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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1905)
1 ; ; 77 : . 3 v tut" rTirnnii n i tt v Tnirrni t rnnrr Tin unTiniv t-v" n hit." s.;i - ' 1; "'Bl': -' ? r'j : V;!; jri '., :7'7""7"" " '-rv lv rr--,-; V,'; " --' :" --'V v - ,f f:' V . 'V. i:' " "'V- I - V . 1 i i . .. J . 1 ty jv- - v I- Tomofe of Ml 'V."T .."Come all, . rout. And laugh and. shout, about. . . Breathe in the ' v a ;;wvvvvvvvvvvvv 2CUCAT03S flEET - AT A8GURY PARK I National ; Association's Annual Convention Attended by S. j T ""Twenty Thousand. I ' OELECATES) WELCOMED , - BY GOVERNOR STOKES President Harris Delivers Annual 7 ' Address and Famous In- - ; fTrTtT structors' Spealc-rfr? rT"-'- - (JowmI StMetal Barrte.) ' r ' Arturr Park. N. J., July , Th (win .rMort. Asburr Park and Ocean Orovat bava today within thalr cataa I0.0 or STORE OPEN TONIGHT : VLctlJs Help You Get I Ready for the Fourth Thin) Breezy Suits of Serge and l Homespun -i.tvto, or, three-Diece 7I5 to 15- JThin Cool Shirts, Neck-- .cr, nosier iixs, onocs,. ftc 7. r:-. ,y.- .v.. . ' Store Closed All Day on the ..-7''-. (, Fourth. atvarjrtklaf tor Mas amd Bora. ! ; lM-ia TMr. ac MorrUoa. : MagnificentFireworks ; Display . Out ; on '1. Fifty: Wonderful Set Pieces Twenty- ' 1 1.1 . , ... t . ,, , 'VT come . out to merry .. , "Then - . Ride for-'Th Oak- fairr-- Or andglide ; And ride the humps, in bump the : v'.-i , ' Bumps; .rvrr,, . - iir- ' r - -f In taughing Galleries gaze. . , , . country air I k. .U. mer dlcat to tha forty-fourth an; nual eonvantloa of tba National Educa tlonat aaaoolation. It la azpactad thara will ba JB.OO-Ylltora her whan- aU tha flalatta arrlra Erarr atata and territory of the union la representee amonc the vlallora. ThoueH tha" aaat la naturalljr the moit . . larcely repre aented aaotlon there are (ood-alae dale ratlonaa hand from the central atatea. While the Rocky mountain and Paclfle eoaat reglona have representation far exceed! ne; the early expecutlona. . Tha proximity of Naw.Tork City and other larre cltlea to which aide trlpa will be made after the convention haa concluded lta pualaeea ta retarded aa responalble In a measure foe tba unusually large at tendance. - -.. - - - The meetings today ware confined to tha national council of education, the department of Indian- - education and other aide, conferences. - . Tba national officers and committee, under the gen eral direction - 8eeretary-Irw- M. ghepard. were up to their eare In work completing the nnai aetaua ox tna son. ventlon arranKementa.r Aa fast aa tha delegates arrived they were escorted to headquarters, where they were refla te red. given badges and' asslgaed to Quarters. ? . . . The general sessions are to begin to; night in tba ucean urav auauorium, which haa been tastefully decorated both Inside and out for tha occasion. At ,- tbla meeting Governor Stokes of New Jersey win mas an aaaress 01 welcome, and Albert O. Lane, former nresidant of tha association. - will re spond.- Superintendent Maxwell of New York City, tha present head -of 4hae- soclatlon. wui deliver ma annus t aa dress. WlUUm T. Harris. United BUM commleelooer of education, will talk ot the "Future of Teachera' Salaries." Frederick J. V. Skiff, director of fha Field Columbian museum, will speak on "The Uses ef Educational Museums." and a discussion will be lad by Henry ttnydeiv- superintendent -of schools of Jersey City, and Superintendent J. W. Carr of Anderson, Indiana. -. , An Interesting and attractive pro gram, has been arranged for tomorrow, Tha morning will be occupied with de partmental meetlnga and a big general session will be held-In the-afternoon. The program. f the open meeting wilt Include addresses -as . follows: . "Tba Standards -of Local Administration," Mayor George B. MeClellan - of, New Turk City; "American Idealism," Presi dent Edwin A. -Alderman of tha Uni versity of Virginia; "Tha Natlon'a Edu cational Purpose." Andrew 8. Draper, state aommtesloner - of education for New fork.,-. A general . discussion will be led by ' Superintendent : ' James A. Forshay of Los Angelee and President Livingston; C Lord of the Eastern Illi- JOHN DAY BOYS TO COME" BY WATER ROUTE ''. gpedtal Dtepateh te The Jearsil.) . j Canyon City, Or Jul ,1. Hit thfe traU by the water - route la tha plan of a party of John Day boy a - About Be ptember 1-1 hey - will leave John -Day In a flat bottomed row boat,- If feet long by I. feet wide. In which tftsjr will carry their provisions and bed. and a tent in case or storm. , wnen tney reach the Columbia river the boat will be rigged with a aail, and they expect to be on the water about 11 day a. When they reach Celllo they will not attempt to shoot the rapids, but, will transfer the boat by the portage road. rafsgTlW-Sreia TJ - tapeetet -Ciapateh ta 11M JwmI.) Kugnne. Or, July I. Early Sunday morning a entered tramp was held up hare and robbed of several dollars. : The don your suits, and shoot the Chutes; ,: wander thro' the Maze, r r EPWORTH LEA GUETO - MEET-IN CONVENTION International Convention at Den ver, Opens Wednesday in . n Annual Meeting. ; 7 ' - r r waniai eoeoai emes.i i - ; Denver, Colo., July.. The International convention of the Epworth league open here day ' after tomorrow. ., Visitors are already beginning ta put In an appear ance and indications point to a large at tendance. -- Many of tha early' arrivals nava scattered to nearby resorts to apend a day er two before the convention be gins, . What the. Christian Endeavor la to the other evangelical denominations, such la the Epworth league. to the great world off the direct followers of John Wesley and his teachings. Strong efforts have been made at different-times to Induce the Methodists to ooms within the fold of -the Christian Endeavor, but the gov. ernlng spirits of tha denomination, re inforced In a large meaaure by the rank and file, have preferred to maintain and develop their own organisation for young people. To this end tney have labored with unabated seal and energy, with the result that, IB numerical strength and In spiritual Influence, the 7 Epworth League of Methodists la now second only to the church proper Itself. : Notwithstanding the fact that the present convention la held eo far west, remote from the great centers of the de nomination In the eastern atatea and in Canada, the arrivals to data and tha ad. vices concerning the., organised , delega, tlona and Individual visitors who are en route indicate that tha eonventon will be one of the largest ever held under the league auspices. -It will be notable, moreover, for the number ef distinguished people who are to take-an active part la the proceedings,- . , : ...V- vivea Two Tears la lMaoa,1-.; (Special Dtepstcb to The JoursalJ 7 Pendleton. July . Carl-Meaning and George Clifford pleaded guilty to tha charge of robbing the residence of Mrs. Homer Kendall at llellx Thursday night Judge- W. R. ' Ellis sentenced both to serve two yeara in the penitentiary. Mskos the skis soft as velvet. Isiprevrs ssy enaiplet- ton. . ftet Rhtmpoe aisde. Cnrea Bast skla erup- IKPM. . nnros's Wltrtl TtiI niesai PW3 U aiaet aalntr and eseaMte. - It kee the armne er sew swws hay sua seeps las aae ooj sweet as Manros's Wltek Haset rare Cream Is truly s beeatr-siaker. It drlrfS awar wrinkles and rrow'e Tet sad nake tke eompleiloa glow with yeatbmi rreahiieas. - - Manrea'a Wltck llaael flair InTlgoratnv will sot aiaka balr arew on bahf -beal wkere tbe ronto are entlrelf dead, bai It will kalr grew wbereTet tnere ta a pertlfle ei lire fa th raota. It nrevents kalr frvm falllnc. cures dandruff I n4 la the gneat kalr drteaing Prranna who mttrr -wltk elmplni. akls eron- rlma,eal1(tw ar "Snlt' mrapleilone .aaneld Mm MnnToa'a law-Paw Pllla. ea tney o4 self drlro oat all InenrltleS frnot tha btnod but poalt(Tl rure ennatlpatlo. billnaiiHHH) and all atoaack asd Jlr trouble. Raid atari, where. - . KVMXOM. rkUadalaeia, -. s ar iiaa.-vi mm MCome all along, -and join the wrong,. - Leave citv caret behind ! ,'Tis nothing wrong-twill make " f??weeV nd tingling you strong - '. - . - - . 1 ' - - Breathe in the country windVii ! The dancers call fotmorci -':r PEARY- UNABLE TO G(f - ON SCHEDULED TIME Delay in Taking on Supplies De lays-Explorer's Departurs ; for North Pole. 5 . ; ."- - (loanal gpeeUl Serviee.) - New York, July $. Inquiry today de veloped 'the fact that Lleutenant-Com mander Peary will hardly be able to com plete his preparations and start on his trip to the far north tomorrow, as origi nally scheduled. The Roosevelt, In which the polar journey la to be made, la still taking on stores and it will perhaps be several-days before aha will be ready to sail. The departure, however, will hm.Mt be delayed beyond tba and of this week. Lieutenant-Commander Peary Intends that " the - Roosevelt -.- sh-U be better equipped for . the trip to the Arctic reglona. than any 'previous ship. Even though- the data of sailing be deferred be Insists that everything shall be per fectly arranged before the departure, After leaving New Tork the Roosevelt will make but one atop and that will be at 8t. Johna, New Brunswick. Leaving tha latter place the vessel will plunge Immediately Into the region ot polar bears and Icebergs. - - Arriving at Grant Land Mrs. Peary and their 11-year-old daughter will be put ashore, to remain in a specially .con struoted cabin while the husband , and father endeavora to accomplish the last stags of bts great Journey The-expedition will consist of TO men, several of them pbyslolans and scientists, and all of the rest carefully selected, sturdy younr Bkilorg from Main. "" ' ;7 WILLED THAT HIS HEART : BE CUT OUT AND BURIED (Jeeraal Special fervlae.) j HoUlster, Cel., - July I. Oustave A. Klhn comlmtted suicide yesterday by taking morphine. - He was a native of Hamburg. - Klhn - left a unique -will, which is . dated i - JTebruary 17, 1900. Among lta conditions are tha following: "In case of my death l wisn to make the following regulations: - My burial shall be done by Undertaker Hopcroft Ha shalL procure a doctor who haa to cut. and lift my heart out of my body. The doctor la to be paid for hla trouble 150. My heart la to be put in my cornn outside of the body. I do not want any notice of my death put up In the street or published in the newspapers, No body, I say nobody, shall see me after death. - I want, Hopcroft to pay especial attention to this. "My funeral or interment shall be done as early aa possible in the morning. Nobody shstl follow my coffin.- I do not want any flowers." ... "Z, . ROGUE RIVEROP :- 7 J GROWERS WILL MEET V1'''' -. i . .. (Spsctei Dlspeteg to Itaa Joaraall '.' arants Pass, Or.. July I. More than half the hopgrowera of the Grants Paaa district met In the Courier block In this city Saturday to listen to Conrad Kreba of Balem discuss the plan-of forming a hopgrowera' union. Much Interest was manifested by those present and many" Qtieatlrirtg were asked Mr. Krebs A f tef -nelderablaf discussion It . waa decided to meet again nexl-Baturday, when a permanent organisation of the hopgrowera -of the Rogue River valley will, be affacteo,-. ,r... v "With fantastic, step elastic, r - n - QMt o'er the waxen floor.'iJ t .- : rs r r r r OFFICIALS BRIBED TO -'- SMUGGLE IN CHINESE Minister to Mexico Claims That ' Hs Has Proof Customs Of' - ..fleers Are Guilty. ' . ' - (Journal peeUl garrlea.) i Mexico City. July sW-In a published interview, Liang Hsun. Chinese charge d'affalrs In Mexico, says he haa evidence which proves that an organised sys tem of smuggling Chinese from Mexico Into the United Btatea ia la operation. He asserts from 1160 to 1200 in gold per head ia tha price paid for the delivery tha Chinese in Mexico to parties In Baa Franelaeot Thla money la divided -between tha agents and tha United States immigration, officials. . Liang declares that ha hag posses sion of absolutely incontrovertible evi dence 0T the truth of hla statements; that, with the connivance of Amaiioaa Immigration officers., Chinese are able to- get across the Rio Grande. - The charge of bribery ia not broad enough to include -the chief Immigra tion stations along the Rio Grande river. but It la declared to be practically lm possible for the. average Chinese to gat Into the United Statea by way of Mexico if not given assistance by tha men placed there to keep faim out. - Hundreds of Chineaa are emuggled across tbe Rio Grande every year. ; MURDERS ADVERSARY - AND COMMIT! SUICIDE (ipeeialIiepatcb to Tke Xearaal) Chehalls, Wash., July tvNear Riffs postoffica. 4 miles from Cheballa, In eastern Lewis county, yesterday Mack Justice shot Julian Coleman dead, than committed suicide. Justice arrived In Cheballa from Aberdeen, where, ha had been working. He went to Rlffe yes terday, taking a quantity of liquor with him. - About noon be met Julian Cola- man near Rlffe and they quarreled over the liquor. Details of tha shoot Ing that followed are lacking, but In the quarrel Coleman ahot Justlca ia the head with a revolver. . Both men ware armed with pistols. Coleman ldtwn tbe road about half a mil and disap peared Into the timber, floon after wards ha -came out onto tha highway and ahot himself wlth..the same revol ver with which he had killed Justice. Hla body waa found by Deputy Sheriff Frank Bwlgert of Mossyrock and others who bad gone to hunt him. Justice and Coleman were unmarried and each about 21 years old. Bach had been In thla country about five yeara A cousin of the two men, who were distantly related, said tonight that Jus tice killed a man in Waat Virginia be fore coming to thla country. Justice waa a son of Dennis Justice and cam from Boggs. West Virginia. Coleman waa -also from West Virginia. .t, CADETS WILL REACH 77 : DRAIN JULY FOURTH L (Upacial tHavetefe to Tke JeanaLt ' Drain. Or July I. "Portland or Bust" Is the slogan of the Congrega tional cadet corps of Eureka, California. The boya apent Runday In Roseburg snrlTlstttd : thW-Soldleis' huuie.They wilt arrive In Drain about noon, July , and will gtve an entertainment at tha opera houss in tha evening. - The eorpa expects to reach tha exposition ground at Portland -about July 15.' The mmi of the Willamette in . '1. , . ; "With Glitterinj; lights, these new, , V ."; Are waiting at your dooT 'v " T" A five-cent fare and you are there I fS r r r ';y.. ; 1 DIRECT Phone Main 2044L ' .'; itors to ' Are invited to inspect the fine art Japanese goods on display at 267 Washington ' street! ' Courteous treatment extended to ah. Come just to looka surprise awaits you. V'rSi: -7:'':v 7;:;7 - :'.'7 Aslivto Scz TE ET y I TEETH puns NO PAIN NO PAIN NICI3 TEETH w are tha dlaeovarera and originat ors of tha only reliable and aclentifla system of Palnlesi Dentletry. We ex tract, orown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen ayears. our worg Is tbe best, our pnoew ma "wai ran latent with flrst-claaS Work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our platee are unde- tec table from tne naiurae aaw" auiq are arua ranteed to fit FILLINGS 50) T54 and GOLD CROWN8 f 3.60 to BRIDOB WORK...., S3. OO to VULL SET NATURAL TKHTH. On am fog baslaise atU t araniara. , ' - .... : ' . Boston Painless Dentists S1M BfoRiaem St, Opp. Matat tt aaa. roinoo - -.-f trrTTTi 1 11 a. m. to W ns. Sua- day, : a. ta. U Hit p tm. bars are In' good health and have had' no serious accidents or sickness. The only feature to mar -tha- pleasure ef the- trip waa the news received a few daya ago announcing tha death of tha mother ot one of the boys at her home in Eureka. Aa It would have been Impossible for the young man 'to get kadi .before i his 1.00 f 5.00 6.00 is.oo e'eloek 'v.. - 5: I - rS fSrSSrSS 77 i 'I IMPORTERS ('..''.? ' ', 267 Washington Street $20 Gold Pieces .Always worth Id- eanta on - the dollar. Not 14 par cent today," Tl per cent tomorrow . and (0 per .cent nest day, in order to gat rid of --them. They always sell at tha same . price whlh people are will ing to pay for good goods. Tou get value received, when-' you buy from us. DUNDORE 1 , PIANO CO. as wassmrwTov st. mother wa burled,, he. wlU continue LhUsvrriay .t jpprtiandwtti tjig jorp 1 Whar' the secret of hsppy." vlgnron health. Simply keeping the bowels, tlia stomach, the- liver and kidneys atrone; and active. - Burdock blood Bitter doe It. '. . t '--.,;'. , . v. .-. i ' . , v' r .. ' j - Portland. Our Pianos I Y-