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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1905)
-t::s onrcoii pailv jour.:iALi-rcr.TL.,::D, -: c:: at th oexdjettle Of Peettond. - - Ua lireugs th- saaua oam r slagi. eofdsst . Wm l ,. 1 .t: 1 IB M Baa, S Wi . S asalg. ,.' j.. t .s; , 'V ' ' nLxraoncs. r:Av. rl ' Manna. fs.,. .. t- lyu j .viuos. ......... Y- T iSTZIIIBn RXPBISXRTJ TTT X. Semgamla Special Adttlng 8T7. ... ur as York I Tribune IMit4- . Tim he dantar, Journal, wltk ludtr t ''"H5 f Journal. J. year ......... ata f Journal, wltk Sunday. eBaathn, B.J8 f louuet vritnSoeaiey.' moatis, 108 r JaniL Month r Jeerruel. wltk 8nUy. 1 t .' par no, . delivered. :. ,,.....,. fat work. Mnni nth.. 4 41 41 ...........'..-,... ' r TWsS b kfaJL . .' I'..-' J8 JeBTssl. wltk Bandar, I .;.tj J f Journal, 1 year:.. .. ...... u..v f oj r Journal, wltk Sunday, asoeino. ' JonuX eontb. ...... ...... f-J f Joarxl. wltk Buedsy. aseatb. LJO Inml, I menus..... jj f Journal, wltk Sunday, I exanfk.r- - r Joursal, 1 SBOBth. ,......-. V Journal 1 Mr...., f mi J OS reel. BMOtba - I Ths Seoai-Wsekly JoounsJ. -Lft'MlIt JouraaL 8 to IS . .11.. -a ,A T1 ku rb.t m. If TMI. ......81.88 . nriaw- arocr aU aaMiaala . as iU.aHtea. Or. j nt fouxjui but u vovmi ' oanal Ml -O otomca Kwa CMaaart.tTI . 1 1 - i, COU KHr Bank auttaMr af, 811 NTMUnU awani , ick ud Cnrtli A riTV Vmm Va Km taMHI A POUR X. 1 bfunik, M Mtk V n afrtTT iiititft tTalaa aaaara. Ta Wlllar4 Hotel Now rta4: Macaatt "rr eomnaajr. ISM Firanai rtiaat. viK CITT Kraroa Botal Nrwa ataadi r Bra. S Wwt aaeoad atiaaC mtk. JIS Pbllla Baxter. l taint atraotj . Jt, MM Olln rtrnt ANCtSCO W. B. Ardlnsv Mw BtXH i aUad.. an 10M Mark atraatt - kroa.. tw Battar attaat, aad Salat ktl: rastar A Oraw. rrrf kolla . WkeatWr, awraakla wa aUM, rkat aa saanwy nm a Rainier Or ad Nawa atM; W. U Hotal Raattla wi ataaa. -M. WiflH. J oka W. Arakaai 4V Ca. i. WASH Caatral Haws waiaial Taaaata nawa- aUaA. - .A, SV-O Victoria Bosk CUUoaarr 4. ...... .. . -wxjltkzb. xiroxr. tnrbaaiia af oarload ckaraetar la aaatral rolnc orar Iowa. It aaa eaoeM krarf a Hoatk Pakota, natbara innmaura.rt Mrhruka, klkiaaarl, . IlllaoU, Arkaaaart 4alalpt. At Kaoau City tba phaaoaM oarr rainfall at S.t3 lark aitartaA ba bat S4 boon. Halo, kaarr la alaeaa, ta ID madia Atuane aaa wlaaa autaa. Ia tba Rorkr mmatala ntc atatra- fair waatba prrralla. marked rpartnrca fraa tka Dorraal atura ara aotad aawkar ta tba I'nltad ' Indira tlona "ara (or fair and rmtlsMd waatkaf. tmr tbta -aiatrlet toalgbt aad XAmxiAox ucnm W Biw Bpokaa, si; Sarah Ugttfoot, Oaroav W. O. Smith A Oa. n-iif.. or. Faartk -and Waahtnatoa ata. BIKTKS. t Jnna : It. - 41 Kai to Mr. and Mra. WUUani K'tack : atrcal, aoatk. a f ORI Jnaa S3, ta Mr. and Mm. Alt r Crawfard of Tvlade, . Waaklagtoa. W-Jm' ST. ta Mr. ad Mra. Wllllani ytoa of Portland, danaktar. i-Jona IS. to Mr. aad Mim Rohart U 4 of Portland, a daagktar. iT lnn S4. to Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Tt of Ooldradala, WaahlBftoa, Ha. ' KKSON Jubo Id, to Mr. , and - Mrs. ta r. MsePkersoB. North TwraUrU rtlRSON Jnna ta Mr. and Mrs. under MacPkaraoa, SO Stitk atrmt, a Hlnrn W. to ifr. tsd-MrS. Oarwtt I. 63 ralUnc atract: daabtr. . INH-Jana , to Mr. and Mrs. loka . CommJna, 11TS Mlaalsaippt arrnaa, . a . - - - .. tDB Jtm 3T, to Mr., and Mrs. Harma da. ATS Fattrth atreatf a dauffktrr. r.a Jnna S3, ta" Mr, sad -Mrs. Charles X. 131 H l akMI arenas, a aaa. . J inrt to. to Mr, and Mrs, Brarst 1 Pnrd, I riftk street, a danahter. E Jnw. a. ta Mr. and Mrs. -Joseph ote of I trtraralty Park, a aoa. ' ' m- J -rO0aTA(nrlItAM. LREE July 1. Master Wattar, 28 Slitk t. dlnhtberla. . s Lrm Jnlr 1. Tlrtfl MlddWtoa, 4 at Tklrteeth streaC awaales. irrxa rrrw enmuT. . I uuO. Tba anlr eametery la Portland which 1 oataall aMiaUlna sad sarai (or lota. Pat 1 ( lafaraiatloa apply ta W. B. Maekenala. V ataastar kloek. city. W. M. Ladd. arealdaat. Taa Edward Bolaatd (Tsdertahlaf ooamaar, aorsl dlrsetors and aibaiaisra. tSB Tklrd iroat. Pbeas SOT. S. P. tialor A ana. faneral dtiaetois and evbalBMra, esraar Third aad Madlaoa aUaata. tries of soaaty aproaar. Talenkoaa Mala . Panarsi wrsatks asd eat flowers s specialty t Baaa City Ornaknaaa, Twiatyasand aad east Merrtaoa. app. eeaMtery. Bvixsniw rnxm." 08TEB Jnly 1. B. X. Poster, eottaja. Salt wood ; enet. f2fiA. HF.NRirKe5 July L T. Benrirksen. t srtory, Mara dam road arar Boor's park; coat, $300. HABTMAN July 1. Jaeob Hartnaa, eottace, . enrner Klrby and Bellwood streets; east. SHOO, KZAX XSTATX TaJLVSrUt. B. Chaae at si. t A. . Dooflai. lot Is. bloc 11. St. Johns Park addition m. a uoumm aaej wu ia i. jneoaar. j,...r...... SUV A. . rafUs tt U n J. Blchner, aano VO K. V. Urelr to A a Grnbrr, west 4S T fet of east S-I lota . a aad a. block ' i&, Cnnnyalde ' I A. . Pantna and wife to 1. Ml lad, seat ; . f i-t feat lots St aad 14, block 1. Bank VHU...... .i.....,..7...............-l,wd Arleta Tad noaipany Kemper, lots S aad t block , ArleU Park o. 4 ....t.TT... Sit B. B. Lawaa ot aL ta D. Goraaaa, seat ' TS fr-t af oortk H lot S, block 8. aty. f.tM The Title Oaarantos Tract enmpany : t X. Khaw, M lu, aleck M,-Hrh irr I' ton ..... , .,...,.w....J 184 T. m. Clwert to W. wloyd; Vet 1. Hoaeoa - fi M atoaaau a t s a a-a a a '"1 t. a, MrKlnlaya P. I. MrKlaler. lot t. block M, Portanxmlk Villa -fcirtea- , '1..t7firii..iiwt..i.i,iu. 1.064 W. Fores to O. P. Pastoa. 2Sk acres .. sections a. 10. tswaaklp 1 aartk, rente ; I eaat ..,,,..,. ,,,,, ,r 4 1 1 nrtiaad Lnaiber Co. to A. Oleea, lna ' '' k and y block U, Plulnaalac sodl- " 1 Una S ..........4 , S B. W. Wllarm to 0. F. Bodfars,. lot 1, blork SIS, OHllbaas addlUoa -., H Maors et al. to a W. Bnerle, let T. b lock a. Kliar's lUmad addlltoa.... tflOb M"w7ii irnei cnanpany to uuaai nelnrar St al.. andlrtded 'H latereat m naiRrnao weer at l.tnntna lot . Mnrt I lnfS ... ,ta . 111 et ol.,- lots S sad d, hlork dS, Holladey'a - ' i.m t.JM Xusrantee 4 Treat Co. ts A. B. -t. Int is, Mnck IT. First addlltoa day Park addltloa ' SOS Jf.W, Baker, trastss. east H lot a. n Vu , r and s. block r. raratksrs Addltloa to I'erathers' addt-' tloa ..... T A. Patera and wife to a. Collins, smith SO feet kits S and . block ls,.KIrsrTlear aubdlTlaloa to AUdaa roar tnadranea nad abatisels to real rroaa tka Tit la Oaarsatae A Teaat eeai aeay, Cheaabor af Ooeamarc baUdtna. . A SINKING FUND Is awaay art aside foyparaient of debts that mature la the futare. Xrory . Hta, has 'ona. KTsry ma a aaouio. tea 'Buy oe free of dobt, bat a rainy day romn to IL .. -AT rOKB, tka torcajost dnancler of bis eaeratioa, aaia: 1 "In the 40 years I hare beea la the -., bsnklaa' boelarea 1 bars awn (rest . Individual fortanes Btade' and awept ' - ewaj I hare eeea personal outer. -arlaes built oa a fbundatloa wliick ' eeery kumaa foreatykt would Jii.tlfT. snad I kaeo area -them andermloed by " e rente entirely beyond the view of knmaa knowlaabre. What ta the proa, teas of. Ilma-aaay- tntet ferns ter hrfpV or kinder benaa plana Is beyead toe hen af ane anan.- ... . .. .. When sock a day comae to yoa the sink ln( fond la your aafety sod there k) na setter time to start It.thaa KOVT aad oo better way "THX 0LQXST TktTST OOBUPABT IV 0XIO0M." RESOURCES UVtK $(,000,000 And besta tba bnlldint of a prrmaaent alnklna fund, either la tba aarlncs dvpartment. whirl fiys a per rent intereet or In our CEBTIr' ATEtf OP- DKPOB1T. which bear S to 4- ty rent Interest, ara asfotUule aad aayabbt oa anvr auueat. fe ...Call sa as or send for ear book of "TtXTTBTBATIOBB." , PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY CF OREGON Psoas Mala 408, r 408 third Btrset. XNJ. I rOHX!A. ............. ....President S' K'IT.V'JS Vles-Preeldent JH6! fOBT .. aecretary t. ft GOLTkA ....Aaaietant aeeratary BQTICX. rx6PoaAL8 INT1TXD For snppUas for lbs . Oreaoa Bute penitentiary durlaf tka period sndrna December 81. lwut. - ' disss, dry yonda, rroeerles. aboes, toather and iadtnas, plumhina aap- PUee. hardware, aear, flab. meat. . etc.. will , oe receiToa at us ernce el to euperlnuadent at tba atate pealtevtlary until July 10, lwud. cjca a. an., at wawa urns ucy , W1U ..harspeasa. ' A depsalt of SS0O la cash ar crtlfrd cbeck . pajao4e a uaa aupennteoaent, must ae company each bid fur meat or door, aad all snaer eioe muei ss sccompsnlrd by an anvouat equal ta 10 per cant at the amount af tba bid, . .- aamplas ta accompany alt bids where arse- ncavie. m nam is leoonaa n reject any , aad all bids sad ts accept or reject sny portion of s bid. On Serb envelope should i be Inscribed the haters sf tba Md. Ooode af Oregoa Bianafaeture ar production will " recatce prsferenca. other tblnsa belnf eoaal. - All goods snd supplies must be df llrered to ' coo tract la swarded. flcbedsles of tba Tsrlooe lines af foods win no luraiBBra apoa application' n tha aupennteaaant. - : roachers win be Issued for payment sa tbs Srst sf tbs month followins the com. nh.t!ea sf contract, aad - monthly oa coo- wnnoas asatrscts. - t - Bidders will take notice that there is wo approprlatloa available for', melntananca af the nenlteatlarr. tharefW enalniA fim am. piled ess only be audited by the aecretary af state aaa certiorates or .aTiocaes or allow, sues leaned to claimants. As sooa ss tbsrs Is sa approprlatloa available warrasts will be amurd la Ilea of tbs certlncntes. - : - Blddars ara Ihrlted to be preaent. - C. W. JAMES, asperlntaedeni Orecoa Stats Pealtsatlary. ' -flalam. Orecoa, Jane 10. 100a. ., BIDB INVITED Sealed bids will be received at tbs ernes af the eapertntendent of the Oregoa state penitentiary at Salem, Ore yon, aatll Tuesday, July 86, 11K. at 1 s'clock p. m. of Said day, for tba lahor ot tba con victs eondned In ssld penitentiary. Odder tbs provisions sf an act of tbs leatslaturs paeeed la 1MMI and. SBMndmenta thereto snd for the foundry plant belonging- ta tba atats land attuetod within tha prison walla. Hide to be aiads-sspsrstely on the bails of a ve or 10-year leeee, bealnnlns; August . on bUakt whlcb will bs forwarded by tbs smerlatendent on application. . Each bidder mast inelnss with his bid a certtaed check la tha sum of S00. payable ae ene 'rreeT we vwe supciisicniiem. tu we forfeited to tba stats la csea tba bidder to whlcb tbs contract la let falls ta enter Into a Contract and ties tba bond required by tbs statats within 10 daya after . tbs awarding of ths contract. . ia ngnt m rvaarvra is reject say aaa all Was. ' Farther Information may bs bad If desired sy sawrsnning yds nupennienoeni. . C. W. JAMES, Snpsrlatsadeat. ' Salem, Oregoa, June 27, 1V04. . MOTICB of 8tocnoi6re Meeting: Notice., hi asrsoy given uai us annual meeting ot the stork holders at tba Midway Oil com peny will bs held st tbs offtcs of Lsdd A TUtoa, bankers. Portland, Or., at S o'clock m., en Wodnssdsy, July IS, land, for tba parpose of electing a board of directors, to act apoa tbs action sf tba board sf directors la authorising tbs sale of tbs company's propertlee snd ths aasstloa sf liquidation and dlaaolatlea sf this company and for tbs trsnssctloa af ancb other bus! Beat as may corns before tbs meeting. WILLIAM M. WHIDDCX, Secretary. NOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS'- MEKT1KO The annual meeting of ths stockkolders af ptlns. sills Lsnd A Uveatock company foe -tbs slew tana at s board of dlrsetors far- ths a weeing pear wiU bs held at Ita office, eemes 4ti aad Osk eta., Portland, oa July 10 at 4 p. at., and to trsssact aack other bualneM proper to sold meeting. . LEO FHIEPK, President. -Portland, Or.. Jnas 84, Ibud. :. . ? e.S. - XXOINKIR trrflco, Portland. Oivgoa. eaiy a, iwoe. nested nreanasai win be re. reived bars for oowatructlng quarter, build in, etc.. st Casrsde liocka, Oregoa, until 11 a. sa.. Angnst S. IbuB, and then publicly anemd. Information on application. Yf. C. Lscgfltt, Major Engineer. I KOTM'B Whereas my wlfs. ' Atthes. perslsta la nrtng away from my boms, without juet eaass or trovocatlon. I hereby notify all persuas that from this date I HII par ne bills of her contract Ins B. L. BAILKT. Portland, July 8, laoS. . . DIrWOLCTIO! KOTICB Tba partnerahlp here- snrors eiiaung or H. pistt naa a. t, Lvy of tba New Xsrk Loss office has bees dissolved, S. J. Larry retiring, by mataal tease at. . H. BlStt. - - r , -T . . . OiaaOLmoN KOTICB. Tbs law tna sf Pipes litre aaa sees aieeoteea ey mutual soassnt. My o races ere 400. chamber sf eommsrre. Teleeboas Mala dbS. - MABTIN L. PIPE8. BTizTnt e vonczs. ITANHOB LODGE NOIO, X. of P. Begulsr conventloa tonight at S sciocs ia Pythias ball, eighth floor Marqusoi building. rmtaltattnu of officers and other very Important onainena.'V mi rait To mm Vhttthtg KslgtaU cordially Invited. L. VEVSET, ft C. FEED P. HOLM, K. of B. snd 8. tOSt ABB POTTED. LOST Monday, bet. Ij and 8 48 o'clock, hdv'i gon-niisa wsren, near oeco no ana Mam; medium alas, Elgin works, caes Inside slightly scratched, tinder return Episcopal mlaaloa, 238 Second at. Reward f3. LOST OB ETOLFN. Admiral wheel with Morrow coaster brake; No, of wheel, 808,010.: A arose wltb Informatloa . af asms alesss i com musics ts wits journal srnce. - THB lady who lost from sa aatramobtle her long serge cost, lines witn ana. aunosy srternouu. csn recover ssme st AM Flanders st. by pay ing far thla advertlsaioeal. , FOUND A place ts bare heir msttrissss renos varsa ana reurnea asms aey. Pbons Mala 474. Partlsad Carted Hair Factory. WHEEL found at T0 North East Ninth at OWser cell nnd deecrlbs wheel snd pay lot advertising asd redeem the wheal. - FOUND Young calf, spotted red snd white, an roweu st. trwner esa claim asms st and Knot Twenty-fifth st. SmiATIOBS WABTED FEbiAB. WANTED Ta do housework or clsores In prlvs te isnuiy .er sneraing-nouee u airnaugs- for Doaru...anawer . TWO ywsnggtrls to s eslat Jn honscy ort. a era 1 T-ItltT IdTHr. in of Sddrraant Ulime-I Ante are. -. . .. ... . . .? .. r. 1 i . . i i ,1 i i ,sa arrrATioB waktid-bali and female. MAN sad wife wsat attaatloa aa rkef and eeeond cons, aoaei, yeeteareat at cltlbsosae. Adurses woj rsrg Bursal. . , '..Economy J0 'r4f x - - ... . . BSXP WABTXP Melt. WANTED At ones, sober, Isdustrlou man for orncs wora; as eiperieare prceeeery; muei have tauo cash, .whlcb will bs well secured . and Intereet paid for; -will pay good weekly salary and soum commission. Answer uulck. ' as t must have man eerly thle week... Ad. drees B 74. are Journal. . 3 ANTtP Csnvsaeer to self best snd cheapest I boms firs extinguishers oa tbs market; big profits. Call 8s Hawthorns see. from S to ' 10 a. m. ' , .," MAN to work la office and outside.; Salary SIS weekly; mast deposit J3JO. amply aecurad; reference. Address A 80, ears Journal. WANTEf Ar onc,"man wbs can et up snd Uke cere two Kitson coal oil la Dips, c. A. Belt 878 .Oak St. ' - ' WAM1ED Yonn( men to sell emrreulr badges an tno atrecia. lsii-si auz inira, near vo ' bmbla street. - WANTED Young man wltk Some espertcacs la nest msraei, i ail moauay, ju ursua are., pi. DETECTIVES Mea .to learn; we guarantee work ta our pupils. - H 801, 80S Morrison at. WANTED A-few good anq for doo factory. He aside sprues umber is., asssiae, ur. - - KXLB- WAJfTXJWfZXAXZ. . LADIES" DEPABTMBNT. Betel, restaurant, office, store, bakery, laaadrf aaa lamiiy patronage solicited. HANSEN'S BMPLOYhtSNT OFFICB. "' '- 88 V Waahlngtra st., room 7, car. Seven tk at ' - v a-ocus Hajs xrva, WANTED st once, honest, reliable girl for chamber-work; new building, newly furnlabed; GIRLfl wanting emnloyment, pack aa general aoueamork, waHiaeess. roam oar maids, cooks. call bn Scandinavian Employment Co., 874 Barnslds St. Pboas Main 8088. ' WANTED A girl for rsneVal bouaewoea, and to aeaist in cooaing? na warning, 'its bssi Buraslde St. '. Pbons Esst 143. WANTED Itofhwd, - motherly -woman, llgtat work; pleasant;, small wages, r&ons Mala 8VU0. r , WANTED At " once, palmist and clairvoyant Call after 8 p. m. 1H4 Bamaids st. . WOMAN -dishwasher. 15 week snd board. - SOd Ankeny street. Btsr rssuursnt. . i . WANTED Ladles' clothes lroners at PsdSs laundry, First snd Arthur sts. WABTID MALB AB9 ITXALX HXLF. WANTEDLhdy or gentleman of fab? educe tKn to trsvei tor a una ot w.oou caoitai: salary "81.013 per year Bacinaaaaaiiald weekls -- and aisnses sUvaneed. " address. wltk stamp, i. A. Alexander , rurtisao, or. WANTED At once, a bright, energetic. nentsbls man or womsn. a good talker. take up sa attractive proposition. Inquire .IMtnor, t,oseari PKftMANENT ansltloa with Increasing pay. lady or gentleman, - rail or nddreee Sentinels of tbe I nlTcrae. room 81ft. Allaky bldg., I Blrd and Morrison. . . U.. r. I. wiiriwi. MH ,icin m . aww salary; rsferencea. Pboto gallery, BSAVs First. CALLING snd boslnea cards 80s 100. 88.38 1,000. 83S Washington, Automatic Card Prase. srro-AfioBs wabtxo malb. WANTED To -da some bonsswork wl(S chores In hoarding ar prlrats bouse In sxebsogs foe hoara. . Auawer m OS. care eournei. FIRST-CLAM man conk wants el ton tloa. hotel or restaurant; best er relerencse. Addxeai W to, care journal. BOY ;l yesrs of sgs wstits to Irani tba plumbing iraoe: aaa rrperiencs. - vau - ap phons t nloa sao. A-JAPANE8B boy wants a posltloa as dtsh weeher or housework in tbs kptsL, C 81. cars SOUTHS. ' r CHRISTIAN youtb IT. no bad bahlt. ' deetres emrk mt to Mara traaawja as. in a journal. XMPLOYMEBT AOEBCEB. PACIPO COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY : Rensoved to 11 North Second at. Pboas Bed 1BL ' - . v HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. -mum man. 84 W. Second at. Pboas Msla 1688. AMEBIRAIt Emnaorment nnd Beat Estats Aaeav cy All klads of help furnished free at ' eksrge. 184 Boraslds st. BUck 888L PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO Labor eearrs torsi help free to employers. 818 Morrison, HELP wanted and sopprled. msls er female. H. O. DRAKE. Sue Washington St. Clsy 448, 188 MORRISON Colombia River Emp. ereacyi ekllled labor furnlsbed. Pbons Mala 8808. wabtxs anscx: LLABXOi TJS. WANTED Mors spraying and whitewashing; tbs snip gasoline coupresaed sir spraying ' ontSt oa tbs coast. M. O. Morrsa 4 Cs., 87 Mllwsnkls st. Pnoa Esst 2817. WILL buy equities la property In MnltBomah . and surrounding counties which bsvs been sold for taiea. Wm. H. Hendersbott, room - 80, Ruasel bldg. Fourth and aiurrlaou. . PORTLAND 8 aid reltsbls plana tuner at yenr servk'S. Tuslng 2.0O. C W. Jobnaoa, Mala jvii. - - SHORT ORDER Printing House P. t. Bydsa, Secoad snd Washington sts. , Msla 8888. ' BOOMS to paper, 83 sad ap, paper Included; pstnt them tor II ap. Box 4. city. - a - AST EO To, .loan li.Q Inoolre I Ml Twenlv.S WABTXO BEAL ESTATE. WJ!tTED Income nropeety ap t SlO.iasi; ess put la a finely Improved ferm oa the Bass Lisa mad ss pert pay. t ell 48 llrat st., ox Address F Mlcbebv Iroutdals, Or -c- ('- '-- -V v' -,.?,. 'r The . Economy Javr -wherever exhibited -the "Fair at St. Louis, Firat Jfornia ' State Fair, First v Premiums and Medala at I Oregon, Montana, "Utah and other state fairs. , The ; Economy Jar is the greatest boon ever given to house-' : keepers. . .v.. ... . .: .. .; - ... With' Journal -,'r ,-.;..r..i '. All you have to do to secure one of these seasona ble presents is to bring to The Journal Office a 15c i ... cash want ad. at tha regular rate of 6c per line for In- " sertion in either tha Daily or Sunday edition, and call for the premium. If You've Anything to Buy or Sell Call Todar While WABTXD AOXBTb. AttKNT meke blf money selling Handr Uat, .. Fastensrs; easy to sell; svery lsdywsnjs , them: patented snd assnufuetured by ths f- Fslr Msnnfsctarimi Co.. siey .11 ia .. Baclne, Wis.; our eatseigue w aauics ewu children's specialties (res - AGENTS WANTED Ta sell anr sussrlor high grade anrssry- stack asw and complete oat. ' fit furnutbbd free: cash wssklys rli to 'day for tholes of .territory. Capital City Nursery Oa.. oulem. Oregon. - .- - CANVAH8EKS for road; expeness . advanced. -CaU . B-a, room , 18d Fifth at.' .. AO E NTS wanted to sell stories of Old Oregon. jonee- uooa ators, wi avsu WABTUe-TO 1IR. blMlus .in all narta off th . ettv. Apply zzo uooanouga oiag. . EXPOSITION ACCOMMOUAIIO.J BCBXA0. Cadsr dirsctloa of tbs LowU sad Clark Fair J- ' CorporstloB. ' Pbons Main S8oa.",v' " WB'basa calls every day for vaeoat booses sad furnished houses; list your property with as: ws will do tbs rest. .. Bobaa A Taggart, lot Blatb oc - . FOB BXaTT FlTBartSHZ) BOOKS. ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building, every thing - modern throughout, seautiruliy ru. alabed; rooms Hght. snnny; plenty of fresb sir; location convenient for either business er fair; prices reasonable. ' 408 Weehlngton, ' 837 SEVENTH- BT.r bet.'. ITIsy-smt Market". rnvr Boor. 4 rooms ruroiebcd for house. ' keeping: bath. Dhoas. gssi. ao children. Mrs. aelp. Msla 48U. Lsrgs froat room, for gentlemen. . THB HAMANN. SB B. IStb.. coe llort Newly 1 furnished rooms. 81.8a en - convenient loca tin a. L. 14 mlDotrs' walk to, fair grounds; Morrtona car at anloa depot direct ta I bouae. : Pbons 8470. FtrRBISHED rrotit room." modern, priest fam ily, siilublc oae ar two, 4 block car. 10 minutes' walk postofflc. 84. 812 Sbermsu, - usee Sixth. Phowo klaln AAfU. . PORTLAND Mineral Springs Hotel At dslr grounds; new and clean; rates sue and 81 1 ., meets sue; tree -ma. to-au-tnaua, sweaty, sixth SL, ear. Savior. THB O A BLB Furnished rooms. Hght. alrr. ran. sonsbls. wltb breakfast; 8 ear lines. Bent Tweatyesntb sad Taggart eta. Bast 8S03. YIH1TORS Is fslr will find cool, eaautol, Bswly f'amlsbed rooms, wltb excellent cuisine snd boms comforts at Tbs Montgomery, 884 Alder, THB ALDERE One largo, . nicely faralebed alas small elude - roe ma Inclndina bet, raoaa Mala laoi. grm Alder, near sixth. KELIM10 boose. 184 Shermea. take 8 - south; clean lodging SOe, mettle Sue;- fur. slsbed bouaekee ping -rooms, maadrp and balk. NICE farneabed single room suitable -for on with .acaTiuaut-Juakfat vxte reeioeara; cioss. ia l none aaex MARQtJAM HOIIBB. J4BH 8th Rooms sa suit i er aiagis; nouaexeeping roosns; gen etoisa. bath, slsetns llghut transteats aollclteo. . NEW house, aswly furnished, st 898 Everett - St., between 21st snd 83d; permanent or transient. Call ar pboas Msla 0008. THB BELLE VLB. 21314 Fourth St.. cor. Sal moa Newly furnlsbed rooms by the dap week; terms rsasnasDie. itosa tui. LAROE comfortably faralsbed froat roam, wttb - breakfast, eul table for one or two; priests tamiiy. . isa nasi aiaeteeata ax. FI'RNIKHBD room 88 a week trrd np; erf beelthy place; one block of S car. 205 . Whltsker st.) meels It deslrsd. THREB Slseplng room ap tatr; privilege dln . rngroom and kttrbsa; modern. , Bast Blxtb - ana jasraex,. rnons aae aiss.. bet. Jeckeoa and Lincoln sts.; bstb asd - phoas; assr nrta ax. carune, NICELY 1 forntehed Parlor bedrnonv, bstb.. as. . rkone. private family. 812 per most. 428 W u k . U.U S-lOfl. FOR BENT Largs room oa ssrt elds for I or 4 young mea; permanent. H, E. Martls, ' 730 Cbsmbsr of Commerce. ... yt'RNlSHED room for rent, Esst 28tb sad Powell sts., over store; priests family. Take Woodstock car. .. FITRNISHBD rooms, 80c, TBe aad 81 up. Twen tieth and Washington. Hot aad cold baths. Ths..Uowlad , . THB OLADRTONB 618H Sseier St., Mralshed , rooms; snder new masagsmsott pi lata rea THB ABBOTT 22 H Waeblngtaa; newly far loms. sa suite ss . singiei trsssleuta. 40T ALDER-i-Comfortsbls frrrnlahed room wltk bstb snd phone; priests family, 84 par week. NEAT furnished rnoBM 82 per week sad apt electric light, bath., Tl East Eleventh, north. TWO furalehed rooms wltb aaa of kitchen. 881 Rverstt near Idth St., oa earllns t fslr, , FURNISHED rooms toe snd sol baths. The Dsvls vHotsl, corner Clay aad Water. .' THB WILRI'R, 848 Esst Oek Lode Inge; . sutslds rooms; tl 88 per week snd ap. all NICELY furnished front room, -.ane block from atosl bridge. 174 Crosby at., THB CASTLB STS Washington St., fsrnlaked rsoma. Pbsa Mala 1078. THB LEWIS.' 188 1TH T by day. ' month. Mala 484. JR FCRNtrmRB cot rage j adnlts only. in- quirs room neaum mag. . . . - '4JTBTIIBB BBS0B1 FOR RENT Furnished cottages. 8 ar 8 imni at Tioga. Long Reach. Washington, laiinlrs at 803 East Asksigr, Portland, rhoe Ksst COLNTRY CUB INN, Hoed River. Oregoa; ' Jars. j receiyci highest - premium ; Award and Medal at World': Premium and Medal at Cai- Want Ads Offer Is Good. F6b BXsTT HO08XBXBPIBB B00BB. C4MP1NO specs' tth or -without beard; 18 minutes - wsia. care tws owjeav. pwww w. water. Call or address hArland. . Portland " Jlclghtt. " Main BBIW. - NICELY tarnished, 4 rooms, light boasekeep. lng it .desired; hot bath, gas) ressoaaba). dad FraaL . THB LINDA VISTA, nicely furnished boasekeep. Ing and sings rooms reasonable. 847 H e lftlu TWO Inrgs furnished rooms, arirata family! all conveiilenrss. 731 L'nloa sve. Bast 2444. rt'RNI8HED housekeeping rooms, bstb and f ss. a84rFoarteentb- at, -.JL. B00MB aUTO BOARD. YES. Vs caa aesommodsts a few mors table. . boarders boats rooking end everything Srst class. . Aster boass, nsvsulk aad Msdlsoa, : Pboas Msla 8281. ' ,. -. - THB IBYINO Elegant a scorn mods tlona, aa sxorbltast cbsrgrs; . dlolog-ruom la con- I ascuoa; pncea nisi, a.or. ansa obhb utiss, THB Ltndell New family hotel. Market, be. twesa Third snd Fourth, steam best, electric Hght. porcelain hatha, exessdlagly lew rata. GOOD board and room tor tws mdles, de sirable . location, private,., modern, 28Jcf month aacb. ' U oo, ear journal. , , BOOM for 4 at 88.60 per week. 802 Clay aear - FlfteentawPbona Msla UM. . - FURNISHED room snd board tor 8 er 8 gestls- mea. . Phona East 8880. IXaTT-JtOSSIsT FOR" BENT Nicety-- fur nl abed -T-rooai booss, west elds. Sue yard, slrrtri Ughm,' plsna, bath, etc., furnlsblngs new snd elesa; will . rent part cr all: reasonable to right pnrty. Inqulrs 148H Third St., stadia, from 10 to 8. KIW tra bowsa oa eoatbsrest corner of Hancock end East Twenty-sixth St.: cement - ecllsr, bstb, furnace, gas and electric llghta. B. M. Lombard, 814 Chamber at Coaaasarc er 800 Hancock aL KADDEBLY TRANSFER-COMMItSlON CO. . Piano and furniture moved promptly by ex- parleaesd men.' 110 Third at. Mala 1880. . FOR RENT 8-room cottage, partly furnished. ArleU, Or., 1 block from csrilna. Iouulr of Dr. B. D. Brlggs. Lsarelwoud.y . FOR BENT 8 amdera T-room konsaa on Bast Thirty-fourth st. rent W. O. Bock, room 807 Tba Falling bidg. ' 8-RorrM moders bouss Wltb stable sad chk-ke-t bene. T54 Water St.. 1 blk.- southeast from Falling acbaoL - 8 . - . . 830 PER month rests -ee buys s medeta 4-reom eottsga oa Portyblrd and Bast Taylor. hs ..-Myers, at 228'aeeoad l.-,..,.. $28 FOB BENT New -tVrsom house. 808 KIV Msln; modem coo renle sees. -Dr. Dnrllag. - BICELY located B-rone boass, bvay.rsat. fuml tar tar asm. Inquire T0 L'bIos avs. . NEWLY papered est tags, roams. bstt. - 1004 Cor. FOB RENT 8-room cottage, 810 Sbermas st. BOWBXa FOB BBBT FtrBBTTTBX FOB 8 ALB, FOB beet results oa -t "FUBtTlRB,, Wbsther to bay or cell, ring an Mela 8438. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, ... Ill airet sc. FliRNITVRB of a 8-room boass. lucre ding a sew plsna, for Bale, price 8000; close fa, west aids; csoee sickness. . Phoss Msla 8ND. A MODERN iDcstloa; faraltura gomsry St. r A SNAP Furnltnra of 10-room hooee for sale. 834 East Firat at., north. Phoas Esst SOSf. FOR SALR OB BENT Fnmlshed 8-nrnm boas lb Irvlngtoa. Owner, phons Scat, gggs, FCBNITCBR sf 4-rooa boass for aslst baas for rent. moathly. 848 Fourth L FI'RNiTl'RK for eale cheap; rent T par anoatb. Inoanr 843 Jeffersoa St. FOR SALS furniture of 8-room boasa, (100- rent 818- baa rroat at, , ' FOB BIBT 0FFICI-B00MS. OFFICE-BOOM for rent, eecood Soar QacdV nough bldg. Apply eletator i - f FOB BIBT BTOBIB. ONE brick storeroom 2oxft0 feet, good locstioa for groceries,, notion uh ather buslnss. 230 '41 xWi Haaeeii at., room . FOR RENT Store 20xM ao grocery. Wee ter Importing Co., 188 Fifth. t. - FOB BXBT FLATB. I MODERN 8 -room Sat sa William avsi csr- line fur 88 earn! 8 modern g ream Set oa . William eve. rerllne, 812.80 each. - J. p. Hilt. 711. Williams r. . XKW, modern ft -mom fists. Including steel snd gn rancis. itaieey ana Lsrrsnee, Esst Bids. inquire, xm Larrsneo, FOB BXBT BIAl I8TATX. TO BENT Qnerter block feeing msls satrancs to issii sua cisra rair tar dancing pa. vlltos. Apply to W. H. Lettln, Hotel Fair meant, 2ih and Upshur. . . t0a, tlstTBFBrSIKP aOOatS, FOUR snfurnlehed room. 312. BIT Ch-rr at.) on a, eer Hoe. t blocks esst steel bridge. FOB BXBT FARMS. FOR BENT 8 acres of land, sll la cultivates. y.sst tortr-third and ewtioa LJn road. W. U. stock, 0T lb FIUf. ' I t. FOR SAL IN PENDLETON, OBEO0N roomlngiouse. 814 stories. IS beuraoms, 14 bedrooms furnished eemnlete; ' mom rone 1st of 18 bedrooms, parlor, bltcaea. . dlmng-roum sad stursroum. 2 bsths, 1 tiiea, baeement; 2 Srst door healed by furnace! houM-Me- 8 blocks, from center of city;' lot All 100 fet; - electric llyhted. Any oue wishing a business ot thla kind csnuet do better thsa to In ' Veetlgetk tlila property. Wilt tsks 81.000 w,-u of Portland property In part payment. Price 44,0110 ; 83.800 rseb., balsars oa tlma. Address hihora A) Now Us, Pendleton, Or. - " 81.800 GIVEN- AWAY) . W offer our geaeral merchsndiss boslnee for sele, with the sbove dlecouat aa Be cnandlss and property. Ws bass a wen see .lected. eleaa stork that will Invoice about 810.000: elso 4 lot snd bulldtoga that w offer at a bargain. Investigate; so af tbs best opportunities ta Oregoa. We mean ausb Bess, inqulrs Joarnal or writ as, . J. W. AND M. A. I10B1NBON. Aehwood, Or. FOR 8 ALB A 40-barrsl custom floormlU, good wslefjiowsr. dutug guod buslncaa, 14 sere lend. -mom new bouse. Isrgs barn and ben. bouse, pleaty fruit, good school snd churches. This will aland Invesllgitlon. . J-rlc 84,000; sasy term. B. K. NOEL. Monitor. Or. , FOR 84(10. half cash, bslaao psysbls monthly from profit a t will sell half Intereet la a ure, aafe snd established business that will '. clear anywny 88.000 In next four moo tba; -thla I so fake snd worth twice tb mousy, but I must bsvs wlda-swak partner. Phons Main 8188 or sdurea W Sw, car Journal. . FRBB LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE soil, aajra-watosv delightful -cHantot - lsnd ot elfalfa. .apples- aad clover. For full Informatloa address tbs Columbia Soatbera . Irrlgstloa Co., 888 Worcester blk., Poctlsnd. FARMS, wheat snd timber lands, screes, city Cperty; timber snd bomestsad location; laeea cbsnces and Ineuranos. ' -.. i TOWNSKND; MAXWELL eV CO., 2S Alder st. -x 1' lions Mala Tta. A LADY w geatkeama who haa a emalf of money to Invest a partner to attend to office hu slnoee aettlud from 8800 to tl.bod sou npwaru per moms.- voii aaft worn atsca sx, rnons hsib nan. . ' A BIO MONEY MAKER. - 1. Card printing sulflt complete, located at th fair ground a. . Here's your chases to msks motiey. phoas Mala 1778, ot call at 828 Barnslds St.- to 12 m. ...J.L 8890 OWNER going to Calif or nls, will sell ale cigar aad tobacco and coffee lunchroom, cheap rent, good location, genulaa baraaln ; well adapted for lady or gentleaxa. 188 Msdlsoa. .t THB RATIONAL F1NANCINO CO.. SOS Mar- - qusm bldg., . PortUnd, Or., baud lee bonds, - stocks, mines, finance learltlmete en ter oris sc. furnuben asf s Isvsstmsata sod secures loans. FOB SALE Stock af general merrhandls to es ted la aooq, stock and farming country, aa R. will Involcd 81.800 to ll.avO! good . resaoa tor ssiung. Aaorees v DA, wournafc LATH ' mill complete, will Bell or trade at Ms ' sacrifice . tea. lumber, shingles, ties,, tsths mt, what Bsvs yoaT Ma better mschla maaa. - Osnmr, C20 Scvsnth SC Paon Msla 8184. THE best locstioa la Oregoa for a good botal msa wita from ao.uou to siu.uuo, is taa t tor of the government Irrlgstloa works, dress A. F. CluMae, Merrill. Oregoa, WANTED Partner wltb 82.000 ta tska part In terest in good paying rsstsursnt snd cere. tn quire of manager Hotel FalrmoaBt, Twenty. -alitb and llpahur ata. i r . A OOOD nsrina business for sals at aseriflca and mesa business, address OSBar, . 11TI urssiey st, city. . - - $40,000100x100 GOOD business property, brick. Improvements, rented 8:178 per month, chanc to Increase; a agents. Address Box Suub, city. FOR SALE Easr aide butcher shop, fully equipped; established trade, good locstioa. Song lease, chep rent. 270 Aide, cigar Mors. FOR RALE 8.000 shares cspltal stock Gold Queen Mines company r mines la Ooiancld, Bersda, Ail draw McUonsld, Arlets. oregoa. RESTAURANT dntng good buslnees ewe Hark from msla entrance to fair;-will exenang tor rooming house. . AtTdreei A -1 JouraaL SICKNESS cuosea m ts cell aa a vera re JI8 ta 830-a-day cigar-stand., Apply Aberdeen llgsr- ators, aj nurnsio St., rsr. oecoou, FOR BALE At a bargain. 80-room ' lodaing house doing good buelne; rent only. 800. msaissa aouss, ear. rime sua maaisoa. v - FOR BALB 100 shores of tbs Harst Automatic Switch and Signal company. Mrs. M. M. Lnna, got Bevesteesta at., south. - . . .. A OOOD two-chah bootblack stand very cheap; a money makeror tb next three jaoatba. SB, nisra, . - . ..... - FOB BALB . flood betel In Arlington dotiig good , Dusisess. Aooreea wiiuam irvtna, Arung ton, GOOD paying livery, boarding stsbls. clearing .. seer lloo per. month, cheap. 804 Goldsmith. KLONDIKE Waff Is and Voffs Hons. 28 Thar. mas, to sals cheap; swner going ta Alaska. WILL sell er trade my half latereat; best re. tnarant IB city; easy terms, gig Pine at. FOR BAMr-B-ebalr barbershop, . very chespt . e I s rent,. Auuraws u . wh snrs.oarBSU. . FOR SALE OR TRADEr-Rccond-haad store. . la- qnlrs at Tl slusssu St., Albina. - FOR SALE Rooming -bou of 14 loom, 70. . o maaiaosu-...-- .mm-.r-.. . FOR' S AI.K Clgw-tocs, . , 188 Burns! da. west ena orrags. rOBIAtf-MISCELLABIOTJB, eai-, "a ee,. eaa. ewaa.,,. w iibamBBaankm FOB SALE On roll top desk. 1 small ssfe, letter pre,, new typvwrltcr, office ens Ira. . mlroeogreph. etc. Inqulrs , 888 Hawthorns see., irons V ts 10 s. m. BILLIARD AND POOL tab;a tor rsnt at ft seie on sssy peymenia ' TUB BRLN8WU K-BAtKB COI. LENDER CO. 48 Third St., Portlkod. - WB prist poor same oa 80 calling cartel, prepay slss and style. 25c, 280 boalaena card, SL - Brows A icbmsle, 229 Firat, Purtlaad, Or. LACNCH for sale, length 88 feet, 10 H. P. aa. g.ns, Isrre esrrylng capscltyi prloa - vary eussp. Aeareea n na, cars eouruai. , . 0ASOLINB steamer for sale, is tons carrying cepariiy, m. p, , engine;, win aU a usrgsln. Address A Tu, Journal. FOR 8 A I. Fl Remlngtoa. typewriter 'o. 8. srd eery little; can b bsd cheep fog cash. A6V ' dreee A 81. car JouraaL .and monkeys'. Portland Bird Co., 137 Norlb Mlxttv -aeai Luton aepo. ..- , BEACTIFI'L painting Tor eel. Sottas I ,fnr OUI1WT or eauioiB eursoact . awanu a OA ears Joarnal. '-,... . . TELEPHONE breckete aad Pin. iPloaeer Wood . Mfd. Co., X. Seventh. Pboas Ksst 2108. FOR BALE Smith PTemUw, typewriter, almost stew, ivasonsuic, - asaress -ww rfwurnai. ,. DIAMOND 1-rsrat, teel blue, a beanty,, at a bargain.' Address V 44, care Journal. ROYAL ANN snd Tartarian cherries 3c aad .4 per .lb. Phona Scott LM, M. Iraff. s 20-FOOT caetaa-coveTCd launch. 2 V, horse power engine, new, Z70. i noos Ksst 1UH. , . COTTAOE organ, good sew, at a bargain. 10 Washlngtea berlg. FOB SALX HORSES BBS OABBIABXS. GOOD driving or saddle' horse, young, sound and tllsh; le buggy end nameaa. i IKMI . East Aeb St.- I'boor Bt 832; call la .fnr- ' noon. t v - FOB 8 ALB TIXaiR. FOB B ALU Two homestead rellatalahment caxTme; necond growth; will Mil cheap. K. -P. Mrleon. Hotel Rbelnpfal. FOR' HOMESTEADS, timber claim and acrlp apply to 808 Commercial 111. FOB SALE SCRIP. FOBESTBMEfcYB-arTIIP-FOR SALft. Ap proved, anreetricted, ready for Immediate see; " 'jrA-Be.el Chaniber of Commcrct. LAND rrip for Ml for tlmbesed or Bar . cultural lead, eurveved or sneurveyed; lowest Prices. H. U, llsmlltoa,- I'orilaad hotel, nrtiaad. Or. .. : ..... .. .. CERTIFIED- scrip, . Immediate delivery, lowest Eireertlsiber lsnds hongkt snd sold, .W, 0. owtlL 88 Chamber sf Commerce, I r 88 AC"" 1 of t . tlial b Q"t el 1 S " beue cos., v. 1 . n t ta " I ..fe Vw. . S I I . I. i - a to )i IimS ol ..tV m ahmmm. m ul ar. I . prwMc la aia 'sea sny k d sd frs I kaowa ta tea t" ,-,, hoses l-a f 1., w ,.-w v , . mrxmrj W"S ws w vr- a . srun xns sees inac k rets asMsexy nar t . . t esaa par v -r a4 re- r psa Pr-w -- r,OC,'i; f ,i a ,nj bsjaca aa assy Its, , or furtuer la rsgaxd ts Cua , atbat propwi , a- -aa - - 0. 'i. a DAaia.aik Crehtrfe, Oa, TIBB1TT8 ADDITION PROPERTY JCst U af block I. , . , , . . Kartblfc af bwck U."": ' " VU of block la, tef -J - - WIU sell this property cheap. . . J. Lr WaUUjco., 84 Grand a vs. 8 FINB modern bouses la Holladay Park ad dition mast bs sold at ones; swaor lea ring town; sla 10 8ns lota with cement sldswa!, ewer In, I an proved street, aao Bull bua " water. For Intormstloa ass William O. Beck, ho. 80T Falling bldg.. or B. Blca, Twenty. second aad Wasco sts. FOB SALE A taodsrs eornec briok blesb, 8 - atory aad bseemsnt, 4 aturarooaas, 40 roosss furakwedi wUI aelf all or separata at bad pnoeei saw l mooern s-rooo rsatuaaes. Huaseu -asv-aa wiinama av. ( goea - Income property. Ths railing bldg. Uqsars o V. 0. stock. CHEAP to quick buyer, a ale bone sa Moats. . - rills ear lias, class in, S Veto, ft as soil, good , f house, barn, (hods, ebleksubouss, fins Well. (-- vibudiiu, vic, plenty ws xruis - ss sinssi . ascriflcs aeeouat party going aoatk. , laaulra 270. Aids, at., cigar stars.. ' -' . . 81. IO0 FOR nles S-room boasa wltb half block trued - gsrdcn) Cksckamss vs., bstwesa Aweuty-lhlrd snd Twsnty-foartb streets. RU wood. Or. IiHiuIra for J. M. Rlaker, Oray'a - Ccnsslng. Miriosr St., Mount Scott oar, ar P. O, boa 188. city. . .(,-.... FOB BALE 10 acres cbolcs la ad. 12 miles trem . Portlsad. aulUbla for bomsi easily lav proved, bandy to B. B. station, bostlasdl- and goad road; good sail. For particular ' address A. R. Folkeaberg. Boibrsok, Or. , 82.000 . ACRES well improved, . all la - 8ns fruit, fair buildings, -4 block! from -ear. ,11ns. esa bs bought on vary esay term) im tnedlat posssssloa; will take pstt la real ' , stat. Call lOTM Tklrd mt.' .' B ACRES Bar Lank aad seoeeelbl to 3 asr lines: sarv tins soil: an mrarsl: raaalna wereri $J00 par acre; 3200, bslaaea esay. V -terms; stber lana aajoiauux asutag at au. -" O 4L aara JsarnaL -: , FOB BALB ar Exchange 81,800 New S-room ' asodera cottars la Woodlawn; 1st 80x88 fast. H block from earllns. Key . t eisager'a. : - greeery. atortjtnaulrs sf B. J. Jseget, Sea movTSBoa sx. WHY aot bay a bom wkaa I hav aa many , Bo eottages asd boasss af all deseripttoen ' whlcb esa bs nought aa ssay toramt lnqnira . . N. Hpragus, 13ai Grsad atv. room IX . . 700 N I W S-rooxa, pUstsrsd,- eapersd nd : related, brick fosndatlos, lot SOiioO, cheap, y owner: 8 blocks from Dnloa Ara. csrUnel woouiswa.'--rnoaa acoxx FOB BALB a bast residence lota la Haw. thorne's Pint addtttou. at a bargain; - 1 - black . from public school snd car 11 us, Ia- qulrs 238 Waah eblngtoa at. BAR0AXBV for' cask, fins reel dense mrarlon. 2 Iota and new building, ultabl for boons. - . ' keeping. Bea owner, 411 Bast Thirty-fourth t. Phoaa Esst 8S4S. STX-R0OM. asw. medera booas sad barn; . , 1 . sere sf ground. 1 blacka from echeol, four" " blocks from car. Bargain. Belly A Stein- : v sMta, T82 Morrtaon,'' "- --' BEAUTIFUL boana . Iocs t las. a lets, fenced, fruit, aad bnlldlng new rested for Id; must sell thla week; 400 eaab. Address D 80, .. cere JsarnaL v'. A " : FOR BALB New modern 4-room cottage os , Mount Scott earllns, 8280 cask,, be Usee easy :. ' psymmt. B. B. Smith. Pboas Msla 1808... FOB BALB 8-room cottars, atodera. lot -fenced, . fruit trees, 2 blocks from ear; caah sr terms. . g. J. By see, MoaUvUlav rh 11.800 For aala, T-rocaa boass. 8 tots, an - Rtchaaoud sad Woodetock - carllnss: Ideal te cs t loo. ..Apply swser, TOO East CUatoa. FINB srgs bouss and lot, 22 raaxaa, wall built, ale locstioa; bargain; short tlma. . Owner. Tl.Esst Eleveath. Phoas Baat S44T. . A FEW lots for sale en aaey terms bso car. lino ;J good reeldsute neighxawkood. App eoan asia, rsoi 2. 234 Stark- at, - SNAP xV acres 4b -trait aad vsgetsblss, larrs -. boa, gosd cietsra sad aatballdlas. Wll. Ham Abbott. kioaurUla ara. c . . FOR BALB ar- aarbaaga, 11m aeree lm nroved. . 1H miles from MoaUrUla csrilna. taqalra owner, . i aeeimeat. . - S1.690 New 8-room oottage aad S btrgs Ista en ear. ursaa ara, aaa oAsvsr ox,, Bea t . 8V4 Bbaver c. - . 88 GRAND AVE.. B Bargslai tan lot, Broom modera boa, fruit, sswsr, usalkral ' aalghborbood. " - ....... FOB SALE 8 ts 80 acres at-Sycamore oa -O Wr P. Co, abtetrla Una. , Addrasa F 88. cars JooraaL . , I HAVB d gilt-edged to vest meats In real octet , I want to aelL Addrasa 808 Froat at. Phoaa : Frsat 1B82. . J - .... f FOB boass oa eat Baa with - st. -- Inejalr , 81 . East : sera fruit Blxtb at, - FOB BALB F and Sacra trsets assr esrUse, mim trom Hiiwoaaw peetocsce. v. a, aae lard - - HOIBKS buut sn sv per men ta; k . U desired. SIS Commercial bldg. lot furnlsbsd Mala 1840, UP-TO-DATE S-room eottsga, Twenty -third st. app, tair grosaoa. raoaa owner, saat S.ROpM levwe, cfcee p r eaab. Inquire IV g. Bcmlngtoae. Boa moot ara., Mantsvllls ear. . FOR SALE Cheap, lot la Lower Albtna ea" inarauomnta ar ceaa. inquire 171 Market st. FOB BALB 8L408 My hoese. 13 E. Tweaty flftb sc. ssatb. Sacrifice for eaab. - MEW 4-rooea cottage, cheep. H. T. O ..Nashville station. Mount Soott cstllns H. T. Cummins. HOUSE and four lota for aaa rbespi must aslL snares j. v Aa. Armta r. o. ' 88 A1RK8. 8 cleared, 1 mile from Olescos, S-TotV, hslf cash. 804 OoMsmltb. H0MI8TXAS BILIBOtriBBaTIBTa. HOMESTEAD. " . .We caa tocste yea a a 8rt-ehie homestead -In tb fa moo Whit Salmon fruit bait; gosd - Soil, aome- limber, ptlng - Water. - Do A, writs, but come If you wsat It. Ws ehsrgs 3100 for location. Address Wfclts Sal msa Land Co.. Whits Sainton. Wub. Bend (of bonk. ' - - - . - - -. (' BATHS BISISOXV IF yoa wish a arst-clasa etcaa hath aad , ags tresirnent give sns n insi; isay st teudant. Tb Marqatm Hoses, 146 Si Stub ' st. Uoom 84.-'-- . . -. . r..,- SCOTCH Isdy for merry of Third it. give baths ' and maseare treeenrenx ax vui rint ei. eonicr Taylor. Boom 1. NO'Slgus. T0UN0 Spanish lady, eclentlfld maeeage aed '.' bath. Room 22. Hotal Tacoma, BUrk U between Third and Foartb..,.. . - ..i Ml Kit HELEN PETERSON, 107M Foartb St.. room 8 sclenttaa maeeege and magnetic, tretmaiL v ,- i TWO young Udle glv maaaage, tub and vapor natna. not f ourth, csr. Washington. ART IMPORTOhL PROP. RK HARD MAX MEYER Portrait and landscape an let; inatrnctloa la all painting, water color, ate., snd drawing; art gallery rentier ted wltk itndlo; picture for Ml" and framing to order. 848 Alder St.- Phone 1S.T0. ' ' - ' ATTOBVXYS. ' . 0RKG0N LAW COLLECTION CO. dIT Few- tou nioce, uni lections made thnmgitoat the United Ststea; bsnkraptcymsttsrs a spedsltyi bad lenesta ejected; rent oollected aad gea eral lew business: notary pshlle. - ASSAtXBS. THE J. H.. Plek A may Ing of Mcs Oceealay 8j. tlcal chemists snA mats I. vrewroro, aneiyiteai fcsrglste. Snaii Wasblogtua at. COBMTSSICTB MIXCBABT. - DAVENPORT BROS. fleneral ommfalea mer. ciieiii,, ,rii, aira wrorrucv i cnuoienmente am llclled; prompt retnrna. 1A0 Front t. , CVERDIN0 FARflELI prodaco snd enmmts. ) mn m-rrnsnis, lu f root st., I' or Used, Oa, 1'kon Msla lTP. ...:.'.. . ane osg grove., good table, spring . water, tracts, boating aad Oiking-; tow op, 71 " :-ryy-- ... .....