The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1905, Image 5

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    ...;au icr.TLAi:D Monday zrzuuio, july 3, isci
t r -
10 WW
Pelearo. v
!ua rduast
, I "IC ...
I aplr .
. . -4Tha Coaoaeet
..'fu Beauty Shop"
"Haal Kirk"
.. "Loal la Loudon"
Sar .
w......... sollt
........... "aUOeTlllS
: Th Oregon Water Powtr Railway
company lull two larg tam shovals
at work on th rlvr-bank -1U of ita
" railroad, between tha . Inman-Poulsn
mill and th Oaks, cutting away tha
bluff In preparation of a doubla track
to City Viaw park and tha Oak. Tha
- company will do a vaat amount of cut-tin-
and tilling thte year. A larva part
of tha rlvar f rontas' at City Viaw la
to b cut away, and St. "Helen boule
vard extended with an easy rad down
to the Oaka. Ths boulsvard at tma
' point will b Itghtsd by tha company,
and - thta antranca to tha Oaka ia oz-
' ; petted to beoomS popular with auto-
, moblltsts who now maaa in trip up
tba rlvar to the golf linka and Ball
wood, cro on tha Bell wood ferry and
return to town ! Whit Houss road.
About 40 people, including membara
or tha, Appalachian club of Boston, tha
-Sierra .club, or, Ban . rranciaco ana
- - ' maflne writara will 5 oom- to -Fort-.
land thia weak to go with a delegation
Z. .. of - Maaamaa on an automobile trip to
Mount Hood and an ascent of the anoun-V-'talar-Tha
party haa planned to. leav
the Portland hotel July 10 and return
, to-this city tha third day. E. T. Par
J " aona of San Francisco, chairman of tha
I , Sierra club preea committee, haa written
1 . to C. H. Sholss, of tha Maaamaa, stating
1 that all arrant-amenta for tha trip to
-j Portland hava bean completed and that
';-''tha Appalchlan club delegation will
- ': number SI members. From hara they
.will go to Mount Rainier. Their itinerary
V includes a trip on tha Columbia rlvar.
- -- A rplstn -drunkwaa" brought Into
tha police station-early thia morning
and continued hta sleep In a cell. Ha
waa found vry- drunk and-Hrad laan
ins? asalnst a stairway leading up to
' ' a ... north endUlodglng-house. .Whn
starched before ha was locked up fits
: In gold waa found In a handkerchief
' , pinned on tha "inside of Ms shlrC lie
protested " very loudly when this waa
. - taken from him; after ba had sobered
up his thanks were profuse when he
... - discovered- that - hit jnonay had " bean
taken-car of. ';',,.., ,
,'' ' Patrolman H. Johnson , this . morning
reported .that a saloon on th corner
'5 -"of Third and Taylor, streets was open
-""at 1:4S o'clock' thia morning. -Ths pa-
trolman states that ha doas not know
I - - ; , tba name of tha saloon, but say "John
A . - aon" ts - painted -- on J-ona- door -and
"Anderson ' on the other, a warrant
. '-was sworn out for tha arrest of John
Doe Anderson- and given to Patrolman
J. Johnson to serve. r:-fe-..w-i,-;V
- - The choir boys of St David's Protest
ant Episcopal church, by Invitation ol
i. William Sprarue. editor of The Ameri
can Boy. will sing "Th Stars and
; Stripes Forever," Wednesday afternoon,
-J- at the exposition, which will bo Amerl
: ' can Boy day. Norman Kspey, one of the
choir. boySi-wlrl-Blng My Own United
States.' Twenty-four of the choir boys
.' will sing tha chorus of tha song of Nor
man Espey. . .... : (; ... .
' After 4S years' continuous service In
- the mission fields of India, Bishop J.
'M. Thobum'ln in Portland to take a
summer's vacation. Ha la a guest at
' 'the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
re. R.- ThobnrnvEat tPina. , and Fonr-
leenthj atrseta. - Blehop Thoburn . will
be one of tba speakers at tba Methodist
.conference hero this month. Ha haa
written much on mission work in tha
-iar ejaro;-.- - . . j , .....-i.
; Elmer Bate and Otto' Gahch, who
, look as though they were still In thalr
; teens, war sentenced by Municipal
Judge Cameron this morning to serve
four months asch In tha county jail
for larceny. - They war arrested by
Detectives Kerrigan and Snow for steal
ing a pair -of trousers and a clothes
brush from E. D. Bloom,, and pleaded
guilty..-.-. vr; .... '. .
' Patrolman Childars transformed him-
. self, Into the whole fire department
ithls morning, and by rapid work saved
i.:-. tha Royal Dairy, 107 WaahlngtQn street,
' from destruction.,- About i :i o'clock
he saw amoks mil in g out of tha front
i"of tha dairy. Ha broke In tba door,
got Jnttt-lhn 'pises sad with a few
...buckets of-water jwt out tba blaie. '
an. vneca, who resiaes si IKS
-. sy Strast. want -Into, the L,rtdLr1y
Mrs. Check, who resides st ll Haj
leaning1 ff "WatgrTior rosebushes
found ths Iswn quits bars. For
. weeks Mrs.. Check haa been watching
and caring for the flowers In an effort
. to help make Portland a Ross Cltx In
fact ss well aa In name. Ths theft haa
been reported to ths police. , , .
ThiTyoung "man of tha Centrat Chris
tian church Jolly Rovars club' Invite
their friends to loin tham in an
' slon up the Columbia river July 4, leav
ing root or Bianc street at I a. m. on
- tha large gasoline launch Princess May.
Tickets 11; no children. .
Frsd- Relfenrath,- - proprietor 0f the
Tip saloon. at Twantyfourth 'and
Vaughn streets, waa fined 125 in the
munrclpal cqurt this morning for keep
r1ng his saloon open after- 1 o'clock
.a. m. on complafnt of Patrolman Thomp
. . 0"- . . :v, - ' '' ' ', . ( :
. Governor K. T. Series of North Tjs
'kota haa designated July II aa North
Dakota day, when th governor and his
stsff, 'two United States senators and
other prominent residents of the state
IVomen Should: Vote
W, at jthFPollsf
Portland women a rule have
' already voted that tha best place
- to get the new thing in Jewelry
Is at Jaeger Broa., 219 Morrison
' street, we always carry tha
: nobby, up-to-date articles that are
. so popular with the ladles for
Instance, ths late effects In
, etc., at prices that ar reasonable, .
WATCHES for ladles as low asT
GOLD - FILLED and GOLD, from
f 1.15 up. BACK COMBS, starting
7 at 1. f5. SILVER THIMBLES, "
15c, all sliee. Exposition Souven
' Irs, 26c tfic, lOc.snd higher, in
and stlCK PINS.; etc
Rememher. WB DON'T 1RTEE f '
JEWELRX ws SELL It "Thafi ,
-why our stock Is always fresh
and up to data. No ahop-worn ,
goods to force on customers.
'v'jiiritm. opnczAjrs.
tt Morrlsea St, kTear rtftk.'
wlit visit Portland. They are comlrf
on special cars prlmari'y to great t' e
steamship Dakota at battl and' pre
sent It with a silver service. The J
will start for ths Rose City Immedi
ately after this ceremony, and will ar
rlvs on July IT. Tbs day following
there will be special exercises, ban
quet and reception In bonor pf ,the dis
tinguished guests. .
Miss ZIgnsr of Chicago arrived last
Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank
Anspsck, who resides at Montavllla,
Whan aha arrived at tha depot a man,
who represented himself to ba a brake
man, offered to carry her grip off tha
train. She has not seen tha grip since.
It contained all tha good clothing shs
had witb her. Shs statea that ths grip
contained fbur new dress suits, with
underwear and other appareL Patrol
man Welch I searching for th prop
erty. - - .. - .- 1- ' -
Trolley Trips on O. W. P. -Tomorrow
Oregon. City. Canemah Park, Qreahaavse
cents l. Estacada and upper Clackamas
at Hotel Estacada, Tl cents. Cars leave!
FJrat and Alder streets for Oregon City
every 40 minutes; Estacada, every two
,nours.' . -v - , i.
Special tomorrow on the O. W. P. to
Oregon City. Canemah Park and . Wil
lamette Falls, tt cents round trjp: big
firemen's tournament; danolng after
noon and evening at Canemah Park
pavilion. Cars from First and. Alder
streets every 40 minutes,., .,
On tha O. Vf. P. Ry. Co. Tomorrow
to cente; all points east of
Oresbam o and Including Estacada, It
conta round trip, : Dinner at Hotel
Estacada. 7t cents. Cars leave First and
Alder streets 7: JO, 1:10, 11:1 a. m.,' 1:19,
1:40. 1:44. T:ll p. m. , -;-Z.' J
Sea the Sea at Seaside A delightful
trip to old ocean, only four hours' rid
from Portland. Take a dip In tba briny
deep.-' Tralna leave the union depot
dally at I a., m. - For Information apply
to Mr. C A. 8te wart, agent, 141 Aider
street. , Phone Main 04. . . ,
'--- V' Bvssaaw-asswaB . '
" The Indiana society will hold Its regu
lar meeting Wednesday evening. July I,
at 1:11 o'clock. In the Knights of Pythias
nu, aiarquam trauaing. - The program
win Da or unusual interest and a num
ber "of prominent - Hooslers- will be'
present,,.. ;-, ,. -. . -.i..'.J-j-; j
Oregon City Boats Special ratee II
cents for July 4. Grand doings of all
kinds at Oregon City. Go up and help
eelebrat. Boats leave , Taylor street
1:10,; 1:10. 11:S a. m.. 1:10, 1:10, l:t
p. m. Last trip back at 7 p. m.
Carloads of delicious Mermaid brand
cantaloupes and paper rlnd red meat
Coachella watermelons onatantly on
track. - Sea that . you ' gat Mermalda.
Nothing else half so sweets Pearson
Page Co., Main ,471. Sols agents. -,. r
"Joaeph M. Nlckum Is having1 plans
drawn for a 110,000 residence to ba
built at the corner of Eaat Ninth and
St. Helena boulevard. City Viaw park.
Work will be commenced on the exca
vation within at few. days. i ' ','
Tourists, ss well ss city seoole. finan
cially embarrassed, will find th Port
land Loan 'Office. 74 Third street, tha
safest and moat reliable place to trans
cj their business. Rates reasonable.
. 1 . SBaaassBassa . ... , r..-.- .. ,.( j.
Hexter Quackenbuah la dead at Am
boy, Washington. He' waa some years
ago resident of Portland, and a mem
ber of ths local Odd Fellows order. Hs
leaves a wife and one daughter.
This waa to nave bean Kootenai
(British Columbia) day at ths expo si.
tlon, but at th request of a committee
from that oectlon ths data was changed I
to wuiy v, - . ..
Roof painting Columbia Paint com
pany, Main 14SI, 70 First street. Moss
and fireproof paint for wood, tin and
Iron.., Roof painting a specialty.
Patrolman ' King reported that th
ahop of Joseph Hoffart, SSitt Jefferson
street, had been robbed. About It in
change was taken. . v - , ,
A ay watches cleaned, 11.00;. main
spring, I LOO; all work guaranteed one
year. , Metxger A Co ill Sixth street
' Moffett Hot Springs ti ll day; II
and 110 week; baths, 26c. Tak Regula
tor Una, . ,- .-,--. .
' Wanted Shirt finishers and ladiss'
clothes Ironera. Union Laundry Co.
Try a meal without meat at -the Vege-
Antley Printing Co., 180, Oak,
aa-l, ..
THtnCrsXndt VloW-10 AnWHCi.
The grand panorama surrounding ths
city of Portland -will, never be seen to
better advantage tnan at th present
time. Th atmosphere la now so clesr
following ths recent heavy rains that
th great snow peaks of ths Cascade
range appear aa though at a- stons's
throw. Mount Rainier, ths highest of
them all, la now to be seen, snd It looks
to b ss near aa th other peaks half
th distance.-Just think, that although
this great mountain Is 101 miles distant,
still Its crevices and other details can
be seen through ths powerful glaases In
stalled upon ths Lewi and Clark Ob
servatory. No oner should vm!as this
sight, which t very rare even for resi
dents of this city. This greet scenery
Is now in full view,-snd no stranger
should think of leaving before going to
the Observatory, ss ho other point sur
rounding ths city Is so accesslbls or
commands ths grand view seen from
there, . ' -. 'V . 1
The Observatory will be Illuminated
on the Fourth and balloons will be sent
off, snd lighted up by the : powerful
searchlight of 10,000 candle power which
la In the observatory dally st the tower.
Corns early to avoid the crowd at the
tower, which Is now taxed to Its
capacity. ' . :'.:... l.'
Th Lewis and Clark Obaervatorv is
reached by ths Portland Heights oars,
TchJcb pass It within on block. A large
electric elevator will land you at th top
of th tower 1,000 feet above th city.
- Open front I a. m. to 10 p. m.. dally.
. aBwavasaaaBsaava-f-aWBS-BSHessS
Daily River Excursion .to Cas-
: lr if ;v.v.;.-. 1 Cdt.-'' - .(; -X
The elegsnt steamer Bailey " Gatsert
of tha Regulator lln leaves foot of
Alder street st 1:10 a. m. dally for
Cascade Locks, returning at :0 p. m.
Fare rou no. ir'rr II t" T-'-t ride is
through mountains, grove, past water
falls (one,- Multnomah,-110 feet), cata
racts, eanyona sndglens to that wonder
ful engineering achievement,- th Cas
cade locks, II years In building, at aa
expense of 14,000,000. There Is no mors
entrancing scenic trip In the world.. Ex
cellent' meals on board. TeL Main 114
The Empire, ths plscs to go for fin
meals, Negt and clean. 101 Third. ,
;' Milwaukla Country Club. :?'
"Eastern and Seattls races TSk Jeib
wood and Oregon "Cfly'cars at First and
Aider..' ' . - - " ' -1.
' " Fieferred Stock Caaaed Oeogs, '
-'Ansa Umltf Beat Braas .
. . i ' - -
Eatt Sid Mas Silt Protection
y From Thlsves and Danger
out. Chminais. ::
Two Holdups( Reported - Last
Night but No Clua to iden
"'" - tity of Guilty. ;' ;r
Tae it side enlee tt The Jeerul h) is
he etere at Mrs. t. W. BUKIaar. M0 Baal
Morrleoa street, Telesheaa Kaat gZl.
" East ; Portland, wits, probably , on
third of ths population of. tha city and
mora than half th area, ha but on
nfth th police protection that the west
side secure and. ment dspredatldns ol
crlrnlnals in tha unprotected district
have aroused . the residents to action.
There are large districts on the -east
slds" absolutely " without . police protec
tion at night. . . '. ' -
In the territory from the , soutU
bounds of Sellwood to. the east bounds
of St. Johns, and from ths Wlllamstta
to the east limit of Mount Tabor, there
ar between II and II square miles; In
this big district, most of which Is wsll
populated, there ar from flvs. to sight
policemen during ths night and early
morning hours. -With 'no eaat aids po
lice station and an officer for every six
square miles of territory, ths thief and
hold-up man haa bad a chance which he
has frequently Improved, but sine tha
opentng of th fair th conditions on
th- east aid hav become so mueb.
worse that avery man 4s becoming his
I osrn p4Homi, - - - -. , . L, , . i.: i,
Chicken thieves have carried away
fowls by the wagon load unmolested;
dog poisoners hava In two montha killed
a hundred valuable dogs without detec
tion, numerous daring burglaries hav
been reported, but no arrests of conse
quence hav been made, and Iri several
Instances thieves hava. -visited suburban
residences snd carted sway pictures, car
pets and other furnishings, t ..-
Two holdups were reported from ths
east slds last night, and In both cases
tbs robbers - escaped with their booty.
One of thass robberies occurred at -East
Twelfth and East Flanders streets, whan
J. L. Porter, a chauffeur, was robbed in
his automobile. The other holdup took
place at East Burnslds snd Eaat Six
teenth streets, the victim losing - his
gold watch and 19. Tha two robberies
occurred about 10 o'clock. -
Suburb Afflicted With .Klghly Colored
Flow From City aTydraats.
Several times in previous summers
the people In th district south pf Kll-
llngsworth avenue. In wardv 10, rouna
only drops whsn they wanted bucket
ful from tha water faucet, out unui
last week the residents had never drawn
red water tlirousrh the city mains. - At s
o'clock Friday evening Multnomah and
portions of Piedmont were norror
stricken to perceive a pink flow gurgling
from th family hydrants. Later this
turned ' a rich golden, red, and neither
iraiii'iis. mot awjuHm wwm.
could chaageThe color. :If "the mixture
were left to aettl Xor hall an hour me
bottom, of tb bucket was found to be
coated with half an. inch of red mud.
though the'water blushing as deeply as
ever. - Ths beads of th families -. ex
plained that somebody was doing some-
tning . TO tn mains, a statement wnicn
no. one disputed. All day- yesterday the
hydrants gavs colored" streams, but tbs
hues, chsnged from red to yellow, from
yellow to .light septal snd on through
ths shades of light brown- until, by. even
ing, th water waa nearly clear again. .
-! . . f. -m i li ; - ,?
r Aamesatioa sTo Unpopular. '
Though soma Individual effort Is be
ing expended In An attempt to aet aalde
by petition the recent annexation of
a portion of Mount Tabor, th senti
ment of. the business men. snd so far
ss can be learned, of th majority of
the property owners, is opposed to this
sctlon. Mount Tabor as a. whole earn-
tly desired nnnaon and realised
that only such coalition with th city
would nabl It to secure sewer, water
and fir protection benefit without In
corporation and heavy sxpensa. a few
property owners In the plaoe ar pro
testlng against th result of th recent
lection, but others who ar mor
Vitally concerned and who hav heavier
property Interests hava from th first
stood firmly for th admission to Port
land. . On of the chief reasons that
Induces th larger property holder to
aubmlt to a heavier taxation la th
knowledge that no relief can' otherwise
be hsd from ths unsanitary conditions
that endanger tbs health of avery child
who attends ths central Mount Tabor
school. Th open expression of th
school board and i such cltlsens as hava
Investigated ths "condition In this edu
catlonal Institution ars to th effect
that its sanitary conditions ar bad. m "
- Kaay Foartka at MoatovUla.- ' -i
Because' there ar no officers of the
law In MonUvllla, and because ths
Fourth 1s coming, ths small boys of
th suburb- hsvs-been enjoying them
selves, and the only reason there. Is
a wtor standing' in the villa today Is
because stern matrona have chased th
boys with firs crackers away from ths
frame structures. . The chief amuse
ment of th rising generation ther haa
been to make life a burden for ths
doxens of auto drivers that whisk
through 'ths placs every day on their
way to th Mount .Hood country. Th
boy hav dodged for a year and now
th sho la emphatically . on the other
foot ,;,:.. L... 1.------ rv ;
"" Mast To Bids om KdswaUts.
Ths police have announced that all
btcycl ..riders . found using th side
walks will h. arrested, .... Most. of. the
by-streets on -the esst slds ar as full
of ruts aa tbs paved streets ars full
of holes,- and few of them., can . be
traversed. . The chief complafnt th
wTieelmsn makaJa-thst th oyel psths
ars dangerous, and ons wet dsy makes
it almost Impossible for tha majority
of eaat aide rldera to reach their work
without using th sidewalk. For-two
years no work has been, .dons on ths
cycls psths. . .) ' ,
'.'.",:'?I;'rns Clomds BoU B-v-X"''
Because ths dust became so deep and
dens that - etreetoar trafflo was "hin
dered. Union svsnus hss received occa
sional visits of ths - sprinkling car,
through ths "Voluntary action of tha
railway - company.- Though recently
macadamised tb avenue haa been al
lowed to become a dust heap through
ths , Isnfc - of wales, sad lwaHy th
sprinkling .oars of i th streetcar- eom
pany were pressed into ssrvlc. - Th
cars make ons round trip a day end
barely keep th right of way In condi
tion. . -....i.
C0'l P" : r-i ir "s"; '
Fuwfll l!l FGLITICS
Rabbi Hirach Interestingly Talks
' . ori Conditions In x Windy ,
"r. Clty'a Public Schools, i
Federation ; of .Instructor! Has
; Been Behind Teamstera in r
i;-l-llirie Great Strike. -.
Dr.' Emit O. HlrschV the noted Jewish
rabbi apendlng a few days In Portland,
glvea a graphlo picture of sonve curious
phsses of ths . great strike which has
paralysed the Industries of Chicago for
several months. A singular feature la
tha part which haa been played by the
teachers In the, city's publlo schools.
- "Tbs people of Portland would prob
ably be Interested - In the condition
which prevail in th Chicago schools,
said Dr. Hlrsch. "Th teachers ther
ar In a federation wnlch la allied with
th federation of labor and have' been
a considerable power In,, the city' af
faire. For year many ' of the large
corporations had- escaped their shsrs of
taxation, and tha school fund. In com
mon with other funds, suffered heavily.
Tha teachers' federation .commenced an
agitation - which brought 'about a
change, and forced the corporations' to
bear their shar of taxes, with th re
sult that th school rund, was greatly
increased. , .;. ...v --v:..
" Power f ths Teachers..: -. ..v
- "Then came trouble over 'the orgADJr
satlon of the sctiools. The old school
board believed In the one-man power,
vesting great authority In th superin
tendent of schools. The same superin
tendent had been In office for five years.
Many of bis acta excited ths opposition
of the teachers, but ha waa upheld by
tba school board. Finally the board
went to the legislature to secure th
passag of a bill legalising some of
their acts - snd - the teachers ' federa
tion undertook to defeat th bin. They
succeeded. , - -,--. - ,-
"An especial cause of " trouble - be
tween tha teachers and the board "was
ths system of promotions among the
teachers. Formerly promotion depended
simply on length -of service, ao that a
teacher who remained in the service
wss -sure of promotion from time to
rim., irrespective of his' qualifications
or ability, it wai as-tr.- said- ur:
Hlrsch with a smile,, "he sat on ons of
thes revolving chalra and by merely
keeping hta seat hs would gradually be
screwed up higher. ' - -
"That system has been changed by
th board now In office. It ba estab
lished a system of promotional exam
inations, In which various elements are
taken Into consideration. 7 .
: . Teaohsrs for TCaaXarpal Ownership.
"Length of servlcs a cures for 00 per
cent of tha totsl maralng. and a cer
tain percentage is allotted for outside
study. Even thia ha not been wholly
aattaf actory, . and ther has been con
stant friction.
"During th recent etty campaign the
federation of teacher ook up tha mu
nicipal ownership Issue and became an
active factor in th -campaign. Judge
Dunne, th Democratic candidate-, -for
would support him their should have a
vole in naming ths next school board.
Ths teachera gave their support - to
Dunns snd. his . platf orm -of- -munMpeJ
ownership and hs was sleeted. He kept
his promise- and a third of th hew
members of tb school board ars sym
pathisers with tha-teaeners' federation.
One of them la Miss Jan Addams of
Hull house. .
"The old school 'board had passed
resolutions condemning the federation
Of teachers because of Its sttltuds In
the. labor troubles. As a member of
tha federation of labor, tha teacher had
taken up th causa of tha striking team
sters n. strlks that waa . uttarly - un
justifiable. ;
. Strikes la ths Schools.
, "A remarkable condition! . arose. We
had school strikes. In sympathy with
the -teamsters' strike. When 'unfair'
coal wss delivered at si scboolhouae ths
school strurk; Jhe chlldrrn. nf course,
ss well as' the teachers, wirt In sym
pathy wHh-the striking-teamsters.
"But the school board for. one took a
Arm staid and sent., me truan officer
after the children . wno stayed away
from school. The ring-leaders were ar
rested and senF 16 th feformstory, and
the school strikes -wr finally broken
up. Th teachers' federation was ths
power behind thess-strikes, ' T --'Th
result of thes conditions ,1s
difficult to guess. Mayor Dunn Is
standing with ths teachers'. federation.'
H -says that the appointments he has
made on the schoot Board -were msds
for th purpoa of securing- befTer
schools' for tha people. Complaint had
been mad that tb old board had a pent
too much money on th high schools
and on manual training schools, and
th mayor haa echoed these complaints.
His attitude la a disappointment to
many "who had expected better things
of blm.
' " ' Aasrloam Boy Bay.
- Young America la to hav his day' at
ths Lewis nd Clark exposition, Wednes
day, July I, having been set aside aa
American Boy day ana an elaborate pro
pram haa been arranged to celebrate
th event. -.wimam u. eprague,- eaitoi
of a Detroit publication, la to b prjs
siding officer on that occasion. Several
distinguished orators will speak., and an
interesting musical program, with boys
aa vocalists, will be a reature of the
day. . . --..'- j-.-.i-wi
j m 1
Hotel Hamilton, Ban Francisco's new-
est hotel. Steam heat and telephone In
each room. Centrally located. - Rates,
11 and upwards. 131 Ellis street. ,
' Freferied Btosk Oamaea foeds. .
Allen aV Lewis" Best Brand.
If thc FirccracRcrs -Bum
Your Shirt
They will act Ilka the flre-'hested
polisher used In very lssndry
. but ours in Oregon. : pur polishers.'
are ateam-heated and never bwn .
the goods. This la a matter
' worthy your Serious considera
tion. ' , 'i ' ' ' " '. '
Beautiful "Panoramic 'Views of
th Iwls and Clark - Exposition
snd Bid. Trips" to all who apply
- fwr IheipV They ar a nlc thing
to send to sastern friends.
TsL Mala 3a. .
ilovd crrosED : "
BY S0;,'.E, RECT03S
(Continued from Pag Ona)
; Th supporters of Dr. Lloyd stated to
day that thy denied In tola the allega
tion mad by Dr. Morrison and " tht.
other clergymen,' and Dr. .Vati Waters
said: !. ---''-' . '.'-'- . : '' ';' -
r. Tav- WaUrti Statement. 71 '
' 1 regret sincerely that the mstter has
arisen, yet I am' forced to affirm that
every assertion made by me In. nominal
ing JDr. Lloyd waa true. .The fact will
be officially estsbllshed and '4b cons
crstlon of Dr. Lloyd as blshop-ooadju-tor
will be accomplished beyond doubt.
Sufficient affidavits from reeponetble
persons will b procured to prove tha
truth of avery representation tharwaa
made by me before the convention and
In personal assertion to Individuals.
r. i iw4 when asked regarding the
attitude he assumes' In tha lnterprota-
tlon of th prayer-book. saia. '
"1 recognls that th Protectant Epis
copal church of America Is an organisa
tion distinct from ths Anglican, church,
or th chsrch of our faith that Is In
England. 1 bold to the American Idea
of ths church snd profees. and hava al
ways sines coming to this country main
tained, loyalty to ths priyerbook and the
rubrics, and would lias to avoid sny
controversy between what ar commonly
referred to aa the high, and low church
section of th church.
Stands on, Christ's Platform. -.;
'fnav always Striven 16 hvolw -being
labeled as sither. but have exerted my
self to be Amerlcsn In the highest sense,
snd nave tried to be th minister of all
communicants Who subscrlbs to the
doctrines of tbs American church, as
well a to tha thousands who are not
In any church, Th mission of th
church Is to ths people In the world who
need the comfort of the gospel. This
high mission should be ' accomplished
without division of the fighting force
of the church militant Into warrln aJ
tlons, each of which expends its sirengm
In opposing ths other? rather than all
Uniting to fight th sin that Is n the
world,-snd -detracting - from . th nV
clency of the church'a hosts In bring
ing to tbs waiting people the message of
peace on earth and good will to man. v
"That ia my platform, a platform dic
tated by Christ himself, and elaborated
by the Apoatl Paul and bla associates
In the years whenrthe church was first
made an organic body her on earth. - It
ia j platform that calls for Christian
fellowship In thsss daya when the great
west ts swakenlng to a realisation of Its
wonderful opportunities; when the con
ditions demand unification; when thii
proposals of tha church for bringing
salve for wounded hearts should be
backed by an army of loyal soldiers who
acknowledge Christ aa their leader ami
who go forth merely tb do hle-wlll
'J Sr. ZJoyd's Oollst Beoord, ' -.r"
Dr. Van Wat re assarted that no on
to his knowledge alleged that Dr. Lloyd
was a graduate of Oxford, and gave the
following atatement of the Induction of
the coadjutor Into tha ministry: .
"Dr. Lloyd wss graduated from Dor
Chester Missionary college, near Oxford'
h passed th special theological exam
inations st Oxford, snd the examinations
'of the bishop of Oxford for holy orders;
In th last two terms at Dorchester be
took th chair- of the professor- of He
brew' and gav lectures on-thst branch
and took the only first-class prises Is
Hebrew, history and theology. He was
ordained to ths ministry by ths bishop
of Oxford, preached his first three ser
mon's In Oxford dlocsas, and was In th
city pf Oxford all . his spar time while
In Englsnd." . , . ,.-
aim of th protest-
ing clergy that Dr. Lloyd was elected
by a majority of only two-the friend
of Dr. Lloyd take from .the. official
record of the convSntloiv-the following
figures showing the vote- on th three
ballot by th clergy: .
First ballot Morrison I, Lloyd t,
Potwine 1, Freeman 1. Bugler 1. Orlmea
I, Llnsley 1: . second ballot Morrison
I, Lloyd 11, Bulger 1, Freemen 1, Orlmes
4. Potwlns 1: third ballot Morrison S,
Lloyd 14. Bulger 1, Freeman 1, Orimea
1, Potwins 1, a majority of I for Dr.
loyd on ths final ballot.
The vote by parishes waa: To eon
firm, yea. 14 H: no 4- Ths laity of th
convention voted 10 yes snd 4 no. .
' What th Protect Says.
' Ths text of th protest' Is ss follows:
"To ths bishops of tb several stand
ing committees of th Protestant Epis
copal church in the United . States of
America: - - " : - -
freasTTKeRev. F.E.--J. Lloyd
waa elected aa bishop coadjutor of Ore
gon at th 17th annual convention," June
11-17, h said Rv.' F. E. J. Lloyd re
ceiving a majority af two votes; and, .
.."Whereas, 'In the nominating speech
made by th-ReV. George B. Van Wa
ters tn behalf of th candidate the
speaker stated In most smphatio terms
that tha Rev. F. E, J. Uoyd waa a
"broad churchman." and further,' that
he waa a graduate of tha University of
Oxford, thereby, giving th impression
that hs was a man of special intellectual
and ..scholarly attainments; possessed
of 'sound teeming'; snd, a
"Whereas, The election of the Rev.
F. E. J. Lloyd wss made posslbls be
cause th - ststemsnts - of . ths said
Rev. George B. Van . Water war be
lieved to be reliable and true; now,
"Wltneasetb: W, trie undersigned
clergymen, in .canonical residence of
the diocese of Oregon, having partici
pated In, tha aforesaid election, and hav
ing signed th canonical testimonial-required
to be algned by a majority of
the said convention, do hereby -aolamn-ly
repudiate our aeveral actions In af
fixing our signatures, thereto, because
it now transpires from Indisputable evi
dence that the said. Rev. F. E. J, Uoyd
Is not a broad or low churchman, nor
Is h a graduate of Oxford or any other
university . '. -.
."In view sf this sertous misrepresen
tation of ths - qualifications of the
bishop-elect we hereby respectfully re
quest that - th blshopa and - standing
committees of the. severs! dioceses re
fuse - their consent ' 16 hi consecration
as blshop-coadjgtor until such ttm as
the election can be ratified a sslat
-convention, at which full and accurate
knowledge may be had concerning the
bishop-elect..- - ' Slgned.
: "A. A.-Morr1sdn, hsTrman of 'Conven
tion, rector of Trinity church, Portland,
"Henry . Dixon Jones, recior Church
of th Redeemer. Pendleton. Oregon.
"John Dawson, rector Church of th
Good Shepherd, Portland, Oregon.
-"Thomas N.WJlson, " St. Stephen's,
church. Portland, "Oregon.
"Robert Hope. All Saints Mission,
Portlsnd, Oregotr."- ; '
BlshlD.B.Wlsta.Morrl-h slresdy
certified to ths election of Dr. Lloyd
as bishop coadjutor..., - -. :
i- fo
' Th original 'plsss-' for obssrving
British Columbia week at th Lewis and
Clark exposition have been changed. Ths
following cities iri the Kootenai .district
LwlUelehri4j0ttiAugust 7,.. Instead--!
this w'k ss was pianneo: Biocan,
OfHWodar.'"rTflndJTorkB, Hossland.
Trail, Nelson, Kaslo and Phoenix.. From
thes fnr-off towns to the northward
large delegations r expected. - "
.Vancouver and Nt .Watmlnstr wuy
We carry 'the Iarf eai. atock of ta i i t" -eluding
large exhibition aeta from $1D to C' - . -by
the celebrated Rochester! Fireworks Ccrr.
Our latest noyeltiea: The Wonderful Son-cf-c--Caruther
Chaser, Gfeates'r Novelty cf a Ccr.:--.
-ZTTT2T' Giant Crackers. c i' r '-jr ";
.co Itcidh dir.:
All sold at special prices. ; All tavited , to Inrpect
. t ..-3'
207 llcrrfccn Street.
Capttal $8,700,000
Reserve $3,500,000
Portland Branoh, 144 Washington,,
:. -. .-8. A. WTLD, Manager.
Travelers' tellers ef frciif
Available In all parts of ths world
Ill branches In Canada and tha
? United - Statea, . Including: Ban
Francisco, Seattle. Victoria. Van.
'; couver, Nanalmo, New Westmlns-
ter, Dswson (Tukon). .
Drafts Issued on .
'"--.BT.;. Branch 21
Trsnsfers of money i or -from
-any part of Canada by letUr cr.
. telegram. 4 ''.,... ' r;"r",::' ffJ
A General Banking;
Business Transacted
Bel asco Theatre
Formerly Oeluakia Thsatra. .
aWlasos.-Mayer Co., Preys.
' CnmsieBrlagHoodsr sight. July t. speelsl
BMMDee TueodST. Jolr Usdepeodesc Dr.
HI ilk week of tae Belsecs Stark Ce. PreseBtlsg
for Iheftrtt JljDnjuu! stage
"The C6nquestn
Marvelous .';'',
Scenle riredactton. sufmeetKl esst," the' stery
of Lewi ssd DUrfc grsphlcslly told. p-Ul
srsle of prices for AotSom- Night. July
hIm, nrewoll beloace of wees, t vsal
auUaees Salardsr and Suaaay. Price: Ktm-4
Ing. ISe to T6e: matlsses, lfte to toe. Aext
week, WlllUm Collier' greatest success. "A
Fool sad His Mosey," .
v(Morrlsoa st. btt-Sixth sad Seroats.) r
rv.a.lnnln - hlS"Waek With a
Patrlotis Matlaee To7. 'sly , at :
s'sleek, and a Speslal Matias Bataraay. aly a.
Tin EtMltBed yttwllei,
Ths World's Orestest tMraua resiedlsss la
... the. Merry Musical CesMdy Burlesque,
rrt -i....iJ. CL-
A SMsr lanxtw I. O. V. think nf It!
40 BgAL'Tiri'l..cnORt'' OIHL8 40
Musts sad Mirth.
POroXAB rBIOKS Vigkt Sk, tec, toe, T5e.
Matinee, goe. S6.. soe. .
- mm sal for the sstlre week. -
THE STAR v3l,5i.
Oeserst admlooloa luc. Mundajs, STenlns
sd holiday, front seats lower loot S0& Bos
eats Mr.
THIATlg. ' ,
Jnk ao Marrleaa.
Vwm V..M.mana II1t.
Matinees st 1:15. BTrnlns st S:IB.
' All thia week tb K.-nilre Btvck
Coaipaay In the srest (SMtlosal -.
conwdjr -drama.
- Xsatlag k rvood, Mgrs. '
-Weak Btartlag Mmday. Xaly t.
ABOtn." T
Vaaaevllls Tttp nPANTa I'l
yar EsesUesee 1 IIC Uf.rI"U Atuseties
,-.. .-,.' BOBEkTS AMD DC MOST.
:'.. , MB. . K. BHOB K. ,
General admUetoa. lor. . kTrnlnts. ' Busdart
nd " aalldar. trout seats lower Boor, Sue.
Box seats tftc. - :
s.esiin st rmrni. Mansserv, ...
' LIZZIB WIUI1. - 't
ran abb damdt. jkax wilbow.
trass AMD WlLSOg.
Theatre alar mo I an enaarnrtaixe. rr
fnrsiaBres dall at t:fl. 11 sad p. at. Ad
wlaalna 10 east to aa seat, eicea koees.
send large delegatlnng tcr th xpoaltlon
nn ivlr-7M Howttl they-will b Joined
by contingents, from Victoria. Nanaimo
and Estenelon. An elaborate program
will be arranged for Vancouver (British
Columbia) day.
Other towns (n British Columbls
which ars xpcttd to saod dslegatlons
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Only Two Dap; 1 1 : : J
wJ - 1
Zodfcrc ;
th ..Tsrloss. ss for ' saltssry ' far: sbi
c ta .
Walter Baker h Cc
. (aWutOlsaed 1TS0.)
T'-Z; WUl gives by . ' .ili.
Mias Elizabeth ICBrrrr
tDossssfi Seleses Dspt- Beats T. W. a AX
at - .' "
c4rtisans Hall
. . SwlH TOBB-rTT ST.
Oor. rauLye mu, Soh rortlaski.
Bfoavday sad Tueay, a t9 ' i
'. la ia Aftamoom snd S s'stosat
- in th MvaaUn--.
Staplos el Mis Boer's praparatiesa.
aa Cak, Pnddlaga, Merlsgaes. Is .
BoatfleSr le Ctaaav Bavartaa Criasaa, .
will do aarvoa si eaes stetar. aa , ,
wlil be slrssed te saswer all laoulna -
Crdlng tba saaae. A efteroat saeina 1 1
ejreuare aad aaa lad at aerS larte, '
Bsaiple cakes ot tke Waltsr Bakes I -T
aituai No. 1 Chornlate. the Tanlle , a I
Ckenohtte and little ssaipl eaa ot t-e
Breakfaat Coco. Jsa a hook -o -"Csa.
rboeelatlteclpa" will be preaestsd to 1
srOBS attending tkeas lecture, sad a J
Who ar tatereeteS la sdestina
should sot fall to attend, as they ar
- 'r-'- razz to axx.
Formers PIcnlc,
Rohsc's Paris h
; :- voanijro MzxasTS,
Tsks PsrtUad Httgba) ear snd get' eft at
Bawthorne Tor race, oae hlork troas ear lae
Me eUmbtBg. - BlertHe alevator. I
- See BMatlfal at (set t soworrst satiitiWM
troa to of tower.. Xo eaa oat s dslsty - 1
WhU Vlewlsg ta SMSt SiagBtflcOSt Seanar
I asiertrs. Opes B a. av to S a. as. Aiit
aloa 10 easts. ... i
Opposite Main Kntrsnc. Fair O round.
r..; .
Portland AccJ:::.y.
Fits boys aa girls for esaters sad vn i ns'
enlleses. . OtSr hours of fke principals u f ;
waratloa, fTaaa a. n. to 12 m., at tuI
sraarmy, eorser of Tblrteeath sad Barrtaosl
atroets. roc mwfH, agereea
Portland Academy
''... 'f-'"- Portland, Oreges. ; 1
String Beans.
3 Cans.........
Per dozen.-
. . . .
New York Grocery
Eleventh,, and r Morrison Ct;ta.
Bargains jo C!:tL:
Men's and Boys Suits, right up-to-Cat
In styl. for 110.0. flit and
tll.00. Ths vesysams grade hlgh-rsnt
stores chsrgs from $110 to 15.00 mora.
Big selection of Men's Hsts. Psnts,
Shirts snd I'nderwear, from ' la ta
11.40 saved In comparison la e her
stores' prices., "j ' .
Tou csn note our prices to hs ths
lowest by Investigating our stock s
Shoes ssd Oxfords, tan, patsnl lee 'ier
or vlcl kid, for Ladles. Men, Mlsr t of
Boys. Our prices srs sli msrt.i hi
plain figures, as ws hav strict! f-.
pries.' .' .
: John -dhl. "1
oorasr rtrs' Asd fi. "
i k
Tatrd srs r .
and hava not a yet k-t T
r Oolden. nevU. l I
eroftsutd Vaia,
'' ';' v - -:. -