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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
T-CnrCOII'lILYSJOUItNAir PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING Yu iSO.' f PXESOBAX. "vlr reeking congenial life companion. Join ...r"..eiir soa-lsty and Sieet or corretood-wttB reputable realdVnta ef thle aerlloorwbb wish to i wariyi vw wpr, ,ue. ... irilMuoiai nvBw.T., ' brlee 10c, etv.ertlrnlars cunccrulng e?rat. . " nuimrcjt wrtut UHtuiaere: many we.ltny; an v' i ." luMrstat Introducing Society, 21 Uuiul bldg., bortth. klAMT flxur mton4 he Dr. Haharta Mas Globules. On, month's treatment. .83; ' t - mouth,-SSt Mat eecorely sealed by Ball. : Agests, IVoodard. Clark Co., Portland. Or. . EOOKB1 Here they arei "Decameron." "Hep. name," "A Hot fTamale." "Keeny Bill.1' , 'Twenty Tun a raker." 'Torblddeo rrelt." i aOc rh; 11. ta free. A. Scbmals. 33 rirat at. LOST powers reetored by the great Dr. Lerens's Karee Tnulo TahletBi Sft nor bol. .' boxc Aw tl.18. ' Wilt or call at kresell's I'harmacy. TJ3 eiorcLaoa, tot. lat ui M MAKICUBIN0 bf new rotary prncocs. bawl aw . Mia. vibrator, hedv. face, an In naassage: "tree demonstration.- Vlbra torts m, roam WIS , - Mwia bldg.. eor. park and Mornaoo sts. j GREAT Bedneflon ' Bale Kntlra atock . to bs , tola br tow coal, please soma la aadkiok tadtea' naderwaar snd etih twalsta. Mad . Slug A Ca 80S Morrison sU. . - - - MADAMES KTNI AND BHBPPABD elp . sseelellets, mantearlng,. eapert rhlropodlet, i aatleeptlo foot bath tor earning laat. Boos . a. IAS hlnrrtsoq St. ' LADIES Toa appear SO yeara younger, .remove-all wrlakles, Ssve akla like velvet i . hy nstng Orison Grape Sain Food. - Pbooa .' Bast 128T. " ' i VINO CHOONO. Importer of Chines root mdl- rloesT aalla Chinees taa that la certain cure for all disease,. 191 Second .bat. Yamhill - and Taylor. . - DR. ATW0OD--Movd from flsmllton bldf. t!-H Biiaaall -lt.. car, rumth-and Mor. prlaoo. Dlacaara of woaara. CoaaultaUoa fraa. LI I.I.I AN R. CBAM Chlropodiot. - aaaali-oTlnf - and abampoolof. Parlor 42 Ablnfto bldf., ;i Portlaad. Or. Black JSoaV i - - xsrMnS. -WALLEHPlan!. fradnat ColambU Coar?atory; fcwaon HOc-ll -Eaat Ma tnarh at. Uala.d7ftO. . I Villi, tak car of bablo or a ma 11 ehlldrra; hara yra of aiprrlaoca; thariaa raaaonabM. W 00. ear Journal. . , ' - ' ' J)KE88MAKINO. ablrtwalata aad antta. mt'a - ahlcta. Tha tspracax asapaay, 14. 18y. at. I'bon llala hta.-il v , ' MISS. MAK1. artentlfle Bian, gradaat ef I, ainlaad; ladlca only, due Ablnftoa. Hd. end. " TI'BKtSH BATHS. SOO Ornlaa bMe . gota an Bigm; lamra an gay, twni BALM or VlOS for all fmala dlaaaaaa.. AM Ald-r at. f'bon Main 4a3. - r " .SmaTWAIKTI aad aalrtwaart aaltai IdlH North i'ourtwnta at. ;i jV' BLAKlt BOOK MAITtrAOTgmillS. " Hnwr. naviB A KII.IIAU. Soeood at .- Klank book mannfarturmt aata for Jon '-L mpmiad Looaa-Lraf lad(ara) aaa tha aaw - jMirwaa irar, in arai on in mtiti.. BICTCXI T3IAXIBB. COH'MBIA. TRIBUNB AD CRKSt.'ENT. . SPORTINO GOODS. BXPKBT REPAIRING " - r. P. KEEN AN, i(J THIRD BT. CtEAlflBa-ABD STUBS. TIrtNNA STEAM - CLKANINO T DTB iWorlta-BMrtqlptxd -! 4a tka ettyt ' rhrmlral work pcllty. Call lit peon , . . Mala liM. Ulor clawd trc. S2S td at, . PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING DYE1N0 Worka; prartlial hattrr la roonartloai frathar ' Imaa And phiror claanrd and eurlrd by an as ! prrt. Ill Foorth. Paona Clay 704. CLOTHES rtranrd and praaard $1 ar atonth. - Cnlqa Tallorlnf Co.. S4T Waabtoftoa at. U. W, TURNER. prorVaakmAl dyer and elar. IW Jrffarann at. . Pbon Main 2SU. ! ... CTAB ABS TOBACCO. EFRKRO-OUNST CO. . ; Ulatrtbatora of ""r 71" ; . r ; '"' . rim cioabs. i i iii';' . 1 iTTi THBe!ITrU CARRIAGE TO." Carriaava, ully-ha rlf and carrr-alla. IBS EUrruCk at., tor. Morrlaoa. Pnona Main 323. CABFET-CTJEAVIVO. ;" HAVB tout walla cktanrdi f oaraa paparad , and pa'at'S walla; aatlafaetioa fuarantaad; '. prim rraoaabh; rrrnr. Bad 88T3. , CARPETS clraard on tb floor: wa-rala-a duir.TF"" nan Clay 131, fraa damoaatratlon. J HUNTKRStt-a'a rarrwl and aaatrr-lran-r. ft.V) Jrffnao'n. Pbon Mala 14. rr . ' l l r CAtty' tRICKSON'8 RESTAURANT Mnrcbaat'a lanrk II a. ai. to 13 p. n. ; under near manayamrnt. O. B. Erana. - prop. . Brcood aad BuraaUta. THE orriCR SSft Waablnta at. Pbooa Main 771. Sanral Vtynaui. ' - CXAJBT0TAKT ABB YAXMJST. : OTPIISI EKNOBIA, ' of elalrToyanu. Bh (uarastraa ta raad " arary incldrat of yoat Ufa, paat, praaaat and jriitur. H.ra Jy7it AUaky bld SOft.Morrt aou, n. Tjlrd v .. . MADAMS JOHNSTON Clalrrorantr palmlat. rard readers I lira fad eta renal bla and Ins pnrtant on all affi fair at real Ufa. Baa dint H Sreenlb ., near Oak. . 'CABPEBTE1S ABD BffTiDTBS. A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpenter 1 and bnlldera: repairing aad Jobbing: at ore .. aod efnre gator bollb Bkog. 2UV Colaaibla. ' Mala SSST. ' VI build your new or tlx ynar old bom vary reaeonahla. Call at the ahop. I2S SKteentk at., aorta, or Kw Weatera aoteL Wabl A -Be. - - , . CEMEVT 00BTBA0T0BB. CEMENT WORK, LP TO DATB, wltb Ben, elbotrgre and atralght bnalnaaa. K. i. , Landatrnai. Su3 CoaireUl blka ' CHA8. II. CARTER A CO.,,rmnt contractor. . SIS Kaat Twealletb at. Pbooa Kaat ISIS AU work gnaraateed. - t - CBTBOrODISTB. IF T"ar feet are ont of aiVr, go to Dr. Woe ley . Benjamin,-Saraatb and Stark, tb foot ap " -aaC11' Pn" BbM CtOOKtBt ABB OLASSWABX. . WHOLESALE amrkary and ylaaawar. PruL Ugl C., ioo ta 10 altta, cor. Stark U ' UBESMfAKIB. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or 'waab 11k, mart for r-.4l.3i ahlrlwalat ettlte, SS.U- 4Wt laat Mar bat. Pbooa Kaat S231. .KKIHTKR'8 Ldl' Tfirorlng college; aaltera - cut to mearur. Allay ball 400. 3dS Morrlaoa. DREMMAKINQ Strictly l u dataf Utaat COS ABO kOBSX iOtm At.' DR.CK.rlltOWN.D.V.S..U.C.M-Dr.g. bore bo. jmaijWT BufBald.raonr;MintiaBtcrawia.. SEBTISTB. 1 KIT CHl'RCHMAN. deaUt, S3 Maranaa . bldg., Slitb and Morrtaun. Pbona Mala 17110. ' XLBCTXIOAX WOBXS. , KORTHWEST KLKCTRICAL ENGINEERING . t'onoany, Stark at., Portia ad. O. K. for r erytbn - la tb -alaetrloat- Uo, Pboa Mala lnaS. '-;' . . ' - PACIFIC Electric -Co. Engineer, contractor, repairer, ekwtrtc wiring, aupplla. 4 Plrat, rnr. Stark. Main 65U. K. H. Tate, mgr. 1 rXXX OOTEBBMEBT LABDS. A.vfv v y -w n imm i a.. ieaM "jl'ST opened to eettlement; fln lenl valley landei no atone or-timber; water and anil - Sret elaaa. t orn la and lat ae lorat yoo. Room nd La ho bldg.. Seeead 6d Waablngtoa. 1 EtJlBACEI. BOVNTON warm air ttntrm are fnel. I, C - . Byf rurnaea i-4 be vend, A.aia . tVBKtlTM TACTOXHB. - OAKOON rvrainu. Maaafaatwla tmtmr-w Manatactarer of fttraiuu t U trade. Portland. Or.. FtTBNITUBB aaaaafactarlag and apeclal ordara. 7 L. Rureoafcy fornltar factory. S70 Front at. TT-I ITCT.: , 1. ' ' r I WAUlfillS i CO., wnolaaal groeera, igan. faeturer and comalaalon BtrcbanU. , rourtb . 'aad Oak t. ' ! . ALLEN LEWIS, enamtaalo and i chant. Front and Pari ate.. PorMaad. HOTELS. THB BELLBFUB 6d aawly rwa!ah racaB. aa aatw or alngla. 3U Fonrtb. car. gainaw. . Tarme reaaonahla. Mala 104S. OSBORN HOTEL Qrand era. aad Eaat A ah at., . , Aukany ear Dlalug-roaa eooaecttoai boaaa uy taaacatedt f 1 ta f a par day. THB Llndell botel. Market bctweea-Thlrd aad (OiuU, la tlaud ; - aa tlrly new, Europeaa and Ameclcaa plan, sue to Ai per day. HOTEL Pendlataa. Pendleton. W. A. Brawav Bgr. LUUTEI. Partbrod, A mart rail plan; (3, S per day. HOTEL St. Georg , pndlton leading botL BELVEDERS; Europeaa plaa;4tb and A Mar tta. HOTEL, BESTAUBABT AXS CAXB BABOES. HOTEL. BESTALRANT AND CAMP RANGES . Crlbben A) - Beaton Co., STatentb and , Vpabor largt (lock botel, -raataaraat, camp rangaa. gaaollo aUrraa aad rfrlara 'tor la tb dty. BtAIB ABD MAX SPECIALIST. lrrojai etc. 428 Et Nlntb. Pbooa Kaat 3211. ,: HABDVABX. Portland Hardware Co. aollctt opportunity to quote pel era. iao in afctrcor Aioer. nam lis. IBSHXABCX. LAMBERT. WHITMER A' CO. Fire lnaorance and real catata, aacceeaor ta Arthur W liana A) Co.; of ace, went aide. 10T-10S Sherlock bldg.. Main 1008; eaat eld dept., 404 Kaat Alder Cltln' bank), Hut ISAAC L. WHlTaWSr Inauranc. tOO Dkam . BlOg... J A A. aid. WOOD. anoloTar' Ilabllltr aad In- LLdUtdul-accident anraty baaiia at all kloda. rnoaa atcnay oioa;. ' . H. F. BARTEIJI COMPANY Fir inanranc. 44S Sberlock bldg. Oregon Phone Clay tM. KBT Sttlng," cut-lron-dyailnc ' and general . pairing. 1. H. KlchTrdaoa, 3u Veartb Pbon Hood 1783. LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert torkamlth and . bicycle repairing: is atara. - uay Clay 832i night pbone. , Mala SSSB. EST fitting, Ceat.lron bra ling and general ra plrlng J. H. Blcbardaon. 30d Foartb at MUSICAL. SECOND-HAND maalcal lnatrnmnta . of all klada at loweat price, caab or lottallBCnt. Flaber Mualo Co., 100 Third at. , LEVY'S Muat Houao Sheet Bode, tnatrnmonta. .171 Fourth, ,Y. M. a A. bldg. Clay 07. MR ANDMRR. H. A: WEBBER, banjo. lla. galtar loetrart ton. Main BOSS. 17S W.Para. dEORGH ANDERSON Si pert nlaao taner and iwpalriagj. laqalr rtahe Moai Co. Bed SdS, PIAMO tnnlng. 2, perfect wort m C. W. Jrhnaon Pbon Main lnil yaaraoteed. .KAOVXTIO HEALIBw. RS. L. H. HABT treata all dlaaaaea, etomacb trouble, nereoaaneae and ruaettoaai weeaneaa. Cmmltatloa free, ,J80H Park. cor. Jefferaon, 1 .tl 'a1 -HOTABY-TUBLIOr NOTARY PUBUO Papera oareftilly prepared and executed, cnarge raaaoaania; can an ewered to any part of tb dty. ' Joe. L. " Melratb, 246 Morrlaoa at., 'room IX PREPARATION r of deede and mortgagee a apecUlty; pricaa ndneed. B. A. rrauta,, SIS, the Marauam. - I, -OYEXAIAA.A- B088 OF THB BOAD OVERALLS - aad me. cnanica- cioiningi oiuoa naor. eminuv Broe., manufactnrcra. Portland. Or. PLATIXO. EASTERN P LATINO CO., 2 First 4eold. alleer, -copper, nickel aod brae plating. . Jewelry work apeclalty. THB OBBOON PLATINO VORKS, 4B1 Waab - Ingtoa . at Pboaa 3S7S. Potlahlng,. plaUng and lacquertngj MOBET'TO LOAB. 'THB 8TA R LOAN CO." Aar aalarUd ampbtye, waga-aaraar, caa get on bin aot, wltawot mortgage : ' . . Month. noma, rveea. fAO.OO Repay to, aa S13.S3 or . or f 3 I Kepay to na idea or 3.aft or (1.1 ele.OO Bepay to aa 1 4.00 or 12.00 r 11.1 i.oo i M 310 McKay bldg. riVB par. cent money; w build yoo a boa or loan yon money on your property; monthly panwata; Inreetljatei open Saturday eera Lga. Boom ld-11 Labb bldg., 223ft Waab. MONEY TO LOAN an real pereoaal and col- . . - - i , . . 1 . M.nflna A ekattol mortgage; Bote bought. C. Wt - Pallet, 4-A ten tun bldg.. 84 blyb at. H1UHLY rea-pectabl ' pwca wber ladle aad eat can Borrow miuvf w Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank. Wasb Ingtoa St.: Phono Black 11. - -. t LOANS aad upward on all klada ef eecority . or to aalarleo people an inu aoia, new! : rate; no publicity, no delay. 318 Ablngtoa b;dg. Phone Bed 173d. e ' CHATTEL wane la amounts ranging from 3S . to SS.OUO; roomlng-beuae a apeclalty. Maw Era Loaa A Truat Co., SOS Ablngtoa bldg. LOANS at loweat ratea oa furniture, planoa; any security note nurehaeed. fcaatern Load of nee. 44H Sberlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN la large or email amount oa good BFcurlty) loweat rate. William le. Beck, -rj Falling bldg. LOANS on furnltura. piano,' other necniitlea, loweat rated... a. W. king,, room ab ab. lngtoa bidg. 7 Mala SIUO. , THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary lean, from thro to all months; oanfldbnUaL S1I Oregonlan.- MONEY TO LOAN on Clackaaua county Undo. , B. F. sad r. B. Riley, out chamber ot Coov - Brc. , - i PORTLAND REAL K8TATB LOAMS, S AND per cent. Wm. Denbolm, BUS Vailing bldg. MONEY TO J.OAN, per cent K1rw, 3TO-311 Commercial blk. " i ii , i i... ,i - Northrua A PBIXTTBO. BCSHONQ A CO Front and Stark sta.. print Ing, lithographing, blank book a aad office nripltal wora-duae an tlmai meet templola ' printing olnce la tb woat Mala 104. AKDKRSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing. Iltbographlog, biaas aooaa. rboa Mala J. PAIBTS, OK ABS OLAtS. F. E. BEACH A CO, The Ploaoer Plnt CO.! window) aaa giaaiag.' , ja strat at. Pboae 1334. " - BAHwt'SIEN A CO Jobbers, palata, all. gU, aaab aad doors. Second and Taylor. PLUKBIES. DONNERRERO A BADBMACHEB, aanltary - plumber. ad Feaelb at. Btb pnoaeo. - - FOX A CO., sanitary pliimbera, IS1 Second bet Main and Ha l moo, ' Oregarhoa Mla M1. rtTBLIO ' ACCOTJBTABT. I. H. H. Mi l. PER. expert ccoantnnt, room 441 Sherlock bldg.; bonk a apeaed. adjwud sad audited; bneke kept for email concerae; aaorr. tate caargeei Ant-claes xefcraac. Mala JvoA. s TXOT00XAPB3O at OVXTB, B. U WOOD WORTH. Mfg., IN foarta Tb latest styles ef Mount Board. I XVBBEB STAMPS. -0 P r. STAMP WORKS. 34 Alder at.. Mala 710; rubber stamp aeala. ateacll. bag gag, trade check; end lor atalogu. B00FIX0. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Lost II. 213 Jelteraoa at XOXX. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO. Corner Feorteaatb and Northrop eta.. Portland. Or. BT0BA8E, TXABSTKB ABO HAOLIXS. ' SAFES, plane and raroltura snored, packed ready fur shipping sod shipped; all work ' guaranteed; 'large. S-etory. brick. - ftra-proef "wsrehoua for atorsge. Of tic J2S Ftrst at - C M. Olara. ' Pbona Main 647. -. , ....... C. 0. PICK, ofaco SS Flrat at. between Stark - And Oak eta., phone Mr; pianos aad furniture -moved and packed tor aiilpplngfr eommaSloua are-proof. " brUaj warebouss, . Front "aad , Clay ata. . . . . . . ' . ; - STOltAOB spae to let In our aaw building. . 874 tVattr St. Slglee MUUag A Cooualaloa ' Company. j - ' . OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. -Pboae. Mala 68.. Ueary hauling aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 300 H Weak Ing too st Pbon Mala vd3. BOVTXBrXS. ' Y TH MORGAN CO. 10S lo 1 Second at,,. Bd : Uaaafactuor and Jobber tt lnk and Clark seaealre;i boot ha aod strt stand fitted -"out complete. r ; , .. .'. r STREET AVIB. WABBEN Construction Co., street paring, aid ' walk aad croeewalka. . 718 Oregon taa bldg. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paring Co. of Portland Office af Worcester blk.' . SHOWCASES AMD ITXTTrXXB. SHOWCASES of eeery doaertptloal beak, bat and atofe aiture made to order.-. Tb Lutks Menafaetarlng Co, PottlAni :iatxs.' FOB opening lockout and Saf bargalna J. E. Daela, 8 Third at. ( TOWEL ttTPFLT. " CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cobb, brash, smb. to. 1 per month. Lawrene Bros.' Tows supply rourtn nd Coach. Pbon 420. TYPEWRITERS. TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUABTEBS .i 83 Fourth Street B . W rant, repair, aell, exebaag typewriters. All soppHea for all marhlnca. Standard machine f2S aad np to l . iDo yoa wunt-a stenographer or typUtl- . Wt bare Hat ot (ood applicants. t Phono Black 3871. ' BLICK EK8PERFER Typewriters, "supplies, re pairing. Boas A Boss. 36S Stork.- Mala 18T0. TIOLIHS. J. A. WESCO. Tlolla-maker and repairer; work Bret claaa. 28 Buasell bldg., 4th aad Uorrleon. WAIXPAP1 M0BGANWAJXPAPBB-W.T-1S6 Bceond " at. . bet. Yamhill and Taylor, Portland. - : FTBAKCIA1. IIBITXD STATES' BATIOHAL BABX U , 'OLPOEtLABD, OBEOOB. BOVrHWXBT COX. THIRD ABD OAS STB. Traaaaata a fJeMl, P--v-f w...l...e BA T8 - 4881; B l Available la All Cltle of tb- Vnltod States a I sad Europ. ' Hongkong and Manila. COIiXCTIOHS BLADX OX FAVOBABLB TXBMS President. ............... ..J. 0. A1N8WORTH Vtce-Prealdent....... ....... ....W. B. AYER Vlce-Proaldent ............ ...R. LEA BARNES Cashier B. W. SC1IMEER Aaalatsnt Csshler. .,. ...A. M. WBIOHT Aaa latent Caabler...... ......... .W. A. HOLT PORTLAND TBT7ST COMPANY Of 0XXO0H. I . KO 108 THIRD ST. - The Oldest Trust Corn pa nr la Oregoa. . BE80HBCKS OVER 1,000.000. Ocnrral Banking Buslacea Conducted.' .. Sarlnge Deposlta Baeeteed. Tim certificate leaued. asm certificate ot deposit payable upon 10 days' call, SO daya' call or SO day" call wltb Interest at $M. 14 and 4 per cent per annum, respectively. Cell or send for bonk, of Illustrations, BEN J. I. COHKN President H. L PrTTOCK .Vlec-Preeldent B. LKE -PAGET , Secretary J. O. OOLTRA .AsaUtsn Secretary riBST HATIOBAL BANK ... r OF rOBTLABD, OBXOOV. Designated Depository and Financial Agent af th-V'nte--BtateB. ' - """Tl President... ."..A. L. MIU Caable...,...rt,..,..J. W, MBWKIRK Aaalatant Cashier..... W. C. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caabler... .....B. F. STEVENS Letters at Credit- leaned Available la Europe end the Eaetem Plate. Sight Exchange end Talegrsphla Transfers sold on New York, Boatoa. Chicago, St Loals, St. Paul, Omahs, 8a a Frsarleco aad the principal palnta la the Northwest. Sight sod time bills erawa In sum to suit oa London. Purls, Berlin. Frank fort-la-tbe- Mala. Hongkong. . Yokohama. Copeahagvn, Christian!. Stockholm,. St pstaraburs. ' cow. Enrich, lionoluln. Collections Msde oa Favorsbla Terms. LADD TILTON. BANKERS, r . , (Eatahluhsd la ISM.) -- " - Trassaeta a trsaaral Baaklag Xusaoaa. Collect lorts msde st stl polsts on-fsvorsbnt terms. Letters of credit Issued svsllsbrs In Knropo 'and all potats In the I'nlted Ststee, Sight Rxrbang and Telegraphic Traasfers sold oa New York. Washington, Chicago, St. Louie. Denver. Omaha, . Saa Francisco aad Montsns and British Colambls. Exchange eold on London, Psrls, - Berlin. Frankfort, Hougboog, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. -i " M1 EXCHAVTS' NATIONAL BANK. - FOBTLABD. OBEOOB. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DT'RHAM ......Vlcs-Preeloent B. W. HOYT .-.Caabler GEORGB W. HOYT.. AaaUtant Caabler Traasaets a Banaral Baaklag Baslaao. -Drafte and Lettera of Credit leaned Aral labia W All Part of tb World. .... ., - Colreetloa a Specialty. TT" CECUBTTT SAVIN08 TBTST COMPANY, O SSt Msrrlaoa St., Portland, Or. TrsassnU a Oemeral Baaklag Baolaoao. . SATTNOS DEPABTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time snd Ssvlngs fMpoalB. . Act Troate for Eatatee. Drafts and Letter of Credit Available la All 1 Parts of the World. . C. F. ADAMS ........President L.1 A. LEWIS First Vlcif President A. I. MILLS. t. ...Stcond Vlce-Preeldent B. O. JliBITE Secretary 0E0. F. BUSS ELL ..AaaUtant Secretary MOXKXB BX6S. CHXIBTXBSEV. . M(Vk First St., Partlead, Or. Of for OlltEdirar Itmetit la Msntctpal tad Railroad Bonds, . Writ or Call. TvlORTOAQEXOANS Oa 'Portland Bebl Xstat at Lowest Batsa, .'Titles Insureds Abatraets Pnralahsd , TITLX OUABANTEE A TBTJST 00 Boem 4. Chamber ef Oemmeros. 03. GIO'S EICOD S? J!ERVE TOIIIC A TABLET TO TAXB AT MBA It TIMB. . ikctjM oatb Bleed and Utnm It rsplaoeg e lew ;.., Bern Pteaase, Orsrworli r Plssueo i; ( fin and Ifrencf. i act fat), . T Jaasw Wtmhmftfrtm Af Oawe. -- I Crbata Aama vosv fa aaarsss (A sre f Sfoa Prr gsa U tin nsaftaa aVeesv 1m to IHnfit Im f arA T as si ear Aete. -To Oar MHntg Dltm, Is feaan Lwsr dost, r $ln Coae. r 0r OyssspsVa. x : BWisaasst aaw Oeeetsatfee. - - SOU) BY DRUwBlSTs, OS SY MAIL ON SICflPT ' OF MICI, Too, A BOX;! 10X11 If. ' BB.90SABrxaco. nnirBXpmiA.PA. IIAfiY LIAOlAfiS; EErlil FuHTLAIlD .. i American Association's Council Holds j First Session and T" Nominates Officers. - ATTENDANCE MUCH LARGER THAN HAD BEEN EXPECTED Praise Frpm ' the. Secretary for the .Head of Portland's Publio - Tha council of tha American Library association mat this morning In Itjt first session and nominated officers. Tha najndU will De proaented to tha associa tion at one and Independent candidates can ba nominated by petition of five mambara., Ctuuigra aaldom ooour aniens in tha lla t . of councilors. Tha notnlnSea sra: Preaideot, Franlt , P. -Hill, Brook lyn; first vlc-pr14nt. C' W. Andrews, VCMcago; sooond -rlco-pre)dnt.- Caroline 1L Garland, - Dovar; Now - Hampahlrc; ecrctnry, Jil. Wyar, Llncolnt Nebraalca; treasurar uaranar at. na, -. oaora, MaaaaxbuaatU; - rooordarv Helen K. Halnaa, New York; ruioa -f andow menr ftlnd, Alas MAltland, New York; councilors, George T. Clark. Baa Fran olaco; LJnda Kaatman, Cleveland; Allc B. Kroegerfhlladelphla; Mary T. Iaotn, Portland; B. C. Btelnor, Baltimore. That Miss Isom'a name appears amona tha Hat of national councilors Is a recog nition of her energetlo efforts In regard to 'this convention. I Among tha places discussed for the meeting next year are Waahlnatan, D. C; Ashoyyia. JN'orth Carolina;' Naahvllle. xenneaseo, andiAtiantio city, mow jer sey. - - .' The fortr-Ajae8sloneopMith!s ftt noon st the Uhltarlan church, with re port e-of - off tear and commltteea. It la an- opes aoonind't large attendance lav expected..- ' - . ' -' Majav Salarataa aXetw. -V- - Delegatca reglstsred at the headquar ters this moraine at the Portland Hotel, nd it Is eatlmeted that there will be about too In -attendance. An ad van o list was made out of over 100 who were certain of coming and many mora will be here. Almost all are In now. though Bom ' will arrive this evening. In time for the more popular opening; aeaaton tomorrow, when the president will make his annual addreaa. . . : , : TWO L1XES SAVED BY, " " a a e a M sra. a a bTta a A- a . ynaja zMIWtO IltKUll All Caught In ' Cavern, Gets Loose 7 and Cuts Fuse In Time to v Prevent Explosion. ' , (Joaraal Special Service. I - Butte, July 4 Pinned down by fall' Ing rock 1,100 feet under (round In the West Btuert mine, with burninr fueea atuched to A set of Dlaata. -gradually ncarlng tha exploalva, John Rln snd E. Tratland eacaped ' belna blown te stows byjhSITarBfWehcarorrm tooTof Bhf. i - ' The men had just loaded a set of holes and had lighted the rusea and were on their way- to safety- when the falling rocks and 'tlmbere pfnned them fast Ring was caught In such a way that his hands were free, and by nercuiean er fort he managed to tear himself from tha debris. Hurrying - to the' lighted fuae, with an old pocket-knife, he suc ceeded in cutting. off tha burning end, which in a few momenta more would have reached the dynamite and sent them to another world. After being entombed for four hours the men were released, neither being badly Injured. y g : ' SCHOOLS AT CAPITAL HEED AN OVERHAULING PrincipaPBara Magazine .Frbrri Pupils" Because It Ceri- '""T. sured Roosevelt. - ' ( Washington . Bureaa ef The Journal.) Washington, July . 4. The public school question ' of the District of Co lumbia needs an overhauling probably more than any other branch of the dis trict government. Up- to thepreaent time the members of the- board of edu cation have received an annual " salary of f 600,. and have done practically no work, or at least no practical work, snd exerciaed the moet stringent . economy In the caving of teachers. Recently a boy Jn one of the high schools wrote upon the blackboard asn tlmenta regarding the president ot aa offensive nature.. The principal, br gen eral superintendent, of a 11 -the eonools, refused to suspend the boy. The very next week the little magsslne known as Our Dumb Ant male was forbidden te be circulated la the public schools, be. cauae tta editor protected Agalnat the slaughter of bears and other animals on the president's hunting trip. CARELESS CELEBRATERS , , KEEP FIREMEN BUSY 'v . Pour Tire alarm had" been turned In today at I o'clock. Two were In awn ings in front of cigar stores. The first was on the 'corner of Fifth, snd Waah lngton ktreets, and the other st Water and Harrison streets. A fruit stand at Twenty-sixth " snd Thurmsn Streets wss damaged..-, - The moat aerlous blase was at the home of W.- Rr Walpole SI4 Seat Prne street; firecracker was thrown on the roof, and the dry moee blasett op The kitchen of the bouse waa damaged. to the extent ef $100. The property Is owned by, W.-N, .Biatans The last three fires were caused, by firecrackers. atoaor TisttAnA Xbaliaas. An entertainment wag given last night at the Seamen's institute In honor of the Italian cruiaer Urobrla.- Italian flags were draped about the room. Panlah Conaul V(. T. Elaen gave an addreaa, and the chaplain of the I institute wel corned the - artrangera. - Thaw axerolaes closed with the alnglng of the lullan national hymn. ltl - a ."' V XUlpB vTatnoB XsUnredL x . . Ralph Wafson. aged 1 years, of Eu gano.a Atudant at the Calu mblav unl verslty here, had his left elflow dlslo eated about 11:30 o'clock tblSr morning In jumping from .a moving streetcar. He was coming : to Portlsud to Attend the celebration at the expoaltlon. agd while looking out. of the car his hat blew off; he Jumped sfler It. He was taken to the Uood Samaritan hospital. ; AOERiCAfj' 001RS TIN LIEuLEY RACE Vesper Crew of Philadelphia; De V feat Christ - College - at " Royal Regatta 1 " ' DEVELOP A SPEED THAT '". ASTPNISHES BRITISHERS Trial Heat One of the Prettiest Ever Seen Over Famous English Course' r (Joaraal Special Bex vies.) :' '-." - i Henley, ', England, July 4. The v first beat in the race for the' grand challenge cup was won by, the Leander crew ever the erew of the- Jeaus college of Cam bridge by a. length , ot three quarters in the time Of T.:I. In the second trial heat the Belgian .rowhrr team" defeated the Thamea Rowing elub, time, 7 :1s. Inthe third trial. In the first he the. Vesper crew of Philadelphia defeat. ed the crew of Christ .college, - Cam' bridge, by one length; time. 7:11.. ,Th raoes were wltneaaed by thousands -who lined the banks. - The weather Is ideal. The race' between the ' Veapesn and Christ .dollage was one of the' prettleat ever aeon at HanUy. The American! lumped, ahead at the start-and main talned the poaltlort all the way, develop ing a speed that had been excelled only four times In the last It years in th royal : Henley regatta. - The eaae with which the Americana won la worrying the Britishers, and the, betting1 changed from I to 1 on Leander to even money. - In the eighth beat race for diamond goulls Blackatoff detested Beresford. . . Xtead Bpoaka at rosser. , (Spoclai TMepatch to The Journal.) ProaBer. Wash.. July f . Governor Head delivered the Fourth of July ora tion here today, after which there was a Drosram of eports and' racea to be followed by fireworks this evening. - To morrow the governor wilt visit Tsklma county In company with Land Com ml a- sloaer E, W. Rosa to confer regarding the state's reclamation project. XATLX0A9 AJTD STXAJUOAX XTJU TABLES. COLUMBIA- SCENERY Spejicer Line Fast Steamer. . Chas. R. Spchccr ' Dally round trip to The -Dalles from Washington street dock at 1 a. m, except Friday and Sun-' day..- -'. - ' " - '. -' The stwttserUad of Amerloa. rtesyt sSeTslBeen oenery 1m the "World. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to the four-mOllon dollar . . ' Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Washington street .- . at a. m., arriving horns st ' - p. sa. -"r Roond Trip Tickets 1JL00 - Telephone Main 1413. - -a. w. tfisoiB, - General Mtaager, Portland, Or. AND THE MARIPOSA BIG TREES Are reached from the matn line of tha Southern Psclflo by. A mountain drive over oiled roads through California's moat beautlfulrtnerys, Lt s.pln your Itinerary, make your sleeper, atfge and hotel reservations and arrange ror your stopover, C VL Stinger, elty ticket sgent?" Third And Washington street. "Up the VQSEMITE ToTCASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN Regulator Line Steamer "BAILEY GATZERT" Xessva. too ef Aides street daily (except Monday), ii30 a. m. returns . ), . .. -,. Sl30 p. Sn '. s I.' A ''" Tirongh steamers for The Bailee and Fare -$1.5 0?;&.ko ZmmtsmosMtssssxszxa :IN:A:WI3 ' We treat suocessfully sll private fier rous snd ehronlo dlseasoe of men: aisn blooV stomach, heart, liver. throat troubles. We cure STPHILIB (without mercury) to stay cured for ever m 39 to dare. We remove STRICTURE, without operation or pain. in IS days. WJ Stop drains, tne raaun a . . . . nr. a. a ... ,1 abuse. Immediately. We can restore xne sexual visor of any man under IS by ".an" of local treatment peculiar to eurselvsa. We Cu re Gonorrhoea in a Week Ths doctors of dhls institute sre sit regular graduates, have had many yeara' experience, have been known lortlnrl far it yoarev novo a reputation . . jf l nnitevtalra nn eaae v in fviu , i ii. " .. . ... - J .. . , . . ...... n ha arVaetad. - Wllieeo wi v w - w guarantue a tare ,n w undertake pr charge no fee. Conaulta tlon frosx Lettera confidential Instruo tlvd BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In PU.WeWeirethe wwrst eases o piles In "".'- Cure jniintjt C"ofnci hourC to S fcnd T td t. undy and holiday It to 13. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices U Vsa Noy Hot!, 11)4 Third Street. Corner Pine, rorUsn Or. NOTICE! TO BCT ATmOWB ASTO itt c t w rat (o. Doing baslneas at 2bl Aider at corner Third. ' for the past i ycaj-g. Remove fin or about July 10 to the large brlrl ge brick building At tl SB. corner of Fire-and 'Morrison streets. - r Entrance No. 16? 1st St. anai flcee will ocupy the entire aocond floor, which , w have leaned for a- term ol yeara. We were compelled o mov from our old atand, owing to lack of of fice room and a Urge increase In busi ness. . Call or write The COK VO (illUKi RDKIRQ., BTo. leaU Tlret Bt., Cones korrlsoa. . Te at Soli, Alder. rOBTXABTO, OnVBOOBT. OOITOBBUEOXA, tint sirBuum, XmKOOELJS, TABUOOOXI.BI, XrOata w XtAXfXOOO. XUnTamATIKBt, BOXX1CA, ABTBraga. and aKXaT SIBXABXB. Wt want every man afflicted with the above dlaeaaea to honestly Investigate our special system of treatment, we, in vlte tti particular aU who have treated alaaohara without aucoeas. all whose cases hsvbeenJlt!Andaned by family physicians - snd so-called "BMOXAXi- XBTB,'' all whose troubles have been aggravated and made worse' by the uae Of BBH.TB, TBUBX lAMTLIS, TBI All TBBATatXaTTB and so-called 3KOIT' XOB. Wo will explain to you wiiy such treatment has failed toeurs you. ..and will demonstrate to your entire satis faction that we can euro you safely, quickly and permanently.. Our counsel will cost nothing, and we will do by yott aa we) would wish you to do by us If our esses were reversed. Write for. our home treatment It you eannot calL The DR. LI EBIG STAFF Booms end T Winchester Xtouse, Sd aad Btumelde B treats, roruandv ot. BstabUshed 187 a. CHESTERFIELD Psychic, palmlat and clairvoyant. Special all tbl week: Air foil $5 palmletry readings or oca a trance clair voyant sittings. See. I tell -of chsnges, sue- eeaaes, raliure, mar riages, dl Torres, law suits, travei. deaths. "- ' " ..---4ve--affslrs, sepsra- rtrme. -wtaeaaea, etc. I accept so ree in advance. If von are not aatfcfied eon par me notbloa. I wish to show the rltlsens of Portland that there M o la tbl aroresstoa that anderstana an boslneas and la no tsse. far iocs z isira si.. opposite the Mass. Ofnce hours S a. I S p. m.. dally snd Sunday, - . Scott's Santal-Pepsln Capsulss A POSITIVE CORE For Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder and Pleeased Kid. neva. BO CUSS B0 rAT. Core sickly nd nermaaratiy toe oral eases of tjeaerrhaia snd . asmsMsrof bow long standing. A bsolntsly barmleae. Bold by draggists. rrio si .os. or or mail, no paid, iLw, I boxes. fLIS. THE SAcfTAL-PEPSni CO. by Weodard. Olarka A Ca. Every Vcman , tototeVMtYTBf. iiHmid im dob um wonaaiTDi MARVEL wktrUssj Spray m Jw easwal seeisee. inier. MeeowdJIavrW. ltest Sat. It Mm! rnvnlnt. Sak rear eranM ftje a. If be eannot sotely the UtrL. aOjent no - other, bnt eond alamo far llliiatraied book i.ali. tta full nartleoiara sad ftlrectinna to. vsluebllols1lra. M ABXl'CI, ., v aaa bt.. n loan. XOB SALE BT W00DAXO. CLABKX CO. Columbia" j iiiimiiiniHiiuiimfi 3 r As ff . I we or three tretaftes. without opsra. a,,,iw v,.w ,.- S. HP a m a ' f e5 !,8, 1.1 .. H I W ''h aw I To Bale mmssm m. p x i ia'i ii i'aVr ,'SWiw ll laaaiaa I aelly. SA'iMaiw- f.. 7 It-: i ' " WW- BAJXX0AD AErS BTXAKBOAT t 3 Train to Ihe East Dsily-C TnrocgB Potlmaa staadard sad taortM at.". tag care dally to Omaha. Cbleaja, Spa I toormt sleeptnr eara dally- to taaaaa , .k w D.tL.. aiieiaaS ill mm ' CHICAOO-POB.TLABB a.-..- apKCiAl S:is a. na. g:B p. aa. for th. ".t .It Ban.' Dlly. Duly. . - - las too. -. r' T" ; ' sroKANB rr.TB. Bo Bsetsra Wsahlag- -- - " ' too. Walla Walla. Low- '" TZ latoa. Caesv d' A Was Dally. , Bally. .. and Crest Kortbera . -. sol ata. .. " - ATLANTIC BXPBESS. .... w Ti1Sa.Sk. U EAT.-Bw oliiyy pto.fc .' ' Columbia IttVsa Divtsleo- ' ' BOB ASTORIA and wavl S:fl0g. an, 1. - j . points, connecting with Dally. btrt j tmr. for llwac and a. Soaday. sua B. m. tiorth Beach.- str. Baa- Saturday, ex. Saadsy. ealo. Aah-ac does:.!, P. aa. Tamhlll, niee. aoute. . - - ; fJB JIATTON. Oragaal """T . .- - fflty aad Tamblil mZ To a. m tSS a. av Points, stars. Bath aad Dally..-. Dally. . ' ?wrvi,b ,t- ax. dasday. sr. Ssaday. (Water permitting.) Sriake e. Meat.. . rort iawuti IN. Idal 4.00 a. av Ulmt I pa aad way points from Dslly ex. Dally IMparl. Waab.. ears. Satordsy ex. frtdsf Spokane aad Lewtstoa. i .: . - pboae bfala TIA A v ?-.T.n,TJll!l-,tT "eH Age, A. 1 CBAIO. alooeral Peaeaac AgaaC EAST3 SOUTH cinoir DBPOT. Arrl 0VEBLABB BXBBBBS. trains, ear Salem. Boss. sorg. Aablaad. " Beers. nMntavOgden. Saa rraa deoe. Btocktoa. Los As geles. XI Paao, Bsw Oc ajsBb tm S.S tssaa aaa ae sts Bforelng . train elk sects st . sally eisept SdS.Sk wltb - trsla (or ML, NtMB-BV Aageb nil verts a Brownsville, lariat field, Weadung aad Katron. , Bagasa passi ascts at Wood burn with 10:86 a. a. MU Aaral sad SlrroH ton local. Carve Ills psssssga. Sberldsa passenger. f , TtSSi M:B0 8: Br) n. a. a. m. ,e lmtt m n .1. Jktm m - ... U'l a . " ' lly for Osoeao T-.S a. at SO. 00, M. T:4S. IOCS Soaday). 840. S:K. ll:oo, :uo, ;po. I n. m. Dslly (cpt -I 10;BS s f :O0 a- T ... - aoww -lay. -- . IjSaVOS rrova aseee eren or en. enw. mediate potato dally S.00 p. m. . Arrtro Port. Und 10:lfl I a. m. m. -'-a-'- eporataa dally to btoasMnth and Air II. Bectlns wltb Sdotbera Pad Be eoaapeu's tra -o. Vb-ta.. aaamal lababSwsbtBAsBsnobal- tlretlen far from Portland be " aad Be, Brancteco Wrbertbe SSi aiaat far 118. econd-4a berth 83 80. . Tickers to Xastara oolats aad Bui use. SaM rasoa. Cblna. Honohahl snd AsetraUa. "H.. arieSi Of ft corner Third aad Wssse ??Stl PbOM "'eV1- ev,a- Qty Ilckt Agent. '. . . Oea. Pas. Agsat, TIME CARD TRAINS Portland!; DAILY. TJinOB DBPOT. Depart Arrive Tellowatone Park-Kaa- saa City, jit. tona Spe cial for Cbehslls, Cen tra 11 a, Olympla. Orsys Harbor. Sooth Bend. Tn- 8:80 8. a. 4:30 s. Sk coms, Seattle. Bpohans. Lewtston. Bntte. Bill ings, Denver, Omaka. Kansas City. St. Leads sad amtheast. North Coast limited, electric lighted, for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Bntte, Mlnneanolla. St. Paul aad tb Eaat. Paget Soand Limited, fnr Cbeball. Centra lla. S;0S s. I 4:30 0.1 lOJgp.1 4 Taeoma . - aad Seattle oniy. Twto City Bi iieaaa.' for Tseoma. Beattla. Spo kane, Helena. Bntte, Tellowaton park, sfls sea polls. St. Psol aad tha Bast. 11:45 p. as. S0 a. a. A. D. CBABLTON. Asstetaat Oea oral Passenger Agent, ' . , 33S Morrlaoa 81.. Cor. Third. .. 1 Portland, Orsgoa, . Astoria & Columbia "River Railroad Co. UNION DBPOT. 8:00 a sv Dsllv. 3;W a. aa, fnr Bfaygere, Balalev, Clatskssia. waatnort. 11:301 Dslly. Cllftoa. Aatorl. War. rentoo. raw, rs Bood. Fort Steveaa. Oearbart Park. Sea. 10. Astoria aad Sisikira - Bspcvse dalhr."": Assorla Tipisss. . 7:80 a. a. IIDally. . S:SfJs. a. gatorday only. llEiespl Satordsy. ' J. ft MAT, 0. f. and r. A Aalsslo. So. C. A; STEWART. Oomaercul Ageot, S4S AntOS rnoaa aaia na , - 9 ' TWBeSlmoo'WTW aXXB C a . Trsria3oritlnei-itstl , Trlrt4S OasJIy tO BPOKANSJ. ST. P," ' ILL POlNloi A SSd Kocy Bee., ., aiare. raaos, 1 , law- r r lail soirriA Jr