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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1905)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL; POnTLAIIIV, IIOIIDAY IXVtI.'O, TJLY 3. IV V ;jKteuT$i. :GI BUTTE SFG3TS -9T Mining v City WiU Hold Carnival of Fisticuff on Fourth of July. ,;RSRA AND NEARY r - TO MIX IT AGAIN ;he Afternoon Herberts VVill Meet Buddy Ryan In la ;i Twenty Round Co. rrrb: SFOTiuS EVET1TS . FOU THE FflllHTD Many Contests Arranged by AtM v v1etlc - Devotees for To- .- it TIGERS EAT UP - morrow. (HmH.1 Dlspateh I. Tba InarasLt utte, MnnC July Two Important o battle arc scheduled - her (or r il two blr arena on tha flat, r tha city. , Buddy - Ryan will inaat rg .Herbert. Tim McOrath' latest teg from California, in tha after n, wblla Aurallo Herrera'and Charii iry will fight for tba fourth tlma in . evening. Herbert, although with- t much of a recortl, la a likeiy-iooa T chp and loaka Ilka a perfectly oon oned fighter. . He ie faat and atrong 1 haa a punch that IX ha ta clever ugh-ta land,, wlli give any maw hla I tua.? Ryan la - In perfect condition I la naturally tha favorite In the .Int. The light win draw an enor-; a houae. for m' holiday la one gen- ily devoted to : the -enjoyment of rUng event ami the card appeara t Hererra and Neary will meet ror i fourth time, and a each la yet to ire a dectalon of any kind, tha com cdnteat carriaa a great deal of Jn tt. Hererra -haa a bad right band 1 tbia aoema to be the only chance haa. to lose," according to tha dope- a here, for In every one of bla con- m Neary ha failed to show that he anything on tba Mexican. Botn a ar favorite bar and the Mexican probably the fa von t of the two. rarra announced that thla will prob y be one of hie teat fight a. a he ha en up all hope of ever getting either son,- Brttt or Corbett In the ring with i. He haa alao offered to devote hi - of the receipt to charity. ' The re of Ryan' training i the fact , b wa loat In tha mountain for f one day and wa finally led back hi training Quarter by a pet wolf. .ME FIGHT IM .'. MILLIONAIRE'S HOME .,. , tfoaraal pedal Berries.) .. , ' x New Torki . July . t. Surrounded by tapestries and beautiful furniture a millionaire' drawing room.. Danny on laat week, beat Dave- Barvy -of lea go In 10 rounde after one1 of tha klest and fleroeat of. flght. ib mill took plao on the upper west hr -fir.-the- "home Trf a - Wall - atreet nker whoa family 1 In the country, jty Wall atreet men were present, d it 1 ald that not on of them sub libed leaa than lie.. Tba winner re vived 11,0 and Barry har aounted to f too. For the first flva mods Barry had the better -of It, but .unnss strsngtn told in tn i ' v ,-,3soa oatlnn o WU. . The. 8 H. Brainard company Maroon : sated the Hop Gold Star tf Van iver on the ground of the latter yee i.y. i The occasion 'waa the official -"In; of the Hop Gold Baetll Dark. xl-slsd crowd wltneaaed the game. ,r's pitching. and a lightning triple, (.for1: the Maroon ware the apeclal ,-urea. - Score by Innlnga: - -. ..- roo" .'.,..,. . . . ft n, .4 O.jt-1-A 0 T TWO BALL GAMES , ' - r r r recreation park S-S:vX:. ; ' '.XrX 'r'X ;,, Portland Will Try Double Conclu- 'r slons With the Frisky v "-. Tigers. v---- X - ' There, will be many sporting and athletic feature on the Fourth of July In tbia section, a well a In Other parte of ' the Wunfry. In Portland the chief athletic-event will be the two baseball game' between Portland and Taooma. Owing to the Importance at tached to these games, and the bearing that the reault will have ota -the race, the greatest Interest prevail,-. The flrat game I scheduled at 10:10, the after noon contest at 3:10. Los Angeles and Ban - .Francisco -will tackle each other In the latter city and Oakland will face the -Bl washes in a -doubia-pead at Beattla.- On the boxing card there wlfl be three Interesting contests, two-at Butta and one at Reno. Herberts and Ryan and Herrera and Neary will battle at the former city, and' Hart and Root will have " 'a - finish - fight . In the American Monte Carlo. There are alao a number of amateur ball game, hand ball contest, bowling- matches and other sports scheduled for Independence day, -. Some of the sport are: Herbert va Ryan at Butte,. Montana. Herrera vs. Neary at Butte, Montana. Root vs. Hart at Reno, Nevada. Portland ve. Tacoma at Portland, two games, r-- nan n-anoisco vs. jjos Angelas at Ban Finnclsco. ' : - - 1 Seattle vs. Oakland at Seattle. ' Trail va. Little Potato at M. A C field. . Maroon i The Dalle at The Dalle. Portland association football team va Uwaoo at Ilwaoo. , - Canby. nine va r Mucka at - Canemah park, I p. m.. PCmAfiD FLAYERS Keefe's Masterly Pitching Proves -.1 Too Muck .for th Lo-; cal Mtn.;'-';" JONES ANDCATES WERE BATTED HARD Large .and Enthusiastic Crowd v Crows Noisy at the Many . "'hii: Brilliant plays. . MAROONS TO PLAY STRONG DALLES NINE Tomorrow the fl. H. Bralnard company Maroon leave for The . Dalle, to try their luck with the strong aggregation at that place. Moore and Brock will occupy the point for tha Maroon. ' On July I the Maroon start the schedule of game .for the lwla and Clark Amateur- league- by-- facing- the Four teenth Infantry nine on Soldiers' field. Vancouver, Hood River, The "Dalles. Chemews, - Vancouver and two teams from Portland compose this league, la- tense rivalry between the team' guar an tees good basebaXL As several of the scheduled games win be played In Portland the fan will have an oppor tunity to witness some Interesting ama teur balL t Guid matter! 1 Dodd. evlna, 4, jld. .": .-..1 0 t 4 Moor. and Brock; Blevina B truck -ut By Moore. ; Hlta Hdaroona, j . .Hop ratawoaaTllng1ianirl: Choanal Baselal On ike.) 8pokanei July Spokane ha been ; i ' iken Into the International league, the ' . . ellingham team and franchise being jj tranaferred to this city. - - i The Muck demoaatrated their, abir- Ity yesterday over the never-defeated Gerrals team, outplaying thm In, all pohrt of the game, .the acor being 11 W 1. Thaltneupt t ,; - Qervala. . . Muoka, Bhskey . . i ........ lb. .... . . J. C. Helxer Nathman. ........ Zb. .. . . . M. J. Helxer Moon............ p....,... Robertson Schreedef nvnvn . i Chappin Klbblnger....... If..... O'Brien Mangold......... Klser Molser . .......... rf ........ ... Landswlck Degerdsn......( Jamison Poland .......... lb. . . . . . . . Rlpl k. OaTabaaaei Wla aad 1.0 a. . ; The Carabana played two garqea yes terday, defeating the Northern Star in the morning by the acor of 21 to 4, and lost the afternoon gam to the Wood mere by tba acor of If to (. r - - Store Closed . All Day This Store will be especially to serve r those who haven't time to shop during the days c n .r ... ... ..... J- . , .. v 'Tr .i'ljl I rr-- f ''' "' it-" t l gi V g 4ww s Tacoma T. Portland 1. "V " Batteries Jonea, Cates and McLean; Kaef and Graham. r- - In the preanece of on Of th largeat crowd, that ever attended a game In this city th Tacoma Tigers yeaterday managed to give Portland a fine trounc ing to the acore of 7 to 1. It was Ta coma' turn to crow, and how the Remnants" of- the "Boosters" - who missed Saturday night' train for borne. veiled! -The "Remnants' numbered St men and 1- woman. -They wore red, the colors of Tacoma. and never rested once durlng-the game. "It remarked that th "Remnants" took UP needles apace In th grandatand, as tbey never aat down, atandlng during the entire con test, ahrleklnr and wiving their uan ner frantically. . During on of" their wildcat demonatratlona of nolay loyalty for the Tlgera a Portland fan aroae and aaked if tt were true that Spokane -waa going to get (he Tacoma franchise, oa account of th Inability of tba Tacoma people to properly support the team. Thla had a demoralising effect upon the ardor of the visitor and their noise waa not o marked afterwards, i -Bobby Keefe was the whole ahow for Tacoma. That clever young twiner nan everything and had evsry Portland player on hi ataf f until th aevanth inning, when McCredle broke th lea by driving out a single. - Keefe pitched a brilliant game, and ' although he filled the bases In th ninth, he managed to quaes out without any danger. - Jones waa batted freely and WIS ts Ueved in the lxth by Cates. - 9tia'.f fttaa ' fWhat happened to Jones'1 commenced in the third inning, when Casey lad off with a double. Graham was bit by th pitcher. Keefe aacrtfioed an(T Doyle fol lowed with a ale hit. scoring uaaey ana Graham.- Sheehaa'a single scored Doyle. Nordyk and Eagan failed to negotiate and the' aide retired. -.. v! . ' The elxth-wltneaaed aotn more trouble for Jonea McLaughlin and L,ynen ne gotiated bit and Schlafly contributed a bad throw, advancing oom-a eianon. when Ely Catea wa sent on the bill In nlace of Jonsa Caaey and Graham went down- before .Ely, without, any trouble, but Bobby Keefe refused to be fooled nd hit on for two base, scoring two for th Tigers. " ' Fortlsnd's lone Uliy came in tn eighth, when McLean hit-for two bases, after Schlafly and Householder had been retired, and scored on Cates' af hit to right.. . ... -, - Graham and Keefe. the flrat two men uplnthejnlnth, were asyjuts,and Cates got a trifle careless and before he steadied down again uoyie, ttneenan, Nordvka and Eagan had alngled In suc cession and two mors runs were in. Portlsnd had tare msn lert on oases lit- the ninth, for the necessary hit was en led them by Kefa -' The official score foTlnwa: " . . - PORTLAND. fr-V A a R. H. PO. A. B. Atx, as.: 4 o Mccreoie, ri. v MltchelL lb. 4 0 BchlaAy,ab. ' . Householder, cf. ..... 4. 0 McLean, c 1 Murphy, e. 0 d Catea, If. -p. I 0 Runkle. lb. .0 Jones, p.r i J'J VanBuren, If. ...... 1 i 0 0 .1 I i ! 0 0 0 0 ToUl , , ..........40 1 4 IT 10 i, . tacoma. : . v .. AB. R. H. PO. A. R. Doyle, sf. S II 10 0 ttneenan. so. -s--t-tr a -- r Nordyke. lb. ......... 8 , 0 1 10, 0 0 bn. K K 1 1 0 ' A McLaughlin. If. I . 114 0 , Lynch, cf. ........... 4 1 - I 1-- -9 Caaey. lb. .......... 41.1 I '4 0 Graham, C t , 1 0 4 0 0 Keefe, p. ............ t 5 1 1 1 0 TotalrrTiriTrr.lT 1 11J7-- r- .- SCORB. BT.. IMHWOH,-.-'! i i h i i n i. Tacoma .. ...... 0 0 a 0 0 X 0 0 37 Hits . ....... 0 110 10 411 Portland ...... 0 0000 0 0101 Hlta . i M l l .. SUMMARY. t Struck out By Jonas, 1; by Cates,-4; by Keefe. 4. Bases on balls Off Jones. r; ore neere, z. iwnaw oiis ncuuii, Casey 1, Keefe. Left on basea Port land, 4; Tacoma, 7. Double play Keefe to Nordyk. Stolen baaea Sheehan. Nordyke. Sacrifice hit Keefe. Hit by pitcnea oau unaim. innings y pitched oau uranam. innings itched By Jones, t; by Catea, 4. Base Its Off Jones. 0: off Cates. t. Runs scored by opponents St time Pitcher Jones wa taken out, S. Tim of game One hour and 40 -minute. PACIFIC COAST, LEAGUE.- . ' : If f Hf t I II Tacoma . 81111 Hi Oiia SOI .000 saa rraaetsee ....... 4. .12121210 M .675 PortUnd . . T T B M .4M Los A ox. lea ........ 10 SB.. T ah .en Oakland ............. T 1 4 10.. T as .4.12 Besttle 01 0 4 11 .-. Klj .41ST, Vnt .; . . 82'tT 40 40 4s aJnl Oaklaad Tvoaaoed Twice. Jearaal Bpc.-Ul Berrlee.) . , Seattle. Wash., July . Th Slwash tribe made It six atralght by winning two game from Oakland yeaterday. The player mad all sorts of fun of Vmplrs Bray again.. Bcore:. Vlrst finM " " tC H-ii. Seattle . ...000 0 0 100 OS 11 I S 3 Oakland . ..0 0000000101 03 10 ' 1 Hatteries Hofton snq tJianxenamp; Graham and Stanley. Second game ; R. H. E. Seattle .. ......01040100 4 10 1 Oakland -rT-t-.0 00 00 001 0-t" 6 S Batteries Miner ano vasnwooa; ho gan and Byrne. , Umpire Bray. , j .".:.V Aagala Wla Two. ..... , .:. (Jeaesl Ipeclal aerrlcw) . San Francisco, - July . Th Angel took two games from the. Seals yeater- I dally enacted, in thousand of homes, aa Death claims, In each one, another victim or consumption or rnsumonis. Rut when Couahs and Cold are prop erly treated, the tragedy ia averted. F. U. 1-lUnuer OI unKl.nuun, inumnir, wrltea: "My wife had the consumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally ahe took Dr. King a New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nd Cold, which eure-d her, and to.Uy . she la well and strong." It kills th germs of all dla eesesi Otie-dese r.Hevew. Owara nteed at 00c. and 11.00 by 'Red Cross Phar macy, ninth and oak treats, i rial pot- day. by superior work with th stick a times when th baaea ware loaded. Tb core: . .- l - ' . Morning gam t R. H. E. Ixa Angelas ...0 0001100 17 7 Ban Francisco C.00000001 0 1 " 4 UatteHe Gray and Eager; Henley and Shea. Second gam ' R. H. E. iJoa Angeles ..0 0 000001 1 10 1 San Fran .....0 100100100 f 4 Batteries Wright and Splea: Wil liams ana wiison. -umpire uavie. NATIONAL LEAGUE. " Won, LoaU- P C. New Tork . .......... 47 , 10 .,' .711 Philadelphia . . ...... 1 , Zt -0 Plttaburg. .........! 40 5 , IT .107 Chicago . . ........... 40 21 .681 Cincinnati . . ......... 10 ' 10 - .til St. Louis. ........... It -, 40 .113 Boston . . 20 44 .112 Brooklyn i. . II ' -41 .. .241 ': A OUotanatt. R. H. E. Pittsburg. 1....1 I S Batteries Swing and Phelps: Philllppl and Gibson. . Umpire Bauswln - and Cincinnati . . , . . . ... 4 . $ ... J l ..a . . At on. XjomlaV Firat gam . .: ..... ., , V. .-; R H. E. nr. ixuis . .4 Chlcaso . : .....4... 7 7 Batteries Taylor sna Xearfoss; Reul- Dacn ana u men. , , - Second Same - R. H. E. t. luie , i........,.,,,.,,.,..0 1 Chlcaso.. ........1 1 Batierlea McFarlsnd and Zearfoaa; origga ana ftiing. umpire -truay, ; - AMERICAN LEAGUE. '-. ; ' .' Won. Cleveland ........... 1 - Chicago.. . II Philadelphia m mn-i IT Boaton . . ....... .... 30". Detroit t . k 21 ',. s,ewvyr.k .... ? Washlnaton . . 21 St. Louis II . Lost -p.c; 21 .460 21 . .041 T? -T .117 27 V: .491 11 , .475 ; 11 , V.411 17 ..17$ ' 10 - .11 Flrst iiffl Ht. LiOUlS Cleveland R H.E. ,v..'.,...i.l 4, J Batteries Howell snd Weaver!-- Joaa ino Benin. The second game wa called in iue nun. ' ' v At Chicago. :, :'f'" T''"" :x: V- . n. xi. .1 0 - 1 0 Batteriea Whits and flullivan: Killlan and Dooln, . Chicago t". HART AND ROOT TO - ' FIGHT TO FINISH Gladiators . Will Meet Tomorrow ;. to .Settle Who Is the -a V ; J Superior. X (Special Dispatch t The Jeara.1.) r ' Reno. Nsv.. July 1. Marvin Hart of Louisville, - who aaplre to succeed - to Jeffrie' charaplonahlp title, and Jack Root, the Chicago heavyweight, who owwto-r similar ambition, - bav "com pleted their work of preparation and are ready for the gong to call them Into the ring to engage In a finish fight to viue wi quesiiun.oi ineir relative supremacy. . James J. jelTcles 1 - on hand, to act aa referee. An arena haa been specially constructed for the battle- With a seating capacity of . 0.600. Many sporting men srs-arrivlng-frorn out of town and from present indica tions seat at th ringside will be at a premium. - . Report today from their respective training quarters ar to th effect that both Root and Hart are in first claea condition and fit to cngag ip th bat- Hart will enter th ring at 196 pound. while. Root will not weigh over 171. Referee Jeffrie Bay that be- will. in sist upon clean break. So far what little oetUng- ha been don ha, been wagered at vna - - 'ORTLAND AND TACOMA : : TIE AT LACROSSE Tb . Portland and Tacoma ' lacrosse teama played a tie gam at Rrecreation park yeaterday, which will be th laat lacrosse match for a few week. -Th linsup; - ... . . Portland. ' . . ' Position.1" Tacoma. Sanderson .G. ...... .F. Graham Hyatt P. c.-; Brown McKay CP... Hafrlban Porter ........... 1 D. ....C. A. Btewart Campbell ,rS D. ......... r Beattle Marshall ID. King O'Malley ......... .C. . Wallace Jenninge.. 1 H.. ...... McClellan Burns .1.. .2 H. Lyncn Smith ..,.-... .,,.1 H, , .J. Orahaiu Shaw r.I H. ....... Fltsgersld SUMMARY. t . ., Goal. Club. ' ; I Scorer. -. . - ' Mln. Tacoma .'..King .......... :10 Tacoma. ....... Mclillsit ...... S1K 1 Portland.... ...Smith . .... 4 Portland....... Smith ..1:00 scomm. .... .i,yncn ......... :te 0 Portland.. Burns ., . 1:00 7 Portland. ...... Burns ......... :J t Tacoma ..Lynch .........11:00 - Referee, J. J. McDonell; umpires, J. C. Boles and A. W. Nash; timekeepers, Drj Braden and J. Snooka - .. . OLYMPIC BOXERS i: " HERE FOR HONORS THEY AHE WCniIED Development of Martha Cringing -Out Prospect That Was; ; .;.V..:;r:irWta.:;7C-:Av SISTER TO GREENBACK N WILL BE A PRODUCER Strong Management and Funds All That Are Required, to . : " Make Mines. ;!;7' ' (gpeeUI Dkipatch te 'Tsa Josraat) " - .' -Wolf Creek, Or., July t Local Inter- eat Is keen here over developments in the Greenback and the Martha mining properties 'Owned by -thd Greenback in treat. Th Greenback haa bea known for the past four or Ovs year as .on of th best gold producers of the Pacific" northwest, but it recent showing or or In a parallel o( spilt from th old vein has had th affect of doubling th Ufa of th property, if preaent condition forecast th future. Th Martha, work for w bldk I blng - done on theCoyote Id of th Coyots-Orav Creek divide, I th object of even' greater tpeculation than the Greenback. It haa been equipped with a ' compressor "plant, "by mean of which Manager R. N. Blahop la driving adit level on th vein a rapidly a possible, the - lower drift having at tained a length of nor than 1.100 feet. Thar ar upper tunnel which prov th vein also and, it 1 is said, without- the authority of th management.-that the Martha 1 rapidly opening a reserve of great promise. This property. I near th Greenback and by some la regarded a part of th asms mineral son, with promise of becoming a producer of great merit. " - . :..- r It I not an unusual oocurrenc In this Immediate district to find prospect hav ing good value at tb surface, but on which there ha been little development. Aa I uaual la- any-mining- aectlon. when the Greenback became a rlen producer but -wa -th -only-one--I tha immediate vlolnlty, It wa said to be tb only nitn that would aver be developed there. The fact that It continued work for four' or ft vr years - on - a seal -thar should " an eourag azhauattv prospecting near It seemed to confirm th conclusion. But since a good management haa taken th Martha and real mining haa been' in augurated thl property also eema destined to command wide attention.. i. The boxer who will represent the Olympic Athletic club of San Francisco in the Lewis and Clark contest Arrived yeaterday from the Bay City. They are Robert Lundle, lightweight Champion of the coast, Al Kauff man, a heavyweight of note, and Willie Dwyer, a Ui-pounder with A fine record, i Accompanying the boxer la John J. Gleaaon, a prominent member of th Olympic club, and Dwltt Van Court, th club' boxing Instructor.'.' Lout Levy.- tha handball 'champion f jh Clymplo club, l also- hare, and J. Scott Leary and Francla Galley. . the crack swimmers, are coming for th swimming contests au ring tn jattecyart-oX-tfea montn. SPORTING NOTES. Colonel Armat Btoddart of 'Washing ton,' D. C, waa an Interested spectator at yesterday's ball game. Ths colonel occupied a seat In the press box. and conversed freely" on tha point of th gam with tb ' expert in . th box. Colonel Btoddart ha been a close fol lower of "the national sport 'for year nd is a conversant with th gam aa Ps Chadwlck himself. When Interro gated a to how he received hi colo nelcy h replied, saying. "I wa where th bullet were thickest at - Gettys burg." "Where was thatr aaked on of th reporter; - "In th . ammunition wagon," responded th colonel, .. . - '( ii ;.i'J..'.4.. - Frank St D. Skinner, who will be prealdtng judge at the Portland race meet that will . open in thl city on July 21 and continue for 40 days, waa a visitor In this city yesterday.' Judge Skinner says that -a - splendid elaaw of horse will b In Portland for tha raoea. ;1 Igultaomaa Teas Wa...: . Th Multnomah STar defeated Ryan'a picked nine yesterdsy' by the score- of II to I. The Multnomsh hit th ball hard. nd pfttnwinnlag.wlUi oasa..... CORNUCOPIA ENTERS UPON HEAVIER WORK " (Sseelal Wapetcfcto Ths JoaraaL) . s: Baker City. Or., July tv Mining men of thl camp ar eapeclally pleased wlth the promise at Cornucopia for heavy opera tlona ' In' addition to th wor of the Cornucopia Mine of Oregon company, under Mr. Humbert, the Queen of the West, under -the management of C. F. Boderling, and the Mayflower, undeflhe direction of O. W. Boggs, are getting tnto-tlue wlth-assurartc TtTyinrn th .permanent paying list., Both of the last-named - manager. atat ' that they have . ordered 1 10-aUmp ' mill and are putting enough or in alcht. to keep them busy, tb aumum. incs opera tions ' giv . and prospect of a railway reaching a convenient point In Pine-or Eagle valley thla year encourago otner proripect owner - to - commence - neavier development. With tb or in light and good prospects having a strong snrrsc showing to encourage deep sinking thcra 1 no doubt that -10 to. u proparti would be quit aotlv here If there was some i method of delivering concentrate at Baker City, othsr than wagon haul. ; r magtwt mtekard'g mertgmatioa. ; V Local .mining men- wha met T. A. Rickard of th Engineering and Mining Journal while here aa one of th repre sentatives of President Roosevelt at the last session of tb American Mining con gress, regret to learn that ne La re signed aa editor of thenars at publication. Mr. Rickard waa undrratooa to par surrendered hi ngineering practice for the editorship of the journal and it can not be understood now why h 1 out un leas It be that he haa been regarded aa ultra-technical. Mr. Rickard had charge of th examination of th famou Strat ton Independence. mine of Cripple creek at the time -the property - wa -bought by lhYntiir " Corporation " syndicate and' haa been identified with other great work la tha engineering world. aaglaeer Bash -Warh,-- 7 Prlvat Information received by mining men In thl city today wa to th effect that the annual aesslon of th American Institute of Mining Engineer at Van couver wa praotlclaly finished. The Instltut held a aesslon at Washington, District of Columbia, before starting west, when ' th usual technical . paper wer read and tha only bualnea to M attended to In British Columbia wa of a routine nature in connection with-the regular, annual, session. Everybody Is anxious to begin th Alaska journey and pend all posstbl time tn th mln, which cause them, to trut short th an nual discussion rslatlng to th work Of th itietltilte ' ,JV Xnlarglng ta Coaosatratot. ; (Special IMapateh t The JoaraaL) -Baker City, Or., July l.--Manager J. T. Shelton of tha N. 3. Corensen Co. eon earn and the Highland Gold Mine com pany, stated -while passing through this city after a visit to th latter mln that a new ore ahoot waa being developed in th deepest part of the Bannockburn drift which hsd great value. Tba early work for enlarging the concentrating plant la well under way and th Highland early thla year should b In condition to handle a heavy tonnage, . ' '" Bawattwi Work" Wk' -t-f'xti'. ptlal Dlapatek te The JearaaLt -" Waldo, Or, July l Early work at th Taktlma smelter hss been. to the entire atlsfaction of tb management. Wheath tw -furnace waa blown In Manager Walter bad completed hi pre liminaries so that no tlma ha been loat, and th plant has btru producing ms'.t quit steadily. 1 The trial run last fall enabled the management to get th fur nace tn good working shape and thl year ther 1 . nothing to tntarfer a it h con stant production of copper. . r. . Moaata BafeaU Olympla. . ' X (gpeelal Dlapate to Tee Jearsal.) " - - Olympla, Wash July I. Montesano defeated Olympla ysatsrdsy la 4 heavy hitting gama Th acor: . v. .-,-,,.-,-'. R. H.E. Olympla.. I Monteaano . . . .- I II Batteries Butchsrt Quick and . Ed wards ; Vsn, Clsrk and Boettlger. ;.- Farm era' Telepaeae Ida. , i.lOuectat Dlaaatek t la. Jraaael.) j. - Eugene, 'Or., Julrl.A- nwmbet-wf farmer betwenXres weUa and.Cama Swale have organised a company to construct a telephone line between those point. distanc of eight mil. - Th LRY a .: ... ..-''.', ' ' " - V SKTOHES EWE ON EASY WEEKLY OR MONTH LY PAYMENTS .' ' , ' ' ..-' .-(-,. s , ...,-,'."' ' ; ', . Hundreds of Diamonds and Watches have been sold by our ' !Tiberal credit system " and we have yef to hear of a case where' a customer complained of misrepresentation. We are not In fallible, but if we ever make a mistake we will make it good. r TiY.5 -MsVLUllAsvai I d I ..' , -' " j- -.. - .v. ';'. our ' - . We know people are more skeptical when buying diamonds than when buying anything else the most timid buyers can not help but place confidence in us With every Diamond we selLwe give a certificate absolutely; guaranteeing the quality 'and. value of youf purchase, v ' ; ll,v '-?T?:'' :- :r'Z- EXAMINE OUR STOCK. GET, OUR PRICES. Loan Marx CE. Blocb, Props. - 74 , Third Street Z Office Rreworus! Flrewor : -' ' '4.. - ;Vt ''-fi.'''"'""'' X ' -This Year's Stock in our Stores Must Dc Closed " Out Now! ; Not next year 'or the year after, but NOW ! TODAY ! .We have two big stores and both are jammed full 'of every- Next Year They Will C Old'CgOoes ! r ? 1 They. Wwt Z SoW Thh YeNOW !. Come in and see qs this afternoon, therefore, or any time tomor row. I WE WILL GIVE YOU - BARGAINS -THAT WILL MAKE YOU STARE. -7 ? 16S-1T0 -r-T-A-i Westeriv Importing Co. t WACaTXJraVOaT ITU1T. ' Chaa. B. Toung, President. - Jam M. Kan, Qenl Manager. . ..... An "exacr reproduction of Xht BIRTH PLACE "of "the"4 ? : AYRSHIRE POET?-with the original relics of Burns.' iOperiJuly4th Gray Boulevard, near the bandstand, Lewis and Clark X exposition, uq not lau to visit mis interesting and T ' 'S historical exhibit. A Scotch thistle souvenir; presented ; - - to every visitor on July 4. j - 4. . ; - I M e 4a Ther ha . been and will be no change in th price . bfi.1. "Mineral . Water. . Soda Water, Blphon. fiyrup. ta.t th , ' wait price will b maintained ,r all report to th contrary not- ..withstanding, x. : ; ; STAR EOTTUNC WORXS ; raoa MaJa 30fc M Tlnrt St. ,. Pcrc!i:nncrvoEc::n:3 ZITOXZr sTJni0Or-HaS eared tkeaaaaea at esses of Nereoas DMUty. Isseaasls sa4 Atr phy. They t.u the srala, swesgthea tke drealattea. Bake aisestloa yarteet ao bapart Btaaaette vuor te tee wsoie Being, an srsias SB loss. stopped panaaaeatly. 11.00 Book tree, talladalptala. ass. seatly. " ll.M sm knsl bnses gsaraatea ta ear a refas Bx-aey, SS 00. Mall sealed. , Book PmUl Med. To., Arch St.. Ptalladi K. Suld I Pertlaad ealy ky rrsak Perttasd Betel Pkarasay. Dr. B. C.' WRIGHT Tb f UIBXTLTIO fioaTTU that relieves . all pala in oeatat tlona., . pera- taaw Waalifagaoa tk. , geveata. offlcera of tha.aompaayJaeejraprealrleeit, Marlrtn Hager: secretary. Henry Par aona; directors, J. Wullslsger, Ernest Scbwsrlng and Lucas CowglU '"'"--7aTOTXi airs BnOSTaV "j"t-"r" "i i ii irri "in. rL i -. i l u "l. Hotel Fairmount 'IX amu min stc- Oppoalt atate Bntraas to bawl aad Olark Bxpoattioa. .- Only abaolntoly fireproof hotel d- joining ground, equipped with electrla teleDhonlo and aneclal talenhonlo com munication for patron. Uniformed porter -bellboys - at ell hour gueaia - service. .-, r- t r , . . ', v.-' ": ' ISO Elegant Rooms v Open lor Guests ' ' BATHS ILM A BAT AMD VT. -. W. H. LATTIN, General Managar. HOTEL ESTACADA ' ON THTB O. W. A P. HT, CO. 7 TROLLET LINK. - . r uth, rm at. ..'...; e aVATBS, 9MM WUK..., ..S1S-0C ; -Bpeclat ticket, Including round trip tar and dinner. ..... ..SLT Spenlal tloket, Including round trip fare, on night lodging and thre meala.,... ...,,g0 tiotn otticw. ait wAzrraT BOOM. JTXBa aD 1UU, . '-. Phone or writ I E. MARTINEZ. Manager. . . Estacada, Oregon. - THE KINO HOTOL ""Kawly fsralahed' Hii-rnishenC" f I " per dar MnSMra ta -eveey aartlealart ea dlfeet ear Un. tn expoaltlne an4 eVpntai enlr 1 talsntea' walk frma P. O. and txi.ln. cntT, rirat-rla mMia atfveil fnr M e.uu. u Jrff.rtua au Crr.fyodesc eoUclte. ,, - . i I rf y.t1