The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    v -
jOtiAUrcnTirD; -satusday svc;k:3. -july viv- t::i -
r-7rV.VrVt . if THE OREGON" ttAtLY J6U
en inv mo emu ;
fUK M155 1IIMC
I City Market Inspector' Hands in
V V- Resignation artdr Board ' of
f'.:;. '..'cHealth Accepts It. - :
1 ' - - f7-"'-'
.U. ' i' 1 ', '"' t "'7 - 19 a.HVg.a.IylW J-u V""""
Knows" Nor OneCompetent to
t, - Fill Place Who Would
Do the Work:
place to irons and marched to tb city
pYieoa wher they are held locked up,
thus a direct violation of tha promise
mad them. Martial taw prevails at
Llbau and no dtlaen are allowed to
leave- their house. - Business la at a
eundatUI and ahopa a"r clooed."
, widaanaad SlaooaWmt.
V,' Tha mutiny ( th Potamkln and
Ekatviina II rareala tna tra inuauon
and tha danxtir.of dlalDtctraUonT that
facaa th throna. WI4orad aad pro
round dtacontint -latmonr -anoara. !
aoldler and aailora andrPTnm-attJ
thought that th armi eanna b rHd
parmananUy to oppoao- a - itneru
natlonannwyaroant,-- - ' ' r- --
Martial law haaxari prodalmad it
Saoaatopol. Ntchalaiaff and ErtTan. Im
nartal decraca hava baen laauad on
v ltts IJllao -E. Ttnarl ' taodairod her
' "tMlcntlen a cltjr market lnapactof Jo
tha-elty board of health thla momlnr
Hhe aald ehe could not afford to retain
the poeltlon at the aaaxy month.
- Th realgnalloa. waa accepted wtth re-
rtlB '-Ttal- wa.TrnV'nd whu4
f aked vhem abe, would rwcommena
, her euoceaaor atated that ah did not
. know any one competent to tlU th poi-
tlo who would. copt 1t .--1
lllau Tlnl wa appointed lit Kay
i - th reanlt f a determined effort oa th
V" part of, houeewtrea-to t clean mar.
Xi-I-keta. 8h ha auccded tn aettlnv
many reforms fa th ahopa aad markeU
"1 - t ta city.; -
1 :: k '-.v (aptelal 'Nayatch-1 The JearaaU J
7 . Jorvallla, July 1-July i la the 4aU
at for meeUn- Of the special water
, committee of the counoil. Oa that daU
- the cltlaena of CorvalHa will expreaa
. hy vot their dealrea for or aalnat th
. butldlnc of' a mountain water yatem
' for Corvallla. There ta a reaflht
between the, different faction over, the
matter and -much Interest consequently
attache t tb- coming meeting. Th
- chief argumenta-urged for th system
are, that WtlUumllg Hrer :t
. puW or healthful.-that CorKalUs Is with
coi adequate fire protection, that good
L water would be a drawing ear la at--traeting-realdenla
to th Awnt,': On th
! other hand those agatnst the measure
Tit the fact that, th city la la debt
- ahmtt tll.M more than ta allowed
. , der. the charter and the bonding of the
city for 17t.0. tb aatlmatad cost of
: , th propose system, ta wholly unneces-
: aary.- i: ;
, 81n th warfare begun ther has
' sprung Into ealatenc a little four-page
.7 paper called "Tha Investigator." It
, opposes vigorous ih proposed water
-J system' schema, .yf v .:y;t..,;7;
T ' Beriat IHasatcb ta The Joaraat)
j Woodburn. Or., July I.Jehn Hoff
man, charged with robbing the bank of
Woodburn, had a preliminary bearing
la Justlc Overton's court this mom
lag and waa held ta the circuit court
n a idantlfied by Mr. Otien as on
of (wo Btea who passed him at his farm
oa th afternoon of May I hnd who ap
plied to him two -or three days before,
that date for something to eat.
uiu HdrahBerrer rscoauiscd ui pna
oner as th taller of th lw men who
passed her oa a run May . and states
it waa either him or his twla brother.
i , F. ' C ' Prerost and Menry, neimaea
.testlfled to ' seeing - him- In- Woodburs
oa the day of the,robbry-HtA t
- T. C Poerman and Mlaa Eddy of th
bank could not identify the'tSrlaeaece
' th robber ba account of the mask, but
thought he resembled ta man who-want
behind the counter and took th money.
Hoffman waa ouleC but carefully scrut
inised ry wltnsa.Hs hid a at.
7toraey. ,
-1 ' 7rr
(Oantlnuad from Pag Ona)
arrowtaa Aoooaats
ferrlng on th viceroy of th Caucasus
suprem rights and on tha admiral of
th Black sea float th same privilege.
t Brutality of
la Suppressing' mtat. 7
(Jeocaal SpecUl aarvMe.) ; - ' : '
Vtanna, JTuirr-Jw-rliigltlvea' from
Odeasa, arriving hi Austria give bar
rowing accounts r th brutalities of
aoldlera and-Coaaacka in - suppreealng
rlota. ' Defenselea men - and women
were shot down on th streets 'without
cause. . Th cavalry repeatedly charged
the crowds., riding down people with
out mercy. . ' . '
Rioter brok Into liquor shops and
looted. Lthern. . Cowacka : shot r down
drunken men like dor. Over 100
longshoremen wrf burned to death In
the immense dock Area. .,
Fugl tives declare the caaualtlea ex
oeed iiOOO. - : ,:. ; ' , . , .
five; crews-Mutiny.'
Dispatch State Tha
. irarsalp Sav Voiaad Berelt. . ,
. t -;-'V'-tJparaal gsedat aemea.)
Sunderland. England, July I-Jam
Weatall.- hlp- ownr bar, received a
meaaag f rom Odessa this morning aay
Ing that Ave crew of warships had mu
tinied when they arrived off port aad
now threaten to bombard th town.
irw aeervtary of th vjr. f
X .. (ioaraal Special hervlc.) ' 7
.Waablngtoa. XX C July 1- la th
presence vf the pieldent. the cabinet.
aaeatatOtaMh e TheIeanML) A
La Oraada. Or- Jul v 1. Pats TWllna
the Maryland BetsgatHiH Us. eangraas I ptLn, fm the La- O rand haaebaU
and' a number cf other frienda la of
ficlal llfe.TCnartas' J. Bonaparte of
Baltimore, took the oath of of flea, aa
secretary wrrehe navy today. After th
ceremony MT. Bonaparte received tha
; congratulations of all preaeat and then
. retired for a private conversation with
- 7 . . th president. The new secretary took
i .T-'-i ." charge of th navy department about
7-. .
coon. There were good, wisnee and
leave taking for tb retiring secretary,
Paul Morton, and many hearty con
gratulations for his successor, the va
rloua ffictala of th department being
presented to the new secretary la th
order of their rank.
-.77 ': ",7 . Aetloa In OoiWW Sstata. .
1 " ." '";" Letter testamentary ware laauad by
77.' - Cnunty Judge Webster this morning to
'7 -'-' '" Elliott Buggle Corbett as a eo-esecuto(
,7', 7 of the eatate of th late Henry W. Cor
k A - betL Under, th will of Mr. Corbett th
S . " ' . letters wer to be laauad when Elliott
. : . " Raggles Corbett srrlved at the ag of
)r V-Jl years. Mr. Corbett has attained his
r-tnajorlty. , ., ,
'-,.' t 7i.. ' I ' Ohiaasa Tenth Admltta.
V ( .(seectal IMatch la Tat JoersaL)
i ' BeatU. Wssh.. July I. As a result
IV." ... Secretary Metcalfs Interference the
. 'v l-Fa-ld. son of Ah Jim. Seattle Chl
, nee merchant, held at 8umaa Jl days
dJ mimJ t rsnon : agents, - has .been ' ad
mitted, lie is coming here for his ed
Feel Blue?
xaoiOKSTlow ia th fo to alt hap-
pinM ana nraitn. ir me stomach U
weak the entire -ay item Is affected.
-jour appetite le poor. alep rvnllraa and
' cmiiivf. in wonaer you raal
ma" Make tha.stomarh at rang and
nrjuir "w taaiiia a jaw aoeee of
.7-. 'VI" ' .. -
'& r 77: :
1 A' - i '
.':--'' '
- r.. '
-i . i, - -
:7-- 1 stbiutH
1 ,f
and see how Quick.
ir your apn of
uiuva- wui dlaas-
tie la barked by a
2 years record
ev saras and can
therefore ha ru4
on. It-aiao euree
neanourB, - .
BiliotBRest er
ftnule Troubla
pont mcespf-a,
eub.tlt.jte. lastet
havtag Sestet.
.-.Vmntl . aclljrrle. ti-L
Beta via, July 1. The Russian cruiser
Terek has been interned her and must
remain until th end f th war, The
vensel f si led to take on her coal supply
within the required time. .
f i : "i'11 .;..-;U.:.-
' '' Jaraal ssedal aervlea.) "7 '
Lewlaton. Ida July L J. Manley
and H. Ik Walla, rep reaen ting tb EIo
trie Railway Construction company, of
New Terk. accompanied by Judeen Spof
ford.'preldehrTof thLwiston and
Southeastern company, . arrived last
night. and left this morning for a trip
over tb rights of way to Mes Pare and
Orangevllle. expecting to return in two
weeks. It la reported that tha contract
for th con t ruction of th lln has al
ready bu lt . i- ;
- IperUl Dtoaatcb to'SVs'Waat) Jul ijiuiim. nu.
man. area If, was broaght to. Baker
City last -night In an unconscious condi
tion, it wss xouna- mues rrom ina
city by a eheepherder. tie had been
running cattle and hla bora stepped In
a badger hole and threw htm feet
H washauld 10 mile In a wagon and
wag 11 hours without medical attention.
He is suffering from concussion of the
brain and hla right arm la paralysed.
He is still unconscious n physicians
doubt hla recovery. ;. ' - -v ;
sa foot and last night tb engineer saw
a person bob up suddenly on the track
In front of the cnglna. Darling's heed
wss severed. He had a -wife In Salt
Lake. Hla bead has not been found.
(ftpaetal Dlapatch to The-JeeraaL)
Chehalis. .July - 1. Bids are to be
opened Monday- by th Lewla county
commissioners -JTor ths construction of
the Ww road between Chehslls and Cea
tralla Two routes sr considered, ne
th old hill route, the other ever the
cours of a condemned plank road that
waa built on a high treetle early ta th
J . aBBaaaBBaaaBBBBBBaasw . ,
(ltel XHoatrk to Th learaaL)
Pendleton, O., July I. Th -regents
of. the Eastera Oregon Normal school.
Iocs ted at Weston, met last night and
decided to open the School this fall even
If asslatance Is not' given by th State.
More than fit. has been pledged by
outside persons for th maintenance of
the school.
- Ooaaervativee' Xioug Xese.
(Jearaal awtal serricar -C
London. July l.It will be 10 years
tomorrow sine th Conservattaa en
ured oa ih ttr mg aaaa of of flea. Lord
Salisbury having become PTtin inlit.
later frtr the third and last time July t.
In spit -of incessant attacks on th
government Jn parliament during th
last year or ao and tb difficulty at
times of maintaining anything like nor
mal majorltlea, ther 1a no reason ta
believe that Br. Balfour baa aay pres
ent Intention of ..tendering hi resigna
tion, nor havs th Liberal leaders at this
moment any real deslr to attempt to
lore mm jo use -wis Step. If Is
known that Mr. Balfour desires to re
main In power at lea at until important
KCTiuina awsMuna arv aaiiiaa, such ss
Morocco an tn Husso-JapaAa war.
To aive Xaformal Sao.
tSrmHaj D1atc to Ta InaraaLI
Corvallls. Or.. Jutv 1 Tha vtiia
Tea events sre
m give t
on Its grounds July 4.
scheduled sad a purse snd a champion-
nip cup win a awarded.
. , .r:7:; v- 7,7-
Pebts Incurred by the Robinsons
at the CarbageXrematory
Remain Unsatisfied.' ;
ileat Companies Protest Against
dinance Passed by Council
The city board of health refused to
audit billa amounting to lit for ma
terial for repaira and supplies for th
city garbage crematory thla morning
on th ground that they had been In
curred without requisitions. city auoj-
tor Devlin stated that Konart Kooinaoa,
senior and Junior. -bad purchased a
Urge amount of material without au
thority. " ' t -?r.TT-:?rr "' ." --.!-Neither
Robinson Junior nor senior
was present and th city auditor was
instructed ta notify tha superintendent
of th crematory to attend tha meetings
of th board of health haraaftarj - -; -
Tha tin lair Mast -company -and- ws
Pacific States Packing company filed a
remonatranc agalnat tha proposed at
tern nt to rvok th meat Inspecting
ordinance recently-passed by th city
council aad th validity Of which 1 be
ing tested in lh courts- :
Dr. J. C aan reported f Ive cases o?
Smallpox at the pesthouaa, all f which
had been traced to point ; outefd the
cityf Dr. Tenney, secretary of the state
board of health, was aaked to maks as
tnveatlratlon of the ease aad notify th
authorities In tha country districts to
enforce the -proper quarantine regula
tions regarding smallpox. ,-
Daisy MsndenhalL aummonsd as a
witness for .Prank Henehaw and L.
Foatluacharted with tha larceny of
2 from L. W. -Saalta."" Informed
Sergeant Ilogeboora that ah heard Hen
shaw planning to rob- Bhults and saw
him. afterward give Marguerite Klsor all
or part of the stolen money." ""
"A row days ago,-.sDS saia. i avsa
a maa who had been given gnoegoui
drops from being robbed of lit) by this
user girt." - ' ' ' "
On receiving this information , me
polio took Immediate action, getting
Police Judga Cameron to postpon tne
hearing of Heashaw . and Pontine to
Monday in order thst a further Investi
gation may be mad. ...,...-u: .- .3; v..r
4 - I Jearaal
Concord. N. H.. July L Mr Mary
- I Raknr a. Kddv cama into possession tbts
wsea. Dv . soeeiai messenger iron -
publisher, of It rare vohim. The Book
of . tb , Presldsnta - an4 . RspresaataUv
appear as holders of "Th Book f th
Preeldcnta are: -Prasldsnt Boossvalt.
Admiral Dewey, Cardinal Olbbona. Levi
P. Morton-Themes A. KdlsosvflcrtrT
of th Treasury Leelle M Shaw, Sena
tor T. C Piatt.' Senator R. A. . Alger,
Cornelius , Vanderbllt. Judge John
HarlaB SmtlH William P. VTY.
iFMnMBTtnf the velum of which
Mrs. Eddy Is th pssasssor. which wss
No. 1 of tho edition. 1s a beautifully
nriHl ' and Illuminated certlacate
which -danouaos that - A reglsUredJ
votum f tha author's first proof pr
heirloom edition. Limited to l.vOd.eoplsa.
was specially published for the holder
thereof, who baa bean. selected as, one
6f l.eOsrepreseottlv oitisena or tns
United Stataa of America, wb staad at
the heed f their reapectlv vocatlona"
Tiffany V Co. of NeW:Tork City are
tv. Ammimmrm. Cuiartn ' Jackson exe
cuted tb color work and th Continental
press or wsaetngion, .-u, ww
pukllahsra. The-, work of editing -this
volume waa In th hands of C. H. Oroa-
Thla work ' la of foyaT quarto sis,
with gilt top. aad bound la full crushed
Preach tad levant. It contains about
l pages enriched by full-page n
araved Mrtralta II specially dealgned
and hand-illuminated page and a large
number of finely executed photogravures.
Two coets-of-erma, belonging to Mr
Eddy's anesstora. hava been painted
upon the whits morocco doublure. The
cost of tb volume was tLOol. Tha
binding within and Without ta Inlaid
with cqlorad leathers and band-tooled
with elaaste designs tn geld. Th covers
ar lined with leather Inserted panels
and watered silk snd leave. .
Mrs. Eddy Is th only womaa who
biography ta included. Accompanying
her wrlttea hiatery I a portrait. Thar
are also Una photogravures of her pres
ent heme estate Pleasant . view, net
former bom in Lynn, where aha wrots
th Christian Scienc textbook. "Science
and Health," First Church of Christ.
Sclentlat. of Concord. Maw Hampshire.
MraMddy'a alft to the Concord Sctea-
tlsta. and Mrs. eddy's nous on com
monwealth avenus "in Boeton. . t
Th biography of Mrs. Eddy Is by
Judca Septimus J. Haana. who waa th
former editor of tn .uuiariaa ncisno
oubilcationa. and first reader of the
mother church in Boeton.
Police . Judge Oeorge Cameron mounted
the bench at exactly 1 o'clock this
morning with Prank Hennsasy, former
police judge, officiating-an clerk of the
court. There wr is cases t d oie
posed of. and by-11 'dock th docket
bad been cleared ana court aajournea.
A number of lawyer wer present and
congratulated .the new Judg and elerky
-Mf of pniica Hunt waa in court for a
few mtnnfra. an ..Interested JtudltojQjfllhani'atthsr - Seattl. Taooma ,or San
Francisco to tha oneat. xiruana win
becom tb queen city of th TPaclfis
teamr-wag. killed laat night by aa saat
bound passenger traln- Darling left
Hot Lake for La Grande lsst sfterBBun 1 ley snmmiinlrednewsof the discovery
proceadlnga, for tb first , time In
months. . - -. ..JJ.:.7.J.7..iv ' 1 '"
udre Cameron lssuedrsd"orar"thls
morning that daring court aeealens th
door leading Into th clerk' room from
th court room shall b kept Rocked. ,
-i 7.: v -. i 7 '
A floating Vody, supposed to be that
of Edmund J. M. Subr. a tallor.wa
found near tha foot-ef- Xvarett street
this morning,, and was" taken tar the
morgue. All indlcatlona point to acci
dental drowning. Tha msn waa between
and IS years" old, and wss about
fsst- Infhea In. hstahL A-thimbla-And
thread and sevarsl letters In French
were found In his pocket. .Coroner Pin
to French Consul Labbe, and that 6RICsr
said . ha had several - letters addressed
to a man named Edmund J. M. Subra. .
Very Low Rates Via th O. R. ft N.
to Upper Rivar Points.
No visitor' to Portland should miss
viewing the matchless ''Columbia river
scenery ' between Portland and Ths
Dalles, ss seen from O. R. A N. tralna.
Th Chicago-Portland special laavea the
union station every morning at t:ls,
giving a daylight rids along ths Colum
bia, stopping four minutes st th vary
foot of Multnomah falla. 'Every mile
of th trip ther Is something new snd
fascinating. If deilred, the return trip
msy be made by boat from Cascade
locks or Th. Dalle. Very low ratea
this summsr. Parti cu la ra and strmmsr
book by asking C W. Btlngsr. city ticket
sgsst, O. B. A N. Co, Third snd Wsh
ington strseta. - . v
Kllauea Again Active.
-.Honolulu. May f:---There "Ts marked
activity In ths volcano of Kllauea. .. The
flow of lava la Increaalng and a rising
la th crater gives Indlcatlona that there
may be an overflow. Reduced first
class ticket t Honol ulu, steamer - Ala-
meda sailing July I." I1!S round trip.
Full information IIS Market street, San
Franclscor-ij ,
-.y-.. Arabs Besiege .Turks. .7
i' Wnnni iirrfiiLJferff1'1 J! -
Constantinople. July I. Arabsfn the
province of Assyr havs joined ths re
volt and Turkish communication with
tha- sort- of-Cumfada la lntarrupted.
Abha, the capital or the province, I
being besieged. - Turkish . reinforce
ments are being dispatched.
'Accused f Mors Stealla-. ' ' .
' 8sHal Daaataft to Tee Jearaal.)
Pendleton Or., July 1. OUbert Mis
thorn, a reaervatinn -Indian, I being
searched for by ths local authorities,
complaint having been filed against him
this morning for th slleged theft J of
a borsa btlongtag to Ar D Rhonlmous.
,i ---r- : -A orhm Trea-eav
IS dally enacted. In thouaand of homes,
vaiw iwien 'iii-eacn pw. 'anifllrvi
victim of Consumption or Pneumonia
But when Cougho and Colds are prop
erly treated, the tragedy la averted. V.
nunuey or uaaianaoa, - indl
ta: - "My wife had the rotiumn
snd three doctors gsva her up. - Finally
klaodoa, - Indiana,
I the coesumDtlon.
aipptag saeep xast.'-: V
rgaemr inuifa ta ra 7
........., u,. i. vnanas
Cunningham, tha aastera-Orera -aba
king, ts dipping !, bucks for shipment I eee. One do tell
In -Mln. Kl. I t "C. and 11.00 tv frna Tr... I - ' -w-ww,,,.
U. Rorua M et aieactam cm I" o4 1 2 33 - VtCZhlsrtGn Ctrttt
she. took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Cold, which
cured her, snd today she 1s wall and
atrowg.1 . It kll tha germr of alt dls-
me floa telterea Onaranteed
Croa Phar-
j- - t
'ReDresent&tive Americans'-A
Work of ArtMrs.: Eddy the
Only Woman Mentioned. T
'4 " (Coatlnyed front Page On.) ,jU
nlaa the conditions, and their plan
are bains mad accordingly, with
lew to placing tha Northern Fadfla in
a commanding poeltlon. It 1s said Port
land, la to be made th enter, racino
coaat terminus of th road, and that
with tha completion of tha Columbia
river Jetty and . th dsspsning of ths
channel there for paaaaga of the largest
sea-rolna- Teasels this city will Immedi
ately be made tb port of try-far th
bulk of Ortantat enipping irao wua a
fresh water harbor, many muss nearer
Throua-h tralna from St Paul ar to
be run ojrar th Northern Pacific and
the a R. A N. from. Wallula Junction
to Portland, and -in exchange for the
uee of O. R. A N. track ln vthls arrange
ment th Harrtasan 'roads will , run
trains over ' th new Columbia river
bridge and the Northern Psclf lo tracks
to Seattl and Taooma, . .
' As a forerunner of this, th O. R.' 4
N. ta now sdvertlslng heavily tn Seattl
for paaaengar business, and preparations
srs being snsds for a atronger sdver
tlslng campaign In tha eound cities by
streetcar. Cards, newspapers and 'Other
metheds. The flrat- lot - of atreetcar
card a advsrtlslng th O. R. A N. in
Seattl snd Tacoma cars bars just been
Issued. - .
BUeeVear travJbtWeeirPortland and
Vancouver will be carried over tha nan
Columbia, river bridge of tha Northern
Pacific. Tb Portland Consolidated ha
begun legal actios) to condemn a ta
right of way from a point at tha north
, and of Union arena atraight - to ths
sits for th Northern - Pscif lo bridge
opposlt Shaw's Island. Th suit Is
brought under th tltl of "Portland
Vancouver A St. -John Railway com
pany va atruble." Mr. Struble la' ad'
mlnlstrator of th eatata of Lewis Love,
through whoa lands th new route-will
run a large part of th distance to tb
Colombia river. - Th new lln will be
about two and a half miles long. A per
tlon of ths old line, to tb present ferry
will be abandoned when, the pew on ta
llUllbj : 1'. . ... .
Coars. Olgaat BosttsX ' ' -
I uoursen at tna . First presbytsriaa
church tomorrow, 'beginning at T:3I
o'clock,, th following program will b
given: ' . ,
Organ selectlons-i-Vorsptal'' to Lohsn.
grin,-Wagner (traaacrlbed by Homer K.
Bartlett); "War March" from Rlenst,
Wagner . (transcribed by Edgar &
Kelley); "Pilgrim Chorus" from Tana
hsuser.'Wsgner (transcribed by Frant
Liast): postlud. "Larghstto,". Oelaalar.
anthem, contralto solo snd quartet,
"Now the Day Is Over," Bhelby; eoa
tral to. solo. -"Resignation SchaberW
Wares aTasiIs at SS a Bay.
. ,.SwfUl Otoaattk ta The JeeraaL),
Pendleton, Or July 1. From nresant
Indlcatlona wsgea for harvest baada will
be higher in this county this year thaa
evef berflr. Many harvest hands this
year, will recelv from tl l to t a
Tb mr fact of possessing a STEIN
WAT or one of ths other HIGH QRADC
. vd wa emit puia mi aaai 01 su
preme approval on the musical last of
th owner.
--;.---'aa"rVVtK -f
. , - 7 . - ; . . -. . -
r t j r
1 yfi-
1 ., '' ''-'ir''r'
no: --7 ii, yjruaiiu
'' ' ' V r-
rpoii i
. . . j- .. jrJ; T.f v--; t -rr - -
Country Shipments Solicited. No ordscJj too txzptit-t-9auCLivLVtsMAx i
7-r;;" ;V r; . tend you any Quantity from T quart to ICO tEo:;
Second Street -J- -1 ;i;zu: .. pj,,' ifaJa 4077"
ftj 'r -wawaaa-w-w-fmwaamj-aw-wmwmw-w
tPag!!3lgHIP T3saaBaaawawaaamS
.7 ;7.'-'Js k -''r737:,' '. ?,7t--'- '.
Dally atidSitndwR
DONT GET UP EARLY to .fallow a cu? (
cold coffee and ?o half asleep oa aa early mor
in boat, but 'l:,:S:LjiV'v:i 1
TAKE YOUR TIME and f et nice hot brec'
fast, thea you will enjoy the Columbia rivx
. . . . - . . - - . i
. trip on we psisnsi , ; i
To lCli La
ii- .r.
Fare ,0150 for -Round Trip
THROUGH STEAMERS FOR THE DALLES and way poiata leaVe daUy (except SunE
: 7 a. m- First class meals served oa steamer. ' Plenty of room aad seats for everybody. Dc
make any mistake, steamer leay?s.j8:30 from-foot of Alder street. ; - .7-7. ' , ' y. I
7- ''-'.
Maaufactured by
W 77;-Nq; Rubber
Read what Mr. Fred Dresser hai to
about the ECONOMY JARi vvV" '
' .... "7 " - ....... ' " Portland. Orago. .
Kerr Olaaa Manufacturing Company,
Oeatleaseav Referring te tb iXX)NOMT FH
JAR. w sr pressed t saw that ws bars
selling them for thro yana
Th first year w rdrd thro gross, th f
end year tan grass and thla year our order
for twenty-five groea. st.i-:-- r .
. W halleva hat. within a few vaara thr v
" be tb only Jar I ; first, becauss th qua'
; of tho Jar far esoels sll others: second,- th )
' ts sanitary, having a wide mouth, therefor of
.. cleaaed. ,
'l ' Th cover Is ss sanitary ss th g!a V
7 whll th covers on many other Jars ar mas
.' tlno which produces poleon when In sontact t
h f nilt aad vegetables.
-- The bolut oertatutjt . of every ECOIfC
JAR sealing mahe It the Ideal Jar for east
; purpose. Wa bespeak a great futur (or 1
v ECONOMY JAB, W are Very truly yours, :
t VV ... j , F. DRDSS2R A CO, 1
.' S. '"f'7. -, ,.' 7' ' . Pro My
r Whea visitihf the: World'a Fair !
7 Portland, Or, be.fuf to sea the Ecortc
' jar exhibit ia the Agricultural buil'
- where practical demonstration Is f'
"every day ia packino; vejetttlis, ff-
meats, fish, soups, catsups, etc VY
! ; Free booklet of recipes ciyen , to aS
. qiilrers. . ,. r , , . , '-VJ1'.
.Vcdlisms 6 Kerr Drc