The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1905, Image 7

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    "7 1''V
Car PxctdzX Cmt There in;:;
Ptut Ytir. -
port Cuirieta' to Couth . Prom
ThisXtits nd Washington
! - la Heavy. ; , 7:;;:;
1 , J' ,..'!... ... .. v.;!.- .. i ,-.-,
sclu'dlng flour, the total amount of
at hipped from Oregon and Wash
uo during .tba.. cereal year which
ed yesterday waa l.4.tlf buehele.
compare) with I1.HI.0H buahele for
I previous iMwn. The decrease ta
ousted for by the fact ttot.k W
t of tha crop-went to theeaetern
ies- Coastwlae , shipments. are In
dad In th figures. " ' ' r " V
A atatement which haa Juat been pro
rod toy- jho roerchanta' .exchange
on that 1,111,311 bushels of whaat
re Bent to California from thla. port
I tha course of tho year, 'which la al
oat twice, tha amount ahtpped tharo
at aeaaonCountlng.-100.000 buahala
tht cargo tha grain aeot down tho
.ait" would -bav-ieeir-attfflcleit to
ad jo sailing ehlpa of the average
irrylng capacity.
(Of tha azport tra.da l.l0,0 buahala
,nt to tho United Kingdom from
jrtundrt ahlpa - hrln boos - ueed
,r Ita transportation. Tha orient cot
t.m -buahala from thla pert, while
frlce received MM buehels. The
tal aWpmentr-of - ther product from
prtland. including the coaetwlae. trade,
nounted to MJ7,7M buehela.' Dur
tha aame perlorf tha Bound - porja
ilpped .le,l77, buahala of tha cereal.
(Portland ahlpped f 81.T10 barrela of
ourr whereas laat year aha had I.OtO,-
barrela to her credit, a deoreaee of
trifle more than one carta Tho sound
ilpped ..8S.7 barrel of flour dur,
V the year, of which 114,111 barrela;
mt-to California. " " )
So far as the wheat and azport bilsl
aa goaa the aaaaon of ltOl-01 wae tha
at that Oregon and Waahlngton aver
(perienced. Purine; -that eeaeon they
ilpped foreign and down the coast 15.-
ia . ... -K.iahia whMt Mirer 4.000.600
Li'hels mora than any other-yea haa tJ
Vittem Traata acakee OoJambla ; front
i nTurerea la lee Than It aya.
What ia believed to be aa quick a trip
I haa aver been ; niade acroaa the Pa
ns by a tramp ateamer la that qf the
rltlah ateamablp Bananurac, liaptain
pbertson;' which reached the mouth of
p Columbia river from Muroran, Japan,
i It daya and H hours. Thla la good
Vie .for regular Jinere, but uaually the
rapa apend from 1 o 0 days on tho
yage. ,:"- f--.'" ,:
the Sandhurst reached TorUand last
nlng. On the outward trlj from thla
it the ateamer ran Into a auooeaalon
A givwt portion of tha rnal
ileh she carried oa dec waa waahed
tr board, and tha aallora 'had. escltin
perlenoea In preventing-further Josaaa.
While W-TatnRtaw diaoharklni oate
hay which tho ateamer carried rrom
la port tho Russian warship Caarevltcn
opped In thera rather unexpectedly for
alra. Learnlna of the Ruaslan defeat
t commander committed suicide. One
the other orflcera of .the battleahlp
t all of , tha -membera of tha crew
ound blm and read the nava of th
.ht irom -a ' newspaper which h had
at received--. Before ha had proceeded,
rry far with the narrative one of the
allore drew -a : pistol and . mortally
rounded tha offlcen A mutiny , almoat
raelted, but tha murderer- waa Anally
laarmed and placed. In trona. Those
b-aaedlea threw ath town of Tslnrtau
kto a frensy of excitement.
The Sandhurst ia under charter to tha
aclflo Export Lumber company to carry
carao of Oree-oo fir to Taku.- Bhe la
V the Inman-Poulaen mill, where tha
l W 1 1 1 wA - - -' ,
La Fontaine moved out" into - tha
tream yesterday afternoon, hut will not
rave for the eea until Tueeday. Sh-i
kas on board 1.471,812 feet of lumber
or ureal wixain.
Not being able to get a mate aa aoon
a expected the achooner Allen A laden
itn lumDer ror lino, win not get away
ntll tomorrow or the next day. -
D. W. Paul, local agent of the Sea
en'a union, haa received a letter from
Honolulu stating that the Bailor board
jig-house people at that port are uak
mg a great deal of -trouble for the
kippers. Tha boardlng-houae la. la
harge of Turk at Lewia, tha flrat named
bf the firm being a son of tha Turk Who
tnade himself notorious about IS or 10
eare ago running tha aama line of
bualneaa at Astoria. ' .. '.
A. B. TVollaber, flrat aaalstant local
orecaater,. left thla morning for Long
Iteaoh, -where ' ha will spend; a . three
weeks' vscatlon. ; : , " ,
Jullua Blachoff, who had been In
port land for the paat alx montha rep
esentlng the Interests of K. C. Schran
V Co., owners of the German ships Carl,
Ihrtstei, Henrlette.v Emlle and other
piling crart, iei laii. nigni ror nia
pme at Bremen, - Germany. While ea
mte .he wUl atop at Chicago New
ork and other eastern cltiea ' (
Astorla. July 1. Arrived at ( a. m
tea me r Elmore from Tillamook; at
1:11 a. m British bark Plnmore from
n Francisco. Sailed at 11:1 -a, - m..
'earner St. Paul for San Pranclsoo.
Condition of the, bar. at 4 m
ma; wina soumeasi; weainer cloudy.
laMb thai. MMtiii.
Carrying T.IOO barrela of fuel oil the
arge Santa Paula arrived yesterday at
Portsmouth. - She waa brought from
an- Frencloco to- Aatorhtt-by the ateamer
v'hittier and up the river by tha M. F.
jienderson of the - Shaver Tran sport a
)on company a- fleet. , -The Whlttler
rent to Vancouver, B. C. with a cargo
f olL. Captain Pelle Is still in com
mand of the Santa 'Paula. - i
-... . 11 1 - "- .-.. V, '.-v-'T
- Beballdlng tha Kaaaai. .u . x
I When tha ateamer Kelianl, belonging
n the Oregon Round Lumber company,
ra taken on the ways of tha Portland
I No pane ea afrVird to bnttMT wttk any
r the exper'arnital kal(B fad. He la toe
my siakin a ll'lnt tor llaMlf aad fimlly
t vim arairted with a bad enesh er
4, or derelorw ratarrfe as the dtroet reenlt
a rata, ft latsir usee a raw ese er Dr.
'x feee'a Oerataa irrne. A ad If anaMthlag
ora arVM. f ennaiunptlon. sroatralea aim
t say meailMr nf hit fatnllr.' Oar an a Hmm
l II'n retlrat nn tn mtft a rar. Trial
)tle. w. ri( (mtile, TV. At all drsfilsta
riraan'a jllmanaa. . , , . .. .
i i , U l
i i I f -t '. i ,i re-
i i
i 7 t it we lwameJ
' ' ' vk"a In- fari woree
. ' eray'aaed tt wb
i to r ui4 Lr. - fche wi.l be
an tntirely new hull, the - only
part of the oil craft that will- remain
hel.-y be house, which has been raised
eo e distance above ita foundation, in
ortwr to sjlve the mechanics aufflcient
room to work. The. ateamer, which will
proi.fcUy be ready to launch, this month,
will be used in the towln business.- .
;; rortiaad raepla Vo to Alaska. "
. Tonlaht tha following Portland peo
ple .will take passage on the steamer
Hum bolt, sailing from the aound, for
Alaskan- potnta: e O. J. Stlllwell - and
wlft. J. B. Gordon and MoU-Gordon
Tomorrow night the ateamer t CotUae
41 , ii . ii m ii. . . . . . . I
rh.o'r..T..""TuId n6t make public hi. futur. pUn
oertns or) aer are:
Mt. and- Mra. W
H. Palrbanka, Mr. and Mra. George W.
Wolls. M. Cady. Jtlea- Mvermore. Mra
Couelna, aflaa Henriette Abbott. Miss
M. Lanyon, Miss M. Hurley, Mlaa C
Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. Schllta kod M.
G.. Munly and family. ,
: aT.faiWr-Haa-yrr-'-""Shortly
before noon the British bark
Pinmore. Captain Evans, arrived at As
toria from Ban. Francisco with about
1.100 tons of general cargo, which ihe
brought from Hull; it ia mostly pig
iron and firebricks consigned to Meyer.
Wilson .Co. - Tha vessel is- under
charter to J. J. Moore t Co. to carry
lumber , to Australia! "and- will - begin
loading aa aoon aa her freight haa been
discharged. The Plnmore spent 14 daya
coming rrom ue California matropolla
. , '
te- Oaaaaa Xa B Qaaraatlaed.
v Four people are suffering from amall
P -at La Camaa. and If another caee
developa the town will be quarantined.
Thla ' report waavproua-ht from the lit.
le Waahtngton-olty yesterday by the-
ateamboata plying on tha Columbia
rlver -Nearly, all the people-la the
town. It la aald, have been expoeed.
Should the - town be . Quarantined It la
probable that tha ateamer Ion will be
tied up for awhile. . The cases are aald
to. be of. a mild form. . ..... v
CeUbration of tho Nation's Ann i-
. vorsary Day Will Ba Paatura
: t-utha Ex'pVapiu'i.
X. special, program haa beep arranged
for the exercises on July 4 at the expo
sition. Thera wjll ba many interesting
feattirea on that dsjy' Including, formal
ceremonies tn the bandatand at tha foot
of tha grand atalrway , at 11 o'clock.
Following la tha program:--1 .':,:..x::
Overturel,iberatl'a band. ! .'..
Invocation Rev. - - A. ..-A. " Morriaon.
D. n '
- Reading of the Declaration of IndependenceHarry-
Bulkier of Washing
ton, wimct - pr. Columbia. - - , .'
Columbia" Llberatl s band. ' '
Oration Rev. Stephen Wise, D-D.
. Solo,1 "Star-Spangled ; Banner" Mra.
Rose . Bloch-Bauer. -y ' 'y l . - ;y
Benediction Rev. T.-1 Eliot, D. XX
"America" LiberaU'a- band.
- Salute of- 4t gune First battery, fl3d
artillery, O. N. O. , , : ..- .. f
--.- 4
tttcpatck tax VIM JesraaLt
Eugene, !Or., July ; l.-The newa of
tha' accidental death of Ed Violet, a
loaaring foreman, haa reached hero front
Gardiner, om the , coast of Douglae
- There are" no particulars of tha acci
dent. - which ' occu rred Thureday . after
boon, further than that he -wae working;
In a logging camp at tho time. -
Mlaa Emma Wold of Eugene haa Juat
returned noma- from .- Columbia. Uni
yerelty. New Tork City, where aha grad
uated from tha college of teachers of
that Institution. She haa been selected
to fill the poaltion of. professor of biol
ogy at Milla coll age and will leave hero
in August to accept the poaltion. -
v-'Oeea" Montgomery, a logger em
ployed In one of the eampa In tha vi
cinity of Waltervllle. while walking be
hind a loc.wJttch. jraa being dragged by
a -.donkey engine, waa caught, between
the log and a stump, resulting. In the
bones of one leg being croshed, -.
-tipeeTaltepatca te Tee laeraeL)
; Roaeburg, Or., July I. To tha eouth
ern Oregon dlviaion of the Caecada for
eat reaerve and the ""Aehhtnd reserve,
under Hupervleor S, C. Bartrum of thla
place, a new department haa been added,
that of the technical and sctentiflo de
partment of tha work. A. E. Cahoon of
Washington, D. .Cv haa been sp laced In
charge apd will work under Mr.! Bart
rum. The ordinary foreat ranger haa
to build trails and. put out Urea .and
patrol tha country Inalde of the reaerve.
Cahoon will have direction of the higher
branches. After -thla tha rangere wlll
procure their poaltlona through the civil
service and Dot by appointment aa here
tofore. -Among e requlrementa will ba
markamanahtp with' tha title and tha re
volver and other Ilka practical parts of
tha woodman'a Ufa.' i,' . -. : v
f,,...rT '-r.;.';..;:.jr
(goeelal Disoatea te The JearaaL) ."
Walla Walla. July 1. Henry C. Stew
art.and hla llryear-old' bride, who fled
from - Walla WaUa af ter being aecretly
married a week ago, have been arreatea
at Brush; 'Colorado, .and are -now -oon-
ftned- In tha county Jail at -Fort juogsn,
rniarado. . Newa of thearreat of the
fleeing couple waa telegraphed to Sheriff
Painter yesterday and he wni leave wim
requisition -pa pare tomorrow. R, : 8.
Maase, father of the girl. Is determined
to . push the chargea againat hla new
eon-ln-law and Roeo Leslie, who aworo
falaely to tha age of the girl.
'" (aeelal Dlaeatek l tt Joereall r
1 Pendleton, Or.. July 1- Cart Manning
and ' George Clifford were brought to
the count jr Jail In thla city - today by
Marshal Nevln af Helix and will be held
to answer tha charge of burglary.
Laat evening Juat before dark tha
home of Mrs. Homer Kendall at Hells
was robbed, the thieves eecuring two
gold .watche. . a diamond ring end
aaamlmea The t'l I III I II llllii llllllll I
rest had been aeon leaving the Kerdll
barn a abort time before; the robbery
waa dleoovered.:- . -i
Kaay AmU meral. - .
. " (ftpeelal Ptaeatch te Tee JoaraaL)
. Baker City. Or.. July 1. The fdneral
of Mra Jud Jackaon. who died In South
Baker, ,waa Jan elritWndedrrldayLj;!
Ptntma Crner,Ex;!z.' i y.y
- H Rttljnsd Frcra tha ,f
' Comm!:t!on. . ; 'r
(Jaoraal Bpaeltl Sartioa.) "
New Tork. 'July l.John . Walker,
who resigned aa, member and chief engi
neer of the" Panama canal, haa Issued a
statement In' reply to Secretary Taft'a
accusations that he left the canal work
at critical time. Today Mr. Wallace
left for an extended vacation, no
I 3X1
The atatement in part la aa followe;
The primary cauaea which lea me
to. tender mv-realanatlon aa chief engi
neer of the Isthmian canal commission
were underlying" and fundamental ana
I muat resent- tha charge that, my mo
tive" In leaving the - work waa a financial
"My decision waa arrived at as the re
sult of the aix daya' uninterrupted
thouaht which I was able to give the
subject In all ita bearings ' during My
voyage from New Tork to Colon in Jua-y
It waa at thla payehological moment
that I received a cablegram, from ' New
Tork offering me a business opportunity
which I was bound to consider. r
"If Secretary Taft understood me to
say that I had accepted a position in
New Tork. he labored under a m leap pre
heaatoa. ... ;r.
I did not aeek the poaltion of chief
engineer of the isthmian canal eommU-
alm. - W- - ; r r
- in reaaro io tne anuation at ranama.
at no time during tho progreaa of the
work could my relations have-been eev
ered more - opportunely than now, - and;
1 with less damage-to- the work.
I have made no criticism of personnel
or lnalvldua)eJtut X do. believe that the
obataolea duo to the governmental
methods required by existing laws are
so. aerioua that- they will - have to be
eimlnated"ir" the American people are
to see the-Panama canal constructed In
a -reasonable - time , and at a moderate
- . Woeraal tseclal erviee.)
Waahlnaton. July 1. Tha act paai
i by the last aeaaloq of congress giv
to tha : department of labor ana q
merco authority to send apeclal agenta
abroad to 1 a veatl gate trade-oooditloea
with tha object of promoting tba foreign
commerce of the United Statee becomes
I operative today and tha department la
making arrangements to - take- imma
dtata ad vantaga at ita rovlaloaa.- With- J
Xrt the -next week or two five special
arenta selected for tha iniaaion will
be aent. abroad. ' The five agenta chosen
for the -work are Charles M. Pepper,
Harry R, Burrlll. Raymond F. Crist, Dr.
Edward Bedloe . and Profeaaor ' XJncoIn
Hutchinson of the University of Call
fomla. Meaara. Burrlll .and Crist will
go to the orient " Profeaaor Hutchin
son will go-to South. America and vlalt
all the Important seacorts on the At
lantic and Pact fie coaata Of that con
tlnent Mr. Pepper will go to Canada,
and aubaequently to Mexico. Dr. Bedloe
will ba aent to tha West Indies, Vene,
auela and.,-British. - Dutch - and' French
Guiana. It la expected' that - the. in
vestigation will be completed 1n tha
field by the close of tho present veer
and that all the agenta will ha va their
final reporta ready , for congress In
tJanuary. f ? j i t -'-
S .,,.,-. ivaraai . apacuu aerviea.) . ' '. t
I New Tork. July 1. Delagatea .from
many aiaies are garnering in me me
tropolis for -the- aocond annual conven
tion of tho Bualneaa Women e National
league, which was formed laat year at
the St. uouia exposition. ' " - - -
Tha league- numbers among Ita mem
bera doctors, lawyers, .writers, artists,'
atenographera, employes In department
atorea, teachers in - abort, workers - In
every branch of induatry. - The organi
sation la not a charity, but alms at self-
help, and la an alliance : of working
women o provme a meana or com
munlcatlon for bualneaa women' to fur
ther organised helpfulness among auch."
andto establish- aJhoma-on. Chesapeake
bay - which.-will be .open all tae-yearW
where aick or tired membera can - go
for-pleasure or recuperation at slight
expenee. Tne league haa already
ranch near Denver for the uae of Ita
membera, where the' living expenaea are
moderate.- . -1 . . ,
(Joeraal gpsctal garvtea.)
San Franolaco, July 1. Mra. Annie
Talbot, the wtfft of M. H. Talbot Preel
dent; of the lumber firm of Popa Tal
bot, wall known In Oregon and Wash
Ingtoa, haa filed a petition praying for
separation and the support, maintenance.
custody and care or her three children.
Vera, aged 14 years. W. C Talbot 11,
and Erio- Talbot 1 .. She further prays
for possession of the family -residenee
at- MM . Jackaon street. fl.00. a month
to support herself and children,- 15,000
attorney, feee and Il.tOO coata
The wife tella a pathetic atory of neg
lect, heartleaaneaa.. and ' the-"aneerlng
Indifference" that ahe conaldered brutal,
of an aaaault In which her'arma were
brulaed. and wrist sprained, daya and
nlghta ,of weeping, and daya and nlghta
of lllneas in a noiei in a airanara cny. v
'' The atatement la alleged to have been
made by her Jiuaband in which he aald
"You may tie youraelf In the attic or
commit aulclde for an I care.4
i aa IiSii.i 'T
1 ; j: iJoeraal paritl iarvlee.l
: Rlverelde, Cel.. July 1. Frank Sea-
Man, naked, with, - eyea aunken and
cheekbones almost protruding through
tha fleah, atood.on jne iracaa ox me
Southern 'Paetfid out on tba deeert 10
nilaa weet of Indlo thla morning and
nnnad the Overland train. When the
train erew-wetrt toward rrntm na nt-
tempted; to .run away and restated af-
tnrlm tn rescue him.
seaman had been loat in the desert
alnoa Tueeday morning, wiinoui iooo w
water and - had thrown away all hla
ninthlnar. cold watch and a small aum
at money. Phyolclane on tba train
found him Inaana and aald ha could not
have eurvived the day.- Seaman la new
tn tha county hospital recovering.. Ha
loat hla way while looking for-water
on hla way to Palm Sprtni
(Special Dispatch te Tie Joeraal.)
Baker City. - Or., July ; 1. County
Clerk Combs announcea today that dur
Ing his term of office to date, covering
three years, he hsB tssued 100 marrtsge
licenses, an average of 100 a year. .'The
divorces grsnted In the same court have
averaged about 11 per cent of thla aum-
- . y . L .LLai. w3
!rtrlr: V.":i Intpect Structure!
t-i lr.form&tlon Will Ca Val
u&tla In Caving Property,
Hereafter 'theeaptalna In tha fire de
partment wUl have to aaalat In tha In
spection of large ' buildings and . their
contents. This order of Chief campoeu
went. IntQ effect 'thla week. . Each of
the 11 captalna will be aaslgned for
Inspection duty in one of tha 11 dlatrlcta
Into which the city has been divided.
. Thla addition to the duties Of the cap
tains baa been made "for the purpose of
aeourlng Information for the fire de
partment of all the targe buildings of
the city. . The aiae ana piain ox con
struction of the building, number of
rooms, fir - escapes, atand plpea, pro
vision for lessening conflagration basard,
content and everything which would be
of interest to a fireman noted.
As aoon aa a eurvey of a building la
finished the record will ba placed on file
with the chief engineer, who with his
asslstanta and captalna will atudy tha
bulldlaga and become familiar with
every detalj. . i: '
ExplOBivea or highly eombustibie ma
terial .which are not allowed to be stored
in large quantities are sometimes found,
In- whLcb -case the .proprietor- of the
building and the owner of the gooda are
Immediately notffed that they muat
comply with tha law. -
' (Bpadal Oiapatch e The loaraal, '
Baker City. Or.; July 1. Judge White
thla morning overruled the motion for a
new trial and eehtenced Roy Miller-to
tha penitentiary for three yeara - - '
Millar waa prealdent and caahier of
the Bumpter bank that failed and hla
conviction followed evidence adduced at
the trial, among the allegations being
that of receiving deposits whan tha in
atltution waa known to be lnaolvent
r.l'i ' : Oonf eraaea of . Babbla.-'.. '
'-.-"'(jooTaal IpaeUl gervloe. )
Cleveland, July 1. Prominent Jew
ish rabbis from all parts of tha country
are a-athering here for a conference
which will begin tomorrow and continue
through, the greater part of tha com
Ing week. , An important question wnlon
will coma before the conference - Is
whether Jews and ?lrrtettaB otwuld
intermarry. - A - controversy haa been
opened, by Joaeph Laiarre, who In
publlo utterance called : Rose Harriet
Pastor, tn Jeweaa who la aoon to marry
J. O. Phelpe Stokes, a "renegade." Prom
inent Jewish thinkers have condemned
Lasarre for - tho atand he hea- taken.
The introduction of the aubject in the
lowed by a lively discussion. . :v .' .
. ? , ; ' Bank Big; BrrUend. , -i .. '
'- r-T- ---.-. i Joeraal Special garvtea.l -
New Tork, July 1 Stockholders of
tha Fifth 'Avenue bank, maong whom
Russell Sage lemons of the largest, re
ceived today. In addition to tha -regu
larly quarterly dividend of IS per cent
an extra dividend -of 1 20 jper cent, de
clared out or tna proms , or - ana
1104.-Thla brlnga the return on the
atock for tha laat two yeara up to Ma
tter cent- a year.- which ta the. largest
per" cent in dividend paid by any New !
Tork ban. , Tne Firm Avenue nana ia
capitalised:. at 1100,000, -'and, according
to the last; statement of Ita condition.
haa undivided proflta amounting .to l.r
:.'l-.-''.(yanala.nT Srtt4ali Tmt..:::
V.. , Uaaraal FpacUl sarrtea .
V Ottawa, Ont, July 1. In accordance
with tha arrangement reached with the
British . government early - In - the year
tha Canadian government today takes
overihe defenses of Halifax and Esqui
mau. "The ' arrangement provldea. that
tha dominion a hall maintain tha do
fenaea In flrat-claaa ahape and garrison
.them with all branches of tha service.
Brltlah artillery and engineer . experta
will be retained for a time to train their
Canadian auocessora. The annual cost
to Canada in maintaining these forts
will be 11.000.000., ' .rs v.
'.-.To.ltava aTaw Poetoffloe. '
1;-V (Joeraal Sseetal Sarvtce.
to have a new poetornce on tha north
aide thla aummer. ; Tha atatlon will be
built at once soma place on North Mon
roe, between Maxwell and Indiana av
enues, and will take cere of all. mall
for delivery; west of Division and north
f tbe'Hver. i .
Thla la to be called station A. and' will
be In ahape for bualneaa about tha flrat
of September. From 18 to 14 carriera
will ba assigned to this etation. .
Acreage Tracts Within the City
; - -.'. Limits -r
This beautiful acreage tract lies
between . ' -, -j, " :; ; ; : r"
Irvington Park
These tracts, will be sold at f 500
'per. acre, v.j' ?-s- . V
Stevenson -Drown Co.
firtton Cooperative Borne Association
Will build you a houae, pay off
- -yenr mortgage or etart you ln. -s -
bualneaa and give you a long J..
' term of yeeraT In which to repay
your loan. . " r -Omtp
4 Par Cmmt Iktmrmnt Charged
The only way for " the amall
wsgeearner to become lndepand- . '
enC Call at - . . .. V,'.,,..
laoai ST, lSeVt Femrth et aor- ,.
- aar Morriaon, for fall partlam-
10x100 comer,- nea flats, aplandld
location r price 114,000; Income, $2,100
per annum. 14 per cent. or 11 H 'per cent
clear of taxea and insurance; talk qtilck
i ,ki. l nM ta vr vfi..
iiliiiU iOt U caTai tuUoUngV- j
The opportunities offered at
FIRLAND , for . people of
limited mearts to acquire
homek now have never been
equaled in the hiatory of
- "-;.. ,- . ' '
Trni nf houaea wa are now In
poaltion to build and aell at Jnt
.rates. . .;. ... -.1 t
Look over the tract aea tha
" advantages and Improve
ments already here and you
will book your order .with:
Mr. Taylor before you leave
, jtiiriana,:;;-3.:ii:-":; -
LoUSlOOai Payble$3
' Down, $3 Month v
- W. In laaa otthah BOxlOd feet.
rgraded streeta.' city waterv faat;
F car ' aervtce, - phones. net xhbora,
. nr, nhiMrehes. achools: . every
convenience of tfte clty'a beet
suburbs and other very substan
tial Improvements aoon coming. -
We have an inducement to
offer at FIRLAND that
will be exceptionally favora
ble to all who are tired of
renting and it will pay you
to see us at once.
Qeb. W. Brown
-Room 101
aln llll.- v
- Phma-
V ' A TATXOm' AT FimtAaTO.
. Aajf ., for -JWuatrated folder With
' r 1...... piai. ,. ..
Real Estate For Sale
91750 r.V' :;:'L
"Cor. Union . ave. and Eugene at., Sne
building alte 01x100 feet; streeta im
proved, cement sidewalks, aewer, water
and gaa. :V;J '.Vc-V"'.;"-- i-"
, , - 7- 91800 rS
cottage I rwmi, oain, large iuii
basement, gaa; very easy terma . ;
-' "V- 92250 ':"7 -":
Br 14th - and Wasco ata ! (Holladay
Park addition , . 60x,100 feet and new
houae rooma, bath, etatlonary waah
atand, full oement baaement, gaa; terms
can bo arranged. , ,
- -- 92250. r"- r -
K. 11th, St., near B. Morrison. -100x100
feet, tine location for a couple of nice
houses or foe. Hate; easy terms. .
- ' 91650 : ,
. Point View St Johns), 100x100 feet
and a nice new cottage of S rooms.
v ; 918OO
Cor. William a ave. and Alberta at, let
80x100 feet and cottage I rooma and
bath, aewer'' and gaa.
91200 w!
Near Peninsula station. lOOxltS feet
and house t rooma, bath, baaement, gooJ
.:. . V V-" aii kaa .'.
aww . ,
Larrabee st..' only a few blocks from
the Steel bridge, a beautiful lot 60x100
feet; fine view of river and harbor.
-y- "::' 9I6OO
Irvlngton-. "(cor. 10th and Tillamook
ata. ), 76x100. feet,. v streeta- Improved;
term a half cash.
i 93250
t- Height aU near 8haVer,J 100X100 fee,
and modern pottage rooma. bath, fur
nace, bandaome mahogany mantel, flnr
yard, lota of fruit treea. ;
:r 93500 -,Trv;'
ft: fe eor.-B. 8th and B. Oak sts., BOX
100 feet ahd houae I rooms; streeta Im
proved, concrete eldewalk,. aewer- .t
v-- ; - 91300 .
factory ' at., near Thurman, 1
about 0x0 feet each. - - . :
100x100 feet, N E. cor. ISth and
Overton ata., on the new ,"M"Ncarllne. -
. RTUf , LSS 0MTO.
abstbaots rvsorxs
- aaa t Chamber of Oowisisa ;
-- Vottland, Oregon. ; ..:.- -
$47,000110 feet en Washington at Beat
buy on tho market. - ' ; I f
; ltontg fllS
lSr90wiOOxlOO. corner If th and Alder.
gMJOO-lO flata. corner 10th and Tay
lor.. Rents 3t0 month. , - .
...-.- - - - - - ,
- ". r' ' ' , , 1 '
' Sahlstrom & Patterson .
014 f oarth. ;aeV eiaom.
f -5 248 Oregon -Water Power
, brkei, smokers' compartment, coach seats) run -';trthrou'i?
CITY VIEW PARK, every 12 hours j last
' car at night leaves downtown at 1 a. m. Bull Run
water; mains m front of every lot; streets graded V
-- and curbed sidewalks already built jn-
F X high", level," ideal place to live In Portland. Fire
v r-nydrants"; arcHiights; one of the" largest and" best
y 'schoolhouses In Portland p three chriTches; too aa
" loons; Beautiful viewi o mountains, Tiverr cir.
-This is CITY VIEW PARlCiuperb, unequaled.
Lots $250nd Upwards? .00 Pet Hcnth;
: - y $5 Cash Down, or AU Cash Your Option 7 ;
-CjQNSroERrYoffperhaps have hesitated to go 1
'del)t for iflot becauseryolf would have to pay in
'T .terest1 Nowratop and think. While you are pay--.
; ing for it you have the use of both the lot and"your .
money. After you have your money in the lot you ,
7 have the ute of a lot that is Increasing In value.
- Aren't you getting the best of the bargain all of the
"' 77'' time? The writer says Yes, and has bought two lots.
First and
m mi a a a a fNmiMM
A Kew Water lower if
is' nearing completion at RESERVOIR PARK." The de
mand for water is increasing owing to the number of newl
buildings going up.' -?t . ;v , ,
' 'COME OUT and LOOK at the property. It ia the MOST :
BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHFUL location in tJie auburbs of
-Portland. Yejun-rojoy-jd-scenery, aurroimdcd-hyfiajr
NEIGHBORS and everything that will make life pleasant for
you. You annot buy anything to equal it for the money.
Lots $100 and up. Terms to suit purchaser. All lota are level,
graded streets, fruit trees and berries on moat all of the lots.
- Take" MOUNT SCOTT CAR. -Get off at KERN PARK
1 j . a mtm aaaa. a a A e aaa. aaaa, a aa-t. aa
(and KESttKYUlK rAKiv
to tract. Aeents at office at
; . further' particulars, addresa
Telephone, Main 474.; ; ,
Addition is the place to buy a first class modern home at a
very low price. - Four to eight rooms all finished,' $780 and
' up. They all have full basements, porcelain bath tubs and
.L.toilets, hot jndcold waterLWOod fiberk" picket fences and all
1 large lots. Remember, there are no shanties in my addi
tion. I have built and sold 48 homes already and have
.. seven more ready now. - I have a few choice lots left at
$75 to $150 each. Also some choice acreage; one downtown
property that is worth $9,000 I will sell for $3,000 Re
member, I will give, very easy terms or big discount for
"cashT'SeiTrieTthe owner, JOE NASH, in big white house
at Nashville Station, on the Mount Scott car line. Phone
; Union 1561. ;
a h w.s r a r a rr o
Aider Streets
. V ' . a ' '' .
stjiuon,). wiac nve diocks norm
station and on the ground.-For :
f-r --. i:."f.,ip. '-'f;-'
7 ; 226-228 FRONT STREET
k a u t t ijc pcc
- !