The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1905, Image 7

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-" n a' ' -
jcorrcv, it:y
It will pay you to kef ? bt
news published In our f: e. i
day to day. Thtf modern,
ods in vogue here and givri f
advertising wUl keep you tUsa t
with the best that is known Li
and merchandising. V -
This stars frosts on' three ttrctts, has four
hxz t-eril entrances, thre rt-ii passenger
elevators ,nd tvery imodarn ' convenience , to
make chopping easy and pleasant. Largest
stocks. Lowest Prices, Eett Service. ? j .
We issue a Ur;s, handsomely illustrated Catalog' for the convenience of out-of-town patrons. It Is mailed free to any address. ' Write
-T :for It. -Visitors iaihe city leave names at, the Accommodation Desk for the fall copy, no w in course of preparation,! . v
i jm - mm
"D. forest" Cc-Ccina Tcht in
tl:o Free Ccc!:?n3 ScKcc!rr3d fleer
Her m HM of the funny thing they a that ar so dirfrne"
; They never pmm the mold (or any kind of cake.
Tney Mr light the fire until tha eak ia n th vv4 i
YThey never us baking powder. t
Thsy take a cake out of the otq many time whil It la baking
and to tb audience. - r , ,. .'...
la (act they do everything differently In tha saw way. the easy
way Call and aea tha demonstration. . It'a tree. ; . ... ,:.
,, . i.- - -1 -
,i-7:-:j y; nwux fbxt CT.SawawcB r?
Thla movement Just begun la for tha sola - -'
purpose of reducing atook. ' The underwear la " r
seaaonattia, right down to tha minute tn'atyie,.
tha beet atook wa have ever had and that meaaa
tha beet stock Portland baa ever had. Clean,
new and ciiap, made In sanitary factories by
skilled workmen t fit, ftnleb and fashion unex
celled; garmeata worthy to find a plaea la oar
house and for our trade, livery pieee or mna
lln underwear In tha house. Including aur fine
.Preach '-hand-made lingerie. Included in the
SvfM made of muslin, nameook and eambrle. r if '
, tnmmeo: in emaroioery, . laces, hematitonmg, x
high, low,- round or square neck, Including
the new slipover, long, elbow and wide kl
mono style sleeves. ' -,-- ,, , .
, ; ..- Regular Prices. ' . t
lOo 7o . J! S1.I0 S1.IS to . f IMS J(l -
-gteaelajt aiisaa, - ' ' mmLmmmm
dt visa ' ssa ,au - s 9itMy:----Tr''
,l ..tb 7 ! between, prloes. - '. . ; 't"
rawer of aame material as above, trimmed' In Swiss or Hamburg
ambroldary dainty iaoaa and ribbon.-.--! ,-v---'-T'""
Regular prices Mo. SOo'tto SSo IMO to 11.84
Iscial yrtooa ...... ,,..m 4 sea m MI
A-v..r, - With many 'between prices.
SiadJaa SMrta of fine white matorials, trimmed In a great variety of.
atylea of flounoeo, edged with Val, Point, da ParieCluny or
MalteM laces or fine ambroiderieB.JJ-- -
Regular prices -rrr.T7rr.lSo' l.a $!.( . 11.71 - ta ' I4I.
,.asa ,. ssa UI gia gaaa
' ; " With many between . prices. ;v
PeWeoats of aambrle or nainsook, made vary fuIL-
- - trimmed In lace or embroidery or hemstitching and tuoka, ; ''
Regular jPrtooa ft S1.W 11.1 to
' '. st". 4.- - .'."With many between price. --if':-,': ' -y'
Ladiaa Ooreet Oevers of fine eambrle and nainsook, tight fitting,
- French full front of without shoulder straps for evening wear.
. ' trimmed In an almost endless variety of styles. .
jtagular prices .....Ho IK IM TSo 1.M to !
Ppaalajl . yaioag ... . . .aia SOS ' 4Sa ' SSa SSe) So STS
, With many between pricea.' 7 J- 7
atlas' SnatS and ttiif Oh amiss, round or tow equars nsek, trimmed
In embroidery or laca. Insertion and edging. .
Regular prices ,t Ita Ko ll.M . tl9 to' .
ipsslat wrtesa . v. .daa TSa V SS BIOS Sid -H ST.M
''i v With' many ietween price.' "''
-Oub, ahowlng. ef -Pranth lingerie la wllhout a doubt the largastr
most nnmatcnanie ana complete line west or cnicago. our imported
fine Preneh hand-made lingerie ere marvels of daintiness and are In
. fine embroidery. Made ef Persian lawne, from the simple little dot
and. flour do II to the most elaborate fashion, i Laundered and
unlaundered. - , .v.-- .-. r :'
Regular prices' 11.19 fl.ftd t. ST.S to ill9
..........,...,sa.i isue : ssas s-o -
efNoMll abrTmVWwVwS .
Regular prices ....i;. tl.l ' !(. to ill.tO
SpeaUl prlees ..................... .Sl SS.OS S4.40 to SlSJO
Preaeh Oanst Oovers.
Regular price ';'.",...r.r..l.WirlS.i- liji $1.0 to $11.00
Special prlec ........... ...S.S SS-OS SS.T4 S4.40 to Sieee
Regular prtoM ............. .1111 ll.M 11.0 to 411.00
Speelaa prloea. ....... , ... rtn .Sl.M SS.Sd , SS.4S kSa.M to- S1SM
Regular prices M.M.I1.I0 11.00 $00 IT.OO to- 150.00
Speetal prlae ....... ....... .SS.M S4.4 S4S SC1S to S44.1S
. . '. , AM -with many between pricea. '' - 5 ' t -i"
"?. '-r-l! ." . - ... .- i v - -v;' ;
?J:-; V.y-., Children's dnnnllna Bedneed. -j
Okfldren's Skirto of fin carabrto, deep flounce, with clusters ef fine
- tiucks. .. - r - - - . . .; . . ;,- . , ,.; . . . , .,
Slses ..; S 4 t r10 II- 14,
Regulsr prioe .......lie oo 4o la tlo To loo
Special attos .'. ...4Sa SO Me -STo ! SS
OhSdm Prawar of good raualln. clusters of tucks and linen, lace
edging. - ' . -
Regular prices too lie no 14a ito o 4lo
Spealal prioe . . , . . . . . . .... OS ' Sle - Sea 7 ST S 7 SI e - Se
Obildron' Sewms ef fin muslinT full tucked, yoke, lawn raffle
. around neck and slesves. . ' ' , . ,
Slsss i . ".i.i.Vii. ....... ........ I - ' ( -8"f lS'Yll 414
Regular , price 41a . 4le. Ho S4o -STe focfto
SmI1 pries .Www. SS -l as " so ss
...... 1-
1 II , 14-
Famous Merode Underwear
for Vomen
1 rb Stsrod Xraderwea has n enal
for wear, style, omforl and fH. It I
mad WW greases eare by . sklUed
workman and ambjeote to tb aloaast
serstlay before betas' snowed to ) leave
the f aetory. Wa an i
. yo wfll we m to
Commencing . Wednesdsy morning w
will Inaugurate special sale on this
famous goods, enabling you to save a
Jhlrd on your underwear money. t -
. oir rxrrx trani sxsa.
Woman's Merode whit cotton Union
Suits, low . neck. ' slesvelees, knee
, length, half open front! regular Tfo
quality. Special, per ault.......S34
Women's whit eotton Union Suits, very
- soft and fine, long ana, snort sisevss
regular l. 00 auallty. ; SpaolaU per
.suit ,......T64
Sam n- extra. Urge .. Slses,. sleeveless.
-pes suit ...i. .8S
Sam In tr targe slses, with long
sleeves.- Per suit ..v.... 994
Women's Merode white Hals Union -.
Suits, .low -neck, eleeveloes. -km
' lenath. half open -front, extra silk
, s trimmed) regular price H IS. Bpootwi -:"
; at, per suit f 1. OB .
Women's Merode sflk and ootton Union Suits, high nedk. with long
or short slseveei low neck. aleeveUas and ankl length; regular
rCl.Tt ualltyr Speel. per suit . ; j . . . vvi'jii.-iilitiii1!''-
... -
Women's whit If erode Summer-weight woor and cotton Union Suits.
" long sleeves, tnkls length; regular 11.10 uallty. Special, per
" suit 984
tro Famous Declarations of Independence
; . One hundred and twenty-nine years ago the representatives of the' thirteen colonies along the Atlantic coast
in congress assembled at Philadelphia, declared the United Sutes of America a free and independent nation.. To
day more than eighty million rcftizens of this republic reverence the action . taken by thejturdy colonials and will
unit on Independence Day, July 4, in the annual celebration of liberty such as has caused thrones to fall and pro
claims the United States the greatest nation on earth today. . All honor to the heroes who formed the unioiCwho
expanded it and who preserved ife'v-V-i '''"': :7f7,K'iy- 7'-i": 7.
It seems now an appropriate time to mention that other Declaration of Independence so important to the people
of Portland, the declaration whereby the firm of Olds, Wortman & King proclaimed themselves Independent f tra
ditlonal business methods and old fogy ideas, esublishing this house firmly as "The Different" Store, the store that
closes at 6 o'clock on every business day of the week, Saturday included, abolishing the slavcf-drivlng methods of
treating employes still in vogue in unprogressive , houses-As the United 1 States bAS-gainedeHkad is'I nation
by guaranteeing the right to life, libertjr and the pursuit bf happiness to all law-abiding citizens, so has this firm
gained the . position of Portland's largest and foremost store by the adoption and. pursuit of a policy admittedly
fair and truly liberaL ' ? j:-f''r-'U'-'V' Vr';' M:' ''v;J; ';.v
4 Store closed all day tomorrow in honor bf independence, j ' ,' f:':r'k"i 7":7..,i . r.;."!r'Vi'v.7:
- w . ' . - A II II " ' I I II II w
WORTH UP TO w3JW. AT r:,rv
Alii MSI
rtvvrT; A.7I-
Ll : ai. rk
OOlieiry of theDay
All Trimmed Hats at Exactly ONE HALF Price NONEi-RESERVED. Lt
-ii .:)-; . .-,-s
$3.00 VALUE, AT ; ; y yi
" Everything Reduced in the Grand Millinery Salons-Second Floor, v ; 7j :
If fv
fj.:; iti.v..-;7y.:-..;i.y.:''.-t :
.More New
'Among tha the new Ribbons Just
received we wish to esU particu
lar attention to a splendid assort
ment of tha Popular Dresden Rib
bons In new shades and designs.
Ths floral affects include rose
buds,' carnations, violets, pansles
and lilies. ; Thees are particularly
appropriate for girdles and hat
trimmings. ' Ths prices range, per
yard, from tlo td tl.10. .-.
Shaded Moire Ribbons with plain
"and "Jiresden. centers,., simply
fascinating in their beauty, per
1 yard.. ..SO T5
1 Y Y.-'liie sxlk bur PATVrars post seas.-.--v'y"
Bilk U AH the Vewest Weaves ana Colors avery Tard Shewn Xs
. a' 10OS Btyl paoial Prioe for Xndepeadeaoe Week
. : Parttsaiariy 4eod Offsctag In Salt eagtka. ,
It Silk Suit Patterns la the durable mohair warp silks, II yards
-.- to each pattern. In navy, royal, resedss, browns and greens: regu
' lar prteee per pattern 114.00. Special prioe, per pattern, .-..4)6.85
II Silk Suit Pattema In chiffon taffetas, chiffon faille taffetas,
Louialnes, measallne and mohair warp silks, all In ths newest
'- 1001 styles. ; These are In tana, browns, greens, greys, navy, reds,
.cadet, stc.! regulsr price, permit -yard-patterns, -410.00; Speciat
price, per 1 1-yard pattern .... f 12.45
-. -. 'y .' '-, ; Wkito Zndl Bilk.; ':- ; )-.
- Every kind of competition distanced. J No other house can approach '
thess valuea. All IT incbea wide
Regular 106 special, per yard .'. .'. . ... . . ... . . . . . . ..,..,'..,. 3S
Regular (fto special, per yard ........................... . i,'. . 4 T .
Regular SSo apeclal',.. per yard.. ......................... ..64V
Regular tl.00 special, per1 yard .7, .................. T4
Regular 11.16 epeolal, per yard......... .864)
Regulsr Ills special, par yard. ............. ....81.12
I These much-wanted Warm Weather Silks st such special pricea
should tempt a large portion of the famnln population here this
week. . - - .- '"v '' ... .
.... Blaok All-Par BUk Vaffsto. - - -y
II inch regular price $LTf, reduced to. per yard. ,..
If Inch regular price II. SO, reduced to, per yard. .9 lJU
t inch regular price 11.10, reduced to, per yard. ......,....f 1.18
IT Inch regular price tl.K, reduced to, per yard.... ......... .89
It inch regular prioe ItlOreduced to, per yard..,..,.,..r...T9t
11 Inch regular pries 11.00,' reduced to, per yard. ... .69
Closing - Out Children's Coats
fT,nr.i-. rosgee, Blaok BUk and Wkito Stedford Cord Ooat Pot
S "; Yh fttttl Mless at a Praotlom ef Their Worth. Y
' children's. pEPARTMjBrrt Bst7m-rrjoosr
A great aaeortment of Children's Coats In pongee, black silk' and
all wool whits Bedford cord sll this year's flewcreatlona.' box snd
pleated backs. Monte Cnrlo style.;snd some In Buster Brown faahlon
with belts They are trimmed in lac snd large fancy white pearl
buttons, plain or dainty - colored fllk linings... For quick clearance
they have been grouped Into seven lots, to be sold as feUows:
Regular 11.78 to 14.10 Coats, all to. go at. 2.89
Regulsr 14.10 to 11.10 Coats, sll to! go at. ...... .....$3.47
Regular 14.10 to I4.7S Casta, ail to' go at ................ . ..f 4.43
Regular' IT.Id to 11.00 Coats, all to go at....... ,j,f , ..X'u 84.99
Regular M l to $10 00 Coata, all to go at. f 8.39
RegvUt1 8i' lfl U Coats.'alflto ar.T...'.V.7... 89.59
Regttlaf I1M0 Coats, sll to go at. .812.39
- Fall Dress Goods
-Advance showing in New, Early Fall Pree Goods Just received.
New 8eotch Tartan J'ename Suiting, New Panama Suiting ta plain
and novelty weavea. sw;Ainflnlihed English Worsteds, etc. Call
and see, them, it w!U,b wU worth your while.- , v "x
Best Bustle and Hip
Scott's Htp-Form and BusU has sn tnvlslbla edge and ia reversible,
, It Is light in weight and ventilated, perfectly aanlUryi vrlous
Slses. Special price this week.. ...... ....'.........424
Today oVr ll.H Black and White Two-Clasp" Silk pioves with double
tipped fingers; special, patr.;.-vT.. ......... ..834
orxiTBS fost Bscarm.
Two-Clasp Mesh Gloves, best for summer, In white, black, -mode,
pongee and gray; per pair 81.00 81t5
Twelve-Button Length Olac Kid Gloves, worn, with short sleeves:
white, cream, tan, mod and gray: per pair..... ......... .82.75
All Otl SLaXP.
Whit or Old-Blue Linen 4-Ineh Cafltsrpleces, stamped In con
ventlonal deslgns; alsoJvx4l-lnca Unbleached Linen 'Scarfs, stamped
ahdTllnted in pretty designs, Just ths things for your mountain or
ashore home all this week at half price. -- ;
' Pretty Onshloa Tops aad Material Only 4S.
Flv Tinted Cushion Tops on Berlin Crash.'smoker, conventional and
other designs, with enough floss for working same, a full diagram
... showing how colors are-to be used, also oelor car an plain dock
peclsl this week, entire outfit, only.,;...
7rovrRTH'YVooK . ,
To force the Blanket buelness
a little e name almost halt
price on several very desirable
numbers. Genuine Pendleton
Woolen Mills Blsaketa, plain
gray, all wool, Tull slse
Regulsr. 16.00 value. Special
at. pair ........ .....82.75
Regular 11.10 . value. - Special.
at, pair ............. .83.25
Silver Gray Blankets, very fins fleece wool; ll.lO.vslue. Special.
-. psir ' .. . t . .. . . . ... . . .. . . ...... i ..,(.. . ....... f . t. , . , .$3.50
Indian Shawls.
lll.wtt .l nUIn rnlnra anit fancv nlaldaTl4.t0 Value
for r---. . . . . , . . . . . . 1 j ... . ....M.......i .02,541
7" - Oo Cover. ?'rx. l !'SVT-.' '
Regulsr sis Couch Covers; good 110.60 value. Special at... 8 5.50
f7'-7' ' ' I $IM0 XBOST BBSS POM 8S.TS. ', 7;
Whit Enameled Iron Beda, brass trimmed, full vr three quarter
braes topralL six brsss splndlsa, an elegant design; splendid
$10.00. value, Special at
est assorwaeat ef real Bonv
atoa, araameatal and nfal (a
,iah). to ba found In tb Uyt
sterUag liver spoons ad ether
to the- IsweUy ctton,' post sards. Blctnrea, leather aad
aoveltlea in stationery department. OMeateat variety of
soavealr ehlaa and faaey artiole In chin departmest Talr pioor.
;" JkM Other Oreat Valnee ta wmbss'i aad 4nULic.z '
, - - t ' FIRST FLOOR. ' -' '
pretty stripeet all lull l -norted.
hosiery: a ST t t
" of fhem; ' vslu-50c, tA l
, Special at; per pair ,
Women's black lae Hose, f
foot, double sole; worth I.
: - ws ssll them at. per pair
-Women's black snd white, t i
, - black fsncy striped Hose, g
. , sortraent, psr pair v. .... .-
Women's gauss , lisle Hos,
' - gauge, double sole, spliced t
6o value. Special, psr pa-.r.:
Children's mercerised blact I
7 Hoes, seamless, slses t -to t .. ; .
IQ oo values, opeciai, pvr
pair Y . .'. .."i i vwi i i vr 1 . -
Children's mercerised litis lan Htse( seamless. ' splendid assort
per pair ., ...w'.icodt S04T ana i.
Infants' black, blue,' pink; tan and white, plain nd lac Hale f
Special value, per pair
. . i . i .... . ... ... '
Imported French Vg:.
laek Only ; ag mak AB-Waol TeOe, fast blaok regnUr $LSO vt" .
Speelal, yard ..v.f;!.!
"' , ootosogB bbbss Boons ''itrYWttca.'Y'f: tr ,
r -I.000 yards of new 100S -Dress Goods, the odd-pieces from this
season's selling, to bs closed out- at exactly half 'price Novelty
Mohairs in checks, striped snd ehangeabls .colorings, fine suilns
In new Tweed effects and Imported, Novelty French Suiting
11.40 grades for. ........ ...U
11.00 grader for:
11-19. grade for. t ... f. . . . .... ..... ... . 75A
11.00 gradss for...,.....,.............'.. COx
lOo gradss for. ,,... . . ., ....... , . . . .2341
Regular II. t5 Values In SO-Inch' AIl-Wool Panamas. Voiles and
. Shadow Checka, all in seat novelty weaves, ' every wanted color
7 to choose from. . Special only, per yard ....... . 7Sd
1 Real i Linen Shirtwciot
...........V. ...IA k.....iullirf.
. ; . . ., ,;:-:-.v? :..r.;r. :rc.iTf.-.y., . ti c -
-Alway and svsr far In advancaJof aU competition, tha first with
new atylea, aver showing sxcluslvs novslties not to be found else
where, these shops are a eonstant attraction to the women of Port
land. The offerings far this week are the best yst. : 1
Yd.-r'v.-v." .r.-, .7 i b BalrtwaJsit Pswnsvt:.!.' Y' i '7.7 ' '
' Real Linen, over 160 In the tot. about half of thera ar real hanl
-embjreldered; whtl they last the prices are thla way "
11.00 Waist Patterns special at .. '.,. .f4.T.
fl.00 Wlst Patterns specUl at.. ... vV. .fSJC'.
I.4.S0 Waist Pattern special at. .....,i:..,w...;..Ci.TS
1.11 Waist Patterns special at.. ,.;,.-.. f3.C3
1.11 Waltt Psttems enei'lal at ;-. .' : '' . "V. -faT-
1.00 Wsist Patterns -special Btrrr.virTrrrT.-rr.T;rr; .-.rrr.F5.ri
11.10 Wslat Pattern epecUl at;'!.. ':T.'j.'mtewglCJ'
. Bargains In Tabl XJaeas.
"Bleached Linen Table Damasks ft Inches wide,' no dressing and ex-
Teellant wearing auallty, yard4.,....."...i.....,..4 eS4
Bleached Linen Napkins, full dinner sUa. snd Many hatidsomn pat
, terns; value 13.00, Special, dosenrr7,-sw ;.e?3I.X 1
. Richardson's. Llnsn Sheetings, just Sn. woven of round thread,
greatly In demand now for shlrtwslsta and linen suits, purs flsx
IVi yards wide, per yard .83.00
IH yards wide, per yard. .83.50
, 77.7u U.V,;'.... SS WbJto 4oed is. - '
1,000 yards New White Goods, such as Jscqusrd. Piques. Fancy Duck
- Suitings. Psrfs Mouasellnee Lace Lawns. Peraian Mulls and Mer
cerised Madras; vsluss up to lo yard, all at. per yard . . S4
Mohair Lustre. Etsmlnes. Voiles, Fancy Orgs nd lee and Batlates In
values 4o lie, all st, psryard ,,.f.. .15t
lOo and 406 Imported BUK Mixed C re pons. Printed Nets. Dotted
v Mulls, Silk Ginghams and Embroidered. Voiles ell new special at.
4 per yard .... iir..T. ...Ti."v. r. .
-1J.00O yards Danish Cloth, all color, ! Inchee wide, half wool, per
-m f . ............. i 1 8 4 t
Bedspreads, good crochet spreads, medium weight for summer, many
handsome patterns. Special at. .. .v.. , ....85g)
Fine Marseilles Bedspreads, extr largs, handsetn raised pattema;
11.00 value. Special st ...82.25
Beautiful Cut Glass
.;' " "at'a BAOBirzoa S 'y':. ' 11;
,. ,...XY A taaanfaatarsr Brror Bavea .Portland People SSTO. '
r ' . . . - THIRD FLOOR. , Y '-' -' ; ; '' :
Through an error a certain factory shipped 100 "1-Inch Berry
Bowla tnd 100 pairs 'Of Sugar ahd Cream Bet to Portland that
should have gone to another ' point - We bought them at a price.
'They are well out and of. a good-quality glass. ,'w will close them
out this wsy ;' ,! ,V ;' :
1-Inch Bowls, good 11.00 value st. soh.ri,y.rwl.;i..;.VJ,83.i5
Sugar and Creams.. good 18.00 value, pair... V,.... .-83.15
. . . y . .- . 'otsbs cut bzJlbs BPBOXAtJs.'. '. -
'. .-. I',.-,--. ' Colonial (rat, Plata lined. i ,'".;. v.'-'
' . .i .. Pr toan.
Tabla Tumblers, value 114.00 special ..... i . i.'. -.. . . . , . ; . .8IO.C J
Champagne TumblersT valua 111.00 ipeclal.. . ... , ,', . 88.23
Whisky Tumblers, valu 10.00 peUl.Y.YrUr;V. ;;r...r.86.75
Goblets, value 1 14.00 special .... f . . 8 1 8.03
Saucer Champagnes, valu 111-00 speclsI.,,.rir,.-..-.....5i6.f;3
Clarets, value !lt.S0--spaolal.. ....... . . . ........ . 814.C3
Sherry, value 114.00 epeclel.;. ......;.....:;,.. 51 o.BO
Wines, value 14.00--speclal. .i. . i .'. 4 ..V. .i. .... . .', . .810.50
Cordials, value 111.00 special . . . , . .. , , ..j j . 1 , , . . f 9,75
Win Sets decanter and six "glsssee value 1 1) 00 special, seven
pieces for .......... ...89.75
Wstsr Seta bottts -and six glasses valus . l.t-spectal, aeven
pieces for......... .-87.63
,VItrour CrysUl Room. Portland eg enojt-LIbbey's Cut Glass
Over-i.l; different artlclee -snd cuttings sll at special prices this
week. .. -' . - ; . , , .
'H. When one pistil an outing or a pleasurs trip it is customary to
obtain all possible Informs tlos sbout the places to be visited snd
how best to see them with least wast of time, trouble anf expense.
So It should bs whsn visiting the Lswis snd Clark Exposition !'.:
Its many and varied attractions , r j
Is ths onlv means whereby all exhibits, concessions and -aer
tractions may be correctly located with least time and trw-'-
-tvfr1nttlrtnn(orttrr t"
good fov Is toward- Ihs purehasa-of ths Official Oui!r-:
If presented at the Ould headquarters in ths Orient t
making ths Gulds cost you only le. , Y
. . .4 i : -I 1
'. " ' . ; .V
( - r
- v.