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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
THE, "OREGQN" DAILY - JOURNAL; v PORTLAND, TUESDAY . EVENING. JULY 4. 13 ...' J SCKC3LT0 BE 13 Household Cares 13? ERE RAIN FALLS ; Dwpitf Wittenberg's '.Strenuous Objections, Building Will Be J Erected Near Hawthorne. f - H.-. DIRECTORS WANT WORK V TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY Contracts Let for Necessary lm v - provements in the Multnomah " , V and Other School Houses." ' ' Work -on the 7tiW Mat - side . High school buUdlng will , be started " 1mm-" dlately.-. School Clark Allen wae In -wtrwoted . ry the' city "board ot school .directors yesterday Afternoon to sdvsi ' tlse for - bids for grading ; tha founda tion. Director ', Wittenberg; v attempfSa t ' postpone action:" be not In favof 'of locating the structure on the vacant : cloak adjoining --the Haw thornesohool. - but desired to purchaae a tract of land at Bast Twelfth and- East Davis streets, wbloh was " suf flclently large for the -ImlMlng and a campus. Director Beach objected to any further postponement, and stated that the building would not be under oover before the fall rains coshe If work- wag. not- begun lmmedl- ately. -. - ' ,.- r A heated discussion followed between Directors Beach and Wittenberg. The latter asked that a special meeting be ' called -In order to giro the taxpayers an opportunity to aapreea themselves en the proposition, but Director ueacn contended that the taxpayers had set tled the matter of the location of the building at the annual v meeting In De cember. ' - 1 ' .'" '.-''. ' Dlroctor'Tlelschnsr was net In favor of changing-the selection Of site, and - - Director .Wittenberg, gar upthe fight - the remark: - - -- -. "if von will Walt three years I will .jmaJvaM-. nits, for. tna,gcnool.and t .... you--will gtve -w-flve years In - whlck to pay for It; I will purchase one' now rather than have the High echool placed -iow-swah elose-proKlmlty to h Haw . thorns school. Ton men will regret this m after years, and I wsnt to go on record as being emphatically opposed to locating the High school on the block - adjoining the Hawthorne school." . - The W. O. McPherson company was awarded contracts for Installing heating -and ventilating .plants In the Multnomak school at l.O0, Sell wood. and Shaver.. I4.009. Supervising Architect Thomas Jones wss instructed to bastel the work of repairing theachools. . AMD THE STRAWBERRIES r ARE GOOD TQ EAT, TOO - ,.j Strawberries six' and seven Inches In circumference so Urge that one would 'make three or four mouthfuls were brought to -Portland this morning by J. C. Miller of Elgin. Union county. Oregon. . There were six boxes of them, and Mr. Muller stated that they were only a fair sampls of what 'ha bad raised thla sea - son; that the berries from the first two """or three pickings were much larger. They were of the William Belt and the Mar- than varieties and Tefe s weetahd of line ..'. flavor. . . . '. . ... .-- '. " " ' . "I have two acres in berries." said Mr. Miller. Tbey wers grown without any ' Irrigation. - The soil Is a voloanlo ash which, after, cultivation a few' yean, makes the moet productive farm land in ' the country. All that Is necessary Is to cultivate It and the soil retains sufficient . moisture for - berries and vegetables; The berries which I have . brought to ' . Portland are not as largo as many others t have grown his year, as this Is Iste in the season and the largest ones wers . picked soma ttms ago.? - Five boxes of the berries were taken to the exposition, where they were placed n exhibition. - BURimiG ECZEMA Watety Pimples Followed by Swells ing and D7 ScabiTried Every t thingjwthout-ucoKf';:SeMnd """Application of Cuticura Removed u All Soreness--Another of the REMARKABLE CURES . BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I guffered with ecsemg on my hands tot two ytan, but was at last cured with the Cuticura Remedies. The dis ease commenced by small, watery pimples breaking out on the back of , r tny bands, wnicn Itched, burned, and . pained awful, as if an electric battery was being held against tny body. My , hands would swell until I could hardly -.use them. -.Then they. would get dry and scaly, then break out again and be the same thing over. I was treated by " our family physician, but did not get any better. Then I tried every kind of ointment I ever heard of, and every home remedy any one recommended. I then went to another doctor, who helped them gome, butr after being treated by him for three months my hands were not well and the treatment . was so severe it was almost worse than the disease. I had often seen Cuticura advertised and concluded V.try it It just took two applications of Cuticura OiAUnent to take the sorenodo out of , my hands. I commenced by putting it on three times a day. then just in the evening, and when. I had used four boxes dl Outlcura Ointment- one cake "7T CuticursSogp, and three vials of Cuti- 'v rura Resolvent Pills, my hands wers . well, and much softer and smoother . than ever before. Thanks to the Cuti cura Remedies. . Yours respectfully, ' Mrs. O. L. Beaton, Lucas, Iowa, Hay Mrs. Alice Deadwiley of Smitiivflle. X. T., says; "My baby was troubled '. with an itching skin humor and was . cured by liurura. Culm limJ ui bknS TmmI (ar emv . av. 1 to dm m cw. CximI m! ei.MMH4riunHM. a.Hifi.Mwwa mm. m4 ikas. dan, MM Pro. Boajga. , Sr; ataiM rns'kVa (w mm . i It--- .v a... BEAUTIFUL RIVERS 1 ATTRACT CROYDS rerv Small Craft In " Harbor Chartered to Carry a Throng . of Merrymakers. . - DISTANT POINTS SOUGHT - BY PORTLAND PEOPLE Visitors Will Be Received on War sh1?sand Cutter, Later ; ;-jhan Usual. f"?.w"VlrHJ' " the Willamette and - Columbia,, rivers within 76 miles of ths city thswlll t be visited today-Portland -"people. Karly this morning crowds began as sembling at the several docks to embark oa the boata which were either going out on regular or special trips. Every gasoline -launch waa engaged before nightfall yesjerday evening by excursion , parties, and had there, been 10 mors craft of that'descriptlon It is. said that they would bavotbeen chart ered, .jeofail- boats, v carrying large crowds, went to the numerous Islands on ths Willamette and Columbia, .where the day will be spent picnicking. Ths Ions led ths procession up the Columbia, making a special trip to the summer home of B. K. Warren, situated a short dlstanoe above Vancouver; the majority of her -109 passengers were women.. Then the Fox left for Fisher's landing with a- crowd of young people. This evening - shs 'will . carry - another party .to Columbia slough, a short- dis tance above the lighthouse.:,' With many more than the usual num ber of passengers ths Spencer sailed at the regular hour for The Dalles, and an hour later the Bailey Qatsert. brilliant with people m, summer clothes, left for Cascade locks.- She Is expected to re turn, early this afternoon. '. Many peo ple went to the sea shore on thjs T. J. potwr, wnicn sauea at s o cloc. hose who"tllnot care to take long trips con ton ted themselves by rowing on the river an.d visiting ths warships Ths - Hugh MoCulloch ' and Italian cruiser Umbrla -will receive, all after noon to I o'clock, the hours having been, extended on account of the na tional holiday. ; " - , BIG STEAMERS AT ASTORIA. Snreka,- ITorthlaad and Oford Coming ' Sere f or Srala aad Z,unber. . This' morning the steamers EurekaT Northland . and the 'British ataamahln tlford arrived at Astoria and will prob ably leave up for Portland thla after noon. - The Eureka comes ' from 0an Francisco . and Is under charter to he Northwest Wsrehouse company to take grain op the return trip. She Is a big freighter and will carry In the neighbor hood of 1.000 tons of -wheat The North land is also coming from the Bay City for lumber, which will be supplied by the Inman-Foulsen mill- - j The Ilford recently arrived at Vic toria, B. C from the orient and was ex pected about this time. Sherls under charter to ths Pacific Export Lumper, mpsny in nsiarj Onguu' BHo Titu Bar. Chins. Bhe Is. capable ef handling 1. 600.006 feeU The steamship1 Band hurstj'which recently arrived. Is loading for ths same company for the far east. ALONG THE WATERFRONT- Ths Italian cruiser Umbrla will leave on July t for the south. She Is proving quite an sttrsctlon In the harbor snd s large number of ' visitors have been entertained on her slinost every after' noon..- . '-, . Near the latter part of the week the Oerman ship Nlobe Is expectefl o. com-J piete-her cargo' at the Eastern aV West era mill for the United Kingdom. Owing to the large number of people who wanted to go -to Oregon-City no boat was sent to Salem. todsy by the Oregon- City Transportation ' company. Loaded to ths guards with passengers, the Altona and Oregoha left this morn ing for the city by the falls,. snd it Is planned to have each make three rouns trips before nightfall. , ; ' , Carrying In the neighborhood' of toi people, the . steamers Northwest snd Kellogg - arrived at 11 o'clock from Kelso,-on the Cowllts. The visitors will sttend ' the fair snd lata this evening wIlKembark for their homes. . This morning the steamer Csarina ar rived from San" Francisco and moored ar the Centennial dock.-where she will receive a cargo of lumber for the return trip. - - " ... ., -With I full ' cargo ' of general mer chandise -and all of the passengers she could carry the steamer Columbia. ar rived last night from ths Bay. City. In order . to get . her 1 ready, to go out on schedule tomorrow, night longshoremen were-employed all last . nlghtgiscbarg--trig her cargo. . , , ' , ' Vails of Bee Cargo Damaged. ' ? Meyer. Wilson St Co. received a mes sage" yesterday stating that the British ship Falls of Dee.-Captain Doty, en route to this port from Hamburg, waa forced, to put Into Montevideo with her cargo, badly, damaged.- It is supposed the vessel Is also in a bad way as the result of a storm. The Falls of Dee sailed from Hamburg with a general CSJTgd OnAprlLJ..-. v.. . Aaother Xffert to malse Bides. ' J. 1L Peterson. ' who purchased the steamerElder severalweeks agQ stltes that lis will begtnlii a few days to try to float her. -- Professional divers liav beery employed to remove the remainder of the cargo, which Is now badly de composed and - will require some time to pick out from the depths, of the bold. I i t.. . - w . "esesjBBjgssflav. ., , --y,y. ' &mtf9 "tt British Steamer Sandhurst Now' in Stx lS-lnch centrifugal -pumps have been ordered and It Is believed they will be delivered in smple time to start opera tlona before the middle of this month. Mr. Peterson is confident that be will be able to get the Elder off the rocks and on the drydock without the expendi ture of a very large sum of money.-. He, l also of the oprnton. that It will not cost any great amount to put her in as good a condition as ahe waa prior to the u . . wri .-- . I accident. ;,.t4". MARINE NOTES. ' " 'Astoria, July .- Arrived at S and left patt-nn.r,teainer- Kuresa,' rrom Ban Francisco. -, Arrived at T a. ' m., steamer -Whtttler, from Puget ' sound. Arrived at 1.15 and left up at 10:S a. m, steamer Northland, from San Fran cisco. Arrived at 1:68 a. m4 a large steamer.. :'. - - - Astoria, July S. Arrived at I and left up at (:lf p. ra. steamer Csarina, from Ban Franctacoi .-Sailed at 1 p. m., schooner Allen for Hawaiian Islands, Bnrsks-- ' July . I.- Bslled jSt, noon. Steamer Alliance, for Portland via. CoOs Aslurla. July i:tfntTlt1bn-lirtnrtaf it I l m., - smooth, wind, northwest; I wsathttvxlsa -Astoria, July ..Arrived at a.n. I Steam yacht Thistle, escorted by steam er Wellington; steamer left out Imme diately after -arrival. Sailed at noon WhJtUer and Santa Paula. ..... ; lenBea Commands Plnmore. " " Captain Mullen la In command of the British - ship Plnmore, which . reached this port yesterday. Instead of Evans, aa was generally-supposed. 'This Is bis first visit to Portland, but the Plnmore waa here several Tears aso. While, en route to the' Columbia river In ballast in 1S01 she' ran into a heavy gale and almost went on the rocks sear Juan da Fuca strait. A good portion of her rig ging was . carried - away, and . Captain Jamelson, ' who. was then in command. was convinced that shs was drifting to certain destruction. When the. anchors wers lowsred and failed to hold he and ther crew embarked. In small . boata and put for shore. Shortly afterward the vessel was picked up by a tugboat and before the owners oould regain posses sion of the craft they had .to pay a big salvage bill. , -t . j , TRAFFIC AGENTS CREATE AJI0THERTJPISTR1GT A. fourth district of ths Paoiflo Coast Association of Traffic. Agents. was cre ated at a meeting, last '.night at the American Inn. to accommodate the mem- bershlp In sound territory. The old First district comprised . Oregon, Wash ington snd Idaho. Ths association has grown large ana " this-district Is some what unwieldy on ecc6unt of the long dlatances that must be " traversed by many members to attend meetings. ; The Fourth district will comprise all of that part of the stats of Washington west and north of the Columbia river. The remainder of the territory will re main In the old First district, with Port land as ; headquarters. Last night's meeting wss largely attended and much routine business wss transacted, ' fol lowed by a luncheon in the inn dining room. The.out-of-towa - men at the meeting were,: . . F. w. Parker;, general agent Chicago St Northwestern. Seattle, and I W. Brandage, -representing the same com pany at Taeoma; P. B. Thompson, Illi nois "Centrsl,8eattle;W.'"F?. "Baker "and ; F. W. Boldreck.-Rock Island freight de partment, respectively, at Seattle and Spokane? D. Elleif . WsconlnXteBlraL, Bwllierii'H.-flmUh, traveling passen ger agent of the Erie, just appointed to that position, with headquarters at Seattle; Robert Lee, sgent O. R. A N, Taeoma; W. H. Olln. chairman of the First district; J. Ross Nagel, secretary, traveling passenger sgent O. R. A N.. Seattle :,L. T. Jones, New Tork Central lines, Seattle1. W. S. Brewster, Chicago Oreat Western. Seattle; . H. K. Jock, Great Northern,' Taeoma -i -' ONE-LEGGED CYCLISTS ; FEAT IS HAIR RAISING Ttirexpoinion has Inaugurated soms truly, remarkable free attractions snd demonstrated Its Intention of furnishing visitors witn me Dest. These acta are performed by Kllpatrlck, the wonderful one-legged bicyclist and automoblllst, Structures were erected at either end of the Trsll and at the top of the one at the south end, 70 feet in height, he mounts his wheel 'and coasts down a steep flight ' of steps to and along-the Trsll" below. Thin Is a feat "to appallLj any man, ana is more remarkable since Charles O. Kllpatrlck has lost ons leg, Hls-perforniBnrs.-hsa been a feature at expositions since he . rode down the White House steps at Washington some years since-' But Kllpatrlck s other per formanoesBt -the north end of the Trail exceed this in (halr-ralalng thrills. Start ing rrom ins center ot me irau in nis automobile he-dashes up an Incline at a speed of .10 miles sn hour to a plal form 76 feet above tha Trail,, stops and turns his machine and dashes down, at lightning speed with less than six inches to spsre . on either side or his -wheel tlreeX- ' - - -'-. . .' 1 .. . 7 Adulterant lo'n goes full length in spices and flavoring extracts you : think' ' it'; isn't worth- while to cheat in such trifleefour-fifths.ofJYanilra" is tonka ; cost's one . or two c e n ts.for '$ I w o 1 1 h". Schilling's" BestlariSAi tlrcly pure as your grocer g - - Port WATER SYSTEM IS : i KOT ON MARKET Ownert of St. Johns Plant Deny : ; That :They With to V ; :;v-:'r.r;.':,.:'f Sell lt.'i.fe- NEEO IT TO PROTECT . .v FACTORIES ON RIVERJ Have Conducted It at a Loss Yet . Are Making Many Im- v ; ; - provementi. v: The east (Id c files ef The Jovrsal . Is IS th itws or Mrs7 y. "WrMcKtbrnr. 3M Call MorrUoa su-etL TsktpaoDe Bast ITS. --TThsownersbT h WJohnnrwater. works deny that any proposition has been made by them to the cltlsens.of the place looking"" to ths disposal . of the plant to the municipality. A, meeting of some of the taxpayers .was recently held and the' question of -purchasing the plant , waa discussed and . a statement waa made by -the local manager -of the company -Uo the . effect that i $26,000 would . cover the . present value Of . the system." - ' ."''. -:' B. t. Thompson, ons of ths company that owns the system, stated today that thara was -no dealra. to aell and that on the contrary the 'company preferred to maintain the system for the protec tion of the -waterfront interests of the place, even though each month showed a .net loos. The, plant was secured to give fire protection to . the mills snd factories- la which the --owners of the system sre Interested and has been maintained since that time at a loss. "It will be years before we can get nnr.monev nil t of tha nlanV said Mr. Thompson, "and. when the Improvements we are now snaking are completed we will have-a, large sum Invested, We would rather keep the plant and be sure of Us efficiency though eondusaed at a loss,-than to seiiujai-a -prcnang have our mfllsleft .unprotected. . Our rat., ara baaed an the Portlsnd rate and we bava been giving -privileges .that '4he city water board will not grant us cus tomers." .' ' Ths oompany af present Is building a reservoir of 800,000 gallons capacity oa 6C Johns heights, the highest point In the town, snd when completed ths entire waterfront will to given adequate water' pressure. , The company Is' slso replacing, the wooden mains with Iron and steel ones and a three-step centri fugal pump Is being, Installed that will give a fire pressure of ISO pounds If necessary. To force" this pump an addi tional electrto motor has been Installed and though the Improvements hsve not been completed there Is st present a pressure at the woolen mills' sufficient to burst ' the heavy nose usea ,in ine englneroom. "We are trying to- Improve our. sys tem as , fast as BL Johns grows," ssld Mr. Thompson, "and If possible we are going to ..keep jl Jlttle . ahead-of .the town's progress. Rates' will never be higher -than city- ratee while we have charge of the system." , - . , CQMPLAIN OF RQWDIES, Koatawllla Womea ay They Are Aa- aoyed by Crow of Boys, Women of Wontavllla are complaining of tha conduet of a crowd of half grown boys and young msn who make their headquarters on tne nencnes near ine end of the 'car line, placed for the cen venlence of waiting passengers. . Ths place is not Incorporated snd the" beer est officer--of the law la the Mount Tabor constable. -Women who are un attended and who -arrive in the villa In the evening, say ths crowd of 'loafers has annoyed them, sometimes following thBffltdlheIf. homes. Others report that tbe"crowd has of -late been per niciously active with firecrackers, to ths detriment of business property, snd that onli. extreme care on the part of the owners has on several occasions pre vented fire. Not only Is ths Montavllla crop of bad , boys lrr" evidence ' at the corner, but youths from Russelvllle and the farm hands of ths adjoining valley nightly make the place a headquarters. w Cheesecloth Senses Popular. The first .cheesecloth house . In Port- lend lias been built, by a Pennsylvania man .who Is a descendant of the eco nomical nation of Hollanders. This man, with two other families,- arrived In , Montavllla recently and endeavored to rent or purchase a house. - The prices did not- seem reasonable to him but be liked the place and finally purchased two lots. - On these, three temporary structures hsve been put -up, with board floors and side wells, snd the - whole has been covered with the thlnneet of cheesecloth, a cloth. xly being stretched over the roof to shed wster. Ths chesp ness snd coolness of the novel residence struck the. Montavllla fancy and several more Of The houses have been built In Mhe-town and will be occupied until the owners , csn . erect . mors- suostsmiai homes,-'. BAD HEALTH CAUSES A. M. SHANNON TO flESIGN A. M, Shannon, chief clerk In the city engineer's office, has tendered bis resig nation to City Engineer -Wsnser, . who has filed It with the municipal civil service commission. Shsnnon's Illness caused him to be sbsent from his duties so much of the time thst. he wss unable to hold the poelttenv-He will ge to-Mon tsna,wier.Jie.-Jlu)pesto. jegaluhla health. The -position commands a-salary -of till a month. It Is the desire of the city engineer to All the vacancy by pro motion,.. , ' .-' .."..-.';.-- , Tax1 theWomen of Port land the Same as Elsewhere. - - - Hard to attend to household duties Withy a constantly aching back. ' A woman should not have a bad back. And bhe wouldn't If the kidneys 'were well. 7, - ..',-". i Uoen's iJfldney PIUs make weU - kld- neya. J.i'...'. - ...... '-V f "?-."TT Here la a Portland woman' who en dorsed this claim . ':' Mrs.-Jl. Canevan of lit Northrup street, .wife of Ji. Canavan. who Is em ployed, at the -city waterworks., says: '"For two or three years, owing to kidney comolalnt anil harkarha.- I . was - SOtPS f dayennable to "attend to my household amies at ail. What t did do --was unour f reat strain and mlaery. "Wtuu owing o a weak, lame and aching back, you are unable to 'Sit, stand or He whon dlssy spells sre common and" you are annoyed with headache, despite the use of ordinary household remedies, and more than one medicine guaranteed to be a cure for such troubles, you naturally think a good deal of the means at last employed wMch gave relief. I Used Doan's Kidney Puis, taking them - sc cording to directions, snd I found mora rain irom tnem tnan. rrom au mnsr remedies I ever took put together. When In conversation-with any one annoyed with symptoms of kidney complaint, I never kfalf' to get in a "good word for boajp-s Kidney Pillar", " ,4 1 v , Fon sale y "all dealers. Price , it cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, sole agents for the United States. . , Remember ths-namo DOAN'fl . and take no other.. : " - -I: ' FIRST STATUE TO ;AN INDIAN WOMAN Honor to Memojy!orpnelWhQ IdEJoMrs to Ore- v gon Country iT v ; RED MEN WILL AID IN li' V ; EXERCISES AT THE FAIR Monument to'Sacajawea Will Be Unveiled ' With Appropriate ' Ceremonies Next Thursday .'...'."v.". -" ' . i' "--'-- -- - ' ... . . , . The Sacajawea EUtue association and ths Improved . Order of Red Men-wlU unite forces next .Thursday at the tex posIUon to-do honor to ths Indlau wem n. so closely connected with the Lewis and Clark expedition. A. paraa.j and exercrses will be part of .the days fea ture a, - but 'Interest will center - about (he .unveiling -and presentation of ihe Sacajawea statue. . , ; The association has worked incessant ly for the accomplishment of this proj ect slnoe Us organisation In 1900. Its' membership has grown largely since then, and it has only recently succeeded In raising ths entire amount neoessnrr I for the statue. Which Is In. Portland and loss been veiling' Thursday. Ths monument- cost $7,000. and was made by Mlsa. Alice Cooper" of-Pen ver. It will be the first ststus ever erected to an Indian woman, and will face the setting sun with hsnd outstretched -toward ths west Ths - states of Washington, " Idaho, Montana,1 Dakota,- Nebraska; Utah and Colorado have branch "associations, and they with ths Red Men win send dele gates to -attend the unveiling. A pro cession of Red Men will, leave the city hall shortly .befors 'noon, besded by the Administration nana, ana will go to the fair grounds, whers the exercises will be held -on Lakeview terrace at S o'clock. The f program will be es fol lows: . . - . '.. .' V' Selection Administration "band; Invo cation. Rev. .Anna Shaw; patriotic solo. Charles Cutter, the Alaskan Indian sing er; "Women . In Discovery,- Busan B. Anthony; "The Pioneer Mother," Abigail Soott Dunl way;. Dr.' U. L. Henderson of Astoria, grand aachera of the Improved Order of Red Men of Oregon; -oration. T. i. Boll of Taeoma, the- great repro sentstlvs of the Improved Order of Red Men or Washington; reading. Bart Hoff man's hlstorle 'scajawea poem, Mrs, O. It Ptttlngsn prmUtHlun uf Mis HiuriU' ment. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye; unveiling of monument, Mrs. Edna Snook of Co qullle; reception of flag, ths Independent Lwla-and Clsrk club; aoceptanc-of flag, Mayor Lane; selection. Administra tion bsnd, - - COAST AD MEN TO: MEET AT THE FAIR At tha meeting of the Portland Ad Men's league last evening arrangements were completed for-entertalnlng the Paclflo Coast Advertising Men's association,- which 1 holds Us annual, meet ing In thla city July 11 to it, inclusive. Convention headquarters will be at the American Inn, where' the sessions will be held. v '- The program' provides for two days Of fun' snd one day Of business, Tues day there will be a preliminary meet ing' st the hotel, a trolley ride over the city and a Dutch supper at Little Hungary. Wednesday will be Ad Men's day at', the exposition, officially set sslds -by the f sir management. ' .The Administration band will furnish mualo at .the meeting, and an address of wel come will be made by one of the expo sition officials. . Various ' papers and discussions will be heard. . At the morn ing session A. P. - Sheldon of Chicago will talk on "Advertising and Its Relar t Ion to tha Science of Modern Business Building." - Thursdsy. at 1 o'clock, .at the Commercial club, he will talk to business men on "Store Management." under the usplces of the Portland Ad Men's lesgue.- -The association wty go on, an -excursion on ths Columbia river Thursday, which will conclude the Portland meet tngr . ... ', , , : i ALL SECTIONS TO SEND " .DELEGATES TO CONGRESS ' Texas and other states of the south snd middle-west srs preparing for large representation at tha Portland sessions of the trsns-Mlssisslppt congress. Notice has been received by Secretsrr Francis that Houston will send a delegation In a. special car. Word IS received from Kansas and Colorado that , strong dele gations will corns. . Governor Albert E. Mead of Washington has notified the secretary that he will . be - present, with Other JWashlngtonliins . A big feature of the congress will be the showing to be mads- by Alaska. It has been srrsnged to glvs Alsska a full dsy 'in which , to present her claims te recognition, and Alaskans expect to take Everybody . Celebrated the U Nation's Birthday: " ...... , , - f JTS SOMETrtlNQiTHAT, YOU r NEVER FORGET! 7 ' . " I '" ' ' Just 'as all careful dresseirs never y :fbrget thalwe are style" leaders Ex-' perienee has taught them that they "77 can find just the right thing; here at incngm price.,,;. - - :. .,, . v;-.'-.jv Our Qothing,: Hats Furnishings; Are j 311 Morrison St, ' Sols' Afsnts . ' ; . J' . KNOX HATS.'...: iSi Alfred B Tfc.e" Is So Much Said lis . Favor Buffum& Pendleton ;Oiri$3e50 mm aa aimltlnu fast that WaOuahttO have the ear of oaf friends a great deal :4o. These comfortable, stylish shoes black and tan, and are exceedingly popular with a dally Increasing clientele. They are by skUled workmen, and-the stock sxsmple of the tanner's art""; . r KiirNcttictoif $5 and tJCrShbatx - Has no superior In tha line of fashionable footwear. Men who desire to appgar'to the' best 'advantage may. conOdently add the Nettleton to their wardrobe. ' They are a very substanttsU neat snd pretty shoe. ' ' .-, ' -.- " - ".-....',. ' V-'' l .'.-' .- '""" - ' ';" Our Dolifihtful Lino o Men's Hosiery Affords a very correct Index of prevailing styles, this Is one of the Im portant specialties of our store. ' . - '. z ' ' ' Variduy r Tet xeod T4, ' .-,'. tTt Washlnertc-'aHreet, Be. Third and Ponrtfc . t '.' 'A proper "febd for delicate people; ,. ' r 1 - ; will , also nourish giants : For --' -;. - - babies, boys and . is -inestimable; . delicate 'and refined woman; its ' -' reasonable, 10 cerrtS a package. Parkv and Washington, PortlandY Orsgoa 5 . "ThejScbool of Qutllty" : MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE -V Opes all the year, Cstalegajs free . , A. P- ARM1TRONO, LL. B., PRINCIPAL a long step toward proper, representation at Washington, which It Is claimed they have long been en tilled to.1 'Ths" New Orleans. : Progressive union'- hee taken action to secure the next session ot the congress at that city. ' , ."., " , Piefeiied Steok Oaaaed Oooas. ., ., AUea gt Lswls' Best Brand, - . and Unsurpassede ; ; opp. Postoffice y s Sols Agents;.;-. Bsnjamln's "Corrsct Clothes :E3 to Do o - '- more than we come In well made is a splendid ' f jjirls, itS value. -. . .will - build up-a Dr.U;E. WRIGHT The dXaTTIPIO - sumii thst relieves ail - pala . In - dental opera- tlons. , . S. ... - , S4SIV Wasulagto . St, toy. eveata. ror , modern dental work.' World-renowned specialist Lowest price consistent with first-class " 06 to ths" NEW YORK" DENTISTS . TOtTBTat AJTO MOBaUSOV ITS. -"' Open dsy snd night, from Ml t A , untU 10 p. at.- . wk I ' iri.i.--v t TEETH H: ...L-.i, ar w - - i