The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 02, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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    rHE ORSGON , Sunday'-journal.; pbaTtANP.:' sumday. i.:o::i::g ycir:: r. - i v
; :ty Offic.ahho Rturhd
. i:iez&Ily Sdcured to
V, i
.tick Directed Againt -Vlc-
Oesident to Oust Him . From
": Finance Committee. -v
irlal tnepsteh ay Lmh4 Win to Tee Jeorael)
w York. July 1. It Is certain now
t those officials of ths Bqultsbls so-
y who tart mtM Miti to refund
profits gamed - through the syndl
i operations efjfamea Haaen Hyde
) uMdMM will not escape criminal
ecutioa. -".' , . '- ?' : .- ' ' ' -i i
torney - General Mayer - will return
ew York next Friday, and It la aald
! be prepared to atart proceeding at
eealast U members, of tha Eqult
i directorate) who were la the yndl
i. whether or not . they have made
t the , aarae time the attorney -gen-
I will endeavor to secure a :declalon
" will disbar them all from ever
t holding offices In the life In-
business fn New Torhv ;
a" mailt '- force" of the- attorney-gen-i
attack will be-dlrected against Mr.
. It la believed, with the view of
t him from, the chair, of the ft
. mmtttee and the board of dlreo-
v - i :..; , ' ' -':
the highest -authority It la also
f "a resignation i of Second Vice.
1 it TarbelU which la In the bands
' i ilorton, will beccepted. George
.on, third vice-president, . la the
i i turned to succeed TarbelL .
:d c::iT;;uE journey
u.: Appointed to Succeed Hay
-Vran;et Program With
Ctevent. T v
C - Al Piapatch by tsaaad Wire te the froaraal)
c: Jcego, July 1. The congressional
I ty. of which Vflss Alice Roosevelt la
1 sber. conducted to the- far -east by
'siary of War Taft aa guests of the
1 ?plne government, 'apent- nearly hours in Chicago today .The sec
retary of war and Ms- guests arrived on
' Ealtimdre Ohio at o'clock.
e private ear "Colonial wav Immedl-
a-uy cut off and switched to the North
western -depot, .where It waa coupled to
the rear of the overland limited, which
left at 1:01. Secretary Taft and his
rueeto did not leave their ear while In
the dty. . ' ' :- . -'
- Concerning the 'reaort that Becretary
Tit would reeetvo a t e) egrem from - the
president sppolrrtlng him to succeed
John Hay aa aeoreUry of state, Mr. Taft
$f xecerveel a-tdegrens- feBe-tlie preel" I
r l telling ana Xo continue my journey,
t i I. she 11 do ao." , Though deeply- re
l ;:..x; the. death of eaoretaryv Hay,
f i aad event will make no change in
t plana of tha preaent trip." .
"I met John T. Stevens while here and
I-a satisfactory talk-, with him. II
va so wired the. president j. We. flla-
-ad the work . that ho la to under
' . e in a general way. I also saw W. A.
erllng and talked With him oonoern
! i the appointment "aa railroad expert
, i tha . Philippines commission. Thai
-- oar also a . satisfactory talk. Neither
r. ' fttevena nor . Mr. Darling will ao
jnrpany me on this trip." .
Ths poorest people on earth are those
,l,h make the most of what they have
' thI the leaat of what they are. r. -.
Defects of Feature
V j.Such' as Humped. ' Hooked,
' .'Crooked f Noset, f Flat, Dished,
v s i Puff Noses,- Outstanding Ears,
' Hollow Cheeks, Weak Chins,,
Double v Chins, Flabbiness ' and
vo Wrinkles
Corrected in
No" Scars, No Pain," No Danger.
No Detention Prom Daily Duties
'Consultation Free. Call or Write
Dr. Masten
ISuitVlT-M SelUn j-Ii irsch Bldf.
Washington Between West Park
. .liiand Tenth Streets. , ;,? i-;
7 "; ; ! '. -; '
coa consTRiCTons
Fred Stiihr SaTd1oHive" Bought
Up Supply and Shows . .
,.V .-. n-o. Evidence. .. . -
Sacred Cat of Siam Looks Like
- ;.Bull and. Has 'Fierce
r' .Temper. J
Twenty-nve Mexican boa cenatrlctors
lie in a wristling mass in a cage of the
Portland Bird company's atore on worm
Sixth street, and thU squinny aesort
msnt repreaenta practically all of theae
reptiles on the eoaat Fred, A, Stuhr.
proprietor, annually receive ft consign
ment- Of these and disposes oi tnem w
showmen. 7 Blngllnt turothers took his
- Mexican ooas sre e-mre-v- "-
men say they bring top prices. They
ere- uglier- than most ensues oecaus
they are- bigger, but they prove good
attractions lor awe snows. :
. Though not poisonous, they have busi
nesslike teeth and the present lot. lij
and milsctlvslv.lias the nastl-
est lest of tempera of any reptiles Mr.
Stuhr has yet handled, wnicn ran was
a ti. mind after he had re
ceived half a dosen wounds, which, while
not deadly, were scarcely pleasant,
Queen Lis, the- champion of the lot,
and seven and a half feet long, ex
pressed her dislike of Portland by
promptly dying. -after the express Jills
were Paid. The rest are stretohlng and
contracting their hideous f-ns jano
swallowing such chlckene and 'rabbits
as their owner can afford. -
- AnotheMurloalty In the store ta al sa
cred oat of Slamv-. Threes of these cats
... xist in this country; the
other two are m th New Tork aoa- The
cat la raised in ths inner holy pla4 ef
the Siamese temples, and bloodshed fol
lows any attempt to abduct pussy from
her sacred lair, prevvaea me imsi
r.n,ht The. nresent animal was se
cured la some mysterious way by a sea
man friend olMr.JS.unrB, ana was mna
to him because it was too precious an
attteaal to be at large. Tho sacred est
looks like av. buU terrier pup that had
been run through a clothes-wringer, and
ha a-pa'r of eyes mau ior nypnouo
power, would make half a dosen Trilbies
wilt. - A big blue pupil, with a light
yellow rim. forma the eye. and when the
gaunt creature gets in a rage and fumes
in Its dark cage those eyes seem to man
ufacture liquid lightning.
- A somewhat unique wedding was con
summated in-the store recently when
Xantlppe, a neroe Canadian lynx, was
unifeirno Thomas jenerson, s oiawa An
gora. Thomas stlll ruUs the household,
though the bobtail shrew occasionally
makee his domestto life somewhat In
teresting, It is seldom, however, that a
domestto eat can be crossed, with the
lynx, and that the two can dwell in the
same cage witnout renaing sue a oiners
anatomy is something of a natural mar
vel. ,t- ; . v - -;'.'-yv-T-jv.;
PillfiCESS CC.lEfM
Husband Con With Innes' Band
and Algerian Cirl' Is
rl Left JaMcLV jr
Romance That Began j Sixteen
Years Ago Ended by Cold '
Blooded Contract. ' -
TMislnatsd are the dreams of happi
ness of Prinoess Corona, the Algerian
girl, whose romance of II years term
inated in her marriage m wis vuy two
weeks ago. Still far away Is the ful
fillment of her honea. Hhs is the Nlobe
of the Trail, weeping, disconsolate aad
sad. and refuses to be .oomionea.
The business interests of Oas ton
Akoun. manager of the streets of Cairo,
have rudely Jarredrths "dreams of the
girl.-aad brought to a sudden end her
brief period of happiness. By the
Unas of her contract with ths Turkish
manager she was prevented from ac
companying her T husband, - Henri Er
langer. who - left ' f wtth - Innes' - band
Thursday morning. . .. -.
Prlhcess Corona la angry, very an
gry, that business contracts ahould In
terfere with , her Joy. She has over
whelmed Akoun with her anger, and so
often has the Algerian beauty's temper
stlrre4 the Oriental street that Akoun
has made his headquarters in the Ad
ministration building. ' i-
It was 1 years ago that the Algerian
cirl met Krlanger, the musician. Then
a romance began that extended through
many countries . and resulted In the
novel wedding on the Trail at the ex
position two weeks ago. 1
Rr unr is a soloist wun innes nana.
which concluded Its contract with the
exposition Wednesday evening and left
the city .the following morning. -
The girl created a scene at the time
of his departure. 8he vowed that she
would : so with him. , but Akoun Inter
fered. 'He shewed - the contract and
said that unless a certain sum was
paid he would refuse to allow her to go.
She aald she would go, and the services
Of' her husband, her friends and others
were necesssry to dlseuade her. Her
contract will expire In a short . tlms
and aha will then be free to go to Ert
lan e'er. 1 - V " - -- 1
" Meanwhile the girl Is overcome with
grief. Her violent outbursts of anger
hsvs been succeeded by tears and sor
row. Hut she is vehement in her dec-,
laratlona that she will wreck her ven
usance on Akoun, the manager, who pre
vented her from accompanying her hus
band. i ,.'
(sedsl Dlspstca tor Leased Wire Is The loarstl)
- New York, July 1. It was said at
the offices of the Equitable, Assurance
society that. John Hay had a policy in
the society lor iive.eee. ine secretary
took out his policy ln4MT and had paid
tlT.OM in preailums. When the news
of his death reached the efflcea of the
society, a check was Immediately mad
out for the full amount and will be de
livered at ence te his beneficiary,
t m
TalefOf Ancient, Reporter Who
; Has Had a Few Ups and -
--l -Many Downs. '
In Innumerable Encounters With
J. Barley Corn Invariably Is
'I Put to Sleep. , . '.
-Jim Kerr, a veteran repoHe,: who
claims to have worked on, 1,000 papers
in America within the last. 4 years,
and "who has made several fortunes and
lost them, arrived yesterday. la order
to earn ao honest doUar, ha spent his
last Quarter for a bunch of flowers and
went out on the street, torreallse on bis
investment. . i f
I am like- a llttls snowbird." said
Jlm,:l.mtJtrpm place to place, here
today, there tomorrow, i and the next
somewhere else. I have worked on
nearly all the leading journals of the
country, have met all the . illustrious
Americans of the last quarter century,
and have traveled something like ooo.tod
miles during my wanderings,- sometimes
isnrtsnmslv furnished palace cars.
quite often I have hit the ties, and agate
have eajored a free rids on the brake-
beams." 1 . . .
Jim did not look as If prosperity had
overwhelmed him recently, - and on in
quiry as to" the cause ot his moth-eaten
appearanoe, replied: . t I ! r ; -: - .-
j "John Barley corn dip lu ii am me
only man alive who has taken the gold
euro nlos tlmsa. ' ';-t.j ' " '
"I have been id Inebriate asylums in
New-TTork - It times. ( Of oeurse, . you
understand, I am not Coasting. Although
7 years old I in-illll hals and hearty
and able to do a bit of 'work when I am
sober. 1 , ',',". -v
"I am 'a graduate of Toronto wniver-
tlty. After I-graduated I was private
secretary te the finance minister of
Toronto, and it waa whDe In that offlo
that I fell first l have met many nota
ble people, among - whom were kings,
queens, lords, dukes, presidents, million
aires, and honest men. - I am now under
contract .from a big publishing house te
write the story of my life, and give the
experiences I had in coming in contact
with, these people.- ' 1 ,
Berldes being a newspaper man dur
ing his career Jtih has spent a few
short months between, his cups doing
temperance worx.l He waa out as pro
hibition organlssr In Missouri for sev
eral months, and was associated in
business In-Minneapolis with John -T.
Woolley, the editor of voice, xne proni
bltlrm paper, and candidate for president
On the prohibition ticket, several years
' ' .: 1 . . 1..'" Im
Mr. Kerr says ne ...
m. valuable nronarty In eastern Ore
gon and In valuable mineral claims W
British Columbia, wnicn ne ns .wu
to his daaghtan i-Maseaohuasttswhom
he has not seen for
"I made $41,000 at Bandon, Manitoba,
In 1IU. but aunk it all In Colorado
mines," eontlnusd thf wanderer,, lut l
am not discouraged. ,1 feel that If a
man 1 passes through - what I have In
my -Hftl-hM nlut pmetn,"
prstty sood In store for him before he
leaves this life. P
up and so to wort. I believe there Is
still soms too left in me yet, and once
I get on my.Degs- all will The easy salW
Ing for I have the ablllty-4o do gpp4
work. .r. ' ...''T
' "Say, pal, I'm oroae.. van j -mi
a CiUarterT", . Vf:'.- ' ' S''" ;
.v'J ' t Ji. Vnr makes her , ap-
pearanoe tomorrow nlfht at the Belasco
theatre aa Baoajawea in -The Conquest
- on., of the rarest and old
est collections of beads and , other In
dlan curios In existence, the property
of Mrs. Louise aimii-'v , .TT Li
who has kindly lent them or the big
PIAt'eS!e,Utime Uio production of the
Lswls and Clark play was proposed and
it was known that Bacajawea had been
chosen for the heroine Miss Moore be
gan to worry about ner
knew there were plenty of eurlo stores
in this vicinity, but to aX ,,?iri
goods" was quite- anoiner propu.11
Beoently Mrs. Danenhoner proffered he
use of her, magnificent colleetlon and
ended Miss Moore's oiiemras. -
There are two strings of Indian blue
beads about years old. a string ot
white beads made from bones found by
Indians In an ppen grave, a beaded
pocket made TO years sgo, a game pouch
from an old blanket brought out here
by the Canadian misslonariea and a head
band that has been in use In Sioux tribes
for a great many years. -- . ' r:x
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te the Jeeraal)
' New York, July 1. The custom house
and steamship officials combined lh ef
forts to land . Mr. t6d Mrs. IJoyd
Lowndes, Jr.. from the American liner
New Tork tonight -in time to catch the
I M train for Baltimore. : Mr. Iowndes
la - the son . of ex-Oovernor ' Uoyd
Lowndes of Maryland. He and his wife
were - returning from a pleasure tour.
Young Mr. Lowndes is prostrated by the
death of his twin orotner jucnara iaat
Thursday.1'-' :
. Mr. and Mrs. Lowndes wsra informed
of 'the death of Richard Lowndes by a
wireless message sent by the White
Star steamship Celtic, which sailed from
New Tork at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon.
On arriving' at ths pier Mr. Lowndes
was met by another message : urging
him to hasten to his mother, who wss in
a precarious condition. Mr. and Mrs.
Lowndes caught their train.. In Balti
more they will take another- train t"t
a. m. to Cumberland, where the family
are. 'V
(peril! Dtspso by Leased Wire to Tke Joarsat)
New Tork, July 1. Rev. Augusta
Chapln, the first American woman to
acquire the title or doctor of divinity,
and who was famous throughout this
country and Europe as a writer .and
lecturer on art and literature and -as a
champion of woman's rights, died in
Mount Vernor this evening. She was
( years old and. had made 40 tripe to
Europe, She wss the only woman ever
accorded the distinction of , officiating
as chaplain of a legislature, that of
Michigan,. She. has held pastorates In
Michigan, lows. Pennsylvania Illinois.
Nebraska and New Tork, . ; , Vj
MirtB Torsw ttnt mwt lbss streets t Bsv.
M. O. MCIllasd. At 10:30 a. a., "Tae Uan.
eral kmlif. Its Mesel sad !Ual"l U av.
Hsnaay mhui; e:s s. av, v. iw r-
riret CuaitMtljiiie CWaer Twilfth sad last
Trln iltmi.; iu. B. Nalsoa Alias, eaatar.
At lO:S0, presrhlus serrle, comsiiiaUia aad re
eepltea of msaibm; 12 a., SuoSay srboHlt
p. jb., nsios v nn.naa inmiw wrwnrm ,
Hawtaorae Fart; p. B.. patrfeHle-X
kpeeUI saosle. '
rirst 4ionf Twtlftb asd Alder Streets
dear Hill, D. !.. pasta. BervleM tomenew
at 1U:M a.' m. end 1:80 p. Ski aarraswot ef
roamioloa la the morslst: Pr. HIU will preaek
la tae erealnt; tbs hhi recital. sMatly el
Wasner aaaale. will beala at T:W p. si.
- Kpworth Coraer - Twaaly-Ulrd aad , Irvlas
stream Htary T. AtkUaos. . pastor. -At 10
s. s.. Sundar school: 11 a. aa.. ''Tb. Id(e aad
th. Criminal. S:4 a, at.. Epwvrts
T:0 P. . sods service ssd alias.
rtrst Unftae Slith sod laoatsoawry streets:
R.v A. W. Wtlana. naatar. N-r.Lraa. 11 a.
la. aad T;S . ai r Sabbath school at I:t0
p. n.. K. g. Barnes, snparlateadBt aeaior
0. K. BMeta t AH D. aa.
Cajrary Corner Bleveath ssd Ctaf streets!
. W. S. Ullbert. pastor. At lo:ao a
sausl qaarterly eaamaaloa; f t48 p. si., "Aaioaf
the Hills.'' Quartet aader dlreetloa ot AHe
Unohaai H. V. Mllllcaa, orfaolaC
Piedmont Terser I I.T.Uud areans and Jar.
fett streetl Her. L. Wrroa Boeaer, pa a tor. At
11 a. si., laea. Levi Johaaos will preach: T:4ft
p. m.. Protaaur ed(ar-A. Mllaer wtH speak
"Bauretioo a raetar la ruunc Morals -; iu a.
sa.. Haebsth school, Cbsrles Voaper, -aaperla-tendest.
llaraaalt gtreet Corner Marshall aad North
BSTMteenta atnets: Rer. C. W. Hire, paator.
At 10 a. Suodar avheoli prearhlng at It
a. as. and D. m.i 7:15 d. at.. T. I. 8. a K.
Rer. W. II. Landon. D.' D.. ef Baa rrajuHsee
ThsoKHrleal semlnsrjr, ' will preaek la the Bkora-
11 r and asiiai la ids comnnsioa.
Mlauah Jeranas H. McUUee. D. D.. saator.
Publle worship. 10:30 a. at., reraptlba of
uoibers. lite. of hapttam end conmualun serv.
Ire durlnc nnrnlns hour: S p. ... patriotic
serrtcs with sermon, on 'Tpllftlot e stsndard
A wens the People": C. B. sodetr will snlte
Is aka gneaarar service et Hawthorns Park
at . p. at.
Tajrler Street IJr. Frsncls Borf He Ibert,
laator. At :S0 a. m., classes) 10:t04S. at.,
'The Chrlatlan Patriot'': 12:1ft nj m.. Bandar
school! S:su P. am., gpworta Masse! !;
eveniBS aerasoa ny- Mas anna iiaj.
smile Br great eaemav -
Central LMrne Haaaell and Ksrbr streets:
P. U Xosng, paator. At 10:10 a aa., "Onr
Debt to ths Ploaeer": 13 aa.. gsadsr school;
S:io p. a., Kpworth leasnal t o. St., earsiOB
ky Dr. V- m. Roekwea
Fr.. Coreee Kait Ninth end Mill strssts:
X. Ol.n, payor. Preaching St 11 o'clock a. as.,
soiiawea or MstunoDisi msenas. .
Ursce Corner Twelfth sad Tsylor Streets:
Clareacs l'rse Wllsoa, D D., paator.,. Ha.
Wlnaald B. Matthew. D. D praaldlnt sldsr
of Baa rrsBctare dlitrlct. . will deliver the
Bins seraaoa st 10:0 at.: pstrlotle service
st.T:8 p. m. Profeeser W. M. Wlleer wlU
play hh) "Military Meawrtes" e(ala by re
bant. Dr. Wllsoa will eoadoct the euestisa
drawer, as ssoal. " .
Trlnltr Eaat Tenth and Great atreetv Bev.
Harold Obarc. putor. At It a. w. Rer. Larh
mp, D. D., ef Mlnoaaota-will preach p. as.,
sirrlcs with sersaoa by pastor: eieilleBt aosle
st both services; Sunday school, JO s. m.
Banarslds Esst YsmhllL betweaa Thirty.
iftb aad Tblrty-eliU streeto; T. B. rord.
paator, At 10. a. m., BttBday school; 11 S. St.,
Owrs a oeeet Natlea"! elassBaeitlBS will fol
low 'iBBMdlstsly. ,
FeBtral lait Tweatleth aad Seat Ankenr:
William I. RsBdalL minister. At 10:S0.a.
m., 'What Bball We Think of rbrlsnnrttrtitl
11 .. Bible school; f :8 p. at.,' "The Peril eft
Psblls BeotlBM-nU DeTeleplns Backbone." Pre-
fesaor W. Warscbkol. niiialcai director; atlas
Buth BbosreB, orginlat.
loo wnue Temple enrner xveina ano -jsy-lor
strestst Bev.i J.Whltoomh Breather, D. D.,
pester. At luilft s. m.. "one serord" , prayer.
meeiiae; au:bu s. aa., l am usran, aa ion":
ths Lord's supper will be observed ssd sew
members iecelrd and welcomed; .11:10 p.' m.,
Bible school; S:M nv, B. Y. P.' t'. recaption
to, Strang era, William.. Dv Bhaw, Hadert ,l;eJ
p.'m.. Mlsa Sanaa B. Aathony will eeUter aa
address. Bpeclil nrgaa offertory by rrank
M. Church of Chattanoofa, Tanneiaee; Teaaple
uaitrt.-Mlas Xtbel Ld-tle. Miss Ethel Bhea, i.
V. Belcher. H. B. Martla: Mlsa Grace B.
K"MawfJp Swfftettelws " 1 ' ' ' ' 1 j
CelTsry Comer East ElsbtS sad Eaat Uriel
itreati; A. Lawrence Black, pastor. At 10 a.
Bible school, .J.' W Howell, leader; 11 a.
"DIvlBe aad Huaua ItaBdarda ef Besrios
A Con trait"; 1 snd 4 p. si-, Bible school and
Breeehlns lm Oermsar S:S0 v. m.. B.'T. P. V.
eonsecratloe srrrice. ltd by Harold Barber sad
Hunter Howard; T:so a. aa., ' lne Af uw
SIcW Moale eader the direction of Qeorce T.
Howard, director; Mrs. Nettle Owens,. prtantst.
. Bsraad East; Seventh snd East Aaksny
streets; Bv. maoton C. Lsphasi. pastor. At
10:80 s. ., "Conformed or TraMformedr': 11
Bible school; S: p. St., xeasg rsspM'S
j, P. Bsmferd, orgsalst.
Plrst Madlaoa and Park atreets: Bev. k. L.
Honse, D. P.. pastor. At 10:80 a. m.r "Ne Mas or Dletk to Himself," br Mrs. Cbsrlotts
rrklasraeaaMBi T:eS p. m., "The Drama ef the
Homaa race." by Dr. Henae: Bev. Mrs. A.
Blarkwell will alio apeak; Buaday ackool, 11:11
a. aa.. C. , A. MUle, saperlBtendeBt: Z. nr. W
C. .. p. m. Mrs.vBoes Bloch-Bser. Mrs.
W. A. BaiBoos. W. A. Mostgomery, Professor
B. W." Borer, choir.
Bunsrilde Coraer. ef Cast Taylor aad Bast
Thlrty-feurtb streets; R.T.J. 1. Btanb. pastor.
At 11 o'clock "The Print ef the Msllsr'; sd.
mlnetoa et aaeatbers aad esmwnnlesv a p. su,
"The Power ef s Look": 10 s. at.. Bonder
sebooL MjC. Pier, euperlnteodant; S p. m..
Junior Cbriatlm Esdeirar, Miss Edits Boe,
SuperlBtsBueBt; (:ft p. Senior ChrlltllB Ea-
or a tot.
Ilaesale Btreet Bast Bsventk street, sort.
and- Haaaila .. jtriet .Ref nirlea B. Chase,
pester., At 10:10 s. at., service with sen
O, BV17 ll.l..u iu. .
12 n., BODdar echool;
maste by male quart. t;
Hlchlsad Corner . Pneestt
nd Bast Silts
streets, north; Re. A. M. Rock wood, Bee tor.
At 10 a. ., Buaday school) 11 a. m., cora
mnsloa, reeeptioa ef members ssd sermea by
Us paator, "The Llcht in the DerkBeee"; T:k
a. aa. . soedsl serrlce ef setrkotle ssass with
short sddress by the pastor, -r - - t - ..
L:nlrmltr Park Art leas temple. Portsaaoetbl
Kev. D. B, Onr. psiter. At 11 a. m., "Ele-
aa.nts ef Oeaulne lucctee"; Bandsy schsei,
10 . . . i- i
It., DiTlds Ent Twelfth and Behaeat
streets; Rev. Oeorge B. Via w iters. D. D.,
rector. At 8 a. .. holy rem man loo; 11 a. m.,
holy eommnntos and sermon i T:M p. th.,
sons sad last men in 1 7 orgaa reeiisi oi
the series i :4 s. Buaday sesoot, P. B.
West, superintendent.
Trinity Chapel Nineteenth sear Waahlnftea
streets; Rev. Dr. A.-A- Morrlsoa, rector. Boly
eommusloB, s. m. s aerTlcea st 11 a. as. aad
I p. m.t Bnadsy school eloerd for tbs sommer.
St. Bt.pb.s i C'bipee Thirteenth ssd Clsy
Itreets; Bee . H. M. - Ramsey la charge. .At
T:80 a., m., holy communion! a. to.,
Burtdsy school; services st 11 a. m. aad f:S0
' .... -....a i. ,
alicenwiovi vniper nmm nnDU, afr,. aa
M. ' Ramsey la charge. Barriers at 4 a. mi
Bunday school, B p. m.'-
Church er our bitvot woociioce. uenuss
at S IO p. m ; Bnndsy school. 1:30 p. aa.
Chsnel of the TraoansuraUoo At itarauaal
Oraad theatre; Bev. W. B. 1'ow.u. chaplain.
Berries ens en aauai, it a. a. T .
ei. ions s aawoaoriai wuwnai .... tv . .
Powell la charge. At 11 a. m.. Buaday school;
IMS a. m., service sne nsrmoa.
Oood Bheoherd Tsneouver tvenae lid Ball
wood strsst. Alblni: Rev. Joha Dawson, rector.
At 10 i.-m., Seaday school; 11 a. holy
eommuaton aad aermoa; p. si., evening prayer
. . ' LVTKXaAJf.
1 Bethsnls Din lab renter Union avemte and
Morrll atreet: Oadmand drill, pestor. Bervloes,
11 a. aa. and S n. m. : Bandar school. 11:16 B. m.
Norweglsa BrBod Cerser But Tenth and
Grant streetl O. Higoest pastor. At 11
eojinrmatloa exercises; T:0 p. to., eommsnloa
Norwegian 4S' North Fourteenth street: Rev,
1. M. Mervls. oaator. Berrleee at 11 a., m.
and S b. m.i Bnod.r ackool Bteeta at a. at,
Bt. Piul l Oorner Bait Twelfth snd Cllstoa
afreet.: A. Kriiiee. pester. At :M
Bundsy school; 10;80 s. m., morning serelcei
t. p. as., auarterly awettng; I p. m.t evealng
service. . .y , v'l -, c.,-
2-:'7-A'':y'"":.. frnimui.-
rirat Corner Park sad Colombia ' streets!
B. B. Muckiey. peetor. Preaching at 10:80
a. m. by F. waldea or Seattle, waatiinf toa;
at S p. a., Rev. Emma Fare et Olympla,
Washington, will deliver aa addrees) i:is p.
BU, Bible srhnol; T p. m., Y. P. B. C. B.
Central Kait Tw.otlrlh aad Balmoa itreets.
Bev. I. P. U bonnier wHl ipeik at 11 a. sa.,
taking for hll text "Tb. Tenth Legion." la
tha evening eiercleee by ths Christian Womin i
Board ef Mlailnae, conducted by Mra. Bertha
Reereai sddraiiK by Mrs. Dr. Waaslna aad
Mra. C. R. Evins; 10 a. .. Buaday erhonl; d':Srt
p. m.i Junior Knd.iver; the aenler society will
Vrl" In the n nea-alr steeling at a. a. st
Hawthorne Park. Special moale. Mra. Mc
rberane Oale. ceorlster. Mies era Bran.
oriinlet. . ..
ateaaey , avesoe corssr as aoeaey artase
Van Cortlani SC3J4 Krllnitsa St
" Ordained to do what he does by
some atranse. unaeen newer, .whose
potent Influence la , felt " by every '
creature on the face er tne eartn.
whose power la aeen In the f orcee of
nature, thta wonderful and glfWd
man demonstratea his power In your
presence, while you look, listen snd
wonder. The deede of the prophets
and the wlee men of old are outdone
by thle strange and mysterious seer
of modern times.- From - whence
comes this wonderful power? Pro
fessional men and women are awe
truck, the publlo la general la dumb
founded, speechless. Had he been '
corn - in -1 fmes of aupers'tt tlon h Is
work would be classed as little lees
than miracles. .
and Kaott etreeti
Ppeacktag et 11 s.
m. ted
S D. . na. bv Rev.' J.
Jaskiae ef Athens.
Oregon; IsBday ackool, : e..
r. o.
av, as ao.
Flrat Enallah Ooraer Beat BltU and Market
atreeta; 8. A. Blawert.- palter. At 10 a. av,
Buaday school, A. Blttner. anaerlBteadeat II
m., preacaiag; T p. m., leung reepie s at
aee B s. a., Innaai ChlMrea'l day exer
ea, eoaalatlng at .a araslcsl- aad .literary
pregrsm. . , ,.i ..
- Uaraiaa Ooraer Teeth aoK ' cur streets.
Services 1a besenSvnt' ef Calvary Freebytertaa
church, eoraer Tenia aad Clay streets. Thee,
Bchsoer, pastor. At :) a. m., Buaday school;
io:a a ta., wereaip -eaa aermoa; T p. .,
T. P. A.; evening service withy Calvary
Presbytsrlaa seagragatloau .. ,. M
OKmiBTIAsT OIM01, ' '
Pirst Boottlah lte- cathedral. Morrises- asd
LowBSdale atraetsL Berrleee 11 a. aa. and
p. a. "Life"; Buaday achoot-at cfcrae ef aaora
Ing service. ----. -
RMMMid Aldttortom bniUUng. Third betwssa
Taylor end -Balaea streets. Bervtcee at 1
a. m. and s. m susjsct. "Ufa "i Baaday
school, 11 a. mr- L - ' . ' ...
" It Pstrlek's NtBsteenth and Bavier ktreeta;
Rev.. B. P. Murohr. rector. Mess at S a. m. !
high mam, 10:80 a. a.; Buaday school. a. m.
' Church oi Tb s-ost rrecions aiooa atoent
Tabor: Rev, rather U A. Brossesu, pestor.
Bervlees S a. m. and S:S0 p. a. Buaday. ea
seeouBt ef the patroa feast. All friends et the
sisters are cordially larlted.
Ptrer . Ceenee Eaat rifteeBth and
atreeta; H. C. Bhaffer. plater. At 11 a. a.,
preaching by the paator; p. a., Bev. B. T.
Whit, of Everett. Waahlna-ton: Bible school. II
l. B P snloa auaiiss prsrer meeting at'tbll
en urea, wun i euer eaurcBea perucipeung,
at f o'clock; alios oprs-elr meeting at Uaw
therae Path e r- m.: .,;,-,,.. .
UBlTll) vTAySZLICaX unuaCS. t1 7
Fir. t Corset ef gait Teeth aad Bkrrmia
strestst A. A. Winter, pester. - At 16 a. a..
Buaday school. C. A. Stiver, enperiBteadeatt
11 a.- m., "The .Scrvlee ee Ckriet" . a
nnloa yeang peepie'i swetlag la Hawthorne
rare; s p. as., prescauoc.
?'". '' rmrto BTAiraiuoAL. ------
Reeond Ceraer Parge and Kerby ' streets;
Rev. i. Bowereos. Baator.i rrearaing at ;
It J.U
a. and B p. a.j 10 a. a., Baaday schsoli
Ockley Orera Sunday School at S:W p. m.
preaching, f ;fO p. m. by Bev. A. A. Winter.
Aasociatloa andltorlnm. 1ST Fourth street.
At :S0 p. a.. W. B. Matthew. D. D., ef Baa
Prsndsee speaks os'MsbIUmss"; Miss Cam. Ml
Barker, vtollatot. T. M C. A. parlors epsa
to all aea oa Buaday Iron 11 te T p. St. .. ...
First Bast Coach aad Bast Eighth;
'. Fi
ImaU. paator. At 11 s. a.,, sermon by
Iv ef Bait Lett city. "The inearaatioe
Thought", T:e p. a.. "Tbs Unbeliever'!
use t
BuBday school at llta
First ITU Becood street. Foresters' hill;
. H. Mowre. paator. At 11 a. a., "fasti,
ratios by Faith"; B p. a., "How WIU the Va
rrgeaerate Bpead Eternity r' 10 a. at., Baaday
school? T p. ., jEpwerth league.
T.'IT. 0. A.
Vaenee aervlee at B:4B B.
led by
Clara Webb. Miss Mabel MlUls, solelst.
The CkrlsHsa aad Mlaskmery Alllsacs B.ceod
aad Jeffersoa streeWI Bev. C. D. Bewtelle,
uperlntendeBt, At Vtita a. a., preaehlBgi
1I:1S at ta.. saimiy scbooi; t:s . as., epeo
alr aervlea la piaae Diock Beat reurth aad
Madlaoa.- T .. -. v..... . - ...
Bible BDintaat Boctety A. w. u. w.. aau.
Selling-Htrarb bnlldtag. trtare at T:4 p. aa,
by Mra, Eather Thomaa Bosley ee "Ancient aad
Modern Bptiitnatlimi at Does the Bible prove
Bplrltaalliat" fouewsd ay Mrs, Ledd riaalcaa
with teats. ' ...
The People's Chrlatlaa TJllon rree reiwvo-M
society, 244 H Mertieoa street, la Laity aaui
F. B. Coulirr, leader. At 11 a. a., "late
Truth"! ll:li p. a., atodr clam la Ufa pros.
lema:l:10 p. a., A spintusi twmpewa. -Hollnese
CampdfeatlBt Eaat Tarter aad Oread
avenue, under the aueplcea ef Pndle Holiness
rollege: Miss -Mary Curry, principal speaker.
Services st 1:M snd T;80 p. ah
Mllwanlal - Dews O.- A. B. kail, north el
corner Second aad Msrrlaoa streets. - Beivleaa
at 1:TO p.
First Bo'
trltaal asHety-ArtBlana, kail. Abtng-
ealldlsg, Third aad
- Third aad waaniaartea arreeie.
a. If
a., lecture by Mrs. 0. Cornelius ee
"TVanaitloa ef tha SMal"! aeatB at T:80 a.
Vaaeouver M. B. Mlaateai Rev. M. A. Xdloa
la ebsrgs. Sosdiy echool, S:M a. a.; preach
ing, B p. as. by Dr. t. I. Walter.
Olive Breach Mission Sit First street near
Clir. Barvtrea awry evening at B o'clock:
holiness meeting at . (m.t Buodaf echool mi
1;S0 p. m. --. t . . .......
Radical United Br.thr.n, Clovwdale eburch.
Mechanic street; C. P. Blenchard, BeiteT. , Baa,
diy aehonl, 10 a. aermoa by Klder A, I,
Ware; comnmDtoa directly after; service t:p
"A ..stock company with 1BO,00 cap!
tal has been organised at Vale, Malheur
couryty, to build a railroad from Vale to
Ontario on the Oregon Short line. The
officers sre E. A. Clark of ths Bank ef
Vale, president; J. w. Mocunocn, an at
torney of Vale. Vice-president: V. Petrle,
secretary, and M. O. Hope of the Hope
Brothers, treasurer. .-
O. H. Byland of Vale, who with his
wife Is visiting the exposition, said yes
terday that ths -building of this road
would aid materially In the development
of the Malheur country. "That region Is
prosperous." said Mr. Byland, "with an
unprecedented heavy yield of wool snd
unusually targe sales of cattle, horses
snd sheep." - - .-. ' ' .,-
The Malheur Osteite snd Nysaa Prog
ress hsve been consolidated and "will be
published at Vale bv. a, stock compaay
recently lormea,. ,
S5,000 For
- ARB, NOT crKUN3 ,
' I never publish- jiames, hut they
can he eeen at any otnoe, . -
POBTIANft Or.. Aorll t0.
rttfesaor Van Cortland Dear Blr:
feel a great chpngd for the better
after two monthe under your treat
ment. - I am Increasing in weight
every day and whigh more than ever
before In my life, and all thle with
out medicine. I have faith in your
powers to heal: aiao your aovice in
bustnsss, and feel very grateful' te
you for what you have done for me.
tours truly.
r-g .
.Y. C.
ON. Or. -Prof essor Van
Cortland Dear Sir: la answer to
your letter, will say that I found the
papers aa you aald I would, and let
me thank you for the power you have
In helping to cure my disease, which
you are. sureiy uoing, .as. a f so
much better;
I II jahvi, a iwi w w.
new man. Blneereiy, l. M. .
Dea Blr: I am perfectly battened
with the work you have done for m
t Prafumr Van tlortland Too are!
more than wonderful, ana l wiu rec-
w. ... .mul ,a mv rrifnna, mm i
know your powera are genuine, aa the
work you have aone lor me nes raaae
me a different man. Xourrlend,
Van Cortland has hundreds ol such
letters on Ale at his onlce. ' '
XOiraa, U Batly aad arsmgay.
Y A " vir
.v -f v rn
a btbj AmA- arm
: i -.t..,-
j xo rirst ana morrisoii
Our business has grown, too
... v.-ji......
at Third and Alder.
Sixty Per Cent
!And.w. have Been compe!Ud.tb enlarge pur Tornj vVe havei'
'-.: ;V,rr u -7"t-. : therefore,-leased ;.. " -v -' r
And will hereafter b better than ever prepared to cure all
those afflictions of the human
fullr treated in all the past years of our marvelously expand-
. " : "nngTJroftssionai career in rottiana. - ; -WE
Restorincr to health hundreds
t. , . . V I .ta t
na given -upai aojrane trir ewtrvairuii"
tve IhvitcAIT SicK People ta SMMS
01 "whatever diseaae they may 'have by our great remedies old
as the ages and stronger and of .greater merit as each year
the GGceWoW
Yet it Tjiird and Alder,, but after" July 10 in our partial par
s lorftat 162? Pint Street, southeast corner Morriaon.
V' ; We have a full second floor of that fine building. 1
(Special tnspateh br Leased WTM td Tae learaal)
Austin. Texas, July 1. Dlspatoheg
from Del . Rio, Tesaa, tall of unprece
dented ralna, supplemented by a oloud
burst near the head ot las Vecaa creek,
resulting in the known death by drown
ing of 1 persona, II of whom were
Mexicans x and the probable death of
many more. Great property damage re
sulted. ': .-:
-Tha town of tag Vecaa Is tarfsly
submerged and many buildings and con
tents are washed away. Hundreds of
people ' are homeless and Pel Rio Is
doing Its utmost to aid ths sufferers. ;
. Ketloo as Selegwes. ... j ,.
(Cepyrlght Hunt Hews Barvice, bp teased
"Wire te The Jeoraal.) : -
Paris. July . 1.- M. Nelldoft, the Rus
sian amhaaaeulor here, has been ap
pointed by the csar peace plenipotentiary
to waanington. ne win rs npung aa
Parte by M. MouravleA, f Russlsn am
bassador to Rome, 1 -;' ; ; ' -'';-u.
- :r, V; ; : afsUhla mrlpsa aasa, .
' From ths New Terk Sun.- , 1
' Out ot II young striped baas averag
ing about 11 Inches In length and half a
pound in weight plaoed in a pool la the
aqusrtum on May 14, 114, these remain
thta month, rounding out a psrtod ot
11 years In captivity, II hardy surviv
ors, all grown to be fishes of nobis pro
portions.' Ths biggest ons Is about II
inches In length snd It would Weigh
shout 10 pounds, while there are eight
In; the lot . that would messure more
than It -inches in length and from to to
10 pounds In weight, soma of the chunk:
ier ones weighing mors than longer
fishes. ; -" -. ': f--'
Ths greatest mortality sarong these
fishes wss 1A the course ot the first two
years there was but a Single death
In the pool In the eleventh year, juet
ended. The growth among them was
very rapid In the first five years, but
scarcely perceptible later to those who
saw them dally, though occasional visi
tors were sure to UTke note of their In
crease In else and, weight.
' These fine surviving! striped bass, a
very noble lot, are Sll In good condition
and they are still growing. , Striped
bsss have been known to reach a length
of about five feet and a weight of nearly
100 pounds. - It seems not Impossible
that, barring accident. 1 some one ef
these bass In ths aquarium s pool may
attain a siss and weight' as greet. ;
, Oaprared a"Uot risk. ,.'' f
' T Tttm the Hawellan Star. . V
Not only did the,ahark hunting party
of Sunday kill the biggest shark ot the
seaaon, but Incidentally they managed
to bring te shore tha largeet pilot fish
ever eeen In Honolulu. ... .
Tor t hip. Jet tar killing, hnwever. thry
a Dries r toClake no credit. JTh fish wse
attscbed AO the deed bodyof the! shark.
The fish was caught and piced iaa
- - r
SDABA5TBB to Saaae yea as chants If I
fan te call yea ky same ta fall, aaatas ef
r frlaada, eaeausa ee rfrsls., I sremtie
te tell, yea whether yew haabaad, wife er
sweetheart is tree ee time, ' tslt. yea hew t
gala the lova ef the eae yea meet desire.
eves tbeagfe stiles sway, hew to
sfeealstloa. IsvrevJts; I
the eae ef yW ekoica; hoi
yeath, haaltk ad vitality. ..
evil ' taaaeaca, ceres drtBS aaMtt
trsssorea, eares
Bow eaa f have geed hwkl .'-' ,
Row ess I aaeassd la boaiuessl'
Hew eaa I make aay boms happy? .
Raw eaa t eoaaaer mv esealeat
iHew eas? I starry the eae I ehoasst ..
Hew eaa I awrry wall t ,. ..-,- '--
' I Bew seea eaa I Saarry ' : , i r ; j
Hum eaa I eaa war mf rival t - .' :
X Row eas I make aay eae leva met
Bow aeea will my lever propose , -"Bow
eae I get a latter t
" Row eaa I gst a geee peiltloal -' , , '
Bew eaa I raawrve sad laSueaosst ! ; ...
' How eaa f matrol aay east -
Row aaak a dlatant sees think et mat
. Hew eaa I held aty bee bead's krnJ -r
. Bew. eaa I keep say wifs's Vwet -PBOFE8B0R
VAM ! COBTLASD-tells.:
aad sevee Saag uestloua. - ,
The Ort Chlnmti Doctor
v viviiii. , ,aiw f v
" w w- i
lir'gle for our present quarters
- It has increased
Within a Year
body '.that we have so success-;
tiport hundreds .of persons who-
J 1 . .' .-..'
tank at Toung Brothers' iwharf, where
remains at preeent: It Is shout nine
Inches snd Is a dark brownish blue color.
Its most remarkable .characteristic Is
tha large "sucker," which' extends over ..'
the whole top of the head and by which. , .-.,-,-he
at will attaches himself to ths body '
of the shark which he Adopts." ., . i
When put Into a glass tsnk st Young s , ' .
this morning, after 'be had been taken ' V
with a net from -the body of his huge V
friend; tha fish aetsd in a frantio men- , ,
ner, dashing about the tank, presumably
in a hopeless attempt to find another
shark. Finally ha seemed ta get recotv ' t,
died and atuched himself to the wall t
ot his (lass prison.-T ;-v 7 r-v?-?- .'j-v-'-
' e ' ' ' ?'.-.
Mother aTnsanUag- Bird- Peedlag To
'From the Country Calendar.'
1' When I flrat crawled la among the
bushes close to the neet -the , little '.
mother darted jtt. me and poised a foot 4
from my nose, aa if to stare me out of I,
countenance. . She looked me all. pverJ,
from head ' to foot twice, . then sh (
seemed convinced 'thst t wss harmless.'
' She whirled and sst on the nest edaft.
The bantlings opened wide their hungrr-A
mouths. .. Shs spread 'her tall like -4
flicker snd braced herself against lh).
nesi Biae. nae cranea ner neck ana -drew
her , daggerlike bill etrklght up
above the neet,' She plunged -It down
ths bsby's throat to the hilt and atarted -a
eerlea of gestures that leemed -fash- '
toned to puncture htm to tbs toea Therl
she stabbed the lothef be by until sh
made me shudder. It looked like the '
murder of the infanta But they were ' -
not majigled and bloody;, they were get- '. V
ting a square meal after 'the usual hum' ?: 1 A
mlna bird method of Hnrriraiim . - ' V,
They ran out their slender tongues to '
lick the honey from their hills. "Mow"rr
thsy . liked IU i Then ehe eettled down
snd ruffled up her breast feathers te let '
her babies cuddle close to her nakr1 ?
boeom. Ocoaaionany abe reached unde.' V -to
caress them with whisperings tf . t
mother love.- !':..'..; , 1 - ..::.'
: istovs mams os$irV,-- ,5;
Idlsnspolls' ' DlspatcS In' New' ToVk
., .v; : World. :
5 J,. R. Robson. who wss born In Berlin,
Germany., but-- who hks lived in the
United States for IT years. In which
lime he has amsssed a fortune, owns
10 0 acres of lsnd on ths West side of '
Hlgglns. lake Michigan. Mr.- Robson '
hss snnounced that he has divided this ,
land Into lota 11x111 feet each, snd writ -give
sway 1.000 ot the lots, free ot all ."1
Incumbrances, ons lot to every . person I '
by the name ofjtobson, whether related
to mm or not, ; I , ' .'
.The. offer , Is to every person af thst
nerae In the United Statea and Europe,
and Mr. Robson. Is now endeavoring to
find 1.000 persons who hear tha asms of
Robson. At ths -present time Mr. Rob
eon has found 110 , persons .Who' have
his name and with whom he has cor
responded. :- Indirectly, he knows of
about ' 100 , persons wcattered .aver tha
United States by tha asms of Robsofi.
1 i
it -
. ..... v.-1
1 J..
i .
) 7)
. .. f .