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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
T- " V rrTLA!:D. tlt..y evening, july 1 - an r r t i OREGON QTYl ...4 mmimrn Hv. A. A Morrison end Other Protstant AjIntt th Election ' of the Easterner to the Coadjutor-CIehoprlc of the, Oregon . ; ; Diocese, Say He: Favors the .Confessional. V' STOHY OF His' DEGREE FROM ' Comethinj of, the cftterness of lish Church Circles May De . . : , That Has Been ."" Rev. aTa7 Morrfon."Il"D., rector of Trinity Protestant Epiecopal churoh, re ferring to the protest be and other 'clergymen signed against the conaecra- lion of f he bishop coadjutor-elect, Rev. y. E. J. Lloyd, D. D. said today: . v- " "The Issue la between the high arid the low church sections;- Alt or moat '.,"ot the high church clergy are rejoicing over the election, of Dr. Lloyd, "and, ' .when you eee them; grouped In auch a matter, and when you remember the controversy that baa been waged In the Protestant Episcopal,- churoh be tween the'echoole of thought, you can not reach any conclusion excepting that . ..the elevation of Dr. IJoyd to the posl- tloa of bishop coadjutor of the diocese la a distinct victory of the high church, element. If Dr. Lloyd denlea that his election la auch a victory," then- he-is - almost the only one of bla adherent who make suob denial Most are ceie '' bratlng the! supremacy of . the JhlgA church element aa-assured in tlrte state by his election." ' Dr. Lloyd and hie supporter say that Dr. Morrison le in error In his conclu """Ions, and that the election of Dr. X Lloyd la a victory of neither the high 'nor low churchmen. ,",. ... j " s , , .'Li Bo Tag on Dr. Uoye. ,U Dr. Lloyd declares that be refuses' to be "labeled," and that he deprecates the controversy that baa been raised -' Involving the quarrel between the sec 'tlona. His friends' cite the counter protest signed by 11 clergy and IS lay- men who were delegatea in the recent ---diocesan convention as proof that Dr. , . Lloyd's election la aatlsfactorr; to the Oregon church, regardless 'of church- .". manshlp. ';. ,,' -- -,-iJn addition to this, they aJso xaU-at- tention to" the- certification of Bishop '. Morris to the election of Dr. IJoyd, . which Passes to the college of bishops Vend the standing committees the que-!- tloii of bis confirmation. -t , .... -j Dr.,. Q B- - Van Waters,-- rector of St ' David's, to" whose address. In support - of the nomination of Dr. Lloyd, Dr. Mor rison took exceptions, has made an af -rl davit, in which be MU forth that be . ' . himself Is a broad churchman, and that he simply stated before tha convention ' " that Dr. Lloyd "comes from the diocese of Oxford and was ordained by the bishop of Oxford." The counter protest expresses the view that Dr. Van WatrslT ZlJ7.,l-, r'J! nn .t.t.m.nt whih nnnt iw. aUh.tThurcm,n who a1 recognising In Dr. made no statement which cannot be sub stantiated, and that the election of Dr. Lloyd ie regular and cannot legally be 'attacked. H. . Many Sign Coaster Protest :OUntr protesFTs signed bys UMmorf - B. - Van Waters, rector Bt ' David's church.1 Portland, and president - standing committee for 14 years;- John "E. H. Simpson, rector St. Mark's church, Portland; H. D. Chambers, district mis lonary of the diocese" of Oregon; Wil liam Seymour Short, rector Grace -'churchr Astoria! -Upton I-Olbbe.-rec- tor St- Peter's, church,. La Grande; ' Philip K. Hammond, rector Bt. Paul's church, Oregon City; G. Taylor Griffith, rector St Stephen's church. Baker City; Edmond Trew, . reotor St. Matthew's . mission, Portland; Clarence H. Lake, - rector' St.' George's church, Roseburg; W, H. Webb, missionary at Cove and Union; Frank Owen Jones, St Stephen's - Memorial church, Newport; 8. E. ; Joseph!, eenlor warden arid lay delegate, St. David's, Portland, and member of - standing committee; J. G. Burnesa lsy delegate from -St. David's, Port land; . Wallla Nash.-layJelegate t ram "T" B.t. David's,--Astoria ? Wil liam M. Kamsev. lay delegate from -- ' St. Peter's. . La Grande; J. T. Peters, lay T delegate from Bt Paul'e, .The Dalles; Frederick Townsend, senior warden and lay - delegate, - St Mark s, PortUnd ; George C Nicholson, lay delegate St Mark's, Portland; John K. Kollock, lay - delegate-Bt Mark's, Portland; R. J. Slater, serrtor warden and - lay delegate. Church of the Redeemer, Pendleton; A. .' E. Kelly, senior warden and lay dele . gate. St Paul'a-Oregon City; T. R. A. Sellwood, lay delegaM St John's. M1U - waukle; Charles ciayson, lay delegate, St John's, Milwaukla; M. Homer Reeves, - lay delegate, St Stephen's, Baker City; Frank Spittle, senior warden and lay delegate, Grace, Astoria; E. Z. Ferguson, junior warden and lay delegate, Grace , church," Astoria; H. G. Van Dusen, lay - delegate, Grace church, Astoria; E. T. C "''Stephens, lay delegate, 8t Stephen's, Portland; J. R. James, lay delegate, St Stephen's, Portland. . I.l : Mr. Shsppard Was la Brroc ' .. 'Rev, W. C. Sheppard, rector of St ' Luke's church. Vancouver. Washington, ' writes a letter In explanation of the u creation ui u iniiriwa. - nwi .uy Y-.: orters', of Dr. Lloyd were alleging that . lie was a greauaia pi uuora. n aisiea that be wrote a sketch of Dr. Lloyd for a Portland newspaper In which he said . erroneously that Dr. Lloyd carried de grees as a graduate of Mator college, Oxford. He has since- learned that be .was in error. He states that, Dr. Van . Waters did not la his nominating speech - say, Or. Lloyd was an Oxford alumnus. ' Dr. Morrison" expresses his Intention ' to reply at length to the contentions of - the supporters of Dr. Lloyds la- which "he will probably assert that the elec- - tloo of Dr. Lloyd was a victory of the high churchmen, and,' in the event he does so, the friends of Dr. .Lloyd will ELECTElieiTY THAWSP0RTATION The three moat inatraetlra and attraetlve departmaats of BXXZBZT at the LEVIS AND CLARK FAIR Are all fTeuped U eaa flae knildlag- at tha BAST m of tha gaeaaaa, - i-WB ARQ:THERB WITMTt1iraOODS'r" UinZ'"!TP mi f: STEEL V0RIS OAD? OXFORD RESULT OF ERROR the Fight That Has Raged In Eng- Injected Into Controversy ' Opened Here. ,7; . ' reaffirm their 'assertions that be is ndt a high churchman, and ' stands with jielther section, but holds to the AmerV can Interpretation pf the prayer-book and rubrics. A friend of Dr. Morrison gave the following sUtement of what he said was the Issue in this case; " aa Old OuuUorersy. " .'Tb Protestant Episcopal church et the United-StatM la passing through the same stage of controversy , which has rent the English churoh in twain, a strifs between the high and low church men. ..The high churchmen are retroao tlonlsts And are " trending constantly toward the outward forms of papacy, in attempting to introduce again the con fessional, and even going so far as to say masses at the instance of some of the ultra-high advocateav --Iri this country the middle west has been . captured by the retroactioniata, who have virtually complete sway. Tha Atlantic coast states also have taken up with, the high- ohurea ideas, -and -there are few bishops today who are not openly or In effect aiding the tendency toward a reversion to the types of the Roman Catholie church' in the form of worship. "All of this la In spite of the fact that they subscribe to the book of common prayer and profess loyalty to the or ganic law of the church. It Is Indis putable that there are clergymen of the church In this jcountry who listen to the confession Just as do ths priests of the Roman church. And. equally It Is not susceptible of successful contra diction that there are clergywhQaaj masses, nr4 - - -' ..' " Jell Bathe thaa nomination. TTbe controversy lu England, is bit- ter. It has reached tha stage of mora than acrimony It has come - to open revolt on -the- part- of - dlseetitere from the supremacy of the church of Eng land who are declaring that the will go to Jail before they will submit to the enforcement of the recent law placing all English schools under the- control of the Church of England. ""The American church must experi ence in same warfare between the ex- tremlsts. and that fight is on. --3U U said Jhat the election of Dr. uoyo is a victory ot tna retroactionista. anatnat there are clergy In Portland who art known to-be .extremely high Lloyd's election : the establishment In this diocese of the high church Idea.' Notwithstanding the contentions of the anti-Lloyd adherents. It Is averred side in the high and low church quarrel, and Dr. I .lord will continue to contend that he is not to baahelad.T buW a minlrter irke to high and low church men. In reply to the assertion that bis consecration by the bishop of Oxford and his residence In that dloceaa the stronghold of high churchmen It will be set forth that DrJ Lloyd has been In the United States for 1 years and has become - thoroughly Imbued with tha American Idea of prayer-book interpre tation. " i It Is expected that tha controversy will not be dropped, although It appears to ds assurea that Dr. Lloyd's electlos will go before tha college of bishops and the diocesan standing committees In a manner and with such credentials as will Insure the confirmation of hla eleo won. - . ,;-. ,: '' ....' I COLUMBIA RIVER- EXCURSIONS. Very Low Rates Via the O.' R. & N. " to Upper 'River Points.' . No visitor to Portland should mlas viewing -tha matchless Columbia river scenery ' between. ...Portland and The Dalles, as seen from O. R. tt N. tralna The Chicago-Portland special leaves the union station every ' morning at :li, giving a daylight ride along the Colum bia, stopping four minutes at the very foot- of Multnomah ,falla - Every' mile of the trip there la something new snd fascinating. If desired, the return 'trip may - be made by boat from Cascade locks or The Dallear Very low- rates this summer. Particulars and summer book by asking C W. Btlnger. elty ticket agent O. R. a N. Co., Third and Wash Ington streets. ...... -..,. j, . ';' Jordan TalleF Bank.'' .""r" : (Special DUsatcfe te Tbe JeamaLV I Ontario. Or July. 4-The town of Jordan Valley, in this county, is to have a bank. -Articles of Incorporation have already been filed. The capital be 110.000. u TKe Incorpora tors are J. R. Blackaby and L. Adam of this city snd F. J. Palmer of Jordan Valley; The Incorporators are ''Stock holders In' ths Bsnk of Ontario. , On '- July only,- the Chicago 4 Northwestern railway will sell round trip tickets to Buffalo, NeW Tork, f or IU.TI. good for 00 days and allowing stopover en- route, also allowing the passenger choice of routes going and returning.' Low rates to other eastern points. Call on or address W A. Cox, general agent CAN. W. Ry, 15S Third street Portland, Oregon. . GAY020Z2RTAlKSf Says Oregon City Will Oe Closed -Town 'After Celebration Festivities End. 'V. .... laeeau vhm. w am miimrwm i e Oregon City, Or July ' 14. Mayor Sommer baa broken hla long silence on the gambllpg question, and this morn ing told The Journal bis position, on the open town proposition. . "There will be nc; open gambling In Oregon City after uxe irourtn. ox juiy resuviues are over, while I am mayor," said he. "There Is no open town now 'In the proper sense of. the' word.- Of course during this sea son oO festivity, while we are lenient about other things, we will not station a policeman at every saloon door to see Ifr-a g4ine la going on, but the people may rest assured that the town will, be dosed." vr '-:.--.. -' - , ! '. For some time there has been a kind of battledore and shuttlecock game go ing on between the. city and county au thorities, each wanting the other to take the Initiative. The mayor and ths city attorney were elected to their positions on a platform of a closed town..: Some time ago, when a notorious resort .was opened up at Mllwaukle. In thia county. the mayor was quoted In the publlo press as saying that If the county offi cers permitted gambling to go on In Mllwaukle he would open up Oregon City. - The . mayor says he 'was mis quoted In this, or at least bis attitude is. misconstrued. - The mayor will leave tonight for San Francisco to at tend the meeting of the American Surgi cal association. In" the meantime, the town is open and the rattle of the dice and the whirr of the roulette wheel may be beard In vartoua p Laces. ' Salt Jig! asfato. ; . - - Special Dispatch to The JourntL) Oregon City, - July 4. The suit - of Wallace and others against the estate! in the county court yesterday and will be "continued tomorrow. . The aotlon Is to recover 1175 allege to be dur-f'ir wagea ' The claim was disallowed by the executor In the settlement of the affairs of the estate. -; " " .: .' .' ' ' -utue Olrt TMsa. -1. J f. ' (Speelal Olspstch to The yeerwi.t " Oregon City Or., July 4. Orphla Jane Tyacke, ths t-year-old daughter of Mr. and-Mrs-George-W. Tyacke. "died at 1:10 o'clock; thia morning at tha family home In Oregon City. The little girl had been sick for some time, but was supposed to be better yesterday. The funeral will be held tomorrow from the resldenoe and the burial will be at .the oemetery near Hubbard. ;- VANCOUVER DECKED " -. -IN HOLIDAY ATTIRE FoTBenfTTTme ln Month City ils Crowded With Sight- '-v:'": seers. . (Spwlsl Otopstek te The loerasL) ' ' V Vancouver. Wssh, July 4. For the second time In a month .Vancouver Is decked out In all Its glory. The last time It was to do honor to the' veterans of tha nation's war. This time It is to commemorate the greatest' day In'Jthe history of the United States. ' Last night tha "street sprinkling de partment kept two sprinklers busy lay ing the dust along ths line of march of today's- parada Chinese lanterns ware strung along Main street and the "busi ness men put the finishing touches to the decoration a. on their places of busi ness. Thia morning hundreds of people came In from - various parts of the county . and also from Portland. - Before-f o'clock the streets were unea witn people, eager to wltneas the day's fes tivities, which - beyond doubt Is the greatest ever held in this city. . ; Moss Teama Betarm. v (Special Dispetek te Tbe Joaraat.) ! Vancouver. vWaah., July 4. The Van couver hoea team arrived home from Oregon City last evening after having carried off two second prisee In the firemen's tournament. The teams en tered were from Vancouver, Astoria and Oregon City. . la tha matter of eaeh prises, all three teama broke- even, each carrying oat 1100. , -' Elite Theatre '.'. OVS. A. B1QER, Msaager. Hlffh Class . Vaudsavlllo CBAN0S Of PROORAM M0SDATS AND . . THUHSDATS. ' , lOo ADMISSION 100,1 . - WO HI0HSR.1 ; v M ATHtglS SArOkDAT ATD SVVSaT. For a clean SHAVB or an up-to-date y HAIR CUT f 0 to ; ' Hotel Columbia " Barbershop 1 ?r.:-r BATats rs oonnoww.'t" AL MADSEN T V . Proprietor, TERRORIZES FAMILY AND KILLS HIMSELF 1 ssssaaBSaanaBjsBBMssaSJ ,( . v ; While Insane Harry McDonald -. Takes Possession of Farm M House at Gaston. . j. (Speeial DMpstch te Tbe oaraal.) : Forest Orove, July 4. A shooting af fair occurred at Oaaton. seven miles above here, Sunday night and Monday morning which terrorised tha whole neighborhood and finally ended by the principal committing - suicide. - Harry McDonald had oean working for Harry Jennings .a. proaperoua farmer -of that section, and after an absence at several months came back Sunday night In an apparently erased frame of mind end de manded to know the whereabouts of Bob Woods, a brother of Mrs.-Jennlngs and who had come to him with them at Ve time McDonald left-Hit the same tins flourishing . a big revolver. Mrs. THE LATEST NEWS OF VANCOUVER mW-n OfMi my efllee et le Jeerasl ae al ttaweil m I "r """TV."" Kala 11. wber suhsertpuoaa, eoeifutats. esiissiieta sad am luai. will se sees b4 fmnlT stl GRAHD FACADE ENDS FIRKJEiVS TOURNAMENT Thousands , Witness ; Cutmina rr ; tton . of , ,Three Dayslil, , - v--.' Festivities. -tzrJi'Jz ' (Special DlssatcaJia-Ihe-fcarBaI.r ' - Oregon City. ' July 4, The . culmina tion of tha grand firemen's tournament was' reached at noon today In the, grand parade through the principal, streets of the city and wae. witnessed .by thou sands of visitors. At City park muslo was furnished by the Mllwaukle. Aurora and Oregon City bands; prayer Was of fered by. Rev, P. K. Hammond, and an address of welcome by Mayor Sommer. Miss Mamie Long read tha Declaration of Independence and the address of the day was made by Walter L. Toose of Woodburn. Miss. Kathryn Ward Pope directed the chorus of IT ehildrsn In patriotic songs, and male ohorus of 11 sang.;. . - v ; -v."-'"' The street parade was formed as fol lows: .Grand Marshal Campbell. and a platoon of police, the Aurora band. G, A. R. veterans under Captain Nelson, and the boys' brigade under Captain J. P. Shaw, ths Goddess of Liberty and her maids In a chariot covered , with flowers. Tha goddess and ber malda are Miss Ella Luta, Miss Echo Sampson, Miss Ella Shaver, Miss Gertrude Falrclough and Miss Emma Helna. - The Oregon City' band (an next then women's fraternal orders end - tho Mil waokle band; more fraternal orders and floats, the Oregon City fire department and other floata. Distinguished - guests rode in carriages. . . ; . .-: -..' . , The .afternoon . was . crowded with water sports . and racing, events. A ball will be held tonight at Armory hall, - - - r . r ' - . rz- ; In the firemen's tournament the wet test was won by Oregon City In SI 4-1 seconds, The - dry - test- was won - by Astoria In 14 seconda The 100-yard dash was won by . Shinburn. - Alemande Meore Bxplrea. ' - -Speelsl-4Hepetea t Tbe JboraaLf Oregon City, Or., July 4. Alexander Moore, an old and highly respected.cltu sen of Ofegon City, died this morning at his borne at Fifth and Center streets. He was. 70 years ox., age and -bad-been siok for the past fourm'optha He had lived in Oregon City tor a number of years. He waa a member of Meade post No. . G- A. R., and will probably be burled with miliary 'Honors. He Is survived by a widow, a daughter and two sons. The funeral arrangements wlll .be made later.- " (Xottee The Vaaeeeeer erses ef Tbe learasl Is looted et SIS atela street, sheas aula Ml. where eebsertptleaa. eowvUlnta, aartto.wsta saa aews iim wui Be reoMteeyMt sttsisi INCENDIARY-TRIESeer TO BURN FALIDA HALL I. O. O. a F. : Building Found in names but No Clue -to Fire Bug. j v v; (Special Dissateh ts The JearasL)- Vancouver, Weah. July 4 About t o'clock .last evening flames ware seen on the Inside of tha Odd Fellows' hall at Falida and upon approaching, ' Mr. Hardy 'and several other men of that place found a, large roll of papers burn ing' on- tha Inside. " The papers being well oiled burned very rapidly. i It- waa -evident -that - some one had been.. plotting to burn the building,- as ons of ths windows on the south slds was open . where entrance bad been made. ...' No clue has yet been obtained, there being grass all around the . place, . No footsteps could be seen. Married at Taaooavw. - (Special Dispatch te The JnaraaM '. Vancouver, Wash., July 4. A wedding took place last evening at the home of J. 1L. Sugg on Fifteenth and West C streets. About IS people were present to witness the ceremony, whioh, . was performed by Rev. W. Teatmsn. ' The contracting-parties-wera Miss BesslerA. Loomss'and Leon A.-Shaw, who are both weU-known In this city. , Miss Olive Elton served as brides maid, arid John T.' Redman as best man. Little Lillle SUgg strewed flowers at the-feet -of-tha -newly weotAf ter the ceremony a supper was given to those present The couple then left for Ta coma. - They will return to this city Thursday. r ; to Fort Biley. i, (flpeeial Dlspatclr to The learsaL) -" Vancouver, Wash., July 4. Captain Edmond M. Blake and Captain George Lea Irwin, artillery, corps, have been directed to report to Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor at Fort Riley, Kansas, for duty. They will set as regimental and battal ion staff officers In connection with the two provisional field artillery regiment organised Tor (hi purpose of Instructing the field .artillery In modern tactical methods. .. .' .",.:.. Jennings with her children- made Ker escape to a neighbor's, and when Woods waa found McDonald began shooting at him, but be escaped to the barn without being burt' - :l- " r Mr. Jennings was the next , to 'draw bla attention,' and ' he was compelled to remain In the house all night, practi cally at. tbe point of McDonald's re volver. - By morning the neighborhood had ' been aroused snd a great crowd gathered at the scene. Jennings finally escaped from ' the. house without being hurt but It wss evldsnf that McDonald was master of the situation -for the time being, for when Harry Russell ap proached the gate ha was fired at, but finally he gained entrance to tha lower rooms and commanded McDonald to give Mmaelf up. - McDonald - Was upstairs and declared he would maintain - his position at sll hasards, and when Run sett approached the 'staircase a volley waa-f leed-at-h imv-bareiy-mlsstnr' hlnr. . Bhe.rlff Connell of Hlllsboro seon -ar-Irived and plans were laid to capture ths man, but before their plans were aprrttet"e Shot was heard upstairs snd upon Investigation It waa found that McDonald had placed ahotgun to his mouth and ulledvtaa-trigteiv practically TWO PCnTLAHD T0"EH SEEKING A DIVORCE Suits - Filed-at Oregon ' City y Asking; . Relief ? From v . '- v.- , , Court. T':: V " ' (SpecUl Dwpateh Is The JearaaLlf Oregon City, July 4. Two suits' for divorce-were filed In the elrcuit eoart yesterday afternoon.! LWie M. Weasels asks for a divorce from Curtla F. Was- sela 140 a month temporary alimony and- II3S for costs- and attorney a fees. They were married In Portland in' 190 and7 It Is alleged that the husband de serted his wife without cause the fol lowing rear..- -,' Jennie M. Barber seeks separation from Emmons Barber. - They were mar lied In Portland-ia 100 and in June of this year Mrs. Barber says she was rVomnslled to leave her husband. She allecea abusive and Inhuman treatment. She asks for the. restoration of her maiden name , of Jennie M. . Steele and such other .relief as the court may grant -H'.'"-' oas4vs4Jsa)sa4. -r- (Iwital DIM. tea f- T J.uraal. . Oregon Cltvr OrTJul 4. O. B.' Dim lck went to Wilsonviue mis monuna make the speech of the day at tha oele-' -bration In that town. . , ' . . Oeorge C.- BrowneH t is maxmg xne Fourth of July oration at Estacada to- wnilam Hammond, the oldkst son of Rev. ,P."K, Hammoiid, returned home today from Kenyon college at Cambria, Ohio. ' ' - r anl Mre. T.oula -Levlnaer of JBa ker City, who arevleitin the fair, were In Oregon City yesterday tha guests of Mr. snd MrsT Linn Jones. Mra' J. B. Lawrence of Kansas City, who. hss been visiting Mr. and Mrs. re. i. Daulton. left today for Seattle. Mrs. Mary Horn-- fell down In bar yard with an attack of heart trouble and fractured two ribs.' '. Merrill Moorea of Salem Is In the City for the Fourth of July holiday a Walter Wbtttelay,' asslstsnt in eco nomics at the University of Oregon, waa in" thecltv yeaterday. J. D.I Mumpower has sold 1ST.4S acres of land at Stone to- George Ci Dallas for l.t0O. - ' v . First communion ' of a class of nine boys and seven girls took place at St John's CathOtto ehurchjjreeterday. , Mlas Nan Cochrane la at home from Grants Pasa fur a few days, , . The .Journal., dally ASa- a- month, daily and Bunder sao a montn: aetiverea any where In Oregon City.- ' Oolng to Be Permanently Hooatod. ' .; Clergyman Where do you suppose vou will go when-yon ist -Actor Where I won't have to play one-night standa r CAR JUMPS TRACK irMEHSTTONINO Heavy Wooden. 'Structure Da- " " molished on Building at " Vancouver. - (Special Dispatch te The JoeraaL) ' Vancouver, Waah., July 4. A freight car of the Northern Paciflo which -was attached to- a switch engine yesterday ran off the track at Second and Waah Ington streets and demolished the large wooden awning of the building occupied by Blesner's. saloon. Tha building la a frame structure and when the car struck the heavy wooden awning, which was firmly faatened to the .aide of the building, tbe oecupante thoucht the building was about to collapse. Win dows were broken and with a erssh the awning fell to the aide walk, When-the car Jumped tha track It waa hardly mov ing and was less than 10 feet from the saloon building. .Had not the car been attached to the engine so that the air brakea could . bo applied tha building wouia nave been demolished.- (Special Dissateh to The JeerasLk Vancouver, Wuh, July 4 The line of march of whioh the parade -will. fol low waa sprinkled. , .. The fountain In tbe park has been completed. 1 ' . ' Several soldiers have bee it given thelt discharges In the last week. " The militia will be In camp all this week at the range. ' - The fire vboys" will not trsln this evening. . Four applications were balloted on at tha last meeting of the Eagles. There will be a danca In the garrison Tbursdsv-evening. rr . Karl Woods has erected a grandstand near the merry-go-round. TRe W. O. W. band held Its regular weekly, practice last night Oeorge Buma wilt spend-1 tha- Fourth at The Dalles. Most of the stores kept open until o'clock laat evening. - The Journal, dally 4S a month,' dally and Sunday too a montn; delivered any where in , Vancouver. ., r , 'Rusk's cream soda. . delicious and re- freshing, only c, next . to .Vancouver ig, only sc. next y.. -w grocery. FieXsned Stock Oanaed eeo4m AUen Lewis' Best BranOV, - blowing off ,hls bead. Numerous theo ries for this deed are sdvanced. Tho body was held, for the Inspection of the coroner,', after ; which. It will be burled,, probably at Forest Grove. ' ion. i -. , . ' Bask Oaaalev Beeigns. - . . (Special Dlspetra te The ieurssl.) : Ontario. Or., July"4. R '.It. Lest has resigned as cashier of the First National bank of ' this city and C' K. Runyon. assistant cashier, has been promoted to the position ofvcher. C W. Piatt formerly cashier of the Bank of Ontario, has been chosen assistant cashier.. Mr. Lest has been cashier of the First Na tlonnl bank since Its Institution In ISSt. and his resignation was due to personal business interests which required , his entire time snd attention. r r ' Bmbesaler XeJOanfkt,,., (BpecUl rispauhte"The ioaraaL) . -SittlerJu1y'4."Bi' J. Lewis' was a rested here yesterday-aa he -wr board Ing a steamer for the north. He is so eused of having embessled It 00.000 from a client St Wheaton, Illinois, last October.1 where he was Jn. business. hs mortgngs oroasr. - . .gdljoijOGr: M " ' ," f '"" - - .' - - ,':.,'.' ',.' .' --- 'I- ' -li ."-ji-'. '' " : i-:---r.ri-.:. I TtrH n r to;-,,! Um?!:x Eezisi ts:a csnd. - X auifared with weeping Besema la Its Worst farm for about two Tears, in which time I tried several remedies sad petpre serlptlons, until I had spent about SlOO sad found bo permanent relief. Naturally I srs ma akeMleal and hesitated when s new remedy wsa oOered me. "Vou will have to Show me." as tbe Mlssouriaa eaya whan Mr. MoDoael. of the Pioneer Drag Btoce, elauaed he could cure mo with D- D. D. I waa sbown athoMMnanaa ef eases before a after Mking p. O. D.. tosvther with the story ef a remarkable euro ot a man werklna in the Valley Ax Works st Alexandria, which earns under the personal ebservaUoa ef Mr. tlordsa. . I eommenoed ualng the medicine aa oar directions. . After-uslna the Sftk bottle I was eared. I have never bad ear return ef the disease. Many some ta ass asking what D. D. IX did for m and I always ell them If they want eured "Pas IX D. o, as per directions. , J. E. WCXBSTKKi r ItaatpsUer, InA,Kev. t UOS. . D. D. o. eoate but la our on money rofundode r - Write the MMloal' Bepartnveat, ' 11UT " I t It IW ."" S - .- eoaaaltatioa aad advice. - ':v'-':--.-uy: woodard, curkeiaco ' Sr.. MUSICAL PROGRAM AT EXPOSITION Special Offering : of Patriotic Music Tonight Grieg's Work v Rendered Tomorrows . 'V.- Llberatl s band will play a Special pa triots program tortlght, commencing at t o'clock, on the fair grounds. -1 wtu consist of the following selectlonsi March, "Our Hero In Command". Llbe rati Petita clarinet solo, . "Llda" .... Musons Blgnor-A. UomDattenta. "American Patrol" .......... .Meacham Vocal duet. II Trovatore"... Verdi Mlas Maria Valdea and Bernard Begue. "Grand American Fantasia,"- tons pie- tures of the north and'south.Bead Musical programs for tomorrow-will be as follows: Libera tl's - band afternoon - ' t March. "Al Koran" ...Llberatl Saxophone solo, . "Alice. Where Art Thou?" .....Ascner Mr. Fred Damm. Walt sea, "Beautiful Blue Danube''..'.. ; . . . . ......... ,nr Btrauas "Love In Idleness" ........... .Macbeth 'Reminiscences of Tscbaikowsky".,.. -r..i..' Godfrey Overture. - "Robespierre" Lltolf Vocal duet. "La Favorlta" ....DonlsetU Misa Maria Valdea and Barnard Begue, 'Hearts and Flowers" . ....... ..Tobani Euphonium solo, ."The Palms"... Faure -. Slgnor KL uiannone. - : "Musical Scenes from Swltserland".. . X............ Langey Evening program' - . ' March. "Puget Bound". ....... .Llberatl Saxophone solo, "Good Night, Be- t loved' Oliver Mr. Fred Dsmm. - , Walts, "Doctrlnen" Strauss Vocal duet ."Eatudlantlna."--. Income Miss Maria Valdea and Mr. Bernard !: ' Begua ' -"Reminiscences of Meyerbeer". .Oodfree Overture, "Flngal's 'Cave". .Mendelssohn Baritone-solo, "II Trovatore", . , . . Verdt M. Bernard Begus. Chilean dance, "Mansna". .Mlssud Cornet solo, "The Pyramids". . Llberatl Orand fantasia on popular worka of . Grelg The Administration band tomorrow will play the following: . .... ! Morning program 'j March "Mount Bt Ellas".,. .De Caprle Overture "Ralmond" .......... .Suppe Walts "Janice Mrredlth". . . . . . .Qustla Orand selection "La Oioconda" ..........i.".".........., Ponchielle Patrol '"Senesambla' ...... Roaey Paraphrase "Ye Banks and Brace"., T"'v ; : r. Kappe Carat Ina "II . Tern plario". ...... Nicola! March "Kansas City Star"... .Llberatl Afternoon program. . ' - Overture "Pique Dame" ...... ..Suppe Masurka "La Gsarlna" ...... i . .Oanne Orand fantasia Robert Bruce...,. BonaiseaU Intermesao "La Hose" ........ .Ascher Baritone solo "La Corso Milaneae", , " ......... .De . Caprlo -- Hignor Da caprle, Grand selection "La Oioconda"..... . Ponahfello walls "Andalusia. . . .;... .1 Thiers March "Meet Ma on tha Trail"...... , f ....... i. ...Da Caprle CORBIM VICTORIOUS r.T. OVER JAS J. HILL ' TJosrast ttefelsl SwJee.T""-"" .-.8aakaneJuiy 4-4i -WWM"w Spo kane A International.' K.hUwv .eosnpaay yesterday w a victory in t-e superior court i e .1 in Its favor tbe , -- the Gr ) h right c.n l ....j'.jj . - eol: hlj ' -jm-- XI 1 ail U LMa.v In tha case et J. E. Woorstes show hare, his leg was almost satirely coven- -with Weeping EcMiaa. , , . It raced for two years, and waa aiCr ward snUrelr cleared away ist about j waaka timo by : . -v y and so) taint of tha dissasa sag appeared since, 'J Wa know this" to bej exactly as state 1 . This result can be accompliahad wi. t anyslrla aifoctioa. Barrels of bloel mcdciae can Aa nothing far a skin V ease. Nina out of ten manifestations t the akin ara local paraaitia is iature and abaolately curable by this saw pro scription. X. D. D.hl clean. UqJ pi aatl lptioav soppoq or arranlMaa aflectea spots twice daily. , ; ,, - This prspsrstlon hse our una Quantise) ejndore affiant. W are) raoommoad Ins It with most x ' eellentrwsurts. ThsourM mtnmy ffaotad are having twldsapraaJ Intluanoa) In thia a aotlon. If ywu have a akin aftaotion ooma t thai a tore). It will ba tha maanaaf male . Ins you happlar human bolro 1.00 a bottle and Is cusrsnlsoJ J t;----;- B. B. P. Ocenpaay, Okloaga, tm Sam ; Sachct TSc The latest most oonvsnlent and ornamental package of Toilet Powder ever used superior to the ancient, style tin can or box. Sold by all up-to-date Drug gists and Dry Goods Houses. - .., ' TaALCUM PUFF CO.-.'"""' SOS , MACUBAT BXiBO) FOBTKAaTO, OB ' Sea Dlaplsy In Manufacturers' Bldg., Fair Orounds, and at McCommon'a-Pharmacy.- Nlnsteentf; and. . Washington streets. .tt..-:.',;--.- NO PAIN NO PAi:j NICE TEETH We are the dlsooverers and arisip.t ors of the only reliable and acat systent of Painless Dentistry. Wa -tract, crown, nil and clean r treat t-- absolutely without pain and jruaran. . ?11 work for nfteenyears. . Our Wi. -s the best, our prices the lowest c- -ststent with first-class work. - JuXJi -INATION FREB. Our plates are ar . tec table from the natural, teeth a. are guaranteed to fit. ' FILLINGS ...... SOe T5d and I r SOLD CnOWM.n,.l3,aO to BRIDGE WORK SS.OO to FULL 8ET NATURAL TE&TTH. Opea fee? baaiassa aata a evanlaga. : Boston PainloTKn 1H BV, Own. m aTsa. HOTTRS I :St a. m. to t a. aa. Bun day. S:St a, m. to 11:10 p. m. : titled to the ground by reason of pri ority possession and good faith, whick ' wag a fact for the ooort to determlna Tbe Spokane 4s International will pro ceed with Its condemnation proceedlnga subject to a probable appeal to tho su preme oourt by tha Great Northern. . Bvef asaed , Steeat Allen Lewis Beat STATBBOARD ISSUES r: TEACHERS' DIPLOMAS (Speetsl tMapatch ts TM laarBat) '. Salem. Of July 4. The state board of education haa Issued papers aa fol lows: . '... 8tata Csrtlflcates Katharine Petraln. Portland; Nellie E. Marvel. Olex; Fred S.- Crowley, Rickreal; ' Marie Churoh. Monmouth: Mabel C. Mickey, Med ford; Anna Wagner, Stafford. j... " State Diploma Carrie M. , Ridings. Marouam. ... -. .'.'''. State. Lire Diplomas Grace Hurray, Eugene; Lett ore E. PowelL, Brownsrtllei Ollle Morris.-8cio.' "'-"-. . State Certificate Vpon Ohio Papers Mott IL Arnold. Eugena Balling Fo;v: id a ccc::n rothot.'cir' She knows t' oeger i?zr f -" snz--". risr. -."'- jhe n ' ind f r .V -I , - V X