert B. Hums, a Waahlngton
lawyer; -Mrs. Anna Boon. St. Louia. Ia
Portland. Colonel Carroll waa Joined by
hla. boyhood friend. J W. HobbS, of
Eugene, with whom he went to school
in Indiana. . ;'.:'
Mr. Bassford of tho St. Louia- Re
public expressed the opinion that th
exposition Will bo . of . great benefit to
Portland.- He said:
"Bt, Louia has received a great Impe
tus from the Louisiana Purchase xr
sltlon. Ther 1 more building going on
In St. Louia than ever before In Ita his
tory. Xhe c,tr growing and Improv
ing In every wsy."
At th Missouri building tha Jit Louis
party waa Joined by B. E. B. MeJlmsey,
editor of tho St. Joseph Oasette, who,
with bis wife, la - In-.'ortland to spend
th summer. Colonel Carroll and - hla
friends wtrr leave Portland tonight, to
continue their - tour- lnt Waahlngton,
Idaho and Montana. ; . .. .
Celebrata With Kolb and DilL
Xelb aad Din. the GersMB' eninllana, in the
any SMnlral easwdy barlesiitie.-- "Tbs Seaety
9," .wtH tk Mil at tb Marqnaw dranil
theatre tonight at S:WI e'rloch. There are CO
eleeer girls Is the cberoa wh slag aad da do
la a slenalng SMaaw. Popalar prleea pr.alU
ISasM hill all week, with a special BMUuee
Saturday. .
i; .- . Cool t th Grand. 1 '
rwth ef JUly eta he well celebrated 'by a to the Uraad, whers the serfortBaarea
will b eonttimaaa ' fron S till 11 a. am. The
SiaDageswst haa gatbeivd together bobm ef
the beat arts la aadeville tor thla ho Hear
weak aad it I R aatertalDSMst well la keD.
Ing with the spirit ef the day aad the weather.
The Uras.M siwaya eooi aaa eoavoruoM.
- - "Lost in London,"
If PHa' amfva-'.tAelt Miainaa' li MfMi' I na
pWdnetloa ef "'Uet Is Leodos." Always a
favorite with theatre-goers it has erldestly lost
saae of its power ' to Plessy,- an the ssasy
draraatle arapp. aad lotareatlBg ellaaaaea ere
appiaaoea w ta im as imr p.i aiaacv.
Matinee every day st 1:11 s'tlock) svesisga at
rrhrc Kuhnt" at the Baker.
The Three Kshss bad te mepoad ta sssmt,
ess esearee at the Baker yestaroay. Tbe ethers
whe awse hits were Uasle Waller, the little
trick' staalato! ra asd Paady eastody sera
hau: Robert NnaM. whistler, aad Jeaa Wllsoa
la plrtored ballads and the akerorpk w.i
mi. too. M.tlnea dallr at l:0 e'clork: everr
eTralng at t :M aad I e'cVw. ." : ; -.. "Z
-Hagcl Kirk."
tlaaa W lr"-ta-Oa. attraetlaa. at.4ks. LrU
this week esd It ehoald BMke
attendaaee. Ella Wllem. a Haael klrke U
at boaie I the ear, a aha has piaraa It suay
tlnee. Asnrher pecked bnaee wltaeaeed tb
prnductlna laa night. There are rm aperlaltlp
between, tb. aria. ,'M.tlnre dallr at
e'tkxki STeulaga st T:M aad I s stock. -
Ultimatum Handed 8atoon
keepers and Restaurants Who
' Are Violating Ordinance. .";
In Nearly TwoVlundred Places
Police Have Found Conditions
Requiring Correction. .
-Saloon-keepers ' and restaurant men
ar bowing reluotantly to th mandate
isaued by Mayor Lane 'yesterday - to
Chief of Polios Hunt to enfore the or
dlnane prohibiting private .boxes In
saloons and In reataurants whsre liquors
ar sold.. They sea ther Is nothing for
them to do but Submit to the order, and
today: many of .them are preparing 'to
remove the privata boxes. The ordel
win necessitate many slttistlons la-aov.
era! of the restaursnts and larger aa-
loons.. .- k v
Chief Hunt instructied. the-offlcers of
th first relief last night to investigate
and report all plaoea not complying with
th law, and to order- th proprietors to
close their boxes. One week will be al
lowed In which to make the changea
prosecutions will 'follow violations oi
tb ordinance after that. time.
Th offloera found about 160 saloon
keeper aelllng liquor in prlvst boxes
or t conducting a 'Combination-house"
business .'and about 10 restaurantsurs
serving liquors In booths. Several of
tho latter have regular saloon licenses.
while the remainder hava what la knows
aa a restaurant license. . , -t.
-"W have told th saloon-keeper-and
restaurant men who are found violating
th ordinance that they will have Just
oaawtak to remove their boxes, and then
If ther do not eomnlv with the ordinance
Chief Hunt today. . "Many of them have
stated that they are willing to comply
with tba law, providing all othera ar
forced to do tba same, while othera de
not Ilk th proposition, 1 do not ex
pect much difficulty In enforcing - the
It waa midnight' C H. SkSwe. dep
uty coroner; -waa .slumbering peace-
- But , . ' . -.- f.
He- left his -window Open, and the
small boy was- abroad. - A bunch of
flrecrackerev. about 100 atrong, with tha
bualnesa - end '-lighted.'-went sailing
through the window, snd lodged on th
oed. -. : -.-. -
Mr. Skewes began to dream of a fight
with redskins. Standing at bay, hla back
against a cliff, he waa dealing death
and destruction from, an automatic pis
tol clutched in each hand. He smelled
the burning powder. : Suddenly he felt
a bullet strlks him between the oyes.
And thsn Mr. Bkewes awoke to find
himself in tho center of an inferno. - He
leaped from his couch and stepped on a
nrerracser tnat ngfl expintia w
still - smoldering.- Hs expressed bis
thought audibly; but tho woiMs would
not look wsu In a Sunday school psm
phlsi.. . . ' ' -:
-Tho frreoraeksrs won out, Tb room
waa-abandoned , unttl th last one had
exploded. Then it waa cleared and vetK
tllated. Mr Skewes again retired, this
time with the window closed tightly.- .
"But I was prstty or.", said th
deputy coroner, "and If I ever find out
who did it, well " , ,,
Charles R. De Forde. fireman on the
river ateamer- F. B. Jones, fell from
tha deck 1 about midnight and waa
drowned. His body wss recovered with
grappling Irons an hour later by other
employes on the vessel. Jones went
to bod shortly before midnight and
a few -moment- afterwarda waa heard
to go on deck, tho sound of a aplasb
warning hla companions of what Is be
lieved to be an accidental death
Coroner FInley waa notified and re
moved th body-, to hi undertaking
rooms. No Inquest Is deemed necesssry.
Definite funeral arrangements hsvs not
yst bosn mad, but th -funeral will
probably, b hsld Thursday and burial
will tak place in Lone rir cemetery.
.vThe deceased had worksd on th
rivr for many years. Hs waa unmar
ried and aged ti years. Hla brother,
L. H. D Ford, Uvea at I6 Commer
cial street, --'i. , .
Lewis and Clark;
t '.r:-r' Cafe.-
Just tmaglns yoursslf up - In spacs
1.000 feet above the city, viewing th
grandest scenery in this country whlls
comfortably aeated and enjoying a
dainty luncheon. AU thla you can hav
by going to th Observatory cafe, which
is on the midway of the Lewis snd
Clark observatory. '-''-'
Visitors and th residsnts of Port
land will bo equally surprised with the
treat which awaits them, aa there Is
nothing -like It on-. this coast. - There
la no better place to bring your visiting
friends, who can snjoy tho view while
be lng served with refreshments. Break-
fsst or luncheon will be ssrvsd to larse
list runuina neignts csr aaa goi
off at Hawthofhe- terrace. An eleetr'la
levator will lsnd you at tb oafs. - -
ThrannuarJconciavC-of-h Omega
Nu sorority .opened la at - night " with .
reception to the 40 visiting delegstes at
the - home or . miss King - on King s
HelghtSr This morning In th sorority
hall at. th High school tbe -first se
cret session wss held -and thess will
continue thrmigh -the wrek 1n ths morn;
ings. The afternoona will be -given up
to Informal social Intercourae. nd th
evenings to formal entertaining. This
evening they will hold high links at
the home of Misses Msnsfleld at Mount
Tabor. - Tomorrow evening a dance la
scheduled in honor of - th visitor,
given . by the local chapter; th next
evening on . given by tb two school
fraternities. Frtdsy is their dsy at
th fair and they win take- luncheon
thers. 'Ths sorority Is a eosst organ I sa
tlon and delegatea ar her from Wash
ington and California cities.
- i i I i i aM i .ii ' ' h
Wllllsm Pottage, aged It ysrs, who
resldea at " Commerctar street. hs
never Bought th tiger (n his liar nor
Children's Departrrfent
Entire" Second Floor.' "
July)3th-z 1
Last Day
h',' .. -V. i ' ' ., ' "M ' . ' 1
- Of "ths spedst sal AT Boys'
"Oxfords, at Knight's. Thess
Oxfords" iir strictly new styles ,
Alden's make tha beat Boys, -footwear
in America all guar- -.
anteed Goodyear welts. - ;
. - . . x , i'i .,.';',-."
... - f-lja
Sal. :
Prlc. .
I Sixes. .
$2.- 9 jto ny
$2.50 115 to ' lM
$2.T5 "rlrttr
$3.oo"; 1 to
trr -$2.25-6','v"$3.8Q-
- Tomorrow Is posltlvsly tb last ,
: day of this sal. i . . ; . , ,
Corner Flfth:nd:
Washington streets.
Worth Seeing
While looking, for a Suit of Clothes.
Hat, Psnts Sblrt or Underwear, also a
complete line of Shoe for Ladles, Men,
Misses pr Boy tryotr-wlll save money by
msklng your purchaae at ' ,
tst tat sxves ' 'ae-?'"
Who has don, business on ths corner
of Firstrand TamhlU for th last 11
years also a new branch lately opened
at corner Third and Davis. .
boarded th lion In hi don, but ho ha
tamed alarge-bull Into auch a gentle
being that th children play with him
Juat aa though th towering maaa of
beef wor a, klttsn. - . -
r Thls morning young Pottag was) rid
ing hla bull around th principal busi
ness streets of th city,, and Xh pair
formed one. of tho chief attractions of
thsFourth.x A small pony's saddle waa
tb data on tho boy'a thron. while th
bull - waa -' guided by a small chain
fastened to a ring In his no.
- "Oh. he's just as gentls aa can be,"
said th -boy. n' all na klda rids him
samo'a w would a pot pony. He was
three year old- last month, and I'v
been 'riding him about si no he waa a
year old. The baby playe with him all
th time. . Th . bull la thr-quartr
DuVham and one-quarter Jersey." -.
Jne Portland Women's union has had
a prosperous yesr, according to th re
ports read yesterday. . Mlas Falling,
presldsnt of tha woman's exchange, gave
an enoouraging report of tho work dona
there, which showsd a largo attandanoe
at ths daily luncheons snd a largs aals
or needlework. t i . , . . - -
Mra. p. J. Mann gave th report of
the houaehold of tb union, . and said
the bouse was full snd many applica
tions for rooms and board war sent In
constantly which could not bs granted.
-Mrs, C. R. Templeton ssld tho rest
room at the exposition,' In chsrga of
Mrs, Blnghsm, wss well patronised and
hd sbown its own value.
Mrs. Lola Q. Baldwin, superintendent
of th travelers' aid work. In which tha
union haa a part said the work hsd
been of much benefit already, and thst
girls- wsnt to th members every day
for aid and Information. .
British . Columbia. Pocatollo.1 -Ls,
Grand and Union , and the American
Boy will edfcbrate at the fair tomor
row, when th following order will be
observed: -
10 a, m. Woman suffrage convention:
Idaho and ' Oregon cities - exercises:
American Library association conven
tion. '. -
1 p. m. Kllpatrlck's daring--tide iown
a. flight of steps on a bicycle; Liberates
band at bandstand.
t p. m. American Boy day: Adminis
tration band at Forastry building. ;
t:S0 p. m. UjltedStates llfs-savrng
drill on lake. . . " ;
T p. m. Orand concert by Xlberatl's
band, bandstand.'' '
t p. nv Kllpatrlck's ride down incline
on -an automobile, foot of th Trail.
t:S0 to 10 p. m. Moving pfctur ex
Mbttleit. peeUlot 1 scenes, Official
Photographers building.
Verve Tension,
A fee t baa 1th la serve tenelos. aeaatlawa
ifoe te hurry end worry, bat sine tlnr est ef
ten das te yooe lndlgwtns. a bad atoaMrh. s
torpid liver ar eneatipatkB. ThMa enadltloea
all reart oa tbe Bilad and wilt keep year sett's
en edge if yes On ant ranees taan by aalag
Oreea'a Ansnat rhMrer. Tbere ia a belter
atoBMCb nedlrlDe in tbe world tha a Anguet
riewer. aad so rarer cure for ladletioa ar Trial bottle. 30e, Big bottle, TSc.
At all aragglata, Oa.Oteeo'a A Haa Mr. ' - .,
srxcxAX. rea wzstsiat owxt.
Schilling t3akin?v.- p.
powder, M-ib.?,Can JUL
Nsw York Oroeery
. . i;ivatk 'and MorrUOa tU.
We carry the largest stock of this line in the Ncrthvr;
eluding large exhibition sets from $10 to H.CCO, msnur-'
by the celebrated Rochester Fireworks Corripsnjr, llsyr .VC
Our latest novelties tThe Wonderful Son-of-a-gun Torpsi--Canither
Chaser Greatest Novelty of Century; Lout.
- r': "'t- -,r Giant" Crackers. .-. . f-
tktforpzsl Ionian CchCcs.
-Dccoratin Dxmting, Etc. ;
All sold. at'specurfceliCf' AtOntedtolnjpeiustc
Anclreiv Kan (Eb Co.
-287 Morrison Street -
Q5 Per Cent of AD
Ar du to sy strain. , People
do themselves , with medicines
snd get stesdlly worse, often ar
; TION, "Tet all' they" need ' ia a
pair of properly fitted ! - - i
' . Batlaf action guaranteed. Aril
flclal eye carefully fitted. Lsrgs
assortment always on band.
A. N.Wright
No.i93.Morrivn Street.
Portland Academy
-yta bare aad stria, for. aaeters aad weatera
Mllegea. Otfle boars ot the priori pale during
vacation, from t a. aa. to U n., at the
aoad-mr, eoroer ar THirteeata aaa Barnaea
treats., for catalogue, eddreea .
Portland Academy
'4 ' ' i"i rarttasd, .OtsgeawV: ' '; ' i
Belasco Theatre uuVl
rarsMrty Oahsasia' Taeatrs. .. .
- ' aMe. Mayer 0,
ToinoHT ax aix m wxsx ' - -
Sixth Week Belaaee Stork Cewpeay, '-'
First Prrenutloa ea Aay guge,
"The Conquest"
By Phil. P. Snenway. fraei Bva EoMry Dye's
Pnpular Novel of tba game Nasva. . ,
. Regular Katlsees HarnrSay and Sand ay.
rrtcea Night.. 15 to T5e stattseea, U te Sds.
MARQUAM S5xa?sw! l?itirtt?
(Morrleoa st. bat. Sixth aad aeveata.) -
Costlsalag every sight tbte vrk with . a
- yeelal Matlsaa Saturday. Jaly . -- v
The BatabUsbed raearltea. '
KOLB & DlLli.
Tb Wr14 OifwtMt OwTttAa CotaWdSlaM la
IB aB.TI.jT BlIalMI V SgSSJ U - eTgf ggtJp '
"The Beauty Shop"
As BMsy laaghi aa t. O. U-thlnk e Itl
o BiAcnrTJi. cnonrn oibls to
Muele aad bllrth. v
rOPOXAB rKICZB Bight ase, toe, gOa, Tsc.
Btatiaee. S9e, Soe,. We,
Bata ea sale far the astir week. '
' . TOBATt "T : . -
- ytrtT 4, 1SNI i j v
Carnival of Venice
Tbs Big Kit ef th Lewis ssd CUrh Oeatas-
, aiaU. Will Siva Tajee rfgtansi, .
8:00 and 9:30.p."m.
rzciAL ATBiono-rsATvaxs. -r"
S00 PKRrORMKKR .800. ...
Taeeaaadi " laveated i Thissasfv7."'
! . nt ii-"' i:
Hethtng like It Bver Offered for th Price.
" MS-atg BtRNSIDE. ' .
r-y- tt r t .,,..'1' '.... . .
' ' . .- ('' -" - . . - ' - ' ' - - ' . '
- " - - - ... . ... . .
" The best time to order Printlns la
. when bmlneit U tlaek. July and
' Angrntt are always doll noatLa
. for the Portland printer. Otrr In
. created eqnipaent clren yon csUIz
'" work, executed in the best racrrr
' '. Let n MChowM Tc-i i .
Zlann tt Ceach. Ptc"3 I ' ' ,
C3 Ceccad Ctrsct, rcrC .
If taken before July, 25
-of - 4 rooms. Hall, . pantry,
bathroom ; water in kitchen;
lot ,50x100 ; one .block' from
car line; Al neighborhood-;
a bargain. . " : '
t' Address J. H.S.528
X Brainard St : Montavilla.
' AMusjisJarm-
wMtmm rrun rnr . v- m. a.
Atusetioas ' l J a ni..tMSmilt
-nAJIK alii, TOM ARB TU .DI LOBS -....
. gltTIBS." -
- .s gRABX. SAXFH.
Senaral adntaaloa 10c. Baadays. veal.
asd holidays, frost tea te lower Beer SOc
easts afte, -f- . .-i '
11th aad Mi
Twe Perforssasea Daily.
Matlseea st grift. Xvenlag st S IS.
Ad this week tbe Rnulr-e Stork
Can pa ay la tha great eantissal
grest a
Vv'; Xeattaa; at STood, . .
- -5 -turn houbb or gucca-Maa."
" yak starting Header. mly I.
AAOtn." , ...
Tin Btroxmt to.
. ... -grgioAL Hiwm a
r--. DAXT ARD ETtAO! )
MR. . K. BORg.
THE RARDlSOOrC, -Oeserat
Sdnlaalaa, lOe. Bvealags, '
ssd haildare. - treat . seats lower gear, ,
Boa seats SOel- . (
-. Keatrng a rved, afanagers. . .
..- - UZEIE WXLU .
rnrs Ajre dardt. jar wnsci
Tbeatre alwaya eoet aad eoaifortabie. .
forsMseea dally at 10. I SO mad s. sk
J:sn aa s a.
seat, eseesi
sthMioa 10 esebt a aay
Farmers Picnic
':; ..; at - -' " l .
--J. -', - . - . --, " 'eg. f ' ,
Rohsc's Pari: JiT.
V0BTLAMD MXXSXTS.' Psrtlaad Heights eat. aad get off
BawtboraeTerreee. ea black tresi eat ft
Me climbing. Electrio eleratae.
- See baaatlfai effect ef soweeful eeerehK
from toy of tower. To eaa eat a dalaty la
while .lew lug the ami laagalfleeat, aee
la ASMrtee. oyaa a a. sv to . sv
aloa is
Oppoatt Main Kstranc Fair Qrour '
T .. . v rV -