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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1905)
: ev2::i::o,-JULY c, 4 f I . I IjaT, ' a : BALLOT Oreat Dattle for Equal Suffrage Wu Ccun by National Associa--, tioh Today, When It Pledged its Cupport to the Members Jm ,v; ? This State In Their Efforts for Political: Freedom. : .C CAMPAIGN WIlXiBE- MADE WITH VIGOR yTIL IUNE ' .' V .' . ' i '.' " '" ' :,:. ' t T7! L-V-; ..'- Miss Anthony Announces the Plan of Warfare, Which She .Says ... 1 Will fee Conducted Ire the Opsnandfbr'michSHr"7 ; ' I Hopefully; Predicts : . Great " Victory. l;7;- . Or ion woman auffrastata. baoked by the national aaaoclatlon, today make the official announcement 1 that ' tha cam- luilgn In this auta la begun, -and that from , thla time until tha ballots, sre counted In June nazt year 'tha voters . : win witness a vigorous fight for irecog- bltlon of arguments In favor of aqual rights. - T)a -announcement created an '. , . thuataam among the delegates and alto f. Had from the- venerable leader. Susan B. Anthony. , a ringing declaration of . tha manner la which tha leaue will coma up . The official sromnincement . la am .- bodied In a reaolutlon drafted by Carrie , - Chapman Catt vice-president at .Ursa, i , adopted aa followa - 1 ( "Reaolved,' That the National Ameri 1 can Woman Bu ff ran - Association i oept the invitation of the Oregon Equa . .. Suffrage aaaoclatlon to cooperate with . them to carry- on the coming campaign . x iioii vicurry. - The women are Imbued with "hopes - rtnat tney will win la the right. The foundation haa been laid for carrying . th warfare Into tha remoteat districts of theatate. -'- "We would hate won the campaign la 'California," aald Mies Anthony, "had it not been for tha fact that a few of the rural counties ware not covered In tha plan tor d houae to house canvaaa. . Wherever we made-audi a canvaaa we won For ' instance. In . Loo , ; Angelea county the majority was 4,404. and In every other locality -wherein the field . , waa well covered we bad a Ilka result, ,-, Mtm Plgbt Za Bladav-VM, 'Thla will be, the manner In which Oregon will be handled, aa I am In formed by the local workers. We pur pose organising the etate In every part. and will etrtve to see that' no BiUMl.Pj2h ACi.AaOrgonuMtand .Tela- falla to hear our arguments. "What do I fhlnk of the prospected wen, aa view ef the advancement that "raa made up to tha last election when a ote waa taken here, when the majority waa only about t.OOo against, and when this ia compared with the vote of 1S. ' when it waa loat by a majority of two thirds of the total vote. 1 believe that n Justified, la saying that tha aky ia aoay wi in -nope and that-1 am confl- aent tnat we will receive the guerdon of victory. . . ,iJ : ...... ., , LThr difference 'between the receptiv ity of people now, and in the yeara when they branded ua aa aoolal Icon oclaata la so marked that the belief In , victory thla time, aeema to me to be reasonable." - . --.!'. t- Miaa Anthony, with nearly yeara or Datinna to ner credit, mora than 10 - yeara. old. -and. yet. leading the aufTrae lioata wlthx stronggraap on the aitua ' . flon. talked of the coming fight with the . ardor of a -cadet and revealed the mild " mannered, aweet wenianly character . aha haa. In which also -are found the - qualities of : true generalship. ' Clad In i soft blacka. appropriate to her ad vanced age, yet made Into a sown of - good atyle, ahe . discussed . the laauea ; that are to atlr a commonwealth and -compel every voter to decide nest year i , what he thlnka of the woman a propa- .' : ganoa. - -. .- , . -.-. , .4 - i K Contort WiU Be U UeOpea. - "I stand for tha fight In tha open. - aha aald with a glee of hope on her , . countenance, ''and am not ia sympathy - with those who argue -.r the s,ull hunt. ' With them 1 have had many conteata, and with -more, than half a century be- - hind me whence to select material for my centroveray. -I pronounce unbealtat- . Ingly for openly carrying the battle into . -Africa' and for attacking, the 'stfongr holds or our opponents.. hla la not to be interpreted a meaning that We purpose to mix -up ""'with our campaign tha economic iaeuea v that pertain to the polltloal partlee. ' " Often have I been Invited to take part ; - in partisan campaigns, but I have In- - variably . refuaed. The idea of - equal '' suffrage is the one to which I have devoted 'my life, and that t hold up aa ; fhe moat Important of all that are bo-i- :' fore the people. . i. : . "No enUngling alliances' might be . ';. said to be our watchword, hence we ."J accept no proffers of alignment with thla or that party, but keep our mattera separata from them all. t -,-, - f- v.. . ''Hero In Oregon, where tha ' people have broken away . rrom . the control or 7" -the political bosses. It is wisa to make the next atand for the rights or women. - The Initiative and referendum glvee the j.::. Ptppie a free hand to vote on any quee ; tlon they choose to take up. LJ Boeees nghtaag Bfat oJTraare. !' ' "In other atatea It Is different. In ' some the bosses know that, were they " - to allow It to come to a vote, the people .-.would carry our fight for ua. . . So they . . refuse (o allow the legislatures to aub K.' mlt the queation, and therefore we have been, unable often to bring the laaue to final determination. . - ."But tha people of Oregon have- Inau . gurated the Initiative and referendum, , perhaps, the most ealiept movement of ; modern tlmea for the emancipation of ' . the maaaes from the power of .the bosses. , ,Aftd this Institution, we are aure, -Is the hope of the women, and the many -' . men who ara with ua, . . : "Women win 'manage "the campaign. . - The headquarterewlll be ' In thejr - charge. - They will attend to the corre spondence, the newspaper bureau, the t canvassing of the state and tha houee- to-houee. visitation which we hope will ' ," carry the day. Of course, we look for the assistance of the men, for without them we ctn do nothing. But, in order , to prove the capability of women, we . will ptacctho vast, work-in their hands '-. -and expect them teglve a good account x . of themaelves. - - i: , , -" : boss Aattomya Stassafa to Oregon. ' Please carry to the people of Oregon , my meaaage the recognition 'of our - rights will do more to enhance the good of the commonwealth than any other one step which tha wisdom- of man could . ' - contrive. It will eetabllah the reel free . ' dom end equality guaranteed by tha na tlonal ronatltutlon to the cltlsens. It ' will Inject Into the electorate of the . state an element fhatrln the main will stand for the better things In govern . ment and It will raise the women them. selves to -a higher position and give them a complete realisation of the duties end ipenalbtlltlea that-reat upon all who slleglnnce to our common flag."-, 1 Thla morning Or. Annlce Jeffreys re- ported for Oregon, - ahowlng that the ..commonwealth la In an -excellent state of preparation for-' the coming cam- pal go. Her report waa: : ' The paat year has been a Jr0fiuble -e EOgEGGW one for tha equal auffraga work in Ore gon. When the invitation w extend ed to tha National Suffrage association to hold Ks convention In Portland In 10I we did It with fear and trembling, knowing- that our " membership - was small snd scatteredVOn. jnyi.retlra from Washington. we"egan the work of reorganisation of the state socia tion. and have been busy ever since. " "We now have a-memberahip of 151 for Portland, and through the aplendid work of Miss Wary N. Chaae of New Hampahireiand Miaa Qall Laughlln of New York, we have tha following cluha; Ten poimcal study -cluba. a Susan & "r viuu, six civic ciuDa, one good government league. ven entialltv clubs and five equal euffrage. makinsr a total of (I cluba. , ..u . .. - Over 19 of theae have already paid in dues and we now have tts paidup members, all of which Jiava bMn ae-curad-alncetast" July. .We lalm a memberahlp of 720 and dcmbtleaa nearly all of the remaining eluba will aeneV in their duea before the - state- convene tien. " , "''.v-, .-, - ob o Watloaar AiaoolaMoa." We are under personal and financial obllgatlona to thla national aaaoclatlon for thla splendid growth Had It: not been for the holding of thla convention In Portland and the assistance of its splendid organisers we ahould not be able .to report thia gain, v . - . ; The different grsngws throughout the etate have granted our organisers a Hearing whenever an ooDortunitr d re sented itself, and the preaa work; un uar in -management -or Mrs. Evana haa supplied' artlcles-on auffrag work each Sunday for the woman's nace In The grTkm hav been moatjkind to-us In print' ing reports oi me meetings .and con vention work. ..-j. f -. , "Now that our atita" has adopted the Inltlatrve -and referendum - law - we are determined to invoke tta aid, and' we are now circulating petitions .for the neces sary signatures. If the necessary sig natures are not In-when this convention closes' I will guarantee.' to have the re quired number by September 1. and by ao doing will aak the assistance and co operation of this national aaaoclatlon 1n carrying on the coming campaign so that we may add to the already four free states that of Oregon for 180t." f New Tork, Ohio.. UUb and Penney!- vanla also reported, and the convention went Into executive session, to consider some, of the matter that pertain to the business -workings of the organisation. ; This--evening st . -o'clock the New twt delegation glvea a dinner to Miaa Anthony and Miaa Shaw at the Portland, hotel, the II members and . the tw guests making the XI for whom plate will be set. .-, .r . . . - ' ,. : Thla afternoon' the routine of reports wss taken up. -The program for this evening at the First Congregational will be: Prayer,. Rev, W. 8. Gilbert; music; Lakma quartet; address, Willis Duniway ef this city; sddress, "The Vital Ques tion." Mary N. Chase of New Hampshire; address, Henry B. Blackwell of Massa chusetts: address, "The - Fashionable Optimism," "Laura Gregg of Nebraaka: sddress. Rev,- Stephen 8. Wise, p; v., of Temple Beth Ushaei; - address. "th Young Breadwinner's . Need,' Kelley of New Tork. Florence mU EXCITEMEHT Nevyyork -Cotton Market the Most Exciting in the History of the Organization. PURCHASERS DO NOT ASK r FOR PRICE OR MONTH Quotations Bound Upward With Terrific Speed No Reac , tion Is Noticeable. J.v trnralabed k. O.eibwk. Starr (Vnka Ai l New Tack. Jnlr 1 Xrnr la the kutorr of me me. .earaanaw aas rnera Been aa nnri irlteipat as earing todays seastea. ' The earl rttSMra-t a. kick eoadltloa rained a weak feeling bat later wben Ue aewa easM vt tbe real eoadltloa the esrltemeat was terrific. .". Staoe tbe of the 8ully excite naat tbere baa never beea anytklng to approach tbe feeling wblrh waa aaewa la tbe market . - At aa aerlnd In the klatorir at-tb did prices rlM se fast after tbe true eeaaitton ef TT ner cent was knnwa. All anrbolr kae to do waa to offer eottea tor sale had It was purchased ao quick as to BMke bis bo4 swim. JCrerrtblag la cotton waa boeght, parrbaaers Bat area taking the trouble to aak the arte er snath ef .eeUTery, . , Wkat taey wanted wee csttoa. , 4--.--; . - Ueernenl. Jnlr . Ooee: Wheat Jnlr. Ha A dnwk: Meptemher. As 10'Ad. . S4S down: Peoember. Sa toe, i Sows. : torn jniy, s na. a ap. ' Heptembar, 4t Heap. ' XTT ARRESTED FOR SELLING . LIQUOR AT CORVALLIS . .t,' . ' - . - - (Mpetlsl plapatek W Tha jMifaaLI " Corvallla, Or,- July f.--For " salting liquor In violation of the prohibition law, Jaeob Blumberg was arreeted this after. noon.-. . It Is alleged that ha was seen selling the liquor -snd receiving money. This IS his second offense, snd under .the law he must go to Jail for not lose than JS days.' 'A nne or I Ml was .Im posed on .him a month' ago for tbe asms onense.--. -- - ,t- .-, CLIMBED MANY STEEPLES " iiTO DIE ON STAIRCASE """" tJoaraal peclsl Vervlee.l' -New York, July I. John MofTattr afed I), of Ban Francisco, known through out the country ss s "ktevple Jack," who has climbed many of the highest church steeples, smokestacks and flagstaff,, la dead here as the result of a, fall 6s, a staircase. 1 . iTlSPiRISON Initial Car Unloaded on Street ' i This Morninj and Prices , ' Slide Down,. ' STRING CEANS AND PEAS I GLUTTING THE MARKET First Local Apricots Received by Dryer, O'M alley d' Co -Eggs Duller. J, A .t-. . Froet Btreet, Jaty t. The avlnelpsl festona f the Portland waulMsl msrkets today ara rira car Texas awlooa arrlvts. . Wheat treoe Is aewlasL 1 , " - ' .' -", Oats sad. ears are very am.. '. Hope are dull and qatat. ' ' . Jt Btrlug beaaa are very week.. . ,. : , C... . ;' Peas had tor tae kln. '. - '. ' ' ' Cherry-Mssoa ssaat la rata. - lifornis snM eeaia faster. Ootons aad sets tote o. " j Helieay- skmg etiret ' tomorrow. Balaaoa catch eoottaaes har, - r ; Texas tomatoea are plentiful. ' Tint local aprieets are la mark.t. , , - -Cueambera eoow faster; prleea drop. - Eicellent deaiaad tor -InaaabeiTlea. ' j-; Caataloupes are aot aa high. - , ' - Cbeeea surket was aeaer dullT. CreaaMrr barter extreaiely weak Kfs oachaas with weaker fueling. fnorsof ioarket Is elwnlag na. Poultry market U. IB good-aaap .,i First Oar WsUrsteleas aVaa. Xesaa. The trat. car ,.ef Texas wsterawlonk' ever reeeleed la this market wss anloaded aoday. Tha ear waa brooxht 1s Jotntly b Bell A Os. aad Pass. A Boa. Quality was sll tfest onld be desired for early tratu- Moat at tbe SBeloaa wen ef seerase alaa aad were at the iun( variety. On tbe street they foaad a good" de mand a ma par peaad knee aad eratea. la the axel market" euppnea ,of meleaa are now . eslte good and some redaction la toe pries may be looked foe within tba aext few dara. Caataloupes are fa amt-h better op ply sad tbe srloa shew a small decline alacs Batardar. ...v. ' il Bess Are Sell aad ftalet. "boly qolet and dallness Is show a la the hep market. - A few orders remain la. the market - but aa "improvement la generally ex ported la tha trade. - afeKlaley - Mitchell re ports that tbe damage to tbe crop by tbe large amber of ilea bow aa tae vines see aeea very mark everestlmated. c Be ears tbet - quite aamber ef the growers have; already becea to sorar -aad that otbere are about to besln, He ;: "Tboa who. de not spray will dad their eeap Vf Inferior qsatlty. O. tbe market the New York Producers' Price Cnrrest of a, lata, date he the following. to ear: . . .... .- "The" boa market preeentai, about fh same aeaeral eeadltlnna ss laat weekv - Some- aalea bare beea reported la thla state at from 3Uc to SSe. aeeordlag to euauty, ana we Beer or new very. Sne line sold at tSe eoantry. rrom tba Pselde eoast we heat ef some sales from lflc to toe top. aad It Is reported there woald be free sellers on tk basis ef We. bat bayers are dlfOeult to Bad st that price. Utile Is beard of tbe pool and ealeas something an. foresees happens at dames .tbe growing crop It la practlrslly dead. Al to tbe growing crop, eterythlng looks favorable la all producing see ttoaa of thla coontrr, Cofland and tba eustl. sent."" The Xsllfornla crop which kad beea beretofore reported backward bow shows great Improvement. rrom Oresoa tbe ' "crop Is " re ported In splendid eoadttlna and much farther advanced ltbaa It was Met year la Juirr-. e liable - antborttles " estimate tbe ' Oregoa ' erna at lOS.OoO to 110.000 bales, and eoma talking eeea Uraer. Lata adeiees from the continent "report tbe very beat kind of growing weather aad" everything favorable wita an luaicauona pointing Jojnejarteerop. Wool lUrket la. firm kat ftulst. , . The .waolmsrket at rm - sat onlet today. All tba .largo leta have already peeeed eat of Bret hands and values are not being held ap to. sack a hlgb notch. - . A Boa tea dl patch says:. "Ia the amount ef aales tbe went market la mure 031 let tbaa for eoma time, but tbl 4m- te aot tbe remit ef say weakness hi the situation. Tbe market Is extwpUosslly atrobg. Tbe moat ef the large maaafaetarera beugbt vary freely several weeks a so. Aa naueu.l occwrence la tbe effort be ing made ta-secure tbe clip of IBM by eon- tract sMda st this Haa, Territory wool sell freely. The neaaoa for palled grades la practi cally ever, rorelga wool la arm." ' aad Cera Are Tlrm. L I '. - There la good tone te tbe dejkiand for eats and prices or lata have shown a rilrv acre nee Tbe market for eora la Srmer with a larger demaad and valaee are blThr. The wheat trade Is slow,- tbe aaly saslaeea being some small sales to tanfnrata pmats. - The B01 surket remain with the dullness very Intense, ' gtrlag Beaaa Are Tery Weak. There la 4 gist ef etrlag beans la the market and 4he tow la very weak with prleea Sewa to the bottosL Buepllea have bees a seavy aaa. Ing tbe paet week 4hat dealers were willing w ifneie neoar m"J vrnw in oruvr in enjoau. There la a greet 'surplus of gsrdea peaa la the surket ssd some sales hare been made as tow ss He pee poand. -' - -c Dryer, O' Mailer C. bare the honor to receive tbe drat shipment . of leeal apricot daring the preneat seesoa. The supplies ram from eaetera rearm and were eaoted et- ec9 1.00 sev boi. goms fallrornla ataeaa af fair Quality are ta tea surket and are quoted around Meteor per. box. Peaches of better quality ere arriving aae sappllea are larger with price dnwa. Texas tomatoea are la good supply and prices range frees ft.Ts t $S per crate. - Hothnaae eaeumbere are overpleatifal arltk the market weaker -Bad price sown. . - - The erenge market fast eleaalng ap aai price are higher for beet storks. Some Terr sne step, aaa cnerrrr . Trow tVooklng Ulee were anions the arrtvala thll mornlns. Tbe seaena Is fast earning ta aa end. Bluga- sre rathe plentiful pat quail t la aot e good. Potatoes sre sliding downward as account at the larser receipt from local point. Iobm Baku ara reported aa lew a Toe per sack. Ootone era down wita larger sappllea rrom the eourk. Prices be.. hsea eat la somt lastaaeee m order taipava. -tj , ; . . China KarkH Was Sever Duller, As low aa lie Is sow Selng aeked for drab rlaee ebeess. - Sappllea are very, heawy aad d sund eeeaorsllsed. The batter market la dull far both creamery and country store. 1 neaereny speaking, gov u XtreeL prclLbrPdlm. rimes brine a fraction more, Rasa are sot ao arm. tk lata reeelota at eaatera hav)ng a sad effect spos the deauad Price the MB. Chicken snow a fair too wit meat stock cleaned ap on Saturday. - . - , 1 Today s wBoiessie snounons, ss revuea. srt S follOW: ' . r - ;' : J . . -- gisia.- nr at : Feed.: t elnb sad red. esc: khm. stem. BSifjaoe; vsliey, BOe. ( BAKLKx I'eed. relied. t.0 brew- cnxn w ooie, '-""l orow, i-w pur son. by if li t oer OATS Ke. f wkf S0.o0 gray. , - ; HMVB Eastern I Oregoa patent. $4 B0 H H; itrslfbts. Jr7i. 30 o9; vsiley. t m grabdTi; VJs. M.OO. urn, i.t rr.. Vm. s wii hafr. la.Ta. MlLLITUyrs r IO.OO par toei mld tfllnra. 2.0O'. afcort. eimetry. 121 0O elty, I3i .W: chop, tiaoa - - n 1 00: arainery. "" . 'tb vreaoa-. 00; mlied. IIS AOI etover, 111.00) grain, 00 sheet. 11-00, - i' Bettor. Xcia aad rsaitryv ' :, .. Bt'TTKll .TAT aweet, Mel soar, I Be. BL'TTEK City ereemeer, beat. tlUe: eeres ITHtlluCi eutalde raaey, 2UQ21)4e; erdiutrr. lTViet stoee. isetj&e. UUCS Mo. I rreeB .tjreaon, ceeoieo, zotylle! tend led. S(2i)r; meters, I02nc . CHK.KSI New rnllereem, twin. !Jei Tnang I'HKKHR Kew -Keill ereem, twin, i II Wl 1 Uc! t ,.,! Amerlen. llxHei Cbedde. UHc. fill :n a 1 ' "-". man. 10; Bras, I2H per lh! ruoslers. eld. Illi pee lh young. UQIZHe in( , nrouer, ioe pee . to; fryera," lec per lb; dueki, 4.anra oe per : drewed. SOtltt pre lb; sqnatsi. .t0tf a Sea ' ' ' ' Hspa, Weel-aad Bides.' Hora-Coatraet. lon, UlBc: ' IB04 eves. 2u f choice; lot l for prime sad ma alum.. - , i , Ptonrc ipos ens, miee, eoar to MH26He:' Is, i fS2Tei eaatera Oregoa. VHOKt.- -cr - - '? MUU A1S ft ami Baft, eusjsie, -. - IICLIwAY TC.. :0V7 ( A.'.'D C'JCi.'.'ESS STOPS . Tomorrow, the Fourth of July, - d will be a half holiday along Front 'd street. Houses In the produce's) district 'will be compelled to re- e main open during the ' morning d dhourj fprlbe receiving of perish d d sble goods and therefore, the re' ' d tall trade will be In evidence. d Very little business, however.. Is ," looked for. In wthe'r cities the ; d financial markets tths stock, . d grain snd cotton exchanges will d be closed alj day. There was no e session in any of the grain mar- d kets today, t d 4 d'w: Vt . gTEgrgKINB BTwortog, l- tbert wL TlUW-l-riou. par to. 0Se Be, Bad greiw. tOSHo- CHITTIM 8AKK He per B. ' 1 ' '. ' . hiues pry bides, Na. 1. 14 latlieH per Tb; dry kls. Me. I. to l lbs. tee; ory can. e. i, anae a roe, IS ell a., gry Mlted ktde. stasea. Pound. SO fn or ever, SkQ er so lb ssd rows, lOSHe; sues ssd hull, seaad, SOTe; tip. II to M lbs, te: eoaad. IV ta 14 lb. ewe, il, sease. esoer ins. lug u greea (unultd, 1 per lb toast eulls, le per lb toe.;- ""eiuw. .sjieu. esco, ei.aneji.rB; err. each.! ft.00ei.o0, eolt bides, each, lOOoUel at aklsa, eommoa, each. 1 0SJ lee; Asgura, wloj wool aa. each, toeil.OO. . ' :. " rralts aad Vegvtakles, ' y- ' ":' - POTAT0KS Bet - Or.fon, I.S3; "ijin eeota. , 1.18(l.r0: Colotade. l.00l.08; sweets, srsted, I.T6i new rallforsla. Il.ouia 1.15! new Oresoal II.S6; garnetn. tl.sS. ONIONS New .California, fl.OO)l,M; garlic. tl'IOc pr-H. . " rgBSH rHUITs Applet tr Ury; tt.Bot fancy, 4100 per box: sew Csllfornla, 41. bo; W S.T6: Mediterranean - sweets. 4D.a4 4.80 box; Bananas, &c per lh; tomoas, ebelce, tSOt beat fluey, 4100 bos: llmea. M.ilca. p.. iw, piueappies, SJ.WI ' ersBDcr- He, eaeti I I.O" per bbl atrawbeerle. ll.BOetas crt of B4 boxes eberrlea, Uoj.l ana, ow it pet in; rung and leimberts. 10c per lb; sprlrots, - eflcfctl.OH; - peaeaea, 6.1 tic; uiubw, ei.iaj per crate; Blsckberrlee,'' lb; re.poerrli-, 4160 per crat sf 24 box; eaatiloupe, 4S-o4.fS per crate; earranta, 4c rr jo..noerrie, i..itti,xo ner- cret er j wurmetoB, xtte per lb; grapes, VgOETABLKS -Tiifelo. tin ee Back: rarrot 1.40Ql8dper a.ckj beet. I1.M par sack; Uregoa r. Xxs pee 4cm, eahbag. Orexoa, 41 00Q1 per ewf; greea peppers. To lb; pepjers. 3044234 per lb; to matoes. Trie.. l.T(44.O0: CsUfornla. 41. 6o; paranlps, l.uo1.25; atrlng beau, 2jV'! eaull flower, fl.76tou crate; rhubarb, v,e per lb; borsarddUh. 12c pee lb; artichoke, 405ue Set dost bethosse ktracs, KTai bead tottaea, 10 per dos; pre oalone, 10 per do: aa. Paraxus, 6i0e dos bancbes; spinach, Se per lb; free eora, toMMe per do; Baas, Se per lb; cucumber, Mti60e per dos. DBIID fruits Apptos. era per ted, TSe for tb; apricot. PHtJlSe per lb aaeka. We V lh toss; peach. 80 14 ner lb) pear., r P Ihl prunes, Itsllsa, twOeHe per Bft .1. JT, Per to; "(., uiirerau black, er lb; el Per lbt Cslltorala white, par lb; plum., pitted, per R dates, sxddss, a per lb tarda. tl.BO ar IS-ib erseartoa. Bat.vBte. . Bl'OAR Sack baals Cube. $i T5 powdered..! Z" iruii grssnuteuv so.o; iry graasiatea. 4o ftO; Coot. A, 4 60; teat sranuuud, 43 40; extra C, (.00; goldea . ', 14.80; D yellow, 44.Wi bbl 10c, bbl Soe, mum BOe advaac oa sack basto, lea goe per ewt tor cask, II -Hllee per la. , HONgv l4H4jlBe. ' . ' , , braads. IM.Tb. " f SALT nne Bales. 2. Is. 4. ft. 10s. 11.40; table dairy, hoe, $11.00; 10UB, IIU.TB; Im ported LI rerpeol, BUS. flT.OO; 100s. 414. OO; rfX J.1V00; eatoe-fine, bblr.- to. Sa, 10s, eoi? Sa fjio. ".(e.00 sssks, ALT Ooar Half greend. 100. per too, !i2i er toa. IT. SO; Liverpool tamp roek, Jf (""I - rock. 4I.0; lOOs, 40.14. (bore prioee apply to sales af Um tbaa ear Iota. Car Iota at apdal price subject to- flaetaattona.) , ,. w ORAIN BAOS CalcutU, TVie. BIC5 "rlel JspsB. No. 1, e We. t, Jtei flew urleaaa head. 4c; AJax. 4t Cri- - SSANS-fceTni.TT fee. ft. eliii . I.e.. nrtitt. Ie; ploa, 144SW; bayoe. 4 We; Linus, 41k.; airsicBQ reos, .. ,;bL,",tsJ' sr ; raw, oiOs par lb; roasted. ; soeoaaata, HO0e par dost wslaats, 14 01 la par Ibt pine nuts. lodjilHe per lb; hickory auto. 10 par U: cbeetaats, eaatera. T514c per lb; Braall sat, lie per lh; filbert 144Sie per lb; fsay Bacasa, 14 O I Be per lb; ahsweae, llOla sat eb. - - raiau. Oeal Oflav Kt. ?pf,pMn-,-"l, SUndard, UHe; laat 104cm14 bread ileal, sue. COAL OIL Peart er Astral Cam. 20 Ue per gall watw white, lroa bbl, loc per gsl; "". ioe pee si aaaaugai, xie-eeg. Ve per gaL UASOL1NS m-imw IS. ll J1. 2 per gait tova, esssa. S4Ve pet gall trvm wvm. Amm per gal. gaeifciws OBHieg. TbKPlTfvm ' woodea bbsu Se net S-deg. eaaea. Me par gall Ires Is ess, eSe per gat; ' gall .lroa bbla. Me per gsl. 4 ' WHITS LB AO Toa lota. TUe per ibt 400-a ens, 13 per in; leea luts. Be per n. -w-WIRi NAILS Preeest haa It 43. TB. L1N8RED Oil Pare raw. to kKl. as. e gall eaeea, S8e gal- genuine kettle boiled, es. Tub par !; hols, as per (ait groaad fX, bu lots, 420.0B par toa; toss. .tbaa ear no, aw.iw per Too, stoats.- Flsk- ' rRRSH MX ATS reeu. mtrm H e rr.lbi ""k. Mock, tu, per lb: packer. Tkje per lb bulls, 4joe per lb; sews, ettae pet lb: mattoa. SUarue nee Ihi lamb with pelts. IHtsAs per lb; veal, sxtr. tClet ordinary, is -'per lb; poor, 4HtB4e eer tb. RAMS. BACON, rrc. PoctUsd park floral) bam. 10 to 14 lb. 1414 eer lb; 14 te 14 lb. llVie per lb: II to 20 I be. flttc-per lb; eettas. Pe per lh; break fa.t bacon. ItVtQia Jhl , I He. pee lb; regular short ehsrs, aa d. it, per lb; amoked. 104e par lb; clear Bsamoked, PI4e per tb: amoked. tou a BBOBe Met, anemoteo, pu per n: emoked. 101.4 per lb; Unloa batrs, to to IS lh. ansmoked. e per Ibj smoked. B pee lb; rlear belllee, na moked, lie per lb sjaoked, IBs pee Ik; a boulder. IUC. ainAi, uauaemt leer. - ina. ICie pee lb; , I0U per ibt RO-lb tin. us see Ibt team rendered. 10a. IHe pet lb: ce. ska as ""l'VT1 -- ' UT pee IB. -. CANNED IALMON Columbia rlvee 1-Ib tilla 41. Ml S-lb toll. 12.00; t-aney. 1 lb flata, 2.00; kbotw iiaia, pi.n; iBBcy Erin oem, 4X.TB ITS; Btaai nwvaa mis, pina. oajeuc ruuw a. .-it a.uu. FISH Rock and. Te par Ibt ftoannVra. re per lh; halibut, ee pee lb; ersbs, per dos; Hrlped beea. Ifu,e per -lb: ntflsb. Te per lh: eelmon, . rhianoks Se n( ateelbeade, Te lb; bluebark, Te: herring. Be lb eelee, ee par lb; brlmpa, 10 per lb; pore. I pee lb; (bad. aa ,. Iht en. h.A S. nne lh, ,h.. per Ibt black cod, Te per lb; si leer smelt, ft 1ST ib; loneisr. ioe; rreaa meeker!. Se p r crawllak. He ear doai flnoaases. Be nee 0: stnreeoa. Te per m. OTHTftHS Shoalwater key.- per gaL 12.29 Mid, aa ra ... , . - - CLAMS- Hard shelU. get . BDX U.OOl rasot tlaaue 12.00 per box. COTTON FUTURES ARE : NEARLY HUNDRED UP frnrniehed hy Orerheck." Btarx nook-c.V-New tork, July 2 After a fair apeolns the cotton market suddenly became very etrena ea the bullies, goeerameat report and fotarea Closed PB to T potato ap. :, j Today s official rottoa market: ' , Onen. Illsh.- Low, Cloee, tnenigfas 10MTje loToajTS liT2iT4 10T44T4 1041 i4X Janneey . .....rrt.-u70 -loop pno February , .... , March PTo IfTTJ serf . lors Iiiti lord SNI April !...., 10TI PT4 Pt nve ........ S."n ..." pea Mar- ....... July v...... Auxset ..... Heptealier'.. t)ct,ber November lot! ViS I'HK 104T p:tT-lll3Tr40 040 - 10421 44 tfWUI tu. ilrtl.lVJ KH7 HM HKM B5S liiftftifM UKJOtittl December I -t mi WTf . , -, - ,0 , J -. v-xi Iveroool Cottea Bewa. ' fJeernoaLi Julr ' 8, f ttaa future, eiueed es.y, 14 "polnu lower than Usturdsy. 1 AMBBICAB ITOCKI tat WBpOB.T- Lnhdnn. July X 1 p. m. Anaennris kdvanced H. Atchison prtvaneeU . preferred declined H. Paltlmnre ailrana'ed H. t'ansdlaa art. a need , l'heeneake edreneed - Hrle-adrnnced 4i,, flrata a.'llned , llllsola Central adraared' . McsP'sn leutral declined 4. katy. adraaeed 44. New York leiitr.l adeancea .14, Ontario A f v...), m nn 4 Hi HiiiPiK -advaneett "W. pennerlvanla ertraneeit Reeolna Bdraneeg .- nrets-sirrenceit -4.- gork Island Silranced V. 8-mikem raelflc advanced H. I'nioa 1'icifte advanced 14. Mteel sdrsneed . preferred ad vsaced, ; : .. b.-..-.. . ' " POlTLAlfD BAWX ITATZKIVT. ' ' ' nerint Balaa.! l,l4Siofl Hi. 0,4S.41 all adv.; i;i mm 1ARHET Stock Show Good Feeling De r 7 epite Bad Newe From " T : ; Varioue Placee. " r:J- TENNESSEE COAL GOES - " FOUR DOLLARS HIGHER Practically Everything Is Oyer a -rPoint ; Higher Than' Sat- -? , ' , urday'e Closing. ; ; i" . ADVAKCEg. V .... 4l. V, fentrel ... 24 tiPennyleenl IJi Amelgsmsted Atr-hlUB .... Ruaar I rrreeeo pteei t-.r., , bnxlter . ..... 1 Car Foundry .. 1 ' Hronkly Baltimore Tk Colorado Fuel .... It. IBep. Steel . H Kcp. hteel, pfd ..I1 Hnutbern By Hi. U B. W. H Texas- Paclfk 1 HI. Paul T.Unlni raein i t . a w. ...... ih Cheaapeake ........ 44 I'.nadl.s . .', Colorado Suutnern V4 C4)io. Ao,k ( pta. i Krle. 2d iifrt...... 1 arte, let pfd ,'... tlreat Weetera jt Illlnole Central.... t uioo PBOlfHT, pfd.. 14 Pteel I, 14 Steel, pfd ........ 1W ,- 41 Weet f...i 'H F.cISc Matt ' w Reedinx .......... 1 .,... IT kock laland Rock- lalasd Southern fatf Loularltle Vt Tens. Coat ..i.,.. 4 Toledo Toledo, pfd 1 Rublier 1 Hubber, pfd 1 Metropoiitea ..... s Mexican Central . . Katy v.-fs ,-. : '.-r Katy. pfd i Mieaoun racia (Kurauuted y Overbeek, Starr S 0oo Co 1 Wall B treat, July I. Dirk Bros. ay: The marker w very strong ghd act It today, Isunrlng all unfavorable matters, sad showing pcwr te sdvsnc oa profit-taking, a w evi denced. Newe from Bueal w ratbea-dla-. turblof, and the guTeramrut crop rewrt wee SniW nnfavorsbto, bat ' this did 'net hinder e mnrki-t. -- . ' - - . .. x Today; official stork market I Atcbtooa, vuiutuoa' , ' do preferred . . . Ami Car Foundry, c do pieferrtd Am. Pmelt.T com..,, do preferred ...... B. Ohio, eommoa.. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.l t xnaaian riCc-eunn t.Di. a Aitoa. 1 do preferred rut, a o. w., eommoa. Chi., MH. eV St. Paul.. Chi. a N. W., eommoa. chlcasa Terminal By. t'beaiieak A Ohio... Colo. Fuel a lroa, com. I Colo. Ruutkera. com. do 2d preferred . do let preferred .... Tlelawnr at Hudaea. D. a R. do preferred ,w . . Erie, common 1 do 2d peef erred do let preferred . nilnots Central TxMiU.llle a Naabellla.- MetropollUa St, By. Manhatua Ry... ... Mexican Central Re. Minn., St. P. Bte. K. do preferred . Missouri Pad fie . . . M., K. T.. cotomoB. do preferred ........ new lors ventral. .... Northern . Pacific ... Norfolk A Weetera.' 1 Iforth American!!". N. -T., Out. Weet... PennaylTam Ry. ...... P. U C. O0......I Preseed Step Car, 00m. do preferred.. ...... . PacMe Mall mean). Co. Reedlna. do 2d preferred . , 1 . do 1st oref erred... Ben. Iron a SteeL com. do prererrea.. kotk . uiana, c do preferred. Rubber Ooode. do preferred. Southern Ry., do preferred.-... Southern Pacific. do preferred.. . . ... . . St. UAH. r.. 2d pfd. 8t. U4i S. wVeoto. do preferred .-. ., Tessa Padfie. ... .,, Tenneeeee Coal A Iron. . T.. t. I. 4 W.r cam. do preferred . , Unlos Panlle, de preferred ... IT, g. Leather, Com..,, do preferred.'. .1..,. T. . Rubber. eomv.V. do preferred. ...... ., V. g. steel re., -eom. do preferred r Deri, ax ... n... bow... do 2d preferred. I do let tire f erred .... A I Wlerlneln Central, conk. Weetern I'nioa Tele..f Webaeb. do preferred. Total aalee for Oay. bo..-sb aaaree. ... Call money, 2H . per cent.. , .. eOTXKBUZBT COTTOk HOUBH. Wa.lilnston. July X. Tk followlnx table shows the cotton condition by at a tee ee June earb of Uu but three years, spw the 10 years -eversgee: i-ree. sir States " . Oa. - t'on. Tr. ago 10 Yr. - Con. Av. Coa. 8 " MS 86 ' 84 ' Texaa ........... T2 OB ttoergls ......... M '. 4 Alabama Kt .ST Uuuilealal-AV 79 -T I- Ba se. So SO "TB; 86 1 Sonth Carolina... ST TX Arksa TV TS 82 TV as S3 n . Tl M 81 ' 88 Loalilana North Carolina , . Indian Terrlury. l : 88 ; IT 88 12 Tenneeaee Oklahoma ....... 46 - WALL ITEHT aOIIIP. ' y York. Julr g. The financial aejreea Kew says: There wss a nominal borrowing demand foe storks after the-cloae oa gaturday. - Atch leon. St. Psnl. tlnliiB Pacific, Steel preferred. -lndlan lerlftc, Baltimore Ohl, Amala-a- Rnted and Htadlng wers among louse inquire for. Tba rat. waa around 14 per rent. The fhor crowd ht mlaed -on the immediate fluctu ations. It waa thought a bear card mtfnt he hsd from RtMMrta today hut la It absence the room wa meetly ltviisea to mos lor s better market. Reetrlcted speealettea was sn- tk-lpttee. today en secouni ei tne uiy em hoiiri... -Tho ssrlr Lnndoa prleea for Ameri can, today were strong aeatlment m fsrorsbl to improremeni, . ' . - . ' BOITOB OOPPXB bTOCBS. Botton. July g. Ofllelsl capper closet Bid. Bid. Adventura . 8 TU nid nomlnlos.l 24 l Oeeenla ...... 41M AlloueS XT." I'arrot ....... 32.6 Rlnabam .... rt.KTIillTioeulx .... .so t'alnmet a It. SS-Vi luuiocy. Calumet A A m,on lloyal 20.26 Centennial ... Shannon ... T.2S ' Copper Hanre, !! TS . Daly West ... 13. us Kim I.l4 Tamarei'k . t 111 ; Trinity 8 26 I nlted Copper. Z-i I'tah 4X.T6- tlreene Copper : . Maaa Mlrhlxaa T.ITlaWluona ...... 10.60 1128 iWolrerlne ... .100.00 Mohawk auuA V. g. Mining. 24.474 tarliag Bataa, --: New tork. Jalr .g.Sferllnx ratesi Beataad, 4Tta87.tlftl 40 usys. 486.2641486.46. -- ..- TeteraaS WIU Oelebrata. 'T'"- O. A. R. veterans at the old soldiers. camp- near Hell wood vrHl -celebrate -air Tho general publlolg Invited to, Join In the celebration. 1 - ; " v.' Ji .L atollaad OahUet aUsigris, (JoSrsal Ipeclal ervles.l ' The Hague, July "J. The cabinet of Holland, headed by Dr. Kuypar, bag realgnd.'-""VC -- ' ,tr' - ' , "rMCBlPTlOBr ""P" "' ' '- " l : I ; t ? : Anaconda' Mtolng Co....llo(iiinr, loaitllOTtA v ' . .' . . 4 a8 Ml Mi 1 k -,1(12 loan 1H2 1024 II -J ' M i sa pa .n.WBl IWBi l.V IWH K . I. . . t..: .-. .1. . . . .t-eo 11 1 earxu I Bsmma I SBall I efnW. t ...--"- m4liTsvbm i7i2 I 120imui busH 2i4 I 1 25 'iiii ml . 2T4 28 (4 27y 2S l .( an 17 n1 "' " A 6hU 58, MZ M a i "ia 3 15 Jes--4teS'i,ties " I 160 10044 14P 160 I f - V I l lo04 128 ii I - ' I I liMKU ihmA iaa I I . . ,' A . I lioou IkiollIioo tm II I SOS . 2H H I I 1HM llWIU. INTatllMS I I 1 I I aa 4 fuu.1 86v mu I I . , , ..w.". !im''imrT je4 -BBBBBi.B.B.BBBBeM.B-BB.aeBaBe 6.t I ul &m i . I4l,ll4i 1414 142 I ESassssBBBBBSBBSBBBBBBra B-mBBBsm l4tnl4 i4H 1 II JHKimio.iUinoir)2C ' ".. PS "Jill I com..... I ax set I ax it I saw i . I I I BTU. I vs. a. .. vua, m . .... ................ -- , m oom.... I2" 1 124 124 u h.u.Aai. . M I rv .".'..".'.'"".' iovt , n .; tT TO CtAssaTT. ' - . M M M4 S.14T I , I ! IBVj I 404 41 404 I AiciieW.e-.c'-, VevA..U aa- July . .SancGt L.' LEADING f . OVERLAND A CENTtBT AOO... ..".......... .euo.n f rTHB?rJroONXXPTOITXON'B"HiaTORIAM ....... .11,-1 THE OREaOK SIERRA. (YM)i w" "'THfifGRKAT NORTHWEST'S CENTBNNIAle A perles of the Levrls snd Clsrk Exposition, by . r"rsnk?-L. Merrick, Mansgsr. Oenersl Frees Bureau. Henry W. Good, President and Director-General. 's Hon. George E. Chamberlain, Governor of Oregon. . Hon. .Albert E. Mead, .Governor ti i.k. xx uitcheit tinited William w. Wheelwrtxht. President Portland Chsmber of CjnimerceV 0, W. Allen, President Portland Board of Trade.;- ; . '; Robertua Lavs. Assistant Manager. General Preaa Bureau. 4 . . ' , V J, H. Crsdlebsugh. Sslera, Oregon. , ; f- -;. ; , - , ' OREGON IVerse) ' . ,.....!;;..., ...... ........ Allctl 3-' Tully CHAUTAUQUA BTi.THB.SEAai-4..K;-.ii:..ii-'r ; - MINING IV OBRGON ... . . ; . Xmroa Beckla Marshall WOOD-ALLXVerselJ...;.......'v r.Ina Coolbrtth "SUMMER IN BIERRA- SNOW LA KIT .......Charlee Waaler Reed CALIFORNIA'S GARDEN .CALENDAR , ., i ,. J. . i. .f J. 'Wlekson WHEN THE PRINCE CAMB'(Serisl Story Chapter H. '.. ...... -I . I;. s. ...rr.'.-...... Flora Haines (Mts. Ieovghead) THE tJNIVERSITT SUMMER SESSION ... ....May V- Cheney. LITTLE STORIES OF THE WEST. ". I..'. ....l.i.. 4... . , Howllah Wampoo's Warning (J. W. Redlngtoa) Money-1 a sera of Goldfleld ( K. R. Casper) The Pluta , War - ( J. - H. 4 Cradleuh) la " ' Old Coloma (Heath.erwlck Kirk). f . ( t ;, .!,: i ' -"'..-.:- -t .,.' J,' . ' ".; ' - DeautLfally ClqitrtttJ .-Tlarogr!: NOW ON SALE. ....... ..... . . . -.-iyj-- - - Of tJvekry DspaaOrlptlort akt lll4illPilllllN I '. 1 . --. , v . ' j ? -. iHUiiiJiHiakd DM-tlr DfJrrta , may, miuj loiv, ... .-, . . "T , -.. , - , - VTHE SAN 1M SIXTH ST. ; H" -': ? Waablntrton IVk 0 I'i I I DIDNTHURT " BIT fa "what " fhav ea ef deatal work. We de out or the elty enirxiy avexa aay eeiay, BTerything bp te data. Opea svealaga sad Buaday. ,. Mala. 2024. WISE BROS., Dentists SS - I SBI s en BBBBBjsgjBBBBBBBBBBBBBam a bbsbbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj 'm'si i,j'8i4 484 ejBBaBBJBJWiJ S.BB-BBBBBBMBBaWBBeaBBB Sj'SS 'Si. 22 PACIFIC TENT K ; Si gpS r AWNC CO. JT ll Us n lnu I camping,! eutflta'AI VT U l I iVCrCN mte. xxh irtif 144 I Get our prices. f Jg , , 'J.WV' ? iwe ioi4 44 im ykesa Btoia isai. r--. LOST Oa Belmoat be Alder, hrtweea Tweet y- taira ana x niriyniints. uwiies- watch and pin; reward. .- Itetara Na. lad W-mt Thlrty 01.- .-.-. DEMAND IS ACTIVE; ... HOGS DOW COHE : 4BBHasVaBskBIIBSaSIMWIalalgM , Packsrs Still Complld to Pur chas on Coast Although. .. " This Market Is Highest. 1 Portia ad I'slos glMkrarda. lulr t-Lhinek rcrelpte: ' . Mega Cattle beep Today .................. ,. i: 274 TX wees '-age, ............... .. 876 ... Prevfcm WeVk .......... SB ' son lis Month age. . sd " Sifl " 17 Uejiiand for bet remalaa ta a Terr aood Condi t km but aoae are arriving Bad the inral traaa M ami eompeiiee te paresaee snpnllea la the eastern aurkata. Csttl are dull as ever, while sheep and sprtag lamha are firm. Caleee are ealet. Today 2d goats aad T horses srrlved In. , . ' . - -.- OfflcUl prices for livestock: llos-s-e-Ueet eaetera Orecoe, e. 0018.36: bio. ker. end ralna fata, .6t4JS.t6i sloeksrs and feedera, 14.26. Cattle Beet eaatera Oregoa steer. 44 2oe) 4. Vl; IlebLAsad medium eteers, 43.001 ..86; beat Coweind helfera. 12.2642.50; eld and light cow.. 1. TB; stockers and feeders, fl.TB; hulls. Bl.tVlt. Hheen Peel fancy sheep,; ewes, l2.T6erl.0O; eprlng lambe, 4(144. . . Calree Ooort veal. loo to 2ou pouad. 44c: rauih aad keavy, l4c. , ::....fy. XAITXAB HOQg BJOBBB. Chicago.' July aVLrreetork receipts; . Hoa Cattle Sheep Chlcaxo a. So.O'iO 14.000 21.00 Omaha ,4.6011 l.TOO. nM Kansas City ...1.., s.ono !.( 2.HO0 Hoa opened l -te lot hiaher. with X.oo left over. Price : Light. 46. .164)6.80; mixed. ti . 10ffi5.eB ; neary. $&.lb6.64; roegh, 14.1641 .3. - ; -. cattle rive rents higher. . Sheep Ten eente hlpher. xxowB-nra, BioBtvivs m co . (Establlahed 1111.) , . . ,j . AT'AaTD STOCK BBOBrBBB. ; ' ' Boons 4, Orepeha rioos, - : OaTAJgBBB OP Otanavoa. t 4 ' ... . Members Chicago Board of Trade, . aaiv, raoTiBzosTS, oottoi, stocbs Aks r r . " 1J Third Street. VlcKay BuUdtng. Portland.' C . . V.v'e Wal SO eV STaUCTlVT fMincXSnOsT BtTfC Cohtlnuoua Markets by1 Private "Wire. Oulek Parvlce, " ., TUtort, bankers, aad Uc'l f"iU 2.4 -I 4.- rCATteOTS : Thxraltea Stephens) S.MlUer -. .Icles an j or waonington. Btataa Senator from Oregon. . ' i . YOO CO. "0g EAST MORRISOIX ST. Tha latest, most convenient and ornaunental tsk of Toilet Powder aver used, superior ta the aneient ' style tla oan or boa. - Sold by all up-to-date Vnf gists aad Dry Goods Houses. TaMXUf 1 PU7P CO. BAOUAT aUhSsV VOMTtJLmTB, CM.., Sea Displsy In Manufaoturera' Bids;.. Fair Grounds, snd st McComraon's . Pharmacy, Nlneteemtr and atreeta. I mm m.thnd work for people rrom Has the dainty thin to c: Everything in the tine of Cr, cerics, . Meats, .- Vegetables ar. Fruits, and cheap, too. Read tw our list carefully, then call or phone us your order: j i -p5.2S ''. 100-lb, sack Dry Oranatatad Sugar. -.- t-lb. package Corn Starch. . One' pound best Oloes Starcbv tl boses Parlor Matchaa. . t-lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomato a. Pound Fellows" Blend Costa Rica Coffee. : 7 ' 25e ;:ilh'i- Pound Good Gunpowder 'Tea, ' ' "":v . vHt; 20 i. i.i t .-' "Can Baker's or Ghlrerdelll'a Coooa.- -' 11 bars Oood Laundry Soap, v - - -'.'35-. . Two -lb. pkga. Oold Dust, 374 Washington Street ror tasdera dental work. Werli-r . --, arumed aneeiaUlatav ... Leweat prloea ewnaiatant. wttB e.t-' 1':' :4' . - bo to u . ! ' ' NEW YORK eD2NTIT. - rOtTBTH AJrm kt 'ZTt f Opea day and alfht. i- ..i t. watt! II J; VyUUVU VVt Fellows TV