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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
13 -THE OREGON DAI J. st Km MMItn af PortlsaA Or. for transport Uoa Umtt Ik mala a esosne . sser. v .-,,. f estegs tor Single oplel For . w , B.e lper. 1 tout; Id to 30 peas. 8 al , to 44 Sages, ceoUs Tdlrortal Rooms...;. ...... '....' BUS4JWBB OfflOB.. ....... ........ '.Mala 8S F0BXI8N ASTZXTUOia MMW'1"1, Trcelar.-Reugsmla PT,5JrESi lite K. ,... tur Bark. Krxb WUMf '9 - toe CUcage. - ' "'.' TTMCKICTIO BATES. HT flMnHL smTTOBw. . q- Ur Jovial, wick Sunday. BMUtnVi i l. Journal, mouths...., li" St lly Joursal. with Bundar. I ""'J ; lly w wart. UeersV Sondat Tb Da! Tk Lei The fllT " The Deity week. IMJIWf ....... . Cke fully ' par - excepted . ....vr,... Mlnni -etoadAF ' ...., " ,,kp-v, .. h Dairy Journal, with atonds. F'-'J J5 ha Dally Joernal. a mi In -TJailI Joaraal, with Sunday, axeatk. J" la. IMUlv - tim Itallr Jours!, witk nm;, a i TleUe limcl B MWlKtka 'TZ ' Ml V. 1 1 .ask finulal 1 tJMejtk -JBS Iau7 eouroai, a iium 10 aon. lbs Sunday Journal, 1 year. .-.-.,- ". So sVueAsy Joaraal, -antb..,.. . J-V . The Seexl-Weshly jesawax,, Kka ImUMt; Joarnak ' .ii ' hnrt I v .... , Ktaalttaana ifceola ka hr .J"" nii x aad amall anoanta an r. O. Box lit, FMtUlut Or. "ynanx m tpxryu. jut b rom . Tba iovnal eaa ka (Matt as aato th fnllowlBf rlarMi - u .JtolHE. uiailO- Vallar Ca.1 W. M" CHICAGO Poatoffica Rarnv aonpaari IT mtwvgg. xrar.Knatn- v nafu;..tl3 BaavataMta atraati 4. lUaek. 8litenth b4 f grttj atrvata. - ' KANSAS HTT-Tu Nay Naw wpaT . - WlNNBAPOUaWlt. 0. KaTaaaack, ,aatk Thlrt atrrat. - NEW VORK CITT Brrataaaa. fnloa atjaara.. OMARA aflllar Ratal Kawa aUaa; Ml . Stationery aonnanr. IW Faraaia traat. SALT LAKH CITY Raaroa Botal Ww taa4l Barraw Dm.. 41 Waat aVKoad atrart. Batk. T. LOUIS PblllD Rnadar. Lenat atraati AM rilANCtSCO W. B. Ardta. Patac BoW , Kawa ataM. ana Itm Markat atraat; Oola--amllh Braa., 1X0 Butter atraat. an4 ' rraarta htrl; Fomtrr Oraar. rarrr koU - . tac; N. 'Waaatlar. aiaaaabla m ataaaV aar- nrr Markat aa4 Kfaraaj atraata. MATTLkV-Ralnlrr Oraa4 Mawa ata W. U Rbanka. Hotal rVattla Kaw atan4. ' -PPOKA.VB, WASH. Joa W Orakaaa Ca. TACOafA. WAifl. Caatral tim aaaasaart " Hntal Tacama Mawa taa4. -i TICTORIA. S. a Tletorto Book CUttoatr caatpaar. . . i.t, . - - WXATEZM. ftZFOBt. ' M rain Baa fallaa aturwhara to tk aartk Part He atalr uina tba last M fceora. a4 ramrtiM rhawUaaaa akmr ta raaM traaa Kuroka aortk to Capa riattofr tka wcatkar . at all rcpartlmr UUaa to ckar. . ' Tha umpnataraa si oca jes tarda jr kaa ra- tsalaai ararlr ststloasrj. Tka Indies tloaa arc for fan? aaa canrJaoral fair waatlrar ana warn waatker la taja tlUtrlct toalaht a4 Wfannaaoaa. , sin in i hi sKsssa ) aUTEaV-YTXW-. CDHTI1T. AID. rsmtlr lata tTB to 1.000. Tka aolf caOMtorr la Portia ad wklrk pfravtnsllr aMlDtalaa aa4 raree for lota. - Pa full tn format low applj ta , Woreaatar kkock. rtly.- W.- U. rraalilaat. Tha Edward Holaaa rnoVrtaklng eoBpaay, jBneral mractora aad aiabslatera, . Mo Third etreeC Pboaa SOT. . J. P. Pteley Hoa. faaersl dlractora aad em h. Inters, comer Third aad hfadlaoa atrseta. Office af etmaty aor oner. Talephoaa Mala Sl ' Paaarat wraatba" tad cat flowera apactolty at Boss City Greaaboase. Tweaty saeoad and East Morrlapa. opp uemataty . - J,-.. Clark Bros, tor Howe re. S8S Morrtoan atraat. psar lusui anj and anatracta to - real estate frocs tha Title Ooarsntee Trast aess- paar. CbsBbar of Com mere, balldiac - "r4ur wm In- tIJ ? , Tb Iiir JootimI. with Svadar, " Pw - twn I an !.. ..a JM ' . 3M AVB ' ' ITXTSTTUTIO KO. ' IS. t . . MTXX OLDEST TBtTSf COBTAATT H 0BO0B. r.i.:'- RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000 -' Wa sellers to Beodsrs method at Mat ' baataeaa. la preekms Ulustrstlops wa bar bsd ssock to aay about ear earttfteetaa o( denoalt. Wa da all other blade of . SaaneUl , baataeaa. ' ' -" . . . . a recelTe depoalts sublet to oheek. Wt Jecstea ssrlnxa -deposits la larra .or amall ,, soms pom tka Unas fonowrd by tba Meaj Enalaad aavlnca banks. We are always wllllas to discana aay lu eitl BroposttloB, eltkar Ineolrlnd a kiSB bt as ee a with as. Wa conduct a Urea sad steadily fawraBklot , traet buslaasa. Ws pay particular sftenttoe to carina; -fat the-eatato of widows, rpbaaa aad Suk resldnta, ' . It la a plesaBra to aa to ' explaia oar metkoda. . Call apoa aa tt yea need Infermarloa kpoa aar aahjoet apoa whlck a treat company caa eall(btoa yoa or wad for aar book of , MIZXiriTaATIOsTI,M - -i :r PQRTtAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON TaJr Btreet, ...' . PbeM dSS. " TIENJ. I. rflfrlK!t.M....7....,.f.i...Presldetit "v , H. L. PrTTO'K.,..,,,4..,...,Tlce PTee4dcnt . B. LES PAOET. ' Secretary J. O. OOLTRA AaslstoBt Secretary aTOnCaV- OTICB ef Stockholders' Meetln. Notice Is horehy pteea that the annual aaectlns af tha stork s.l dors of tka Midway Oil com- nany will ba held at tha oftVaa af Ledd : Tlltoa. bankers. PortUnd Or., at S o'clock ' ! p. B. aa Wednesday, Joly 1. Ions, for tha ; parpoaa of electing a board of directors, to set apoa the actios af the board af directors , la authorlslnc tha asle of the compso;'s P'opsi tlsa - aad - tha oaeetloa of liovdatirm '-- aad dleeoratioa of this esBpaay and tor the tranaectroa of each ether has la aaa ae-amsy ' iiibi before tha ataetlnc. . , . WILUAst M. W HIDDEN, tecratarr. V. INOTNEEK Of flea. . Portland. Oregoa. . t alp S, lMlftv Sealed praposale win ba re ' eel red hare for constructing quarter, bolld ' lairs, etc at Cascade Locks, Oregoa, aatll 11 . I. a. as.. Aagaat S. 100S, aad thea pohllrly . ' onewd. ' Informs firm aa appucstloa. W. c Laufltt, Majut EjMrlaeaca. - --. . . . hiOTK'S Weereea my wife, Altbea. persists to Velar away from my home, wlthoat Inat -ease or trorocsUon. I hereby notify all perwras that from thtl date f will pay aa . bills of her corrtrsejlp. B. L. BAlLkf. PortUnd. Jul a. ISOS. SlSsnLrmON NOTirB. The lew Srm ef Pipes . A Tifft bss beea dlssorred by marasl cnaseat, : My ofScea are Sno. eAumbsr af eommsita. , T.lephooe Mala So. bfABTTN U PIPES. lost Aire rows. - IX)" T Monday, bet. tl aad 16 e'dork. IsdT'a -poM Sited war a. beer Seoond and Main; medlnai elat, Hrla works, case inside slightly - 1 eeVatched. Plnder return Knlaeopal miasloa, - r- Second St. -. Keward $. mr-Ia or near p. o...- inly A one amall ' black pan enafalnlng about' SOe and one 'ale key. Plndr. please re tarn parse aad . key. te 74T East Htsrk ac aad keep ckanga. JTf OB STOUCN 'Admiral wheel with coeetey brakei Ko, af .wheel, Bf 010. Asiana with Infnraaatlnn " of aame pleas . eomaaBteato wHk Joaraal of Das. OVNrV A place to have kalr mattresses reea. eared and returned aame dar. Pkoaa. Mala " T. Pertlaad forled Hair rectory . 1 rnl .Vtv Tosng calf, soot ted red and .while, ca powerl sr. owner cea claim saa at Hit .. t ut. iweaty-nrtk at.- ,.. lMr aet a( f ata teeth, Jaly f. Plnder . kindle ret era to Third at. aad recrite reawd. afxzrnr vonexs. OltaaON L0IK3B Ma. L K. of P. amu tuulcM at K. , of P. kail. HarqaaiB Bl.l. (Ka.i. rasa work,), Ylainuc KtUsTkU eurnu hnl-kla M.llaltr Invltwl V jfi 14l'(.tM( H. DOftMNO.tG. & -tH'BTlH. a. at, Ja.. AV AV- mrATioir wAjtTxs MAN apd wlf waat atrnatloa ai rkaf nsl aaesa4 nok. kptrl, raauarsnt or clubkouaa.', Aaaraa W at, cara Journal. XZLV w-AjnTD-HAIJt. t : ' - WAVTBD At oc, sober, tsduatrtnua Ban for otrica work: a aiuprirao ast-assarT;. bjuh bars t'juo cask, wfclrk will ba Wall arrnml and lutrrost paid tor; will Bay aaod wrrkljr aalart and asaw comatlastaa. Auswar ,uUk, aa I Bast bar. naa rarlr tkU wavk. A4- drsa B T4, cara JoufnaL WAMJSD Caaraasera ta Mil brat and cheapest home fire cxrlnruisner aa tka market: sis mflta.a..CaU SaW Uaartboraa ara. fruas to 14 a. ai. .i-. --,-.-,-.--,-.,... . . MAN to work In efftoa aad oatolda salar lit weklr; ia gepuait amply secarad: rararuoca. Addresa A au, cara JooraaJ. WANTED At oar; aisa wka ran act ap aad take rare two Kltaoa coal all lamps. - v. A. Hell, sTZH Oaa at. WAN1 ED Tonag Bias to sell sooreolr hadae os tac ai tacts, wu at aux xolto, kw w ciatbia atraat. - - , WAITED Youb maq witk some experience la Beat market, cau atoaaay, la uraaa ars., n. ftrrBCTIVES Mca ' "toarnr wa aiiaraafsa 801, XSi Morrlsoa at. work rb aor paptla. - WANTED A few (aad Bra for doat factor, Beasid npruc MBMt oecaiaa, ur. UTT.t wAjrria rzxAVLX. LADIES' DBPARTMKXT. . Hotel, restaurast, office store, bakarjr. laaadrf and family patrooajre solicited. T HANHKN S MI'W)VMBNl'rr,tC.J-!- M8H Wasbln(toa St., room T. cor. Sesaatk ak roooa ataia arva. - OIRLS waatlBaT aaapleyaaeat.- sack aa geaersl koasawark. wsitrtasaa. cnamberBMiaa. aaoss, call oa acaadlBarlaa Emplojauat Cas. S70 Bsraslde at. Psoas Mala MS. WANTED A kanaekeoper oa trait farts, re fined woman ander :mflth tltl nnder iz; comfortable -home i-l'o.Hl'aaACS. TS Xana bill. -Pbona Mala 6418. . WANTED A -1H fur. encra! hoBaaworK aad to. Beaut la sen log; no waeaiof. T aaei Bornalaa at. Pboaa Bast 142. WANTED Ballncd. Batbarly womaa," llrbt work; Bieasaat,. JauU wacca. rnoa Mara 2X00. . - .. . .... ... WANTED A taoiea tailor. Inqolra A. Upp- Bian. Udlsa' tailor, SM XktDJUU at. WANTBD-Iyaoiea'.. clotbea fraaara atvPaeM laasdry.' First aad Artkar ata. . TT OIRL WANTED. SM East Morrlsoa at. WABTIDwatALB AID TEMA1& KXLV. ANT ONB permanently employed and wlahtnaH ta Bateruiiy iBcreaaa tkeir. Income witbout ta any way interred raj witk tkeir prearat oecapatlon, plaasa talephoaa Special Acent, Kaat-iaiS, for parti calars. WANTED At aoca, a brtfht, enerf etlc, pra- aeBtabla Baa ee arossaa. a rood talker, to take ap aa attract! re- Broposltioa. lniralre 122 Cbasaber of. Ommercs, a. a.. PERMANENT posit loa witk tBrreaaing -pay. lady or ycBtMana. call or adarasa Beotlnel of tka .i;nlerse, rooCB SIS. . Allskj .kMf ., TkW and Morrteoa. . BNERQETIC solicitor. lady praferreu; pood salary; rererancaa. jPhoto (allary, SWH rtrat. CALM NO aad traelneea , cards 50e 100, II S2B WsshlBa-toa. Antomatlc card Praaa. SITVATI0BS WAJTTID M-ALB. W, ANTED Ta to some koajaework witk- chorea in aoaraiBa; ST auae. ncuafa aos Aaewar M as, cara woarssi. . . XOUNO maa do. Ires aoslttoa; evpsrlsacad la kookkaeplng and collectings referaocea. Ad eoarsiej,-: . PIRiiT-O.ASS ma cook want situation, hotel or restaurant: host of references. Address WW rare Journal. 1 " a ' " BOT : year ef sfs wssts the , pmaablng traoe: aaa -psoas Union 430. Call ap A IAPANESB boy wants a posltloa as dish washer or beasework la tba hotel. C XI. care ' Journal. - " smrAtiovs wajtted rzkiAxx. SITUATION wssted by capable mtddle-eged - womaa a kousekeener. or some posltloa of trust. Csll S7 Nortk Park St. - ZXPLOTHZsTT AOXBCZS. PAC1PO COAST EMPLOYMENT AQENCT . Hemored to UH Hftk Seoaad at,,, phoa Bed 1SL 4 . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. ; -0B MEN. v S W. Sscoad at. Phone Mala 15M. AMEBICAN Employment aad Beel Estato Agaa. S All kind of kelp furnUked free ef arge. led Buraalas at.. Black SSSL PIONBEB EMPLOYMENT CO.e-Labor eoatraa. tors; help free to employers, zia HELP wanted aad eoported. la ar feBule. .Jl, a. PBAKE. aV6H Wssblng tea St. Clay 440, 1SS MOBBIBON ColnmbU Rlrar Emp. geacf akllled labor furnished. Phone Msla SMS. - WATiTwMisrixrAjrEotrs. WANTED More aprsylng aad wkltowasklBgi . the ealy gaaollne eompreeeed air , apeaylog eutSt ea the ooa.t- M. O. Morraa va.Bfg MUwaakla at. Phone East S3 it. Wn.L buy eonlttea Sm property la Mnltaofnsh end surreusdlns countiee which hsre been Wold for tales. M m. H. Hendershott, room 30, Busasl bldg, Poarth and Morrison, , . PORTLAND 8 old rellsble plsno 4uner Bt yoar arrrlre. Tuning $2-00. C. W. Johnaea, Mala -181L - SHOBT O SHE R PrlBttaa Ho Siaosd aad Washtagtoa eta. WANTED Sasll rolltop desk; stato price and . There any be asea. B Sa, eare Journal. BOOMS to paper, raad up, paper Ineladed: a. Boa few, dty, .. paint them us? WANTED To Insa SS-OOS ea Joly 1. aa realty, - Inquire It Tweaty-Srst at,,- aortk. WArTXD 1EAL ESTATE. WA!TT:P Jncome nntpertf P Is SlO.000: caa Kt w a iiueiy imuroira I arm .oa tbe Bsee ae road as part pay.. Call 43 H llrst St., or sddress P. MIcheK Trontdale, Or. - WArriD-io axjti. OWNEBH AND AGENTS will Snd It to their . adsaatage to list their vacant bouse aad Data with out Free Bents) Itepsrtawot. Our vacant hones directory bss beeom a recog nised InsUKitloa la Portland, hnndrada of - teasnts being weekly placed la suitable - enarters. We make no charge whatever aad owner should take adrenlsge of this . aerelee by calling at oar rental department and Slllng In an "Informatloa Blank." If yoa hsre I vacant house, phoa th psr tlculsra aad lesve the reel to as.- We woa't allow It to remain long Idle. tt. B. .UWAHUH. UOUHKrU RNIRHEB, - free Rental Ivnertmant. ma to ivi rirst at. . BOOMS la an parts of the dty, taralsksd. Apply 40 Ooodnough bldg. , EX POSIT It) M ACCOMMODATION BUREAU Ondsr direction of the LcwW and CUrk Tab . u - Carport tlua. (,. Phone Mala 2B. WB kvacsTW "Prsjry air--for "vacs Bt aaa luraisnea aoaeee; list your aeaperty with net-'we wlli-ee tba rest. e) Xi laggarl. 10T Sixth at. C.Pi:tXIMlle.r cottage nf 4 or. S reo me, witk yard, west side, between Market snd Wsah- .JUBU1 4M, B POB BEWT-BIAL ESTATE, XO BrNTJuarler block faring msla entrance to Irwl end Clark fair for dancing oa. vlttoa. Apply to W. M. Lsttlo, Hotel ialr Bseaot, Ui gad Ipsnur, WABTXD-AOEjrTS. AGENTS Bake kl aoney aelllaf Handy Bat- raatenera; aaay m sen; erery oy w.m. then; patented tad man a fact urea by tba Pair Manuractarlaa; Co.. Kay 11 Mala at.. BaclBs, Wis.; oar cata locus at Utiles' aad children's apeclalUea free. A.GBNTS WANTED T Ball ear kaparlor kick arade anraarr stock; sew .sna compiets oair. fit reroianea roe; asn weeaiy;-write day . foe esolce of -territory. Capital City Naraary na., Haleaa. urcaea. AGENTS wanted to aetl stories ef Old Oreroa, Joaaa' liook Ptora, zwi Aioer bi. POB XXkTX niBBIBHXD BOOMS. ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL New ba tiding, erery. - thing BJodera throughout, beaotlfullf fur. Mabed ; rooms light, suaay; plenty or freak - akrr locatloa cocreolent for either hasiness or - fair; prices reasonable. 402 waakingtoa. 837 SEVENTH BT.. bet Clay end Market Parlor Sour, 4 rooms furnished for kouse- . keeping: bath, phone, gas; no chfMrea, Mm. Belp. Mala 34Z. Large front room tor THE HAMAKN. 1M J. 18th.. cor noyt Newly fnrnlaned rooms. gl.SO an: eoaeealent loratloe. IS mluatea walk to fair green ds: Morrlsoa ear at aaioa depot direct to boasts. Phone S4I0 PABTtKB coming weat, or to the fair: a tew v neatly rare Lance: rooms who prtraie tamiiy, reasonable; all modern conveniences. Ad' drees Schaefar. 484 Kortk Tweaty-fourth at. PORTLAND Mineral Springe Hotel At fair srounds: new and clean: rates SO and Sit Is goc; free 'naa to an trains, iweniy- -VI'RNIHHEn 4 rooms at cottare. for keeping: water. phone, yard, close to. on two car lines: rest reasonable. - 1'soae stall S871. -. . THB GABLE Tarslsbed rooms, light, airy, rea sonable, with breakfast: S ear lines. Past - Tweaty-aeewatk end Tag art ata. Kai VISITORS 1. fsh? will find cool, ihearf jI, aewly Piralahed rooms, witk excellent aatelne and home com for ts at The MoBtgonatry. 594 Aider, THB ALDERB One large, , nicely furulabed elngle rooms, Incladlng else small Main 1901. 2UB AMer. Bear auta. KEIJXKiO boose. 1S4 Bberman, take S car aoath: clean lodgings 20e. meals sue; fur. slshed kissmkaeplrsT-rooma. laundry aad Da IB. KlOft furnlsked atngl room aaltable for one gentleman, with or wltkout nreekmst: pri nt residence: close, la Phone. Best soso. MARQHAM HOCBR. 14SVi JtH Rooms ea salt or single; nooseBeeping rootns; gas surras, " batk. electrle lights: traneleata sol lei red. - . LABOR, fin ulalied treat room, gas. bath, phone, private family, walking Distance; rent, reason able. SUS Crosby, near steel bridge. ' . : KEW home, newly faralshed. at 6VS Everett et between 21 at and 33d; permanent or transient. Call or pboaa Mala SPSS. THE BELLBWB, Z1S4 Fourth at,, sor. Sal mon Newly roraisnea room or-- rae aay ar week; tarme reasonable. - Hood T01. - LAROEVomfortably fnrnlaned front room, with breakfast, suitable for one or two; private family. 14 East nineteenth at. ri'BMHHED rooBM 3 a week aad op; very besltby place; one, block ef S car. SOS Vt b I taker st. aeui it aesirea. - THRFB sleeping reran ap stairs; privilege din- taaToosa and kltrsea; modern, caat BUta aad hlarket. I1ue tut ItO. ' NICELY furnished room for rent, 544 Sixth, bet. Jackeoa aaa Liaeore ' ata-i . Data aad phone: near Fifth at, earllas. KICELY fnralebed parlor bedroom, bath, gaa. phone, private family giz per aseatk. 428 Meveath st,- Mala S4. , . rOR RENT Le rg room on hast aide for or 4 yonng men: permanent, tt. s. Martla, 7 Cbsmher ef Commerce. rt:RNISHED rooms fnrent. Best zStb and Powell ata., eve a lore; private jamily. Tak Woodstock ear. , . PfRNISPIED roome. SOe, 78 and II, ap. Twen tieth sna wasBiBCioa. not aaa aoia nstbs. The Bewland. -' , 410 SALMON ST. Rooms well fBrnlabed: all I cen.eulunessiceBtTsli by y- week; res son- able.. ' . - - '; ; THE OLADSTONE S13 Savler St., taratohed BBoer new msBagaiaent : pnoea rea- ble. ' THE ABBOTT S2SH Wsshlngtoai -aswly fa. aisnea roome ea suns or single; transients. BEAT furnlahed noma 2 per week and ap; electrle light, betk. - Tl Best Eleventh, aortk TWO furnished rrmme witk of kitchen. S3I Everett Bear 10th at., oa tarllne to fair. P1RM8MEO rooms K snd apt bsths. Davit ' Hotel, corsec-Clar - aad Water. The THE WILRTR, MS East Oak-y1gUgs all ontaiue rooma; wi.ta per wees ana op. THE CASTLE 871 Washlngtoa St.; farnlahed . wuv n,in iai . THE LEWIS. IPS 10TH ST. P y. week ar month. Mala 43S4. , f2S PDRNISHRD cottage) adult only. la- ontr room 4"ft nekum bldg. BOOMS ABB BOARD. YES, wb can accommodate a few avre tahle bosrdsni hosae rooking aad everything Aral , class. - Alter house, Aevenlh aad fci.i- - Phone Bala S2S1. ,. YHB -IRVINO Bkegaat sereanm.iaOoes. - as exorbitant chsrgwi dining-room la coa necttoe; prices right. Cor.JSth aad Irrlug. THE Llndell New family hotel, Market He twseu Third and Fourth, tteaa heat, electric 'light, porcelain bathe, exceedingly lew rate. ROOM for 4 t . 50 per week.- ftoj Clap Bear - Fifteenth. Phoa Mala IViOv. .. - FI RNWHltn mom and hoard for S e gratle smb.. I'btfue But SM. .... - -r Hit Economy - J w. , receives- highest premiumt wherever exhibited-the Award and Medal at .World's . ,Fii at ; St;,Louis, First Premium and Medal at Cale Ifornia State '. Fair, First Premiums and Medals at . Oregon, Montana, Utah Economy Jar is the greatest boon 'ever given to house-. keepers. - With Journal 7ant Ads juhaVe to do to ;ble presentsiiTlngLJIie JouniaJ-OfnceirlSc ""cash" want ad. at the regular rate of J5c pefline loin-- -; sertion in either the. DaUy .orlSunday edition wd for the premium .. ''-'f;'l- V-'--' ' If Wvc Ahhing to Buy . ' Today While Offer Is Good ; . roa Biire aoxnaxzirois aooMaV nauiltaia wits, or without board. IS ailnutes' walk, cara twa b'-''- vt",,l"i water. Call or address Bkyland, PortUnd Heights. Mala WhM. . ' TENTS and fnlT heoaekeeplg jeotflt . month. Phone fVott 874. Lewi and Clark . Vamp, Mount Tabor Height. wn . t'.k.- , with sue og Uuadry. batk t and pboaa, gas. reasons bla; aa ehlldrea. Pboaa r K.- . etu. .- .7 . . . :i - . ' afcvrv hwaUhMl a n.iin. Ilaht Ina If desired: hot bath, gas; reaaoaabla. " Nt I'rant. THE LINDA-VISTA, nicely farnkked iKsmekeep, . Ins and single teams reasonable, 147 Mftb, Fl-RNISHED hoaaekeeplng rooms; batk and gss. - S94a Fourteeatk at. - - - POB BIBT H01TSIB. rna pvmt Klrelr rnrnlahed 1 -room -house, . ae .M electrfe llchta. ' Dlsno. keth etc.' farnlshlBaa aew and elesa; will .11: reasoasble to right Party, Inquire 146H Third at, studio, from 10 to A npw sveoom on aoatbweet earner Hsnearh and East Twenty -elxlh at: cement crUer. bath, furnace, gaa and electrle lights. B.- U.' Lombard, U4 tkamber af Com met or SuO Hancock at,-' - - KADDERLY- TBANSFXBOMMItS101t-tJ.-. Piano aad famltura moved prompt ir or ca per tenced ata. 110 Tkkrd at. alsia less. rna irvt .wtm enetaee. -nartlr furalsked. Arleta, Or., 1 block from earllne, Aoquir i POB RENT X moaera T-roma kooses aa Bast , Thirty-fourth st. rent fzo;. w. . neca. room SU7 The Palling hjdg. - S-BOOM modera house with stable aad cklrkea- .bone. 7B4 Water of. Ik nut. soaiaeaai ' from Falling acbooL 130. - FOR' BENT One Soom Est Bpstalra, 71 Baker st., Boatb PortLsad, betwaaa- Third aad Fourth ata.Am $30 PER ntontk roots or boy a modem S-room - cortege on Forty-third and East . Taylor. Bee Myers, at Z2 BMoad at $28 POB BENT New S teem Joum , SPS East DacllBf. aaaia; mouera coaiveaieBoes. uv. IJNFVBKlflHED 7-room rottAtu tt rent, qolre 101 North Sixth at. 17 per month. 15- NICELY located ft-raom bouse, lew rest, tarsi tare for sals. . laoulre TeS Valea a vs. NEWLY papered cottage, S bett - - " . - 1004 dor- FOB RENT 8-room cottage, S10 Skermaa at HO TSES FOB BEET PPBBITUBE FOB SALE. FOB beat reaalta ea "rUBrllTUBB," - Whether to bay or sell, ring an Mela S3S. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, i " r 1 Pleat at FI RMTl'ltB af a S-room bone. Ineradtag a new plsno, roc saie, pnea fan; close la, west side; causa sir k sees. Pboaa Mala S62S. A MODERN S rnsm house for rent: desirable soeotlooi reraitara aar Mas, S4S gomery at , A SNAP--Furaltura of Hl-room hone tor sale. S24 Kaat rirst at., aorta. . f sooe cast 8667. FOR PALE OB BENT Furnished S-rootu 1. irvlugtoa. Owner, phone Scott 822S. rTRNITTTB of 4-coom house for aale; lama lor re ox. so mommj. oea a ouria at. PITRNITVBB for sale cheap: rent $7 per moatb. lorn lire pm-a eitereon sr. FOR SALE Furniture of S-room Iiou; rent sia. . ohb rroat sr. FOB BEBT OrnCX-BOOMB. OFFICE-ROOM tor rant nougs Bldg. Apply elevstor, DESK ROOM for rent with ass of phone. AH Msrousm BHig. . FOB BXBT IT0BZ ONB brick storeroom XfixAO feet good Iocs t loa ror groeenea, aotioos ar etber pnsinam, z0M Kuassll St., room d. FOR RENT Store SOxSO; aa grocery. Westa Importing Co., 108 Fifth at. FOB BEET FLATS. t MODERN S-room Beta ea Wlllfsam see. ear- line tor pa ee-ca; z mooern o-room Sat on Williams ave. csrllse, $13.$0 each, t, V. Hill. 711 Wllllama ar. NEW, modera 5 -room fists, Including steel snd gas ranges, ttaisey -ana arranee. Bast Bide. Imialre 3NS t-arrsbee. FOB BERT FARMS. FOR BENT scree of lead, all la cultivation. East Forty-tbtrd and Section Ua road. . W. O. Beck. $07 Tbe Falllog. FOB BXBT CAMPS. EXTENSIVE shady and "completely srrenged camp grounna ; space tor rent ny wee a or month; feedyard; write for rlrculara, Ad rtrfavs West Avenae Camp Oreaada, Meant Tabor ststloa, PortUnd. - - CAMP COMPORT Wbst la tha as ef swelter ing at a hotel at oonl.le tntpne when yoa caa get aomrortable tent hi .Twenty-Sftb aad Raeler, at fair grounds? . . -wvmM IXSOITS. F0K RENT Farnlahed cottage. 8 or rooms. t Tlogs, long Beack. w ssklngton. Inquire at Sua East Aakcny, PortUnd. Phoa kaat 42, COUNTRY CLCB INN. HnM Blvee, Oregnni Sna- nek grove-,'' good tshle, eprlng water, , tear la, boating and fishing now epw. and other state lairs. . The secure one of these seasdna-arr-1 BUSIVESA CKAXCXS. 'ninse.a'neiea H." W. MILLER A CO.. 1 0M Sixth at. room 1, will be pleased to meet parties who ar looking for lead la Oregon, aa he Is.thor oughly acqualntsd with the state; alee : psrtlea wishing good bomeetesoa or timber , rlalma will do well to Investigate bis offer . Ings; also any one wanting n buslnesa open lnr. ao nutter- w beret will do well to look him up; alee any oasi-wanting to exchange - can always onti a Bice list or suca to sesecs - from st his of See, and It looking for mining , s locks or Balnea or prospects. These are . guaranteed aa represented by .elm. He ba had 80. years' experience aad challenge con. any Bias. FOR SALE IN PENDLETON. OREGON,-. 32-eoom rooming-house, IV, ' stories, 18 bedrooms, IS bed rooma faralabod. complete! room eonalst ef IS bedrooma, parlor, kitchen, dining-room . nd ,toroB, X b the, . X toilets, basement; X Brst Boors boated by furnace. , house I aew. 8 block from center let dty; . lot - 80x100 feet; - electrta lighted. Aay ea wishing a kastaes of this kind cannot do better then to in- - vestlgste this property. Will take Sl.SOS , wortk of Portland property la part payment Price $8,500; $,800 cask, balance oa time. ; Address Blhora A KowUo. Poodle to a. Or. . OTTO CROCKETT. 2451, Waehlngtoa ,t - - Phooa Black 3871. Wa have tor aale th best propositions near the fair grounds ever offered: alee a 26 -room house, good furniture, tall of ruomere. cheap and oa terms: rood residence Drorjertr. subarban home and a large lUt of farms to I-.. seiret rrom, . tome and ar a. . w Bar av--isa.Ja.!".. - w. , v.. ., at boa mewM iviTI "We offer our general merchandise nwalaee sie, Wlthb above dteeount on mer- rhandlee nd property. We have a wtH so elected, elesa 'stock that will Invoice about . $10,000; also 4 lot end building that w y after at a bargsia. Inrsetlgste; . eae of the - beet apportanltiee la Oregon. Wd mesa aasl aees. . 1 nostra Joarnsl sr write as. J. W..AND M. A- MOBlXapM Ashsrood, Or. I FOR SALE A 40-herrel custom aoormin, -waterpewer, doing good baslaeee, 14 acre Und. S-roem new house, large barn and ben- nrMiee, plenty rrult Rood school aad ehBrenea. ThU will ataad lnreatlgatloa. Price $4,000; esay terms. . S. K. NOEL, Monitor, Or..' - - PREB LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE aull. para water, delightful clime te; uea ot sitsirs. sppiee aaa clover. . ror ran Informatloa addresa the Oelambia Southern Irrigation Co., &4U Worccatsr hlk Portia se. FARMS, wheet and timber la a da, acrrkge, dtp property; timnr aaa Borne, tea a locations ; bualaeas chances and Tnenrance. TOWNSEND. MAXJrVELL A CO.. 388 Alder st Pboaa Mala 133. IF yoa have $30 cssh I will sell yoa kslf la- termx xn gooa ouainees; gaareBtee yoa su per week, secure your ateaey tad locate yoa oa good Umbe eUlm free of sbsrgc. Address B no, care ornsl.-- A LADY or goat te man wka kaa a ssxsll aasoaat ex money to invest a a partner to attead to ofSce Im si sees aettlsg from food to 81.808 and npward per month. Call 12 14 North Slats t Phone Main 8830. A BIO MONEY MAKER, Card printing outfit complete, located at the fair groaods. Here's year efasBce to make monev. pheeie Mela 3774, or call al 82 Barnslde at to IX m.. - . . $808 OWNER going te CsUfornUr' WiU Bell nice cigar and tobacco aad eorree lunchroom, cheap rant good lore t loa, genuine bargain ; well Adapted fur lady or. geatleaMB. JS8 Msdlson. .. !-. - TBB NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 8u Msr ousm oiag., rortuno, ur naadiee nonos. tuck, mine, finances legitimate mterprteee, furnlahm safe la vestments aad secures loss. FOB ' BA LB Stork ot ge serai mercbaadlee Io cs ted la good stock and farming country, oa B. R. will Invoice $!.3o0 to $1 Soo; good res so for selling. Address V Sir JournaL LATH mill romplet, wUl Bell nr trad at big aacritice; take lnrnber, sningiee. ties, nth or, what have yoa ? No better machine made. Oner, too Seventh at. Paooe Mala 814. THE beat location ta Oregoa for a good hotel sb ant a rrom to in.ouu, in ta aaa tar of tka government Irrlgittoa war ha, Ad dresa A. F. Uablne, Merrill. Orepoa.- WANTEDs-Partnsr with $2,000 ta daka part in ter eat la good paying restaurant ana cere. Inquire of manager Hotel Falrouat.Twaatr. Sixth aad TJpsbur its. A OOOI1 paying- business tor eel at aacrlSe. If looking cor aomeininf peemenent ana good and mean business, .address Owner, Jill OrecUy at, dty. $40.000 100x100 GOOD burlnes property, brick, improvements, rented B.TP per mourn to 1 acre ass; a sgeats. AAdi kddresa Boc XOOO, city. FOR SALS East aide hatchet - ekep, felly ..eejulpoed; estsbllsked trsde, goad location. jsng isees, eaesp reat. av aiaer, cxgae Bfore, FOR SALE--. 000 ska, capital stork Sold Queen Mines company, mine In Ooldfleld, Nevada. Andrew McDonald, Arleta, Oregon, RESTAURANT doing good business on block i rom msin entrancs to rair; win escoanae sua rooming fcotare. Address A T4, Journal. SICKNESS cause m to sell aa average $18 to gzo-a-day clgaratano. appiy Aneroeea t-igar-store, 88 burnalde St.. ear. Second. i FOR BALE At a bargain, 20-room lodgtng- hoas dotns good bnsinee; rent only fou. Msdlsea boate, roa. First aad Madlaon. - POR RALE 100 shares of th Hurst AntonraMe Switch and Signs! Company. Mr. U. M. Laaa, $61 Bevsateeath t, south. ONLY IMO Neat dock oj groceries with sore nxiarss: a oergsia sum wiuia . a lew days. Address 8 &, earn Jeurnal. A GOOD two-chair booth lock stand very cheep; money maker fur tee aeei isrsa aaoatas. 834 Stark. ,....i.,, ., FOR BALE Oood hotel la Arlington doing good bnslnesa. Addree Wllium Irvine, Arlington, Or. GOOD paring llvnry, bosrdlng (table, clearing ver $100 per moath. chess. Sot Goldsmith, FOR SAI.B OR TRADE, Bcrcnd Basd, store. Is. quir i ji H-asseu t., aioipb , $6 TAaTIJ ranchi . hod AasA Morrlsoa at , FOR Sl J- Rootulne kouaa of 14 rooms. FOR PA I. a cigar- tor, end bridge. 188 Burns id. FOB S 8 T t VTSCTIXAJfEO PB. !UU- FOB SALE One roll top desk. 1 small ssfs, letter press, aew typuwrltsr, office chairs, mimeograph, etc. - laqulr 888 . HawlkorBS ave., from 8 to 10 a. m. ' BILLIARD -AND POOL tsote tar rent or tor -sals oa assy par merits. THB BRUNSWICK BALKB COLLENDEB CO. - ' 4S Third St., PortUnd. WB print yoar aama oa po calling rarep, proper i. Bias and tyl. 33. XM hestsess car!, l. Brewa A Bchmale. X2 First fortUnd. Or. FOR SALE A return Brst-claa ticket ta Buf--fsle, - cheepi--msle, poang, medlsM-ooUiretl kalr and height Addresa B 87, JournaL LAUNCH for sale, length 88 feet 10 H. P. ea . gin,- serge-, carrying capacity i price very cheap. Address H oa, oar Journal. . UAKOLIftB (twmet to aale. li toaa can-Ting cspacltj, 28 h. p. engine: will U at . aargaia. asanas A te. eoaraaL FOR SALC Bemlngtoa typewriter Ne. 8. Bsed very miie: can be aaa eneap lor case, AS- av ox, rare ownax. FOR a bowmen, hrrge alllgatara, saakoa, a pea, - and monkeys. PortUnd Bird Co., 127 North Hlxth, near Lalon dttoot. . BEAt'TIPrL . painting' tor sal, uitabte . for .. buffer or exhibit parpuaaa. Addrsss A 83, Cere Journal. - ' . - . TELEPHONE bratkets and piss. "Pioneer Weed . Mfg. Co.: B. Seventh. .: Pfcone- Bast 3108. FOR BALE Smith Premier typewriter, almost aonsDax, Address a so, jonrnau- DIAMOND 1-ca rat, attel bins, a beauty, at; ' nergals, Aaoresa. V 44, care J our sal. I0TAL ANN aad Tartarlaa Cherries Se aad to per H. , rnaoe Scott . 1248, M. Duff. 30-FOOT cenvas-corered Unach. 2H horsopowsr esgise, aew,. s'ia... lnooe saat 1019. , . ... COTTAGE orgsa, good a bow, it l bargain. ' ju wasniagtoa oiag. - - FOB 811 lt$t ESTATX. 80 ACRES of iieui.w lead, To acres la alfalfal this tt oh ai th Snest pevpodtlona la Mal heur county.' It will produce from 8 to 11 ton ot alfalfa per- acre aaaually and will nroda la -abandsaca aar hlad ef - fruit knows to tka temperate ana. Seme Idea at the vales ot tola properly caa be gleaned from the tact that It reata annually far $M08 cssb per year aad ranter pays taxes, prlo $.O0o; Ou0 down, batons oa esay tarsal. For further particulars in regard . to this cr etner properties, snares . ' C T. M'DAMkL, OnUrlo. Or. TIBBITT8- ADDITION PROPERTY .Blast tfc ot owek 1. .. .. - - . ..... ; .North ty of block 11. T 3. ; All of block IS. i .--f ' i .:' - , WUl aril this property eases. ' - - J. L. WELLS CO.. 4 Oraad ar.- .' A.FINR asodrra houeea la HolUday Park sd-J aitioa must ae sold at once ; owner leaving tower use 10 una ku wita eemesK aioewaixn, sewer n, Improved street also Bull - Mua water. For Informatloa s William ti. Beck No. SOT Felling bldg., ar B. Bice, Twenty second aad W see sts, 1 . ..." FOB SALE A modern eornee brick block. 8- story ana Basement storerooms, 40 rooms faralshed ; will scU an or separata at bed roca prices ; alas 1 moaera a -room rsetdeace. cnaw to Kueseu at ea Wllllama eve.j Inceme nrererty, , r Inquire at . VT. The FalUng bldj. , - , - , . . .. .. HEAP to aalck barer, a alee hems aa Moats. vIlU car line, dose In, S lots, fiae soil, good BxaBBs, uara, bbcos, rnBrasnnoose, line wsu, windmill, etc., pUnty at fruit all hinds; sscrlflcs eccosot party going routs. 1 squire zia Axoar $1,100 FOB nice S-room hosM with half block (roan - garden) t lackamaa - are., - Between Twenty -third and Twenty-fourth erreete. Sell wood. Or. . -tnonlre for J. M. Rlnker. Gray -troeamg. Marina St., mount Scot I caf . er f. FOR SALE 10 a ace choice toad. IS mlb-s Ina roniaaa. suiudu tor a noese easily im proved. hBdy to B, B. . stall. a. boatlaadlag aad good reads: good soil. For particular address A. B. Felkeabsrg. Bolhrookv Or. $2,000-18 ACRES wdl Improved, all In Ine 1 fralt- fair buHdlnga, .4 block , from ear- line, caa be bought ea very eey terms; Im mediate peaa trains; will take part lataal eetote. -.fall lot th , Third at .-. ACRES aes Laato- sad saeesalbla to -X eat Moesi eery fine soli; Bo gravel; running Wsterj $WM per acre 1 $200, bsUace sasy terms; ether lasd adjoining: selling at $e&4 0 41, care JournaL . -. . FOB 8 ALB ar Etchsnge $1,800 New 8-noaf asouera cottage la wooauwa; lot BOiaa feet H btoek from earllne. .Key at Uleager's grocery store. . Inaulr of K. J. Jaeger, 290 Morrlsoa L .-- . . WRY aot bay a heme whea I have s many Boo cottages ssd boBBsa ef all descriptions whlck eea he bought aa easy terms I . Inquire N. Bpragus, 123m Gcand a vs.. roo-B 13, 700 NEW A-room, plastered, .papered and rirnieu, nrtck ronnaation, lot auxiou, eneap. r owner; 8 blocks from t'nloa Avs. carUnei : Wood Is wn. - inhona acett- 880O, BARGAIN for esak, fine , reeldeace kcatloa. 8 lota aad new build hig. snltsble for hnuse keaiung. Bee owner, 411 East Thirty-fourth at I'booe East 8938. ' BIG SNAP tor Inceme; 8 good onttagea with corner lot. only few blorka from Buraeld bridge, eaet side, renting $oA Pries $4,ouu. Calvsr, 43 Vh First at. . , SIX-BOOM, 'new, modem bouse and bars; H- acre of ground. il blorka from school, four block from ear. Bargain- Kelly A Steis met, las Morrlsoa. - . . . . . BBAttTIPCL home location- X lota. fruit and building bow rente for 88; must Bsll this week; $000 cask. Address tl $0, ear FOR BALE New modern 4-mom cottare aa Mount Scott esrllne. $250 rash, balance easy payment. H. B. Smith. Phone Mala 1808. FOR BALE 8 room cottage, modern, lot feaced. fralt trees, $ blocks from car; cash ar terms. Be It Ryder. MontavllU. Pbene Mala $638. $1.850 For sale, 7 -room - hooas. 1 lota, ea Kicbmona and weonstoeg car lines: ideal lo cation. Apply owner,, 790 Eaat Clinton. . FINB torge hone and lot, S3 rooma. wall built nice location; Bargain; snort time.' uwaer, Tl Eaat Eleventh. Phone Beat 3447. FEW lota for 1 aa aasy term Bear car. line; anea reataene neig nnoraoea. . Apply JohB Bain, roots, 3. 334 stark at SNAP X- acre ttr- fralt and vegetables. Urge noose, gooa cistern sna euteuiraiBgs. . - wu lUm Abbott, MoouvlIU ave. , FOR BALB or sxehaog. 11H acre Improved. 1x4 mile trom stoaiavuia earuaa. ' laqulr axe boixodbu FOR SALE 6 acrea. 4 room bona, bara and HweJL $7T. - Eatacsda car to Oatea, - la qulre at Orara boosev .. ' .'..- $1,850 New S-room cottage' and X large - torn 4n cor. ttranu are, sam ouarsr st, B Sad Shavar at ... - - . -.- SSS GRAND AVB-, N. Bargain! tall tot Hoon .moaera nog, milt, Sawara, ascalUat aelghborhood. - . . FOR SALE fl to 80 acre at. Sreeroors oa O. W. P. Co, lcui(, lln. Address Y 59, ,-oua .uujhi. . FOB SALE 8 roam aa eat tin with laonlr 81 Beat acre fralt - trees, Strtk st .. FOB BALB 1 snd Sacra tract aear earllne. tt bum trots MiiwankM pos lot See. , u K. Bah Jard. ' - j ,,- - - 1. . HOL'SKS ballt ea assy payment: tot furulabed It oeeiree. nig Ijom mere iai bids. Mala 1940. UP-TO-DATE 5 room cottage, Twsatr-thlrd at p. fair grouBoa. phone met, Eaat 8838, 8-BOOM hoaes, cheap for cask. . laqulr - L B. slemington, BoaenaoBt. ave., Moatavilla ear. FOR SALE Cheap, tot In Lower AIM as aa Ins tall meats or cam. inquire 371 Market t FOR SALft-$1.400-My home. 812 B.. twenty, Iitta at. aouia. Dscnrice tor caaa. NEW 4-room pottage, cheap. H. T. Cummins, jasenviii aianoa, aaount ocott ceriiss. HOI us and four lot for la cheap; must sell. Agar j. sv, i-ee. Arieta r. u. 33 ACRES. 8 ele red, X miles from UUaaoe, 804 UoMamltk. . $350; half taeb. 87W. f ILE 7EI. FOREST r"-vvB SCRIP FOB, BALE In- Coved, anrewincted, ready for laisee- ate u; ,,' " F. B. .iey, ' otei las. .ier of 1irlkaisra n fr P for aal for timbered or serf cultural lead, surveyed or aasurveyed: loweet ERTIFIEO acdn, Imaaeovat delivery, lowed Howell, Pev-Chembr of Co at sxerca. , , FOB SAXX frMBZB. ?OK . BALts Two , homestead rellnoahthmeee ' ..MT""1 win u cneap. - h. P. Nlelsoa, Hotel Rhelnpfala. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber rUlaw aad acrla apply to 808 Commercial blh. . TO ZZsTBAJfOB. FOR BALE Or wilt axchsngn . fnrnitar of 0, room cottare valued t $4il0 JotLteai auiv Address B HO. care Journal. tO SALE HORSES ABB OABEIABES. V GOOD driving or saddl 'korse, young,' pound saw auiiaa; asee ouggy ann aaraess. eae B-tst Ash t, Phone Kst 832; call ta tore- 1 TEAM BAYH, $100. 1 .learn browns, $10. ; Baud le horses . $S0. -Phone East B4X ta Russell at. BOMZSTEAD BKLXBaVOBJUsTTS, ' ' HOMESTEAD. ; . '- Ws csa locate you oa a 8rst-cU kmatd In tka famune Wblu Salaioa fruit fcelu good Boll. , om timber,, spring water Dee', .-. write, but Co see f yon want It Wa charge ' 1110 for m a(lon, Addraaa White Salmon "'-. and Vo., While SsIbxob. Wash, Bead for ' book. " IF yoa wish a 8rt-cUg stum hath and tpas. sage treatment give toe a. trui; Udy at-- teadsat ' Tha Marqaam Houss, 148W Sixth at Room 24. ... , SCOTCH tody torrocrty af Third st. clvea bath and maeesga. trestsscnt at XOSV. First at, ' corner Taylor. - Room J, Ma signs. - - - . YOUNG Spanish tody, sdeotlao m swage aad r baths.- rtoom-BX, Hotel Tacoma, Stark kt i. between Third aad Fourtk. - - SEPIriTO young tody ot JS, tost tram, the east, give bsths and maasage. 334 Mor- 10, MIS" HELEN PETERSON. 1074, Fourth St.. ream 8 oclfBtlho Biaasags and suaznetu L treetment - ' . . s . . . abt aTjmanna. - PROP. BICHABD MAX MEYEB Portrait snd ' tondscape artist; andracttoa In all painting, water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery .. eoanected with studio; pictures for sale and ' framing to order. . S48 Alder, at. Pnon 1S30. .- ATT0BBXTS. OREGON LAW A COLLECTION CO ,1T tm- , ton- block". Couectlone made throng boot tbe "Celted Statu: bankruptcy matters ispeclalty ; " had teoanta ejected; ente cellerted and gee, ersl -Uw bostnees: aotary public. -. AS8AYZ1S. THB J. B. Fish Assaying orflce Gross ley , Crawford, analytical chemists aad asetai harglaCs. 80414 Wsahlnctoa at - COMMISSION BVXBOBUlfTS. DAVENPORT BROS. General rammlsstoa mer. i chests; .fruit sad produca: conaigBBMnta so- ' -T-tldtsd; prompt returns. . ISO Front at. " EVE-RDINO A FARRELI. prodaec and commt. ' ton saerchaata. 140 Fruat at, PorUsnd, Or Phoa Msla 178. . "7 CLOVER teAKOj'--' '' ".'' 10 scree Ai land; SS clear aad In -cultlvetlee and SfHoersore a leaked end sat dad -to grass-; Sne orchard, apple, peer, ptuaes, 11 cherry , trees, 1A Urge grapevines, crop potatoes, - good . garden . good- boas e, eosme railed. - - papeced and painted; Urge new barn, plg- Cs, chlckee-noaee aad corral; all Improved I feaced; oa anod mad.- H, F. D. au.ll; 8 . mile from railroad aad river; on hour from tlty; one horse and harness and buggyi.4. , covrs. 3 yearlings and hull, 1 mowing ma, . chine. 1 plane,- 1 hayrahe, wsgoa and kinw. chickens; rose around tba bouse.- wslh from bouse to bora aad outhouse; 4.VMkaj yellow , Sr and cedar ea th piece; mile to creek; caa get $4.50 per rord for stave bolts ea ' creek bank ; ground will rut 85 ton hay be side etber crop: price $2.8m. $1,000 down, balance aa agreed tlaae. a per cent. -, ,.,-.- , , W. W. ERPKY.. ...Xooat 1, Uamlltoa bldg. - ,. FOB BALE Four-acre poultry ranch; kalf mil rrom lone, tax.: a-room new. nara. entcsea. houses, btoouer rtouee, 10 IxilMlags ba place: can no rrrigntea; . rrrarea with tet wieren wire field fence. 88 Inch high; 400 feet nf rop7 nrnrants. - too rratt ana -aoi Ige. almasada. Dears. aBcieet., ncsckee. appleev erangee, onlncee, plnm. English sad black walnuts. Japanese persimmons, bUck herrlee, deWhel'l lee and era nee : nrlce $1,100. ar ea half -down, balance Inatallxaeats; If 1 11 ilhai salts yoa aad yoa aaderatoBd the busi ness ana save a small eapitsi ana waat te get into a mild climate, thle to Jnet ynuf chance. Aorg T. Hnadiey, owner, Rocklia, Placer couaty, CallfornU. ..-..j - . 40 ACRES good Uad. near Portland. $300. 1011 acre gooa leaa, so per acre. 891 acre 8b dairy and stork rauok, oa th Columbia river, $2.50H. 320 acrea, 88 acre cleared. 8-room honecj ' arehard. aear railroad Bad:arhoaJ;..oaly $1i ' per acre, - - Rnomlng-hoaaea la all part of the ety- ' House and lots la all parts ef tbe 'city. We are centrally located. LUt year prop erty with aa to sal, w have castoaier far . all eUesea of korjaea. HuBAff A TAOOABT, . 108 Sixth at - . . ' 15X ACRES, 108 acre seder caltlvattoa; gmd houss ef 8 rooms, wsll la hitches, living water oa farm, wen at th bara. I1 level Und en Estscsda Una of O. W. P.. sutloa , ea the place, graded school, star gad post- , efflcd ywlthla 800 feet and rhurch wlthla a kalf mlU: price 8S aa acre. Apply aa place to I. B. kltchlng, CarriasTllU, Or. TEN srrea aa Powell' Valley road, 8 mile out. - tar level, good toad and ee.j ea cleer, veee . light timber, aa largs stumps, only a short . dlstaace to O. W, P. electric line; price $60.00 per sere, aa very easy terms. - Other- toed adjoining selling at $100 to $125 per acre. ' Addresa T 50. cara JournaL FOR SALE or Trade 5.1H -acre tana, 1V mllea , from Oregoa City courthouse 4 bousee la .Portland; 4 large hrt In Halem. m er parties- . lira Bee owner, 482 WUIUaxs are., .er pooa EAst 3788. tf-.r... . FBEB LAND IN OBEOON amtor tbe "Carey Irrigation Art" Deed direct from SUte. -. Writ today. Booklet and teas free. B. 8. Cook A Co X51 Alder Bt. PortUnd. Or. X4-ACRB farm, noma . bottom, good orchard, ' ' aVprtttJ Wealtv'T, fi?rtPct FBA, ffflTidJ" h(MTar$g bBMbV " mnlea.aunplle, Kagla Creek atattoa. - Inqulr Cbarlee Wagner, kfiS Lake at. dty. BlCH farm and fruit lasds. Wsahlneton eon yraswrit rot pa rl l m usotg Morgan, Hlllaboro, Oregoa. - 1, . 10-AI'RE farm for rent. $30 per pearl beus. . bold goods, crop; 1-rear lease for aaU, price $150. A 75, Journal - , , . FARM for Tent with opt loa of baying. Sandstone. 80$ Vine et. room 1. c. a 00 AL ABB V0OB, CHI'Ri'HLEY BROS, have re asset from tanf lMvta at to 429 Kearney at. near 11th; U bow the largest woodyard la the city, carry Ing all kinds ef wood aad real. Mala 831. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la cvdwood. eoal and green end dry elabweod. B, B. and AI bias an.;. X block eaat af terry. Eaat $7. STEEL. BRIDGE FUEL CO.r alera to cool. eerd wood and dry sUbwood. Phoue Eaat 424. ' OREGON FUEL CO., all kind af coal lad Wood. 844 Morrlsoa- pboae Msla 85. KIRK HOOVER. 813 Wster St.. wood and Boat Phone Mala eftoa. FOR SALS 8,000 card fir wood. 2575. .... 1 ' Pkeoa East 7